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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  February 21, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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ch today! ready for monday, sign up for free because it ai or download the app well let's signs at the white house, and this is cnn >> tonight. new documents obtained by cnn show president biden's dog commander has bitten secret service personnel at least 24 times, and that's in addition to at least 11 previously reported biting incidents. they weren't just all little nicks either. this is a service but secret service
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agents shirt after commander bit him in the chest, bite to a different agent required six stitches. the first dog has since been removed from the white house. thanks for joining us ac360 starts now tonight on 360. what house republicans are saying now that they've learned their star witness and the biden impeachment inquiry, who's already been charged with making up allegations does he got the dirt he was peddling from russian intelligence. we're keeping them honest. also tonight, what we're learning about the russian american dual nationals now being held in russia, and how $150 charitable donation may have factored in charges that could send her to prison there for 20 years. and breaking news in the lawsuit brought by the parents of gabby petito against the parents of brian laundrie, the fiance, who admitted he killed her good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight with breaking news just a short time ago, the president's brother, james biden, finished up more than eight hours of testimony before the house oversight committee
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investigating what's some republicans on the committee has alleged is criminal misconduct by the biden family, though that meant committee chairman james comer was tied up for much of that time. the chairman has spent the remainder of the day dodging reporter's questions about the news which broke last night, about their star witness in their case. his name is alexander smirnoff he was charged last week with lying to the fbi when he claimed to have knowledge of corruption by president biden and his son hunter, involving ukraine then last night court documents reveal that he said he got the bogus smear material from russian intelligence now we should say at the outset that he is only an alleged liar, not a proven liar in his claims about ties to russian intelligence are just that claims what is clear though, is that nothing about all of this bolsters this guy's credibility. it house republicans to made what he told the fbi documented in what's called an fd 1023 form the centerpiece of their impeachment inquiry. and the day or so since the russian aspect of the story came to
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light, we've taken the time to uncover yet more examples of just how much credence lawmakers have put in a man and an allegation so much in doubt. now, tonight this is direct evidence of naked corruption and bribery. >> this is the biggest political corruption scandal, not only in my lifetime, but i would say the past 100 years ultimately, accountability for what i believe will uncover the biggest political corruption scandal in our nation's history. >> this is the most right president you just have to read the fbi's fd 1023 forum of the interview with the president of burisma to see that joe biden and his son, hunter biden, were bribing were requiring from really extorting burisma to the tune of $10 million, $5 million let's for each one of them, i mean, come on. >> there's just too much evidence and it's all documented >> all documented if by documented, he means on a form
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used for recording raw and often unverified reporting from confidential sources. that is what an fd 1023 though, republicans also say it was corroborated by then us attorney attorneys scott brady. brady himself told them that he only corroborated some of it and most significantly in that same house interview, he said he did not determine whether the underlying underlying biden bribery claims were true. he also acknowledged that his team never reviewed some key evidence that undercut the bribery allegations it house republicans most notably oversight chair james comer and judiciary chair jim jordan. they continue to tout this 1023 and alexander smirnoff allegations such as they were even after he was arrested on the 14th. here's jim jordan, just two days later the most corroborating evidence we have is that 1023 form from this highly credible confidential human source. >> highly credible. >> cnn's >> manu raja cut out with chairman jordan today, asked
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him what he thinks. now that his star witness is both an alleged liar and possibly a russian asset, manno joins us now so how did that go with comer >> well, with calmer, he sidestepped questions all day long. anderson, i tried to as james comer james comer about all of these allegations and tried to yell questions to him during the interview with james biden, he would not answer questions that is unknown usual for the chairman of the house oversight committee would typically does talk to reporters about all the issues under the sun, especially this investigation. but chairman jim jordan, who is also running this investigation, i did catch up with them this morning and tried to ask him, as well as other republicans about the other thing they said, running with this unverified allegation that was memorialized in that fd ten 23 form, and they tried to make the case that there are other pieces of information that were central to their investigation and that it was not reliant on these unverified
