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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  February 25, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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welcome to all of you watching us here in the >> united states, canada, and around the world. i'm kim brunhuber. this is cnn newsroom >> now, there's a spirit that i have never seen. we ran to great races >> donald trump delivered a huge blow to former south carolina governor nikki haley in her own back he ard we'll look at what the exit polling tells us about haley's home state loss. and a us led coalition launches a fourth round of strikes against iran-backed houthi rebels some yemen level latest on these attacks from the pentagon, plus panda diplomacy is alive and well, a pair of giant pandas may soon be heading to an american zoo courtesy of china i'll speak to a representative of zoo on what it means for them. the pandas and maybe the rest of us live from atlanta this is cnn newsroom with kim brunhuber
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>> we begin this hour focused on the us republican presidential race as super tuesday looms in just nine days, michigan will hold its gop primary on tuesday, but the big event is on march 5. that's when republicans in 15 states plus the territory of american samoa will hold nominating contests around a third of the delegates needed to secure the presidential nomination will be distributed donald trump scored a resounding victory saturday in south carolina with an estimated 99% of results in trump has just under 60% of the vote on he, haley has more than 39% sources tell cnn that trump's team now wants to focus on the general election campaign. he took shots at president joe biden in his victory speech, serious we're going to be up here on november 5, and we're going to look at joe biden anyway, and i look, i'm right in the eye. he is destroying our country and we're going to say, joe year
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fired, get out, get out joe you're fired. >> buying being defeated in her home haley's results were still better than the margin she'd received in recent polling. she says she's staying in the race until at least super tuesday, warning that republicans will lose if trump becomes the gop nominee. here she is we need to beat joe biden in november i don't believe donald trump can beat joe biden nearly the three day trump drives people away >> i'll see you on and has a team of reporters across south carolina covering all the latest details this morning from both donald trump and nikki haley's campaign advisers to former president trump. >> and tell me to expect the >> campaign to pivot to a general election after the south carolina primary, despite
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the fact that nikki haley is going to remain in the race, they had hope that there'll resounding win in south carolina filed following three other resounding winds would help bring republicans off the fence, would help bring in some of those holdout donors and would also potentially put pressure on haley to drop out. but as that isn't the case, i am told that they're going to start having conversations about how to expand their campaign staff in early in these critical swing states. and we're talking about states like michigan georgia, arizona. i'm also told that there has been a number of efforts to try to get donald trump, who is still complete italy, annoyed that nikki haley is staying in the race to focus his ire on president joe biden, now senior adviser did tell me they believed that that could be difficult since they themselves had had to tell donald trump multiple times to just ignore her nikki haley telling her supporters on saturday night that she is a woman of her
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word, that she's going to keep her campaign alive despite losing in south >> carolina her home state. she said her expectation is that she'll get about 40% of the vote in the state. she knows that's not 50%, but she said it's not a tiny amount that they're we're voters that were with her and she also had a bit of a somber tone saying that south carolinians are frustrated about the direction that the country is headed. and she said that she also has those frustrations. but she said that america will come apart if we make the wrong choices and she committed to giving the voters on super tuesday states the ability to have an option in front of them. we also know according to a campaign email that was sent to donors that she'll be having donor events and every single state that she is visiting as she tries to raise money while she prepares for super tuesday. >> kylie atwood, >> cnn, south carolina >> so donald trump does appear to have a stranglehold on the republican party, according to exit polls in south carolina,
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well over 85% of donald trump voters in south carolina say they are part of the maga movement meanwhile, more than 85% of his voters are calling themselves very conservative about 75% of trump voters in the state or white evangelical, or born again christian shouldn't say higher share of the electorate than either iowa or new hampshire. and most sara carolina gop primary voters like their chances in november, regardless of who's nominated at kenmore, is a reporter for the south carolina daily gazette and he is in columbia, south carolina. thanks so much for being here with us early in the morning. so polls showed donald trump with a huge lead going into this for you, any surprise about how he performed last night? >> morning and thanks for having me honestly, not really. certainly. donald trump did a little bit worse than expected, or probably more accurate to say haley did a little bit better than expected. she was
