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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 5, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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i am retired right now it's >> i'm retired from the nfl >> after >> 13 seasons with the philadelphia eagles >> and the city of brotherly love, jason kelce saying goodbye to the game. he loves a seven-time pro bowler, likely future hall of famer. he spent his entire nfl career with the eagles i love him. he thanked his coaches, teammates, fans, family, and notably his brother travis >> there is no chance i'd be here without the bond. travis and i share it's only too poetic. i found my career being fulfilled in the city. of brotherly love i knew that relationship all too well. >> eagles owner jeffrey lurie put it this way. has there ever been a more perfect marriage
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between a player, a city, and a tie quick shout out to, to kylie kelce, who refuse to wear any other team's jersey, go birds thanks to all of you for joining us. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central starts right now >> it's a super tuesday i really it's super tuesday. millions of americans are going to go to the polls to cast their votes in primaries and caucuses. this will be decided some day for nikki haley's campaign as donald trump looks for sweeping winds to help him clinch the republican nomination and we'll do they show any more signs of trouble for president biden's reelection campaign >> an air force employee accused of sharing classified information on a foreign dating site that man now under arrest >> and cnn takes you to the capital of haiti as violent
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gangs rule the city and residents live in fear. i'm sarah sidner with kate bolduan. john berman is in colorado for super tuesday. we will see him in just a bit. cnn news central starts right now. >> there are tuesday and then there are super tuesdays, friends, the election day energy filling the air. i know you can feel it this early in the morning right now, polls are open in seven states, next hour for more states will be joining them. and that continues throughout the day, throughout the morning as millions of voters will be casting their super tuesday ballots. >> so >> while few things are certain in life these days, we well know one thing that does seem almost assured is that by the end of the night, the needle will be moving closer to deciding the general election matchup, 800 republican
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delegates are up for grabs today and for all of those keeping track at home right now, donald trump has 276, meaning tonight he could get really, really, really, really quite close to securing the nomination, which requires 1,215 delegates for president biden. today's less about the delegate math and more about his campaign, learning a lot, learning a lot more about his ability to get democratic voters excited for the potential of a second biden term. john berman in castle rock colorado >> happy super tuesday to all of those who celebrate john happy super tuesday k4 would in sara sidner, the polls are open in castle rock >> colorado in a manner of speaking that's because in essence, the polls are always open in colorado, the major means of voting here is by mail or by dropbox. you can see the dropbox right there. behind me, voter ballot drop box. it says,
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which is a sign that it is a dropbox and we actually did just see a car drive in and a voter put a ballot right in there. nearly 1 million people, nearly 1 million people have already voted here in colorado. most of them drop their ballots office the boxes just like that one. you can also put them in the mail, although if you are going to mail the menu would have had to have done it last week. there are in-person polling places that will be open today, but only a teeny tiny fraction of the people actually show up to vote in person here in colorado. and i actually have a sample ballot. let me walk around here and show so this to you. this is the sample ballot from colorado, and you will see that donald trump's name is on it. it has been on it even with that supreme court case up in the area until yesterday. of course, the court ruled that donald trump's name will remain on the ballot. the states do not have the right to remove donald trump trump or an
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insurrectionist from the ballot unilaterally but his name was on the ballot anyway, because the core had stayed the earlier ruling here. this is what the ballot look like. looks like. that's what republicans will be able to vote on today. that's what they're dropping off in that backs box here behind me, 15 states plus american samoa but that is why this tuesday is so super, let's get to virginia where the polls are open. arlena treene is there, alayna, what are you seeing so far? >> well, good morning. yes. the polls opened here in richmond, virginia at 06:00 a.m. it's still pretty quiet here. john, we've seen some people come in. i think those eager to get to work or vote and then get to work. i'm who have come by, but i do expect this will pick up throughout the day and john, i do just want to share how some of the trump campaign is viewing this today and specifically how they're viewing this state. in particular, here in virginia. first of all, his campaign is very confident about super tuesday. they are really hoping to sweep most, if not all, of
