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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  February 25, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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gonna hear more from real about how the relationship unfolded and then it all came crashing down. taking edwards political career with her and with them tonight on united states of scandal fred >> all right. hello again, everyone. thank you so much for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield big new developments today in the ongoing efforts to bring israeli hostages home from gaza sources. tell cnn negotiations are set to resume tomorrow and qatar, following progress made during talks talks in paris this weekend, the white house says negotiators have come to an understanding on some basic contours of a deal to bring the hostages home. but if officials warn there are still key hurdles that must be clear. hamas has not yet signed off on the potential deal. also this week, the us is sending its top humanitarian aid aid official to the region in hopes of improving critical supply shipments to gaza vulnerable
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population. cnn's priscilla alvarez is at the white house for us. so personal hello, what more is the white house revealing about this potential deal? >> well, fred, a senior us official giving this as an understanding of these broad contours of a deal that would include the release of hostages in exchange for a temporary ceasefire. now, these are talks that included the united states, israel, qatar, and egypt now separately, there have been conversations happening with hamas as well but national security adviser jake sullivan told cnn today that the details are still very much being hashed out. >> representatives of israel, the united states, egypt, and qatar met in paris and came to an understanding among the four of them about what the basic contours of a hostage deal for temporary ceasefire would look like i'm not going to go into the specifics of that because it is still under negotiation in terms of hammering out the details of it, there will have to be indirect discussions by
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qatar and egypt with hamas because ultimately they will have to agree to release the hostages. that work is underway. and we hope that in the coming days, we can drive to a point where there is actually a firm and final agreement on this issue. >> now, hamas has not yet signed onto a possible framework, but the clock is ticking. us officials have said that from the very beginning, but it is right now this time that is pivotal according to sources, they are trying to get a deal done before ramadan next month and also amid this looming threat from israel about it an offensive in rafah, where more than 1 million people in gaza are displaced. gazans have have come together. and so all of this is what they're racing against at this time conversations and discussions are still very much ongoing and they will continue in qatar tomorrow. so this hostage deal still being worked out, us officials have said it's on a deal until the very end when all parties sign off, but they are striking. but if a
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tone of optimism on the heels of these talks, fred, all right, priscilla alvarez at the white house thanks so much. right now to ukraine where the war is now in its third year, ukraine's president volodymyr zelenskyy, telling the world that his country has no option but to win the fight against russia. lenski also made a rare admission about the grim reality of the war, saying that 31,000 ukrainian soldiers have been killed in fighting. cnn cannot independently verify that figure, but us officials had estimated that the death toll would be much higher are closer to 70,000 soldiers on the front lines ukraine's weapons and ammunitions are in short supply as us aid remains in limbo right now, there doesn't appear to be much hope that more military assistance is coming soon earlier today, cnn's kaitlan collins spoke one-on-one with president zelenskyy in kyiv >> senator jd vance, who was in munich at the security
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conference but didn't meet with you? he said that even if you got the $60 billion in aid, it is not going to fundamentally change the reality on the battlefield. what's your response to that? >> i'm not trying that he understands what's going on here and we don't need any rhetoric from people who are not deeply in the, you know, in the war so i understand it is to come to the frontline to she was going on to speak with the people than to go to civilians to understand what will be with them. and that what will be with them without this support. and he will understand that millennials, people have been killed we'll be killed >> he doesn't understand it because she doesn't understand it. of course. >> god bless. you. don't have the war on your territory and cnn's nick paton walsh is following today's developments for us from ukraine neck
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>> well, fredricka of them is lenski not wasting an opportunity here to make a series of headlines in this press conference on the first day the third year of this war in ukraine, giving us for the first time an official number of deaths in the ukrainian military during this war is last two years yes, 31,000. and he said that it's a smaller number than perhaps some estimates we've heard from western officials, unclear precisely the period he's talking think about, but a stark reminder. i think to ukrainians and the rest of the world of the sacrifice that they have indeed endured. he pointed out those are the russians have lost potentially and it was five or six times as many indeed, some of the western estimates are astronomical suggesting over 300,000 potentially casualties on the part of russia. he also talked about the possibility that essentially what sounds a bit like a unilateral peace process being put under way in
