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tv   Americas Choice 2024 South Carolina Primary  CNN  February 24, 2024 1:00pm-3:00pm PST

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nra's a civil corruption trial. the nra and its leaders were found liable for misusing a charitable funds for their own benefit. a judge has ordered that longtime leader of the national rifle association, wayne lapierre payback 4.3 million billion dollars in damages, and the former cfo to return $2 new york attorney general, letitia james called the decision of major victory in fighting corruption and greed within the nra the golden state warriors are breaking new records at the sidelines. head coach steve kerr is now the highest paid nba coach in history. the four time nba championship winning coach, agreed to a record-breaking two-year contract extension for $35 million the 58 year-old is in his tenth season with the franchise congrats to him and then thanks so much for joining me today. i'm fredricka
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whitfield, our special coverage of the south carolina republican presidential primary all right, starts right now with wolf blitzer and erin burnett >> welcome to cnn special coverage of the south carolina republican primary i'm wolf blitzer in washington. erin burnett joins us from new york we're just three hours away right now from the polls closing. donald trump is expected to dominate in nikki haley's home state where she was twice elected governor. but haley says she's quote, not going anywhere and plans to continue until the very last person votes. south carolina's primary, erin pick up our reported its open wolf, as you know, it means democrats and
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independents can cast ballots in the gop race, which is a significant thing, the trump campaign at a weak showing among independent voters as you'll remember in new hampshire, the real question though is whether that will be enough to close the gap between haley and trump in south carolina. whereas well, you've been saying that the gap seems insurmountable. >> but we >> will see when the numbers come in. of course, we've got a team of reporters all across the state. polling stations are open across south carolina. so let's start in mount pleasant, south carolina. that's on the coast just basically a suburb of charleston where brian todd is talking to voters and brian, what are they telling you? >> well, in order excited to be here for one thing, you want to see what an energized electorate looks like. this is what it looks like. check out the lines here. it goes all the way in from here into the entrance there. i can tell you that at various points today this line extended way down that walkway. but as we walk along the line, here's what i can tell you. we are at a place where there are six different precincts here in this one polling location. this is jenny more elementary school here in mount pleasant. as of a few
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moments ago, an official here told me that more than 1,600 voters had cast their ballots here and look again, the lines are coming out the door all day long. you've got now, what, three hours now until the polls close. so we're going i see just how good the turnout is. this is generally a very robust turnout here in this precinct. i want to talk to a voter who's here, vincent buena vida. hi, vinson you've only lived here for about three years. you say you just voted for donald trump. let me just ask you quickly, what what were the main issues that drove you out here? to vote for the former president >> mostly taxes, border security just a general discuss with the federal government and what's been going on in dc. >> as you know, the foreign president has legal cases pending against him. if he is convicted in any of those cases, would that change your mind about him? not at all. why not? >> as a form of resonant new jersey, we kinda see what's happening with different legal battles. that's going on up there. >> the >> legal battles and i think that especially what happened in new york. and with that
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judge decide i mean, they just turn the real estate law is on a ted in new, in new york. so there's it's just, it's more politics. i think that anything else we talked to a lot of voters here who said not so much that they were voting for someone, but they were voting against someone. was that the case in your in your instance? >> now not necessarily. i voted for donald trump the first go around. so he did a great job. it's more about policies for me than anything else. he's got the right policies he's got the ability to do the job, right. so that's what we're looking for. i don't i don't buy into the personal negative stuff that anybody would do. i think that from when you go back and you look at what bill clinton did, they turn that presidential race into like a popularity contest that was never the case for me. it was always about policies. so that's kinda why i voted for donald trump. >> very good, vincent. great to meet you. thank you for taking the time to talk to us and good luck to you. all right, guys. a little bit about how the vote is going to go here. we are not
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allowed to film inside, but live, but we did take video. we're allowed to go in and shoot taped video inside of the voters voting. when did you come in here? we're going to roll some of the tape showing some of the voters inside voting. when you come in here, you check in your show photo id. you can be a democratic voter, by the way, and vote in republican primary in south carolina, as long as you did not vote in the democratic primary earlier this month. so you come in here, your show, your photo id, they make sure that you didn't vote in the previous primary, then they give you this kind of rectangular white piece of paper that has nothing on it with a barcode on it. you take that and then you put it into a marking device were a touchscreen comes up, you touch that, that will show your selections. then you touch your selections, then it prints out. you check your vote, then you feed it into a tabulator. we were allowed to, again, film video of that just a few moments ago on tape, but we are not allowed to go in and film live when voters are voting. so you got but a little less than three hours left until the polls close guys, again, very energized electorate here. one thing that's going to be very interesting, i sampled people
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off camera as they came out of the polls asking him who they supported. a pretty healthy dose of support for nikki haley in this precinct. she has a lot of people like her from her term as governor here. and one thing to remember here is that in this county, this is charleston county, this county, and richland county, south carolina were the only two counties that donald trump did not win in 2016. so we'll see how he does here in this county. aaron wolf, back to you. >> all right, thanks so much. brian wolf thanks, erin, let's go to rock hill, south carolina right now. that's just south of charlotte, were seen as boris sanchez is at a polling site. boris tell our viewers what you're hearing from voters yeah, wolf. >> a steady stream of voters here in rock hill today. many of them animated devote right now, it is a little bit quiet. there are some folks that are casting their ballots literally as we speak that gentlemen is walking over from his voting booth with his ballot to the tabulation machine at 07:00. this voting location or shut
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down those votes will get tabulated and then there'll be shipped to a main office and then we'll start to see the official resorts come in from the voters that i've spoken to hear a lot of supporters of former president donald trump, as well as some supporters of former governor nikki haley. of course, she is seeing this as a big test, this being her home state. notably, i spoke to one voter earlier who says that she is a democrat. she didn't vote in the primary on the democratic side a few days ago in order to vote in the primary for nikki haley, listen to some of what crystal shared with me earlier, wolf >> i'm a registered democrat. >> and since i didn't vote >> in the democratic primary, i was today, i wanted to make sure my voice was heard. so hopefully, nikki wins if nikki would become the republican candidate i would vote for her over biden >> what attracts you to rest >> i feel like i can relate
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more. she seems more in my views on some things, not everything of course, but she seems real. and of course she's a woman. so support the women >> it is, of course, going to be an uphill battle for the former governor. polls show her lagging considerably behind former president donald trump actually held a rally here in rock hill last night, i spoke to a source close to his campaign who says that they are fully confident this will be yet another step. toward him securing the nomination will shall see fairly soon boris sanchez on the scene for us. thank you very much. i want to bring in our excellent panel of analysts right now to discuss and gloria borger, i'll start with you. what do you think? what can we expect tonight? >> well, if the polls are accurate i we have to do that big caveat i think we're going to see a big victory for donald trump at this point. the pulse show like he's 30 points
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ahead. i think she has crisscrossed the state. she's done multiple multiple events. he has not been in south carolina very much. he's been in a courtroom. he hasn't done town halls, but it doesn't really seem to matter. i think what's interesting to me is that the state that elected her governor is different from the state that the way the state is now, it is more conservative. there are a lot of out-of-state republicans who have moved to south carolina and like the gentleman we just saw, and i think that that's not going to help her. it just isn't the same constituency and so this is going to be a big blow to her. there's no doubt about it. and she says she's going to go on. she's got money to do that. she's going to go to michigan, i believe tomorrow. but i think you'd have to say that it's going to be a long haul and difficult haul for her. >> difficult indeed, kristen soltis anderson is with us as
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well, kristin poll after poll shows that trump is leading by huge margins right now in south carolina. but nikki haley keeps on saying it's close and competitive this race. does she have a shot at all of winning her home-state? >> it makes sense that nikki haley would say that this is a close and competitive race. you never want to be out on the campaign trail saying that you expect defeat. but it really would be an a very large surprise if she even makes it close with donald trump part of that is because her overperformance in places like new hampshire are really based on her strength with these independent and democratic voters who do not want donald trump to be their only option besides joe biden. they want something different and they're turning out. but unlike new hampshire that has a robust tradition of lots of independents and democrats participants to painting in south carolina, they're allowed to, but i as a pollster, i would be laughed out of the room if half of my sample was independence or crossover democrats and so the math is
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just very challenging for her, very challenging indeed, near as we noted, democrats and independents, they can vote in this republican primary, assuming if they didn't vote in the democratic primary earlier in the month. so you think that will make a big difference today? >> no, it won't make any difference at all. listen, we heard from the woman there who hadn't voted in the democratic primary, looks like she is going to vote for nikki haley and would vote for nikki haley if nikki haley was the nominee? my knee but they're not going to be that big of a part of this primary. a lot of the polling showed that folks who are liberals and moderates very much prefer nikki haley, but maybe there'll be ten to 2010 to 15% or something of the electorate here. but by enlarge, it is trump country in south carolina and listen, nikki haley has every right to continue, as she said, she would in that sort of that prebuttal speech she gave earlier last week, she's got money, as gloria said, but the problem is, if you can't win
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at home, right in a state that you one of a governorship of twice, if you can't win there with people who know you best then how do you win down the line? super tuesday is coming up in a weaker so many, many delegates up, i think something like 800 or up. how does she go forward and make the case to folks in states like michigan? given that it's march 5. exactly. so i think she's got a real a hard row to hoe going forward, but she'll stay in and listen. she'll continue to critique donald trump. democrats are very happy about that. all the republicans, obviously not so much. and obviously donald trump not happy at all that she's sticking around. >> it's good lulu into this conversation as we know, one of her main arguments, nikki haley, is that trump simply can't win a general election down the road. and i want to play a little clip. listen to this what i'm banking on the fact is that he can't win a general election. i mean, you look at the marquette poll that came out this week. he's margin
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of error with joe biden. i defeat joe biden by 18 points. >> have you had any conversations with party leaders assuring you that they would support you if donald trump is convicted >> no, i haven't had any conversations about that. this isn't about conviction, it's about chaos. there is chaos all around him so lula you think that argument that nikki haley is making is going to resonate with republicans in south carolina? >> know. and if you listened to her there, i thought it's very telling when she had that long pause, when was asked when she was asked if indeed anyone hadn't been having conversations with her, the fact of the matter is there our two groups here that want nikki haley to continue, one or democrats who want to actually see her try and drain money from the trump campaign, a campaign that is struggling financially because of all the legal bills. and the second group that wants to see her continue, our the never-trumpers and that again, is not the party as we see it
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and so what we are seeing at the moment is a candidacy that is really there for maybe the next go round. and but it doesn't really seem viable for this one because, you know, what's in the middle of her and a general election is actually the process that we're going through now. and it's republicans who are voting and the problem with that as we've seen in recent polls, that she actually been polling less. well among republicans, the more that they hear from her, the more that she attacks donald trump, the less they liked her. >> i think the truth of the matter is that the republican party has changed and it's a different republican party right now that she's trying to coalesce around her. and they're the trump party. and so when you are combative now, as she is against donald trump calling him unhinged and mentally defective or whatever these are people who were very loyal to donald trump and it has really hurt her, i think.