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the states we're going to see voting today. but the other thing that they're also keeping an eye on is nikki haley. of course. >> they know >> that nikki haley has pledged to stay in through super tuesday, but it's still very unclear what she will do after today, depending on her performance, if she will drop out there bowl or their hope i should say is that she will ultimately dropped out. i know that donald trump and his team want him to be able to get on that stage tonight in mar-a-lago, where he's going to be having a watch party and be able to declare victory and also declare himself the presumptive republican nominee. but as you all mentioned at the top here, regardless of how many states donald trump wins and his performance here today he will be shy of the necessary delegates to declare him the presumptive nominee. but their goal is to really keep building momentum here in virginia and across the country in these different voting states and try to convince a lot of the people who want a trump alternative to get behind him. and that's not just republican voters, but also republican donor they very
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much recognize that they want to have the infrastructure of the republican party behind him and the money that can come with that to really launch him into a better position for a general election rematch against joe biden. now about virginia here specifically, this is a state that donald trump lost both in 2016 and in 2020, but from my conversations with trump senior advisers, they do see it as a battleground that's how they've been describing it to me in our conversations and they do think they can make a good play here. and it's not just about the primary, but also again, looking ahead to potential general election. and one thing i know they're gonna be doing a lot of here in the status. of course, building up their ground game strategy, but also really targeting suburban voters. they tell me that they think the economy, one of the top issues i know that donald trump plans to run on this year is something that a lot of virginia voters care about specifically. so you can expect that messaging as they look ahead alayna treene in richmond. thank you so much.
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alayna. now, as we said, this is super tuesday but it may not be so super for some candidates depending on how the results come in tonight, let's go to eva mckend, who is in washington. eve has been covering the campaign of nikki haley. and we really don't know much about what happens with that campaign pass today, even dewey john, she hasn't said what she's going to do pass today. the big question is, can she decisively win any states tonight? i think tonight really serves as the ultimate test of her message. she's such a disciplined campaigner and she has really stuck to this electability argument that she would be the best person to go up against joe biden in the fall. she's deliver that message in ten states in the past week but she has been very vague about concrete expectations only saying that she will continue to run this this race as long as we remain competitive with her. i was with her during her new england swing and she was attracting
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democrats, independents, an anti-trump republicans. it said that they would rather vote for joe biden then vote for trump in the fall. let's take a listen to her core argument here. >> here are some point >> maybe we should >> say the reason that america keeps losing is because of donald trump. we can change all of that. but in order to change it, it's going to take a lot of courage courage from everybody here courage for me to run. and courage thanks for every one of you to know. don't complain about what happens in a general election. if you don't vote in this primary >> so the hard truth facing haley is that with each passing contest dominated by trump, her odds of amassing a sizable number of delegates shrink a little more than a third heard of republican delegates are up for grabs. and some of these, when these states are winner-take-all states, what i was in vermont over the
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weekend, maine, massachusetts, if she doesn't get above 50% that means she loses the chance to get all of the delegates in that state completely. haley's team oh, they say that she will not address supporters tonight because the polls in some states close at a very late hour. but john, she will be watching the results from her home state of south carolina she will be watching no doubt about that, eva mckend. thank you very much. and we will be watching not just here in colorado, where i'm going to report every piece of activity that happens at that ballot box all morning long here, sara sidner, but it's not just colorado, as i said, 14 other states plus colorado and american samoa. a lot of activity today, sara, there is i know you'll be watching and we'll get numbers as you love to give us numbers all day long. is that another person now? john bourbon, great to see. you're out there all
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right still ahead. a massive industrial file ouide detroit is sending debris flying more than a mile away. the flames now under control, but officials are still warning people this morning to stay away from the area and a new crew has just arrived at their new home, hundreds of miles above earth. we had their hug filled welcome to the international space station also, violence and chaos in the streets of haiti's capital. cnn was there as gay take control of most of the city? >> how, about i had. >> the longer you wait on haiti the more migrants there will be on or southern border. it's that simple we're here to get your side of the store >> why do we keep ending up here >> you can't write this stuff. united >> states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday, a nine on the all new godaddy arrow helps you get your business online
