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tv   Americas Choice 2024 South Carolina Primary  CNN  February 24, 2024 6:00pm-9:00pm PST

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experienced in that i really don't call a blessing is to have to live through donald trump's candidacy. and that to me should be an embarrassment. to every red-blooded american >> trump told that group of black conservatives that he was speaking to that quote, euo, crooked joe biden, absolutely nothing unquote. he called president biden racist. he attacked biden for his role in the 1994 crime bill. you and i have spoken about your concern that black voter chris, are not hearing enough about the good that in your view, joe biden has done for the country and for the black community do you still have that concern? >> what do you know when i see all the gaffes? trump had some cue cards on yesterday or last night and couldn't get his own wife's name, right? there's
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something wrong with trump. and we noticed something wrong with trump all of that meandering that he was doing today. but never see in a reported on that. if joe biden to mr. a. gaffe or guy who stuttered all of his childhood into his adulthood and everybody know his reign it's what caused a lot of his speech impediments. and we know that has nothing to do with his brain. he stumbles one time and everybody says, he's too old to be a precedent. >> luck we had a president, the nice united states, i saw the wreckage of the other day. who in the top ten, and some people got him in the top three. franklin roosevelt was in a wheelchair. it didn't bother his brand. he got elected president more often than anybody else in the history of the country. he ranks has been the best presidents we have i had not because he was able to
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walk, but because he was able to think and do so in a way that benefits the american people. benefit his great country keep us moving toward a more perfect union, not the fullest sense that we're getting from down trump always an hour-and-a-half. you, sir. congressman james clyburn, democrat of south carolina. good to see you, sir. thank you so much >> thank you very much for having me >> and it's the top of the hour. let's check in with the voters in south carolina hi, and see what they are thinking with 63% of the estimated vote in its south carolina republican primary, 50 delegates at stake, donald trump still far in the lead with 60.5% of them so he has 307,545 votes. that's more than 110,000 votes ahead of former two-time governor of south carolina, nikki haley, who is 38.8 hey, percent of the vote, 196,969 votes. that's when 63% of the votes in still many thousand more votes to count john king without
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question, a resounding win for donald trump. in haley's backyard. so now that more votes have come in, how did he do it? >> it's overwhelming, resounding, a thumping for the former governor nikki haley in her home-state, jake, look as you noted, 61% to 39%. if you round those up right now, almost a two thirds of the vote in. so you look at them happening now and you're getting more reliable that things aren't going to change. does it mean some of these counties won't? but if you look right now, nikki haley is carrying three of the 46 counties of the state. she calls home the state where she was twice elected governor, three of 46, marco rubio carried two of those, 46 against donald trump back the first time in 2016. so this is a the shellacking. so here's a couple of different ways to look at this. i want to start with the foundation of the trump base. we have seen this over and over and over again is voters who do not have a college education. so let's pull out and look at the rate in south carolina nearly 60%, the people of south carolina, the high school educated or less, they do not have a college degree. nearly 60%.
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what does donald trump's vote tonight among republicans, it's above 60%. and so let's go through and look at this way. so the, the flip side, donald trump's weakness is in areas where people do have a college degree. david noted earlier the exit polls trump is doing okay? hey, he's actually leading nikki haley or was in the early exit polls among those with a college degree. but in the places she is winning, right? look down here, charleston county, watch here. this is statewide. you see the green, 41% of the people statewide are college graduates in south carolina. she's winning down here, see how much that came over nearly 60% in charleston county. so her foundation in his weakness is still voters with a college degree, but his strength is among voters who do not. here's another way to look at it. there's the state of south carolina will bring out the demographics right now and you look at it this way. it's a little quick to go back. non-college, educated, the deeper the purple here, the higher percentage of the people in that county who do not have a college education you see these deep purple here. the deep purple here, right? let's just tap in and look at dylan county. 85% of the vote for
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donald trump. move over next door, marlboro county, 82% of the vote for donald trump, you come down here, it comes to the southern part of the state, tapping here, hampton county 73% of the vote for donald trump tab here, 70% of the vote for donald trump. so you pull out the map, you look, this has always been the trump foundation and it is true tonight and it has been true as he's marched through these early republican contest, the foundation evangelicals, the foundation voters who do not have a college education and the result of it when you run it up, the bible belt, the south carolina, up here, and everything else. donald trump again getting 61% of the vote at the moment in nikki haley's home state and jake big win in south carolina. and then you just pull it back out. that's just important to put all the pieces together. 1234, donald trump is for now and we'll talk more about this later for an oh, he's above 100 delegates, as you noted a bit earlier, yes, you need 1,215. that's a long way to go. but guess what? we're about to shift in a march and 16 days from now, 16 days from now,
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hundreds and hundreds of more delegates will be awarded. so trump has momentum as we're heading into a very big month. all right, let's check in now with our campaign correspondence first to kristen holmes, who's at trump headquarters in columbia, south carolina. kristen, what is next for trump after this big way? >> we'll take you do want to tell you, i just got off the phone with a trump ally who was texting me saying that people are not surprisingly happy that nikki haley is staying in the race there's a moment. there were several of them thought that she was going to drop out, but obviously she's not. but i'm hearing from senior advisors if that's isn't going to impact anything that they are doing moving forward on tuesday is the mission michigan primary. and just to note, he has only gone to michigan once we now know nikki haley's super pac is spending about $500,000 there. they don't even have a big infrastructure in the state of michigan. fact i'm told they've only hired two people there. clearly, he is so confident that he is going to win there, that he's not going back, he's not even attending the primary there. and it comes to super tuesday, which is the week after that he is leading
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in the polls in every state. so what i'm talking to senior advisers when i'm talking to allies, they are saying that they don't believe there is a path for the former governor of south carolina's they're going to continue to pivot to the general election and try and shift their focus to president joe biden and part of that is going to be trying to recreate and reshaped structure and reshape the rnc, which is the republican national we'll committee. we've done a lot of extensive reporting, of course, first on the chair woman who has said that she would step out down when ronald trump becomes the nominee, but also on the extensive rnc, he, donald trump has this is promoted a person who has supported his lies about the 2020 election to be the chairman of the rnc, as well as his daughter-in-law, to be a co-chair person of the rnc. he is right now still operating as though he is the presumptive nominee and trying to reshape the party reshape the rnc in his image >> all right. >> now, to kylie atwood, who is the campaign headquarters for nikki haley in charleston, south carolina kylie. what is
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haley week looking like as she absorbs this big loss in her home state, but pledges just to go on >> yeah. well, jake, nikki, haley's headed to michigan tomorrow, an empty sets off on ten now, extremely busy days for her campaign as she is vowing, of course, to keep her campaign alive tonight. and we spoke with her campaign manager earlier fair tonight, who told us to say that she's headed to this week, they include minnesota, colorado utah, north carolina, virginia, massachusetts, maine, and vermont. that's a lot of states but what i do want to point you to is the fact that i've talked to campaign aides who say that they do see fertile ground in those western states, colorado and utah, and also in the northeast certain states, vermont, massachusetts, and maine. and it's worth noting that there are some of those states, including massachusetts and vermont, where it's winner-take-all. >> if someone hits 50%, they
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believe that that could be a possibility for nikki haley. but it'll be an area for us to watch. where do they actually put? these resources into? we know that her campaign is going up with national ads, both digitally and on tv to push her campaign ahead. her super pat is also investing in some of these future states. the question is, can she get enough of these delegates in these future states to make a decision? upper super tuesday, that you will keep her campaign alive. of course, she's vowing tonight that it's incredibly important for americans to have a choice. she talked about them the fact that they shouldn't be a soviet style election where folks are going out to vote, don't have an option in front of them and she wants to be that often. i also think it's worth noting, jake, that she had a pretty somber tone tonight to talk about her concern about the future of the country. and she said that she believes that south carolinians
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are concerned as well. but because she's concerned, that is one of the reasons that she's staying in the race despite, of course, losing her home state of south carolina he lied on all right. >> kylie atwood, thanks so much. kylie atwood in charleston, south carolina. haley campaign headquarters, anderson. >> jake, thanks very much. i want to play something that the former president said last night to black conservatives >> let's play that i got indicted a second time, third time, and a fourth time. and a lot of people said that that's why the black people like because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against. >> they >> actually viewed me as i'm being distributed he gets a mug shot. we've all seen the mug shot and you know who embraced it more than anybody else. the black population, it's incredible. you see black people walking around with my mug shot jake asked jim clyburn about that. also, president biden had said something
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recently. he said donald trump has been showing black americans his true colors for years and incompetent anti-black tyrant who holds us to such low regard that he publicly dine with white nationalists a week after declaring his 2024 candidacy. come november, no matter how many disingenuous voter engagement events he attends, black americans will show donald trump. we know exactly who he is, >> what, what do you think of the support that he's been getting >> i don't think it's real and i don't know if anybody else would disagree with me at this table. i do think that there are two different things that can be true at the same time. one is that the democratic party has for very long period of time taken black voters for granted. and there is a question right now about the energy that is behind joe biden from black voters and supporting him in november. that is true. what's also true and can be said is that donald trump is a racist who utilize his racism as political currency. i can remember going back in studio in 2016 when jake tapper was interviewing him about david duke and he like he didn't know who david
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duke was on the eve of the mississippi primary the fact that he keeps an even lindsey graham said it tonight that black, black americans have a propensity to commit crimes, et cetera to hypersexualized us to make, to hyper criminalized us to keep falling into these tropes. that is the type of racism that plays to the base of his party. he says these things to black voters, to their faces the ones who ignore enough to be in that room, not talking to them that's what people ms donald trump is not talking to black voters when he goes down these tropes. he's actually talking to white voters into his base to churn them up and built in a lot of the resentment that we see, a lot of the things that we see that are going on in this country about people who are coming out is because because there are some fear that they are being replaced either by black or brown voters. and when you see him talking down to black folk in their face, there is a large swath of the american public who says, i liked the way that sounds, and that's the currency that he uses. so i think two things can be true. the democratic party
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has been on the lay on their assets for too long when it comes to so to black voters, that is true. you're seeing that catch up with him and donald trump's racist. >> what explains, what explains. i don't far be it for me to explain african-american voting, right. but what explains his rise in popularity and every poll you see something has to be account for that, right? >> well, a couple i think first of all, everything that you just said is correct, which is why the vast majority of black people, male, female, every category are going to vote against donald trump again, correct. so that's that's that's the big solid rock but there is this margin that's beginning to waiver and beginning to move is what you're talking about. and i think that there are some people look, i mean, it means holds up the sneakers and stephanie trumping that stuff is horrifying to anybody with good sense. but where's the motion coming from? i think there's some frustration and a democratic party that you're talking about, bakari, that we've been taken for granted,
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that some of our issues didn't get taken seriously enough this time around, whether it's voting rights, whether it's police reform, et cetera and there's some fatigue. and so i think you're starting to see that. i think there is this weirdness stalled xia that is about under trump pre-covid economy was better. we got some criminal justice reform and some of the stimulus support was welcome what's actually happening though, is that there is an online influence campaign, correct? some of it i think is coming from russia, china, and iran that is whipping up, that, that conversation way in unnaturally a bit. >> but let me get your go to question one answer. >> so there's a solid block is not going to move there is some actual legitimate frustration and fatigue, but there's also and we have to talk about it more on online influence campaign designed to depress and distress black voters and to split into split the screen
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let me just look at poll numbers two thirds of going back to 2008, seeing some sort of a shift among black men are siding with republican party. we put that up under mccain, 5%, romney in 2012, 11%, don trump, 2016, 13% on trump, 2020, 19%. >> can i put it out there that it's his black male support for it. and one thing we're not acknowledging as the growing gender divide that is happening across the board with partisanship that men in general are trending more republican women in general, especially young women, are trending more democratic and that this is effect. you could probably talk very similar allele about latino men, et cetera. yes. so that's one thing and the other thing because we do have a tendency to blow up this particular dialogue, which has been around for a very long time. they've always been black conservatives and they've always made a very similar argument, which is that the democratic party takes you for granted. i actually don't hear anything all that new in this, but i understand what you're saying about optics, which i think is important too. show that i'm out here just
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saying whatever i'm not worried about, microaggressions are wokeism or any of that stuff. i'm out here telling the truth. there could be lots of reasons why people might want to wear a trump mug shot. sure. it >> doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't mean the >> trump curious are not the trump committees and that's just something to consider. chance. >> the trump message resonates with african americans is there a chance >> it is, but let's be realistic. don't know, but let's be realistic about what we're talking about. we're not talking about people just straight up waltzing over to trump we're talking about people who decide i don't care enough about this election because i don't think either candidate will materially changed my life. that is where the trends curious what comes >> restoration? that's the frustration that i have because joe biden has done a great deal for people of color in this country. in the disconnect is the messaging around the successes that he's had. and the fact that they're not actually out there and they're trying to now and they're
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getting around to that >> one quick thing and i know i just want want to get in there. one of the great achievements i think of progressive black leadership has been to hold the black and brown and communities together despite immigration and that is beginning to erode. in other words, there was in the '90s versed in california to attempt to pit black and brown together during the emergency, are taking black jobs, in particular and we beat that back. we said, we're not going to let this economic argument put us in the camp. what we think is basically a finally right? he says, attempt to push brown people down and to create brown second-class citizens. and i think that was a huge achievement and people don't take it for granted. that black and brown people are going to vote together because of what's happened is very important because of these republican governors shipping immigrants into blue cities and they're landing in cuba in black communities and in places like new york and other places because black students are not able to go to schools and use facilities sometimes because this artificially manufactured conflict between black and
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brown folks at grassroots level ship by republican governors. most of them are not planted as we can argue about. but what but, but, but, but what we can argue well but i think it's important now because the obama coalition, and it was, you know, more about anybody else in the biden coalition assumed certain groups would stay together and you are seeing some of that beginning to fray, which should be able talk about it can take on this quickly, because when i was with donald trump, i remember he engaged in some of this very pandering language. i'd say offensive pandering playing it too lightly. he called something the platinum plan that was targeting the black committee that is certainly not why he's seeing some movement with black voters. i think what we're seeing is far more a reality of this shift of more the working class voters, the old demographic going toward, i think it probably has more to do with sort of their financial situation that it has to do with a right, right? >> working classes paying, but there's also can i just i want to ask a couple of questions. one is how much of it is just about strength. how much of it
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is that trump projects as a straw, whether he is or not. because i've never heard strong people wind on how they're being treated, but whether he's strong or not. i mean, he projects is a strong person. >> areas >> there is research on this. it's about how people perceive masculinity. and depending on your responses, it's a pretty good predictor of whether or not your interests address your point about these younger black men who who are some somehow somewhat responding to him and my other question is how much bakari is, not just a failure to message properly, but also an inflation of expectations beyond what was actually possible i mean, i think you're saying both and i think this is an election that we're watching to answer david's point a little bit in a social media vacuum, the voices that david is hearing and the trump here is are the voices of $0.50 when
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he's talking about immigrants up here and he's kind of misguided in a statements or the voices of killer mike, or the voices of meek mill which literally have no influence over a larger populace, then their twitter followers or what at what it would it may be. but yet and still they are loud. i this is more of a function of what the democratic party has not done over the past 101520 years than it is a function of the racism or policy of donald trump. and that's my only zero point. and i think i think i think your point about immigration is your point about immigration is taken and it's actually a very sound point in the reason that you have that frame is because for very long period of time democrats have not actually acted, is if the issue of immigration was one of great import and because we did not, because we did not take but it's. more than just, you know, you talk about fitting all he talked about the border, you talk about the wall and you talk about migrants. you talk about busing. but what is also happening is you're starting to see some of those coalitions for as well. and that is the fact, the fact that there has
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been this migration of or the shipping of or how things sanctuary cities in the city of chicago. >> it has born the black and hispanic communities apart because the african american community is, first of all saying, we don't want all these folks in our community. secondly, they're saying all these resources are now being used for these immigrants. and our communities still in need and we're not getting that kind of tangent. >> it just it seems to me look, we can argue about how many of them are shipped by republicans. but we have i would say that. and i don't like using human beings as political props and i've been consistent on that since this started. at the same time the. having millions of people across the border to me, it's very similar to the bp oil spill at the beginning of the obama administration, just the image of that oil constantly round the clock, pumping into the ocean, freaked people out.