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pauling about 36 points down and came out about 20 points down. >> that's a larger gap. then she had in new hampshire and she did comment to the state saying we have to do better. but she also never promised a victory for her supporters in south carolina so coming out of those with 40% of the vote, i think is printing much what everyone expected and is maybe slightly better result for haley then we might have been disbanded >> let's dive into the numbers. i want to take advantage of your regional expertise here. many eyes were on the independence, so this was an open primary, meaning, democrats and independents could cast ballots. did we get any insight into whether trump has done anything to help his cause? with these potential swing voters in the general election >> in the events that i saw trump doing, i didn't see a whole lot of appeal to swing voters and in speaking to
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pollsters and others i don't see a whole lot of evidence that there was a huge crossover. there is absolutely an effort to get people who did not vote in the democratic primary, which had a very small turnout because joe biden picked up 96% of the sport with almost no effort. >> there >> was some effort to get people who didn't vote in the democratic primary to vote in this primary and get those people to vote specifically for nikki haley, presumably more moderate voters or even liberal voters who simply don't like donald trump was there someone that probably particularly given that the polling was focused on likely republican voters and showed her with larger gatlin, she ultimately came out with didukh really impact the results not significantly. >> a lot of the focus was on two counties, specifically charleston and richland counties. urban counties. we don't have the full picture yet, but it did we learn anything about how much support? there is for trump there which might make a big
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difference in the general >> the honest, i have not seen the in-depth numbers yet for either of those counties, so i don't want to speculate. i will say i'm in a richland county in colombia. as you can, people ran into these number of haley's bores, ran to a lot of hardcore trump supporters i think it's, you've got a mix all across the state and trump keeps saying south carolina is trump country i think that probably holds true. most places you go. >> yeah. all right, so let's turn to nikki haley, aside from her obvious ties suit to south carolina's her home state, she spent a lot of time, lot of money there. are you surprised by her showing an end and where do you think she goes from here? is there any chance that she would make either a trump vice president unlikely or a third-party run, maybe >> i haven't seen any evidence of that.
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>> trump has bad several events in south carolina put paid to any idea of her as vice president. and she said, i'm not running in this to be vice president. i think that whole notion is pretty unlikely. please. would you could because she's stuck it out a lot longer than some other people. saturday, tim scott is another question, but we may get into that later. >> well, okay you raise it. so let let me ask you about that because i mean, he might be the real winner here. he he's seems to be pretty openly making his case for vice president donald trump is certainly extolled his virtue as a surrogate and as a hype man. throughout the election there so far, do you think he has a shot? >> and trump held a town hall with fox news on tuesday in greenville, south carolina and was asked tim scott was there. he was asked about tim scott potentially being on the list along with some other top names? kristi noem want to say ramaswamy, some other people
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and he said yes. all we're considering, all those people. so it's gotten the running absolutely but also trump kind of hedged on when he would make that pick or if he's going to make that pick i know governor master, who's a longtime trump supporter here in south carolina yesterday was asked about him, scott, and he sort of say, well, i haven't had any questions, conversations with the president, so trump and his supporters seem to be still hedging their bets but it's absolutely tim scott is absolutely on the table >> interesting law will we'll get a lot more answers i expect in super tuesday coming up, but really appreciate getting your analysis from south carolina aide kenny moore. thanks so much. joining us >> thank you for having me >> and the biden campaign wasted no time to use trump's primary win in south carolina is a fundraising opportunity, saying donald trump is quote, clearly positioned to become