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16 races, one consequential day. i know when you read to you like and the best political team in the business. super tuesday special coverage begins tonight at 06:00 p.m. on cnn and streaming on max >> this morning, newly released texts and emails revealing how key trump ally thought to keep him in office soon after the january 6 capital attack, right-wing attorney kenneth cheseboro, help cheseboro, sorry. helped come up with the fake electors plot. this footage, which was taken by cheseboro and has not been seen publicly, shows the fake electors casting their ballots in wisconsin and in one of the newly disclosed texts, talk of coordinating the plan with the trump white house. cnn's marshall cohen is joining me now. marshall, we haven't seen this before why is that? why is it coming out now? >> hey, sara, there was a lawsuit in wisconsin, the real electors from that state filed a civil case against the fake electors and this came out as
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part of a settlement just yesterday, hundreds of new texts, emails, photos, videos. you just saw the clip of the fake electors voting in wisconsin, but there is so much more and it is feeling that this fake electors plan was deeper than we thought we're still learning new things. sara almost four years later, three or four years later. let's go through. i want to show you three things that we learned from this document dump. first is a text message exchange between cheseboro and trump's top attorney in wisconsin jim troupis. this is in december 2020 and he says, jim can you send my december 6 memo to trump lawyer justin clark. the messaging on january 6, being the real day is key. that memo is where he spelled out the fake electors plan, troupis says, i have sent it to the white house this afternoon. >> the real decision-makers, we didn't necessarily know that troupis had sent that very detailed memo directly to the trump white house. now he did not say in the messages who he
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sent it to, but that is notable because just a few weeks later, they carried out the plan in seven states across the country. trump electors cast their ballots and then on january 6, trump tried to get mike pence to count those ballots. and who is in the crowd outside of the capitol? none other than ken chesebro himself. our kfile team broke that story last year, but we are now seeing brand new selfies, photos that he took that day this is him outside of the washington monument and the other photo you just saw with him in the red maga hat that shows him in the front and alex jones in the back of the noted conspiracy theorist. but even after witnessing the carnage that day, sara, even with cheseboro in the crowd that day he was still pushing to overturn the election. look at this text from two days later, january 8, 2021. he says to troupis the events of the last two days open up legal options in the states for winning
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rulings favorable to trump sara. after all that he was still scheming, still pushing the plot >> a mercer car when it really paints the picture with the text and looking at the video and seeing these new pictures. thank you so much for breaking that all down for us. okay >> the jury selection is beginning this morning and the trial of the father of the michigan school shooter. now the father who bought the gun, his teenage son used in what became the worst school shooting in michigan state history. he killed four classmates and now his father, james crumbley, is charged with involuntary manslaughter. his mother was already convicted of the same charge, marking the first time a parent has been found guilty of homicide for a school shooting committed by their child. cnn's jean casarez has been following all of this from the very beginning and throughout, jennifer crumbley's trial as well. and during that trial, folks will remember gene, that the actions of james crumbley played a
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prominent part in that trial. very much so. and that's why prosecutors are going to argue here that he should be convicted of homicide because that's what he is charged with, just like his wife that he caused the death of those four students at so in high school, even though his son independently pulled the trigger, you know, it was thanksgiving 2021. ethan had wanted a nine millimeter gun for a long time, kept asking his dad and he texted back and forth those texts will come in and his dad sort of blew him off, according to jennifer crumbley's testimony. now, the parents had no oh, idea why he wanted a nine millimeter. they had a couple of other guns. they were locked up. they were smaller guns. he wanted a bigger gun on good friday is dads that are at let's go to the gunshot. let's see if they have any sales. they did they got a nine millimeter form and it was four days later committed that mass shooting. but i think a big issue today, it is the beginning of the trial. they are going to select the jury >> but under the
