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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 6, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow at eight on cnn it's wednesday, march 6, right now on cnn this morning approaches, end. >> they did that in their countries from where they came. they'd be killed instantly. instantly. they wouldn't do that >> donald trump dominant on super tuesday pulling off in your sweep that could spell the end for nikki haley, president biden, hoping to drive home two key points when he delivers his state of the union address later this week, why he's fit for a second term and why donald trump is not and nikki haley still hanging on on foot for how long after seeing her hopes all but slip away on super tuesday >> all right. it is 05:00 a.m. here in washington. that is a live look at the lincoln memorial on this wednesday morning nikki haley had a rough
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night last night, donald trump. all but sweeping the primaries on super tuesday, although i will point out, nikki haley did have that slightly unexpected win. here in vermont. again, trump with that near sweep and it looks like the november rematch that americans don't want is exactly what they'll get after that sweep on super tuesday, trump dominating nearly every race, winning by big margins and state after state. now closing in on the 1,215 delegates that he would need to formally secure the nomination >> but they come into our country. we're going to stop and we're going to close our borders. we're going to have to deport a lot of people, a lot of bad people, because our country's cat live like this. our cities our cities are choking jeff our states are dying. and frankly, our country is dying. and we're going to make america great again, greater than ever before all
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right, let's bring in our panel. i would have geoff duncan, former georgia lieutenant governor axios, publisher, nick johnston, and cnn political analyst jackie kucinich, also of the boston globe. thank you all so much for being here this morning. it was a late night. i know for a lot of us jackie, let me start with you just kind of big picture here the big question obviously we came and sat down with this table right before we came on air, right? everyone's wondering, what is nikki haley going to do at this point because this path is really set at this point for trump, there's no public schedule which doesn't really mean anything you can always cancel campaign events like nikki haley isn't yeah, exactly. for all intents and purposes, we're in the general election and you've got that kind of flavor last week when you had biden and trump at the border and those dueling press conferences, press availabilities that they had. and so it really what nikki haley does at this point it's really for her and her supporters rather than the country writ large >> i mean, jeff, what did you
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>> make of what we saw play out last night and the big thing that haley's team has been focusing on is saying, look, there, there is a strong sentiment against donald trump in the party. it's ranges anywhere from 25 to 40% depending on the state. it's not insignificant but it's also not really surmountable for her. >> well, what i hope nikki, haley's stays in the race. i think it's important at this at this point, have a counterweight to donald trump and to joe biden. i mean, at the end of the day, there's 100 million people waking up today just absolutely shaking their heads at that. we're in this position you've got to 90 or 81. sorry. freudian slip, 81 year-old president who people are gonna be watching the state of the union, not necessarily for the content, but just to see if he can actually deliver it. then of course you've got donald trump and his 91 indictments in all the riffraff that's going on there. so i certainly hope that somebody stays in there, but there's literally 100 million people that just can't believe we got to where we're at today and look, you can break down these numbers anyway, you want the top-line numbers are obviously impressive with these delegate wins. but there's so much heartburn spread across these parties that there's gotta be
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something other than donald trump and joe biden. and most people's minds >> nick we have this new memo from the biden campaign just off of embargo a couple of minutes ago, right at the top of five i am. and they honestly, they focus a lot on nikki haley's voters, right? in this memo, right? in terms of how they're looking ahead to the general election and they call trump cash-strapped beleaguered by a host of issues and they pointed some of the general election polling has been tough for the biden team in the course of the last couple of weeks, they pointed that they've written a lot of questions raised about the recent new york times poll, but that poll did show 10% of voters are undecided. i have trouble believing that knowing how our politics is because nearly borders which ended in jail, just scrolling through the race results this morning. and in every state, you doubled digits were against donald trump and i talked about last time i was here, is that donald trump is running as an incumbent, right? he's essentially been the de facto nominees and it's like since
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he lost the last time, right? and still losing 1015, 2020, 5%, 30% of losing vermont. and so there is a huge to the biden campaign's point. i think a huge, mass of voters in the report, more voting and republican primary know whether those are democrats playing like plague mischief is the one thing, but there's a massive amount and like you said earlier, there's millions of people who are just not happy with their results. >> and it's 11 same people in terms of demographically, right? it's people in the suburbs, it's college-educated people that are casting their vote effectively against donald trump. and perhaps some of these people voted for joe biden and does have decided to take a pass on him, whether they come home or not to donald trump in november is really the most interesting polling data is when you go into people who were in republican primaries and how many of them say they will not vote for donald trump. i think it's one in seven when the most it's recent poll and then the question is, okay, well, where did those people go? and if donald trump has a floor from the last election which he lost, it's not going higher will then the biden campaign is probably very excited about that possibility. >> yeah, this group of
