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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  February 27, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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priority by getting to know their finances, family, alth, lifestyle, and more. >> well, maybe we are different at fisher investments were clearly different. >> erin burnett outfront. next on cnn >> new images tonight from the deceased is landers historic journey to the moon with likely just hours to go before it's expected to stop working intuitive machines. the private company which developed the spacecraft, shared these new close-up photos from its epic descent to the south pole region of the moon last thursday here's another post on x, the image captured about 35 seconds after pitching over on its side during the approach to the lunar surface. not the kind of touched down anyone was hoping for, but still the first american moon landing in more than 50 years to our viewers. thanks very much for watching. i'll be back tomorrow on cnn newsroom, 11:00 a.m. easternrn. and of course, back in the situation room 06:00 p.m.
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eastern, erin burnett outfront starts right now outfront. >> next polls about to >> close in the state of >> michigan, it crucial test in the key battleground state for both trump and biden, john king is outfront at the magic wall plus team trump star witness fails to deliver today. now saying he can't recall when georgia da fani willis began her relationship with her top prosecutor in trump case. >> did he >> just help willis state on that? a trump case? >> and to top olympic fence or from russia speaking out after defecting from his country, slamming putin for the war in ukraine will be my guest tonight. let's go outfront and good evening. >> i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. the breaking news, a mystery in michigan tonight. polls are just about to close in the crucial swing state. >> one >> of just a handful of states that will determine the outcome of the 2024 election and when it comes to the republican
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primary tonight, there's little polling to show where voters stand when it comes to nikki haley and donald trump, neither one has spent much time in this state. and nikki haley only hit the ground on sunday after south carolina, her campaign only started running television ads in the state last week it is for trump, he's not even there tonight. he's actually planning just to call into a gop victory party and on the democratic side, biden tonight facing an unprecedented uproar over his support for israel by the target of a massive campaign urging democratic arab americans and muslims to catch protest votes against the president tonight images like the ones we're about to show you have caused outrage and pain in those communities. people struggling to survive. one of gaza's only functioning hospitals, as spittle staff calls a quote, death zone. now, people digging with their bare hands in neighborhood after neighborhood, looking for dead children after airstrikes. organizers of tonight's protest vote in michigan are hoping it sends a message to biden that he must change course. and the
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reality is that michigan is a must win in november, biden won the state by just over 150,000 votes in 2020 and arab americans were a big part of that. they turned out overwhelmingly for him. in fact, he won by nearly 70% in michigan's most heavily arab american communities. and that community is expected to pay an even more significant role in 2024, they now make up the majority of residents in the entire city of dearborn, which is one of the largest cities in the entire state of michigan the state's total middle eastern population is now over 300,000, twice the margin of victory last time. and then moment i'm going to speak to john king about what he is watching tonight. in this crucial primary in terms of what it will reveal for both democrats and republicans, i want to go first to the ground, omar jimenez, who is outfront live at a polling station in waterford, michigan, and omar i know you've been there, you've been talking to people coming in a casting their vote all day. what are they telling you >> yeah, we've heard oh, wide range of opinions from a wide range of people in short, trump supporters, many of them have
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said that immigration and the economy or tops of minds for them, while biden supporters have said, the economy and human decency in the white house has been top of mind for them. then we've heard a few more nuanced opinions spoke to one person who actually voted for marianne williamson, who announced she was suspending her campaign earlier this month. but really, this was someone who said he previously voted for joe biden in 2020. but because of his handling of the israel hamas war, he couldn't bring himself to vote for him. again. now of course, that message has been the central the theme of what we have seen be a major push in this state led by arab american activists. and as we know, to vote uncommitted over his handling of what has happened with israel and gaza. and hamas. now, as you mentioned before, coming to me, this state here in michigan has the largest arab american population shan of any state in the entire country. no doubt, a crucial voting bloc when we get to the general election. but i want you to take a listen to
