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tv   Americas Choice 2024 South Carolina Primary  CNN  February 24, 2024 3:00pm-6:00pm PST

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proportional anymore, not like iowa or new hampshire wolf. >> very quickly, harry will tonight's result play into the overall delegate math needed to be the republican nominee yeah, wolf. so look, things have been kind of >> going at a snail's pace recently, but over the next month they will be going very rapidly. one can, a candidate get 50% plus one of all the gop delegates, few of the states are truly proportional, 56% of the delegates are allotted by march 12th. that's less than a month away. and again, like south carolina, most of the contest left will award most or all their delegates to the winter. it's not proportional. so the fact is we're going to have a very quick calendar going forward, wolf, we will be watching, harry. thank you very much this quick programming note for our viewers, joining me starting monday this coming monday, 11:00 a.m. eastern for a new edition of cnn who's room. and then as always, the situation room, 06:00 p.m. eastern. thanks very much for watching more special coverage
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of the south carolina >> in the south carolina capital and across the state, the first southern showdown, the 2024 republican presidential race, is now underway. voters choosing between the undefeated gop front runner donald trump and their former governor nikki haley is vowing to fight trump to the bitter end. welcome to cnn's live special coverage of the south carolina republican primary. i'm anderson cooper and i'm jake tapper in the cnn election center. there is less than one hour left for voters in the palmetto state to cast their ballots. donald trump and nikki haley, of course, going head-to-head on haley's home turf, raising this thanks for her campaign and making their fight perhaps even more combative. trump is counting on another decisive win that would bring the former
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president and closer to clinching the republican nomination, even as he's juggling court appearances and indictments, he faces his first criminal trial next month. >> this could be >> haley's last chance to slow trump's march toward becoming the nominee, the self-proclaimed underdog is hoping to beat expectations tonight but she says she's going to stay in the race no matter what the outcome today the fight is all about winning delegates of course, 50 delegates are on the line in south carolina. this is the most of any single contest yes now heading into this evening, trump leads haley on the delegate caroll. he has 63. she has 17, both still a long way from the 1,200 needed to lock up the gop nomination. the first results are going to start coming in once voting ends, that's at the top of the hour, and that will be our first chance to potentially project a winner are corresponding monitor on the scene were votes are being cast and counted. and at trump and haley campaign headquarters in south carolina, columbia and charleston. >> let's >> begin with cnn's kristen holmes, who's at trump headquarters in colombia. and
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kristen, what is the thinking inside trump world about tonight's fight against haley? >> jake will decide the back of donald trump was outpaced by the game haley on the campaign trail was outspent by any leanne that this is south haley's home state. she was the former south carolina governor. they are expecting a resounding win. and if the polls hold that wind would look something like 30 points and that's what they're happy. they're hoping for. they want a definitive win for a number of reasons, as you said, to push him toward the actual delegate math that would make it become the presumptive gop nominee. that would make a big cup gop nominee, sir. thank you, guys can hear me. i'm gonna move it up a little bit closer to me but on top of that, it's also about donors. they want some of those holdout donors to come around. they want some of those republicans who've been sitting on the sidelines hoping that there was a trump alternative to get on board with the former president. they're also hoping that a definitive win would put extra pressure on the former south carolina governor the drop out of the race, despite the fact, of course, as you noted, haley has said she is not going to drop out until every primary vote is cast.
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now, they want to pin it to a general election. they want to start using resources to pivot to a general election to attack president joe biden. but as you noted, it's going to be a very long, several months because donald trump in-between having several of these campaign events and several primary still, it's going to be in and out of courtrooms, something we've learned is going to happen again next week. so as he is trying to pivot to general, ledger now she's trying to get through these primaries. again, all of those legal cases continued to loom over the former president. >> all right. >> thank you so much, kristen, now let's go to cnn's brian todd at a voting site in mount pleasant, south carolina, just outside charleston. brian, what kind of turnout have you been seeing >> well, jake, it's been a very dynamic day here and don't let this scene behind me a belie that because there had been lines out the door all day long. we have had a new influx of voters coming in over the past few minutes and they're coming out right now. no lines here right now. but again, this could be last hour crush of voters coming in here before the polls close in less than an hour. what we're told here by
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the precinct chair is that more than 2000 voters have come through here. this is a place where there are six precincts voting in one location, gene more of excuse me, jenny more elementary school here in mount pleasant, one of them is bill bell. bills kind enough to talk to because i got to have full disclosure here, folks bills had a rough day on the rugby field because he coaches a high school women's rugby team who didn't have their best day on the field, but still, bill has shown up here. but i got to talk to you more bill about your vote. you voted twice for nikki haley as governor, but you voted for donald trump here as president. tell us why you've switched well, i haven't switched still, so like nikki. right? she was my governor, but donald trump did a great job as president. if you take his radical rhetoric, rhetoric away and you take away the tweetsgo things were accomplished during his presidency. heck of lot better than what we've had the last three years. so a return haven't donald trump come back in is just going to help the economy get the border jordan. he's not going to try to send anybody over the foreign wars. >> as you know, donald trump has a few legal cases pending against him. if he is convicted
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in any of those cases, would that change your mind about no, because it's all well, yes all right? >> well, thank you for talking to us. thanks. russia, you coming by and good luck. next time on the field. thanks a lot. okay. we're going to show you something here. now we're not allowed to film the voting alive inside. so but what i can do is kind of pure through the window here, our photojournalist talk is going to peer through the window there. you can see people casting their ballots through the window. there last minute of voters coming in before the polls close. and then i'll take you over here very quickly, guys, just to show you what they're going to do as far as the tabulation. they're going to tabulate it on these strips of paper that look like giant cvs receipts. and then they're going to post it right here, like these two things, it's going to look a lot like this. we're going to be able to go inside and less than an hour and show them tabulating the vote, which they will then post right here. jake, back to you. >> yeah, that's not a giant cvs receipt. that's just a standard cvs receipt in my mind, brian todd, thanks so much. let's go to john king at the magic wall here. john, as a bilbao, the rugby coach noted nikki haley
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has won south carolina twice, but that's 2010 2014, since then, donald trump has won south carolina three times twice. 16 primary, 2016 general 2020 general election. no primary than he was the incumbent, which just reinforces i can't i started on the national map for a reason. trump won. trump won again. trump won again. trump is three. no, if nikki haley is going to stop donald trump, her home state is the best perhaps last opportunity and yet all the polling coming in, people are voting today in some ways, put the polls aside, but we do know that data and it tells us trump had a giant lead heading into election day. so as you watch the map, what are you looking for when we do start to get results, right? so i'm going to start down here in charleston because this is charleston county. it's the third largest county in the state. it's along the coste. this is your more affluent, you're more moderate republican some military retirees down there as well. this is where nikki haley must, must-win if she's going to have any chance in the state just because of the nature of the state although i just talked to two voters down in this county and both of them for haley, who
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also say there's a lot of trump talked down in. there was just texting with them before we came on the air. so we'll watch how charles kristen comes in another place to watch is up here horry county. this is where myrtle beach is. >> if >> any, republicans are going to have second thoughts about donald trump because he refuses to criticize vladimir putin, because he refuses to be tough when it comes to russia. a lot of military tradition here. it used to be in south carolina. you won the republican race by being for lower taxes, less government, maybe pro-life on abortion and for a strong military and against russia or the soviet union will see that's a test there. the first place though, i started on the coast, jake, but then you look up here. this is the bible belt area of south carolina. greenville is the largest county in the state, right here. number one, about 10% of the population. nikki haley did very well here when she ran for governor. but i think you made the salient point you say it's her home state, but since she was last on the ballot, it has become trump's republican party. >> and the decades since. all right. >> i mean, that's a long time. exactly right. and i was there a couple of weeks ago and you get a lot of what bill just told brian todd. i like her. she was a good governor she'd
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make a great vice president if she ran him for years, maybe i'd think about it, but i'm for donald trump you just hear it over and over go. are they like her? they just love him. >> all right, more on this in a second, we're getting an early read on who's turning out to vote in south carolina today. let's go to david chalian with our exit polls. david, what are you learning about the voters that turned out today? >> well, jake, what we're seeing in these preliminary exit polls in these numbers will change as the night goes on and as we get for surveys in, is that this is a republican primary electorate that looks more like the iowa caucuses than it does the new hampshire primary. here's what i mean. are you part of the maga movement? 45% of voters in the south carolina republican party primary say yes, they're part of the maga movement. 49% say no, that's similar to what we saw hi, well, in new hampshire, it was only a third that consider themselves part of the maga movement and look at party id. >> this is critical 69% say they identify as republican, 21% identify as independent. that number in new hampshire
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was 41%. and that is why nikki haley was able to do so well hello, new hampshire, even though she still lost it by 11 points. so the fact that there are far fewer independence here is a problem for nikki haley. and of course, we checked in on how are you going to feel with the results here, if indeed trump wins the nomination 72% of republican voters say they're going to be satisfied 27% say dissatisfied i will note among haley voters 76% will be dissatisfied if trump's the nominee. now, what about nikki haley, if she wins the nomination, 41% say they would be satisfied overall, those voting in the south carolina republican primary today, 57%, nearly 6.10, will be dissatisfied hi, if nikki haley is the nominee, j. >> all right. david chalian fascinating stuff. well, if i were donald trump, dana bash, abby, phillip, and manu raju, i would look at those exit poll numbers and i think i might even be having a better night than i thought i was going to have. >> yeah. and look, there's no
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question in anybody's mind either in the trump campaign or in the haley campaign? or in anybody pretty much on planet earth right now, who doesn't think that he is going to have a good night in south carolina. you hit the nail on the head. the question is, what is the percentage going to be? >> and we've >> already heard, though, despite that in most contests, if somebody loses, not once, not twice, but three times, particularly in their home state, it would be curtain call and i'm gonna go on and figure out what i'm going to do next. >> she's determined to stay in this. she's has money. >> she has i'm told she's getting more and more stubborn and frankly angry at the things that donald trump is saying about her saying about her husband we'll see how long that lasts, but for now, that is very much your plan. >> but what's the rationale going to be for staying? yeah, that's gonna be the big challenge and the question if she does lose by some 30 points as the polls are saying this is a very trumpy electorate in her home very bad sign for her.