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individuals, this 30 to 40% that ranges in state, the state, in the republican side these are, these are cemented individuals, right? not all of them are going to the disavowal donald trump eventually. but a huge portion of omar and that's the math problem that me and others have been talking about within the republican party is there's no way to overcome the suburbs with donald trump is your candidate with that kind of math, where there's 1015 ish percent that are just not going to either show up or not going to vote for donald trump or figure out a different way to off-gas their opinion. >> jeff, where do you stand personally mean when you think about this and your family was obviously so affected by what donald trump did, but you're also a republican at someone who's done a lot of work and put a lot of effort into the republican party. i mean, i know we've seen people like brian kemp have electoral success in georgia for sure, but i mean, when you think about making this decision, how do you think about but that who to vote? >> yeah, i'm disgusted. i mean, i voted for nikki haley the other day right before i came up here early in georgia and it's so difficult because i'm conservative. i just don't
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think the 2020 elections rigged. in fact, i've got kids that are more conservative than donald trump. is that have been republicans longer than donald trump has. he has just put a spell on the republican party, that history is not going to be kind to, but this is the moment we're living in. and instead, like as a republican, i look at joe biden, say the only the only person that they could beat him at that moment was a democrat, right? in 2020 end he did it. it wasn't joe biden are rigged election or the, or the chinese are the venezuelans or whatever there they're excuses where it was donald trump lost the race because he just wasn't a good human in those races >> all right. guys, stay with us here. >> coming up next, what >> president biden must prove to voters when he delivers his state of the union address tomorrow night. >> plus the white house >> issuing a warning to one of israel's top i'm military chiefs. and the alabama senate taking action to prevent, protect, in vitro fertilization will have it all up next president biden is. bless thee to the union before the 2024
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election. with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years? and the white house joints cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow at eight times cnn. >> i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried to be felt more energy adjust to weeks. here, i'll take back. >> i'm sure not to protein dairy grams, protein one prime, sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic a heart attack, do they have life insurance >> no. >> but we have life insurance >> john, i'm trying to find something we can afford unfortunately it only a few minutes, select boat found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month and his wife and a >> $500,000 policy for only $21 a month go to select now and get the insurance your family needs at a price you can afford. select quote, we shop, you'll save emergency crystals, pomp and fizz when you throw them back. and who
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body wash with plant-based moisturizers in harmony with their bodies. for healthier feeling skin all these details added something greater. new dove men plant powered body wash i'll rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn >> welcome back. the biden administration, delivering a message to a top israeli government officials tuesday and also possibly to one of his political rivals back home, benny gantz as a member of the israeli war cabinet and a moderate rival to right-wing prime minister benjamin netanyahu, a spokesman says, secretary of state anthony blinken pushed gantz for israel to do more to get food and supplies into gaza. as the humanitarian crisis there deepens we want to see another crossing open and it's something we're engaged with quite directly with the israeli government that includes in the >> conversation that the secretary had, minister gantz today, he was quite direct and quite frank about the seriousness of the situation on the ground. >> all right. cnn's max foster joins us live from london max,
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good morning to you. so sure. they had the us government message for gantz. fine. but honestly, gantz is presence here without the sanction of his own government where he's meeting with the vice president of united states. now with the secretary of state there's a lot here. what is he hoping to achieve? what's really going on? >> well, his poll numbers are very high compared with benjamin netanyahu within israel. he's clearly the main opposition figure for benjamin netanyahu. and i think it probably works for him to be seen as this leader on the global stage ahead of any next set of elections if and when they happen within israel. so there's gotta be some sort of political thinking. there you've got to also think that you don't just walk into washington and get meetings with kamala harris? so i think it's the american perspective that's interesting as well here. they are embracing him. there's something they feel they can get from this meeting and not too concerned about upsetting benjamin netanyahu at home. so as you were saying, a
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message for benjamin netanyahu as well, we are dealing with this figure. benny gantz, who if america is looking at a two-state solution one day in israel, benny gantz is much more. he hasn't supported that, but they could probably work within more easily on that in future than they would benjamin netanyahu, america getting very involved in israeli politics here. he's not there as you are saying, representing the israeli government can't help but wonder what that says about the relationship between president biden and prime minister netanyahu and how its faring at this very moment. and speaking of president biden, i mean, he's going to head into the state of the union address on thursday night, likely without a cease-fire agreement, even after late last week, he had ties that there would be won by monday. i mean, they were really hoping this would be something he would be able to get up there at that podium and talk about. and instead, we're talking about trying to airlift aid into gaza from the us because the situation has gotten just so incredibly dire.
