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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  February 27, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PST

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that has happened? no, it's not specifically. and section 230 protects them actually from liability. there's hardly any liability they are born, they can't murder people, but neither can the rest of us, right? well, maybe they can. i don't know. >> in that case, those parents thought that facebook and others hadn't had a thing and it listen to what he said to their children, right? listen to what he said. did he say i'm sorry for what i've done or did he say i'm sorry for what's happened to you? there's a very big difference. he still can't take even the smallest amount of responsibility. think. >> how should they be responsible, whether it's for those parents should be able to sue. they'll lose or win in court. that's fine. that seems fair for everybody else, even donald trump's in court. >> when you look at this next election coming up are we going to see all the same issues we saw in 2020? >> some of them. and then there's gonna be more deep fakes are because, you know, we'll have to figure it out and work through. but my issue is these are unaccountable people making decisions for the rest of us and not paying the price of damage >> kara swisher. thank you. so thank you.
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>> the news continues right here on cnn >> it's tuesday, february 27. right now on cnn this morning, president biden, hoping his support for israel won't trigger a backlash when voters head to the polls in michigan, two hours from now donald so trump fighting the 40% factor are too many republicans turned off to vote for him to the white house. again and nikki haley, hanging on the results, she needs michigan in order to stay in the race >> all right? it's 05:00 a.m. here in washington. a live look for you at capitol hill. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's great to have you with us when voting first cast their ballots in the michigan primary. today, we're going to find out just how vulnerable president biden might be because of his staunch support
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for israel. the president's refusal to call for a permanent ceasefire in gaza has alienated many in the state's arab american population. they of course, helped tim flip the state in 2020. michigan congresswoman rashida tlaib has been urging her fellow democrats to choose uncommitted over biden awesome to create a bode plot, something that is a bullhorn to say, enough is enough >> listen to president biden trying to address the concerns that she raised there in this appearance on late night with seth seth meyers last night. >> there's a process underway that i think if we get that temporary ceasefire we're going to be able to move in a direction where we can change the dynamic and not have a two-state solution immediately. but a process to get to a two-state solution process to guarantee israel security. and independence. so the palestinians, israel has slowed
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down attacks and rafah they have to have made a commitment to me. they're going to see to it that there's a village to evacuate significant portions of rafah before they go and take out the remainder of hamas. but, but it's a process and look israel has had the overwhelming support to the vast majority of nations if it keeps this up without this incredibly conservative government that have, they're going to lose support from around the world. >> and that is >> not in israel's interest. >> remarkable. all right, let's bring in eugene scott hughes, senior politics reporter at axios. he joins me here live on set. eugene, great to see you. thank you >> so this is pretty remarkable appearance from president biden. i also want to show everyone he also the setting is a bit off putting considering the seriousness of the topic. but he did grab at ice cream cone okay. with seth meyers. after that appearance and he talked a little bit about the timeline for a potential temporary ceasefire and take a look.
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>> my match security adviser tells me that we're close. we're closer, not done yet. my hope is by next monday, we'll have a ceasefire so he says close, not done yet, but by monday we'll have a ceasefire. i think that the timing of this is critical because of this protest vote that's building in michigan. how concerned are the white house? are democrats about what could play out? >> very so i spoke with michigan's swing voters earlier this month and they expressed real concerns or interested, i say about swinging back to trump after swinging towards biden in 2020, many of those individuals are young voters, are arab americans, but are just voters who are really discipline pointed with what's happening right now in gaza and whether or not this is going to keep them or move them closer before the primary i think is unlikely. >> the bar has been set by some of these groups that 10,000 voters. if they can get 10,000 to vote uncommitted what kind
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of signal do you think that does send? >> i think it makes it very clear that biden is not on track to keep michigan like he did in 2020. i mean, he's really worked hard to send a lot of surrogates. they're all the way from the governor's mansion to lawmakers, from congress. but i don't think a lot of these voters have been persuaded since tobar that biden is going to move forward on this issue. the way they want them to write. and it's for them, it's >> their family members life or death. it's it is basically everything. so let's talk about the republican side. briefly. we honestly haven't focused as much on this for technical reasons. the michigan republican party is actually a bit all over the place and the contests that we're going to see tonight isn't going to be determinative in terms of delegates. there are also two competing state conventions. one of them will be awarding delegates later on in the week. >> but at the >> same time, nikki haley has continued can you don to michigan what do you think we can learn from potential