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i remember the new york times op-ed page was losing its mind. what we do have the ground but imagery. imagery has a real difference is, is a classic thing proven in country after country study after study uncontrolled mass migration frequently differences >> we know we gotta go, yeah, i'm sorry. the only difference is you can't just set aside the part that you said at the beginning like the utilization of human beings as props is disgusting no, no, i'm with you, like what greg abbott is doing is disgusting and shipping them to cities like new york and chicago and detroit. but but, but a sanctuary city but you can catch our problem and it's saying only border state should say, i don't know ever, going to keep tracking the votes out of south carolina to gauge down from the final margin of victory over nikki haley's path forward as he work to clinch the gop nomination, dr. out backroom >> deals the iaea secrets of
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ahead of former two term south carolina governor nikki haley, who has 39.2% of the vote, >> 233,000 and 23 votes. it is a stopping, a thumping, as they say 79% of the vote in donald trump far ahead in the lead. let us get another to check on what matters here. more than those numbers, the delegate math. david chalian. >> yeah. jake, we have 50 delegates at stake tonight and south carolina cnn has already been to allergen, already been able to allocate 38 of them based on those results, you just read that are already in all 38 that we've allocated tonight? from south carolina, go to donald trump? none yet for nikki haley, we have 12 delegates left unallocated as we determine the vote. count in the congressional districts that will determine who wins the remaining delegates. but that's just for tonight. take a look at where we are delegates to date up there on the right-hand corner, 1,200 15
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delegates are needed to become the republican presidential nominee, donald trump. is that 101? >> nikki haley's at 17 ron desantis is at nine the vague ramaswamy is adding three delegates, obviously, no one even trump is close to 12, 15 yet, but that's going to start accelerating as super tuesday and beyond all those contests, fast approaching fascinating stuff. david chalian, john king, >> well jake, let's backup both points. david, just make with some math first, just where we are right now is his for wyoming 60% to 39%, it should look as devote come in, you see nikki haley is leading at the moment in three of her home state's 46 counties. i'm going to switch the maps. david said we're still have 12 to allocate. that's four congressional districts we're not quite sure yet who's going to win those congressional districts three delegates for each of the congressional districts. i'll just show you the map by congressional district at the moment, donald trump is leading and all of those districts doesn't mean a win. them, are there some of them are closed, so that's why we haven't called it yet, waiting on some vote counts. but at the moment, donald trump
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is conceivably could win them all. nikki haley would need to come back. so come back to the statewide vote and take a look and then you come out to the point david just made donald trump at the moment at 101 delegates. well, let's shift over and let's do a little history. let's go back in time first, let's go back to the national map let's a little, a little time machine here. remember before iowa, right, we started a fresh the start of the year fresh, but look after the first five contest. this is where we are tonight, right? donald trump won iowa, won new hampshire, one, nevada, one, south carolina also won the virgin islands, as in the caucus his conference, he's had 101 at the moment and we are waiting for the rest rest in south carolina. so so far donald trump has received, as david noted, at 38 of the delegates. and there are still 12 outstanding. it is conceivable, as i said, he gets them all. if he did, if he won the remaining congressional districts were not comfortable calling just yet, he would end the night with 113. that is not guaranteed. i'm just telling that it's a hypothetical but the highest donald trump could be at the end of the night. and when we wake up tomorrow and finish counting those is 113. so let's just take this off for
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safety sake and go back to where we are. he's at 38 right now. move this out of the way. and so where do we go from here? david made the key point, nikki haley says the fight goes on. nikki haley says she's often michigan. that is up next but just come over here and let's just look at this map as you come through. let's just bring this out. >> may give you an easier map to look at. call it up here this way, and then off we go, watch this, watch this. >> this is the next 16 days of american political life in the republican party. michigan, idaho, missouri, washington, dc north dakota alabama, alaska, arkansas, california, colorado, maine, massachusetts, minnesota, north carolina, oklahoma, tennessee, texas, utah, vermont, virginia, american samoa, march 12th, georgia, hawaii, mississippi, washington state, and the northern mariana islands, right? look at all those states and look on the right side and all those delegates, the trump campaign put out a memo recently and a lot of things the trump campaign says, sometimes it's fantasy sometimes it's hard to stretch their memo was actually perhaps a little aggressive when it comes to delegates. but if you
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look at how donald trump has been winning so far, and how many of the delegates winning so far? it's not at all unrealistic what they said. let's just come back and look the way they look at it. now let's do it by state. let's bring out the map. let's come back in with this. this is where we are tonight. they have a projection through march 12 look where that gets you. >> it gets you to 1,223. it is conceivable. if donald trump's keep winning, keeps winning by the margins. he is winning so far that 16 days from now on march 12, quite conceivable, donald trump needs 1,215 could pass it on that day. that is by no means guaranteed. the fight goes on as governor haley said. but for the fight to go on and stop that, stop the math in the next 16 days. she says simply needs to change the result. as she said today, 40% is not 50%. she's right. she needs to win some states or else that will be pretty soon upon us. and if you look historically, how quick would that be? take a look at this other graphic over here on the map. how quickly other candidates have won the nomination. george w bush wrapped it up by march 14, john
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mccain in 2008, even earlier than that, took mitt romney into may, took donald trump in 2016 into may donald trump, the incumbent president took into mid-march. but again, we could be again march 17 in 2020, it could conceivably not guaranteed jake, but it could be march 12, this time around and notice trump trump. this would be three times, three consecutive times. donald trump gets the republican nomination. >> very interesting, good stuff. >> do we see is there any >> reason to think from polling or from any other reason a state? nikki haley can win. because if she can't win south carolina, new hampshire. i myself am hard-pressed to find one where she can likely be victorious. new hampshire and south carolina have open primaries where people can, who are maybe independent or even democrats might vote for her and she didn't win. and south carolina, she was elected statewide twice. so i mean, can she went in michigan? is there
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someplace you would be looking? i am >> i i'm not seeing any opportunities on the map, especially given that broadly speaking, what's happening in the states is largely mirroring what is happening at the national level. this is not a situation, it's actually in some ways, unlike some of these other contested primaries in 2020 or even 2016, among democrats, where you saw you might have a bernie sanders with some strengthened michigan. you might have individual candidates with strongholds. we are not actually seeing that in this republican primary and that's the reason why the idea that suddenly lightning is going to strike right at this moment to change things for nikki haley is unlikely now, could lightning strike at some point between now and november in a way that is detrimental to donald trump, that is possible. and that may be the thing that the haley campaign is waiting for. >> the campaign is not even saying if there's a state that she can win. they've sort of sidestepping that question.
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where were you going to win? super tuesday there. they're not really saying the same time you're seeing trump's sort of shift, his messaging his thinking towards the general election. you heard is his brief dark vision of america and attacks against joe biden in his cpac speech earlier today. and then you also heard his speech tonight. he came out very early. props. reason why they put them out early before nikki haley's, so she would not get under his skin, needed even mentioned her in that speech as he tried to talk about the general election. and then he was asked apparently about this to a fox news reporter about nikki haley's staying in the race and he said, i'm not really thinking about it. we have to be joe biden. he said, i don't know if she's in the race at all, so we'll see if that allows them to now call her names like he's calling her birdbrain and all the like. but it's clear from trump in his, in his supporters, they wanted him to do, they wanted to do this back after new hampshire focus on joe biden, not focus on nikki haley. >> they are desperate for him to turn the page not deal with nikki haley pretend as if
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she's not a factor at all, like she's not in the race at all. >> it's not easy for him to do it. we'll see how it might last about a few hours, how long it lasts >> but i think your question, jake, about new hampshire and south carolina and whether or not there will be any more fertile ground for her than what we've seen. >> here's >> what the campaign argues. they argue that 11 of the 16th super tuesday states have open or semi-open primaries having said that new hampshire was about the most fertile when it comes to the open primary or semi-open primary >> and she had the support of the governor in new hampshire. she had support to the governor. >> she >> didn't win, didn't come close. and we already know what happened tonight in south carolina so could she get some delegates on super tuesday? sure. she could. but the answer to whether she could win even with these realities. and maybe the more favorable kinds of
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primaries that she's going to face it's not impossible, but it's pretty hard to see it you know what this all reminds me of. this reminds me of again, i'm dating myself. this reminds me of the 2000 democratic primaries and caucuses where it was again something of an incumbent, an incumbent vice president al gore, running against somebody, senator bill bradley, who wasn't appealing character but didn't really have a serious policy agenda that was substantially different from al gore's and the party has rallied around al gore and bill bradley. god bless them. i know you interviewed him the other day. he's got a new what is it? a bio pic on him? are documentary on him? document you know, great basketball player, an interesting person but like he didn't win one primary or caucus, not one. and at the end, i forgot when he dropped out exactly. but like i you know, that was it for his
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political career pretty much. >> yeah. i actually reminded you of marco rubio. and in 2016, haley being like marco rubio, rubio continued to ken up and said i can't third place and after some of this, racism declared victory, even though he didn't win, you have to win the state and he didn't do that after super tuesday, he went down to florida, got trounced in his own state, ultimately dropped out. eventually the math will be impossible for the one quick thing i will add on the bill bradley example is no, he didn't win. but you know that in 2000 democrats, many of them fairly unfairly blamed bill bradley for hurting al gore and ultimately making it difficult in 2000. well, we don't know if that's really when we know what silly. oh, come on. no. i mean, they can say about nikki haley, they want but bill bradley did anyway, that's the well, that's not revisit. well, let's let's go through as a whole butterfly ballot thing, we could go into anderson will let you guys fight amongst
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yourselves going to read on how the south carolina results are playing in the next 2024 battleground, seen as gary tuchman is in detroit with voters who plan to take part in the michigan republican primary, which is this coming tuesday, gary that's right. that's the next primary anderson this tuesday here in the state of michigan. >> and we're not only >> with voters were with voters who are american heroes. these people are members of the veterans of foreign wars post 45, 53, and southwest detroit. it's nice to be with you. thanks for inviting us. we are inside the post right here. we have two republics qin's to democrats, this gentleman and the five in the back independence, we're going to ask you all because you all can vote democratic and republican primary on tuesday hair first of all, are two republicans this is rich and colleen. you saw donald trump won tonight. do you think it's time for nikki haley to call it quits >> yeah. >> why do you think so? she says she got almost 40% of vote. that's four out of ten south carolinians could be a
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tough road to avoid >> the >> climate. >> what do you think going? >> i don't think that she has enough momentum to unify the republican party behind her. >> donald trump is in legal trouble right now. >> he's in peril it could be a convicted felon next few months. could that possibly change your minds about voting for him in the general election once it comes know, this time, no not all. doesn't know. okay. thank you. might be too old >> just a number. >> just a number. how old are you if you don't mind me ask 77. 77. okay. young 77, right? >> okay. i'm not going to i'm not going to ask your age. don't worry about it. >> gentlemen. the two democrats, when asked you, you both told me that you are ready to vote for joe biden on tuesday same kind of question to them. do you think that joe biden might be too old for this job now why not >> well, the one thing i remember when obama's term,
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they wanted him to run for president, then and he turned it down because of the way that the country treaties jail he wants a job. >> okay. he only you >> decided to take this job once he found out trump was going to be president. >> so you don't think he's too old for the job. now, extract two budget i think he's a little too old >> but biden is oh, trump is old for years younger and about the same age. she told me bill and gitmo tell me you're both veteran vietnam veteran because your head says it not better. and u2 by the way, that okay. and you i am not a veteran, but who are you here with? all of my family is okay. catch it so that >> we have spouses. we also friends and veterans who are here also now on the back the independence. we first want to ask you, jeff and cory, both of you who have told me that you weren't sure if you're going to vote in the primary, your independence, but you're leaning towards both of you.
