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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  February 22, 2024 3:00am-4:01am PST

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robert for taylor puts inter-miami up one nil, then check out messy right before halftime. he's going to actually chip the ball over a player that was down, his job gets blocked but let's take another look just on real then the at 30 minute more fancy footwork from messi's lives, the bottle luis suarez gets into diego gomez for the gall. miami wins two nil the mls season really gets going saturday with 11 games on his schedule. all right, and finally, tiger woods son, charlie, trying to follow and dad's footsteps, the 15 year-old is going to compete in a prequel qualifier event today in hopes of making the field for his first pga tour start next week charlie needs to make the top 25 today. if he does, he would advance the monday where you'll then need to finish initially the top four to make it to the cognizant classic field. charlie want a florida state chairmanship with his palm beach high school golf teammates back in november and it's always been watching him compete with his dad pnc championship in december, kasie. here's hoping he makes that field because that would be quite the accomplishment is 15 years old. >> that would be amazing. i
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love stories like that and i have to say, i'm going to be interesting >> all right >> andy cnn this morning starts right now >> i don't want morning, everyone. >> so glad you're with us. i'm poppy harlow with phil mattingly in new york. so president biden is now considering new executive action that would restrict the ability to seek asylum at the u.s.-mexico border. >> and the president using colorful language to describe vladimir putin language that's to colourful for morning tv, maybe not cable, just morning. the kremlin is now responding. have the us and china taking a big step to ease tensions? oh yes, we are talking about panda diplomacy. china plenty to send more pandas to the us this year. how this small move could have a big impact. i'm a relationship with beijing siemens, starts right now
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>> and would you have a lot to get to this morning? but first we're getting reports of a possible outage impacting cell service across the country. people in various states have been reporting trouble this morning making any kind of call on their phones. it is impacting several carriers, but people with at&t appear to be having the most trouble. >> now, according to there was a spike and at&t customers reporting problems with their service in the overnight hours peaking at around for 30 this morning on the east coast, some reporting no signal at all and unable to receive or answer calls. people who had been previously impacted are now reporting that service is starting to come back. cnn has reached out to at&t and other providers to find out more information. we're gonna bring you gates as soon as we get out of this president biden is looking at a possible real crackdown at the southern border as he tries to tackle one of his biggest political weaknesses heading into this election, sources tell cnn, the
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president is considering sweeping executive action that would block migrants from seeking asylum if they cross into the united states the legally, well, this is similar to what donald trump did in office. or if president biden decides to go through with the executive action will likely face intense backlash from immigration advocates and progressives immigration, of course, has been a large liability for biden with an unprecedented surge of migrants, overwhelming the southern border in fact politically a new poll this week found only 26% of americans approve of his handling of immigration. arlette saenz leads us off this morning from the white house. arlette, this was at the center of legislative negotiations that have since fallen apart. what would this actually entail? >> well, phil, the white house is trying to show president biden is trying to tackle this issue of immigration as republicans have tried to turn it into a major liability for him heading into 2024. now sources say that the white house is considering using this existing immigration authority to curtail and make it harder for migrants to seek asylum if
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they are crossing the border unlawfully. it actually mirrors something that former president donald trump tried back in 2018 that received fierce backlash and was challenged in the courts. now, the admit sources have said that no final decision has been made, and lawyers are actually reviewing to see whether this would actually withstand legal challenges in the court. now the white house yesterday would not comment on the consideration of this executive action, but they did say, quote, no executive action, no matter how aggressive can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources, congress can provide. and that republicans rejected. we continued to call on speaker johnson and house republicans to pass the bipartisan deal to secure the border for months senate, democrats and republicans were trying to hammer out a compromise when it comes to border security. they got to that compromise. president biden made major concessions, but house republicans scuttled the bill, refusing to consider it over in the house. and this
