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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  March 1, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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describing it as a self-described, whether freak that you email your findings on a snow fall in riverdale, new york to the national weather service and people turned against you. people turned against me. they thought weathermen, we're calling you a liar. they thought that i was inflating snowfall totals that you would get out of going to school, which was complete garbage because of the fact is this happened over the weekend, how would this actually work? it happened on a saturday, they storm was a friday and saturday. i was going out there measuring look, i'm not going to say it was storm field measuring in the snow out there are experts at the national weather service said harry's method was thorough and base there are some snowfall total, but weathermen, the who said you idolized they were questioning gregory over on fox who still earn their chat rooms. what year was this? this was 20030. >> you were 15.2003? yeah does that make you feel old or young? my god, i'm >> i always think that i think i come across it, but you were 65, might not know 60, 65 in my
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soul and now 85 in mice, all of his 20 years ago you in 2000 and what you were what? 2003 i was 15 back then. >> wow. yeah. i was i was 15.2003 and i was measuring the snow and then i went to weather camp a year later. yeah, i was truly it was a great time though and you know what the kids loved me at school because i was the weather guy. what we said, what year were you born? i guess that would make me 1988 >> wow. >> i hope graduated college. isn't that scary, but you got it out at me because you're a deep reporter who's investigative and you're able to dig out that your age, you don't think? i hate telling my age. i always say i'm like roughly between 25.40 you actually say yeah, absolutely. >> you're out on a date now. you have a beloved now, but before when you're dating and people would lady would say, what's your how old do you say? i'm between 25 and it wasn't until the third date where i revealed my age. i had to really get to know them. >> harry enten, thanks. the news continues right here on cnn outfront next back in
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court, fani willis making a surprise appearance in georgia courtroom where trump's allies are >> doing everything they can to get her kicked off. trump's election interference here in this case, and the decision tonight. rest with the judge who could announce his decision at any time will he remove willis and possibly end that case? plus thousands of russians from all over the country bravely turning out for alexey navalny's funeral. just moon sniper's watched from nearby. >> and russian state television vision totally ignored all of this. exclusive guests, the director of the oscar winning film, navalny and investigative reporter christo grozev. and breaking news alaska fishermen discovered another possible spike the balloon. there are about to give it to the fbi. is it from china let's go outfront >> and good evening. i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. fani willis back in the courtroom, the fulton county district attorney making a surprise appearance as trump allies are making their closing arguments, trying to get her kicked off.
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the election interference case in a heated hearing willis, his lawyers accused trump's team of harassment and embarrassment. >> a >> fishing expedition to get her removed from the case because of allegations that her relationship with the top prosecutor created a conflict of interest and misused taxpayer money i want to make clear to the court i do. the >> law in georgia >> suggest and it's very clear that we can demonstrate an appearance of a conflict of interest, and that is sufficient. >> what you have the appearance of impropriety under forensic misconduct, the law in georgia is clear. that's enough. to disqualify >> well, that's the trump argument, willis, as lawyers though pushed back and they did it aggressively accusing trump's allies of twisting the facts the defense has to show an actual conflict. and in this instance, they have to show in the actual conflict could be that ms willis received a financial benefit or game and
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did it based are got it. based upon the outcome of the case he doesn't make any sense >> now, to say the stakes are high is a serious understatement in this case, right. willis, this case against trump could collapse if she's disqualified a new prosecutor could change the charges, dropped them entirely, or take a lot of time to get up to speed that is why willis walked into that room today and tonight. it is anybody's guess as to how the judge in the case will decide it is a crucial decision. and nick valencia is outfront. he is live outside the courthouse in atlanta. and nick, how is the district attorney's team, willis's team, feeling about her chances to stay on this case? >> well, erin, those close to her tell me that fani willis doesn't think defense attorneys for the former president and his allies reached the threshold to disqualify her. but why? washing her attorney argue it was clear that he got bogged down in the legal weeds and technicalities and i have to
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tell you from where i was sitting during some of those arguments. it was clear but the judge seemed incredulous >> these people, your honor, is a systematic misconduct and they need to go one after another. >> i think you know what, when you see it, >> defense attorneys pushed for fulton county district attorney fani willis to be disqualified from former your president donald trump's georgia election subversion case. >> if this court allows this kind of behavior to go on the entire public confidence in the system will be shot. >> willis is arrival during a short break in the hearing, took the courtroom by surprise. she nodded in rock back and forth her chair as the state argued why she should stay on the racketeering case, amir fishing expedition. >> the defense claimed willis and the case is special prosecutor, nathan wade started dating before she hired him for the job. >> she put her boyfriend in the spot, paid him, and then reap
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the benefits from it, and that she benefited through meals and lavish trips he paid for know, she's received a personal financial benefit of over $9,200 in this case that she can't account for. >> the lead attorney defending willis said she paid wade back in full arguing this has been an effort to harass and embarrass willis an actual conflict has not been shown and more importantly, are in conjunction with that, there has been absolutely no evidence that the district attorney has benefitted financially at all. >> willis sitting at the prosecutor's table, just feet from her attorney as the judge questions several of his arguments for why there's no grounds to disqualify the da. >> there is a relationship and that money has changed hands there's maybe still an open question of where the ledger stands. but i think it was conceded that that balance could run in one way or the district attorney's favor is that contested?
