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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 1, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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donate your small talk >> manu raju you're on capitol hill in this is cnn >> it's friday, march 1, right now on cnn this morning, a funeral for alexey navalny's set to begin next hour russian dissidents still rattling vladimir putin, even in death. >> plus >> a critical hearing today in the mar-a-lago documents case, donald trump's lawyers now saying they would step two trial, three months before the election >> and >> congress doing what it seems to do best these days, kicking the can down the road. yet again to head off a government shutdown >> arrived 05:00 a.m. i'm here in washington a live look down the national mall, the washington monument, the lincoln memorial behind it. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's great to be with you. happy friday. we made all right. even in death,
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alexey navalny is haunting vladimir putin just an hour from now, funeral services are scheduled to begin in moscow for the late opposition leader. hundreds of mourners and a heavy police presence or already in place. navalny's allies fear the kremlin will intervene. it's not clear whether anyone beyond navalny's family will be allowed to attend the services. and there are mounting concerns that the russians may block the live of the funeral making today's events a potential flashpoint for anti putin sentiment inside russia. >> the >> world is watching with vigils now underway across the globe. cnn senior editor nathan hodge joins us now from london at nathan. good morning to you. what can you tell us? >> well, kasie, this is a two-week saga now that's been unfolding since the death of alexei navalny. >> first, >> we had an incredible drama that unfolded just over whether or not the authorities would be
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handing over navalny's body to his family. that was mother in the days after his death had gone up to the remote prison north of the arctic circle, where he died in an effort to retrieve the body. and there was a giant sort of behind the scenes tussle over, handing over the body with essentially navalny supporters shaming russian president vladimir putin, who is often cast himself as a defender of traditional snl for not handing over the body of alexey navalny so that he could have what his family wanted, which would be an orthodox christian burial. now, in moscow crowds have been assembling outside of the church in the southern moscow suburban neighborhood. where navalny's family had lived and they're gathering there with a very heavy police presence. as authorities are clearly concerned that the commemoration of navalny, that this funeral could turn essentially into a political
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funeral. and of course, it's been a longstanding practice of the russian authorities to crack down on any kind of unauthorized political gathering. but that tendency has already gathered speed and is an intensified since the full-scale invasion of ukraine two years ago, with the authorities passing laws that essentially further restricted free speech and the authorities have dealt very harshly over the past couple of weeks with people who have been staging impromptu memorials to navalny, laying flowers to him, and cities around russia and many hundreds of people according to human rights observers, have been arrested for coming out and showing their support for navalny's. so the big concern around this is that this demonstration, all that we have not seen evidence of any kinds of arrests despite this heavy police presence around the church and where the funeral is supposed to take place but we've just heard in the past hour from navalny's spokesperson there are still
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waiting for the body to actually be handed over, thus causing another delay in potentially pushing the funeral. this memorial observance further to the right, kasie so nathan, i'm so sorry, i have to interrupt you there because we actually have gotten some new information in on that. they now are tweeting his spokesperson, navalny spokesperson is tweeting that the body has been handed over to relatives, so i just wanna make sure we make that clear. she also tweeted a hearse we'll soon be headed over to the church. it of course, had been initially reported that his team had been unable to secure hearse for transporting navalny's body. i also want to bring this to our viewers to this just crossing here at cnn, the kremlin spokesman dmitry peskov told cnn friday today that he has nothing to say to the family of opposition politician alexey navalny on the day of his funeral, he was asked a very straightforward question does he have anything to say to the family? he says,