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and you can't reshape the party in your image? in one shot at it. and i think that's going to happen post-trump is gonna, it's gonna take awhile. and i think she's trying to do it single-handedly. and the voters in south carolina, many of them never knew her as governor because they're new to the state are saying, no way we're going to stick with what we know. we know that he's got some personal issues and we don't like everything he says, but we feel we felt better under donald trump than we did under joe biden. yeah, alyssa and i think that gentleman articulated this idea that the court cases or political mean he sounded like he was reading from a speech from donald trump. you know, the fact of the matter is gop primary voters love donald trump. it's not that nikki haley is a bad candidates. not that ron desantis was a bad qanon or any of the folks who came up against them this go round it's just that donald trump remains a beloved figure among
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republicans. they believe everything he says, even if it's outright lies on oftentimes, it is outright lies. but they take him at his word and support him. >> i think one of the real issues as well is that, you know, who does nikki haley actually represent? i've struggled with this a little bit because on the one hand, you see her presenting herself as a moderate. we know that she pulls well with moderates. we've seen moderates vote for her and yet when push comes to shove and you have listened to her actual positions, they are not actually we moderate i mean, we've just seen what happened with the embryo debate with the ivf, which she says actually, i believe that embryos are babies that is not a position that would be considered to be audit position that is not a position that most democrats, for example, would embrace. she struggled when asked about issues of race, for example, i mean, when she was governor of south carolina, she actually did something that would be seen as very sort of something that moderates could embrace, which was take down the confederate
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flag. and instead she's kind of had to shy away away from that because of the republican party as it exists at the moment. >> she >> struggling, i would disagree that she's tried to frame herself as a moderate. she uses the word conservative to describe herself frequently, but she has said she wants to appeal to moderates. and i think what she really represents is a type of conservative, but he type of conservative maybe from a time capsule of a decade kate are more, people are more of a republican party that has transformed very much. and i think the reason why she has stayed in the race, even though it seems extraordinarily unlikely that she will be the republican nominee, is to try to hold onto the notion that, hey, there is still the slice of the party already. it's not a majority of the party, but it still exists. that believes those things they were saying a decade ago and believes that perhaps their time will come around again, forget that she started out as a tea party candidates and so she was very conservative, but on foreign policy, you see the stark differences between her and trump in the republican party
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right now. >> all right. everybody standby, don't go too far away. we have a lot more to assess still ahead, our special coverage of the south carolina republican primary will continue we're checking in with a trump and haley campaigns plus we'll talk about what trump said while addressing black voters, stay with us we'll be right back candidate john edwards >> cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had baby with his girlfriend, and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers, can we're here to get your side of the story. >> in nine, it's states of scandal with jake tatler, new episode tomorrow arlette nine on cnn. what is circle surplus the field to take flight. circle is the entity that gives you to the next level circled is which i hope for, right, tosses limits away so available at walmart and drinks for fast natural relief experienced no blockage.
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about strategy in south carolina and strategy in the race overall, because it really hasn't been a strategy here in south carolina because you haven't had to have one when we look at these poll numbers and i do want to note, look, it's all going to come down to who shows up and who votes. but what we noticed this election cycle is that the poll numbers have been almost exactly accurate and the poll numbers here in south carolina show him up by 30 points. that means he's been outpaced by nikki haley on the campaign trail. he has been outspent by her, but yet he is still leading by guy said, by 30 points. so overall, what is the election strategy? well, a lot of this is a focus on the general election, or they want it to be a focus on the general election. you heard him in multiple speeches yesterday and today talking about how he is a political dissident, how election day is the day that he is going to liberate all of his supporters and take care of all of the losers. he is treating this now as a general election. now of course, it is not nikki haley is still in the race, not only as she still in the race, but she has said that she's going to continue to stay in the race, but we're really seeing from donald trump is trying to pivot to just hitting president
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joe biden. and certainly on the other side, democrats, they are hitting former president trump because they believe he's going to be the gop nominee nonstop linking him routinely to the overturning of roe v. wade since he was the architect of that, as well as to that alabama ruling by the supreme court. they are taking him on as though it's a general and it is starting to feel that way again, even though the primary is not over so kristen, i've also been hearing that the rnc is circulating some resolutions that would basically slow down trump's takeover of the >> party, although that isn't kind of questionable thing is appears to have already have occurred. >> but what can you tell us about that? what are they actually trying to do at this final hour? >> i would say it's slowing the takeover of the actual committee. so let's talk about what happened two weeks ago, which is essentially we learned that ronna mcdaniel, who trump has had issues with for a long time, who's the chairwoman of the rnc offered to step down when trump became the nominee
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after that, trump himself essentially acted as though he was the presumptive nominee, even though primary season isn't over a nominating someone he wanted to be the chairman, michael whatley from north carolina, as well as his daughter-in-law, lara trump, and saying that he was going to implant essentially the leader of his campaign, chris lacivita, as the chief operating officer of the rnc well, this is a little bit of pushback to that and it's interesting because we often think as you said, that donald trump has already taken over the republican party, but it clearly, there are still some members within the rnc who are pushing this resolution. one in particular, and what it would do is twofold. the first part of the resolution would ensure that anybody was that nobody would be endorsing or the everybody in the rnc would remain neutral until somebody was actual actually the nominee. and also part of that was making sure no one from any presidential campaign was actually put into the rnc. so clearly on that, there's also a second resolution that said that the rnc wouldn't pay anyone legal bills. obviously, donald trump or haley's legal bills, it didn't last. they
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were related to the 2024 presidential election. so obviously, there are still some people pushing back on donald trump all right, thank you very much, kristen. and now let's go to charleston, south carolina. that's where kylie atwood is following the nikki haley campaign and kylie, you have been following this campaign from the beginning, from state to state. now you are in haley's home state. polls predict her losing their by a wide margin is kristen was saying 30 points. we'll see what happens, although thus far this campaign, kristen points out the polls have been accurate. what are you hearing from her supporters now >> well, listen, they're excited to cast their ballots for nikki haley today. a lot of them have already actually voted we did in the pre voting before election day today in the early voting that they were able to do. but what they're hoping is that they can give her at least enough support to give her boost out of this state and they know that she's probably not going to win here. but what they're hoping to do is give her enough support so that she can keep her campaign alive. now, nikki, haley's campaign for their the part as
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you guys have been talking about, is saying that they're not going anywhere. they know the stakes, they know the odds, but nikki haley is going to keep campaigning until the door closes and haley please, for her part, she went in, she cast her own ballot today for herself in kiawah island, which is where she lives. she took that opportunity to speak with reporters after an offer some very sharp criticism of what former president trump said last night about the fact that he believes that black americans support him because they feel like he has been incriminated against. just like they have. now, we haven't seen nikki haley consistently over the last year for campaign, get into a tip for tat with the former president. but she has increasingly done that in the last few weeks here in south carolina, listened to her criticism earlier today >> it's disgusting. >> but that's what happens when he >> goes off the teleprompter that's the chaos that comes with donald trump. that's the offensiveness that's going to happen every day between now
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and the general election, which is why continue to say donald trump cannot win general election. he won't >> know. nikki haley >> has tried to somewhat manage expectations here in south carolina, saying that she hopes that she is able to perform in a competitive way. but after the new hampshire primary, she said that she's certainly has to do better here in south carolina than she did in new hampshire, where she was 11 points behind former president trump. i asked her today if she hopes to actually get that goal. and she said, we'll have to erin. >> all right, kylie, thank you. >> and wolf >> erin, we're following some major breaking news overseas right now, a us led coalition has just launched a fourth round of strikes against what are being described as dozens of iran-backed houthi targets in yemen oren liebermann is joining us for the pentagon right now, or an update our viewers, what are you learning? >> wolf these strikes carried out just moments ago according to two us officials by the us and the uk, as you point out,