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what is she going to say when she comes out to explain their thinking are staying in a race where she's gotten wiped out state after state and it's just simply not going to get easier. and she spent outspend trump by about $15 million. >> that's incredible. south carolina trump barely lifted a finger and he is underway potentially to have a huge night tonight. >> yeah. i mean, trump person. we're told me recently they barely invested in south carolina in terms of money. they really don't want to have to do that with any of these primaries. that's why they want this thing to be over. >> but >> i am hearing a lot of questions about what is the end game for nikki haley and all of this way? there can she win a where can she overperform? where can she show that there's a reason for her to still be in it. one of the fascinating things that i see in these exit polls as chalian was going through them, is that this electorate, not just in south carolina, but also in new hampshire and iowa, even voters who may not consider them solves to be maga. they may not consider themselves to be election deniers. many of those
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voters are still voting for donald trump. and that is what has made it so difficult for anybody who is not named donald trump to have leeway with republican voters right now. they're just not all that interested in alternatives, which is not what we hear from so many republicans. i don't know the cristina nunez of the world over the, over the last six months, who kept saying, oh, republicans are hungry for an alternative while the electrodes so far has not shown us one of the things that's interesting for those who out there who have a historical knowledge of south carolina politics is south carolina can be really dirty we all remember i remember 24, 24 years ago, john mccain beat george w bush in new hampshire. they went down to south carolina and it was dirty. all sorts of below the radar innuendo allegations really, really nasty stuff donald trump i'm not saying that everything has been aboveboard, mainly because donald trump has said some on stage in front of a microphone
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and a crowd, some pretty outrageous things about nikki haley and her husband, but i don't i haven't heard anything about that. i haven't heard any really dirty, ugly, nasty politics because there hasn't been the need to do it. >> i just say maybe it's also because it in decades past, the candidate would not have been doing the right. it's okay. it's like the candidate, not usually the person who is saying that that nikki haley's husband, who is over in a war zone saying negative things about that. i mean, trump has changed the game because he is the guy who's slinging the mud now. and so they don't need a swift boat yet for trump could have gotten worse and worse. >> it could have hours and it's not i think this is what you're suggesting, jake. it's not as if the trump campaign doesn't have an ipo book because it's, they're not they're not above and they haven't because that's what every campaign has. >> they haven't really used at >> that much a little bit, but they haven't really used that much because they haven't seen
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nastier said was said about nikki haley when she was running for governor and running for reelection. but saying any of it should be part of our political discourse. but i think they felt like they didn't need to do it. it's just an observation. i don't know what's gonna happen. >> she's the one who has been far more negative about trump over the last few weeks, really dialing up the rhetoric, going after him in a way that she didn't as much in previous states and just that that egg the poll that came out, just 27% of republican voters will be dissatisfied if he won the nomination that shows that those attacks really have not penetrated. another point to is that the exit polls have showed that roughly three-quarters of voters made up their mind before january >> those were already >> people who are locked in. so we'll see if they are the ones who ultimately vote for trump. but what was our patrick mahomes date? maybe she didn't really have much and let's remember that she has said and we're going to run the clip right now. they're no matter what happens tonight. she's not going anywhere. she's sticking around at least until super tuesday take a listen
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i'll promise you this >> i am >> in this fight i will take the bruises i will take the cuts. i'll keep fighting until the american people close the door. that day is not today. and it won't be on saturday, not by a longshot. >> we're going to keep going all the way through super tuesday. that's as far as i've sought in terms of going forward >> so though those were her messages, dan, on monday, tuesday, and today, so she she's in it for at least a few more weeks, matter what no matter what and what i'm told from people around her that she is going to maybe say tonight and certainly we'll continue to say which is a version of what you just played is voters deserve a choice. and if she drops out tonight or even tomorrow, then it will be the longest general election in history. i'm not sure if those facts are accurate, but that's the point that she is going to make your point, abby, that if
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you look at the percentages over the past three election three or four contests, it doesn't see it seemed as though they really want much of a choice. but she's not getting zero. >> yeah, there's much more ahead in our primary coverage as we count down to the end of voting think in south carolina. and the first results from polling places across the state up next, we're going to discuss expectations for tonight and the road ahead with haley's campaign manager and with a key trump ally south carolina senator lindsey graham, stay with us candidate john edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend, and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers kid >> we're here to get your side of the story. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper, new episode tomorrow at nine on cnn progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online so you can get back to your monster to-do list get a quote, progressive
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hello dad, hello dad, hello da. uh-oh. good bunnies. ahh! million satisfied customers but it legacy it is decision time in south carolina. final minutes of voting in the republican presidential primary, the state's former governor, nikki haley, facing a critical test of her long-shot bid. to trip up the front runner, donald trump, dana bash thanks, jake, joining us now is a key south carolina lawmaker, the senior senator from south carolina, lindsey graham, who of course has >> endorsed donald trump for president. i believe senator, you are at his campaign headquarters right now, center earlier today, you said nobody could beat trump in south carolina except jesus how important though, is the margin of victory tonight what do you think it will be? and i know you just got off the pfad with
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the former president whilst go where hell, i'm mad. i told him us talking to cnn. he says he loves you so the bottom line is, i think it'd be big. i think it'd be north at 20 61% of the people the exit poll said they were evangelical's christians. that bodes pretty well for the president >> center. you say that you want nikki haley to make her own decision about how long she stays in this race? but if you do see a resounding margin, maybe along the lines of what you just mentioned. will you call on her to drop out >> well, she's a friend and i wanted to be part of the future of the republican party. thanks, just very talented we have a very similar worldview and nikki has a lot to offer the party and i just think there will come before and after tonight. >> if >> it's a big way in which i thank you to be what's the narrative was the story line the voters have spoken, and
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most people like me, i'm not voting against nikki. i like her i'm voting for trump because i thought it's a good president has been pretty badly treated. so that's what this elections about is this appreciation burtram, not anything lacking in her were you saying that she's a friend and you want her to have a future in the party, are you suggesting that if she stays in past tonight, assuming she does not do well, that that would hurt her future i don't know >> not really. i just the sooner we come together, the better. there's really no pathway for her after the night. she did better than anybody from south carolina running for president. she has lots be proud of, but we need to come together as quick as we can. >> i'm >> hoping president will give a gracious speech tonight and we get the party unified and focus on november. the sooner the better center last night, donald trump said at a gala for >> black conservatives that black people like him because of his four indictments and his mug shot and said that black
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conservatives understand the greatest it's evils in the us and in the history of the us have come from corrupt systems that try to target and subjugate others. and what's happened to black americans is now happening to him. he's obviously a privileged white man. do you think that kind of analogy doesn't favors with black voters? >> well, number one, i think african americans have a higher preventative going to jail than really anybody else in the population that's why we did the prison read the first step sack under trump to get people out of jail who had been serving long sentences. for a multitude of misdemeanors. so he actually cares about this topic. but, you know, trump believes he's a victim of control system and washington, new york, and georgia and i agree with that. so at the end of the day, i think he'll do i think he'll do better with african-american voters than any republican since reagan >> nikki haley, your friend, called those comments by trump
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disgusting. >> you don't agree? >> who's that >> nikki haley. nikki haley's are kenya who nikki haley called those comments disgusting. >> i think most yeah. well, i think she has every right to say anything she wants president trump when he was president, did a prison reform bill called first steps that i think is one of the most historic bases alleged leisure. to get people out of jail who were serving long sentences particularly african american, hispanic. so i think his presidency was good for people of color. now, thank you. do well and at the end of the day, the primary seasons, just about the end and about an hour from now this thing will be over. >> senator, before i let you go, do you want the former president if he is the nominee to pick your fellow senator from south carolina, tim scott as his running mate >> yes yes. yes. yes. he has a
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lot of good choices. the tail is ready to be president. he brings a lot to the table. yeah, i think tim would be a great running mate for president trump. i've shared that it'd be up to president trump has a lot of good choices but you know, people love tim scott, south carolina. and in the republican party >> but you said you're going to go see him right after this interview. i'm guessing you're going to share that thought with him thank you, senator. thanks for joining us tonight >> i play golf with him tomorrow. i'll share a lot let's go to kylie atwood at haley campaign headquarters in charleston, south carolina. she's with governor haley's campaign manager right now. >> kylie that's right this is betsy ankney, nikki haley's campaign manager. we just heard there from lindsey graham saying that the sooner the party comes to get together as one, the better obviously, you guys think that's not the case. you think of primary is a good
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thing. nikki haley said earlier today that she hopes that the results here in south carolina or competitive, can you define competitive? >> well, i think to get to what senator graham said the only person who is helping joe biden is donald trump donald trump is the only person who joe biden can defeat in november. so our fight is about saving this country, about ultimately winning in november and getting this country back on track and whether you look at the polls are the history nikki haley is the only candidate who can do that. so that's what we're focused on. and that's where the fight is. but what's competitive here in south carolina is it >> ten points is at 20 points. >> we've never put benchmarks like that. it's nikki has said that as long as there is an appetite for her message, we will continue to fight so when you look at south carolina, nikki haley and her allies has spent more than 16 million on advertising in the state. there has been more than 30 campaign events you've been at most of those. this is also nikki haley's home state. if she can't win here which super tuesday states can she winches such a competitive edge here it seems.
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>> nikki haley has been the underdog in this race the entire time. she has been the underdog in her career the entire time. this truly as she said, on tuesday, is a david versus goliath fight. we know that trump is a juggernaut. we know that he is strong. we know that he has been the de facto leader of the already for the past eight years. so breaking that hold is going to take a lot. so we are sprinting through the tape here. we have over 12 events planned in those super tuesday states, and we're going to keep fighting which super tuesday states as a campaign plan to put resources into. >> so we just announced that we are doing a $7,000,000. i'm sorry, a seven figure by in those super tuesday states, it's a national cable by plus digital. we are going to be in michigan tomorrow. we already now just a half 1 million buy there, then we're heading to minneapolis. you're going to be in colorado, utah aude north carolina, virginia massachusetts, maine, vermont. so let me out to states. so a lot of states were covering a lot of ground. there's a lot at stake here, so nikki is going to be really sprinting through the tape there. she's going to be covering a lot of ground and we're going to be taking her message to all of
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those people. >> appreciate it, will be watching jake. >> thanks, kylie and everyone stay with us as we get closer to the end of voting in south carolina. and our first chance to potentially project a winner in the republican presidential primary, we have cameras in correspondents at key locations across the palmetto state to bring you vote totals as they're announced, stay with us >> the greatest stage they talk about for a >> lifetime, resound, the champion champions have to the purpose to find a >> place to rent. i know renters when i see him. who is this guy? >> it's the top priority when you move to a new city or galaxy, we can help you get into a lovely one bedroom, two bedroom. i don't want to presume anything i like
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now to request your free quote >> and we're back with our live coverage of the south carolina republican presidential primary voters