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has been a way that the president has tried to seize on the issue of immigration and the border, which has been a liability for him and really tried to flip the script on republicans, but this consideration of this executive action also speaks to a real evolution for the president as he has been dogged by issues with immigration and the border after he himself had problems i'm as a more humane process when it comes into office. >> also last night as phil always reminds me, the president is extraordinarily candid at these fundraisers, but arlette, what he said last night at this fundraiser in san francisco about putin just seemed like a whole new level yeah. >> when the cameras are off, we oftentimes hear a more unvarnished president biden, and that was the case last night at a fundraiser in san francisco, where he referred to russian president vladimir putin as a crazy sob. we have often heard the president speak more candidly about world leaders in the spinal raisers in that instance, last night, you'll remember back when he referred to chinese president
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xi jing ping as a dictator. but it also comes as the president has really been trying to draw this contrast between himself and former president donald trump, who has encouraged putin to do whatever the hell he wants to countries that are not meeting their nato obligations the president has really leaned into this issue of russia over the course of the past week, arguing that the president's, that putin is simply is acting like a thug pointing to the death of alexey navalny as one example, now russia did not respond to kindly to this last night. they say, they said in a statement that the president's comments were rude and we're a huge disgrace to america. but i think it's unlikely that we will hear the president lead up on any of his criticism of putin. maybe he won't be using such colorful language or references when he's on camera, though or maybe he will. >> we'll see arlette saenz at the white house. thanks very much for joining us now to discuss cnn political analyst and how shallow for former obama campaign manager jim
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messina and cnn political commentator, republican strategist alice stewart, guys, thanks so much for joining us. yesterday was a fascinating capture of kind of the 30,000 foot level of this campaign. you have immigration which is a huge vulnerability. building for the biden campaign. you also have what's happening in alabama when it comes to ivf, which is a huge issue that republicans are grappling with right now, we wanna get into all of that natasha, to start with you on the immigration issue. there's no question. you can look at poll after poll after poll. this is a problem both substantively policy-wise and politically for the biden administration this executive order, does it change the political dynamics >> well, it's better than nothing, right? when we're looking at it, president who, if he does nothing at this moment, he's going to pay a political cost for this. he's fighting with a party that unfortunately, with the exception of those who were working on that bipartisan bill, are willing to let this issue blow up in his face for political wins. so many stories have the opportunity to
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basically convert people who are neutral on the issue to be against immigration, right? having migrants hosted in schools these are perfect stories for the rest. to spin against president biden. and so, even if an executive order isn't permanent, it is something that he can then point to and say, i tried in the face of incredible headwinds. >> but jim, how does he answer the question then it will inevitably come, which is wait, you have this authority. now, look, i don't know if it's going to hold up in the courts by the way, if he does this. but people are going to say, you have this authority. you told us you needed this bipartisan legislation to do it. why don't you do this months ago >> well, because he's going to say two things. first of all, i had a bipartisan deal. the country looked at that was bipartisan it would do much more than i had the executive authority to do, including funding and other things that you can't do during eos. and donald trump told his party to kill it. in contrast, i took every single step i could take to secure our border and that's a difference between me
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and donald trump. that's what he'll say. >> onenote, executive orders can be overturned by the next one. correct. whereas if you get it passed by congress, it's gonna it's gonna stick for longer, but i do think it's going to face that kind of criticism. >> yeah. >> i think that's fine because we'll just say there's a very clear contrast. we did something we took real action here. and the other side wants to play politics >> it is a clear issue that the administration is trying to shift on, ridership narrative and the collapse of the bipartisan bill certainly has given them a tool that they didn't have prior to now, alice, i guess my question is, if you're the biden ministration, you're not trying to take this, turn this issue into a wind at this point, you're trying to mitigate the bleeding when it comes to it republicans as they look at this, they've been max, you've held him to some degree, but also when they look at an executive order that would stem or curtail some of what's happening on the board of why wouldn't they support that >> well, i certainly believed that republicans would support this action. look look what got
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us into this mess in the first place when biden came into office and did away with trump era policies that limited immigrants coming into this country, that did help secure the border more and limited the inflow of migrants into this country. the fact that biden unilaterally took those away led to what it his open border policies and what has led to the crisis we have at the border. and this is now not just a border same issue. this is an american issue as we have these migrants and countries, cities across the country, and we just showed a number of americans that are opposed to biden's policies. a pew poll shows that even democrats, 73% of democrats say biden is handling the border. very poorly. so he has got a tremendous political liability in his hands. >> and look >> now that he is saying that he can use these executive actions to go back to by a trump era policies. where's he been for the last three years? why didn't he do this three years ago? i think this is too little too late on this border
