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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 29, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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spread, outbreak spreading. it's nuts. he should be terminated or asked for his resignation. and ron desantis needs to do that today. to keep the public safe >> i mean, this cluster or the outbreak is not over. it does take 21 days. we'll see to get past the infection period. so it's still unclear if you're past the danger quite yet. congresswoman, thank you for coming on. appreciate your time, john. thanks for having me. thank you so much. >> right. thanks so much, kate. a new federal probe just launched into boeing. this news just in the justice department is now reviewing last month door plug blow out the door plug flew out of that alaska airlines flight mid-flight this is a story first reported by bloomberg in the new york times, the department of justice is investigating if boeing it can be held criminally liable. cnn's pete muntean is with us now with the details here, pete, what have you learned? >> this is not good for boeing, john, if facing a mountain of
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investigations into the door-plug incident itself, also in the quality control at the factory. and now the justice department is piling on here. well, what does it all mean? >> this could expose boeing >> to criminal liability if the justice department finds that boeing violated their agreement after the seventh 37 max eight crashes of 2,018.20, 19, the deferred prosecution agreement is what it's officially called, was reached in 2021. it avoided a charge of conspiracy to defraud the united states. boeing admitted to the fraud, but it was controversial because crash victims, families were not consultant set to expire on january 7. that was two days after the door-plug incident on january 5, that agreement cost boeing two-and-a-half billion dollars in 2021 included a $243 million criminal fine. so far no comment from boeing on this latest development. also no comment from the justice department i'll comes from reporting from new york times and from bloomberg citing unnamed sources is happening as
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multiple investigations or appearing to come to a head this week, just on monday expert panel said that boeing employees do not have the ability to properly report safety issues to their managers fearing retaliation. john we know you'll stay on this. pete muntean. thank you very much >> biden versus trump texas style, both heading to the border today to highlight the migrant crisis and their political fix for it all good today be the day that the supreme court decides if donald trump can be banned from state ballots as an insurrectionist and vladimir putin back >> the west as he addresses russia, warning the us its actions could trigger the of nuclear weapons. i'm kate bolduan with john berman. sara is out today. >> this is cnn news central we, are following some breaking
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news out of gaza. we wanted to bring to you i witnesses and the hamas-run palestinian ministry of health say that more than 100 people were killed in what is being described as a chaotic incident, as idf soldiers opened fire as people were trying to get food from aid trucks. cnn's jeremy diamond is gathering new details. he's been picking up some new reporting. jeremy, bring us up to speed here >> well first of all, kate, i think it's important to note that the aid situation, the humanitarian situation in northern gaza, is just so, so desperate and that seems to be part of what led to this scene. hundreds, if not thousands of people surrounding some of these aid trucks that were able to enter northern gaza. some of the very few aid trucks that have actually been able to make it in there. and you can see in this video by the israeli, from the israeli military, the crowds of people around these trucks. but what appears to have happened is that the israeli military open fire on some of these people who are surrounding these trucks and
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israeli military official telling us that the crowd approached the forces in a manner that post was a threat to the troops. and they say that those troops then responded with live fire. now, eyewitnesses on the scene have told us that israeli tanks as well as drones opened fire on this crowd >> and that >> following that, there was a chaotic scene. it's some of the drivers of these aid trucks apparently tried to get away amid this gunfire and killed several additional people, were told that 104 people were killed in this incident, 760 people injured according to the palestinian ministry of health, it's not clear yet how many of those were killed by israeli gunfire versus buy he's trucks and the ensuing chaos but are eyewitnesses on the ground indicate that it was the israeli gunfire that prompted some of those trucks to flee the scene. and in the process, run over some of these individuals. but we are still working together additional details. the israeli military
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says for its part that the incident is under review and they are also saying in a statement that gazan residents surrounded the trucks, loaded the supplies being delivered, and that during the incident, dozens of gazans, they say were injured as a result of pushing and trampling. this was clearly more than just pushing and trampling. and we have eyewitnesses making very clear that the israeli military did indeed open fire hair on these individuals as well. now, we should note that this is only happening because of how desperate the humanitarian situation is in northern gaza. very few aid trucks have actually been able to make it in there. the world food program recently suspended aid deliveries to northern gaza, saying that it was too unsafe. part of that has to do do with a lack of coordination with the israeli military to get those trucks into a warzone safely in a way that they are not targeted. and it also has to do with the fact that the israeli military in the past has targeted police officers who have been around those aid convoys. and so there's very