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have less than half an hour so put their stamp on the race between donald trump and nikki haley. a battle that has grown more bitter and increasingly personal and the leadup to the actual voting. let's go to cnn's boris sanchez. now he's at a polling place in rock hill, south carolina. boris, what are you hearing from voters there? >> jay got a lot of divergent opinions among voters. the last-minute folks are just trickling in right now, as you said, less than 30 minutes away from that tabulation machine being shut down, the result's going to the central location here in your county and then being tabulated, i do want to quickly get you to matt max, who has been patiently waiting for us outside. max came out to vote with his family. thank you so much for being with us, max, we live right now. i understand that you supported donald trump before president in this primary. >> why? >> correct >> so the three things that are most important to me it's first as faith, my faith as a christian. second is my family. and then third, everything else that gets trumped by america.
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i'm america first at the heart. >> when it comes to >> donald trump i believe has proven experience as president, was incredible for my personal family, from my religious beliefs and as an entrepreneur, my business beliefs in america so do you have any concerns about his legal challenges? did any of the 91 charges that he's facing give you any pause to support him as somebody who has exited italy broken the law myself, carrying a firearm into an airport. i believe that a legal system can be confusing. not always transparent and until he is charged, i really found guilty for something and punished appropriately. so for it, i am not concerned about where he stands currently with legal situations. >> so if he is convicted, you would be potentially open to voting for someone else. >> i don't know if i would go and yeah, i hold on. >> let me thing for saying >> it would have
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>> a serious impact on my decisions. i would say that i would honestly say that that is probably where my stance is currently. it would have serious impact on my decisions. >> hey, max, thank you so much for sharing your opinions. you have this region third, appreciate it. will let you get to your family thank you so much. so jake, a lot of different types of voters, jersey just heard from maxim, a trump voter there earlier we spoke to some nikki haley supporters, including a democrat who voted in this open primary sigma, she would vote for nikki haley in the general election. again, 30 minutes to go before we start seeing results, jake thank you so much, boris, max, of course, just one of many, many voters of faith in south carolina. let's go over to david chalian with more exit poll information david, what issues to voters have on their minds as they went to the bolster >> yeah, we ask, what's the most working issue of your vote today, jake and immigration, 41% of republican primary voters in south carolina say immigration. this is the first time we've seen immigration pop as the most important issue. it's been high up there, but now it's on top 31%, say the economy foreign policies
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down at 11%, abortion at 10%. we also asked, what are your feelings about the way things are going in the united states today? this is an angry or electorate in south carolina. then we saw new hampshire a few weeks ago 46%, the plurality say they're angry about the way things are going in the west. another 40 2% are dissatisfied, 280, 8% either dissatisfied or angry. that's toxic for incumbent like joe biden. the condition of the nation's economy only 2% of voters in the primary saints excellent, 14% say it's good 38%, not so and nearly half, 46% of republican primary voters say it's poor. and then we ask, what about your personal family financial situation? 60% of voters today say they're holding steady only one in five, nearly a quarter 22% say they're getting ahead and 16% say they're actually falling
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behind anderson. >> david chalian, thanks so much. immigration. number one issue in this, according to david also so interesting to hear from that voter max, also we heard from somebody else both of those voters didn't really blinken. i add the charges that the former president is facing well, it's fascinating. >> i mean, we tend to be reductive in how we look at voters. so we actually hear from some of them, this was somebody who could have been frankly a trump campaign surrogate. he was so enthusiastic about donald trump, but he did allude to that there was a conviction that could change the course for him. that's gonna be the main thing to watch in this after this race gets locked up is how many of these diehard supporters who loved the trump years? it could still be with him if he's in fact a convicted felon. yeah. we got to watch him. actually think about it, camera, right? like consider it and he said it would have a serious impact and i think this is really the thing that, you know, when i talked to some of you at this table or other republican sources, this is what they all worry about. no one knows. >> but if it happens the answer is really unclear and democrats feel very bad. >> that may have an impact on a
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general election. but let's be clear, there's not going to be a guilty verdict or any verdict before donald trump is becomes the nominee of the republican party. he's going to clinch that before there's ever a verdict in any of these cases. so we'll see if when everybody puts on their blue uniform and the red uniform, how the whole thing sorts out this integration poll that david chalian put up this is coming on the heels of the congressional inaction on it also on the heels of what biden has said about it this week, the gallup poll had biden at his worst ever number on immigration -39 severely underwater. and i'll take what republicans are buzzing about the day i'm not surprised to see this number so high as the death of the college student in georgia, laken riley, there is a suspect who is in custody, who is alleged to be in the country illegally, republicans are on fire about this. and so generally, from a policy perspective and now you have this murder going on in georgia. i think you're going to continue to see this immigration number go up and up
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>> the thing that shocked me was the economy number that we pointed out, basically that you had entrance going and just 16% say that their family is personally falling behind, even though more than 80% of them say the economy is just that bad. so there's this this idea that somewhere, somewhere out there the economy is bad for people. trump's gonna make it better. but then when you say, are you okay, they're like, oh yeah, i'm fine. but there's someone out there that needs help and trump is going to be the one into it. >> it is interesting that it's the top issue right here in south carolina, although i think the economy and immigration sometimes get up tied up together like voters conflate them, but they wanted just gonna say, first of all, as someone who is also accidentally broken the law gravity, there's someone waiting for you >> this >> seemed to me like just more evidence that tip o'neill's old phrase that all politics is local is it least over for the foreseeable future? politics is all nationalized. everything is nationalized. immigration. i'm sure there are problems with
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immigration and in south carolina, but that's really a national media driven response when as audie says, when basically 82% say they're doing fine or better under biden, but they still think the economy stinks. that's because they're getting national messaging and but not really about there. we want other things that was fascinating to me is just listening to a max and max listed the things that matter to him first and i think this is what jumps out to most people watching who were not stuck in this kind of vacuum that we live in. that he said it was faith and family and that's why he came out afforded donald trump. and for me and many voters, in many just people who watched this process, that doesn't match up with who we know donald trump to be somebody who was found liable of sexual assault, somebody who has five kids by three different baby mamas. i mean, this is when you when you go to south carolina and you're talking to voters, particularly in the upstate where you have pickens one greenville sport and bird, which is going to decide this race tonight. and you had these evangelicals, you have the bob jones universities and you look at them and you say, if you just give them a blank slate, you don't even
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mention donald trump's names, but you look at the facts behind the man and who he is stiffing workers, et cetera. when he was developer developing here in new york and you say, would you vote for this person? the answer is no. and so i do think that when you look at how nationalized these elections have become, it's something that is making these evangelical voters just push, push donald trump's button and it doesn't make any i also think >> and also i think that part of it is about trump's strength is ability to be marked himself. this is not just about trump's strength is about biden's weakness nobody is scared of biden. they're not afraid to put up against biden somebody's got 159 gazillion felonies and all these different things. and so there's the dynamic here where someone like him who believes this, maxey believes in faith and family. he still thinks trump can beat this guy. and that's a big part of the problem here. >> i want to check in rather brian todd, who's with a voter from nikki haley brown right. >> anderson. thanks very much. we have sam blackman here. sam has lived here his entire life
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in this area of north south carolina, and he voted for nikki haley as governor, but voted for donald trump is president. we've encountered of a few people today who've had that dynamic. what made you i guess, change from voting for her? governor to voting for trump for president. >> well, i feel like travel just have a whole lot stronger stand and we need that right now because we're going in rome direction right now for sure. and we need to be a lot stronger around the world, not just, just around here. >> in what way do you think we're going in the wrong direction and we need donald trump? >> well, i just feel like we looked really solve to everybody else in the world and i feel like that they had just right now, a lot of other countries are taking advantage of us and we're tired of being taken advantage of if donald trump is convicted in any of the cases that you know, he's got some legal cases ahead. if he's convicted in any of them, would that change your mind >> well, they've had a hard time debating him of anything so far. i guess, it would had to depend on what it was, but right now, i'm probably not. >> sam. thanks for talking to
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us. good to meet you. thanks. thanks very much. okay. take care. >> all right, guys, that's >> we've seen this a couple of times. as i mentioned, people who voted for nikki haley for governor of south carolina, but switching over to donald trump for the presidential vote, kind of an interesting dynamic. there were heading into the final few minutes before paul polls close here. one quick vignette here, we had a teenage voter come through here a short time ago and when that person cast his vote, one of the election officials here said, ladies and gentlemen, we have a first-time voter. everybody applauded. they say that's a tradition here. so i was kinda in a witness a few months ago, back-to-school, >> brian todd. thanks so much. come back to you a little bit later on. it's got you wanted to respond to something that yeah. bakari, you were talking about the >> evangelical number and the voter that we talked to you. i think the answer to your question is, these voters aren't electing a church pastor. they wouldn't tell you that they're electing donald trump to be a moral, a role model and that's eight days. they believe, they believe they are electing someone. i'm sorry to stand out to stay in the '90s and bill can do it happened like what happened? well, first of all, our party
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has now >> made up of mid-1990s democrats. that's true. that's who are you going to happen is my party now, so i guess events. but the reality is they think evangelical christendom. everyone is in an existential crisis that our entire culture is stacked against it and it's trying to destroy it and their values and they're looking for someone to stand outside and guard the church door, not stand inside >> that isn't you know, you're correct. and donald trump does one thing extremely well, something better than we've seen any candidate running mean for president in recent history, which is to engage in these culture wars in windham. but that also comes with some downsides to the moral fabric of this country. we're having a conversation about morality. i mean, donald trump uses racism as political currency and we've seen those things and so that is where you have this clash and we're going to see people come out with fever for donald trump and against donald trump voting and since south carolina, very soon, 07:00 p.m. eastern, we're waiting the first results from polling places across the state and our first chance to potentially project the winner much more ahead, stay with us
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regain his lunch break. try now for free visit, ai or download the app why you ran hates america tomorrow at eight on cnn >> voting is winding down in the south carolina publicly presidential primary, we are nearing the top of the hour wind polling places close, and we get our first chance to potentially reject a winner we could soon learn if former president and gop front runner donald trump is going to continue his winning streak and get a big victory. the one that he's banking on or, or if
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former south carolina governor nikki haley holds off a surprise in her home state after escalating her attacks on trump and insisting she's in the race for the long haul. with just minutes left to vote. let's check in with our correspondents. there are key polling places first to omar jimenez in mauldin, south carolina. omar. what's happening there as the polls close? >> i think winding down is the key word we've seen rushes, we've seen laws. this at the end of the day is what i would call a low. but obviously voters were coming here. you see those familiar privacy booths. we've got hundreds that have been voting here. 532 is the count so far, and then we just got up to number in around 66,000 have voted in this county, greenville county. we've been talking to voters over the course of davies. we've heard a wide range of opinions as you can imagine, and i want to introduce you to one of those voters, kyoani, wes kalani excuse me. great to see you. >> tell me who you voted for and why.
