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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 23, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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>> popped him attacks, relief united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday, a nine on cnn >> south carolina, you are almost on the clock election eve for the republican primary. there nikki and donald trump are pitching voters in these final hours. >> the us imposing the largest single day round of sanctions on russia since russia invaded ukraine two years ago to the day tomorrow, we're waiting for president biden. he is supposed to speak this hour after this big move to punish vladimir putin. >> three alabama clicks have now pause ivf treatments after the state supreme court ruled frozen embryos are children, there are new ramifications by the hour. i'm john berman with
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sara sidner and kate baldwin. this is the final 10:00 a.m. addition of cnn news central >> dab at the center of the political universe right now, tomorrow is the state's republican presidential primary. early voting has already been underway today. both nikki haley and donald trump are delivering closing messages to voters, several stops planned in the palmetto state, though haley has done much more campaigning if you want to call it traditional campaigning in her home state than donald trump. yet donald trump remains far ahead in the polls among voters, they're like 30 plus points ahead if you're keeping track at home friends, here's the delegate count, which is how you secure the nomination in the end in that primary, donald trump has 63 delegates. haley has 17, but 1,215. that's the magic number needed in the end. 50 delegates
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at stake in south carolina enough with the math, let's get to the trail. cnn's kristen holmes and kylie atwood are in south carolina. kristen, you're in rock hill, that is where donald trump is going to be stopping. what are you hearing from him and his team ahead of tomorrow? >> we'll get first of all, i'm very impressed by your math skills that was very, that was very impressive. so we'll talk about that south carolina and talk about donald trump. his team really believes that this primary is his to lose and there's a reason for that, even though haley far outpaced him on the campaign trail here, even though she's far outspent him, even though this is nikki haley's home home state where she was the governor, he those polls show him leading by roughly 30 points. they look like he's going to steamroll her now, we have heard from donald trump himself really dismissing the fact that she has stayed in the race, but senior advisers tell us that that's not the case behind closed doors that he's been frustrated and annoyed that he can't move on to the general election the nominee. here's what he said last night
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>> well, i guess she's got an ego or something. i'm not a big fan of hers. she's doing very bad things for the republican party. i don't care at this point if she says that she's getting very few votes and kate, just to reiterate, he does care if she stays in which we have heard from number of people who have talked to him about it directly, >> but i do want to note that even though the primary is not over, as you said, there are still so many delegates at stake. the polling across the country really shows donald trump leading in every state particularly on super tuesday it starting to feel more and more like a pry a general election. that's what we're seeing when it comes to democrats and republicans, democrats seizing this opportunity to hit republicans and particularly donald trump over abortion. after that alabama ruling that said that frozen embryos where people as republicans have really struggled to come up with their messaging on abortion it's great to see you, kristin, great to see you in south carolina >> kylie, let me bring you in on this. if this looks more like a general election, kiley,
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the general election matchup, the nikki haley wants to focus on is the fact that polls show that she would be joe biden by more than donald trump would be joe biden. she's you got a long way to go before she'd ever see that though. what are you hearing from her team yeah, it will >> certainly be an uphill climb if she's able to do that at all, what we've heard from nikki haley over the course of the last few weeks here in south carolina are a number of things. first of all, that she believes that the american people can do better then an 80 year-old president going after president biden and former president trump in the same message as we've heard her do over the course of her entire campaign and also going after trump on a number of fronts, saying that he is complaining about those legal woes about him. he's making it personal. he's not carrying about the american people full that he is using campaign donations to actually pay his legal bills, which she said is not normal and she's reminding south carolinian voters of what she
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did here in the state when she was governor to try and bring people together when there challenges at the state facing the tone at the top matters. and here's what she said. yes. today on the trail about why her campaign is still allies, say it's about something greater than herself and reminding voters to get out tomorrow with their friends tell your friends, tell your family email, everybody, text them all of that this is the time south carolina can really step up and show the direction that we want our country to go in. i believe in you. i've always trusted you. then they are talking about my political future care about a political future. if i did, i would've been out by now >> now after the new hampshire primary where nikki haley lost to foreign president trump by 11 point. she said the goal here in south carolina was to close that gap. that's certainly seems like a lofty
