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tv   CNN This Morning Weekend  CNN  February 24, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. go to send info physicians mutual physicians, mitchell will be a headliner las vegas that's what i want to do. >> it's unlike anywhere else in the world vegas. the story of sin city tomorrow at ten on cnn >> good saturday morning to you. this is cnn this morning it is saturday, february 24. i'm victor blackwell and i'm amara walker. it's topic the hour. thank you so much for joining us. here's what we're watching for you. polls are opening right now in south carolina. nikki haley needs a win in her home state, but the odds are not in her favor. >> donald trump's looking for his fourth win. any dealing with the fallout from his latest controversial comments,
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a bombshell decision in alabama this week put reproductive rights in the spotlight from both parties we're going to speak with a family facing the consequences of that ivf decision. >> and new stat show the staggering cost of the opioid crisis in america could vending machines helps save lives >> the first ballots are being cast in south carolina's republican presidential primary, the state's former governor, nikki haley, is fighting against all odds for a win in her home state, but she says, no matter the outcome, she will stay in the race and that's where the former president, he's looking for a disc decisive victory tonight, south carolina's primaries are open, so people do not have to be registered republicans to participate. yesterday, he attacked haley, accused her of relying on democrats to keep her campaign alive. >> nikki haley is relying on democrats and liberals, you know, democrats are financing the biggest supporters he's g
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scott right now, or the biden supporters that biden bundlers, the biden cheaters, they're the ones that are doing it for decades cnn's alayna treene is with us now from south carolina. so the former president and the former ambassador governor of south carolina, they made their final pitches to voters last night, take us into those campaigns they did. >> and good morning. we are here at genie more elementary school and mount pleasant where polls just opened at 07:00 a.m. across the state and look, victor and amara, this is a really big day for the two remaining republican primary candidates, and it's really the state where the former president's team believes that he will deliver the final blow to nikki haley's campaign, even despite her insistence that she plans to stay in the race through super tuesday, regardless of her performance here today, but luck despite donald trump's confidence about his chances here in south
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carolina behind the scenes. i know from my conversations with his campaign that he's increasingly frustrated with nikki haley's refusal to drop out of the race. they really see her standing in the way of them being able to pivot to a general election fight with joe biden as early as possible. and they also want the infrastructure of the entire republican party to unite behind him and help boost him in that effort. and we saw some of that public frustration really spill out in their conversations or in their remarks this week during closing arguments, both the attacks between nikki haley and donald trump grew increasingly nasty. take a listen to what they said this week. >> she's going to have a very bad day tomorrow because she's not a nice person. nikki is actually gone very far left. she's very rude. >> do you notice that? >> trump is siding with a dictator who kills his political opponents, donald trump calls anybody that doesn't support him vermin
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that's not normal during it >> now, victor and amara, a big question for today and something i'll be watching for is whether nikki haley can close the gap between her and donald trump. trump is currently leading her in most recent polls by roughly 30 points. and so she has lot of ground to makeup. and as you mentioned at the top there, victor, this is an open primary here in south carolina that does mean that democrats and republicans like can cast their ballots today. and it's something that i know from nikki haley's campaign. they are really hoping that some of the more democratic and more moderate voters will potentially help a booster campaign and help or have a better performance here here in south carolina, alayna treene for us there. thanks so much. and as voters go to the polls in south carolina this afternoon, donald trump will headline the last day of the conservative political action conference in maryland. it's known as cpac. >> the former president is >> expected to focus on contrasting his record with
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that of joe biden. this is a preview, of course the likely general election matchup. >> now this week, the trump-centric cpac launched the unofficial kickoff to the gop vice presidential stakes. what the top contenders slotted in as speakers hoping to impress trump. here's cnn's jessica dean with more from national harbor donald trump's still hasn't clinch the republican nomination, but the jockeying to be his running mate is already underway >> we gotta have leadership i'm gonna say tough things. we need to hear them. and we have that leadership this november. it donald j. trump >> several potential contenders took the stage at this week's conservative political action conference outside washington serving as an unofficial kickoff to the so-called veepstakes competition house republican conference chair elise stefanik on friday touting her pro trump credentials. >> time and time again. i have stood in the breach for president trump, for the constitution. and most importantly for you, we, the people in some of the toughest