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>> yes >> what's what's not contested? is that our relationship did develop last month. >> willis testified she started dating wade after she hired him and denied any impropriety. >> these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. i'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial, willis has asked multiple times to bring trump's racketeering case to trial as soon as possible. and the hopes of settling it before for the presidential election. but for now, the weight continues. >> that was hoped to have an answer for everyone within the next two weeks >> and so now we wait for judge scott mcafee, who as you heard there, said that he's going to have his order in the next two weeks. he did tell the court that he's going to happen you get through some legal issues, make some factual determinations but it is going to take time ultimately, though, aaron, he's going to have to decide what is the threshold for disqualification. is it? an actual conflict of interests or simply the appearance of one? aaron? >> all right. nic, thank you
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very much. and outfront now, ryan goodman, outfront legal analyst, michael isikoff, who has spent extensive time with willis and her team for his new book, find me the votes. a hard charging georgia prosecutor or rogue president, and the plot to steal an american election and van jones, former special adviser to president obama, ryan, i hope to have an answer in the next two weeks. i can't really find the word quickly had to describe the look on his face but here we are. you have said repeatedly that if fani willis is disqualified, the case could be in major jeopardy for several reasons. right? which way do you think the judge is leaning >> it seems as though the judge is leaning not towards disqualification and leaving it instead, her a question of discipline for other authorities to determine bar or whatever. yeah. >> and that there'll be other consequences for the da, but not taking in her off the case necessarily at least not by him and it looks as though that's partly because there's not really a strong presentation that there was a conflict of
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interest that's one of the pieces that in some sense when unrebutted by the prosecutor's side, quick follow, not by him someone else who could take her off. and when how would that play out? >> so it would probably play out over the next several months in which she would be investigated by ethics oversight boards, and commissions, and there are also there's a new commission that's about to be empowered in all likelihood by the legislature in georgia they could come down on all sorts of questions and not just about conflict of interests, including whether or not she was truthful on the stand. >> so this doesn't go away even if she remains >> on oh, i think there's a cloud over her now for several months. >> all right >> that that is ominous even if it does continue. and but michael, i mean, in that room the judge did seem to rattle the lawyer for willis's office. you could see that in the way he there's sometimes sort of stumbling. and then willis walked up as i just showed you there, handed him notes during his presentation and you heard nick valencia saying at one point, the judge seemed incredulous at the arguments
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being made by the lawyer the da tells nick valencia she was not pleased with his approach and thought she was going to stand up and say something herself. okay. >> you know who these individuals, what is your read on what happened in that courtroom? the reaction >> i am totally sure that fani willis was itching to get up there and argue her the case before the judge, especially because mr. a. body was stumbling a bit. look, judge mcafee has has earned a reputation for being pretty even handed throughout this. and i think he showed that today in his sort of even handed skeptical questions for both sides during the when the lawyers for the trump defendants were making these assertions about how willis had a personal interest in the case and that the evidence shows that they began the relationship before they testified to before she hired nathan wade the judge was a bit
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skeptical. he said, what's the personal interests when they when they kept bringing up terrence bradley's text messages, he pointed out there's nothing in that text notes, text messages that say how he knows where when the relationship began and any other details tells about it. and he pointed out that ashleigh merchant, the lawyer, didn't lock him in, didn't go sit down and probe for those answers to those questions and get affidavit. but at the same time when andrew body, the lawyer for the da's office, got up there and the questions came about the state of the law and whether it's actual conference conflict or an appearance of conflict >> he >> mcafee pushed back on the argument that appearance was not an appropriate standard, and i think that's where this ball game is right now. it's not an actual conflict. the trump lawyers haven't proven
