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tv   Americas Choice 2024 Super Tuesday  CNN  March 5, 2024 3:00pm-6:00pm PST

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your phone. don't do anything because when you're doing something stupid is when the cameras is going to focus in on you oh you were talking about that. i'm like, oh yeah, it kind of brought back memories of life. you're sitting there for two hours because you know, if you do something stupid, like pick your nose, it's going to be on tv. >> paul begala said something ashley, you told me yesterday that joe biden, he can't pivot on one major issue that voters are concerned about. and that is, he can't pivot back to being 45 years years old again so with that what is the answer in your view going forward still? >> well, i think that you can lean in on abortion. i do think you do talk about go on attack with immigration, which we talked about how republicans don't want to govere, govern and talk about the future of america it's great to tell jokes until you down people know joking. it's very serious. it is super tuesday. thank you so much for joining us. the first polls are
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>> it is the biggest night yet in the presidential race with a slew of contact that will likely push donald trump to the brink of clinching the gop nomination. we are tracking every single vote, including in north carolina, where right now people are lined up to cast ballots on this pivotal night in the fight for the white house. welcome to cnn's lives super tuesday coverage. i'm erin burnett in new york, and i'm jake tapper in washington were less than an hour away from the first major round of poll closings and the first results on this history-making norm-shattering primary night, donald trump, former president, now a criminal defendant four times
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over hopes to continue his extraordinary winning streak. and the night very close to locking up his third republican presidential nomination. that's possible because the race for the white house is going national tonight with 16 states holding contests and a whopping total of 865 delegates at stake for the republicans. that's more than one-third of all republican delegates. the quays, obviously to winning the nomination. now, trump is hoping to sweep those delegates as he looks to build this insurmountable lead over his last remaining gop opponent, nikki haley, and further tightening his grip on the republican party. haley still fighting they can openings to come to trump's support. we're going to be closely watching to see if she can pull off any upsets this evening. and if so, where all of this likely setting the stage for a widely expected biden trump rematch in november. we're going to keep tabs on president biden scorecard in democratic primaries tonight is he moves toward making his nomination official he just picked up his first win this evening and the
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democratic caucuses in iowa. now here's a roadmap of what's going to happen tonight seven eastern voting ends in virginia and vermont. a half-hour later, holding places close in north carolina at eight eastern, we're going to look for results from oklahoma, alabama, tennessee, massachusetts, and may at a 30, we focus on arkansas at nine eastern all poll of polls close in texas, colorado, and minnesota, texas has the second biggest pool of delegates tonight at 11 eastern voting will end in california. that's the top delegate prize in the nation. also in the utah republican caucuses, alaska book cap the night with polls closing at midnight eastern. >> and our >> correspondents there fanned out across the united states of america coverings and i contests covering the candidates. first, let's go to cnn's kristen holmes, genes at mar-a-lago in palm beach, florida, where donald trump is hosting a super tuesday watch
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party. and kristen, what is the trump team looking for this evening? >> well, jake, the trump team understands that he's not going to crocs that delegate threshold to become the presumptive nominee tonight, but they are hoping for two things. one, that he gets enough delegates tonight so that he can actually reach that milestone as early as next week to become the republican nominee. and two, that he wins by such a definitive margin that it puts pressure, your pressure on nikki haley to drop out. now, they're not waiting for that. they've already pivoted to the general election in tonight's contests are really going to give them some insight into where and how they spend their resources in a general election. one thing i want to point out, it's striking to me to see the last time i was out of political events in this very ballroom at mar-a-lago was when donald trump announced back in 2022 that was a very different time. almost nobody showed up. there were no congressional members. i was getting calls from allies who now, by the way, work for the campaign, who were calling me to say that it was embarrassing that he couldn't believe that he was actually
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announcing that this is going to go nowhere and you should just bow out gracefully. now her looking at a night, what she is on the cusp of potentially becoming the gop nominees. a lot has changed last year-and-a-half, and we've also started to see republicans coalesce behind the former president, those same republicans who had not so nice things to say when he announced his candidacy. >> all right. kristen holmes in palm beach. let's go into kylie atwood now, who's in charleston, south carolina? recovering the campaign of nikki haley. kylie, what do we know about governor haley's plans tonight? expectations tonight and her plans going forward well it's a nikki haley is monitoring the results here in south carolina, her home state's not one of the >> states that is voting tonight, but she has made no explicit promises about keeping her campaign a after tonight's results are tallied. and that is a very different tactic. then she took a head of the primaries that we have seen and in the major previous contests in iowa, she talked about going to new hampshire where a return into a two-person race with
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former president trump in new hampshire. she talked about going to south carolina, her sweet home state, her campaign put it out a memo talking about fertile ground in super tuesday states and then in south carolina days before that primary, she said she wasn't going to go anyway fair. no matter what happened in her home state, saying that she would compete through super tuesday today. we don't have any future campaign events on the schedule for her. we don't have any campaign memos talking about future sweet spots for her campaign. and we should note her campaign points out it's not apples to apples there are more than a dozen states vote putting her campaign is really looking through a lot of the results that are coming in tonight, tying, trying to digest all of that. this doesn't mean that she's going to end her campaign necessarily tonight. but what it does mean jake, is that tonight will very clearly dictate what happens to her campaign after super tuesday all right. >> kylie atwood in charleston, south carolina. let's check in with one of the key states tonight, north carolina, where
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we find dianne gallagher at a polling place in cornelius, which is ten outside charlotte. dianne, you're talking to voters in cornelius, north carolina. what are you hearing from them? >> jake, abortion, education immigration and democracy. those are the main issue is that voters here and cornelius tell me have inspired them to come out for the primary today and you can see they are outright now, we have quite aligned that his building now look north carolina law does not allow me to go up and speak to them in line. i've got to stay about as far back, but we've seen steady turnout throughout the day here. and i'm going to bring in a voter right now who actually just finished her voting casting her ballot with me now is alan rosenfeld and elon, which ballot did you pull the democrat, the republican. the republican? what did you vote for at the top of the ticket? >> at the top of the ticket, i voted for chris christie and it wasn't that i'm pro chris christie, but i feel like he is the least undesirable of all of the candidates. i'm from the
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northeast, i know what he's done. he's articulate, he is smart i'm not a supporter, but i feel we've got to do something different. >> why not nikki haley's since she's still in the race >> a couple of things. i didn't like what she said about slavery i didn't like that she lost in her own state. that doesn't speak well what will you do in november? because it does look like at this point based off delegates, donald trump is probably going to be the republican nominee. who will you vote for in november? >> i will. if he's on the ballot for any party, i will vote for robert f. kennedy jr. and otherwise, i'll see, but i would not vote for trump or biden. i would either abstain or vote for somebody else. >> and lastly, north carolina was a very long down-ballot right now, including a very watched nationally governor's race. who did you vote for on the republican ballot when it comes to governor here? >> i don't even remember the person's name. it was a top one. i wanted to make sure that mark robinson doesn't win because he is a hateful
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sarcastic, nasty person and i just said i must vote against him. >> thank you so much. ellyn, for your time. i appreciate you exercising your right to vote today. i'm going to send it back to you guys. but again, as you can see, lots of people out here in north carolina finishing up polls close at 07:30. >> all right. dianne gallagher and cornelius, north carolina with a little vox populi and we're getting an early read on who's turning out to vote in virginia? north carolina. two key contests tonight. let's go check in with david chalian when it comes to what we're getting from the exit polls, what do you what are you learning? >> yeah, jake, we're trying to understand what is the makeup of the electorate in these two early east coast states, virginia, north carolina. >> one of the questions we ask, >> him, do you consider yourself part of the maga movement in virginia only 31% said yes, they consider themselves part of the maga movement of these are preliminary numbers, don't change as the night goes on, but we'll see because that's about as low as we've seen. all nomination season long, 59% in virginia say no, they don't consider themselves part of the maga movement in north carolina. it's a more magafied electorate 39% say they are
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part of the maga movement. 54% say they are not. >> then we asked, what are your feelings >> if indeed donald trump wins the nomination? so in virginia 62% of republican primary voters today say they would be satisfied if donald trump wins the nomination, that is similar to what we saw new hampshire, which he won, but wasn't his best date 36% would say dissatisfied in north carolina, it just seems like friendly or territory for trump in this republican primary tonight, 74 percent, three-quarters said they'd be satisfied with trump is the nominee in north carolina, 24% say they'd be dissatisfied. jake, if i'm sitting in trump campaign headquarters, i'm looking at those dissatisfied chunks and saying, how much work do i have to do to get those voters on board with trump between now and november yeah. >> because those are two states he needs to pick up of north carolina. he needs to maintain. and of course, virginia, he'd like to pick up david chalian. thanks so much. we'll be
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checking in with you throughout the night. john king at the magic wall. lot of delegates, lot of states. let's take a look. >> and as we count them, both, >> that voter with diana, what you just went through a david should go hi, jess through the night because if you look at this, this is where we begin. this is impressive. you cannot deny this. donald trump is on a march to the republican nomination. you have to go here. you can just barely see it. the district of columbia as nikki haley's only win and donald trump not only has 276 delegates to begin the night, but if you look at it that way, jake, if your teams getting 83% of the available scores than you'd say wow, that's pretty good and it's impressive. however, there's weaknesses beneath the strikes and that's what you watched as you go through these states. and so what do we look for? let's just come back to the delegate count. >> we're going to get >> the early results on the east coast. so you start in vermont. if you go back to 2016, this was not donald trump's best state. he won vermont, but just barely john kasich, you see a lot of the light pink that's john kasich a little bit of marco rubio in this state right there. vermont does have a much less trumpy republican party. so you're watching number one, have they warmed to donald trump or number two, if nikki haley does
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well, maybe she wins, whereas she winning. and what does that tell us? she was endorsed by the republican governors, by the republican governor who is not a trump fan. now again, it's one of 15 states. so if nikki haley's doing well in vermont tonight, they can't throw a party in charleston. it's something you want. any wins you can get. but if you look at this map and you go west, trump is wired in most of these states, but you do look in these early results just like in haley's home state of south carolina, right? that's a huge trump win. but what happened? he's weaker in the suburbs, right? that's one thing we have seen consistently since 2016, narrowly won i've, worked against hillary clinton, has been weakened the suburb since. so when we get the votes later tonight in virginia, where we gonna look right, she wanted the district of columbia. you're going to look up here because you can bet, right now, that's going to be trump, right? that's rural small town america, that's trump country. the question is, is he solidifying, is at least stabilize? isaac in the suburbs? or does she continue to beat him in the suburbs because it won't stop them from winning the nomination. but that's what they'll study in the biden campaign tonight. so you're looking for clues. there's no doubt though if you
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come out to the mad map and we can switch over here for just one second. if you look at this again donald trump has weaknesses, some glaring weaknesses, and yet this is an impressive march to the nomination. if things go tonight, if he continues to win delegates at the rate, the pace he's been winning them so far, right? there's where you start the night. the 276 by the time we're done with california tonight, he could be way up here and alaska. he could be about 100 delegates shy of claiming pinching 1,215. so this night is absolutely critical to the trump campaign's math. they want to get this over with both symbolically and mathematically, and move on to running against biden if they have a very good night where we're standing here next tuesday, it's more and more than likely that donald trump crosses the line. so tonight is, this is where he starts, but with, as we go down national, as you said, the right way to put it as the primary campaign goes national tonight, donald trump, he's already made a big statement tonight. he gets a chance to make a giant statement about his grip on today's republican party. >> all right, john king, thanks so much. dana bash. i mean, this night is pivotal as to
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what the next eight months are going to look like. >> no question about it. and just to bounce off of what john was talking about and what those exit polls showed. one of the questions and i should say i'm here with my friends and colleagues at tremendous anchors and reporters and we're all talking to our sources about what to expect tonight. on that question of some potential weaknesses that donald trump, let's just start with trump and his campaign are looking at the question of virginia. let's just start there. >> the trump >> campaign has an entire list of specific counties in specific states that are voting tonight looking at what the voters are going to do. just for example, virginia spots will vanish spots, obanya county, virginia. they're looking at that marshall county, alabama sebastian county, arkansas on the list goes on and on. why are they looking at these specific counties to see what they can learn for the next eight months. pivotal swing counties,
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pivotal voters that make up the electorate. there. >> yeah, they don't expect to be surprised by the outcome tonight, but they're looking for little hints and what john mentioned, their weaknesses potentially for these candidates and maybe not trump himself is looking at those, but certainly his political team is, and they expect that he's going to cruise through the super tuesday that is not really anything that's been up for surprise. that's why there's hundreds of people gathered at mar-a lago right now. but the one thing that they are hoping to do tonight, and one thing i'm told repeatedly that isn't bothering trump is how on all of these election nights the conversation is often about his big victories, but then it shifts typically when it was in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, to the percentage of the vote that nikki haley god that what trump did not get, the people who were not voting for him because that is where those weaknesses could very well be with independent or with suburban voters that could very well hurt him in the general election. what i'm told they're looking to do tonight is to kind of extinguish that and to not have that narrow furtive and shift away from it, they are confident essentially
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that they'll get there because they felt like the race is nationalizing. and these are places where nikki haley has not campaigned as intensively so far, these exit polls are similar to what we've seen. some of these other states, including some swing-state virginia is looking a lot like new hampshire. new hampshire was going to be a battleground state in november, virginia is as well when that isn't a real warning sign, 36% of republican voters would be dissatisfied if they were a trump or the nominee. and trump it for nikki haley, 48% of her voters according to new york times poll that came out over the weekend, actually voted for joe biden in november. what? he those other 31% of voters who did not vote for joe biden come november, will they ultimately vote for the republican nominee? will they vote for trump at the end of the day that's gonna be a big question, a big warning sign if these results turn out the way the exit polls. yeah. look, i don't think we know what's gonna happen to that solid 30% of the republican electorate who has been coming out to
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these primaries. first of all, who are they, are they people who actually are gettable for trump in the first place, maybe, or maybe not, that i think remains to be seen. but this day, i think in this this week and probably next week the most important period i think for the biden campaign, as it helps them accomplish one of the most important things which is to clarify in voters minds that trump is going to be the nominee, definitely the american electorate just does not believe that this is happening and they won't until it's real. and that is actually going to be a boon for biden. and it also is one of trump's biggest weaknesses. he is dominant in this republican electorate, but he is also in so incredibly polarizing trump draws out people like that woman had dianne gallagher talked to who's like, i just got to get out and do and say something thing. he brings those people out of the woodworks to i mean, i tend to look at this thing kind of very
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big picture, which is that these primary voters have told the electorate, this is the deal, no matter what you think this is the deal, this is who we are presenting to you as our first and most valid vision of the party. and a lot of these questions haven't changed. so i think the trump folks must know that suburban women, or et cetera. people who are not rural, older, no college degree voters are not his sweet spot and they've got to figure out what to do between now and then. so that he's not a one-term president exactly. and similarly with biden, there's another two states, i think minnesota in colorado, that might have uncommitted campaign going on. again, it's about sending a message that's what primaries really are for. they're not about saying, look, who's going to win, it's like the party saying to the country, here's the setup. this is what we think our visions are, and that's what we're going to see likely, maybe not officially by the end of tonight, but unofficially, you're gonna have four men who are going to say four more years so this super tuesday
