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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 27, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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plug blow up. but this report was commissioned a year ago, long before that incident last month, this review panel from airlines, unions, and other units of safety units at other aerospace companies was brought together by the federal aviation administration. the inspiration though, was the 737 max eight crashes, the fatal crashes that killed 346 people abroad in 2,018.20, 19, this group found that employees on the production line at boeing did not know how to report safety problems to their managers workers also said they were concerned about retaliation for reporting issues. this report also calls out quality issues that demonstrate poor safety culture. remember, it was essentially a quality control problem that was detailed in the initial report from the ntsb on alaska flight 12, 82, that plane left the factory at boeing in renton, washington without the critical bolts that keep the door plug in place. here is the big takeaway from
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this report. the expert panel observed a disconnect between boeing senior management and other members of the organization on safety culture. >> this only confirms >> what critics have been saying that boeing has lost its way for now boeing statement is this, it says, we've taken important steps to foster a safety cultuture that empowers and encourages all employees to share their voice. but there is more work to do. >> this >> is only the first report on boeing to come from the faa since the door incident on january 5, the faa is currently auditing boeing's production practices at its plant in renton, washington, that report due out any day now, john all right. and we will wait for them that when pete muntean, as always, thank you very much >> it. is 09:00 a.m. and it is primary day in michigan. and
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right now, as we speak, voters making their choices in this key battleground, state president biden and donald trump expected to sail to victory for their respective parties, but they each do face a serious test today. president biden's biggest challenge is a large block of democratic voters in michigan who are angry over his handling of it. israel's actions in gaza, protesters are vowing to mark uncommitted instead of putting biden's name. and while donald trump has just one major rises rival left and nikki haley, who gets the state's 55 delegates, won't be settled tonight. only 16 are up for grabs today. the rest will be allocated on saturday at the state's party convention cnn's dianne gallagher is at a polling place right now in waterford, michigan. are you see i see it's pretty quiet right now. are you seeing many voters and have you been able to talk to some of them? what are they saying? >> so to be very honest, there, we have not seen a ton of voters coming through here at
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waterford kettering high school. but those that we have spoken with have had very strong convictions about the ballots that they cast. now, i can't move around here and that's because i'm taped in to this area to give the voters the privacy that they deserve as they come and cast their ballots when they come through the door and they basically choose a republican or democratic ballot. and then they make their choice and the presidential preference primary. you mentioned those 140 democratic delegates, the overwhelming majority of those will be cast, will be allocated based on the results today. the 55 republican delegates, a little more complicated due to some national party rules and some intra state party issues that are going on. so it's the beginning of the process. for them now, of course democrats are watching that uncommitted vote. it's a three-week old campaign that is shepherded by arab american voters, but also has on voters and progressives who have signed onto that, saying that it's basically a protest vote, telling president
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joe biden that they want him to call for a purpose i'm an aunt, an immediate ceasefire in gaza. now, on the republican side, they are several names on the ballot, but it's really down of course, to former president donald trump and to nikki haley and i spoke with a voter today who explained to me why she made the choice that she did >> i'm definitely not pro-trump. i had to kinda look into the two of them i think it would be funny to have a female president that was something interesting when hillary ran but i just didn't really agree with, i agreed more with what trump has going on than her and also, i feel like out of the two of them, trump has a better chance. >> now before the polls even opened today, sara, at 07:00 a.m. according to the secretary
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of state, more than a month million michiganders cast early and absentee ballots in this primary. so there is high interest in making their voices heard here in michigan. >> dianne gallagher, we will the coming back to you. i'm sure throughout the day, i'm trying to figure out what is happening there in michigan. appreciate it. >> and joining us right now is republican presidential candidate governor nikki haley, governor thank you so much for joining us on this very important day in the primary calendar. you just heard from one voter, one republican voter in michigan who said that she looked into both you and donald trump's. she likes the idea of having a female president. she said in the end out of the two of them, trump has a better chance. what does today mean for you and your campaign? >> well, good morning it's one of those things where i think what i've told everybody is in a general election, you're given a choice in a primary, you make your choice and so today the people of michigan are going to make their choice. we had two great events. there are wish we could have spent