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one biden supporter. we spoke to even though this has been billed as not an anti-biden vote has been billed as a protest vote. this voter, this biden voter, didn't necessarily agree with voting uncommitted because he saw the alternative to joe biden as much worse, take a listen a lot of people that are opposing him over this uncommitted they're forgetting about the muslim ban when the women were at the airport wanting to visit their families and they were banned from the country. they've totally forgotten about that and if he gets back in there and he doesn't have to worry about any voters. imagine what they're going. he's going to do it all >> and he's of course talking about that 20-17 temporary travel ban that trump instituted on seven majority muslim countries. but obviously it is a dynamic not just to watch here in the primary, but of course, it indicates where support may or may not be heading into the general election. another dynamic we've watched for today is look, you may notice it's not exactly a
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packed behind me right now, but that doesn't mean people haven't been voting. we saw over 1 million people vote either early or absentee prior to get being here today. and that of course, has been a major victory for a lot of voting organizers here. >> all right, omar, thank you very much and i wanna go now to john king at the magic wall. so john, the results obviously may not be the big story tonight in terms of who the winner is. but what is beneath that certainly will say a lot. what are you looking for on the republican side of things, this slide, this out of the way, aaron, it will get to it number one, if you look at the map right now, it's donald trump. donald trump, donald trump, donald trump, right? he's for now and the state's 5.0. if you hadn't, the virgin islands. so if you're nikki haley, who could be gone from the race a week from tonight after super tuesday, you are looking for some proof that republican voters are listening to you and you say, hey, wake up, we have to stop this and so will it come in michigan tonight? i never won 55 delegates at stake. number to be careful about that, most of the delegates, a state convention decides where the delegates go. it will be influenced for at least 16 of those delegates by
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the prime results that i, but it's not necessarily beholden to the prime results tonight and trump has the state party pretty wild. but what do you look for? so let's go back to 2016 in the republican primary. let's cut 2016, not 2012. there we go. 2012 was interesting too though. trump won michigan. where do you see the ted cruz? you see some ted cruz and john kasich in the suburban areas that's still what you look for tonight? look, erin, the math has been pretty clear for nikki haley for some time. she says she needs to stay in to try to rattle the party to rally around her michigan gives her an opportunity. we'll be looking in the suburbs. i wouldn't run to vegas in place a bet on that. but as you watch the vote coming tonight, is there any evidence in michigan tonight that after these four contests, republican voters are saying, you know, she's right, we need to give boost if she doesn't get it in michigan tonight. as i said, next tuesday night could be the last her off. >> so that's the republican side now on the democratic side, right? as you've omar was just laying out, you've got more arab americans in michigan than any other state. this so-called protest vote is that it is being billed is could be very significant for biden,
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right? and it's what's called technically, i know uncommitted in terms of the box you check in michigan, what do you watching there? >> how big is the uncommitted vote and then how do we understood there's a history of voting uncommitted in the democratic primary mission. so let's not overstate this at the same time, you mentioned the top of the show, joe biden won by 154,000 votes. last time that's why the 2020 map up here, right? 300,000 people have middle eastern descent, 200,000 or so of them muslims in michigan, most of them live, many of them live in dearborn and detroit suburb out here. but it's not just the arab americans, erin, we were in michigan several weeks ago every american say mr. president, we are going to vote against you. they're threatening to vote against not only in this primary but in november as well if the policy doesn't change and guess what, the israeli gaza conflict has also called the president, a giant problem with younger voters. listen you know mr. president, i've seen you take key humanitarian steps, but i think the next step is a ceasefire and i think that that would go along way with voters, muslims all across this country
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voted for biden because we were not in 1 million years, would i like to vote for trump? but coming around this year, i don't know if i'm voting at all, but i definitely will not be voting for biden. >> i was just going to say you feel this way to an extent, yes. >> that will tell me why >> well, i don't know if the cameras saw that, but it says abandon biden i feel as though president biden doesn't value my life as a muslim american as much as he values other lives. and i think that's why i feel that way. >> and so aaron ibrahim told our team today he did vote in the primary and he voted uncommitted. he is not completely foreclosing voted for the president november, but he said he would need to see a giant policy shift. and so that's the issue when it comes to the math of the battleground states this was actually a pretty good one for joe biden,
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154,000 votes. but come november, he needs to be worried about nikki haley supporters in the suburbs trying to win them over. he needs to be competing with donald trump for the auto workers in detroit in the suburbs around detroit. he does not. if he is competing for muslim american arab american votes, come october, young voters come october, then he's in trouble, right? >> right. that's focusing on a place you shouldn't have to focus, i guess is how they would see it in the democratic party. so what does tonight? tell us about that? about how november shapes up. >> i would be careful about tonight because it is a primary where do we know trump is well ahead and biden as well ahead. so it's hard to project all the way to november except for on that question of democratic enthusiasm, i think is very important because one of the issues you look at is where we are now, right? what does what do we know coming into tonight that this is a very three different race than 2020 that the president is in trouble in many of those states that were key to his victory including the state of michigan, a poll just this month by fox trump, 4,025.37. noteworthy, both candidates are so low. lot of people don't like either of this. they don't just don't like this choice. but in the