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>> i voted for nikki haley. wow, me myself. i'm not a republican. i mainly wanted to kind of shift the narrative, especially with the republican party and not allowing someone who i don't believe should be on the ballots to not be on the ballot. so i didn't vote in the democratic primary just because i didn't see the need to i thought i'd be more beneficial to vote in this one so that i could get nikki haley on there because, i mean, truthfully speaking, i do like raza person, even though i'm not a republican myself, unnecessarily don't agree with everything that they're trying to push for. everyone that was on the ballot listing. i believe that at least her morally and ethically, i do like a lot more. yeah. >> and for background, everyone here in south carolina, it is an open primary, so you don't have to vote for your specific party, you know, for anyone you want, you just can't vote twice and there was low turnout in the democratic primary where joe biden swept pretty heavily. so there are a lot of folks like her who did not vote in the democratic primary. just based on people that you've spoken to. do you feel like
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nikki haley has a chance here? >> i was actually really surprised because this time last year when they were kind of announcing who is going to be on the ballot. i mean, especially in this area that we live in, it's not it's not a secret that a lot of people do love trump. but i was actually surprised to see that she's been doing really well and people are actually pushing for her, which was surprising, but also like a good surprise. i wouldn't be angry per say if she was the one who to win. but i think it is really cool to see how i think, especially my younger generation are pushing for her more and deigning opinions on their own and not just following what their parents opinions where so i'm glad to see that she's actually doing a lot better than most people thought she was going to do. >> well, we will see kalani great to meet you. obviously, a big hill to climb here in south carolina for the former governor, but she's not the first person we've spoken to today that have held off on their democratic primary vote to vote against the former president in this hi that said,
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at this particular polling location. and in this county, that trump is carried by double digits and the general elections of 2,020.20, 16. there have been many trump voters. we've spoken to it as well, kind of housing the divide. we've got here. >> all right. omar jimenez. thank you so much. i really appreciate it. now, let's go to boris sanchez. he's in rock hill, south carolina boris set the scene for us in these final minutes of voting one voter, just walked through the door, jake, just minutes to go here. the election workers is very closely watching the clock, is that voter gets her id check. she gets her ballot and she gets a chance to vote in the republican primary. we want to step outside to abide by election rules and speak to a voter that's been waiting the chat with his tabitha. very nice to meet you. you supported former president donald trump in the primary. tell us why. >> i just really loved the different things that he's done for our country. i do know that there's a lot of controversy with how he's treated people or how he's acted but as a
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christian, i think that he's done really incredible things that stand by the values that i hold as a believer. >> and so, yes >> any concerns about the criminal charges that he's facing and how they could impact the general election >> no, i think that it's really hard being a young person trying to get a hold of information in the news because there's so many voices and so it's really hard to know what to believe and there's so many theories and stuff and so i tried to do my best to know what i can buy. definitely don't know everything. >> so nikki haley was a very popular governor here in south carolina as she served multiple terms. did you have a moment where you thought about voting for her? >> i did definitely look into her one of the things that i found about her was that she didn't like her husband's name and so she changed it to michael. and michael is a great name. it's my husband's name, but the site of character that that hasn't someone of not accepting who they are. i didn't super love that but i mean, that's obviously just a super personal thing. there is other she should drop out of
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the race or keep trying it for future elections. >> i mean, in this race, in the primary, she has said that she's going to stay in until every ballot is counted. do you think she should drop out and let donald trump be the nominee? >> i think that it'd be good to continue on unless it's something that is a threat to something, you know, i don't know, but i think it would be great to continue. i definitely don't believe in giving up. so tabitha, thank you so much for chatting with us. we appreciate you sharing your perspective. so jake, as you've heard now from multiple folks that we've spoken to a number of trump supporters out here and write rockets an area where the former president campaigned last night, his campaign, according to folks that i've spoken to that are close to the kennel to really help him win big in south carolina, jake. >> all right, boris, thanks so much. really appreciated. let's go over to the magic wall. again. somebody else of faith in the voter that we're talking to. and again, that
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voter of faith talking about how she supports donald trump. and she was really happy with his presidency. probably a lot of that i'm guessing, but also based on polls and research, probably a lot of that has to do with the overturning of roe v. wade, which donald trump is responsible for those threesome green court justice he appointed and all the federal judges below the supreme court level. that was one of the legacies like it or not watching at home of the trump presidency. they did a fantastic job by his perspective and getting aid any dozens and dozens and dozens of conservative federal judges on the bench, including, as you noted, those three supreme court justice david chalian mentioned earlier more than six in ten voters believe today, say they are evangelical christians. you find a lot of them up here. boris is here in rockville. your final this is called the bible belt area up here. find them all across the state, don't get me wrong, but you find them in much larger numbers, percentages up here, which is where turnout will matter. so what are we going to watch for when to be counting votes in four minutes, 3-4 minutes, we'll be counting votes. so that's where boris was right up here, you're county, it's the seventh floor largest county. charlotte is right here. this is an area that has been growing up here. i wouldn't call it quite the
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charlotte suburbs, but it has been growing it again, if nikki haley is going to find higher educated, more affluent voters to help her, this would be a place, but in my travels there and you're hearing from our correspondence to the interview voters. this is trump's party now, even though she is the former governor, but we look here in the middle part of the state. i didn't mention this one. you were here earlier, richmond, richland county, excuse me. this is where the state capital is columbia. there are 46 counties in south carolina, and i'll show you the map in a minute. donald trump carried all but two richland was one of our marco rubio, one richland and charleston. nikki haley was for marco rubio in 2016, worth remembering but trump was the hostile insurgent then tried to take over the party. and yet he won 44, 46 counties in south carolina when he was the new guy in the insurgence. so even then he was popular in the state. if nikki haley is going to have a chance, she has to richland county, and i would argue she has to win it quite big. second largest population-wise but the voters we've been hearing from tonight, jake, this is greenville county. you were talking to one of our correspondents there earlier. it's 10% of the state
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population. this here is the more southern part of the state, if you will, georgia. georgia, alabama. this is very evangelical country and donald trump trump expects and is counting on running it up very big right here. governor haley has campaigned out here trying to blunt that again, we can stop talking about polling now because we're going to be counting votes in two or three minutes. but the key part of the place for governor haley is here. this is what in south carolina, especially charleston county, they called the lowcountry and you get down here, you're along the coast, it's gorgeous, it's beautiful, it's historic, it's more affluent. it is less trumpy. but again, i spent some time here a couple of weeks ago. the former governor mark sanford, no trump fan, lost his job in congress because he disagreed with trump, as i'm times still expects haley to win and expects trump to win and win big. i was just texting with someone i used to know when he lived here, moved down here, wants to vote for haley because he thinks trump is a bad role model for his children. just finished voting says he thinks trump is going to win. so when you look at the map, is let's
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do the 2016 map just so you can see it because it just jumps out at me when you look here and come back to the 2016 this was when donald trump was the new guy, right? then when he was the new guy. so only 33%, this is a primary, this is not against biden, against rubio and cruz and everybody and everybody else left in the race at that point. and marco rubio, one here, and marco rubio one here. so everyone says, oh, but nikki haley was the former governor. she last ran in 2014. this is 26. and so since then this has become donald trump's party without a doubt, this is the 2016 primary map. let's come back to tonight and see what we're looking for. we're going to get votes any minute now, number one, donald trump's expecting a big win. number two, if he gets that big when he will do something that is simply unprecedented in a contested primary. he won iowa. he won new hampshire, he won nevada. he went all of those pretty big margins. he's expecting a very healthy margin here in the end, jake, the game is about delegates, 50 at play tonight. donald trump expects to get most, some people think he could get them all. >> all right, pauline, this is are about to close in south
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carolina five seconds left in the gop presidential primary fight between donald trump and nikki haley. and right now we can make a major projection cnn projects. donald trump will win the south carolina republican primary, defeating former south carolina governor nikki haley in her home and securing his fourth major early victory in the gop primary season. the former president, taking another critical step forward, winning his third republican presidential nomination and continuing his dominance over the race. ahead of the all-important and delegate rich super tuesday kearns acids, just ten days we were able to make this projection based on exit polls that cnn and other news organizations conducted with thousands of south carolina voters after they cast their ballots. again, cnn is projecting donald trump will be the winner of the south carolina republican primary. let's go to cnn's kristen holmes from headquarters in columbia, south carolina. kristen, what is the mood there after this news? this very
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quick cnn projection? >> well, actually they're just starting to hear it now. you can hear people cheering behind me. this is not unexpected. donald trump and his team had expected that he would win the question, of course, being how large is that margin going to be? the recent polls and had her up a roughly 30 points. now we are told donald trump is going to come out shortly and speak to thank all of his supporters here and he will be on a plane back to florida later tonight. now, again, as you noted as john noted, this is a sweep for donald trump. it is all for early states by huge healthy margins of what they're hoping that this does. you can hear people cheering now, they're getting the news behind me. there's a lot of excitement, but they're hoping what this does is with this fourth, when particularly year in south carolina, that this is going to help urge republicans who are on the fence who believed that there might be an alternative to donald trump to get behind the former president. they also hope that this will help with some of those hold out donors what they really want to be doing now is
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pivoting to the general election, building out their campaign in various states, particularly, i'm told arizona, georgia, and michigan now it's harder to do that if he is still coming heating against nikki haley, but that's what they are hoping to do. they were also hoping a huge margin here might put more pressure on the former south carolina governor because this is her former home state, because this is another state that she has laws to drop out of the race however, as you've reported, as we have continued to say, haley says she is not going to drop out until every primary ballot has been cast >> it is again, though, it looks like republican party has really started to come around completely for the former president as he wins this fourth early voting states. >> yeah, absolutely. i thank you so much, kristen holmes, and let us mark this moment in first of all, this is nikki haley. nikki haley's home state. and we are calling this race for donald trump. the moment that the polls closed, meaning it is a decisive victory for donald trump over her in her home-state. that's one too. no non-incumbent has ever done this for primaries
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and caucuses in a row this really does show the dominance of donald trump when it comes to the modern republican primary, it is essentially as if he is the incumbent president as far as these voters are concerned. >> yeah. i mean, i think he is essentially the incumbent further republican can party at nikki haley knew that coming into this and that's why a lot of people thought she might want to avoid an embarrassing moment in her home-state by leaving the race before that. but it almost seems like something has had changed for her between north new hampshire and between south carolina. the question is, what exactly is it? she's standing her ground saying she wants to stay in it. she seems personally deeply offended, especially because trump has personally attacked her and her family where else does that go for her and could this be a candidacy that might be less about how to challenge trump in the primary and more about what is she going to say about trump? for the benefit of voters writ large i don't know that nikki haley knows the
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answer to that question just yet, but increasingly that is going to be what people are talking. yeah. i mean, we're already hearing from her team the arguments about why she isn't going to go anywhere arguing that on super tuesday 11 of the 16 states have open or semi-open primaries, meaning people who are not traditional republicans are registered republicans can vote in those primaries. but as lindsey graham said earlier on this program, you called her friend, but he basically said, to what end and the answer to that question is from her perspective, still is. i want to stay in the race. i want to give people a choice and until and unless she stops getting money in her coffers in order to do that, it's hard to see how she's going to change. >> i mean, she could stay in the race as long as she but eventually the delegate math is going to be too much for the trump team believes by mid-march or so, that's when she will be effectively
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eliminated. and look, there is some precedent for candidates who have no chance of winning, staying in the race. bernie sanders did that of course, against hillary clinton for some time. of course, in the hilary people blamed him for costing her the race. >> raka mama, exactly. so that can certainly continue to play out what he was winning some races that we should note. yeah, very good point. but what's also interesting here is that just how nothing seems to have stuck against donald trump. all the things that he's said, whether it's about inviting nato countries to be attacked by russia russia, if they did not pay their dues attack, criticizing nikki haley's deployed husband killing the bipartisan immigration, the border security deal. even as voters in this states that immigration is the number one issue for them, none of these things worked and we're seeing donald trump to have a resounding victory. >> yeah and i'm really interested to see his approach when he speaks tonight because remember the last time he gave a major speech in new hampshire he he certainly didn't give
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this speech that his aides wanted him to get. now that was because he spoke after nikki haley and she really because she from his perspective, sounded like she was giving a victory speak speech. he went very, very far off script. you heard, again, graham say, he hopes that he gives a effectively a magnanimous speech was gracious we'll see, we'll see what happens but that will sort of set the direction or the tone of what we are going to see, at least in the next couple of days. yeah. >> i know someone close to the trump campaign about what is the feeling inside the campaign about nikki haley. and i was surprised to hear that it wasn't as negative as one would expect, given how the two have been really add at these last few weeks, it'll be interesting to see how far he goes. because remember after after iowa, he tried to give this branch donald trump is speaking a big night for him. let's listen >> and even bigger win than we
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anticipated i was just in from that we got double the number of votes that has ever been received into great state of south carolina that's pretty good. so it's a record times two and there's something going on in the country, some really great things are going on. you look outside and you see all of the horror. you see millions and millions of people coming across the border illegally. we don't know where they come from. they come from jails, they come from prisons, they come from all sorts of places that we don't want to know. they come from mental institutions, insane asylums, and we don't want that in our country. we're not going to stand for, we're not going to stand for. >> you have terrorists coming in, you have people coming in that we just can't we can't do this. no country could sustain what's happening to the united states of america. no country. so we're going to straighten
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things out. the border is the worst. it's ever been in 2016, we wanna we had a bad border and i talked about the border lot, talked about it a lot. and i said we're going to fix it. we're going to fix it. we fixed it very quickly. and in 2020, we couldn't talk about it, although we did get millions of more votes. a second tie but now there's a spirit that i have never seen. we ran to great races but has never been however, there's never been a spirit like this and i just want to say that i have never seen the republican party so unified as it is, right never been like and a big part of that is the people standing behind me. these are the >> these are the biggest officials in south carolina, but i say like the biggest officials that our country as far as i'm concerned, they're really their state figures, but they're national figures. and in the truest sense of the word, they love our country so
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much and they want to see our country succeed and be respected again right now, we're a laughingstock all over the world. >> our >> country is going to be respected again respected like never people are so this is a fantastic evening. it's an early evening and a fantastic, you could all go down and you can celebrate for about 15 minutes and we have to get back to work because the big day the big day, you know, michigan's coming up with doing great. the auto workers are going to be with us 100% because they got sold out by this country. but michigan's up and we're going to have a tremendous success there. and then we have a thing called super tuesday and i think we're leading 91 to seven overall >> if you don't mind may i have the pleasure of introducing some incredible people because they stuck right
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from the beginning, from the very moment we announced they believe in make america great. again, that's what they believe and they believe in america first, we're putting america first. first of all, my family, melania, barren. don junior, and kimberly ivanka and jared tiffany and michael they are so so supportive so supportive of van. we really appreciate it and love them. they're great. we have a great family and we have incredible friends and we're going to be up here on november 5, and we're going to look at joe biden and we're going to look, i'm right in the eye. he is destroying our country and we're going to say joe year fired, get out, get out joe, you're fired. >> they're >> destroying our country and we're going to i just wish we could do it quicker. nine months is a long time. i just
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wish we could do it quicker, mr. governor. i wish we is there anything you can do with your vast powers? to make that, you know, in certain countries you're allowed to call your election date if i had the right to do it, i do it tomorrow. i'd say we're having an election >> henry, is there anything you can do? i want to start up because right from the beginning, henry mcmaster, the governor of this incredible state. >> and >> much more importantly, his wife peggy, she's with him all the way. i never saw anything want a couple but i'd like to ask him to say a few words. he's a very special man and incredible governor, very popular in this state. and really have been, he gave us some very good advice and he has right from the beginning, you know, from the de announced, i had the lieutenant governor who was the lieutenant governor? then from right at the beginning, when i announced, then i said, i don't know the gentleman. is he good? they said he's really great. i said, well, i hope so.
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and you know what women about two weeks i said that guy is unbelievable you know, i never got the support of the governor. she's supported somebody else but i had the support of somebody much much better. henry mcmaster, and we want an a landslide. and i'd like to ask the governance say a few words, please. thank you. mr. president, i'll be very brief go out like you all to remember this moment that you are here this is a great moment in american history. we will probably never see another one like it every time a rocket launches, you know, it goes up slow and it is climbing and climbing and in boom, that next stage comes off and it goes, well, we just did that. we just hit maximum velocity. so we going all the way so i'm going to ask somebody >> else's said because he came on board and lindsay wanted him and the lieutenant governor
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wanted him and everybody wanted them henry and peggy on them. >> so i thought he was >> okay, but he didn't love speaking about himself because he's a good person. c, i have no problem with that. is the problem. >> what a personality i don't know. >> but he endorsed me and then we asked him to go and do a few shows and, you know, they're not often nice shows. >> they're very hostile. and what he did was i said, is this the same man? and he campaigned nicely, but he's a high-quality person. when he was supporting me. the day. is that correct, lindsey, when he went out, tim scott, senator tim scott, he went out and he was ripping it. i said i said what happened to tim scott? what a dynamo >> and he has been one of our great advocates. he's been doing things that have been unbelievable and i'm just very happy. he didn't have that same
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energy drive because i think i probably would have been added the race so long time ago. but i wanted to say very special man, i really do mean it's so many people have such great respect for them. and you're very lucky to have him in the state tim, please say a few words >> go longer. the longer eyes speak, the less you hear of him. so let me just ask one survey question. and you better answer it loud and clear. is south carolina shrunk country? >> thank you very much. a really great job, amazing. >> another man, not a lot of people known he doesn't do too much television he happens to be a little bit further left
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than some of the people on the stage but i always say, when i'm in trouble on the left, i call up lindsey graham and he straightens it out so and i'll tell you no, no, no, no. remember remember i love music. >> man. come up here, lindsay up here >> okay. you're ready >> america >> the >> nightmare you're facing is just about over help. is on the way this is the most qualified man to be president united states and let it be sad that south carolina created the biggest political comeback in american history.
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>> thank you >> so i have a son reserve, very talented guy. they worked so hard and we love him and his wife is very good. she goes on and, uh, laura and i, want to thank eric and laura for doing such a fantastic job and really amazing. they're amazing people let's go down a little list of some of the people that are up here tonight, because every one of them is estar and their own right? and your lieutenant governor is going places. you do know that, right? >> pamela. >> and listen to donald trump, you giving his victory speech, overwhelming results in south carolina called it right at the top. the i wish him as the polls close by, thing. he's here in new york's listening,
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you've heard a lot of trump's speeches. yeah. i mean, rip the reagan gop, there's something so jarring about watching lindsey graham and tim scott, all of who condemned him after january 6, lining up to do their best campaign rally impersonation. and saying this is the most qualified to be president in january 6, lindsey graham was saying he was, i'm done enough analysis >> i mean, listen, it is the greatest political comeback in history. just three years ago, he was done in the party and it only took a matter of months before he came back and handily won in nikki haley's home state. the question now becomes this she's held on and we'll see where the margins break down tonight to about just under a third of republican votes in some of these primaries. how many of those votes will go to donald trump because he will need those in a general election some of those are never going to be with him. but how many is the open question now >> for me tim scott is obviously auditioning to be vice president. and every time trump just ritually humiliates
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him talks about him having low energy makes fight of his campaign and then tim scott gets out there and he tries to do something that's really not natural to him. and then he walks off, but we're talking about before this is kind of the path way, the pence got on. and so you might not just be watching the resurrection of a tim scott, but you might also be watching the rise of regression of trump, the riser tim scott, i cannot think of a republican that i want to be vice president more than tim scott. we love tim scott hall, republicans of all stripes, love tim scott and i agree with what donald trump said. i think he's a good man. and i think he's a humble man. and i want him to do whatever he has to do again, this job, i really do because i think you're in >> you should feel good now on what is going on here. but politics has become performative and he is doing what he has to do. and if he is on this ticket republicans are going to love it. they're going to see him going on. tim scott.
