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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 22, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose and increased twisk of dion bar a syndrome was observed after getting chain bricks, fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever and upset stomach, shingles
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granger for the ones we get it done >> united states of scans with jake tapper sunday, a nine on cnn cellphone service >> disrupted across the country this morning, thousands and thousands of people are waking up to zero bar. thankfully, what the cell phone providers are thank about what's happened and what they're doing to fix it. president biden calls vladimir putin a crazy sob in the sporting, who does not seem to like them the new kremlin response, the largest health system in alabama says that it has to stop ivf treatments, at least for now.
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all because of the alabama supreme court i'm kate bolduan with john berman. sara is out today. this is cnn news central >> cnn breaking news and we are following this breaking news this morning. cell phone service disrupted across the country tens of thousands getting hit by a massive service outage. in india let's free source telling cnn that there's no indication, at least now of a cyber attack. but they are still investigating what's going on at at&t. customers seem to be facing widespread issues. the company just acknowledged to cnn, they're experiencing disruptions to its network saying, quote, we are working urgently to restore, to restore or service to them. let's bring in cnn's brian fung, who's tracking the outage and the response as it's been kind of unfolding this morning also with us senior national security analyst juliette kayyem, brian, what is the latest on these outages and the disruptions? >> yeah. kate, as of right now, we've seen tens of thousands
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of user reports on the website,, mostly from at&t customers said they are having trouble placing paul's not having service and we've seen numerous reports from emergency services around the country saying you may have trouble reaching 911 if you're an at&t customer recommending that you either use a different phone from another network to try and call 911 if you need to do so. all of this seems to be unfolding across the country with many markets being affected, including law let's angeles, atlanta, dallas, chicago, new york, and more with many people experiencing a loss of signal on their phones, particularly on at&t. now, at&t says it is tracking this issue and working towards because all of it verizon and t-mobile say that their networks are operating normally. if you are a verizon or t-mobile customer and you're experiencing issues. it's likely because at least
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according to these companies that you're trying to call an at&t customer who is affected by this issue. so as of right now, it seems like the main problem seems to affect at&t only and again an industry official telling cnn earlier today that this does not appear linked to any cyber or other malicious activity. >> let's let me read that. reporting once again, juliette, and then you can let me know what you think here. there's no indication that thursday's outage was a result of a cyber attack or other malicious activity that's according into an industry source, the issue appears to be related to how cellular services hand off calls from what network to the next. the source says a process known as peering. >> we don't need to get >> into maybe the minutiae of how these, how this works. but what do you see here? >> okay, so the company has come out relatively quickly saying they think they have an explanation. i think that's good. i mean, all of us worry about nefarious activity
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critical infrastructure attack. it's just one company and so you worry whether both there's an internal threat at at&t or an external threat against at&t, either against networks or critical infrastructure in the us. or of course, in space, because people, there has been unusual solar activity today, nothing to suggest that that caused it, but people like me look at the the possible explanations. i will say that this explanation makes sense. and is also a problem. in other words, it would make sense because this switching capacity would impact the major urban areas just because they're the central repositories of how at&t distributes its cellular service. the problem is, why is there what we call in disaster management is single-point of failure. if this one thing goes down, it appears for the first
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time. i don't remember an incident like this before you have nationwide outages. we've seen regional one is based on a particular activity. so at&t is going to have to get it back up quickly. be transparent about what happened. and then on the other side of this figure out, you can't have a system that can go down by a single patching or other, other technological aspect. it doesn't have a redundancy were too dependent on them. >> and i think that's the two dependent bit, i think is what concerns everybody so much. it's just a stark reminder of how much, how all of us obviously rely so much on our cellphone service or cell phones, or cell phone service and the networks that back that up. and how quickly that can feel very, very scary, especially brian, when some of it, some of the reports we saw this morning, we're that 911? service. i'm one when call it calling into 911. that was also disrupted at least in some places. is there any word from