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little security for these. you combine that lack of six purity. you combine that with the fact that people are on the brink of famine in northern gaza. and then the israeli military also being on the scene. and this is the situation that appears to have arisen. >> and we're showing right next to you what appears to be video from a drone that i believe has been released by the idf today showing some of these scenes is what i appear control and tell me if there's a different from what i'm looking at, but that's exactly what it looks like. what we're seeing here, multiple scenarios and tons of people around them much more to learn very clearly jeremy, thank you. john >> all right. we will watch that all morning long. in the meantime a big day shaping up at the southern border, both president biden and donald trump, making visits there to focus on the issue of illegal immigration. this is what we heard from the white house press secretary just a few minutes ago look, and when they rejected it, republicans rejected it again because of, because of the former president, the president said,
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he's going to take it directly to the american people. the american people are going to hear from him about what happened, about how they put republicans, put politics, they put politics ahead of dealing with issues that matter what she was talking about. there was she was placing the blame on republicans, particularly in the senate, for blocking that bipartisan agreement >> on immigration that had the support of many republicans and also from the white house. but it is now going nowhere. cnn's kristen holmes is in eagle pass. that is where donald trump visiting priscilla alvarez is in brownsville where president biden is set to arrive for zyla first you what can we expect from the president today >> well john this is an extraordinary move by a white house that is really cat border security at a distance, of course, is it an administration that has dealt with multiple surges at the us-mexico border and sources telling me that over the years discussions within the white house about this issue, we're tense as it increasingly became a political
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liability. now, border crossing he's have dropped in recent weeks, but the turning point here was that senate border bill that you just talked about that included some of the toughest border security measures in recent memories, but it was tanked by republicans at the encouragement of former president donald trump. and so president biden is expected to hammer republicans while he is talking here at the border patrol facility. behind me is also expected to meet with law enforcement and with border patrol agents and really make the focus about what hasn't been done in congress, despite his own administration, officials working with negotiators to include some of the moment most extraordinary authorities in this senate border deal. but i should also note, john, that the timing here is critical. a new gallup poll released this week shows that a bigger share of americans see is this issue of immigration as one of the most important issues the president here is going to try to flip the script on republicans on former president donald trump. and season an issue that up until this point has really
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dogged his administration. >> it will present to see what he said and how he handles it when he is there on the ground, priscilla, thank you. let's go to kristen holmes in eagle pass for what we can expect from donald trump today, kristen >> yeah, john, there's a reason he's in eagle pass. this has really become the focal point of the standoff between governor texas governor greg abbott and the biden administration over who can enforce border security. we know that abbott has spent state resources using razor wire on buoys as well as on the side of trains in this area, you can expect donald trump to tour some of the implementations that abbott has put into place. we also expect that abbott is going to join him for part of the day-to-day is also going to meet with national guard. he's going to deliver a series of remarks. they say he's going to answer questions, but we're not sure from whom since reporters will not be with him, it will just be one pool camera. >> but >> we know that donald trump wants to make immigration and has made immigration a key talking point. it's really would help carry him to the white house in 2016 and he's already promised to expand on
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his white house policies on immigration. these hardline policies that he put in place while he was in office, he plans on going after biden, particularly now, as you heard, priscilla mentioning that gallup poll also on top of that, this decision really universally that there is a crisis now at the border, we heard a preview of what trump is likely to say. take a listen as president, i will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in american history to remove joe >> biden's illegals and murderers because that's what many of them are and as we know, donald trump has always use rhetoric that is fear soaking when talking about immigration >> back in 2015, that's how we started the launch of his campaign and expect that again today he is going to talk about a number of different alleged crimes that were committed by migrants particularly focus on focusing on the murder of the uga's student, laken riley, at the hands of a while, allegedly the suspect is an undocumented
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venezuelan migrant, john. >> all right. kristen holmes in eagle pass, priscilla alvarez, we lost her shot is in brownsville or president biden will arrive later today. our thanks to both of you kate let's talk about this crisis at the border and how it's reached far beyond where they are going to be in texas right now, joining us right now is the >> governor of new york, democratic governor kathy hochul. it's good. thank you for coming and good morning, kate. good. so the president biden, donald >> trump, they're going to be done at the border highlighting this issue today. the migrant crisis has made its way very clearly to new york. you have talked about this and in spoken very publicly about the need for resources and the need for help from the federal government. the mayor of new york city, eric adams. he's trying to make moves on this, right now. saying that he wants to basically change the city's sanctuary city status in order to make it easier to deport migrants who are accused of serious crimes though they had before. that's even worked its way through courts do you agree