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quote, no, we have nothing to say. i think we should also note that according to the pictures that you're seeing, some of this on your screen here. we also know for this crowd has been continuing to grow and i'm the police presence has been growing along with it according to video, there are police officers on the roofs of buildings nearby. the mother of god church where he has to be laid to rest. >> nathan thank you very much for kicking us off this morning. i really appreciate your reporting. >> let's go now to this a >> critical hearing today in florida in the criminal case against donald trump for his handling of classified documents. the judge is expected to set a trial date in a court filing on thursday. special counsel jack smith proposed july 8th for that trump's lawyers have claimed repeatedly that no fair trial can take place until after the november reelection. but last night they proposed a new trial date of august 12th, three months before the election. on thursday, trump and president biden made dueling appearances in texas to try and shine a spotlight on the border crisis. president biden was in brownsville pushing for
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bipartisan border policies. while trump was 300 miles away in eagle pass, joining yes. now, is the white house correspondent for bloomberg news, akayla gardner. akayla. good morning. let's start on this legal angle because obviously we know that former president trump's campaign strategy and his legal strategy might as well be one in the same. this does this case in the classified documents situation interacts with the election subversion case. the jack smith is also handling what does it say to you that they now are willing to move that date before the election because i have to say my first thought was, well, maybe that's a tactic to try to delay the election subversion case until after the election i think you're exactly right at the end of the day, trump's lawyers have tried to delay these cases as much as possible because they know that if donald trump is elected, that he could >> simply ask the justice department to dismiss these cases. and at the end of the de we've seen in bloomberg news and morning consult's polling, that a conviction and any of these criminal trials could be a huge liability. for donald trump, especially in swing states and if he faces prison
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time. so this is certainly their strategy may be a way to negotiate with the judge here. but as you said, donald trump's legal strategy has increasingly just merged with his campaign strategy. we've seen him take to truth, social, expressing his grievances with judges and with the process in general energize his base, voters and many ways i've talked to voters who believe that this was a corrupt system against him at the justice department is against donald trump. and for his base voters that has worked, but there is evidenced that sort of fringe republicans are uncomfortable this well, i mean, i think independent voters as well have a potential actually big concern here in terms of the strategy being very different if you're trying to win a republican primary than perhaps it will be in a general election. briefly on the border i'm not sure if we can put up just a split screen of these two men, but they were both talking at different parts of the southern border. the biden team announcing he was gonna go down there after the trump trip it was already on the calendar, so he clearly wanted to put
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himself right in that frame so that when we were sitting here doing this the day after we have pictures of both of them here acknowledging, hey, this is a problem, but they talk about this very, very differently. i mean, trump was back on. i mean, i was there when he went down that golden escalator and he was talking about people coming across the border bringing drugs, big brain crime, demonizing migrants, president biden was criticizing republicans to saying, hey, like you killed this very conservative policy that i was willing to support what, what did you see as this played out yesterday? >> yes. i think split screen is exactly the right word we saw biden in brownsville, which is he got criticism essentially because it's not really hotspot as compared to eagle pass, where trump was an immigration is just continued to increase as an issue, especially among swing state voters. we've seen that the unprecedented level of migration is just starting to trickle into some of these cities, places like arizona, places like new york city, even democrats that i talked to you sometimes raised this as an issue of the mayors of those cities have 100% and that's put pressure on the present on
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president biden, on the administration in general, we saw governor's raising this as a huge issue just last week. >> and i >> think trump knows that this is a liability for president biden. i ask the biden campaign, do they see this as an issue among their court orders? and they said it's an issue nationally was a pretty big statement, especially because this seems to be more of a republican issue here. but president biden pretty clearly asked donald trump, come alongside me, support this bill and ask that seems very unlikely as we know that trump has publicly and privately press speaker johnson not to take up any of these bills that have come out of the senate. yeah. i mean, he killed it single-handedly, basically. all right. akayla gardner, a kaitlan. thank you very much for being with us this morning. >> all right. coming up next negotiations between israel and hamas reaching a critical stage after a deadly attack on civilians in gaza, plus trump and biden, as were just discussing split screen at the border, delivering starkly different messages on how to solve the migrant crisis and an air national guardsman accused of posting classified documents online. might be changing his plea.