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allegations by this indicted fbi informant. and when i asked joe jim jordan specifically about his claim that this was the most corroborating piece of information that this fbi informant gave. he indicating that there are other pieces information there are critical as well >> listen. >> you said the 1023 is the most corroborating piece of information you outbreaks, but it doesn't, it doesn't change those fundamental facts. so now it's not true. well, so okay. so the fbi told us that this source was selling 14 years. this source was a paid source by the fbi. well, we were trying to get the 1023. they told us, oh, this can jeopardize national security promotion of a bribery scheme was false. >> not at all. we're we're we're looking at the four facts i just gave you. those facts are true absolutely true >> the whole thing was bogus and false. like it begs the question why it wasn't given to us earlier i probably reject the premise that like point was exclusively relied upon for
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that. doesn't mean demonstrate and that last comment came from congressman andy biggs saying that the fbi informant, alexander smirnoff, has not >> been indicted. so that is something to consider that these are just allegations here, anderson. but the question is, can they convince? and now house republicans to move forward with articles of impeachment at the moment, they have simply not done that yet. and this latest indictment only will undercut their efforts to impeach the president in the weeks ahead, anderson and as we mentioned, president biden brother testified behind closed doors on capitol hill today is part of the oversight committees impeachment investigation. what did he say? >> well, he made very clear he was unequivocal according to his attorney, you just release a statement that joe biden had absolutely no involvement indirectly or directly with his brother's business dealings at all. and it's contended that there are some questions that republicans had about loans that were given to joe biden. they're paid off by his brother, james biden, deemed by the testified behind closed
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doors today that those are simply loans that were given because he was underwater the time needed that kind of financial support from his brother. but he said there was no involved open with his business dealings and they of james biden said that this is essentially a witch hunt and they got nothing out of james biden to connect this with joe biden? i did catch up with some republicans afterwards who told me that they had credibility questions about james biden's testimony. they did that give specifics though anderson, when i asked them, are there any links to president biden from james biden that he revealed in this closed-door testimony they did not answer that question. >> anderson. raja, appreciate it. i want to bring in cnn's jessica schneider and two people have experienced with confidential informants 1023 reports in russian disinformation, former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe and john miller, former fbi assistant director. so just to understand cnn, some new reporting about this x fbi informant yeah, that's right. >> so anderson multiple sources, they're telling our evan perez and hannah rabinowitz, it was as far back as 2020 or the fbi had reason
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to believe that some of these allegations were false. now, before that, alexander smirnoff really had been prized by the fbi. he worked with this particular handler for more than a decade. they talked daily and you know, most of important anderson smirnoff had very important relationships that could be used to the fbi. he had relationships with corrupt foreign business officials, corrupt government officials, and crucially in the eyes of the fbi connections with foreign intelligence services. so part of his value was that he did offer this potential window into those intelligence services but even with those credentials, the fbi was suspicious four years ago. despite that though anderson, there's no indication that he was actually ever polygraphed, which is typically a standard way the fbi does assess sources. so tonight the questions do remain that if the fbi had concerns as far back as 2020 if they were unable in that time to corroborate smear nops, false claims that joe and hunter biden were paid $5 million each in bribes if they took action to benefit ukrainian energy company
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burisma, if they knew that four years ago, then why did it take until this past summer for the fbi to begin unraveling was alleged lies and eventually charged smear and off last week, that's going to be a big question for members of congress in particular, it does make sense you that this guy wasn't polygraphed in all the years he was working with the fbi, not just i mean, before, not just from 2020 on when they started to have suspicions, but even before that it actually does anderson, it's not something that the fbi does to every source. it's not a normal part of the periodic re-evaluation of a source. it is done in some special cases when you have reason to believe that a source might be fabricating and you just cannot corroborate, you can't get past that but that concern you can sometimes use the polygraph is when one of many tools to get to the bottom of it, but it's not something that's done in every case. i think another thing that's being lost here is the fact that this source clearly had there was a shift in the sort of material that he