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switzerland in the spring where basically you cranial its allies will lay out what a peace might look like under their terms entirely and essentially offer that to moscow if it chooses to accept terms, which frankly, it's most likely to refuse. he also went asked whether he'd take a call from vladimir putin said, look it doesn't believe that lemma putin even has a mobile phone and the telegram was no longer use since 1917. and more importantly, said, putin doesn't want to end this war. essentially reminding the world that ukraine is still losing people daily on its back foot here he rejected the idea that this is ukraine and its weakest moment and said they will continue to fight on is something else. he said, when asked about us congressional funding we don't accept for now have to fight for our life. >> if ukraine did not >> lose if we will be very difficult for else, if there'll
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be a big amount of victory depends on you on our partners all know, zackie nausea on the western world will be strong enough with weapons. we won't look so small. we will win this war. >> i >> have hope about us congress me off patent, and i'm sure would the positive that it would be a positive solution that it's otherwise, i don't understand which world we're living >> now. it is the end of the coming week when possibly as the earliest that congress might even start to talk about the possibility of voting on that $60 billion. and that really is the ultimate thing hanging over this second anniversary of the war. they need that money urgently. you heard there volodymyr zelenskyy saying thank you, simply can't imagine how the west would leave ukraine hanging like that. he has to project strength. he has to show that ukraine is able to move ahead if they don't get their money. but it's very clear from pretty much everyone you talk to its absence will be frankly catastrophic for the ukrainian war effort. frederica. >> all right. nick paton walsh.
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thank you so much. and of course you can see kaitlan collins entire one-on-one have you with president zelenskyy tomorrow night at nine eastern on the source, joining me right now is lieutenant general mark hertling. he is a cnn military analyst and former commanding general of us army europe, and seventh army. great to see you so we've been talking a lot on this anniversary about us aid being held up on capitol hill. what are you sees the real battlefield impact right now and in the weeks and many even months to come with, usa does not arrive it's going to be catastrophic for edit. it certainly as it is a dangerous situation. because what we're talking about is ukraine facing truly an existential threat. we use that term often and it doesn't mean what we're seeing right now in ukraine, president zelenskyy he's comment that many people will die as a result of this delay in aid.
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we're already starting to see that along the front line on the tactical fights within ukraine in several areas of operations, they are withdrawing from key positions, but they continue to fight. and in fact, from my take, in terms of model uttering, they're fighting, they are doing quite well even as they withdraw to new defensive positions. and the russians continue to try and attack. >> so >> all of the things we've heard from the reporters, all the things we've heard from president zelenskyy are certainly true as we enter this third year of war and the next few months will be critical and when you look at the battlefield, do you feel like there is an area where ukraine has strength or even the upper hand i do fred and several areas we have seen ukraine do very well and defensive operations at >> the beginning of the war for the first 18 months, they were doing extremely well in terms of countering russian fights. when russia went on the defensive and ukraine tried to conduct offensive operations it
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was a little bit of a stagger because they had never done something like that on a large scale. well, now ukraine will start to defend again, and russia still has not proven themselves as being good at maneuver warfare. so as ukraine builds up again, if they do get the support from the united states and the support continues from the west i believe that they will once again achieved what they want to on the battlefield regained territory will have to see what happens with some of these peace talks. i don't think the ukrainian people nor the ukrainian government are willing to give up part of their sovereign territory or the freedom of their people. >> and as we have to remember to russia's still maintains hostages, will call them that they have kidnapped ukrainian citizens by the thousands. children and women, and they are in their country. so president zelenskyy is not willing to give any of that up in terms of a peace process