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battleground states, michigan, he's losing georgia, he's losing pennsylvania. it's tied wisconsin's, it's tied so if you look at the math, michigan has a democratic governor, biden won it pretty comfortably actually by battleground state standards for years ago, if he is struggling here, it's signals. he's got very broad troubles. >> all right. john king. thank you very much as we await those results, i want to go now to the highest ranking muslim lawmaker in michigan, the democratic state house majority leader, abraham. i asked you is the first arab american to be a majority leader in a state legislature. and i very much appreciate your time leader, so i know you're urging democrats to vote uncommitted. that's the box you just heard a voter. they're telling john king he had checked that that's the box to check for two protests biden's biden in this case. now, there are always uncommitted votes the primaries in michigan, as john pointed out, it's been about 20,000 votes in each of the past three democratic cycles. so with that context, what are you hoping to accomplish tonight? >> look, president biden has been one of the most consequential presidents in modern american history as it
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relates to the domestic policy well, what we've seen over the last four months is nothing less than an abject moral failure in terms of dignifying the humanity of the palestinians what we're seeing in michigan is a groundswell of support of people that are anti-war and people that want this country to leave with moral clarity. and one our president to not support an administration in israel that has killed nearly 30,000 innocent men, women, and children. so tonight's a will be a reflection of that frustration and folks are going to come out and demand better for our government and for our democracy through the best way possible, which is our vote. >> so have you heard today from the president or anyone on his team about your efforts to get put to vote against him in the primary tonight? >> no. and i want to be clear, this is not a vote against the president, but this is a vote for reaffirming that the united states should stand on the principles of human rights on dignifying palestinians in that we are not going to be a
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country that greenlights the innocent of the killing of innocent men, women, and children that we've seen the neck now the regime has done over the last four months and it's unacceptable. >> does the cease fire while it would be crucial, is that something that doesn't for you or is that an essential checking the box? i mean, gaza is still leveled. people are there's been an incredible amount of death and destruction does the cease fire do it for you >> well, when we met with the white house, a couple of weeks ago, our demands were very clear. we need to see a permanent ceasefire. we want to see the flow of humanitarian aid and the reconstruction of gaza. and finally, setting conditions and restrictions on the aid israel, it does not make sense that we speak about human rights and we did it with the way we talk about the ukrainian people and their right to self-determination and their right to safety and security. yet in the same vein, we are funding in israeli government that does not seem to have any regard for the humanity of the palestinians. and i think this message, this is a way to emphasize and we do
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not want to you see this hypocrisy from our leadership. but rather we want to see that moral clarity in the foreign policy that we unfortunately have not seen yet. >> so if you don't see all of those things, or you're not comfortable with this as time goes on in november at this point, obviously, it seems that your choices are going to be biden or trump for the democrats and republicans obviously you could go another route, but those would be, that'll be the democratic and republican choice. as it looks right now. and obviously, abraham, you're aware of this, but i want to remind everybody watching about some of the things trump has said about the muslim community unfortunately at this moment in time, there is a muslim problem in the >> world who have people that were cheering >> and the other side of new jersey where you have large arab populations, they were cheering as the world dredge that it came down. donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown. of muslims entering the united states. i think islam hates us
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when i returned to office, the travel ban is coming back even bigger than before and much stronger than before. >> obviously that was over a ten-year period, but that last comment was last summer, right? that the muslim ban is going to come back even bigger than before if he wins again those are just a small sampling of the things that you're well aware that trump has said over the years? if this ends up in a situation where muslims and michigan do not show up for biden, right even if they don't vote for trump, they they they stay home, write something happens. either way. that means that biden could lose the state to lose the election. are you okay with that outcome, abraham there's no doubt that donald trump is a threat to the american republic, is a threat to the idea of democracy. no one is arguing against that. but i think the question that we have to ask ourselves and to ask president biden is the voters have done everything they've been told us. they're supposed to do. >> they go out, they produce does the lobby their elected officials? they ask for our
