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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash  CNN  February 25, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> wire ran hates america tonight at eight on cnn landslide. >> donald trump delivers a big win in south carolina and comes one one step closer to the republican nomination. >> south carolina. thank you very much. >> can anything stop his march to the general election? >> 40% is not some tiny group. >> trump's a border texas governor greg abbott joins me exclusively in limbo. >> the >> world marks two years of glad here, putin's brutal war in ukraine. >> the homelands will not become putin's backyard. >> but as ukraine struggles, can the us house agree on sending desperately needed aid the cost of inaction, getting higher national security adviser jake sullivan is next plus great lakes days. the biden campaign gear there is up for a swing state primary,
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michigan voices matter will frustration over the situation in gaza hurt biden support among michigan democrats, governor gretchen whitmer will be here exclusively >> how long dana bash in washington when their state of our union is watching another primary election blowout, donald trump is celebrating another victory today, a landslide win in south carolina the home state of his remaining gop rival, former governor nikki haley never been ever there's never been a spirit like this and i just want to say that i have never seen the republican party so unified as it is, right? >> never i've been does anyone seriously think joe biden or donald trump, will unite our country. he saw haley vowed to continue her fight, at least
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through super tuesday, nine days from now and coming up, i'll speak to >> governors greg abbott and gretchen whitmer about the presidential race. but first, trump's win last night proves again, his incredible grip on the gop base this past week we saw his influence shaping us policy on the world stage. as ukraine marked two years since russia's invasion, and it's unclear whether trump's allies in congress will allow a vote on desperately needed aid for that effort. here with me now is president biden's national security adviser, jake sullivan. jake, thank you so much for joining me ukraine is marking two years of the war. they are running desperately low on weapons, on ammunition american aid, as you well know, has dried up because of opposition from republicans and russian forces are advancing up and down the front lines. just how dire is the situation there right now and is the united states failing ukraine?
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>> well, first and i think it's important to take a step back and remember that two years ago everyone was predicting that ukraine was going to fall, that kyiv, the capital, was going to fall, that russia was going to dominate and subjugate its neighbor. and that has not happened two years later, kyiv stands, ukraine stands ukraine in fact, is taken back half the territory that russia initially occupied. so russia has already failed in its fundamental objective to subjugate ukraine. and now the question is, can you crane continue to stand fast against the russian onslaught and push it back? and there they do have to rely upon their own courage and bravery, which they have in spades. and on resources and capacity from the west, including the united states. and we are not able to give them what they need at this time because congress has not acted to provide us with the necessary funding to do that and we're asking
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congress, especially the house of representatives, after a bipartisan vote in the senate, to move fast so that we can once again supply ukraine with the tools it needs to win this fight. >> well, on that note of white house spokesperson said this week that quote speaker johnson is siding with putin over the well-being of the american people ukraine and nato. it's pretty strong leg language is that your view is the house speaker siding with vladimir putin >> look, i'm not going to talk about motives. i'm just going to talk about reality and reality that there's a strong well, the reality is that putin gains every day that ukraine does not get the resources it needs. and ukraine suffers. and there's a strong bipartisan majority in the house standing ready to pass this bill if it comes to the floor? and that decision rests on the shoulders of one person. and history is watching whether speaker johnson will put that bill on the floor. if he does, it will
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pass, will get ukraine what it needs for ukraine to succeed if he doesn't, then we will not be able to give ukraine the tools required for it to stand up to russia. and putin will be the major beneficiary of that i want to ask about what is going on inside russia right now after delays and threats from russian officials, alexey navalny's body has >> finally been turned over to his mother. we have seen security forces crackdown on mourners protesters in the wake of navalny's death, his mother says officials tried to threaten her into holding a private funeral because the russian government need to allow a public funeral and what is president biden's message to russians? morning, both navalny and the state of their country right now well, what president biden has been struck by, what i've been struck by is the commentary >> in the united states that the death of alexey navalny has some great show of strength by vladimir putin when in fact the
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very idea that he had to lock this guy up, try to muzzle and silence him, and now he's trying to suppress and silence anyone who wants to come out and mourn him. that's a sign of weakness, not a sign of strength and so from our perspective, what we would like to see is a situation in which the russian people and individual russian dissidents like alexey navalny are not subjected to the kind of brutal repression and the conditions that led to alexey navalny's death. that's what we would like to see. that's why the president came out and imposed a sweeping set of sanctions this past week to send a clear message about where the united states stands on this issue. >> and quickly, if his mother wants a public funeral, does the us believes she should get that >> i think the president believes that any mother deserves the funeral for their child that they would like that should be basic human thing, not a question of policy.