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public >> can the riva support your brain health? >> mary janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, frank, frank bred. how are you fred, fuel >> up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the new riva brain health challenge i'm fred pleitgen in teheran, and this is cnn >> welcome back this morning, there are conflicting versions of events after that heart-wrenching scene in northern gaza on thursday according to palestinian officials, more than 100 people were killed. hundreds more were injured amid israeli gunfire. >> witnesses >> say civilians were gathering around newly arrived aid trucks when gunfire erupted triggering panic as a result, and many were run over by aid trucks and killed cnn is unable to independently confirm the death toll. the president biden is weighing in from the south lawn of the white house checking
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that out right now i don't have elliott gotkine is joining us now from london. elliott, good morning. the idf is disputing the events and they're also disputing the death count you heard the president of the united states say there, that there are competing versions, but also acknowledging the reality that this is going to really affect these ongoing negotiations to try to get a temporary ceasefire and a deal to release hostages what do you know >> kasie, that is the concern that with more than 100 killed according to the hamas-run health ministry and hundreds injured that this could derail those hostage talks, which is still ongoing. we heard what last week president biden, while jumping on an ice cream, saying that he was hopeful that a truce, cease-fire with but israeli hostages freed in exchange for palestinian prisoners and more aid going
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into the gaza strip could be achieved as early as monday. well, it's already friday, so monday seems somewhat optimistic. costco is the unofficial deadline now is in time for ramadan, which starts around march the 10th. but in terms of what actually happened yesterday in the early hours of the morning between 4.5 hi, they local time. we know that there were 38 trucks carrying egyptian aid to the western part of gaza city in the northern part of the gaza strip. we know that there were crowd now it's of people that surrounded these trucks are of course, desperate for humanitarian aid. it's been very hard to get aid into that part of the gaza strip. that there was a stampede. and as you say, there were people that were trampled underfoot who are run over by trucks as they tried to escape and the chaos and some trucks rammed into other trucks, which caused further but the fatalities. now, the difference differentiating versions here seem to be that the palestinian officials and eyewitnesses say that it was israeli fire on the people surrounding this convoy that prompted the stampede that
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led to all of these deaths and injuries. the idf, for its part saying that it did fire warning shots to disperse. the stampede, and that the only live fire at fire was at a group of palestinians that approached one of its tanks. and it hasn't actually given us any details as to how many palestinians were killed in that incident, but says that it wasn't that many, of course, any innocent civilians is too many. so that's the situation. yes, you're right now investigation is being called for investigations underway. pacey >> all right. elliot gotkine for us in london. elliot, thank you very much. >> coming up here. a judge holds a tv reporter in contempt for refusing to reveal her sources plus, talk about pumped up the 500% gas price hike happen today in cuba >> back room deals, cia secrets, a fares, bribery, corruption, prostitution there's so much more to the store
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going out of this developing story funeral services >> scheduled to begin next hour in moscow for the late opposition leader alexey navalny, hundreds of mourners, a heavy police presence already in place, and we have cnn's matthew chance on the scene. he is live in moscow outside the church where this funeral is 70 to be held. matthew, what can you tell us >> yeah. well, it's a scene of many thousands of people that have come out already today to pay their last respects to election navalny, the late russian opposition leader. it's quite a big security operation. we just tilt the camera around. you can see there are riot police that have been deployed to the gates of this church. the quench my sorrows church on the one of the suburbs of moscow, the same suburb where alexey navalny lived and they're attempting to control the crowds here who have come to pay their respects. as i said, many thousands of people have turned it. we can't really give you a good picture of that, but look, as far as the eye can see down this road the people who have
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lined up with flowers brush it's taken to the people. >> all right. we're going to keep trying to get matthew chance has shot back up as you can see, it's a little bit dicey there, but some really great reporting from him on the scene. we'll come back to him as we get him back up. all right? it's now 21 minutes past the hour here. time for the morning roundup. air national guardsman jack teixeira, expected to enter a guilty plea on monday. he's accused of leaking classified government documents online. in the face decades behind bars. a federal judge holding journalist catherine herridge in civil contempt for refusing to reveal her sources in a series of fox news reports from 20-17. she's also facing a fine of $800 a day. herridge is expected to appeal gas prices go up, fit 500% in cuba but today the government says it's part of a series of measures to