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though, is just getting started. we're going to cover a lot of ground in the coming hours as we map out the wins and losses in both parties, the scorecard could change very soon, so stay with us >> president biden's last state before the 2024 election with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years? here's the white house join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address thursday at eight on cnn >> if you have graves disease, gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch. people with graves could also get thyroid disease or ted, which may need a different dr. find a ted is specialist at is-it >> one greeting sabbath city. >> yeah, that's not good. happened >> huge things happened
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>> shipping is always pretty go to deal right now and see how much you can save united states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn. >> we're following the action at polling places across the united states on this super tuesday, millions and millions of americans are voting and republican and democratic primaries that are going to reveal a whole lot about where the presidential race is headed into the weeks and the months ahead as we count to november. welcome back to cnn special coverage. one of the states that we are watching tonight is colorado, our john berman is there in castle rock specifically which is just outside of denver. so john, you've been there talking to people, observing turnout throughout the day. what's happening there now >> hey, erin, well, behind me, you actually see something is not an anomaly, but it's a little bit rare. these are people lined up to vote in-person here in colorado. why is that rare? because the vast majority i'm talking like 85% or more actually vote by drop
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box. they've been able to drop their ballots off and drop boxes just like this one. more than 400 of them around the state for days and days now, this is actually a dropbox for people can come even today and leave their ballots than they can go about their merry way. but the people you're seeing over there, they can still vote in-person. they can even register to vote today and then do it in the traditional way. we're going to walk outside here because we're going to talk to a voter on the way. i'm gonna remind you, aaron, colorado has been in the news a lot lately. why? because the supreme court weighed in yesterday and said that states cannot ban donald trump from being on the ballot for being an insurrectionist. in my hand here as we're walking more than 100 feet away from the voting location in my hand, is one of those ballots. you will see donald trump's name is on that ballot, the voters that we've been talking to have mostly been saying the republican voters have been saying the court cases, the various issues surrounding donald trump, if they're republicans, they say they don't make them less likely to vote for donald trump. they say they make them more and more
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likely. democrats. it's the opposite donald trump is the reason they say there going up. i'm joined now by a voter, by the way, i have no idea who she voted for or why she came today. but your name is melissa harrison, alyssa, what brought you out to the polls today? >> i'm gonna have my >> vote and have it counted. >> what are the issues that are most important to you? >> the economy, the border? >> who do you vote for today? donald trump. >> now, to any of the court cases, the criminal charges against him any of those weigh on your vote at all? >> no. and i don't i don't believe he lost a lot the last election. >> you don't believe he lost? >> i believe he won. he did lose the loss of light last election, you do know that i. don't believe that. >> okay. but so you think that you believe incorrectly that donald trump won the last election and you still support him today? >> absolutely. anything that could change your support from going forward, even if he's convicted of a crime no. >> all right. that speaks a lot
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to the support that does exist for donald trump among republican voters, it is interesting to hear that that level of support among republicans, we will say we've talked to democrats who say the only reason they're out here today, erin is to vote for joe biden to stop donald trump. >> erin. >> all right. i mean, that was a fascinating conversation and i'm very honest. >> it's >> actually good to see a conversation like that and we're going to talk a lot more about what that voter just told john that very clear and a view that obviously is not going to change no matter what that she hasn't want to get some more insights though in the mind instead of voters in two other key states, rights, she obviously is giving one anecdote from the state of colorado, but exit polls from virginia and north carolina, david chalian, where you are getting a better picture of the entire electorate there from who's to vote. what are you learning now? >> yeah, erin, i'm john berman could not have teed this up better. that was one voter, but we see it broadly in these exit polls in both north carolina and virginia. in virginia. do you think biden legitimately won the 2020 election? now,
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here we see more of an even split of those participating in the republican primary. 45% say yes, biden legitimately won 46% incorrectly, say no, biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election. that's similar to what we saw in new hampshire or even split if you look though in north carolina, it's a different story, far more election deniers in the north carolina republican primary electorate 60% incorrectly say that biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election. only a third 34% say correctly that joe biden did win. we also ask that follow-up question that john berman asked that voter in colorado, if convicted of a crime, is donald trump's still fit for the presidency. a majority in virginia voting in the republican primary today, 53% say yes, even as a convicted criminal, donald trump is fit for the presidency. >> 40 >> say no in north carolina, it
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is even more so, 64%, nearly two-thirds of voters participating in the republican primary in north carolina say yes donald trump is fit for the presidency, even as a convicted criminal, only 32% erin, say no, he is not it's really incredible to see it, because what we just saw there, right, are the statistics that david is providing. and then just that one interview that john berman did with that voter, the anecdote david urban, it clearly shows this is consistent. >> it's consistent, it's not going to change. and look the legitimacy or illegitimacy of these prosecutions. that's the narrative that underlies a lot of the trump campaign moving forward, right? so when, when, when asked if trump is convicted, right? well, you still vote from a lot of people don't care because they think that the basis of all those cases is illegitimate to begin with. that that doesn't matter to them at all, right. and then the other portion of the electorate that's responding and saying the 40% in virginia
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for example, that said, we find it troubling if he is on the ballot, if it's only choice between him and joe biden, i'm wondering if those people would still come home election day and vote for trump. that's the question has not asked that fundamental question. that's the big one right through these people when faced with a choice, where do they fall and the same is true to some degree for some of these biden voters who say that he's too old and one of the weekend polls, 12% of people who said that trump was guilty of serious federal crimes. in other words, they accepted that he had committed serious federal graham said they would vote for trump anyway, but i don't think we're going to really know until we see these guys pitted against each other. >> yeah, i think that's exactly right. and i think that's what tonight is going to start to sort of firm up for us. is this contrast. we heard some discussion earlier in it's true i can tell you the biden camp i'm paying certainly has polling that shows that people don't believe donald trump's gonna be the nominee. a
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lot of them also don't believe joe biden is going to be the nominee. so as we see this, as we see tonight, president reality some ways that is a byproduct of the trump era, right? i mean, people really do just choose their own facts, but that's why tonight, while the outcome tonight is perhaps a foregone conclusion, what it's actually doing is setting up this contrast. and i also think that these numbers show, i mean, what 36% of republican voters in virginia say they'd be dissatisfied if donald trump were the nominee. that's not an insignificant number of republican voters. >> i think a lot is. >> well, i mean, they go somewhere else. >> yeah, but yeah, that's a different point. >> i think i think a lot of may have already voted for joe biden one time and now they're coming out to vote against donald trump again, to me, the horse race tonight is secondary to some of them more tectonic things we're seeing in our politics, the rapid changing of the republican party, the outflow of these suburban college educated people like
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you're going to see in northern virginia, they're leaving, they're gone in the inflow of this working class multi-generational, multi-racial out of the democratic party into the republican party. it is tectonic and it changes everything about the framework we have used for 30 years to cover our politics and the idea that the democratic party, and this is under-covered in my opinion is losing the mantle of being from my whole life. we're for the working class, were for the little guy where for the people being crushed by the corporations and the government, the people that was aimed at are gone and they're going to the republican party. and what does that mean for the policy future of these two parties to me, that's a huge story and we're going to see this rapid movement on that tonight >> well, i mean, i do think you see some of some of it. i think that to your earlier point, i think people really are in denial this is where we are as a country i think there are people who literally i feel company on the street. do you
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think that biden is going to run again >> he's running happening and so i think that we don't actually know when this actually lands on people, what they're going to do. i do think that biden is more burdened than i think democrats want to accept by some of the disaffection with the working class on these younger voters. that stuff is very scary, but you got to see a little bit of that tonight. but i do believe that donald trump for a lot of us, it's not tonight, down. trump versus nikki haley. if donald trump urges democracy, i mean, for a lot of us, yeah, people who are our voting in the republican primary, who are democrats, not because they're trying to screw anything up, but because they are that passionate about the threat he poses. >> but i think what's remarkable about this moment as both joe biden and donald trump have glaring vulnerabilities and this elections ultimately going to come down to who can close that gap with trump. you see this, you know, let's call it 30%. nikki haley va voters how many of those are not willing to go over to him? and i have to wonder what the number one issue for voters
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across the board being border security where donald trump outperforms joe biden, two-to-one on it. you're gonna be able to bring some of those republicans home, but to joe biden is to van's point with joe biden, if you argue this democracy message, can you peel off a small number of those who just can't quite bring themselves to pull the lever for donald trump. it's an open question. >> i football stay with us, but that's a long night. >> i know. >> i just wanted to scorch it all back >> closer and closer to the first major round of poll closings in the super tuesday presidential primaries. as we stand by for results, we are going to hear from the democratic senator and former presidential candidate, elizabeth warren. she's joining us in the cnn election center with her take on tonight's contests and the looming biden trump rematch >> america's choice 2024, super tuesday, he is brought to you you by voice. well-planned. well invested well-protected >> there are some things that
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pre-puberty percent over real stone and even more during our winter sale >> that light on the ice, we saw something someone in those towns, heidi, some could have two, diego to get to the truth >> you're looking at a live shot from richmond, virginia, one of 16 states millions of voters, they don't call it super tuesday for nothing where will the fight for the republican presidential nomination stand once the last ballots are counted after today's contests, we are minutes away from critical results. let's go to jeff zeleny, who is here in washington, dc and jeff super tuesday is an important pivot point theoretically for both the biden and trump campaigns well, jake, tonight, advisors to both president biden, former president donald trump actually
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agree on one thing. and that is that the general election battle is finally nearly underway and it's poised to accelerate dramatically this week, of course, the bookend of these super tuesday results as well as the state of the union address on thursday this day. but talking to biden officials, one adviser told me this can't come soon enough. they have been frustrated by the sort of lack of urgency among democrats that there's not a sense of a fear of a trump comeback. it's been exactly 50 days since the iowa caucuses. and this adviser said they assume that the democratic base would rally behind the eye diaa of donald trump coming back that has not happened. but one adviser says, in the state of the union on thursday, they plan to show who donald trump is, where she might wonder, haven't they already been doing that? but they believe there will be more of a stark contrast as for the trump campaign, they believed that this will be quote, all about biden one adviser tells me they are very happy with where this race is about immigration, about the economy, but they are watching tonight
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the results in the suburbs of minneapolis, the suburbs of north carolina cities as well, to see what they will need to do to unify the republican party jacob course the electorate different in the primary than the general but tonight this race finally seems joined. >> all right. jeff zeleny in dc. thanks so much for joining us now and cnn election center here, senator former democratic presidential candidate elizabeth warren. the great commonwealth of massachusetts. thanks so much for being here senator. so donald trump's pretty close to winning the republican nomination to get enough delegates to clinch it. despite what happened january 6, 91 criminal counts being found liable of sex abuse and defamation despite all of that this race is not really been competitive on the republican side. what do you make its two parter for you, professor, what do you make of a, the fact that donald trump does seem to have this clenched up and has the whole time and be that even with all those vulnerabilities, it's competitive, if not trump in the league against biden, it's almost to the first part, donald trump's supporters of donald trump's supporters, you
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know, ask them, they still, many of them are election deniers there in with donald trump all the way but here's the part that i think is really important. donald trump really hasn't done anything in the last three years to try to expand the number of people to join the trump family and i think what this is going to come down to, it's going to just be a comparison. were already there and we're going to have two people who both have been president and who will have records do run on. so donald trump basically for years as president, did two things one, he got an extremist supreme court that overturned roe versus wade and two, he got biggest tax cut in a zillion years, $2 mostly sucked up by millionaires, billionaires, and giant corporations joe biden in three years has managed to cut costs for working families. so now there's $35 insulin for million people have seen their student loan debt canceled and
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he has also brought more fairness to the tax code. first time we have a 15% minimum corporate tax on these billionaire corporations and largest climate package in the history of the world. so i think what they've done is going to be a big part. certainly not all of it, but a big part of how this election is going to shape up center. >> one of the things you just said was that donald trump hasn't done anything to ics expand his base or his electorate what they are trying to do in the trump campaign is very much encroach on traditionally democratic voters black voters, hispanic voters some of the things that you just said are the arguments that of course we expect the biden campaign to make going forward, there is some frustration in democratic orders that those kinds of arguments aren't coming more specifically and loudly from the president himself. >> i think what you're saying
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is the president needs to brag more. >> i'm asking you >> what i think he should brag more. i think he's got plenty to brag about. bursty is going to be the state of the union. i hope he does a lot of bragging. i also hope then you talks about the things he wants to do like universal childcare and housing, the things we need to work on but here's the thing i think most of all, i hope that what we're going to see is just joe biden being joe biden. because joe biden ultimately, it's got a good heart. i know who joe biden fights for. joe biden gets out there every day and fights for people like the diabetic who has gone from paying $200 a month to $35 a month for the person getting crushed by student loan debt. the public school teacher who just can't pay off those debts he's out there fighting for those people. he's fighting for people who wanted a job and now have got a job that's joe biden trump, who does he fight for? donald trump first and last, i don't think i'm giving you any news. you don't know, but there are a lot of warning signs
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going off on how effectively joe biden is going to be able to rebuild the coalition that got him elected in 2020. a lot of progressives, a lot of muslim americans and arab americans in michigan, certainly, but not only them, other progressives upset with the way he supported netanyahu during this war i know that a lot of democrats are really worried about those voters. 100,000 in michigan who voted uncommitted not voting for trump, but either staying at home or going third party going for cornell west going for jill stein, going for robert f. kennedy jr. how worried are you and what do you say to those voters to get them to come home? >> so i want to start in a different place because for me this isn't about politics. this is ultimately about doing what's right i understand that there are extraordinarily passionate feelings about what has happened, what has happened in gaza, what has happened in israel, people feel very
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engaged and very invested. and the key is that we're all trying to drive to the same place and that is we need a permanent peaceful solution in the middle east. look, we got four things we need to do and we need to do them right now. >> we need those hostages returned. we need a ceasefire. we need to open up so that there is plenty of humanitarian aid flowing in and we need to push leadership so that it's moving toward a permanent peace. that is a two-state solution that is to places for two peoples who can live in peace with dignity security and who can have self-determination for their futures and as much as wrong, there's a sliver of hope that this moment opens up. that other countries in the
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region are ready to push the united states we need to push hard and we need to push those parties toward a peaceful solution. that's where we want to get. we need to push harder to get their >> center, elizabeth warren, from the great commonwealth of massachusetts. thanks so much for being here in addition to the presidential race, there are many other high-profile contests that we are paying attention to tonight, specifically boris sanchez is staying on top of that force. boris, give us the rundown of some of the key races you're following >> yeah, jake, we're watching some very competitive down-ballot primary races tonight battles receipts in congress and for governor across a handful of states. let's start with the senate primary in california. it's a top two primary. that means that all the candidates are on the same ballot, regardless of party affiliation, the top two vote-getters then square off in november. now this senate race is one of the most expensive we've seen thus far, this cycle democratic congressman adam schiff is considered the front runner. he's facing off against to fellow house progressives, katie porter and barbara leaf. the most well-known republican in the race.