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fights of our republic blick, ohio senator jd vance, voicing support for trump amid his legal challenges. >> all of these lawfare's, they're all about showing the american people that you can have the president you want. but we're going to try to destroy him. >> south dakota governor kristi noem seemed to take a swipe at some possible vp candidates for challenging trump in the gop primary. >> so why did all these other people and candidates get into the race for themselves? for personal benefit. for a spotlight, for a period of time but it did not and it does not strengthen our country if conservatives are not united enough to recognize that we need to win one potential vice presidential pick, not at the conference. south carolina senator tim scott, who warmed up the crowd at the former president's rally on the eve of the palmetto state's primary mary tomorrow. >> let south carolina soon the message to all america for
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republican primary is over multiple sources close to the former president tells cnn, while trump has a >> habit of floating names to allies and donors to assess potential running mates he remains far from a decision during a townhall earlier this week on fox news it's trump signaled that his short-list included former rivals tim, scott and vivek ramaswamy, as well as noem, florida congressman byron donalds and former democratic congresswoman tulsi gabbard. >> you would like to get somebody that could help you from the voters and put and honestly, all of those people are good. they're all good, they're all solid among the cpac attendees. he's a variety of opinions when it comes to trump's decision. >> number one is kristi noem second one is really stepping >> third one actually the governor of florida >> i like him a lot. and then the fourth one is senator tim
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scott. >> i'm not a fan of identity politics. most times, but i think with as the party is diversifying, i think we do owe it to our voters get a candidate that is more diverse. >> it'd be a formidable ticket. imagine donald trump by donalds. donald, donalds flat, like bookmarked and flagged by the name donald. it's computable bumper sticker >> on saturday, the former president will be here. he will address the cpac crowd before heading to south carolina for that state's primary election, amara and victor. >> all right. jessica dean. thanks so much. let's bring it now, washington correspondent for the lana journal constitution, tia mitchell. good to have you in studio this morning. let's talk about an issue that republicans are really having a difficult time talking about. and i think politico put it best, republicans have spent five decades coalescing around the idea of life begins at conception. they spent the last week scrambling to figure out whether they really believe
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leave that includes frozen embryos. i guess they have now reached that there is a political viability necessity that they support ivf, right? so it's, it's running up against the rhetoric and the practical application of the rhetoric. because what we're hearing from a lot of republicans is well, we support ivf, we support families that want to try different medical procedures to try to conceive and have children however, they're not necessarily completely walking away from life begins at conception. they're trying to say they believe both. but again impracticality, what the fertility clinics are saying is that if you're saying frozen embryos are our children and that could restrict how we treat frozen embryos, how we're able to dispose of frozen embryos that might not be viable or might no longer be needed that creates a change
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in, it inhibits our ability to provide ivf. so again, in practice this saying life begins at conception in that frozen embryos are children, puts ivf at risk, and that's what republicans so far have not had a clear answer to where they stand on that on the actual application of this. but what they're continuing to say is, well, we didn't mean for for that to happen we want ivf to be protected. but how do you do that while you still have back personhood for embryo, it's a difficult line to walk if they can find a way to walk it. and democrats are going to make them pay for that. the house majority pac, which is the house dems super pac they have highlighted this is axios reporting 11 house republicans who backed the life at conception act at some point, and either 2021 to 2023, i want to read a focus on nancy mace
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here. this bill would grant equal protection to every human person. and the bill defines a human person as each and every member of the species sapiens. at all stages of life, including the moment of fertilization cloning, or other moment at which an individual member of the humans vcs comes into being since the alabama decision, nancy mace has posted online we should do everything we can to protect ivf for women everywhere. i don't know how she what does both of those. >> so in so many republicans have said similar things. well, we want to support ivf, we want to support families that want to go through fertility treatments again, but they've also bat legislation like this, legislation that considers embryos. people and that's a fine position to take. but how again, when you listen to the medical professionals who say once you give personhood to
