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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  February 26, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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election coming up are we going to see all the same issues we saw in 2020? >> some of them. and then there's gonna be more dijk bags because, you know, we'll have to figure it out and work through. but my issue is these are unaccountable people making decisions for the rest of us and not paying the price of damage. >> kara swisher. thank you. so thank you. the news continues right here on cnn >> outfront next, did putin kill alexey navalny to thwart a prisoner swap? navalny's aides, making that bold accusation tonight, a russian investigative journalist and longtime navalny friend is outfront with more plus an exclusive kfile investigation revealing an alleged architect of trump's fake elector scheme ran a secret twitter account directly contradicting what he was telling investigators and a race against time for donald trump. >> can he get but half 1 billion? he now owes the state of new york in 30 days or less. let's go outfront
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>> and good evening. i'm erin burnett outfront tonight, speaking out on the verge of a prisoner swap alexey's alexey navalny's closest allies tonight is claiming that a deal to swap navalny and to americans for one of putin's most wanted us acids was ready to go. when navalny suddenly died in a russian penal colony now wildly booth symptom can putin navalny with everything putin could never be needed him for it. but why did he kill him? now on the y february 16, i know the answer to that question, and i have neither the flight is to reason nor desire hi. hi, dad will navalny's team says that this was all at the final stage. the final stage of a deal to swap navalny on the night of february 15, the night of february 15, of course, is the night before navalny mysteriously died in prison navalny's team says that russian oligarch and billionaire roman abramovich
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delivered putin's proposal to swap navalny and the news is coming as navalny's wife is now speaking out against putin no obese pro-putin murder was not enough for putin now he holds his body hostage, mocks his mother forces her to agree to a secret funeral and now she is facing threats from one of the biggest names on russian state television, one of putin's propaganda mouthpieces deal >> does. >> she's already said and done enough to go to prison. are laws will be the same for everyone. >> you now violence, same fate away. it's navalnya. she comes. to russia. she will go to prison >> she comes to russia. she will go to prison. well, if threats coming from russia are not stopping there because putin himself is now making it clear saying you shouldn't be crossed by anyone because that russia has been building up perfecting and getting its most lethal forces ready
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>> when you're dollar. >> today, the share of modern weapons and equipment in the strategic nuclear forces has already reached 95%, while the naval component the nuclear triad, is almost at 100% 95 to 100% on the nuclear arms front. matthew chance is outfront in moscow tonight with all the details, these new details that we are learning about a proposed massive prisoner exchange mona's still paying their respects. at makeshift memorials across russia. but now another unexpected twist in alexey navalny's tragic saga according to his close aide, negotiations for the release of the russian opposition leader. we're reaching a conclusion he was poised to be swapped, say he's t before he suddenly died >> while name will navalny's should have been free in the coming days because we achieved a decision on his exchange. >> yet chill up with dana. i
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received >> confirmation that negotiations were underway and we're at the final stage on the evening of february 15. on february 16, alexey was killed >> the kremlin tells cnn it has no knowledge of any deal and had nothing to do with his death but the volleyball team insists the russian opposition figure was killed prevent him from being swapped. you can see evan gershkovich's in there. hi matthew from cnn swapped along with us citizens in russian jails, like wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich, accused of espionage former us marine paul whelan, serving 16 years for spying. >> i am innocent of any charge. >> the us says both are unlawfully detained and has been negotiating for their release including early talks on navalny, one western official tells cnn, but the kremlin has regularly hinted it wants back this man a former fsb agent, vadim krasikov
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serving a life sentence in germany for killing a chechen dissident the valleys team accuses the kremlin, have simply taking the opposition leader off the negotiating table by kylian allegations, the kremlin denies putin on shortcut dalip on, yet he was clearly communicated to putin of the only way to get krasikov is to exchange him for navalny >> hold on. stop. putin. i can't tolerate navalny being free. and since they're willing to exchange krasikov in principle then i just need to get rid of the bargaining chip >> no person in other words, nope problem ruthlessness that saw alexey navalny's poisoned with nerve agent novichok in 2020 recovering only to be arrested and imprisoned on his return to russia the following year after news of his unexplained death, hundreds of mourners were detained while laying flowers now, navalny's
