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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  March 2, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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going to happen, but america, the future of our country is going to be determined. i'm convinced by the elections and the thing that one can hope is this country is constantly changing. when i was a kid, texas was blue and california was read these things can change and with texas which is the future of america, because his growing so fast. and by the year 2050 is projected to be the size of california, new york combined. so it will be decisive in american politics and god save texas is streaming now on hbo, which is a part of cnn's parent company. and you can watch the rest of that conversation that and don't forget, you can find all of our shows online as podcast, as slash podcast, and on all major platforms i'm christiane amanpour in london. thanks for watching and i'll see you again
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next week >> hi everyone, thanks for joining me. i'm omar jimenez in for fredricka whitfield. we got a lot to get to today. >> we're going to start with breaking news. the us has begun airdropping desperately needed humanitarian aid into gaza gaza three c-130 hercules cargo planes dropped a total of 66 bundles today, they included mainly food, but no water or medical supplies president biden pledged the aid friday at the white house paid flowing to gaza is nowhere nearly enough. now it's nowhere nearly enough >> and its allies are on >> the line and children's lives are on the line, and we won't stand by and but until we get more aid in, i won't stand why we won't let up and we're not going to pull out pull out every stop we can get
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more assistance cnn's priscilla alvarez is in washington and paula hancocks is in abu dhabi in the united arab emirates, which has also been airdropping aid into gaza. but i wanna start with you, priscilla, what more are we learning about this? a drop in how it came together? >> well, omar, this is a first for the united states. we already had seen that the united arab emirates and jordan has started to airdrop aid into gaza as it has become increasingly difficult to get aid into that region, into distribute aid in that region. now, as you mentioned there, this was the first and it was 66 total a bundles. there were 22 bundles on each aircraft, and this was all food. there was no water or medical supplies. but the idea here is to scale up aid into gaza. as you heard there from president biden, he has been pushing for this. he has said that there's not enough aid going into gaza, and that he is trying to pull out every stop to make it happened and putting pressure on israel to help in that effort. take a listen
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>> assisted israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people help they need no excuses. >> now, this has been an ongoing effort by us officials and they also were exploring other avenues, including, for example maritime operations because there has been criticism by aid agencies that this is not an effective way to get a to the people who desperately need it. in gaza. so this is just part of an ongoing effort and only the first and what is probably more drops to come. but again, president biden calling for a temporary ceasefire, and that is also to get more aid into gaza, as well as to release the hostages. but all of this is just another example of how difficult and challenging it has been for the biden administration. and now we're also resorting to airdrops to try to get that aid to the people who most need it? >> yeah. and look, paula, the us is not the first country to airdrop aid into gaza, uae, as
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well. so what impact is it expected to have and the un has said that a large number of the palestinian civilians injured in the carnage at a food aid convoy had gunshot wounds. what more are we learning there >> what i'm all festival on the airdrops. i mean, certainly any food or any goods that are getting into gaza at this point are going to be welcomed. but we are hearing from a number of ngos that this is not the ideal way to do it. it is an imprecise way of getting aid in. we've seen in the past, for example, just a few days ago one of the bundles landing in the sea and desperate residents then got into the water themselves to try and salvage anything they could. so what we're hearing is more calls to open other crossings between israel and gaza. certainly there's a couple further north which would be a people were here from ngos to get food,
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water, and medical supplies into northern gaza, which is desperately needed. we're hearing that from malnutrition, for example, it's the worst-case of child malnutrition in the world at this point, and ngos saying that there needs to be more access and better protection for humanitarian aid trucks in the gaza strip, not just these, these, these aerial drops, which are very imprecise. now you did ask about that humanitarian aid convoy that just last thursday ended with the death of more than 100 people. now they were contesting timelines contesting narratives. the palestinians and eyewitnesses on the ground and local journalists, we spoke to said that there was a panic after israeli tanks opened fire, and that is how many did die? in that incident, the israeli say they're two separate events and it was after they saw a stampede of