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more time in michigan, but, you know, it's about letting people know. do we want more of the same or do we want something? thank different. more of the same as donald trump and joe biden. something different is a new generational leader that puts all the negativity and baggage aside and starts focusing on the solutions the future we've got to stop the wasteful spending and get our economy back on track. we've got to get our kids reading again and go back to the basics and education we have got to secure our borders no more excuses we need to bring lawn order back to our cities and we need a strong america that prevents wars that we can all be proud of. and that's what we're really trying to say. he is look, we have seen a shift in what is happening on our political landscape. and this is not about us, this is about our kids. this is about other people's grandkids it's the fact that they need to know that they can buy a home, that they can get a job that they can make ends meet, that they don't have to worry about wars breaking out. that's what this is, folks guest on right now. kids don't feel that the younger generation doesn't feel
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that they're worried there's a reason there's a lot of anxiety, stress, and depression and we need to start moving in a new direction to get that all of that moved in a good way. >> you said you wish you'd spent more time in michigan. why didn't you >> we've been in iowa, new hampshire, and south carolina's, so we had to great events in michigan. we we're in minutes, i guess we're in minnesota now. we're headed to colorado. next. you going to hit as many places as you can, but look to people in michigan more fantastic. they are tired. they want to see something they want to see people work for them and they're also worried when you look in this primary, they want someone that can serve eight years with no drama, no vendettas, and what they also see is a shift of what's happening. donald trump has made this entire election about him. and what they want to know is what are you going to do to fix things? and the way he shifted the republican party he put us 8 trillion in debt. and just four years, he's not talking about fiscal
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discipline at all. he's not talking about shrinking the size of government, then he's going in. we've all always been peace through strength. and now we see him walking away from our allies and instead holding hands with dictators. that's not who we are. and then you're going to go so far the rnc, you're going to have takeover the rnc and make it all about just donald trump. and now there's a resolution to stop him from using the rnc for his own personal legal fees, and he's pitching a fit over it. that's what's wrong with this is this is become about one man when it should be about the american people. that's what we're fighting for is to get this back on the focus of the american people and stop at being on just one one man. >> and you often say that donald trump cannot win a general election, will not win a general election. you've not yet convinced a majority of republican, prime, republican voters and primary contests that he should not. win. why not
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>> well, i think you look at any of the early states yes, he won. those are given that, but he did not get 40% of the republican primary vote. you can't win a general election without the 40%. but look at the polls, the marquette poll came out last week. i mean, in all the polls, he's down by five is down by seven. market had a margin of error. i defeat joe biden by 18 points. if we really want to turn the tide, if we really want to fix things you go into dc with double-digits. that's a whole change. it's more than the presidency, it's a benefit, just a simple as governor majority of republican primary voters seeing it look 70% of americans have said they don't want donald trump or joe biden. i am giving them a choice. we don't anoint kings in america okay. we allow people to vote in elections, and that's what we've done in the next ten days. 21 states and territories will vote. that's a great thing about america. and i think
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everybody deserves competition i'm fighting for a new generational leader on fighting for us to move on from the past and go forward with a few i'm fighting for an america where families can sit down at the dinner table and not fight over politics. i'm fighting for an america where you can go to your job and say something and not worry about getting fired on fighting for an american we're our kids don't live in a country that's full of anger and hatred and division. and instead focused on the values that made our country so great. that's what we're trying to do. that's the focus because of where we're trying to go is to make this better for our kids. and i think our kids deserve that. they don't deserve the tone and the attitude and the division that we have in our country right now the tone is something wanted. >> i actually wanted to ask you about. >> there is one exit poll, one part of an exit poll that made me scratch my head coming out of south carolina donald trump mocked your husband's military service. i was listening to your campaign event last night and you brought that up, you said, we can take it, meaning your family but you mach one member of the military, you're