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>> is steve garvey. he's a former major league baseball player. meantime, another senate primary to watch in texas, republican senator ted cruz, seeking his third term, favored to win when in the democratic primary congressman colin allred, a former nfl linebacker we're also watching a heated governor's race taking shape in north carolina, running in front on the republican inside the state's first black lieutenant governor, they'll far-right trump acolyte, mark robinson, and democratic contest state attorney general josh stein is leading the way in endorsements in fundraising as well. and finally, some important congressional primaries. we are watching, including a rare allies turned rivals race in alabama because of redistricting two incumbent republican congressman or clashing head to head back in california, voters are deciding the top two candidates to fill house seats held by former house speaker kevin mccarthy the and congressman adam schiff. notably, among the candidates for shifts seat and 90 sitcom star ben savage from
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boy meets world, one of the key questions i have tonight, vague. >> worst to pangaea >> where on the brink of the first significant round of results, once voting ends in virginia and in vermont, just minutes from now, it is the busiest night yet of the primary season, and it might be a defining moment in the fight for the white house. don't go anywhere. we'll see if we can reject any winners after we sneak in this quick break >> i'll just use cotton a trap and he couldn't get out my guess is having an identity crisis. that was the beginning of the downfall, but vegas at a different idea, vegas, the story of sensitive next sunday at ten on jorge is always put the ones he loves first or when it comes to caring for his teeth, when he's led his own maintenance, take a backseat. well, maybe it's time to shift gears on that because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance
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state of the union address thursday at eight on cnn >> it is super tuesday and we are clear closing in on the first significant results at the top of the hour, you're looking right now at a gorgeous shot from richmond, virginia. the top of the hour is when polling places close in virginia, in vermont, that's just a few minutes from now, a total of 65 republican delegates are on the line in these two contests. most of them in the commonwealth of virginia, not far from where i'm standing. donald trump and nikki haley both campaigned in virginia in the final leadup to tonight's primary, haley is in the commonwealth of virginia as a place where she might be able to peel away votes and delegates from trump kenya's key of course, the president of biden's efforts to hold onto the white house in any potential rematch with former president from the commonwealth, went for biden in 2020 and has voted blue every presidential election since 2008, but it has a republican
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governor. it is a purple state. let's check in with jessica dean, who's at a polling place in richmond, virginia. jessica, tell us what's going on there as voting is about to end? >> yeah we're just right up on the deadline here, jake, i've been talking to voters all afternoon and one theme that i hear again and again, democrats who are voting for nikki haley as a way to protest against donald trump. and also people who perhaps voted for president biden in 2020, who consider them selves independents voting for nikki haley. they really want to see somebody else in there, but one man told me, uh, look, i'm probably going to go back to biden if try if it's trump versus biden, but more and more we heard from people who said they're typically democratic voters, but they wanted to try to support nikki haley in this instance because president biden and they didn't feel like needed their vote in this moment that they could protest, vote against him. so about 250,000 people early voting so far here, a few more democrats, you'll see there over republicans. but
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jake, what my big takeaway from talking to voters, everybody has their very own specific reason for why they were voting for who they were voting for. top issue immigration, abortion, the economy. that's what i heard again and again. >> all right. jessica dean in the mecca, richmond, virginia. thank you so much. now, it's true that there are a lot of different kinds of people turning out to vote, vote. and david chalian is digging deeper into our exit polls from virginia. and david, what are you learning from the exit polls about who actually makes up the exactly the different components of this virginia republican presidential primary electric, you give us insight here. if you look at a party id, this is how people identify 60%, say that they identify as republican. now remember, it's a non-partisan. there's no party registration in virginia, but 60% of voters in the republican primary identify as republican 30% independent, 11% democrat democrats voting in the republican primary. now, this is not quite as many
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independents as we saw new hampshire but it is some opportunity there you would imagine for nikki haley, take a look also at the breakdown of urban versus suburban and rural by far, suburbanites are showing up a big number, 72% of the electorate from suburban areas, 18% urban 10% rural on the question of race. it is an overwhelmingly white electorate in the republican presidential primary in virginia, at 7% white. and you could see every other race that we've got there is in single digits and then finally, the great dividing line in american politics, college-educated versus non-college educated. this republican primary electorate, virginia, is roughly 52% or college graduates 48% or non-college voters. and that to having 52% is college graduates would seem like opportunity jake for the haley campaign to go fishing for votes. >> very interesting. david chalian and you know, cut the,
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commonwealth of virginia is an incredibly important, it's not just a primary this evening. it's going to be where a lot of money is spent in november. >> maybe maybe this is the fascinating question you raise. you mentioned it's a purple state, it is a purple state. it has a republican governor and had a report public and legislature. but the republican governor lost last year. remember when he tried to win the two chambers of the legislature to the democrats won them both. but it's been ten years george w bush was the last republican to carry virginia for president ten years ago. so is it a purple state? is it a presidential battleground state? if the map expands, if we are talking about virginia come september, october, november, joe biden's in trouble let's just go back and look at it. you go back and look at this state right here. he won the state by ten points, right? barack obama won it by five. hillary clinton won it by five. joe biden won it by ten. so if we are talking about virginia after the conventions this year, that tells you the map was expanding in a way that is not good for joe biden, so that it's fascinating to watch so what do you looking for there? you're looking at the suburbs. of course, the suburbs have what have changed, what are what has changed virginia. >> george
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>> w bush, one up here, brock obama, hillary clinton joe biden wins. this is trump country that conversation with jessica dean and i think it was dianne gallagher before that with democrats who turned out to vote for nikki haley to vote against trump, is fabulous. because if you're thinking strategically, you're not a democrat to go out for to keep nikki haley alive. she beats joe biden by more than donald trump in the national polls right now people vote their passions. so people are showing up doing what is actually the, not the best thing for joe biden voting for nikki haley to keep her right. even though you might go back to biden that part is fascinating. so can nikki haley do it? can she surprised us? these are these are. her best states. if you move more west, you get more rural, you get more trump. your states gets less educated. this is a state where you have the more affluent population, you have a more college-educated population, you have a big suburban population, virginia as a growing, growing suburb that's why it has become so democratic in recent years. so if nikki haley can do it, this is where it would happen you just look at the 2016 republican primary. you see that lighter red just in the washington dc suburbs, that's
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marco rubio. you see the darker red down here. that's donald trump. this is donald trump's wheelhouse. blue color, former democrats in small towns and rural america. this is what he does. he runs it up, just pick a county and you go through these days, needs to turn that off do it, just pick a county and you turn it up 35% there you move more rural and he goes up as he goes and then you get to a general election. you watched these counties in a general election in the presidential race. that's what happens. donald trump will run it up in small town rural virginia to lead jake. the question is, if nikki haley has any hope of being able to call her donor's up late tonight and tomorrow and say, let's do another week, let's do more. it has to happen here. i would not go to vegas on that demographically. it's a state where she could make a statement. can she beat donald trump? can she beat donald trump? the map tells you so far most unlikely. >> all right, john, we are just moments away from the first major poll closings on this super tuesday. we're voting ends when voting ends in verse, virginia and vermont and just seven seconds with a combined 65 republican delegates on the line. key race alert it is
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right now in the states of virginia and vermont too early to call and the republican presidential nomination. cnn, does not have enough information right now to call the virginia republican primary or the vermont republican primary in both of them, it is too early to call. we can make this early projection based on exit polls that cnn and other news organizations conducted with voters in the virginia republican primary. in the second work by first, we're going to talk about the virginia democratic primary winner is joe biden. cnn can project that joe biden will win the democratic primary in virginia. now let's talk about those exit polls because we are now given the information. now that the polls are closed about what we know in the exit polls, david yeah, jake, we can start looking at how trump and haley
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voters split here. so are you part of the maga movement now, this is only a third of the electorate, 32% say yes, in virginia. but donald trump wins them overwhelmingly as you would expect, it's his movement 94%. >> haley only >> wins 3% of this third of the electorate that identifies as part of the maga movement. let's see what else donald trump runs up the score here among very conservative voters, 28% of the electorate, donald trump at 6% to nikki haley's 12%. if we take a look at the non-college educated voters who were just talking about, it's roughly half the electorate, 48% of voters are non-college judge gated. donald trump wins three quarters of them, 73% to nikki haley's 24% and then if you look at immigration voters, which by the way, 37% of the electorate, nearly four in ten states, the most important issue to their vote. donald trump wins immigration voters nearly 321 72% for trump, nikki
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haley gets 26%. aaron of those voters who say immigration is their top issue. >> these exit polls in virginia are fascinating >> and scott, it is. and they're different. they're very different. i mean, it interesting point that david was making that you don't have to register of her party in virginia? but among how people describe themselves, you are looking at an electorate that's more than 40% independent and democratic. >> and they're gonna, they're gonna love nikki haley. the state's not going to model out as well for trump as some of the more. i mean, just some of the data we've seen out of north carolina already. you can see the difference is huge in those states, but this is also sort of a larger conversation about what we're going to be talking about all year. people with college degrees living in suburbs used to be pretty reliable republicans. what are they doing? and then these working class voters used to be reliable democrats. live, don't have college degrees coming, coming. this, this is the defining issue of the
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realignment of these two parties. and we're seeing it play out tonight in these primaries. also, just like >> the reinvention of these parties by donald trump, 83% of people who say they're very conservative are supporting donald trump. what is conservative about donald trump? abandoning ukraine to putin? that's conservative. isolationism where's the law and order? conservatives when you've got somebody with 91 felony counts. in other words, this guy has completely rewritten what it means to be a conservative and away. you recognize >> i just think look, i think what he's i think when people are looking at is they're using joe biden's, don't judge me against the almighty, judge me against the aisle. tentative. so they're looking at joe biden and saying trump's that's what they're comparing themselves to, right? and the shifts you're talking about, scott, i think that's you know, it is the new kind of stories can be told for the next 44 days, but it began and it began during reagan that has been slowly ebbing, slowly fading when i worked for spector, we kept losing seeing right. kind of college educated white suburban voters as
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republican in the philly suburbs. and we kept picking up more folks where i grew up and beaver county, western pennsylvania used to be democrats. that slide has been going on for quite some time, but that's not all. it's not all economic either of my opinion, just its culture, its cultural. and what is conservative about donald trump. he is the one guy okay. who's promising to stand up against this in their mind >> cultural hellscape never stand. >> that is the issue he's anti-liberal, but he's not conservative and that's the thing. we now have a negative partisanship that is running. i think both parties into a ditch, but he's not because he's anti-liberal, he's like conserved. one of the interesting, i mean, among all demographics that you rattling off, probably the one that is most troubling to the biden campaign in the most important in this race is a trump has consistently getting between 20.25% of african-americans here, biden won 88% of that vote in their last match. he's getting, he's even trump is even or ahead among vote hispanic voters, a biden got two-thirds of those voters in
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the last race. i don't know if there are enough college-educated white voters in the suburbs to replace those. and he's got to get some of those bad, no question about that. no question. but i also think these numbers show how much donald trump motivates people to come out and vote against him, right? i mean, you got what it's like 12% democrats and republican primary coming out to vote. presumably they are not voting for donald trump, although i suppose we'll see the great thing about votes, right? is somebody who thinks joe biden's done a great job in my vote for joe biden will count the same as somebody who says, i don't want donald trump to be president at the end of day. >> bill blinken winning coalition is about getting as many people under the tent >> it's >> addition to dishes guys are codependence. okay. the boat they both have issues. and they're counting on each other to help organize those reluctant voters who they need in their own camp. and we'll see how that go. >> so by the way, i think something that the biden campaign may ms big picture, is that a lot of trump supporters think of the trump term in office as pre-covid. they think
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of record stock market gains. they think of border crossings being down usmca and these achievements and those who've turned against him basically think of the covid, period, the economy crashing everyone and locked down the chaos of the social justice protests of that summer and they have to be able to message to people who say, my life was objectively better for three of the four years of donald trump than it is now economically. and that is where i worry that you're going to lose some of these. maybe nikki haley voters that really don't want to be with donald trump, but they're ultimately going to vote with their posture. >> you didn't mention was the insurrection in your litany of things about the trump years. and that's kind of extraordinary and we shouldn't lose sight of that fact that this guy learned about that and left the capital in disgrace, is currently indicted for some of those activities. and yet he is a colossus among at least republican voters >> that a lot of these votes first, thank you. joe biden didn't legitimately win. i could see i don't believe this. it was a disgrace. what happened and it should be a determinant in the election.
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but if you don't think joe biden legitimately won, you may be a foundation >> yes. and also, we've seen in every election since 2020, voters have turned out and been motivated by this issue of democracy. and we don't have to be arise it's about this we saw in 2022. >> but again, donald trump was on the ballot. there's so much, and listen, i think again, when you talk about january 6, what does that say? everybody watched it. everybody knows what happened. what does it say that donald trump is still going to be the nominee and still ahead of joe biden. every one. what does it what does it say about american right that's the dates the flawed candidate, and i'm curious though also when you look at the exit polls here and we'll see what the actual votes are in virginia. but you always hear about, oh, there's seven states, 67 states that matter. these are the swing states and virginia is not on that list when you go through and all of a sudden you look at virginia, which had become a red state at least presidentially in recent years. it's not what i mean, that's not what you're seeing. >> well, i mean right now,
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there's trouble in the democratic coalition that's true. but i think there's more danger for trump if you if you look at virginia, of course, he's not going to trump's not known when virginia. so i look there. what can you learn? >> the suburbs do not like this stuff. the insurrection has not been forgotten by a lot of people. there are a lot of people who are turned off now been turned off. they're terrified by what trump did that and what he continues to do. and the fact that you have steamroller, there's already told you wants to be a dictator. it's already told you that he doesn't. it respect because institutions who seems to be in the pocket of putin, that is motivated people in the suburbs. and even though a virginia is not a swing state this election could be won and lost in some swing counties that look a lot like those count counties around it, yes. >> and by the way, so as abortion, which was dominant issue in 2023 in virginia, where these same voters in the suburbs rejected the republican position. so don't forget that it's gonna be a huge factor racist prediction it will be on the map by the fall. i think i think i think the republican party will put virginia on the map. i don't know if we're
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going to win, but i'm just telling you, i think it's going to i think it's going believe that your books, people i think unless unless apart virginia's to cede some the other part that's going to talk about that i'll start using the words that may not be that far from reality. all right? >> all stay with us, jake. >> all right. we have a key race alert. >> now >> actual votes are coming in in the commonwealth of virginia. and right now with this trickle coming in donald trump is ahead with 72.2% of the vote. that's 854 votes. that's 548 votes more than nikki haley, who has 25.9% of the vote. this is scarce scarcely 1,000 votes of come in, but they have come in. >> so >> we are telling you, good people about them. john king, where are these votes coming in that showed donald trump with a very small number of votes that have been counted in the lead. >> but every vote counts, and that's the magic of election
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nights. we get to counter. you're right. it's way too early to say anything from this 48 delegates at stake in virginia. and he's up 854 votes to 306 votes. the nrc, things they're coming in from all over the place, which means different places are starting to report in different parts of the state only down here in norfolk, this is the only semi major population center where we have any votes and we have 200 votes. so again, let's not rush. let's not rush anywhere at this, but this is seventh of 133 counties, so that my significant population center, most of the other places where you're seeing votes are really tiny communities. this is right along the southern border with north carolina. 92nd population-wise of the 133 counties. so it's down there. but that's why it's 16% of the vote, right? you're not going to get a ton of votes here and run so county. but this is this just a test for donald trump. are your people coming out when that is one of your challenges? if you look at all the prior contests and you're republican voter, you're trump voter. you think he's margin to the nomination. if you haven't a busy day, do i do i go do i vote so trump voters do tend to come out. i do think for all we focused on, can haley turned out in the suburbs? what about the uncommitted vote against biden in a couple of states he's tonight. trump voters are
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motivated even when he's won 67 in a row, and he's on a march, they're coming out. and that's a testament to him like it or not, that his people come out and they're committed buckingham county. again, these are tiny pieces of the vote, but it does tell you where we started to move some votes up here. you move up to loudon county. this is that this is a much bigger test up here. one of the fastest-growing county in america, not just in the commonwealth of virginia. fourth largest of the county's a joe biden won this county by 25 points. last time you were here, i think i said it was ten years. i misspoke tories have 20 years ago, the last time a republican won virginia for president was 20 years ago in 2004. so is it a competitive state again? yes, it has a republican governor. the legislature has gone back and forth its debt democratic right now for president, this commonwealth has told us for 20 years now since 2008, barack obama's first way we vote democrat. so one of the things as we watch tonight, how strong is trump? what does haley do in the commonwealth of virginia? is there any sides, any signs that because of biden's early weaknesses in the race, because of inflation, his approval rating the republicans somehow could stretch the map. most
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campaigns would tell you, don't waste your resources focused on the five or six days we think you're going to settle it, but a bigger map, if you have the fundraising is a strategic advantage. if you can contest the places as we're standing here, you see more votes coming and you see some tiny votes coming in for haley. let's just come down here. it's the city of fredericksburg. again 0.3% of the state population. so, but if you're nikki haley, you're trying it's a suburban area. you're trying to see there and you see some other study, roanoke, which is a city area here. this is roanoke city in the city of roanoke, 170 763, very, very early returns, but if you're if you're, if you're at home and you're thinking is trump just going to march or is nikki haley going to find at least one or 23 more places, five more places to put up a fight. this is one of the potentials we'll watch as the results come in. trump has weaknesses in the suburbs. trump has giant strengths in the so many rural counties here in virginia. so if you're sitting at home saying is to republican race over tonight vermont and virginia will give us very early clues on the east coast. very interesting stuff.