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gold now that we have seen polls over the last few weeks that show her 30 to 35 points behind former president trump, but she has been defiant this week, giving a speech earlier in the week, essentially saying that no matter what happens here in south carolina, her campaign will be alive on sunday. we'll just have to watch and see what happens. >> okay >> that's the beauty of it. we don't know until the voters have their say. it's great to see you both. kiley, kristen, thanks, guys. sir. all right. to continue this conversation, republican strategists and chairman of the charleston county republican party, andrew shay. thank you so much for joining us. i want to cut to the chase. we've just heard the numbers and we've heard from haley is there a path for nikki haley to win in her home state of south carolina as you see it right now >> well, anything can happen and i'm long pass the days of trying to make political predictions but i will say that at every turn throughout her entire political career, nikki haley has been underestimated. that being said, donald trump
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clearly has a strong lead. he's got a strong base of support it's deep and it's wide and it's going to be tough to overcome tomorrow. >> look in the republican party made it pretty clear, although they stood down on this, that they were expecting trump and wanted trump to be the nominee. why do you think that nikki haley is staying in the race? you heard her say there it's not about her political career. so what is it about? >> well, i think she has a message to xi, wants to get across and i think she believes she has a path to the nomination. >> and what we're >> doing right now here in south carolina is part of the process. we've seen tremendous energy. we've seen folks coming out of the work asking how they can get involved in how they can be a part of this process and i think it respects the voters that both of the candidates have been crisscrossing the state, getting their message out there, making their final appeal, and we'll see what happens tomorrow. >> all right. >> i do want to ask you about some of the comments we've been >> hearing from former president trump. he has continued to rail against mail-in voting. as the chairman of a republican party in a
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state that does allow for mail-in voting, although it is pretty specific, i think 65 and older can do mail-in voting along with some other exceptions. what are your thoughts on that? are you worried that it hurts the republican party for him to keep coming out and saying that there is fraud with mail-in voting when there has been no proof of that well, i think you've got a very state-by-state south carolina has limited mail-in >> voted voting and it's limited primarily, as you mentioned, to senior citizens and folks who were overseas and have to sign an affidavit. we have two weeks of early voting, which just wound up yesterday. and we've seen tremendous interest in people being able to schedule their vote, being able to make sure that they're out there. they voted yesterday because they're going to be out of town tomorrow. i think it's a convenience and it is a way for republicans to win. so we've got to make sure that we
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take advantage of every single avenue, whether it's mail-in voting, early voting, or election day voting. >> can you give me some sense of what charleston county looked like for the early voting. do you have any sense of whether there has been a big turnout? >> there has been a pretty impressive turnout here in charleston we only have three early voting sites for this election. so it is kind of a logistical challenge, but we've seen more than you expected over the past two weeks. and it's a testament to the fact that no people are getting used to the process of early voting, but it's also about the energy regina people are experiencing here in south carolina they want to be a part of this process. they want to make their voices heard. and if they're going to be out of town tomorrow or have family commitments tomorrow, it gives them an opportunity to vote and make their voice heard. >> i did forgot to ask you this one was talking about mail-in voting. have you heard from anyone? it is concerned about mail-in voting in your state because when you talk about 65 or older mean, that is the population that does tend to
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vote more than any other yeah. >> know there are concerns. i've seen some of the concerns firsthand. i've never gone through an election cycle where people didn't have situations where they were trying to find the ballot that they had sent in or they got a duplicate valid. we see this every single time. it is not a perfect system. believed me with early voting, at least you're going into a site and you're voting on a regular voting machine. but when you got to trust the us mail, you've got to trust the signature verification process. short early voting by mail adds a layer of potential problems to the mix, so we don't discourage your voting by mail. we'd like to focus on early voting in-person and voting on election day. >> canterbury shay. thank you so much for coming. i appreciate john, >> president biden set to speak shortly after slapping flag and amir putin in hundreds of