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mocking every member of the military. and still the exit poll out of south carolina showed that donald trump won nearly 70% of voters who were military utterance. how do you make sense of it >> i mean, it's not up for me to make sense of what people think it's up for me to put out an option for people to see there's a better way. i mean, that's the focus. i'm a proud military spouse. i were bonded with other military families who sacrifice every day when the fact it says more about donald trump that he'll mock my husband's military service. it says more about donald trump, that he'll call the last remaining candidate birdbrain or brain dead. it says more about donald trump, that everybody thinks it's funny that he accessed way. i don't think the rest of the world thinks that's funny. i don't think that our kids need to see someone and who acts like that? i don't think our kids need to see us going down this fiscal cliff that we're seeing where we're paying more money in interest and we are in our defense budget, or the fact that when we had a chance to
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secure the border last week instead of congress going in and strengthening that law. donald trump said, don't pass anything until the general election. we can't wait one more data pass a strong border bill these are things that matter. these are things that affect american families. and what we're trying to do is say, look, you have a choice. and in a primary you make your choice. that's what we hope to people in michigan due today. that's what we're focused on the super tuesday states going forward, i'm not going to stop when 70% of americans say they don't want donald trump or joe biden. we're gonna give them an option that's what we do in america, that's the beautiful part of our country. and that's what we're going to keep on fighting. >> you have remained disciplined and not defining really anyone your campaign, defining what a win looks like in any particular contest in these early states. will you define what a loss looks like for you in michigan, how your team is measuring this? >> i will continue to say our goal is to be competitive. it's always been to be
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competitive. and if you're getting 40% and all the early states, that's making the point that's making a point that look, we are telling you for all the republican party, we're in a ship with a hole in it you can either ignore the hole and go down with the ship, or you can acknowledge that we've got to look for a life raft i am telling you there will be a female president of the united states. it will either be me or it will become law harris, if donald trump is the republican nominee we will see a president kamala harris. there's a reason the democrats are salivating at the thought of donald trump because they look at it, they know anybody could beat donald trump. but i know the fact we've got to make sure not only do republicans win, but it's about turning our country in a new direction. it's a direction that's healthy. it's a direction that's exciting. it's a direction that goes and builds up our nada me and secures our borders and make sure that we're safe. again, it's a direction that allows our kids to start reading and focus on the basics and education and a direction where they know
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they're going to have a job i'll be able to buy a home. those things matter to every american family and that's what i'm going to continue to fight for. >> your the fight continues. you definitely make that clear and have your pledge to support the eventual republican nominee what does that look like if the nominee is not you? does it, what does that support look like? does it include campaigning for that person? >> well, i mean, the difference is when you are in the middle of a campaign, you don't think about anything beyond the campaign. you think about the state that you're in today. you think about what you're going to do tomorrow. so i realize everybody else wants to fast forward. that's not what i do. i focus on the day i focus on the time i focused on being in the moment and that's what we're doing right now. what i will tell you is i have long said i have serious concerns about donald trump. i have even more concerns about joe biden, but i don't think either one should be president and that's why i'm running. and so i'm
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going to continue to run as long as americans say they want a choice, as long as americans say they want someone to vote for, i'm going to continue can you to do that? and what a blessing it is in america that we can, this is not russia where you've got a dictator that goes and kills his political opponents. this is america where people can have their voices heard. this is america where you can go and be anything you want to be without anyone getting in the way. this is america that was built on faith. faith i'm laying country that's what i'm trying to do is get us to remember our purpose, get us to remember who we are as americans in the first place, not a divided country, not a divided the party, not a country sitting in anger, but one sitting in hope and energy and saying that we're gonna do this for our kids. that's what i'm going to keep fighting for. i'm not going to think about what's going to happen. ten days, two months, three months from now governor nikki haley, republican presidential candidate. it's always good to have you on. good luck today in michigan. thank you >> thanks so much. go to john. >> good discussion