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let's go now to kristen holmes, who is in palm beach, florida at the mar-a-lago resort where the former president, mr. is following tonight's results, kristen? polls obviously just closed in virginia minutes ago. how does the trump team view how things are going in virginia >> oh, really, they're looking at virginia as setting the groundwork for a potential 2024 rematch with president joe biden. he was there last weekend, of course, it is a state that is super tuesday, but it also is a way for them to see exactly where the enthusiasm is. i'm told by a senior adviser that they are looking to see if the blue-leaning state code come into play now to be very clear, and this goes sue exactly what john was just saying. this is not a tier one for them. this isn't the top flight of states that they want to flip or that they're going to invest resources, then it is something they're looking at. and they do know that would likely be very, very expensive. so the big question becomes, how many resource or how much of your resources do you want to pour
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into the state that could be used anymore high profile are high priority battleground state. but that being said, they do believe this also goes to a jog was saying that they don't have an enthusiasm problem, that donald trump voters are motivated and they will come out. and if biden support is david, that there is an opening there for the former president in virginia and the other thing to note here is that there is somebody on the campaign who is very interested in the state that's the co-campaign manager, chris lacivita, who is a virginia politico, was run several campaigns in the state and likely something when they would lean heavily on when it comes to virginia. >> all right. >> kristen holmes, thanks so much. dana >> thanks, jake. and you know, when kristen was talking and looking at some of the votes coming in, i'm reminded of what you were saying earlier, abby about the biden campaign. the flip side of that conversation, the biden campaign insists staying. i talked to a source earlier, said something similar that their voters, the parts of the coalition, that they're worried about. some of them are
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low information voters, meaning they're not paying attention because they're living their lives unlike us who are living this every single day and once this becomes more clear that trump really is gonna be the nominee. places like virginia they hope they believe will be less competitive that's the theory of the case and they've been saying that for awhile, it the trump or the biden campaign, they know that this is not going to be >> in cakewalk. the biggest challenge joe biden faces this is showed up in the new york times poll from over the weekend he actually has to bring back his voters. some of those people are not jazzed about voting for him. some of them are not thrilled. maybe they're very medium about how things have gone over the last three years. maybe they feel like it's had no effect on their lives one way or another. joe biden's job over the next nine months is to bring those people back into the fold, whether it happens now or it happens right before election year. the other thing that they
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have to deal with is what it is, what what alyssa was saying in the new york panel, which is that voters looking back on trump have a very rose-colored view of the trump years called amnesia. yeah. i mean, i was looking at the numbers and it's over 70% in a recent polls say that they're better off or they're about the same as a result salt of donald trump's policies, that number for joe biden is more like 57%. so it's a huge differential and some of that is just the passage of time and the biden campaign's job, they know is going to have to be not just to remind voters of you know, who trump is the indictments, all of that, but also just to remind voters of the reality of what the trump years were about. and that's going to be very challenged and i mostly saw go ahead. just going to see they're also dealing with the reality of their lives, right now. i mean, you were talking to elizabeth warren earlier and the thing she was touting from
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the biden policies was like insulin, student loans, which are great, but not really ideal for people who find their car insurance, credit cards, home insurance is all up. because the white house yeah, it because the one tool you have to fight inflation is the one tool that makes interest rates high. >> and i think that's a good point and i think when it wouldn't abby's talking about amnesia that these voters have maybe don't remember because there's not the trump tweets coming out every day. he's not from the white house every single day. >> he >> was just in richmond a few days ago and i was looking at his remarks and, you know, sometimes we see what for president trump says yesterday after the supreme court ruling comes out. and instead of touting his victory, he's talking about him his immunity claim and saying that he has brought immunity when he's in richmond at this rally, he's not talking about that. if you look at his remarks, he's talking about immigration and crime. that's what he's leaning into. and that may be appealing to those voters. and so i think you also have to think of what trump they are seeing. it may not be the same kind of, it's a very pithy argon and it's richer, safer, more confident, that's what he's saying.
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>> russian remains our voters, even seeing it yet, i think you could safely argue right at this moment, there's still not there yet. we still have so much. and what is glenn youngkin do you know that's someone that trump didn't even mention. he is not someone who's endorsed trump yet. he is not on the republicans that doesn't. trump is rolled out. it's all just the factors and you see in these creep piece takes those small things make a difference, okay? we are standing by for oh, but more votes from virginia were also nearing another very important round of results when polling places close in north carolina, voters in that state are not only shaping the presidential race right now, it could play a decisive role in november let's talk about that. after break >> special live coverage of the state of the union address thursday at eight on cnn i'm patriotic kenny. >> hi, i'm amanda on tiktok >> one scooter broke down. i went enjoyed the break. you feel about that? pretty sad. >> and i posted it to show that kenny is not always happy within 24 hours, people had
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governor jim aggreviate. >> i engaged in adult consensual affair with another man. it was shocking. was it an instant attraction? >> yeah, greed, these top fundraiser under investigation, he put a lover or a staple hey, roll the reasons in the grieving resigned is a lot more complicated and we remember did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper? >> got to get a therapist if they're having an interview with jake tapper, new >> episode next sunday night on cnn. >> cnn can now make a major projection. cnn projects that donald trump will win. the republican presidential primary and the commonwealth of virginia, we can make this early projection based on exit polls that cnn and other news organizations conducted with voters in the virginia republican primary after they cast their ballots. again, cnn is projecting that donald trump will win the virginia republican primary. the big question, of course, john king how did he do it? this is an early call for a commonwealth that we thought nikki haley and
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the kelly campaign, we should note it's thought that they might have some strengthen >> number one, he used what has been his traditional building blocks since 2016. you see all that red, most of those are small rural counties where donald trump's small town america, farm town america working class small factory america, donald trump runs it up. he has his 2016 and he's doing it again in the 2024 primaries. >> but >> but and here's this, here's the fascinating question going forward again, as we've talked about every primary night, donald trump is showing remarkable resilience, especially given all the criminal indictments in all the controversy around him january 6 at all remarkable resilience and he's ana mari much to the nomination in one of the states that demographically was one of haley's best chances tonight, donald trump has now won that state. this is loudon county, one of the fastest growing suburbs in america, not just in the commonwealth of virginia. and he's holding his own. he's speeding. nikki haley right now. joe biden won that county by a boatload back in 2020. this is the test. can donald trump improve his standing in the suburbs? doesn't have to win? the suburbs, but he has to be more competitive in november. that was the key to biden's victory in 20 twice.
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so we'll see that's about a third of the vote, right? really interested to see number one, the republican turnout. number two, the final numbers. here's you pull it back out again. if you don't like donald trump, you don't like what you're seeing here. but as a student of the process, that's impressive, were also though are seeing some patterns you see a tiny dot here. this is the district of columbia on the north side of the potomac river. this is arlington right here. arlington county, one of the more liberal counties in northern virginia, right? so if these republicans, it's not a ton of votes, it's not a ton of votes. but if these republicans are voting for nikki haley where do they go in november, right? i'm saw spect. i know people are saying virginia is going to be about a ground state. again, it's been 20 years. so you mark mark me down as dubious, right? i follow the demographics, i follow the map, i follow voting patterns, but georgia is now a battleground state. it wasn't before arizona was can you pull virginia back? well, what did these voters let's go knocking on doors. let's drive across the river right now and knock on these doors. you've got to be for biden in november or even though you've voted for haley tonight, you're going to vote for trump again. donald trump is not going to win only thing county. no republicans
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going to win only can county in november but you win close races on the margin see this tiny dot right there. another pattern we're seeing charlottesville that's where the university of virginia is, where his nikki haley done well. college towns. >> college town, younger voters >> republicans, some democrats and independents in a state where you don't have to be like virginia, you don't cities in general. urban areas in general. so it's a strength for her it is by no means enough. look at all that red but you heard kristen holmes talking about how happy they are in the trump campaign. they should be, they should be their winning state after state after state after state. and they're running it up. >> but >> they don't like to talk about this publicly. if they're smart and there's a lot of smart people around donald trump again, like we're not there studying the yellow, who are those people? they just voting for nikki haley now where are they going to be in november? that's the biggest challenge as we watch the map. and this continues to fill it and just we have our first votes in vermont as well tonight. and again, 1% of the vote less than 800 votes there if you added up a little more than 800 votes, if you add that up there, and we got a long way
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to go, but you're starting to see again, this donald trump, we've now projected wins virginia, if you're nikki haley and you're looking for when on 50 states super tuesday. that's your best option left on the map. >> yeah. we'll watch as they come in. >> can you put back in virginia for one second? sure. so one of the things that's also interesting and in terms of what you're pointing out, you're saying that the trump campaign will be looking at the yellow, the nikki haley area and figuring out are these people going to come home and vote for me, donald trump in november or not. the other person looking at them, joe biden, absolutely. the joe biden campaign. how can we get those? republican voters? probably not as difficult in arlington county, but but outside roanoke, outside richmond's charlotte's height here, this is one of the biggest swing counties yeah. when when when glenn youngkin won the governorship is because of his strength in the richmond cyber or so he took it back to the democrat. so down here and reiko county again? yes. so you're asking these people right here if haley wins this tonight, donald trump trump's campaign will be fine. they will find them, they're smart. you're on a date operation, you find them, say, please come
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home. yeah, they're not going to say that tonight. they just voted for the opposition to look. it just switched while we're here. this is this is why i love this on election. yeah, it just switched, but again, she's still getting 40% in a key swing county. so whether it's 40% at the end of the night, weathered 38% of the end of the night, haley voters will be the aggressive target good of both campaigns, joe biden has other issues with his own base. lose own base. but if you can get nikki haley's getting 25%, 30%, 40% or higher in some of these states, it'll be fascinating to watch if that continues as we move west, as the polls continue to close, you see all these lighter gray states that's all the counting we have left to do tonight. so it's pretty clear. donald trump's gonna be the republican nominee. let's keep an open mind, but the map doesn't lie. the question is, if her numbers continue to be whether it's a third or whether it's 40% or more. where do they go in november? >> that is the biggest question on the board. let's go to david chalian now who is pouring through the exit poll results in north carolina, as voting is taking place let's go
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to, let's go to dianne gallagher. i'm sorry. dianne gallagher. tell us what's going on where you are >> yeah. jake polls close in about two minutes here in north carolina, a couple of people still waiting in line, they will get to vote because they are all already in line by 7:30. i have some people would just finished voting with me. i've tricia and david, john constant with me. they voted in the republican primary. i'm going to ask both of you who you voted for at the top of the ticket for president or voted for donald trump? >> i voted for donald trump. >> why did you vote for donald trump? >> my main most important reason is he is pro-life i am against abortion, and that's like i'm aweis, you candidate when she voter, i guess you could say proto-life is important yourself. >> he, he supports my values, his values of mine align and i appreciated what he did in his other for years of the presidency thank you both so much for sharing your reasons for voting with a thank you for coming out and voting today. jacumba senate back to you from here in north carolina. >> all right >> thank gallagher and cornelius, north carolina, the polls are about to close in
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north carolina, this is a potential battleground state, maybe come november. joe biden will be trying to compete. he narrowly lost in 2020. what are you going to be looking for in a few minutes when the pulse, it's the same issue. i mean, their neighbors, right? it's the same issue. so donald trump will run it out in the small rural counties. you see a lot more urban dots here are the research trial triangle around raleigh, durham, the college towns around charlotte. one of the things you're looking for here is what has become the greatest dividing line in american politics, jake, and that is college education. so you see the darker, the purple there. that is the counties with the lowest educate, meaning high school degree or less than lighter counties, you see that throughout the research trial around the city, right? cities, that's where you have people with a college degree or more that jake is the biggest dividing line in american politics right now. and so again, what is nikki haley's spinal number and then who can get those voters to come? in november because as you look at the map, fill in tonight from what we're getting both virginia read and goes about to get him in north carolina. donald trump's on the march. >> yeah. i'm voting is about to end in north carolina, 74 delegates are on the line and
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the republican presidential race, two seconds left, one second left. we have more projections to make, right? this second cnn projects, donald trump will win the republican in presidential primary in north carolina, defeating nikki haley and a potentially crucial battleground in the november race for the white house. and on that matter, we can also project that president biden will win north carolina's democratic presidential primary. we can make these early projections based on exit polls and that cnn and other news organizations conducted with voters in the north carolina after they cast their ballots kristen holmes, cnn's kristen holmes is at mar-a-lago in palm beach, florida where former president trump is tracking tonight's results. grist in north carolina, obviously a key state for donald trump, not just tonight, but he wants to win it it again. again in november >> yeah, probably more important for him in november. now, just keep in mind in 2016 donald trump won by more than three points in north carolina. >> 2020 by