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that by and he means, but if it's an appearance which is kind of a loosey, goosey standard. it just looks bad. then fani willis could be in trouble. >> and to that point, van appearance of a conflict versus an actual conflict that is really what this is about. actually beyond that courtroom the public perception, even if the case goes ahead, what is now the public perception >> well, it's unfortunate. i mean, this is the case that people at felt strongly about. they thought it was strong, they thought she was strong and also, even if trump becomes president, he can't make it go away because the state case so the fact that people went digging around in the garbage can and found some stuff and now they're throwing it on her and say now you're dirty. that's the way the game gets played unfortunately. but i think the judge has to make a really strong decision because first of all, highly consequential for the country. second of all, it's not it's not clear. it's not clear to me that the level that the
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conflict of interest is not she's got some extra reason because its relationship to go after donald trump. it's what is a conflict of interests about, and that's where i think he's got to whether we served pretty damaging to a relationship. if you're in it in your hiring someone as a favor and then you've tried to hire someone else and someone else after that and someone else after that. then finally you settle on the guy you're dating. i mean, that's but that's what it would be so that is some perspective ryan. but to that point, you have said that the cell phone data that was obtained by a private investigator hired by the trump team is what could be the most damaging. it shows a 35 occasions in which his foam was hitting a cell tower near where she lived in the wee hours. >> the morning. >> i suppose in 2021, that's obviously before she hired wade. and it's also before they said that began. willis, his lawyer said that this doesn't indicate anything about whether they were dating. here's how well, i think that's the point.
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>> i would say >> yes, that is the point he referenced that that's an area that he was not uncommon for him to be in. ms willis and mr. wade never denied that he had been to that condo before the specific testimony that was elicited by ms willis and mr. wade was that he never he had never laid his head. was the direct quote at at that condo, which these records don't prove that he laid his head anywhere? >> willis seem to be smiling as he was making that argument. what did you think about it >> i thought there was a pretty awful place to be blunt. yeah. for a lawyer to be >> to be saying, hey, look, he only said he didn't lay his head there but yes, they might be evidenced that he was there for several hours in the middle of the night from like 12, 30 as he left before the morning? >> yeah. so that is not where you want to be and in some sense, even if something is technically true. and yeah,
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i'm sure it's technically true that he didn't lay his head there that is not where you want to be there could still be a lie because you've misled everybody by saying it's just suggesting right. were there overnight? >> right. and that's what this cell phone evidence is strongly indicative of. and they haven't really rebutted that. >> right. and the text messages as well, i mean, i didn't mentioned those, but the thousands of them. >> all right. thanks very much to all of you. can catch more by the way, of van on this sundays the whole story, he travels to his home state of tennessee to explore how the state's politics have transformed ahead of super tuesday and van airs at eight and outfront next, trump also back in court today, trying to delay the start of his classified documents case but why are his lawyers now pushing for an august trial date that could lead to a verdict well before the election. >> how >> will the former trump white house lawyer, ty cobb, will be? plus incredible images of bravery tonight. thousands risking their lives to turn out for alexey navalny's funeral investigative journalist christo grozev, an oscar for award-winning director of the film navalny, are with me to
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remember their friend plus our sanjay gupta with a special report, you'll watch a man control a computer with his thoughts >> it gives me the opportunity to be able to continue to do things that i'm able to do now. just like thinking about it >> cnn saturday mornings starting tomorrow at eight on cnn just always thought dog food is dog food and it really his together, dogs eat food as soon as we brought the farmer's dog and her skin was better, she was more active, if >> i can invest in her health and be proactive, i think it's worth it. >> is it better for >> i am an unholy terror. >> but >> lately it's just a ruse >> i >> can't let them see. i'm happy it's prime video. all my shows and movies are here. it's nonstop, joy boundless
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>> grow your business with freelance ai experts. fiber >> now, you notice that when you take a picture, you don't look nearly as good as you deal. you're look into merrick because of the mirror is how you see yourself in the photo, is how you're seeing >> yeah, that's i got up i don't even know who i'm looking at right now. we've got >> what did you just say >> i did the best on the circumstances of a person who hates people and yet had to be amongst them. >> curb your enthusiasm. final season, streaming exclusively on max >> tonight, trump in court. again, this time for a hearing in his federal classified documents case. now, trump didn't need to be there, but he chose to be there and the hearing touched on a number of issues, perhaps most important, when the trial will actually be again, jack smith's team has