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>> a >> huge meeting at the white house this morning, president biden with key congressional leaders, a shutdown looms just days away and there are growing fears this could be a big one. >> the >> president is sending his team to alabama amid the fallout of the state's controversial embryo ruling. is this a political opening? >> in the buildup to a general election >> eliot spitzer crusading governor by day, wanted to be present in the united states client number nine by night's this guy who was a crusader against human sex trafficking is actually a customer, united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episode sunday at nine on cnn. >> did you know get our rx can help you get a better price on your families prescriptions. >> i just open the app type in the name of our meds. >> that's >> savings on my husband's blood refills and savings and my dad is allergy pills, prescription savings for the whole family. another good reason to check gadara, meet milo. he's port border collie and part party animal. meet the
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keeps you organized anywhere back all you need for up to ten days and travel without ever unpacking the comfort of home. on the go i'm back in seconds at seoul >> sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep, so he takes z quell the world's number one sleep. and wakes up feeling like himself get the rest to be your best with non habit forming zeke. well, better days start with z equal nights. >> we have a garage door that doesn't lift. >> so i went on. angie took me just a handful of minutes or vendors who were knowledgeable, they did higher quality work. >> they wanted us to be happy with the work done as well. any of the beautiful ghraieb say, get started today at on jeremy diamond didn't tel aviv. and this is cnn a huge meeting at the white house shortly the four leaders of congress will head there this morning for critical talks with president biden about ukraine funding, border funding, and a potential government shutdown that really looks almost
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inevitable. and possibly very big cnn's lauren fox is in washington, arlette saenz at the white house. lauren, first you, these congressional leaders headed to the hill negotiations all but broke down over the weekend. where do things stand? >> yeah. this is really going to be a reality check for these congressional leaders specifically, speaker mike johnson, because yesterday when senator is gate got back to washington, one thing that you heard repeatedly was let's just get this done. there's only five years, five months left in this fiscal year, and there's the sense that it is time to end what senator shelley moore capito said was the misery march of these continual short-term government funding bills that they have to pass in order to avoid these government shutdowns. the argument right now is over some of these his policy riders, some of these far-right extreme members are pushing for as part of this negotiation. but the argument from senate democrats is the membrane is that are pushing
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speaker johnson to agree to some of those policy riders are the same members who are never going to vote for a spending deal to begin with. so one of the things i expect you may see after this meeting is sort of a question mark of whether or not speaker johnson sees the writing on the wall inside that room, given the fact that it minority leader mitch mcconnell has sent warning shots saying that it is time to close this out, given the fact that senate democrats, house democrats are on the say, hey, it feels like this isn't really the fight now between republicans and democrats. this is a fight between the house of representatives and the republican leader there and everyone else, john, they're not just questions about whether mike johnson can lead, but who he can even lead at this point, arlette, let's go to you at the white house. what a white house official say about these talks today >> well, john, it's clear that this meeting is shaping up to be a consequential sit down with president biden and the top four congressional leaders over a host of issues. as lauren noted, the most pressing
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issue is that partial we'll government shutdown that is now looming on friday. look, white house officials say that they feel these types of meetings have been productive in the past, that they have been able to move for the ball forward on a host of different issues when the president is able to sit down in the room with congressional leadership, but it's entirely unclear whether they actually will be able to come together to reach an agreement by friday to prevent a government shutdown two key agencies like the department of veterans affairs and the food and drug administration. but it's not just the government shutdown that the president is concerned with today. he is also significantly concerned with getting additional aid to you crane for months. now, president biden has warned that not providing this assistance to ukraine would severely limit ukrainian soldiers abilities on the battlefield as they are now in this third year of this war against russia, we saw that a bill passed out of the senate with bipartisan support that would get this aid to israel, to ukraine, and also to taiwan.