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the companies are what you're hearing from industry? resources of when this could be fixed. >> well, not yet i think there's the companies are working very quickly to try and address this you the very concerning issues affecting non-one one, obviously make this a really pressing issue. kate, and as you may know, tnt operates a dedicated first responder network known as first net, and that is likely what is behind some of the issues related to 911 and preventing people from being able to reach emergency responders. so obviously that's going to be a very high priority for at&t to get that back online and minimize the disruption if folks need to call the police are called a fire department. we've seen some tweets by fire officials saying if you if your fire alarm goes off that doesn't necessarily mean that we will be notified so please follow up with a 911 call. if your fire
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alarm does does go off because the telecommunications between your fire alarm and the fire department might be disrupted as a result of this outage. >> things you're not checking quickly if you want your fire alarm goes off in your house as twitter see how best to reach out to 911. that's why this is so scary and it is urgent. stay close, guys, because we'll see what happens in the next three hours during the shelf. really appreciate it. >> look to still be in movies. begin with this exactly right. >> jake launching one leave the world behind on netflix. that's a good job. cell phone outage goes, you woke i woke up this morning with sos on on my pink cell phone while it's making another issue, but he hasn't very strong opinion about cell phone covers. >> but again, when you can't reach anybody, it can be alarming and that's what thousands of people woke up to this morning. yeah. >> also this morning, a sharp escalation in name i'm calling between the two largest nuclear powers on earth, the kremlin just lashed back at president biden, calling him a huge disgrace. this came after biden, president biden called vladimir for putin, a quote, crazy sob off camera at a
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fundraiser in san francisco. and it comes at an increasingly tense moment. is there is new evidence that russia is trying to influence us elections, even the investigations into president and biden and his son hunter. and there are new questions about the mysterious death of russian opposition leader alexey navalny and the failure to turn over his body, seen as matthew chance following this live from moscow this morning, matthew, what are you hearing there? >> well, i mean, we're hearing this this pushback by the kremlin to those remarks by president biden saying that these remarks are rude and that they are a huge disgrace, not just for the presence of the united states, but for the entire country of the united states here's the statement that dmitry peskov, vladimir putin's press spokesman said. he said this clearly, mr. biden is demonstrating behavior in the style of a hollywood cowboy to cater to domestic, political interests and so the kremlin
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sort of using this sort of war of words if you like, to further criticize president biden something of a hobby horse for them to continue to lambaste the us leadership and blame it for the deteriorating relationship between the two countries. but it also does point to that serious deterioration the fact that the two leaders have resulted to name-calling the two biggest nuclear powers in the world, as you mentioned, at a time when there's such a massive crisis underway in ukraine et cetera. just does underline, just how difficult and how rocky the relationship has become between washington and moscow. john matthew chance in moscow, matthew, thank you. a hollywood cowboy. that's the response from the kremlin this morning. >> okay. >> also this morning, president biden is considering taking matters into his own hands when it comes to the border, new reporting that he's thinking about using executive action to block asylum claims as the border crisis continues. and as
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any real fix from congress has stalled, and that front all for political hello reasons. just to remind you, this possible move by biden is actually reminiscent of a move donald trump made while in office, a move that was quickly challenged in court. so what could this look like? cnn's priscilla alvarez is joining us. she's got much more on this, priscilla, what are you hearing? >> kate sources telling me that white house officials are reviewing an authority in immigration law that essentially allows the president to decide who is eligible to enter the united states. in this context, with president could do is limit who was able to claim asylum between the ports of entries and other words, migrants crossing the border illegally could be restricted from claiming asylum. now, as you mentioned there, this is a move that is reminiscent of the trump era in 2018, former president donald trump also used this authority to try to block off asylum entirely on the us, mexico border. that was