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team says a public farewell. potential flashpoint will be held at the end of this week in death, as in life, it seems alexey navalny continues to challenge the kremlin's power >> matthew, just watching that i mean, it is amazing to see what this deal was and why perhaps he may have been killed when he was killed talking about navalny. >> and you know, >> initially there were protests people protested, and then there were arrests of navalny supporters in the wake of his death. you're in moscow now. what are regular people? they're now saying about them? >> well, erin, look, i mean, navalny is always divided opinion inside russia, but we've seen from the thousands of people that have come out and pay their last respects at great risk to their own liberty that he has a lot of supporters and hundreds of people across the country have been detained
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simply for laying flowers at the makeshift memorials that have sprung up in town in some cities across the country. >> look >> the big test is going to come at the end of this week when the valley's teams say they're going to hold a public memorial service of public funeral for alexey navalny right here in the russian capital moscow and look, i mean if you look at all that risk about coming out to pay your respects or to protest. it's going to be really interesting to see how many people come out and attend that funeral given that there is that risk attached to it? >> it's going to be incredible to watch. all right, matthew chance. thank you so much. matthew is in moscow tonight. one of navalny's closest friends is the russian investigative journalists. you have guinea, albats, and you have guinea. it is with me now and i so much appreciate your time and i know that in the wake of this horrible loss and death, you have been doing a lot of your own reporting of genya why didn't this deal for navalny happen?
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>> thank you very much for inviting me for this program and put talking about and seen so, you know, several hypothesis and we yet to get confirmation for anyone there is one hypothesis that it is german side. they didn't want to release wedding crest. so first of all, i could say that it's true that vladimir putin speaks tons about the kind of a man put an ease and kind of president regime that exists in russia. >> what >> london pushing was ready to change his prisoners >> for. >> the russian hitman was in classical, the guy who murder one of the chechen commanders in germany on the term terror of job, right? he was arrested, he was trial, he went to trial
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and you will sentence too many years in jail so it's true that as far as we know, grenell refuse to talk about anybody else bought virgin class there were one hypothesis was that german authorities were pretty much against that. then we got information that germans were ready to go for that. however, the white house was against the swamp because obviously krasikov is a guy with blood on his hands because he didn't serve even half of his sentence in jail. and probably most importantly because it's it could be wrong message to putin that he can grab hostages like evan gershkovich or polo a poll william yeah, keep them in russian jails and keep killing people outside russia >> so then another reporting, i'm maria pevchikh, obviously a close ally running the
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investigations unit for navalny's foundation, said that the us wanted the us those two prisoners were included, paul whelan when gershkovich, but >> you're getting out. why do you think navalny died when he did and i know you heard again maria pevchikh single. he died the de that this was supposed to be announced today, that it was supposed to be happen. we don't we don't know the details on this. and what what actually was about to happen or not. but why do you think navalny died that day >> i think my wife died that day because he presented a clear card alternative to put some putin wanted to break him to crash here and you talk the failed which is realized that navalny was going to challenge him, as long as he's alive. so he puts in decided that it's better to kill navalny and just to get rid of this problem by the name now you know, joseph
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styling is to say and putting basically getting into styles shoes right now that if there is no person there is not, there is no problem. >> that's if there's no person, there is no problem. i know you've exchanged letters with navalny throughout his time in prison and of course, i know you're friends with his wife as well, but you received hundreds of letters from him during his time. he was fascinated by american politics what did he tell you >> he wants very interested in american politics and fat when he went to start at yale university and the law or year long program, he was interested in the american political machine first and foremost, and he was interested because he was trying to figure out what i mean some ways to win to be winning elections. that's why time and again, he was watching all kinds of american tv series like house of cards or like, you know the wire where there