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but it's so far, it has been scuttled over in the house as house speaker mike johnson has not brought brought it up for a vote before his house number. so part of the president's goal in today is really trying to press johnson to bring this up for a vote. the white house feels that there is bipartisan support when it comes to this ukraine aid, but then also there's that issue of border security. the president made some concessions those bipartisan border talks that were playing out in the senate, the house refuse to bring that up as well. and we know that the president is about to head down to texas, brownsville, texas on thursday stay for a visit to the us mexico border, trying to flip the script once again on republicans over this issue. so while the most pressing issue is that government shutdown the president also has ukraine also has borders security at the top of his agenda today, when he sits down with leaders in about two hours. >> all right. i'll let science at the white house, you're watching that very carefully. lauren fox on capitol hill, our
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thanks to you as well. sara. >> all right, i know you know, that's what it is primary day in michigan today. and democratic congresswoman rashida tlaib, once michigan voters to vote uncommitted in what does the president biden's israel policy as a war in gaza rages on what that might mean coming up >> when you pair iphone, an apple watch with consumer cellular, fast and reliable coverage, it's easy to win. hey siri thanks, beth >> susie says pop, pop, pop >> race in and get up to $300 off when you combine some 15 pro and any apple watch >> hi, we've both got a big birthday coming up. so we have a lot of questions about
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the hearing life 30-day risk-free challenge >> i'm lauren fox on capitol hill, and this is cnn right now, health and human services secretary xavier becerra is in alabama to meet with patients and healthcare workers in the >> wake of the state supreme court's ruling declaring that frozen embryos are children, and that someone who destroys them could be liable for wrongful death this morning. secretary becerra told our john berman that confused fusion and fear from this ruling go far beyond the state of alabama. cnn's meg tirrell is in birmingham for us this morning. the hss secretary being very clear that this could have
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far-reaching impacts. what are you hearing? >> yeah, it's there. i mean, that's something that we have heard from fertility doctors and patients really across the country that they're worried that alabama has set a precedent that we might see in terms of restricting access to treatments like ivf. in other states. but here in alabama hopes of families are really resting on state lawmakers. they're hoping that this week they can come together and craft a bill that would protect ivf that is really what we're hearing from patients and doctors in terms of next steps and potentially allowing ivf treatments to go forward. once again, this clinic right here, alabama fertility as well as to others in the state have pause ivf treatments in the wake of this ruling that really put this procedure into legal limbo, javier becerra today meeting with families and health care providers and really talking about, as you said, how this goes beyond just this state. here's what he told our john berman the fear goes beyond alabama. a lot of
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families are trying to figure out does does it make sense for them to try in vitro fertilization that thousands of dollars it costs. will it go to result in nothing? what happens to contraception is that next? i think there are a lot of families, not just women, a lot of families who are asking, what does this mean when you have your rights taken away? when my three daughters have fewer rights than their mother, something's going on and we've got to change it, but we've got to do it at the national level because it was dobbs at the national level which took away rights and guys, there are a number of states that have considered language around this sort of >> unborn child in terms of thinking about embryos and fetuses, florida is one of those states, but the backlash against this situation here in alabama has been so strong that state lawmakers have even pause legislation that would include that language just in the wake of what we've seen here in alabama, sara have you have some congressional members
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stumbling over how to deal with this as well? meg tirrell. thank you so much for your reporting there right with us now, congresswoman debbie dingell, a democrat from michigan, congresswoman. thanks so much for being with us from a political standpoint, you say that republicans are scared to death of this ivf ruling in alabama. what do you think they're afraid of >> well i am somebody i'm not going to get into the personal details of what i did do and where it went. but who went through trying to get pregnant? you don't know how hard it is or a woman that wants to have a family, the men and woman, husband and wife, wanting to have a child. so when you suddenly see the senate republican campaign committee, our own speaker of the house, saying that they support ivf they understand what they've done to women. it is the starkest and clearest example