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embryos, you can limit certain ways that embryos are used because then you could say, if you destroy an embryo, is that murder that killing a child. >> and this bill says that they deserve equal protection under the 14th amendment, that these embryos deserve that let me ask you about, not just the democrats and what this will mean politically for them and in 2024, president biden has admitted that he's, as he said, not big on abortion because of his catholic faith is this issue of protecting ivf something that he appears to be more comfortable with being a full-throated supporter of than abortion rights. although he has supported women's reproductive rights overall, moving and focusing on this and not abortion specifically, is that a better spot for him? >> yeah. i think so. to your point, you know, president biden, he says he personally has his own beliefs about
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abortion, but he as politically has protected women's right to choose for themselves whether abortion is right for them. but we know abortion is a more prickly topic politically. there's a lot of polarization. i think ivf, what we're seeing over the past week is ivf is much less controversial, even among people who are antiabortion, you've heard them say, well, we support ivf because that is helping people grow their families so again, this is a message protecting ivf that's pretty universally embraced. and so then you have biden being able to say look at these republicans that are possibly limiting families access to ivf, know that gives him a winning message and again, republicans are scrambling to come up with how are they going to combat these attacks after the alabama supreme court ruling? >> yeah, former president trump came out and says that he supports or ivf in vitro fertilization. we should use is
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that the longer-term at some point a conversation thank you very much. do you mentioned with the ajc all right. and makes sure to tune in to cnn special coverage of the south carolina republican primary starts tonight at six right here on cnn. >> all right. now to georgia, where an arrest has been made in the death of a woman who was killed while jogging on the campus of the university you have georgia police say 26 year-old jose antonio ibarra murdered laken riley in a quote, crime of opportunity committed during broad daylight. ybarra lived in the area, but it's not a student nor is the a us citizen. 22 year-old laken riley was found dead on thursday near a lake in a wooded area on campus cnn, senior national correspondent ryan young is an athens, georgia where the community is still in shock >> yeah, victor and amara, there are heavy hearts here on the campus at as you understand, people are still in shock about this crime, this murder that happened on campus, it's been such a long time since a violent crime like this
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has happened on campus. but what we were told by the police chief here is that jose antonio oliveira, 26, not a us citizen, someone they believe who's from venezuelan is their prime suspect. the man who they arrested for this murder. in fact, listen to the police chief talk about the fact that his investigators and his patrol officers were able to make the arrest and the charges. this man faces he has been charged with the following malice, murder, felony, murder aggravated battery aggravated assault false imprisonment, imprisonment kidnapping hindering a noun 11 call and concealing the death of another >> laken riley, 22 a nursing student from augusta university college of nursing. you can understand why so many of her friends and family are so upset
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by this. we are outside of her sorority. we saw people dropping off flowers, but we also saw a lot of pain because they were several people who clearly were upset when you think about this, this young lady, this 22 year-old woman, was on a running trail that so many people in this university and joy, and of course, according to that police chief, they believe this was a crime of opportunity. the two people did not know each other. she was on her run and they believe this man, as they put into their words, we'll go with bad intentions when he decided to attacker. this happened in broad daylight around noon time. there's also video evidence in this. they have an extensive video system here, and apparently some of that helped with this investigation they believe there's young lady was killed by blunt force trauma, of course, it's still early on in this investigation. so as they're working through the pieces of this, we'll learn more information. we're also waiting to see the time when this man will have his first court appearance. but obviously this university has been shaken to its core. classes have been