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this is the fourth time we have seen this coalition carry out these strikes according to two us officials, is against dozens of houthi targets in yemen across several lobes. occasions. those locations include the capital of sanaa, as well as other locations used by the iran-backed rebel group. according to one of the officials, the strikes targeted weapons, radar sites, command and control centers, as well as underground weapons storage facilities. the attacks were carried out an aircraft and perhaps more assets. we're waiting for more details here. this is a response to continued attacks on commercial vessels, including a number that have hit very recently that have hit commercial vessels that have some association with both the us and the uk here. in fact, one of those ships that has an association with the uk is now leaking oil in the red sea and it's impossible to get to it according to officials, because of the threat of houthi attacks, part of the challenge here is that in the middle of all of this, us officials are trying to figure out how to handle the houthis because these ongoing strikes,
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including the coalition attacks, have done little to deter houthi attacks on one of the world's most critical international waterways, wolf very serious situation will stay on top of that. >> oren liebermann. thanks very much for that update. coming up. we're gonna continue our special coverage of the south carolina republican presidential primary. much more on that right? >> the south carolina republican presidential primary tonight at six on cnn >> scalp label this anymore. >> he has something called osteoarthritis pain. its joint pain that hurts him all the time. watts now, there's
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presidential primary. right now, voting is underway. the state where nikki haley served as governor, but we're donald trump is clearly dominating in all the polls, joining us now cnn senior data reporter, harry enten, harry how important is winning south carolina? karolina, normally to winning the gop nomination, >> yeah. well, if you know if you look back through history, let's take a look back through time that the gop when the south carolina republican primary, take a look here >> yes. is dominating along this board. ronald reagan and 80 george hw bush in at a bob dole in 96 george w bush 2000, john mccain, 2008, and donald trump in 2016. the only guy who didn't win south carolina and then went on to win the republican nomination. was mitt romney back in 2012. remember, it was newt it was back in 2012. who won south carolina. and then basically didn't win another primary throughout the rest of the primary season. so winning south carolina is very important. now, going back to history, take a look at what
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happened back in 2016, trump's 2016, south carolina, when i think the real question this year is, can he went all 46 counties in 2024 because he came pretty close back in 2016. he only lost a highly college educated charleston richland that of course is where columbia, south carolina is. if he can do that, it can show that he's really gone in and is dominating the gop, not just among non-college educated voters, but among college educated voters as well. and here's the other way that trump could dominate winning iowa, new hampshire, and the first and south primary could trump be the first republican. it's only happened twice before jimmy carter in 76 and al gore in 2000. both of those of course, went on to win the nomination. if you're able to do it, you're really show your dominance in the republican primary. aaron. >> all right, harry. so here with my panel, right? doug, what are we going to learn today about the republican elector? i mean, i think the history harry, showing you so crucial and then of course you say, well, gosh, we're in this bizarre moment with the fact that there's even a race going
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on right now is a bet that history won't matter that there's gonna be some kind of a bizarre event that's going to occur, right? what are we going to learn? >> i don't think we're going to learn anything that we don't already know. it's why the main thing that we're looking at is what is the margin going to be? very clearly donald trump is going to win them it's very clearly. he's going to win it by a large margin. the question is, is that 29 points? is that 31 points or more? and does nikki haley ultimately not beat the polls, but does she beat expectations? that's where she's been able to keep her campaign going, is by saying, i did better than people thought i would. and therefore, i'm going to fight on and she's planning to go to michigan tomorrow, but we already know that this is donald trump's party. it's why henry barbour from mississippi and rnc member, is filing to resolutions to slow down the process of rnc, a breaking rnc neutrality and bringing in trump staffers early. >> actually one thing that's been interesting looking at today and brian todd was talking about it and he's in mount pleasant, which is really right. right? that's how charleston the reality that democrats can vote today. yeah, now, democrats can vote. it's an open primary, so every state
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has its own rules. but i thought it was interesting only if you didn't vote in the democratic primary a few weeks ago, which while it didn't matter, still was a thing biden wanted it, right? he really pushed to get that bit. okay? so is that does that i mean, i know that we're talking about the margin, but is this a group that could matter at all >> i suppose, but not enough to close a 30 point gap between nikki haley and donald trump. >> but this is the interesting thing. so when the democrats had their primary 97% of african-americans vote but at, for joe biden, that was a big question mark around that primary race. last night, donald trump within south carolina, attempting to court black wastes away the 97 just to make sure wherever we are listening, 97% of democratic african american african of the electorate of registered african african-american, either part. and those that showed up 97 percent of black folks voted in that democratic party. primary vote for joe biden and not dean phillips or marianne williamson. and that was a big question. were folks going to show up and do an a
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protest vote to say we want a different type of primary of the democratic side last night, donald trump was trying to court african-american voters i don't think you're going to see 97% of voters who show up to vote for in this primary are going to vote for donald trump maybe. >> but i think there are some independence, some >> folks who are saying what do i really want to get rid of donald trump and use this as an opportunity and turnout was not extremely high in that primary because it in for the democratic because it wasn't extremely contested, right? there may be a few people who show up tonight or today to say, i want to send a message that we don't want donald trump. we want an alternative to him. >> so this event where everyone knows there's little history that we've been talking about. him >> about >> to mix it up a little all right. >> so this event where trump was speaking to black voters in south carolina, let me just play one thing. he said, if anybody missed it i got
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indicted for nothing for something that is nothing they were doing it because it's election interference. and then i got indicted a second time and a third time, and a fourth time. >> and a >> lot of people said that that's why the black people like because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against and they actually viewed me as i'm being discriminated against the mug shot. we've all seen the mug shot and you know who embraced it more than anybody else. the black population, it's incredible. you see black people walking around with my mug shot. you know, they do shirts >> black people walking around with my mug shot, you know, erin, i've i've been a conservative a long time. i haven't seen that. i think so. deonte johnson, individual who who started the group black conservative federation. i had a chance to talk with him and my question to him, i said, you know okay. i understand what
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you guys are trying to do. i do think there's a possibility of targeting african american men around a message of economics. i think maybe there could be a part to, to try and address some of the criminal justice issues. there's clued, disproportionate impact of black men compared to everyone else. my hope would have been that the former president would have spoke to those things. those are tangible things that i think you can say, look, these are things that we recognize impact you all. i'm going to try to address some of these things if given a second opportunity, i think placating or building upon stereotypes of black people that doesn't turn anyone on. it doesn't convince anyone to come out and vote for you. you had an opportunity to talk about some salient things that really do impact black men. and i think they would have been opened, democrats openly discussed the fact that they are struggling with black. i was hoping that would've been an opportunity. he missed the opportunity now i think the question though as pertains to tonight, what impact will him going and talking to black men have on whatever marginal
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difference it will make in terms of black voters saying, you know what, we're gonna go for trump versus someone like a haley considered haley brought down the confederate flag many african americans remember that there is a sliver of them saw in 2016 when i worked on dr. carson's campaign, who did actually activate their vote participation by voting for carson are cruz and some even voted for trump. the question for me though erin is what percent, how negligible is it? and also, i would ask in terms of the sub-bullet, because suburban voters do we see some of them saying, you know what, it is clear that trump is going to be the nominee. i'm going to cast my ballot for him. >> jamal. >> yeah. so i spent some time with the phone today with the democratic party official data south carolina, and they've been tracking the vote a little bit about what's going on so they had the numbers they told me they're about 200,000 early votes that have occurred right and of that number about only about 6,000 african-americans out of that 200,000. that's 3% of the early vote. now, you could say, maybe people are going to vote in person, but that's not a great trend line. it tells you there's going to be some great african american sway and that there was a lot
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of money spent a lot of time and voter contact. there were robo calls being made. people felt inundated by some of these contacts. so i just don't see african american votes being swayed from the republican party. i mean, from the democratic party to go into voting either for trump or for haley. and if she's down 30 points 3% of african-americans, even if she got 100% of that number and going to make it one of the blacks i'm speaking here down on front front of us because we've had a lot more but to discuss that throughout the evening tonight, we will be right back via headliner las vegas that's what i want to do. >> it's unlike anywhere else in the world. >> vegas, the story of sin city tomorrow at ten on cnn pure harvest smart farms in abu dhabi. this a technology enabled agribusiness solving global