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russian entities with the biggest single day round of sanctions and years. hopeful parents and alabama in limbo. yet another ivf clinic has paused treatments after the state supreme court declared frozen embryos are children and a devastating diagnosis for former talk show host wendy williams. now her legal guardian is suing the network about to broadcast a documentary on her life and health struggles anderson cooper, 360 tonight at eight on cnn lowering bad cholesterol can be hard even with a statin diets and exercise add to the struggle the effort can feel overwhelming but today it's possible to go from struggle to cholesterol success with lectio
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the first time we'll hear from him since a major new push to punish vladimir putin, the white house, just last hour impose more than 506 patients on russia, the largest single day round since the start of the war in ukraine. and they came in direct response to the death of putin critic alexei navalny. and on the eve of the two-year mark of russia's brutal invasion to ukraine, the kremlin this morning, so far has yet to respond and biden is calling them responsible for navalny's death facing a sweeping new blow to the money fueling his war machine. that's how biden puts it. let's get reaction now in ukraine from cnn's nick paton walsh urine zaporizhzhia, ukraine, nic, can you give us some sense of the significance if there are any to what's happening there in ukraine on the ground >> yeah. look, i mean, these sanctions of being part of a toolkit and the biden administration has continued trying to kind of burrow into over the duration of this war,
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whilst it's sometimes making sure that don't disrupt the us but at the same time to try to find extra ways of taking this hurt for russia. now, ukraine's been very clear that, for example, tonight some of the shahid drone attacks on the missile attacks, it's been facing over past years have been facilitated from technology sometimes purchased from us computer companies, shipped in very securities ways around the world. and then essentially finding their way into components that the company part of the russian war machine, potentially some of these sanctions may target parts of that, but it's still been getting through. russia is also quite flush with cash at the moment, frankly, partly because of heavier taxation on its own people, but also it's making up some of the sales of crude oil that it isn't making to the west by selling it entirely legally and above board to india yeah, in huge amounts as well. and there are some suggestions from shipping monitors. and in fact, some of those sales to india have to use a a dark fleet, the shadow fleet to potentially get round some of the price cap sanctions a complex mechanism the us its
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allies put in place to be sure that the russia can't use g7 or western allied nations to so oil for anything more than $60 a barrel of crude. all of this has been stacking up over the past two years of the war. but fundamentally, it hasn't left russia not in a better position than it is indeed now. and we're seeing definite signs of russia having the equipment, the personnel, the cash it needs to keep its war machine moving and forwards. what the opposite frankly, is beginning to be true of ukraine. they are certainly suffering for that $60 billion worth of usa being held up by dysfunctionality the republican led congress. and so today, ukraine dealing with the awful news of three dead overnight from falling drone debris in odessa. and president volodymyr zelenskyy telling fox news, a key audience, he's reaching out to their tied to that republican party, slowing down aid that they might go for another counter offensive. but it is a bleak time here as that's third year of the war edges towards a sara. >> yeah, the sanctions ukraine
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said they're fine, but what they really need our arms, ammunition. thank you so much. nick paton walsh for all your reporting there. stay safe. >> all right. with us now, is bill browder the ceo of hermitage capital management and head of the global magnitsky justice campaign, founded in honor oh sergei magnitsky, who was serving as mr. browder's lawyer when he died in russian detention. bill, thanks so much for being with us. this new round of sanctions, the largest since the russian invasion of ukraine announced just shortly ago, how much of a difference do you think they will make? >> well >> the problem is that we have sanctioned and sanctioned and sanctioned russia. so whatever we're doing right now is incremental. it's not going to be decisive. yes, good. >> i'm sure that as we pick it apart >> i'll look at these things and say, is there some very strong sanctions? i'm sure that people who are on the other side of these sanctions are going to have their lives ruined. but there's one huge problem in this whole story which is that. >> and we're >> not addressing it, which is