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tim scott is a is i firmly believe tim scott is a good man. yes. i've said that many times before my line about tim scott is that i would give tim scott a kidney if he asked me, but i'd never vote for him. right but the person that tim scott has become while auditioning, you call it auditioning. i'd probably call it something else if i was just talking to audion in van and we were in a room by herself but what he's doing right now is embarrassing. and i think this is not the tim scott that we know, but you also see this happen with many men and women who actually find themselves in this trump orbit. i mean, this is not who lindsey graham, we knew lindsey graham to be before >> he wouldn't show his face in munich this time. after years and years going with john mccain to the conference celebrating the nato alliance would even go up and that you thank you. that bolsters the point that i'm making and you're seeing a shell of who tim scott really is. he's not the rah-rah. this is trump country will hire let's go do this. i mean, at the end of the day, i mean, what does he get
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from this? i mean, there's the presidency, maybe even if this is what is he hud director or not from south carolina and one of the most respected republicans in the country. but he's losing but what he's losing know not either way my point and i think van's point and everybody else's point is that you're losing respect day by day by going out here and there's a little segment of republicans who are more bye-bye what tim scott through and we are definitely the minority you're absolutely right, scott. but there are some of us where we thought you were one of the good ones we thought you're going to tell the truth. i wouldn't know his answer to also certifying the election question. >> that's fundamental obligation is the toll you have to pay when you enter trump's world, you have to subjugate the whole party is subjugating itself to donald trump, which is why, like i understand the point about making it like it's embarrassing that the black guy doing this, a lot of white guys are doing it to write and >> this is what i agree with that. i know a lot of
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conservatives and republicans who wins when they see some of the, particularly the new hampshire victory speech thing where he came on and after vivek ramaswamy and really did not cover himself in glory where i disagree a little bit with alyssa and where i think it's significant here that nikki haley stays in. is i really think the future of american politics is gonna be the future of factions. and i, ms the days we were better off when the democratic party had really strong and robust competing factions, where they had to negotiate with each other. republican party desperately needs that. what nikki haley's staying in the race does. i mean, there are a lot of things it does, but one of the things that does is it solidifies and gives permission structure for a big chunk of the republican party to be a non-trump faction. and since trump is not going to appoint a single person in his second administration to be a check on him, not one who could successfully they're going to be no bars and catley is there any other kind of people? the only way to hold hold them in check is to have a constituency
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in the republican party that will punish senators and congressmen who don't push back on some of the crazy can ask a question though. but but can she actually do that? or ishi the leader or creator of this molt that's a faction. if for example, tonight to david's point, she doesn't even do well in the first congressional district, which is the most moderate, which is i mean, it's charleston is berkeley as dorchesters where you would think somebody like nikki haley can do well if she gets bludgeoned there, and then disregard the rest of the state, can she be the leader of this pushing back on and what alyssa said, what she said, rip it's the gop. my point is it sort of like miracle well, max, it's only mostly dead. and the way you build it back is by building up a fraction like this. can i >> get a couple of points? i want to ask you a question, but, you know it's the language is so funny because you could say the same words and they can mean something completely different. nikki haley says, i'm not going anywhere and the trump folks are saying, you're not going going anywhere. they're same thing, but it's
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it's really, really different. my question to you is, is xi, if she says in the near term yes. when i raise my hand and said that that i would vote for trump even if he were convicted >> can she be the leader of that faction? is that you have to pay that toll in order to be the leader of the facts. i think it'll be really hard and i should say full disclosure. my wife used to work for nikki haley. i know nikki haley. i have no connection to her now. i think it'd be really hard to be really hard to say the things that she's been saying and then endorse him but it's the same time, like in 1976, reagan ran. he didn't win, and he created a faction that's the history of the gop. the team. what do you what does she say term next time? what what is nikki haley come out and say tonight? >> i don't know. this sounds like fanfiction to me. i'm sorry. i just two things. one, i do i don't think there's anyone who is supportive of trump right now that doesn't want to be there. i don't think
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that tim scott is feels he's subjugating himself anymore, that at least a phonic does at cpac right now, the era where there were people who kind of went along to get along to be in office is over. if you are on stage with trump right now, i do think you are along because you want to be there and tim scott has been performing unnecessary action for trump, who is always trying to show i'm not that racist, right? that's always the argument and he represents desantis that just like vivek ramaswamy did. the other thing is we're looking at south carolina like it's the same south carolina from a year ago, even though it's had explosive growth from both red and blue states. but republicans from those states, which means the people who are going there or not, the people who knew her before. and if anything, they're probably trump i'm supporters from other states. it's part of our cultural self-sorting. i don't think the rump state you're talking about of republicans is just going to rise up. this
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election. it sounds like it's a years-long project >> i don't love talking about 20:24. i've talking but the future of the republican party. >> well, anderson, you asked like what nikki haley? we asked you tonight. i have to say i'm hearing from my republican sources who are basically saying, look, she now is potentially going to pay a price for staying in to her own political future, whatever that may be, especially if this is didn't you hear people saying we still like her just not her time. i didn't hear people say if she stays in and continues to run against trump, i think that there is going to be i'm just picking up the sense that there are trying to be more harmful trump did himself harm and new hampshire when he stood up and behave as badly as he did in a moment of triumph. just acting like a jerk. and i think he tried to avoid that tonight. i wouldn't mistake that for the idea that they'll all be the cool if she hangs around too long and she's she's now running to be president of i told you so i mean, the faction you're talking about is predicated on trump winning the nomination, losing the presidency. and then
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she gives a speech and says, i told you that's the fact that i'm going the limit listen, then we're going to go there this is a reality where we could have a conviction of donald trump come down late summer and i think nikki haley wants to stay in the race to be the person who has been raising money, raising her name id, >> talking to both sides of the party in the person is pulling out against time to think that the party is going to acknowledge that is that is the strategy of the part of the strategy that does not work. the rnc will turn their back on her her in a heartbeat because she challenge donald trump. >> and all these delegates going to be trumped delegates to, i mean, this i can go to that convention and say like, oh look, i have these delegates in my corner and i've also managed to anger all of the other delegates in the room, the man, but i think some work i think one of the things we're doing it for nikki is we're actually lowering the bar as we go around because she just got pummeled in her home i'm state and i understand about the explosive growth in south carolina. that is true, particularly in the low country and around the york county area. but the fact remains that the fundamentals of south carolina is still the same. i
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mean, when you look at the upstate, i mean, it's still is uber christian conservative evangelicals. i mean, that is south carolina even with all these folks that are coming from indiana in ohio, it's the same type of voter. i mean, we don't have a new type of voter that's emerging in south carolina. and she was a two term governor. i mean, winning an election in 2014 and getting beat here in 2024. that is not that long ago. >> we're not >> talking about somebody who wasn't long ago that she was saying i didn't have my sweet but it was so sweet. one more one more point. i mean, she also abandoned nevada and she ran a gubernatorial campaign for the past month during this primary cycle, but she just couldn't do it. so my my my point is i don't think the future for nikki haley is bright when this happens. south >> carolina, that also means a future for the republican party is not bright and maybe the future for the country's. and i brought you ever republican party now that has abandoned the border. there. this is
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there. this is what you're voting for now. when it comes to immigration, you screamed fire. you're one you spread the fire year to you by saying embrace all over the place. you stopped the fire trucks and then you try to run on immigration and nobody is challenging that you also are, you abandon ukraine. here you have a military state and you have ukrainians losing cities, losing ground. and the only republican the country stand for god's sake, do not abandon them krissy, for god's sake, do not abandon ukrainians to putin's butchers. is nikki haley and she just got destroyed in a military state that is not just bad for nikki haley's future and whatever it's bad for the republican party if united states to jonah's point about the idea that there's gonna be this kind of faction that rises up and like it can be a check on the party in the congress. i mean, the primary election system and the way these districts are, is built for the opposite. rebuild to like take those people down one by one. i'm looking at liz cheney, right? she's like the prime example that i want to get rid of the primaries. >> even if
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>> even if donald trump were to lose the election and the whole party have to resort itself. i don't see how i just don't see how the party recovers from what it's become. >> i you know, you said you thought people are up there because they want to be up there. i think people are up there because the reality of republican politics, politics today, they feel demands and being up there if they want to get reelected, if they want to be vice president, i mean power has a very, i mean, having been on both sides of this thing. >> but there's a lot of house lawmakers who are headed for the exits. there's been people who write spiritually ex-communicated. i do think we've witnessed a purge and a lot of the people who were there are the people who want to be, but they don't want to be purged >> someone like tim scott with thighs close alone at night, would admit that he would rather nikki haley be the gop nominee than your judgment? i don't know what he's doing it night. i'm just saying elected republicans if they were being honest with themselves, would want nikki haley, they know that the power mechanisms are
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behind donald trump in their power and future hinges, but you act like donald trump has the ability to just make these things happen independent of what the voters want. tim scott's constituents. >> well, that's part in his >> party in south carolina everybody that votes for him in most of the people he encounters on a daily basis are saying, i really think we should do trump again. so there is some aspect of politics. there were these people have to respond to the people that they represent. >> david, can i ask you a question about this because i just i'm having this i'm wondering that if trump himself goes away, the voters that are with him, right? are they >> only with him? yes. >> are they not with the party because there was a little bit of this with obama, right? there were a lot of people, voters in the country who were with obama, but they weren't going to b with any generic democrat is the same thing going on here. >> well, look, i think that trump, trump is responding to things that he works the seams that he sees, he sees people anger, he sees people. he doesn't choose these issues because he's deeply
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contemplative about the problems facing america. he he chooses those things that he thinks reflects the base that he can build any works at them and he works at resentment and a works at anger. can someone else come along and do it as well as heat? i think that's a questionable but i mean motors don't turn out and other races where he's not on the ticket, right? >> go back to jake in dc. jake, >> thanks anderson, you know, one of the great things about these nights is that it's not about pundits, it's not about polls, it's about actual votes. and the actual votes are coming in. this is the delegate count as of right now. and for those keeping close track at home, you see donald trump's gone, shine up because 29 delegates from south carolina, 20, there are 50 delegates at stake tonight, 29 of them are awarded to the statewide winner. he has won south carolina, he gets the 29. that's why i left this up just so you can see this is impressive whether you like donald trump adult like donald trump, he is for now. and yes, he's in some ways the incumbent republican. however, this is
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just never, never never been done well i'll either either side, either side's so it's a big deal like it or not, it just shows his resilience within the new made over trump republican party. so let me, let me just give the volcano if i can't. so right now with only 6% of the vote in donald trump is up he has 58.4% of the vote, 27,000 and change. he's 8,209 votes ahead of nikki haley, who has 41% of the vote almost 20,000 votes. and one of the big things that we're looking for right now is you talked about how the winner gets of the 50 delegates and south carolina, the winner automatically gets 29. that leaves was 21. south carolina has seven congressional districts, each one of those gets three, and we're looking to see is nikki haley going to get any of them were lucky to say and we're going to talk generally about it right now for this reason, we don't have enough votes yet, so we don't want to raise your expectations. and ceo nikki haley is going to win three delegates here, maybe three more delegates there, because we simply don't have enough votes yet to become confident about within each congressional district. but i will, i'll
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highlight it for you. the idea and you can see it on the map. your eyes don't lie to you right here. she is leading right now in two counties. these are not congressional district. she's leading right now in two counties, one is here, richland county, which is the home of the state capital, columbia. marco rubio won this county. donald trump won 44 of the 46 counties. the first time 2016 republican primary, donald trump won 44, 46 back then, that's how strong he has been from the beginning in south carolina. but this is one, the rubio one and govern then governor haley endorsed him. but again, she's a 64%, so that's a nice early lead, but we're only at a quarter of the vote. early votes tend to come in first here. you know, she did have an early voting operations in the state. she knows. so let's just wait and see if this holds in this county. go ahead. you have congressional districts up there. i do have the congressional districts. i will show you in just a second about that. i just want to come out here first and i just want to raise the caution again, i'm going to come back here to charleston county along the coast, right here. bakari was just talking about this she's at 62%. if you round that up to 38, if you round that up, but the more important number at the moment is that 2%. so
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again, you get some early votes, most likely coming in here. and this is this essentially as a congressional district, the lines move a little bit. so if she holds this, if if if if she holds this, she would get three delegates there again, 50 total. so i'll come back out. i'm going to show you the congressional district map, but i'm going to show you with a huge caveat we have a long way to go. we have a long way to go to count enough votes within the congressional district. but this is the map right here. and then you do it by congressional district. you see the lines, right? so at the moment, see where she was winning down here. the congressional district stretches up. so trump is winning. she was winning in here the congressional districts is stretches out. and so trump is 20. so at the moment as the results come in, she's not leading in any of the congressional district, right. >> but this is early yet, right? right. >> this is really at so >> if you look at the map right now, it's a possibility emphasis on possibility. donald trump could get all 50 if he wins all seven, aggressive, he gets them all. but if you come back out to the actual vote, you do see, again this congressional district goes up here here to where you see the red this congressional district stretches into some of these areas where you see red. so is
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it possible nikki haley could pick up some delegates? >> yes. >> is trump going to get the overwhelming bulk of them absolutely, yes. so one of the reasons i wanted to ask about the congressional districts is because i wanted you to know who represents these people because in some of them there are people that you probably have heard of if you're watching this on a saturday night nancy mace, congresswoman nancy mace represents the first congressional district that used to be represented by mark sanford after his scandal and before it used to be represented by joe cunningham now it's represented by nancy mace, who nikki haley endorsed when donald trump was backing somebody against nancy mace in the primary two years ago. but nancy mace endorsed donald trump this time around. so she doesn't get a primary once you won't have a primary, but she's also very enthusiastic, but she does actually does have a primer. she's hoping for trump's support. oh, i see. yeah. all right. in any case, that's one of the reasons. and then colombia is that climber
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and by that represent claremont up, he's more up from greenville, who represents columbia. do we know? i don't have that will have an answer for you in a second, but right now still ahead. the big question. after donald trump's projected win, what is his margin of victory going to be over nikki haley? we're standing by hello, votes to come in from south carolina and we're waiting to hear from nikki haley about her home-state defeat back in a moment >> backroom deals, cia secrets of fares, bribery, corruption prostitution there's so much more to the store. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn. >> i named bryan how far? and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully it save lives. >> when my son >> brian died and drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and to try to stop young people from drinking and driving. >> no other family has to go through what we did. >> tick tock has the power to change society now i think
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now to kylie atwood, who is at nikki haley campaign headquarters in charleston, south carolina. we do expect governor haley to speak at any moment. kylie any indication of what the governor governor haley might say it is a surprisingly festive events that you're at i have to say i would think that perhaps it would be a little bit more funeral real given the unfortunate news for her. but tell us what your words back in today. >> well, jake, it was actually a bit of a muted response here in the room. when cnn projected that trump was going to win here in south carolina, nikki haley please, home safe. and that is until there was one man with a south carolina loves nikki haley sign who started dancing in front of the projection behind us, playing cnn, playing our projection and that trump is going to win. and that was when trump was speaking that he started doing that then chance broke out in the room for nikki haley, and over the course of the last half hour or so, the room has
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really filled up. i will let's say i went out and spoke to some of her supporters. there were not one person who believed that nikki haley losing south carolina means the beginning of the end to her campaign. they were very different bryant, they believe she's going on. i spoke with one supporter who is headed to north carolina, which of course is a super tuesday state to try and get voters there to head out to the polls for nikki haley and she told me, quote, i don't think this is over. i spoke with another person in the room who said, we're all for anyone who isn't donald from. so there's quite a bit of energy in his room for nikki haley, even though they recognize that she is likely to lose here in her home state. i i do want to point out one thing, hurricane campaign put so much time and resources into this state. they had more than 30 campaign events here over the last month. they really tried to do everything they can do compete here to get supporters to vote for nikki haley. but i also spoke with campaign aides today who recognize that there were
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frustrations along the way. just because of the stronghold that trump has here on the republican party in south carolina and is on voters generally. for example, clemson university, which is nikki haley's alma mater the republican party of that college actually endorsed donald trump. that was a frustrating thing for the campaign. of course, nikki haley did do an event. there was a pretty large event but there have been frustrations along the way for wanting to see when she comes out here. of course, after the new hampshire projection was made for donald trump, she came out pretty quickly tonight. donald trump beat her to the stand, but we'll see when or campaigns aside, it's a good moment for her to talk to her supporters here in the room. jake >> all right. kylie atwood at haley headquarters in charleston south carolina. so i guess one of the things that's interesting as we look at the exit polls, david chalian kylie
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said something interesting. they're frustrated with the strong hold, the lock that donald trump has on the republican party in south carolina. and everywhere everywhere. and let's talk about the voters that donald trump won. today to look at the degree of that strong exactly jacob digging into these numbers to see what powered this big victory tonight, i guess right now he's about 15 points ahead, 15% of the points ahead of nikki haley and the vote count. but look at his huge swaths of the party that he just dominates with among those can say, they consider themselves part of the maga movement, which is 44% of the electorate, nearly half the electorate. donald trump >> obviously he is the leader of that movement gets 89% of them. haley, only 11% among those who say they are very conservative. now, this is 43 percent of the overall electorate. trump wins at 6% of
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them and just what a difference, eight years makes. eight years ago in this primary, which he won, he did not win the very conservative voters. ted cruz won the very conservative voters, even though trump won the primary. but again, at 6%, trump's party. take a look among white evangelicals similar story. so 61% of the electorate is white evangelical christian today trump wins three-quarters of them. eight years ago, he won a third of them he bested cruise with these voters, but he was only at a third. he now has three quarters of them inside this republican primary today. and then on the issue of immigration 68% of voters in the primary today say their preference is for favoring, deporting most undocumented immigrants yes, 68% say that's the preferred immigration policy, deport the undocumented trump wins them 79% to 21% for haley. and we saw that
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immigration was indeed the very top issue, most important issue for voters in this primary. >> fascinating stuff. we're going to take a quick break and when we come back, we're expecting former south carolina governor nikki haley to speak at any moment, stay with us. we'll be right back >> capital ones can you do this? >> yeah. >> matches >> sorry, body for knowing about active ingredients. but getting 100% of them to my face. sorry for never checking the temperature verse her replacing sunlight with blue light and denim with no stretch sorry for dry shaves, dry days, and fast fashion that makes you crawl. sorry for all the picking, popping, and rinsing off, but never giving back, but fear no more body. all those ingredients you've been
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go to slash shave to claim your $7 trial >> vegas story of sin city tomorrow at ten on cnn hey we got another key race alert for you in south carolina republican primary with 20% of the >> estimated vote in donald trump is still in the lead he has 58.8% of the vote. that's 97,933 votes, roughly 30,000 votes ahead of nikki haley, who has 40.7% cent of the votes.