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was providing over some time, right. we're told that early on and long relationship with the fbi provided, i guess, substantial assistance in criminal matters and had some credits to his to his record and it's in 2020 that he starts reporting on these contacts with russian intelligence officers and high level russian government folks. >> if the if the bureau did not believe wasn't 100% sure of his reporting, particularly on the burisma matter in 2020. they wouldn't necessarily mountain entire investigation to get to the bottom of that reporting if they weren't taking any action on it to begin with, the fueling back the onion on that reporting really only becomes essential when congress starts to demand a copy of the 1023, which the fbi resisted by saying the 1023 is raw reporting. it's been unverified. we don't know if this is true but at that point,
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it's really the pressure by congress that breathes life into this reporting. then you have to get to the bottom. >> john, can you sort of break down how the fbi works with a confidential informants and what, if anything, stands out to you about this this one? >> well, sure. the fbi recruits a confidential informant and that that informant gets an agent that's his handler and that agent may meet with them every day if they're in the middle of a case, but more often when it's a long-term informant, they'll meet with them once a month. that's when they'll get paid. there'll be debriefed for whatever new information they have. but as as andrew was saying, there's also a source validation process once or twice a year. they have to go through the here's what happens if we catch you lying. this is your deal. this is how it works but they can also be tested. polygraph is one way. in this particular case because the informants story, not only the story he
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told, but the idea that they would pay a $5 million bribe in 2017 when joe biden was on his way out and would have no power that they didn't mention that in the meetings until 2020. i mean, they're looking at this reporting and they're saying there's something thing wrong with it. you don't really need the polygraph it and, you know, while you would be investigating the background of it, this really came down to in congress demanded that 1023 form, setting the precedent that you're going to start turning over informant information to people in the middle of a political squabble. and the message that sends to every high level informant the fbi was resistant to turn this thing over. i mean, they were on the precipice of the director, chris wray being held in contempt of congress, and it put the director and the bureau in a terribly awkward position. and at the end of the day, they handed it over, but congress played this as read this form. these are the facts. attend 23
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is it's what we do, anderson. we go out, we take a notebook, we asked people what happened. but you have to check it out. it's raw data. and in this case, not only didn't it make sense, it didn't check out. >> according to jim jordan though it was the biggest thing and gun. >> but i mean the real core of this story. and we shouldn't ms this is the turn it made from smoking gun of a $5 million bribe by an unsupported allegation to an informant who may have lied to this newest chapter, which is the important part, was he flipped by the russian intelligence services and sent with this information at the behest of vladimir putin to cast more dirt on joe biden, even with the story that didn't make sense. or is that just part of a story he made up for some other reason, but the timing of it certainly suggests that's when russia was very busy trying to influence us politics and just go with more you learning about the timeline of the information that can name this guy >> yeah. so before the
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indictment was even released last week, it wasn't even publicly known that it was in fact, alexander smirnoff behind these allegations. and as john miller and andrew mccabe who have talked about members of congress had been pressing the fbi to hand over this information from smear law last summer, and that did put the fbi in a bit of a bind here because the bureau did tell congress that the previous information that smirnoff had relayed, it was credible, but that the information concerning the allegations against the bidens was really this raw and uncorroborated intelligence. so again, because of that, those questions remain why the fbi let it go for years, and andrew prosecutors also said that smirnoff has been act their words, quote, actively pedaling new lives that could impact us elections after meeting with russian spies late last year, i mean, that's stunning, that this is still active it really is, and i think it helps to remind ourselves what the context is in which the government is made. those assertions. this is not in an
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affidavit supporting a complaint or as part of an indictment. this was part of a motion to to try to make sure that he was denied bail, which of course was unsuccessful. and what the government is saying in that motion is, this is a person who cannot be trusted. you cannot believe what he is saying. they are presenting the statements that he gave them in his post arrest interview where his for the first time he raised this issue of having received this story about the bidens from russian intelligence officers they're not warranting that information. there's simply saying now he's saying this, you can't believe anything. he says, he therefore should not be given bail. >> andrew mccabe, john miller, thanks so much coming up next, what we're learning about new action frozen biden is considering to tighten restrictions on migrants at the southern border, also tied to live report from moscow details of the arrest of a dual american citizen, which she is now accused of, and how difficult it may be to actually get her out united states of