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try to cut their national deficit. adding insult to injury and cubans are also getting hit with a 25% rate hike for electricity all right, now, time for weather because right now a massive storm is pounding california record setting snow and rare blizzard conditions are expected, making travel impossible and leaving people stranded inside their homes and of course, in texas where wildfires have burned more than 1 million acres and killed two people, gusting winds could worsen conditions this weekend our weatherman, derek van dam, joins us. now. derek, good morning to you. tough tough sledding, i guess, no pun intended? yeah. right? exactly. i think it's important that we try to draw while these two big stories together, because one is impacting the other and i'll explain how first and foremost, the major winter storm slash blizzard that is impacting the state of california, particularly across the higher elevations of the sierra nevada mountain range, the national weather service reserves particular wording for moments like this, using the words stream using the words
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significant. and that is all within their discussions. this is a extreme event. it is a rare event. and the reason for that is because of the amount of snow, the amount of wind that is going to batter this region. and that currently is and the reduced visibilities this is going to make travel nearly impossible. there have been wind gusts over 100 miles per hour already near lake tahoe in the higher elevations across palate alice aides and into that particular region, this radar loops shows a constant barrage of heavy snow. the potential exists here for up to ten feet of snow or more and some of those higher elevations, the interstates like iat will be virtually impassable. it will be disorienting for people if you do choose to travel, which we do not advise, the potential exists for cars to be buried in this snow as well as first story level homes being buried by snow drifts with the amount of when that's expected. look at this, this is actually topping our chart it's on our
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forecast snow accumulation. you see those little red dots there. we haven't had time to tweak our color table here yet, but that just gives you the idea of how much snow we're talking about. it is literally off the scales wind is going to make it that much more difficult. mammoth lakes look at that as a forecast. wind gusts 75 miles per hour. that's equivalent to a category one hurricane at the minimum. and that will reduced visibilities. and by the way, that wind heading east towards the texas panhandle, that's where the fires are still raging out of control. kasie wow, that is literally off our charts in terms of snow, derek, that's wild. >> all right. our weatherman, derek van dam. derek. thank you very much coming up next here. the funeral for alexey navalny, about to begin in moments plus the transcript of hunter biden's deposition released to the public. what the president's son told republicans about his father frank sinatra had connections with the mafia and all these
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nightclubs were owned by the mob. >> you didn't want to make those guys aim was to it vegas, the story of sensitive. sunday at ten on cnn >> a heart attack. >> do they have life insurance? >> no. >> but we have life insurance john i'm trying to find something we can afford. >> fortunately, it only a few minutes. select boat found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month? and wife and $500,000 policy for only $21 a month. go to select now and get the insurance your family meets at a price you can afford select quote, we shop, you'll save. >> they are some of the hottest videos on social media. those videos claiming to instantly get rid of bags under your eyes. so net figure rowe is here to tell us why she says one is for real, this one is for real. >> and what it does is it >> tightens and lifts the appearance of bags underneath your eyes. and not only does it work on the bags that works on the appearance of hose feet,
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being overrun by the biden migrant crime. >> these are the people that >> are coming into our country and they're coming from jails and they're coming from prisons and they're coming from mental institutions. they're coming from insane asylums. and the terrorists, they're being let into our country. and it's horrible biden used his visit to meet with border patrol and immigration officials and he extended an olive branch to trump he asked the former president to join his efforts to get congress to reconsider a bipartisan border agreement, which of course trump basically single-handedly killed here's what i would say to mr. trump. said a plan policies issue, set of telling members of congress to block the certification. join me or i'll join you in telling the congress to pass this bipartisan border security bill. >> we can do it together you