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yes, 67,900, 798 votes. that's 20% of the vote in. he still has a rather commanding lead. let's go to john king at the magic wall here to see what exact, where exactly these votes have come in. 40% is not a victory, but it's still better than she's done in any primary, but it's still her home state and she probably should be doing better if you want delegates, which if number one winning would give you an actual vague, always good. if you look at them in half over your shoulder, you can look at it that way. donald trump has won the first four contests now and he is up to 92 delegate never been done. it never been done there's an asterisk there, if you will, that it's ever been done in a contested primary and he's sort of the republican incumbent, but but she had she asked for a one-on-one contest. she got it in new hampshire. she asked for a one-on-one contest. she got it in south carolina. he's a long way from the 1,215. you need to win mathematically. but as we all know, a lot of nominating contests are settled early on, early on by a winning
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streak and he has an amazing winning-streak. the question now is, as we wait, we're at about 22% of the vote you can she stay above 40% and more importantly, as she says, she's staying on through super tuesday, you at least want to be to say you're amassing some delegates. he's going to get the most, he's going to get the overwhelming majority. he's at 92 to her 17. he's already got 29 and already got 29 tonight. he could get all 50. if he doesn't get all 50, there's one or two congressional districts where she would get three districts three delegates for each district. we have to wait to see that come in, but let's just look at the places right now. let's just start with haley because of the 46 counties in south carolina, she's right now leading in three, but again, 14 votes to 12 votes. this is a pretty, a pretty republican area. so i wouldn't go to vegas. it's not decisive that would not going to vegas on that one. this one is that this is a county that if haley is it's running strong. marco rubio won this county in 2016, for example, against donald trump. so if she's running strong, this is a place where she could win and it's a big piece of a
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congressional district, but it's not the entire congressional the congressional district, excuse me. colombia is kinda split. the rich, the county is split, not columbia the county is split in two districts, but in richland county, she's getting 64% of the vote at the moment. but again, i'll either correlate only a quarter of the vote in so it's way too early to make any assumption based on that. and then this was this should be this should be her strongest area of the state. this is charleston county call it the low country. again congressional district, you know, the former governor mark sanford represented it came came to congress. was governor then left the governorship. she was the governor who succeeded him. he won the seat again, then lost it because he criticized donald trump piano trump primary there. but she's got 64% of the vote. there were up to 33%. so conceivable, still a ways to go in the calc conceivable. she wins this county, but again, congressional district at this county is involved in stretches up here as well. so this math, we have to do on that. so at the moment though, in the state, she won election twice as governor, she is leading in
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three of 46 counties, she's getting thumped. yeah, at home. >> so and just for those trying to keep track of the delegate math, 50 delegates from south carolina, the winner gets 29 of them automatically. trump has already been assigned those in our delegate count, but then there are seven congressional districts and whoever wins the congressional district gets three delegates for each congressional district right now. and it's so early, but right now, it's possible nikki haley could win maybe two congressional districts based on what we're seeing in these very, very early numbers. but we don't know, but it does appear that that is at least right now with all we know with which is very limited, right now, she might get six delegates it's about what that would be if that happened, it would be 44 for him and six for her. >> right. delegates of the 50, theoretically, that is what we think based on our limited knowledge and information right now, the best that she could >> just sorry to disappoint you at home. we may not know the answer to that tonight. right. because again, there's a congressional district that
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splits this county congressional district that includes this county, but it stretches up into here. and so these folks have to be counted by the state. they have to make sure that some of the precincts to make sure this precincts in the district is precincts over the line. so the getting the votes by district, by county, they come in pretty quickly by congressional districts. sometimes that math takes a little longer. but what's interesting about it from people at home is some people might think well there are 50 congressional districts. why wouldn't they just divide them up if this ends up being the margin of victory, why wouldn't they just have nikki haley get 40% of them and donald trump gets 60% of the why wouldn't they just do that? and it's because that's not how south carolina republicans decided they want to do it. different states have different rules pretty soon we'll move into a lot of winner take all primaries the way south carolina does does it is they're actually 26 winter winner-take-all delegates. then there are three republican national committee delegates that are allocated to the statewide winner. so there's 29, essentially, whoever wins the state gets the first 29 and the other 2013 for each of the seven districts. >> but it is if you look at why they do it that way, they are trying to stop competition,
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they are trying to have the winner if the winter has some sort of momentum going on do, do better and like move people out who might be challenging that front runner. i mean, that's my interpretation of why they would have rules like that. not that they said in a month for donald trump but maybe they maybe that he wasn't, maybe he was on their mind to begin with the party has a rule that you cannot have a winner-take-all all winter takes everything, >> that's congressional districts don't matter. they can't have that until next month, but that rule comes up pretty soon. >> very interesting. dana bash okay. thank you so much. i think look, one of the headlines from that discussion is that donald trump is going to get almost all, if not all, of the delegates in south carolina tonight. and yet, we saw abbe earlier. kiley was at haley headquarters. we haven't heard from her yet. we certainly expect to hear from her the scene evening. >> and there was a party going on. >> we can square that circle, abby. yeah. look, i was open that i've covered i covered
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bernie sanders and at 2016 when he was kept his campaign going for a little while and his supporters were enthusiastic. it's a good sign for the strength of the support for nikki haley in the state right now. but that room is a small room when it's compared to the rest of the republican party. and these zombie candidacies, which nikki haley's candidacy might very well become very soon they can have an impact this is maybe bringing in the delegate conversation. they were just having. sometimes acquiring delegates, going into a convention can give you leverage over what happens in that convention over what the eventual nominee does. sometimes it keeps the conversation going about alternatives sometimes this is lashing, say sometimes this is the one time when we could be facing a scenario. some people in the republican party believe in which the republican nominee might, in some way disqualify
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himself? yeah, before we get to november. and then what the answer could be? whoever is still technically a candidate that could be a nikki haley, which is that last point is one of the key reasons you hear nikki haley and her campaign aides and the people around her arguing that republican voters still need choice. >> and look, i mean, there are rich people in the republican party. you don't want from trump to be president, don't want to wade which people not in the republican can get a lot of them are donating to nikki haley. >> and the question, will they continue to do that just to make donald trump's life a little more difficult. the question is, they've said that they're going to continue on to super tuesday states. we heard the campaign manager telling you, kylie atwood that they would have a seven figure ad buy in these super tuesday states. that is actually not a lot of money given some of these very expensive media markets in this so many of these states, so do they significantly tried to amp-up the money that could make not
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donald trump's life more difficult, but at least keep her in the race. what is the message she's going to tell voters? because when she speaks here in a matter of minutes and how does she try to does she do when she didn't last two days? i did better than expected or does she instead say something else? say that maybe perhaps that reason the border is still in your choice. i'm going to stay in this and i want to keep going because i am the only alternative to donald i'm trump, right now. and that's an important thing to have in the republican electorate and the republican system right now. yeah, i mean, as long as she has the money to keep the lights on, let put aside even the money to put ads up. just the money to keep the lights on to pay her staff. she can stay in this thing and she can make a case of why not and her voters, especially given the ones the kiley spoke to, they seem very receptive to that there is a 30% of the republican party, maybe a little less, that wants someone
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else. it's not enough to win the nomination, but they're there okay. anderson over to you. >> thanks very much we are waiting. i think he haley's speech still. we have a key race alert. let's take a look at the latest numbers sure. down from 57.6% of the vote, nikki haley with 41.9% that with just 25% though, of reasons i'm according so one number still to come in, it is 08:00 p.m. eastern here on the east coast. don't trump is the projected winner of the republican presidential primary in south karolina will bring a huge blow to the state's former governor, nikki haley, nor own backyard even bringing him closer to clinching the gop nomination where you are, as i said, standing by to hear from nikki haley, any moment we'll obviously bring you her remarks lie. that is the crowd that it has been waiting. let's check in with our kristen holmes, kristian yeah anderson, i'm talking to a lot of sources here who are close to donald trump saying that now is the
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time to pivot to the general election. they believe these four different tentative wins in a row make donald trump the presumptive nominee, even though the delegate math is not there, even though nikki haley has now dropped out of the race, not to be clear, he is not the presumptive nominee. this time, but this is for significant wins for the former president. and you heard that in his speech tonight, he didn't mention nikki haley once, so that wasn't just because of this pivot to the general election. this is because it was the same speech she was supposed to give in new hampshire when he won, but did not, as we remember this in new hampshire, nikki haley took the stage first, giving a very enthusiastic speech, despite the fact that she lost and donald trump, instead of celebrating his win in the state, launched into a series of attacks it's for quite some time against nikki haley, his team not happy with that. he completely changed the narrative away from is when >> tonight. a different person he was celebrating his win and he was not mentioning nikki haley, and turning his attention to joe biden. now the big question is when we start to see donald trump's campaign
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actually moved to a general, i mean, not in terms of messaging but in terms of money and donald trump did just get a big significant win in terms of funds, a new super pac has been established by a long-term friend and donor perlmutter ease the executive of marvel is going to run by a family, friends, or geo gore and they say they've already got donors from across the country. now this, of course, it's gonna be at a time where donald trump not only needs money for a campaign, but also needs a significant number of fund for all those legal fees that he is facing now, that's not where it's super pac money is going to go, but it is another avenue for donald trump to raise cash as he looks again towards a general election. >> there's no home sign for checking with you shortly. what i'm going to date the chalian with more injured poll. >> anderson. the other thing that donald trump needs in a general election is a fully unified republican party. we see his dominance here, but i'm going to take you inside these exit poll results among haley voters obviously, the
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smaller share of voters tonight's as we projected this race. but i do think it is telling for the work donald trump and his team will have to do to bring the party totally unified, heading into a general. so among haley voters in the south carolina primary tonight, what are your feelings of trump? wins the nomination 78% of them will be dissatisfied if trump is the nominee >> among haley >> voters we asked, is trump fit for them? presidency, if he is convicted of a crime at 2% of haley voters in this republican primary saying no, he's unfit for the presidency if he's convicted of a crime, who is physically, mentally fit to serve as president. again, these are haley voters were looking at tonight, 74% of them not surprisingly say haley is fit both physically and mentally to serve effectively. >> only >> 4% of her voters think trump fits that bill that he is physically and mentally fit. 18% say both of them are and
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here's one that's really interesting haley voters actually think donald trump can beat joe biden despite the fact that nikki haley, every day says, donald trump cannot be joe biden. that's one of her main arguments. and day out why she's still in the race. 56% of her voters actually say that it's very or somewhat likely that trump would indeed the biden anderson, david, at this point, is it clear i mean, how many of those people pulled maybe democrats. >> oh, well, we do have a breakdown of party id, but it's not a whole swath of them. i don't have it in front of me, but it is we saw like 20% of the electorate was independent, far less than that, we're democrats in this election tonight. the vast majority of people voting in this primary are actually self-identified republicans >> all right? david chalian, thanks so much back. go with the panel, new york. i mean, we did hear from somebody who was decided not to vote in the democratic primary and decided to vote for nikki haley for
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this very reason. >> but let's i mean mean we're looking at the votes, come in and one of the things that, that is kinda fascinating to watch his, that this, this isn't a 65-35 race. nikki is performing it over 40% that's a that's those are blinken lights for donald trump. i mean, that's 40% of a conservative military electorate that is rejecting you. not only that, but per jake and others there's the she's competitive in two congressional districts right now. not only district one, which is charleston and a low country, but also jim clyburn's district, which is district six. and so when you think about these things, i mean, this is more competitive than people thought. now, she's still getting beat by 17 points in our home state but she's performing it over 40%. and i think that is something that i mean, nikki can celebrate that per say, but the republican party has to be keeping their eye on that because 41% of the electorate in south carolina is rejecting donald trump. >> but i'm told about 4% of those in the exit polls were democratic, which is negligible. >> i mean, this isn't, you can't this isn't your hampshire democrat blinken's
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can't say oh, my god, republicans flipped it. is anti-freedom >> i'm sorry. i believe in closed primary people ought to choose. >> freedom smells we're going to be smelled i think that last slide by china was the most interesting, was even among nikki haley vote voters, they're >> convinced that trump could beat joe biden. there was a time in this race, probably about six plus months ago when trump was lagging joe biden and there was a window that another republican could have emerged. but after the indictments came down and folks kind of coalesce around trump and trump's started performing better head-to-head against joe biden. the race dynamics fundamentally change. >> never >> mind the fact that nikki haley performs far better head-to-head against joe biden. so long is enough. republicans are convinced that trump can beat him and biden's week so many of them are going to >> affect haley's. this was the principal message that she was delivering. if you go back to the first debate the trump can't win and he should continues to say, you know, we've lost, we've lost, we've lost with trump. >> but
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>> that is not a winning argument with republican voters, right? >> yeah, but it's important to point out like the reason you talk about electability is to win voters. you don't already have, right? because you can't attack trump personally, right? it them off, right it does not shock me in the slightest that half of nikki haley's voters think trump can win. that's why they're voting for nikki haley. >> because >> they want to stop trump from being president, not stopped trump from being the nominee of their party. that's a real the thing. and that's why nikki haley's raising money from a lot of republicans and conservatives because they don't want trump to be president, not because they don't want them to be the nominee. >> i think the other problem though is, you know, politico was looking at her donors and more than 5,000 of her donors or people who had donated to joe biden in 2020. so there is we talk about the jet fuel being the thing to keep you going when you're losing she is being boyd by a mix of constituencies that at the end of the day still don't reflect the party itself. that's always going to be a problem that someone sent me a note tonight that basically said the resistance retweets or not
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helping haley. and that of course, is the problem is she's and she's an avatar for that ground now, i mean, it's it's a mixture of a handful of republicans who have never liked trump. a lot of the never-trump people who have gravitated out of the party. a lot of democrats who of course, hadn't blinked since 2016. she's an avatar for all but she represents all but i don't want to quote, please give me quoting gavin newsom up here. i don't really want to quote gavin newsom, but he was he did make a good point about nikki haley. she's one of the best surrogates that we that the democratic party has right now. i mean, she literally is the one who is utilizing campaign is like blasting out things that she's saying on it because there she makes coherent points, unlike the person that they're actually working for. so they have to put us on sunday no problem. >> the problem the problem is that she her appeal is what makes her a good general election candidate and what makes her a bad primary candidate? i mean, i said, you,
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anderson, i remember sitting here and saying you that she that trump has great strength with one particular cohort that's important and republican primary, which is republicans, she doesn't have that, but she is she would be a stronger general election candidate because she does have appeals to independents to some democratic voters. but i think a problem with, let me just finish this one point. the problem with the republican party and it isn't just in the presidential races. the thing that and it takes to win primaries makes you more vulnerable in a general election >> i think that the character that she's showing is impressive though. and then come out here. she's got to say, what if she says we're going to move on. but the easy thing to do right now to your point in earlier, is just to quit me. look, she's made a point. she's household name everybody knows where she stands. >> quit >> she's not quitting. >> the lady's not for quitting. she's she's for staying.