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is both an election tomorrow or homeless. >> and he was speaking up to there. he also was reading erode of milliwatts. he was reading a memoirs. he was fascinated by rfk, you, by robert kennedy, and he communicated with caroline kennedy. kennedy's daughter. he also read memoirs by accident rod wolf, who was instrumental in obama's victory. but at the same time, you read memos of republicans because he wanted to understand the nature of american conservatives when he read a book by judge george w bush younger, and even by karl rove and some others. >> you also two reading books, correct books by nelson mandela and churchill said he was, he was the guy who was, he decided to use his years in jail as some sort of another university for kicked himself. he was reading two books that's
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fascinating. >> you have guinea. thank you so much. i appreciate your sharing all of that with me. and i want to go to seth jones now, the senior vice president for the center for strategic and international studies. and i want to get your reaction to these new threats that were just hearing from putin, right? he's talking about 95% readiness on some of the nuclear stockpile, 100% on others. >> what can you who tell us right now from all of your work about the state of putin's weapons manufacturing and his stockpiles right now >> where and i think there is no question right now that vladmir putin feels in right now on the battlefield in ukraine, his forces took of defka over the past week, not a huge area, but certainly they are on the offensive right now we're seeing them pushing in areas like bakhmut and other areas along the front lines, there assassinating individuals. we saw that in spain recently, russian pilot that defected but what's interesting is on the
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munitions, this is an area where the russians have lost upwards of 3,600 tanks since the war began, 5,000 other armored vehicles. yeah, they've struggled a little bit along these lines. but of concern as they're getting help from the chinese, the north koreans, and the iranians on their industry drill baby. so they're getting some help from allies >> and obviously that's hugely significant at a time when ukraine, we understand that some points is firing smoke because of their literally firing smoke. our fred pleitgen's reported because they don't have ammo i know you mentioned the word emboldened and i. know you believe putin is feeling significantly emboldened right now, but actually, you've been saying for multiple reasons >> yes. for multiple reasons. there's battlefield activity i mean, it's a little bit of an odd decision on his part of sweden. sweden has just been now let into nato. so the strategic picture isn't great the number of casualties were
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hearing from avdiivka, russian casualties upwards of 15 to 17,000. so it's embolden, but there is a propaganda element to this. i think the reality is that his forces have suffered in a strategic position. is more problematic than it was several months ago. >> seth jones. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next, our kfile has an exclusive investigation and what it reveals as a secret twitter account belonging to canada chesebro, an alleged architect of the trump fake electors plot. >> but here's the thing. >> here's what chesebro told investigators >> you any social media presence, facebook >> i mean no >> and don't vote for biden democrats in michigan various at the president over his handling of the war in gaza for telling other democrats to do just that and take a stand is biden in for a rude awakening in what will be a must-win state in the general, was donald trump's race against
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don't wait, call and switch today! absorbing junior pro nothing numbs pain more. >> that night out on the ice, he saw something. >> i saw nothing either with some as charming man, you're ever going to meet or he was your worst night? >> he was bad, man. >> you've adopted a kid and now they're trying to kill you. >> want people to pay for what they've done >> you have to dig together to the truth >> this is going to bad for everybody tonight a >> secret twitter account, exclusive reporting from cnn's kfile team revealing the kenneth chesebro, an alleged architect of team trump's fake elector plot in 2020, concealed a twitter account. and it wasn't just concealing it. it was what was in it. it was filled with damning posts that directly under cut his testimony to prosecutors. here's just one example
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>> you have any social media presence >> facebook is in i mean no, i for whatever. i mean, before any yeah alternate ids that you're using for that kind of stuff? >> i, mean, i don't i don't do any twitting any alternate ids. >> nope. >> not even a pause. andrew kaczynski broke the story for kfile, and he's with me, so i mean, that's not even there's no there's no ambiguity in that the questioning even went to alternate identities and he said, no so he said, i don't do any bleeding. you found a lot a lot of tweeting. >> yeah, that's right, erin. so chesebro had an anonymous twitter account called bajaur, panda's that he used to promote a very aggressive strategy, far more aggressive than he shared with investigators. now he is cooperating in multiple different state investigation since he claims that he was