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know, and i know it's the toughest most efficient, most effective border security bill is country's ever seen >> okay, a lot there, joining me now to talk about it, cnn, national political reporter daniel strauss and capitol hill reporter for axios, juliegrace brufke. good morning to both of you thought it'd be in here daniel, what did you make with the president said, i mean, look, it's i think what we're more telling was not so much what trump said that there's this, that there's these threats of migrants coming, that this is biden's fault. it's more that what biden said, which is that he wants to frame the fault and the failure of a bipartisan agreement, which is very in this day and age in this comment congrats to donald trump, and he wants to stick that as an argument that despite any efforts from democrats and even republicans, trump is behind any failure to secure the border, which is kind of flipping the script from what democrats have had to have been trying to respond to
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republican attacks on immigration so far. >> yeah. so julie i mean, there's sort of is this competing right i guess, set of impulses, right? that if we're talking about immigration, if you're, if you're democrats in the country's talking about immigration, democrats are losing, right? however, it was clear that the president, we're watching a split-screen of them both focused on this today. we're not just watching trump. all by himself. >> what do you hear from your sources? particularly democrats, about how worried they are about the issue. i mean, did they view this as a successful move in? >> i think both sides are going to make this a huge election issue. i think we're going to see democrats definitely hammering vulnerable republicans for killing that bipartisan border deal. and i think they see that kind of is a winning thing that they can hit those vulnerable members on that being said, the border is kind of always been winning issue for republicans and we've heard a lot of mike johnson really pushing for h.r.-2 and conservatives kind of trying to stronger in the senate on taking that up, which isn't likely to have you going to happen. a push for executive action to bring back some of the trump policies, which also
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isn't likely to happen, but i mean, i think that it's definitely going to be a huge thing moving as we get closer to november, right. >> and hr2, just >> for our viewers, is the very conservative house passed, house republicans passed that package. you had some reporting yesterday that was very interesting because trump has really personally involved himself, right? like making phone calls to members of the house. it's i've been having flashbacks to when he was actually president. and you thought the house was going to do something and then there was a trump tweet and the whole thing fell apart, right but more green as a congressman who led the impeachment inquiry against all 100 the homeland security secretary over this issue >> walk us through >> your reporting because he was going to leave. he was going to retire, and all of a sudden now he's not why. >> absolutely. so i initially talked to him right after the mayorkas impeachment and he was like the congress has been dysfunctional. it's hard to get things done, but was proud of the mayorkas impeachment not true on the dysfunction but so you heard from senator marsha
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blackburn got phone calls from trump, kind of pushing him to keep moving on with this issue. so he decided to reverse course and hop back in there and i think it's going to probably continue to lead that committee in next congress. what do you make? >> daniel of trump's >> incredible focus here and also curious big picture biden is trying to make this argument right? that it's republicans that refused to fix the border problem because they wouldn't put this bill that i supported on the floor. voters are actually going to buy that because the numbers on trust on this issue for biden are really bad, like voters just don't trust democrats on immigration. >> i mean, polling suggests that democrats have a disadvantage right now on the public. in the public's view on immigration, i think one thing i've heard from multiple republican strategists over the past few weeks, is that if the election were today and if it were about democracy being on the ballot and abortion democrats would win if it were about immigration and the economy, republicans could win or woodwind. and i, to me,
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that's very telling about the comfort zone for republicans right now. now, going into the next few months of this election cycle, they feel that that immigration and the economy, but especially immigration, is their safe zone. and the more they can make this election about the more that they can put democrats on the defensive simply because the public views are republicans right now as stronger on border security >> yeah. all right. standby for me for a second because >> we've got our next story up here, congress keeping the lights on for at least one more week. the house and senate passing a stopgap bill to head off a partial government shutdown this week the continuing resolution that is the kick the can down the road. resolution buys lawmakers a week to get something more substantive done it is worth noting that the bill needs support needed support from house democrats to pass. take a look at these numbers, will get that on the 99 underneath and 99 gop, 97, 97, republic blinken's voted to shut down the government. i think that that's just clear.