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government to do better. that is inherently democratic. and when we see our leaders not act and react and heed the call of the public. the question then becomes, what is president biden willing to do to protect and save democracy from donald trump is not the question that we should be asking. game >> the end of the >> voters when i run for office, erin, i don't get mad at people when i lose my election or people don't resonate with my message, i go back and ask myself, what could i have done better to campaign and what platform and what vision did i not present that should have inspired people. so the question that we need to be asking is that president biden and he still has time to change course the tonight's vote is a way to demonstrate for the president that he can change course and continue to save lives. the vote for uncommitted is a vote to save the innocent men, women, and children that are still alive, that netanyahu was hell-bent on killing. so i want to close with this, erin. my uncle was killed three days before trump signed the travel
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ban. he was in yemen, was killed in an airstrike, and we had applied to bring him into the united states ten years prior to that point. so i know the deep pain in the deep impact that donald trump's policies have inflicted on our communities. but the question has to be joe biden, what is he willing to do to save democracy? our position has been very clear. >> all right, abraham, i appreciate your time. thank you very much as the votes, of course, continue and polls are getting ready to close. next, a star witness for trump's legal team. today on the witness stand. and it was a flop. >> did he actually helped say fani willis plus our fred pleitgen reporting from the streets of iran where they are still chanting death to america as citizens are about to vote in an election there that could send a big message to the us and a lot of people are not happy with wendy's plan to make you pay more during lunch rush. but his wendy's actually just really late to the party when it comes to surge pricing >> eliot spitzer it's her blazed a trail that had him in
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spitting distance of the white house right up until the moment he set himself on fire and crusading governor by day, wanted desperately, i think, to be present in the united states, client number nine by night, this guy who was a crusader against human sex traffic tricking is actually a customer. here's how the saga of eliot spitzer really went down. >> this was a turning point in american government, united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday, a nine on cnn yeah qia movement that inspires you seeing this
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>> mckend in washington and this is cnn tonight, >> team trump's star witness flops the one person that trump allies wanted to get on witness stand, the person that they thought would prove that the fulton county da fani willis is affair with her top prosecutor, nathan wade in the trump case. began before she hired him for the trump case, didn't deliver today wade's divorce attorney wavering again and again when the affair began, this has been part of efforts by trump and his co-defendants to get fani willis disqualified from the case. they have claimed that she misused public funds while carrying out a relationship with weight now, those claims are threatening to delay or altogether end willis this prosecution of trump. nick valencia begins our coverage tonight outfront
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>> why in would you speculate in this text message tonight? terrence bradley, back on the stand after the judge determined he couldn't invoke attorney-client privilege, do you claimed at the time was privileged? i found those not >> bradley nathan wade's former law partner was billed by the defense as the star witness, who would provide proof that wade and the fulton county district attorney, fani willis, lied about when their romantic relationship started. bradley testifying. he was just speculating in text messages to a defense attorney where he said the two absolutely were dating before he was hired, did you lie to ms merchant when you told her facts about mr. wade and willis's relationship? >> not that i recall. i don't recall ever whether any of it was a lie or not. >> the defense trying to determine if willis hired wade to lead the georgia election subversion case when they were already together or after, as
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both willis and wade have testified, what did nathan wade tell you about the relationship? >> i recall him stating that at some point they were dating i can't tell you what date that was. it was made in confidence. >> willis herself was pressed about the timing at an earlier hearing. >> when did you start getting it was right around then april 20, 2022. around the i don't know, like it's not like when you're in grade school, you send a little letter and it says, will you be my girlfriend and you check it. >> but after today's emergency hearing, there didn't appear to be any smoking gun evidence. instead, bradley facing questions about his own credibility >> i don't know if speculation flying the two-hour hearing ending without the damaging testimony, defense attorneys had hoped for in their bid to get willis disqualified and the