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that he wants to regain his territory get his people back, and potentially see mr. putin at the hague for war crimes, which he's committed hundreds of us aid isn't the only thing that's being held up. i mean european union had promised a good load of ammunitions and reportedly can only live up to half of that amount. how much of an impact is that going to make >> it's a pretty big impact, fred, what we're talking about is a lot of lessons learned by western countries we get used as a so-called amazon just-in-time delivery or the productions of these munitions some are held in stocks, some are capable of being given to other countries. but what we're seeing right now is the rest of europe is concerned. they're concerned that they might have to to defend against russia. if ukraine doesn't succeed. so there were heralding and
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hoarding some of their ammunition and some of their stocks. were there other which they otherwise would have given to ukraine. so now we're at a very balanced inflection point where can europe and the united states continue to give arms that they may or may hey, not have in their reserves. ukraine desperately needs it right now. and at the same time, ukraine is building factories and coordinating with western nations to try and get more ammunition. so as i said, the next three or four months are going to be critical for both sides we'll see what happens >> and the new york times is also detailing how the cia has been helping ukraine in the war. what can you tell us about the assistance >> well, yeah, i read the article in the times this morning. i thought it was unfortunate that some of the things that were written in that article were released to the public. it could certainly help russian targeting effort and even though many of us who have worked with branch chiefs from the cia in different countries, they know what
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they're capable of and many of us knew that intelligence was being fed to ukraine since the very beginning of the conflict. and was helping them significantly but some of the details involved in that article where we're sorry certainly interesting and went beyond the pale of what normal public should hear but truthfully, that will continue unless congress thwarts the capability of getting more money to ukraine because that's funded by american tax dollars to all right. >> lieutenant general mark hertling. always great to see you. thanks so much >> thank you, fred. >> still to come. nikki, haley's sounding defiant after a major defeat in the south carolina republican presidential primary, why she is vowing to stay in the race and outrage over the murder of a nursing student on the campus of the university of georgia. why the state's governor is slamming president biden following her death the store
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prices for the same hotel save up to $30 a night. hotel. >> trivago >> i'm lauren fox on capitol hill. and this is cnn all right, we're learning new details about the man charged in connection with a nursing students death at the university of georgia this week, >> jose antonio ibarra was taken into custody friday on several felony charges related to the death of 22 year-old laken riley ibarra is a resident of athens, georgia, but is neither a student nor a us citizen. cnn's isabel rosales is following the latest developments. so what are we learning about ibarra, right? >> there's a new development here. just last hour and that i have been texting with the suspect's wife, lingling, frankel, and she wanted to make it clear that she has no bond to him and hasn't had a bond to him for quiet some time. in fact, they're separated. she told me she was shocked when she heard the news as anyone would be married to somebody accused of this sort of crime. and she says that when they live together, he was a con man
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that he treated her well, that he was not aggressive she wants to hear directly from him what in fact happened, but she says that ultimately, all that she wants justice for riley for the student. now, when i asked her about the documentation status of ibarra taking a focal point here in this story, she told me this we can't put a nationality on a criminal. there were criminals all over the world. now, georgia governor brian can be posted on x, a letter that he sent over to president biden criticizing his administration's immigration policies and requesting more information on the badra. he said this in part, laken riley is tragic deaths. death struck the hearts of georgians everywhere, and a sparked national outrage, joe biden's failed policies have turned every state into a border state. and i am demanding information from him so we can protect our people when the federal government will not now suspect jose
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ybarra. he was a resident of athens, but again, not a us citizen not a student at uga. we know from us immigration and customs enforcement that he's a venezuelan national that back in 2020 22, he was arrested for crossing into the us unlawfully near el paso, but he was paroled, released for further processing. now he faces a litany of charges here in connection to riley's death, including malice, murder, or felony murder, false imprisonment, kidnapping aggravated assault, concealing the death of another and many other charges. the victim, laken riley, just a junior at augusta university, just two-and-a-half miles away from uga. she was on the dean's list her good friend called authorities when riley failed to come back after a jog near the lake there her body was discovered by where she was jogging and an examination discovered that she died from blunt force trauma. the police