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his party's nominee. now the fundraising email reads, we know who donald trump is, and we know what he does. heck, we know that he is willing to sacrifice our democracy to put himself in power and the biden ministration biden campaign rather hasn't formally wade into the results yet ukraine is now officially into year three of its brutal war with russia. in kyiv on saturday, flags waved to remember those killed or wounded. residents show their patriotism toward their country enjoined in the hope that the war will end soon. of course, one big factor in the war ending anytime soon is getting desperately needed military aid from western nations. so as it stands now, ammunition and equipment when is in short supply, even as fighting rages as the country marked the grim two-year anniversary of russia's all out invasion. a number of western leaders here's went to kyiv to show their solidarity and pledge their support
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>> ukraine must have the means to defend itself today, but also for tomorrow. >> ukraine need it's the capabilities to deter future attacks by russia this is crucial for your security and of course for the structure fewer tie of europe as a whole, we will open a defense innovation office here in kyiv and finally, we keep on working on the security commitments as we just heard for ukraine, all in close cooperation with g7 partners of course, the best security to guarantee will be the membership of the european union >> virtual meeting of g7 leaders, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy made it clear the crane needs support from its allies to sustain the war effort. g7 leaders, including president biden, insured zelenskyy and the cranium people that they will support ukraine, quote, as long as it takes meanwhile, russia
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has handed over the body of opposition leader alexey navalny, according to a spokesperson for the crime from london, critic, funeral arrangements are still pending the spokesperson earlier accused a russian investigator of pressuring navalny's mother to agree to a secret burial and at least 49 people have been detained following a series of protests in russia, according to a human rights group, the demonstrations ranged from protesting the war in ukraine to commemorating navalny, the end anti-corruption campaigner, died february 16 at a prison colony north of the arctic circle cnn sebastian shukla is in berlin. so i mentioned president zelenskyy talking about ukraine's need for support from western partners. are they delivering >> yeah, kim the top of president zelenskyy's inbox right now is aid and ammunition, which his forces are simply severely depleted by at the moment they are having to resort on the front lines to
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what they call active defense, which is essentially trying to inflict as much damage on the russians while protecting their the, protecting themselves as much as they can. now, there is a that is forthcoming. european leaders have pledged 50 billion, but the main tranche, the biggest challenge, the most important is going to come from the united states, where $60 billion of aid is still stuck in congress. and that is being held up by republicans on, whilst that bill is still stuck there no ammunition will flow between the united states and ukraine, which will have and will hamper ukraine's ability to make any changes on the front line. kim all right. and what more are we learning about anti kremlin critic alexey navalny's body being handed over to his mother yeah >> so alexey navalny's body, who died? he died in that arctic penal colony last friday, has now returned or is
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now in the hands of his family. details about what will take place now. vis-a-vis a funeral are yet to be forthcoming, but before the valleys body was handed over, his wife, yulia navalnaya, made an impassioned video statement where she called on the hypocrisy of president putin, somebody who likes to portray himself as having a deep christian values and she said that no christian would do this. she referred to the way the kremlin had had kept alexei navalny's body as satanism and so now the focus will turn though too, when alexei navalny will be buried i believe it will be somewhere in moscow. there were two places two cemeteries where discussions discussions based around where he would finally be laid to rest. we know one of them was ruled out, but the issue will be for the kremlin, they have tried to suppress any
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public support or porins are outpourings of grief in russia, will they allow a more public funeral to take place? but because that is the one thing that navalny's family and his aides have said people need to be able to say goodbye properly to the former russian dissident leader. >> thanks so much, sebastian shukla in berlin, appreciate that any round of us and uk airstrikes in yemen and a message about them from the us secretary of defense. while the latest just ahead plus more than a dozen anti-government protesters so been arrested in israel, as calls for prime minister netanyahu's resignation grow more fervent. that's all coming up i was stuck unresolved. depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant, very large helps give it a lift adding velar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help