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>> that's >> them venting their frustration. we also had them venting their frustration to cameras on the way out, watch this is the fourth cr in a row that i vote against, and i will continue to vote against crs that don't have any meaningful border >> security solutions in there. and i think it's time for us to pass these kinds serve it of house appropriation bills that we've worked so hard on that we just keep printing more money. all these supplementals or printed money every dollar we're going to spend, printed dollars, we're not dealing with the border by getting policy changes. so i've been outspoken about it. it has what it is and that we control the purse strings a mile. but how frustrating is not is not to use our leverage to do all right. >> daniel and juliegrace are back with me. juliegrace. you're up on the hill, run around covering these guys day in and day out that that latin second member, chip roy very conservative member of the house, who's been very vocal on this. i feel like that number that 97 voted against this really kind of encapsulates the problem that the house speaker has here inside his party are
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they going to keep the government open here? or is that frustration going to boil over and lead us into a shutdown right now, i feel like i think they're going to need the help of democrats, but appropriators are feeling good about where things stand with these minibuses of the appropriation bills. but that being said the house freedom caucus is not happy right now. they are pushing that, they're arguing that mike johnson isn't fighting hard enough that they're not using their leverage at all to be able to get some of these conservative provisions in there. so they're, they're arguing that a shutdown is a battle. a better alternative. >> but >> i mean vulnerable republicans in swing districts don't want that at all. their argument during the republicans always get blamed for a shutdown. so there's a some tensions on that front. yeah. that's of course the mitch mcconnell position is that it's always always bad specifically for republicans. i mean, daniel, what do you see in the big picture here? and mike johnson, the new speaker is such a i mean, i talked to people who think he's in over his head. is that what we're seeing here? >> look, i think the public view is less that this is an
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unprepared speaker and more that this is a very, very conservative one. and one that wants to pull any legislative discussion or any legislative push on capitol hill to the right. and democrats have been eager to peg him as what they would say it a maga extremist someone who's very conservative on social issues he was i am interested to see in the next few weeks and months how that plays out on the campaign trail. if there, if democrats are able to frame him the same way that republicans for years framed nancy pelosi as sort of this liberal boogeyman i'm a little skeptical that the argument that this is just an incompetent speaker is something that the broader public will really care about simply because the view among americans across countries that
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congress as a whole is inapt, right now, not so much which one particular leader. >> so let's hear a little bit from the speaker about what's next in congress, swatch her primary overriding responsibility has been for last three years. this is secure the border. and so we're getting the government funding done and we're going to turn to these other priorities. we can walk and chew gum at the same time so i have to. say juliegrace. i see no evidence that they can actually walk and chew gum at the same time, they seem sort of barely able to stand up do you what do you think? like i mean, >> mike johnson might have the least fund job in washington. i sit for people can take things hostage right now. >> i don't know. i mean, he's green, but i'm not sure that anyone no, it's impossible right now. working with impossible conditions, but i mean, i don't see a bipartisan border agreement even i know the problem-solvers have talked about trying to put something together. some of the more moderate members on both sides. but i mean, i think a lot of this bipartisan stuff, justice given the current climate, i don't see a path for them to be
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able to get border stuff down and funding. i think they get funding done, but some of these other big priorities, particularly in election year, i just don't see a path. yeah. i mean, on that point, daniel, i mean, the fact that it is an election year, right? >> how do you see that? i mean, donald trump clearly showed he can make a couple of phone calls and affect everything that happens down the street at the capitol, right >> i do not see on the campaign trail, least any sort of proud moments of a lawmaker are either, either joe biden or donald trump or their vice presidential running mates, color hair. the other one arguing that thanks to them, thanks to their ticket they moved some bill, some legislative priority across the finish line in congress that is just not going to be a theme we're going to hear. we're going to hear about congressional dysfunction. we're going to hear that the other side is the one at fault. there and that is going to be the response anytime congress and capitol hill comes up on the campaign trail till november, the blame game, the
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daniel strauss, juliegrace brufke. thank you both very much for being here today. >> all right. we're following this developing story in moscow, alexey navalny's funeral is set to begin in just a few minutes. this is a live picture of the cemetery terry, where he we believe will be laid to rest. >> we are on the ground in moscow. that's ahead >> eliot spitzer crusading governor by day, wanted to be present in the united states. client number nine by nights this guy who is every seder against human sex trafficking is actually a customer. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episodes sunday at nine on cnn, with so many choices on, there are so many tina fey's. i could be hired body doubles to help me out splurging tina loves a hotel, me a rodeo drive tina >> tina walk to a farm state ride this horse >> glenn close, was millions of possibilities.