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there. what's the view from your side of the pond in terms of the president's, the us president's political problems around this at home and how it's affecting what's actually happening to the people who are suffering in gaza sorry, from the uk, you never get major criticism of us is the most important international partner, but a very similar conversation happening here today. gantz is coming to london and david cameron is gonna be meeting him. and it's all that coal conversations about aid. and i think it could get even more spiky because david cameron said much stronger words around aid. he's saying that basically israel as an occupying power, has a legal responsibility to make sure people within gaza are fed. international law does actually say that any occupying power has a duty to ensure food and medical supplies to the population under its control to the fullest extent of the means available to it. so that's gonna be really the big message he's got with gantz today to
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take back to israel. there have been a convoy is blocked by the israelis, the americans having to fly in aid now is the pictures we're getting out of starvation in northern gaza in particular, are absolutely horrific thick and to see joe biden talking about a ceasefire, not getting it. i do think it makes him look like less of a leader to the rest of the world when he stands up in front of his own congress because it hasn't been able to push it through yeah, it's it's a tough set of circumstances for sure all the way around, max foster for us in london. max, thank you very much. as always, i'll see you tomorrow >> are coming up next here. no events on nikki haley's calendar. what does that tell us? >> plus, why house >> republicans are slowing down impeachment for the homeland security secretary >> vegas >> story of sin city next sunday at ten on cnn >> a perfect day for a family only audi shingles doesn't care. but she reads quote techs
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united states? he said scandal with jake tapper. >> i've got to get a therapist, if they're having an interview with jake tapper, you episodes next sunday at nine on cnn >> all right. 21 minutes past the hour here's our morning round up. the alabama senate expected to hold its final vote today to pass legislation protecting in vitro fertilization. the bill will shield ivf patients and doctors from civil and criminal charges sources say house republicans have not sent articles of impeachment against dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas to the senate first want to know if the senate will agree to fold a trial and a first for collegiate sports, dartmouth's men's basketball team just voted to unionize dartmouth says they're going to appeal a decision by the national labor relations board who recognize the players as school employees. >> all right. time now for >> whether the east coast preparing for plenty of wet weather, but first swan, it's swamping the southeast. let's get straight to our weatherman van dam, derek. good morning. so who needs an umbrella today?
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>> yeah. take it from me. if you're in atlanta, you need an umbrella, but you also need to watch out for flash flooding. we actually have a flash flood warning that's in place through about 09:30 this morning. this band of rain just pivoted a right around the greater atlanta metro region. we look at it, a swamping the southeast, lots of precipitation. we've got i just have my house here in atlanta over three inches of rain here within the past 24 hours. so that's significant, that's enough to rapidly rise some of those rivers. that is why the national weather service has this flash flood warning. and that includes a population of over 1 million people. so significant, that's why we're starting off with that. but guess where that rain is going? the east coast and this has got a concerning trend to it considering that this area saw widespread two to three inches of rain very recently. so a very saturated ground. i remember this is a sandy soil across the east coast, so it doesn't take much to flood that's why flash flood watches have been issued for many of the major east coast cities. just look how
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much rain above average since the beginning of the year, we stand providence, rhode island nearing five inches above our average for this year, it's been a wet winter. we know that in new york city, very little snow, but too much rain. look at where this precipitation is going again at swan pumped the southeast this morning, but then it's going to move off the east coast and it's going to get some influence from the gulf stream. so we're going to take in a lot of atlantic moisture and that is going to just dump this in the form of heavy precipitation from new york to boston. so the potential there for one to three inches of rain today look out for flash flooding, especially along that i95 corridor. you've been warned >> all right. our weatherman van dam, derek. thank you very much. i'll see you next hour or up next hear donald trump closer than ever to clinching the nomination with a near sweep on super tuesday, plus president biden's plan to take on trump will tell you about the new campaign memo this out this hour president biden's last state of the union before the 2024 election,
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>> with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years? and the white house? join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow at eight on cnn, with so many choices on, there are so many tina fey as i could be i hired body doubles, indoorsy, tina loves her to look sweet >>, booking dot yeah my plaque psoriasis was so bad. i couldn't get my hair done. >> my psoriasis it was all my joints started hurting. found out it was psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected for me, consent to ics works on both five years and counting >> did you know people with psoriasis on the scalp have a four times higher risk of developing story out of arthritis, which have left untreated you can lead to permanent joint damage. coast syntax works on all of this and help stop further joint damage.