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results there? i mean, she has said over and over again, i think we can hear a little bit from her. she keeps saying donald trump can't win a general election. take a look at what she had to say on fox yesterday if people don't look at what is happening, donald trump can't win a >> general election. the rnc is broke. he has spent $60 million of his own campaign contribution jens on legal fees now he's going to start draining it out of the rnc >> so she's again making this argument that donald trump is going to lose. he's bad for the party. his legal fees are going to ultimately bankrupt the party is basically what she's saying. at the same time. even if she hits 40%, that's not going to be enough to two push trump off this glide path to the nomination now, right? >> i'm always interested in seeing how far this message has moved forward with republican voters. we know the president has had some rulings, not work
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in his favor since we talked to swing voters have the axial swing voter project back then, though quite a few republicans have said and repeatedly said, it doesn't really matter. i'm still going to be on the trump train. but whether or not that actually happens with each set of rulings, each decision, we don't know if that if there's real change yet and there could be with this, i think it's also worth paying attention it's into just saying what kind of lead trump hats. i mean, to be fair for him to be the front runner. i think a lot of people would have thought he would have more support than he has had in some of these elections. i know a win as a win depending on who you're talking. >> does that mean it was a wbs but you're right. i mean, he is running in no small part and he's obviously not the incumbent president, but that's kind of how we operate. and if there wasn't incumbent president that was losing 40% of the vote, it would be a huge deal. just kind of big picture here. and i think part of why this conversation, especially about about president biden, but also what we see on the republican side is important is because michigan, debbie dingell, the congresswoman,
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keeps repeatedly saying it's a purple state, it's a purple state and she's basically right. so we can show you what the margin was in 2016, donald trump won michigan. the vote margin was so tiny, 10,704 votes. i mean, that's like nothing in this kind of thing. obviously, president biden flipped it back in 2020, kind of brought it back to its blue state routes. the margin was much bigger. but this muslim american community, the number of muslim americans, i should note, not all you know, muslims are arab americans, not all arabs are muslims. but the muslim and people who identified as muzzle american 145,600 people >> even if they're not going >> to vote for the guy for in trump who called for a muslim ban that many people stay home. i mean, his vote margin, biden's vote margin was 154,000 in 2020. how significant is this? have the potential to be huge because it's not just that demographic. michigan also has a lot of gen z college students
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and even, you know, younger millennials who have been very vocal about not being supportive of what biden is doing because they have a more progressive view on foreign policy and they've been vocal and they've been vocal since day one. they've been protesting in michigan and in washington, and they have threatened to like not turn out. and we know oh no one knows better than hillary clinton, but we know that if these individuals do not come out like they did in 2020, we could see a repeat of 2016. >> yeah and arbor east lansing? yeah. >> lots of it's very good point. eugene scott. thank you very much >> nice. come back. >> we love having you all right up next here. new video of the shooting inside pastor joel osteen's texas megachurch. plus president biden sounding optimistic about that ceasefire in gaza potentially probably by monday. and the judge in donald trump's georgia election subversion case calling a key witness back to the stand, we'll have that up next >> i have active psoriatic arthritis, but with sky rosie
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biden, last night shedding some light on the high-stakes hostage release and ceasefire negotiations you can be forgiven for being thrown off a little bit by the setting. he made these comments while grabbing some ice cream with seth meyers after a taping for his show >> you >> when you take that same will start >> well, i hope by the weekend i'm really happy weekend at least my my national security adviser tells me that we're close. we're close to not done yet. my hope is by next monday we will have a ceasefire close, but not done yet. he says, sources also tell cnn that hamas has softened some of its key demands in the hostage talks. cnn's max foster joins us now from london. max, good morning. always good to see you we know that these negotiators, the us, egypt, qatar, israel, met in doha on monday. >> what do you to understand about what transpired at the meeting we've heard here from the president, what's the view from the other side? >> are willing it's a really bold statement, isn't it from