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canceled to monday, but we'll continue to fight all of this investigation as detectives worked through the weekend, doing a search warrant to try to find more evidence. victor and amara >> ryan young. thank you. still ahead. ukraine marks the two-year anniversary of russia's full invasion. we're going to take a look at the course of the war over the past as two years and what's next for ukraine? >> plus we're going to speak with an alabama couple who conceived through ivf and how the state supreme court ruling that embryos are children we'll find out how this is personally impacting their journey. that's ahead >> united states have scans with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back, but you can repair it with pronoun will repair it penetrates deep into the to, to actively repair acid weakened enamel well, i recommend for enamel repair with new pronoun will repair mouthwash. you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they were great together
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breaking your momentum. you may have already been vaccinated against the flu but don't forget this season's updated covid-19 shot to won't scalp with us anymore. >> he has something called osteoarthritis pain. its joint pain that hurts him all the time. let's go now. there's labriola, the first and only once monthly injection to control your dogs oa pain. veterinary professionals administering libretto who are pregnant, trying to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid self-injection, which can cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis i'm arlette saenz at the white house >> and this is cnn >> today marks two years since russian president vladimir putin ordered the full invasion of ukraine and triggered a brutal war with really no end in sight. western world leaders are arriving in ukraine today
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to show solidarity and they promised continued military support. in a recorded speech, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy urged his countrymen to stay hopeful for a victory. >> president biden marked the anniversary by announcing over 500 new sanctions on russian targets. the sanctions were also in response to the death of russian opposition leader alexei navalny. cnn's camila dechalus is at the white house now, either camila tell us more about the targets of these new sanctions well, amara victor, good morning, president biden has made it very clear that he wants to hold the russian president, vladimir putin >> accountable for the death of alexey navalny and for russia's aggressions against ukraine. now, here's what we know so far about what these sanctions and tail at this point in time, we know oh, that these sanctions are imposed against entities tied to russia's military base. and those facilitating russia's sanctions, evasion the we also know that these sanctions
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target the operator of mir national payment system and three prison officials there are connected to the death of alexey. now veiny, now with something really important to note is at this time the white house has told us that this, these sanctions are just the start of the us holding russia accountable. take a quick listen to what biden had to say yesterday about these sanctions. >> that's why i'm announcing more than 500 new sanctions and respond warning to putin, brutal war of conquest in response to alexey navalny's death. because make no mistake. putin is responsible the united states are going to continue ensure that putin pays a price for his aggression abroad and repression at home now we can expect to see that biden will continue to apply pressure on russia but on the domestic n,
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biden has made >> it very clear that he wants with lawmakers to immediately come back from recess and try to pass the national security supplemental package that would provide the necessary aid to you? ukraine to further help them in their fight against russia. amara, victor and camila dechalus. thank you very much joining me now is cnn global affairs analyst, kimberly dozier. kim. good morning to you. so you heard there from camila is reporting more than 500 russian targets sanctioned by the us. this is just the start. sounds like a whole lot. but as we've seen over the years, putin has figured out a way to adapt to these sanctions and still do what he wants to do. i mean, do you see this latest round? impacting the war and russia or putin's actions at all >> look if putin had hopes to come back into the international community and be part of the international
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financial system. this would be bad news for moscow, but it seems that putin's ultimate goal, as he stated before, is to turn back the clock and separate russia from the west and create a new world order that is focused on trade with china, trade with north korea, trade with iran, and trade with india. so yes, initially these various sanctions are going to hurt specifically, they're probably going to hurt his military industrial complex. but russia has already been making steps to find alternatives for military manufacturing, supply lines with north korea supply lines with china so far for non lethal aid, we're told. but ways to make up for this capacity and long-term also, it helps the russian people see the west is good ganging up on them, which further helps with that psychological break that putin hopes to cause. people