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seniors at a farmer's market, right? >> don't get me wrong. i love a fresh heirloom, but it's like those companies think we're all this saying that's why i chose humana before i signed up, i spoke to someone who actually listen to what i need it. she told me about benefits that were right for me, like vision and dental all in my budget i finally feeling control >> what are you doing >> taking control >> a more human way to health care. >> king charles denied it on cnn all right, a live look at long beach, california. people there flipping off their super tuesday hangover. we've got some interesting results in some races that aren't at the presidential level that will dig into in a little while. >> but first, good morning. thanks for mean up with us. i'm kasie hunt just before 530 here on the east coast and like it or not, the 2024 election, almost certainly to be a rematch of the 2020 race after joe biden and donald trump
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nearly pulled off sweeps on super tuesday. the numbers tell the story, trump dominating nearly every state. and now within a fingertip of clinching the nomination. now, nikki haley did when vermont her campaign is not commenting on whether she plans to stay in the race. they did release a statement that says, quote we're honored to have received the support of millions of americans across the country today, including in vermont, where nikki became the first republican woman to win two presidential primary contests. today in state after state, there remains a large bloc of republican primary voters who are expressing deep concerns about donald trump. that is not the unity that our party needs for success. trump for his part, calling the outcome of super tuesday historic but could not help bringing up the same old grievances from the 2020 election the tragic thing happened during the election. it was a tragedy because you wouldn't have think of it all of the problems that you have today. i don't think you would
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have had any of them you'd only have success. and that's what's ultimately going to unify this country and unify this party. >> okay >> president biden's campaign is out with a new memo just minutes ago at the top, the hour they called trump, a wounded, dangerous, and unpopular man. and this quote, we have a clear path to victory let's bring back our panel. geoff duncan, jackie kucinich, nick johnston >> nick. >> it's actually kind of interesting to me that we have to use this the caveat language near-sweeps, and that's near-sweeps on both sides. i mean, biden actually lost in american samoa of all this morning. they had a primary in americanism. they did >> yeah. course trump lost in vermont because on the one hand, the broad story line is this rematch has said there's no way around it. >> but the >> underneath of it is there are a heck of a lot of people who are really unhappy. >> the top line of this rates didn't change yesterday. it didn't change a week ago, it didn't change two weeks ago. i
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think we've been on up pretty much a runaway freight train adding to one result that one resultant, most americans don't really want, which is a trump-biden rematch. and so what makes it more interesting is instead of looking at the top line numbers, looking at those bottom line are the numbers aren't beneath those. and again, 2020, 5%, 30% in some of the states, donald trump running as a presumed incumbent in charge of the party, losing a lot of voters in his primary. there the biden side, right? there was a big result in michigan and minnesota 89, 10% of people like voting, none of the above for joe biden saying, i'm omit these candidates have problems that they need to solve. and the one thing that's been drifting, but the primary there has been raising that as opposed to answering the question of who the nominees are gonna be renewed, that be honest, probably in january >> it's in some ways this is the shortest primary contests i've covered. yeah, probably in my career. just because of how quickly this has come together >> but jackie >> the problems for president biden kind of in here, or i'm sorry, the problems for former president trump a contrast to
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me with obviously the polling for joe biden is tough, right? people are very focused on his age. they think he's too old to run the thing that i'm still trying to wrap my head around is the biden campaign contention that like people don't actually believe that donald trump is going to be the nominee. and when they come around to accepting that, that's the case. then the battle will formally be joined. it will become not just a referendum on joe biden, but a referendum on donald trump. do we think anything in the results last night bears that out or not? >> that's tough because i think i think it might be because they're now nikki haley is kind of lost the argument that most of america hasn't voted. we're now i think halfway point and so you are seeing the republican party by and large embrace trump again. so i don't know that that's bearing out, however, i do think that there is a people are waking up to the fact that this is going to be a rematch. >> it, which is why you hear >> joe biden say things like don't judge me, what does it against? don't i think that's