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asked for that july it start. trump's team asked for august 12. now, according to our katelyn polantz, who was in the courtroom, trump barely looked at jack smith and the proceeding, not more than once or twice the entire time out front. now, ty cobb, the former trump white house lawyer so ty, of course, the judge in this case is aileen cannon, nominated to the bench by trump. she has thus far issued decisions in this case that have been friendly to him. but, you know, we don't know what she will do at this point. you've followed the hearing very closely today. what did you make of her comments today? did you get any insight on our thinking? >> so i think what we heard from her today sort of at the end of the end of the hearing >> i'm told. and based on the reporting, was that she had a comment. there's so much to do. that's not the last time we'll hear that. she'll do it again when she delays the trial. repeatedly to get beyond the election. >> i think it's the richest thing that happened today was when she said you know, pointed
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to all the motions that were pending as a reason for why it was going to be difficult to be paired well, next, smith and his team proposed a schedule months ago that would have resolved half of those motions and had the case ready to go on a schedule that would have ended before. now. and she rejected that and she delayed all the serious work that is necessary under the classified procedures act i think the trial date, even the trump proposed today is highly unlikely. i think they only propose the august date as a chess piece in the dc case, they would love to have her schedule august date, knowing that she'll move it to hold off jack smith and dc. and i think that's i think that was their game plan. and i think that they're likely to succeed in that day. i don't
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>> want to say are being fatalistic. i know you're being honest, but it is a win is a grim assessment, but i think important the way you lay it out that they don't meet august 12th. they they they're using as a chess facing something else, knowing that she'll delay it even further. so that's not a real date from the trump team. >> i >> did mention katelyn polantz is reporting from inside the courtroom and she was in there. she saw trump tie appear to grow impatient at 03:00 in the afternoon. that was a five-hour hearing. so it was just before it ended, he started to get impatient but you obviously it was there by choice. it's a long time for him to be there, so he began shaking his head according to her reporting, as a doj, prosecutor stood up to deliver his closing argument before that, she said people in a courtroom seemed a bit more relaxed than in prior hearings at one point, judge cannon even let her hair out of being pinned back at one point. so just maybe sort of a more casual set of interactions what do you make of that that there was that sort of calmness, but then trump choosing to be there
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the entire time. >> well i think he was there the entire time basically as a compliment or waved to her. i think he recognizes as does most of the litigating world that yeah, she has really gone out of her way and that got her rebuked by the 11th circuit to favor trump in these proceedings. and i think he wanted to repay repay the favor by showing up and the absolute right to be there. but he didn't have to be there also, i think in terms of the dynamic at 03:00, and that's sort of that's a long time for him to go without a diet coke. so i can see why he might be cranky, but he probably was mostly cranky about what the government was saying in terms of the political schedules are irrelevant. this case is trying to go, we can get this case done. these issues that they're raising in terms of wanting to
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do these fishing expeditions with federal agencies, is unprecedented and they haven't established any evidence that would justify such a fishing expedition even though she's said she wouldn't entertain it. i think trump doesn't like it when the government speaks and the government gets its way. >> all right, ty, thank you very much. appreciate your thoughts and for good weekend my pleasure. thanks, erin. >> all right. next, defying putin, huge crowds showing up as alexey navalny was laid to rest. more than 100 people were detained. have all these close friend who was wanted by putin is next i'm breaking news. we are learning tonight that commercial fishermen off the coast of alaska have now found what could be another spy balloon >> united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn. >> sorry, body for knowing about actives, but giving 100% of them to my face, the fear no
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. to friends and family. sadallah, luxury mattresses made affordable sunday. van jones, heads home to find out
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what is driving the divide in tennessee politics there has been a very active 20 to 30 year effort to separate us. >> the whole story with anderson cooper sunday at eight on cnn >> tonight, thousands and thousands of russians in a striking show of dissent the flying vladimir putin to say goodbye to the russian opposition leader alexey navalny. and you've seen navalny there. he had an open casket at a church in moscow. >> now, >> among the very few allowed inside the church for navalny's parents. but outside that church, there were a huge force of riot police snipers in some cases, crouching on rooftops metal barriers blocked access to the entrance of the church >> and then listen to this >> they're >> chanting and what they're saying is russia putin. to think about the incredible bravery of all those people choosing to do that. at this hour, 115 people have been detained. the kremlin saying it had made its word to arrest any