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79594061 >> call now cnn saturday morning starting tomorrow at eight on cnn close captioning brought to you by invent help call 18007100 to o. do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next. collin van today, they can help you get started with your idea called now 807100020 all right, this just in the hearse carrying alexey navalny has arrived at the church in moscow, where services >> are set to begin at this church in southeastern moscow. mourners and a large police presence have been assembling there for several hours and later this morning, navalny
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will be buried at a cemetery nearby. both of these events closely it's the neighborhood where he lived. navalny aides, though say that there are those who are trying to sabotage the events. his widow says that she's worried anyone who shows up today could be imprisoned joining us now is washington post columnist and author of chaos under heaven. josh rogan. josh, good morning. always good to see you these reports have been pretty troubling that they had trouble finding a hearse that was willing to transport his body to the church. we're now seeing reports of police officers on the roofs of neighboring buildings to the church. >> can you >> shed some light on what this moment means for vladimir putin and why we're seeing what we're seeing sure. >> well, first of all, it's a tragedy for navalny's family. i was in the munich security conference when the news came out and his wife was there and his daughter, a college student in california. so they're the most affected by this after that, his supporters, who have
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built a movement around exposing russian corruption that was one of the main reasons navalny was arrested and detained and killed. and then all of the people who have struggled to put on this event. now, you look at that and if you take a step back, you realize that the reason that putin and the security services or harassing a lot of people trying to go to the funerals because they don't want anyone to see this, to see what we're showing on the screen right now, which is the fact that there are people in russia who are struggling for dignity and democracy and, and a better life and that contradicts all of putin's propaganda. it doesn't matter how many times tucker carlson goes to a supermarket in moscow. it says, oh, isn't this amazing this has pierced that veil. this shows you that these people, all of these people at this church, are risking their lives they're all taking a risk with their future for one simple reason is that they believe in what navalny believed that which is that russia can have a
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better future, that putin is not actually the legitimate leader that when he gets gets re-elected next month as president, that doesn't actually represent the will of all the russian people. so this is a moment of sadness, but it's also a moment of bravery because it shows the resilience of people inside russia who want the world to know that everything is not as copacetic has putin would have us believe. >> yeah. i'm so glad that >> you kind of underscored that the bravery of these crowds that we are seeing because it's not, of course, something that we in the west, i ever had to grapple with >> what does it >> what does it say about putin's strength or lack thereof? that navalny is dead, right? >> well >> wouldn't any autocratic dictator does this kind of thing, whether it's putin or jiajing paying or mohammed bin solomon. they're trying to show their strength, their there's two audiences. one is to their domestic audience, anybody who tries to buck the system is going to get killed that's one
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message and the other messages to us that they can do anything they want. it doesn't matter if we sanction them. it doesn't matter if we put them on cnn. they're going to do whatever they want. so of course please autocrats always wanted to show their strength, but what it n e look how much time and resources they've dedicated to preventing this guy from having a decent funeral. all the hearse drivers in moscow's somehow couldn't were busy that day until they found one people were arrested in third 32 cities in moscow. that's a massive security operation. that's not a show of strength. that's a show of insecurity. and so i think what we have to do is understand that as much as these autocrats want to project the fact that they're in firm control. the desire for dignity and self-determination and human rights around the world, especially in russia, but not only play in russia, remains because it's something about us, it's something that's innate and all human beings that they don't like to live on their knees and snuffing out that flame, that
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spark of sort of freedom and human rights and self-determination is almost impossible. and today we see that it's impossible because of the brave people who have bear it out, the coal to attend navalny's funeral >> how do you see the role of his wife, yulia going forward in terms of being a figure that those people that we're seeing in the streets are looking to achieve a sign of courage, a sign of resilience. she's a leader of the movement and she will continue to be and, you know she's made a great sacrifice her whole family has and all the people around them. and that sacrifice deserves to be acknowledged and honored. but it's also means that their struggle is only beginning and i heard her there right there in her speech, i was sitting two rows back and she promised that she won't stop. and imagine that that happened to your family and you're still going to keep going. so that just shows you how strong that sheet that she is and shows you that they can kill navalny, not the valine, but they can't kill