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>> constitution, a defendant has a right to a fair and impartial jury. jennifer was just convicted for weeks ago. yeah. it's the same courthouse. the same courtroom and the defense tried to move this trial. they said, your honor, we can't get a fair jury. the emotions in this community or overtaken still by jennifer crumbley's trial, we need to go to another part of michigan she said no. so it's going to be right there with the same community that experienced that mass shooting in jury selection begins today. >> does this morning's a little bit >> yeah, good to see you, gene and he's going to be falling all of it for us, sir. >> all right. new stunning video. ukraine says, this is video of its sinking another russian warship in the black sea as ukrainian soldiers make a desperate plea for us aid from the battlefield. also a small plane crashes right next to a nashville highway. it burst into flames, killing everyone on the board ahead. what we know about the final moments before this deadly crash
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products you need call clickers. now falling granger for the ones who get it done. >> i'm rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn new this morning a naval attack in the black sea, kyiv's military says ukraine has destroyed a russian >> patrol ship near the kerch strait, which separates crimea from the coast of russia at the attack comes as ukraine is experiencing extreme pressure around the eastern city of antika and an official says, the russians are increasing their personnel and operations there. cnn's chief international security correspondent, nick paton walsh, is in eastern ukraine with the very latest. what are you learning about this naval attack? we have seen some of this before from ukraine yeah,
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it's becoming an extraordinary reframe, frankly, of the third year of this war >> ukraine's ability to project attack power into parts of the black sea where russia would just a year ago probably felt entirely safe with its fleet there, the sergei cut off patrol we'll ship according to ukraine's defense intelligence, who say they carried out the operation worth $65 million. ukraine saying that what they call the magura v5 attack drone hit it. now, this has happened multiple times before, often too high priority, high-value vessels, and it has smartly cause part of russia's free, which should feel very comfortable in the ports of crimea that it annex ten years ago to the day almost. now they've had to move back closer towards russia's mainland coast. an extraordinary development here. but this and other issues we've heard from ukraine, but they've claimed extraordinary successes inside russia so hitting a
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bridge 500 miles in this morning, a russian official in belgorod saying infrastructure appears to have been hit after a drone attack. very much success stories that are unexpected for ukraine strategic ability to project power, but in quite stark contradiction to how difficult things clearly are for ukraine on the most important thing, their front lines inside the country itself. now, we hear repeated suggestions of difficulty around the key front line near where i'm standing to the west of avdiivka, ukraine gave that up two weekends ago voluntarily, but they said they'd hold the defensive line to its west they gave up a bit of villages between that and now they seem to be under extraordinary pressure around three villages have minimal consequence themselves or leave curbelo did shear turning. ukraine says they're holding them some ukrainian bloggers suggest has intense pressure. the point is not these villages themselves. the point is if ukraine is unable to hold that defensive they've lived, there could be on knock-on effect because frankly, we're not
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seeing extensive fortifications behind those areas on our trips around the front line. and there are fears i think that ukraine has been ill for a russian advance here they're throwing everything on it, frankly, and that may be a very difficult few months ahead because it comes exactly when western aid supplies and ammunition are running out. >> sara and they have been asking the united states to help them. we will see what happens here. nick paton walsh, thank you for being there and reporting on this important story. kate classified information about ukraine shared on a dating website. now, an air force employee is under arrest for more on that a second, and the covid pandemic, it actually killed off a one strain of the flu. what that now means for the flu vaccine. >> ahead tonight, aide to super tuesday, 16 races, one consequential day, i know what me bring it to you, like cnn
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and his political team, business super tuesday, special coverage begins tonight at 06:00 p.m. on cnn and streaming on max. >> if you >> tried vaping the quit smoking, it might kulyk >> progress, but with three times more it could seem a pack of cigarettes, leaps, increased cravings, trapping you in it. and i was craving loop, new caret reduces cravings until they're gone for good i love shopping the real, real gucci, louis vuitton madyar, february they were on luxury brands up to 90% off retail >> thousands of new arrivals daily the real, real shock now and get 20% off at the terms of pi >> one reading seven years. >> yeah, that's not good happened huge things happened