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uninterrupted pain relief i'll leave. who do take it for and for fast topical community trial evacs. >> my name's brian how fire up. and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people. and hopefully it save lives. >> when my son >> brian dietzen, drunk-driving accident, i put out a video about that and to try to stop the young people from drinking and driving. >> no other family has to go what we did, tick tock has the power to change society i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. to save on person. that's one more person that can change the world too, right? >> this with kaitlan collins tonight at nine >> more breaking news tonight, asana, just how bad things are at the border and how much the issue may impact the presidential race sources telling cnn that president biden is considering major new executive action that would make it harder for migrants to seek asylum if they cross the legally cnn's priscilla alvarez is at the white house for us. so what does the new executive action entail
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>> well, anderson sources telling me that the white house is looking at an authority that already exists, an immigration law and gives the president power to design in this context, who eligible for asylum. so the outcome here, what essentially be limiting access to asylum for those migrants who crossed the border unlawfully. now, an administration official tells me that they are evaluating multiple options here and that no final decision has been made. the white house telling me in a statement, quote, no executive action, no matter how aggressive can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources, congress can provide in that republicans rejected. we continue to call on speaker johnson and house republicans to pass the bipartisan deal to secure the border. now what the white house is referring to there of course, is that senate compromise that would have included some of the most are the toughest measures on border security in recent memory. and it was during those negotiations that president biden himself said that he was open to kushite thank down the border, if given the authority, this appears to be an extension of that though the details
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remain unclear, and i will note anderson that in 2018, former president donald trump tried to do this same thing using the same authority, but he was challenged in the courts. now, i'm told lawyers are reviewing this new executive action to see if they move forward with it, anticipating that it could very well also face challenges in court. >> so why is the white house decided just float this idea. why do they want this idea out there? >> well, of course this comes as that senate border deal was tanked by republicans, white house officials have been working on that with senate negotiators for months, and it included these extraordinary powers to the homeland security secretary to shut down the border if certain triggers were met. so now they're going back to the drawing board to see what, if anything can be done in the exact becky to, of course, all of that will fall short of what it would mean if it was done legislatively. but also anderson, this comes during an election year. this has been a political liability for president biden for years since he took office. and they know that it's going to continue to be going into
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november with former president donald trump making this a key campaign theme. going into to the year. and so they're trying to set themselves up for success here and flip the script on republicans or priscilla stay with us, want to bring in cnn, political commentator, former special advisor president obama van jones. so then the executive action, if it's actually implemented, it might certainly anger progressive democrat to what other options does biden have? at a time when 79% of americans, according to recent cnn poll say the situation, the border is a crisis and a bipartisan deal can't get a floor vote in congress you didn't have a lot of options and look, here's reality. everybody has a number that is too big. before they say something's got to be done. some republicans, if one person came across her undocumented, they'd say shut the whole border down, built a wall and never let let the door be back open for some people might be ten some people might be 100,000, 1 million, 5 million, 50 million at some point the numbers too big even for democrats. and now we're at a
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place where because congress won't act where republicans won't let congress act the number is too big of people coming across the border, even for democrats. and so look, president is going to take some action. reality is the courts might strike it down down also to your point, he's floating these trial balloons that kind of see what the reaction is. but if republicans are going to politicize the issue, and then refuse to act on it. biden has to do something. >> it's inching facility because the republicans who have refused to act on it have said, well, there are executive actions. the president could take. obviously this is one how does it compare to what the trump white house tried to do before it was blocked by a federal court. i mean, is it exactly the same >> and that is certainly some of the pushback that the white house can anticipate if they move forward with this. but in 2018, former president donald trump issued a presidential proclamation in which he tried to invoke the same authority known as to 12 to shut down asylum entirely on the us mexico border when it made its way through the courts, what the court said was essentially this conflicts with asylum law.
