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tv   The Source With Kaitlan Collins  CNN  February 21, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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resort, which only north korean elites can use wolf. we've also done features on his other high-end modes of transportation. he's got an armored train. he's got a a private plane that was custom made just for him. he gets around in some pretty incredible machinery. very >> interesting indeed, brian todd, thank you very much for that report. and to our viewers thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. the news continues next. i've seen it it said i straightened the source, donald trump is responding for the first time after nikki haley said, not only is she not dropping out of the 2024 race she doesn't fear his retribution either. also tonight, our one-on-one with georgia governor brian kemp, a key witness in both election interference cases. revealing to cnn for the first time, he's been interviewed by the special counsel, jack smith. also, what he makes the 2024 race the district attorney scandal well unfolding in his
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state. also tonight, this stunning revelation that we are still digging into the former fbi informant who's been indicted for lying about the biden now says those laws were fed to him by russian intelligence officials then amplified by republicans in congress. a key democrat will respond in moments. i'm kaitlan collins, and this is the source for days ahead of the south carolina primary tonight, where governor nikki haley is trailing donald trump in her home state. she has just delivered what may be the most defiant speech of her campaign yet south carolina will vote on saturday, but on sunday i'll still be running for president i'm not going anywhere i'm campaigning every day until the last person votes. >> haley is pledging to
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continue her long shot pursued the gop nomination. casten herself as a david, taking on goliath. she's also ramping up for attacks on the former president that she wants served under i feel no need to kiss the ring. i have no fear of trump's retribution. he's getting meaner and more offensive by the day. it's not normal to insult our military heroes and veterans. >> it's >> not normal to call on russia to invade nato countries he's gotten more unstable and unhinged. his completely distracted and everything is about him >> i'm told by multiple sources that trump's campaign is increasingly irritated by haley's refusal to drop out of this race. and officials with his campaign said today that she has no mathematical path. they believe to the republican nomination. the former president himself is responding to haley's persistence tonight she's down by 30, 35 points
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and everybody knows you're not supposed to lose your home state, shouldn't >> happen anyway and she's losing it big. i don't think she knows how to get out >> actually i really don't. the democrats are giving her money and she's playing into the game for more on the state of this race. i want to turn now to a prominent republican one who is faced to trump's retribution and famously stood up to the pressure campaign from the former president to overturn the legitimate election results and the state of georgia let's go straight to the source tonight with georgia governor brian kemp >> governor kemp. >> thank you for being here. good to sit down with you again. great to have you on the source, on the news that we heard today, governor nikki haley saying that she is staying in this race, no matter what happens on saturday, do you support that? >> well, i've said all along you got to process is playing out in the race. i'm glad the rnc or whoever the powers that were be that we're trying to an aug right. i guess president
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trump to be the nominee, didn't do that. i think it's best to let the process play out the way it's designed. certainly a sub the nikki haley's her her campaign and herself decide whether she wants to keep running or not, and she is and support that. of course, follows in the trump camp, i'd be continuing to put pressure on honor to get her out. so i think that's the way it's supposed to play out and we'll see what happens on saturday. >> one thing she said in her speech that stood out to me, she said, we don't anoint kings in this country. we have elections and donald trump of all people, should know that we don't rig elections do you think donald trump knows that? >> well, if i was pretty good line for her situation, but she's right. we don't need the process is to be rigged. they need to play out and you could ask trump if he knows that or not. i mean, i wouldn't be able to answer that born we've talked about the election, but on the 2024 race, generally, you have been very concerned about republicans
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>> winning and what that looks like and something you said recently that you said it's unacceptable to you that republicans have not won the popular vote for 20 years now. and you said, quote, is bad as joe biden is this election will not be a cakewalk. do you think that donald trump get win the popular vote or just the election period? >> well, definitely think he could win. definitely think he could lose. and that's really what my point is. i mean, we need candidates i think to be able to win and available to win in november of 2024, to be focused on future, to be telling the american people what we're for, why they should vote for us, not while the other persons so bad. i mean, there's plenty of bad things. in my opinion about joe biden and the way he's governed the country. but also i think you've got to give people a reason to vote for you. and that's been my message, not only just a few weeks ago, but also a few months ago saying the same thing. >> how do republicans do that? what does winning look like for them? because you're someone
