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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  March 1, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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said to me, there's someone i'd like to interview be lieutenant governor, but i wouldn't want to be rejected. now i realize he's talking about me and he was right i didn't want to become senate governor. and at the time, hillary clinton was a junior senator from new york. so i said to spitzer, if hillary clinton becomes president, you pick the new senator. i would be your god and spitzer said something to me at that point. it was very prophetic. stay out of trouble on your my god and all i can say to that was physician kill myself >> maybe you should have taken his own advice there. you can see an all new episode of united states of scandal with jake tapper. that's this sunday night at nine eastern only here on cnn. but before we get to sunday tonight on the soares 09:00 p.m. eastern tonight we'll be talking about these efforts to get aid into gaza. that's tonight. if you ever, ms an episode of the lead, you can listen to the show wherever you get your podcast. of course, listened to
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>> breaking news, >> it's now up to the >> judge in the georgia election >> fani willis the foreign will high-stakes hearing ending just a short while ago, with willis in the courtroom and the fate of the criminal case against donald trump on the line. also tonight, trump's trial date in the classified documents case is still up in the air after a crucial hearing in florida attended by the former president trump's lawyers arguing against the special counsel's proposed july start date while warning about conflicts with trump's white house campaign. and there's more breaking news. we're following president biden announces us airdrops of humanitarian aid for gaza, urging an immediate temporary ceasefire between israel and
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hamas as the president faces dissent among fellow democrats over the war. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world i'm wolf blitzer a year in the situation room >> excuse cnn breaking news. >> let's get right to the breaking news on the fani willis disqualification hearing. the judge says he'll decide within two weeks whether to remove the fulton county district attorney from the trump election subversion case in georgia. his eventual ruling could could keep trump's prosecution on track or leave it in peril. here, cnn's jessica schneider fulton county district attorney fani willis is fates still up in the air as the judge weighs whether to disqualify her in her entire team of prosecutors from the case against donald trump and other defendants for their efforts for its to overturn the 2020 election in georgia.
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>> these people, your honor, is a systematic misconduct and they need to go lawyers for trump and others charged in the case are arguing that willis hired nathan wade, a special prosecutor when they were romantically involved, and then she benefited financially from the trips they took and dinners they shared. >> she put her boyfriend in the spot, paid him, and then reap the benefits from it. that she created the system and then didn't tell anybody about it >> willis testified last month insisting the relationship began after wade was appointed to lead the trump case and arguing she paid him back back in cash when i started dating mr. wade, april 2020 2022, around the i don't know, growing up, my daddy had three safes are now so my father bought me a lockbox and i always keep cash in the house. >> when you've on a >> date, should have cash in your pocket. >> judge scott mcafee did have some tough questions for the attorneys pushing to remove willis and her team
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>> if someone buys their boss a stick of gum, is that per say, disqualify? >> it may not meet at materiality requirement, but it's a person well benefits to the judge. >> also asked if disqualification would really be the right remedy or if any wrongdoing would just require reprimand from the legal bar. >> the proposition you're putting forward now is that if a representative, the state lead prosecutor, the district attorney, themselves assess something that's untruthful on the record that something that immediately has to be proactively policed by the trial court. basically, what i'm getting at is where in the law that we find the remedy to an untruthful statement generally we send you down the street to the bar, lawyers for the district attorney's office insists there is absolutely no conflict of interest. >> it's absurd. we have absolutely no evidence that ms willis received any financial gain or benefit. the testimony was that ms willis paid all of the money back in cash now, this has been a very lengthy hearing that has lasted several