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going to be i mean, that's definitely gonna be like a watch phrase. you hear over and over again because they're just going to keep pointing at trump and hope that that contrast pulls them over the line. yeah, i mean, the argument that they're making this morning, jeff, is that the biden campaign, trump is greatly under-performing with voters who will decide the the election in november, they say trump's continued to lose moderates, underperform amongst suburban voters. he's shown that showed up in super tuesday. i guess. my question is, is that going to be enough? do you think that that's that's convincing at this point that if trump has these weaknesses that we've seen in through super tuesday, that he can't win in a gentle well, those statements are true. >> they're accurate, and that >> i believe expresses the roughly 35% that we keep seeing show up state after state after state. it really is just surprising to see how consistent this heartburn meter has been for republicans and for democrats, it's been about 35% for republicans it's about ten to 15% of the democrat side, whether it be an uncommitted vote or, or some of
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these other other folks in the democratic primary, look at the end of the day. i think america needs a vision going forward, and that's really this heartburn. it's not just about the fact that joe biden's issues are age-related and policy-related. and donald trump's issues or character related, it's nobody's got this vision going forward like really what is the solution? immigration. i mean, i think almost all americans realize we got do something there. we've got to have a consistent message. a national tone and tenor around the world that we actually know what we're dealing with foreign policy, what is the strategy with inflation? i think that's the part that the rational minded folks sitting in the suburbs are going. what's gonna happen here? >> that's the lack of leadership. and i think that's really the ultimate void here. neither one of these folks are appearing in people's living rooms or kitchen tables as actual natural born leaders anymore. joe biden had his de, it's past him. donald trump's never had his moment. he's always been a carnival barker, but it is what it is. he's, he's tricked the republicans. i think he's a conservative i will say that underlying all of this. and we don't have this
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statement in that i'm going to reference here at cnn, but nbc has it on the record. there are a lot of people who seem to think that nic, that there is gonna be some way where these two are not the nominees, right? despite what we've seen tonight on tuesday school and how they got to michelle obama's camp had to put out a statement saying she's not running for president, she would not run for president laughed like he's not run the previous was magical thinking at this point, honestly, for those who don't, who don't want this. and yet, the michelle obama thing is in this bizarre thing on the right, maybe the next election, yeah. i mean, there's a big difference here between the world that people wish it to be. i think jets are deliberate talking about like that kind of new leadership. what people are hoping for and the world as it is, right? joe biden and donald trump are aside from some sort of disaster happening will be the nominees will be hide from some disaster. the rate at which i have conversations where people on both sides, democrats republicans, seem to have the spec sure of disaster, whether it's health-related or i had one more public you what a magic cheeseburger, like, what on earth, you know, like
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it's just, it's unprecedented barring a magic cheeseburger. and we can talk about that. but unless that happens, i mean, these are the nominees and i think to the point about with a real sense of leadership and lives in pivot to what we can talk about coming up next, to the state of the union. i think what the biden campaign would like to do, what president biden would like to do is now as the state of the union maybe pivot that, just say like, look, i can't be the leader, right? i'm not the carnival barker, jeff, as you explained donald trump and take that into the general election, which i think that's the fight they want, knowing that but that weakness in the trump the gop electorate for donald trump, i think that the biden campaign is moving to next. >> so one of the places where we saw haley have particular strength last night was in virginia. and some of our reporters were out there talking to virginia voters about why they made their decision. we can play a little bit of what they had to say. watch your supported me >> i think she's great. i think she's an outstanding candidate. >> if it ends up being a trump versus biden rematch duda, who you'd vote for? >> yeah. hold my nose and vote
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for biden again. >> i really like her i like her a lot. >> i think she's just got a good record and i think she's got the best chance of winning in november. >> she just seems real and honest and not. boom, boom, boom, boom >> that's our alayna treene. they're talking to these voters. i mean, jeff clearly there are people out there that, you know, that are backing nikki haley and it is not a small amount to what she says, but i want to talk about her future because she clearly has a decision to make. she's not yet dropped opt out of this race, but it's clear that the doors all but closed and we may it's going to take another contest or two to get trump over the actual finish line for delegates, if you're her and presumably she wants a future in likely republican politics, what do you do? what's the right move? >> well, first of all, i want to applaud her for her efforts and our energy and it takes a lot to do what she's doing. and she certainly gained a lot of momentum to take on a essentially an incumbent president and to do what she's