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people trying to get aid that they opened fire, but what we're hearing from the un now with the managed to send a team is that they say many people who were injured and survived did have bullet wounds yeah. >> yeah. and look, it's horrific as what happened. there was there are still diplomatic efforts that are trying to stay on track and priscilla, us officials have said that despite what happened this week, hostage talks are back on track. where do things stand there? >> that's right, omar. but what did happen this week did add fresh urgency into these talks because there was concern that it would disrupt these very sensitive diplomatic talks that have been ongoing now again, qatar, egypt, and the us have been involved in trying to meet or find some sort of compromise to reach it's a, release these hostages. but the big question is whether hamas is going to agree to what they have worked through. now, this is part of the president's
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call for a temporary ceasefire. again, this is seen as the way to get hostages that are being held by hamas out of gaza, but also to get aid into gaza. and so these talks have been ongoing for some time. we expect that that will continue to be the case, but still very, very sensitive. omar >> yeah. >> priscilla alvarez, paula hancocks. thank you. >> thank you, both now, we're also following breaking news out west in the united states, dangerous weather is slamming parts of california. a rare blizzard blanketing parts of the sierra nevada mountains and forecasters are predicting more than 12 feet of snow to drop in some areas, the icing conditions are making travel nearly impossible today 65 mile stretch of iat had to be shut down at the nevada, california we're cnn meteorologist elisa raffa joins us now with more. so where are you seeing the most dangerous conditions right now >> omar, we're looking at extreme conditions in the sierra nevadas. look at all of this purple, we're talking about impossible travel with
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whiteout how conditions from the wind and the heavy snow, damaging winds that will cause power outages and extremely heavy snowfall rates up to four inches per hour possible. just incredibly heavy snow. here's a look at some totals that were already getting in. we're ready looking at one to two feet of snow from palisades tahoe, donor peak all looking at some totals already and we still have snow that will pump all day today and going into tomorrow, blizzard warnings in effect, you see there in the orange along the sierra nevadas that goes through the day today and into tomorrow as we've just continue to find this snow that continues to pop. i mean, if we zoom in here on california, look at where older rain is coming in, right? the moisture from the coast, and then just how it continues to pump in the higher elevations, the spine in the mountains where all that moisture meets the colder air in the higher elevations and it's just a machine that won't turn off of all of these snow showers will keep that machine pumping as we go through the day today and going into tonight as well. and there might be a little bit of
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a lull and then you find more of that snow pumping going into monday. so again, just continuing to pile on these totals. >> here's a >> look at some of these snow accumulation. i mean, we're looking at up to 12 feet locally on some of the highest peaks over 5,000 feet. many people, many places really measuring the snow in feet throughout this event. now, it's not not only heavy snow were packing winds that are hurricane force. we're talking winds that are topping 100 miles per hour and mukha, that mammoth mountain, california has a peak wind gusts reported these reports that 114 miles per hour nearing 150 miles per hour for some other peaks will keep these winds continuing to pump. >> that's where you get the blizzard conditions because it's the heavy snow and the very strong when gas, this will not only dropped visibility, but again, we're talking about dangerous, life-threatening conditions with some whiteout conditions and power how to just to omar? >> yeah. and even even if it is higher elevation, just to see wind gusts reports over 100 miles per hour is pretty, pretty incredible here. at
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least rafah. thank you so much for more on this, on these dangerous west coast blizzard conditions, i want to bring in joe irvin. he's the city manager for south lake tahoe. joke, good to see you. to even there's plenty of snow behind you. i can tell. but what are you seeing there right now >> yeah. well, good morning, omar and thanks for having me. the snow level on the ground is about three to four feet. and i were fork forecasted to receive another foot and the next 12 hours and potentially another foot after that into the evening hours >> yeah. and look, i >> mean, heading into this meteorologist had been warning about the potential impact of this storm for days now, i mean, you were describing the snow in feet up to this point and another foot expected in some parts, how was your city able to prepare? >> yeah. well, we live at 6,500 feet of elevation, and so our public works department our police department, our fire department are always prepared.
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emergencies come with living here and this really isn't an emergency at this time. it's a big blizzard and a lot of snow and high winds is this discussed. and so we have eight zones for snow-plowing and 16 plows going with blowers and sanders and streets that are dangerous. we close and require chains so the preparation is in the practice we put in and we're prepared and ready to handle this blizzard i think you said the key portion there that is not an emergency right now that so far everything you all have been doing to this point, he has kept things in order, at least in working order. now, just north of lake taco, lake tahoe, excuse me, a 65 mile stretch of iat that was shut down because of these conditions? i know you mentioned the roads a little bit, but are you residents having difficulties traveling in this storm >> well, we always advise whether you're a visitor coming from out of town or a resident in town to do you're traveling before the storm to minimize the amount of cars that are on the roads.