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you can't do this because people are entitled to seek asylum at the us mexico border. we don't know the details of exactly how this new executive action, if the white house does, it, would look like. but the key here in the white house pushed back because is that if there had been legislation that would have put this into a bill until law, then there wouldn't be any way for it to be legally challenged in court. so former president donald trump tower to do it, he was stopped in court because of the law, the white house worked with senate negotiators to change the law republicans walked. that back if it had been part of the law, then there wouldn't have been any sort of legal arguments. so that is the back-and-forth that's happening between the white house and house republicans who refused to take anything up if it comes anything short of what they themselves want to see that on the border, i mean, van the one of the infuriating things about this is that many of the people who we'll be claiming asylum are just on the face of it, not really eligible. i mean, there there it's understandable why they're leaving their
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countries. they want a better life for their children. they want a better, better income. they're fleeing a lack of security in their neighborhoods. but it's not political or religious persecution, which is or all the things asylum is a very particular thing that you are claiming. >> yes. >> and that is the challenge that i think americans been facing. it's like somebody figured out some clever way to jump the turnstile at the subway and kinda get away with it. one person does that to people then pretty soon the whole both subway is just full of people who are just two are basically exploiting a loophole that's what's happened with our asylum laws. we put those asylum laws in place proudly. after world war ii, when people were trying to flee, hitler's butchery and couldn't get out of the country and couldn't get here. and so we put those in place for a good reason. but now there are people who are just using it and abusing its gotta be fixed biden was willing to cut a deal. the republicans would rather leave the border open for a political
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purpose than keep the country safe. biden's trying to do something and i hope you figure it out >> yeah. >> van jones, priscilla alvarez. thanks. next wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich has been in custody city in russia now for nearly 11 months, now authorities there have arrested another american. what we know about her and the allegations against her in a live report from moscow next congress is the spot hi, hello >> yes. the deposition but one thing stays the same >> it's a cds beds
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because when you cancel to the apical, even try to get you a refund down rocket money today. >> i'm evan perez in washington. >> and >> this is cnn $51.80. that is the amount that a russian american woman, a dual national, is accused of giving to ukrainian charity in the united states, and that alleged donation appears to have been the basis for her arrest in russia on allegations of treason cnn's matthew chance has more tonight on the arrest and the latest on the death of
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alexey navalny, he joins us now, live from moscow. so first of all, who is this woman and war? do we know about, about why she's being held? >> here with this is a woman from the united states from los angeles is a us russian citizen. her name is cosine a karelina, just 33 years old. she came to russia, back to russia because he's only been a us citizen since 2021. she came back to russia earlier this year in early january to see how family in the city of your cat's arena, berg. and she was arrested then. and has subsequently been charged basically with treason, which is an incredibly serious center charge here, crime here. and who carry a sentence of up to 20 years now, the fsb, which is the old kgb, which is sort of holding her at the moment, saying that since february 2022, she has proactively collected money in the interests of ukrainian organizations, which was subsequently used to buy arms
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and medicine and other equipment for the ukrainian army. in addition, while united states sheet repeatedly took part in public rallies in support of the kyiv regime. those the words of the russian fsb, there's that figure of $51 and sent and some change that she apparently donated to a us charity that helped ukrainians during, during this conflict, anderson, part of the problem is that she is this joint u.s. russian citizens. so when she comes into russia on a russian passport, it means that her us passport doesn't count as far as the russian authorities are concerned. and so it's much harder, if not impossible, for us diplomats to get consular access to her. and that's why we don't know exactly what her state is. what i condition is, and how she's doing right now, alexey navalny's mom has filed a lawsuit over the quote, inaction of the investigative committee to release alexis body. what more do we know about that?
