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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  February 26, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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and finally, tonight before we go, monica lewinsky wants americans devote lewinsky teaming up, but the clothing brand reformation not just to sell clothes, but to get out the vote, the brand partnering with to encourage voter registration and turnout at the polls come november and has lewinsky herself says, if you want to complain for the next four years, you gotta go out and vote. i guess we strategically placed the lines there. you can go look at the words on the on the advertising campaign for yourself thanks for joining us. the lead starts now >> welcome to the lead. i'm jake tapper this hour, the all out effort to stop the execution ivan cantu. ivan cantu was a man on death throw in the state of texas. he's convicted of killing his cousin. he insists he is innocent. >> sister helen prejean and martin sheen are both here to advocate for governor abbott to stop the state from killing him
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>> plus behind the book bans have florida the organized effort pulling publications with naked characters taken off the shelves. does this ever go too far? >> is it censorship? is this what >> parents really want? you might be surprised at the response from the woman leading this charge. and leading this hour, an investigation by cnn's kfile team, which is uncovered social media posts that a trump ally concealed from prosecutors posts that show he was pushing extreme election subversion strategies that could now put him in brave legal peril. we're talking about kenneth chesebro. chesebro was the right-wing attorney who helped devise the fake electors plot. the scheme to appoint fake presidential electors that republican and legislatures would then use to overturn the actual results of the 2020 popular vote in key states. chesebro has already pleaded guilty to a crime in the georgia election subversion case, and he cooperated with prosecutors and other states so
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that he could avoid additional charges. let's get more details from cnn's marshall cohen, who is breaking the story with kfile. marshall, tell us about these tweets and could chesebro be at legal risk for seemingly hiding them? >> jake, he could listen when you cooperate, you need to tell the truth and cnn's k team uncovered a secret twitter that cheseboro concealed from prosecutors in michigan. there are dozens of tweets from 2020 that undercut what he later told prosecutors about his role in this game now, we've also obtained the audio of chesebro's michigan interview. so you can hear it for yourself when he was asked directly if he used social media, if you had a twitter, he said, no, listen to this do. >> you have any social media presence, facebook. >> i mean no >> i for whatever i mean,
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before alternate. ids that you're using for that kind of stuff >> no. i mean, i don't i don't do any twitting >> now, may maybe he had good reason to hide those tweets because they reveal that even before the 2020 election, chesebro promoted a far more aggressive fake electoral strategy than he later let on. so here's one example, jake, i'll play for you what he told the prosecutors. and then i'll show you the contradictory tweet. he repeatedly told investigators that the fake electors were purely a contingency to be used only if trump won any of his election lawsuits. here's what he told the prosecutors. listen to this so eastman, he had this idea of the state legislatures could somehow be effective in overturning the courts, which was ridiculous. i wanted conditional language and all the states that i suggested three times to trump camp in december 12, that they make it conditional i'm winning litigation
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>> okay. so look at this from chesbro's anonymous twitter account called badgerpundit, literally on the day that trump lost, he wrote that trump doesn't have to get courts to declare him the winner. he just needs to convince republican legislatures that the election was systematic that ugly rigged. it's the tweet right here. you can see it on your screen. he's totally dismissing the role of the court's embracing the strategy that you just heard him call ridiculous. jake. >> this is just one of many examples where his tweets and his testimony, they don't line up is there any reaction today from the michigan prosecutors to this news and how our chesebro's lawyers defending >> what seemed clear contradictions well, i want to be clear that cheseboro hasn't been charged with any crimes in michigan's but the experts told us that this could put him in more legal jeopardy. the michigan attorney general already charged the fake electors in that state last year. they have an ongoing
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investigation and their office told us that they are interested in these new revelations about the twitter and they will be quote, looking into the matter. now jake, we also spoke to chesbro's attorneys. they confirmed that the secret account does belong to him, and they acknowledged that there are some inconsistencies here. they have now gone back to the states where he cooperated and told investigators all about the tweets. but they're also drawing a distinction between ken cheseboro, this lawyer, and badgerpundit, the online persona. this is what his attorney, robert langford told us about his client, cheseboro, quote, when he was doing volunteer work for the campaign, he was very specific and hunkered-down in to being the lawyer that he is and gave specific legal advice based on things that he thought were legitimate legal challenges versus badgerpundit. who is this guy over there? just being a goof. that's their defense, jake, he was just being a goof