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>> i want to turn to the middle east. there are reports that negotiators in paris have agreed to the outline of a new deal between israel and hamas to free hostages in gaza in exchange for a multiweek cease fire. can you confirm whether that outline has been agreed to? and if so, what does it look like >> well, it is true that the representatives of israel, the united states, egypt, and qatar met in paris and came to an understanding among the four of them about what the basic contours of a hostage deal for temporary ceasefire would look like i'm not going to go into the specifics of that because it is still under negotiation in terms of hammering out the details of it, there will have to be indirect discussions by qatar and egypt with hamas because ultimately they will have to agree to release the hostages. that work is underway. and we hope that in the coming days, we can drive to a point where there is actually a firm and final agreement on this issue. but we
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will have to wait and see you use the word hope. are you hopeful that this time there will be a deal? >> there's been a lot of toing and froing, so i'm not going to make predictions and i'm not going to kind of put percentage chances on it. what i am going to say though, is that the united states position in this is clear. we would like to see this deal get done. we would like to see the hostages returned, including american hostages we would like to see that temporary ceasefire which will alleviate the suffering of the people in the gaza strip, innocent civilians, women and children so we are telling everyone, including the israeli government that it is our firm position that every effort be exercise to get to this agreement. and then we can move forward from there, jake, before i let do you go i have to ask about what happened this past week with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he outlined a vision for postwar gaza. it would keep indefinite israeli military control over
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the west bank and gaza maintain a buffer zone along the border with israel and egypt, give israel complete control over entry and exit into the gaza strip now, and israeli official told cnn that the plan was aligned with the us. is that true? does the white house see this as a realistic proposal? >> well, frankly, dana, i haven't had any israeli official send that plan to me, so i'm not going to speak to that plan. our position is very clear about what we expect with respect to the future of gaza and our overall vision for the future of the relationship between israelis and palestinians. we have laid out now in detail, but publicly and privately where we are in that and i look forward to hearing more directly from the israeli government what their intentions are and from what i've seen in the reporting, i have some concerns let's jake sullivan definitely want to get back to you when you do see the actual plan i appreciate you being on this morning
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>> thank you. >> and another big win for donald trump, texas governor greg abbott will join me next then does president biden have a michigan problem? i'll ask governor gretchen whitmer about the protest vote in michigan. >> stay with us united states of scandal with jake >> tapper tonight at nine on cnn. >> next next stop. >> we got it no >> going >> next. >> if you pick one, you have time. am i keeping you >> from your job? >> next? >> i don't even know where i am anymore. >> step do we finally have it >> let's go back to the beginning. >> you were electric future customized the fully electric audi q4 e-tron i'm getting
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meso mesothelial omar, it's all we do with local offices throughout the country, but it's how you get the compensation you deserve 800 to eight to >> 44, 44 welcome back to state of the union. donald trump's swept republican contests in the northeast, the west, the midwest. and now last night the cell where he notched another landslide victory against his remaining rival former south carolina governor nikki haley. but haley says she is not dropping out here with me now is a top trump supporter who's border policies have done a lot to shape this year's political debate. texas governor greg abbott joins me now. thank you for joining me, sir. let's start with last night's results in south carolina. nikki haley said that 40% is not some tiny group. there are huge numbers of voters in our republican primaries who are
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saying they want an alternative. that is her quote is she right? is her level of support a warning sign for donald trump >> listen, in politics, a 20 point victory is huge and it's the type of victory that president trump has been achieving across the country. but last night was even more many-fold because it was victory by 20 percentage points in a state where nikki haley was the governor. so she is beloved more in south carolina than perhaps any other state in america. and you can see the trajectory that president trump is on. and after defeating nikki haley so badly in south carolina, he's on a pathway to when these other states when super tuesday and be able to have the nomination clinched by the middle part of march. and so i would say the when is strongly at the back of president trump and as he pointed out in his remarks last night, not even making