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nikki haley, tell me why if you do vote? >> well first of all, as we talked about earlier, i think the whole system is broken that's why you think of not voting, correct? a while you lean towards nikki haley, what will convince you to vote for on tuesday? her speech. just now her speed us now her speech. you impressed with the speech? i was i was and she actually gave me a spark of hope that there is some new blood that could do the country well >> and when did you serve and where did you serve? >> i served in iraq in 2003. thanks. thank you for your service. korea. what about you say pretty much the same thing >> just, just looking at the two >> factors of the age of the other two contestants. and what's going to go on? >> it looks like if she like how you can contestants like it's the price is right. yeah. well, that's that's pretty much like it is i'm glad you call it what i'd like that. so mean you both for on the same wavelength and told me where
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you served when you desert storm, there's just all 93 united states marine corps. >> this gentleman right in the middle is the commander of this post, jeffrey, you're an independent also, your siam you said you're fed up and you're not voting i'm not voting in the primary. okay. but why aren't you vote in the primary? you could vote democratic primary, republican primary >> why, why waste my time? >> why is it wasting your time? >> now you want me to ivone election, but not in a primary. okay. >> so do you know where you can vote for november >> 1? we're gonna have to see who's a live >> q. >> alive. you mean ok. you think what you think people are old? they're both 80 years old, but you had nikki haley, though too, is 52. >> well >> see if nick nikki haley wins the nomination who's a dog and apply. >> but said you'd consider nikki haley >> i don't i don't really follow politics. tell me where you served >> iraq and 04 or five, afghanistan 2010 thank you for
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your service. gentlemen, want to ask you the same question. this is down in poncho, don aid or an independent you told me that you're strong trump supporter though. >> i'm sal oh, so i apologize. that's okay. probably guys. yeah. i talked to a man named don who left us >> sit in that very chair, correct? but anyway, so accept my apology. tell me where you served by the way. >> i served in our rack 2,003.4. >> he told me though you are strong trump supporter how come you're not a republican? >> well, i am technically i am, but i'm not happy with the with the rnc. the national committee, how it's been run. >> why is that? >> well strident enough. >> they just haven't been supporting two candidates, the right candidates either, because you think they should support trump more than they even have. oh, yeah. >> oh, definitely. >> and poncho, i'm getting your name right? right. >> yes, sir. okay. tell me where you served as. >> i have not served, but i do have immediate family who has served and i have plenty of family members who have been in greg are independent. you're for trump also? yes, sir. okay.
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and del final question for you, independent for trump also, for truce important to trump, though? yes. any chance you'd go for nikki haley on tuesday i can't. you can't i can't i can't because right now, she she don't care too much about anything except for her gaining profit. when she come from being an ambassador, she made a lot of money that the strong charge, but either way you're a trump supporter. >> yeah. >> gentleman and lady? thank you very much for joining us. thank you for your service. >> thank you. >> thanks. anderson, back to you. >> erin tuchman. thanks so much. always great to hear from voters >> what do you think? i mean, between now and i mean, what nikki haley gets? she said she's gone to michigan tomorrow. if she's obviously in this through super tuesday which is lighten hundred dollar bills i fire the whole way down the road. >> she's doing well. >> i >> don't know what her path forward is telling me a state she's going to win. tell me some county she's going to win. bakari. bakari put on a map you showed me all the counties he
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want do that was a commercial million dollars, nikki haley spent $16 million of the state that she was a governor of that she won twice and currently, she's going to win two counties. i mean, maybe you should consider dropping out of the race. >> should we should we should, we should level set this donald trump's gonna be the nominee of the republican party. i mean, you look at super tuesday, it's really superfluous tuesday morning in so many state waiting for every poll i've seen only going to stay for weeks. i've been waiting every poll. she's well well, behind you, take california, there are 874 delegates california is winner-take-all. if someone gets over 50%, he's winning by 50% there. i mean, american samoa is up that they haven't seen any polls from there. maybe that's a spy. but this thing is over and donald trump needs to be the nominee. he's
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not going to give that up. this is not just a political exercise for him. this is his legal defense so he's not going to step down if he's convicted, he's going to appeal and he's going to run. and so this is fanciful. i'm not saying that there's not value to having someone offer an alternative in the race. but if anyone thinks that that's going to lead to a different outcome this point. i think they're just claiming nikki haley seems to be running to replace liz cheney at the top of the never trumpers. i mean, that's the only thing i could see. it's being accomplished at this point, but i'm sorry. >> go ahead. >> well, other people saw it differently tonight when they voted and also even on our air, i thought the spark of hope there might be some new blood allowed that was really important. >> yeah, new blood. >> i mean, i go he said he was talking about likely going to vote so there was a guy who's like, i don't know who to vote for november. i got to see who is a lie. he was more than the
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guy. yeah. exactly. >> thing that we were very careful not to talk about, but that's how i think a lot of real people are looking at this collection. they can't believe these are their two choices. and they're totally dispirited with the whole, i think i think the benefit of this entire thing the winner tonight, democrats, democrats or the winter tonight. nikki haley is the bludgeoning she's giving trump the chips in the armor, i think doing well. >> i said from a democrat by the way, the votes south carolina come in, we're learning more about what the final margin will look like and the impact that could have on the primary race for the gop. much warning >> this is the big dam
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union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. less than $20, go to deal and see how what do you can save >> and we're back with a key race alert with 83% of the vote in from the south carolina republican primary the delegates at stake, donald trump, way ahead with 60.4% of the vote. that's 377,768 votes. that is almost 135,000 votes ahead of former two term governor nikki haley who is 38.9% of the vote and 243,672 votes. tonight's primary is of course, playing out at a critical nicole historical moment. russia's war against the country and people of ukraine just hit the two-year mark. the conflict has been a
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key issue in the fight for the white house as new york us aid to kyiv remains in limbo because of opposition by trump's republican allies in congress and frankly, opposition by trump cnn's nick paton walsh joins us now, live from zaporizhzhia, ukraine and nic, you've been covering this war from the beginning. how has the outlook of ukrainian soldiers changed in the past two years? >> i think it's been an extraordinary roller coaster for them to be honest, i think many ukrainian soldiers didn't expect there'll be able to use minimal western armory in the opening in days of this war to hold back the third biggest army in the world, essentially, part of that was russia's fault for simply not being up to the task they set themselves and then they did later that year, managed to kick russia out of a lot of the territory they'd occupied. and then a southern counter offensive which simply didn't deliver in the summer of last year. but now ukraine's military face their hardest test because it's been that western aid that's kept them afloat, frankly, you
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can't fight a war just based on brave hearts alone, you need proper weaponry and weaponry is drying up. they don't have the shells that they need. and so jake, we've seen over the past week or so the realizations that people were talking about in december that slowdown of the $60 billion from congress would translate into deaths and loss of territory on the front lines. well, that is happening now and it happened last weekend with a loss we have defka ukraine pulling out of that last saturday, and we're slowly seeing a village near that being retaken by the russians and pressure in other parts of the frontline to unclear if this is going to basically herald the beginning of a collapse and ukrainian front lines that may not occur. but we're definitely seeing russia resurgent, taking advantage of this particular moment. and more importantly to jake behind the scenes, moscow retooling its economy resilient, desperately resilient to sanctions. those 500 targets over the last 48 hours from the biden ministration, moscow will find a way to work around that. they have been doing that quite
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ingenuity other the past few years or so, i think concerns here that while ukraine is running out, none of emotion not have hoped, nor the desire to fight this war. but at the basic tools it needs to do that. russia is both finding the resources and beginning to get its strategy slightly more coherent. >> jake and nick with that american aid, that usa to ukraine stalled in congress, if not dead, entirely what's happening on the frontlines in ukraine right now >> yeah. i mean, look, without that aid, they just don't have the ammunition. they need the europeans can step up and say, yeah, like today, we'll give you 170,000 rounds the next few weeks or so, but they've fall on shorter those promises before and without being too cynical here, there's always a feeling when the europeans make these broader pledges, they're are essentially trying to nudge the united states in that general direction. the biden administration doesn't need any nudging. it's been forefront about this from the very
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beginning and continues to want to try and find ways to get around that hurdling congress. but there is this ultimate fear i think amongst many ukrainians that are looming potential trump presidency brings not just a new era of uncertainty, but the very possibility that but the main ally they've had over the past two years might suddenly want to advocate for vladimir putin. that's the strange background noise and all of this, nobody really knows why donald trump feels such an affinity towards the kremlin head, but it's there and it's unmistakable it is indeed on the stake of all nick paton walsh. thank you so much. appreciate it. we are breaking down donald trump's victory in south carolina after voters, there rejected their former two term governor nikki haley reporting over the ballot totals as they come in, as we watch to see whether governor haley will win any any of the 50 delegates at stake tonight, stay with us >> ahead why her las vegas that's what i want to do.