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don't want to go to mcdonald's anymore. they're reimbursing russian culture because they feel like the west has rejected them. >> two years today since russia, since putin invaded ukraine. and we ask we've had dozens and dozens, hundreds of conversations about the war since then. and oftentimes, in the beginning, i remember asking our analysts, including you, well, what putin's end game? i'm going to ask that again >> two years on. what is his endgame >> hoot and eventually would like to retake all of ukraine the same way he was trying to in the beginning, but he's trying to do this in smaller bites in other places, he's used a similar playbook the, after the initial invasion of georgia, putin left troops behind that continue to expand their territory. >> it's called >> border is where they just keep pushing. and that means georgia cannot ever join nato
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same thing is now happening with ukraine as long as president zelenskyy says that he needs to get crimea back, that means that ukraine joining nato would pull every other nato nation into an all-out war against russia. so it keeps ukraine on the outside. so basically, just by keeping ukraine somewhat occupy, occupied, and continuing to expand and expand and expand putin stays on track to someday take over the whole country. it's a marathon versus the us of a sprint trucks. try to take over a country. >> the meantime, ukraine desperately needs aid. here's the mayor of kyiv pleading for more today's world, black >> and white. >> you are for the war. you are against war, you for democracy, or the data sheet. and that's why we fighting right now in defending not just our homeland, with defending, right now. and wallace, if we have the same wallace we need your
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support because results support of you maddie states is very difficult to survive the question right now about the future. not just future of ukraine, future of democracy in the world >> how much longer can ukraine hold on for? >> as long as supplies from the west continue especially when you have countries like germany, one of the major military manufacturers in europe, saying that they work in lockstep with the us. so if the us isn't giving aid germany and others won't continue to give aid. and that means that ukraine starts looking at things like giving up parts of its territory to survive. >> kim dozier, we'll leave it there. thank you for more information about how you can help humanitarian efforts in ukraine go to slash impact or text ukrainian to 70-70-70 today still ahead. fertility clinics are shutting down ivf services in alabama after the state supreme court ruling that embryos are children >> the impact is still settling thanks in for a lot of families
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state supreme court ruling to prosecute ivf families or they're providers. last week, the court ruled that frozen embryos are children, whether in or out of a uterus and would be protected under alabama's wrongful death of a month in her act since then, at least three fertility clinics in alabama have halted ivf treatment programs over fears. their medical staff could be at legal risk if an embryo doesn't turn out into a successful pregnancy the alabama supreme court's decision does not prohibit ivf, but it does leave many patients rushing to find alternative care. joining us now is lauren olson. she is an alabama ivf patient whose nearly 27 weeks pregnant right now and also joining us as her husband, yawn lauren, and yawn welcome. and first of all, i want to say congratulations to you. 27 weeks pregnant. i know personally what kind of journey you must have gone through to get to where you are tell me
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this is supposed to be an exciting time for you lauren, tell me what you're feeling now now that there's been so much fallout from the state supreme court's ruling that frozen embryos are children i feel very defeated we had plans to have another child via ivf after this because i can't have it on my own naturally. so to have that choice just completely taken away from us as of this moment, it feels very defeating and it feels like an attack on women and families. >> again, have you heard from your fertility clinic >> i have spoken with them and our embryos. we have ten left are being moved to a lawn care facility in another state. we're not sure what that is. there still hammering out the details. and the legalities of it, but they will contact me in the next week to finalize the paperwork >> yawn. i mean, what are your thoughts on this and now you're
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being personally impacted with your embryos. you have ten embryos and now they're being moved and your future of expanding your family is on hold. >> yeah. i think i mean it's kinda crazy that even think that this would happen to us and we were successful up to this point and we're thinking about having another kid and just out of nowhere you get this alabama supreme court decision it seems like overreach, it seems like an attack on people who just want to grow their families and less it's really hard to understand what the motivation is behind it honestly so lauren, what does the future hold for you then in terms of these embryos, i mean, what's the plan >> our plan was to try and grow our family a little bit more donate a couple of our embryos to families that needed them, and donate the rest of science and now everything is on. pause. our fertility clinic is