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days over the past few weeks. but despite that, the judge said that he still does have factual and legal issues that he asked to evaluate, but he does estimate wolf that he will have a decision as to whether da willis and her team should be disqualified in likely the next two weeks we'll see what he decides. jessica schneider. thank you very much. let's break down all of this with our legal and political experts. and laura coates, this was really a remarkable day in georgia. what's your big takeaway from what we saw and heard? >> well, these people who are trying to disqualify fani willis want you to know that they think that ethical conduct rises the level of disqualification, but they have to actually prove it in the actual case in chief, they have to show that there was a competent interests in this case. they financial benefit that undermines the ability to get a fair trial for these defendants >> the judge was >> concerned more about whether they had met that burden as he should be and that question since up in the air, they tried to talk about playing the race card, the religion card by her
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now famous church speech, where she talked about why they were targeting and singling out nathan wade, the lack prosecutor on the case. but he's also a moment in terms of the judge trying to figure out what the parameters ought to be. it isn't extreme extreme motion to try it. it's qualify an elected official. remember if he's elected from a case and our entire office goes longer. does this show just trying to very cautious, but i was concerned at one moment in terms of him showing his hand. he's concerned about the appearance of impropriety as well. the optics here are not good. yeah. >> and this is the state yes, they are very significant. indeed, elie honig, do you think the defense attorneys bet the burden needed for fani willis to be disqualified? >> well, if this is going to be a really close call and you used a really important word right there burden, it is the defendant's donald trump and the other people who are challenging fani willis, who have to prove their allegations. so if this is a tie, if this is a stalemate, fani willis is going to win. now, i think there have been
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serious questions raised about the nature of the relationship, the timing of the relationship, whether fani willis and nathan wade testified truthfully and whether there was a financial benefit to fani willis, but the evidence came in in my view, in a very muddled sort of confused fashion. and it's going to come down to the judge's decision. the judges discretion which evidence does he believe? does he believe fani? willis and nathan wade? does he believe the other witnesses? does he how much credit does he give this cell records? that's a really exceedingly difficult call. you could see the judge today starting to wrestle with some of those issues. so he's going to go back into his chambers. he's going to spend two weeks trying to work it out and then he'll give us that decision and neither way would surprise me >> interesting, gloria, gloria borger versions with us as well, even if willis isn't disqualified in this case, the district attorney's office certainly seems to have suffered a bit right now, at least with the jury pool. >> don't forget. as laura was saying, she's an elected official and they've spent
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weeks going down a rabbit hole about whether she behaved in properly and hired her boyfriend and that's never good for a public official. the question is by the if she's not disqualified by the time you get around to selecting a jury. will that become part of the case? well, it depends what questions they ask the jurors do they know about this? have they been following this trial? have they not been following the trial? so at this point, it's hard to say, but overall i don't think she's done herself any favors here. so big picture, laura, if >> fani willis eventually is disqualified by the judge in this specific case, what would that mean for other cases that are ongoing right now? >> well, two points. if she's disqualified, it wouldn't just be her it would be her entire office. and you have a prosecuting counsel in georgia project that will then select an additional or new prosecution team. now, trying to do that pretty difficult. you gotten safety concerns that they've articulated. you've got the scrutiny. it's not an
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attractive case someone to want to jump on board and you're not getting paid oodles of money for it either. and so you're talking about a lot of lawyers not wanting to get involved. that new team, if that team is disqualified, doesn't happen. to follow what she is done, doesn't have to continue with the case, doesn't have to abide by the grand jury indictment could add or subtract defendants or gives me a totally different also, what impact would it have on other cases? the judge went to some lengths to talk about well, hold on. if you want me to disk fani willis, discredit her alone off of what she said as a truth just four or non-truthful statement >> the da >> signs the document on every indictment in a courtroom, every time a lower level da wants to indict her signature goes on it as well. it's really a four by a form over substance aspect of it because that mean that every case she's ever a part of is now going to go down the drain. that's the judge's concern about the limit patients of this and you have to be cognizant of it. >> you certainly do. and elie, why is fani willis is being in a relationship with nathan