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>> barely over one point is expected to be highly competitive come november, and that is why talking to these senior campaign advisors, they are telling me that they are looking carefully at this data tonight that comes out of this this contest to try and decide where and how they should spend their money. it's going to be key for them in their strategy in this battleground state. now, when you're looking at north carolina, one of the things that this could pose a problem for donald trump in is with educated voters, i want to read you this statistic here because we know that that's a problem for donald trump already, the percentage of the population with an undergraduate degree or higher is growing faster in north carolina than in any other state. so that could be a problem for him. the other piece that they're watching is how do those suburban voters, particularly the suburbs of charlotte and raleigh how do they turn out, how do they vote? where are they headed? where their heads out because that is what they're going to try to see if that area those areas are where they should be pouring more resources into because as john said, they
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believe they're going to win the rural areas they go with the rural areas of november, they're winning them now. but what about those suburban areas where where is he with that >> all right. >> kristen holmes. thank you so much, really appreciate it. kristen holmes in palm beach, florida >> and we know do you have to >> give the devil is do donald trump having the night that he wanted to have an early projection of virginia. bad news for nikki haley, who thought maybe that was a commonwealth she could rest away from donald prompt. yeah. i mean, jake, virginia, north carolina. these were two of the states we were looking at obviously early because the polls closed early. but in addition to that, because those are used to be solidly red states. >> and >> now virginia is, has been trending blue and north carolina in particular is one that i was just getting a text from a senior republican saying that this could be a big problem for donald trump if also looking at down-ballot races, if mark robinson, who is
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very trumpy, maybe even more trumpy. trump. it was trump is endorsed. when assuming that he wins the republican primary for governor, that could be a very, very big factor in what we see in the presidential race as well. >> he could motivate democrats. that's absolutely what's absolutely fascinating about these results. and we have seen this time and again in this primary season is just almost a different universe that haley voters are in than trump voters. yeah, a lot of haley voters are democrats out of them maybe independents who are coming out to vote because they're concerned about donald trump. but still, i mean what data point from the virginia exit polls, 78% of those voters believed that joe biden won legitimately donald trump, 95% of donald trump voters in virginia colony. the exit we, that joe biden did not win in 2020 legitimately, and that just goes all the way down the line today, i talked to kari lake, who's running for the arizona senate seat. she says that her race in 2022 was read. she said donald trump's election in 2020 was rigged
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because that is where republican base voters are. but the question is, the general election voters, and that is such a different calculus for these candidates. and there's, these results show that so critical. and in north carolina, i made exactly the right point. mark robinson is just symbolic of how divergent the republican party in some of these states, especially a state like north carolina is from the median vote gettable voter. and when the republican party in a state like north carolina veers all the way to the right that means that the results that we see tonight shouldn't are not going to be what should tell the republican party how they should operate come november, that delta is so huge, it's going to be a problem dianne gallagher spoke to a voter tonight who said, there's absolutely no way i can have mark robinson as the governor of the state because he's so extreme. she's not the only one. they're going to be a lot of voters. we talked a
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lot about suburban voters but voters who are just regular people who are not in either camp or another who are going to shy away from the extremes. and while trump is going to romp tonight and a lot of places, he's probably not getting the information that he needs to get about where he and the republican party need to be in order to get those all important voters who are right there in the political melt millinewton new reporting. >> yeah. well, it's just we're just looking at all of this. one factor of this and what the down-ballot races mean. how does this resemble maybe even the presidential race? the other big part of this? and the reason that trump is ready to move on from the nikki haley aspect of this race that we're still talking about is money and having think to shore up his finances because biden does have a major advantage there when it comes to raising. they've already made ad plans for as far as august. they've already are looking ahead to that. that has been something that the trump team has lamented for several weeks now because they've been able to. and one thing that trump is doing is you saw everyone
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behind kristen holmes there earlier at mar-a-lago, is he's been hosting donors at mar-a-lago today as he has real concerns about shoring up those finances. and we've just confirmed that one of the people he met with in recent days was elon musk. obviously, one of the richest people in the world. we're confirming reporting from the new york times. it's not clear that elon musk is going to donate to trump, but it is notable that those are the steps that he's taken in these recent days as he's less focused really on the down-ballot races in way more focused on his own personal finances and hit for his pac. well, and the his own maybe not as finances, but his own legal troubles. he is hoping and looks like it'll be successful in the rnc and whatever little which i have left there and he has paying for his legal bills. the flip side is audie that the president, joe biden has been doing very well in the past two months, according to what the campaign is saying. in fundraising, which means they're a bunch of people who might think age is a problem and clearly want to help him. i
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know in the media were sort of like he's got problems. he's gotten problems, but people also vote with their finances one thing i noted earlier as you guys were talking or we heard from a litmus test voter who said i care about immigration, i care about crime. i think for democrats, that's been a little bit tough. what is your litmus test outside of abortion? what do people talk about where they feel like no matter what this is, what i have to vote on as their memory start to dim, or if they start to really feel very that the judiciary is undermined in some kind of way for democracy argument starts to wobble and i think that for biden who really relied on that in the year that kari lake lost? that's going to be tough. >> yeah. >> okay. donald trump has two wins under his belt so far tonight in virginia and north carolina. and there are many more races ahead as we've barreled towards another rapid-fire round of poll closings in five states or results coming up >> president biden's last state of the union before the 2024 election, with challenges
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bathroom trips. >> super beta prostate, find it at walmart i'm kylie atwood in charleston, south carolina. and this is cnn >> welcome back. and cnn has a projection that we're going to make right now in the state of vermont and the democratic primary, we projected that incumbent president joe biden we will be the winner. he'll be the winner of the democratic
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primary in the state of vermont. and now we have a key race alert for you looking at republican votes in vermont right now, we have them coming in with 3% of the estimated vote in donald trump is in the lead. he has 54% of the vote, 1231 votes. he is 262 votes ahead of former governor nikki haley, who was endorsed by the republican governor of vermont she has 42.5% of the vote. very early now, 3% of the estimated vote. we also have another projection to make on a down ballot race the north carolina gubernatorial primary, that's going to be a big race in november. the governor's race for a sanchez has details on that for us. >> jake, 11 >> gubernatorial races there you're going to be watching in november, the north carolina race for the governor's mansion is going to be among the most competitive. and now cnn is projecting that the republican candidate in that race is going to be lieutenant governor mark robinson. robinson is the the
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first black lieutenant governor in north carolina's history. he is endorsed by donald trump. donald trump actually calling him martin luther king junior on steroids. he does have a controversial record though robinson has made disparaging remarks about lgbtq plus people. also, he has a streak of anti-semitic remarks, even dabbling in holocaust denialism that will likely come up as we get closer to the general election. let's take a look at the democratic side of this gubernatorial for a primary in north carolina right now, the attorney general josh stein, has the lead. he's leading by about 4,000 votes. he has the advantage when it comes to polling, when it comes to fundraising, when it comes to it endorsements, the state's sitting governor roy cooper, who is term limited, actually endorsed stein right now he holds the lead early in the evening, 4,356 votes ahead, just 1% of the vote in right now all right, boris, thanks so much. let's go to david chalian now who has more exit poll results from the tar heel state, from north carolina after the polls have closed their david yeah. >> jake, you can see why and
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how nikki haley lost this race to donald trump in north carolina. so among republican voters, which made up 62% of the electorate donald trump is winning republicans in this primary, 81% to nikki haley's 16%. a trend we've seen throughout the primary season. he just dominates with the party faithful among independents, which made up 34% of the overall electorate, eight for smaller share than republicans you see here, donald trump even best, nikki haley with independents, 49% to 45%. yes, she gets close with independence. what she needs to win independence if she's going to win some of these races among college voters. again, a 45% share of the overall electorate. this should be a place as you see where nikki haley gets substantial support. but donald trump still wins in north carolina with college graduates, 51% to nikki haley's 45%. she doesn't overtake them. there
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non-college graduates were donald trump runs up the score. >> here you go. it's 56% of the overall electorate that are non-college educated voters. >> trump wins percent of them, and haley only gets 15%. so aaron, donald trump wins big with the big shares of the electorate and where nikki haley needs to overtake him. donald trump actually edges ahead of her there as well. >> all right, david, thank you very much. it kate, you know, looking at these exit polls and we'll see as the final results come in here. and now, obviously we're not making a call yet that this north carolina, we're supposed to be the state that democrats were going to get that foothold and, that was going to be there edge into the south well, look, i don't think we should be i don't think i should write it off for one thing. >> first of all, you know, >> we just saw the call for david robinson is going to be the republican gubernatorial candidate. obviously, in addition to what we heard about some of his choice language, he also has been incredibly extreme on abortion, no exception for rape, no exception for incest i mean,
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really language i think in a post roe environment it's hard to look at what we've seen from elections and say, well, there aren't going to be people who are going to be turned off by that. so that i do think that that will be a factor here i also think as biden looks at building out his coalition, as we've talked about a little bit tonight, he's gotta go out and rebuild build support to 2020 levels with black voters. obviously, if he can do that, that helps him tremendously in a state like north carolina, which is a more diverse electorate and then the other thing to remember is at the end of the day, presidential campaigns are about how you expend resources and how you force your opponent to expend resources. so if the biden campaign so even on the back of a republican gubernatorial candidate who's very off-putting. can force the trump campaign to play in north carolina when they otherwise might not have. well, that's a good thing for biden and that's forcing the trump campaign to spend down resources when, as we heard earlier, biden is sitting on an a money advantage already, what do you see in these exits?
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>> well north carolina, i would just point out mark robinson talk about diversity, diverse african american nominee for the republican party. we've never elected one governor. we had a couple of pointed, but again, it shows the commitment of the republican party. i think they have more diverse candidates. he got more votes in 2020 in his race and donald trump got for president, he got them most of the same number of votes as the current governor cooper. the democrats are nominating a very boring person before roe fell, though >> sort of neck and neck and pull coming into that. >> everybody wants to write off robinson and act like the guy got votes, he got elected statewide, he got more votes than donald trump once before i have no bad, it's going to be competitive, but i think if democrats are depending on putting north carolina on the board on the back of a gubernatorial campaign strategy? >> well, two things can be true. it may be generally these things run downstream, not upstream. so the presidential race has a lot of influence downstream but i would say this
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mark robinson is the profile of the kind of candidate that went down for republicans in 2022 because the things that allowed candidates to win the republican party made them unacceptable to a broader electorate. so i you can celebrate and stuff, but i wouldn't go to the bank >> 2020 >> i really wish i liked that guy a lot more than i do. but i don't like him and it's you got it's very rare to elect any black governors, period welcome the neverland one. democrats have done 3.72. douglas wilder in virginia. you did deval patrick acts rod in 2007 massachusetts, massachusetts. she's just six and then wes moore, my great friend, and i think a huge leader, just last year in maryland that's every 16 years, you get elected black
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governor. so the idea is you can have another elected black governor. first one for the republican party a year later should have me excited and i am depressed and distress and sad because he says horrifically bad stuff about gay people, calls them, built, it says horrifically bad that stuff about women who had been raped. he wants to force them to have the children on their rapists. he just has a horrible things. and so look, if you were at tim scott or someone like that, i'd actually be pretty excited tonight, but i'm actually a distressed and depressed and i by this guy. well, let's i'm scott will be vice president being away from the governor's race here is out of these exit polls, nick among nikki haley supporters, 78% of them. so they would not vote for the republican nominee, potentially, they're not going to commit to voting for the republican nominee in november. and this is a partially open primary, but it's not a fully open primary, north carolina. there are some glaring red general election signs for donald i'll trump pair what he's gonna have to do to try to get these haley voters who
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are very dug in against him is not something he's proven the ability to do. yeah. i'm curious to see are we going to see gracious remarks from him tonight? that's trying to have some forward-looking embracing message. i doubt it. and if even if he does that, he's going to step on it tomorrow. so there are some major red flags for him. >> i think look, i you're shaking your hand. exactly the remarks >> i think donald trump is that the store here is that he's way ahead. he's going to have over 1,000 delegates tonight. next week, next week of the 12th, he's going to have he's going to wrap it up and go forward earlier than he did in 2020 is on the move. it's the haley parts in the rearview mirror at this point only in getting hurt? for voters for the general election, no one saying kaylee is going to be the nominee. but if she has people saying they will not be with him, that is a problem. >> i mean, something's troubling. a fair segment of the republican electorate. it may, it may be that the guy is under four indictments, wasn't led an insurrection, and so on certainly bothers me >> all right. jake thanks so much, erin. we're gonna get a lot more super tuesday results
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very soon as we head into the busiest hour of the night at eight eastern polling places close in oklahoma, alabama, tennessee the massachusetts and maine. a total of 211 delegates are on the line in the next round of republican presidential primaries. donald trump is looking to sweep the deep red states of oklahoma, alabama, and tennessee. nikki haley hoping to make inroads among moderates in more blue massachusetts and maine. this next round of primaries playing out in strongholds for both former president trump and president biden, offering new measures of their support in some of their safest states we're also keeping an eye on texas we're many, but not all polling places will close at the top of the hour. it's the second biggest delegate prize of the night for republicans. cnn's ed lavendera is that a voting site in el paso? oh, texas, obviously, the border a huge issue there, an issue that donald trump has been talking about quite a bit for his entire residential life ed, what are you hearing from voters?