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that the federal government is trying to get into a woman's personal health care and the decisions she has to make with her dr. her family in her religion, and they know that there are a lot of people who like for me that want to get pregnant. what deciliter to have a child and they're going to take away one of the best hopes they have >> what i do know what it feels like, and i know a lot of people, a lot of parents around the country also knows what it feels like. you listen to voters, you have your ear to the ground as much as any politician that i know. are you hearing from voters in michigan about this? >> i actually in a state that's kinda presidential primary today, it's been intense about a number of issues when i i've been everywhere, you know how i am saturday, i went to 14 event women thought that two years ago when this was on the ballot, they had once and for all ensure that in michigan a woman could make her up on healthcare decision and they're very concerned about what this mean if we have a change in
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administration, could national national, quite frankly, and to abortion law be passed that would prevent them from making their own personal healthcare decisions. so they are worried about what they have to do to make sure that they can protect their rights in all ways. simple contraception decision. one woman said to me and saturday, they're going to take away my right to birth control, which i'm not taking for birth control. i'm taking for a condition that i have. so i am hearing from women and i think that's why you see so many republicans who you might be surprised making the statements they are this week because they know women are >> you mentioned there is a primary in your state of michigan today, a presidential primary, and i was reading the political play a this morning, their headline of their entire newsletter was quote what joe biden has to fear from
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michigan. so what does joe biden have to fear from michigan congresswoman so first of, all i don't think joe biden has to fear anything. i think joe biden is listening. i think we are a purple state you know, i can do him file takes for a long time. i'm not all but i'm season. >> this >> state is always and i go back to 2000 and al gore and the weekend before the election he was down, he ended up winning the state and george bush went to florida. and what would've happened if it had been another way, we're going to be perfectly fitting november but unlike to 15 to 16, when i warn people that donald trump could win michigan and everybody thought it was crazy. >> people are listening to me. >> we know what we have to do. we have to turn out our vote. so we're going to turn out our votes. and there are communities that are hurting joe biden understands that they're hurting and he's going to have to spend time with them
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and listen to them. but this is a purple state. we know we've got to do, we're going to roll up our sleeves and we're going to deliver. >> do you think the efforts by by congresswoman rashida tlaib and others in the state to have democratic voters vote uncommitted today how much damage do you think that will do to the president's reelection campaign >> have a very different attitude than everybody else does. i worked for 30 years. our primary is today because of the work i did was carl 11 and we believe that a state like michigan should be one of that. it didn't have to be michigan, but it's fate and the issues are going to matter in november or actually the ones are talking about in february. i think she has raised issues that are very important to her or talking about the issues that mattered to a community that matters. and i think they're being addressed. their voices are being heard, and that's why it's good to have a state like michigan be in early primary. >> you noted you are not old, you are seasoned. there has been a lot of discussion about
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age in this presidential campaign, which president biden addressed last night with seth, seth meyers. listen we've got to take a look. the other guy he's about as old as time, but he can't remember his wife's name >> generally speaking, what are you hearing from voters on this issue of age? >> look i'm somebody that knows joe biden very well. you know, that i spent more than eight hours for some a couple of weeks ago. he is a sharp as ever, and i want somebody who has when he's going to be the candidate dump trump is going to be the candidate. i want people to compare the two men and really think about who they want to be president of these united states joe biden is wise. he's empathetic. i think we need to let them get out there and just be joe biden, which you saw like snide and seth meyers, that was, you know, he was joe biden and i think you will bring his wisdom, his empathy, his compassion inexperience to a
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second term. >> congresswoman debbie dingell from michigan. thank you. as always for being with us this morning. appreciate it. >> okay >> surge pricing for your frosty wendy's revealing plans to change prices dip depending on demand throughout the day, the uber model coming now for fast food and a street magician finds himself smack dab at the center of political scandal involving fake joe biden robocalls erin burnett, >> outfront tonight at seven what cnn. >> one of my favorite supplements is kunal turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support and cute all has the number one dr. recommended form of turmeric kunal, the brand i trust >> choice hotels is a family of brands or the hotel for any traveller you want to be. like number one shift dad, cook it up a free hot breakfast for the tyre family at a comfort hotel.