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issue just because he is in a political year, but something needs to get done and going back to the trump era the policies is a good start, but also, we do need to have members of congress on both sides of the all get together to have meaningful immigration reform. again, republicans and democrats to have meaningful immigration reform to secure our national border because this is a national security issue. but going back to trump era policies is a very good first step. >> you want to say something. >> they did that congress just got together bipartisanly. and donald trump told the speaker, the house to kill the bill. and what are we talking about? we just did this i also do want to get to the ivf issue. what happened in alabama and just what it portends for the whole country, because there's a group in florida right now that's using this decision by the alabama supreme court. basically ruling that embryos are people in a, in an abortion cases press so natasha, can you just talk about the bigger
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picture here as we listen to, let's listen to what nikki haley said on cnn last night about this i didn't, say that i agreed with the alabama ruling. what the question that i was asked is, do i believe an embryo is a baby? i do think that if you look in the definition and embryo is considered an unborn baby, this case was based on should be based on the rights of those parents for their embryos and to make sure that they have the responsibility with the doctors on how those are handled. nothing more than that. >> zoom out if you could natasha, give us the big picture here far beyond the borders of alabama, what this means in the debate over abortion in this country heading into the election >> well, i just wanted to say if nikki haley didn't agree with the alabama ruling, she should have said that. right. this was clearly a question that was meant to be a litmus
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test of where she stood and that is one of nikki haley's political shortcomings. is that what she answers these? very controversial questions about these controversial issues? she doesn't think two steps ahead in terms of the implications for everyone else. it is very obvious that this ruling is being used to change the definition to advance a political agenda, which therefore would have a snowball effect in terms of access to fertility treatments being able to define an embryo certain way affecting how people a plan, their families. and this is super risky because this is not a red or blue issue. this is about people being able to create the families that they've always dreamed dreamed of. >> if you're >> republican, if you're independent, if you're democrat, this is something that touches you personally. so she should follow her, her own sort of stands, which is that
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these are personal issues and reflect that in the answers that she's giving because this will touch many people who will be very upset you know, that this is being used essentially to limit their rights and opportunity. >> i will say she didn't talk in another interview about how deeply personal it is for her having conceived her own son through ivf, we have a lot more to get to go ahead, natasha, you talked about she should she talked about artificial some seven nation which is different than ivf, right? so it almost gives this impression that she doesn't really understand the difference she's not speaking from a place of expertise on this. so she should therefore be careful about the conclusions that she's drawing are the statements that she's making, because obviously she's a political candidate and we're trying to understand where she he stands on these issues because this affects everyday people. >> we will get back. >> yeah. of course. >> just real quickly, respectfully, push back a little bit on what natasha said. i think nikki haley, of all the republicans, has done a
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good job of taking the demonization out of this conversation and she is saying, let's not demonize women who are in a position of having an abortion. and let's not talk about abortion bans, but rather abortion limit. so i think she has found a more common ground approach for this conversation. that's not just a matter of a political position, but she understands this is where more americans are on this issue. i think that resonates with some republican voters, but certainly in a general election, yeah, resonates from a messaging perspective, from a policy perspective, though, there's clear holding that i think people have been trying to figure out we have a lot more to get to on this issue specifically, and more broadly in politics, stick with the skies are definitely coming back and right now, house republicans are entering a critical cool phase and their impeachment inquiry into president biden. now the next two weeks could determine the fate of that investigation. >> also, this just in house speaker mike johnson is once again stuck in the middle of a big funding fight. details ahead >> the south carolina republican presidential primary