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misled by these more radical elements within the trump campaign about how they planned on using these fake electors. but those secret tweets really reveal an entirely different story. chesebro basically told investigators that he wanted those electors just as it continues i didn't see in case they won court cases though there would be trump electors available on january 6, when congress certifies the vote, take a listen to this i wanted conditional language and all the states suggest in three times to trump camp in >> december 12, that they make it conditional on winning litigation but on his secret twitter account, he said the courts didn't matter. look at this tweet from november 5, 2020, he says trump doesn't have to get the courts to declare him the winner of the vote. he just needs to convince republican legislatures that the election was systematically rigged. but it's impossible to ron again, so they should
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appoint electors instead >> so i mean, it's all there. now, how did you connect the dots that this pundit was actually chesebro so it's kind of interesting me and my colleague ali gordan. first off, chesebro references this twitter account in an email exchange with the trump campaign on january 5. so me and my colleague, ali gordan, we started going through the account to see badgerpundit said he was with alex jones on january 6, chesebro was with alex jones on january 6, badgerpundit said he worked on bush v. gore and chesebro worked on bush v. gore. so eventually his lawyers did confirm to cnn that he was behind the account. they did say there was clearly a conflict between the tweets and what chesebro told investigators and they get give us this statement where they said, when he was doing
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volunteer work for the campaign, he gave specific kinds of legal advice based on things that he thought were legitimate legal challenges of verse badgerpundit, who is this guy over there? just being a goof. just being a good as being a goof. right. but of course, he lied. that's that's what happened. at least they say there's clearly a conflict where they put it. >> all right. andrew. thank you very much. and outfront legal analyst ryan goodman is with me now i mean, it's pretty amazing andrew connects all these dots. kfile goes to the team for chesebro and they say clearly there's a conflict, right? but there's no denying this at this point though. it's important to remember just what was so central in the fake elector scheme. that's why andrew's reporting matters so much. seven key states, including georgia, where of course he's already pleaded guilty in the fulton county investigation. so how bad is this twitter account the kfile's breaking that it exists for chesebro and ultimately trump >> so it's very bad. chesebro really is identified in the
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january 6 indictment by the federal government as a chief architect. he's the main legal architect of the entire scheme to overturn the election and then using the false electors. and here we have him not just caught in a bold-faced lie that he didn't use twitter. but what he's also not what he's hiding. i should say, from the prosecutors is that the twitter accounts very incriminating. just as was outlined? it's incriminating because in fact, he tells the prosecutors that he thought the scheme was ridiculous, but the twitter account is promoting the very scheme. he's also trying to maintain this persona that he was just providing legal advice. but this twitter account is obviously showing that he is a very much of an activist and an idealogue and then he does combine the two because he's actually sending the tweets to the trump campaign so he can separate them as though they're two distinct personalities of a certain sort of bipolar. we're talking about here. i mean, this is clearly what he was what he was saying thinking what he was doing. and that's the point. >> i mean, he is >> technically cooperating though in several of the states
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that i mentioned, i believe four of them. but the word cooperating may be very misleading, right? >> yeah. and we've talked about it before and yet here i think is now a bomb shelter, evidenced bombshell evidence that he's actually for lack of a better word and an empty cooperator because he's going in there telling the prosecutors that he's cooperating and giving them information about others but in fact, he is totally misleading them. that's what this demonstrates and he's in fact leading, misleading them about the timing of the scheme and his direct involvement in it and he's trying to place the blame on others. that's the worst thing for the prosecutors. i think that now they haven't choice in michigan actually, whether or not to indict him for these false intentional false statements to them. >> all right, so the other thing that happened today was the manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg. it comes out as the judge. i know it was narrow, but a gag order on the former president trump in the stormy daniels hush money case, which is set to go to trial shortly here in new york do you think they'll get the gag order and is there any significance in this particular one for