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with that move? >> what i would say is the state of new york has a different sanctuary policy. we are allowed to work with federal immigration officials when a crime has been committed, as we should be able to. and what we want to have happened in the state of york of someone commits a crime like the horrific assault by migrants against police officers in times square. i immediately said, i want them arrested, tried, and if convicted, i want them to spend time in new york jails before they are deported because if they're released go back to their country. i don't know if they won't be back in the next few months. >> so >> i think we have more control, least under new york state laws now the city has a different view and they can do choose the path they want to, but also it's a crisis that we need solved right now. we should not be talking about crimes being committed by migrants in the streets new york, and the vast majority of them are law-abiding citizen. they truly are. they came here for a better life and i don't want to highlight those who
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committed crimes they do exist. they exist in every society, but right now the state of new york has the power to work with ice when these situations occur because the difference is, is that eric adams seems to want them to be able to be afforded before tried and convicted of a crime. you think that is a badmouth? well, that's a dead is >> not consistent with our policy at the state level, we work with people we want them to i want people to have a punishment when they commit a crime against the new yorker i want to make sure that happens. that's very important to me. you've recently visited the border when it comes to getting some getting real fix to the problem governor, obviously it's in the hands of congress. congress has stalled and getting their act together and any major bipartisan deal, it's been you've been following those negotiations and how that's gone. while house republicans have definitely held up movement on what really was seen as a pretty could have been a pretty big bipartisan deal democratic
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medic members from new york have also been against an alexandra ocasio-cortez had said of that senate deal that she thinks it's contributed being to worsen the border crisis and says that it was just giving republicans everything that they want. >> that is one voice that does not represent the majority of new yorkers. the majority of democrats, or the majority of americans? there was a solution presented on february 4. i was in communicates with the white house. they said we finally have a deal conservative republicans and democrats have come together to fix this and it's not the first time in history i was a young staffer working for senator moynihan when we had the immigration reform act of 1986 tip o'neill democrats republicans, ronald reagan signs it and it calmed down for decades. that's all we're asking for to have what the american people want us to do is get the job done. joe biden has taken the lead republicans had in their hands the ability to get this done,
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improve that. no, washington is not as dysfunctional as it seems. we actually can solve this. and when donald trump went on truth social 24 hours later, it all collapsed because even republicans from the state of new york, which are being under a lot of stress right now, we're under a lot of stress and a lot of money's being spent to house people to make sure they're not in the streets and try to get them jobs. it's taken its toll on our state. we're at capacity of big hearts, but we're at capacity. i have ten republican members of congress if they banded together and walked into speaker johnson's office, he would have to listen to them. we even have a member of congress upon the northern border, who's perhaps auditioning for vice president. but the truth is the deal that president biden wanted and that chuck schumer negotiating with republicans, had money for the northern border i need that border money. i needed on the southern border. and the plan to stop all this chaos is in
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the grasp of the republican house and they need to step up and do it. they're sent there to do and help govern this country. you mentioned trump, new york has also become the center of the universe so far, so far, for trump's legal troubles i mean, i can list out from civil defamation to his first criminal trial. that's about to happen. and he just lost that massive civil fraud case here. the ag letitia james led that charge on the civil fraud case. she has faced some criticism for basically bad form that she openly campaigned on a promise to take on donald trump's specifically and if you look at her twitter feed, it seems that she's kind of rubbing, i guess you could describe it as kind of rubbing it in his face, kinda posting on twitter how the interest is accumulating for that civil judgment are you okay with that >> i have long known as has everyone in the state of your anyone following the news that donald trump had unethical business practices, you go to any business person who ever worked with them over the last 40 years and they all have
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stories about how they were defrauded. banks that were defrauded based on false information. so for someone to talk about that in the context of what she did that's not unknown now. that's commonly known. it was commonly known. so if she wanted to say that this is something she would pursue as the attorney general, i think we would expect that is she supposed to run and say, well, i know it's out there and there's a lot of smoke there. we shouldn't investigate this because it might i don't think we would expect that we want people to do their jobs. she was elected, she did her job. and there are consequences. presidents of the united states and former presidents are not above the law. and she demonstrated that governor kathy hochul, thanks for coming in. all right. thank you. had to have you here. thank you, john. >> we are standing by to see if we get this second huge action from the us supreme court in two days after giving donald trump the delay, he wanted in the federal election subversion case. against him. >> will they rule >> this morning on whether states can ban him from ballots as an insurrectionist. and