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>> case against donald trump and his allies tossed why would you speculate when she was asking you a direct question about when the relationships started and you don't want to the testified to that in court. that's the best explanation. >> no, i have no direct knowledge of when the relationship started >> there's another hearing scheduled for friday. we're defense attorneys are expected to introduce cell phone data which they received from a subpoena and they say shows that there was thousands of phone interactions between nathan wade and fani willis before they said they started dating the efforts to disqualify fani willis well, listen good to remove from this case. pick back up friday at 10pm. >> aaron, >> all right. nic, thank you >> very much. in atlanta tonight, i want to go now to ryan goodman, our outfront legal analyst, and ryan, you watched terrence bradley's testimony today. you are really watching it. i know throughout the afternoon. >> so what do you think? do you think it'll help fani willis? >> i certainly think it does
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not hurt fani willis. he didn't say anything to contradict fani willis's or nathan wade's testimony. so in that respect, i assume that they have read the cyber in a certain sense i do think he was in some sense not such a great witness that in some ways you may have heard her to some degree because the judge could actually think this person is keeping the information from the court. and the reason for him to do that is because it is damaging to willis and wade, but that's not very strong. it is not a big win for the defense at all. it's was as you describe it, pretty much of a dud for them and very much of a windfall for wade and willis. >> so how does this then playing to the other question, did i can which is whether to decide to admit the cell phone data as evidenced. that's a private investigator who was hired by a team trump said that he found wade's phone a minimum of 35 times a connected to an extended period to cell
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phone towers near willis is condo that there were 2000 voice calls and about 12,000 text messages between willis and wade in 2021. that's significant because obviously that's before willis hired wade and it's before when the two of testified under oath that their relationship began, which they said was after he was hired. so that data could be very crucial. does anything in what we saw today give you a sense of where the judge will go as to whether admit admitting that evidence happens i think they're high likelihood is that the judge will admit the evidence and then give it to kind of scrutiny that >> one might think it deserves and give the prosecutors the opportunity to try to rebut it. today. the judge time and again, gave the defense counsel license to ask certain questions, license even ask questions that are already been asked each time he was giving them an opportunity to try to make their case. so i think the judge might think, look, the cell phone data information looks like it could be very
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important. it could decide the outcome. >> and do you think it could disqualify her if if he deems it real >> it's the strange quality of life in a certain sense, i think if it does come in and he deems at real, it won't necessarily disqualify her because it shows a conflict of interest, but it could just very easily disqualify her because we ensure that she and nathan wade lie to the court. it would directly contradict their testimony. i think that's the problem for them >> all right. ryan. thank you very much. next, an olympic fence or from russia gave it all up, defecting to the united states. tonight, taking on the russian president head-on. he's outfront. plus our fred pleitgen with a rare look inside iran, where voters are anxious to send a warning to the united states they are ready to take it on to >> be a headline. orders vegas that's what i want to do
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money? only when your clients make more money? yep. democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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than $20, go to deal and see how much you can save. >> our manu raju on capitol hill. >> and this, the sienna tonight warning. >> shot from the kremlin putin spokesperson dmitry peskov telling western nations not to send troops to ukraine unless they want all-out war with russia. this after the french president emmanuel macron said the possibility, quote, cannot be ruled out attention coming as a former russian olympic fencer who defected from his country over putin's invasion is bravely speaking out tonight here outfront. >> constantine >> lokan of left russia the night before the war broke out. didn't know about the war obviously, it happened that night. he never went back outraged by what russia was doing to its neighboring country. a decision cost him his marriage costume is country. it's not safe for him to return to visit. now is living in the united states trying to obtain citizenship to compete for a chance to represent america in the 2024 more olympics
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>> outfront. now, konstantin lokan oven, constantine, i'm so glad to have the opportunity to speak with you as you and i are talking tonight, a human rights activist in russia was jailed the russian american ballerinas in jail now on a treason charge, alexey navalny, putin's top foe of course, is dead. and yet constantine, you are speaking to meet tonight how much risk are you taking on by continuing to speak out for what you believe in >> first of all, thanks for invitation and i hope i'm not that big enemies. aleksey navalny, but i think i just need to be in careful, but i don't see the point and being scared because it's exactly what they want us to. they want us to be in scared and just don't share our opinion. and i just don't want to let them