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calling him an other guy over there. it's the same guy i've seen marshall cohen. thanks for that story. let's bring in cnn senior legal analyst, elie honig. elie on one level. i mean, i suppose like the guy's an election liar, then people should expect him to lie about other things to but do you think kenneth chesebro is an even more legal jeopardy than he was before potentially. and might this have an impact on his agreement to cooperate in the georgia election subversion case? >> well, jake yes, absolutely. kenneth chesebro is facing more legal jeopardy now, and he is not an never has been a viable cooperator for prosecutors in georgia. now, first of all, as to his new statements, he has apparently provided at a misleading at best, outright false at worst, information to michigan investigators, to georgia investigators, and two other investigators around the country that defense we just saw from his lawyer is utterly nonsensical. it doesn't get him out of the fact that he provided them incomplete and
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perhaps incorrect information. but the other thing to keep in mind is as long as kenneth chesebro is out there giving two different stories, not fully embracing what he did, not admitting what he did. he is not a viable cooperator for the fulton county da. they gave kenneth chesebro a softball deal. they let him plead out to probation. and the reason they gave us well, he's cooperating know he is not he has not come clean. he is they failed cooperator. that's a black eye for the georgia district attorney as well. >> what do you make of the contradiction in just the basic question, do you have social media where he seemed to say no? and then obviously now his lawyers are admitting that badgerpundit was him yeah. >> marshall and the kfile team pulled the exact right piece of tape there. there's no ambiguity to that and to prosecutors credit, they don't just ask him, were you tweeting? they asked him straight up. did you have some sort of alter ego or burner account? where were you tweeting under any other name? and he says, no, that's the lie. that's the contradiction, and that's where he could be in trouble today, manhattan district attorney alvin bragg,
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this isn't the hush money case. asked for a gag order in the case. this week, donald trump's accused of falsifying business records to cover up the payments to stormy daniels. the trial set to begin march 25th what would that gag order cover potentially? >> so it sounds like what the da has proposed here is really a fairly narrow gag order that actually almost exactly mirrors the federal gag order. what this would do if adopted by the judges prevent donald trump from making statements that could interfere with or influence the jurors, the witnesses, the courtroom staff, and the prosecutor staff, other than the yeah. himself. i actually i'm not a fan of gag orders. i never used to seek them when i was a prosecutor, but i think in this case, it's appropriately narrow. it still allows donald trump to publicly criticize the case against them. you can say this is a bogus case. he can say i'm not guilty. he can even say the da has bad motives here. so i think what the gag order sets aside is narrow and fair trump's team is also asking that trump's former fixer, michael cohen, who facilitated
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those payments to stormy daniels on behalf of trump, be >> barred from testifying. can they do that? can the trump team, barr michael cohen from testifying? >> no that is a ridiculous request. they have to know that if you have a witness who you think is impeachable has lied or will lie. the answer is he gets to take the stand if one party chooses to call him, and then the other party gets to cross-examine him vigorously, and then it is up to the jury to decide whether they believe or disbelieve that witness. there is no such thing as a judge saying, i don't believe this witness. i think he's going to lie therefore, he's off the stand. the da is going to call michael cohen. they will assume all the risks that comes with that. but it's up to the jury, not a judge. all right. elie honig, thanks so much. appreciate it. let's go to the 2024 lead. let's cue the music >> yes as for 2024, has moved to the critical battleground state of michigan. this is the first battleground state primary or caucus. let's bring in cnn's eva mckend, qizan, grand rapids. following the
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haley campaign, kristen holmes, of course, covers the trump campaign for us. kristen trump is well on his way to the republican nomination, of course, but he has been unable to win over a substantial block of republican voters. it's a minority, but it's still a big chunk a huge trunk. i mean, donald trump on saturday night said that the republican party had never been so united, but our exit polls told a different story in south carolina in the one i want to point to in particular, should that 31 one of the south carolina voters would be unhappy if donald trump was the nominee. that is a huge block there. so the question for his team is, how do you fix that? is that possible going into a general election which we believe he will be the nominee up against joe biden. now, part of that is that they believe overall that some of these conservatives and conservative leaning independents since we'll start going to donald trump if the option is just donald trump or joe biden, but that's not everybody. the other part of this is what we saw them do back in iowa. this is very strategic. what they are going to do in several of these states is trying to build up the data that they have from