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reference kristen nikki haley. now, he said that the party truly is a unifying and you can see it in comparison to say, his past primaries and listen, the party is far more unified behind president trump at this particular time that has been and any other race that he's had governor, i want to ask you about what happened in alabama supreme court. there ruled that frozen embryos should be considered human beings. that of course, as you know, prompted three ivf fertility clinics in the state to abruptly pause care in order to avoid potential liability for wrongful deaths if the embryos where did we destroyed? do you agree with the alabama supreme court that embryos are human beings >> well, it's an obviously there's some uncertainty lingering from this, but candidly, let's go like president trump, because president trump put out a statement on this then i think a lot of people agree with and that is a goal that we all kind of want to achieve. and that is
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we want to make it easier for people to be able to have babies, not, not make it harder. and the ivf process is a way of giving life to even more babies and so what i think the goal is to make sure that we can find a pathway to ensure that parents who otherwise may not have the opportunity to have a child will be able to have access to the ivf process and become parents and give life to babies and because this is a relatively new issue, we're just going to find ways to navigate laws and facts, situations that are very complicated. >> well, let me ask you about your state texas has one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the country. are you saying that families in texas who are using ivf have extra embryos, embryos that are frozen do not need to worry >> well, so you raise fact questions that are complex and
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i simply don't know the answer to let me give you a couple of examples and that is i have no idea mathematically, the number of frozen embryos is it 1101001000, things like that matter? what i don't know is families who may have frozen embryos. what happens if they were done so that a mother could have a pregnancy. but after those embryos were frozen, the mother passes away. what happens then? what happens if after the embryos are frozen though the mother and husband, they get a divorce. here, here's my point and telling you that dana and that is these are very complex issues where i'm not sure everybody is really thought about what all the potential problems are. and as a result no one really knows what the potential answers are. and i think you're going to see states across the entire country coming together and grappling with these issues and coming up with solutions. >> yeah, it is incredibly complicated. or you said states
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across the country, your state is a pretty important one. and will you be urging legislature to come up with laws that deal with this this question and keep ivf legal so for one, i have no doubt that that texas will be among the states that will be addressing this issue >> when we can bring together all the different facts, scenarios about what can happen. but also knowing knowing texas as soon as as you know, texas is a pro-life state and we want to do everything possible that we can to maintain texas being a pro-life state. but at the very same time, i think texans are great with what president trump said, and that is we, as a state, want to ensure that we promote life where he bring more life into the world. and we empower parents to be able to have more children. >> yeah, it is very, very complicated. >> i want >> to turn to the border governor. you have successfully
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made blue states pay attention to the migrant crisis by sending tens of thousands of migrants to cities like new york and chicago president biden is considering an executive action to restrict migrants ability to seek asylum after they illegally cross the border. would you support that? >> so no. because what that would he were to grant asylum now, after migrants cross the border illegally, that would be authorizing illegal immigration. and that would cause chaos but listen dana, one thing you mentioned, you said he's considering executive action. no, this and that is what the president said a couple of weeks ago that he needed congress to pass a law for him to be able to take action. that was completely false. the fact that the matter is there are laws on the books passed by congress of the united states right now that authorized they branch to deny illegal entry. if people get
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here illegally to detain them, as well as to require the president and the presidential administration to build border barriers. the president has not using his executive authority to do any of those things that congress has already authorized. the president does not need new laws. the president is a backbone to make sure that he said he enforces the immigration laws that are already on the book because let me just jump in and i'm sorry to interrupt, but our understanding of what the president is considering is restricting migrants ability to seek asylum why not support that >> let me say what i heard you say and then i heard you say that people who enter the country illegally would be able to go through an accelerated asylum process. understand this in the state of texas, we have 28 ports of entry and it is illegal. and the united states of america, for these illegal immigrants to cross between