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that russia earns somewhere around $500 million a day from the sale of oil outside of the country and they're spending that money on weapons. and they're killing ukrainians. and we have not done anything to cut off that supply of oil. and as long as they continue to sell oil, they'll continue to make money. they'll continue to buy weapons and the continued to kill ukrainians and so it's great to do sanctions and i and i'm probably the most one of the biggest enthusiast of sanctions packages, but we've left this one thing out, and that's the elephant in the room. >> is vladimir putin winning well, >> vladimir putin is not winning in the sense that i mean his economy is a rack. he's lost hundreds of thousands. i think the latest estimate is 400,000 soldiers it's a total mess over there but he doesn't care. so he doesn't care about deaths. so this soldiers, he doesn't care about the economic damage that he's done to his country. and
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he's not living in a world where the press is attacking him or the voters wanted vote them out. he can do whatever he wants. he can, he can create so many harsh conditions. the and nobody can do anything and as a result of that, he can carry on. well worth were all grumbling and as you mentioned before, there's a big package of military aid that's being held up by certain people scuffling and the far right of the republican party. and so he has time is on his side, is not on the side of any of us who live in democracies. >> alexey navalny died in prison a lot of people pointing the finger at russia and vladimir putin for that who do you think might be next? >> well. my biggest fear is close friend of mine. his name is vladimir kara-murza he's what i would described as probably the second most well-known and important political prisoner in russia he was sentenced to 25 years in
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prison he spent, he's already been there for two years they tried to killing him with poison twice before, like they did with navalny, is sent him to a siberian prison, a prison like navalny, they put him in solitary confinement like navalny. any speaking out from prison like navalny and i fear for his life and i'm hoping that now that navalny is no longer with us, the west will wake up and take seriously that this is terrible stuff happens to these political prisoners. and we'll do something to try to get him out and get some of the other other important ones out because we're going to need these people to be leading a free russia at that moment when the putin regime finally fractures and we need people who believe in democracy and free speech and good relations with the west, which is look flat. amir and his compatriots believe in, and that's why they're sitting in prison. >> we're looking at pictures right now. if your friend vladimir kara-murza is someone that cnn has spoken to extensively over the years, and he is now in a russian prison and there is great reason to be concerned about his well-being. there was a russian island who
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defected to ukraine and ended up in spain. after over the last two years, who turned up dead in the last week. so there are people who think that russia's reach goes far beyond the borders of russia itself. do you fear for your own life? >> well, i very much do. this. the murder of alexey navalny, i think it's sort of opened the floodgates. if putin cares so little about what the west thinks about him. and he's ready to kill alexey navalny is ready to send out his assassination squads all over the world and kill all the people who are calling him out, who are his enemies? certainly high on that list as are other friends and compatriots here and you know, putin is truly a menace and i should point out is not just us who are at risk. >> i mean, if putin >> i don't think he'd hesitate to kill a western politician if that were to serve as purposes. i think that he's true we like a mafia boss ready to do anything to anybody anywhere. and certainly in his
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own country. >> well, bill browder, we appreciate you talking with us. it goes to that staying please stay safe. we'll talk to you again soon. >> okay. >> opening the floodgates for vladimir putin is a scary warning. an important one coming from him, john, that's for sure. coming up for us. fertility clinics are shutting down ivf services. fertility doctors are left with a nightmare scenario on their hands and hopeful families are terrified the impact of the alabama supreme court ruling is still setting in the personal stories of what is happening there. >> that's next >> this is the big dam >> that dough life, diabetes. there's no slowing down each day is a unique blend of people to see. and thanks to do, that's why you choose glissando to help manage blood
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your case now called bunny hundred 8149977 wire ran hates america sunday at eight on cnn >> a third fertility clinic has now shut off ivf services because of the alabama supreme court ruling in that state, the ceo of infirmary health says that the decision quote left us with no choice but to pause ivf treatments for patients. so many patients are now being left in the dark and in limbo. here's one i've gone through three miscarriages and it honestly felt like a very similar feeling it's doesn't feel very supported here. and now they're just going to make it less accessible, more expensive they're taking away people's chances, women's chance to have children the impact of this supreme court decision in alabama is still being felt, joining us right now. right now is to people