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who was able to successfully win reelection in your state when it was an open question initially, when we talked, then what do they need to be running on come november in your view? >> well, i think looking back my type the border for instance, right now, the reason the borders of disaster, just because we didn't win the 2020 election at the presidential level, we got, we got beat, we lost the election. therefore, you're seeing bad policies that have created a disaster the border. so it's imperative that you win to be able to get into positions like i'm i'm in where you can you can actually govern. and if you look at my reelection campaign, i mean, there was plenty of distractions people trying to talk about this issue or that issue. and we kept telling the people of georgia where we're going to do for, you know, what our record was like getting the economy let me go on coming out of covid, not backing down to people that were pressuring, us not to reopen or shut back down and keep our kids in the classroom and not to defund the police and go after bad
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criminal actors and antifa, and other people to try and burn down the city of atlanta. we didn't get distracted on these other issues. she and that's what we need to do in the presidential election in my opinion when you talk about how that happens, the republican national committee is obviously part of trying to help other republicans get elected. i wonder what you make of trumping in the middle of kind of maneuvering to this takeover of the rnc. he's putting being in a loyalist in charge. his daughter-in-law also, both of whom i should note are election deniers. do you think that's going to put republicans in a good spot for this fall or do you have concerns about that? >> well, look, we'll see i've had concerns about the rnc and their ability to get the vote out and to get the early vote out and to raise enough money to be able to help candidates on the ground. and in georgia, we had to do a lot of that ourselves. and i'm not trying to pick it anybody that's in the state party, the national party, but it's just the fact
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that we could not rely on them to get to vote out. we've had to do that ourselves and i think that's a concern that any campaign, whether it's nikki haley or donald trump or anybody else is going to be running. i mean, you got to have a good ground game. we got to raise a lot of money to get to vote out. we don't need to wait till election day to do that quite honestly, the last couple of cycles we haven't done that if we had a we're to one close states versus losing them. >> i want to talk about something that happened in your home state last week, we all watched that dramatic testimony from the fulton county district attorney, fani willis, based on what you saw, do you believe that she should be disqualified? >> well, listen, we've had a political process there that believe it or not, has gotten more political and we certainly saw that last week i got to be very careful about what i'm saying here. because as you know, i was subpoenaed to be a witness in that in that grand jury. and so i really don't want to speak too much other than what i've said. all along
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as i followed the law and the constitution, but i've been very concerned about that being a political process. and i think now fani willis to see and how political it can get. on the other side. >> well, there was this effort though by far, right, republicans in georgia to try to sanction her or defund the investigation you pushed back on that i didn't said this could create a precedent and backlash that y'all don't really see what's coming. do you have concerns that the public that now the public won't accept how she conducts this investigation. if she does stay on. >> well, i would just say two years ago, we started pushing legislation to have oversight for district attorneys, whoever lot of district attorneys in the state, and they are around the country, they're not following the law, they're not going after the people that they need to go after to keep our local community safe. and so we worked with the general assembly to get a bill passed last year. there was a lawsuit on the constitutionality of just one small part of that the judge is basically send a
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signal to the legislature that we need to fix that. and so we're in the process of doing that right now, but the commission has been been made up. it'll be a commission of district attorneys, peers that will look and see if there has been violations and there'll be a process for the public to be able to file complaints, just like we do with our judges in the state. to me, that is the law that is how this should play out if people have issues with fani willis and would like to file a complaint versus a bunch of politicians doing that. >> you think it should be in that process? if she is disqualified though, it's an open question of what happens to the investigation. and i think what's at the heart of this investigation has nothing to do with the complaints about her in the questions about her the allegations about her. >> are >> you worried that georgia voters may not get justice in this case if she is disqualified and he's falls apart i would just tell you that six months, eight months ago. i never thought this case would go to trial before the