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what they want to and i wanted to just share my thoughts as it is. >> and so, you speak out and you continue to speak out. constantine when you left you happen to be out of the country the day before the war started and you didn't go back because you chose to not go you chose this path. it has come though at great personal cost see you. your wife wouldn't leave russia. i know you had to get divorced. you've lost your wife, you've lost your country. what has this been like for you? >> i was. a hard time but i wouldn't say it was hard to make that decision because like it's took me like one day to decide that i don't want to go back anymore just because i don't want to be part of that the thing that i love there is more about just the cost to being free and being open to talk, and being open to leave the live that i want to and she
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is my choice. so i decided that i can pay that cost for me. the life valuable are more important >> constantine, you know, you say it took, you just one day to make the decision that it was easy in that sense, but obviously there are so many for whom it was not easy, right? even many who stay who are still torn or don't know. but but you were able to make a choice so quickly. what was it that made it so easy for you? >> i think because like my applet carrier, like i traveled a lot and i saw the world. i pretty much knew how the peoples living in different countries and also like my cultural sense my live variables them more american than russian. and i think that's one of the main differences is that like i was
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pro american, pro-european as my mind sat even before the war started. >> and, you know, constantine with the last olympics were getting ready for the olympics this summer, we're in beijing it was literally in the days before the war began and everybody was watching putin. it's been almost, or it's been two years now since that moment >> how much >> further do you think putin is willing to go? constantine? >> i have no idea, unfortunately, we're always thinking that she can go for that. but was so what happened like nine days from now? in order to navalny that everyone's thing is like the next level that's impossible. but here we are and constantine, you are an olympic level fencer. i know you're trying to get us citizenship in
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time to have a chance to compete for a spot on the us olympic fencing team this summer. given everything that you've been through, what would it mean to you to have the opportunity to complete compete in the olympics? for the us >> it would be horner for me because i already said that, like my life and mindset, swear-in american and i'm feeling home when i'm in america i wouldn't be honor for me to in the best way to stay in in the body and there is an american flag around me i just dream that it might. >> what constantine thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me tonight. i'm grateful. thank you. >> thank you. thank you so much >> also tonight, the us is ramping up pressure on iran to stop providing weapons, including long-range missiles to putin, announcing fresh
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sanctions against iran. it comes as tension between the us and iran is rising as iranians are now preparing to vote in a high-stakes election. our fred pleitgen is intake wrong with story that you will see first outfront >> iranian conservatives with a show of force ahead of what many say will be a key election on friday according their leadership's tough stance against both the us and israel. his son's ihsan and hossein dressed up in military fatigues, voter mohammed column terry says he wants to show the us iran string again, forelimb. they know that iran is a powder cake. he says, it only takes a spark to blow up the entire region in youth, me and the children are wearing these clothes to say that we are the soldiers of this country. >> eight on >> and this man says through this election, we will prove that we can sam against the us not only economically, but militarily, they are sanctioning us. but this will be solved soon. and then we will be a country sanctioning
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them tension between the us and iran has reached a boiling point as washington accuses tehran of supporting houthis in yemen, firing missiles at cargo ships as well as pro iranian militias in iraq and syria targeting us bases. there including the january 28 attack killing three us service members and wounding dozens iran denied paying against hamas and gaza. at the conservative event distain for israel on full display flags with a star of david on the floor for people to step on it certainly seems pretty clear how most of the people at this rally are going to vote at the upcoming parliamentary elections. but this event is really about something else. it's about getting out the vote. in fact, supreme leader of this country has urged people to head to the ballot boxes to make sure there will be a high turnout it's the first election since massive protests erupted in iran in late 2022 following the death
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of mahsa amini after she was detained for violating hijab laws on the streets of tehran. get out the vote posters, nearly everywhere. but with many moderate candidates barred from running inflation high and the economy reeling from tough us led sanctions. some say they feel unenthusiastic when we ask if they will vote, no >> no, no. >> mom, the country belongs to the people. this man says, there should be participation the elections, but it should be freer with the presence of all groups and minorities it's unclear if iran's leaders could persuade more people to vote in an election deemed pivotal for the country's future. an era in the leadership here, certainly trying to put on a full-court press to get people to go to the polls and vote. we speaking a little bit about the candidates that were not allowed to run in this election. while some 15,000 are actually competing for the 290 seats in parliament. and again, the supreme leader himself also coming out and urging people to go to the polls. erin.