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challenged punched in courts. and eventually a federal appeals court blocked it and now i'm told that lawyers are reviewing this possible executive action to see whether it could stand in the courts if it's different at all. we don't have all the details as to what it will look like, but an administration official tells me it's one of many options that's being considered at the white house no final decision has been made. a white house spokesperson also telling me the following quote, no executive action, no matter how aggressive can deliver this significant policy reforms and additional resources, congress can provide. and that republicans rejected we continue to call on speaker johnson and house republicans to pass the bipartisan deal to secure the border. of course, what the white house is referring to there is that senate border deal that was worked on by senate negotiators and white house officials that in part would have given extraordinary powers to the homeland security secretary to shut down the border if certain triggers for his were met, and president biden over the course
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of those negotiations, embrace those tough measures, saying that he would shut down the border if given the authority. and he appears to be doing some of that. now, of course, this also comes during an election year, former president donald trump is making immigration a key part of his campaign. this has been a political life ability for president biden. so all of that colliding in this moment as the white house considers, would be an extraordinary move if it were to move forward, that would ultimately limit who can claim asylum if they cross illegally priscilla, thank you so much for that reporting, john. all right. with us now, democratic strategist, former executive director for the new york state democratic party, basil smikle and republican strategist. shermichael singleton, friends. i want to play, let's predict the political response to this information just reported by priscilla from the white house, basil first to you, i want to understand from you what you think progressive democrats will say about this executive action if the president chooses to take it well, i think
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there's going to be in fighting certainly within the democratic party because progressives are not going to be happy with some of these, some of these >> decisions, but to be honest that probably mirrors some of the challenges that are actually happening even within the administration is a lot of conversation around where we weird biden should go on this he started his presidency saying that he was going to be different from obama and donald trump on immigration he's actually pushed out more executive orders than donald trump on immigration because of congress's failure, failure to act but this is a very challenging situation in part because yes, he he will face some headwinds from progressives. but we have all seen how much republicans are using immigration as a wedge issue in, in elections. we saw that in new york three and a special election with tom suozzi. i don't think it worked, but it doesn't mean that it's not going to continue to be something that republicans will play against democrats throughout the rest of this cycle.
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>> just a quick follow-up because you brought up new york three bars on used to run the new york democratic party. not only did it not work for republicans in that election of atomic suozzi, the democrat actually ran on being tough on immigration. and one, so is that a model of potential success for president biden here? >> i, think it, is time. so as his point, there was not to cede this issue to republicans, new york. obviously, he's going to be a very important state, not necessarily. and who becomes the next president, but certainly and whether or not democrats take back the house they are at least four seats there that that really matter to democrats and you have others in california as well. and that issue has come up in california when you senate race. so yes, i do think it's an important model for how democrats could talk about this issue. again, there are a lot of democrats that aren't going to be happy. but if you focus on winning elections, this may be the past to take so shermichael from your sayyed in let's predict the political
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response. are republicans going to stand up and applaud these measures and say these are exactly the kind of tough measures were been calling for a great job. president biden biden, can we expect that >> i don't think they're going to applaud the president john but i think some of these steps are long overdue. i mean, there are several things the president could have done immediately regardless of what occurs in congress because of the political climate. and he could have immediately declared a national emergency to expedite removal of migrants. he can in catch and release policies good re-institute donald trump's remain in mexico policy. and the president hasn't done any of those things die as a conservative. i'm glad he's finally considering some of these policies but from a political perspective, john, i think for most americans, they look at this and it does worry many of them. i think it ultimately leads to a significant level of disintegration culturally and structurally in part because native americans see resources being redirected from them to non-americans. and i would argue my concern here is that that does cause a significant