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>> are you're right. it is closed and that's a big extract from reno all the way to sac san francisco. that whole stretch is not closed, but, that road, us 50 runs through south lake tahoe and that's open right now with chains and four-wheel drive vehicles permissible to pass over the past at echo summit? >> and i know you all have obviously dealt with snow before this is nothing new. but when you look at the weather like this and potential progressions, do you worry about emergency services being impacted? what is sort of that first threshold that you would be worried about? that would tell you, okay, actually, maybe we need to switch something around because this is actually pretty dangerous. what does that first threshold you'd be looking for >> yeah. for me, when we start to lose power, we start to get a little more alert. we want to make sure that all of our residents are how safety net systems in place people that are on medical devices that
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require power, what kind of systems we have in place to provide charging stations for them. and so we work with our parks and recreation department and agency partners to ensure that our shelter facilities are ready to be stood up should we need to power? we're in close communication with liberty utilities, our power provider and really the snow removal, like i said, it's it's what we've been doing here for since since the city became a city and our plow drivers are some of the best. and i take my hat off to the work they do working around the clock, keeping our streets clear so people can get around 100%. and look, i mean, for, for anyone who's been in these types of mountain environments, especially in the winter, there are a lot of factors that sort of go hand-in-hand with each other. there's this snow, there's the wind, there's the visibility. i mean, in some cases, for you all the national weather service is warning of high to extreme avalanche danger >> how >> worried are you about the threat of avalanches as this snow continues to fall and is it different than maybe anywhere you might have on on a
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typical snowy weekend? >> yeah i'm here in south lake tahoe. i'm not terribly worried about the avalanches. of course, they're gears that go to the back country needs to be prepared for that and have their precautionary equipment with them if when they go hiking and out to the back country. but as you can see right behind me here, this is the national forest and write up the hill from there is having a ski resort and they've been going through their avalanche protocol all morning. i've been hearing the mountain bombs going off, so they have protocols and they make sure that they keep resorts safe. so when the locals and visitors get their chance to get on the chair fair to get some great turns in on the snow. it's safe for them to enjoy a day out there. >> yeah. yeah. >> a lot of factors keep an eye and again, said the most important part of it, all that is not emergency at this point, you feel like everything you've been doing has been working, which is great news. joe arvin. thank you for joining us.
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>> thank you so much, omar. i appreciate the opportunity, of course. >> and for everyone else, we're just getting started in the cnn newsroom still to come just days before super tuesday, a new poll could be giving biden and democrats a real reason to worry. we're going to explain and later conditions in texas only expected to worsen today as catastrophic wildfires there's burn out of control. we're going to take you there live >> backroom deals, cia sequence, a fair there's bribery, corruption, prostitution >> there's so much more to the store. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn recently changed jobs or received arrays, make sure your taxes are being done 100% correctly. intuit turbotax's done millions of tax returns. so you can trust they'll do yours right? with 100% accuracy guaranteed visit >> i brought in a job max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me
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cnn a new poll from the new york times >> and siena college finds some pretty concerning numbers for president joe biden. it only fine it finds only 18% of voters think they've personally benefited from his policies according to this poll, the same poll also shows 40% of those surveyed think they've personally benefited from, from former president trump's policies. so joining me now to break down the numbers is cnn reporter alayna treene, who is traveling with the former president in greensboro, north carolina. so alayna, what sticks out to you from these numbers? what can you tell us >> were there a few things. omar, first of all, what you mentioned about how 18 just 18% of american voters feel that they it personally been helped by joe biden's policies compared with the 40% of americans who said the same for donald trump. i think that really sticks out to mean it really shows some of the troubles so that biden is
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facing ahead of a potential general election rematch with president, the former president donald trump. the other thing that i know i can tell you that donald trump campaign was looking at this morning was they were celebrating some of the numbers in this poll, specifically, the part that showed in a hypothetical matchup between donald while trump and joe biden, that trump narrowly leads biden 48% to 43%. it's something we also saw some of his allies and advisers share on social media you can probably expect him to town some of those poll numbers during his speech later today. but look, omar donald trump has two trips today, one in north carolina, nikki haley's also in the state today i'd also and then trump also be in richmond later today. these are the only two states that he is visiting ahead of super tuesday and part of that is because the trump campaign does see these as battlegrounds ahead of november. and i think from his rhetoric that you can expect today, it'll be far more about a general election that will be about the primary donald trump and his team essentially see