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wade, the special prosecutor, a potential conflict of interest in this case so if it's important to understand two things about conflict of interests. one, it doesn't necessarily mean anyone has done anything wrong. sometimes conflicts of interests just happen in two. it does not have to relate to the actual charges in the case. prosecutors get recused because of conflicts. all the time. i'll give you an example. let's say i was prosecuting a case against a seat ceo of a large corporation for insider trading. and it turned out my dad work there or my brother work there. nobody did anything wrong. not related to the insider trading charges, but absolutely a conflict of interest and the argument that the defendants have made here is not so much that the relationship itself was the conflict, but that the relationship led to that financial conflict. that laura just mentioned. and so that's how we got to this point. and it was further complicated by this dispute over when the relationship started. so that's how it all ties back to really the legal issue here, which is a conflict of interest. >> interesting all right, everyone standby when we
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return, we'll discuss the other critical hearing for donald trump today on the timing of his trial in the classified documents case down at mar-a-lago is the judge buying the trump team's efforts to delay and later a new us response to the humanitarian crisis in gaza. president biden announcing he's ordering the us military to airdrop desperately needed aid for civilians in the war zone erin burnett, outfront tonight at seven on cnn >> when you shop wayfair, you get big deals for your home every day. so big >> what am i? >> big deal. >> you are because it's a big deal when you get a big deal, wayfair deals so big that you might get a big head >> because what's savings? >> so real, you can get your dream sofa for the phrase wayfair, it's always a big deal
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number one selling weight-loss brand. don't just give fit, get parkour fit. >> eliot spitzer, crusading governor by day, wanted to be present in the united states. client number nine by night's this guy who is in crusader against human sex trafficking is actually a customer. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episode sunday night on cnn, closed captioning brought to you by christian faith publishing, right? for a higher purpose, published with us christian faith publishing is an author friendly publisher who understands it. your labor is more than just a book, color scan for your free riders guide, 804551827 tonight, the timing of donald trump's trial in the classified documents case remains a question mark after a critical >> hearing ended in florida, just a little while ago with no ruling by the judge. cnn's paula reid has more on the hearing and the trump team's efforts to push back the july start date proposed by for this special counsel former president donald trump, at federal court in florida today,
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as his lawyers argue, the classified documents case should not go to trial before the november election. >> an indictment was unsealed. charging donald j. trump with felony violations of our national security laws, as well as participating in a conspiracy to obstruct justice >> trump faces 40 felony criminal charges related to the alleged mishandling of classified information. some seen here in properly stored at mar-a-lago they raided my house. >> they did it for publicity reasons. they did it for election interference reasons. they want to interfere with the election. >> the case is currently scheduled for may 20, but judge aileen cannon, a trump appointee, who is overseeing the case, has signaled she may push the trial back in court today. it can in pressed prosecutors and defense attorneys about their suggested schedules. special counsel jack smith proposed a july 8 start date, but during the
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proceedings, cannon suggested that aspects of smith's proposal were unrealistic. trump's lawyers insist the trial should be pushed back. a trial that takes place he's before the election is a mistake and should not happen. trump attorney todd blanche stated, saying it would be unfair to the former president and the american people for trump to be in the courtroom and not on the campaign trail. that's something that former president has claimed as well. >> all of this persecution is only happening because i am running for president and leading very substantially in the polls. >> trump's attorneys did concede if the trial has to go forward before the election, they would be okay with starting august 12. cannon noted that trump's upcoming criminal case in new york must be considered as she schedules this one. march 25th, trump's hush money trial begins in new york and is expected to last four to six weeks and already busy court schedule for the former president trump today,
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prosecutors answered a question that's been hanging over these federal cases and that was just how close to the flexion is the justice department willing to try trump the justice department has a policy of not taking any steps in investigations that could impact an election within 60 days of voting. it just wasn't clear though if that policy applied to the trump cases. but today, the special counsel made it clear that policy does not apply to criminal cases were charges have already been filed. that means they would be willing to try trump in september, even october well, wolf that is their stance. what really matters is what the judge thinks. and we'll be waiting for judge cannon's order over the next few weeks. >> we shall see what that order is. paula reid in fort pierce, florida for us, paula, thank you very much. let's turn back to our legal and political experts right now. laura coates some legal analysis. judge cannon called some aspects of the special counsel's jack smith's proposed schedule
