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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 22, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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>> gonna be watching with bated breath and hurricane spacecraft is hours away from trying to land on the moon. something the us hasn't done in more than 50 years, why it's just as hard to pull off now as it was back in the '60s and '70s class, we use our phones well all the time, every day, every hour, but for hundreds of thousands of people that was not possible earlier today, while we know about today's outage and what it says about how fragile some of these systems actually are. >> and a deep fake sex tape created by ai is spreading online, targeting the podcast or bobby all top. >> what it says about the explosion of >> computer generated synthetic media with fears it could play a dangerous role in the the upcoming presidential election. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central welcome to new central. we're glad to
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have you this afternoon. i'm boris sanchez as alongside jessica dean in washington, dc, and soon we could see an american feat that's truly out of this world. the first landing on the moon by a us company yeah a private company. >> if it succeeds, it'll >> be the first time the us is achieved. the lunar landing. and more than 50 years, the odysseus slander lifted off about a week ago. you're seeing the footage there. >> okay. update for you now it is a little bit a lot an hour behind schedule expected to touch the moon surface. at 06:24 eastern. the moment will not only be historic, but also a confirmation of the mega brainpower that made it all happen some people have likened it to hitting a golf ball in new york and having it go into a particular hole in one and la, >> that kind of precision at long distances also really hard to do yeah, i'd say so. cnn space and defense correspondent kristin fisher has been tracking odysseus's every step.
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>> this is, this >> is hard and it fails more often than it does it. >> yeah. let's be very clear here, guys failure is an option >> more than half of all lunar landing >> attempts have failed well, including three over just the last year. so it is very, very difficult to do even though the feet was first accomplished. >> more than >> 50 years ago. now, the reason it's still so hard is first and foremost, it's just technically tough, right? you're trying to land something, a core of 1 million miles away from earth that distance means there's a time delay of about three seconds for signals to go from the earth to the moon and back. so when the spacecraft actually lands, it's basically on its own. and then the terrain, it's really tough. there's craters, there's folders there there's dead volcanoes. it's tough to land a robotic spacecraft on that surface. and then there's just the frustratingly terrestrial reasons for why it's tough to land on the moon, you >> need money, you need
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>> manpower, and then you need political will. and those were things that the us had. nasa had in spades bat during the apollo era. it doesn't have that now. and these are commercial companies trying to do it for 100,000, excuse me, 100 million, which is the cost of a hollywood space blockbuster like gravity more hundred million dollars. wow, that and then you look at the political will part back then, it was the space wasted space race with russia. now, it's a space race with china. but i spoke with the ceo of the company behind this lunar lander intuitive machines, a man by the name of steve, ultimately and he says i think that this competition with china is a really great thing actually. and here's why we've actually heard the words that we've been to the moon, been there, done that well, there's so much more to do on the moon and learn on the moon about living and working in space if
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it takes geopolitical tension to drive that to fruition, you >> that's okay. >> so all competition isn't bad. this one is really motivating a lot of people to put their heart and soul into moving out into space and do space exploration >> and this competition really comes to a head with this mission because both intuitive machines and what china is trying to do is land in the exact same spot on the south pole of the moon? >> yeah, space getting a lot more crowded. kristen, this is sort of like in the parlance of baseball. this is a base hits, this is getting the first base because the big picture thing is to not only put humans back on the moon, but then eventually get to mars. >> so how does >> this first step fit into that broader artemis campaign? >> it's a good question. so this is essentially a scouting mission for the artemis astronauts. the first crewed missions returning american astronauts back to the moon. >> this is part of the >> clips initiative, nasa's