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the last several years to expand the maga electorate. that means focusing on people who are conservative, right-leaning, who maybe don't know that much about donald trump, who had supported him in the past, have donated in the past, but never voted for him. that's going to be part of their strategy there. we also know they really want to turn to that general election because of this. they know they need to build up their infrastructure, particularly in those critical ground state, battleground states. that's what they want to turn their attention to >> so eva mckend in south carolina, saturday, the split was 60% trump, 40% haley, roughly, this is how haley tried to spin a 20 point deficit in her home state. take a listen. >> i'm going to count it i know 40% is not 50% but i also know 40% is not some tiny group how is the haley campaign trying to set expectations for michigan, the republican party
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primary and the results tomorrow night well, jake, by not setting expectations at all, in fact, they are raising the bar for former president donald trump. she told us today that right now she is raising every red flag possible and she argues that trump in all of these early contests is not winning by a mandate. that he's not getting above 90%. what the last few weeks have actually illustrated is that he is going to have a lot of problems in a general election with independent and moderate voters. >> and eva, the koch brothers have announced they're going to stop trying to support haley in her presidential quest, given that news how much longer can she have on the campaign trail you know, you need money to run for president. she says she's going to stay in. until super tuesday, which is i think a week from tomorrow. might that be her last stand? >> well, it's unclear at this
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stage, jake, listen, she's got ten fundraisers coming up and her team says, after south carolina that they actually raised 1 million and a lot of that money came from people donating under $200, but it's not clear what upcoming state she can actually when i put that question to her, listen to what she told me. >> we have 21 states and territories that are getting ready to happen why don't we wait and see what happens? we don't have to have a crystal ball and say, this is going to happen or that's going to happen. we don't live in russia. we don't anoint kings. we have elections, let people vote. >> can you name a single state? you can i can name that 70% of americans don't want donald trump or joe biden now for her part, haley already on to minnesota this evening where she is continuing to make her case to voters. and when i was speaking to voters here today in michigan, jake, they tell me
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that that she's glad that she's still in this contest, that they don't believe that she should be bullied out and they are hoping for some sort of miracle for something maybe with trump's legal cases to happen, for her to ultimately become viable once and for all, jake. >> all right. eva mckend, kristen holmes, thanks to both of you. cnn will have special coverage i have tomorrow's presidential primaries in michigan look for results and analysis starting at 08:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn, coming up here on the lead that controversial ruling by the alabama supreme court about ivf, that one where the wrath of god quote, was used to justify classifying frozen embryos as children. democrats in both alabama and congress are pushing back and house republicans are trying to make sure one side of this debate will become law, stay with us >> cnn news night with abby phillip. he's brought to you by. so tick to find out if so tick to is the treatment you've been looking for? >> she founded the feeling of
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prostitution, as someone who lives for politics when a major scandal unfolds, i have to know there's so much more to the story in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper, sunday at nine on cnn >> we have to act immediately and put politics to the site, address this issue. once a fall, restoring the rise in the decisions back to women in their doctors, not politicians that was the alabama state house minority leader today, a democrat pushing a new bill that would clearly define an embryo as not a child. a bill that is in direct response to a ruling by the alabama supreme court that classified frozen embryos as children. this debate is of course not playing out at only the state level on alabama house speaker mike johnson put out a statement in response to the alabama ruling. quote, i applaud the alabama legislature for immediately working to protect life and ensure that ivf treatment is
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available to families throughout the state unquote. what's curious about that statement is that speaker johnson is one of 125 republican house members who co-sponsor legislation called the life at conception act. that bill defines a human being to quote, include each member of the species sapiens at all stages of life including the moment of fertilization or cloning unquote that would include a fresh frozen embryo, of course, and the current house version includes no exception for ivf for in vitro fertilization. the latest senate version does have an exemption. i want to bring in democratic senator tammy duckworth of illinois to discuss the duckworth, how do you reconcile speaker johnson saying that ivf should be legal and protected. and at the same time supporting the life at
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conception act, which as i understand it would declare frozen embryos to be people >> well, you can't believe how i mean, bottom line >> the point >> is, republicans have been talking for decades to define life as beginning at the point of a fertilization of the egg. so you can't have it both ways. they can't go after women and hey, we don't trust women to make decisions about their own reproductive health care. and we're going to define a fertilized egg is a human being would personhood rights. and at the same time, because they know that ivf is highly popular among american people, say, oh, except for ivf, you can't have it both ways. and so what i say, the american people listen to republicans when they tell you exactly who they are, they believe life begins at the moment, an egg is fertilized, which makes it completely unable to be reconciled with ivf treatments, which of course can often require the discard ation. discarding non-viable