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election, then and i think most people think that's the case now. so as far as i'm concerned, i don't think voters should get too distracted on all of this and just stay focused on what's at hand going into november and let judge mcafee make his rule. and based on and you'll trust his ruling. well, listen, i believe he's a good man. i mean, i pointed him and i think he i'm very confident that he'll be a constitutionalists, if you will. he won't make up the law. he'll follow it. and we'll see what his ruling says. you mentioned that you're a witness in that you were also contacted and another investigation into the election and efforts to overturn it. that was jack smith, the special counsel's. we reported that your office was contacted. when did you sit down with jack smith's office. and how long did you talk to them for >> i don't know exactly when that was. a man has been months ago but really didn't last that long. i mean, i basically told them the same thing. i told the
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special grand juries that i followed the law and the constitution and answered all their questions truthfully >> trump is making an argument right now that is in the hands of the supreme court where it goes that he has brought immunity from being president and he can't be prosecuted for anything he did while he was in office. i wonder what you make of that claim. >> well, listen, i don't think anybody's above the law democrat or republican, independent, myself, or anybody else so that's my personal opinion. >> do you think that those cases should go to trial? but before the election. so if voters can make a decision based off that, well, listen, i think most voters probably feel the same way i do. i mean, we're a country that was built on laws and the constitution and it's up to us really is elected leaders to be the ones that exemplify that. and a lot of ways. so we'll see where the process plays out. i think probably they will be ruled on for the election
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>> governor kemp. thanks for your time today. thank you. >> up next here from russia to republicans breaking news tonight, apparent lies that are at the center of the republicans impeachment inquiry into president biden. the actually apparently came from intelligence officers in russia. that's according to the former fbi informant who has now been indicted by the feds. also tonight, donald trump with a duel over on the death of alexey navalny. but guess what? still not condemning putin and said comparing what is happening to navalny to his own legal troubles
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unbeatable amount of vitamin, a unique blend. the new focused ingredients to turn up our immune support airborne, turn up your music >> i'm pete muntean at reagan national airport this is cnn >> breaking news tonight because the former fbi informant and i put that in quotes because he has now been charged with lying about the biden's family. biden family's dealings in ukraine now says that it was russian intelligence officials who passed along that bogus information to him about hunter biden, a judge, should i has just ordered his release from jail pending trial. sitton, this video of alexander smear not leaving court in las vegas tonight? it's hard to see, but yes, that is him completely covered with a hood, a hat, and a mask. this comes after earlier today, we read through a new justice department filing that says that person they're the x and format told authorities after he was arrested that he had extensive
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and extremely recent contacts with foreign intelligence officials. remember, of course this is the man behind the information that house republicans have used as the key evidence to launch their impeachment inquiry into president biden and again, it's information that is not true. >> it's false prosecutors now say that he has been quote actively pedaling new lies that could impact us elections. cnn's chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid is digging through this remarkable filing and joins me now. >> paula, i mean, prosecutors, they were >> trying to disclose this information to keep him in jail as he awaited trial. clearly, the judge has disagreed and released him under certain conditions, but walk us through what we did learn from this filing. >> katelyn, this is truly stunning and i want to emphasize that the source of this information is special counsel, david weiss. he's the one overseeing two criminal prosecutions against hunter biden. he's also overseeing the smirnoff case now, as you noted, this filing was an