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help with job the difference with nerve vive, sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep, so he takes z quell the world's number one sleep, a brand, and wakes up feeling like himself get the rest to be your best with non habit-forming cseh better days start with z equal nights to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling, start with a round brush head, add power, and you've got oral-b round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more flak for a superior clean oral-b brush like a pro vegas story of sin city. sunday at ten on cnn >> welcome back, house republican efforts to impeach president biden in jeopardy this morning lawmakers grilled the president's brother, james biden behind closed doors for more than eight hours yesterday he said his older brother, quote, has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest and quote, in his family's business ventures, this comes are for a
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former fbi informant who's claims were central to the gop inquiry, was arrested last week for lying about biden and his son, hunter, accepting $5 million bribes. problem? but ukrainian energy company burisma, lauren fox, is on capitol hill with more everyone probably knows what attend 23 forum is now. and that is at the core of all of this. what was true and what was apparently very not true? >> yeah and these >> latest this latest news about alexander smirnov really still reverberating through the republican majority as they grapple with what it means for their impeachment inquiry moving forward, you have a number of republicans who were always looking for more direct evidence that would neck to joe biden directly to his son, hunter, or his brother james is business dealings abroad and so far republicans have been found that in fact, one of the foundational pieces of information that they had used is now been discredited. and i
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will note that that is not sitting well with a lot of republicans who wanted to get at more information to begin with. here's one of those members can buck >> we were warned at the time that we received the document outlining this witness's testimony, we were warned that the credibility of this statement was was not known and yet, people, my colleagues one out and talk to the public about how this was credible and how it was damning and how it proved president biden's at the time vice president biden's complicity in receiving bribes it appears to absolutely be false and to really undercut the nature of the charges and key chairman james comer, jim jordan, they are trying to downplay the importance of smear knauss >> 10-23, arguing essentially that that was never really that important to their impeachment
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inquiry. but we should just point out that at this point, republicans are in a really tough position. ben, because they have voted to open this impeachment inquiry. but there were a number of republicans who had noted at the time that they needed to see more direct evidence before they would be willing to actually vote to impeach biden right now. it's so unclear how exactly republican leadership is going to deal with just the reality that right now it looks like the impedance each meant probe is starting to really unravel flux >> you reporting on appropriations f5 in the morning is like six espresso shot straight to my veins. so you know, i'm going to ask you about it >> the other thing we're unsure about what it comes as republican leadership is how are they going to fund the government? the deadline is on march 1. there currently on recess. you and mel's nonna have a great piece out this morning, kind of walking through the process but were happening behind the scenes. do they have a plan >> well, if there's a plan, no one that i talked to yesterday knows what it is. i will say as i started reporting the story
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in the morning, i thought one thing, and as the afternoon drug on and i started writing, it was very clear to me that there was no trick up anyone sleeve and next week is gonna be extremely messy. the deadline for the first tranche of bills comes friday. and right now, appropriators are still trying to work through a lot of outstanding issues. chief among them, the fact that republicans are still pushing for controversial policy writers it typically would have no place in these kind of appropriations bills, but are really important to some conservatives who are pushing johnson to get some kind of win in this process because he already has agreed to spending levels that they don't like. that's why johnson is once again finding himself in the middle. i mean, stop if you've heard me say this before. but you have a newly minted speaker, you have a divided republican conference. you have a narrow majority and you have yet another spending deadline coming up in just about a week's time. and right now, it's just not clear if they're going to be able to move all of this forward and avert a
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shutdown. i think that it's pretty dire given the fact that they're leaving all of this to next week. and i'll i'll know house republicans don't get back to washington until wednesday next week, didn't, didn't we just do this? >> what's the rough >> feel like we do this every two months. >> thanks, lauren >> we'll back with us and toss you all for jim messina and alice stewart. >> we'll get to >> the spending stuff in a second. but as on the impeachment process, there were a number of republican jens who just said okay, on voting for a formal inquiry, but weren't totally sold on the actual end game here. i can't fathom they are anymore sold now and probably a lot more reticent to move forward. >> what's the >> purpose of this given what's happened this week? >> yeah >> many are really discouraged about the fact that the fbi informant has come out to be not credible and really undercuts the basis of this inquiry. but others, i'm speaking with say, look, this was central to this impeachment probe, but it was not the only