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embryos, for example. >> yeah, so you have been public talking about and how both of your children were conceived via ivf >> first of all, >> explain how this measure might have affected you had you been living in alabama? like what why it why is there this conflict between saying that ivf is a person? and being able to do it? >> well, this is the same fear type of fear that's a consequence of the definition of life as beginning at effort lies egg that doctors are awesome going through in terms of women who are presenting at an emergency rooms, you know, aware pregnancy is threatening their life, and doctors tell him women it go sit in the parking lot and bleed out for awhile before we can take care of you until we know for sure you're almost dead before we can perform an abortion on you. >> it's the >> same thing when i had an ivf
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fertilized five eggs. we discard it, three of them because they were nonviable. the doctrine this could tell that they were not going to proceed any further because those eggs were not maturing in that case, those by discarding those 3x my dr. could have been guilty of manslaughter or even murder in a place like alabama where now life begins at exactly the moment of fertilizer nations. so dr. who discards three eggs could be considered to be committing manslaughter. >> worse, >> what about my i have one eighth that that is sin, that we are, that's in storage. am i guilty of manslaughter? am i guilty? what happens when my husband and i decide to either donate that that fertilized egg or another couple, or i could donate it for scientific purposes. now, guilty of manslaughter. it's very scary. >> jake. >> many of these groups like texas, right, right for life say that if you go through ivf, you must implant every single
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fertilized egg, which is just not viable. >> so this is becoming a very tricky political issue for republicans. the national republican senatorial campaign told candidates to quote clearly and concisely reject efforts by the government to restrict ivf unquote former president trump is also expressing his support for ivf how much is this going to be an issue in the upcoming election? do you think >> it's gonna be a significant issue in the upcoming elections just as access to reproductive choice would be a major issue in this upcoming election. and they can't run away from this. i talked, i started talking about this as a consequences of the move to overturn roe v. wade back in 2018 when nail course was gorsuch was being confirmed. i said the same thing, but amy coney barrett was being confirmed. this is going to be the consequence of the fall of roe v. wade. >> and when you define life as beginning effortless station, you can also say that you support ivf. it doesn't work. that's not the way science work. and so republicans can
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try to cover themselves or they want. but at the end of the day, they are the ones after decades of effort who put this into place and i laid this completely at the feet of my republican colleagues and donald trump senator tammy duckworth, democrat from the great state of illinois. thank you so much for your time today. >> thank you in >> the state of texas and rather big names are pleading with the governor, greg abbott to stop an execution. sister helen prejean and martin sheen are two of those names. they will be here why they believe this execution needs to stop. >> that's next vegas story of sin city. sunday at ten on cnn. ocd is more than what you see on tv. and in the movies, it comes with unrelenting intrusive images, thoughts, and urges. if you have ocd and need help, you can get better with special lai's treatment. got to know to learn more. scout is protected by sim a trio, and heath to win it simd
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underway to delay the execution of a texas death row inmate who has maintained his innocence for more than 20 years. and today, one of those efforts failed. the texas board of pardons and paroles today did not recommend clemency or a reprieve. now, the final hope of ivan cantu rests in litigation before the courts and advocacy from individuals including kim kardashian, who today posted the state will execute ivan cantu in two days. cantu and his attorneys are claiming multiple issues with his conviction in the 2000 murders of his cousin, james mosquito and his cousin's fiance, amy kitchen they claim the state's key witness. a key witnesses gave false testimony at trial, plus they argue new evidence backs up. a story can to relate at the time of the killings. let's go to cnn's ed lavendera in dallas, who's been covering this for cnn, ed amid this 11th hour efforts to delay cantu's execution, one of the jurors who helped put him on death row is now in his corner
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>> did not just one juror, jake, but three jurors who sent ivan cantu to death row back in 2001 have come forward. saying that the 50-year-old death row inmate deserves a new trial. the jury foreman wrote in an opinion piece in the austin american statesman newspaper, clearly trying to get the attention of state leaders here. this is what he wrote. this is jeff calhoun. he says we jurors did not hear the truth. you assume you would hear from a person under oath. >> bottom >> line, i feel like i was fooled this trial had some fabrication and the course of investigative action is incomplete. and now many people close to ivan can't do. we'll tell you, jake that early on it the prosecution's case seemed open and shut, but in the last three or four years, newly discovered evidence has really raised serious questions about cantu's. could the quality of the defense he got his defense attorneys called no witnesses on his behalf, and there's also serious questions about whether or not two key witnesses lied