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clear skin. >> rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb series infections and blood clots. some fatal cancers including lymphoma and skin heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death, serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your dr. if you are may become pregnant help heal your painful skin, disrupt the and rash of eczema. talk to your dr. about brynn folk learn how advil can help you save the us and the uk have carried out a fourth >> round of strikes against houthi targets in yemen. us officials tell cnn the strikes hammer dozens of targets in multiple locations. and the us defense secretary says, houthis will bear the consequences if they continue attacking commercial shipping in the region. cnn, pentagon correspondent oren liebermann has more. >> the us and uk carried out
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another round of strikes, coalition strikes against houthi targets in yemen on saturday night, yemen time after a number of recent attacks from the houthis have hit ships associated with the us and the uk. in this case, the us and the uk struck 18 different targets across eight different locations. those targets included weaponry used by the houthis, underground storage facility for that weaponry, radar sites, and more the goal here, as it has been now for several months, is to try to degrade and disrupt the ability of the houthis to attack commercial vessels. these attacks carried out by aircraft and perhaps other assets as well. in this statement, we saw from the coalition that took part in this, that includes the us, the uk, canada, the netherlands, bahrain, and others. it specifically we lists some of the ships that were hit recently including the rubymar that's a ship associated with the uk that's now anchored in the red sea. it is apparently the first ship whose crew had to be rescued and abandoned ship because struck by a houthi attack. it has now left an 18 mile oil slick as it poses an
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environmental hazard. and sits there because us officials say it's not safe enough to go rescue it because of the threat of more attacks from the iran-backed rebel group. part of the challenge here is that us officials have acknowledged the ongoing strikes on houthi targets in yemen. the attempts to degrade their weaponry and take some of that away have been unsuccessful in having changed the houthis direction here, they continue to launch these attacks. and what makes it difficult is that the us doesn't have a great sense of how much more weaponry and equipment the houthis have because iran continues to try to resupply them. still the biden ministration has made clear as has the pentagon that if the attacks on commercial vessels and one of the world's most critical waterways continue so too, will the us strikes and the uk, as we now hear, see this fourth round of coalition strikes on houthi targets in yemen. oren liebermann, cnn at the pentagon my is mounting on israeli prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu and his government to secure >> the freedom of the hostages you see there are thousands of anti-government protesters turned out in tel aviv on saturday where at least 18 people were arrested, say israeli police, many of the demonstrators are calling on netanyahu to resign and are accusing him of not taking responsibility for security lapses around the the october 7 hamas attacks, among other issues, wilson less >> we need a responsible government in the '60s we need the government that works with the internet hello countries to create something different in gaza, something in which the gaza people can leave, not for mass they can have a lie and that we can have a safe border >> and while those protests were taking place, thousands of people were also holding a vigil in tel aviv on saturday
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night in port of the hostages still being held by hamas in gaza. according to israel's tally, 253 people were taken hostage during the october 7 hamas attacks, with more than 100 still being held an attorney who said saturday, he was expecting an update on negotiations for hostage releases and a ceasefire in gaza. a group representing families of most of the hostages says there are credible reports the deal is being hammered out in the government needs to act without delay now cnn can't independently verify the reports of a deal. israel's head of national security says the negotiators proposed the meeting, which makes him think they quote, did not come back empty handed from the talks in paris former us state department middle east negotiator, aaron david miller has taken part in similar negotiations in the past and he tells cnn he thinks israel and hamas could be close to some kind of agreement areas >> i think though those negotiations are being driven by a couple of other factors,
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which right now are more important to hamas. will the israelis released in a symmetrical trade, probably hundreds if palestinian prisoners, security prison presumably preserves you have committed acts of violence and killed israelis and what is the duration of the extended pause or temporary cessation of hostilities those are the key issue in addition to surge humanitarian assistance. so i think there's i think the best chance we've had since november since that limit in exchange to release these hostages in fact, we may be on the cusp of some sort of eurasia in some sort of a deal. >> all right just ahead here on cnn newsroom, we'll take a look at us presidential race after the south carolina republican primary is trump continues to sweep contests is there a path for his rival nikki haley and no bond for a man suspected of killing in student who went out for a jog and never came home. what that story is, select