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the president? and thinking about setting, as you point out, a lot of people making comments about the ice cream. but in terms of what he's saying, we've heard from an israeli official they were surprised to see the words monday and the word ceasefire within what president biden was saying, they're suggesting that those two things are not locked in they're not committing to monday and they're not committee to a ceasefire. and i think that's because these talks are so complex. it's not just agreeing a cease-fire. there's a series of steps that everyone would have to go through. at some point, there might be a truce which might lead to a wider truce up to six weeks, for example, which she could possibly call a ceasefire. i just think there's a real sense from the israeli side that the president really simplified things too much in that statement. >> that's really interesting. texture. because obviously we're also, you can hear on the us side, i mean, some of the comments we played at the top of the show or biden talked
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about the conservative israeli government. he's starting to use words and have a posture that is more critical of benjamin netanyahu, even if it's in very small ways, as you know, they can matter quite a bit what's your view on that? and also this understanding we have that hamas has softened some of his demands, of their demands. what does that mean? >> so in terms of the language, i think there's some cynicism as well outside america. a lot of what's being said by biden at the moment plays into elections. we've already got this key vote coming up where the arab american vote is really important. was he speaking to that? but it doesn't necessarily help the negotiations in terms of hamas softening their position. so obviously that's not coming from hamas, but we're really looking at the crux of this is how many prisoners are released hamas prisoners in israeli prisons versus a hostages released. and what we're hearing is that they're looking at a perhaps 40 hostages being
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released. but crucially involved holding igf female idf soldiers, serving soldiers who had been taken hostage. and that's a big step for hamas to release serving soldiers and then perhaps ten palestinian prisoners also released per israeli hostage. also a huge thing for israel to do because there are people in prisons accused of killing israelis and attacking israeli. so there's a lot for each side to give up there. but they have a sort of numbers we're looking at this point, but things can change, which obviously didn't play into biden's comments. >> yeah, for sure. all right. very high-stakes all around max foster for us in london, max always good to see you. see you tomorrow. >> thanks. kasie >> all right ahead here. new details about the man accused of murdering a georgia college student. he had had another run-in with police, plus record heat on the way for millions there's a big downside. your forecast up next >> vegas story of sin city.
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79594061. >> call now, why i selected to crush one week one, who dares insult me? oh, my god. shall feel my gut. >> regime. streaming exclusively on max all right, 21 minutes past the hour. here is your morning roundup graphic. new video of the shooting inside pastor joel osteen's mega church earlier this month in houston. i want to warn you some of it's pretty hard to watch here. the female shooter can be seen removing her seven-year-old son from a car seat before entering a church hallway with a shotgun. seconds later, gunfire all right you can see that the suspects child was injured there and his mother was killed
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police are still trying to determine a motive right now. that's the man accused of murdering georgia nursing student laken riley, had a run-in with police last october. he and his brother were charged with shoplifting they stole $200 worth of food and clothing and hazmat crews responding to donald trump juniors jupiter, florida home after a letter containing unidentified white house holder was found spokesman for don junior says test results came back inconclusive >> all right. not a weather. 50 million americans bracing for unusual february storms in the midwest and the great lakes, high winds, possible tornados as the nation is also experiencing record breaking high temperatures here to tell us all about it is our weatherman van dam, derek. good morning. what do we got today? >> good morning, kasie. i need you to bear with me this morning. i'm going to throw a lot of numbers that you, but this is wharton because it shows you just how warm it has actually ben, we have broken
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records yesterday from coast to coast, i should say border to border because we're stretching from del rio, texas near the mexico us border all the way to international false near the border of canada. so yeah, it's not just that some locations like omaha, nebraska actually warmed to their warmest february temperature ever. so, yeah, a lot of warmth, a lot of springtime, good feelings for now. but this is going to come crashing down in the days to come a potent cold front will drop our temperatures. you'll call it a temperature roller coaster. i'll show you that in just a moment, of course, with this influx of warm air comes the potential for fire danger. we have critical conditions once again, across the texas and oklahoma panhandle, just west of oklahoma city. we've got dry air and low relative humidity are fueling flames just like this. what you see in north platte, nebraska, dangerous situation there, here comes a cold front. this temperature clash is going to create the potential for severe weather that's the downfall of this temperature roller coaster