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that this prime nord believed that this primary is over that nikki haley is just hanging on, but that they will soon have enough delegates to do clare him the presumptive republican nominee. now, i also just want to share with you some of what i expect to hear from donald trump today's particularly here in north carolina they are really going to be focused you're saying on the economy and inflation. i spoke with those senior trump campaign adviser last night and he said, that is the issue that they believe north carolina voters care the most about. they think that many of them are feeling the strain on their wallets as well as they really do want to see a change on the economy and blame joe biden for that. so i think you can expect a lot of that rhetoric from donald and i'll trump when he takes the stage and just a little over an hour, omar. >> yeah. alayna treene, it is a skill reporting when there's a full-on event essentially going on behind you did it perfectly. alayna treene. thanks so much >> all right. everybody coming up any >> day now? a fulton county,
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georgia judge will decide whether others to disqualify district attorney fani willis from trump's election interference case in the state, the impact it could have on when or whether trump will face trial next? >> frank sinatra had connections with the mafia and all these nightclubs were owned by the mob. >> you didn't want to make those guys he was to vegas. >> the story of sensitive tomorrow at ten on cnn >> somebody would ask or something and she would just walk right past. >> you, didn't know >> they were talking to her >> i just could not hear. >> i >> was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them. >> i >> nearly invisible. hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75 years. >> when i finally get here for the first time, i could here, everything celebrate world hearing day with our limited time offers at miracle ear call, 1800 miracle now, salon
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they need to go one after another. >> i think, you know it when you see it, defense attorneys pushed for fulton county district attorney fani willis to be disqualified from former president will trump's georgia election subversion case >> if this court allows this kind of behavior to go on, the entire public confidence in the system will be shot. >> willis is arrival during a short break in the hearing, took the courtroom by surprise. she nodded in rock back and forth in her chair as the state argued why she should stay on the racketeering case >> amir fishing expedition. >> the defense claimed willis and the cases special prosecutor, nathan wade, started dating before she hired him for the job. >> she put her boyfriend in the spot, aid him, and then reap the benefits from it, and that she benefited through meals and lavish trips he paid for know, she's received a personal financial benefit of over 90 to in this case that she can't
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account for >> the lead attorney defending willis said she paid wade back in full, arguing this has been an effort to harass and embarrass willis an actual conflict has not been shown and more importantly, are in conjunction with that, there has been absolutely no evidence for the district attorney has benefitted financially at all willis sitting at the prosecutor's table, just feet from her attorney as the judge questions several of his arguments for why there's no grounds to disqualify the da. >> there is a relationship and that money has changed hands there's maybe still an open question of where the ledger stands. but i think it was conceded that that balance could run in one way or the district attorney's favor is that contested? >> yes. >> what's what's not contested? is that our relationship did develop last month. >> willis testified she started dating wade after she hired him
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and did not in any impropriety. >> these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. i'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial, willis has asked multiple times to bring trump's racketeering case to trial as soon as possible. and the hopes of settling it before the presidential election. but for now, the weight continues that was hoped to have an answer for everyone within the next two weeks. >> so now we wait for a judge, scott mcafee to make his decision, which as you heard there, it's gonna take two weeks for him to give his order. he says he's going to have to get through some legal issues and make some factual determinations we'll take time, but ultimately, mcafee will have to weigh what the threshold for disqualification is. is it an actual conflict of interests or simply the appearance of one? nick valencia, cnn, atlanta all right. thank you. nick joining me to talk more about this case and other trump legal matters is michael zeldin. he is a former federal prosecutor. so michael, do you think these attorneys for trump's co-defendants made the case that fani willis should be