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office at branch what happens to the golden boy of new jersey? i >> engaged in an affair with another man. >> did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper? >> i've got to get a therapist if they're having an interview with jake tapper, new episodes next sunday night on cnn >> on our radar for you this morning, the faa is investigating this deadly plane crash in tennessee five people were killed when the small plane explode into flames in the shoulder of interstate 40 and nashville's investigators say the pilot reported engine and power failure they are and was approved for emergency landing at a nearby airport, but pilot later told air traffic control they would not make it to the tarmac. all right. right. right. now, a massive industrial fire is still burning outside of detroit. it is creating major concerns about air quality and safety officials are urging the public to use stay away from the area as they don't know
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what exactly is burning or the effects of the smoke and air. take a look at this video caught by bystanders overnight as a fight they've created explosion sending debris flying as far away as a mile at least three ladder trucks have been on-site overnight fighting that blaze, and three nasa astronaut and a russian cosmonaut have officially boarded the international space station this morning, the crew can be seen hugging their fellow space travelers wow at some hug, that's some entanglement there kate, don't start with b. >> that is i didn't get >> you. >> but i >> know that there might be a bit much, you know, 07:00 in the morning, but whatever whatever that's what we call
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kuala hung in my house. either way, that looked like happiness, but there are now 11 people aboard the iss. that's a lot >> video, that's a lot of folks, the member of crew eight are expected to remain on the space station until the fall and conduct over 200. this is important scientific experience experiments during their stay, but it is going to be crowded and there's gonna be a lot of love. >> i mean, you know, one of those experiments is going to get knocked over you just know that's gonna go down. they're going to be like, here we go, that was billions of dollars. i'm just kidding >> we're going to need to run that later in the show just because that's tuesday morning, bear hugs, kuala hugs international space station has okay. let's move on >> the supreme court has put a pause on a controversial texas immigration law that was set to take effect just days from now. this is the latest push really by the texas governor and top state officials to crack down on illegal immigration, essentially what they're basically they're trying to do
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is take matters into their own hands. the law would allow state law enforcement to arrest and detain people that they suspect of entering the country illegally. cnn's rosa flores is tracking all of this from houston, the supreme court staying saying for the moment, hold on. there. >> so >> rosa, what's happening? now >> you know, for now, we wait, but allow me to detour for just a second, kate, because there's similar news coming out of areas zona. and really when you look at arizona and the state of texas, it's night and day when it comes to migration issues, when it comes to what the what a governor there is doing in a state of arizona that legislature passed a very similar law to the one here in the state of texas. but the governor there vetoed it and of course so governor is a democrat and the governor of the state of texas is a republican. so while that measure in arizona is not moving forward here in the state of texas, it's still a quagmire higher when it comes
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to this fight between the state of texas and the federal government. and this is just the latest battle. and let me get you up to speed as to what is happening meaning what this because over the weekend the fifth circuit granted the state of texas a stay and ordered that this law this controversial law go into effect. if the supreme in court didn't act well, the supreme court acted. it froze this case for now, but if the supreme court doesn't move further than this law would act actually go into effect on march 13th. now, texas attorney general ken paxton taking this as a victory, issuing a statement saying, quote sb4 was adopted to address the ongoing crisis at the southern border which hurts texans more than anyone else. now, the, the arguments made by the state of texas in the lower court gives us a sense of what the justices are going to consider. and the main argument by the state of texas is that the state of texas is under a quote invasion by
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migrants. now the lower court, the judge there rejected the argument by the state of texas saying that migrants crossing the border illegally is not technically we a quote, invasion. in fact, the lower court upheld precedent, which is that immigration is a federal function. now, i want to read you a few excerpts from the lower court judge because it just this gives you an idea of his thinking. first of all, he said quote, surges and immigration. do not constitute an invasion within the meaning of the constitution, nor is texas engaging in war by enforcing, as before he goes on to say, if allowed to proceed, sb four could open the door to each state passing its own version of immigration laws. as before threatens the fundamental notion that the united states must regulate immigration with one voice, governor greg abbott, of course, disagrees with all of this, and he maintains that that the state of texas has constitutional authority to do all of this. now, i can't i can't emphasize enough the concern by the latino community in the state of texas since