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basis for the pittsburgh probe. and those i've spoken with say there are there are whatsapp messages or emails there's other information that go to support this claim. and look, they say, while the fbi informant may not be credible, there are still some basic truths that they are working to uncover and following the facts that is a hunter-biden serving on the board ward being paid a lot of money, having no qualifications, seeking help from prosecutors, as well as joe biden's work and involvement in potential conversations there. and then we heard from james biden, president's brother, who talked at length according to those in the room, about protecting the biden brand and influence peddling surrounding joe biden? then look what we have right now, makes this probe looked very bad. but if they do have other information that cooperates these claims, they need to get them out there fast because people are starting to not see the light at the end of the tunnel with this probe tim, there in to alice's point, there are a
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whole lot of maybes, but potential caveats around all of this. can we just listened to james comer, lauren talked about there seems comer there's jim jordan. let's listen to jake would have saying, well, we still have something here. very was he wasn't an important part of this investigation because i didn't even know who he was all i knew was there was a 1023 that alleged robbery. my investigations about all the money, the biden tip taken from china, from romania, from for nothing, i can or not, you're paying for nadeau thing. absolutely we got a tip. we investigate. we couldn't figure out who this guy is central to that form that he's talking about. i mean, that's the crux of it. he >> used the whole case. he's the whole missing link and they've now looked at this for five years and now they have absolutely no proof of anything. this whole thing is a sham. and by the way, we're also bearing the lead here the witness also admitted that he had contact with russian
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intelligence who gave him some of this stuff. we are talking about just an unbelievable tale of ridiculousness and woe and this whole thing is falling apart and exactly to phil's great point when they should be focused missing on balancing the budget, getting a deal and moving this country forward. and yet they still refuse to realize this whole thing is nothing and they should just go on and do the business of the american people. >> natasha as you watch all this, i'm reminded when republicans took over the house and do you talk to white us officials? and i said, look, we're going to make their dysfunction center stage. we are going to make clear that they can't run government, that they can't do anything. and darned if they haven't tried everything in their power in the chamber for house republicans to prove the white house for right about that. and yet it doesn't feel like it resonates more broadly. >> why is that >> well, i think you that clip that you just showed says a lot, illustrates the moment that we're in right now, even
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in the face of facts, right as jim said, smirnoff was really the basis for a lot of the accusations that we saw. there is always spin there's always a commitment to this narrative that biden is somehow corrupt. that biden deserves to be impeached. and so when you have 24/7 conservative right-wing media willing to go with whatever the conspiracy of the day is. the facts don't matter. unfortunately, now what the american people will take away from that. we will see, but i do think that there's a frustration when you add what happened with immigration, that people are saying, why can't you get things done? does this really matter more than what we are dealing with in our everyday lives? >> it's a very real question. voters are going to have to weigh in the months ahead. jim messina a stewart. thank you. and natasha alford, five days, i think until your book comes out. it's a memoir. it's handed, its role in some level. it's excellent congratulations
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on that. five days ahead of time. >> yeah. >> thank you. thank you. my morning, families cnn this morning. >> they love. yeah. >> all right. this happening overnight, thousand dozens of americans, maybe you woke up to your cell phone not working. what we're learning about this nationwide cell service outage, alabama supreme court has ruled that frozen embryos are children. that ruling already affecting in vitro fertilization patients ahead, cnn speaks to a woman is currently undergoing ivf treatment in alabama, stay with us most probiotics don't survive digestion. that means whatever you're taking for your gut probably isn't getting where it needs to go. seeds bsl1 daily symbiotic is the two-in-one prebiotics and probiotics engineered to survive, bringing live bacteria all the way down to the colon or to healthy digestive skin. >> heart >> and immune system gets started today with cvs dsa, one daily symbiotic visit, to
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enjoy 20% off plus free shipping on your first-order i'm arlette saenz at the white house and this is cnn >> all right. we are tracking this possible outage, really big outage impacting cell service across the country. >> to be clear, there's still a lot of unanswered questions were reporting this out right now, but people in various states have been reporting trouble making calls on their phones. it's impacting several carriers, but people with at&t appear to be having the most trouble unable to make or receive calls our senior national security analyst, juliette kayyem joins us now. it appears based on our reporting that people are starting to get their service back, still haven't heard anything specifically from at&t >> what should be people be thinking, right as this glitch, should people be concerned >> yes, as soon look, all i can do is give you the range of possibilities. it would be nice to hear from the carriers. i never understand why private companies take so long their customers are waking up to two alerts essentially telling them that they don't have service