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. 7, 1, 8 8, 5, 2, 3, 4 9 8, 7 the, body of alexey navalny, the main opposition leader to russian president vladimir putin, has now been handed >> over to his mother more than a week after he died in a russian prison. that according to his spokesperson today, navalny's mother has accused russia of holding her son's body hostage trying to blackmail her into barren bring
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him in secret this comes as the world marks, two years today since russian president vladimir putin ordered the full-scale brutal invasion of ukraine, triggering a brutal war with no end in sight cnn's nick paton walsh is on the ground for us. he's live in ukraine, nick, on this important day what are you seeing? what? hearing >> yeah. well, if it's been a day in which we've seen in kyiv at a startling array of european and western leaders turning up to pledge their ongoing political strategic support for ukraine, emphasizing how this war that ukraine began on its own two years ago, has now through so much western support essentially become part of a western struggle in itself that's certainly the narrative that russia have embraced thoroughly, but also too, i think a day in which many ukrainians who have had to take stock of exactly how their daily lives entirely change. some even saying to me how they're texting about how they remembered two years ago a world without war. well, it
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punctuates every moment of life here and particularly odessa town not far from where i'm standing in zaporizhzhia, which over the past two nights has had deadly drone strikes that have taken lives, authorities saying, because drone debris for non buildings also to russia's officials in the military, suggesting that they in fact have taken one to 200 prisoners of ukrainian soldiers during they're taking of the town of avdiivka that last weekend ukraine voluntarily withdrew from and i think within the promises of further help from western nations, a recognition that so much is currently missing, so much as delayed. key to that the 60 billion dollars from the united states that's currently held up by republican led congress. and so today, i think president zelenskyy is reminder of the 730 days of hope. he says for ukraine, doesn't really have necessarily an end in sight. as you said, and ukrainians are dealing with a fight here that for them is entirely extension it's all about their safety, about their freedom going forwards, but is currently
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seeing the western unity that's kept them afloat for these past two years. ebbing or at least not delivering the aid ammunition as they say, urgently need wolf nick paton walsh on the ground for us in zaporizhzhia, right of the front lines, as i say to you every day, nick, stay safe over there, erin, over to you. >> all right. wolf. and now the story we're all watching this hour as the poles are getting ready to close in the state of south carolina voters have been voting throughout the day today to make a decision that could effectively end the 2024 republican primary they season joining me now from colombia is drew mckissick. he is the chairman of the south carolina republican party. he has endorsed donald trump. so i appreciate your time. today. can you tell me what you're seeing on the ground in the state at this time for 49, what's turnout look like? >> well, first off, there is early vote turnout. so we had 208,000 people early vote for our primary contrasted with 132,000 people that are now for the entire democratic primary
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here in south carolina. with only 20% of what they did four years ago this to me says, we're looking at record turnout here. i'll record was in 2016 at 765,000 people. i think we're going to break that tonight. and i think that speaks to the enthusiasm and 40 right now. >> obviously, of course, joe biden is running as the incumbent, so it's presumed to be more difficult, right? essentially unchallenged but what does this turn out before nation primary now i don't forget that >> right. and they did change that on the democratic calendar. but what do you think is driving this turnout? and i asked you drew in the context of the reality is the polls have been consistent that donald trump is massively ahead and i want to ask you about how much, but massively had the polls have shown 30 points? often that's a difficult situation in which to get record turnout. so what do you think is driving it in that case >> enthusiasm and excitement, excitement for president trump, excitement for taking back the white house, excitement for taking joe biden out the white
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house mean you'll have less enthusiastic about the issues that we've talked about since 15 and 16, whether it's the immigration issue been at the top of everybody's mind to the economy, to inflation, to the wokefication of america, go down the list. we need. the issues are what moves people. they get excited about that. i get excited about candidates. they feel represent those this used to them and will address him, speak to them and i think you've got a lot of folks who want to turn out and make a statement today. >> so what do you think the margins will be? >> so i think the polls has been very accurate so far we saw what we did an iowa which i know caucuses can be more difficult, old and even the polls there had it within, say, a point and a half, i think have been right on new hampshire was fairly accurate in terms of what the poll suggested. i think the polls here fairly represent what i've been seeing anecdotally and hearing on the ground and when we look at the different counties that we've seen come in big and early voting versus those that did that again, makes me feel like those polls
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are probably so i want to ask you that mr. trump's said last night, we were just talking about it on our panel when he was speaking to black voters and he said that black voters like him because he's been indicted, among other inflammatory statements where he was talking about how black people carry his mug shot around actually were some of the words that he used do you find that acceptable? drew and if you do, tell me why, but if you don't how do you get past it? >> well, so first off, what donald trump has been speaking out in this country for a long time, and particularly in the political scene. obviously some 15 and donald trump speaks and people are accustomed that if they're not used to it, they haven't been living in this country so this is not a situation where we're going to lose political, lose votes, lose political support because of donald trump continuing to speak about issues of weight has been speaking about it for the last eight years here. i mean, particularly here in south carolina, i've seen the growth that we've seen here in this state in the last three election cycle, particularly
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last two, were the best 150 years for republicans here in south carolina. so i get it, yes. after lana is not this state is not that state things are different in different places, but i know what we've seen here, and i know what we're probably going to see today at drew. >> i want to ask you because i'm not sure if we were misinformed when i introduced you, i said you had endorsed donald trump have you endorsed him or i mean, by the way, yeah. good >> south carolina. we got a tradition of being neutral up until the primary is over. i have held to that and again, that's one of the reasons why we maintain that carve-out status and states trust us with that. and by the way, i'll say we've always got it right since 1980. know republicans become president of the united states without winning the south carolina primary. we are traditionally the graveyard of presidential campaigns and a lot of ways and i expect that's a tradition that will continue tonight >> when you were going through though. i understand you did you haven't formally endorsed, but when you were going through the reasons that you thought trump would win and all the
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enthusiasm, all of those comments were directed at trump specifically as opposed to nikki haley would you do would you have that enthusiasm for nikki haley? i would presume, you know, her obviously shows a two term governor, or state jobs doing the >> so. >> my point >> my my issue, my thing where the state chairman here in south carolina is a sport. the people of south carolina sport and republicans here in this state so they're making their voices heard right now. we'll see how it all shakes out after 07:00 at night. and then we're going to have one team from south carolina after it's over all right, well, we will see and as you said, those polls are closing here in these next couple of hours, drew. thanks so much. i appreciate your time on voting day absolutely. >> thank you >> all right. and we are just moments away from getting our first look at cnn exit polls. and this is going to be crucial to tell you who's voting and maybe how they're voting, whatsapp off carolina voters are telling us about who they voted for and the issues that are driving them to the polls today, our special coverage continues after a short break
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celebrating americas hockey legacy with a marquee doubleheader, getting sandra sunday first, bolts take on the depth dial up his game in a tough of prostate, right? >> buh-bye crosby >> take cover job, find a flyers, lightning, depths big tomorrow with welfare, tnt >> welcome to cnn special coverage of the south carolina republican primary. i'm erin burnett not in new york along with wolf blitzer in washington. and we are just two hours away now from polls closing in what could be nikki haley's last chance to prove herself and slow down the trump campaign despite the primary taking place on her own state, right. doubled term, two term governor donald trump is
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expected to easily defeat the former south carolina governor wolf. >> we're watching all of the so closely right now, erin, south carolina's primary is, you know, is open, which means democrats. and independents in south carolina can cast ballots in the gop race. haley's team is hoping enough anti-trump voters could help push her through to super tuesday, which is on march 5. we have a team of reporters, tracking all of the action that as these candidates are moving forward, we're going to candidates headquarters right now and polling stations all across the state. first, i want to check in with cnn's brian todd he's in mount pleasant, south carolina for us, brian, what are you hearing? what are you seeing from voters there >> will voters have been pumped up all day to come out here. and frankly, we're pumped up to because this is just a lot of pfk-1 to cover a very dynamic situation here at this precinct. actually, this is six precincts all in one. jenny more elementary school here in