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effort to try to keep some are not behind behind bars, detained pending his trial. that didn't work, but he still revealed these additional new details about what they're learning. so they allege it after smirnoff was arrested last week because of the lies he told about hunter biden and joe biden. biden allegedly receiving $5 million in bribes once he was in custody, he told investigators that some of the information he had about hunter biden came from russia and intelligence. now that is a bombshell, but i also want to caveat that in this filing, prosecutors don't have any independent verification of smirnoff is claims there's no proof that he did talk to russian intelligence officials, though they do indicate that he has a long record of having contacts with foreign foreign intelligence officials. prosecutors also emphasize the impact that his lies have had on us politics. they say, quote, the false information he provided was not trivial. it targeted the presumptive
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nominee of one of the two major political parties in the united states. the effects of smirnoff false statements and fabricated information continue to be felt to this day. that appears to be a reference, of course, to the gop effort to impeach biden much of that resting on what the doj does are lies. but kaitlan, it was interesting just a short time ago, a judge dismissed these concerns about politics, saying that they're not relevant and also said that these concerns about foreign intelligence interference, or quote speculative >> but that's interesting because what the justice department was saying paula was basically they'd can real concerns about his contacts with those russians and what it could mean if he got out. i mean, they were talking about how much money he had, which they said he lied about when he was arrested, they were talking about his access to to get an israeli passport. he lived in israel for 20 years. they had real concerns that that he could be a flight risk. >> absolutely. they were arguing that there were no conditions under which he can be safely release. they've
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wanted three things. one is access to millions of dollars. his web of foreign contacts and his history of lying, as you noted, he lied about how much money had he said he only had a couple of grants? and when in fact, he actually had access to millions of dollars through a joint account with someone who refers to as both a wife and a girlfriend in different in different conversations, but they also pointed the fact that he doesn't really have any ties here in the us. most of his family is an israel and they say, quote, what he does have is extensive foreign ties, including most troublingly and by his own account, contact with foreign intelligence services, including russian intelligence agencies, and has had such contacts recently. smirnoff could use these contact tax to resettle outside the us. now he will be subject to gps monitoring. he has to hand in his two passports, but in the filing prosecutors say, look, he's an israeli citizen, he can go to the embassy and get a new israeli passport >> paula rate, it is a stunning filing. thank you for breaking the key parts of it down for
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reaction to this here tonight is democratic congressman jamie raskin, the ranking member of the house oversight and accountability committee, and congressman, i mean, let me just start there because this is something that members of your committee, republicans, of course, on it, not democrats have been using as the basis for this. and i wonder if when you look at this, you wonder if james comer, jim jordan, chuck grassley in the senate, if they have fallen for this apparent russian disinformation campaign, but not just that they've amplified it >> well, in that lie told by mr. smirnoff has been the foundation of the entire impeachment investigation for more than a year and they've continued to defend it right up until last week when smirnoff was indicted for lying to the fbi and filing false statements, creating a false documentary record. this revelation is really explosive because it really ties the whole thing together. we know
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that putin has been trying to interfere in american elections and successfully interfering in american elections since 2016 when 17 us national security agencies found that he had been engaged in cyber surveillance and cyber espionage against the dnc, against hillary clinton. then in 2020, when even donald trump's own treasury department issued sanctions against putin for his interference in the 2020 election and now it leads all the way up to the 2024 election where they're continuing to recycle. and as you say amplify these false so it's that are concocted as part of a russian conspiracy theories. so i hope that our colleagues on the oversight committee and mr. comer will finally just give up the ghost and shut down the circus and say, this is over. we tried our best, but there's nothing there other than disinformation and propaganda by vladimir putin. >> but do you think they will
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>> well so far they've not. i mean, we had another guy who was supposed to be a bombshell witness who turned out to be an asset or an agent for the chinese government and that blew up in their face to every other witness, really implodes on them and they just go on to the next one as if we wouldn't notice the pattern, but i do think this is the end of the road because this is where it all began with that original lie and now it's becoming very clear how it got started. this is all part of a propaganda and disinformation campaign by russia attempting to help donald trump and when we point out the very clear contrast with this story, our colleagues just start chanting russia hoax, russia hoax. well, what's the hoax is it the brutal invasion of ukraine and tens of thousands of ukrainians who've died or tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of russians who've died, is it the death of navalny that's the hoax. what