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clips initiative. they're essentially outsourcing all robotic missions to the moon, letting the commercial companies focus on that so that they can focus on the human landings, on building a base on the moon and then as you say, someday going on to mars. wow, just step one. >> all right, we're all gonna be watching now 624 easter, it's changed twice today. the time. >> now, it's saying we're gonna be watching it closely. >> thanks, chris. >> oh, we're going to explore this historic mission with former nasa astronaut mike mass amino. he also wrote the book moonshot and naseh astronaut's guide to achieving the impossible mike, we just heard from kristen about all of this i'm curious what your opinion is what comes to this mission being conducted by a private company. nasa is a sponsor. it's involved, but the private sector is really driving this yeah, you're right. thanks very much for having me. i think that that's a good
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thing. a very strong thing nasa has given out 14 of these contracts, hoping that about half of them will be successful in a way to, to save money, but also to encourage a commercial development. and in these private companies to explore not only for government reasons and exploration, but also for commercial reasons. and it's worked pretty well. that's when we tried to space shuttle gotten into the commercial crew program, sending astronauts to the international space station with private vehicles operated by private companies and now we're doing the same thing with exploring the moon. so it is a great way. i think to not only use the brain power and the resources of nasa of a great agency, but also of the entrepreneurial spirit and the businesses that we have that are interested in trying to explore for commercial reasons michael, what needs to happen for odysseus to be a success? because we heard all the challenges. >> it would be >> quite a feat for this to
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succeed. walk us through the things that need to go right? >> well, they've come a long way, right? the launch they launched successfully, they got to the moon, they got into a lunar orbit. and now they're in a position where they want to do deorbit burn and get close close to the moon surface as kristen said earlier, it's, this is the tough part of the moon to land on. when we sent the apollo astronauts 50 years ago and we were sending spacecraft to the moon. they landed around the equator, so much easier place to get to it, so much easier to place to land, less rocks, less, less obstacles. but the south pole where it, where this spacecraft is going, is near a source of water which is why we're very interested in, because you need water to sustain life for long-term exploration of the moon. but it's more difficult place to get to, and it's more difficult place to land when neil armstrong on apollo 11 landed on the moon, he had to move the landing site manually. he saw he was coming down in a
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boulder field, was able to take over magnolia fly to spacecraft to where it could land, land successfully. you don't have a person on board on this one. so in some ways it makes it harder because you don't have that intervention, human intervention to make those last second adjustments. so it's going to be an automatic landing. the spacecraft is going to be on its own. and that's not going to be easy, especially those last, those last few seconds of making sure it it can land a soft landing, which means not crashing into the moon, but landing softly and successfully. >> it is going to be an incredible thing to watch. and just the amount of thought and work and science and math that has gone into this it's mind-blowing. you talked about where exactly it's trying to land, which is that south pole of the moon. you said there's ice, water that sort of thing. >> we also know that other nations like russia, like china, they want to land there as well. there is a bit of cohesiveness internationally right now in spaces it seems,
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but is this the beginning of a new space race in a sense >> well, i mai, i hope we're able to cooperate with other countries. i think that what we've shown on international space station with our partners in europe and in canada and japan and also with the russians that we were able to build an international space station, it very peacefully. i hope the same goes with lunar exploration, but it was interesting to hear steve ultimacy in the segment you had right before i came on with christine, i've always said a little bit of competition isn't bad. so i think at least from an international perspective the us trying to stay on top in the space program, in the space race, i think is a good thing, but i think it's not just, it's not just the government's, it's all show these commercial entities. and i think that's the thing we should focus on. it's a partnership now, not just between countries, but also at private enterprise and i think that's a good thing. >> yeah, it is going to be