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disqualified from this election subversion case? >> it's a great question and nic set it up perfectly to say, will the judge require an actual conflict or the appearance of a conflict if he's going to fall on the it's an appearance of a conflict conflict standard than i think they may have made their case for disqualification. if it's an actual conflict, i think that the evidence is still a bit soft on whether there was financial gain sufficient to say that fani willis's judgment or impartiality was compromised? >> yeah. and two-part question for you because obviously this is happening in an election year. this is happening not just in the state of georgia, but also in some ways, the court of public opinion, as far as confidence and what comes out of out of this case, if the judge allows willis to remain on the case from legal standpoint, do you see it go into trial before the 2024 election and from a public
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standpoint, i mean, fani willis said it when she testified that she is not on trial. this is about putting someone who allegedly tried to steal an election on trial. >> but will >> the public still have confidence in this case if she remains on based on everything we've gone through to get to this point. >> we're in charge. and as my children say, thankful you're not were in charge, i would ask fani willis to step aside and i'd ask nathan wade to step aside. i would want very much for the office of the district attorney to remain on the case if the office this is disqualified, then this thing is not going to trial for a very long time. but if she steps aside for appearance purposes, and wade step aside for the same appearance purposes, then i think this case could go forward really probably in very late fall depending on the timeline of other trials. but if he stays on this case, i think that you raise a very good question of
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whether or not the public will think that this is as trump has argued, a political prosecution, and that of course is not in the interests of america or specifically the justice system. >> it's a question that i think trump and his co-defendants across various jurisdictions are trying to raise in various ways, i wanna pivot to trump's classified documents, case, which also had a hearing yesterday in florida and special prosecutor jack smith's team, they want to start that trial in early july, and trump's lawyers want it pushed back to after the election or august at the earliest. do you have any sense of how this trump appointed judge will rule? and i guess an a broader sense. why are we seeing an effort by trump to delay, delay, delay as much as possible here? >> well, of course, he wants to delay until after the election, after the inauguration, actually, because he would dismiss these charges, were he
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the new president of united states? >> why he >> would pick august as a possible intermediary date is i think that his preference would be to try if he has to go to trial, to try the case in mar-a-lago with that jury pool up in fort pierce rather than in a district of columbia with its jury pool. so there's a calculation thereof. if i have to go to trial where is my best opportunity to succeed between the two federal cases mar-a-lago would seem to be the better jury pool for him. >> yeah. yeah. well, we will see these cases and the campaign cycle are not going anywhere. michael zeldin, i'm sure we'll see you back soon. >> thanks, omar. >> of course. >> all right. coming up wildfires in texas already massive and deadly. now, millions are under a red flag warning as weather conditions and the central plains threatened to make matters worse. want to show you more coming up >> eliot spitzer, crusade they didn't governor by de, wanted
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conditions out there right now? what have you seen out there in the area? >> hey, omar, so it's definitely significantly hotter than it was over the last couple of days with temperatures are higher, we have wind gusts of 40 to 50 miles an hour. the fires are still raging and in the meantime, you also have the grieving process, the cleanup, according to officials, about four to 500 structures have been destroyed by these wildfires. and it's not just structures. this is a home or this was a home. this was the johnson family home. this is the entrance to their property. there was a wooden deck here where they watched the sunset. so this is where they had their barbecues and family dinners. and when you walked into the home here, you would walk into the living room area. this is a family that was here for 22 years. they raised seven children in this house. so of course it's been extremely difficult for them. i talked to
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ronnie johnson about the first time that he came to see his property after the fire. and this is what he told me >> we came back about 10:30 that night. we kind of snuck these branches dr. appearance >> this was pretty time so you hear the emotion, you know, it's that process of trying to figure out what comes next. this family says they're not leaving. they want to rebuild. so again, it's a really difficult process for the people that live in this area and also keep in mind there's a huge ranching aspect to this area, 85% of the state's cattle is raised here in the texas panhandle. so you have a lot of loss of cattle and they're anticipating even more because a lot of these cows were injured. so it's a, an emotional process. it's a fight financial process that's going to be happening here over the