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which constitutes about 40% of the population of the state because of the consideration that many people believe that this could lead to racial profiling and kate, that is a very serious issue taking very seriously here in the state of texas will just gonna have to see what happens as this goes through the course. >> rosa, thank you so much. >> for the reporting. let's go back out to colorado now on this super tuesday, john berman is there >> it is a super tuesday. we've now seen six cars, six voters drive up. it, put their ballots in that dropbox right behind me. one of 400 drop boxes and operate 24 hours a day here. so as we said, the poll polls are open in-person voting here in colorado begins in about 90 minutes. in virginia, the commonwealth of virginia polls have been open for more than an hour. now, one of the other super tuesday states were of course, watching very closely and joining us now is the democratic senator from the commonwealth of virginia, senator you're tim kaine,
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senator. thank you so much for being with us this morning. i imagine you're a little warmer than i am standing here outside in colorado. what donald trump went to visit your state and campaign and your state, you put out a tweet that noted that you think donald trump threatens the core of democracy. how by threatening an independent judiciary, by threatening a free press, by attacking his opponents, both >> democrats and republicans, by threatening a professional civil service and stating his plan to turn the civil service into a bunch of loyalists political loyalists, rather than people who will focus on serving constituents. and he is the man who fomented the attack on the capitol on january 6 because he couldn't admit that he lost and he was willing to help encourage violence to try to block the peaceful transfer of power donald trump has shown america who he is. he's going to be every bit the same individual on probably worse.
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and that's why it's so important that we rally around. joe biden, kamala harris, and make sure that donald trump loses it is new profile in the new yorker, evan osnos interviewed president biden in evin thinks that >> president biden agrees with you that a central issue, if not the central issue, it his campaign, is democracy in are the threats to democracy? my question though is, to what extent do you you think people sitting around their kitchen table having breakfast this morning are talking about threats to democracy as opposed to the economy or the border. how important do you think that issue is? >> john, what, what we saw in 2022 was a lot of people predicted it was going to be a horrible midterm for democrats. it wasn't. >> and in >> 2023, we in virginia had elections in our state legislature and democrats won both houses of the legislature, even though we have a republican governor and my
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belief is democrats performance in 2020, 2.20, 23 was because of people's worry about democracy people's worry about their rights being taken away in the aftermath of the dobbs decision and those led democrats to do very well i do also think the economy is very, very important. i spent all day yesterday in the hampton roads area, virginia, talking to small businesses and hearing their stories of survival through covid what's happening sense. but you see unemployment down jobs, up manufacturing jobs up inflation coming down gdp, and the stock market up, and the us recovering out of covid better than any other industrialized nation. we're not where we need to be yet. people still have concerns about inflation and prices, but i think the economic news has been positive for a long time. and in virginia, people are starting to see that so these are all issues that are very important. but i think their issues that will give us a tailwind as democrats going into 2024 election cycle in
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that new yorker profile, president biden noted he goes, i'm the only one who has beat those were his words. i'm the only one who is beat. >> donald trump. >> and i don't think he was saying that at any kind of criticism to you or hillary clinton who were on the ticket in 2016. he was just one. he is the one who beat donald trump. and he thinks because he it says this to people that he is the only one who can beat him now, do you think that president biden is the only one who could defeat donald trump in 2024 >> you know, john, i actually recall joe biden saying something different. he says he thinks there are many people who can beat donald trump, but he is the only one who has beaten donald trump. and we'll do it again. i think there are a number of fantastic public servants, governors, senators, mayors, house members who could beat donald trump. but joe biden, kamala harris did it and they have racked up significant achievements in the two-and-a-half, three years that they've been in office
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you see nato expanding. i'm in norfolk today, which is one where 31 of the three nato headquarters in the world we see nato expanding with sweden and finland joining, demonstrating the importance britain's of democratic alliances. and obviously there's a clear choice between a president who knows how to link arms with allies on one who was threatened to leave nato let it collapse. one who's threatened, not threatened, cozied up to vladimir putin suggested that authoritarians like him and viktor orban or fine with donald trump. and so no, i think i think joe biden has demonstrated that it'll beat donald trump and he's going to beat him again obviously, age is a concern for a lot of voters here, public allah, on our show yesterday noted >> one of the things president biden, it's not an issue of pivoting to the left or the center. he can't pivot to being 45 years old again. so at the state of the union address, which is thursday night, what do you think? the president needs to prove to the american