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fascinating this phone booth going 4,000 miles an hour, thousands of miles away. we'll hope it does have a soft landing. mike mess amino. appreciate the perspective thanks for having me. >> of course >> so new this hour, we're learning that the fbi and homeland security are investigating the massive outage of at&t cell service this morning much of the network we should point out has since been restored, right? >> national security spokesperson john kirby, saying a short time ago that they are working to figure out what happened joining us now, chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst john miller. john several federal agencies are now involved with this investigation. do we know anything more from last time we talked to you about what might have caused this? >> well, at this point, you've got the fcc, the federal communications commission which is one of the regulators of the cellular industry, looking to see what happened. you've got the department of homeland security's csa, their critical infrastructure people and of course, you've got the fbi possible causes environmental
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that could be whether weather seems to affect 5g more than it did. lower grades of phones, but the weather between washington and texas where we saw the earliest outages seems to be clear technical. were they doing an upgrade overnight and installed something that caused a change? in reaction? still unknown. and of course the potential of a cyber attack >> john, obviously as soon as we read that there was an outage, one of the first potential causes that came to mind in speculation was a cyber attack. and part of that is because there had been warnings from federal officials in the united states that these kinds of systems are vulnerable >> well, i mean not just warning, warnings which they generally give, but really specific warnings. i mean, if you go back just a couple of weeks ago, the department of homeland security, the fbi in the nsa issued a joint bulletin
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which talks about a chinese cyber espionage program. it's called volt typhoon. and the bulletin reads volt typhoon has compromised the it environments of multiple critical infrastructure organizations, primarily in communications energy, transportation system so what you're seeing is the government telling us that critical infrastructure and things like the cellular phone carriers are the target of these infiltration plans. now, the chinese one, which is called volt typhoon, is one that they wanted to warn people about because it hides within the operating system and looks like the normal operations of your system. but the russians for years ran something called cozy bear, which was part of the solar winds infiltration where they basically took the system that people use to update their computers and
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installed well things and install patches and all that overnight and infiltrated that. so it's one of the go-to theories when there's no explanation. now, let's be clear. the least likelihood here is probably a cyber attack. it's going to end up being more likely something technical. but right now, it's such a massive failure. and there's zero explanation for what caused it. so if they don't know what caused it on the technical side and they're not sharing that information from at&t then you can't rule out cyber yet. so we've got to wait meanwhile, most, most of us, we've got our service back. i know i do >> for me to thank goodness that my great. all right. john miller. thanks so much. >> nikki haley still crisscrossing her own >> state of south carolina and an effort to gain some momentum for this weekend it's primary and beyond plus a key us diplomat arrives in israel as the biden administration races to secure a pause in the fighting in gaza and the release of more hostages
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>> and just in pictures of the meeting that president biden had just a short time ago with alexey navalny's widow and daughter the white house says that the president i'm expressed his condolences to the family, as well as his admiration for navalny's quote, extraordinary courage, and his legacy of fighting against corruption >> remember have one died inexplicably last week while imprisoned in a russian penal colony. his widow is accused vladimir putin of being behind his death. stay with news central. we're back in just minutes. >> cnn news central. >> he's brought to you >> by far, sega visit us at for sega for more if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with parts sega because their places you'd rather be for cyclic can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar. a rare
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to one year plus a free safety upgrades. >> go >> to jacuzzi bathroom or call 80099 02807 that's 809902807 >> call now is the i get discounts for my safe driving was an outside from progressive. i even got a discount for signing up great. >> we go now while i'm holding my phone nursery we can hit the road as soon as i see some spelled wire ran numeric sunday at eight on cnn >> south carolina's republican primary. now, less than two days away. and at this hour, nikki haley is making her final pitch to voters voters, there. she's been crisscrossing her home state in the run-up to saturday's election. and once again, reiterating her commitment to stay in the race, saying she's not going anywhere. she's also urging people to head to the polls on this final day of early voting with discuss is republican south carolina state representative nathan ballon.