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currently paused so we really have no idea you're from retired fertility clinic is on pause as are several others in your state because they're concerned about the legal ramifications. what happens to the dr. on the staff if they drop an embryo, will they face a wrongful death case? what are your thoughts about the people? i mean the others who just began this journey, who are not yet pregnant what do you say to them who are now dealing with this pause? >> i can't imagine it. like you said, we were fortunate enough to get pregnant. our first round, but i know how defeating and alone this process can feel in general, even with a ton of support. so to now have that taken away it's probably unbearable. i couldn't imagine and it's just so difficult to have to stop. i mean, i gave her the shots and then we went through it pretty much together and just have to
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stop like that is almost it's incredible. but someone through that, i don't i couldn't imagine being that person right now. >> yeah. i mean, let's talk about that journey right. because if you haven't been through ivf, like i have you have. people aren't aware that it's extremely physically taxing, right? because you're injecting yourself with hormones daily met multiple times a day, but also emotionally, right. and your nerves get afraid because you don't know if if, if it ever will be successful, at least that was my case. but tell us about your journey and why you sought ivf yes. >> so in 2022, i was diagnosed with endometriosis. >> we did >> the surgery for it and we founded both of my tubes are completely blocked so i'm fortunate enough that my job pays for progeny, which is an insurance company. if fertility insurance company we started ivf last year. we did all this stems shots in my stomach to get my eggs ready. i had a
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growth in my cervix as well that we had to pause ivf to get that removed. and then we attend weeks of progesterone shots which are big 18 gauge needles, then go backside to keep the baby viable and alive. >> well we're gonna have. to leave the conversation there, lauren and jon olson. thank you so much for telling us your story and we wish you happy and joyous days ahead. thank you so much. >> still ahead. a life-saving drug at your fingertips, how vending machines are helping states battle the opioid crisis that's next vegas >> story of sin city tomorrow at ten on cnn, not flossing well then add the wo of listerine to your routine new science shows. listerine is five times more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gum line thank you for a cleaner, healthier mouth. this
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monday. oh me, it's week number the south carolina republican presidential primary tonight at six on cnn >> last year, more than >> 100,000 people died from drug overdose at a new report from the rand corporation finds that about 42% of adults in the us personally know someone who has died of a drug overdose but now some states are trying a surprising new tool to tackle the crisis. cnn's jacqueline howard tells us what they are doing and how it's working more and more states are using vending machines to save people from overdoses. these machines are stocked with free packs of fentanyl test strips and free packs of naloxone. that's the nasal spray medication that can rapidly reverse an opioid overdose anyone can go up to a machine and get a pack of the medication. we know that at least 33 states have these machines somewhere in casinos, university campuses, homeless
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shelters, near jails and prisons, and even along turnpikes i spoke with jason hall. he works with the state of oklahoma to help refill their naloxone vending machines. and he says, every time he hears statistics of people dying from overdoses, he thinks about some of his friends who've overdosed so when we're talking about overdose death rates, i've got any number of friends. i see their face every time i see those numbers are when we talk about the number of overdose reversals that that i've come from kids that are distributed by our community partners. when i hear those numbers, i hear those in the voices of my friends you know, there are currently >> struggling with substance use disorder. >> so
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>> it's very real to me across the country, people like jason see naloxone vending machines as a public health tool. but in some places, they face pushback back and stigma. businesses might not want a vending machine near them, but for jason hall, he says these vending machines don't enable drug use. they actually do the opposite. he says, they expose the dangers of using back to you >> all right. jacqueline howard. thank you. and first of all, starts at the top of the hour. i'm victor. what do you have coming up? >> so it's the last weekend black history month. and this week we saw more of these school experiences or reenactments as it relates to black history. here's an example of one in north carolina. there to decorate the doors so one teacher put a white entrance to the room and a colored entrance to the room as part of her lesson. and this is not the worst one of the week we will talk with someone who's with the group that founded black history month
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about why we ask black students and any student to experience jim crow, two experienced slavery in a way that we don't ask of other atrocities in american history, teaching between the extremes of whitewashing and omission on one side. and that on the other. also an update on darryl george, a judge this week determined that it is not a violation of the crown act to a school district to require him to cut his life fox in order to return to the classroom, will speak with a lawmaker who was the co-sponsor of the crown act in 20 about changes. he says that he's going to push for in that law, so he's with us. also. there are more than a dozen black women in texas running for judgeship. some of them are incumbents and they say that a new law is one of the tools be in used against them to target their races and only their races. and they believe it's in part because of this history-making picture out of harris county when 17 black women once seats as judges