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as well as we're hearing reports that emergency services are down i want to tell you the most likely explanation based on the evidence we have so far. and because it's hitting multiple carriers, so it's not like it's an attack on 18 only or that it might be some insider threat, someone in there trying to muck things up is essentially solar activity. it's not very sexy, so to speak, but there's they're sunspots and solar flares and other things that can impact the, capacity of there to be connectivity between cell lines, cell saturday, satellites endure cell phones. >> there's these things >> called coronal mass ejections. i apologize for that the terminology. it's cme for shorthand essentially their flares that can disrupt the district fusion of services so that if i'm in the room right now, i'm thinking that's the most likely explanation. if i'm hearing that other carriers have it. >> but >> we always have to be worried
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about attacks on critical infrastructure, in particular, ones that impact our communications. and so you would also be looking at that possibility but it would be very sophisticated attack hitting multiple carriers. >> what about the factually at the >> down detector, which is like a service attracts things like this, is saying that the biggest outages are in big cities, chicago, new york, dallas la, atlanta. it's that track with being normal with potentially a solar issue like you mentioned? >> it would track with both explanations and the said, but look, we have an incredibly distributed critical infrastructure system. it is hard to bring the whole system down from a single attack, or even if you've got an insider threat, it wouldn't it wouldn't impact multiple carriers. but way that works is major cities are a hubs. they then flow out to smaller cities, communities will areas. and so the fact that they might have been impacted first probably goes to both notification that you people in big cities are probably aware
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of it much sooner in the sense that they can't get on their phones or their zoom calls or, or or texts. but secondly, because that would match the distribution system look, we don't know yet and so you're going to you're going to both examine the possibility of nefarious activity. although the fact it's multiple carriers would mean it's a very sophisticated, nefarious activity or something in the solar system. we've seen it before. we'd never seen, we've seen these outages before in the southeast a couple of years ago we'd never seen anything this big, and so we would this is why i like companies to talk it. what, what, what did they experience and in what time. and if they're all similar at the same time? i am something was happening in the atmosphere that would be are benign explanation which has always the better one, right? >> yeah. >> for sure. all right. julia, any of any of the companies are welcome to call in to us and
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show some answers. thanks very much for the perspective. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> so russia has arrested a dual u.s. russian citizen for treason after she donated just $51 to ukraine. next we'll be joined by cnn's former moscow bureau chief you've got better things to do and clean up cloud gutters calling filter today, and never >> clean out clog gutters again, we filters technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed colleague three through the filter today, more physically, fashion moves fast. >> so we partnered with verizon to take our operations to the next level with a custom private 5g network, we get more control of production, efficiencies and greater agility. >> that's enterprise intelligence. >> it's your vision, it's your verizon >> what would you like to pay for your hotel room tonight? 185, 169 or $155? >> same room. same service, just different prices. really
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up to you well, nobody asks you this a perception. but that's exactly what you're vargo does. trivago compares hotel prices from hundreds of books? so save yourself valuable time and money. >> you chavaga, compare hotel prices >> and save them for $30 or nine. hotel. >> chavaga hi, i'm chris and i lost 57 pounds angola go low, isn't complicated. i don't have to follow a restrictive diet and i don't have to spend a lot of time making meals using goal was truly transformative it was easy and inexpensive >> loring bad cholesterol can be hard even with a statin diets and exercise at a struggle. today, it's possible to go from struggled to cholesterol success would let v0 with a statin lectio is, proven to lower bad cholesterol by 50% and keep it low with two doses a year side effects were injection site reaction, joint pain, and chest cold ask your dr. about twice yearly latvia
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los angeles resident is behind bars after being arrested in russia on charges of treason. thirty-three-year-old synia a karelina was arrested in russia for allegedly donating just $51 to a ukrainian charity according to her employer in california, her boyfriend spoke to cnn's brianna the killer last night >> joseph makes it clear that it's day by day, one day she wakes up and she's so positive and so strong and believes that she will be home soon. she believes in america. she believed that they will help her get home. and then one day cdc says one day it's like i'll just sit on my business data wolf for hours, like knowing that i'm going to be a forever on joining us now cnn contributor, adjunct professor at georgetown university, jill dougherty, she's also our former moscow bureau chief, jill. this is so stunning when we first reported this yesterday, $51 putin, obviously has detained dozens of people for no offense at all.