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unrealistic. how do you read them? well, perhaps because this is a defendant in multiple jurisdictions multiple in terms of federal and also state. and we also have spent some pending cases and the supreme court, including one about immunity now the immunity discussion has to be a little bit more nuanced, but you can see a world where they would try to delay this with the expectation of having the supreme court weigh in and other matters. this is a very complex notion here. we haven't seen anything like this before. >> the >> judges in tune to that, but this is also playing through vantage of donald trump's legal counsel and team. they know full well, you've got beating interests, competing jurisdictions, and if one is able to give him a trial date than it saves off everybody else. if one's able to block from a ruling or a supreme court looming decision that helps him in other areas. so this is a game of strategy who will win we will find out soon. i suspect at some point dana elie, the judge also said trump's new york criminal trial, which begins this month, >> has come into the equation in terms of when this federal
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trial begins. so what could that mean for the timeline? >> well, wolf, i think this judge as with the other judges on all four of these cases, has to understand that there's only a certain number of available slots on the trial calendar. and one thing that you cannot do is make someone go to trial back-to-back-to-back. there has to be at least some cushion built in where any defendant donald trump, or anyone else hasn't right to prepare for trial. so the new york hush money trial that the judge reference today, that one is scheduled to start jury selection later this month on march 25th, that trial as scheduled, is going to take us through april and into may. and i think what judge cannon was saying today is we have to build in some time starting from when that trial is going to end and in may to give him enough time to prepare for this trial. and that's why i think you see both sides recognizing that even jack smith is saying, while the trial should be as late as july. so i think the judges correct. there does have to be some cushion built in between any two or more of
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these trials, we will see what happens you know, gloria, the trump attorney attorneys, there repeatedly denying that they're trying to use these various trials or whatever to simply cause delay. the trump attorneys have always said the trump people have said delay, delay, delay. that's in terms of interest you buy that. >> no. i actually i think they're trying to delay it and i don't buy what they did today. day by saying, okay, we don't want it before the election, but how about august 12th i think the real reason here is that if they had to go to trial they'd rather go and get a jury pool in florida than one in the district of columbia on the elections case? and i think it's sort of how many trials can you balance on the head of a pen? this is what they're trying to figure out. and they're playing a strategic game here trying to sort of put their client in the best possible position. so if they're going to go to trial on anything, let a be on the stormy daniels case but, you
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know, they're they're just choosing and they'd rather be in florida if they have to go to another trial, then here because it's more progressive jury pool will see what happens on there. laura, the special prosecutors that the special prosecutors arguing that the department of justice policy discouraging think these kinds of illegal actions 60 days before an election doesn't apply to setting a trial date right now in their cases, how do you read that? >> i think that's prudent here because we're talking about putting your thumb on the scale, which is the essence of why you've got this policy not to have everyone have a within that 60 day window, although it's an abstract principle that because this is a case where people already know that trump is in legal jeopardy. he has fundraised off it. >> in some respects, it might >> even catapult him to a closer victory and getting the republican nomination because he has the wind in his sales because of the idea of the talking point. this is a political witch. people know he
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is in legal jeopardy, so it's not going to have the same impact here. the reason you have the other rule is because you do not want people to be blind-sided by a kind of october surprise of sorts. this is not an october surprise. this is many, many months in the making and some would argue years yeah, that's a good point. >> you know, elie, the judge judge aileen cannon, she picked apart both the prosecutions and the defense's proposed schedules how do you expect she will ultimately rule? >> well, wolf, whatever she does here i think is going to be good news really for donald trump. so option a is judge chutkan may say, okay, we're postponing this trial until after the election. obviously, that would be the best-case scenario for donald trump. but given where we are now, the only other option is she says, i'm moving it to mid summer. the party please have requested july or august, and even that is a win of sorts for donald trump for two reasons. number one, as gloria just said, much better jury pool for donald trump in florida than in dc. and number two, if this florida