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time. he support ports nikki haley. great to have you here with us. thank you so much for making time. i just want to talk first about this latest polling which shows the former governor nikki haley running some 35 points behind the former president. how does she make that up between now and saturday? >> well, jessica, it's releasing she doesn't the same way she did in new hampshire you know, she was getting clobbered in the early polls out there. and as it got closer to time, but on election night, the voters turned out here in south carolina in the suburbs and are independent voters. they're going to turn out and it's going to be very interesting to see how close that gap becomes. >> and she's been pointed in her criticism of trump, especially lately so far that appears to only really appeal to a small slice of the republican base. these primary voters, we have some, a fellow south carolinian senator tim scott, who of course had his own run for the presidency. david, he's endorsed, got out and endorse the former president trump. he had this to say earlier today, we'll listen to that
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>> the one person assumes in a way of having a conversation between joe biden and donald trump? >> is nikki haley. and so getting out of the way is incredibly important, not for the party before america's future. >> so how does haley combat that narrative and push back against it that she's preventing the party from shifting its focus to the general flexion >> yeah. well, first of all, attempts doing what he's got to do. he's kiss the ring, he's hoping to be the vp. i get it. i understand that. that's good old boy politics. i would say this the one person that standing in the way between donald trump and nikki haley is donald trump. he will not debate nikki haley. he's already wanted to go into beit, somebody that he had a better chance at when that would be the haiti year-old president biden. here's the deal. the more that people in the more than the country gets to know nikki haley, the more they start to like her and get to know about are republicans want to go back to what we had. we are tired of the democrat biden era. i get that. >> all they know is trunk half of america, if not more, does not know nikki haley yet. and we've only had three states
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voting in four, and then we'll continue on michigan and super tuesday. and the more she does, what you see here as she gets out and gets her message, her positive message about america not her self-serving message, and her talking about how the courts are and this that the other she said the best in one of her town halls recently, you can lead and you can be stern with without basically being a jerk is what she said that she said it a nicer words than i kind of piggybacking on what you're saying there, that the more she gets out and for this theory that the more she gets out in front of people, the better she'll do. she's vowed to continue on no matter what happens on saturday to michigan, which is the next state, then to the super tuesday states. >> how will her >> team if she if she does lose on saturday, how will her team continued to make the case to donors because you got to have the money to make this go, that this is a worthy investment. what's the message going to be on sunday morning? do you think >> well, i think certainly it's going to be like america needs a choice. this is not a
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soviet style election where somebody gets 99% of the vote. this is not this is not europe where we have a coronation are kings and so forth. look at fundraising alone. i believe we're january numbers were 1,618 million, something like that. she outraised former president trump in january. and again, we're just getting started. we will have plenty of times as republican to take on joe biden. but what we need to do is take him home with the strongest candidate. it's my hope that when republican voters and independent voters go to the polls they will sit back and truly thank who is our best chance to lead our country in november. and when i like to wake up or i like to go to bed, no one who are president is. i do not want to have to wake up and have another four more years of chaos. if we did not have nikki haley, is that president and trump's team keeps saying that they're going to have enough delegates to have this sewn up by march 19, which is a little less than a month away. >> do you >> think she just keeps going even if he does? cross that threshold, is it a longer game you think at this point? >> yeah, absolutely. there is
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so much time left in this. everybody is trying to hurry this up. you know, you look at the nfl playoffs, not i get sidetracked on sports, but you know, one of those teams was down 17 at halftime. did anybody go in there and say, hey, it's over, don't show up. no, they showed up. they finished the ended up winning. this is a marathon, not a sprint. i'm sorry to use all these cliches, but it is exactly what it is. american wants a choice, 70% of the country do not want a biden trump rematch in it as my i hope and prayer that we do not have a biden-trump rematch again. >> all right. we will look to saturday to see how that goes and then what comes next, nathan valentine, thanks so much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you, jessica a woman who spent five weeks working in gaza for doctors without borders is going to join us next. she'll share her firsthand account of the worst thing humanitarian crisis as an israeli offensive in rafah looms candidate, john edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife,
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worthy of more get started at >> lead with jake tapper cnn today it for right now, a top white house adviser is meeting with the families of american hostages still being held captive in gaza. this is part of a critical trip to the middle east where brett mcgurk is meeting with israel's prime minister and military leaders over cease fire talks with hamas. white house officials say that negotiations right now are going well. >> but the clock is ticking. >> us officials are racing to >> secure a deal before the
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start of ramadan on march 10, israel has warned that if an agreement isn't reached which by that date the military will move forward with its planned ground offensive in rafah. more than 1.5 million palestinians are desperately taking shelter. there with precious little food or water to survive. aid groups say the humanitarian crisis there could become a catastrophe. joining us now is karen hustler. she spent time in rafah helping doctors without borders as a project medical reference for gaza. thank you so much for being with us. you were obviously they're in gaza as a healthcare provider. i'm wondering what you witnessed in the hospital where you work that most stood out to you? >> yeah. thank you for having me. i mean, rafah has become a 1.5 million people place cook that's completely jammed.