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because we get those air masses colliding you got to see this. this is incredible. we're talking about a 40 degree temperature difference between today's high temperature and tomorrow for st. louis and chicago, brace yourselves big changes coming, but the bigger story will be the severe weather. chances that it will bring very large hail possible today from grand rapids, my hometown, chicago, southward st. louis, indianapolis even a tornado can't be ruled out. the storm system moves east, but not as potent once it reaches you in dc kasie, but 40 degree temperature difference. can you imagine we're talking no coat to winter coat in a matter of yes. >> well, i think we discussed the 90 degree switch inside a week in iowa. i didn't actually get to be there for the warm weather. is there for the colon other and let's not forget, voters are voting in michigan today. so careful out there somewhere some tough weather, yeah, for sure. all right? vitamin van dam, derek, thank you. i'll see you tomorrow. >> all right. >> all right. coming up next as we just noted, it is primary day in michigan. can donald trump and joe biden overcome their weak spots with voters
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her community to vote uncommitted when they go to the polls today there are also progressives and young voters who've been upset with president biden for backing israel in the face of mounting civilian deaths in gaza >> biden >> expressing optimism about a temporary ceasefire in the region by next monday and also offering this warning israel watch >> israel has had the overwhelming support of the vast majority of nations. if it keeps us up without this incredibly conservative government, they have, they're going to lose support from around the world and that washington's chief at the boston globe and make a soellner congressional >> reporter for punchbowl news, ladies, it's wonderful to have you here in studio today. jackie, let me start with you. i mean, what are you watching for in michigan? they've set this will actually let me let me show you what how gretchen whitmer at responded to this bar that the community has set, which is that they're trying to
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get these 10,000 votes for this uncommitted movement. take a look at what the governor had to say there will be a sizable number of votes ron committed. i think that it is every person's right to make their statement about what's important to them. and we know the arab community, the palestinian community, the muslim community. those are not all one in the same. there's a lot of pain, there's a lot of pain in our jewish community to see you committed the organizers have said that they want to get at least ten votes. do you think they'll reach that? >> i think that that's possible. yeah >> so she acknowledges she told dana bash over the weekend that she's not sure how many people are going to vote for this. i mean, where's the bar for biden? >> i mean, they're they're obviously going to be closely watching this because they know that it'll show how much of a problem this is, right and because, because michigan is a must-win state, and these protesters have been i mean, it's not just in michigan, right? he's been encountering people all over the country who are very upset with how he
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particularly initially as it has positioned himself in this particular conflict and i think if they do get 10,000 plus, it's a warning sign for and he has he has shifted his position. however, it's not enough for a lot of people out there. >> yeah. well, i mean, and even the way that you heard him talk about this very conservative israeli government, right? i mean, that's more criticism than he had been offering at the start of this conflict. make a you are on the hill every day. you're talking to a lot of these members what do you hear in terms of how this issue is shifting there? because obviously most of the democratic party has still been very much with israel. but this has been a very significant issue on the progressive side. >> yeah, absolutely. >> i would say that there's then a shift within a lot of members, not a lot, but a handful of members within the house democratic caucus that have really moved away from this >> issue, particularly progressives, as you mentioned, and it's also splits members in terms of who are really pro
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israel. we saw congressman ritchie torres leave the progressive caucus last week because of his opposition to some of its stances on this issue. so it's definitely splitting the caucus in ways that i think hasn't been the case this congress, they've been really emotional, right? extremely emotional, i think especially for first, like mushy, it's leave ginned and ilhan omar and some of these numbers that have really personal stories as well related issue. yeah. >> jackie, let's touch briefly on the republican primary in michigan as well. it is a bit of a mass again to the basically there's like two people that claim to be in charge of the michigan gop. they're going to have conventions that are going to formally award the delegates. but there's gonna be a vote on tuesday on the republican side. what are you watching for in terms of who shows up and the potential tally for nikki haley? yeah. i think it'll be interesting to see if nikki haley continues the poll who she's been pulling, which are college educated, higher income
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voters in the republican party. we've seen that throughout several states. and is that still going to be where she where her independence, where the base is now because there is this democratic primary will save democrats are going to cross over and vote with republicans blinken's, like they'd like they have in some other states. but really she doesn't doesn't necessarily have a path to nomination. but how much she nibbles at the margins, i think here is going to be interesting today. yeah. >> mika, what's your sense there was some interesting reporting yesterday from the new york times about it a potential thaw between the mitch mcconnell camp embodied by josh holmes, who former mcconnell chief-of-staff, longtime political adviser and the trump camp in chris lacivita, who is their a senior adviser. and this obviously comes as now, all we call them the three johns right there. the three people that are in waiting actually lead the senate republican mcconnell.