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by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. three times better absorption than regular quote putin, kunal, the brand i trust >> why you >> ran hates america. tomorrow at eight on cnn in, south carolina this evening, donald trump has extended his 2020 for winning streak with an overwhelming victory in the state's republican presidential primary, trump's solidifying his status as the party's expected nominee and delivering a powerful blow to his last remaining rival, former south carolina governor nikki haley. but haley is sticking to her vowed to fight on despite being trounced on her home turf with you're just joining us. i'm jake tapper with our special coverage of this first gop primary in the south in 2024. let's take a look at the vote right now. with 86% and of the
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vote in from the south carolina republican primary, donald trump is ahead with 66 0% of the vote, 385,207 votes. that's more than 132,000 votes, more than two time. governor nikki haley of the same state, who has 39.4% of the vote, 252,000 971 of votes. now let's listen to what we've heard from trump and haley this evening's speaking to their supporters a little while ago. here's trump focusing on his anticipated rematch with president biden and haley insisting she's in the fight to the bitter end. end >> able friends and we're going to be up here on november 5 and we're going to look at joe biden and we're going to look, i'm right in his destroying our country and we're going to say, joe year fired, get out in the next ten days. another 21 states and territory this will speak they have the right to a real choice
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not a soviet style election with only one candidate >> trump's victory this evening means he is taking the lion's share of south carolina's 50 delegates based on the vote so far he's gaining at least 38 delegates. haley currently, according to our tabulation, has no delegates from south carolina. that is widening of course, trump's delegate lead over haley and the rivals he forced out of the race already ahead of the delegate rich super tuesday contests ten days from now let's go to john king at the magic wall. now, john, tell us what we're seeing here when it comes to the remaining votes that were waiting for what we know jake is overwhelming as you just laid out, both from a count, the vote counts and percentages and the let's see if we can answer the remaining questions or at least gives some clues. again. most of the boats in we're up to 86% of the vote, 60% to 39%. the former governor twice elected in the state of south carolina, losing by 20 plus
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points in her home state. if you look right here at the map right now, right now, she is winning three, winning leading in just three of the state's 46 counties. i want of them what she's running most impressive is down here in charleston county. and i mentioning this, i'll come back to why in just a moment of 62% there. if you round it up. so as we wait for the final votes to come in, donald trump's gonna win south carolina tonight. he has won south carolina tonight. he will win it convincingly. the question is this nikki haley get anything does she get any delegates at all out of her home state just to come over here quickly this way and take a look this is where we are at the full count right now, but we still have a few more to allocate in south carolina. let me just pop it up this way to take a look. we've awarded already allocated 38 to donald trump of the 50, which least 12, that means for congressional districts that were not comfortable calling just yet, we're counting more votes, a couple of them are pretty close. so there's 12 delegates, 12 delegates, three for each of those four congressional districts. now, as we try to figure out the only mystery left tonight, where do those 12 delegates go? let's see if the map offers us any clues. this is your full
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map. you see the lines you're seeing right now follow along because what i'm about to do could be a little confusing. but these lines are county lines these are the seven congressional districts. you see, it's a little different if you realize. so i'm going to draw it down here. this is the one we're following most closely. that is, where governor haley seems to be in play. that is the first congressional district, right? a little rough. my lines are not perfect, but you see them along the lines of the area of the district. why did i do that? we're looking here at the district vote and trump is leading right now in the first congressional district, the question is, is it possible for nikki haley to get three or six delegates by winning one or two congressional districts. this is the one i think we might be counting for for a while. and let me show you why. let's come back now to the county wide votes. we have the county-wide votes you see within this district the green line. she's winning in charleston county and she's winning in buford county down here. but you see there's also some trump country in this district. so in berkeley county trump is winning with 59% of the vote. in charleston county. governor haley is running with about 62% of the vote. we come down here to view for she's running with
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55% of the vote and there's this tiny slice right here. of call it and county in there where trump is winning with 70% of the vote. so that's what makes it complicated. the district has a big area where governor haley is leading, and it has some healthy areas were donald trump is running it up big, which is why it gets a little more complicated as you go through it. so if you look at it, if you take the lines away and you look, you say governor haley's winning down here. but when you lay in the congressional tunnel map, trump's competitive. he is currently leading. the possibility is what's out, right? that's always at this time at night, you're saying what's out? well, here's your live outstanding votes. the bigger the circle, the more votes were still waiting to count up here in the greenville area. that's your biggest circle. is it possible, governor haley could get a bunch of votes up there. there's a congressional district right there. it's possible, but why is that circle red? because donald trump at the moment is leading in that area. you see down here, that's the first congressional district, the one where i said is possible emphasis on possible governor haley wins the one district down here because you see the big circle of outstanding votes there. jake, where she's
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running strong. so still more votes to count, but we know the top line. trump wins, trump wins big in haley's home state, the only question now is, does he get all 50 or does she get three or six of those delegates? >> all right. john king, thanks so much. let's check in now with cnn's kristen holmes. she's at trump headquarters in columbia, south carolina. and kristen, how much harder will be trump? will trump be pivoting to the general election? action. now that he has had this resounding victory in governor haley's home state >> jagan, want to be clear here. he is going to pivot to the general election, but this is not some kind of messaging pivot. it's not as though he's going to change who he is as a human being. but we're talking about brother, a big campaign an pivot. they want to focus on where they need to be for a general election or potential general election rematch with president joe biden. that means talking about where they can build out their campaign apparatus, particularly particularly in those critical swing states were talking about michigan as well as arizona and georgia. they are going to
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start having these conversations stations as to how to make an actual general election campaign. and the other part of this is a donald trump is still very annoyed frustrated. he is vented privately than nikki haley remains in the race. he's annoyed after tonight that she's still in the race and his advisers have told him time and time again to focus that ire on president joe biden. they want to make this about donald trump and joe biden. but one senior advisor acknowledged that will likely be difficult as they themselves have to hide has had to remind donald trump time and time again to ignore nikki haley. >> all right. kristen holmes, thanks so much. let's go to priscilla alvarez. now, who's at the white house for us and priscilla, what is the biden campaign's reaction? to donald trump's big historic victory in south carolina does evening. >> well, jake, we're getting a statement from the campaign just minutes ago where there was sounding message here is still about the threat that they say former president donald trump poses if he were to win a second term, i'm gonna read you part of the statement
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here. it says every free day, we are reminded of the thread donald trump poses to our future as americans grapple with the damage he left behind, the campaign here goes on to note roe, roe versus wade, the economy and later goes on to say, we all have more to do to push towards a more perfect union. but trump wants to take us backwards. now jake, soon after terraform president donald trump was projected the winner in south carolina primary, the biden campaign was already fundraising and saying that he was positioned to be the gop nominee and the campaign looking for contributions to shore up support for president biden. and that was really the thought going into this evening and talking to campaign officials. this was just another moment. they said that confirmed what they already knew that former president donald trump is going to be the gop nominee, and that is exactly what they are preparing for. in fact, sources tell cnn that president biden has directed his senior campaign aides to focus more and more aggressively on the former president's
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inflammatory rhetoric we're already seen that come to life with the statements they're putting out about the former president's remarks about nato, as well as on reproductive freedoms. now i will also know jake, we did see the president earlier this evening. he gave remarks to governors who are here for a black-tie dinner. he said that politics has gotten too bitter. now he didn't talk about the south carolina primary, but it is a bitter and tight race that his campaign is preparing for come november. all right. priscilla >> alvarez at the white house for us and joining us now here in studio, key supporter or a former governor, nikki haley's presidential campaign, new hampshire republican governor chris sununu, who has shed his black tie, know what's up with that down for us. >> we appreciate it was a heck of a car ride over the black side, just wasn't going coming out the window for those who don't know the governor was obviously at the black tie event, at the white house, were all democrats and republican governors from across the country worked participating. governor, let me just ask you bluntly why is nikki haley
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still in this race? she has not won a contest yet. she just got trounced in her home state. however much, you like her support her, want her to be present and want her to be the nominee. the republican voters in this country don't agree. >> the republican voters in three states so far don't agree 47 to go oh nevada. we counting nevada really great job i know there's there's super tuesday to go. there's a lot of opportunity here where we are a party where i don't believe nikki doesn't believe most republicans don't believe that just some party elites in a few state should dictate the nominee. so she has done what no other candidate could do, which is wipe everybody out of the race, challenge him in new hampshire, come to south carolina, and again, challenge here, hopefully collect the delegates as you go. she has a multimillion dollar ad buy going forward in the next 16 states into super tuesday, she's going to challenge him and michigan as well. so i think there's there's still a lot of opportunity i after super tuesday. i think the
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campaign will probably reassess and say, okay, where do we go? where do we pivot as every campaign will do? but this is about the voters, the voters decide where they should go and folks want a choice. 40% is nothing to shrug and it's really not. a lot of folks said that this is going to be an absolute runaway and all that. and again, nikki haley never had to win any of these early states. the early states are all about filtering and she filtered this field down faster than anybody. so to get the 40% to carry that momentum, to have the resources to do it. if if she had no resource and can no backing, that would be one thing. but there's a lot of folks still coming out. there's a lot of opportunity on super tuesday but she has to win something, right? sure. >> oh, no >> everybody would agree on that stage. >> does she have to win a state or multiple states in on super tuesday? >> i think if you don't win anything on super tuesday, it might be tough going for it, obviously, i think you'd have to look at the resources. what the next states are, what those demographics are, what the opportunity is. but that'll all be here. we assessed efforts after super tuesday, but she's on the ground. she's making the case. she's i think the big thing that the haley campaign
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is doing very well as they're trying to galvanize new voters out, new republicans that typically don't vote. there, galvanizing about there, having them participate in the process and making sure again that this is decided in the ballot box, not in the media, not by the rnc, not by party elites. that's just not the right process. it's a democratic process to make sure you carry it all the way through. >> i want to quickly go to cnn's kylie atwood, who is at haley headquarters in charleston, south carolina. and kylie, you're getting some new information about what governor haley is doing after tonight's disappointing results for her. what is she up to? >> yeah. well, nikki, haley's campaign was busy reaching out to donors less than an hour after she gave her speech here telling them that they're going to be ten fundraising events over the course of the next ten days or so, listing out those fundraisers in these super tuesday states that they're urging doj owners to attend and they're saying in this email to those donors that nikki haley defied the odds that she has done better than the pundits expected her to
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calling former president trump a de facto incumbent. so they're trying to cast south carolina as something that's sort of in the rearview mirror. she's headed on, she's trying trying to raise more money. of course, there are a few things that we have to look at. there's a few questions we don't know the answers to how much is she going to raise during the course of these next ten donor events, we really don't know. we do know that the minimum amount that donors can give to get in the door with nikki haley at those is $1,000. that isn't such a high amount so appears maybe they're trying to expand the tent, but the other thing is that she had her most successful month of fundraising in january, but still she wasn't able to win here in south carolina. so of course, jake, money isn't everything, but she has money in the bank. she's probably going to keep her campaign alive. >> all right. kylie atwood in charleston. thanks so much. >> yeah. governor sununu, i just want wonder. i mean, nikki haley tonight said what she said in the past, which is that she thinks donald trump would lose to joe biden. she thinks that he's a divisive candidate. all of that what message does it send to voters
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if after saying all of that? if she is not the nominee, she ultimately ends up supporting donald trump. >> again, that's not even entering nikki haley's head or the campaign's mind right now that's a hypothetical that's a post-super tuesday post. i mean, a result shaking >> i mean, >> i've shown that enter her mind because i'm absolutely not making a case that this this this guy who looks likely to be the nominee cannot win. so then if she turns around and then says, hey, but i endorse him. i mean, don't you think that that's confusing? maybe? no, no, not at all for two things. number one, if i can add is wondering what they're going to say if and when they lose, then that would be a problem. i guarantee you. nikki haley's not thinking like that at all, nor nor should she be i'll primaries. are always hard fought. >> i mean, you had 13 candidates in the race. a lot of them lost to donald trump already, right? and some of them have gotten behind some, some haven't so that's that's kinda hypothetical down the road. her job is to say i'm going to raise money, i'm going to fight hard. i'm going to make sure the voters have a
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say. if you want to worry about hypotheticals, 33 weeks from now, we can deal with those hypotheticals then. but right now, all nikki haley's is worrying about is how to keep keep that momentum going, keep people excited, and making sure that folks aren't giving up and they are getting out the vote. the challenge with if donald trump is the rnc is practically broke, leadership is leaving like literally in a week or something like that. he drags down the rest of the ballot republicans want winners all the way down, even at the even if president trump were to win, there's no doubt we're probably going to lose the house in the senate and governorships and all that. that's the case that she's really out there making. she's connecting with people about their school board seats in their local seats. she cheek kind of puts all kinds of throws gasoline on the fire in a very positive way for the entire republican party. it's a tough argument to make when you're effectively running against the incumbent, but she's the one fight in the fight. but why is it electability argument not gaining traction among republican voters? and i guess if you broaden it out, was it a mistake not to go after him on his liabilities like the 91 criminal charges, he's facing his role in january 6 she's
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shies away from that for the most part, talks about chaos, or donald is a chaos, isn't but does not seize on some of the very serious criminal allegation. >> that a mistake? no. look, anyone who's who says that her strategy is a mistake. i she's the last one standing. so clearly she did something that all those other candidates probably probably should have >> the raisins to lose, but losing as much she has no cheek know, they they couldn't they were all they all got wiped out. there's a reason she was she did well in iowa. she did very well in new hampshire. everyone else got wiped out. her strategy is where it's gotten and she's gone after trump hard over the last month. i've been really, really hard in the exact right way. but as a candidate, you want to talk about what you're bringing to the table, going against an incumbent it's tough, going against the establishment is tough and again, when it comes to what is driving that result, you guys will talk about trump say his name, 1,000 times on every media station, every single night he is winning the earned media war because that's all you guys talk about. nikki has to be tried in