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>> mom made this. >> i added the garnish stay twice and get a free night when you booked direct. >> this is a future mama go daddy arrow creates a logo website, even social posts in minutes. >> ai, ai like it who wants to come see the get your business online in minutes with godaddy arrow >> are you embarrassed by your bathroom while it's time to stop hiding your bathroom. jacuzzi bathroom model can install a beautiful new bath or shower that you can be proud of in one day and they'll do it at a price you can afford. in fact, there's never been a better time time to call. we're giving you 50% of installation and postponing all payments for up to one year. >> having someone uses bath shower is definitely an embarrassment. i am so excited proud of my home, but not letting someone go in there >> it's so pretty in new and the tub and so deepen uk can't wait to just like a climate and
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biden to urge new hampshire voters not to participate in that state's primary last month, that consultant steve kramer, contacted this man, paul carpenter, a new orleans street magician carpenter told cnn's kyung lah that he was hired by kramer to create the fake audio carpenter said the calls were generated using an ai tool and it took less than a half an hour to create and distribute. i'm joined now by cnn contributor and podcast host kara swisher and all around genius, i'm sorry, her new book burn book, a tech love story is out today. it chronicles the world's most powerful players in tech and how they went from wanting to change the world to breaking it instead. yeah, powerful warlords, ofs, sorry i do want to talk first about the robo calls. i heard these myself when i was in new hampshire, they were on local news and i thought it's houston. we have a problem if they target the right people, if they do it at the last minute this could have a huge impact on an election. why does it always seem like
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congress is behind the eight-ball? this is something we know could happen, like congress could do precisely. i mean, it's always after the fact whether it's swatting, there's all kinds of regional versions of swatting there's all kinds of things people will do so you have to put laws in place before so that people feel like there's, there's going to be a consequence for what they're doing in this case, i'm surprised it took a half an hour. it will take seconds to do these kind of things. and people will be able to target them not widely necessarily been specifically to people. and that's what's really powerful about it, that you could do it in seconds. anybody can do it. it's off the shelf stuff. and you dirty tricks aren't new, like hello donald cigarette and right. but this is, this is just a new way to do them at scale and speed. yes, you could like at election, you could say one of the candidates is dead in the morning. and then before you could figure out what happened, people could be affected. >> yeah it is scary stuff and i know there are some good things in ai can do. we've talked about those, but there is a case now at the supreme court, texas and florida sort of coming after this the social media giants and talking about
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free speech. and that big a half is hampering censorship. >> censorship what do you make of this case? and because i know that you have argued regulation has to happen, that's correct. it does have to happen, but not this way. this is ridiculous. this is a bunch of conservative people who want to tell them what to do the tech companies also have free speech rights and it's as if you tell the new york times what stories they have to write. these are publishers and so this is ridiculous. this is it, this is a faint by these conservative ag is to try to get them to be able to do anything they want, let anything the problem is toxic waste flowing over these things are not increasing it, but finger out to do it. there's lots of ways to do this. privacy laws algorithmic transparency laws, anti-trust laws, liability, if they want to sue these companies for these statements, go for it in court, but these companies can't be sued so that is one of the issues, but this is the this is the most i hope this room court throws this out. i think that's why they accepted it because there are some conflicting issues. but there's another one coming up about whether presidential ministration's can talk to
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administration's in general can talk to tech companies. and that's a problem because they could warn them. the question is they shouldn't be able to coerce them because that's what the first amendment says. they're not allowed to do. >> these are thorny issues that he ought to be worked out the internet and social media has been around for a very long time so far, how much regulation is there on social media? zero, right there. >> it actually helps them that regulation in place. section 230 protects them if you have immunity, you can do anything you want. you can walk down fifth avenue and shoot anyone that's really essentially what's been happening to the public that has to get this toxic waste come over. and so i don't they should be able to do what they want, but, you know, fox news had to pay almost $1 billion for what it did they should have liability like every other media organization they are immediate organization as far as i'm concerned. >> one of the arguments i think at the supreme court is whether or not they're publishers or they are some other entity. but they are a business and bases do have the right to make some of their own rules. i do want ask you, you have some fascinating information in some of your book. i won't give it
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all away. but you argue about artificial intelligence and you say that it should be treated as the government treats nuclear codes. and it just so happened that last year, i was able to speak with eric schmidt, the former ceo of google who is very now invested in ai. about this issue of the possibility of what ai can do when it comes to something like nukes. here's what he said. >> when it comes to >> war, because we talked about the fact that it can be used in war is it more dangerous than, for example, or nuclear war, the way we think of conventional war, the worst-case scenario. >> well, nuclear war is horrific and any sort of large nuclear conflagration would destroy the world as we know it you can imagine this technology for example, active cyber-attacks, attack a whole country, do it until everybody's dead. and you can imagine that scenario. you can also imagine the scenario where you say, i want to kill 1 million people. show me a biological path to do it. >> these >> are the dangers that we have to make sure are not happening.