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something warming for him, >> tingling for her. >> should we experience the thrill of bringing them together? >> say more >> than i love you, say i want you with key yours and mine. >> well, i checked my subscription, same spreadsheets and i always get it right. >> we'll see about that. i just found a rock him on your phone and it looks like you're paying for your x's meal delivery kit. that goes $400? maybe not, because when you canceled to the outfile, even tried to get you a refund, downed rocket money today. >> we have a garage door that doesn't lift. >> so i went on. angie took me just a handful of minutes. >> so vendors who will knowledgeable, they did i quality work. >> they wanted us to be happy with the work done as well. any of the beautiful ghraieb say, get started today at >> i brought in a ciu or max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks here, i'll take that ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein one prime, sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic >> so would you get to
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wait. scan the code now and ask about the bosley guarantee. wire ran hates >> america tonight at eight on cnn welcome back, to you. >> all you watching us here in the united states, canada, and around the world, i'm kim brunhuber we're this is cnn newsroom, us republican presidential candidate donald trump is cruising towards the gop nomination while rival nikki haley insists she isn't bowing out. trump one big saturday in south carolina's republican primary with an estimated 99% of results in trump has just under 60% on nikki haley has more than 39% despite the loss in her home state, haley says she's staying in the race through super tuesday on march 5. that's when a third of the delegates needed for the gop nomination will be
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distributed meanwhile, trump is projecting an air of confidence and already focusing on his rival in the general election areas >> we're going to be up here on november 5, and we're going to look at joe biden and we're going to look, i'm right in the he is destroying our country and we're going to say joe year fired in the next ten days, another 21 states and territories will speak they have the right to a real choice not a soviet style election with only one candidate >> despite haley's lost the former south carolina governor has no intention of dropping out just yet as super tuesday is just over a week away. cnn's julia benbrook has more >> the former president has swept all gop nominating contests to date. and this projected win delivers a big
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hit to his primary opponent, nikki haley, in her home states just minutes after the polls closed in south carolina trump was projected the winner. >> this was a little sooner that we anticipated and even bigger win than we anticipated. >> the former president gave a victory speech surrounded by top gop elected officials who supported his campaign. >> i have never seen the republican party so unified as it is right there. >> among those standing with him was senator tim scott, who trump is considering as a potential running mate if he secures the nomination is south carolina trump cadre >> this victory and former governor nikki haley's home home state leaves his last remaining opponent considering her dwindling options. but after the loss, she made it clear she will continue on
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>> i said earlier this week that no matter what happens in south carolina, i would continue to run for i'm a woman of my work >> despite her narrow path to the nomination, haley continues to make the case that she is the best chance to be president joe biden in the general election. >> i'm not giving up this fight when a majority of americans just disapprove of both donald trump and joe biden >> the next stop on the gop nominating calendar is michigan on tuesday, then after a few scattered nominee the naming contest march 5, we'll bring super tuesday. that's when the most delegates are up for grabs reporting in columbia, south carolina, i'm julia benbrook despite a convincing win for the former president, his allies aren't taking any chances. they've created a new super pac to raise money for his campaign and his mounting legal bills. the organization,
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right for america is being led by trump ally sergio gor, who who will serve as ceo. >> maga incorporated. the other trump aligned super pac will also continue to operate and fundraise though it's not readily clear how the two will differ all right. want to get some other stories we're following here at cnn newsroom. this morning. the governor of mississippi has identified the two national guardsman who died in a helicopter crash. chief warrant officer derek abbott and brian zemen were killed after their helicopter went down during routine training flight on friday, the accident is under investigation according to the mississippi national guard, rosen biden on saturday expressed his condolences to the family now that crash is the latest in a recent string of fatal us military aviation incidents earlier this month, five marines died when their helicopter went down in southern california. and in december 8 airmen died after their helicopter crashed off the coast of japan the suspect in the death of a nursing student in athens here in