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next couple of days. and again, it just has not been easy for the community as a whole. but what i have seen is everyone coming together, so many people wanting to help those that have lost their homes, those that have lost cattle. you're seeing donations of hay, of water, everyone coming together to do everything they can. unfortunately, there's still a lot of work to be done that smokehouse creek fire only at 15% containment at last check. so it's still raging, it is still very much something dangerous and difficult to deal with in the state and even into oklahoma. so again, this is not going to be over anytime soon. this is just the beginning of this entire process for these families and for this community. >> more lives and livelihoods swept up in the middle of it all is as fire continues to grow, and it can switch just with the shift in direction of wind. camila bernal. thank you for being on this stay safe. i don't want to talk more about this with texas agriculture
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commissioner sid miller. commissioner. thank you for being with us. i mean, what should people in the texas panhandle in particular be preparing for this weekend? >> well, we've had a break over the last 48 hours. winds died down. we had a little blanket of snow, but that's all over it did allow firefighters to get in next to the fire as far was so intent, you couldn't get the fire trucks anywhere close to fire. so that's why this big fire is only about 15% contained so we're looking at how bands again and the 40 miles an hour to mars is 50. so it's been very devastating we've lost over 500 structures. we'd that over 120 miles of electric lines burnt and on the ground that means he's people have no electricity. there's no water to pump for the livestock. there's no grass, there's no water for all the lies thought, we've lost over 3,000 head, which is a very small number that will double or triple easily. we've got cattle that we're going to have to euthanize because the damage to their who's there, others.
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we'll just we'll just have to put them down. we've got seven grain and seed dealers that completely lost everything completely wiped out. we've had two fatalities. we got firefighters that are injured it's it's great. you great damage here. now, i'm asking for people to donate. hey, they could go to my website, texas we have a hey, hotline there. we desperately need it's b and hey, if you can't, you know, if you could just donate money, we've got a fund set up for that. its star funds, state of texas agriculture relief, will have these farmers get back on their feet, but binding him, fencing material, feed, things like that. we have we have our own mental house slash suicide hotline. it's called the agra stress helpline. and i'll give the number in just yet. go forward yes. >> commissioner. >> the numbers 8, 3, 3, 8, 9, 7, 2, 4, 7, 4, 8, 3, 3, 8, 9,
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7, 2, 4, 7, 4. >> and commissioner, i just i just wanted to jump in because i mean, those services are all incredible and hopefully people go and help you we. don't help donate and help use some of those resources provided. but this isn't the first time a natural disaster it has impacted ranchers in texas, but i'm curious just for you, how does this time compare? how is this different? >> we've had big fires up here before, 1 million acres cumulatively, this is the biggest ever in texas every united states actually, this is a monster fire is going to take days to get it put out. the damage is going to increase. the numbers are going to go up so we desperately need to help our neighbors and friends into texas pan now, it's all what, all the way across the path is now into western oklahoma so like you said, there's i think there's eight states that are under fire warning, high wind warnings, 8 million people. so this, this, this is a, this is a big one of the biggest action we we've ever had. >> yeah. and you know, >> i've covered i've covered
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many wildfires, never in texas, but i've covered them usually in california. and one thing that sticks out to me in situations like this is look right now, it is trying to get this fire under control, is trying to make sure this fire doesn't spread when the fire gets put out, it's not like people can go home to their places that they've lost. it's not like those livelihoods just snap back in the blink of an eye just because it's smoke instead of fire what do these fires due to those livelihoods and what livelihoods are you most concerned about based on what you typically see? neri like this of texas >> brass fanfare over 100 year. they've, they've lost a year-old home all the family belongs all the mementos are garland. i'll sum the only thing some of these people have. it is a clothes on their back? so we desperately need to get him some help. go to my facebook page for drop-off sites, for phone numbers for you can contact would deliver or drop-off. >> we've got soft
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>> spots all over the state of texas. we also have delivery points in the pan-am large miller for texas, or you can go to the texas agriculture or texas is the website. all that that information is there. reach out and help us get this community back back on their feet. >> we need >> hey, worse and will eat anything right now. >> yeah. yeah. commissioner sid miller. thank you for taking the time. i know it's a really busy time for your state. and let us know if there's anything we can do to continue with the helping process. >> appreciate you. >> you bet. >> best thing your listeners can do is pray. pray for these people. they needed all right. thank you, commissioner >> still ahead. the georgia state house passed the bill that will require local law enforcement to arrest any person suspected being in the country illegally. immigrant rights organization say the bill targets immigrants, stay with us >> more breaking news. we need to share with you this morning. >> multiple wildfires burning