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it's there is absolutely no space for people to move. people have been packing with shelters, plastic, tense hospitals are few and far between the only hospital in rafah right now that is from the ministry of health is an azure hospital. and it's at 300% of its normal oh, capacity people are just struggling to be able to get any kind of care in rafah right now because as you said, everybody in gaza has been told to move south and so it's a plea base that's that's completely overcrowded and unfortunately, the sanitation, the infrastructure that was there is not at all
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for able to sustain over 1 million people living there. so the conditions from sending it's air standpoint from health standpoint from an everything standpoint is catastrophic already, even before any invasion might happen. >> so based on the situation that you described, what would you say was the level of care that patients were able to get at the hospital? >> you know, you do what you can do and i will say that the reason the health system hasn't completely collapsed today, it's because of the er, palestinian colleagues writ-large who despite conditions that are absolutely not conducive to any kind of care, remain and provide
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whatever care or they can so people are receiving care wounds war-wounded are obviously the priority. and receiving care, but unfortunately the supplies, are not able to reach the pain medications are few and far between so the care that the people are receiving is is what you and i would consider completely unacceptable women today who go and deliver have to go back home after an hour or four hours of having delivered a child and they will go back to attend >> you will see >> more than likely surgeries that are probably bigger consequence than normal. so for example, we may be able to see
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more amputations, then necessary because people are unable to receive care on time. and so when they come their wounds are very infected and you are left with no option. but to do surgery three, so to an amputation so it's the kind of stuff that you see in rafah today >> unfortunately, i go ahead. >> you mentioned that supplies were very difficult to come by. we've reported extensively on the complications of getting aid to where it's needed most, i also wonder stand that. when you did receive some of the aid, much of it was useless. it didn't fit the context of what was most needed that's right. >> and i think i don't think it continues today. while i was there, i was surprised one day we were on our way to the hospital and i saw children
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dressed in ppe. i don't know if you remember, but the white suits that people had for covid and the white suits that we have when we care of patients with ebola and i was just really surprised why, why is this? why are they wearing this? and so as it turns out, trucks with ppe were able to let go through. but we're still waiting for anesthesia medicine, pain medicine medicine for people who have diabetes, hypertension, or cancer. we're still waiting to this differ this, but, but, but you know that ppe has been able to make it. so it's ironic, but it's actually, i think it's very cynical karen holster, we have to leave the conversation there. we appreciate you giving us a window into what's happening on the ground. and rafah >> thank you for having me of course, stay with cnn news central. we're back in just moments we are watching closely
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as president biden on his tour of california is making a previously unannounced stop. it appears the president is going to make some remarks after meeting with a family of alexey navalny, the russian dissident that was discovered dead in a penal colony only a few days ago. >> let's listen to on or maybe with collection of valneva wife and daughter he state, the obvious he was a man, incredible courage. and it's amazing how his wife and daughter me, they didn't were going to be announcing the sanctions against who is responsible for his death tomorrow and one thing i made them was made 30 minute is that yolanda has gone on. she's going to continue to fight on the way we're not letting up.