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level of concern, anger, and perhaps even resentment towards migrants. and considering the level of tribalism and division in the country with native americans, it's certainly something that i don't think the political class to, deal with as well. so the president needs to take immediate action on this, particularly when you're talking about native american. let's just be clear. are you talking about what you're talking about native americans, you're not talking about tribalism i'm not tribal. >> i mean, i mean americans are individuals born in the country or individuals who are legally americans. and by that i mean struggling hard working people. john, for example, i watched a clip a few days ago of some folks in chicago african-american people, by the way who we're extremely outrage by the fact that the city was opening housing for immigrants. and many of the individuals that were similar, wait a minute here we have been requesting additional housing. we have requested resources. were many of the struggles that hard working people are going to. now all of a sudden the resources now exist for other individuals that leads to
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resentment and anger. and that's a problem. >> that's what you're trying to get in there. >> well, yeah, i'd know i would just say i think that exchange is very important because if we think about beit of americans in this country, we are all immigrants because the native americans, those that are really native to this country, have been been a subject of nir genocide. and it's i think that's important to note because we are all immigrants in this country. and what i think the biden administration is trying to do. and as a child of immigrants, i would hope that he does is stay away from so many of those images that we've seen over the past few years, those haitian migrants being chased by men on horses with whips the, the so-called muslim ban. if you remember that in the chaos at our airports for that period of time, it's trying to move away from those draconian measures. that have that have really haunted so many of us. and i'm going to i'm going to make a concession here. i think whether you're a democrat or republican, this issue could be
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fixed. this is largely a result of decades of not really tackling it head-on and here we are today. so yeah, i do think that this is an issue that's come to a head that republicans certainly will use as a wedge. but there are ways that it can be dealt with that is more welcoming to those individuals that are seeking a better, a better life here, but not to the exclusion of people who have been here and are trying also to do the same thing, to do well for their families a free the unity. >> house us nichols from michael saying discussion this morning. thank you both so much. we'll get back. promise you this issue of one thing is proven certain. this issue is now doing about it thank you. >> okay. >> hasn't been fixed isn't fixed. not going anywhere as for sure, an informant indicted for making things up and now house republicans are scrambling to pick up the pieces of their impeachment inquiry and to president biden, what they're saying on the hill today, an alabama is largest
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hospital is now putting a stop to ivf treatments at least for now in the wake of the state supreme green court ruling, more fallout to come and to the moon hours from now, the first us moon landing and more than 50 years vegas story of sin city, sunday at ten on cnn well, the 19 i'm not waiting. if it's covid paxlovid. >> paxlovid is an oral treatment for adults with mild to moderate covid-19 at a high risk factor for it becoming hey, severe, it does not prevent covid-19. >> my symptoms are mild now but i'm not risking it if it's covid paxlovid. >> paxlovid must be taken within the first five days if symptoms and help stop the virus from multiplying in your body, taking paxlovid with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how it or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control, is critical to tell your dr. about all the medicines you take. because certain tests are changes in their dosage may be needed to
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>> and what less out-of-pocket? and more peace of mind. >> consider adding this. >> and >> aarp medicare supplement plan take charge of your health care just use this or this to call unitedhealthcare about an aarp medicare supplement plans >> i'm dr. sanjay gupta >> and this is cnn >> clean up on aisle biden impeachment house republicans are trying to salvage their impeachment inquiry right now into the president after the fbi informant touted as a key witness in a key source so of information was indicted for lying to the fbi and lying to the fbi about his claims that biden was involved in a bribery scheme. >> so the >> house oversight chairman james comer, who has been leading part of the impeachment inquiry. he is now trying to downplay the importance of this informant he wasn't an
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important part of this investigation because i didn't even know who he was all i knew was there was a 1023 that alleged bribery. my investigations about all the money, the biden tip taken from china, from romania, from nuff, can stay or not, you're paying for nadeau thing this guy. absolutely nothing to do with it. we got a tip, we investigate, we couldn't figure out who it was seen as lauren fox has more from the hill for us, lauren is what commerce saying, true? >> well, a lot of republicans like comer, are trying to downplay how foundational this 1023 was two moving forward with their impeachment inquiry. but here's just a snapshot of what republicans have been saying over the course of the last several months about the importance of this 1023 this is from the fbi's most trusted, most credible one of their highest paid informants in the