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will be two people who are experiencing this in real time. first with us is rebecca matthews, who has been an ivf patient living in alabama. her two children were born through ivf and joining us shortly we will be dr. maybe mcclain, who is rebecca is reproductive dr. who's helped her through this process record. thank you so much for joining me. we were talking a little bit in the break. this is his personal truly as it gets because at its core, what this is about is the patients and about how this impacts so many families. what went through your mind when you first heard this news and what does this feel like for you? >> yeah i was shocked on i could not believe that this is where we are. >> i >> after the dust settled of what had happened in the rolling, i started to really worry about what our options were with our remaining frozen embryo going forward and what
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we choose to do with that embryo. how that could affect our lives and our family >> rebecca ivf has helped do and your husband have two children? >> what is >> what does this mean for your journey? what does this mean for you and your family >> idf is so personal and fertility is so hard. it is truly nothing anyone would wish upon themselves or anyone they love. so you have to be really strong to do it mentally and emotionally. and even physically because your body is going to go through it. so to now be told that there are even fewer options available is heartbreaking. and i can't imagine the families right now who were going through an active ivf cycle that is being canceled? my heartbreaks for them dr. mclean is joining us
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now and dr. your clinic is one >> of one of facilities who has been forced to hold some ivf treatments because of this ruling. and you wrote an op-ed yesterday and i want to read i normally wouldn't do that this. i just dive into a question, but i want to read what you wrote off the top because it gets to exactly what rebecca is talking about, who's one of your who's been one of your patients. you wrote this. i just want my baby. she sobbed having trouble taking a breath. i know i know. i said there was nothing else to say. my heart was heavy and i felt powerless since i was now unable to to complete the course of treatment that she her husband and i agreed two months ago since the loss of their third pregnancy. and that i assume is just one of so many so many families that you've had to talk to, what position does this put you in? what are you hearing from patients? >> so the position that it puts me in, there's an impossible
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position as a reproductive endocrinologist. >> i need to be able >> to offer the state of the art modern medicine for our patients and alabama. this ruling makes it impossible for me to offer idf this means that my patients won't be able to access the best fertility care. and the state which leads to fewer babies and fewer grandbabies and alabama >> and dr. rebecca shared with me in the commercial break that over two children, her little one, her one-year-old, is named mcclain, named after you? you that just to me that just hits it. everything. how personal this is and the connection that you have with your patients. i mean, talk to me about that and what this journey with rebecca has been. and now what this means for so many patients like rebecca for you, dr. so it really is an honor to be able to practice and my specialty, our relationships are deep. they're intense and they're
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long-lasting. >> there >> truly is no greater gift than helping a couple have a child. we love meeting the grandparents and sharing the news with them. this this really is just a far reaching thank field. we are worried are patients that are brave, their resilient, and their fighters and the women of alabama and the couple's and alabama are not going to stand for this ruling. so we are working as hard as we can to continue to be able to offer advanced fertility care to the couple's it's of alabama >> rebecca another photographer fertility clinic in a state says that it is now planning to send frozen embryos out of state to an off storage facility. >> i heard that, you scratch your head like, what does this mean for a family who's in the middle of it? i mean, what would that have meant? for you and your family if that was what was presented to you >> yeah >> i've even been asked that
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question of what we will do with our remaining embryo. will we move it across state lines? i think ultimately so much goes into these cycles, so much goes into the process of idf and emotionally we already feel like we're being held back and we're having to wait when it comes to in fertility, we feel like it's one step forward, two steps back at all times. to have this huge, huge on in the road for these families has to feel debilitating in a way that such a good point, i mean, the journey, so many of my friends have had setbacks is unfortunately part of so many families process when it comes to in fertility and ivf and when you think about that, that it's already such a hard and long enough road, dr. that you are trying to help your patients go through it shouldn't be an issue do for
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politics. but the mere fact that ivf has become one in this moment, i don't know what does it say to you? how do you react to that, dr. in my clinic. this is not a political issue. this as a human issue, this is about having the american right to decide whether to have children, when to have children, and to be able to make the choices with your dr. about how it is best for you to have a child we know that their patients considering moving embryos across state lines that's not in their best interest in alabama, we need to be able to offer the most advanced fertility care to our patients into the citizens of the state. >> we've actually just heard word that the two largest shipping company are no longer offering to ship with an alabama. so unfortunately, this new development this morning limits patients options even further and as completely unacceptable based on this ruling >> it's the ruling comes we hear, you hear the news