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in that testimony. one of the key witnesses they say lied about a watch that ivan cantu had stolen. that was actually never stolen returned to the victims families. and another key witness has recanted the testimony that he had made that were he said ivan can't do and confessed to all of this we spoke with cantu last week as he prepared here for the final days leading up to his execution >> the first to tell you if i was on the jury, i would have convicted myself. absolutely. what the case with the case that was presented by the prosecution and what the deepfakes not doing anything, give me a new trial with the team on what the attorney i've got today. and yeah, i mean, we've already discredited the state's case on appeal and we would be able to do it in a courtroom also with whatever they were going to bring. i just i just have to brace for impact. the worst-case scenario. they ignore everything and placement on that gardening kill him and jake full disclosure here. i've been cantu and i went to grade school together for several
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years. and when we spoke to him last week, that's the first time that i had seen him in nearly 40 years. but here with two days left, his legal options our quickly running out. jake had lavandera in dallas for us. thank you so much with us now to discuss actor and progressive activist martin chain and anti death penalty activist sister helen prejean. both are fighting to stop cantu's execution. there are backing a petition with 60,000 signatures delivering it to the texas criminal court of appeals. and collin county district attorney martin let me start with you. you have long been devoted to social justice causes. what is it about ivan cantu's case that drew your attention >> well, clearly the first step was sister praise yawn, who asked me to just investigate on my own and i did. and your report there i saw a longer report with him on anderson cooper's show this past friday, and he interviewed matt duff, who did a documentary called cousins in blood. you can see
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it on youtube and that is the most powerful source of evidence that turns this whole case on its head. and that's why i got shot oh totally involved. and now we're down to less than 48 hours. so it's critical that we get to stay for ivan and that the truth come out. it can save his life and even exonerate him. so that's what we're trying to assist her. >> martin. but what's the name of it again? cousins and blood it's called cousins in blood. it's on youtube. and it's made like duff. okay. i just want to make sure people know where to search for it so they can watch for themselves sister helen, collin county district attorney greg willis said he remained fully convinced that ivan cantu brutally murdered james mosquito and amy kitchen how likely do you think it is that the courts will stay his execute? fusion >> i'm not sure. i hope they do. we have legitimate issues, but people like ivan get caught and a catch 22 by the time because he had miserable
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abysmal defense who had no witnesses, no investigation. so it presented no nothing but now when you get investigation like matt duff doing it and we get the new information that show that key state witnesses lied and that's what convinced the foreperson jeff calhoun. >> he said, >> look, we were invested with responsibility if deciding of for fellow citizen lives or dies and we didn't get the truth at trial. it wasn't fair to us that's why he's made his statement we have i relieve it's going to rest finally, in the governor's office. and so we have a full blown campaign to the people to just say they're all these questions over the actual guilt of this man, ivan cantu. i'm not surprised that da's digging their heels, say, oh no, it was a fair trial and the whole bit, and it's been all these years
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of appeal but it wasn't that's in theory what it was supposed to be. so our full blown call out to the people is to get to governor abbott. he has one of the last vestiges of the divine right of kings. he's a safety valve and all this when justice is not done in the courts, are you question it that he can grant a reprieve long enough to be able to look at the new evidence, which no court is yet willing to hear. so what we're asking people to do, anybody within earshot of this is to text the numbers 668366 6, 6, 8, 3, 6, 6. and then the message, right save. >> and >> that's going to send a message directly >> to governor rabbit there too many questions about the integrity of this conviction just granted a 30 day long enough to have an investigation
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did hearing to see if there's any substance to what is the merged what's on number again >> so glad you asked >> it's 668366 the message right? >> save as a vii >> martin, you grappled with these issues through your day job. >> there's a >> west wing episode where president bartlett had the opportunity to stop an execution of a criminal, but doesn't. and you want said you want said that you wished president bartlett had stopped the execution, but you realize the character was was a politician calculating all the angles right now and texas governor abbott might be calculating angles. he holds this power to grant cantu a reprieve. what would your message be to him? >> well, you know, my attorney who is the adviser on that episode on the west wing, said that i had to refrain from a stay of execution. i said, but i would never do that. and he