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show of support for navalny taking action. in fact, russian television barely mentioned any of what we are showing you tonight. mass demonstrations on the streets. it's the big deal in russia. didn't see it on state television. the kremlin in a statement saying it has nothing to say to navalny's family as his wife, yulia, alleging a navalny was killed on putin's orders at a penal colony in front. now, navalny's close friend, the investigative reporter christo grozev, he exposed the plot to kill navalny with novichok on that airplane. he is on putin's wanted list now, also with me, daniel war, the director of the oscar winning cnn film, navalny. i am glad to see both of you, although not under the circumstances we're talking tonight christo, you had to watch your friend laid to rest today and to see his face the images were incredibly moving >> what? >> what stuck with you the most >> well, i think it was the
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closure of the disposed of disbelief but and i heard this for many, many reps who spoke up on tv, radio, channels with them. the important moments today was two-fold. one was they finally realized that they feel not what was in fact lost become a very tense. they saw him that the second thing that everybody felt was the hope is not because what everybody would happen, people would come in their thousands or tens of thousands did have. this means that here is not there forever, and that can be asserted, that can be which people can follow. alex phase own cytosine advice which don't give up. the fact that they're trying to kill me means that they're afraid of us to take that fear dan you you spent a lot of time with navalny making your film and i
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want to ask you about something that happened today >> specifically, which is the music and the music that was played was music that navalny had chosen. for a funeral that unfortunately he knew very well could happen. >> and he was buried >> to a song from his favorite movie terminator two. and a spokesperson wrote, daniel alexey considered terminator two the best film in the whole world. referencing the scene were honored schwarzenegger sinks into the vat of the molten metal, gives a thumbs up. i know too many. it may seem like just a theatrical moment. it was very symbolic to navalny, right? >> yeah, erin, i'm i'm laughing right now because alexa and i would have debates about this. he would say terminator two is the greatest film ever made. and i watched it last night in his honor. and today i am agreeing with him, terminator two is the greatest film ever made, and it's particularly symbolic. the theme but that film is there's a famous quote in the movie, the future is not set the, there was no fate, but what we
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make for ourselves, it's about agency and spilt being brave and spilt being strong in the face of unimaginable opposition in odds. and that idea, that notion is what i'm carrying forward. and of course, playing that song and evoking that film is so alexei. so of course have to be crying and smiling at the same time because that's in the spirit of navalny >> and christo, i know that you right now are doing everything. you are dedicating everything of yourself to find out exactly what happened to your friend? and so i want to share what navalny's close aide, maria pevchikh, who of course, you know, very well said in a bombshell video that was posted on monday here she is >> now, why did they need? >> navalny was supposed to be free in the coming days because we had achieved a decision on his exchange. nutshell, if you want to early february, putin was offered to swap them fsb killer vacuum, krasikov, who is serving time for murder in berlin for two american citizens and alexey navalny yep, old sheila, i received confirmation that negotiations
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were in the final stages on the evening of february 15 on february 16, alexei was killed >> christo, have you learned anything more >> it's hard to find out what exactly happens in terms of decision-making but one of the hypothesis, the one that maria espouse in that video is that within led everybody believed that he was willing to go along and negotiate, possibly a swap alexei navalny for an assassin who is serving a life sentence in germany because putting seven to kill a refugee in 2019 but that the reason for him to negotiate this only to send a message at the end by killing navalny to the rest of the world that there are no red lights for him anymore, that he will not stop at anything and it's part of the bluffing game with that is true. it's part of his bluffing game to cause the west to cause the united states to believe that he will stop stop at nothing in ukraine and to stop the west from