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in the texas panhandle. >> a government shutdown is still on the calendar. >> cnn central weekdays at seven eastern >> this is a keepsake frame. this is actually a photo from my wedding i'm adam weiss, founder and ceo of keepsake, the mobile app that makes it easy. have your photos printed framed, and shipped to your doorstep. just choose a photo that a log you can preview it in over 100 phrase and in a couple of days, you're going to receive your photo in a beautiful handmade france. so if you've got a special photo on your khan, install the free keepsake app. we would love a chance to frame it for you >> being a young man cowboy, or gazed against as out of staff i've got back to my roots we come from a long ladder, calvin my grandfather, my great grandfather, my aren't even
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redefining insurance. >> the situation room with wolf blitzer weekdays. it's six on cnn >> blows captioning is brought to you by page publishing. want to publish a book, will review your manuscript for free if you've written a book page, publishing can help you through them process. we cut through the confusion of the publishing world to make it easy for you, call 805630741 >> a bill passed by the georgia house will allow police to arrest anyone suspected of being in the country illegally. interest in toughening the states immigration laws has picked up steam after the killing of nursing student laken riley on the university of georgia campus nine days ago, the 22 year-old nursing student was laid to rest yesterday. however, critics of the bill believe it targets immigrants, forcing them to live in fear. so i want to bring in cnn national correspondent rafael romo.
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rafael, what are you learning about? this bill and the prospects of this bill? because it only has passed the house. >> but that's right, omar. it has only passed the house and immigrant rights organizations say they are shocked and horrified, or the death of 22 year-old nursing student laken riley and say that the undocumented venezuelan immigrants suspected in her killing should face justice at this same time. >> two >> hispanic organizations at the university of georgia's athens say, their members haven't targeted with hate messages on social media and fear anti-immigrant rhetoric may be ramping up. and as reported previously, the georgia house of representatives on thursday pass bill 1105, which among other things, would choir state and local law enforcement in georgia to cooperate with federal authorities in enforcing immigration law. the bill omar says that a peace officer acting within the scope of his or her authority or other authorization from the federal government shall have the power to arrest with probable cause any person
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suspected of being an illegal alien julian let the organization has told us they're concerned this may lead to racial profiling and cases where us citizens are mistaken for undocumented immigrants solely because of the color of their skin or their accent, bedroom adding the longest serving hispanic member of the georgia house of representatives expressed similar concerns while speaking against the bill. let's take a listen it is easy and tempting during an election cycle to target minorities and immigrants in >> order to score political points since taking office in 2003 i have witnessed again and again ambitious representatives and senators pursue fear as they assess a strategy to attain and maintain elected office but our community cannot and should not be collectively punished for the refik actions of one or the other hand, omar, jesse portray at the bill's
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author and one of its sponsors, a said, this is not about targeting any particular community, but about safety for all this is a public safety bill yes, a public safety bill? this bill addresses how law enforcement interacts with individuals who are illegally in the country and then break the laws of our country subsequently to be very clear, it is about that and nothing more >> and omar betrayals. he said that when it comes to law enforcement agencies and not cooperating with the federal immigration authorities endangers public safety. and it makes a mockery out of our nation this immigration laws, the bill now goes to the georgia senate. but as i said at the beginning, omar, a lot of concern here in georgia about the effect of the lock back to you.
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>> a lot of concern and the concerns at the border have been top of minds politically and we will no doubt seed those two paths intersect over the course of this election year. and romo, thank you so much. >> a quick >> programming note, cnn travels back to the golden age of vegas to witness the glitz and glamour of the 1960s. the cnn original series vegas, the story of sin city continues with a new episode tomorrow night at ten on cnn now when we come back the us made its first humanitarian air dropped into gaza. why aid agencies say the move is just a temporary bandaid. we'll explain coming up frank sinatra had connections with the mafia and all these nightclubs were owned by the mob. >> you didn't want to make those guys angry? >> he was two vegas, the story of sensible tomorrow at ten on cnn >> stand for news about the news sling team he has the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. it's the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month.
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