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for courtrooms. that's right. i mean, that's why we're covering that's right because it plays the victim card. he's winning the earned media work >> has he's also winning? i think that's fundamentally what i'm curious about is if nikki haley's staying in the race, what is she trying to accomplish when it comes to voters, if not? beating donald trump, if, if she can't make it trying to get more voters than donald trump not that. so if that's the case where she going to win all super-duper, he is going to do the advice he's going to hit the ground. she's gonna go galvanize these voters were very little campaigning has actually been done, very little campaigning has even hit the ground in a lot of these states. so she's again, she has the resources to do it. she has the ability. she's way better on the ground. trouble come in and do his rallies and get people hyped up. i mean, trump looks forward to the trials at this point because he gets to play that victim card. and again, the media plays that up. so at the end of the day, there's a lot of republican voters that look, they're tired of whether it's again, present company excluded, whether it's liberal media, pushing back on republicans or the liberal establishment, or they feel
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like the trials or tax or whatever they might be. but people are just making a vote very often for the former president, simply on connecting with anger because they're tired of the quote, unquote liberals of washington standing on the shoulders of hardworking americans, folks that the defendant in this country, and their single, the enemy, my enemy is my friend. that's it. nikki is trying to get past that >> i want to go back deeper with it. i want to go back to the beginning of this conversation. you did come from the white house? yeah. >> you're not wearing a tuxedo anymore. did you get some face-time with the president? >> went on his conversation and well, i i graciously congratulated him on his win in the first-in-the-nation primary which he laughed that he got, which he did when i know he tried to steal the first nation primary from new hampshire. it didn't work so i think we kinda made the point he knew that was probably a bad. >> what was what was the vibe like in the room how the gop governors get along very well, right? we went about what the president oh, it was very positive. yeah. yeah. with the first lady was there. the vice president was there. the president was there. >> we
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>> had a nice conversation. some of the secretaries were there. we spent some time with us i tried to squeeze in a little businesses as best i could this is a week we're at national governors association where we really governors really agree on, i think a lot of the issues might be not the strategies around this issue. he's been a lot of the issues that are important. immigrations, the number one, democrats and republicans all agree immigration is the number one issue. something has to be done. they all agree that this bill probably isn't going to pass. so the big question of the white house is, so what's plan b? what's next? you gotta do something right? and we got into some details there. that was a little bit yesterday morning as opposed to tonight. but again, spending some time with the epa administrator or some of the various secretaries, i sat next to the secretary of agriculture tonight while i'm not from a big ag state, we talked just a lot about the dynamics of what's facing folks. so it's a good opportunity to be social, but also kinda get the feel of folks, but it's all for no other t on the president. >> you >> have to buy the book. >> all right? >> chapter seven or chris sununu, good to see you. thanks for stopping by. appreciate it. we're tracking the vote totals is ballots are counted across
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south carolina. nikki haley, hoping to pull closer to donald trump despite losing tonight in her home state. >> where will >> the final margin lands a lot more stay with us candidate john edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend, and then tried to pass it off as a kid. campaign staffers kid we're here to get your side of the story >> in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper, new episode tomorrow at nine on cnn, sorry, body for knowing about active ingredients. but giving 100% of them to my face. sorry, for never checking the temperature first. her replacing sunlight with blue light and denim no stretch. sorry for dry shaves dry days, and fast fashion that makes you crawl. sorry for all the picking, popping, and rinsing off, but never giving back, but fear no more body. all those ingredients you've been missing. you can now get dove body washes with active scene get dove or get fomo
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medicine. >> doctors recommend colin stool softener for gentle dependable relief from constipation jim, it's so gentle. doctors even recommended during pregnancy and after surgery, police increases water in the stool, making it softer. so it's easier to go. no harsh laxatives, cramping or straining cold and we have another key race alert for you. now let's look at the big board with 89% of the vote in donald trump is ahead and 59 same 0.9% of the vote he has 397,524 votes. he is more than 135,000 votes ahead of two time governor can haley, who has 39.4% of the vote, 261,731 votes. that's roughly been the dynamic for the last couple of hours, roughly 60, 40 trump's joining us now to discuss key supporter of the biden harris reelection campaign, democratic governor jb pritzker of illinois. first governor. your reaction to this resounding trump victory in south
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carolina. do you think this is now officially a trump-biden rematch? >> i do. we are finally in the battle, the head-to-head battle between donald trump and joe biden it's clear though that donald trump has a problem of 40% problem. his basis and behind him, 40% of it anyway, and we saw this it's an iowa to 50% of his base, not with donald trump so he's got a real problem going into this head-to-head match and this is a great night for joe biden. it shows the division in the republican party and the fact that finally, finally we're going to get down to this battle between these two individual candidates. >> well, with all due respect, sir, i mean, in terms of a 40% problem in joe biden, president biden's approval rating is under 40%. and in terms of head-to-head, most of the polls i've seen suggests that donald trump would win in a head-to-head match up and then include state-by-state polls in
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places such as michigan aren't you worried? >> well, we haven't had a head-to-head battle yet. the truth of the matter is that donald trump also has a low approval rating and low favorability look, the american public coming out of covid, dealing with inflation, lots of things on people's minds haven't really focused on the head-to-head battle yet because you've got a lot of noise going on on the republican side. like i said tonight, you're seeing that this is the beginning of the general election battle. >> so you are in las vegas, nevada, you spoke at an event today pushing to add an amendment protecting abortion rights to the 2024 in nevada about how central is that issue of abortion rights to the democratic strategy for november to get voters out to vote before that >> and then the hope being from
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>> democratic strategists and folks like yourself that then they will turn out and also vote for president. >> biden. it's a strategy that republicans used successfully in 2000 for to get people to turn out to vote for george w bush, except then it was about an amendment declaring marriage to only be between a man and a woman. but how central is this to the strategy of getting out the vote for democrats? >> well, fighting for reproductive rights is what joe biden kamala harris have been all about. and the fact that there are amendments on the ballot across the united states is going to be good for turnout. there's no doubt about it. it's good for democrats, it's good for people who are standing up for women's rights and free dm and bad for donald trump and the republicans who want a national abortion ban and you saw what happened in alabama. court rulings that are a direct outgrowth of the decision by the republicans to
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go hard against women's reproductive rights. so now you can't even get ivf. think about the way in which they are insidiously going after women. this is going to be a problem for republicans throughout this election cycle. and it's democrats and joe biden that are demonstrating that were the ones standing up for their rights in their freedom governor, it's dana bash. i want to ask about an upcoming democratic primary in michigan, your neighboring state. and the concerns that many democrats have about the strategy by congresswoman rashida tlaib and others to urge voters to vote undecided, undeclared. and so that would send a message they hoped to president biden that he needs to pay attention to their concerns on committed rather. >> so the question is how concerned are you about what is
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going on in michigan and what that says about joe biden and where he stands with the democratic party and the coalition. he needs look the demonstrators protesters have a lot of passion and compassion and >> want there to be a cessation of hostilities between israel and hamas and so does joe biden and indeed is working very, very very hard to make sure that there is a real direct negotiation going on to release hostages and see a cessation of hostilities unfortunately, hamas has been unwilling to actually complete those negotiations. and i know that joe biden cares deeply about this now let me be clear. i think that there are passions on all sides here and that will probably be demonstrated in some way in michigan in this primary. but in the end, what i
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think people really understand is that do you think things would be better if donald trump were the president of the united states? think about what his reaction has been to this. he doesn't have any solutions to the problem of iran actually stoking the attacks on americans are stoking the attacks on our allies. and joe biden is the one trying to manage through this war, as well as the war in in ukraine. and between ukraine and russia. >> governor pritzker, thank you so much for your time. appreciate it >> great to talk thanks >> governor, votes are still coming in from south carolina, giving us a clearer idea of where the final margin will land. next, we're going to check back with our michigan focus group ahead of the primary coming this tuesday, a lot more ahead. stay with us
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working on upgrade your office at branch united states of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn >> welcome back. you don't jump big winner tonight. republican presidential primary in south carolina, a huge blow to the state's former governor, nikki haley in her own backyard. certainly we're talking to republican voters about tonight's results in the next primary battleground state michigan, i want to go back to gary tuchman in detroit with voters planning to take part in michigan republican primary three days from now, gary anderson, we've been honored to be watching cnn south carolina primary coverage >> with michiganders who are american veterans, vietnam veterans, iraq veterans, afghanistan veterans, to republicans right here two democrats right here. the man
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in the middle, the people in the back, all say they're independent show of hands after watching the coverage, who's ready to vote for trump in the primary tuesday, raise your hand. 12345. who's ready to vote for biden and the democratic primary? 12, who's ready to vote for nikki haley republican primary 12. we have a little splitter. a question for you to independence in the back. these gentlemen in the back, because jeff and cory jeff inquiry, do you think nikki haley has a shot of getting this nomination? >> i think so. >> a good shot. >> slim, but i think so. >> you go to vegas on at cory. >> wouldn't go to vegas on it. we will go to vegas on it. okay. so i think most of you think is most likely to be biden against trump. okay. you to folks in the back here, both of you you are shell and poncho cell, by the way, where did you serve >> irac 100034 i'm punch of your friend and family members, veterans? yes, sir. what would it take for you to switch your vote from trump to biden in the general election. >> not all chance. you had a chance
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>> at all, not anything at all. nothing. >> what about if trump is convicted of crimes that it's a kangaroo court kangaroo, all the, all these different cases, you feel the same way? >> yeah. i would just not vote in that scenario. >> you two gentlemen, what would it take for you to vote for trump instead of biden >> now a little while and >> not as nobol angel >> why do you say that way? not jazz >> okay. this is gitmo and this is bill. tell us where did you serve gitmo? >> i started vietnam. okay. and bill vienna? what about, you know, chance at all, even switch hands? no. okay. do you have any problem with the the age of joe biden where the age of donald trump from, that no, he just no matter >> no. >> okay >> what about you two folks, both of you republicans what would it take for you to switch your vote for joe biden? >> what do you think? how do you think he's done as president united states right now >> he the jochum you're laughing. he did joke. >> why? why do you say that though? >> if he can't remember his own lives name, you can't forget how to ride a bicycle the fall of going up the
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stairs, doing a lot and you're. most about the same age group. and one is sharper a pencil and his guys talk to an invisible van, shaken tantrum, invisible man. i got a problem. >> everyone does make, donald trump makes mistakes to when he speaks to unshaken calling, but i guess i do. >> i just am not for any of his policies at and any of his philosophy of how america should be i want to ask, are democrats here? are you going to be voting for biden on tuesday primary? >> yeah >> can we voted for him also have already voted >> you've done early volumes and d you expect him to be the next president, united states? >> yeah. >> what do you think >> we still wonder? >> you still wonder >> why is that bill? >> i'm not sure who's going to be the president. >> we don't know one question i want to ask all of you because you're all your all part of the military and the question
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regards donald trump to south carolina recently, he mocked nikki haley. he was talking i can about her husband, michael haley, and he said what happened to her husband, where is he? he's gone well, their husband is a soldier in the national guard and was deployed to africa. what people consider that a very significant insult to a military member. how did that make you feel as a democrat >> oh, yes, as bad. >> real bad. >> well, the same way with well, the republican nod came, mccain >> well, john mccain before he died and after he died was in talks about him. do now della want to ask a urine independent for trump? how do you feel about that? >> just a question to ask. i mean, you know, where's where's these folks me. where he spoke to me is on duty >> i want to thank all of you for talking to us and once again, thank you for your service to this country >> thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. >> anderson. back to you erin. thank you very much. appreciate it back now with the panel here in new york, what i mean, let's talk about this general election. >> you got. >> i mean, >> it's it's a rematch of 2020. what's different?
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there's no pandemic. both men facing age questions that you have to trump trials. what does this go look like? >> well, these groups discussions are always so interesting, interesting especially now, because it is a rematch that so many voters didn't want. and i think what we're seeing is a lot of people have entrenched viewpoints. there's not a lot of minds to change up. what it's really going to come down to a joe biden, can he hang on to the core constituencies he needed to turn out young progressives, young people the black community for donald trump, there's some pretty glaring signs about where he could lose support. he's doing he's performing even worse with women. there's this third of the party that wanted someone other than him, but we all know the election comes down to essentially seven swing states and half-a-million. >> i mean, he won in 2020, wisconsin biden won with 20,000 votes, 20,700 or three or something like that. michigan was closed and now it's having all these problems in michigan? yes. all these states are going to be close to i'm going to be within pennsylvania will be within 50,000 votes again, right? all these states are going to be balanced on the tip of a pin. interesting to see
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these veterans here is alyssa was talking about kind of people are entrenched in their views now one of the vectors talked about afghanistan like a policy position, some good actually matters. they talked about things they've heard on social media or the top of the daily mail someplace these kind of things that resonate amongst the talking heads. not here but no one is really delving into some of the issues the policies, it'd be interesting to see if we get to that or it's all just about age, he's too old, he's too crooked. that kind of mudslinging or people get to are we going to have a debate? we're gonna get this done. again. >> i think i think what we see in these groups, a lot of times there's something that we fall into the trap of all of us where we get outraged about the things donald trump says and does. whereas i think a great deal of the american public are either checked out or desensitized because the insults to the military, for
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me, i adore those individually digital's who had the courage to go and serve, particularly looking at all of them, you just want to work harder to ensure the country is perfect for them to live in. but they don't care about it. i mean, it was not a big deal to the overwhelming majority of them. i mean, they would to it and it just seems as if donald trump can say and do about anything. and i go back to my analysis, which is really simple about this race. i say it all the time until i'm blue in the face but this is joe biden, donald trump and the couch and the couch is going to be very, very successful in november of 2024 because i think more people are going to stay at home. and you can pop possibly imagine. >> but one of the interesting things we did here i think is there was actually a split. those two voters who said that they were going to the top right corner of the screen. one of them said, if trump's convicted, oh, it's a kangaroo court, right? and that's what donald trump is going to try to convince everyone of, you know, basically, i mean, he already is, right. but the other one said, you know what, that scenario i'm not going to oh, it actually was a difference.