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>> the way a welsh should be fined, the plan that's right for you at trust and we'll dot com erin burnett outfront tonight at seven on cnn >> we could hear as soon as this morning the supreme court thinks donald trump can be banned from state ballots as an insurrectionist. illinois became the thursday to try to remove him overnight this as trump now cheers on the supreme court's decision to take up his immunity fight, which will significantly delay the federal election subversion trial against him, seen as kala poll
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with us now to walk us through where we are in this incredible calendar crunch john, so much depends upon the us supreme court. >> and >> what they do about all of these legal issues >> around donald trump and the fallout from the 2020 election, what he was doing while he was still in the presidency leading up to and on the day of that january 6 capitol riot by his the porters, john, let's start with the lawsuits against donald trump to remove him from the ballot. that is an issue that the us supreme court is looking at. and now there are three states that say donald trump is ineligible to be voted for in their state's primary elections that are upcoming illinois. a court decided last night that donald trump is ineligible. he will be able to appeal that and potentially put that on hold as the state continues to work things out. but the us supreme court is looking at whether courts in colorado and illinois are able
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to do this and whether the people who run elections in the state of maine are also able to remember hoover trump from the ballot or throw out votes for him. so that's on the lawsuit side, and his eligibility related to the insurrection calling him an insurrectionist and votes toward the presidency on the criminal case side, that's where the us supreme court has now said they are going to be weighing questions of presidential immunity if there's a bubble around donald trump that protects him from criminal charges and prevents him from going to trial in his obstruction case related to the 2020 election. right now, that case is paused. it was in the trial court. it was scheduled to go to trial very soon. as soon as march, but it's been paused for several months now as appeals over these presidential immunity questions play out, the supreme court says they're now going to be looking at that. they're going to be hearing arguments in april with the decision very possibly coming by the end of their term in june so the trial
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date could fall anytime after that john. >> all right. kaitlan bullets. thank you very much. >> with the calendar that doesn't stop changing >> joining us now >> is cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodgers, for much more on this. let's start with what the supreme court is now taking up this immunity question. in general why do you think the justices took it up? what are the reasons behind it? when what do you think of this kind of moment? we now find ourselves in? >> well, putting aside whether they want to put their thumb on the scale for donald trump and delay the thing. so we'll put that aside for the moment. >> the >> supreme court is the ultimate arbiter of a question like this. it's never been decided before. it's a constitutional question. is the president immune for criminal acts? if the dc circuit is the last word on this, it's not binding on the entire nation, right? so one reason is it's kind of, their thing, right? squarely within their wheelhouse to decide and it makes it binding on the whole nation in the event that we confront this again. so those are the reasons that the court might say this is for us to
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decide. we have to be the final word here. >> forgive me for turning to last page in the book here, but i think the question everyone had overnight and this is a full employment act for great. laura is like you i know you're talking about it last night. it's okay. sulla supreme court hears arguments in april. can the case happen? could if they decide he can go forward can it be before john? judge, tanya chutkin before the election? >> it could, but i think it's really unlikely, you know, she has promised donald trump and his lawyers that they'll have a certain amount of time to prepare. so if they don't get the case back until the summer, she gives him the couple of months that he's lost during all of these stays to prepare the case, do their motions, get their subpoenas out for trial, everything they need to do. we're now into the end of summer, september, early voting starts in september, 2 month trial to do the trial itself it's just probably don't usually how we will learn this. so the supreme court hears arguments in april. they issue their ruling may be june than men's in june. >> so they'll issue it by the
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end of june. the mandate will issue if first of all, if they decide he's immune, the case goes away, right? of course, if they decide that he is not immune and they will issue back to the district court. it's a paperwork issue. so in a few days, so let's say by the very end of june district court has the case back. they can go back, they can continue their emotions. they can issue subpoenas, do all the things that you do in advance of trial, but that takes time, takes at least she's given him a couple of months, so we're talking about now, july and august for that process, at least using what do you think of the comparisons i've heard a few times of that the court, the justices will decide that donald trump for donald trump in terms of the colorado question, keeping him on the ballot and it may then give them more room to decide against him in the immunity case. >> i think that's wishful thinking. i think the justices will end should do what they ought to do in each case individually, right? based on what the constitution says,