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there. and of course, we'll talk about trump saying that black people like him because he's got a mug shot wow, what come out first of all, starts in just a few minutes at the top of the hour >> candidate john edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend, and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers we're here to get your side of the store. did your intimate relationship with him begin that night? yes. how did you end up with a sex >> tape of john edwards and real hundred tabloid trash is full live. >> donner was believed he could outsmart anyone's on the campaign trail is still running for president. >> what did he think was going to happen? >> because all based >> on ally, united states of scandal with jake tapper new episode tomorrow at nine on >> copd hasn't been pretty it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. we're troller g, as shown me that there's still beauty and breadth to be
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story you're still writing. so discover your heritage, preserve your traditions, e
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so keep in mind this is a story full of unreliable narrators and opinions differ and of course, the only person cheating on his spouse and lying to voters about who he was what's the candidate himself >> they had a separate phone. they called the bat phone whenever john would want to talk to real, then start humming that theme from batman. and that was kind of the queue for andrew to flip him the phone to talk to real. so it was quite elaborate united states of scandal airs tomorrow night at nine on cnn. all right, tempers flare in the nba for players were ejected after a scuffle between the heat and pelicans last night. initials is here and two league's biggest stars, what the center of it, yeah, to be bothered williams in right there in the middle of it, amara nba devlin doesn't like seeing these bytes happening, but hey, coach erik spoelstra jokingly said this one, you did not have the intensity of an all-star game well, it's certainly a competitive contest and say what happened in the fourth quarter. so zion williamson gets this deal. kevin loves is going to grab him in xi'an
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goes down while the pelicans, they were not happy about that words were exchanged and lots of pushing and shoving. now, butler and thomas bryant were ejected for the heat nausea, marshall and jose alvarado get ejected for the pelicans. heat would go onto win this game, 160, 95, and. here we're butler in xi'an app or is all this stuff >> i don't know >> i >> mean, i put my hand around his neck. he put his hand around my neck and then it just took off the way it did. >> i just trying to just got up there was walking away and i think all of a sudden i see butler kinda lunging towards narciso. i'm trying to get their light. you lags was going but all this is competitive. people competing people rotten for they teammates. so that's all that is >> where victor wembanyama continued to do things that we've never seen from a rookie the 20 year-old french phenom had 27 points and ten rebounds last i guess, lakers, but he also had the rare five by five.
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that's at least five points, rebounds, assists, block a, and steals. women's the youngest to ever do it. just the fifth player ever to achieve the feat, lebron's and after the game, wemby doesn't have ceiling and other broad returned from a two-game. is this one he scored 30 leading la to the 1203118 when hiv riley, we had huge news and the world of college sports yesterday, a federal judge in tennessee granting a preliminary injunction friday, that prohibits the ncaa overlay from punishing any athletes or boosters from negotiating name, image, and likeness deals during their recruiting process or while they're in that transfer portal. so this means boosters can now just fully negotiate deals to get kids to go to the schools they want. the nc double-layered, clearly not happy with this saying in a statement turning upside down, rules overwhelmingly supported by members, schools will aggravate an already chaotic collegiate environment, further diminishing protections for student athletes from exploitation and cwa went on to say they need to partner with congress to make rules to
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stabilize collegiate athletics. and amara, they certainly to right now, because this ruling just makes it the wild wild west. i mean, the fact that boosters can openly then go just make deals and get kids go to the schools and it's not against any kind of rules. some people are saying this is going to be the beginning of the end. yeah >> it opens a whole new can of worms. by the way. you and i, and i should have mentioned victor was here to this is our last the weekend at cnn center and my last time with you here. so it's very last cnn center, 12 years to others, to the next week in our new digs. thank you so much for joining us this morning. first of all, with victor blackwell up next this is the big game >> that do life. diabetes. there is no slowing down. each
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