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exactly is the hoax? they're talking about? because it seems to me that the most likely hoax is really donald trump, who's been manipulated by putin for a long time, or is certainly in love with vladimir putin and refuses to say a negative word about any he didn't, he does. >> and congressman, i just want to read part of this because this is the concern that prosecutors had in here was saying that the false information he was providing was not just trivial information, that it was spreading. it was not confined even to the last election that is related to this election. they said he is actively pedaling new lives that could impact you elections. their meeting with russian intelligence officials in november >> i mean, what's >> your concern about that >> well, if you go back to the beginning of the trump administration and then the first impeachment when there was the shakedown of zelenskyy. it's very clear that russia was defending the corruption in
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ukraine against the referenced forces, including joe biden, who was working to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor general. and so they have viewed ukraine from the very beginning. as a target for russia. and then they've generated all of these lies and all of this propaganda to try to insulate putin's attempts to subdue and control ukraine right up to the invasion and then right up to today, because we know exactly what's going on vladimir putin, who was there? ahead of the kgb said that the biggest tragedy of the 20th century was the collapse of the soviet union. he wants to recreate the russian empire this time, not as a communist autocracy, but as a right-wing autocracy. and he wants ukraine to be part of it and poland and estonia, and you name it he i'm sorry to interrupt, but this is really important part of this, i think, which is the role that david weiss has played in all of this. and the fact that it took the fed's this long to
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vet this information to figure this out, given this person has been a source for them, a confidential human source for over ten years. they note in this filing, i mean, what questions do you have for david weiss tonight? all right >> well, yes of course. we should be clear that david weiss was appointed by donald trump so he's served in different administrations but when chairman comer first went down this road of the forum, tension 23, and they wanted to place everything on this false statement that burisma had given joe biden $5 million? >> they >> assured us that the person who was reporting that from a third party was a reliable, confidential human source why were they so certain back then that they would tell? oh chairman coburn, me that this guy was a reliable source. he clearly wasn't a reliable source or he had not been thoroughly vetted. so i'd like
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to know that, but the critical thing now to understand is that it's a complete house of cards built on a lie and a conspiracy theory. and it's all gone. the house of cards has collapsed now and chairman comer should simply terminate the investigation and say there's nothing there that would be the intellectually honest approach at this moment >> congressman jamie raskin, thanks for hopping on with us on this breaking news tonight. we also have much more to come on the extent because these lives weren't just peddled on capitol hill and amplified by republicans, they were also amplified by right-wing and conservative we have media for voters to believe will break down that right after a quick break >> candidate john edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had the baby with his girlfriend and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers kid, >> we're here to get your side of the story. did your intimate relationship with him begin that night? >> yes. how did you end up with a second? hey, from john edwards and reopened tabloid
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at public and don't wait, offer and soon i'm eva mckend in washington and this is cnn more now on our breaking news tonight as the former fbi informant who is charged with lying about the biden family's dealings >> in ukraine now says it was russian intelligence officials who gave him those fake stories. much of this information from this informant and quite possibly was and quite possibly still is at the center of the gop's impeachment efforts into president biden and has been amplified relentlessly by right-wing
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media. essentially doing putin's work for him. here tonight is cnn, senior media reporter oliver darcy. and over, just to give people a sense of what this has sound like and what this has looked like for people who watch these channels are visit these besides, this is what this has been like for the last few months >> there are now real and growing concerns that you're president, the president of our country, is compromised. how real of a bribery scant joe biden bribery scandal allegation is this well, every day this bribery scandal becomes more credible, we already know the president took bribes from burisma. this is >> about the big guy himself, joe biden, a corrupt career politician, who is now very credibly accused of public corruption on a scale, this country has never seen before the most corroborating evidence we have is that 1023 form from this highly credible confidential human source, according to us attorney scott