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>> by the way. >> but the fact that he is doing >> this with her, what does it tell you? >> well i think there's no question that what is happening right now in russia, essentially, it is becoming the entire society is becoming militarized so any threat to putin, any threat to his power will be shut down immediately. and, if you have a russian, she's dual citizenship. and as we know russia does not recognize the american part of that. so she is fair game. and i think what they're doing this a couple of things. number one they're collecting a bunch of people that they can use as hostages therefore, that's why the united states state department it is saying, don't go to russia. if you are an american. and then also i think there was sending a message to the rest of the world and especially to russians who were outside of the country, there are millions of them right now who fled after that, after the invasion of ukraine. and what
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they're saying essentially is we can do whatever we want, where ever we want. so it's a very, i think very disturbing moment here. >> jill, to your point about essentially rolling up americans that are over there over the course of the last several months. obviously, evan gershkovich is over there wrongfully detained for doing his job as a journalist for the wall street journal, paul whelan has been over there for years now, are jenny hansler has done incredible work interviewing him, his his situation. they have been top of mind for biden administration officials trying to figure out a way to strike a deal to bring them home. how does this latest arrest and detainment kind of impact all of that, if at all >> it's really hard to say right now what's happening is there are negotiations. i mean, they are a target. the us and russia. but the problem is, russia has certain people that wants to get out. and according to what i guess we know this point, there's one particular prison in germany, a russian
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hip man, who obviously belongs to the security services in russia that russia wants out. so i think it's really pretty transactional here. they want to trade these americans for people that they want. and if the united states can't do that or will not do it, then there's not going to be any deal with the russians are really playing hardball at this point now, yeah, and transactional is absolutely the right way to put a jill dougherty. thank you. as always sure. >> well, today, >> nasa is planning to accomplish something the us hasn't done in five decades, land on the moon. the details of this historic moon mission that's next united. states have scanned with jake tapper on sunday, a nine on cnn. >> did you know that only one in >> ten americans consume adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables ag one fills nutritional gaps and promotes gut health with essential vitamins and minerals, pre and probiotics and it's super fitbits supporting your health doesn't need to be complicated. try ag one today
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back, >> today could mark a landmark moment in space exploration. the odysseus lunar lander is currently barreling toward the moon and aiming to make the first touchdown of us made spacecraft on the moon in five decades. cnn space and defense correspondent kristin fisher reports and when just days after lifting off from florida, odysseus is now barreling towards the moon, sending back spectacular pictures of >> earth along the way, and is now hours away from the most perilous test yet, for the robotic lunar lander, a softer controlled landing on this surface of the moon, go for launch intuitive the chines is trying to pull off something. no private company has done. and if successful, it will be the first time in american made spacecraft has done it since the last apollo mission in 1972, we are still, eyed rocket scientists. >> but >> down, this is quite an emotional feeling too to be
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here at this position, just last month, the pennsylvania company asked robotic technology had its first lunar landing mission and in failure and last year, the japanese company is space and the government of russia both crashed landers into the moon so why is it so tough to repeat a feat that was first accomplished? within half a century ago >> one of the biggest reason is also the most frustratingly terrestrial one. money nasa's budget at the peak of the apollo program was more than 4% of all us government spending today, nasa's budget is one-tenth the size, just 0.4% sent, even as nasa attempts to return astronauts to the moon under the artemis program. in an effort to save money, nasa is outsourcing robotic lunar landings to companies like intuitive machines for a fraction of what it cost in the 1960s and '70s, do it for a million when in the past it's
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been billions of dollars, then there's the purely technical challenge of landing a spacecraft in a specific spot, roughly a >> quarter of 1 million miles away. >> some people have likened it to hitting a golf ball in new york and having it go into a particular hole in one and la, the distance means there's also a time delay roughly three seconds for signals from mission control rooms on earth to get to the moon and back, walk can go wrong in that time. >> so in the vehicle is >> actually landing, it pretty much as on its own >> finally, there's the experience factor, the loss of the apollo era expertise that no amount of new technology can make up for simply because somebody else did it in an earlier age doesn't mean that this generation or this organization can do it. these are people doing it for the first time and there's no, there's no substitute for that experience. >> we all collectively have to be resilient to failures and we all have to be helping each other lift up and break down