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chief, the campus police chief, said that this was a solo act. a crime of opportunity. her funeral is on friday. >> any reaction coming from the family, especially as we're learning more about the suspect. >> we do we do have an instagram post that was posted by her younger sister saying that she was the best friend anyone could ever hope for that she looks forward to one day hugging her oh my goodness. obviously in heaven, so sad isabel rosales thank you so much. all right. coming up a clock is ticking for a texas death row inmate who says he was it's framed for murder cnn's ed lavendera speaks to his former classmate about new evidence that may prove his innocence >> i'm very sorry to hear about your father, mother. thank you. well, >> that's a little better. >> so let you go. >> you always have to be the center of attention. >> i have to accept pitcher wired like a lunatic small,
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convicted of double murder, several jurors on the case are calling for a new trial. the story hits close to home for our ed lavendera because that inmate was once eds classmate. here's the story. >> ivan cantu is just days away from death for almost 24 years. can to says he's maintained his innocence in the murders of his cousin, james mosqueda and his fiance, amy kitchen. and he wants to talk about the case which brings us to this moment sitting down with cantu, who is not only an inmate on texas death row, but also a former grade school classmate of mine >> how are you man >> i'm doing good. hey, thanks for coming out if it's a blessing. thank you so much. it's good to see. >> it's been almost 40 years, man and a long time. yeah. >> gen. two was sent to death row the same year i started my career at cnn. the evidence against him seemed overwhelming. cantu's
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girlfriend and her brother testified he committed the murders. cantu's fingerprint was found on a magazine inside the murder weapon bloody genes and with the victim's blood was found inside his apartment and his cousins car police say he stole was also found outside his apartment. you gotta be honest with. i remember thinking i don't see how he didn't do it right. it seemed pretty pretty open and shut to me at face value. when you when you look at all the evidence it was an opening shut case. >> you've always maintained your innocence >> absolutely. from day one. give me a new trial with the team and what the attorney that i've got today, but i want them to know, hey, stop the madness. >> but in 2019, the case against cantu started to look different. matt duff a tv producer, turned private investigator, turned podcaster, discovered cantu's case and started digging he's produced more than 40 episodes on the case in a podcast called cousins by blood >> i went into his innocence
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claim investigation with an open mind, knowing that he very well could be guilty he could we just trying to spin a story. i think if anybody takes the time to just look at his case with an open mind, you can't say that he doesn't deserve a new trial. >> ivan deserves his fair day in court. >> can to support her, say he was framed can to alleges in court filings that james blueskay that was a big time drug dealer who owed someone $250,000. duff says testimony from the two key witnesses is riddled with falsehoods. cantu's girlfriend, amy, better testified cantu committed the murders around midnight on november 3rd, but cantu's leak you'll team says to forensic pathologists, say the victims were actually killed hours later on the morning of the next day. she also testified cantu took a rolex watch from his cousin, the rolex, it turns out was never missing and return to the victim's family after the
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murders. amy bet you're also testified she threw the blow but e jean's with the victims dna in their apartment trash can. but the genes don't have cantu's dna. and our two sizes too large. in court filings can to also says two days before the victim's bodies were discovered, a man in a pizza delivery uniform came to his apartment and said his cousin owed money then fired a gunshot into cantu's apartment. that bullet matched bullets in the victims of pizza for pizza man story was dismissed, but matt duff says they've identified the person and he matches the description of one of his cousins, drug supplier. >> you remember being on the stand? >> amy betters, brother jeff also testified that cantu told him he planned to kill his cousin, amy. bet your died in 2021 and shortly after jeff bettcher called the prosecutor's office and recanted his testimony. >> i don't, >> think my statements charge prosecutors say jeff betters
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interview has been misconstrued and that ultimately the concerns about his testimony, were alleviated and the district attorney, who has the power to reexamine the case, says, he remains, quote, fully convinced that ivan can to brutally murdered two innocent victims. and that this belief is quote, anchored in the undeniable evidence presented at trial. >> how do you react to that? >> i don't think they're looking at the same case at that trial. >> cantu's >> public defender attorneys never called a single witness. >> i think if you just lay it all out, even though the state's case was so strong if you look at it from the other direction than people would see this case in a completely different way. >> can to is scheduled to die on february 28. >> i just have to brace for impact and the worst-case scenario. they ignore everything and place. melnyk earning kill me it's bizarre and kind of surreal to think about how different pads are lives have taken. i've always struggled on, like making sense of what's happened to you. >> thank you for >> saying that pickering's off