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trial gets moved to july or august, it will essentially block hate that part of the calendar and make it impossible. isabel for jack smith to try his other case, the dc case, the january 6 case. and if i'm donald trump's team, that is a win for me. >> yeah, good point. gloria. this is already been a very, very unique election as we all know, what would a leading presidential candidate in this particular against trump potentially being criminally charged? and tried during this election period. what would that look like >> well, it's hard to kind of gain that out. i think it would look a lot like it looks now, which is donald trump, at every opportunity talking about how this is election interference. it's a witch-hunt. he's not guilty of any wrongdoing and trying and to use it to rally the base. i think the question here is, how would joe biden play it? and what would what would he say about these pending felony charges and what
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would the democrats do and what would independent voters do? you know, our polls show that voters wants some resolution to one of these trials before the election. they want to know guilty, not guilty. and if that doesn't happen, and he is on trial, it's really hard to predict how that would affect the electorate. it really is a good point. we've never seen anything like this before. our thanks to all of our analysts, important note, laura will be back later tonight, 11:00 p.m. eastern to anchor laura coates live. and as i always say, we'll be watching coming up. president biden says, the us will begin airdrops of aid to gaza as other relief efforts falter, plus low sharon exclusive cnn investigation into the israeli restrictions putting a chokehold on the ground operations, trying to help palestinian civilians in gaza >> vegas the story of sin city center they on cnn
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the ice? >> he saw something someone in those towns hiding something have two, diego get to the truth >> breaking news, we're following president biden says the united states is set to begin airdrops of aid to gaza as the humanitarian crisis in the territory, territory grows more desperate by the day. cnn's mj hey lee is joining us from the white house right now. she's got details. >> so what are we >> learning mj about these airdrops? >> well, wolf, we heard president biden offering an incredibly blunt assessment of the situation in gaza, saying that the amount of aid that is going in is simply not enough and that it is just a fraction of what the people there need. the president said that it is parotid that the israeli government take much more action and do so much more to provide help. but that in the meantime that the us is going to begin airdrops of food and other aid into gaza. he said
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that this is a us trying to pull out every stop, take a listen assistant newsroom facilitated more trucks routes to get more and more people help. they need no excuse me. the truth is aid flowing to gaza is nowhere nearly enough. now it's nowhere nearly enough >> president biden also, of course, continue to call for that temporary ceasefire and hostages deal, which he said would dramatically increase the amount of aid going into gaza in fact, when you was just leaving the white house, i asked him whether he thinks that deal will get done before ramadan. that important deadline, he said that he is still hopeful that that could happen. our understanding right now, wolf, is that the us airdrops of that aid could begin in the coming days. but the white house making very clear that the logistics surrounding that is very complicated and executing it in if way, of course is going to be incredibly difficult, difficult to date mj lee at the
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white house. thank you. meanwhile, cnn is digging into israel's chokehold on aid to gaza as restriction stifle the relief effort. our chief international investigative correspondent, nima elbagir, has our exclusive report pallets of food aid with messages of love, air dropped into gaza for a desperate population this is a jordanian flight with more countries looking to join the aid effort among them, the us. >> but this isn't a good new story >> on the ground. a glimpse of how much more is needed to keep starving gazans from falling into fani. air drops are inefficient and expensive >> you just >> can't drop enough food for a starving population to stave off famine unit thousands of trucks filled with food flooding into gaza. but that's not happening we were granted