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headline, and here's the thing with this one. it's like it's like a cascading effect of fallout because we're seeing that now with clinics having to stop services with families having to let this set in. now you have shipping companies all along the chain that you need in order to bring that really make this miracle happen. it's it is tough, but thank you both for coming on, dr. thank you for what you do, rebecca, it's wonderful to meet you. it's really beautiful name and your little one after the dr. that you see right there on the screen with you? that's something special. thank you both >> thanks. sara >> kate, that was incredibly impactful and necessary. what a great, great interview with those two coming up. we're waiting on the supreme court big decision on donald trump's election cases. what the justices might be considering that could be causing the holdup in a decision. and any moment we expected like to hear from president biden for the first time since slamming russia and vladimir putin with major new sanctions, all that
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could come up. i expect we could hear about the alabama supreme court ruling on ivf, particularly from vice president kamala harris, who has been leaning into campaign issues. and president biden for the first time could address these new sanctions, this huge round of new saying we shouldn't just announced this morning on russia. so we will monitor these speeches from the east room, stay with us on that. in the meantime, when will we hear from the supreme court on two cases that could determine the course of the criminal prosecutions against donald trump. the supreme court is set to meet today this time for a private conference to discuss karim cases. but will we hear where they take up the appeal on the issue of presidential immunity, or will they issue the ruling on whether trump can trump can be kept off the ballot in colorado because of the 14th amendment ban on insurrectionists. let's get right to cnn's joan biskupic, >> joan, what does it tell us? that we haven't heard from the court yet particularly on presidential immunity. does this indicate there are no rush
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>> good to see you, john, the supreme court is on its own schedule heard important cases this week that had already been scheduled. it's in the middle of writing that i'll erato ballot case regarding a whether donald trump can be kicked off. state ballots. that's underway behind the scenes. so they are thinking of other things other than special counsel jack smith, the immunity issue, and donald trump but that said they do have a private meeting that's underway right now in small conference room off the chambers of the chief justice, john roberts, in which they're handling some of the business from this week, including an important environmental protection case that they heard yes. on wednesday. but among the business that they are likely going to consider this morning is what to do with donald trump's appeal of a lower court opinion that said that he should not be shielded from criminal prosecution in
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the election subversion case, that special counsel jack smith has brought on behalf of the department of justice just to remind everyone that's the one with its testing whether donald trump will go to trial on charges related to his 2020 election aftermath behavior before the 2024 election is held so we could as early as this afternoon see an order from the justices that would set perhaps this is one option, perhaps a schedule for filings in oral arguments on the merits of that question or that could be pushed into next week or john one other possibility is that the justices outright deny donald trump's appeal of the lower court ruling and just let stand. what is actually a very comprehensive opinion from the dc circuit saying whatever protection donald trump had while he was in office from prosecution evaporated once he became a former president, if
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they do let it stand, joan, just very quickly, how would we hear about it? >> okay. that would come in a much longer order that i don't think that they are ready to issue yet. if that's what's happening because john is likely that a couple of the nine justices the dissent from that denial. and if that's happening, which i think is there's a small possibility that's happening i frankly, one person who thinks that justices wanted themselves have the last word on this, but let's say, you know, under your scenario, they're going to deny trump's appeal any kind of extra writing from any justice who doesn't think that's the best course that would be being drafted right now and likely not ready to be issued immediately. again, we don't know exactly what's happening, but i think again, just this the speculation at this point, the more likely possibility is that they will hear this case and we're going to get some sort of timetable of how expedited that hearing would be. would it be something that would lead to a decision that we would come early in the