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whole bureau. the evidence here is pretty overwhelming that joe biden did something for the ceo of burisma, even a trusted fbi informant has alleged a bribe to the biden family. >> the most corroborating evidence we have is that 1023 form from this highly credible, confidential human source according to us attorney scott brady so the question now is, where does this leave the republicans impeachment inquiry, their probe, their investigation that has been going on >> for months yesterday, james bond i'm the president's brother, sat for a closed door interview with the house judiciary and house oversight committees. and after he spoke to investigators, demo crowds emerge from that meeting. jamie raskin saying it was time to fold up the tent, go home, that this impeachment inquiry was over at this point. now, republicans have not said whether or not what they're going to move forward with
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impeaching joe biden on the floor of the house of representatives. but it's really important to point out that there were a number of republicans who voted to open the each man inquiry, but said at the time they wanted to see more evidence before they would be comfortable moving forward with a vote to impeach joe biden in the house. it's really unclear right now what that evidence is given the fact that after that eight-hour closed door meeting with james biden yesterday and the hunter biden testimony expected good behind closed doors next week, there just isn't that direct connection between the president and his son and family's business dealings abroad, kate? >> yeah. sure. isn't. it's good to see you, lauren, really appreciate it. >> john. >> alabama's largest hospital hits. pause on ivf treatments, hard to imagine how disruptive in alarming that must be people trying to become parents. how a court ruling calling frozen embryos children is having immediate impacts and has become an issue she on the
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working on >> upgrade your office at branch anderson cooper 360 tonight at eight on cnn >> this morning, couples struggling with infertility are facing a new reality in alabama and people around the country are watching the state's largest hospital has paused its in vitro fertilization treatment just days after the state supreme court court ruled the frozen embryos are children and protected under state law. the university of alabama, they're permian helped this system is the first in the state to pause ivf procedures in a statement, the system said, quote, we must evaluate the potential that our patients and our physicians could be prosecuted criminally or face punitive damages for following the standard care for ivf
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treatments. hundreds of thousands of americans rely on ivf and other fertility treatments every year, a pew survey last year found that 42% of adults have used fertility treatments or know someone that has it's so many people older than 35, especially the alabama decision promises to inflame political passions that we've seen since the supreme court overturned roe versus wade. and we're already seeing new impacts on the campaign trail. cnn's kylie atwood covering nikki haley, who is trying to navigate this kylie, what's happening? >> yeah. so yesterday, nikki haley was asked if she agrees with this alabama supreme court ruling in a conversation with nbc, and she responded by saying that she believes that embryos are babies giving an indication that she does agree with the ruling. but what she didn't do in that conversation was talking about the other part of the ruling that says that those who destroy those embryos can be held liable criminally. and so yesterday in a conversation last night with
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cnn, she's sought to clarify her position on this. listen to what she said >> i didn't say that i agreed with the alabama ruling. what the question that i was asked is, do i believe an embryo is a baby? i do think that if you look in the definition and embryo is considered an unborn baby. and so yes, i believe from my stance at that is so nikki haley is threading the needle very carefully on this one. john likes, she has done with the issue of china bearing of abortion in the past. she has called for a national consensus on abortion. she hasn't said that she would back any national ban on abortion based on a set number of weeks. the other thing that she's doing in these conversation is talking about her own personal story. the fact that she was able to conceive one of her
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children using ivf, but she's avoiding up at least until this point really talking about the chilling effect that this could have on families who would look to use ivf in an hour concerned about doing that? told cnn last night that the goal is always to do what parents want with embryos. so we'll have to see what more she has to say on this in the coming days. of course, leading up to the south carolina her line of primary here. >> don look, you can see republicans struggling with this. they want to come off as anti-abortion, but at the same time to jeopardize this treatment that is so essential for so many would be parents across the country. you can see the difficulties that nikki haley is having there and why i think a lot of republicans are struggling with it this issue, kylie atwood. thank you so much >> now and the direction that this could be heading is that 42% john was really startling. a pew survey last year alone, 42% of the adults have used fertility treatments and ivf, ivf is a large part of fertility treatments like that. it's really remarkable.