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those ports of entry, right? what the president, it has to do first is to establish clearly anybody who crosses the border between a port of entry illegally must be treated in the illegal way. subject to arrest. so the first thing that president of the united states has to do is say no more crossing the border between the port of entry and saying that a byu cross the border between the port of entry, you lose your ability to seek asylum in the united states before i let you go, do you have any interest in being donald trump's running mate >> so that and listen my focus is solely on texas and my interest is, first of all supporting the president, president trump getting elected. and that means help bring him find the right vice presidential candidate who will help president trump get elected. and then help him be successful of what he does get elected. and i think there's so many people other than myself
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who are best situated for that. i can best help president trump by being the leader of texas, helping him achieve what he needs he used to achieve in the great state of texas. >> governor greg abbott, thanks for joining me this morning >> sure. thank you. dana and some democrats are planning to cast a protest vote against president biden in michigan's democratic party murray on tuesday, i'll ask governor gretchen whitmer if she is worried next >> couple ones thank you don't, want can you do this? yeah matches so this is pickleball is basically tennis for babies, but for adults, >> it should be called wiffle tennis >> yeah bowman, like a piece we got nothing to worry about with e-trade for morgan stanley were ready for whatever gets served
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guarantee gets your new favorite pair of jeans today. i'm taylor available on the apple app store or android vegas. >> the story of sin city night at ten on cnn >> welcome back to state of the union, michigan's primary mary is this tuesday and it's a key test for president biden with some democrats, they're warning that they won't back him in order to mark their opposition to his support for israel it comes as michigan's governor and other national democrats are seizing on a ruling out of alabama. they hope will remind democrats about the choice they face this fall. joining me now, is
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gretchen whitmer, the governor of michigan and the national co-chair of the biden harris reelection campaign. thank you so much for joining me, governor. let's start with the question of ivf. republicans are moving really quickly to distance themselves from that controversial alabama supreme in court ivf ruling. alabama's attorney general says he no intention of prosecuting families or ivf providers. republicans across the country now, including former president trump, have come out in support of protecting ivf treatments does that undercut the arguments by democrats that republicans are going after in vitro fertilization >> hell, no, it does not. i mean, we've always known that with the appointments that donald trump made to the united states supreme court, that ivf, that a woman's ability to make her own decisions about her body and all the panoply of things that come from that were
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in jeopardy. and so this alabama supreme court ruling is natural extension of that, and that's exactly why even in a state like michigan where we've made huge strides and protecting the right to reproductive freedom is still very much at risk with a prospect of a second trump term. >> governor >> part of the issue and it is ivf is incredibly complicated on a lot of levels. part of the issue that republicans are having is that there trying to twist themselves in knots over the central question here that alabama's supreme court was trying to answer. and did of whether embryos should be considered human beings. what do you think is is this accurate in the way that some people are describing embryos should embryos be considered people? >> i think the government should get out of people's individual personal health care decisions. i think the government has no business or
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expertise inserting themselves in the middle of a woman and her right to make the choice. that is right for her or a family that desperately wants to have a child. we've had the law of the land for 50 years and now because of donald trump's appointments to the supreme court in this dobbs decision, it has created a mess for people. and i think a lot about me breon stem cell research that is yielding cures for juvenile diabetes or alzheimer's that two now is very much at risk because of this extension that we've seen in an alabama in terms of their interpretation. and so the prospect of another four years of donald trump or a biden administration that's going to do everything they can to protect women's rights and science i think is a very stark difference that is very real for people now seen what happened in alabama, president biden didn't issue a statement on this ruling until several
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days after it was released. he hasn't been anywhere near as vocal as people like you and other democrats have. does he need to get out there and talk more? aggressively about this issue >> i'll just say i know that this president is the one who has been on the front line doing everything in his power to protect a woman's right, to make her own sessions about her body. and this is medical care that women need all across the country from the policies that they have done through executive action to to hosting the vice president here with us this week on a reproductive rights roundtable conversation. they are on the right side of this issue, always have been and will continue to be in that's why if abortion isn't just on the ballot and a handful of states this year is on the ballot for every person in this country this year and that's why we've got to elect joe biden, kamala harris to a second term. >> you know, far better than i do that being on to use your words the right side of an issue and communicating about