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>> well the immigration issue is what we've been hearing from democrats and republicans throughout the day. we're one of the more popular polling sites in east el paso where you can see here in texas, you have to stay 100 feet away from the ballot box area where people are standing in line. so this is where you're seeing people campaigning the volunteers with their campaign but right now, jake, what we're going to walk you through is basically a therapy session here with luis who has a long time. you've been involved in democratic politics here in el paso for a long time, about 16 years? yes. >> and not only you told us little while ago, not only does louise not know who he's going to vote for and you've got about an hour left? yes. >> you don't know which party primary you're going to vote it. >> i'm not really sure at this point. i think there's been a lot of confusion in terms of this election and i can say that because of all the border issues, it's this whole country is divided right now and we don't know. i mean, there's a lot of voters right now that i think there's lot of democrats that are voting
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republican this year and i don't blame them. i think there's there's definitely an issue with the influx of immigration right now. >> you voted in 2020 for joe biden? i did. and right now, you're just i'm undecided. i am not undecided just like a lot of these voters are and i don't know what i'm going to do, but i can tell you that i'm not very happy as help this country is handling the situation with immigration. >> would you told me you were undecided? i thought you meant you didn't know which candidate i didn't know you were undecided as to which primary republican or democrat you were going over it. and that's another level of undecided yeah. that's >> another level of undecided. and like i said, i don't know which way i'm gonna go, but i mean, it's i guess we'll find out in an hour >> yeah. you also told us you wouldn't tell us exactly what you did after which is you're right. i don't i don't judge it, but what is it that you think of this as cheaper than paying for a therapist? you could just work it out here on national tv. but what is it that you that is, that you're grappling with the most. >> well, there's the influx of immigration. i think that, you know, people are not handling and i think that right now this
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whole country is divided, not even republicans or democrats buy had a choice to vote. republican. i would have voted for for this governor out of order the governor out of florida, i think there's something would have been very great president. i mean, i'm not too crazy about trump right now. but if we have no choice, all right? >> well, good luck to you. you've got he's got about an hour left to decide here, jake, so, you know, kind of a good capture of what many voters are dealing with here this year, january, el paso, texas, ed lavendera, thanks so much in dana bash, we see there obviously in texas, the immigration issue is huge, but it is really an issue that it's been underlined and caught fire across the country. governor abbott sending migrants to other states, sending them to denver, sending them to chicago, sending them to washington, dc, sending them to new york city, whatever you think of that as an action, it has been incredibly effective politically. >> it sure has a, you know, as we talk about not just what's
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happening in texas, but what's happening across the country, manu i know you've got some new reporting about the very important down ballot races. >> yeah, it actually there's some actually in texas including colin allred who is trying to take on ted cruz in november. he's a democratic candidate. the question will be tonight, whether he surpasses 50% to avoid a may runoff. democrats are concerned that he does not get there. it could be very expensive from over the next couple of months hurt their ability to pick up that senate seat literally have two pickup opportunities in the map this cycle. so that one bag the other thing is in california, two key races. david validate want to ten republicans who voted to impeach donald trump. can he make it into the general election if he does not that seat could flip to the democrats. and also adam schiff, he is running for the senate, also the california is the top to make it to the general election, he has tried to prop up the republican in that race not to have a democrat against him in november, but that could have serious down-ticket concerns because if there is a rub
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democrat versus a democrat that could potentially hurt republicans in the fall, but was a democrat versus republican, perhaps that could help republicans down ticket in those house races. so many key things to watch the jungle primary in california, which is what you're talking about. it is it's should have occurred to me, but it didn't occur to me you said it and then i'm hearing from senior republican about that as well. adam schiff's strategy to just run against republican if they're the only two left, could hurt some of his soon-to-be former colleagues in the house and katie porter, who is also obviously this race has been incredibly critical of how adam schiff has done this. it is political and it is cynical, but he has been boosting him. he's run more ads than he is run for himself. and now he is turning in the last few days of this race and said, well, i'm running against as maga extreme we ms won't you please help me because obviously, that's a lot more appealing to voters than running a grunts two of his more progressive colleagues, barbara lee and katie porter and katie porter has been very critical of it, but clearly it has also been effective for him. yeah. i mean, it's never
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recently. it's never a question about whether statewide a democrat will win, but it's those key house races primary. >> again, that's ridiculous. it just the top two vote-getters. and i think it's an important at a time when we talk about consolidation of power that is partisan. >> the other thing that's happening there is not new boosting the maga candidate is a strategy the democrats ran actually quite successfully in the last midterm election cycle. i don't think we can rule out the will see a lot more of that this coming year because the whole ballgame, frankly is to amped up the concerns with what a trump part two could mean, not just for trump, but everybody down ballot as well. >> okay. >> i'm going to kick it over to jake, who is with john at the magic wall. >> jake. >> all right. and the vote is coming in and vermont and john king, let's take a look at, we have not called vermont yet, although we should know donald trump is having yet another dominating evening, we've already called virginia for him. we've already called north carolina for him. >> and what is it? it's almost nine, but pretty early yet, we
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have not called vermont yet. he's still leading. where's the vote coming in from? >> but you see a smattering of these towns and you see some haley yellow they're these small, small townships, most of them are tiny population centers. you just pop it up here. yeah, 133rd of the 255 towns for months. so we're not saying anything the three biggest population centers are right here, burlington, south burlington, and s6 right around burlington, vermont, here along the lake. then you come down here, you rutland is another one, montpellier down here, but we have nothing from the major population centers yet, so we need to wait on vermont. if you look at it right now, 461 votes, so 52 to 45. if you round it looks like a healthy lead, but we need to wait on votes. the reason we're looking at it, again, if you come out to the full map, i don't want to distort the conversation. donald trump is on a path to the republican nomination. the question is, can nikki haley make a statement by picking up a win tonight or at least by picking up more delegates. this is where we are, jake you don't need to say a word. i mean, you just the numbers speak for themselves and the colors on the maps speak for themselves. when you look at how donald
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trump is doing not only tonight, but cumulatively across the republican primaries, but you're looking at vermont just to see if nikki haley can make any kind of a statement about that's a very different republican party in the northeast near extinct republican party. and then we move to maine massachusetts in the next hour the poll closings there, again, that's where you're looking. it's hard to find, especially in national office. republicans from the northeast anymore. when i started doing this, you had chafian, rhode island. you had many of you had republicans remain. you have susan collins, the republican senator from maine, who is the lonely republican from the northeast still in congress? here. so we'll watch that play out in the next hour. but if you're the trump campaign, especially in rural america, you're watching this. this was not one of your best days. if you're donald trump in 2016, john kasich came in right behind you in second place more of a quirky place, more of a libertarian place. a lot of independence of vermont. so we'll watch this one play out, jake. but if you look at the big picture and pull it out again, that's lot of trump read as we start to move into the busy hours of the night. >> all right. and we are closing in on 08:00 p.m. eastern when all voting will
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end in five states with a total of 211. hochul republican delegates up for grabs. and we now have a key race alert. it is too early to call in the following states, alabama, which has 50 delegates at stake, too early to call main, which has 20 delegates at stake too early to call massachusetts with 40 delegates at stake too. don't currently early to call. let's look at oklahoma oklahoma, 43 delegates at stake too early to call tennessee. 58 delegates at stake too early to call. now, let's look at some of the voting as they're actually coming in, actual votes back to the state of vermont, donald trump's still in the lead, temporary percent estimated vote in donald trump has 51.4% of the vote, 3,601 votes is 456 votes ahead of nikki haley, who has 44 0.9% of the vote. again, that's with only 10% of the vote in, but still at some point, we're
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going to see whether nikki haley is able to even make one stand in vermont this evening because we thought she thought her campaign thought maybe she was gonna be able to at least make a stand of some sort in virginia. we've already called virginia for donald and you just teed up the states. we will get votes in the minutes and then hours ahead. you don't have to follow politics every day like we do to thank you're not expecting nikki haley to beat donald trump and oklahoma. you're not expecting nikki haley to beat donald trump? in alabama and not expecting nikki haley to beat donald trump in tennessee. so the question is, can she do anything tonight again to convince her donors? it's worth staying on another tuesday or another couple of months and the like at the moment, you see nothing, so you go back and look at the vermont votes just against since you were here? no updates since you were here. you're watching a very tiny amount come in. you need them up in burlington, you need them and rutland failures, the state capitol, again, a more quirky state, a more independent minded state, where, as you noted earlier, the republican governor who is no fan of donald trump has endorsed nikki haley, the republican senator, no fan of donald trump. susan
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collins has endorsed her here in maine. does that matter anymore in politics? isn't enough that's the big question because one of the things donald trump now the republican establishment, i think that's a fair statement, but he runs against that old republican established with anyone who had a title or was involved before he got here, he runs against them and again, just look at the map and you pull it up, jake, it's amazing. i just want to pop. we've already projected this. but you look at this, right? so we have a lot of votes to count still, we've projected the only 2% of the vote has been only 2% but we have our exit polls. we have key precincts, so we're very safe in our in confident in our projection. but if you just look at this, it just gets you at the fundamental strength. and then the glaring weakness of donald trump as we look ahead into the general election. so just i'm gonna pick a random, okay? 80%, right? this is what donald trump has only 1% of the vote in. but watch, we'll come back the end of the night. it'll be relatively close to that as you go through it. that's in a county there. so watch this. let's just bring that back up. let's bring rockingham county backup. let's come over here and we're going to look at education, right? so only 26% of the people in that county have college degrees when you
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have a non college degree environment, people at the high school education or left, that is donald trump's wheelhouse. that is where he gets numbers that looked like that. right. so let's move this down here for a minute. rocket. that's rockingham county. let me pull back out statewide map. you see the haley yellow in these places, right? so let's pull up right here. we'll pull up wake county, right. look what just happened. she's getting nearly 57 10% of the vote. look at the difference. the percentage of college graduates goes up to 64%, right? hard to follow as i switch around. so i'm going to leave this up here, leave this up here. that's wake county. i'm going to move over here to durham county, right? again, 59% of the people have college degrees nikki haley winning with 57% of the vote, then you move up, then just pick one here. donald trump's winning here with 81% of the vote. look what just happened, right? the percentage of college degrees drops way, way down. it is the single biggest dividing line in american politics period right now. and we're watching that dividing line play out in a fascinating way in the republican primaries, where donald trump is marching the republican nomination. but among voters with a college degree, a bachelor's degree, or higher, who tend to live in
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suburban areas across america. he has a giant problem and many of them were the republicans who elected glenn youngkin, governor of virginia, george w bush, the last republican before donald trump elected president the united states. those are the voters. they are but they are voting more and more democratic in general elections. a lot of them are voting for nikki haley tonight. and again, as we watch donald trump's considerable strain, and i do not want to understate them. they are many as he as he marches here toward the nomination, he has some big holes big holes, and as north carolina battleground state will see when we get to november, but a lot of people like that live in suburban milwaukee, live in in suburban detroit, live where you're from around the collar counties, around philadelphia is a lot of voters just like that. and donald trump for all his strengths, still has a glaring weakness with them. >> yeah, david chalian, this is really interesting and important to two things that we're looking at here. one and most importantly, without question the dominance of donald trump when it comes to the republican primary field as
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of right now, we have some votes in from massachusetts just a few barely but generally speaking, everybody, the norton, massachusetts sure. i've driven through it. i think we have. >> but the >> complete dominance of donald trump when it comes to the republican primaries, we've never seen anything like this in modern presidential politics and non-incumbent, he didn't win the dc primary but he's won every other contest but david chalian, some red flags for the trump campaign in the sense that nikki haley is winning areas of north carolina, even though she lost the state, we've already projected it. nikki haley is winning parts. were the voters, a majority of voters? have a college degree. >> yeah, there's no doubt about that. and as john is saying, that college divide, normally you don't see the same kind of divide play out in a general election as you do inside a primary. but it speaks to the fundamental divide in the republican party. the trump takeover of the party, and
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where the party has moved in the trump era the divide between the haleon trump voters as it comes to the education level, is the same kind of divide we're going to see between joe biden and donald trump come november. so you are getting a preview of that. >> i would just note jake. we are seeing in some of these north carolina results, the work that donald trump is going to have to do too bring some of that haley support into the fold. some of it will happen naturally, of course they'll put on the are jersey in november and they will vote for donald trump. but you can see here among people who say they're not part of the maga movement, okay. which is a significant chunk in north carolina, haley wins them as you might expect. 50% to 45. so i just take a look at that and say, okay, how much of that haley, 50% of those that don't identify with trump's big political movement naturally comes to donald trump in november. and how much remains resistant, where joe biden
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could go fishing for votes. we could do this sort of demographic by demographic in these primary results, donald trump dominating inside his party, but there are pockets of voters that we will be asking about for the next eight months across these states as to what slice of these republican primary voters remain so so resistant to donald trump that they may actually be available voters for joe biden maybe stay home, maybe vote third party. >> and so it's a jump into the follow-up, don't want to go to the other map to the 2020, come back to the 2020 presidential election to echo the point. so, you know, joe biden has some bleeding problems to write down, trump has made inroads with latino voters, especially males. there's some evidence he's making some inroads, modest inroads with african american voters, especially african-american man, african males as well. that matters in milwaukee that madison, detroit, that matters in philadelphia, that matters in atlanta. i can go across the country in the background states, but to david's point about who can get there, can joe biden stop the bleeding and the democratic base? and then who gets those haley voters, you say, oh, why does that matter? well, this was a good one, a joe biden, 155,000
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votes, nearly here, 154,000 and change here of the battleground states that was the big leagues he'd write every vote matters if you're bleeding those muslim americans who are mad at you, can you get the haley voters? well, look at the margin here. the other battleground states were so close. the other battleground states were so close in 2020 and also in 2016 that if donald trump is bleeding haley voters, they're available to joe biden that's enough to make up a margin in a place like that 20,000 votes, you come here in a giant state, 7 million votes cast almost 81,000 votes is your margin, right? in pennsylvania, you go down to georgia. it's 11,000 votes. and so close elections are won on the margins. so where do those haley voters go? can joe biden shore up the bleeding he has in the democratic base? and i'll pose a question tonight that we want. we can't answer tonight. we won't be able to answer for some time in what states do which third-party candidates get on the ballot? yeah, election this close, i think that may end up being as defining a question as the education divide and the other
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divides in our politics, in what states are which can aid. from the third-party perspective on the ballot, punch up the north carolina map, if you would, john, i want to bring in jeff zeleny because it's been talking to people on the biden campaign and jeff zeleny what can you tell us about the biden campaign? i'm sure this evening they're looking at north carolina, not just for the democratic votes, but for the haley votes. >> without question, jake and this is something that the biden campaign has really been studying week by week in michigan, of course, but particularly in north carolina. and here is why you look at the fast-growing suburbs around raleigh, wake county, around charlotte, mecklenburg county that john was just talking about there. and this is why the biden campaign believes that north carolina could offer promising ground for them in november the margin of victory for donald trump shrunk considerably from 2016 to 2020 by some 74,000 votes. but those fast-growing areas certainly
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offer some promise. i was at a nikki haley rally just over the weekend in charlotte talking to many of those voters. and it's remarkable to hear these conversations come alive. many republicans, and we're not talking protest votes here. they say they simply can't vote for donald trump. now some say they also can't vote for joe biden. john was just mentioning the third-party candidates that came up again and again and again from nikki haley voters, they are just frustrated by this idea of a rematch here. so the biden campaign at their headquarters in wilmington, and indeed at the white house, they're looking at these results very carefully. so even though the lessons for nikki haley, her sorters may not help her candidacy, but will see how that goes. they certainly could be very telling the biden campaign is already opening a headquarters in raleigh. there'll be opening others there. so the trump campaign knows they will have to spend considerable money in north carolina as well. but again, talking to a democratic official there they say, look the area is growing in other places as well. many people are moving down from pennsylvania,
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other northeast state. so it is a fascinating laboratory that's what's interesting about every presidential campaign year-by year, north carolina now certainly put that sunbelt will be watching this in november 16 electoral votes. it certainly could be an insurance policy. >> jake, jeff, i'm gonna jump in and talking on the jumping quickly. i'll get to jake of the second. i just want to echo the point that jeff making their here you are. the research triangle. here you are here you come out of the circle, the asheville area out here as well, and you look at this is where nikki haley is doing well tonight, we'll see what the final results are, but this is nikki haley's doing well tonight, north carolina is probably the greatest demographic education-wise political parties, tug of war, one of the greatest states, the united states to watch a 50, 50 tug of war. so you see the circles there were haley's doing very well tonight. then you go back to the 2020 presidential map overlaps, right? those are the places joe biden won in north carolina, even though he lost the state. so some a trump supporter might say, oh well, they're just democrats know they are republicans, jake there, are some democrats or independents,
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but they are suburban voters who if we were back in the day of george w bush, or even george hw bush, when republicans won the suburbs on issues like crime on she's like lower taxes there, those kind of voters. but we have seen in recent years since the obama presidency and especially in the trump age, more money in the pockets. higher education level, they tend to vote democratic and they are voting for nikki haley tonight in north carolina. and those are the very voters joe biden, as jeff said, lost by 75,000 as a vote, 74,000 and change in south carolina. but that was a lot better than hillary clinton did four years before that. so we talked about is virginia back in play? i doubt it is north carolina back in play. i doubt that too, except for that down-ballot governor's race, you never know that's why these nights or so interesting. all right, john king, let's bring you now a key race alert because we are getting actual votes now from some of these commonwealths and states in the state of texas, 161 delegates at stake, donald trump is by far in the league 72.3% of the vote, 179,250 votes. that's
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123,354 votes, more than nikki haley, who has 22.5% of the vote. that's 11% of the estimated vote in, in the commonwealth of massachusetts were 40 delegates. it's already stake. >> nikki haley is right now with a very few votes in just over 500 in the lead. she has 49 of the vote, 282 votes it's 27 more than donald trump, who has 45% of the vote. that's 255 votes sets just a few votes sprinkled in there in the state of vermont, donald trump, 17 delegates at stake. donald trump is in the lead, 51.2% of the vote. that is 5,535 votes. he's 630 votes ahead of nikki haley, who has 45.3% of the vote. that's with an estimated 15% of the vote that is still a lot of votes to be kind counted
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john king show me what we got in texas, if you would, the icu have the commonwealth of massachusetts up there, but that's just about 500 votes. so what do you got out of texas? >> texas is a little bigger. texas is a little bigger. we've got aboard the 200,000 votes already in texas and you're seeing it play it again, no major population centers if you look, you see dallas, you see austin, you see used in one of the fastest-growing areas, if not the fastest growing area in the country. 11 there was out in el paso san antonio, the radar not. but you're looking at here are some of the dallas suburb and area is covered in collin county up here, a trump winning that's a quick count, right? so you have a quick count in the state here. donald trump winning north of dallas, that'll trump winning county here. this is this was this is a trump state. we're not looking, but again, you're going to look at the same questions. what about the dallas suburbs? what about austin, which is a college town, it's a blue spot within the state of texas. what about when you get down here to harris county in houston, do you see do you see the same things happening but this is a giant you mentioned second only
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to california when it comes to your batch of delegates. and it's an early lead for donald trump and there's zero expectation will count votes, as we always do. but the trump people believe they have this one wired quite well, especially because you get later in the campaign like this, you're not spending as much time campaigning in these states. you're not spending as much money on television in these states. this is indigenous support. adult trump's support in texas this is deep. >> it is indeed nikki haley with 22.5% of the vote. it's only about a tenth of the vote in this isn't a state that she is particularly raising expectations on, although she did visit the other day. but in the same way that we're looking at other states to see were donald trump's potential weaknesses might be and certainly we spent a lot of the night of the michigan primary a week ago talking about joe biden's potential weaknesses. but when you're looking at donald trump's potential weaknesses, not over the state of taxes, but in terms of demographics, specific voters who might actually go for joe biden, even if they are republicans, what parts of
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texas are you going to be looking at? >> well, so harris county votes just come in. so let's start here again. this is a giant fast growing county that has the city of houston, but then the county has been stretched out. it's an incredible diverse, very rich, diverse. this a lot of republicans were mad about the drop boxes down here. this is one of the state's governor abbott rolled back some of the covid, voting, things down here. this was a huge battleground for voting putting rights in 2020 but it's one of the fast growth. so you've got an urban area here that will be solid blue and then you have some suburbs, so you have a fair amount of republican voters. and so your watch how that plays out. if i'd have to vote in there already, trump getting 70, 77%. if you round that up there in harris county. but again, that's something we want to look at. is haley in the places where haley did not campaign as much or spend as much where maybe there's not as much attention on the race is she she stayed above 30 or she declining in these states that the trump campaign will make the argument. this is a republican state and her number's lower if it stays like that and that's their way to make the case that careful with the fire alarms. now, i make the argument and i'll make
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it through november. suburbs in 2,020.20, 18 in the midterm elections, the suburbs were donald trump's kryptonite, and we still see some evidence of his weaknesses in these primaries. so you keep making the case, but as they watch this happen they'll look down here. travis county is where austin is. this is a democrat. this is a strong democratic stronghold, doesn't mean there's not republicans there. that's where the state capital is. so we'll look for that is more results come in in texas to see if in the urban areas does it pull down ultimately that percentage is haley getting enough votes in places? because i just said there's a ton of trump, especially in these small rural counties. so if you go back just take a look at the 2020 election democrats can win the cities and the close in suburbs, even in a place like texas, do you think it was a red state but just look at that. i mean, this is what donald trump does. and when you go into these counties, goes to the general election, he's getting 77%. this is his foundation. it makes him an incredibly formidable candidate anywhere that has small town in rural america in it. so we come back to the here and now. then you bring it and we're waiting for that to fill in. so i just
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showed you where how he did in the general lecture last time, none of this is filled in yet. most of that both going to him. the question is, again, in the suburbs like everywhere else, we have some oklahoma. oklahoma is another fascinating states. so many of these states, demographics are changing. oklahoma's a red state. oklahoma is a red state but oklahoma county where oklahoma city is. if you go back in time, you come back here. it's joe biden that's pretty close, right? that's pretty close. so there are a lot of democrats in the oklahoma city area here. so you watch this play out. now we're back here. but you have at the moment at the moment, you've totally total trump bread. so as he moves into the southern states and you move west, trump is expecting not only to win, but to dominate the challenges. can haley, again, let's just check on vermont it's close as we get more votes in vermont, it's close issue there, so you keep an eye on that one. then you come down here where she's leading in massachusetts, but at the moment, it's just norton and province town. that's all we have out of my commonwealth to very small communities have reported so far. and after
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tonight, we have the commonwealth of virginia. so what's left? we have pennsylvania, pennsylvania, and kentucky, but we'll focus on this commonwealth for a little bit as we count the votes. >> yeah. all right. donald trump is dominating the early contests on super tuesday with winds in virginia and north carolina, just so far, we're standing by to see how he fares in a slew of other states. we're going to get an update on the key delegate count right now with another poll closing times just around the corner, so much more ahead, we're going to squeeze in a quick break. we'll be right back. >> special live coverage of the state of the union address thursday at eight on cnn wayfair is the talk of the neighborhood. >> come up we want error kleiner, but it had to be chic >> we wait, fair to wait there for the wins fancy. >> we wayfair this and save the time. >> we fair does it again >> it's beautiful.