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we need to put gov guardrails and limits. people are working on these problems. we don't fully understand the solutions yet. >> i told him after that i was terrified. i said it on that is a terrifying scenario. but again, with social media, they haven't done it and there are real harms that people are facing so where the hell are they now, like what is happening now? >> they're out to do whatever they want. and unfortunately, no other industry has allowed this, not, not there was a plane plane thing with the door blue planes grounded, investigations everywhere. people fired people don't get fired here. nothing happens. teen girls have to deal with self-esteem issues that are curly from social media no liability, no liability. you are. and what eric was talking about essentially it's armageddon for dummies like anybody could do this the question is, what we put into ai is what we're going to get out if we say we want to solve world hunger, you have no restrictions. one of the answers might be 1 billion people need to die. that's logical, right? it's not, it's horror effect, but it's locked
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chuckle and so we have to control what goes in the iowa. we've got to do the provenance of where it comes from, what data goes in, it has all kinds of good implications and bad patients. and what has to happen? this time is the people making this have to be aware of the consequences. and one of the themes in my book is they don't care about consequences that know they're not even not care. they don't think about and adults don't do that. adults know what consequences mean just quickly when you say they are talking about the regulators, congress, people who make these rules know the comeback companies themselves and then regulators don't do anything about it, right? so that's their job. kara swisher. i'm so happy to have you on the show and i did pre-order your book without telling you john. >> all right, thank you. have a >> case of the munchies. >> we're not >> judging you or how you got there, but now wendy's might be looking to cash in raising prices at the very moments you need them most it does all access boosted creativity, more focus, less brain fog,
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all. of the flavor. >> the >> future of sodas now it's called poppy >> i'm katie bo lillis in washington. and this is cnn this just in macy's is downsizing again, announcing plans to close 150 of its stores. cnn's vanessa yurkevich has much more on this. what did they say in this announcement? what's this about? >> closing 150 macy's stores, but scaling up at some of their more profitable bulb brands like louis mercury and bloomingdale's are going to be opening about 15 new bloomingdale's and 30 new bluemercury stores they have found that the brick-and-mortar lifestyle of macy's just isn't doing as well, but people are still interested in experiencing luxury in stores. and that's why they're going to be investing in bloomingdale's and blue mercury. but of course, when you talk about store closures you talk about
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job losses and macy's last month announced it was laying off more than 2,300 employees. >> on the flip side a little bit of >> good news, macy's is opening, 30 smaller macy's stores. but of course that's a smaller footprint, fewer employees that she is all about the digital transformation and really trying to meet consumers where they are. and right now, they want to shop in store for just those luxury goods and very different consumer story. but one that i was really interesting is wendy's announcing plans to introduce uber style surge pricing on its menu. what >> is the deal here? >> this is i'm sara but this is something that we've seen across rideshare companies that they introduced >> like, okay. yeah, in the rain >> lift will and uber will raise prices but essentially what wendy's is saying is that they want to try it out with their digital menus in store, but also on their app. to try
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to capitalize consumers spending when there is a huge rush, prices will go up. when there's not, prices will go down but ultimately, these are ai enabled changes. so this is all going to be through artificial intelligence, trying to figure out when folks are coming into the stores, ordering online and when they're not. here's the risks, though people hate surge pricing, hated. and so the risk is that maybe the company would experience some backlash from consumers who are already very conscious about food prices here's the thing though, if it takes off, this is going like wildfire. >> other brands like sting face, what fired it's like a munchies tax. >> exactly. you just say i hear that people get hungry for fast food and this is analyzing people at the very moment when there may be weak is still my favorite commercial announced terror tried again with those nudging but as you're gave us, thank you. thank you. where's the beef? that was my favorite. >> thank you so much for
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joining us. this is cnn news central, cnn newsroom with jim acosta up next to be a headliner las vegas. >> that's what i wanna do. >> vegas, the story sin city, sunday at ten on cnn >> my cry >> thanks buddy, >> if you have this and you get this you could end up with this unexpected out-of-pocket costs,
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