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spring or frankly, just by june or even at the end of the year when the elections already can come and gone jeff is cubic. >> you speak from vast experience with this court. and as you say, it's possible as soon as this afternoon we could get some direction here. thank you so much for being with us. we know you're watching this closely. >> kate so as a legal guardian for wendy williams has now filed a lawsuit against lifetimes parent company just as her life altering diagnosis is revealed, verite back hey >> you with the small business >> you've got all kinds of bright ideas that your customers need to know about constant contact makes it easy with everything from managing your social posts and events to email and sms marketing. constant contact delivers all the tools you need to help your business grow. get started today at constant
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elizabeth wagmeister has the story >> a daytime tv icon with unfiltered commentary and off the cuff, celebrity gossip, wendy williams talk show redefine daytime television and ran for 13 seasons. with an audience who had a front row seat to her extreme candor. and at times, personal demons. >> and, you know, i've had a struggle with >> cocaine in 2019. she >> tearfully revealed that >> she was living in a sober house two years prior. she fainted, live on air williams while dr. you mentioned health concerns, often resulted in hiatus after hiatus in her absence, the series ultimately ended in early 2022. years after, however, have been somewhat mysterious for her fans and even family at the peak of her career. >> she was gone. >> a new docuseries on life if time explores the williams saga and its executive produced by williams herself, she pitched
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it as a behind the scenes look at her life with hopes of launching a podcast but producer soon realized they were capturing something very different from a combat. >> you are bigger than this. you are better than this. her niece, alex finney, participates in the documentary. producer say they finished shooting wendy's portion last year. >> are we ready? >> where is your aunt today? >> well, you know, she is a way hey, at some sort of facility and she is healing elizabeth part of what has been so complicated and challenging about this for myself and i'll, i'll speak for my family in this instance, and that is we don't have an exact location in terms of where she is we have no way to actually call her personally a care team for williams says the former host has been diagnosed with aphasia and dementia, which can impact communication, personality in the ability to understand language. kearney's also says, the former host has been suffering from alcohol abuse.
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>> you do drink this whole thing today shortly after her talk show was canceled, a new york court appointed a legal guardian to oversee her finances and health. the case has been sealed along with the identity of the guardian. can you explain the process on this guardian ship and how involved the family is, if at all, to put it really simply, the family has been shut out. my aunt was placed under this guardian ship in april of 2022. she went into court. it was closed. so we don't know the details on when she came out. she was under this court appointed guardian. and here we are now in february of 2024, and that information is still really limited cnn has been unable to speak directly to williams about the project or verify her family's account of their conversations. but we reached out to the care team and they declined comment. as for finney, she says she speaks to williams over the phone and she's hopeful for her aunt's progress but still has
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concerns, some stuff that people are going to see in this documentary. it's just not adding up. i think a lot of people are going to have questions in terms of where is the guardian, where is the oversight? >> obviously, the family has concerns about this guardian ship and just this morning, i have a source who tells me that wendy's legal guardian has filed a suit against lifetimes parent company, and now there's suit is under seal, so we do not know the contents of it, but obviously it comes it was right ahead of this documentary. so a very sad situation all around. but wendy's, these does tell me at even though they have concerns about the guardian ship, they are happy that now she seems to be getting the proper care that she so desperately needs there are so many questions, but it is really hard to see wendy williams like that, even though she has been a polarizing figure, she has been a big figure in entertainment. elizabeth wagmeister. thank you so much for your reporting, john. thanks so much. sara so this entire show is moving to a whole new time starting on
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monday. that seems like a big deal. also, las vegas, the cnn original series vegas, the story of sin city takes us on an incredible journey. from its origins as a dusty desert town to the entertainment mecca. it is today. here's a preview >> here at change show boys show girls to >> here. headliner was vegas that's what i wanna do. >> they had the biggest entertainers in america. >> wow, elvis was an alien life thing. he was charming and so on. >> rat pack was at the top of their game in las vegas >> the winds went to see liberace while the gambler's went to gamble from home, didn't get better than these guys. >> here. entertainment. >> the city has had a lot of booms >> people were building fantasies that's run around and togas las vegas really becomes the place where people in
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