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>> well, i mean, this is a court hearing that's being held behind closed doors. but it comes out of a frustration on the part of the navalny family in particular, ludmilla navalnaya, his mom, who's traveled nearly 2000 miles to the far north of russia to try and get our hands on his body, recover it so as you can have a funeral even made that emotional appeal a couple of days ago to president putin himself to intervene and demanded that the body be returned to her. so as you can have that funeral and barium in a humane way in her words, but those appeals have so far fallen on deaf ears. we still don't really know when navalny's body is and the authorities say it could be a couple of weeks now from now until they're ready to even look at the possibility of giving the body over for burial. >> got to change. appreciate him shortly before a word came of this latest arrest, we also learned that a russian helicopter pilot who defected to ukraine had been murdered,
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shot dead multiple times in the spanish seaside village night. we know much more. and as soon as melissa bell reports his killing came as no surprise to russian state media let's, would make with me lula go areas, what because we were bone union >> russian, state media during this claiming lost october, that russian special forces were seeking to retaliate against helicopter pilots. maxim kuzminov who defected to ukraine last year, jordan >> absolute the principle in just because men off now discovered fatally shot in spain, ukrainian defense intelligence sources confirmed to cnn his body found in a parking garage. according to spanish authorities all asked
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whether russia had any knowledge of the deaths. kremlin spokesman dmitry peskov said moscow had no information on the matter a toll, despite russia's foreign intelligence chief speaking indirectly saying that caused me enough became a moral corpse the moment he'd planned his quote terrible crime. the crime in question, a daring operation loss september that saw him fly his helicopter across the russian border and into ukraine a decision caused me an off explained to journalists just after arriving in kyiv yes schedule. pastel switch. >> if i had one question, why would my beloved homeland needs such a war? i went to church, i lit candles with one wish that it would end as soon as possible. i realized that this is evil, horror, and crime. any war is a crime maxim kuzminov set the trip took six months to plan. then once out of russia,
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he used his voice to encourage more of his countrymen to do the same of course, if you commit what i've committed, he will not regret at all. you will be provided for with everything for the rest of your life. you will be offered jobs everywhere. everywhere you would want, and whatever you would want to do. you will discover a world of colors for yourself >> that world of colors, however, cast in the kremlin's shadow, can hear slide down with a schiff. they can i'm not sure we can the warnings on state television reminding dissidence that moscow's grip extends >> far beyond russia's borders >> anderson, there >> have been so many russian citizens that have died in mysterious circumstances. these last few years. maxim kuzminov, nowhere near the first, there have been a businessman the directors of russian energy giants like gazprom, lukoil. there have been politicians,
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journalists as well who've died in circumstances ranging from their falling down a flight of stairs to being defenestrated poison as well. and this inside russia, but also of course, outside from india to spain and france in the past. at one of the questions is why maximum could has been off was not better protected. now we spoken, interviewed a high profile dissident here in france last year, who was one given police protection, 24 hour police protection because french authorities had foiled an attempt on his life it's simply too costly, the resources, too great for european intelligence services to monitor russian citizens 24/7. i think it's important to note as well, anderson, that the kremlin has denied any knowledge of what might have happened to maximum crism enough, denying any knowledge and involvement in this killing, anderson also, bell, thanks very much, still had rfk junior targeting some of the democratic party's most loyal voters. and supporters of president biden do not appear
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to be taking the kennedy factor lightly details on that next have you heard sling tv offers the news you love for less weight. you look and sound just like me actually i am, you because i'm the same news programs on sling for less. you mean you're me but for less money, a lot less. i'm all your favorite news programs and more on sling putting up just $40 a month, everything great about me, but for less money, which makes me greater than you think it's the same news for less, starting at $40 a month >> if you struggle with cfm, you should check out, inspire no mask, know-hows, just sleep inspire, learn more and you important safety information at inspire >> so he's helping me get my money rights to achieve my ambitions. >> want to see like earning more money on my money as a
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i've got back to my roots >> we've come from >> a long lag accountable my grandfather, my great-grandfather, my aren't being rode horses when i see all of us at it on his ranch i see how far our legacy can go >> capital ones to match >> thank you and you do this.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. >> vegas, the story of sin city. sunday at ten on cnn >> the super pac behind robert f. kennedy jr. is longshot bid for the presidency, launched new billboards across michigan today in an effort to try to distance his campaign from tim mellon, who's a republican megadonor who's given money to both the kennedy super pac and that of donald trump. the ad shows their faces as well as that of president biden and