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>> so >> alabama is high court ruling. it does mean an uncertain future many people in alabama, it's very quickly having a real impact after three miscarriages and over two years, $20,000 invested into ivf treatments. one alabama woman just learned that her journey to try to grow her family may now becoming to an end, listen >> i've been waiting over two years to be pregnant. >> so >> i there's no world where i could see me stopping this process right now. all we want is to just have the american dream have a family and i never thought that this would be something that would be concede as immoral >> let's talk about the real impact, the uncertain future that this ruling has created, joining us right now is robin marty. she's the executive director of the west la obama women's center. she's a women's health app. i get, robin. thank you so much for jumping on. what do you see? let's talk about the state's largest hospital the university of alabama at birmingham health system. the fact that they are
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pausing ivf treatments at least for now, what is the real impact of this health system doing so >> well, it's an impact not just for ivf, but it is a warning for all people to understand that when this decision came down, it wasn't saying embryos are frozen embryos are being treated as potential children and so it is a legal risks to do anything that might harm them. what they're saying is that frozen embryos like all other fertilized eggs and beyond, are being treated this way. so while we're looking at this through a lens of what this means for ivf. the reality is, this is opening in all doctors who deal with any sort of pregnancies to have to reevaluate how they do this because any role mill could move, could open them up for a potential for bernal or civil lawsuits. we've know that this was coming. we've been waiting for this action and now it's starting to play out it also,
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in the immediate and long-term, you also wonder you heard from one woman in alabama whose her journey is over two years trying to grow her >> family and through ivf. >> and what >> would it what does it mean for families in alabama if ivf surfaces was just sticking specifically there, even though i know you're talking about the and beyond here, but if it is is brought to a halt in a major way long term because of this >> there is the immediate impact, which is that those who are undergoing fertility treatments may not be able to continue to build their family as they will. and one thing i want to point out is the reason one of the reasons why this attack is happening is because although often were interviewing families that are man and woman, mother and father the idf is used extensively for lgbtq people to be able to build their families as well. and that's something that's a threat in alabama
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long term, we need to start asking questions such as if the frozen israel is considered a person and that any action that causes harm to them could be seen as a criminal or legal assaults. what happens to all of those embryos that are currently in storage now are they all going to be at a point where they cannot be donated to science obviously, we're hearing that they cannot be destroyed. will they have to all be implanted? and what happens? families say they don't want to implant all of their embryos. this has opened up a whole new legal saga that we can only begin to imagine the end results up. >> for some context for folks, i mean, this uncertainty that we're kind of talking about here is something that you and your colleagues at your clinic really had to wrestle with in the aftermath of the dobbs decision in 2022 when the state's near total ban on abortions, went into effect. what does this hospital? but i'll system what do these doctors and patients, what do
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they now need to consider given your experience at recent experience and what you all had to wrestle with one of the things that they need to think about is that this isn't just a standpoint of, is this going to be >> a problem for performing the sort of procedure? but it's going to have long-term impacts on them financially. doctors are now going to be even more worried about at the potential for criminal action, which is something that they could lose their license and their livelihood over. university system will have to look at what their insurance is going to look like. our dr. malpractice insurance going to go through the roof, which is likely because now they're open to a whole new batch of lawsuits this is financially going to put in fertility treatment out of reach for most people in alabama, frankly even if it does become something that they can somehow modify to make something safer under the guise of the new rules from the supreme court yeah, there's a