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these barriers so that we can begin a lunar economy that's what this is a beginning of an emerging economy around the moon and so it all comes down to this. the landing is set for 05:30 p.m. eastern time tonight, and the landing spot is significant in and of itself because if successful, it would be the first time that any spacecraft has successfully landed on the south pole of the moon. and it's a critical spot because scientists believed that that is where ice is water and it's where nasa wants to send those very first artemis astronauts. and so does china. they want to build a base on the lunar south pole to fill. so it's potentially a very crowded and competitive spot, is a huge moment. i want i know you'll be following >> every step of the way kristin fisher has always. thank you. >> and you will want to stick around for our 08:00 a.m. hour. we're going to speak to nastya administrator bill nelson about this historic mission >> also this morning, a new heartbreaking study just out
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finds it almost half of americans know someone who has died from an overdose are going to get into all of that ahead, stay with us what would you like to pay for your hotel room tonight? 180 569 or $155. same room, same >> service, just different prices. >> really up to you well, nobody asks you this a perception. but that's exactly what you're vargo does. chavaga compares hotel prices from hundreds of books >> so >> save yourself valuable time and money >> you chavaga >> compare hotel prices and save them for $30 a night hotel. >> chavaga this is an important message for people on medicare today. we are talking about medicare advantage plans. if you're new to medicare, moving are losing coverage called now for your free medicare benefits checkup and see if you're eligible to enroll in medicare advantage plan that could help save money and may include additional benefits. the call and medicare benefits, checkup are absolutely free good
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>> health this morning, he's brought to you by a genome moto >> well, this morning a new survey reveals troubling data about the nation's drug overdose crisis. it shows nearly half of americans personally know at least one person who is died from a drug overdose on average, no. to people who died that way, cnn's meg tirrell joins us now, meg, we've seen so many studies like this, but this one is particularly jarring. what does it show? but really it's jarring. and one of the things the researchers point out is that we just don't have a lot of information about the impacts of overdose loss on the people who are left behind. and so really this is a call to action, to study this more to understand the prevalence and the effect on people who survive overdose loss. and so this is a rand corporation survey of american adults and what they found so does that 42% of people in the survey report personally knowing
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someone who died by a drug overdose that's about 125 million americans, 13% of the loss disrupted their lives and 4% said it had to significant or a devastating impact on them. and so really this is a call for more research into the folks who have this sort of traumatic bereavement. and the health impacts on them and just how widespread it is. >> it's also a problem that has just been getting bigger. i mean, the opioid epidemic, obviously exacerbated and exacerbates all of this. but it doesn't seem to be getting better know. unfortunately, the numbers of drug overdose deaths have been going up in the united states and hitting record levels. there are now at about 111,000 per year. most of those are related to opioids and specifically fentanyl. and one thing you hear from experts, of course, is that a lot of these times you don't even know, you're getting professional. it could be adulterated. another substance and that is leading to more overdose deaths. and so there's a lot of talk about meeting for better treatment for drug use so that we can start to mitigate this problem.
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but also this study today really focusing on the people left behind by these tragedies. >> of course, isn't there some rome was telling me about some way or a kit that you can test for fentanyl and other pills just for parents out there worried there are fentanyl test strips and so a lot of people are trying to make those more accessible to folks. of course, along with naloxone, which is the opioid overdose drug. yeah. >> thank you. may cnn this morning continues now publican scrambling >> to contain the fallout after the former fbi informant at the center of their impeachment investigation was indicted for lying to promotion of a bribery scheme was false. >> not at all. >> if republicans have good evidence, we would've seen that long ago >> the alabama supreme court says that frozen embryos for children and destroying them to land you in prison. >> the largest hospital in the state, pausing all ivf treatments. >> i've been reading over two years to be pregnant. there is
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no world for i can see stopping this process right now


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