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he's expected to at some point step aside. john thune came out, finally endorsed donald trump is there a feeling? and what is the feeling around people who are still holding out? you've got the food endorsement that mcconnell thought. you've also got todd young, senator from indiana, who is basically saying no, i'm never doing it and come at me, please. what is what's the vibe check on the hill right now? >> yeah. i would say that these members that are still not coming out for trump are under an increasing the amount of pressure from not just their colleagues, but the major republican political movement, especially right now in an election year where trump is pretty much going to be the presumed nominee. i think that, a lot of a lot of these moderates are going to fold and have already started. and we're seeing this. and i think that there's a big push in the party to really get behind wants him or not, despite the fact that privately, a lot of members are very critical of him and skeptical of whether he can win
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the general election all right, ladies, stick with us for a second. i do want to switch to the other big story that we are covering here in washington. tell me if you've heard this one before. we're on shutdown watch on the hill. again. >> this has become pretty ready there are just days until a key funding deadline and president biden is set to meet with the big four congressional leaders to day as they tried to avert this partial shutdown, it's again set for friday. there are of course, major disagreements about policy and spending levels. how speaker mike johnson continues to grapple as every house speaker has with increasing negative consequences to them, fight with his right flank, which has pushed pressuring him on this. and as this clock ticks down to the deadline, senate democrats are starting to let their frustration show just a little bit much i just don't understand this. the republicans have agreed on a number for the budget. they have donald and they have doubled and finally, we thought
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we had everything together. we knew what the dates were and they still just can't get sick job of government done is sinful. >> what's going >> on, the games being played >> right now with american people and all the people that are depending on services of the federal government. and we can't even get our act together. >> it's a shame. this is the missile we go down in history is the least productive the absolute least productive congress in the history. united states of america >> okay, so here we are again >> what, what, what's >> next are we were shutting down on friday. >> i mean, it seems it's more likely than it was the last time this happens, but we'll have to seen the one thing that is sure is that johnson has a smaller margin than he did the last time this happened. but he's never been a very powerful speaker, but that power is going down the drain as, as the, as the days tick by. and what is he willing to do when is he going to break and go to
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democrats because we know this will pass. it's just it's just how much he cares about his right flank and you can say that for several issues that are currently in the cooler in the house, mika, i i've been noticing a little bit of chatter on the right from things that congressman chip roy has been out there saying about, you know, he's been praising there was this framework that was set up with kevin mccarthy back when he was speaker. he cut a deal with president biden that was going to limit spending levels. this is a big part of what caused the right to throw him out but now chip roy seems to be saying some nice things about that. how does that fit into this debate >> yeah, i mean, i think that a lot of this is that the freedom caucus has given a speaker johnson much more leverage than they did to kevin mccarthy. and there's demanding a lot of things that just aren't going to pop that's the same things that they demanded under mccarthy. and i think they're coming to the realization that it's probably not going to happen. and i think that there's a lot of disappointments seeing that johnson was a conservative ally and now he's basically try and
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learning to lead, you know, how it is to govern until you have to govern go. yeah. no, it's a good point. all right. i mean, i'm look, i actually i should bring this up i unfortunately don't have sound of this. but like i i do feel jackie we're sort of the language in that we've got going from our politicians in public is a little bit crass and prime. let's be real >> but jon tester yesterday, on the hill and he said this quote, we're doing this every six months this is bull. it's just o and so we need what to do, what we were elected to do, fund the government, not shut it down where i mean, what does that the fact that he's willing to say this like this, and what does it say about where we are? just there? they are just at loggerheads. i mean, you have you have a house that cannot function and part of it is because it is such a small margin. i mean, i've never covered anything this close
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yeah. and it is. and you also have, again, a speaker, a relatively unexperienced leader, particularly on the house side, they have been able to pass things in the senate. i know there's always this how senate divide the other always thinks the one always thinks the other is trash. however, it feels like right now, the the logjam is in the house and they just can't get out of their own way. they can't even pass rules, which there is when you're supposed to be able, if you're a republican and you're in charge, be able to get your rules on the floor are and they can't even do that right now. the rules are literally the thing that gives you power. yes, in the house. and if you can't get them done, you cannot execute on the power that you have nicely. mika, what are you watching for? it's the house members come back today. >> yeah. i think we're going to watch, you know, really to see where these house conservatives are in terms of a shutdown. i mean, they're out openly floating that we saw house freedom caucus chairman bob good say this isn't the worst thing that's going to happen yesterday publicly. so i think that we're going to watch for that. we're going to watch for tensions. we're going to see if house democrats get on board too. potentially. try and work with johnson and passing a