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ed lavendera, cnn, dallas >> my goodness, we'll continue to watch that case. >> all right. still ahead. >> ukraine is >> now entering its third year of war with russia with ammunition and equipment spent running low. the hurdles. ukraine aid is facing on capitol hill vegas well, you have sin city 109810 on cnn that the cabin for three days, could it be sweet? >> and trova are short on weekends? >> what's, that necessarily? >> know. >> either as a blond weekend? we pay calm employees, do their own payroll. so you can fix problems before they become problems. get paid, calm, and make the >> unnecessary, unnecessary >> down a lot
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group >> the defeat in her home-state is a major blow to haley's campaign. but the former governor says, it won't push her out of the race. she has pledging to campaign through super tuesday primaries next month and fat haley's campaign reached out to donors less than an hour after last night speech. she also lined up at ten fund raisers leading up to super tuesday. >> all right. returning now to our coverage of the war in ukraine, now entering its third year of bloodshed today, president volodymyr zelenskyy said, there is no alternative but to win the fight against russia. and that it is his hope that congress will approve a aid to help achieve that goal. here with this, now as member of the house foreign affairs committee, california congressman brad sherman, congressman, great to see you. >> good, to be with you >> such a day. zelenskyy told cnn's kaitlan collins that quote, millions would be killed without us aid. are you hopeful
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that congress can get some sort of deal to help provide this critical military support to ukraine we're ukrainians have already died because we didn't provide this eight months ago as we should have. they've already lost a strategic village. and i think that it's up to speaker johnson to put this bill on the floor, el paso, it'll pass by a strong ok. any needs to do that so that the aid flows in march. if he doesn't eventually, republicans will get tired of that obstructionism will join democrats and a discharge petition. but that's a very bulky way to try to pass a bill that's only happened once in my 28 years in congress and isis i suspect that will be getting the aid to ukraine in april. it unless speaker johnson is willing to relent in march, we'll time indeed, as of the essence, what is your message to republican
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colleagues who are reticent? about any more aid to ukraine >> it is so much better for wars to be fought by other people on their territory without, without the cost and the loss of american lives becomes when american troops are deployed here you have ukraine that is serving as a bulwark between russia and nato countries that we are obligated to defend. notwithstanding what trump may have said. and their success in defending their own countries is just critical to us. may can't do it. they haven't i've been able to do it this last month because we have not provided the artillery shells and other assistance. >> do you think congress is ready to accept responsibility if ukraine ultimately falls to russia >> no politician will accept
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responsibility for the harm that they do. but of course, they should. and while they may not accept the responsibility, i think you in the press will put it there. this is a bill that's not only critical to ukraine, it's critical that israel is critical to taiwan is critical as the humanitarian needs, not just in gaza and ukraine but also in tigray and armenia. this is a bill that we need to pass. >> all right, let's zero in on israel the white house saying there is a framework for deal to bring israeli hostages home from gaza, which would include a temporary ceasefire do you think it's viable? do you see this happening? >> no deal is a deal until all the elements are established. one of those elements will have to be, is it all the hostages that are released or just some and the hamas will insist upon the release of certain prisoners that had been
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arrested in israel, will this be the release of convicted murderers or the release of less sensitive prisoners until we know that we won't know whether it's whether there's a deal, but obviously we all want to see the hostages released and a humanitarian pause particularly one that covers ramadan, would be would be helpful in reducing real tensions, providing aid and providing a system for hamas to be pushed out of gaza, which i think is a necessity. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said today that end to the major military campaign underway in gaza is weeks, not months away and our reporter there in tel aviv also said that a ground offensive in southern gaza seems like it may happen and that impacts some one-and-a-half million
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palestinians. what are your concerns about this threat of a ground offensive? >> i think it's clear that the ground offensive would be put on hold if this hostage deal is created. and a period of time to get the aid into gaza. and a period of time for israel if it does go into southern gaza to make sure they do it right to plan and it will to minimize civilian casualties and again, suspending fighting during ramadan. that whole package is one that i think is very attractive. >> congressman brad sherman. thank you so much for being with us >> thank you >> cellecom two americans killed while on a sailing trip through the caribbean. what we're learning about the couple capital one's to. matt. thank you. don't want can you do