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says, let the best man, when tim their response to billboards like this one from the dnc labeling rfk junior has quote, powered by maga and trump, new fec filings show mellon gave $5 million a piece last month to the super pac backing both kennedy the end trump. but as democrats are focusing more on rfk junior, he has his eyes set on one of their most reliable voting blocks. cnn's eva mckend has more >> robert f. kennedy juniors independent run for the white house is drawing new attention from national democrats i think both republicans and democrats >> he >> infrastructure and the leadership are of course going to be worried from queens food pantry to a co-working space in brooklyn. kennedy is on the campaign trail making a pitch to one of the most loyal constituencies of the democratic party black voters it comes as president joe biden's allies at the democratic national police have ramped up an aggressive campaign to undercut kennedy's
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candidacy, signaling the threat he could pose to the president's reelection hopes just outside at kennedy campaign black history month event the dnc billboard aims to link can be to maga republicans. >> there's a lot of black voters in this country who've been voting, who are taken for granted by the democratic party. >> what do you think that you can offer black voters that joe biden cannot >> i've spent 40 years working for economic development, for cleaning up the environment men for health care for black americans as americans, i have a long on track record of making i prime. i priority. >> erin freeman his family has owned brooklyn staple sugarhill supper club, has consistently supported democrats. >> i'm laying until support and mr. kennedy because his family has always been until the rights border under privilege. >> the economy is a key
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motivator for freeman. he says his family almost lost their business during the pandemic. >> the economy, and the people in these neighborhoods, they need proof, they need substance they need to be able to see it and feeling not just here it while early polling shows significant levels of interest in kennedy as an alternative to a 2020 rematch. it's difficult to know exactly how much of a threat kennedy poses to buy jill democrats do not appear to be taking the kennedy factor lightly earlier this month, the dmc filed a complaint with the fec accusing kennedy's campaign and a super pac supporting his presidential bid of a legal coordination. >> complaint alleges that is federal law that they've chosen to ignore after a super pac back in kennedy's can campaign spent $7 million on a super bowl ad that we the spot from his uncle, john f. kennedy's 1960 presidential campaign, the dnc accused the independent candidate of being a trump stalking horse, pointing to donations to the
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group received from republican megadonors like tim melon the ad also drew criticism from members of kennedy's family on memory of my family and whose feelings are hurt by that. and i apologized. i said i thought i was sorry. he felt that way but i have no apologies about the ad. i think they ad was a good >> meanwhile, some black voters continue to weigh their options and are entertaining kennedy as a real alternative, black america truly does not have a friend in politics the democrats say, yeah, we'll help you, but you hurry up and wait. >> i can't say who i'm voting for. we just need to focus more of working at home, take care home. that's my whole big thing. we're not taking care at home with taking care of war and it shouldn't be >> right now as an independent candidate, kennedy will only
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appear on the ballot in november in utah. he still faces an uphill battle as he works to get on the valid in every state. meanwhile, when it comes to voter outreach, democrats projecting confidence in their record, maintaining the rate of black business ownership is up. >> and >> arguing, it's their policies that cut black child poverty in half and kept black homeowners in their homes during the pandemic. anderson, >> you can thanks so much coming out of the qib, the killing gabby petito commanded national headlines. you probably remember her fiance claimed that he killed her before he killed himself. petito's parents then sued the fiance's parents over emotional distress and other other issues. tonight with breaking news, word of a settlement next crap >> now we got to get france something. >> we could use these new gift mode >> all right, done not to do for who they would get
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earlier today was steve bertolino. he's the lawyer for the laundrie family and he told me that they settled with gabby petito's parents he also told me that the firms of that settlement will remain confidential. now, of course, this case was settled as both sides were preparing to go to trial, which was coming up in may. and as part of that trial, they recently released these courtroom depositions. which were quite disturbing. they had disturbing details about what was done and more importantly, anderson, what wasn't done to find gabby petito? >> good morning >> is really >> nice and sunny today. >> in the summer of 2021 when gabby petito and her fiance, brian laundrie were on a cross-country road trip and her van, brian's father called his phone and said he sounded frantic that's according to his father's court deposition, which was released last week, along with depositions from laundrie's mother and gabby petito's parents. it's all