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mount pleasant. what i was told a few minutes ago by an official here was that as of just a few minutes ago, almost 1,900 voters had come through here today. the question is, are we going to see another push in the last two hours before the polls close at 07:00 p.m. eastern time. this line has kind of ebbed and flowed all day long. it's a little bit shorter now, but still coming out the door now in two hours when the polls close, it's gonna be kinda cool to watch here. they do it different ways in different places all over the country as far as tabulating the votes and then showing you who won the way they're gonna do it here is they're not letting us inside to film the voting and they're going to tabulate the votes at 07:00 eastern time shortly after that, when they tabulate the vote we're not going to be able to show that as it's happening, the tabulation inside. but then what they are going to do is they're going to plaster those tabulations on that window. you see those two thin white stripes. they're like giant cvs receipts, only even longer. those are going to be the vote tabulation strips that they're going to plaster on that window once that happens we'll be able to show you some of the vote totals if we can see them kind of tiny lettering and numbers
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there, but there you have it that's the way they're going to do it here. now, we want to talk to a voter here who just came out of the polls. he is rick hagans rick. you've been in this area for 40 years. you don't look old enough to have been here for 40 years. i gotta tell you that. but you voted for nikki haley? haley talk to me about maybe the issues that drove you to vote for the former governor. i sure will, you know, we are such a critical juncture right here in our nation and we look at the open-borders. we don't know who's coming in. it's been a mass influx of people coming in. we get the right person in. i believe we need to get joe biden out of the white house. he's caused a lot of trouble. and we also see what student loan debt we have people and i hear this all the time. people who decided to be responsible pay off their student debt people who decided to work, they didn't want to take on student debt. nobody forces you go to college, but they have that student debt and i believe that nikki haley has the best chance of beating joe biden
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come this fall, you said you were impressed with her record as governor. i wanted to ask you this historical question. since 1980. >> yeah. only one time have the south carolina republican voters not pick the winner? who eventually won the republican nomination that year. that was in 2012. that's going back, obviously 44 years. they've had such a good record of a forecasting the winner among the republicans here. what makes it you've been here for 40 years, right? what makes south carolina so special in that regard or so, i guess kind of good at forecasting the winter and the rip on the republican side. well, you got a lot of great people here in south care. of course and we love the weather down here. we loved the people. but last year, south carolina, well, four years ago, they picked the winner, joe biden, because south carolina is really that tipping point that enabled joe biden, i think to get the momentum that he needed to go forward. so i'm hoping think that we can do it with a republican candidate this year. >> oh, it's looking pretty good for donald trump right now, but
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we're going to see how it goes at the end of today in south carolina, then if super tuesday, rick, a pleasure to meet you. thank you so much. thank you. good luck to you. all right, guys, less than two hours before the polls close, is there going to be a last-minute push? we're going to see about that. one thing to also watch out but for as you know, nikki haley, we sample voters coming out off camera. they tell us, you know, who they voted for, what the issues we're a pretty healthy dose of nikki haley's support. i'd say it's split pretty evenly between her and donald trump at this voting location. and it's worth noting that this county, charleston county, was one of only two counties in 2016 in the donald trump did not win. we're going to see how we fares here in this county tonight. guys, back to you >> our very own brian todd reporting. thank you very much. erin. back to you. all right. well, if a reminder that we are just moments away from our first cnn exit polls. so was brian's talking about talking to voters and they come out and ask them who they voted for. obviously, we've got that now and abroad statewide basis as that comes in, we're going to break bring it to you in just a moment. i want to go to mall in south carolina first though, where our omar jimenez has been talking to voters and omar,
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what are you hearing there? obviously very different in many ways then where brian todd was just standing in the charleston suburbs we've heard of a good mix of things up to this point, most of the voters have been trump's supporters. we did speak to one democrat who withheld her vote in the democratic primary early in this month to vote against donald trump here. but we are inside one of those polling locations. i just want to give you a look at what we're seeing. this is an mauldin. we are outside greenville south carolina. as you can see it as a familiar sight for anyone who has voted recently, you come into a spot like this, go to those familiar privacy boost. you cast your vote. >> we've got, we're closing in on five hundred votes total at this particular location. and they do expect more to come in in the final push before polls close. but you mentioned we've been talking to voters. we've been keeping that going all day. we got some other folks here as well. i know you just simon misty, great to see you, ms you just voted. tell me who did you vote for him? why?
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>> i voted for nikki haley today and i think briefly, i think it's an opportunity to shift the course of history if it feels like a rare chance to be able to do that >> and when you say shift the course of history, what exactly are you talking about? what propelled you really to say, you know what nikki haley's my person? >> when i think about this country and the leader of this country, my parents are immigrants and so much of my families sprinkled across the earth and i want to be able to look at our leader and be proud of who are leader is and now be ashamed, at least. >> fair enough. misty, great to meet you simul get you in the next time. good to meet you too. >> erin, >> look, this is the range of opinions that we've heard over the course of today here in this particular area, this is a place that trump is carried before in the past. but as you have heard, there are people that are still willing to support for the former governor
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here in the state of south >> yeah. and interesting how she talked about that to you, omar. thank you. and now we are getting those first exit poll results in the south carolina gop primary, david chalian. of course, owns that going through all the data, had a minute to try to breathe and get some pieces to share with us. what are you learning, david? >> hey, good evening, erin. well, the first thing we're learning and remember these are early numbers. they will change as the night goes on. these are the initial results from our exit polling today. but this electrode and south carolina looks a lot more like the republican electorate in the iowa caucuses back at the beginning of january than it does the new hampshire primary electorate. let me show you some examples of that we asked. do you consider yourself to be part of the maga movement 45% say yes, 45% of those participating in the south carolina republican party as 49% say no. and that looks similar to what we saw in iowa, whereas in new hampshire, only a third of those voting in the republican primary said they
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considered themselves part of the maga movement. do you think biden legitimately won the 2020 election here in south carolina in this primary today, only a third, 32% say that he didn't legitimately win only a third. give the correct answer to this question. two-thirds, 65% wrongly say that joe biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election, but that is what they believe, obviously after hearing so much of that from donald trump and others, again, that looks more similar to iowa than new hampshire. how about ideology here 43% of the electorate erin considers themselves very conservative 36%, somewhat conservative, 17% moderate, three liberal. those bottom two categories only add up to 20% of the electorate. and that's where you would imagine nikki haley goes hunting for her most votes in new hampshire. those two categories were a much bigger share of the overall electorate than they are here in south carolina. could we ask, are you a white born again evangelical
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christian. 61% of the electorate says yes, they identify as born again or evangelical christian. 39% say no radically different from new hampshire we're only 19% were white born-again evangelical christians. this again, looks similar or to the iowa caucus electric. remember, donald trump won the iowa caucuses by 30 points. he won the new hampshire primary by 11 points. and this electorate looks more like that iowa electorate, erin all right, david and we're gonna get back to david for more results later in the hour. >> doug. all right, so this says this says what the poles said in a sense, we would expect, right? that this would be a very pro trump group, but this, is very trumpy. >> it is and the 20% that david talks about, i think we can also extrapolate just on the moderate plus liberal self-identified moderate, liberal combined gets you to 20%. >> and i think most of those people were probably standing behind brian todd in line. i'm going to vote. that's where
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those voters are coming from. they're not coming from the more rule parts of the state. they're not coming even from by-in-large columbia where you do have more highly educated voters as well. and that's ultimately part of nikki haley's problem here. the math doesn't work on this. and so haley's trying to make a completely different argument and sheet what she is saying is america is not happy with this field america does not want joe biden. they don't want donald trump. it's the movable force versus the movable they resistible force versus the movable objects. sorry about that. and america is not happy with this. that's why i'm an alternative the problem is that's not a great message in a republican primary, even in her home-state. >> what stands out to you about what david just went through? >> only 32% of the voters. this showed up. thank joe biden is the actual president. >> that's right. yes. so that means if that's a similar scenario in iowa, we are living in two alternate universe the verses we have voters who are accepting the election results