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you waiting for? >> go to today and get? 20% off every single thing. >> king charles wednesday, it's on cnn >> a virginia couple may have been killed after their yacht was allegedly hijacked and grenada by three escaped prisoners police in grenada's say the suspects are back in custody and cooperating with the investigation, joining me right now is cnn correspondent polo sandoval. what are you learning polo? >> so for kathy brundle and ralph henry each have sons, have had an opportunity to actually speak to both of them over the phone. they're currently in the eastern caribbean trying to find their parents it's an i can tell you they are currently devastated they told me there without words, but not without hope. already days into the search for their parents and they are still hopeful that they will be found alive however, they've also been told by authorities to prepare for the very real
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possibility that they will likely be confirmed to have been killed. likely the victims of three individuals who were in custody. the island of granada. and according to authorities, they hit those three individuals had escaped, and then they believe had then encountered both kathy brundle and ralph henry while they were in the middle of their winter adventure through the caribbean her children, their children telling me that they have been saving. they had been preparing for years, preparing their vessel, the simplicity to go on this as they described it, adventure from virginia. and then spending the winter in this paradise however, investigators believed that that is sometime last weekend when they cross paths with these three individuals. and the reason why the family members of this virginia couple have been told to prepare for the possibility that they may have been victims of the murder is because they found that the cabin of that that catamaran on wednesday had been discovered
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by authorities, had been ransacked. they found blood, a board that vessel. and also, according to the sons of this couple some of the property that was recovered on these three individuals that are now in custody. also came from the simplicity and that is what leads investigators to believe that this is certainly something sinister. they suspect foul play but they do not have any bodies at this point. and this is why, according to the sons of kathy brando and ralph henry, they are still searching in and around st. vincent, which is where catamaran was found this past wednesday for any potential signs of that. this couple this was their home. they actually sold their belongings and their homes how many years ago? and they are these adventure seekers and had been married for 27 years according to their sons. and this is the adventure of a lifetime that they were on when authorities believe they encountered these three individuals. now, investigators, the state department saying that they are aware of these three missing
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americans and the caribbean, and they are certainly looking into this now as far as their sons, they tell me they are currently there right now on the ground trying desperately for any sort of answers. but again, the main headline here, fred, even after not having seen or heard from their parents, they are still hopeful that they are alive, but also preparing for the real possibility. that they're parents were killed >> we will hold out hope as well. all right. polo sandoval. thank you so much. >> thank you, fred. >> we'll be right back. >> candidate john edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend, and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers kid we're here to get your side of the story. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper, new episode tonight at nine on cnn
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vegas, the store you sin city in 98 ten on cnn >> close captioning brought to you by rula law. i kind of brands up to 70% off retail at rula, at rubella >> you never faithful these the deals on top before there all, right most of the country is shaking off winter with more than >> 345 heat records that could
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potentially be tied or broken this week, dallas is set to hit 91 degrees tomorrow oh, that's potentially breaking a record set in 19 severe weather is also expected this week. here's cnn's elisa raffa our winter list kind of springlike winter continues as we start out the work week, look at the high temperatures forecasted for monday, '70s from >> kansas city down to atlanta, '80s across oklahoma, even high temperatures climb coming into the low '90s across parts of texas. this is so a warm for february that we're looking at more than 345 records getting tied or broken over the next couple of days. that's for daytime highs and overnight lows that in dallas, texas, you be could be looking at a high temperature of 91 degrees on monday, which would break a record set back in 19 17 and sits well above average, 30 to 35 degrees above average. we keep that warm air in place in the central plains on monday, temperatures 25 to 30 degrees above average bridge that warm