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part of an emotional distress lawsuit brought by petito's parents against the laundries and their attorney. >> gabby, never go that side. >> christopher laundrie, bryan's father, he called a phone conversation with his son on august 29, the day his father says stuff hit the fan. he said his son was frantic and got very excited repeatedly telling his father gabby's gone. he said his son asked, can you help me and told him that he might need a lawyer? roberta laundrie, brian's mother said in her deposition, she spoke with her son that same day and his voice was very upset, adding, i didn't want to push him, so we just said goodbye. when brian asked for a lawyer, his father said i asked him why he wouldn't tell me after that? christopher laundrie said he contacted the families lawyer. what exactly did the laundries think their son meant by the word gun? roberta laundrie says several possibilities ran through her mind, including that the couple had a fight or perhaps her son had hit petito and she was going to press charges when
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asked if she thought maybe her son had murdered petito roberta laundrie responded. it might have gone through my mind. i can't recall what i was thinking at the time laundrie's father said he never thought his son killed petito. i had no idea what to think. he said the laundries were also asked repeatedly why they didn't press their son about what had happened to gabby, not over the phone and not even in person after their son showed up back in florida on september 1, 2021. in petito's van without her they both explain that their lawyer had told them not to question their son about petito i was told not to ask, and so i just kept brian close, kept him home and safe, and didn't talk to him about anything, and hoped for the best roberta laundrie said the distressing phone calls with their son took place three weeks before petito's remains were found in wyoming's bridger teton national forest. the teton county coroner determined and she died from strangulation and ruled it a homicide in all those weeks that passed since
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the phone call with their son, the laundrie said they never contacted the petitos and ignored all the petito's calls and text messages at the advice of their lawyer all of this despite knowing petito's parents were desperate to find her >> i'm asking for help from the parents of brian, and i'm asking for help of the family members and friends of the laundrie family as well? >> in her deposition, brian's mother said, i was just concerned about my son at the time that she figured maybe her parents would pick her up or could come get her more than a month after brian laundrie disappeared from his home, his body was found in a nearby swamp. police say he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound alongside him, a notebook in which she admitted taking gabby petito's life, saying she'd fallen and was an extreme pain. he said he thought it was quote merciful >> even found this case for for years for any i mean, how big a surprise is this settlement?
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>> i think it's a pretty big surprise, anderson, certainly the petito's have seemed pretty resistant to settling with the laundrie family. in fact, as part of those depositions they included a deposition from joseph petito, gabby petito's father, and he said in his deposition, i want to make them hurt, meaning the laundries as much as they hurt us he also said, quote, there's no amount of money that i would settle for, not a dime. so clearly that sounds like he was very resistant to settling with the laundrie family, but certainly is we look ahead to trial anderson. this was promising to be a very emotional trial, likely a very expensive trial for both sides. so clearly they both seem to think that it was best in this case, anderson >> all right. randi kaye. thank you so much coming up as family and friends gather and texas, remember the life 11 year-old audrii cunningham a suspect has been charged with capital murder in her death, we have details on that next while you ran hates america sunday at eight on cnn
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symptoms of this infection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your dr. for far sega because their places you want to be >> if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help my name is sister monica clare because of tiktok. i've created a community where people can feel safe asking questions about spirituality i tried to provide a really accessible way of them learning about religion. spirituality. that's not intimidating somebody in the comments said, i have no idea how i got on nonetype but i'm not mad about it i'm going to teach you how to pray. i'm going to teach you how to meditate, how to connect with a higher power. because we need that, we need strength and comfort >> the source with kaitlan collins. >> next this is the scene a few moments ago in polk county, texas, just north of houston, the mother of 11 audrii cunningham, as >> well as friends and members
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of the community gathered near the river or the little girl's body was found just yesterday or mom called her perfect, said she was quote, truly blessed, have given birth is such an amazing little girl. today, authorities in texas charge their prime suspect with capital murder, the alleged killer's name is don steven mcdougal. that's him, the family friend who was already in jail and unrelated charges. investigators say mcdougal, who lived on the same property, rodriguez family resides, had agreed to take a little girl to a school bus stop in the morning that she disappeared, but she never arrived they say they have detailed evidence of his movements that day, including video and cell phone footage, as well as evidence that he lied about his whereabouts. those have a rope that the killer used and say it was consistent with rope seen in mcdougall's vehicle? our hearts go out to audrey's family tonight. that's it for us. the news continues. the source with kaitlan collins starts. now see tomorrow and tonight straight from the source, republicans finally get a biden under