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she's for sticking. she's for fighting and i think there's something that's good good about that. and we'd sometimes people actually believe stuff. i wouldn't have put nikki haley neck camp. i thought she was much more transactional, kind of a plastic politician, but there's something, something's happening here, here now, that you see a different ask you about that and the current interests know you since you know the state so well too one of the biggest critiques about haley all the way through her career is that it has been hard to tell which version of herself she actually is has been this transactional. i mean, i covered covered her very first race for governor in south carolina. it was downers that happened. >> you >> could see some of the things in that that you're seeing now, her grit, her political cool skills, her willingness. i mean, she call sara pailin gets that endorsement she was a fighter then, but she was a very different candidate ideologically, right? she was a tea party candidates. she was, if anything, modeling what became the trump movement at that time. then she goes and she works for trump. she
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repudiates him after january 6 that's a little confusing where she stands. is this actually the real nikki halutz? we're seeing >> yes and no. the answer to the question is she who has a tea party candidate when tea party was necessary to be governor of south carolina, when sarah palin came in and endorsed her. the thing that we're seeing about nikki haley is something that's always been true. she's extremely transactional she's adi afars. she's a fence consider when it comes to different issues. that's how she gets herself in trouble. but what we're seeing is that she's a fighter. yeah, she always has been a fighter. i mean, she's been a fighter for very long period of time in 2010 when she ran for governor of south carolina gresham barrett were supposed to win that race. she ran against gresham barrett, who was a sitting united states congressman. i mean, she ran against henry mcmaster. she ran against andrei bauer. all of these names who were bigger than the lowly state representative from lexington county when she got elected to the state house, she beat the oldest member of the general assembly the election before i beat the oldest member of the general assembly. and so she literally has been a fighter. this grid that you're seeing, the character that you're talking about, that is nikki haley. but the problem is that the grit does not meet the
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consistency and political views >> well convention, we know we're in a primary season right now in there it isn't credibly hard to see how there's any kind of a path for nikki haley. but the million dollar question remains, where do her voters go? because if she once again, hold on to about a third of voters in a general election, or she keeping those from donald trump, do they go to job? i do. they look for a third-party candidate that's willing to walk in because if i'm a republican advising donald trump a 33, i'm sorry, a third of the state being with her. that is a glaring alarm bell in a general >> just quickly. i just will come back. i just want to go to kylie atwood at nikki haley headquarters got some new information make sure my while we haven't heard yet from the former governor kylie, what are you learning >> yeah. >> well, listen what i'm told is that nikki haley is huddled in the same building that we're in right now where this party is happening. she's with her closest aide. she's in a war room. what they're doing is they're tracking the boats that are coming in. i'm told by one source but she's in a very serious mood, of course,
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that's no surprise given how high the stakes are for her, but one of the reasons that she hasn't spoken yet is because they want a larger person centered of the votes to actually be in there looking at certain areas in the state where they are highly populated, they're not seeing all of the vote tallies in from those areas. so they're watching for because i'm also told that it doesn't look like she's planning a dropout speech in any way right now. she just wants to see what the margins are looking like before she comes out here and speaks with her her supporters in this room. and i do want to say that this room is incredibly lively. anderson, they had been breaking out into cheers over the last hour or so, particularly because cnn is on in the room and every time that someone says something that would be a benefit to nikki haley, they break into cheers. just like i'm talking right now, i can hear them speaking behind me so we'll watch to see when they decide it's a good time for her to come out. but nikki, haley and her team
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closely monitoring everything that they're seeing across the state >> 30% of vote in right now come back. >> can i ask you a question? van? you raised the issue about you described haley as having character and staying in this race and that shows it's about character. do you think the converse is true about the democratic party? why wasn't there someone who exhibited the same kind of determined character to stay in the race against job vitamin a lot of people in the democratic party have the same questions about biden's fitness that people have in the republican party about trump. why don't you think someone took up that slot in the democratic party? >> because we we did so well in the midterms that i think a lot of people looked at joe biden's cards. they said, hang a second, this dude is always underestimated. people said there's no way joe biden is going to be able to get the nomination and he got it. he's going up against trump. be beat him. and he is supposed to be a red wave, looked like a red trickle. and people said, maybe this, maybe there's something we don't understand about the
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democratic party under joe biden. and then that moment i mean, we've gotten crushed, destroyed in the midterm. i think a lot people would jump in, but at that moment, it didn't look smart and now things i think that's different, that's so by different been indicted four times and he didn't try to overthrow an election. there >> numbers are bad, but 80% of the country tell, i guess he can't serve another term. and so you're saying haley's showing character by pointing out the obvious falls in trump's candidacy, which i grant you but no democrat with, i guess the same character will >> i would ever think about this i think if gavin newsom thought he could become the nominee for 2024, he would trample small children to do it what he won't do is risk being the candidate who got donald trump. yes. yes, that's right here of helping trump is the great discipline. yes. other democrat contrary country. and what nic haley's learning is the same lesson that any other democrat would have learned were running against joe biden,
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which is that there was no path to beat joe biden. i mean, it smart why you're not you're not going to beat joe. you might beat them in iowa. you may beat him in new hampshire. you not beating them into that and you're not meeting them in south carolina, you're not beating them at super tuesday. i mean, look, we know oh, they've used a consequential grandfather. we know that, right and the democratic party has embraced that. that is our candidate, but nobody was going to beat him in a primary and that that's not a cure >> i do want to me, david but first of all, i love gavin newsom. just want as you said, you didn't want to quote him. i just want to say i'll put them on according accord them all day i've known the guy for debate in 2020 somebody to say something but democrats don't understand. i love gavin newsom, but there is, i think a history here that disciplined our folks when you look at the time that democrats have challenged, are sitting presidents, you have 68 johnson
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got challenged, nixon won. then you had 76 carta guy the challenge. and then reagan won. so there is a real fear in our part. you challenged one of our sitting president and the other side, david, and then we got to go. yeah. no. look, i agree with what jonas said. there was no desire once it was clear that biden was going to run no desire to weaken him for the fight against trump, but scott, it's also true that there is a affection and respect for joe biden in the democratic party that is very broad. they don't have concerns about his character that a lot of republicans have about donald trump just a quick note. i'm some reporting that i just got from a source. i think the thing number one to watch in terms of what haley is going to do here is 40%. they're waiting to see if they can get that number. if it stays above 40% i get the sense that they may be making a decision. she's got to decide if she's going to stay in this race and present if they come in over 40%, i think we may see a very different nikki haley tonight, we might have otherwise probably up. >> we're going to take nikki, haley's remarks to supporters in the nation when it happens,
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for you right now with 36% of the vote in that'll trump is still far ahead with 59.3% of the vote. he has 182,783 votes. that's more than 59 thousand votes ahead of mickey haley. we've has 40.1% of about 123,442 votes. that with 36% of the estimated vote in we've already projected that donald trump will win the south carolina republican primary. let's get an update now on where the fight for delegates stand with donald trump, south carolina. when david chalian is crunching the numbers for us, david? yeah, jake. so as you 50 delegates at stake tonight, we've already been able to allocate 38 of them all to donald trump >> there are 12 >> delegates not yet allocated. we were looking congressional district congressional district as the vote comes in donald trump won the statewide delegates. and now he's won some of the congressional district delegates that we've been able to allocate 38
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tonight. so far, 12 unallocated. but take a look at where we are in terms of the delegates to date in this race. donald trump has now crossed the hundred martin. he's in 101 delegates, thus far. >> you >> up there on the right-hand corner, you need 1,215 delegates to win the republican party nomination. nobody's made a ton of progress yet we've got that many contexts. but donald trump is far ahead. hundred and one, nikki haley with 17 so far, ron desantis with nine, vivek ramaswamy with three. and i guess there are still 12 not yet allocated from tonight's contests in south carolina. >> all right, but most of them have been allocated already. let's talk about this while we wait for nikki haley to come out. obvious silly with 40.1% of the vote. that's a roughly 19% loss in terms of percentage points haley it's getting a shellacking, but it is not quite the shellacking that
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donald trump predicted. he said he would beat her by 25 to 30 points we still don't know what it's going to be at the end of the day, but it does look like she's gonna do a little bit. i wouldn't say better, but not as horribly as that you buy that spin i don't think it matters i honestly do not think it matters. what the margin is. the end of the day tonight, for the purposes of determining what nikki haley's future is. the question is, can nikki haley, win a primary in this contest? that's not a question her campaign has been willing to answer to date. they say they're going to compete in super tuesday states. they have not said where they think they can actually win, whether the numbers 40% or 35% of 42%. this is a significant victory for donald trump that basically blows out of the water any real fuel possibility barring something catastrophic that someone else will come in and take his place. and spin is what it is, but i don't necessarily i don't see how 40% changes anything for nikki
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haley today compared to what it was like yesterday? >> yeah. dana, i mean, bakari sellers, former south carolina representative, made the argument bad night for haley, but also that's 40% of the south carolina electorate not voting for donald trump >> and that is part of what i'm getting on my phone and maybe we all are from people in and around the haley campaign that that's the argument that they're making around that 40% issue and it's not just that donald trump perhaps, and we don't know because we don't have all the votes in it. could the gulf could be wider by the time we get to the end of the night but it's about expectations and donald trump setting expectations. of course part of this, maybe more than part of it as spin. >> but it does >> begged the question and we've got some of the answers and the exit polls that we saw from david chalian about what happens in a general election with those haley voters and how excited they will be to vote
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for donald trump in the general election. i just say, can i just add real quick? yeah. >> exit polls. okay. feelings if donald trump wins the nomination, 72% of the people who voted today said they would be satisfied yeah but a sizable amount, but i do think that there are warning signs for trump, not just for the 40% or so of haley's supporters you when when you break down those haley's support has 78% say they will be dissatisfied of haley's supporters if trump were the nominee and then if convicted of a crime at 2%, say no, he is not fit for president he's, actually consistent with what we've seen in the other primary states and could give the biden people. so i'm hoping some of those swing states, it paying off those haley's supporters people, those right of center moderate, leaning voters who clearly are out there. we know from tonight and other nights, trump is dominating with conservative, very conservative voters. he is that is one big reason why he's winning in this very conservative state. but when we get into the general election electorate, these are warning signs that they had to take
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serious and one seconds is because dana at the moment you were saying at a second ago about we don't know the final vote. yeah. if we could put the votes up right now nikki haley a dropped below 40% on the vote board. she's now at 39 in 0.6%. donald trump at 59.8%. that's what 39% of the vote in. so we still have more than half the votes. and we should also note that in new hampshire, she got 43% of the vote. so she has constantly been saying, she just wants to do better. in the next brace, then she did in the last one and she certainly did better in new hampshire then she did in iowa. if you take out the nevada caucus for a second, the argument that she needs to do better in south carolina, and then she didn't new hampshire as of right now. she is not this is her home state where she should be. do you want to statewide elections before? >> yeah and the other thing i think we should point out as we are analyzing this electorate because it's what we have.