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rice, on what the law is, i think this horse trading notion, i think they do that sometimes in an individual case it may be that actually here that's what they've done in terms of taking crt but not issuing mean this day they may not have had enough votes to do one versus the other. but as far as this case against that case, it's not how it should be done and i don't think it's house and i think this is everyone was it's been caught up in the timing of this. all they lost focus on this. the supreme court will rule on immunity. it's possible they rule against trump. and while it's not the actual criminal case that could still sting, i would think >> well, it will sting, but he's got a real bomb for that staying, which is that they've now basically made it impossible for this case to be tried before the election. and so if he doesn't get his immunity he's has to win the election for this to go away. but at least makes it possible for him. >> all right. jennifer rodgers. thank you so much for explaining all so well, great to see you, jennifer >> so a succession battle in the senate, the influence that donald trump could have on who
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will then, who will now replace mitch mcconnell as a republican's top leader and concern is rising among white house officials those that israel may launch an incursion into lebanon when that has the potential to become reality. what we're learning about it, that's next >> they come every night watch those until the sun rises again it's a window on the other side >> there'll be very interested in someone what does he do well, you don't, you want to know what they are? >> okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strike that energy
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regain his lunch break, try now for free visit, ai or download the app sunday. >> van jones heads home to find out what is driving the divide in tennessee politics. >> there has been a very active 20 to 30 year effort to separate us. >> the whole story with anderson cooper sunday at eight on cnn >> this morning, new jockeying on capitol hill as several
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public and senators are actively maneuvering to be the next senate party leader. this after mitch mcconnell's dramatic announcement that he will step down in november, cnn's lauren fox is chasing it down on capitol hill. may him as they tried to figure out who will be the next leader there, laura. >> yeah. and they have some time, john, to figure this out because mcconnell is not stepping aside as the republican leader in till november, but this is going to be about a battle for the soul of the republican conference it's in the united states senate. you are already seeing that there's a lot of talk, a lot of speculation about who could fill mcconnell's shoes, but there's really a division among members as to what they think that person should embody, should this person look like? and follow donald trump? should this person have a close working really? mission trip with donald trump or is there a belief and some share this in the united states senate among republican members. is there a belief that someone in this role needs to be a
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counterbalance? to donald trump, ron johnson, who has been critical of mitch mcconnell over the course of the last several years, he said that it's his view that it was responsible for mcconnell to step aside and give the conference several months to have this debate in an open way. but then do you want people like lisa murkowski who told our colleague, ted barrett that every day she wonders if she's still fits in this republican party. and if mcconnell has gone someone who has really tried to fight against the tide of isolation to msm and populism that has spurred the republican party in the last several years. then what does that mean for people like lisa murkowski, for people like susan collins, there's a lot of discussion about the three john's, john thune, the number two republican right now, john cornyn, a republican from texas, the former whip and john barrasso, another member of current republican leadership. and that discussion is going to continue. but again, seven for months until republicans have to make this
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ultimate decision. and you can expect that trump is going to loom large in the months ahead as people are jockeying for that role, john john power i can get lineup behind that. lauren, 24 hours ago, we thought there might be a government shutdown looming where do things stand right now? >> yeah, things are moving in a much more positive direction. you had that announcement yesterday from house republican leaders that they are going to move forward with a short-term cr to give themselves a little bit more time than the expectation is that they are going to be able to pass six of the appropriations bills by march 8. the other six by march 22. now, a lot of things can fall apart between now and then, but there is a realization they are five months into this fiscal year. it is time to try to put this behind them because the fact is the math is not going to change for speaker mike johnson, he either makes the hard calls now or he makes them later, but delaying them may only create more frustration and anger for him on his right flank. and i
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think that's why you're seeing him take this choice now, a lot can change those. so i just want to caution, let's not guarantee that this is happening until we see the ink is signed and drive at the white house now. >> look, if there is a way to mess it up. we have seen them find ways over the last several months symbolised first votes will start happening today. lauren fox, thank you very much. >> we are continuing to track breaking news this morning, reports dozens of people have been killed in gaza while waiting for food from aid trucks. there's new video coming in, running the details elliott >> spitzer, crusading governor by day, wanted to be present in the united states. client number nine by night's this guy who was a crusader against human sex trafficking is actually a customer, united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episodes sunday at nine on a lot of new dry eye patients in my office. tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye disease millions of americans were estimated to have it.