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thank you. >> she's are not enough for russia >> you were listening to president biden there in san francisco, who has just met with the wife and daughter of alexey navalny. interesting to hear his words very clearly chosen. sanctions against russia, putin, who is clearly responsible for navalny's death, tying putin directly to navalny's death for us. yeah, the president there also talking about the courage. he described, the incredible courage of alexey navalny's wife and daughter. he said that this is a fight that they are not letting up and making it clear that the united states is with them in seeking justice for navalny. again, those sanctions are expected to come
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from the white house tomorrow. cnn news central returns in just a few minutes, stay with us to be a headliner. >> was vegas that's what i want to do. >> it's unlike anywhere else in the world. >> vegas, the story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn. >> everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile, new sense that in clinical white writes two sheets, whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitive you production. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients >> are you embarrassed by your bathroom well, it's time to stop hiding your bathroom. jacuzzi bathroom model can install a beautiful new bath or shower that you can be proud of one day and they'll do it at a price. you can afford in fact, there's never been a better time to call. we're giving you
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images of taylor swift also spread on x. and they sparked outrage from fans and politicians alike joining us now to discuss is tech journalist and ceo of mostly human media. laurie segall. laurie, great to see you. walk us through the process of how these images and videos are actually made. who makes them? how were they made? is this an easy thing to do? >> yeah, it's a good question and i think the short answer is it's absolutely an easy thing to do and now it's easier than ever because of advances in artificial intelligence. so we're back, i would say like 345 years ago, you probably have to be pretty tech savvy to do this now, there are apps that enable you to digitally on dress somebody and to create deepfakes with an a couple of clicks. and so that's a huge problem. and i don't think honestly, we were talking about it enough. and when we look at deep fakes, there's a stat that says something like 96% of deepfakes are sexually explicit and 99% of those are targeted being women
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>> and that takes me to my next question, which is, we've seen this with celebrities, lobby all tough. taylor swift, which is totally unacceptable. but it could also happen to just ordinary people. i'm thinking kids even as well, what if somebody got mad at somebody? it's school that sort of thing? >> yeah i mean, i actually think i think the biggest mistake we can make right now is to look at this and think that this is reserved for celebrities. i mean, this is already happening and high schools, neroz, like there have been well-documented cases of this. and so i think one of the things we have to think about is with this type of technology, we're creating a whole new generation of victims, but also creating a whole new generation of abusers. and what's happened is this used to happen on these kind of behind the scenes forums. but because we don't have the correct moderation, content moderation, they're beginning to go viral in places like x, which is why you saw what happened with taylor swift with these images is terrible that they were made. it's almost even more terrible that they could go viral at the
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extent that they could about the tech companies picking up on them, specifically x, the same thing happened with bobby altough to that point, ax says it has clear rules against these ai fakes, but when it was posted online and just nine hours, it was reportedly seen more than 4 million times what kind of responsibility or even legal liability could these platforms have for spreading this kind of media? >> i mean, the irony here forces that years ago, twitter such x is one of the first to actually create content policies against this type of thing. but then what happened just to kinda go back and look at the history of it. elon musk has come in he's a tech leader who has been incredibly vocal about his disdain for content moderation. also, in the process of him coming in, they laid off thousands of employees, including dissolving their trust and safety council that specifically had folks on there that looked at this type of this type of behavior. so the tech companies, i would say need to do a much better job. and there actually is a pretty clear solution from a tech
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standpoint of like technology to fight technology, we have technology to detect spam like they've just got to do a much better job of having ai fight. ai to some degree from a legal standpoint, i mean, we've got to have more laws that protect folks against this type of this type of abuse. and the laws haven't caught up. i mean, we have a handful of state laws that go that against non consensual is sexually explicit, deep fakes. there is no federal law, although there's one on the table at this moment. so i think it's really that plus education to jessica. great point earlier, this isn't just happening with celebrities. this is also happening in high schools near, near you yeah and it is abuse. she called it exactly right. laura segal. thanks so much for joining us. we appreciate it >> coming up reps for former radio and talk show host wendy williams reveal a devastating diagnosis. we'll have details after this >> back room deals, cia secrets, a fair bribery,