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short-term cr and just watching the speaker at every move that he makes us feel. >> for sure >> he's wondering on the job, my days >> all right. jackie kucinich zellner thank you both very much for being with us this morning >> all >> right, a key figure in trump's efforts to dismiss his georgia election subversion case is ordered to return to the stand plus michigan senator debbie stabenow joins us live on michigan primary day. that's up next frank sinatra had connections with the >> mafia and all these nightclubs were owned by the mob. >> you didn't want to make those guys. >> he was too vegas. the >> story of since >> sunday at ten on cnn and. you could do this you could do
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together >> i'm lauren fox on capitol hill, and this is cnn the close captioning brought to you by in vet help call 180071 000, 20 dealer invention idea, but don't know what to do next. cohen van help today, they can help you get started with your idea call now 807100020 >> all right, a key witness in the trump team's effort to get the georgia election subversion
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case dismissed could be back on the stand today, an emergency hearing is expected after the judge in the case determined that fulton county prosecutor, nathan wade's divorce the attorney must testify about the relationship between wade and fulton county district attorney fani willis, attorney terrence bradley has been billed as the star witness for defense attorneys trying to disqualify willis office. and get the case dismissed. but he previously declined to answer certain questions citing privilege concerns during hearings two weeks go and try to me now, is race and politics reporter for the associated press, matt brown, mca morning. it's wonderful to have you here in studio. this emergency hearing expected to happen this afternoon. should we expect bradley to take the stand? i mean, what are you listening for here? >> yes. so given what happened earlier this week, we're just yesterday, bradley, while met and closed door hearings with judge scott mcafee's about the potential protections that he has under attorney-client privilege it is it was determined then that some of the statements that bradley may have made on the stand in less
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elastic weeks, it goes hearings in february 15 and 16th, that he did not have to testify, may have overstated the case, shall we say? so in this situation, i'm going by overstated the case. i'm overstated the case that attorney-client privilege may not have covered all comments. i see that bradley had made cation with nathan wade. i mean, these guys were business partners together. they had worked together for a long time. bradley was literally nathan wade's divorce attorney at a certain point. so given the number of text messages and communications that they've had and the number of communication that they had engaged with over the years of knowing each other, the judge determined that not all of that was necessarily covered, and that is especially important to trump's case in this alleging bit bradley knows about non-personal, about personal relationships potentially between wade and willis, which potentially could disqualify her from the case. right. and and forgive me and point me in the right direction as you've been covering this so closely, but there does seem to have been this issue about the timing of when fanis
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relationship began, and how relevant that is or isn't. >> is it is there a >> question about whether he might contradict willis's testimony around that? >> yes. so on the stand two weeks ago, as we saw, i'm fani willis and nathan wade both said that they had begun a relationship with each other or in february spring of 2022 and it ended at sometime in summer of 2023. okay. the that's relevant because it means that she would have appointed him to the case before anything started, right? yes. issue would have appointed him to the case after know after sorry. excuse me >> these things began so but she only began a personal relationship with him after she would have appointed him into the job. >> right. what trump and his associates are alleging in that this case actually that this relationship would actually began many, many months prior to that beginning as early as sometime in 2021 and they have presented cell phone data to show that nathan wade then at least conservatively estimating. i'm using the technology between two cell phone towers near fani willis,
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his house and had visited her apartment's for at least they claim 35 times in 2021, alleging that there had been relationship in that period, willis and wade obviously deny that, but the contradiction here needs some clarification. and terence bradley might be able to might be able to offer that >> so big picture bottom line here in terms of whether or not this may disqualify her mean, what information might we learn that would lead the judge to say, okay, fani willis does actually have a conflict and should be taken off the case well, legally speaking, the question here is pretty cut and dry, which is whether or not fani willis benefitted financially from appointing nathan wade as the top prosecutor on both the fulton county special investigation into this, and then also the lead prosecutor on this trial? >> that >> question is muddied by whether or not willis was the timeline of when she was engaged in as personal relationship, as well as whether or not she's disproportionately paying him for the services that he's providing to the office and whether there was any improper trips that were taken, for
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instance, or if she actually there was a mechanism, for instance, are actually benefit financially from this. all of those facts are in contests, are in contention here with trump's lawyers proposing certain filings claiming a certain timeline for when the relationship began and the significance of where willis and wade were according to cell phone filings whereas willis and wade have been denying for instance, the significance of any of this data. for instance, or any of the timeline here. >> so how did they explain it? i mean, if if their cell phone data that shows he was near her apartment before this time, what was what does he say he was doing? >> well, it's well, hey, villas is a crowded area. i mean, it's near the airport. it's near it's near many bars and clubs, restaurants going to commercial areas. basically, they're alleging that even if the data is accurate, which they still stipulated might not be. this is a situation where it doesn't necessarily prove that they were even together in that period, given that while it's a conservatively geofence area, that trump's lawyers are arguing with this data. it could still show that you're not saying that she would he was literally at her house necessarily?