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rare access to this warehouse in jordan. one of the key waypoints for aid. now a choke point >> all of the aid that you see here is sorely needed in gaza, but it's still waiting for clearance. why? well, cnn spoke to dozens of humanitarian workers and donor government official scholz, who detailed arbitrary israeli restrictions on aid, often with little to no explanation, impeding a multi-billion-dollar humanitarian effort even as gazans are desperate to receive it. about 1,000 trucks worth of essential medical aid and food supplies men, for gaza, collecting dust, waiting to be cleared by israeli officials. i mean, these are baby wipes why are you still waiting for permission on baby wipes? >> i don't know. >> when you have bandages. yeah. we're coming up over here. you've got wheelchairs, crutches in that kind of war
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situation. these are really, really important things for people. medicines, vitamin c over here. >> yes. this is what we >> think, what we believe it is. rochelle need that lead to be sent immediately to gaza there's no executes why it's still in our warehouse >> it's not just here that they're confused previously, israel has said it's restricting military use items and provided a list. now humanitarians tell cnn they have not received an update, so they're relying on guesswork cnn, has obtained documents from three major participants in the humanitarian operation >> a ghost list >> compiled by organizations piecing together the most frequently rejected items among them, anesthesia crutches, generators water purification tablets, and filtration systems solar panels ventilators, ten pulse x-ray machines, oxygen
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cylinders publicly, the israeli government agency cogat, claims that it has abided by a 2008 banned items list in private, cogat has said that that document is now obsolete. according to a humanitarian official in direct contact with the israeli unit the human, cost of miscalculating is in measurable for months now, even one rejected item means trucks like these filled with aid can be turned back even after waiting for days to get into gaza. and on the ground, the reality is that without these critical supplies, the people like dr. ghassan abu-sittah a renowned war surgeon or working conditions, even he has never seen hospital courtyard was because we didn't have any antiseptic. i had made a solution of washing up liquid and vinegar and some say line
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and so i would have to pour that over the wound and then scrub the wound down probably the most, the darkest moment of my life, because you're doing it. the patient is screaming, the child is screaming, knowing that if you hadn't, that child would be that by the end of the day dr. other cities experienced in gaza is not unique what you're about to see here is very disturbing with very little basic medicine doctors are making decisions they never thought they would have when a dr. hani, besides who turned his kitchen into an operating theater to save his life after she says she was hit by an israeli tank in he amputated her leg with a kitchen knife without anesthetic >> but we don't bend see so
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miraculously survived at just 18. she has already experienced enough pain for a lifetime when aid does come into gaza, thousands gathered. it's clambering onto the trunks. even as israeli gunfire rings out. john, between fear and hunger, over 100 killed and hundreds more injured. yet you can see here people still clinging to what little they managed to get. the israeli army says, it's not responsible for what happened here. but as our investigation shows, at the very least, israel created the conditions for this tragedy the first of all, thank you very much for that report. will the us airdrops of humanitarian aid to the palestinians in gaza make a difference? >> the unfortunate answer wolf is no. airdrops are in efficient they are expensive. in this situation for the us,
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there an admission of desperation because the us continues to be unable to force israel to release its chokehold and allow more trucks into gaza. the he drops will do very, very little. and you saw the extent of the needs of it is almost unfathomable that gaza has been allowed to get to this point. >> he said indeed nima elbagir reporting for us. thank you. nima. just ahead, >> russia's risk arrest as they line the streets to say goodbye to the late alexis navalny. we have details from the opposition leader's funeral. that's coming up next sunday. >> van jones it's home to find out what is driving the divide in tennessee see politics. >> there had been a very active 20 to 30 year effort to separate us. >> the whole story with anderson cooper sunday at eight on cnn >> turbo tax. now offers a lifetime guarantee when you
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file your taxes, terror attacks guarantees 100% accurate calculations, audit support, and maximum refund for the for seven year lifetime of your tax return visit turbotax >> crap. >> now we got to get france something. >> we could use etsys new gift vote. >> all right. >> done let's do four more would get why didn't we do this >> last year for your fermenting migrating and kaitlan? and look at me now, you'll never truly forgive migraine, but zero migraine days or possibly don't take if allergic to be lifted. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and stickiness. >> you liptak there, forget you yep. migraine medicine >> sometimes i imagined what i'd write today for my dear friend martin i'd remind people that all hate thrives on one thing silence the people who will change the nation are those who speak out, who refused to be bystanders, who raised their voices against