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corruption, prostitution there's so much more to the store. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday night on cnn high. >> we've both got a big birthday coming up, so we have a lot of questions about medicare plans. >> we've got a lot of answers. how can i help? >> well, for starters do you include hearing benefits? >> how about a plan with dental vision and hearing benefits >> sure. luck. the sound of that been how does a $0 monthly plan premium sound >> if you're you're new to medicare, how 188865 edna will walk you through all your coverage and benefit options to help find the right plan for you. >> upon his first day of retirement, marquez rogers made a contract with themselves? i will never again work for nothing there, man or woman. >> oh, todd especially common. >> i lay down my badge, abandoned my corporate phone plan, and i'll get a new plan with consumers cellular without
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the hearing life 30-day risk-free challenge >> vegas story of sin city. sunday at ten on cnn just in to cnn now, distressing video out of >> valencia fain, where you see there a large apartment building engulfed in flames. at this point, not a single floor appears to have been spared. we know at least 13 people are injured bird that number could grow as multiple videos show people out on their balconies trying to escape the flames. we of course, keep you updated again, that's in valencia, spain boris >> there's some shocking health news to report about legendary former talk show host wendy williams. her representatives revealed today that she's been diagnosed with progressive aphasia and dementia. aphasia is the same disorder suffered
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by actor bruce willis william's diagnosis comes just days before a controversial documentary about her life and career is set to air this weekend on lifetime. here's a preview doesn't look like we have that preview, but we do have cnn health reporter jacqueline howard with more insight on this condition jacqueline, wendy has publicly shared some of her other health challenges, graves disease being one of them. what are these new diagnoses mean for her >> yeah, boris well, we know that aphasia, it's a condition that impacts your speech. it can impact the way you rights and it can also even impact the way that you understand other people's speech and writing. so someone like wendy, i mean, she was a legendary talk show host. this can impact the way that she communicates and sometimes aphasia can be a symptom of something else. it can be the symptom of a stroke
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or a brain tumor. and sometimes we see it associated with some types of neurodegenerative brain diseases, which takes us to wendy's other diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia. now frontotemporal dementia, according to mayo clinic, it can be a blanket term to refer to brain disease and changes in the brain that we see in the frontal lobe and temporal lobe. those changes can be, we can see shrinking in the area or the buildup of substances in the area. and we know that according to one expert who i spoke with said that these two things can sometimes be related. he said patients with wendy's condition sometimes can first developed progressive aphasia and then later develop other cognitive impairments with time frontotemporal and patients can turn into what we see as dementia later in age. now it's interesting when you think of wendy she's in her '50s. i believe she's age 59.
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so you might think, well, how did she come to this diagnosis? frontotemporal all often begins between the ages of 40.65. so that's what we know about aphasia and frontotemporal dementia. when it comes to wendy williams health, boris and jacqueline, are there any specific risk factors for this kind of dementia? >> we know that family history of dementia can be a risk factor, but other than that, there are no other known risk factors. there's also no cure, but some of the impacts on your speech. you can address that with speech therapy for instance, >> and you know the physical therapy as well. and wendy's team, they said that they were sharing her diagnosis. she was diagnosed last year, but they're sharing the diagnosis today because quote, they want correct. they want to correct, inaccurate and hurtful rumors about her health. so this really helps our understanding of what she's going through, but also it raises awareness around aphasia and frontotemporal dementia as
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well. bores? >> yeah, absolutely. >> wendy, as you said, is a legend. she actually had some very flattering things to say about me on her show a few years ago. so i just want to take a moment to say that we're saddened to hear this diagnosis, but i hope that she's in good spirits and we obviously wish her the very best. absolutely. >> jacqueline howard. thank you so much. stay with cnn. >> we'll be right back >> saturday. the south carolina republican presidential primary, haley trump, head-to-head as trump surge shows, no signs of slowing we will make america great again, can haley do what it takes to stay in the race? >> this is the time to make your choice >> joint ceo and the best political team of the business probe live results in analysis that south carolina republican presidential primary special coverage begins saturday. at six eastern on cnn and streaming unpack >> what would you like to pay for your hotel room tonight? 180 569 or $155.
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bolden's family have been struggling to find a pair that fit him saying that companies don't make his size and that he need a custom pair that would cost a whopping 1,500 bucks that's when i'm his mom started a gofundme campaign to raise the money. and when shack got word of it, he sent the teenager 20 pairs of shoes, new clothes, and several items from his own closet. here's dorel talking about his appreciation thank you for taking the time and money that you have earned to >> give it to me? when i needed it. >> so i would like to thank you for all the things that will come from it. >> and we have and check out the comparison on the left is size 22 from shack on the right, a woman's sneaker. how about that? >> the lead with jake tapper? >> starts right now


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