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>> all right, fred, thank you very much in tehran tonight and outfront next, robert f. kennedy juniors campaign has secured enough votes to qualify for the ballot in arizona and georgia this could be crucial. could it make him a serious spoiler in november? and wendy's joining the likes of uber and airlines, which all use surge pricing, is paying more during peak times, the new normal king charles tomorrow. on cnn works hard at our one, it's twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty could be barcode beat conductor let's be more than our allergies. >> and for fast allergy relief with a powerful decongestant tries their tech d. >> i saw for would surely arctic with write this in psoriasis. i. was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief placenta ics works for me. >> consent ticks helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis, serious allergic
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qualify for the ballot in both arizona and georgia. now, biden won arizona by just over 10,000 votes in georgia, of course, by 11,779 in votes. a third party candidate could upend the entire election because arizona and georgia are two of the six closely watched swing states, could determine the outcome in november. front now van jones, former special adviser to president obama and longtime republican pollster ed go us and thanks so much to both of you. i appreciate your time than 10,000 votes in either of those states could turn the entire election in new york times, sienna college poll from the fallen arizona has kennedy with 26% support, biden and trump a little bit ahead, but not much, 33% each, just to make the point rfk junior could do a lot better than 10,000 votes in those two states >> you can, and it is, if you understand basic math, this is a shockwave through the democratic party because if it
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takes a lot less than the amount of support he's got, especially among young people, to throw this whole thing to biden. and we can lose some states that we can't lose many. and so we're having, we're going to have a tough enough time in georgia and i have a tough enough time in arizona anyway but this is a big deal, is a very big deal and i think for me that my heartbreaks, i know rfk junior. in fact, he endorsed and broth afford for my first book >> yeah. >> i'm very close to his sister, carey he was an environmental champion hero of mine for a very long time, but if you don't have a pathway to win the white house, and i don't think that he's going to be on enough balance to win the white house, then you shouldn't be doing this because you can only hurt joe biden and hand the country over to donald trump. >> so that from all the data you see and the voters you're speaking to, who does rfk junior hurt the most in these let's with arizona and georgia
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right now, biden or trump will >> clearly, it comes what comes from biden, but it does offset is offset a little bit by the fact that there are many republicans, they are planning on staying at home and not voting for trump so the math is a little bit different than what you would traditionally look at. biden needs all those democrats to turnout but this point, it looks like biden will get more of the democrats to turnout, even with a three, a third party race, than trump? well, in terms of the republicans so which is crucial context here. and of course, rfk junior says he wants to get on the ballot in all 50 states ban. i will see about that. i know you're skeptical, but michigan is one that rfk junior is looking good on the ballot next, that's where they're focusing. and michigan, of course, has those primaries tonight. what are you looking at to gauge biden's strength there? and obviously that was as john king said, as far as the swing state goes, very comfortable victory for biden last time around. but david
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axelrod was saying last night, it appears that will be much closer this time. >> sure. i mean, a michigan is going to be tougher because you got a bunch of constituencies that we need that right now are grumpy to say the least the big muslim community there in michigan, they are not happy with the way that joe biden has been handling the situation in gaza. and you also have a lot of young people of color, especially african american derek guns and some african-american men that are just frustrated in general with the state of things. and so we've got to you've got a very short period of time to get those two groups back on board. don't forget a donald trump has won in michigan before he went michigan in 2016, he lost michigan in 2020 2024, it is possible that he could win again, so my thing with rfk is, again, he's going to the places that the swing states that are going to be the margins of victory for either candidate and that is, but his math right
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now, he is not on track to be an enough states to actually to win the presidency. he's just on track to be in enough states to cost joe biden and president. >> so i want to play part of seth meyers last night. he didn't interview with joe biden and joe biden was trying to take on the central issue that is facing him and poll after poll age and tried to turn it against donald trump. here's what you did number one, you got to take a look. the other guy he's about as old as time, but he can't remember his wife's name? yeah >> it's about, how old your ideas are. >> look, i mean, >> this is a guy wants to take us back. he wants to take us back. and roe v. wade, he wants to take his back on a whole range of issues that are 50, 60 years. they've been solid american physicians that he's referring to trump referring to his wife is mercedes. it appears supposed to melania, i guess that was the first reference >> does this strategy work?