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right. and so that's that group of people that we keep seeing that 30% or so in the very conservative iowa electorate that say a conviction, not, not these indictments, but a conviction would make a difference. and when we're talking about these margins that you raised anderson, right? that, you know, 50,000 votes in pennsylvania, razor thin. >> that's a lot. >> yeah. >> the way i look at this is absolutely a conviction could cost trump the election so-called rain. >> like literally rain >> like in 2016, it was 68,000 votes over, over three states. and in 2,020.20, 20, it was 48,000 votes over three states and if it's a two-way race, it's very, hard. very hard for me to see biden losing with his coalition because the democratic coalition is much bigger than republican coalition. nikki haley is representing a slice of the electorate that are the majority-makers for a republican, you need those swing voters, those independence those anti-trump or non-trumpy, moderate republicans. the problem is,
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it's just not going to be a two-way race. that's that is the problem you throw in a couple of third-party candidates, plus you throw in the couch because i think is a real thing like we were talking earlier about the black vote. i agree with you entirely that in terms of percentages of the black vote, democrats are going to score historically north formal rates. >> the >> question is, how big will the black of the rapey? and that's a huge issue. >> i do think that the third party issue is important. i've said for a long time, donald trump has a high floor and a low ceiling. you lower the threshold for him it makes it easier for him to win the race. so if you have, he didn't he had that advantage in 2016? it helped him win the race. he didn't have it in 2020, he narrowly lost the race. we've talked about the 7 million that biden won nationally by, but we don't run elections that way. it was 44,000 votes in the three closest states. those can be tilted by third-party but just one last point, van joe biden and very few presidential incumbents can win or a
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referendum. it has to be a choice. and that means every single day he needs to be drawing contrasts with trump and drying and he needs a larger narrative about what this election is. a pattern i'm not sure if people are clear on what that narrative is right now >> i've just gone back. somebody said earlier, david about, about strength there's gonna be a contrast that's true, but people also need it to vote for something. the economy is actually doing reasonably well in that gas prices are low. unemployment is low, stock market is up. but food prices are stuck >> yeah, and that's what's her printing people. some strength from a grandpa like joe biden would be to go and challenge these national chains at grocers who are just now, just pure profit that was all this, all the supply chains are dying. they are just purely rip people off. a joe biden and stands up to national chains that change that grows with insets, quit ripping off the american people lower. >> you're going to see that in the state for the union speech that's what i would predict and it's good. >> we're learning more about what donald trump's final margin of victory will look
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like as the votes in south carolina are coming in. nikki haley, as you know, vowing to fight on will trump walkway with all the state delegates much more ahead >> via headliner was vegas that's what i wanna do. >> it's unlike anywhere else in the world. >> vague, vague. it it's the story of sin city tomorrow at ten on cnn. >> okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy. >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals transfer immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein >> i'm bobby brown and i started jones road because i wasn't done. jones road is a modern approach to my beauty philosophy, clean, good for you products that are versatile and easy to use learn more at jones road
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auctions since 2009, this playstation 5s sold for only $0.50. this ipad pro sold for less than $34, and this nintendo switch sold for less democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost
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to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. to three-to-one, three-to-one today >> donald trump gaining even more momentum tonight in his march toward his, the republican presidential nomination with the sounding win in south carolina's gop primary tonight. nikki haley defeated in her home-state failing to capitalize. and what may have been her last best chance to slow trump down as donald trump takes another leaf toward the gop presidential nomination, the world is marking a full two years of war and bloodshed in ukraine, a milestone that does not seem to be moving trump's allies in congress who are standing in the way of new us aid for ukraine in its battle against the russian invaders. cnn chief national security analyst, jim sciutto joins us now to mark this two-year occasion. and jim, the primary season is
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playing out as we mark these two years, you've reached out to sources in ukraine, in europe, and the pentagon on the hill for their assessment of the war, two years in what are they telling you? so big picture. remember, you remember this? well, at the start of this war, the us intel assessment was it was gonna be over very quickly. they expected russia to overwhelm ukraine, take kyiv and 72 hours that didn't happen two years later ukraine is still fighting, but a year ago, the feeling was that ukraine was in a position to gain back territory, start pushing russians back. but the counteroffensive didn't really accomplish that. certainly hasn't yet. and it's pretty much a frozen conflict in the east with even ukrainian forces losing ground and fear is rising that ukraine could be at a tipping point primarily because the largest military in the world, and it's number one backer, the us is standing on the sidelines. i want to tell you what a senior ukrainian military has officer told me just in the last 24 hours, he said that my biggest worry is that we'd be left on our own
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to fight against embolden evil. in case the west is overwhelmed by domestic politics, of course, speaking in the us populace, pacifists, it would be a massacre and exodus of biblical proportions as russia continues to escalate in its brutality, that's the ukrainian view here. they feel that they're being abandon and without that help, that could be the faith that they're facing. they're not alone in that i spoke to mike quigley. he's the co-chair of the congressional ukraine caucus, and he's concerned that if aid doesn't come very, very soon, it could effectively be lost to his point first and foremost, he says, my concern is that time and speed providing arms and ammunition the pipeline is emptying and it takes a lot of time to refill the point being, you could vote tomorrow or next week or next month, but that doesn't fill those ammo dumps. it doesn't provide the weapons that they need right away. there's a lag time and during that time, russia is pushing by the way, there's a russian presidential election next month. the feeling is when
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putin wins again because it's not really an election that he feels emboldened. he might mobilize more officers and push even harder to put ukraine on its back foot bigger picture when i speak to senior us military officials they're concerned that they're not learning from the war so far this is what a senior us military official told me. i've been speaking with since the very start of this war. he says we aren't learning enough from ukraine events. we have again tried to build their forces in an image of our own. and it is unlikely to succeed in the short term. he goes on to say it matters today for ukraine, but he also says it matters tomorrow for taiwan. the point being, they tried to turn the ukraine into an american name 8:00 style fighting force there in the span of weeks with weapons we were providing and saying basically, go out and fight with this new weapon system over and over and it just didn't work and it didn't match the russian forces. and that's where we are today. so you have concern that from ukrainian certainly that they're being abandoned from us lawmakers, that if they don't act now then they're
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really going to put the ukrainians in a position to lose and then the us military saying, we didn't adjust quickly enough to. so this is how they feel. now with trump and his skepticism and hostility towards ukraine and his allies in congress doing what they do but he's not president he's just wielding influence. how do foreign leaders and ukrainians view the possibility that donald trump may very well be president. again, control, controlling the pentagon, controlling congress even more than he is now, i spoke to the prime minister of estonia last night. this is of course, a nato ally. it's a front a forward-facing nato ally. they're right on russia's border. >> and >> when she hears trump say, listen, i may not defend you. nato allies in the east as he did the other day, and he stood by those comments. if you don't pay your two they listen, they say we have to listen and take that seriously. because he said this before. he said there's while he was
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president and since he was president, and the point of the alliance is, is confidence and if you don't have confidence that your allies is going to come to your defense, then you doubt that, you doubt that commitment. and by the way, and she makes this point all the time as do other eastern european leaders russia than doubts it, because if the commanders and chief is saying he's not going to fulfill that commitment. our adversaries might calculate. that may very well be true even more so, i mean, as nikki haley and john bolton pointed out, donald trump has made it very clear he he doesn't see much see the point and us membership in nato and might pull us out of nato. yeah, >> absolutely. jim sciutto, thanks so much as donald trump it takes another step towards the republican nomination after this dominant south carolina, when this evening we're going to take a look at another contest between the two oldest been to face each other in the presidential race. what that might could mean for the november general elections, stay with us >> there is to hear about your father father, mother. thank you. well, that's
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>> oh, i'm going to take this girl schwab democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate.
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i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. branch king charles wednesday, it's on cnn >> welcome back in south carolina, donald trump just steamrolled its way through another republican presidential primary with big win that is catapulting him closer to the gop nomination. in a rematch with president joe biden, trump delivering and drubbing to his only remaining republican rival, nikki haley and the state where she was elected twice as governor. haley, however, insists primary fight is not over yet. i'm anderson cooper with more of our special primary coverage from prison. trump now has a fourth major primary season when under his belt, leading haley right now by roughly 20 points thanks with more than 90% of the south carolina vote reported. you see
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the numbers there, 59.9% to haley's 39.4%, trump and haley are putting very different spin he's on the results with trump declaring their party unified haley warning that a trump-biden rematch will stoke americans divisions >> now, there's this spirit that i have never seen. we ran to great races >> but there's never been ever has never been a spirit like this. and i just want to say that i have never seen the republican party so unified as it is, right >> does anyone seriously think? joe biden or donald trump will unite our country. he saw they are fighting for our country's future. they're demanding we fight each other >> trump's victory tonight, he is adding to his all-important delegate count, winning most of south carolina's 50 the delegates scene and now assesses, you'll get at least 44 with none for haley's so far. that's expanding.
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trump's overall delegate lead the keys to, of course, winning the nomination and position joining him well for the delegate rich super tuesday contest, ten days from now back now with the actual it's going to john king at the magic wall. john, what are you looking at >> anderson, you heard as you said, the spin there from the candidates while the numbers simply don't lie, whether you're looking at the raw vote or they're looking at the delegate math. let's walk through it we think we have more than 90% of the vote in so we're close to being done counting and donald trump is getting 60% of the vote. if you round that up just a little bit to 39% for governor haley in a state, she was elected twice as governor, but she was last elected a decade ago. donald trump has won south carolina now four times since 2016 primary 2016 general 2020 general now the 2024 primary. and he's winning it quite convincingly. you see nikki haley at the moment leading in three, just three of her home state's 46 counties. so donald trump winning. and when you look, pull it out this way, that means for in a row five, if you count the virgin islands, donald trump has won
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all five republican contests that have been held. so for and he's won them convincingly. uh, bring this back out, but i just want to slide over here. that's tonight's vote total. you're trying to win the nomination. the nomination is one with delegates. so look at where donald trump is right now, 107 based on south carolina, we still have six left to allocate. so let's pull it out. and you tap trump. they're trump getting 44 of the 50 delegates so far, what does that mean? that means in two congressional districts, there are seven congressional districts, 21 delegates. they each get three to two districts were not ready to project just yet, donald trump will get at least 44. he could get all 50. it is possible though likely scenario at this hour is something more like that. and i'll show you why and admit it's possible, nikki haley gets six. if i were in vegas right now, if i were going to bend at all on this and close bet, i would bet three at the most. let me show you what i mean by that. so this is the county map, right? you're looking at the county map of south carolina. this is the map by congressional district. you see the lines are different here at the moment. donald trump is winning all seven of
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these congressional districts. but i just want to come back to the county map first, come back to the county map and look, remember this let's draw it a little bit like that. and remember this down in here. so let's draw it something like that. remember that this is follicle follow on closely here. i'm going to ask would come on an even closer when you go into the congressional district map, right? donald trump is winning this district here. but look here and here, you see where i had the circles we come back to this map, have to turn that off. >> see the haley >> votes, haley's getting votes up here. haley's getting votes down here as we continue to count in this district here, which is the six district, right? so it's possible as we continue to count more likely though, is here when you come to the first district and let me get rid of the lines, you see the first district here. i'm going again, just draw this out. to show you where you see the district line there become back there. now you come back to the county map. you see those are the haley votes in the sixth district, but this is
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the first district. most of it along here, where you do see governor haley getting votes. so this is the full district. trump getting votes here. trump gets votes down here but governor haley is strongest in charleston county and buford county, which is why anderson, if you go through the math, donald trump's winning overwhelmingly in the vote count. he's going to win the overwhelming bulk of the 50 delegates. he has 44. now conceivable that governor haley could get six out of 50 interstate more likely, she would get three still counting the votes, perhaps we know that by the end of the evening, but she's still getting a drubbing in her home state. and donald trump is five no yeah john king. thanks very much back with panel here in new york. so let's talk about super tuesday. i mean, what nothing much changes between now and then, but will have the answer to some long-standing questions like whether or not the never trump donor class can actually overcome a cult of personality. think we'll know that by then. we'll also know whether or not people we think that
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essentially solidify the idea that trump is the most effective messenger for the party's base in their current preoccupations, whether that be protectionism, isolationism, whether that's not wanting to marad across the world's hoping to save democracies. there's a lot of major shifts that have happened and it feels like that moment is going to be the moment where it's like, okay, it's done. this is decided and anything else in terms of how the party evolves has to be something that happens going forward. >> i pretty profoundly disagree with that and this gets back to something that you were talking about. back in the pleistocene era, like four hours ago here >> i think >> you look at the republican party too much through the prism of issues and policy i would give several digits if the republican party was taking issues and policy seriously. >> the >> singular issue about the defines the republican party is