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it are two different questions. and on that note, you mentioned that you had a meeting with vice president harris at this past week. my colleague, isaac dovere reported that you express some frustration in that that meeting with how the president and the biden campaign had been talking about abortion rights. what specific frustrations do you have and was the vice president receptive to your suggestions or even constructive criticism? >> i wouldn't say frustration. i would say urgency. this is about a critical moment in american history for american women and girls and our families and our economy, frankly, there are repercussions from what the trump nominees of the supreme court have done with regard to eviscerate women's ability to make our own decisions about our bodies. and what is at stake in this upcoming election. so it's really a sense of urgency that i'm hearing as i get across my state eat this important state
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of michigan and a presidential election and a sense of urgency that i am conveying to all people who want to protect this, right? using the language listening two people trusting women and fighting for this and making it front and center and very clear for people >> governor, let's talk about the primary in your state on tuesday, you have been campaigning across michigan trying to get out the vote, rally democrats behind president biden it is hard to see joe biden winning in november without winning your state polls consistently show it's at best to toss up right now between him and donald trump is sending that he is the republican nominee. if the election were held today with joe biden or donald trump won michigan well, we've got a primary on tuesday and i'm reminding people because this is a new thing for michigan to have our primary, >> this url and we want, we've done extraordinary work to make it easier for people to participate. you can vote
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in-person nine days before an election. now having this primary, i think as one important piece, but we've got nine months until the general election. and i would just share with you, i think polls are important pieces of data but this point during my reelect, you would've thought i was gone or everyone was writing my political obituary and i ended up winning by almost 11 points. so there's a lot of important work that needs to be done here in michigan again, i don't take any of it for granite and i know that president biden doesn't either. they've got a real organization here. they're going to work to earn every vote but michigan voices are important and i think need to be taken seriously and i know that president biden, vice president harris, or are taking us very seriously. >> one of the test of what is going to happen in november could come in this primary on tuesday and the question is, how deep democratic divisions are over a lot of issues. the biggest of which i think in your state is the war in gaza.
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some of the leaders very vocal, respected leaders inside your state, where she needed to leave is one of them. they're pushing democrats to vote uncommitted. on tuesday instead of voting for president biden in order to send a message and to protest what the president is doing. this is a real serious campaign. by people like rashida tlaib and others. how many uncommitted votes do you think we're going to see on tuesday how worried are you? >> well i'm not sure what we're gonna scan tuesday to tell you the truth. i can tell you this. that michigan has been so fortunate to be the home of a row robust arab, muslim, palestinian community and a robust jewish community. we've lived in harmony as neighbors for decades, and there's a lot of pain all across all of these communities. because of what's happening halfway around the world. i know that we've got this, this primary and we will
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see differences of opinion i just want to make the case though that it's important not to lose sight of the fact that any vote that's not cast for joe biden supports a second trump term, a second trump term would be devastating we're just on fundamental rights, not just on our democracy here at home, but also when it comes to foreign policy, this was a man who promoted a muslim ban, ban. this is, i think of a very high-stakes moment. moment. i am encouraging people to cast an affirmative vote for president biden. i understand the pain that people are feeling and i'll continue to work to build bridges as with folks and all of these communities because they're all important to me, they're all important to michigan. and i know they're all important to president biden as well. >> sounds like you're preparing for a sizable portion of the vote being uncommitted and sending that protests message to president biden dana. i'm just not sure what to expect. i think this is our first time
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going this early in the process, there are a lot of pressures and you never know with the weather, there are a lot of different things that can impact what happens on tuesday. i do know that we've got about nine months until the general election and we are taking michigan i'm very seriously as they should, michigan's always a state where the election is close. >> governor gretchen whitmer of michigan. thank you so much for being here today. appreciate it. >> thank you. dana >> trump's big win last night is the republican primary over. why is nikki haley sticking around? i'll ask her former opponent, esa hutchinson, who is going to join our panel after a quick break >> fashion moves fast. >> setting trends is our business >> we need to scale with customer demand in real time so we partner with verizon, their solution for us, apply but by g7, we now get more control of