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and voters who are not. and it also means if this is a joe biden and donald trump rematch and donald trump loses, what is i am not saying this. i hyperbolically, but what is the next version of january? you worry six, particularly when you have people at cpac this week who are literally saying bryan closed doors and democracy and democracy, we didn't do it on january 6, will get it done again. that is very troubling. that is a sign that we need some form of intervention that folks understand that our elections are secure and safe and are accurate i mean, look, you gotta combined 79% who are very conservative or somewhat conservative after this, we go to super tuesday, >> march 5, 21 states most of those states in terms of the outlook of likely gop primary voters will be very similar in terms of where they align themselves on the ideological spectrum absolutely benefits donald trump's so if you're nikki haley, the question is, you lose by 30%. you're saying you're going to continue on the
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super tuesday. you lose by 30, 40% potentially in some of those states, you don't walk away with a single one with a single delegate. what's the message to your supporters and certainly to your megadonors to continue to fund your account the pain when at some point even those donors are going to face route and say, is it time for us, it just put our dollar behind donald trump as some of them already have >> jamal also raises the question, if you're in a situation like this, it seems like one of the big bets for nikki haley and those backing her has been keep going and show that you're there so that if something happens, if he is convicted, if you know, if this asteroid comes in, that she's there, that's right. but what the voters seemed to be saying is even in that case, it wouldn't be her. >> that is exactly what i believe. i believe that that happens. some of these other candidates who suspended their campaigns but not ended them might get oh back off the bench into the field. they go to the convention. that's how this might get rectified with one of these maga numbers and election denying number. >> i mean, this is a maga party. i'm right all these elections have shown us that
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people believe in maga there. and, you know, before we go, i'm just struck by the woman misty, who was talking to omar who's had our parents were immigrants. he's in the united states. she wants a president that she can be proud of, which talks to her other parents. and i think about in 2019, donald trump gave a speech in front of the united nations really talked about globalist versus patriots. and the people who were patriots, where people with long term ties to a country, right? he does not like immigrants. this is all illegal immigration or conversation it keeps having the republican side. it's not just about illegal immigration. they don't really like migrants. and so i just think it's we are going into this election. we've got a lot bigger issues on the, on the horizon and we all want to have a country we can be proud of a president. we can be proud of. i be proud of nikki haley. i'm not agree with her for a lot of reasons, but i would think she would at least be a constitutional first who could represent us on the world stage. i just don't think that donald trump is that person >> and do you have any surprise, doug? i also taking a step back here when david saying how closely these exit
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polls mirror those of iowa where trump won by 30 points as opposed to new hampshire where he only he won by 11. in the context of the fact that she has outspent him, she has a two-term governor she she obviously that means you have all sorts of baggage on both sides, but a lot of people there know unlike her, yeah. well, they do >> know in liker but they know and love donald trump. and when you were interviewing the state party chair earlier, he talked about the term enthusiasm and donald trump has very intense enthusiasm. the crowds at cpac may be smaller for them, but the people who are air scream louder. they're yelling for freebird and their yellen forward as loud as they can. and that's the reality of where the republican party is throughout the country. and let's remember, it was better for nikki haley in new hampshire, but you didn't win it. and that's that's the challenge. moving forward is this is donald trump's party. the fact that he wants to put his daughter-in-law as the co-chair of the party, sort of codifies that because that's what's going to happen. >> and it doesn't get better for it does not get better for it for nikki haley, manager, while you raised a point about this as the maga party it's
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true the idea of contextual small c conservatism really doesn't exist. this is a party now that is a nationalist populist movement that now has control over the party. now you see the former president's and this is the guy who i want to lead the rnc, the current north carolina chairman who is quite effective. remember they censured a thom tillis for example, because he a senator thom tillis, also the former senator from north carolina, mo boss richard burr. so sure about what is more maga. then censuring two of your senators who were both republicans. that's about as maga as it gets. and i've known michael whatley for 20 years. i think he's done a pretty good job at north carolina a gop that has struggled to do a good job and i've seen some of that up close. but when you've censured two of your own people, that is the most maga argument making haley and you're a moderate republican or an establishment like republican erin, we have to face the reality here that this is a very different party and the hope is that if president trump loses in november, the former president, some have argued that this perhaps may be
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the opportunity for the pendulum to swing back to the other side to regain control of the party. i'm not convinced of that though. >> you might arrive i'll, just say, i agree with you, shermichael, i think that this is the republican party. it is a maga party. >> what >> do you do from this point on it as a real big gamble to say if donald trump loses in november, this is going to be a contested race. and so are we willing? to risk our democracy at this moment if he becomes a nominee, which all sides from south carolina indicate he he is going to be it is the truest question right now of party over politics. and i think you have to not let donald trump win. >> all right, all stay with me and we are going to check in with the trump and haley campaigns right after this what they are anticipating tonight from their internal polling of what's happening through the day. our special coverage continues just a moment >> candidate john edwards
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right, now, we're following some major breaking news overseas or us led coalition has just launched a fourth round >> of strikes against more than a dozen iran-backed houthi targets across yemen oren liebermann is joining us once again from the pentagon. what are you learning now or in wolf the us and the uk carried out strikes on 18 different targets across eight different locations according to a statement from the coalition, which includes the us and the uk that carried out the strikes themselves. and the countries that support and backed this operation, including canada, the netherlands, australia, yeah, baja rain, and several others. in this case, the fourth round of coalition strikes we have seen, there was one earlier this month in two last month. in this case, they targeted underground weapons storage facilities. the weapons themselves, one-way attack drones, missiles, and more, as well as radar sites and more. the goal here being to try to disrupt degrade the ability of the houthis, the iran-backed rebel group in yemen to target international shipping and
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commercial vessels. and one of the world's most critical waterways. that coalition statement says there have been at least 45 attacks on commercial vessels and naval vessels operating in the red sea and the gulf of aden. you can see them right there on that map. and because the threat to the region, the coalition says it necessitated a response. part of the challenge here, according to us officials, is that the strikes we have seen the us carried out over the last several months do not appear to have had any deterrence effect on the houthis. these attacks have continued despite the us going after their weaponry, their command and control, they're real there are sites and more, and that's part of the challenge here. that being said, wolf, the warning is clear here if the houthi attacks continue, so too will the us strikes? >> yeah, it looks like it's >> escalating over there. oren liebermann at the pentagon. thank you very much. erin, back to you. >> wolf and we're turning now to the special coverage of the south carolina republican mary. voters have about but an hour and a half left now to cast their ballots, polls close at 07:00 p.m. eastern kristen holmes is
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following the latest with trump campaign. show. she is in columbia those headquarters tonight. so kristen obviously it looks like trump will be victorious. we'll see how this goes. i will see how it goes. exit polls certainly also indicating that how badly does trump want to beat nikki haley and her home state? i mean, what sort of margin would make him feel that this was a victory >> what they're really looking at is the how badly can we be nikki haley in this statement they are hoping that the polls are accurate when you're talking about a 30 point lead in some of these holes, that is what they are hoping holds. now, one of the things that i have heard from trump's advisors really since for iowa was that they were hoping that he would win. i wasn't. they would get those big holdout donors then they were hoping you win iowa and new hampshire. so he would get those big holdout donors. now they are hoping with big margins in iowa, new hampshire, and south carolina that they will get not only those big holdout donors, but also some republicans who may still be on the fence. remember, donald trump wants it's to put this too bad. he wants to pivot to a general election. he wants to focus as well on his legal cases. the
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last thing he wants to be doing is still being in a primary race, but that is where we are right now. that's why you're likely to hear him lash out at nikki haley again, when he speaks tonight, if she does remain in the race and if he does be her by a large margin because this is something he is privately been expressing to many of his senior advisers that he doesn't understand why shoe wouldn't rally behind him as well though, does appear at least somewhat that that ship might have sailed at this point. she keeps that continues to say that she is in it till the end. it'll every primary vote has been cast. but again, what they're hoping for tonight it is another resounding margin so they can move forward and really start to focus intentionally on a general election giving the illusion that he is the presumptive nominee. how many, even though the delegate math wouldn't be there yet, right? >> of course. >> even though he's won, everything doesn't have enough delegates to say that it's his yet any won't after tonight either kristen. thank you. wolf during his, you know, the former south carolina governor nikki haley continues to resist