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georgia has been denied bond according to jail records authorities say, let's say antoni you bought didn't know the victim and didn't go to the same school. the 20 year-old, the battle was taken into custody on friday, a day after nursing student laken riley was found dead. riley was a junior at the augusta college of nursing who'd gone jogging on thursday before she disappeared. police say it appears to been a crime of opportunity, and that an examination revealed she died from blunt force trauma a migrant welcome center in san diego, california is now closed due to a lack of fundings as the non-profit operating center, the center assisted some 81,000 adult migrants who are processed and released by us customs and border protection the county which had allocated $6 million to open and operate the center, said it could no longer provide the resources to keep it running than two you county and it's supervisor release statements calling on congress to address the crisis heat records could
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be broken this week in the us, the warmth is expected to build in the central and eastern united states to potentially record breaking levels, forecasters say more than 340 heat records could be tied or broken. dallas, texas is expect to reach 90 degrees fahrenheit, which would tie the record set in 1917. the average temperature for this time a year, there is 63 degrees. and wednesday could be the warmest day for the east coast cities, including new york and boston are expected to be 15 to 20 degrees warmer than usual strato launched says it's one step closer to developing a reusable hypersonic vehicle. the us company reveal on saturday it's conducted its second captive carry test flight of these gentle launch talent, a witch was carried aloft by the spirit of mohave modified boeing 747400, hypersonic weapons are being touted as the next generation of arms. their speed and ability to evade defenses and made them the focus of increased funding. defense
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contractors are focused on not just building these weapons, but developing new systems to detect and defend against them. strata launched as it hopes to complete development of the reusable talent. a, this year all right, still to come, it's what i'm known as panda diplomacy. now, china is looking to send more pandas to the us for the first time in decades, we'll have the details just ahead. please stay with to be a headliner was vegas. that's what i want to do. no >> vegas, the story of sin city, 109810 on cnn. >> with so many choices on, there are so many tina fey's. i could be he hired body doubles indoorsy, tina loves to luck, sweet >>, booking dot yeah so would you get to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders? >> what about you? three classic tenders for big
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a huge relief >> your estate plan not trust and we'll dot com i'm dr. sanjay gupta. >> and this is cnn >> look forward to a new round of international cooperation and the protection of giant pandas with the relevant countries. it will further expand the scientific research achievements in the protection of endangered species such as giant pandas and promote people to people communication and friendship. >> well, first time in more than 20 years, more pandas on loan from china could be headed to the united states. official, say, two giant pandas will soon
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called a san diego zoo home the marks a big step forward for panda diplomacy with the chinese president calling the animals. envoys of friendship. aging's panda diplomacy with washington started back in 1972, but the number of loans has dropped in recent years amid strained us china relations there's no official timeline yet on when the pandas will make their journey >> and joining me now from the lawyers, sabah conservancy in kenya is megan owen. she's the vice president of wildlife conservation with the san diego zoo wildlife alliance and she's been working all over the world to try to protect species like pandas. welcome, thanks so much for being here with us. first off, it must be hugely exciting for you. so tell me about the buzz around the zoo once word got out well, first off, thank you so much kim for having me on today. i'm always excited to talk about giant pandas it's, it's an incredible feeling. the san diego zoo has a long history
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with giant panda conservation and in 2019, when a few of our pandas went back to china, we were not sure whether they would return. and so being at this point in time and being on the cusp of having pandas returned to san diego is incredibly exciting. >> so how did you get them back why now >> well, we've felt it was really important from a conservation standpoint to re-initiate discussions with our chinese colleagues around panda cooperation and so we have just made it very clear that panda conservation is an important britain part of our conservation objectives and we just initiated communication. >> all right, so logistically, what happens next and how do you prepare to get these giant pandas? >> yeah, so we have signed an agreement, a cooperative agreement with our chinese colleagues and we are working on renovations to our panda