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arming ukraine. this is a very plausible scenario. this is what, what is typical for somebody from the kgb background, like, like putin. but what we do know at this point is that there's almost no innocent hypothesis. there's almost no scenario in this was in which this would be a natural that there were one of the, one of the things we discovered was that there was a discrediting campaign against yulia navalnaya's that started about ten days before the murder. and this campaign was amplified on the day of the murder. and this suggests that they had been planning for this and they knew that yulia navalnaya would take over from alexei and that they needed to prepare a character assassination campaign. this all points to other evidence such as the fact that they're withholding the body world with holding the body for nine days before handing it over to the parents. all of this point in direction of willful assassination fasting what you say about ten days before they start this campaign. and on the
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day of the escalation, daniel yulia did share her grief for the world today. a video of special moments with her husband saying, i don't know if i can handle this or not, but i will try his daughter, dasha, who we all know paid tribute to her father's saying she promises to make him proud, but neither were able to attend navalny's funeral. his son couldn't go his brother couldn't go. it's not clear. they'll ever be able to go to russia. again. and yet despite all of this navalny loved russia then if we were conversations with him, what do you think about the fact that he now has his final resting place there >> you know. and what you just said moved me deeply and, you know, i'm feeling the sadness of this moment. i understand that aleksey's being laid to rest about 20 minutes. a 20 minute walk from where dasha and zahar grew up in this apartment where yulia and
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alexey raise their children and i think that's fitting. navalny wouldn't want some giant state funeral. he would want to be with the people. he would want to be in a community where his family can walk to see him into visit him because they will go back one day. erin yulia he has the har and dasha will go back to moscow one day. and i hope to go as well and i hope to go visit alexei one last time >> thank you both very much. and tonight, vladimir putin under fire, we've got incredible new video into outfront. it shows the moment that ukrainian soldiers came under heavy russian fire as they took up positions inside what was once a house. it comes as putin has made his darkest and most specific threats yet about using nuclear weapons account against the west front. now the retired lieutenant general ben hodges, the former commanding general of the us army, europe, and a general. it is wonderful to be with you in person. i know, obviously usually you are joining us from
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germany. >> so putin has threatened to use nukes more openly than he ever has in his speech that he just gave warning of the destruction of civilization. those were his exact words. how serious is this to you? >> will, of course you have to take him serious because he doesn't care about how many innocent people might be killed. but i think this is a continuation of his style of using threats bluster, because he sees how we overreact every time. there's no upside for russia if they use a nuclear weapon, zero our president has told them, but there will be catastrophic consequences for russia if they use a nuclear weapons. so really, for the kremlin, their nuclear weapons are most effective when they don't actually use them because we deter ourselves, we over react. >> so the financial times, max seddon it's great report earlier this week, he had obtained intelligence documents showing the russian threshold
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for using nuclear weapons. and it was much lower than anybody thought. in fact, making the navy more effective. was actually a justification for using a nuclear weapon of some sort. stopping aggression was a definition, which of course could be defined any way one wants to define it. are you surprised that the threshold, at least in their written documents of what they say is that low will >> that is lower than what i had always believed. but you have to be skeptical whenever you have a russian document what's the purpose of this document? how did how did we get this? and again, i think this is part of an effort by the kremlin to make us to be wary and it works to halt ukraine aid more. yeah, it works because even the administration which has done so much and the german government, the top two contributors are not willing to say we want ukraine to win. our objective is for ukraine to defeat russia. and i think this
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is tied to their concern >> so treasury secretary janet yellen says there's nearly 300 billion, $285 billion in frozen russian assets she's saying that should be sent to ukraine and obviously you've got the congressional money on hold obviously $285 billion in frozen russian assets, that massive amount of money. >> but how much >> of a difference with something like that make even if you had small portion of it. >> that's the quick math here. that's about four or five times the size of the aid package it's right now that we're all waiting to get through. so that would be an enormous boost for ukraine, both for purchasing what they need to win this war, but also even for reconstruction. but it also would be useful because it would send such a strong signal to the russians that there are consequences for what they do. and right now, a lot of the people around putin have not really felt the consequences for supporting him. >> and so you think that'd be a good idea? absolutely.