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well, i'm going to late night show and taking the age issue head on in a joking way, but then trying to do it seriously, does that work? >> well? >> certainly works if he got a lot of people laughing and laughing at the other candidate. and also, i think showed him to be a little bit more on his toes and some people think c is, and i think that is very, very helpful in the process but his, his weakness in this campaign, there's any argument that will carry the most weight with the centrist voters out there. it's a question of wehle last the next four years. and you really want her to be the next president. that's going to be the thing used against him on age, not just as age and i probably the more direct so the more he can show symbols, funkiness. i think it is good i have always felt he is not as bad as what is portrayed out there in terms of his age, he may walk like an old man. i don't know the thinks like an
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old man and i think he has an opportunity to prove that in the next election. >> all right, what both of you thank you so very much. an ad i want everyone to know you're also the author of question of respect, bringing us together in a deeply divided nation. >> something we >> all hope will see more of, thanks to both of you. >> next, wendy's wants to charge you more for a burger at lunchtime so is that about to be the new normal >> to be a headline wars vegas? that's what i wanna do >> they had the biggest entertainers in america >> vegas is always >> marketed itself on its naughtiness. >> and the only way you find out what you can't do is if you do it it's unlike anywhere else in the world's biggest the story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn >> okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strike good energy
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>> was the beef. >> john hamburg of lazy to give you a lot less beam on a lot of where's the bait? >> wow, that's the way it is now. a lot of been a little beef that beef may cost you a lot more to it's because wendy's will soon start testing digital menus. the change prices by the minute based on the demand. now they call it dynamic pricing, better known as surge pricing. and harry enten is here to go beyond the numbers. >> so harry, obviously this is driven by inflation and everybody knows inflation has been a very serious issue. but how big of an issue is it for chains like wendy's, mcdonald's that are trying yeah. >> i mean, look, my mom always said to me when i was growing up, do not go into the service industry, do not go into the restaurant business. and if you look at inflation right now, look, inflation has been banned over the past few years, right? since the covid, pandemic. but it's been up 20% overall. look at it for out-of-home dining restaurants, it's up 26%. that's how much the prices are even over the last year. it's
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up 5%, nearly double the overall inflation rate. why is that? well, we know that fast food restaurants employ a lot of low wage workers, right? those raises, those wages have been rising, especially as this job market has been so good, they don't have to stay in one place. they can go to a lot of other places. how about the fact that commercial rents are still really, really high for a lot of folks. so restaurants are having to pass on the cost to the consumer and the result of that is higher fast food prices. >> all right, and the thing is though when you think about it, actually, surge pricing is not new, right? uber in the rain war or like pouring rain in manhattan. we're starting to see it more and more. >> so it >> actually would seem maybe wendy's is just really late. they're getting all the outrage. >> but yeah, i mean sure. how about airline tickets? we the surge pricing, dynamic pricing. you see it on amazon concert tickets, right? you go on and ticketmaster's doing all this stuff. and now it's coming. i know amazon did it. yeah, amazon does it. absolutely.
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i've seen my cream soda go up and down when i try and buy it on there really, yes. be when i come into via that's exactly right. the two >> people who buy end up your cream >> soda, i'll tap. very good. all the tab out of business. all right. but fast-food as well. but here's the real question. are the real question is, is that demand going to be so high and they're going to be so few options that this dynamic or surge pricing will actually work for something wendy's when i could just go across the tree, maybe get a burger at a diner. >> you could, but mcdonald's is doing surge pricing too, right? yeah. they have they have certainly tried it a little bit. now we'll see if these are ultimately successful, but i think what this says something about the fast food industry at large, right? i'm used to going through a drive-thru right. with my mom maybe when i was a kid to burger king or mcdonald's, perhaps you might go up and you may order in person. but what we see as more and more of mcdonald's sales are digital, look at the rise in the digital sales as a percentage of overall says it was just 20%, 2021. now it's upwards of 40%. my goodness, gracious. that is incredible. wow >> no more fish fillet and the