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habitat just to ensure that the pandas have everything they need to thrive in our care. so there's lots of preparations going on and we are lining up all of our resources was behind this. we have an incredibly experienced team, a wildlife care specialists, wildlife health professionals, and conservation scientists who will all work together to ensure that we are able to realize our conservation objectives for giant pandas all right, so getting pandas at your zoo, i mean it's, it's good business, it's great marketing to bring visitors in. but what else are you hoping to gain from this, from a a scientific and research point of view you >> but i think the most important thing is that conservation objectives, but part of that too is connecting with people and conservation fundamentally is about people. and giant pandas are incredibly charismatic as we all know, and they have a way of opening people's eyes to the health of
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the natural world and are important role in ensuring that we're excited to share those stories with the visitors that come to the san diego zoo wildlife alliance and those that we get to connect with through our virtual platforms as well and just share that incredible story you have hoped with the world >> you're obviously not a politician, but pandas and politics have been inextricably linked in this country. hence, the term panda diplomacy. so how important is this international cooperation from your point of view, forging ties like these that might help not only pandas, but people as well >> it's so important. i think panda diplomacy is an incredibly important concept. basically it demonstrates that we have more in common than we have then is amongst us. it reminds us that we're all connected and that the health of the planet it is something
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that's important for all of us >> finally, there are still only fewer than 2000 giant pandas in the wild. how optimistic are you about their long-term future? >> 2000 giant pandas doesn't sound like a lot, but it's actually about twice as many giant pandas as we're estimated just over 20 years ago. and what that represents is how much we can achieve when we all work together towards the same conservation outcome the chinese government has set aside over 70 protected areas for giant pandas and has recently established a giant panda national park, which connects all of these protected areas, providing more capacity for gene flow and connectivity and corridors. a number of factors that really contribute to the health of large mammal populations. so i'm feeling pretty optimistic. we're
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excited to, to continue to contribute to their continued recovery well, listen, i've always enjoyed my visits to the san diego zoo, so i'm hopefully we'll be able to see the giant pandas there one day, megan own. thank you so much for being here with us. really appreciate it. >> thank, you, so much >> all right. ahead here on cnn newsroom, the nba leading boston celtics cruise past new york knicks saturday night. in sports coy wire joins me next to break down the blowout on the court's stay with us so many choices on there are so many. tina fey as i could be. so i hired body doubles, 30,000 >> followers tina in a boutique hotel for 30,000 steps. gene at a mountain katon., booking dot yeah >> been there, done that, >> i'm having fun. don't put me down on that with allegro allergies won't hold let me back. leggero starts working two times faster than claritin
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relief with a powerful decongestant tries their tech d, closed captioning brought to you by in vet help call 180071 >> 20 >> do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next. collin van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called now 870 2100020 >> the nba season is hitting the home stretch. and right now the boston celtics are by far and away the best team in the league. sports coy wire joins me. so coy boston beat the knicks on saturday night for their eighth straight win, right? >> yeah, they're looking good. kim and we've seen the store before with the celtics among the best teams in the league during the regular season? before they fizzle out a bit in the playoffs will have to wait and see if they have what it takes. this season. one thing is for sure, boston starting line-up is elite and saturday night was jalen brown's turn to lead the way the three-time all-star scoring 20 of his teammates hi, 30 points in the
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first half in new york, former nick kristaps per syngas terrorizing his old team, scoring 22. it's a 11610 to win boston extending their league-best record in a 20 to 45.12. next, on the other hand, they fall into fourth in the east and they've now lost six of their last eight games with injuries plaguing several other top players in recent weeks. >> it was a >> magic all finish to the magic pistons game tied with just seconds to go. paolo banchero hitting a circus shot to win the game with just eight tenths of a second left on the clock. the 20th one year old is battling illness and struggled all night when he came up clutch and was overcome with emotion afterwards >> it was important he's just been told me, i've been feeling terrible. i played terrible, and i just give credit to my teammates, mandy they looked to me the whole game so i'll know