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trump's efforts to push her out of the racy and that's kylie >> atwood is covering the haley campaign. she's joining us now from charleston. a kiley nikki haley has said she hopes to come closer to trump than she did back in new hampshire. but how realistic is that >> well, wolf, there is not been a single poll in the last month or so that shows her coming closer to former president trump here in her home state of south carolina, then 32, 35 points. but of course that doesn't mean that it's impossible, right? we don't know what's gonna happen until we actually see those voters. those votes tallied up and nikki haley, for her part, appear to manage expectations today, saying that she hopes that it's going to be competitive, but not talking about coming within a certain margin of the former president. now she was also asked about about her strategy for super tuesday, and she said the strategy is to give voters an option and see, of course, which option they choose. she
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also went on to say this, take a listen you might go to russia and they'll fill on noise king there. but here in america, we have elections and people's voices because they're hurt and how blessed are we that we get to do that and so we want these states to be on the vote between now and ten days from now, another 21 states and territory what we voted. >> and i >> think that's a great thing they want their voices heard >> now, she also called it disgusting that former president trump said last night that he believes that black people like him because he has been discriminated against like they have. she has been very sharp in her her critiques of the former president no matter what he does, you know, the actions he's taking, the things that he is saying over the last month and just to take a step back, wolf, that's not what you did at the beginning of her campaign. she was asked earlier today if she wished she went harder after trump earlier on in her campaign and she says she has no regrets that that
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was part of the strategy beat out all the other contenders and then really narrow in on the former president. and now we're watching to see how that strategy here in south carolina work where she has put tremendous resources into the state more than 30 campaign events just over the last month alone, while the former president trump has only had two or three events here in the state. wolf very interesting. kylie atwood in charleston, south carolina for us. thank you very much. still ahead. new cnn exit polls are now coming in. are david chalian will join us that after the break with what mattered most to voters in south carolina when i'm casting their ballots >> why you ran hits america tomorrow? on cnn >> nothing comes close to this place in the morning. i'm so glad i can still come here. you see i was diagnosed with obstructive hcm and there were some days i was so short of
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>> can you do this? yeah. i see that matches >> welcome back to cnn special coverage of the south carolina republican primary. we're getting more results from cnn's exit polling. david chalian is back with me and david we've got some more information now about these voters. tell us what you're finding out >> yeah. so one of the questions we ask is what candidate quality mattered most to your vote today? erin? and in the south carolina republican primary, 37% said the candidate, the quality that mattered most fighting for people like me, 33% shares my values and you can see, can defeat biden the electability quality and has the right temperament are each at 13% much lower priority for this republican electorate. and those of course have been the core of nikki haley's arguments now, take a look here among trump supporters. this is
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fascinating. erin, among trump supporters, 91% of them say they are voting for their candidate. only 8% of trump supporters say their vote today is a vote in opposition to the opponent that is totally different from what we see in haley's coalition. still a majority say they're voting for their candidate 59% of haley's supporters say that 40% though foreign ten haley voters are casting their ballot in opposition to donald trump and then we asked, when did you decide on your candidate? and this is astounding 78% that number way down there at the bottom before iowa and new hampshire voted, this was a locked in electorate even before they saw the results of what was happening in the other early states, erin that is really stunning. that's 78%, that just screams off the screen. and that is unbelievable, david. >> all right, >> thank you so much, wolf let
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me bring back our panel, erin and kristen, let me start with you. what's your reaction hearing those exit poll numbers, too big number stick out to me. the 13% saying that they are voting on electability, the ability to beat biden that is the death knell for nikki haley. she has made that the centerpiece of her campaign and frankly, it's both haley and the entire rest of the republican field has run into the problem that donald trump has performed well against joe biden in a lot of general election polling over the last year. the argument that haley keeps making, that there's no way donald trump can win simply isn't true. donald trump absolutely could be elected president in november so that's that's number one that sticks out to me. the other one is the fact that so many haley voters are voting against donald trump. this is why it is so important for trump to not alienate haley's coalition as much as his instincts will be to try to do so. say, oh, if you're not with maga, get out of my party, if all of those people don't show up for republicans in november, he will have a
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problem beating biden, but 91% of those voters voting for trump say they were voting for him and not against anyone else. and that shows you the level of enthusiasm for donald trump. i mean, they're, they're locked in 78% were locked in for a long time the previous primaries didn't matter and they're not voting against anyone. there, just voting for donald trump, for nikki haley. it seems she believes like if she could just skip over all these primaries and go to a general election, she might have a better shot at it because she does well in those polls but it just shows you that that they see donald trump as someone they want to become president and they see him as a fighter >> 37%, right? and he leans into that right? this idea that he is a fighting for their cause, they identify with that.
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and so i think that's actually going to be a strong point for him. two and a general election. if he gets there, this strong identification that these voters, i'll have with them and listen, that's across the board. i was in south carolina a couple of weeks ago in some voters are these are democratic black voters who were saying that they thought that donald trump two was a fighter talking about the economy been better under donald trump. so those are things i think in this poll, he clearly knows that that sort of image of him is sort of a strong guy who takes it to folks in and can improve focuses lives. it's clear that folks believed that he he's a fighter for them. >> lula, you want to weigh in? >> yeah. i >> mean, one of the things that i find really astonishing by all these numbers is that in many ways this entire republican primary season has been performative it was almost like it was for we're told that donald trump was actually going to be the nominee, and that is something that's certainly his campaign and he has been pushing. but when you see those numbers that this was locked in, that they had made
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this decision not weeks ago, but months ago. then you really do see that how many republicans are actually persuadable? how many republicans are actually looking for a different candidate. and so you know, when you look at nali nikki haley's candidacy, you see a candidacy that, you know, some people would try to say she leading the resistance and she leading some kind of future party in which donald trump is no longer there, or he gets taken out in some act of god. and really what you're seeing is that in fact, people have already made up their mind and they like him they believe that he represents them and speaks for them. and they want him to be the nominee and they don't care if they if he can beat joe biden are not >> he's essentially running as an incumbent, right? i mean, literally people actually go in some ways that he did win in 2020 and listen, donald trump has been running for president since 2015. he never stopped. once he lost in 2020, he began
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in this whole theory about the election being rigged in 2020, people bought it hook line and sinker. you can see it in those polls. so they have an attack attribute to him that is so hard, i think debris, this is going to be something that a lot of republican strategists who worked for other campaigns are going to be debating in the coming weeks and months, was it ever possible to defeat donald trump in the first place? was there a moment? was there a strategy? did we just not do the right thing? there's gonna be a lot of finger-pointing. there was a lot of money spent. haley's still has a lot of money. look, the polls have enclosed in south carolina where we're not foretelling any, but it seems as though at this point there's gonna be a lot of debate about to lose point. was this ever winnable for somebody? >> was desantis? >> it >> will recall, which seems like 1 million years ago, who was doing well in the polls and then donald trump's started getting indicted and his poll numbers started going up. and then if you listened to the cpac speech last night, he went
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it was very apocalyptic. i'm fighting for you because it'll be the apocalypse if joe biden gets re-elected. but he portrayed himself as the victim, as he always does. and that's when desantis's numbers started going down. and so the more he fights, the number of 33% shares, my values you know, that that is important because people believe these voters are believed that donald trump is fighting for them and no matter what he says, at cpac, he called himself a dissident and many people can can look at that and say, well, what's been going on in this country, i don't agree with either. so i'm a dissident to and he's played it. he's very correct and knock, knock donald trump, but they were members of cpac there who were speaking, calling for the end of democracy. and so you know, these things go hand in hand.