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big bite de a perfectly delicious de >> love my new >> teeth day. >> because you're clear >> choice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clear choice day changes every day. schedule, a free consultation forced to be recommended. >> know that you say client yew, your business bank account with quickbooks money. now earned 5% apy 5% apy. >> that's new yep that's how your business differently >> life. diabetes. there's no slowing down each day is a unique blend of people to see. and thanks to do that's why you choose glissando to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carb steady glue, sirna, bring on the day >> we are tracking breaking news out of gaza right now, the idf says it is looking into a deadly and chaotic incident
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that happened today in gaza city the hamas-run palestinian ministry of health says more than 100 people were killed as they tried to get food from aid trucks. now separately, we've also have reports, the biden administration is growing increasingly concerned that israel may soon launch a ground incursion into lebanon cnn's alex marquardt is joining us now. alex brings up to speed >> well, kate administration official told me that there's a distinct possibility that in the near future, israel could launch a ground incursion into southern lebanon. i'm told this is not something that would necessarily happen imminently, but it could happen in the late spring or early early summer. senior biden ministration official telling me that they are operating under the assumption that this is something that israel is going to do. a second administration official says that there is a growing number of officials in the israeli government and military who wants to do this, who see this? as something that
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israel needs to do. the biden ministration, are these officials that i've spoken with warning that this could lead to what they call a major major escalation that we don't even know the proportions of so warnings of a distinct possibility of an expansion of this conflict. now, of course, since october 7, kate's so much of the focus has been on gaza, on the war there between israel and hamas following those horrible attacks in israel by hamas on october 7. but at the same time, there has been this slightly lower level, but but significant conflict brewing between hezbollah in southern lebanon and with israel. we've seen tens of thousands of israelis and lebanese he's displaced increasing airstrikes by israel into lebanon leading to these fears of a growing of a growing conflict, the us has dispatched a senior official in amus hochstein to try to come up with a diplomatic solution. and what that would look like is the creation of a buffer
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zone in southern lebanon that would essentially push hezbollah out and make it less possible for them to fire from those southern lebanese positions into israel. now, if those diplomatic talks are not successful and israel is saying that they hope they are israeli official shells have made clear that a military, a military operation into southern lebanon is very possible >> alex. thank you so much for that reporting. really important. thank you, john. all right. with us now is cnn global affairs analyst, former defense secretary under donald trump, mark esper, mr. secretary. thank you so much for being with us. i want to start with breaking news. these drone images we've just seen in the reporting out of gaza of dozens, maybe 100 people killed while waiting for aid at these aid trucks that are coming in. >> the >> humanitarian situation in gaza how much of a threat is that to hopes for peace there, to hopes for israel to achieve what they want to achieve.