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trump? >> so i do think that they'll get the gag order. there's something really smart and da bragg's petition to the court, what he does is he actually tracks the exact same language that the dc circuit upheld in its gag order of president trump's. so the dcs target said that trump cannot quote, engage any making are directing others to make public statements about counsel in the case other than special counsel, members of the court staff and council staff for the family members of any counsel of staff member, brags, petition asks the court to prohibit trump from making her directing others to make public statements about counsel the case or other than the district attorney, members of the court said district attorney staff or the family members of any counsel of staff member, its tracks it verbatim and then there's another provision as well where it also tracks verbatim the dc circuit opinion. so you have to protect witnesses and thinks the exact same rule. so i do think that the judge in this case is going to say, well, if it's good enough for the dc circuit, it's hello, good enough to appeals and everything and men, men but upheld. all right, i hope everyone reads your for blog on just security that you
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wrote about this issue today, ryan, thank you very much. and next warning shot democrats in michigan pledging not to back biden in tomorrow's primary they need to hear our calls and heat our demands in respond to what it is that we're asking for, which is an immediate and permanent ceasefire put it set off a major embarrassment for him tomorrow. plus former president trump appealing the nearly half a billion-dollar judgment he's ordered to pay in his new york fraud case. the clock is ticking will he get the cash in time >> the whole story with anderson cooper? sunday on cnn. >> if you're living with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis. symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment now they're sky rosie so you can show off with clear skin and show it off with, sky
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saying he's hopeful there will be a ceasefire in gaza by this time next week my match security adviser tells me that we're close. we're closer, not done yet my hope is by next monday, we'll have a ceasefire >> well, the timing of his comments today coming out of the michigan primary tomorrow could be telling a group of michigan democrats, in fact, urging members of their own party did not vote for biden in the state's primary on tuesday, and that push is because of deepening anger over biden's handling of the ongoing war in gaza, which is now raising concerns about a potential serious embarrassment for biden in what is a crucial must-win swing state in the general. so dianne gallagher is there in michigan to begin our coverage with the latest and are voters outfront series tonight? >> a pivotal november battleground. >> the road to the white house runs through michigan. you don't win without michigan. >> but some democrats are using tuesday's primary to put president joe biden on notice a
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warning to biden and his administration that they need to hear our calls and heat our demands and respond to what it is that we're asking for, which is an immediate and permanent >> ceasefire using their ballots to protest the president's handling the war in gaza by voting uncommitted in the democratic primary. >> it's a humanitarian vote. it's a protest vote. >> the gross its roots. listen to michigan campaign, vote uncommitted, launched by members of the state's large arab american community. just three weeks ago, has expanded to count progressives and young voters among its supporters, like pontiac city councilman, mikel goodman because we are often told many times that the power that we have assistance in the us is through the power of the ballot and this is us using that power or no one who his voting uncommitted wants trump they want was happening in gaza to stop more than 30 state and local elected officials endorsed the campaign, as did rachida to leave the first palestinian
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american woman to serve in congress? >> if you want us to be louder, then come here and vote uncommitted >> organizers safe for most today's message is about the primary, but there's a lingering warning. >> it needs to call for a ceasefire because it will save lives and because it's the necessary thing to do politically otherwise, you president biden will be handing the white house to donald trump. >> the biden campaign has acknowledged michigan's importance in this election, but allies of the president aren't quite sounding alarms over the uncommitted primary strategy yet i'm hoping and expecting that these folks will come vote for joe biden in november. but right now, they have an issue they want to brought attention to and it's working. that's why we have in early presidential primary, the uncommitted campaign's goal is modest our threshold is 10,000. uncommitted votes. because that strategy is based off of the numbers that trump won in 2000 16 against hillary clinton in