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meets questionable decision-making. >> and then on faceless, yoy backroom deal so cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution. as someone who lives for politics when a major scandal unfolds, i have to know there's so much more to the story in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday night on cnn is super tuesday on cnn, we have another projection to share right now cnn is projecting the donald trump will win the oklahoma republican primary, 43 delegates at stake. donald trump will win in the oklahoma republican primary. that is the third one this evening that we have called for former president trump. let's take a look at all the states that donald trump has won today. he has one, idaho, iowa michigan, missouri nevada, new hampshire north carolina north dakota, oklahoma, south carolina. and
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this evening we projected that he would win the commonwealth of virginia. that is quite how romping for a non-incumbent presidential candidate. let us now look at the democratic primary in oklahoma, where cnn projects joe biden, the incumbent i've been president's, will win with 36 delegates at stake. that is joe biden's latest victory. this evening that we've projected in addition to victories in other commonwealths and states. let's go to north carolina right now, because earlier boris sanchez noted a projection for the republican nominee for governor. there's a big governor's race and you have some news on the other side of the iowa yeah, jake cnn has now projecting that north carolina attorney general, josh stein, will be democrat in this race come november. stein made a name for himself, as attorney general by suing the trump administration multiple times on a variety of issues, including the environment. i
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stine has a big war chest as well as the backing of the state's governor roy cooper, who is term limited. this is a preview. now as we look at the a projection that cnn has made on the republican side that lieutenant governor mark robinson will be the republican candidate in that race. this is a preview of what will no doubt be one of, if not the most competitive governor's race come november, jake. >> all right. boris. thanks so much. appreciate it. we have a key race alert three now, because we're getting actual votes in for some of these states that we have yet to call in texas 161 delegates at stake. donald trump is in the lead, 74.1% of the vote. that's 394,099 votes, more than 200 at votes, more than nikki haley, who has 20.7% of the vote. that's with an estimated 24% of the estimated vote, about a quarter of the vote in front texas tonight in the state of vermont, what 17 delegates at stake, donald trump is in the lead. it's
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close, but he's still in the league 48.8% of the boat with 9,002 hundred 44 votes. that's 211 more than nikki haley, who has 47 point of the vote. that's what an estimated 27% of the vote in, in the state of tennessee with 58 delegates at stake. donald trump is in the lead with 80.6% of the vote. that's 25,112 votes. and that is 19,998 more than nikki haley, who has 16.4% of the vote. that's with only an estimated 4% of the vote in, in maine, which should prove a battleground again, in november, donald trump has seven before percent of the vote, 1,552 votes. that's about 1,000 more than nikki haley, who has about a quarter of the vote, 24.4% of the vote. the 20 delegates at stake there. that's only two of the estimated vote there. and then in massachusetts with 40 delegates at stake, this is the one place where nikki haley is
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at least as of right now, in the lead, 48.6% of the vote, 1,300 71 votes. that's 48 votes more than donald trump, who has 46 of the vote. not a lot of votes in from the commonwealth of massachusetts let's take a look at vermont now. if we can donald trump just jumped ahead of nikki haley, 48.8% of the vote. he is 9,244 votes. that's 211 more than nikki haley with 47.7% of the vote. that's the 27 of the estimated vote. and let's go back to vermont. she just jumped nikki haley as 48.3% of the vote over donald trump, 48.3 for some of the bone nikki haley has jumped ahead of donald trump. that's only three votes more than donald trump. that's a 28% of the estimated vote david chalian, what do you guys getting in there at the at the exit poll?
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>> we're also tracking delegates here tonight. jake and i got to tell you what place that nikki haley is not getting anything is in the realm of delegates tonight. >> there are >> 865 delegates at stake tonight on this super tuesday in the republican contest, we have been able to allocate 109 delegates so far. all to donald trump. nikki haley, zero delegates so far tonight, this the story of the night, donald trump stretching his delegate lead to an almost insurmountable place. so far 109 tonight, look at now where he's totals are to date in this contest you need 1,215 delegates to become the republican presidential nominee, donald trump, 385. now, nikki haley way back at 43, that is going to be the key metric to watch all night long, jake. >> all right. david chalian, let's look at the vote board here. the magic wall. what are
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you looking at right now first of all, it looks like massachusetts has jumped back to trump. >> houston's of vermont are jumping around one second before we get there just to reinforce it's what david said. look, nikki haley has no public events past tonight, right? yeah. and so i know inside information, i'm just saying it is hard. it is hard. she stayed in this race because she had donors backing her. but she said it was important to give republicans a chance, give republicans in more states a choice. yeah, chance and a choice, right? yeah. so that's math number one. you can look at got it that way by the end of the night, that's likely to be over 1,000. but that's another way to look at it. yeah. >> it is hard even for the deep pocketed never trump donors in the republican party. and there are a lot of them they don't like to waste their money. so the idea was can she have a chance? so that's part of it right there. as you bring that up. so now you look, where are we and you're looking at this, you're looking at the map here right now. and again, if you're governor haley, ambassador haley, you want to convince those donors? i want to stay in another week if that's what she wants, you need some wind somewhere. she three votes
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ahead right now in vermont. so we need to be very careful. we'll just continue to counter about 20% of the about my home state, massachusetts has been jumping back and forth. again, we're early in the count, 401 votes ahead. that's what makes election i it's interesting you watched the seesaw as the votes come in. sometimes i say fun, but i know partisans at home don't like it when i say that word, they're not having fun watching this play out just check a few others. we have some early votes in alabama donald trump. it's 44 to six, so it's very early, but a big lead there. and jake, if you look at texas as well, the numbers pouring in there, as well as 73% for the former president not states. >> all right, we have another projection to make and cnn can project that donald trump i'm will be the winner of the tennessee republican primary, 58 delegates at stake. another big victory for donald trump in a super tuesday that has turned out so far to be pretty super for him. that's donald trump the projected winner of the tennessee republican primary. let's take a look at all the primaries that he has won primaries and caucuses donald
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trump has won in idaho, iowa, we're doing this in alphabetical order as i'm sure you can tell, michigan the zeri nevada new hampshire, north carolina north dakota, oklahoma south carolina, tennessee, which we just called the second ago in virginia, which we call about an hour ago on the democratic side, we have another projection for you as well in tennessee, where jacking that incumbent president joe biden will pick up the state of tennessee with 63 delegates at stake. no real contest. their joe biden will win. tennessee let's bring you a key race alert for you right now and right now, arkansas, the polls just closed and cnn is saying it is too too early to call the state of arkansas with 40 delegates at stake. polls closed at 08:30 eastern time, right now too early to call john king. once again.
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donald trump and this has not happened in modern presidential politics for a non incumbent and people can say, oh, he's like the incumbent, okay. but he's not he's not the actual incumbent. people did jump into the race to run against him. there was a whole field. you might remember ron desantis, governor of florida. people thought he was going to dominate, know, the dominant politician on the republican side is donald trump it into give them in his due. he has won with the exception of washington, dc, he's won every contest, right? >> and we'll watch to see >> if vermont as a state, he's won washington dc, which was a very tiny vote. he's also one down here. we don't show the territory's enough, but he did also went down the us virgin islands as well. so now you're watching to see vermont, just check on it. it was three votes before it's now 31 votes, but we're only about a third of the way in bruyne, the major population centers just starting to trickle. and so if you just look the map again, sometimes you don't need to speak words. the map tells you what you need to now, the delegate count tells you what
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you need to know, the percentage of it is actually jumped up even more. it's 88% of the delegates. so you look at the percentage donald trump cannot mathematically clinch tonight, but he can get within 100 or so of what he needs and he could do that next week. and so what you have here is he has re-made the party in his image. there are there are still some republicans who are trying to take it away, take it back, right? that's over. that's what there's no back. that part of that party doesn't exist anymore. it just doesn't it just does it look at the house of representatives? i'll look at what's happening in the united states senate. mitch mcconnell stepping aside in some of the more governing conservatives trying to keep their power even just within the senate republican conference. this is a new republican party and so you have a very formidable republican front runner who has re-made the party in his image. and i know a lot of people at home are asking, well, wait a minute we all saw january 6. wait a minute. into central proven guilty, but there's all these cases. he has convinced them. he won the last election. never mind anything that happened since then. a majority of these voters are going one of the polls and most of these states still saying that donald
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trump should be president. and so this is his party and again, sometimes i think you've stopped talking just look, this is his this is his party and he is on a march to the nomination that does not mean if the election, if the general election were tomorrow, there's a lot of data that suggests he would win right at this moment of time. it's not tomorrow. it's eight months from now. so you have two very strong front runners who both have very significant weaknesses. and then you have the question of the third party candidates, which i raised earlier. >> and so the weaknesses come in the sense of in very much the way you're talking about how he is reforming the republican party more working class people, including voters of color, african american, men primarily, but also latinos. and also the democrats picking up more educated voters. but there's also, so you talked about the education divide also a big gender divide it, men voting republican, women voting democrat. >> and so you mentioned the
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gender divide. we have seen evidence since the dobbs decision, the reversal, the overturning of roe v. wade, that that issue helps republicans. we have not had a presidential election out. the democrats, i'm sorry, that issue helps the democrats motivate and turn out their voters. we've seen that in state after state, including red states it's like kansas, purple states, states like ohio. we have not seen that in a presidential election context. so is that joe biden has an enthusiasm trump does not have an enthusiasm problem among his people among his people, he has an enthusiasm problem. again, pick a place. we'll go to north carolina. he has a problem among the places where who better voting for nikki haley, republicans voted for them. so you watch that play out, and then you come up here. we were talking earlier. he was behind it for now. he's one vote ahead. one vote, one vote, one vote. tell me that your vote doesn't matter. >> one vote. witch, which again, we're not done for the night. but if you do what we do in your on live television on that long, the seesaw is part of the magic of democracy and so 48.2 to 48 point to a third of the vote in, we will continue to watch vermont we do
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that because it's important. >> all 50 >> all 50 states matter and every vote in the matters. but again, to not overstate it, it's fine and it's interesting, it's fascinating. we'll watch it. but when you just look at the scope of that, jake from coast will see where we are. we touched the other coast tonight and we get to alaska and we're going to get to that coast. and so susan collins of maine had the guts to stand up to donald trump. trump was already winning. the easier thing to do was either endorse him or stay quiet. she stood up. we'll see what happens. it made tonight. we're very early in the count right here. she knows what she's doing. she did it. lisa murkowski kasky, female republican center of the maverick from alaska, who actually lost to a tea party candidate. remember? and then one is a write-in. >> lisa >> murkowski stood up, endorsed nikki haley. so you do still have a small faction of the republican party that is willing to stand up and make clear, not only does it not want trump, but it's what they are. those two republican women, most of them the republican men, have gotten running. those two republican women have stood up and said, even though i see what's happening, i still want to say i don't like it. >> learned john king. thanks so
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much. we're closing in on another important hour when voting ends in three states, including the second biggest this prize of the night the state of texas, that could give donald trump and other big jolt to his delegate count, or perhaps pack a surprise, we have more results coming up, stay with america's choice 2024, super tuesday he's brought to you by voice well-planned well, invested well-protected. >> there's some things that we're better together, like your workplace benefits and retirement savings for you helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investments so you can feel confident in your financial choices. >> well-planned, well invested, well protected
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love a chance to frame it for you. >> president biden's last state of the union before the 2024 election, with challenges at home and abroad, can he? make the case for four more years? and the white house join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address thursday at eight on cnn >> and cnn has a another projection for you now see cnn can project that in the state of maine, incumbent president joe biden will be the winner of that state's democratic primary. 24 delegates at stake. joe biden will win the main democratic primary. cnn can also project that in the commonwealth of massachusetts with 92 delegates at stake, incumbent president joe biden will be the winner of that state's democratic primary to bring you a key race alert now because we're getting votes from, four important states in the republican primary process. let's take a look at the vote board in vermont with 17 delegates at stake. donald trump maintains his lead 48.2% the vote, one vote ahead when i
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was talking about the lead, he maintained, i'm referring to this one vote. donald trump is 10,000 was a 992 votes. nikki haley has 10,991 votes. that's about a third of vermont vote is in the third estimated vote. donald trump has one more vote. then nikki haley in texas. and the republican primary, 161 delegates at stake, donald trump. far in the lead, 74.9% of the vote, 674,700 at five votes. that's almost 500,000 more votes than nikki haley, who has 19.9% of the vote. that's a pretty big chunk of the vote in 40% of the estimated vote in from taxes, donald trump off to a rather healthy lead there in the commonwealth of massachusetts, 40 delegates at stake, donald trump again, with a sizable lead, it's only 2% of the estimated vote, but he has 60.7% of the vote, 8,894 votes. that is about 37 nodes that's 3,700 votes more than nikki haley, who has 35.4% of the vote. again, that's a miniscule
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amount of the vote. there are 2% of the estimated vote in massive susan in maine with 20 delegates at stake. donald trump has 71.2% of the vote, 71.4% of the vote. i'm sorry, they just updated at 7,200 good. and 95 votes. that's more than 5,100 votes, more than nikki haley who has 21.3% of the vote. that's what the 10% of the estimated vote put in donald trump off to a very healthy lead in the state of maine, which will prove crucial in november let us turn now to the republican caucuses out west in utah. that's a state where nikki haley has some hope trying to cut into trump's support. and they, cnn's brian todd, is at a caucus site in sandy, utah it's in the general vicinity of salt lake city at brian, what are you hearing from haley supporters? what are you seeing there >> we're going to talk to a haley supporter and just a
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second, jake, but we have hundreds of voters who are just jacked up to be here tonight, so much so that they were instructed to show up here at 06:00 p.m. local time, 08:00 p.m. eastern time. just to check in, will they started showing up a half hour before that? the line extended out the door here that it got freezing outside, so they kind of move the line in here. it extends all the way down the hallway. here, i'm going to talk to a haley supporter right now. is name is david janky. david's lived here good for about 39 years, nine years. why do you want to support nikki haley in this race and supporting her? because number one, she's a great and strong conservative. she has many of the same policies as donald trump. but i like your policies regarding ukraine and nato much better because in support, strong support of ukraine as well. >> and you say that if donald trump wins the nomination, you're going to switch over to him. >> whoever wins. i'm going to vote for passionately and i just think nikki haley with her character, with her policies, she would be a better united uniter rather for our country.