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brady. >> i mean, i guess to their credit, the fbi was treating this person is a confidential human source that they've been relying on but clearly we've seen what has happened now that they've looked into his claims. >> yeah. i mean, most meeting the un organizations were skeptical of these claims given what they are that the former vice president took a $5 million bribe along with his and so they treated them with skepticism. fox news on the other hand, aired this propaganda left and right. if you are watching fox news, you were being inundated with these claims. and if you how to republicans and they say biden is head of this biden crime family, this crime syndicate. and you wonder why that is, is because they're being inundated by people like sean hannity who are repeating these claims in almost 100 segments just last year with this information. and so if you want to understand why so much republican party supported, for instance, impeaching the my president last year. it was, i think it was like 78% republicans supported that. you have to understand where they're getting their information and it's coming from people like hannity who are lying. and now of course, now that this is
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falling apart in public, there really nowhere to be found there, either ignoring this or you see people even stoking further conspiracy saying that basically anyone who speaks out against biden gets arrested and that's what happened in this tape. >> they're not coming out and reporting on the fact that this filing says he's basically been making it all up and getting it from russian intelligence on the night this broke, it was not mentioned by people like hannity who have relentlessly amplify this claim. and now they're sort of acknowledging it, but acknowledging in a way that again stokes further conspiracy theories >> oliver darcy, thank you. reaction now from two friends of the source, democratic strategist, paul begala and former trump white house communications director alyssa farah griffin. i think paul, a lot of people probably reading through this filing thinking, are we really doing this? again? >> yeah. russia is our enemy. russia wants to hurt america. they people say metal, they didn't, they invaded cyber invasion in the 2016 election there, apparently trying to do it again with human sources the
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people who are repeating this, first in their defense the strongest drug i know is confirmation bias right? so you hear some that i don't like trump's. is there anything bad about trump? i'm going to believe it >> having said that people who have immediate platform have a responsibility to do more than just nod their head when something confirms their bias. and they have become dupes. what stalin used to call useful idiots. you hear that phrase a lot these days and that's what a lot of the right-wing media's become >> so what are you making this? >> well, listen, this is the russian playbook and i think if the average american had a better understanding of how russians engage in information warfare and disinformation warfare. and they've been doing it for decades in the us. but in this era of democratized media, social media, right-wing, and part highly polarized partisan media. it's able to be amplified so much quicker. this is textbook. anytime you see something that caters to exactly to your point, what you dislike about an opponent and almost seems so out there there's not much backing it. you should be skeptical. you should be skeptical of information you
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provided and real journalist will kind of suss that out. but i mean, sean hannity mentioned this specific issue more than two dozen times on his program and opening monologue without going into the layers of actually pulling back who this person could be. i think there are a lot of members of congress, by the way, republican members who don't have this this taxation to suss out what might in fact just be russian disinformation. >> i mean, that's concerning poll on the other topic, we started the hour with governor brian kemp talking about trump's legal troubles. we've learned tonight, i should note that his leadership, pac trump's not camps, paid up more than $2.9 to law firms last month, backed up another one point mill at 1.9 million in an unpaid legal bills at the end of january. this is what governor kemp said about trump's legal issues. and when he predicts they could be resolved >> i think most voters probably feel the same way. i do. i mean, we're a country that was built on laws and the constitution and it's up to us really is elected leader there's to be the ones that exemplify that. and a lot of
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ways. so we'll see where the process plays out. i think probably they will be ruled on for the election. >> we don't hear that from many republican leaders, right? >> no conspiracy theories, no trashing the prosecutors or the judge who he appointed in this case, judge mcafee in the georgia case >> what brian kemp >> has that i don't know many republicans who do is a fearlessness >> he's not scared of donald trump. >> donald trump put up a really talented republican primary opponents, david perdue, a millionaire former senator kemp, beat him by a margin of 52 a margin, he took on trump's best guy and whipped him. and the rest of these republicans ought to listen to brian kemp and watch him there also cowed by trump. you can hear move in by the way. >> he did it well, abs while passing conservative policies, what actually delivering for his state and will not making trump the focus. but when asked being honest, being principled and sticking to his core beliefs, he's kind of a model for what post-trump republican should and could look like. >> let's farah griffin, public