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2020, biden won michigan by more than 150,000 votes. but some biden supporters like former congressman andy levin, say the president's prospects this november are uncertain. >> i mean, i'm going to do everything i can to get him elected in november. >> all i'm >> saying is i don't know if we can succeed unless we change course. and by the way, it's the right thing to do. >> he says he voted uncommitted in the primary, not because his support for the president is wavering. >> well, i think the great danger for joe biden here in the michigan primary is that he would win with no indication that he has a problem with no visibility of how angry people are and organizers of this campaign say that the broader concern for >> democrats as a whole in november is rooted in that noting that this is not political, this is personal for
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many people here in this community. they have friends and family members who have been killed in gaza. and they're worrying not that they'll just leave the top of the ticket blank in november if something does not change, but that they may not turn out in november now, erin, it's also important to note that michiganders vote uncommitted all the time. so not everyone who votes this way on tuesday is supporting this campaign >> employee. >> all right, dianne, thank you so much. in michigan tonight they, david axelrod is here with me now outfront. so how big of a problem for biden is the protest vote in michigan? >> well, look, we'll sue the size of it. i saw governor whitmer on with dana yesterday saying, no one really knows how big it will be. it's not going to impact so it's not going to overwhelm him. i don't think in that state, but look at underscores the fact that we're talking about it suggests that they've already succeeded in bringing attention to the issue. and this is a real issue, not just with the arab american voters in michigan and there's a sizable number of
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them. but also with young in people with, as some in the african community, i mean, it's a real thing for him, which i think maybe why tonight when he was standing there in the ice cream parlor, he said, hey, we're close, we're going to get this done, right? >> right. i mean, as i said, the timing is important. i mean, look, when it comes to reelection, as you point out, it's not as if he's going to expect it to lose it tomorrow. it's, it's what kind of an embarrassment it could be. would it happens? but when we talk about the margin, she was saying 150,000 votes in the scheme of some states that's a big margin compared to last time. but people might not show up. i american community, there is obviously significant anger is real. some of the headlines in detroit, in michigan i'm sorry, michigan overall one, if arab americans will deliver biden's first blow. another democrats quote threatened to turn away from him over the war. >> how significant could this be in the >> general in michigan, which is must-win, it is. >> michigan is going to be close, closer, i think then the
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last time polling suggests that he's been behind in a number of polls in michigan. it's gonna be a marginal race. so even if it's a marginal difference in the turnout of arab american voters have young voters a marginal difference can make the difference in these battleground states and certainly in michigan. so it is you say concerned, but i should point out, i mean, as horrific as this whole nightmare has been for starting with this massacre of hamas on october 7 were eight months away from the election. we don't know what is going to sue between now and then. whitmer yesterday was reminding people that the choice will be not a referendum on the president, but between him and donald trump. and the arab, arab american community, there's going to have to consider if they think that the policy is gonna be better with donald trump before you go at the top of the program, you have guinea was saying, close friend of alexey navalny's, but he read your book? yeah. while
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in a penal colony? ali >> yeah. and i know you really only found this out very recently. after he died. he died. >> what did it mean to you to hear it? oh, >> my god, it blew me away. >> the part of the book that >> he cited was to kerry kennedy, robert kennedy's daughter. and the kennedys inspired me to politics and that's what he was talking about. imagine the people who he will inspire to continue the fight. he is one of those inspirational figures like the kennedys, like martin luther king and i'm just so pleased that he read my book. >> yeah, it's pretty incredible to imagine that. and i know is as you say, you never know. who you influence and impact wow. all right, david, thank you so much to be a next president trump on deadline to pay half $1 he owes in the new york fraud case. so can you get the money and time and exactly how someone who knows who's done it many times before is here. and so lester sloan, the latest in a long list of big names to leave california for good. i'll ask congresswoman katie porter,
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who's running for for senate there. what she's doing to stop more money from fleeing the state of california >> vegas store since sunday at ten. on cnn >> the day you get your clear choice dental implants makes every day let's dig in day a chow down day a tick, a big bite, day a perfectly delicious day. >> a >> love my new teeth de because you're clear choice day is the day everything is back on the menu a clear choice de, changes everything schedule a free consultation >> if you're looking for a >> medicare supplement insurance plan that's smart now, i'm 65 and really smart leader. i'm 70 >> consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from united health care. with this type of plan, you'll no upfront