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injustice. when we stand up to silence, we stand up to all with so many choices on there are so many tina fey as i could be so i hired body doubles indoorsy tina loves to luck, sweet booking dot yeah. >> at fisher investments, we may look like other money managers, but we're different. >> how so >> we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interests. so we don't sell any commission-based products, then how do you make money? we have a simple management fee structured, so we do better when our clients do better, your clients really come first, then >> yes, we make them a top priority by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle, and more. well, maybe we are different >> fisher investments were clearly different >> high. we've both got a big birthday coming up, so we have a lot of brushes about medicare
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points. >> we've got a lot of answers. how can i help? >> what starters, do you include hearing benefits? >> how about a plan with dental vision and hearing benefits >> sure like the sound of that, then how does a $0 monthly plan premium sound >> if you're new to medicare, how 188865 we'll walk you through all your coverage and benefit options to help find the right plan for you. >> liberty mutual customize my car insurance and i saved hundreds. >> that's great. >> i know i've been telling everyone never how many people did i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message
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because together we can still get big things done. there are auctions going on right now. so what are you waiting for? >> anderson cooper 360 tonight at eight on cnn >> mourners lined the streets of moscow today to pay their respects to the late opposition leader alexey navalny in a display of grief and solidarity that's become increasingly risky. ski, in vladimir putin's russia. cnn's melissa
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bell has the story >> the name, the kremlin never speaks chanted as alexei navalny's body was finally laid to rest. thousands of people in moscow braving the prospect of arrest to say goodbye to vladimir putin's greatest foe. >> mourners >> of a political martyr vowing that russia will be free ambassadors from the united states, france and germany also joining the crowds with flowers in hand video of navalny's open casket. the final glimpse of a corpse. finally handed back to his family and allowed to rest two weeks to the days since he took his last breaths after years spent fighting even from
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his prison cells, vladimir putin's iron grip on russia, a legacy that his widow unable to attend and the funeral for safety reasons echoed in a message on social media sharing, a montage of her life with navalny. she wrote, i don't know how to live without you. i don't know if i can handle this or not, but i will try his funeral reflecting his life becoming a moment of resistance as chance of no to war rang through the russian capital with people finding strength in numbers as the crowds grew. >> someone to tell you the truth, it's very pleasant for me to be here and the company of like-minded people well, maybe i feel pressure, but when there are so many people that maybe no, it's not scary when we're together >> navalny's impact extending far beyond russia with memorials held around the world
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in memory of a man who'd come to represent fearlessness itself. melissa bell, cnn, paris >> thanks to melissa bell for that report. very significant in moscow earlier today, seen as matthew chance was on the scene near navalny's funeral and spoke with the russians who showed up despite the serious risks and the intense security >> why have you come here today with so many other russians to payers? i guess it's symbolic value for people who don't agree with everything that's happened in russia, right? i can be specific because we can say, like you said, bad words, you know, it's risky for you to be here. yeah. so certainly there is to why take this year? because that's my stance on vegas. and i believe that's to show solidarity that you are not the one who is has the deal. is this >> still ahead? we'll have more on the breaking news and a closer look at the fulton county district attorney what
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does it mean to. >> be out front? >> it's going there. we are just about three miles from the gaza border. its context and curiosity. so you can be outfront let's go outfront. >> erin burnett, outfront next on cnn, lumify >> it's kind of amazing. >> wow, >> my go-to is lumify eye drops. lumify dramatically reduces redness in one minute and look at the difference. my eyes look brighter and wider for up to eight hours. lemma five really works remember space, and leg, room that's more ligand the three role alexis dx >> you know, when i take the mic out like this, all my stress is just melt away. >> i hear that this bad boy can fix anything. >> yeah, tough day at work