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air continues to slide east by tuesday, it's eversion as well above average, even from dc up towards boston, we do find some colder air coming in behind this by wednesday it's behind a front. i mean, look at the drop-off in temperatures st. louis has highs in the '80s on tuesday, you drop 40 degrees with highs in the '40s by wednesday, oklahoma city, another huge drop-off to with your highs in the '50s by the middle of the week, here's a look at the showers and storms that could come with this front that he could fuel a severe threat. we're looking at some damaging winds, a few tornadoes, and large hail possible mainly tuesday evening and overnight. and that red shaded area over parts of the midwest that front than slides east bringing that rain for much of the east coast by wednesday and then exiting on on thursday, a lot of these rain totals will be locally have the depending on where some of those stronger storms setup. so we'll have to watch out for that. notice the whites on the backside of this, that's where we can have some snow showers in the great lakes all right. >> elisa raffa. thank you so much. >> the city of las vegas is
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>> a very unique place. it just hosted super bowl 58 and it's wowing audiences and it's futuristic, new venue, the sphere now the new cnn original series vegas, the story of sin city, takes us on an incredible journey from the city's origins as a dusty desert town to the entertainment mecca it is today. here's a preview >> the casinos in the 1940s employed african americans only in the back of that house. they could not enter the front of the house at the same time, we are talking about entertainment starting in a great way here people like neck king, cole, and pearl bailey and johnny mathis and the wheel masten and trio they are coming here to entertain, but they cannot go into the front door of the casino trying to get an opportunity, trying to fight your way in and hearing day after day, i'm sorry. sorry. we don't put colored next. couple
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of people can stay here and it was just you just become so mad that you just say, well, what is this >> racism was part of life in america? and vegas was a mississippi, the west bank in those days >> but that's >> the way it was. we didn't think anything about it. we just maneuver through it. you've taken one day at a time and you did what you could do >> well, there's a lot about the history of las vegas that we're all going to learn about through this series joining us right now is richard zagout his executive producer of the new vegas series, as well as the author of l this in vegas how the king reinvented the las vegas show. okay. so i think there's going to be so much history that people really didn't know about that being, you know, one page of history. so how did it all begin anyway, how did such a sprawling entertainment metropolis,
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sprout from the desert in the first place where this come from >> well, i think it started in 1931, which was the year that the state of nevada legalized gambling first state in the union to have legalized gambling. and it was also the year that construction began on hoover dam, which was the huge his biggest public works project in the united states up to that point. and it drew thousands of workers to the area. and what did they do on saturday night to let steam off? and went to downtown las vegas. they gambled, they drank. and that's what vegas sort of started become centers, kind of a fun city and as the years went on in the 40s, what happened was people started to build hotels outside of downtown on highway 91 leading to los angeles which we now know is the strip. and it was those hotels that really launched the kind of celebrity heavy entertainment capital
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that we know today. >> wow. and then so fascinating, just more if you could tell us about that portion of history where black entertainers, they wanted a piece of the action to eat even though they were still not provided, allow the dignities of going through the front door, but they worry eventually allowed on the stages to entertain people and that it was called, as we saw on that clip, the mississippi of the west how difficult was it to try and get to really kind of lift the veil of this story. yeah, get some of these images >> that's yeah, that's part of vegas history that hasn't been told. i don't think enough vegas in those years, it drew mostly people from the south from you know, it was a driving and place. he drove two. so a lot of people from texas in the south and so it really was in the 1940s and '50s, it did have that sort of segregation
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as mentality. and yet some of the biggest entertainers in vegas were black entertainers, sammy davis junior and lena horne and nat king and and for many years, most of the hotels would not, would not serve black people in the hotels or allow them in the audiences. and it was the entertainers themselves with the help of people like frank sinatra who argued that this is crazy people like harry belafonte could not, who entertained it was big court starring in las vegas in the first time he played there, they had to say he couldn't stay in the hotel where he was entertaining. they had to send him across town, the black area well, people like him raised a stink and obviously things changed fairly, fairly quickly in the late '50s and early '60s. >> wow, also fascinated and of course we'll learn even more with your series, richard xylem. thank you so much for being with us. cnn looks bad i got the icis


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