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people >> i think the state of the union is a great opportunity to show a president that is incoming end of the very complex issues facing our country domestically. and the very complicated and tough issues around the world remember, the president did that last year? he was given a state of the union and he started to talk about social security and the republicans efforts to undermine programs like social security, medicaid, medicare, and the republicans interrupted his speech and kind of booed at the suggestion that they would jeopardize these programs. and then he freelanced and said, oh great, so you're with these programs and let's to join together and saving them. i think you might see some moments like that thursday night where the president will get peppered a little bit from some other republicans in the audience. and he'll respond in a sharp euhemerus and together way that'll show the american people that he's in command of the situation finally, senator
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if you'll allow me, there has been all these new studies out about people with long covid and how >> people are still struggling with some of the symptoms and after effects of when they had it more than a year ago, two years ago. i know you've been dealing with long covid. i'm just wondering how you're feeling and what it's like great day for you >> john. thank you for asking me. i got covid four years ago in march of 2020, almost exactly four years ago and i had a mild case and it was over pretty quickly, but i had one symptom that flipped on like a light switch and has never flicked off, which is every nerve ending, feels like it's dipped in an alka-seltzer. and this is all over my body 24/7. it's never gone away. it hasn't gotten worse. i can work i can exercise, i can focus, but it's annoying. and particularly when i went to but what i want to go to sleep at the end of the day. as you'd imagine, you're trying to clear your mind and get some rest. this nerve tingling phenomenon is bizarre. but it thank god, it's something i can manage an awful lot of people who have long on covid
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have much more serious symptoms. and i'm trying to use my role on the health committee in the senate to do research and focus on the development of treatments every time i speak to, i like to ask you about that and you're still dealing with that. that is something thank you for billable, willing to talk about it. thank you for talking to us this morning, senator tim kaine of virginia kate zareit, john, good good luck today. thanks so much. >> thank you, john. and just like the senator said, good luck out there, john. all right. he was once served as a lieutenant colonel in the army. he's now accused of sharing bearing classified information on a foreign dating website. we'll have the tails on this new case >> tonight. it's super tuesday 16 races one consequential day, and no one can breed. do you like cnn and the best political team in the business? super tuesday, especially coverage begins tonight at 06:00 p.m. on cnn and streaming on max. >> feeling from a backed up god
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washington. and this is cnn >> an air force employee now charged with sharing classified secrets on a foreign dating site, the man also a retired army lieutenant colonel, is accused to pass passing along information about the war in ukraine to someone claiming to be a woman in ukraine. cnn's katie bo lillis has the details on this. katie bo, i had to read just the headline to this a few times to really grasp what really is going on here. please tell us yeah. okay. it's so according to the justice department, this man, david franklin slater, a 63-year-old civilian employee of the military command in nebraska that is actually in charge of america's nuclear arsenal, was in the early days of 2022, engaged in an online relationship on a foreign dating website with a person who was claiming to be a woman inside ukraine. now, as this was going on, this is sort of the early days of the russian invasion of ukraine and slater
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was receiving classified briefings about the russian invasion. at the same time, this online relationship of his, this person claiming to be a ukrainian woman. >> what? was trying to wheedle information out of him, not just about what the united states knew about russia's plans for the invasion of ukraine, but also what nato and us plans were to try to counter the invasion. and she sort of flattering him as she's doing this. she's she's calling him my secret, love, my secret agent, my secret grid in format, love and she's, she's sort of pushing him to try to provide her information classified information that he was learning from his briefings and from his access to classified materials at work. now, these are which he was according to the justice department, which was actually doing, he was actually passing this information to her. the justice department alleges because in these charges so these are some pretty serious allegations he now faces up to three decades in prison as well as potential fines of $750,000.