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trust they'll do torres r i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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save. >> their auction is going on right now. so what are you waiting for? >> i'm rosa flores in eagle pass, texas. and this is cnn we're following breaking news out of georgia. the final hearing on efforts to disqualify district attorney fani willis from the trump election subversion case. let's bring in cnn's brian todd. brian, what are you learning? >> well, wolf district attorney fani willis has enormous pressure facing her at this stage of the georgia case, pressure that are critics say he is self-inflicted, still, some believe this case against donald trump will not be derailed in georgia, regardless of what happens to willis. and she's clearly determined to fight this out. fulton county district attorney fani willis, defiant in the face of the allegations against her if people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020, i'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial, willis, a democrat and fulton county's first female district attorney, had been in office for only one day when
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then president trump called georgia's secretary of state in january 2021. and urged him to find votes to overturn the 2020 election results in georgia since launching the criminal case against trump, willis says, she's received death threats. many of them of a racist nature, and has had to increase our personal security. >> i probably been called the n word more times in the last two-and-a-half years, then most 100 people combined. >> willis also said she'd been the victim of a swatting incident around last christmas when color claimed a female at her atlanta area residents had been shot. willis said she hadn't been living there at the time because of threats and a friend says, even though the call was a hoax, one of her daughters was they're supposed to be there. and so for about 20 minutes, she thought one of her daughters was dead. >> the single mother of two in her early
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>> then got her law degree from the emory school of law. she forged her professional reputation with successful prosecutions in a massive cheating scandal in atlanta's public schools. and by bringing anti-corruption charges against a rapper, young thug, a workaholic that is very driven, very smart and very like, if you're on a case, it's step one, step two, step three, get to it, but this isn't the first time willis has been in hot water over personal conduct. she held a fundraiser for someone running against a potential target of her investigation. >> so what are you thinking moment, hit the optics horrific. >> one former prosecutor says, in this current case, willis should have known better than to get so deeply involved with special prosecutor, nathan weight, even if the relationship didn't start until after she hired him, as they both claim that the microscope
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i hope is going to be on your every move >> former president trump has leveled his own personal attacks against funny willis, calling her racist, a quote, lunatic marcus, and making a baseless claim that she has ties to gang members, wolf bryan, todd. thank you very much for that report coming up. >> why the >> cdc is now dropping. it's five-day covid isolation, guidance >> frank sinatra had connections with the mafia and all these nightclubs were owned by the mob. >> you didn't want to make those guys. >> he was to vegas, the story of sensitive sunday at ten on cnn >> turbo tax. now offers a lifetime guarantee when you file your taxes terror attacks guarantees 100% accurate calculations, audit support, and maximum refund for the full seven year life it's time of your tax return visit, >> i thought we had a plan for dad. >> he was set to
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migraine acute. and look at me now, you'll never truly forgive my green, but zero migraine days are possible, don't take an allergic to be looked at. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and stickiness >> she lipton they forget you get migraine medicine >> get help reaching your goals with >> jp morgan wealth plan, the digital money coach in the chase mobile app use it to set and track your goals. big and small, and see how changes you make today. i could help put them within. reach >> from your first >> big move to retiring poolside. and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help you get there jpmorgan wealth management erin burnett outfront. >> next on cnn >> the cdc has just unveiled new isolation guidance for people who come down with covid-19. our chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta is joining us right now. he's got the detail, sanjay, what can you tell us about these
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changes? hi there were happening now >> yeah. i mean, these are some of the biggest changes we've seen in a couple of years now with regard to covid, let me just put it up on the screen. we can show you what the guidance has been and what the guidance is going to be now, sleeve this up here for a second. the biggest thing is way that top line in the past, they said five days, you should be an isolation if you have covid why? because you could be contagious even if you don't necessarily feel sick. now, they're saying stay home and away from others only if you have symptoms basically that's probably the biggest
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>> so we have to, we have to be thinking about that.


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