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>> well, clearly israel has a responsibility under international humanitarian law to provide food and aid to the civilians in gaza. and this may be part and parcel that we there are concerns of course have been for many years at food aid coming in is rife with arms and ammunition for hamas. and that maybe hamas is also pilfering it reports early reports from this incident, or maybe that that was happening. and then israel opened fire or maybe a stampede happened. but look, this is all related to what's going on in the ground and it's going to be a key part of the negotiation between hamas and israel. >> it made me think of a headline that i saw in the wall street journal today, and i haven't right here, hamas is losing every battle in gaza. it's still thinks it could win the war. >> yeah, because the logic is by yahya sinwar, the head of hamas in gaza is that if he survives, if he and enough of his fighters survive, not win, then they've actually won the conflict, if you will. because at some point, israel will have
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to stop its operations in that area and pulled back. and so that's what they're holding out for, by the way, that's why bibi netanyahu wants to go and he believes there are four to six battalions militants remaining there. he well, the sinwar is there. he wants to go in and take them out. and to me that's one way or another. he is going into rafah. >> but when you see the civilians who are clearly suffering in gaza like this in the world continues to see it. the window seems to be closing. >> absolutely. but look, israel suffered this international condemnation now for four plus months lebanon, if israel did cross the southern border, i was there in 2006 when there was a border crossing of a war between israel and lebanon. if israel did cross that southern border into lebanon to go after hezbollah how much of an escalation would that be? >> look, it's a major escalation and this talk has been going on now for months and i've argued that why would israel want to start a second front, which is why? it's interesting now we're talking about late spring, summer. but look, hezbollah has 150,000 rockets and missiles and israel, they probably see an opportunity to go after this and look, there's other
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reporting coming out out of the region right now that says iranian irgc leadership met with has blonde said, if israel goes into rafah, we want you to attack. so there's a lot of conflicting information going on here. >> what asked you what's going on in ukraine right now, of course, vladimir putin held one of his big news conferences talking about any number of things. but today it included a new threat on the west that seemed to be a reaction to the discussions that we're just taking place in europe over the possibility which everyone said they wouldn't do have sending some kind of troops to help the ukrainians and ukraine, this is what putin said today. the consequences are possible interventionists will be much more tragic. they must ultimately understand that we also have weapons and they know about it just as i now said, we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory. >> yeah, look, nuclear saber rattling by moscow is not you knew what i thought was really new news. i didn't get much coverage was a monday when paris president macron that held this conference with 20 or so european leaders to talk about ukraine. but there were
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supposedly talk within a room of france prison macron saying we are considering putting troops into ukraine now he didn't specify for what apparently other countries from the nordic states, the baltic states says, yeah, we'd be willing to do it to me. this was news that didn't again, get much coverage that nato forces are at least host nation, national forces would go in some type of role and support ukraine. that's what i was referring to and that's what >> putin, vladimir putin surely early responded in this because that would change the dynamic of the conflict in ukraine. now you have western troops and air with more western weapons and that would certainly blunt the new offensive by russia and aid ukraine doesn't see an imminent, it does seem like macron was raising it basically to show some kind of a threat or urgency to vladimir putin. >> i think it always makes sense to not take that option off the table in any scenario. >> so i want to close with this. look, you have said that you're no lawyer. you have also said that you do not think that donald trump is fit to be president. again, the supreme court yesterday decided to take up this case a presidential mutiny in april, which a lot of people see this as making it all but impossible to hear the
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federal election subversion case before the election. i wonder if you think that is good or bad for the american people, that there may not be this case, this criminal case before election day. >> well, look, on one hand, it's good because nobody is above the law, there should be a process to play out. most people think that the court is going to rule that the cases filed by the state or wrong right. but the bad for the american people on one hand is at it pushes this back and we, the american people republicans may be end up voting for a candidate at the end the day could be convicted of a crime or crimes. and so you have that on the other hand, so look up, be curious to see how this plays out there, thinking that the case may will go to court and what late april and then not be resolved until june of the first well, supreme court won't hear arguments until april. they may not shoot decision until june if they allowed to go forward. it means the case may not happen at all before election day, but did it would be the fall, right. >> so you can end up voting for somebody that could end up convicted and that is a terrible situation for the united states, for the american people to be in. >> former secretary mark esper.
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thanks so much for being with us. appreciate it. thank you, john. >> it's great to have them in studio joining us, coming up for us, a showdown in texas. what is going to happen when president biden and donald trump both head to the border to highlight the migrant crisis and also hit each other over that very same crisis. and new polling is out of taking the temperature of how americans feel right now about alabama supreme court ruling, creating an ivf nightmare for so many families. >> we back frank sinatra had connections with the mafia and all these nightclubs were owned by the mob >> you didn't want to make those guys that he was vegas story of sin city. sunday at ten on cnn >> this year, i got serious about my taxes. i met with the turbotax expert because i had two full-time jobs, lawyering and miami, all my own. >> count on me, mia.