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allah, as always, thank you both up next here on cnn, president biden is promising a major new punishment for russia following the death of alexey navalny, ukraine's ambassador to the us will join me as critical us aid is stuck in limbo as russia's making gains on the battlefield >> you were doing is you're on the gas for the habit. >> i got to wrap this commercial. i think i laid on my payment. >> it's okay. the general gives you a break when you need it. yeah. we let you pick your own due date. you compare your car insurance when his best for you because i take a while for a great low rate, go with the general >> with fast sides create factory great visual solutions to perfect your process that
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meant, so-called 1806090121. now >> our manu raju on capitol hill, and this is cnn tonight, we heard from former president trump on alexey navalny's death for the first time >> publicly, as he called the russian opposition leader, brave. but when the subject turned to trump's own legal bills, trump turned it back to navalny. but this comparison how will you put up that kind
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of money because you have a bond to put up even if if you appeal, you got to put up escrow money that's >> a lot of forum of navalny. there's a form of communism or fascism no, it's not we heard that comment there. of course this is coming as we're also seeing other developments happening on the battlefield. for president, i should note, has not condemned russia or putin for navalny's death. instead, tonight he praised russia's military. >> put that >> in contrast with what you were seeing from the white house, which announced today they didn't new sanctions are going to be coming against russia, siding navalny's death and putin's ongoing war in ukraine. of course, this saturday will mark two years since russia invaded and joining me now is the ukrainian ambassador to the united states, oksana markarova. markarova. and thank you, ambassador for being here. i wonder if you agree with the assessment that we heard from your foreign minister earlier today, that that key ukrainian town of divka would not have
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been lost if ukraine had more ammunition in its hands. >> hello, kaitlan and thank you for having me. well, you know, it's actually 1010 years today, exactly. since russia attacked as the first time it's very difficult to comment in the war on what would have happened. but we can clearly say that this war since the beginning of reinvasion for two years because it's always been a function of weapons. we always had enough motivated ukrainians who defend our homes, our loved ones will still continue to do that and we will not surrender. and right now we're having the ratio of six to one at most. and it makes it very different took off now, we know we can win this. we know that with a little bit more supply and a little bit more sanctions, frankly, we can get back on a strong offensive. but right now it is what it is. and the
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destruction of, of de, has been very painful and even though russia let's have lost a lot of people there. so we really count on the continued support and we need more weapons from all of our friends and allies so that we can stop russia and get back on the, on liberating our land. >> yeah, the one thing there'll be different on this anniversary from your one in your too, is that there's not that continued us support that we're seeing in the in terms of military weaponry and aid that is coming because right now it's at a standstill in the us congress. and obviously you're the ambassador, you're in washington. what are your conversations like with these russian house members? are you getting assurances that they do believe give another aid package will be passed >> well, we still have very strong bipartisan support. we saw it every time we speak presence when skin munich met with both house and senate delegation, 70 votes on the
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senate floor. and of course, it's, it's an a journal issue how to support us whether to two vote separately together you know, we really shouldn't be getting into it, but we needed it yesterday and you're right. we have to be ordering more. we have to be receiving more right now in order to stop russia not only for the sake of ukraine, for us, it's existential. we know that they want to kill all of us. and there are people who have been killed and raped as we speak on the territory that they still occupy. and children who had been kidnapped but we have to stop them because let's listen to put him it's well beyond ukraine for him he threatens poland. he threatens baltic states. he's threatens other nato allies. he is threatens anyone who believe in the same values, freedom, democracy, some sense that we all breathe and think. anyone should show to have a right to, if they decide to choose so this is a.