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why i'm are high right now there's a hard game in i'm proud of mine. i'd say for sure nhl now because i know my canadian for kim loves his hockey. and how about this fight? rangers rookie matt ramping, starting off with the fight of the year with forward from the flyers, nicholas they laurie a the laurie a 61 rent be 6-7. both guys land and haymakers come away with some red marks and black and blue memories. but ramping gets to throw his hands up again this time in celebration getting his first career goal in the third period. >> and it's the game winner rangers went to one there, tenth in a row, and the rookie, he's having a ball probably obvious first goal, then nhl history, but i'll take it it was just unreal. i'm having a blast. i'm loving it. i want to bring that physics county, that edge badge, that team, brings speed fly in their bank body is going to nana. i think i'm doing that and i'm having so much fun
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>> the mls season officially in full swing saturday starting with a capital offense rather, capital offense in washington with dc united forward and belgian national christian ben tech age, scoring a hat-trick in a 3-1 win over new england. it's been a long journey for vintage thirty-three-year-old, born in the democratic republic of congo, played for 18's across 15 years in europe. now fitting in just nice. it his third season in dc. >> all right, the toronto blue jays, they made their pitch or tin meza, where the number 4.10 on his jersey at spring training as punishment for finished missing. lazin is fantasy football league with a foreign ten record. and what's more embarrassing, he had to be bad boy for a day while wearing his shame for all to see all right, now, the head coach of duke university's basketball team is calling for a ban on students storming the court at the end of games, duke sophomore kyle filipowski injured when fans stormed the
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court at the end of week of course, upset win over duke on saturday. duke coach john shyer says, filipowski suffered a sprained ankle, wake forest university releasing a statement saying they sincerely he regret the unfortunate on-court incident. kim, this has happened in several weeks. a top women's player in the game had a scare. just a few weeks ago. and one major conference has already banned court storming, finding university in the hundreds of thousands of dollars range for this particular thing, something clearly needs to be done. >> yeah, absolutely. i'm surprised that that injuries don't happen more often, but i wonder whether banning it will actually do do anything because the fans just get caught up in the emotion and they, they, they get swept away. and unfortunately, what you see, that's what happens. >> yes, sir. yeah. well, sometimes you tell us something someone not to do it as a father of a five and three-year-old daughters and they go and do it even more. >> yeah. i hear you sure. listen, coy wire. thank you so much for being with us. really appreciate it
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>> all right. before we go, one florida man has decided to celebrate his community with a unique competition. inaugural florida man games took place in st. augustine on saturday, or competitors from all over the sunshine state, duke did out in sumo wrestling matches with beers in hand and noodle mud pool fights. is that right? yeah, i guess so. there you see it there. here's organizer, pete melfi on what inspired him to bring this event to life? >> so i've lived in florida my entire life i've had the privilege, i guess you would call it to know a couple of definitely florida man worthy people and i wanted to do an event where you could live a day in the life of a florida man without going to jail for it? >> so this is it. the florida man gains know if he says the florida man game succeeded beyond his wildest dreams and he hopes it will become an annual tradition. our law was another glittery night for hollywood this time for the
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celebrated award show were only actors vote for their peers to be recognized. the 30th annual screen actors guild awards were in los angeles saturday, the star-studded ceremony, shine the spotlight just ahead of the oscars. and while no surprise which film won best picture last, last award tonight it is and was knocking it. were not no, no, no. i wouldn't say okay. >> okay. >> oppenheimer the biggest surprise. maybe was petr pascal winning for outstanding performance by a male actor in a drama series for the last of us. and here's his reaction. >> cheese louise, i'm making a fool of myself. >> but fake you so much for this now this year's sag awards also managed to bring together presenters who've shared the big screen before i see who they're talking about here >> so sorry, miranda. i actually think can tales of
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urine competence do not interest me who's that? >> nobody recognize them devil wears prada stars, meryl streep, and hathaway and emily blunt. and the three hit the sag award stage to present the award for male actor in a comedy series to the bears, jeremy allen white plus reunion come 17 years after the cio front of the 2006 comedy hit about an up-and-coming journalist working as an assistant to a cutthroat fashion editor. one of my favorites all right, that wraps this hour of cnn newsroom. i'm kimbrunhuber for viewers in north america, cnn this morning is next the rest of the world could skylines >> we're here to get your side of the store >> why do we keep ending up here? >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn
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