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with a prebiotic we don't his bad dad holding back >> all your ambitions all in one low >> fixed rat, call click
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cnn comedian and actor richard lewis has died known for so many roles and shows like curb your enthusiasm i didn't wear it on again today. i'm a word of wisdom, man, i didn't three tries a street. >> him really on a good streak louis, his publicist tells cnn that he passed away at home in los angeles after suffering a >> heart attack last year, he revealed that he'd been living with parkinson's disease richard lewis was 76 years old ms justin encouraging new data on inflation. one of the federal reserve's favorite data markers is showing this morning that inflation is still on a downward, albeit bumpy path towards the fed's target of two percent. the latest numbers show a slight improvement from december matching wall street expectations and raising hopes that the fed will begin cutting interest rates soon burger king
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offering customers a free burger until friday. the deal is in response to wendy. wendy's new plan that we talked so much about as they want to test out surge pricing on there news when he's responded to the pricing controversy, saying it would allow restaurants to discount prices at different times of the day, allowing special offers during slower times so we will find out, i guess soon, john. >> thank you so much. >> so this morning, state and federal legislators are scrambling to figure out what to do following alabama's state supreme court ruling, which has such a big impact on ivf. the question is, how are voters feeling cnn senior data reporter harry enten is here with that. i'm glad you're doing this because this has been so controversial. and we had one member of congress tell us that republican lawmakers are terrified about this issue. so why did they have good reason to be terrified, john, i've been waiting for a poll on
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this. i'd posters just never even thought to ask the question, but now we finally you have one. all right, so this is a little bit of complicated polling wording, but frozen embryos are people and those who destroy them are legally liable, just 31% of americans support that idea. essentially what the alabama supreme court was finding, the vast majority, two-thirds, 66% are opposed on this particular hello, think it was not too much of a surprise me, but even given this wording, which i think is a little complicated and may actually be better for the support side. it's still only registers less than a third of support among americans. the vast majority, 66% of them are opposed. >> what about a party breakdown here? yeah, what about party breakdown here? so democrats overwhelmingly are opposed for this ruling. 82% of them are opposed just 17% support what's more interesting to me, this is not too surprising, is go over to the republican side of the aisle, right? that alabama supreme court leaning more conservative, look at this gop, the best that this can do is register essentially a 50-50 split with 49% support, 49%
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opposition. there are rarely issues in which you see republicans and democrats both sort of this close together. and this is sort of points out how politically difficult this is for republicans were their own basis split. democrats rats are overwhelmingly opposed and the american public is overwhelmingly opposed. >> ivf seems to be this new third rail and there are a lot of republican politicians who know it abortion broadly speaking, it is very much a campaign issue since the dobbs decision donald trump has come out and supportive of a 16th, 16 week federal ban on abortion for water views on that? >> yeah. all right. so we saw that voters should say, i should say i don't know. it has been reported yet. he is supportive that he has not come as he has not come out with a new york times report, correct, john. so if we look here, a national ban on abortion after six weeks of presidency, again, this is a bad idea. if you're talking about politics because just 40% of americans support it, 57% oppose a john. and then
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if you look towards the center of the iowa among independents, right? those are the key groups of voters that you want to go after an election. just 39% support it 59% oppose it. so basically what's being reported by the time and the alabama supreme court rulings are basically things that are just not popular among the american public. the other day we were talking about immigration and how voters see donald trump more favorably on immigration. they do president biden. what about the issue surrounding abortion? >> yeah. so look, this is not the ground that donald trump wants to be playing on. so if we look trust binder, more, trump, trust binary trump more on abortion, look at this biden with an eight-point late. the economy, the economy, the economy, right? donald trump, the former businessman. this is the ground he wants to be playing on. that or immigration look at that lead that trump has on the economy a 20 point advantage on the economy. his lead on immigration is even larger, but instead this morning we're talking about ivf and abortion. this is the ground joe biden wants to be playing on. it was part of the
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reason that 2022 midterms democrats did so well, if we're talking about ivf and abortion, that is where joe biden wants to be. donald trump does not want to be your, he wants to be talking about the economy or immigration like going to the border today. >> harry enten, great to see you as always. thank you. thank you so much. kate >> all right. so the highly anticipated dune part two opens across the country tomorrow. the release of this celebrity pack sequel was delayed because of the hollywood strikes. now cnn's elizabeth wagmeister sat down with the film's stars and dayo and timothee chalamet warner brothers discovery is also the parent company of cnn watch >> on the on-screen spectacle of dune part two delayed by the offspring drama of two hollywood strikes. how does it feel to finally be able to unveil dune two to the world. are relief >> here is with the strikes resolved stars, timothee chalamet and


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