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and it comes at a moment where the us government, increasingly aware of and concerned about the number of classified at people with access to classified information also on different social media accounts. >> yeah. i mean, just a completely different case just to big developments with jack teixeira just yesterday and now this coming out, it's great to see you, katie bo, thank you so much for the reporting, sara. >> all right. right. now, officials are warning gangs control most of haiti's capital. the us embassy remains open this morning, but with limited operations despite surging gang violence and mass prison breaks, protesters have been in the streets demanding ouster of the country's prime minister ariel henry. his whereabouts are currently unclear cnn's david culver traveled to port-a-prince to see how gangs have put a stranglehold on the entire capital city so we're like a block away.
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>> yeah. it's as >> close as we can get driving. so we layer up and walk yeah >> i already smell it. >> would look at people still >> making their commute as tired learning right in the middle of this street here >> no police barricade, know firefighters, most seemingly unfazed these flames have been burning for several hours haiti has been engulfed in turmoil for years >> we don't have a home to live and we don't have food. that's what they're shouting many here now fear their country is on the brink of exploding. >> feel safe right now. >> no, no no doesn't parties broke in my now >> these folks blame the current government and prime minister, are we alone? mri appointed following the assassination of president jovenel moise in 2020 21. they want henri to go, but he says
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he's not yet ready to step down this as panicked street shootouts like this one, i become a near daily occurrence it's often a clash between police and the gangs, which have essentially taken haiti hostage they flaunt their weapons and wealth on tiktok, threatening police and basking in lawlessness many residents now living behind barricades this is not the gangs doing this. the folks that live in these neighborhoods who are putting these ap to prevent gangs from coming in and kidnapping using whatever might stop or slow the kidnappers. efforts to protect families and preserve innocence that innocence shattered for others, this 14 year-old says he was recruited by a gang at 11, tells me he's often forced to burn the bodies of those was killed by other gang members. >> lunch. >> want to change my way of life. he says, with a heavy look of shame
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>> at an early morning food >> distribution we meet dozens of women who have felt the wrath of gang violence at times, we notice a lost stare in their eyes >> all of them have been so there's nobody here was not going to pick this woman's sister shot and killed this one's husband, earned alive inside their home. this woman tells us was raped. she shows us the marks left behind in recent months, gangs have seized more and more control over this country, including the roads leading to port prince. officials estimate that gangs now control as much as 80% of the capital, even the us embassy and international airport are mostly surrounded by rival gang territory. it's led the haitian national police to create an undercover unit. we go with them to the front lines. >> this unit actually goes into gang areas, looks for games members, and then fights them the officers asked us not to reveal our exact location and
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they tell us to work quickly given we're standing exposed on a windy hill side as police have described it to me, basically everything behind me is occupied by the gangs. it's under their control. their homes all around us. we're standing on the foundation of one home there have been abandoned. >> they offered to drive >> as closer. >> and you can see they're getting ready? >> yes. are drivers on geared up now ready for potential gunfire to come? hi stay away from the windows as we come in here. they described this as the last defensive point. and beyond here is what they consider to be. there front line from here, you can see the battlefield no signs of any suspected gang members for now police are not the only ones trying to gain the upper hand here in a fractured state alternatives to the gangs and government surface we're headed demeter commander of b sap, haiti's armed environmental protection agency that has splintered from the henry government, challenging its legitimacy. we pull up to a gated compound the man and the
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purple shirt leads us in. he then changes into his be samp, a uniform it's the commander. he's in hiding from police his message echoes the anti-government protester, put them in volusia. >> he >> flexes be sap, strength in numbers and its potential to help bring stability but when it comes to his own family, you mentioned you have four kids. what do you think? their future is in this country he fears their future is best served, leaving haiti the desperation is felt beyond port-a-prince in places like jeremy, the un chopper is the safest way to get there. it's about an hour ride members of the world food programme take us through this rural coastal community devastated by recent protests. >> right back there, you had to five people were killed last week right there it was right there. yeah. yeah. we >> arrive at this agricultural consortium. >> the >> wfp buys food from these local farmers to then handout. but the


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