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this is a very, you know, when donald trump speaks and he calls himself a dissident and he uses that language. what he's talking about, of course, what he's what he's trying to impart to his followers is that, hey, i am someone who is a victim of oppression. this entire administrative state, this entire democratic establishment, is coming after you and look, i am the perfect symbol of that and that resonates with them. and so one step further is then saying actually we don't even like democracy. we don't believe that democracy has worked for us. look, it was taken away from, trump in 2020. and so we don't believe that this is actually a democracy so i think it's also a replay of this idea that he's an outsider, right? that's what works, uh, well for him in 2016, he was this millionaire. he was on the apprentice. he could shake the system up, right? even though he has been a president the united states served for four years, he can still play into this idea that he is an outsider and it was an aids with many people they can in a
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wide variety of people, right? you have the chamber of commerce are republican, they're saying he's worried about taxes and you have working class folks as well. so this sort of books, swath of people that can look at him and say, he's a fighter for me, whether that that's working class black men or white man who never worried. and i think democrats should be worried. i think this idea that there should be worried we don't want mr. democrat should be worried that they will lose the next election to trump, to trump oh, i think they absolutely i'm not mean it, but but what i'm saying is you know, that's why what nikki haley was saying. as you as you pointed out, that somehow she is more electable, the polls show that that may very well be true. but the fact of the matter is is that trump has such a very stronghold on the electorate. and biden does not have that strong hold over his, over his its base. and so, you know, it is going to very much depend on who, who will turn out and how this all plays out >> i don't think the worry for the democrats and you see this here is that their supporters
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will stay home, right? exact because they're not enthusiastic about joe biden. they don't like the race, particularly unless joe biden can make the case about the stakes of this selection, you want to talk about democracy being an existential of existential importance to this country. unless biden can show himself to be a fighter for people and show that he has said exceeded, you know, there's, there's a problem. they're looking at these polls. these people are locked in there, locked. >> and those are republican. so again, mostly, but if you're from south carolina is that any of the surprise you it doesn't surprise me. you know, i mean, this is trump country. it has been for years since donald trump's sort of took over the party. so it's not a surprise in talking to folks in south carolina and again, these were some democratic folks who have a sort of a revisionist idea of donald trump that maybe it
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wasn't so bad when donald and trump was president, they felt like they had more money and that prices were better when donald trump was president biden and democrats have a long way to go, i think in turn being those voters back out in november of 2020, is everybody standby? we have a lot more to discuss our special coverage will continue, we'll speak with former united states representative publicly. will hurd about why he's backing nikki haley right now. >> we'll >> also speak to him about the future of the republican burden >> backroom deals cia secrets of fair bribery, corruption, prostitution >> there's so much more to the store in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn why?
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first two would triple protection >> we've invested well worn disease, no problem with some parentage rio, this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures, use with caution and dogs with a history these disorders are winning protection. go with sympatric, a trio >> bleeding gums are serious, jamie dr. garcia you're assigned if
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. well, 18885 to i'm in its seventh one >> all right. a little over an hour. polls are set to close in south carolina as republican presidential candidate, nikki haley tries to derail former president trump's march toward the gop nomination joining me now to talk about it, is the former republican presidential candidate will hurd. he is backing nikki haley in this
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race. so congressman, thanks for being with me. you're backing nikki haley. the polls have showed her behind by 30 points and her goal here has been to do much better than that you see the exit polls that we're getting, exit polls are still just polls, but these are actual voters. 78% of them said they made their mind up before anyone even voted in the state of iowa and you see only 20% of them combined identified as moderate or liberal. and half of them say they're maga, 65% think that biden didn't legitimately win the election what do you take away from this so far? >> well there's a couple of. things i take away from that exit polling that donald trump supporters are super-enthusiast ic for him. we all know that and that's true, but there's also a lot of people that don't like donald trump. and those are the folks that, that ultimately need to be activated is this assumption that only independence and moderate folks are coming out for nikki haley. nikki haley was a tea party
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governor in south carolina. she gets a lot of those conservative votes and there's one trend that we saw in early, in early voting data. there's a lot of low propensity voters, people that don't generally vote in primaries coming out. we'll see once all the votes are counted. this one of my mind on my friends watching your wonderful show, the count is 63 to 17 right now. this is not over, this is not a fait accompli. we don't coronate kings in america. we actually go the election. and prior to today, only 2.8% of eligible voters in the united states of america okay. have had the opportunity votes. >> there's a lot more >> votes that need to be counted. >> well, and that is a stunning reality of this. i want to just hone in on something you just mentioned that you said you were looking at an early voting and obviously those are people who voted prior to election day, but that low-propensity voter what does that say to you? well >> well, look, it can go one of two ways. it can be people that first time they vote was in
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2016, or it could be people that have never voted and they're ready to come out and they, and they're tired of the chaos could potentially be other people that are like wait a minute, donald trump has no money. joe biden has a lot more than him. and donald trump's going to use the money that's given to his campaign to go to pay for his legal fees. the fact that his his his lying for decades and new york has caught up to him and he was $450 million to new yorkers that's one of the reasons why donald trump wants nikki haley plea out of the race because he wants the rnc money to pay for the campaign, so he can use his money to pay for his legal feels legal bills, excuse me. so people are frustrated with that. >> they >> recognize that you don't replace crazy democratic drama with republican drama. and that's what, that's what some of those loans oh, propensity voters can mean and guess what? that's why ambassador haley has done a seven-figure media buy in the superest in many of the super tuesday states, that's why she's announcing
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leadership teams in the super tuesday states. she gonna keep going. and those that think nikki haley should drop out. the only thing i would say is, well, let's think of but when my san antonio spurs go to half-time and they're down 20 points. did people say, oh pack your bags and go onto the next city? no. you go back and play and people should be plotting nikki for standing up. >> all right, so just to make the point, i think it's clear where you stand on this, but obviously, congressman, you had to make a difficult decision. you chose to end your own campaign. present he didn't think you had a viable path >> if nikki >> haley loses tonight by a lot, it doesn't seem that she has a viable path. why it should it be different for her? >> well, so i had to get out because i didn't have any money. nikki haley continued to raise money january. she raised more money in january, then she had done any previous quarter. so if you have the resources, keep going, this is now down to between two people, a man and a woman. and the reality is if she has momentum something to
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keep going, has the money to keep going. we should this isn't over until somebody gets 1,215 delegates that's when that's what you need in order to become the republican nominee. and if you have the resources going because ultimately this is what i got to say. it's very clear and it has been clear that nikki haley is the best choice of the republican party to beat donald charm. her margins of, excuse me, of beating joe biden her margins of beating joe biden or two times larger than what it is for donald trump. and guess what hasn't happened yet, the democratic party has unleashed all the money that they have and that they're going to show that all the top hits of donald trump saying terrible things about muslims. >> he is there going, >> to, they're going to review all the crazy things he said about my brothers and sisters in the black and brown communities and that's when you're going to start seeing that delta between potential rematch from hell and nobody
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wants tightening their rematch from hell. >> all right. >> congressman hurd, i appreciate your time. thanks so much. >> always pleasure. >> all right. good to see you and more of our special coverage continues after this vegas story of sin city tomorrow at ten on cnn it's kind of amazing. >> wow, lumify eye >> drops dramatically reduce redness in one minute and look at the difference. my eyes brighter and wider. trump tick hours lumify. it really works. >> see for yourself >> getting him to brush is no longer a chore. >> the sink is >> overflowing onto the floor. luckily, american home shield is there to fix or replace cupboard parts of appliances? home systems to help you stay on course and budget sign up today at >> find a great deal for your ideal to open gerardo typing
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box each half of what i paid before go to slash shave to claim your $7 trial. >> next, the south carolina republican presidential primary. haley trump, had done the head as trump's surge shows, no signs of slowing, we will make america great again, can haley do what it takes to stay in the race? >> he says the time on to make your chores. >> join cnn and the best political team in the business probe live results in analysis that south carolina republican presidential primary special coverage next on cnn and streaming on max nikki haley is hoping a >> home field advantage will give her a much-needed boost tonight joining us now, cnn, senior data reporter harry yet and harry, if haley loses today, put that in some historic context for us. >> yeah, you know, wolf i would just say this. >> nikki haley
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>> probably needs to win tonight if she wants to be the gop nominee because nominees who have lost their home state primary on either the democratic or republican side since 1,972, there's a do not enter, it could also be a stop sign because it's happened zero times. it has never for happened. we've never had a major party nominee who lost their home state in the primary. so for nikki haley, she's got a winning night. now, just to give you an idea of some south carolina delicate math, there are 50 delegates at stake, and i'll note a big one or could sweep it. why is that? because 29 delegates are awarded to the statewide won it doesn't matter if you win by one vote or 100,000 votes, you get 29 delegates and then three delegates are awarded to the winter of each of the seven us house districts. so if you win all seven us house districts, you get another 21 delegates. so it could very well be that if you win statewide, buy a lot, you sweep those congressional districts. wolf you could in fact go on and win all 50 delegates. it's not
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proportional anymore, not like iowa or new hampshire wolf. >> very quickly, harry will tonight's result play into the overall delegate math needed to be the republican nominee yeah, wolf. so look, things have been kind of >> going at a snail's pace recently, but over the next month they will be going very rapidly. one can, a candidate get 50% plus one of all the gop delegates, few of the states are truly proportional, 56% of the delegates are allotted by march 12th. that's less than a month away. and again, like south carolina, most of the contest left will award most or all their delegates to the winter. it's not proportional. so the fact is we're going to have a very quick calendar going forward, wolf, we will be watching, harry. thank you very much this quick programming note for our viewers, joining me starting monday this coming monday, 11:00 a.m. eastern for a new edition of cnn who's room. and then as always, the situation room, 06:00 p.m. eastern. thanks very much for watching more special coverage


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