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donald trump, period when i was growing up, you got called a rino or a squish. if you were moderate on abortion or tax cuts or defense or any of that kind of stuff? today, in trump has done this a half dozen times. what defines you as a rino is whether or not you were fully loyal to donald trump and donald trump does not give a rat's derriere about most policy issues. he doesn't want immigration. >> well, i started to person but that's but this is my point about why nikki haley's doing more significant than you were giving a credit for? because what she's doing is building a faction in the party that can say we're not that into you to donald trump, and that is hugely psychologically important. donald trump wants to tell the world as he just didn't that sound bite, the republican party has never been unified if we're the cliche now is that he's running as basically an incumbent. if an incumbent lost a state like south carolina, are one that's by south carolina, by only 60 points. that would be a disaster i just think it's we're looking at this in the wrong way. he's going to be the
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nominee. yeah. you know, nikki haley is going to drop out after super tuesday, probably but the issue that defines the gop more than any other thing is just simply wind loyalty to donald trump. >> i think that's the point you're making them about the question. >> your point was, well, it will overcome. well, the donor class overcome that. well, i think there's no, yeah, exactly. right. >> another way, the other issues you were talking about about foreign policy, domestic probably donald trump may be tougher on ukraine and jd vance wants him to be depends what donald trump feels like, whether he has a bad case of clams the night before or something like that. i mean, it just policy stuff. this doesn't drive it. we watched that in the debates and the republican primaries is the policy stuff in a fascinating point there, because i completely agree with threw jonah is donald trump has been privately and with this idea of sort of a 16 week federal abortion ban. now republicans had been basically not touching the idea of a federal abortion ban, but donald trump, to the degree that he cares about any policy, he fundamentally understands that no access to abortion or six weeks in some states is an absolute loser for
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republicans. this is him moderating beyond his base and a major way the republic welcome party we grew up in. you would not you can have a major party candidates saying 16 weeks as okay. but donald trump can do that and only donald trump can. and some voters will go with him and for a lot of moderates who are not die-hard on the issue, that's a comfortable enough place to be. i think democrats need to keep their eyes open to the fact that he can actually moderate on this issue, despite fingers people for being odd. >> i wholeheartedly agree with the fact that there's any moderation on the republican party on the issue of reproductive rights or abortion, regardless of whether or not at 16 weeks or whether or not you're looking at six weeks or whatever whatever republicans are donald trump is ruminating on, on his way back to play golf with lindsey graham republicans have become so extreme on the issue of abortion. >> nobody trust them. >> you're out of step with the majority of americans on that issue. you're out of step with the majority of women and men on the issue of abortion. one agree with the say, but not
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donald trump >> but i >> let me just put a bow on a real quick because i understand what she's trying to do, but what i can allow what i don't want to happen is for people to believe that there's any moderation in the republican party because it's simply not the problem for donald trump is that there's a hell of a lot of videotape of him boasting about being the guy who took down roe versus wade so he's trying to run away from something that was his signature on the primaries. but he's now trying to moderate for the general link to go away, right? because if you look at alabama, all of a sudden urine democrats are going to put the democrats are going to try and put this on the ballot. and a lot of these states. >> but one thing >> you know, there's sort of a metal the thing here, which is what the trump and the republican campaign really comes down to. one thing. their argument is the world's out of control and biden's not in command. and donald trump is in command. he's a commanding figure and that's what, that's what biden has to strategize
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against. but at the end of the day, this is going to be a battle of risk assessment among voters and who they feel poses the greatest we're gonna say. and it's to your point, >> acts before strength versus weakness that you're going to set the kinetic strength versus weakness. >> as can i ask a question, i'll go ahead. >> i mean, it's it's i think what democrats are looking at tougher us, strength versus weakness. it's also peace and prosperity. tropics are going to run as a peace and prosperity candidate, >> no evasions, no wars. >> that's easier to open over again when i was present, wouldn't have any wars that could economy was better before covid, you hear it from voters to like trump supporters they'll say, well, he'll prevent world war three. >> that's what they'll say, which is the opposite that most democrats see him. but there it is. so you have strength versus weakness. you have peace and prosperity versus war and inflation. and then at the end of the day, you do have this sense of change versus more of the same. there is a fatigue and part of, part of the
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russian propaganda model which we're all stuck inside of. and by the way, we cannot get away from the fact that people get in driven crazy by these devices. and it's not just corporate greed with the algorithms. it's also russia, china and iran are polarizing us. the point of polarization, russia backed trump and blm online just to make everybody crazy in the up fatigue and to give up. and that's then when authoritarians can have the most impact is when everybody is just so frustrated, they throw their hands up and so there's a whole thing happening here. and my concern is the biden campaign still thinks that there just one good press release or one good sound bite, one good policy away is a much bigger fight. we've got to fight here i just want to ask a question and get back to what what anderson originally asked us about superficialis tuesday, can i apologize? we're still at the end of the dented, but i'm lending it to thank so very much. so great. marked. okay. thanks. so is nikki haley a placeholder for this faction? and what happens to nikki haley on march 6, i mean, does she go away? how she chris christie herself, does she have a future in the republican party? she's
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got delegate. i mean, he doesn't because you will be at that. but i mean, more popular than chris >> i mean, i mean, i guess i'm asking like jonah and whoever 18 he delegates. right. is what i mean, it's going to look bigger number of delegates. she has also you get the count mentioned. she never she never had a >> traffic problem in fort lee. okay. like chris christie is unpopular and has his own problems for lots of reasons. she is different from chris christie. i'm and she was someone that always had a lot of credibility with i mean, obviously people like alyssa, right? like who? we're very staunch, very conservative, very turned off by donald trump. a lot of women, there is an jonah you keep saying this, there is a big constituency out there for that. they just haven't figured out a way to fit make the system give that person space and oxygen. and i think the challenge is going to be if it all falls a certain way, if donald trump loses spectacularly, gets convicted, et cetera, then there is going to be a chance to regroup, wins so many years. >> but i'm saying that i
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thought was smart and kinda glossed over earlier, which is nikki haley's going to have decisions to make. is that a third-party run? i don't know if that is the case. there's also the right handed to trump. there's the idea of leverage that if you do have about a third of the party with you, you can use that whether it's rules within the can i just add like but can she use that? i mean, what happens if that if it wasn't nikki haley, if it was just somebody else. i mean, it seems to be nikki is just a placeholder for the faction that doesn't like donald trump is not nikki haley that they like. >> i wouldn't assume that she has it's a third of the party though, because what's gonna happen at the end of the day is democrats are going to gravitate to biden because they fear trump. and republicans are going to gravitate to trump because they want to defeat one really quickly. >> anecdotally, and i get the central, i've never known so many lifelong republicans worked in republican politics that will not support donald trump this election, there is a tight ship that is unprecedented here and they're homeless republicans looking for somewhere to protecting the vote totals is more ballots are counted across south carolina. nikki haley hoping to walk away
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with the least some delegates tonight is don't want to take another step towards securing the gop nomination. lot more ahead. stay with us >> this is the big game time cain who that do >> thank jump purpose to find a place to rent. i know renters when i see him. who is this guy? >> it's the top priority when you move to a new city or galaxy apartments we can help you get enjoy lovely one bedroom, two bedroom. i don't want to presume anything >> i like these >> guys, the place to find a place my store,
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invest with schwab united states of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn cnn >> are back with their south carolina republican primary coverage, breaking down donald trump's big win, how he trounced nikki haley in her home-state and what it means as the presidential race moves forward. let's go to david chalian with more exit polls >> underscoring sharp >> divisions in the views of trump it's been haley supporters, david, what are you seeing? >> yeah, it's two totally different universes of voters. and what drives them, dana, take a look here among trump supporters we asked about the feelings they have about the way things are going in the united states today. look at this number here, 59%, so six in ten of trump voters in south carolina primary today are angry about the way things are going. another 30 25% dissatisfied, compare that to haley voters. they're, the majority are dissatisfied, 56%,
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but only 19%, are that angry emotion about the way things are going. so trump voters in for angrier group then that biden 2020 election lie, right? do you believe that joe biden legitimately won the election in 2020 among trump voters? only 11% believed that joe biden legitimately won the election. 87% wrongly believe he did not legitimately win the election. look at the different universe in a haley's voters three corners of haley voters, 76% say that joe biden legitimately won the last presidential election, one in five haley voters wrongly say he did not. dana two completely different universes of voters >> it's really stunning to see those numbers, particularly on that last subject, david, thank you so much joining our conversation now, republican strategist and pollster, kristen soltis anderson, along with democratic pollster margie
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omero. thanks so much for being here, especially at this it's laid our kristen, i want to start with you did donald trump did well with independence in 2016, are we saying that in this primary cycle? >> not at all. right. now, when you look at states like new hampshire, when people who are not registered or self-identifying republicans have the opportunity to participate. they are doing so mostly to make a statement against donald trump now it's hard to read anything from these primaries into a general election necessarily. we already know that if you are the sort of independent who doesn't like donald trump, you weren't going to vote for him anyways, that's kind of baked into the cake. but the number that i think is potentially troubling for trump is the fact that among these primary voters to the extent that there are folks that have decided, yes, we think donald trump's probably going to win, but we want to make a statement anyways, he needs to make sure
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that he is unifying the republican party, not shedding more and more voters, even as he sort of trounces his way through the primary, you need a unified party if you want any chance of winning in general and margie has anything changed between trump and his voters or does he have the same effect on them that we saw >> in 2,016.20, 20, even though trump is facing four criminal indictments >> i mean, he's almost like an estelle to act right where people are going to see a bank and the band is playing the same hits that he always played when there may be actually people actually do want to hear new things and he's not really offering new voters undecided voters, independent voters, people on the fence, people who may have wanted to vote or thought about voting for one of his opponents in the primary? mary, he's not really offering those people something new. and it's going to be obviously a real problem for him. and we did a focus group recently with
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undecided voters and we ask them what advice would you give to donald trump to win over undecided voters like yourselves? and they said things like, he needs to reach out, he needs to listen to people. he needs to welcome folks from other points of view. i mean, things that we have not seen donald trump do yet. >> dana, can i just jump in here for a second for it? the to me the big question when you look at all of these pieces of the haley coalition that are obviously resistant to trump, but are not huge slices of the party. >> the question is, >> how many of them fold into the party just because they wear the jersey in november and what is that slice that stays trump resistant because it could be consequential even if it is quite small in these battleground states. and i just think that is as as kristen was saying, you obviously need a unified party to be successful in a general election trying for the next nine months he wants to understand what is,
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what is that actual slice of the republican party that just won't bring themselves to vote for trump this time around. i think that's the ball game and trying to understand where this election guys and i would add, not just how big is is it also bigger than the other times there have been trumpers. it's an aspects of the republican party which we have seen in the past in these elections in both 2016 and in 2020 the other thing that i am observing a lot when i taught talk to voters, when you look listen to them on these election nights there are a lot of voters who might have been uncomfortable with donald trump in 2020 who have become numb to donald trump in 2024, and who are those voters? how will they factor into all of this? because there is something happening in the republican electorate, even if you just looked at the races that we've seen so far, where there are voters who you would normally think of as moderate leaning, who are happily
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casting ballots for donald trump in these primaries. and there is a risk for democrats they should not ignore the possibility that there are a lot of americans who are so dissatisfied, maybe they just want to break the glass. and there they're in nerd to what trump represented for the last two cycles >> an important point and chris and i'm gonna bring you in and just to piggyback off of what david was saying. the question that he posed about whether or not nikki haley's voters are going to end up just folding in to the report publican electorate and voting for donald trump in november and my question is, how important is it for joe biden to not just be the alternative? what does his hidden don't don't compare me to the alternative to the almighty. compare me to the alternative, but he has to be something that is really not
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just not trump to get those people from haley to biden maybe i mean, this is why i expect we're in for one of the nastiest presidential elections. we've ever seen because for both of these candidates, they are unknown quantity people know who donald trump is. they know who joe biden is. they may have forgotten a little bit of who donald trump is as he's been out of the white house over the last few years. >> but right now, both of >> them have problems with some piece of their party that is not enthused with them right now, joe biden has this as well. and the question is, are you going to win those folks back by making a case to them? here's what i would do. here's what i've done for you. here's why you should like me, even if you're worried about my age, my personality, my legal stuff, whatever it is or do you win by just saying, look how horrible the other guy is, and that's what i expect. we're going to see from both of these candidates to try to lock down their base. it will be more of a, how do i make you deathly
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afraid of this guy on the other side? that's what we're going to see from now till november, unfortunately. >> yeah. i think that's a question i think ever margin tears that we talked about the trump resistant voters. >> are there >> more trump resistant voters than biden resistant voters, particularly as we're seeing states like michigan, where would heading to the primary there on tuesday swath of democratic voters who say they won't vote for him. which one is a bigger concern for which candidate? >> well, i think if you look at what we saw on the exit polls south carolina, an incredibly, incredibly conservative electorate. only just half, so that they support a national ban on abortion. this is the platform of the republican party. this is what republican candidates for office say that they have said that they support. meanwhile, that's just half of this incredibly conservative electorate. it's, they are the base of trump's support. they voted more for trump than for haley. that's not where the american people are. so there are going to be