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what he stood for yeah. >> i think the thing that i keep coming back to is almost in death. he's almost more powerful in some ways, which is really astonishing. all right, josh rogan and you're coming back later on in the show. thank you very much for that. >> all right. one >> week after a lop-sided landing on the moon, the lights have gone out on odysseus, the lunar lander or odie losing power and going dormant. but the texts aerospace firm that built the spacecraft's says odie is programmed to come back to life and phoned home in three weeks. if it receives enough solar power to reawaken. >> odysseus >> landed in a sharply tilted position that's severely limited its operations and its data retrieval still odie is the first us spacecraft to make a controlled descent to the lunar surface. since nasa is final crude apollo mission we're back in 1972 going little guy. >> all right, time now for sports iowa star caitlin clark has dominated college basketball. now, she set her
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sights on the wnba, andy scholes has this morning's bleacher report. andy, good morning. >> good morning. kasie. so just day after becoming the all-time leading women's score, caitlin clark does this will be her final season at iowa and a post on instagram, clark saying, while this season is far from over and we have a lot more goals to achieve. it will be he might one is iowa. i am excited to be entering the 2024 wnba draft. clark will more than likely be heading to the indiana fever, who have that topic in april's draft. now clark is going to play your final regular season home game on sunday against ohio state. she just 18 points away from breaking the nc doublet is all time scoring record held oh, by pistol pete maravich. >> and according to tickpick, clark's >> home finale on sunday, where she could break that record is the most expensive ticket in women's college basketball history. three, the cheapest ticket just to get into the building than it cost you more than 500 bucks or to the nba where a night after score 19 in the fourth beat, the clippers
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the brow was back in action so against the wizards and the 39-year-old scoring 31 points in this one is now nine points shy of becoming the first player ever to get to 40,000 career points and a bravo hope for surgery that saturday against the nuggets and scored at least ten points in every game since january of 2007. that's more than 1,200 straight games, which just didn't search tree and the brawn coming through in the clutch and overtime. and this one, watch him chase down jordan poole for the block here, lebron is 15 years older than pool pipe away then the broad hit up big three to tie this game then comes up with a big assist to anthony davis. he slams it here to put la up for good ad at 40.15. lakers won that 1134 to 131, l2 or the nba's top two rookies squaring off victor wembanyama and the spurs taken on chet holmgren and the thunder, wemby going to knock down this three from way downtown to put san antonio up nine with under three-and-a-hal f to go then check out this defense from wemby on schett stuffs him, when b 28 points,
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13 rebounds, and five blocks for as one that 1132 to one i finally a great moment for last night's nba tip off show on our sister channel tnt hall of famer shaquille o'neal welcomed his 17 year-old daughter, miar, on the broadcast and celebrate read her being selected for the 2024 mcdonald's all american game >> first of all, i'm so proud of your love one, the prison to reverse, which are all america. goldman surrogate out warning former don't it's all a murderer >> then you begin greet kidney in the three-point shooter, not on >> i had probably good decision by kenny not to compete because we are the three-pointer right. there. on live tv. she's going to graduate from a physical high school or it's usted this spring and get to play for the florida gators as you can see by those big banners next season. and kasie tell you what, always fine to see legends, kids playing their
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sport and how they do me are six foot three you can see those guys were not towering over her at all. that's literally what i'm saying off-camera is it guest who's sitting here? i was like, man, these people are so tall and look and you can i say big picture. i love how many, how many women's sports stories we're doing now. and i'd love the fact that it's going to cost that much money to try to get into that game. it's, it is wonderful to see these women athletes finally again, the recognition they deserve >> yeah, it is certainly cool. probably one of the biggest sporting events in iowa history this sunday, right? thrill for real. >> all right, andy, thank you so much. have a great weekend. you coming up next here. thousands are gathering in moscow for the funeral of alexey navalny. it is set to begin in just moments cnn is live there on the scene in moscow ahead plus a florida judge ready to set a trial date in the mar-a-lago documents case. what's behind a change of heart from team trump? >> the greatest stage
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