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doing is encouraging. and certainly she's got a bright political future in front of her. she's well-spoken, she's got great a great resume. she's been a conservative governor. i think ron desantis probably fits into this category too. i think if you're doing a post game analysis, you would look to see they probably should have come out harder and just champion their conservative record as a governor. they should have taken donald trump straight on and stop trying to split, split the hair thread, the needle, whatever your analogy is, it should have just taken a right to them early in this primary process. does it really define themselves. i mean, ron desantis at the time, i mean governor of florida, i mean, they got covid right there. economy's growing. nikki haley had a super conservative track record in the world has been on fire and she knows the globe better than anybody and so that i think is going to be some of the postgame analysis, but she's got a bright future in front of her, right. >> but i think the challenge jackie, she's got to decide what to do about trump right. like does she endorse him? does she not like how i one point to staying in this race kind of start working against her in terms of her future will. >> and it seems like at this point, she may have gone >> too far against trump to
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come back to trump. we've seen that a little bit with ron desantis, frankly, i mean, he campaigns personal some of that is personal, but trump's campaign has not forgive unless you have to imagine that trump would continues to humiliate him and it feels like kailey might be in that pocket at this point where she can't come home to the report, the republican party, as it is right now, what does that mean? perhaps not. i mean, right. >> the politics are filled with people >> who said very nasty things on the campaign drill only to endorse that person at the end of the day. >> i >> had crews >> yeah. well, right. but i just noted it comes to the loyalty that is demanded of republicans by former president trump and that campaign, she may have breached that >> yeah. >> yeah, i think it's interesting if i'm nikki haley and i'm watching a replay of tim scott do what he's done. that would be enough for me not to go down that road of endorsing donald trump. i think in my opinion, the republicans are going to purge themselves at some point of donald trump, right? he's either, if for some reason he does get elected
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as president, he's going to embarrass every single day. he's in office, he's going to embarrass us as true conservatives. and to take that route just for short-term sugar high of endorsing donald trump, i think as a mistake, every other person now has taken that short-term sugar high, right? i've learned my lesson the hard way of saying no, i think this one has gone too far. it won't endorse and so i don't see a way nikki haley doesn't in the end when this is over, but i guess that's why we have to watch it. yeah. >> i mean, i have to say if she were to just it's endorse the republican nominee right before the convention. that might split it, but she's not going to go on stage at the democratic convention and say, don't go for trump ishi, i would be very surprised. >> all right. i remember sixth around, they're gonna be back with us in just a moment because up next, the jungle primary that is california's senate race. how adam schiff played hardball to get the november matchup he wanted. plus, you know, you've made it when you have your own bobblehead >> united states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday, a nine on cnn, i brought in a ciu
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closed captioning brought to you by >> mesothelial. it's all we do with local offices throughout the country on just how you get the compensation, you deserve, 800 to eight to 44, 40 before 45 minutes past the hour. >> here's your 24 >> 2024 race roundup democratic congressman colin allred will take on republican ted cruz after winning tuesday's democratic senate primary already topped a crime out of field of nine democrats to take on cruz, who is a target? we'll see if it works this year. and democrat josh stein will square off against republican mark robinson in north carolina's gubernatorial race. robinson is a right-wing firebrand and a holocaust denier he does have backing from donald trump and >> so lucky so a lot where we
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all have the right to protest. >> protesters calling for a gaza ceasefire, stepping on democrat adam schiff's victory speech, the california congressman and longtime trump nemesis won his primary for the late senator dianne feinstein's seat it's will face republican steve garvey in november. our panel is back and republican steve garvey and california's this was not a forgone conclusion because california has what's known as a jungle primary where it's the top two vote finishers of any party who then face off in the general election. and the shift team actually spent and his allies spent quite a bit of money attacking garvey as too conservative. this was viewed as a way to try to boost him. in fact, i think we can show you a little bit. so >> katie porter was running against ships. she's a democrat, built very high profile for herself. here's how she talked about what happened in the primary in her concession speech >> because of you, we had the establishment running scared,