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trump resistant voters who may lean republican somali republicans themselves are our support abortion rights. republicans themselves support ivf and republicans themselves support a variety of different positions to republican candidates like trump, don't support margin, kristen, thanks for joining the conversation we're going to squeeze in a quick break. we are tracking donald trump's victory in south carolina after birth photos, there chose him over there, former governor nikki haley. >> we're >> looking to see whether haley will win any of the 50 delegates at stake tonight. they would i'm more liebermann at the pentagon. >> and this cnn >> as the issues distress call in the face of appending climate crisis, i would dummy is advancing his agenda for a greener future with an ideal climate to support some of the world's largest solar projects and a grid that's almost completely powered by clean energy. it's a city that nurtures sustainable innovation, developing
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donald trump when it comes to the delegate totals out of south carolina? yes. he had a stunning victory, but nikki haley is actually going to pick up some delegates from her home state tonight we have allocated three delegates from the first congressional district in the state. that's where she picked those up. she won that congressional district and now you have donald trump we will be four. and nikki haley with three delegates and we still have three delegates unallocated of the overall 50 at stake demand in south carolina. now that's tonight. so we add to nikki haley's total here as well, because remember, in the upper right-hand corner, you need 1,215 delegates to become the republican nominee. donald trump currently standing on 107. nikki haley now up to 20 with the three she picks up in south carolina tonight so far? desantis at nine ramaswamy at three, obviously, trump with a big delegate lead here, but overall, no one's close to that
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1,000 georgia and 15 yet because we've just had five contexts. so now this race gets turbo charged as we had in the michigan super tuesday and beyond in march, we are going to see a slew of delegates it's at stake. and that is donald trump's chance to bring this race to a close cases >> of course, haley's argument that she wants to see those people vote. john king, tell us why it is where it is that nikki haley found these three delegates. >> first, let the record reflect 11:34 p.m. and these david chalian gets us turbo charge. that's very important. >> no >> record. look it, say small victory for nikki haley in her home state to get three delegates, but it's a very small victory because as you see casey, she's getting trout 60% to 39% in her home state in a place where she wanted to make a statement. looks she wanted to win. she knew that was most unlikely. she wanted to at least get above new hampshire, which would have been 43, 45. she's getting less than 40, but but she does get these delegates. this is the county map you see the lines here now, 46 counties in south carolina. she is presently leading in three of
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them. so that's not a great performance in a state you were elected twice statewide as governor, but let's switch to the congressional district map and that's why she's getting the delegates. you see the first district down here here along the coast. you pop that out. she currently has 54% of the vote. we're about 80% through the so that is why she gets these three delegates. this congressional district. we have yet to project, yet this is the sixth congressional district starts up by columbia comes all the way down to the southern part of the state, as you can see at the moment of 52% for former president trump, 47 or 48% if you want to round that up for governor haley. so that's this is the one the three delegates remaining to be allocated. or in this district. so the most she could get his six or donald trump could get three more to add to his total and get 47 of the 50. now, i just want to make a point about this. look at this look at where she is getting the delegates. okay. look at this part of this state right here. i'm going to come back out to the county map. i'm going to move this over. this is donald trump's margin of victory tonight. let me show you what i mean by this. when you bring this up, you bring this up, hit the wind margin. the deeper red
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means donald trump is winning those places by a large amount. the pink means he's winning them by not quite as much. the yellow obviously are places governor haley he's wanting and the white is where it is very close, right? you're very close to donald trump's winning most of those. he's wanting all of those actually a bit by a smaller margin. now, why am i showing you this? where did she get the delegates? she got the delegates down here and she's winning here. and i'm going to continue the circle up to here a little bit donald trump is winning. he is showing a ton of strength with republicans in these early contests. he's now five. no, you cannot understate, you cannot overstate his resilience. his resilience in the republican party's, they can, but we're also learning something about his weaknesses. so you see the area because i circled there. why did i do that? want to bring this out and show you pop this out here. suburban areas, right? this is the suburbs. these are the suburbs where donald trump is not doing as well nikki haley's winning some of these places. >> donald trump's margin, if you come back to the margin, is not as big in some of these
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places, he runs it up kasie in the rural areas, donald trump has won 70, 73% of the county's donald trump has won so far nationally, have been rural counties, as he has mounted this lead, he still has a weakness in the suburbs. he's doing okay in the suburbs in these red states. but if you're looking for weakness is the suburbs. and what happens when we get to a general election. as you know well, the suburbs decide who wins pennsylvania, who wins wisconsin, who wins michigan, who wins arizona, who wins georgia. >> so a >> lot it's trump is showing a lot of strength in the republican primary. but as we study his strength, we also are seeing some weaknesses and they start just as they were in 2020 and in 2018 for the midterms, for republicans in america's suburbs. >> yeah, we might be talking about charleston tonight, but come november, it's going to be milwaukee, atlanta, phoenix, all of those places you mentioned, john. thank you very much. >> so i have to say >> my question here as we look at that map we look at where nikki haley's strengths are, right? >> she >> is going to have to get out of this race at some point. we don't exactly know when, but it's clear that donald trump is on a glide path to the
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nomination. >> if you're nikki haley, what do you do? do you endorse all sean, is it politically tenable for you to endorse donald trump? or is it politically tenable for you to not endorse donald trump? i mean, it's a really tough question. >> i think people are watching and wondering because admired nikki haley or disliked or for many years what she's gonna do next. i actually did not expect for her to go as hard against donald trump as she has in recent months, some of her statements, it would be remarkable to walk back and then come around and endorse him but we've seen crazier things in the donald trump-era >> she's burned the boats. she's not going back. >> i will tell you that day after january 6, she appeared before the republican national committee and she said, we never should have followed him, we should not follow him again. and she got she's booster for that and she backtracked off of that. so she's shown some agility when it comes to moving around i'm interested to see what she does and i think what she does will give you some clue to how she's thinking
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about the future. >> because i think what would be kind of hard is let's say she stays out of this race, doesn't endorse donald trump. there isn't really a pulse political future. they're not for lack of talent, but she's going to have been out of office for quite some years having not been un ambassador and well over six years at that point, it's hard to just as a private sector citizen, unless you're donald trump, launch yourself into a campaign. so i think she'd have to be at peace with the fact this is the end of politics for me, i may be a leader on the outside and we do. >> and by the way, being dropped throttled other words that john king is used, i can't there's enough exploits you've lost every race. she's been badly. >> yeah. you think that you think about these three young figures a decade ago that scared us as democrats looking at the republican party, at marco rubio, young bright latino you had nikki haley with her indian american roots and you had tim scott and all three of them came on stage for nikki haley's campaigns. and i looked at said, this is a very formidable republican party.
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they were moderate in some ways, appealing. they weren't playing racial politics, they weren't playing trial and now you look at how they've gone marco rubio is a rubber stamp or anything. trump says tim scott is trying to crawl onto the ticket somehow. and nikki haley stands alone. and i think it's worth pointing out that of those three and you wouldn't have known any of the stuff at the time, nikki haley is of those three, she's john more principle and more strength in, at least in the past few months than i've seen for the other shoe. >> if only one correction to that, there's a fourth person on the stage and that famous picture, trey gowdy, and he left congress a lot of people, mike gallagher, i think could have been one of the great leaders of the republican party is leaving congress lots of people left. ben sasse left before his term was out. it is not a remotely pleasant place to be a sane republican. and that's the thing is that donald trump has always made it clear he would rather be the undisputed unified head of a
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rump gop then the head of a majority party. now i personally think both parties have this weird death wish kind of impulse to try to cling to the idea of being minority parties rather than being majority parties. but republican party has it much worse than you see it on display of the most in the congress. you know, >> i think it goes beyond how he views his role within the party. i think it goes to his view of the presidency because he completely writes off large swaths of the country and doesn't really think of himself as the president of that part of the country, which represents a majority of americans which is very, very diverse state. we tried the things that one of the things that we've seen tonight just to get into weeds slightly is that there won't be a president trump unless republicans really see the blinking lights that are there. and that first congressional district shows that, i mean, charleston buford, hilton head college-educated white women
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suburb. that's suburbs, institutions of higher learning college austin medical university of south carolina. he can he loses there. and that's a problem. >> all right. as the final totals from south carolina come in, we are tracking the votes to see if nikki haley will pick up any more delegates in her home-state got much more still ahead. >> backroom deals, cia secrets of fares, bribery, corruption, prostitution >> there's so much more to the store in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn sorry, body for knowing about actives. but giving 100% of them to my face the fear no more body can act of serums with hyaluronic acid. that quench vitamin c's that brightened. and pro sara mics that even everywhere, new doves serum body washes, get dove or get fomo >> okay good guys
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this election is about who shares your values. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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working on upgrade your office at branch >> vegas, the story of sensitive tomorrow at ten on cnn votes are still trickling in from south carolina and donald trump has extended his >> already huge margin of victory over nikki haley. >> but >> haley is refusing to bow out, raping her warnings about the risks of a trump-biden rematch at a moment when she says the world is on fire tonight's republican primary is playing out as the ukraine war hits the two year mark. and as vital us aid for kyiv remains stalled on capitol hill amid fierce opposition from trump and his republican allies in the us house of representatives. cnn's matthew chance is live for us in moscow. matthew, you've covered this war from both russia and ukraine at how russians feel about the state of the fighting right now well, you publicly, casey russians are very upbeat about the warm and just
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yesterday, we >> spoke to ten russians in the streets surround moscow and all of them totally pro war, totally convinced that russia is going to win this and is doing the right thing. part of that is to do with the fact that people get fair to sort of daily diet of propaganda on russian state television. but it's also because it publicly, people don't want to say what they really mean privately. many russians tell me how concerned they are about the situation and how they want it to be over as soon as possible. but they so powerless that they can do anything about opposition protests, opposition dissent in this country has been basically stamp act so matthew just does whatever putin seems emboldened by congress's inability to approve >> more aid for kyiv, for ukraine i think i think so, yes. i mean, certainly that's the message you get from
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russian state television. i mean, from the outset, the russians have made the point that you, they think that their commitment to winning in ukraine is greater than the western commitment. to ukraine. they think they can outlast us interest in supporting ukraine. >> and >> that held up in congress of aid to their country, to ukraine sort of bolsters that point of view. it makes russian officials or the russian authorities believe that all they have to do is hold out a bit longer. and eventually western support will collapse. and so it's, it makes it less likely that this complex is going to end in a short period of time. kasie so matthew, you were on the ground and ukraine when the war started, what stands out to you as it enters a third year? >> yeah, was indeed on the ground when it started. in fact, i mean, when i was there i didn't believe until the
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bombs started falling that there was going to be an invasion. i just thought it didn't make sense militarily. and that it would be such a massive risk foot for russia and for putin that's, a take invading a massive country, light, light ukraine i was wrong, of course, and there wasn't invasion but i like to think now two years on that i was wrong for the right reasons because it has been a catastrophe. it's the loss of life has been a huge, i mean, we don't have exact figures, but on the russian side possibly a couple of hundred thousand people have been killed or been severely wounded lost their capacity to fight. >> as >> a result of this conflict, 1 million people or thereabouts have left russia to avoid being drafted into the military. and it's now at the most heavily sanctioned country in the world. and so it has been a catastrophic events and there's no sign of it ending.
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casey >> all right. matthew, chance for us in moscow. matthew. thank you very much for that >> and here in >> the us, we are tracking the vote totals from south carolina is the final ballots are counted. our coverage of the south carolina republican primary continues right after a quick break, stay with us >> the greatest stage they talk about >> for a lifetime where he's well to trip the tv yes. >> my name is sister monica clare because of tiktok. i've created a community where people can feel safe asking questions about spirituality. i tried to provide a really accessible way of them learning about religion and spirituality. that's not intimidating somebody in the comments said, i have no idea how get on none talk, but i'm not mad about it i'm going to teach you how to pray. i'm going to teach you how to
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>> united states of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn >> donald trump got the impressive when he was counting on in south carolina, he is now taking his fight for the republican presidential nomination to michigan next week. and then on to the super tuesday states jam-packed with delegates >> as we continue due to monitor the monitor, the final votes coming in from south carolina. here's a blast from the political past. take a look at this sneak peek of the new episode of united states of scandal with jake tapper. he's speaking with the x mistress the former democratic presidential candidate, john edwards >> you're at the regency hotel. >> god >> it's in 2006. were you there to meet him being there was a fluke. >> what was he by himself? >> who he was in a business meeting. i was with my friend or at a table and john edwards
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was behind her and he kept looking at me as though he knew me as well. and then we got up and left and when we were standing on the corner and john edwards turn the corner and saw me there. and he literally like almost jumped into my arms and my response, what came out of my mouth was you're so hot and what did he say back >> well, i thank you. i said i can help you. and he said, i want to hear. >> he >> said, could you can you come over so you want him to his room? i did. >> i didn't feel like it was sexual either. you didn't know? >> i did not because it sounds like there was an attraction you said you're so i know i know. i mean, that's i know. what a sexual i get it >> you can see united states of scandal sunday, 09:00 p.m. easter >> thanks to all of >> you for joining us. the news continues next, right here on cnn
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