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nothing wrong. he practically said we did nothing wrong. >> outfront. now, neil peterson, he is owner of the saudi bond company, peterson and sons in new york, where he's issued thousands of bonds as an expert on this process, i do note nail, you're not involved in this specific case. obviously. but when you add up the penalty in the fraud case along the new york business fraud case, along with the money trump's been ordered to pay in the e jean carroll defamation case. you're well over half $1 billion. i mean, it's an extraordinary amount of money for an individual in new york. according to forbes, trump does not have enough cash on hand to pay it. now that's forbes, but that's their estimate. he does not they say he has got about $426 million liquid assets and cash, and that is of course less than he owes. >> so >> what do you think trump needs to do to secure a bond? >> i think he's going to need to come up with additional capital. i think at the end of the de he is going to be required to put up liquid assets either equal to or just under the amount of the bond and without that, i don't think
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he's going to be able to obtain it. >> i mean, i understand that there seems to be a 30 day grace period here. that's been put into place by by the court. but just to be clear, that would not be normal. right. i mean, normally do people get 30 days to figure this out? >> no. well, in federal court, you got pretty days in state court. there were no safeties and new york state courts, so that the judgment can be executed once it's entered. >> all right. so him getting any time would it would be different than than anybody else would get? i mean, could he be in danger of not securing the money? i mean, obviously he doesn't have the liquid assets or even if he does up to the point, you say up to or close to then he would have nothing else left. so he might need to do something to secure this, correct? >> he may have to either further encumber assets, possibly sell something, or raise the money from either family other entities are related parties. >> and the new york attorney general, letitia james, has made it clear that she will take trump's buildings it's a minute and if it comes to what she has said that he or she is,
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we are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to new yorkers and yes, i'm look at 40 wall street each and every day 40 wall street, of course, was at the heart one of the buildings at the heart of the case that was ruled on. what do you think could happen if trump is not able to secure the bond? >> well, that's a little bit for post-george, an execution specialists that's not what i do. but i think it's going to be difficult for liotta james to actually cease his assets. it's going to be interested in see how this unfolds. all right. well, neil, thank you very much. i appreciate it. thank you. so peterson, as i said, an expert on this next republican seizing on the death of a college student to call for a crackdown at the southern border. plus monica lewinsky in a totally new way that we've never seen her before >> you notice that when you take a picture, you don't nearly as good as you do your look in america because the mirror is how you see yourself in the photo, is how you're
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i know what year it is. strength and aesthetics for deep penetrating relief absorbing junior pro, nothing numbs pain more. >> on jeremy diamond didn't tel aviv. and this is cnn closed captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, and eat utis in one year. >> this inspired >> my husband and i to start you for it truly works miracles the peace of mind. >> i've been looking >> for tried today that you tonight, at least five times. that's how many times the man charged with murdering a university of georgia student had been arrested and released without penalty. 22 year-old laken hope riley was going for a run when she was murdered by blunt force trauma to the head the suspect is in the united states illegally he came from venezuela and was arrested in 2022 for crossing into the us illegally, and then released. he was arrested in april of last year, then released in september, he was arrested twice and charged with, quote, acting in a manner to injure a child less than 17 then
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released in october, arrested again, then released arrested again in december. this is according to us immigrations and customs enforcement front. now the democratic congresswoman katie porter, she sits on the oversight committee and in her state of california, the number of illegal border crossings is up 60% in one city versus a year ago, congress so much to talk to you about today, but i wanted to start with this. i mean, we can all agree this is a horrible, horrible thing that happened. it shouldn't have happened, but it did for president donald trump today, called audi, he writes on social media, the monster who took her life illegally entered our country in 2022 and then was released again by radical democrats in new york after injuring a child. >> i >> know that you may not choose the same words, but do you share his outrage >> well, i think what a horrible tragedy likes, like this happens, i think whenever we're dealing with violent crime, there is a sense of outrage, of sadness and loss.