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and i'm going to support her if she comes out on top. absolutely >> well, david, good luck in the caucusing tonight. are you excited since it's an exciting process to tell people from outside who don't, who don't know what a caucus is like, how much funner it's a lot of fund because we gathered together and neighborhood broken down by precinct when i go to a caucus meeting, i see half the people there i know. and a slight meeting your own families right here in utah. so a lot of pfk-1 for a lot of people, a lot of excitement you can probably hear it in the background >> absolutely. it's great to meet you. good luck, david. good luck in the caucusing and have fun tonight. all right, guys, quickly we're going to show you where people are checking in over here. you check in, you get a wristband, then you're told to go to your caucus room. there are 36 precincts voting here tonight. 36 caucus rooms. we're going to show you some of that activity and the count as it's happening, jake. >> all right. >> brian, todd, thanks so much. it looked like an episode of the third wilder's. our town was about to break out there. let's go to david chalian is digging deeper into our exit polls, especially with the question that we've been
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wondering about the nikki haley voters in north carolina, who are they tell us more about them? >> yeah. and i think this is going to be the important information that both the trump and the biden campaign will be yet here that we've been talking about throughout the evening. so among haley voters in north carolina, remember, she's losing the state badly right now that donald trump's she's got like 22 he said of the vote the last time i checked, but among haley voters, a majority of them are out there voting against donald trump. they are anti-trump voters. the motivation is voting again her opponent, 56% say so. how about whether or not they think donald trump is mentally fit to serve effectively among haley voters? in battleground north carolina. >> two-thirds >> of them say trump is not mentally fit to serve dealings if donald trump wins the nomination, obviously so you might suspect this will be a largely dissatisfied group 73% of haley voters in north
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carolina say they will be downright dissatisfied if indeed donald trump wins the nomination and what about will you vote republican in november regardless of who that nominee is? >> haley voters and this is the warning sign for donald i'm trump at 1% of them say no, they are not an automatic vote for the republican nominee. we know they're out there voting against donald trump. donald trump this team we're gonna have to bring some of these people back into the fold. >> fascinating stuff. david chalian, i'm back here at the magic wall with our good friend john king. we're talking about haley voters in north carolina. tell me what your life looking out here. so her percentage has dropped its 24%. now, if you look, remember when you here last time, she was leading in some counties were not done yet. it's possible she will not leading in any county salini any counties right now. okay. and so she was leading here and wake county. she's down a 40%. wow, as more votes come in, right? exactly. in raleigh. >> and then you move over here to durham county at 44%. so she's getting any higher percentages, about half the
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vote could swing. let's stay with it and go through it. but but as we as we talk about donald trump's weaknesses and they are weaknesses at the same time, i want to give him his due. i want to give him his due. and part of this is trump's support. part of it might also be a psychology in the republican party that were over. we're done. yeah, it's time to time the rally come home. you heard the gentleman brian todd was just talking to. he's gonna vote for nikki haley's happened. he said he'll be passionate for any republican come november. so that's the question. is, are more republicans like that gentleman who says, i'm for haley tonight. i'm gonna go into a caucus that's harder, right? you're looking someone in the, in santa for and then he's going to be there in november. but here is you look through it. you still have it's trump bread. but 45% in the key places, charlotte, in the suburbs around it, close elections in the battleground states, north carolina is on the edge of being a battleground state your home, commonwealth, pennsylvania. and that's what that's what you're talking about. these are the people who live in bucks county and in delco and around in there and they decide close elections, their suburban voters they have college education. some of them had advanced degrees and so hats
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off to trump, who's now the county by county, looking even stronger in north carolina, but but you still see the same weaknesses and i'm just going to pop up to my home. we don't have enough votes yet to see this here. i'm trying to get out into the boston suburbs area to see if it's the same area out there again, that's it uses a blue state. it's going to be blue in november, we're not trying to suggest otherwise. you just try to learn lessons from these places as you went through them. we've called virginia, but what do you gotten virginia? i mean, there were votes coming in there that i can tell us stuff. >> virginia, you sit you do see here again, more of a blue state, right? more of a north carolina. >> i >> would lean red. there are some people want to call it a battleground state. i would call it a light red state in presidential politics, since obama won, it wants 2008 historic black turnout. it stayed pretty consistent republican system. but when you come here again, this, this is it. we'll see if the north carolina results stay all trump red across the counties. but here, richmond mean county, it's the state capital. it's the blue spot within a blue presidential state, but a purple statewide state and state elections. the
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commonwealth of virginia that's where nikki haley's running there and you come up to the northern virginia suburbs. this is a warning sign for donald trump. this is an area joe biden won. the scenario that has been trending democratic again, the more affluent, upscale, college-educated suburbs george w bush could win, hear. donald trump cannot. that's the world we live in right now. so she is winning up here in arlington county is getting much more liberal. she's getting 74% of the vote you point to those small rural county, jake's where donald trump gets 74%. i say that's the foundation. there's so many of them, especially in the bigger states. well, this is the flip side of that. you know, nikki haley getting 70 before percent in arlington county? no republicans going to win only thing county come november, but that is a warning sign to donald trump that a certain type of voters who live in virginia, live in wisconsin, lynn, pennsylvania, live in arizona, live in georgia, live in the states that pick our presidents the places to pick our presidents have a problem with donald trump very interesting, john king, we are nearing another critical hour on this high-stakes super tuesday. >> the >> polls are going to close in 09:00 in texas and in colorado
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and in minnesota, a total of 237 republican delegates will be at stake in those three states. more than two-thirds of them in one state? in particular, taxes alone, star state has the second biggest delegate stash of the night. the biggest is way out in california. donald trump is angling for a big victory in texas nikki haley has campaigned in colorado and minnesota more so than in texas. she views those states is potentially friendlier turf. we'll see if she was right former president trump lost both colorado and minnesota. the president biden in 2020. while republicans, top delegate rich texas as trump contrary clearly, let's go back to ed lavendera, who is in el paso, texas ad set the scene for us as your polling place gets ready to close there in el paso well we, are one of the busier polling places here in east el paso. we've got about ten minutes left and people who are in line will be able to catch their ballots tonight. so there's a long line of people
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coming out of this particular polling location. so as i mentioned, about ten minutes left and we've been here all day taking the pulse of voters that we've heard from democrats and republicans since joined now here by bruce gomez. bruce, do you mind if i asked you who you voted for and why you did that? >> yeah. i'm here. i'm going to turn and i'm supporting the judges. i support light and garcia, marlene gonzalez, lynda barry's here. as selina science. and that's why i voted for and it's very important for el paso to be out here and you voting for, you've been involved in the local right? crisis. how about the presidential level? >> who >> did you vote for? >> i can't disclose that >> i don't hold out on me now let me ask you to you this way joe biden at this el paso very democratic is there enthusiasm for joe biden out there from what you're sensing >> i don't think so >> why do you think that is >> just the way he's been running the country lately, but yeah, i don't i don't think he's are we had a better
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choice? >> right. >> so are you worried about what this portends for november i am. >> yeah. i don't i mean if i could have a valid with democrats and republicans, i think that'd be a better choice, but unfortunately, el paso is very democrat. so in order to help my my colleagues and the judges here, i have to vote democratic. >> those things are shaping out right now. we probably are seeing joe biden and donald trump on the ballot come november. what do you do then? >> i don't know. that's a good question >> could you see yourself voting for donald trump >> i don't think the ballot allows me >> so if if i'm voting, if i have if i'm voting for judges here that are democrat and i'm a democrat then i'm running i only have one option. i'm not going to vote for trump. but if there's a better republican candidate, i would vote for them. >> got you. all right. well, thank you, bruce. i appreciate it. so you know, it's kind of
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interesting as we've heard here in el paso so a democratic stronghold, jake, a great deal of support for joe biden. but what we've heard over and over, it's been very kind of lukewarm support. and as you heard from this voter, wouldn't tell us who we voted for and that's kind of one of the things that democrats are concerned about. we've also heard from several republicans, i should point out that say they wanted to vote for nikki haley and that they were thinking that if donald trump because the nominee that they would sit it out in november, if that's the case, jake. interesting. ed lavandera and el paso, texas. let's go to colorado now where we find john berman at polling place in castle rock, which is just outside denver. john just a few minutes left to vote there yeah, just about closing time is semi sonic would say jake, we have one voter in one of the booths behind me here >> really vying to be the last voter here in castle rock, colorado in douglas county. they have been coming in all data vote here in person, which is interesting because well over 85% of colorado those coloradans vote by drop box. it's one of the dropbox is here nearly 1 million people had already voted before these
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in-person polling locations opened this morning, we were here when the doors to open will be here when the doors closed, i'm going to speak to a voter. i've got to walk more than 100 feet here from the polling location to speak to a voter. they're just want to say the people here in douglas county, these poll workers have been amazing. they're incredibly polite, they're incredibly efficient, and they stick to the rules and i give them credit for making us walk these hundred feet, not just because i can get my steps and jake, while working covering elections, but also because it shows just how fairly elections are. we swapped to a lot republican voters and democratic voters. one of the things i've heard from democratic voters is there here to support joe biden? they very much know the state of the union address is thursday night, and they are looking forward to what he has to say. i do have a voter here. i have no idea who she voted for. what's your name, ma'am? >> i'm katie. >> katie. what you show up tonight? >> i think it's really important for everybody says to be heard and for our politicians to listen to us as citizens. >> what's the most important
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issue to you >> right now is education for me, who you vote for. joe biden, the state of the union addresses thursday night. what do you need to hear from him? >> his policies on education is policies for human rights. his policies on how he's going to be handling global issues coming up as well. >> how do you feel like the election is going for him so far >> i think it's okay. i think that he needs to speak up more. i think he needs to listen to what people are saying and i'm excited to see how it turns out. >> how do you feel about his age? >> i think that we need younger people in politics in general. i don't think that the edge of any of our politicians is great right now. so hopefully we will see younger representation. >> thank you for coming out to vote. thank you for talking to us. jake. let's go back to you. thanks. john berman and castle rock, colorado. let's go over to the magic wall and see were more votes have come in and from those votes, john king will glean wisdom and analysis >> the headline there is all trump bread, right? so what you're looking at at the moment, it's not a big night for donald trump, but big nights in the margins, a little
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yellow right? there is a little talia that's just that's that's the district of columbia. we can stretch it out for you. nikki haley he's only when at the moment is the republican primary in the district of columbia. so far, and that's not to make light of. she got the two-person race she wanted, and she's ron and she said donors behind her. and the republican party has said no. and i think the republican party tonight, when i show you some of these margins, remember when joe biden won south carolina after he lost the first three? conduct in 2020, he won south carolina and the democratic party said, we're done, right, okay. we're with him and we're done. and you had a contested race up to that point. i think we're seeing a bit of that tonight. number one, donald trump is strong, don't, don't, i'm not trying to say he's not very strong anyway, but you're just starting to see it in the margins here. and we're not done counting anywhere, everywhere yet. but he's stretching out. we've called this day projected north carolina ii, stretching out the size of the lead there. then you come over here into more of donald trump's wheelhouse, tennessee, again, more votes to count. but you see right there your eyes don't lie about that number. you move down to alabama. it's even more of a warming long way to go in the
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count here. so that number is likely to change. but you see that happening right there. then you come, you see the early results in arkansas in hello, hello, 75%. yeah, it is the south. the south is saying, we're fine with donald trump. look at oklahoma. that's all every county so far, about a third of the vote. again, things can change as you go through ed lavendera just came to us from el paso, some of texas still open to vote in the places where they are reporting votes already. you have one one small county, robertson county, 215 to one. we'll see if that stays that way. it's only 9% of the vote. but again, just step back, look at the county lines, look at all that red. so you pull out and you look and you're thinking, okay this could be nikki haley's last stand tonight. is there anything where you can get a republican donor to say, i want you to stay in the race, governor. so we're going to watch these states up in new england or vermont is still very close. donald trump ahead, but only by about 755 votes there ways to count over here. you come over to maintain a healthy early lead. it's about 12. that's not so early as 27% so the vote right there, as you
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watch, you see only a smattering of the votes and known it comes to the small town. some of these small towns can be a little slow in counting. that's the nature again, my home state donald trump with a healthy lead there as well, only 5% of the vote we'll see what's happening. but if you see a play out, i'm noticing earlier, i just want to check only 20 buses for hard for me to fathom. it's my home city than a city reports votes. and they only report 20. it has to be the tiniest of precincts that the city of boston has reported the votes right there. but we'll watch that one plays out. but if you look at the map, the margins in new england are a bit smaller. so that's an early one in maine is still a big one. vermont is a small i'll margin. you come down to massachusetts inside. i'm saying 20 points as a small margin. that's laughable in some ways, but i say that just because of what we're seeing when you walk through your north carolina's, you come over to tennessee you looked down in alabama you see oklahoma and then jake qc right below it in texas 76% as we


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