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very pivotal moment really, and i really hope and pray that when congress comes back, they will be able to find a form or modality in which to continue the support and continue to watch that closely and have those conversations. ambassador, as always, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. kaitlan >> up next a movement is growing and a key battleground state to vote against president biden, not necessarily for him, it is coming with the help and the push by a congresswoman from his own party >> mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough message. >> so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning. >> no, i didn't mix my running. she looked like new >> it's amazing >> wow it makes it look like i don't want kids at all >> it's so good. mix a local
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tonight as former virginia governor and former chair of the democratic national committee, terry mcauliffe, governor. it's great to have you here and what we're hearing from the us they're essentially saying that if they voted yes on this, that they believe it would hinder an effect the ongoing hostage go patients. but critics will note this is the third time that this has happened. aid agencies say that the decision to veto this is unconscionable. >> how do you think >> angry voters are going to respond in this? >> listen, this is a very tough, challenging situation. we haven't, israel. israel has a right to defend themselves, but as a president, biden has said, he said the response has been over the top and that's why the president's work so hard to get humanitarian aid in and tony blinken and jake salva and you have the director of the cia, bill burns, all work in their hearts out trying to get these hostages out. very, very tough situation. but it's important this is the united states of america. there were a strong ally, but with our close allies, we also have to do it in a humanitarian way. we've got to protect the civilians
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who over there in the middle east today. >> i mean, but we're not saying we're not even just seeing the anger from voters. and every time biden goes somewhere now, he is interrupted. it seems like by a protester who is protesting his stance on this people in his own party, rashida to leave the congresswoman from michigan. she is endorsing and pushing for this movement. we're basically what she wants to happen have happened in the michigan primary is for voters to send a message by boating uncommitted. i wonder what you make of that well. >> let's listen to the democratic party as a former chair of this party, we have a lot of voices they like to have their voices heard, but listen michigan's a critical state for us. you saw the uaw the other day came out and supported the president. you look at the jobs created, the union jobs that have been created, people understand what joe biden has john and alyssa were coming into. i think march is going to be a very important month of president is going to give the state of the union lay out his what he wants to do in the second term and in
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addition, i think donald trump will be the nominee of the republican party, come sometime mid-march, and then the contrast will be clear. i mean, here's joe biden, 15 million new who jobs. inflation is down two-thirds, unemployment under 4%. the longest we've had kaitlan and over 50 years student loan debt forgiveness for millions of people prescription drug benefit infrastructure bill in contrast that against donald trump a. campaign that he wants to do revenge and retribution. he wants a national abortion ban. but i'll tell you what bothers me the most is last week is when he told folks that he believes that russia basically gave the green light to putin to go invade our nato allies. now, my father fought in world war ii any of his generation did i think that's disqualifying to be president, i'd states of america. he has called those that have fought in our wars losers for those that were killed this is supporting putin invaded ukraine. you heard the ambassador a few minutes ago he
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just killed as opposition leader who was in prison. they just arrested a newly minted us citizen, a ballerina from la, charged with high treason why? she gave $51.80 to a ukraine relief effort two years ago. so there's a real contrast in this election donald trump wants to do for america what joe biden has done and where he wants to take this country, but look at, look where we are. joe biden is one, every primary convincingly, just one south carolina by 69%. so governor, you're not worried about chicken has 8 million in the bank joe biden's campaign as 130 million. and what's really exciting is 30% of those are new donors. so the campaign's home and the campaigns doing great. i just believe when it becomes a contrast between joe biden and donald trump and what donald trump stands for and what joe biden stands for. it's going to become clear. and as we move forward, about eight-and-a-half months away from the election. but donald
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trump wants a national abortion ban. americans don't want that, and they don't want a president who tells our biggest enemy today to go invade our nato allies. >> he invented at ukraine, i bend to the front lines, ukraine, i've been in the challenges. is artillery fire is going up. these people are fighting their hearts out and here you got congress. the senate passed a bipartisan bill. and yet the house can pass an israel aid bill. they can't pass the ukrainian bill, and they can't pass a bill. he to do to keep our border secure and safe. it's a disgrace. i mean, they could even pass a bill today to name a post office after george washington people are sick of the politics they want to get things done in joe biden's got their record, you'll see him win big in michigan and will continue as we go forward. but it's an exciting time and we're going to win this election i supported joe biden in 2020. i was a big supporter of the president's because why he puts coalitions together. and that's what we need
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>> governor terry mcauliffe. thanks so much for your time. and we'll be back in a moment >> vegas story of sensitive. sunday at ten on cnn >> over 13 million americans were affected by identity theft in 2022. and the threats go way beyond just credit card fraud today's identity thieves can use your information in ways that are easy to ms by just monitoring accounts and credit like opening loans, transferring home titles, even committing crime someone got my social security number made a driver's license and was used for criminal activity. >> you can do so much with a social security number that i didn't no. could happen. they drain my bank account. it was terrifying, buried in more vulnerable than you realize. your information is exposed through online shopping banking, even corporate data breaches. no wonder there's a new victim of identity theft. every three seconds
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