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said, but barton would a bartlit woods. so you're not bark bartlett if you if you end it. so yeah we some political decision. was very clear that i couldn't do it personally. i don't know of anybody that can. and i have a great sympathy for people that we authorized to do are killing for us. you know. i believe sincerely that if you support capital punishment, you must look life square in the eye and choose death. and that's all you get >> martin sheen and sister helen rajon, who would remind us that the number is 668366 and the word is saved 6-6 orders save. thank you so much for being with us to discuss this issue. please come back again >> thank you so much, jake, show coming up next incredible video of a desperate attempt to deliver aid in gaza. that effort was ruined. see the chaotic scene on a beach ahead
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happen. most common side effects were najin sleeping migraine pain relief starts with you. >> ask about you >> learn how amphi to help you say frank sinatra had connections with the mafia and all these nightclubs were owned by the mob. >> you didn't want to make those guys the heat was too big is the story of sensitive sunday at ten on cnn >> we are back with our world lead and just moments ago, president biden was telling reporters that he hopes to have a cease-fire in hostage deal in place for the israeli hamas war. by the end and if the weekend, take a listen >> you give us vital. >> well, i hope by the weekend, i mean, the end of the weekend let loose my my my nash security adviser tells me that we're close. we're close. not done yet my hope is by next monday, we'll have to ceased his hope is that by next
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monday, there'll be a ceasefire or cnn's mj lee is at the white house for us. and cnn's chief national security correspondent, alex marquardt is also here, mj. that's a big announcement from the president to be given in an ice cream shop. >> what >> role is the us playing here? >> yes. sometimes jake, as you know, big news comes from the president when he's talking freely with reporters in that kind of settings up precisely. but the president appearing to say that he is hopeful and optimistic, that the pause a cease-fire, that a lot of the negotiators have been working towards. >> could begin by the end of the weekend. he said perhaps by monday that of course is within a week or so that we are talking about and it would be an incredibly significant development of course, because they would be the first cessation in the fighting in the israel-hamas war since that first seven-day truce, we saw at the end of november and we've of course been following the negotiations that have been ongoing for the last many weeks or so. and we know that all of
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the negotiators that are involved have been racing against the clock essentially to try to get this deal done by ramadan. and we have been talking about ramadan sort of this deadline because that is when israel has said that idf would begin its ground incursion into rafah in southern gaza if a deal is not struck before then and of course, my colleague, alex marquardt has been doing some great reporting on how hamas has in recent days, softened some of its demands. and chiefly the most important one the demand for israel to pull out of gaza altogether and bring it a permanent end to the war. so the president, again, seeming to sound optimistic that this could be in place in a matter of days, jake so thank you so much. mj alex, in addition to what mj just said, giving you credit for the reporting that hamas is requirment previous requirement that israel pulled out entirely
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from gaza for the ceasefire to happen. what other requirements requests, demands, have they softened? don. and how soon can this happen? do you think this could actually happen at the end of the weekend? >> it could in fact, a senior administration official, i spoke with just yesterday said that this could happen within days. that in fact, the distance between the sides was not all that difficult to bridge, but everybody you talk to cautions that these are very fragile and fluid discussions now, three weeks ago, hamas put four to counter proposal that essentially israel dismissed out of hand prime minister netanyahu calling it delusional. and essentially that the talks came to a standstill. then there were these talks on friday between the cia director is egyptian israeli counterparts, or their qatari prime minister and that appears to have gotten things back on track. and what i'm told by multiple sources is that hamas is backing down on some of those key demands, at least for now, at least to get this first phase of an agreement off the ground, primarily reducing the number of palestinian prisoners that they are demanding that israel
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releases, dropping the demand that the idf leave gaza all together and dropping the demand that israel in this war altogether. that's not to say that they're not going to demand that later on. but this is about an initial phase that would see israeli hostages released, women, children, elderly, the sick assumed to be around 40 or more of them, and result in a significant pause in the fighting that could last weeks all right, >> alex marquardt and mj lee. thanks to both you coming up behind a book ban campaign in florida. the push to cover up illustrated characters without clothes or pull some classics completely off the shelves, stay with us erin burnett outfront tomorrow at seven on cnn >> what's considered normal for your cat is interesting it's >> curious and it's sweet