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was standing three-to-one in tv spending and an onslaught of billionaires who spent millions peddling lies and our opponents spending more to boost the republican than promoting his own campaign so she's attacking adam schiff there. jackie, what do you make of this? >> i mean, we should say she's a she's a elizabeth warren protege. very much to the left of adam schiff, but yeah, this is like the old claire mccaskill boosting tonic and over the other conservative now the difference is he did it over a fellow democrat, but he clearly thinks that was steve garvey in the race and not katie porter. he's a much he has a much easier case to make and a much easier race to run. they're trying to run against a fellow democrat. yeah, i mean, i guess if you add up >> these numbers, the democratic vote is considerably larger than the republican won, although shiffrin garvey really not that far apart in a state, that's this large. nick was that's the right move for schiff. i mean, of course if he
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lives down, be a senator now, i mean, as opposed to like, this is different than explaining any kind of broad national political trends. just a really interesting story that will tell in political science classes about campaign jiu-jitsu, right? how to boost somebody that you really don't want to run again. so you can crush them in a general election. i mean, it was clearly a good idea because it worked. he's going to be a senator. >> it did work. >> jeff, let me talk to you a little bit about this race in north carolina that i know you've been paying attention to and we touched on it, mark robinson, this very right-wing currently the lieutenant governor of north carolina, can you explain to us where he came from, what his deal is and what this means in terms because of who actually might become governor of north carolina. >> as i remember, we were both in the lieutenant governor's association at the same time. i remember he kinda came onto the scene through a viral youtube video talking about gun rights and was very powerful message and he was very outspoken, well-spoken, and it kinda took his trajectory into the office of lieutenant governor but i think what you're watching play out in these positions and just these just just hard gut
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wrenching words that come out of his mouth or just a true example of what donald trump has done to the republican party. just taken a straight to the gutter and he's confused us with angry and loud equals conservative. and that's just not the case. these positions that he's mark robinson is taking are not conservative position there are horrific positions but can you give us an example well, he's a holocaust denier, but well, and that's the one i was going to speak to the holocaust denier i think that in some of these other ones, it's just, it's so gut-wrenching to hear him go down these, these pathways and look north carolina should be in play for, for republicans if we had a rational mind minded set of candidates that were walking into north carolina. it's a very business friendly state. it's a very suburban state, it's also got rural areas i think it's an opportunity zone for us, but when you run a candidate like that up on the top of the ticket, i think it's i think the math is really simple for a democrat if you're sitting there thinking about it, i'm sure that democrats are licking their chops and see this as an easier win then maybe they would have, if they would have a real candidate that was focused on real policies,
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kitchen table issues, and that's what we've gotten away from as a republican party. we need to focus on these policies that matter to people because at the end of the day, we've got this unstable economy. where are we talking about as republicans about the economy? are we going to just talk about inflation? are we going to talk about how we navigate people forward and what is our solution on the border. even if you're in north carolina, immigrations and issue. brian kemp puts it well, every state is now a border state nick we see for candidates like robinson in north carolina, who are really two >> more conservative or i mean, i don't even know if conservatives the right word in the case of robinson, but they don't donald trump seems to be able to win when he's on the ballot. he has there's like a separate calculation and then when he is when some of these other they don't have the same protections, i guess it was interesting to see how it performs versus like with donald trump on the ballot. but like i think what apartments and ages of certainly an example of why we don't have senator walker or sound or dr. oz, or senator kari lake right now, these are candidates that