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>> right. i mean, fair enough. i mean, the things that our cell phones know about us these days, it's so much, but also it's really hard to understand just exactly how accurate it is. for sure. >> matt brown of the associated press. so glad you're now dc-based, hope you'll come back soon. i really appreciate your reporting >> all right. >> time now for sports pistons coach monty williams, rips the officials after a contrary virtual know call cost his team a win against the next to andy scholes has this morning's bleacher report. hey, andy. >> yeah. good morning. cases you to two weeks ago, the knicks, we're all in the wrong end of a call that the officials committed, that they messed up, they lost that game to the rockets because of it but last night, the contrapositive call went their way. it was a frantic closing seconds with the nics dow by one donte, deven shinzo right here is going to turn the ball over, but then he's just going to plow right into hamas. are thompson who was trying to go up the court no wisdom. they play on brunson gets into josh hard to get the layup plus the bow of the second lab mix would
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then when 113, uh, 111 afterwards, head coach our head official, james williams, who was standing right over the play. he admitted there should have been a foul. >> the pistons and their coach, >> monty williams, this could not believe no foul was called >> the absolute worst call of the season. no coal. and enough's enough. we've we've done it right way. we've called the league. we've seen eclipsed we're sick of hearing the same stuff over and over again. we had a chance to win the game the god dove into srs legs and there was a no-call that that's an abomination. you cannot ms that in an nba game period. >> and mani will likely be getting a fine for those comments. i elsewhere for the first time this season, the raptors are on a three-game winning streak. all-star scottie barnes at 21 points while have rebounded 12 assists for his fourth triple double the season and the 13122 when over the pacers and afterwards
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the team started, well, they chanted pizza, falling a promise by head coach darko serhiy covid >> i promised our guys are season that once we get three wins in the role that i'm a paid him to nice dinner >> but well, for the pizza, we're going to negotiate. you're going to go but i'll treat them within them for sure. >> everybody, loves a pizza party. all right. elsewhere for just the second time ever mexico shocks the us women's national soccer team the americans, they went into the game with a record of 40 wins, one loss and one tie against the neighbors from the south of the border. and the only loss coming during the women's world cup qualifying back in 2010. but mexico is scored that only goal right there and they needed in the first half, they added another in the second half during stoppage time, both teams, however despite the results still advance ants to the knockout round of the inaugural concacaf women's gold. all right, finally, four
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time major champion rory mcilroy can add another achievement. his long list it's of accolades, winner of the match, the event on our sister channel, tnt featured female golfers for the very first time, lexi thompson and rose zhang, along with rory and mac salma, thompson held the lead through the first four holes before giving way to roaring. things were all tied up by the 12th hole, forcing a chip off and rory would hit his wedge to inside five feet right there, winning $1.6 million for chairs >> that is pretty cool. >> i >> didn't i didn't put my best my i guess my best effort out there the previous much that i played, so i wanted to come here and redeemer myself a little bit and yeah, it's nice to walk away with the wind >> yeah. now we wait and see what's next for the match. kasie, you know last summer we had patrick mahomes and travis kelce take on steph curry and klay thompson mahomes and kelce won that and they want that super bowl again, we'll see if
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they come back for another round of the match would be pretty cool. if they could come up with something and, hey, who knows, maybe taylor swift that the match then >> i mean, what could she do for another sport, right? golf. i have to say andy i am interested to the extent you have reporting on the see-through pants and the mlb, i realized we're on day five or six, that story, but gotten yeah, we talks about it last week. they're going to have to solve that, right? see-through pants when the season comes around. >> i mean, i'm seeing a lot of my owes more miles than i normally see on my social media feed. >> all andy, thank you very much. i'll see you later this week >> all right, up next here, it is primary day in michigan. president biden is hoping to overcome the backlash over his support we're for israel. >> there. you're looking live at a ballot box. there are polls are about to open here and just a few, just an hour or so, plus next hour or two prominent senators there's amy klobuchar and debbie stabenow both join me live on cnn this morning >> eliot spitzer crusading
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