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>> all right. what general it's great to see you and thank you. thanks for the privilege and next, breaking news a year after the us shot down the chinese spy balloon, we're now learning that alaska fishermen tonight have discovered what could be another spy balloon? the chinese coast guard with a major show of force around a key us trading partner tonight >> we've been out on this vote for less than two hours and we've already seen at least four chinese coast guard votes the greatest stage they told about >> lifetime regrow to champions have tbs. >> welcome to stormy heights. were the windows are always pellet palace fiberglass is the material for windows and patio doors a fiberglass frame is even scratch and dent resistant. hello, windows tested for extremes, designed for your home.
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literally found this in the water and they're bringing it back. so the fishermen are not certain to what they found as a balloon, but the fbi determined that it looked enough like 12 warrant further investigation. so that's where we are now as tensions between china and taiwan are reaching a fever pitch, china's coast guard showing force around a group of islands controlled by taiwan within spitting distance of the mainland. will ripley is outfront just off the foggy coast. you're taiwan's frontline, jianmian islands, the chinese coast guard intercepts a taiwanese tourist boat. taiwan's coast guard calls it an unprecedented forced inspection triggering panic among passengers and the public. >> it was very scary. i was afraid that i might not be able to return to taiwan. >> these are the waters where that incident happened, where the chinese coast guard boarded the taiwanese tourist boat and checked everyone's id, spoofing a lot of the people on board you can see how close we
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are to the skyline of the chinese city of shaman. there are chinese construction boats all throughout these waters. pretty easy to mix up, which side the chinese side of the taiwanese side, you're on? you're this close cross strait tensions rising here ever since the lunar new year holiday a chinese speedboat capsized in a chase with taiwan's coast guard similar to this one several years ago, chinese fishing boats accused by taiwan of trespassing the islands territorial waters more than one thousand times last year alone. got quite enough. >> so she has the speedboat was snaking, trying to evade inspection and even drifting. it capsized and four people fell into the sea. >> two chinese fishermen drowned, two others survived, telling a conflicting story who couldn't, even if we make quick turns, we won't capsize is it only capsize when it was rammed into an infuriated
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beijing accuses taipei of covering up the fishermen's deaths. chinese officials blamed taiwan's ruling party reiterating beijing's sovereign claim over taiwan, promising to step up patrols in the area taiwan is deploying its own coast guard in response. analysts say the mainland may be testing how far it can push taiwan trying to erode its ability to control waters long governed by taipei we've been out on this vote for less than two hours and we've already seen at least four chinese coast guard boats including that one right over there, which just made a u-turn. our captain says that means they're monitoring us just like we're watching them, rattling the nerves of taiwanese tour vote operators. do you worry that this could be the place where there could be the beginning of a bigger conflict between taiwan and mainland china combine to be frank, i'm concerned, but this is not what people want there
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is conflict. both sides will be devastating >> both sides watching what happens next surging tensions on the taiwan strait, threatening to spill over will ripley, cnn, g-men, taiwan cairo port by well well, next our dr. sanjay gupta with a special report on how a man is now able to control a computer using only his thoughts i've done a lot roth criminal, none. i don't want people to think that i was taking cash >> rods, went back there governor rod blagojevich's went down in a blaze of infamy. >> charged with plotting to sell barack obama's former senate seat. >> wait, what corruption lies? >> prison. you acknowledged he lied to the fbi. now, really? yeah. one they will determine to get me no matter why, let me offer you an alternate theory. united states of scandal with jake tapper, back-to-back sunday at nine on cnn.