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were picked by trump in the primary elections were far more conservative who may given far more incendiary, even than the general electorate at large and went down to defeat like i'm already getting emails from democrats from north carolina. it been like, oh, this is perfectly this is just puts this state in play. we're very excited to this right now, and that's exactly, i think what jeff was saying about about like what the trump-based candidates due to widen that field, i think for democrats, yeah. >> i mean, i guess i should i shouldn't say that i mean, trump's lost the election in 2020. he won in 2016, but he lost in 2020. so he wouldn't, should we shouldn't say that when he's on the ballot, these people do better, but certainly they, they didn't do very well without him. in the 2022 midterms, jackie, nick. thank you very much. jeff is going to stick around with us. i will see you at the top of the hour. >> all right. time now for sport it's the cavaliers pull off an incredible comeback to snap the celtics 11 game winning streak. and they did it on kelce brothers bobblehead night. andy scholes has this morning's bleacher report, andy, good morning. >> hey, good morning. kasie, you know, fresh off retiring from the nfl. jason kelce and his brother travis were both back home in cleveland to
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celebrate their dual bobblehead night. i'm not sure how many pro football players have had a bobblehead night and an nba game, but i'm pretty sure this is the first brothers to get one together the same time and check it out at the kelce said they're quite impressed by the bobblehead with jason saying he thought looked way better than he expected. now the kelces, they got to watch a great comeback this is when the celtics riding an 11 game winning streak coming into this one, they built a 22 point lead with nine minutes to go in the game. but the cavs came storming back. thanks. dean way, the reserve power for just caught fire. wade making five, threes in the fourth quarter is going 20 point single-handedly outscoring the celtics it's in the period you see jayson all pumped up travis, i should say, he also got the put-back dunk here with 19 seconds left to put the cavs up for good. they'd hold on to win one or both i want you for completing their biggest fourth-quarter comeback in franchise history. way the unlikely hero with a
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career high 23 points feels good. it just feels good to my teammates had to trust me to take those shots and you know, in the first half i ms a whole bunch of shots, but they have done there like you shoot every single time no matter what you should have 100 times in a row. we don't care if you ms it not just having that belief that motivated me added confidence but luckily i went in and our friends over at tnt got their hands on one of the kelce brother bobbleheads and well shack, he has some very strong a little gold chain. >> well >> did you break it exactly at this node day of reebok's >> ties, man, we can't even have nice stuff around you. just read jason kelce says, the dr. sachs is may know day >> now the celtics, they were not the only team to bullet 22 point lead last night, the sons were up 22 on the nuggets for denver came all the way back to take the lead with under a minute to go, but kevin, her
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aunt making this clutch three with 26 seconds left to get the game to overtime and katie, within score eight in the extra period to help the suns pull away to win that 111721 when i was seven. all right. and finally, march madness is underway and we've had our first buzzer-beater in the quarter finals of the atlantic sun tournament, lives gone, thought they were headed to overtime after owen mccormack thinks a deep three here to tie the game at 75 with just four seconds remaining. but north alabama hey, dj johnson has good take the inbound pass spread across the court and puts up a left-handed for voter that goes into win the game 77, 75, and get this johnson played three seasons for lipscomb with transfer to north alabama before this season. now he ends up ending lipscomb season tell you what casey march madness. >> there's >> not many things in sports that's better. i can't wait for the rest. >> i know it's a great it's an absolute graced time a year. and i have to say, i mean, i'm thinking about like, how many football bobbleheads are there ever at nba games? >> like i can't name another one, like a porsche shack man
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were like sitting here, laugh and watching him do that. i don't know. we can show that video again, but i think it's friendly, fair in your system >> all right. andy, thank you very much for that. i really appreciate it and coming up here on cnn this morning, a near-sweeps on super tuesday for donald trump. how much? it's longer before the nomination is clinch plus president biden preparing for a state of the union address that could make or break his reelection bid. >> and before we go an out >> of this world image, i love this nasa astronauts casting their super tuesday ballots from space we'll be right back >> president biden's last state of the union before the 2024 election with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years? the white house joint for special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow at eight times cnn, excuse me. when do you mind taking a picture of us? >> no problem. thanks. >> yes problem. >> you need verizon? training that whole thing and get a new iphone 15 pro with tons of
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79594061 call. >> now, i'm kaitlan polantz in washington, and this is cnn it's wednesday, march


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