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katie bo lillis in washington and this is cnn >> i have never seen the republican party so unified as it is, ripe. >> i said earlier this week thank that no matter what happens in south carolina, i would continue to run for huge numbers of voters in our republican primaries, who were saying they want an alternative. >> welcome back to state of the union. donald trump delivered a
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decisive win and nikki haley's home state of south carolina. my panel joins me now to discuss governor hutchinson. thank you so much for being here you were running against both of them and many more candidates who were still in the field then, what did you make of her argument and what we're hearing from her campaign over and over, which is if she gets close to 40%, then that means that there is a very big part of the republican party that still doesn't walk and does that kind of comport with what we're actually seeing? >> well, i think it's true and i think she reflected it last night even though she did when she is 20 points behind, it was a big night for donald trump. he wanted south carolina nikki haley was governor, but she got 40% of the vote right at it and she's clear that she's going to go on into super tuesday and in michigan, she lays out, she'll be campaigning in massachusetts but will be in
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michigan and we continually you think she should stand i think she should stay in and she's clear that she's staying in through super tuesday and then she's going to evaluate it. so she's being very realistic about it super tuesday, just ten days away the challenge is that she did everything she could in south carolina. she went on the attack against trump. she spent ten times the money on tv is donald trump. and she did all the rallies and campaigning and she got 40% of the vote so she wants to continue through super tuesday, but it's got to accelerate because you run into the delegate wall and the delegate wall is march 5. so she's got to prove herself yeah. i think there's very low likelihood that nikki haley winds up becoming the republican nominee. i know bold, bold prediction, but i do think her continued presence in this race is allowing that segment of the republican party, who is still in the party, but really wants
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to turn the page to make their voice heard by putting up a number like 40%, you are not winning. there's no way to spin that as a win. but it suggests that statements like if you're not with the maga movement, get out, if you donate to nikki haley, you're kicked out of our party, those sorts of things? >> or >> unproductive politics is about addition, not subtraction. there is not insignificant part of the party that's very worried about donald trump. it's not a majority. he's going to be the nominee, almost certainly but that segment of the party does need to be taken seriously and not alienated >> well, i this morning was thinking, what if this was on the democratic side and it was a female candidate running for president. what would i want her to do? and we kinda have that in 2016 with bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and i would have told her to stay in the race if she could if she had the money, if you had the infrastructure run, like we live in a democracy. that is what democracy is about that people who want to run for office can run for office until they can't anymore. and the voters get to decide. i do think 40% is a significant
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amount to say for basically an incumbent president like donald trump to be able to get now, it is a little bit of, pie in your face because it is her home state but we knew this would be a challenge. if she has the money. go ahead, stay and have the debate. i think it's an important debate. we know what maga extremism could look like for our country. i'm glad she's starting to take them to tass. i think it's a little too late though. >> atrium yeah. look, i think nikki haley, she's saying and i can donald trump had a really bad night last night in south carolina. obviously this is nikki haley's home state, but he only got 60% of the vote and that is basically republicans are saying, at least in south carolina, 40% of them were saying, i don't want donald trump to be my nominee. we've also seen polling that suggests that over half well over half of republicans who are supporting nikki haley would not support donald trump in a general election. so not only does she have every motivation in my view to at least stay in through super tuesday is the governor suggests. but also she is clearly trying to make a mark for herself going into
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2028. she's taking a gamble that trump is not going to be the president and i completely agree with her. i don't think he's going to win this election. i think joe biden and kamala harris are going to get reelected and she wants to take on the mantle of the gop going into 2028. she can do that by staying in this race and continuing to make sure that he underperforms where an incumbent should in a gop primary. >> and the question is a republicans like you we have seen based on the way that the primary process is going, that there aren't enough of republicans like you who just do not want donald trump in any way, shape, or form. would you vote for joe biden? i mean, would that be something that you or people of your ilk would do because that's the question about that 40% my eoq >> the answer's no. i believe we have to have an alternative to joe biden and i think that raises the question as to where do you go? we want to go and i