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labor is more than just a book color scan for your free riders guide, 8045518 >> tonight, a medical and technology breakthrough, a man battling als, able to control a computer using only his thoughts it's amazing and our own dr. sanjay gupta was there given unprecedented access to see how it happens? >> and dr.. gupta is outfront with this remarkable story up down, left, right everything you are watching happen on this screen right now, is being controlled only with mark's thoughts >> so that just sent out a health notification. >> he describes it as contracting and then relaxing his brain it takes concentration. it's a pretty involve process. it's one, i don't take lightly. >> this has all been pretty sudden for mark. he was diagnosed with als in 2021 mark has since lost control of his hands and arms. he would likely
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lose his voice. mark didn't hesitate to sign up for a clinical trial to have this placed in his brain it's called a stent road >> the one thing about this disease, it affects your physical, but not the mind to me, it gives me the opportunity to be able to continue to do things that i'm able to do now, just by thinking about it in the world of brain-computer interfaces, or bci is, it is still early days. in fact, up until recently, it's mostly led to monkeys being able to play pong but synchron was one of the first companies in the world to get fda approval for human trials and mark is one of those first humans it's all the brainchild of this man dr. tom oxley, text messaging is a really critical element of how we communicate with their family and friends. now, so that's usually what people
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mostly want back. >> so then that will test so you just sent a text. i did. that's pretty cool. you simple? yeah. pretty cool. >> dr. oxley is a neurologist who first started thinking about the possibility of brain implants while in his native australia >> for people who have got paralysis or motor impairment, but they have that part of the brain's still working. then if you can put a device in, get the infant ration, get it out of the brain, then you can turn what previously was a signal controlling your body into a single the controls and digital devices. >> the centroid is the device that oxley and his team at sink ron created. it's a cage of thin wire mesh with electrode sensors that can detect the electrical brain activity translate that activity, and then transmit it to devices such as a phone or computer. >> it's amazing. it's all i can say. >> just like a stent, it doesn't require open brain surgery. instead, it's able to travel through the body's natural network of veins instead of a major vein right
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in the middle of the brain. >> this is the actual deployment. now, i even tried my own hand at implanting one, keep >> pushing out the same lesson slow going there we go. so that's deployed on top of the brain inside the blood vessel >> think the procedure when well, it went well, it was your first attempts? the practice and you landed it perfectly. >> the procedure is minimally invasive and you can't see the device just by looking the stent road is threaded up through a vessel along the neck. >> right here. you can feel a little cable that's actually connecting that stent to a device. it now sits right on the skin here and it's from their signals are sent out that can help him control these devices in his environment. >> our brains >> have billions of neurons firing electrical impulses that control our movements. everything from shaking hands to taking a step each and every one of those actions is associated with a specific
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electrical signature the centroid, which again sits right here around that area of the brain responsible for movement learns to recognize those specific electrical patterns and essentially creates your own personalized dictionary of movement what can a bci, not one myth, four bci is that it can read your thoughts. i mean, there's 80 billion neurons in the brain and you'd have to be watching all of them to have some sense of the complexity that's going on inside the brain. basically, i just take a snapshot of particular domains of function. >> what we're looking at on mark's angiogram here, this is the actual stent road. dr. rollo and the gara implanted the stand road into mark's brain. >> if you really want to cure a problem like paralysis, you really eat shoe specifically, read the signals from your motor cortex from the center of movement in the brain. >> previous generation, bci is tried to measure brain activity
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from outside the skull but newer generation bci is including the one from elon musk's neural link. attempt to sit right on top of the brain. the stench road is sort of in-between. >> i'd like to make this comparison of going through a concert or a symphony listen to the brain outside of the skull or concert hall, and the music sounds garbled, difficult to hear. if you're too close, you only hear one instrument but by sitting in the center of the brain, like the centro does you can hear the entire symphony more clearly i hope, is that in the next five to ten years you're going to see this in the patient's citing >> it's a hope for patients or the future in a chance for mark to continue living a full life. now >> a lot of nice, ready for a tournament >> the brainol