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>> close captioning brought to you by in vet help call 180071 000, 20 dealer an invention idea, but don't know what to do next. cohen van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called now 807100020 >> in our politics lead as you may have read and many in the state of florida or on a book banning spray. we've also seen a few cases were school librarians colored over illustrations and children's books. so is this in the best interests of the children? legendary author and illustrator maurice sendak once said, quote, grownups desperately need to feel safe and then they project onto the kids. but what none of us seem to realize is how smart kids are. they don't like what we write for them, what we dish up for them because it's vapid so they'll go for the hard words, they'll go for the hard concepts, they'll go for the stuff where they can learn something not didactic things, but passionate things. as cnn's carlos suarez reports for
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us now, maurice sendak is one of the authors at the center of one woman's crusade to ban books. and now even florida governor ron desantis is caution some of this stuff is just going too far >> at a school district meeting in indian river county, florida throughout this entire book, there is pictures of people having sex and they're nude. it says, i quote jennifer pippin, read it from a book. >> she says, >> doesn't belong in public schools. her objection was the only item before a committee of parents and educators who will decide whether the book is removed. no one spoke in favor of keeping the book. the committee decides in april, a prolific book challenger pippin heads the county's conservative parental rights group, moms for liberty. she knows a process. well, we need to remove these materials because they are prohibited per all the laws and statutes helped me total number of books have you challenged yourself, myself here in indian river
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county, 242 out of >> these, a couple of titles, stand out, the literary classic in the night kitchen by maurice sendak and a newer book unicorns are the worst about a grumpy goblin. both have illustrations of characters without a close pip and challenged both books under a florida education law, which allows for the removal of a public school library book that depicts or describes a sexual conduct in her formal objection. tip and said the images were pornographic, but in our interview, she walked back that claim what's pornographic about them. >> so they're not pornographic. they contain nudity. >> but nudity alone is not harmful to minors according to florida law, the content would have to appeal to a prurient interests, be patently offensive or without literary or artistic value. i keep going back to nudity. that is harmful to children. and so goblins backside on the face of it to me doesn't seem like it is harmful to joe absolutely.
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>> so again, you and i can agree on that, but some other parents may not agree with pip in a told the district to remove the books or draw on clothing using permanent markers to cover up the nudity so school library variance drew shorts, overalls, and shirts on the illustrations to see these drawings, you think that genuinely could adversely affect the child who otherwise may not know what the backside of a goblin looks like or ever thought. sure. so if a child is possibly maybe being raped by an adult and maybe the seeing the nudity in itself, maybe just not the backside, but seeing something nude could be detrimental to them from her home office in orlando, stephana ferrell couldn't believe it. she's part of the florida freedom to read project and organization that tracks 1,000 of books being challenged in the state. >> i have an eight-year-old as soon as we heard that unicorns are the worst, had a drawing was getting drawn on my son wanted to read it, and so we
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read through the book and he said to me, mom, she took out the funny part why. would they do that? >> pharrell said covering up the images is censorship. the publisher of unicorns are the worst agrees telling cnn quote, there should be no place for this type of literary vandalism in our schools and libraries. >> these things are happening because the law is broad and the rules are punitive and people are scared and we're, we've lost track of good judgment and common sense school libraries across florida have removed more than 1,400 titles during the 2022, 2023 school year, according to ryder advocacy group, pen america florida governor ron desantis, who signed the law, making all of this possible, now admits some book objections have gone too far. he wants a state lawmakers to limit the challenges. >> if you're somebody doesn't have a kid in school and you're going to object to 100 books. now, i don't think that that's appropriate. >> all right, so under a proposal moving in, the state
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legislature, school districts would be able to find individuals $100 for a book challenge after they've unsuccessfully objected to five blocks. lawmakers are also looking whether to limit challenges from people who don't have children at the school where the book is located? jake, jennifer, pip and told us she challenged unicorns are the worse. the book with the naked goblin on behalf of a grandparent >> oh god. >> all >> right. carlos suarez. thank you so much. i can't believe they would do that too in the night kitchen by maurice sendak, that is just preposterous >> coming up next the major moment scientists >> expect tomorrow morning and that mission to the moon stay with us >> elliott spitzer, >> crusading governor by day, wanted to be present in the united states client number nine by night's this guy who is a crusader against human sex trafficking is actually a customer, >> united states of scandal with jake tapper, new episodes sunday at nine on cnn >> our mission here at cnn is
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