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this is something that has to worry donald trump that he didn't succeed last night and closing the deal. now he's got to face super tuesday and you're going to see delegates. it's going to move to nikki haley and you're going to you're not going to know what's going to happen beyond that, but there's gonna be a bulk of delegates, right now. that's going to go to the convention qin supporting nikki haley. that's going to be expressing, we want to go a different direction and the question is, do they bolt? do they go to a third party? do they stay in there? do they unify behind donald trump? and that's on donald trump to try to bring the party together. >> and it's on joe biden and the democrats to try to somehow find a way to pull some of those voters in there. obviously trying, i mean, much more in the past week than we have seen and i'm sure it's just going to be stepped up even more. so in the coming weeks. >> yeah. so this is the interesting thing about building the coalition because if you are a never trumper republican or an independent, if you wanted to persuade them over, you can do that, but not
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at the cost of losing your base and conceding on issues. so the biden campaign is going to have to put dance a real delicate dance to figure out how to keep persuade some of those folks who do not want donald trump to come over as we did 2020, but also make sure your base shows up. he is trying he donald trump is trying to persuade black voters, particularly black men, to come to his. i heard that big listen to what he said to black conservatives at a speech in south carolina on friday night the black people like because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against. they actually viewed me as i'm being discriminated against we've all seen the mug shot and you know who embraced it more than anybody else. the black population, these lights are so bright in my eyes that i can't see too many people out there. >> but >> i can only see the black ones. i can't see any white
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ones >> i don't even know what to say. i mean, if he's trying to get more black voters on his side, i don't think that moment last night is, is doing the job. i mean there's no question that over the last few slides goals not just the presidential, but in some of the midterms, you know, our coalition has shifted. we have lost some diverse voters but i believe that ended the day when you look at all of these issues, especially the choice issue, the economy is doing a lot better than sometimes people give a credit for things to joe biden at, we're going to be able to keep more of our coalition together from 2020, then it may outwardly appear at this point standby for one second. let me just get kristen and on this yeah, >> he's correct that he's doing better among black men. i to be as diplomatic as possible, he has missed diagnosed what has driven that that in fact, it is for a lot of voters feeling like joe biden hasn't delivered on promises around the economy, et cetera that have opened they're possibility of, hey, maybe i'll give donald trump a second view. i think he is very incorrect about the why donald trump is a piton me of
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privilege. and when black voters hear him speak to us that way, it's disrespectful and it's condescending. he also sees black voters though through the lens in which he is talking about from the beginning of the exonerated five when he called for their execution and central park, even though they have actually been proven to be innocent to this moment, he looks at black people through a lens of criminality, through a lens of poverty, and not through a lens as someone who the, he wants to be partners with as some rather looks at them as someone he can just play in their face and think that they will show up. yes. some black and are starting to go to the republican party, but i will also say i saw some black men in 2020 who were on the fence about joe biden and donald trump. and after he said that in south carolina, they were like you'd be a fool to vote for donald trump. >> i don't work real quick. >> well, we have great opportunity to reach out to african american voters. donald trump is not the right messenger to do that. and so we've got to be careful. you got to expand the base. donald trump showed last time south carolina, he's not winning in
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with independence or bring it in the african american votes, >> okay, great discussion. thanks for being here and one and all. we're going to take a quick break. we'll be right back >> vegas the story of sin city to 9810 on cnn >> when you're the leader disaster cleanup and restoration, how do you make like an ever even happened happened all right whatever comes your way. there's a pro for that >> served grow like you've never even happened >> works hard at our one, is twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty could be the barcode beat conductor let's be more than our allergies. >> and for fast allergy relief
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this election is about who shares your values. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values.


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