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lot of questions that remain with this ruling. so wild and uncertain. robin, thanks for coming on, prince, your time. >> john >> do this morning you a sale or accused of espionage, what he was allegedly trying to share with foreign parties in moments from now, a texas trial begins asking the question, can a school repeatedly punish a student over their hair? how this has become a symbol rights issue >> i'm jeremy diamond didn't tel aviv and this is cnn. >> do pixel so it helps you do more with less asthma and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks to kitson, an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate to severe asthma that's not for sudden brief i think probably do picks him to can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening, shortness of breath, tingling, or numbness in you're lins, tell your dr. about new we were worsening joint aches and pains or parasitic infection. don't change your
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>> with cancer, neural behavioral effects, fertility issues, or more, you may call hello, five for financial compensation, a new law passed by congress now allows veterans and survivors to seek damages for harm from exposure to contaminated water at camp june coal settle rock legal group to discuss your case now called bunny hundred 8149977 for muscle cramps and spasms. what's your mood? the hercules make the move to pharaoh works for fast muscle relief, safe, gentle, and absorbs quickly for relief their works, works, try thorough works and yet back at it. >> backroom deals, cia sequence affairs, bribery and corruption, cross to shun there's so much more to the store. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn this morning cnn is learning new details about a decorated us sailor now accused of espionage and facing court martial. the us navy says chief
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petty officer bryce pedicini took classified documents and transfer them to a government, at least six different times. cnn's oren liebermann is at the pentagon. oren, i forgive me if i butchered his name, but tell us what happened here >> so here we're looking at bryce, but a cheney and according to maybe prosecutors, he is now charged with 14 counts of espionage and the transfer of classified information, as well as other charges prosecutors say from november 2022 and over the course of the next several month, but a cheney took classified information and gave it to a foreign government, both when he was in norfolk, virginia and then later when he was stationed in japan on board the uss higgins. but a cheney has a long and successful career in the navy, enlisted back in 2008, he served on three different destroyers. he got three good conduct metals at a national defense service medal he was most recently promoted in august of 2022. the chief fire control in a critical role on board a us navy warship but several months later, navy prosecutors say he
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began taking classified information and transferring it to a foreign government, at least six different times from november 22, 2022 and over the course of the next several months, it was in may of the following year, 2023, the navy prosecutors say he took pictures of classified information on a sippar screen, a classified system screen and was ready once again to transfer to a foreign government. although the charging document doesn't say specifically what foreign government, that part leaves on name. it was at this point, then pedicini was taken into custody and he has been held since may 2023 in pretrial confinement awaiting the court martial here as that process moves forward john, i will just point out that much of this played out as the jack teixeira, massachusetts air national guardsman was alleged to have been leaking classified information online. in fact, the sheriff was arrested in april 2023, just one month before pedicini here's the military still looking at how
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to secure its classified information, which can be difficult if someone is determined to leak that information, >> john, indeed, and it does bag questions about which foreign government pedicini was trying to transfer this information to. >> or great reporting. thank you very much. >> okay some did a high school student did at high school discriminate against a student by repeatedly punishing him over his hair. this has now gone to trial. you're looking in live outside the courthouse in texas. that is a student were talking about right there, darryl george frey going to take you there next to show you exactly what this is all about. >> and panda diplomacy. it is back friends to new pandas from china are destined for san diego sunday. >> could there be an even wider conflict in the middle fareed zakaria goes inside the store between the us and a rank. and the history of the divide wire ran hates america sunday at
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>> i consumer cellular, you get the same exact coverage as the largest carriers for up to half the price. >> that's amazing and great customer service based here in america >> that's amazing and no hidden fees, no contracts the free activation >> hello barbara. >> sorry, i was muted. >> that's amazin this election is about who shares your values. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate.