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these are the freshest numbers to kinda get a sense of where republicans are. there's no way suggesting that if there is dissatisfaction, even if it is close to 40% with donald trump in south carolina, the democrat is going to win south carolina. i mean, it's not even close to the case. the question is going to be in going forward in some of the swing states, the states that are going to determine the general election in november, and whether or not there are going to be people who are maybe it's not nikki haley, or just any other republican other than donald trump. if they're upset. i think at this point, we've pretty much established that by-in-large donald trump dominates. >> yeah. >> it is also interesting to haley has been making the argument that donald trump is not electable. that has been saying that over and over again, or to be a very close election and she would win much more handedly based on national polls that do show her having a more sizable lead over joe
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biden that didn't really convince voters of her own supporters a majority of our own sun porter's according to these exit polls, believed that donald trump could win, could beat joe biden. so that has been a real challenge for her making that electability argument in large part because of biden's weakness, gives trump a bit of a boost among voters who may not think initially thought he was going to win this war. it's >> interesting because it was four years ago in south carolina where joe biden biden's electability argument prevailed. remember, he had gotten clobbered in iowa, had gotten clobbered in new hampshire, and then he came forward with the argument. i am the only one that can unite all the different factions of the democratic party and with no small help from congressman jim clyber and the dean of the congressional delegation there. he was able to make that argument to the point that south carolina pretty much ended the contest other i mean, bernie sanders stuck around for awhile, but generally speaking, south carolina bought the electability argument. it was just that it was democrats a lot of these republicans, by the way, think donald trump will win in it's not just, they
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don't buy her electability argument, but they also just don't think that she's it's not that they didn't it's not that they reject the electability argument. they just don't believe at about donald trump. they think donald trump can win. >> yeah, i think that they are pretty comfortable with look, republican voters are comfortable with, and i see nikki haley coming out to the stage, is coming up. they're comfortable let donald trump as their nominee. >> yeah >> and look, i also think that what you said about south carolina for democrats could play a very similar roles republicans in this cycle. >> yeah, let's listen in
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>> rowdy but i love that about you. thank you you know, i want to start off, obviously, thanking my family. i am so incredibly blessed i was able to speak with michael this morning. >> i just support has been amazing. the kids have really stepped up sometimes too much, but they have stepped up in a way that has made me so, so proud. >> i am blessed because i had the ability to actually go vote today with my mom and there's something very special with the fact that she was a lawyer in india and she was due was named one of the first the first female judges and because of the times she was never able to sit on the bench. but the fact that she could go with me and
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cast her ballot for her daughter as president of the united states, was it i want to thank my parents who taught me strength and grace. i want to thank michael's parents who have been unbelievably supportive i want to thank my brothers and my sister and their families for always supporting us every step i feel blessed tonight. i've felt blessed through this entire journey even when it's been tough i haven't lost sight of that. i've felt god's striked and grace every step of the way blessed to have served the state that raised me
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>> and i look >> forward to continuing to be blessed to serve the state that raised me whether it's going and voting with my mom or whether it is being with our family. we're very grateful for the good people of south carolina. thank you >> and it's a >> blessing to know that across our sweet state everyone wants to bring back the america we know and love >> that's >> the underlying message of what happened today. i want to congratulate donald trump on his victory and i want to thank the people of south carolina for using the power of your voice >> no matter the reason so i love the people of our state i
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love what we accomplished together, and i love how we, united during our worst challenges and tragedies i've always seen our state as a family families are honest with each other. they say the hard truths that's what i've done this entire campaign and that's what i'll do now what i saw today was south carolina's frustration with our country's direction. i've seen that same frustration nationwide. i share it. i feel it to my core i couldn't be more worried about america. it seems like our country is falling apart. but here's the thing america will come apart if we make the wrong choices
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>> this >> has never been about me or my political future. sure we need to beat joe biden in november i don't believe donald trump can beat joe biden nearly every three day. trump drives people away including with his comments just yesterday today and south carolina, we're getting around 40 of the vote that's that's about what that's about what we got new hampshire to i'm going to count it i know 40% is not 50% but i
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also know 40% is not some tiny group >> there >> there are huge numbers of voters in our republican primaries who were saying they want an alternative i said earlier this week that no matter what happens in south carolina, i would continue to run for i'm a woman of my work
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>> i'm >> not giving up this fight when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe biden south carolina has spoken were the fourth state to do so in the next ten days, another 21 states and territories will speak they have the right to a real choice not a soviet style election with only one ended and i have a duty to give them that choice
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we can't afford four more years of biden's failures or trump's lack of focus >> we're >> at 34 trillion in debt and counting not even a third of our eighth graders are proficient in reading families can afford groceries. 9 million illegals have come to our border with enough fentanyl to kill every single american and beyond our borders the world is on fire. war is spreading further every day. if we aren't strong those wars will draw america further in and it's not just about policies. we won't get out of our downward spiral spiral if we
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keep obsessing over the past does does anyone seriously think joe biden or donald trump will unite our country? he saw one of them calls his fellow americans fascists. the other calls his fellow americans vermin. they are fighting for our country's future. they're demanding, we fight each other the younger generation, my children's generation knows that better than anyone they deserve better, they deserve leadership and so i will keep fighting for them and for you and for all of them
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>> from the start of this campaign, i've made clear that i'm running for president to save a man i'm running to remind us what it means to be an american in the america, i know and love. >> we believe >> in each other and we believe in america's inherent goodness now is the time to renew that belief now is the time to remember who we are we're citizens of the greatest country three in human history
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>> and >> we must lead now more than ever before i'm grateful to south carolina, always have been and always will be. and i'm grateful that today is not the end of our story we're headed to michigan tomorrow and we're headed to the super tuesday states threw out all of next week we'll keep fighting for america and we won't rest until america wins i want to give a few thank yous because we've had some people who who've really there have been too many to think. but i really have to single out congressman
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ralph norman ralph has had pressure ron him from every side that he needed to not support me and that he needed to step away from me. and he always said there's no way in hell you can be i want to thank senators senator tom davis >> nikki haley, on time tonight. she said there were in the next ten days, 21 states and territories have the right to a choice and that she is moving forward to at least through super tuesday, which is obviously on march 5. what do you think of her remarks? >> willis and her team saying she's going to be an seven different states over the next ten days. she's she's pouring through. she said what she had to say last night. there's not really late any better spent to put on it than to say, you know, somebody who's running is virtually an incumbent, donald trump getting 60%, 40% being a guest him, that's not a
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mandate, especially with the entire republican party apparatus behind him, with most elected republicans behind him. >> now it's unclear >> what a path could look like for nikki haley. i think we're all very open-eyed about that. but she is underscoring the fundamental weakness of donald trump and it should be a five-alarm fire for the party for some reason, it is not. >> when she when she says 40% is not some tiny group i thought that was really well put because it basically it looks like a landslide, i mean, ordinarily american politics that, but it's not a tiny group there are a large number of people within the republican party who have a sense of disquiet and concern and they are speaking and when she said, we don't want have a soviet style election with only one candidate there was also well put on it. it puts the russia thing back in the ide look. that was a really whirlwind speech and wealth. yes. i was going to say the same thing. that speech was actually very well put together. you would commenting on her advance kind of behind the scenes, the flags, the way she looked, she looked presidential. she her
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remarks weren't mean she actually spoke from prompters. it wasn't anything random in off kind of off the cuff. it was very, very well done. she reminds me of something that in 2016, do you remember when everyone was clutching their pearls when bernie sanders was running an insurgent campaign against hillary clinton, we all knew that bernie sanders was not going to beat hillary clinton. but bernice sanders forever had an imprint on the democratic party for better or for worse, like him or not. he meant something to the republican party and night after democratic party, excuse me, night after night, we saw bernie sanders racking up 33, 35, 40% of the vote against hillary clinton. and i would come on panels like this every night and people would be like, oh, my god, democrats, you're here here is on fire. you know, you have people rejecting hillary clinton, the same thing is happening today for republicans to challenge that just a tiny bit. surny actually stood for a number of things that felt qualitatively different from the centrist view of the candidates that were on the table. nikki haley.
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nikki haley, if you look at her record on abortion for it but now as a republican, no, no, no. i genuinely believe this. i just want to say that i think that i met the bernie bros and the people who were supporting him and they were die hard. i haven't met as many die hard haley fans except at this table >> like in the it's i just don't see the same devotion and not let me see him as well. i'm not going play devil's >> advocate because the devil doesn't need one. and i'm not going to sit here and support nikki haley like that and say that she stands for this level of conviction. what i am going to say though, is that the framework is the same. the fundamentals are the same. hillary clinton had a faction of people in her party party who did not want her to be the nominee until certain concessions were made until the party bit in a certain direction in the party did that. this may not be the same ones. she lost >> but but >> but that was a policy-driven argument. what? what nikki haley is arguing is that this
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individual who's in the republican party leading the primary, does not have the moral or ethics >> real quick. two points here. >> she's arguing the >> question of unfitness and there is a large portion of the republican party, lifelong republicans, who cannot support donald trump. and secondly, one of the most generation defining issues that's on the table right now, aid to ukraine, she is fundamentally in a different place than donald. question is 67% of republicans support aid to ukraine. those just don't happen to be prime. >> well, why, why, why did you think he is unfit? >> i mean countless reasons. january 6 is the most glaring. i think she ever mentioned that she and she should i have just by the way, this notion that i'm some kind of nikki haley's sycophant. that's just i think what i'm saying, supporter, i want someone to beat donald trump and i don't want to rest that all on. joe biden's found at the same as loving her, right. and that's the point that's being made. she should have made that more than i've said from the outset of the primary, she came out swinging harder, that she may be in a different place if she had spoken about his indictments differently, she may be in a
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different place because she could sway people who could have been convinced that these missing, but we're missing. the point is not a it's not i'm not i'm not dare saying anybody's in love with nikki haley. i don't think what i am saying is that people are rejecting donald trump and those are two different things. like people are rejecting donald trump. there was a large number of people in 2016. now, sure there were a lot of people who love bernie sanders, but there was a rejection of hillary clinton by a certain number of people in the primary. all i'm saying is that there is a rejection of donald trump in how do i know that? 38 democrats voted. there's little trump and the general election, a lot of the bernie, bernie sanders they're not voting for trump today. vast majority of those people are going to end up voting for trump. the question is on the margins, correct? as alyssa says, there will be a percentage of people that can't do it. we've seen in some of the exit polling throughout the primaries that some foci, if he's convicted, they'll consider to be unfit, actually, about a third and most of them and that's a lot i think most of them probably don't mean it or won't mean it by the time november comes around. but on the margins, there will be a few >> the thing is >> she's not giving speeches,
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just indicting donald trump. she it you'd know anything about these parties and you didn't know anything about these people. you were a space alien and you were kodos and kang and you're landed here. you will immediately, you would assume she was a third party candidate? this tonight to me sounded like someone who is running for president just as an independent non party personnel. that's not really possible for her, but that's how it feels to me. >> donald trump delivering a huge blow to former south carolina governor nikki haley and her own backyard. we are digging into numbers and we'll talk to the next to one of president biden's crucial supporters in south carolina, congressman james time >> john edwards, >> cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend, and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers kid. >> we're here to get yourself what is the story? >> united states of scandal with jake tapper, new episode, episode tomorrow at nine on cnn. >> i live with a broken phone. i can't trade in okay that's dramatic, but our plans, verizon. oh, yeah. >> let's go save up to $1,800
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>> got it. democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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this nintendo switch sold for less than $20, go to he'll and see how much you can save >> donald trump just took another leap towards the republican presidential nomination and a likely rematch with president joe biden by winning the south carolina primary in what appears to be a rout of the states two terms, former governor, nikki haley. haley telling supporters just a short while hello, go that she's going to keep campaigning. she's going to keep fighting on despite the outcome, despite the pressure to drop out. let's take a look at where the votes are right now with 60% of the estimated vote from the south carolina republican primary and donald trump is ahead with 60. let's of the vote. he has to hundred 94,810 votes. that is more than 106,000 votes ahead of former governor nikki haley who has 38.7% of the vote and 187,920 votes. again, that's with about
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60, 61% of the vote. let's talk about this. this all with the dean of the south carolina congressional delegation, democratic congressman james clyburn, who serves as the co-chair of the biden harris reelection campaign congressman, your reaction to this resoundingly trump win in south carolina. and nikki haley's pledge to keep campaigning >> in fact, you very much for having me. well, this is not surprising and i think all of us expected that all the polls predicted this kind of an outcome. but i just wanted to say, i'm believed the nikki haley should stay in the rates. she is. i think prepared to offer itself as an off ramp that they may need between now and the convention and if they get the convention she may be in position to be an alternative so i don't think she should take herself out of
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it, especially if she has the resources. and i understand that she does have to keep going. she should keep going. if i read in her place that's what i would do are you saying that the republican party needs an off ramp or an alternative because donald trump might become a convicted felon in the intervening >> time between now and the republican convention awesome. other things may get caught up with these got to pay some big money now that i understand he's having trouble trying to find the bonding that there's necessary to satisfy this judicial issues. what is going to happen if they call the no so to speak. and he's not able to pay it so there are a lot of things that can happen short of a conviction in a court on any kind of fell in this, i think he could be the even more
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embarrass people found out that he cannot stand to pay this money, that they've says or thinks he had >> you say this vote is stronger than people expected haley to get. and i know you say that you want the republican party to have an alternative or an off-ramp in case trump cannot do the job bob is republican nominee, but do you actually see a path to the nomination for her past sarath south carolina beyond some sort of extraordinary circumstance no, i don't >> but there could be an extraordinary circumstance. and that's my point that she should stay and to maintain a position in case it gets to that. because remember, if trump runs into problems, the maga republicans are going to cry filed no matter what
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happens. and they will be a problem for her. so she should keep yourself available for those republicans who do believe in a forward thrust for this great country of >> i want you to take a listen to something that donald trump said last night and an event for black conservatives about why he thinks he is picking up some support from the black community. take a listen i got indicted a second time at a third time and a fourth time >> and a lot of people >> said that that's why the black people like because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against. >> and they >> actually viewed me as i'm being distributed and against the mug shot we've all seen the mug shot and you know, who embraced it more than anybody else. the black population, it's incredible. you see black people walking general with my mug shot >> your response, sir
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>> please. >> i'm not going to respond to that. i you know i'm three yield south carolinian who've been through some very different so go all the experiences. i say all the time, all my experiences have not been pleasant, but i've considered all of them to be blessings. and through experience, what has gone on today, it down trump and his affinity for insulting people. a whole race of people but this is not unusual. the central park, five what he did as the landlord in new york to black people what it did to alma rosa. looking in the camera referring to her and african american woman as a dog. what he did to insult the former, only the aftermath i can president, we've ever had dom is a disgrace and not tell you.
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the only thing that i've ever experienced in that i really don't call a blessing is to have to live through donald trump's candidacy. and that to me should be an embarrassment. to every red-blooded american >> trump told that group of black conservatives that he was speaking to that quote, euo, crooked joe biden, absolutely nothing unquote. he called president biden racist. he attacked biden for his role in the 1994 crime bill. you and i have spoken about your concern that black voter chris, are not hearing enough about the good that in your view, joe biden has done for the country and for the black community do you still have that concern? >> what do you know when i see all the gaffes? trump had some cue cards on yesterday or last night and couldn't get his own wife's name, right?


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