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but i think the important thing to focus on is any one instance shouldn't shape our overall immigration policy, which has so many different factors assets including economic choices about what workers to allow in at how to create prosperity in america. so the situation is tragic and it's a loss and it's important to acknowledge that. but also to recognize all the other how all the other parts of immigration policy fit together. >> so the number of migrants crossing into your state illegally as app as i referenced a moment ago, the la times says in san diego, there were nearly 25,000 migrant border arrests in january, which is a 60% increase over the same exact time period, just a year ago. now president biden has announced he's going to go to the southern border in texas this week. and obviously he's not been the border now and in over a year, do you think he should be going to your state as well? >> while i'm really heartened that president biden is going to the border. of course, we would love to have him come visit the border here in
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california, one of the things i've heard over and over again in oversight committee hearings is that our southern border isn't a monolith. the challenges that our border personnel and communities face are different in areas where it's more rural, where there are different cities depending on geography and depending on where migrants are going. so i think it's really important if president biden is going to continue to lead on immigration policy and on solving our challenges at the border, which he must do. i think being there and listening to folks on the ground is an incredibly important step to boost during his bolstering his credibility and giving him the authority to create consensus. >> would you support if he had an executive action, if whether it was challenging the court's or not, but support him taking any executive action to close the border well i think executive action is really important. it's the only way that we've been able to make any progress at addressing immigration at all. but i think we've seen under title 42 and some other policies that efforts to simply quote, close the border is not really solving the longer-term
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problem, which is that we have not put the resources or the policies at the border. so we have all different kinds of chaos and challenges from not having enough immigration judges to not investing in technology that can help us screen for fentanyl, which i voted for, but we need to do more on recognizing that we haur prose to dreamers all of these things come together to create the kinds of catholic immigration policies we see. >> i want to ask you about a couple of other things. first, the ivf issue going on in the state of alabama when the supreme court ruled that frozen embryos are actually people there have been backlash to that even in the gop, including trump here, he is like the overwhelming majority of americans, including the vast majority of republican, conservatives, >> christians, and pro-life americans. i strongly support the availability of ivf for couples who are trying to have a precious little beautiful baby.
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>> i support we want to make it easier for people to be able to have babies, not make it harder. and the ivf process is a way of giving life to even more babies all right, there clear, they don't support their ruling. could they nip this in the bud is an election issue >> well, this is absolutely an election issue. look reproductive freedom is an issue about people being able to choose when and if to start a family and republicans extremist, republicans shouldn't get to define what that freedom looks like. it's not just the freedom to use ivf to start your family. it's also the freedom not to become a parent and to have an abortion. i think what we're seeing here is hypocrisy. a number of my colleagues, as you may know, we're on bills that would limit ivf even at the same time that they are saying they're supported even in a state like california, which texts abortion rights, we are seeing this play out in the senate race with maga extremist eric early doubling down on an
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abortion ban, even as this idf controversy is raging, i wouldn't ask you because you are running for senate in california and about one crucial thing, some people have been leaving california. the numbers show a net-net people leave and some wealthy people. yesterday sylvester stallone announced that he is leaving. he's moving to florida, and he's not alone. mark walberg, nevada better life. joe rogan, texas, elon musk texas maybe tax refugees. it's real money though, leaving your state. what are you going to do about it? >> well, look, washington has not focused on california's biggest challenge, which is housing affordability. we have had basically the same federal housing policy for five decades as long as they've been alive and as a result, we are seeing housing prices continue to be a problem and an aging housing stock in california yeah that's the big challenge we face is housing affordability. washington needs to focus on it. it's california's biggest problem. >> all right, congresswoman porter. thank you so much. i
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really appreciate your time. and finally, tonight before we go, monica lewinsky wants americans devote lewinsky teaming up, but the clothing brand reformation not just to sell clothes, but to get out the vote, the brand partnering with to encourage voter registration and turnout at the polls come november and has lewinsky herself says, if you want to complain for the next four years, you gotta go out and vote. i guess we strategically placed the lines there. you can go look at the words on the on the advertising campaign for yourself thanks for joining us. the lead starts now >> welcome to the lead. i'm jake tapper this hour, the all out effort to stop the execution ivan cantu. ivan cantu was a man on death throw in the state of texas. he's convicted of killing his cousin. he insists he is innocent. >> sister helen prejean and martin sheen are both here to advocate for governor abbott to stop the state from killing him