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...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. sent? laila her money you're worthy of more get started at >> rahel solomon in new york is cnn very soon this morning at trial in texas is gonna be getting underway. and this is all about whether a school district there can keep punishing a black high school students over his hair. darryl george is his name. he wears his hair in locs and he's been repeatedly disciplined over a period of months for refusing to cut his hair and compliance with the district's dress code. a dress code, his family says is discriminatory. now, just
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moments ago, george spoke outside the courthouse about what his locks mean to him. >> it means a lot to me. it's my roots, you know, is how ai is how i feel closer to my people have feel closer to that, to the answer my ancestor you know i started my dress for a reason. and as that's just the feel close to my people that cnn's rosa flores is following this for us from texas, she joins us now rosa, what's this all about? >> let me start with this because the technical legal question here, kate, that's going to be discussed and argued inside the building that you see behind me is the following is the length of hair protected under the texas law that bans hair discrimination. but as you heard just there from darryl george it is about so much more than that for him, his family and its supporters. so let me get you up to speed about this because today's
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trial is a culmination of a month's long legal battle between barbers hill independent school district and darryl george over his hair over the length of his head this 18 year-old boy has been suspended for months over the length of his hair. now i want to take you through this because what the policy actually says is important. it allows locks hairstyles, but it restricts the length. and here's what the length what it says about length, quote, boy's hair will not extend below the eyebrows, below the earlobes or below the top of a t-shirt collar. now, last september, the school district filed the lawsuit, asking a judge to make a determination if the schools policy was abiding by the crown act. that's the law that i was talking about. it's a state law that was passed last year that bans hair discrimination. now georgia's family and george, you just heard from him just moments ago. he was talking about this is about his roots, this is about his ends to ancestry. other supporters
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have said this is racial discrimination. but here is what the school superintendent has said, and now he took it out of step further, taking a full add in the houston chronicle last month that said, among other things, and i'm going to quote here, the problem with relaxing standards without any regard to academic implication is the precedent. it creates our military academics academies, excuse me. i'd west point, annapolis, and colorado springs maintain a rigueur as expectation of dress, they realize being an american requires conformity with the positive if benefit of unity and being a part of something bigger than yourself, it's that phrase being an american requires conformity that is triggered a lot of people in this country, in fact, there was a protest yesterday. we have video of this very close to the superintendent's home where some of darryl supporters or outside they set up so law also
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lawn and they were braiding hair and these were individuals who are supporting darrell, not just here from texas, but from other states as well. take a listen >> here today with for darryl george this young man should not be punished for his hair. his hair is protected by state law >> and kate, that's the question that is going to be at the center of this trial and it's going to start here soon, kate. so i'm going to let you go because that needs to go coincide. >> all right, we're gonna get an update and see what happens is court gets underway. rosa. thank you so much >> john, reporter on the run right there today in florida, tiger woods, son charlie will try to qualify for his first pga tour stars the 15 year-old must advance from today's pre-qualify or event and then from another one on monday, the cognizant classic happens next week. tiger woods 182 pga tour for titles and entered this
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professional event as a 16-year-old amateur back in 1992. this morning, panda diplomacy is back. thank god. china will send two giant pandas to the san diego zoo. there is no timeline for their arrival, but the zoo hopes the pair could arrive by the end of the summer. the various have lost i'm going to symbol of diplomacy in friendship between beijing and washington. this will be the first handle loan by china to the us in two decades. >> so the first american can moon landing in 52 years, kind of. so not since apollo 17 in 1972 has a us spacecraft made a lunar touchdown, but an hour's the private spacecraft odysseus, could change that. nasa will live stream landing, which is expected to happen just after 05:30 p.m. eastern time now, we're just talking about the sea of tranquility in the sea of something else in the landing and japan doing that. i'm confused. we're going to get back we'll fact-check
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it, but i don't i'm not questioning john. i just want that stated for the record, coming up for us did you wake up to an sos on your cell phone this morning? thousands of people did a major service outage up ending at&t's network across the country. the latest on the cause and the fix i am not guilty. >> i am resigning administration officials destroyed my cover we're great power meets questionable decision-making have been on faceless from iowa backroom deals, cia, >> see affairs, bribery corruption, prostitution, to someone who lives for politics when a major scandal unfolds, i have to >> there's >> so much more to the story in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper sunday, a nine on cnn hi, we've both got a big birthday coming up, so we have a lot of brushes about medicare plans.
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cancer, neural behavioral effects, fertility issues, or more, you may qualify for financial compensation. a new law passed by congress now allows veterans and survivors to seek damages for harm from exposure to contaminated water at camp lejeune, coal settle rock legal group to discuss your case, now called bunny hundred 8149977 rsv >> can seriously impact breathing even for the best performance. protect yourself with pfizer's or burisma a vaccine to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and it's not for everyone and may not protect all who receiving don't get a brisbel if you've had an allergic reaction to its ingredients, a weakened immune system may decrease your response. most common side effects or tiredness, headache, injection site pain, and muscle as your pharmacist or dr. about a reso today? >> for your most brilliant smile crest as he covered nice


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