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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  March 6, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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on cnn this is cnn breaking news >> good morning. i'm jim acosta, joined by my colleague wolf blitzer. any moment now, nikki haley address the nation. sources tell cnn that in minutes from now, she is expected to suspend her presidential campaign. we are told she will not endorse her rival former president all trump, at least for now >> i want to go to our reporter who's over at haley's campaign headquarters in charleston, south carolina. like kylie atwood is watching what's going on do we have any sense kylie, what we can specifically expect her to say >> well, listen, i think nikki haley is going to come out here and thank the people that voted for her talk about the factors that she ran her election on conservative fiscal policy the need to be close with us out why is when it comes to foreign policy, a number of things, but she is
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president trump. but she is not expected to endorse trump today. her folks who are familiar with what she's going to say, say she is going to go ahead and say that trump needs to earn the support of those voters. she has repeatedly said throughout the entire course of her campaign that the republican party needs to be a party of addition, and she doesn't believe that trump has been approaching his campaign. that way. she has talked about the fact that she wants to give her for voters an option that's why she stayed on the ballot through super tuesday. but this was a decision that she made last night as her campaign was monitoring the results that were coming in. jeff zeleny spoke with a source, an aide on the campaign, who said that it was when they were monitoring those results that they determined that she wasn't going to hit the benchmarks
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that they had said that she wasn't going to do well enough to keep her campaign alive. now, we should note that nikki haley did win two states, dc and vermont throughout the course of this republican primary. she did not win enough voters, however, to keep her campaign alive and to surpass the former president but her campaign does feel like she attracted enough support from republican voters to really make the case that there is a significant block of the republican party who is not with trump. and that's why she is going to be telling them today, saying in her speech today hi, that he needs to make outreach to those voters. one of the thing the one of the things to note is that last summer, nikki haley did say that she would endorse the eventual nominee of the republican party, but it has been just really in recent days, wolf, where she has distanced herself from that pledge. she has said that she
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he doesn't feel like she's obligated to do that because the rnc is not the same rnc as it was last summer because donald trump himself hasn't made that pledge. now, i do want to note that this doesn't mean that nikki haley is definitively not going to endorse him ahead of november. what she's doing here is opening a conversation asian. she is trying to put herself in a position of power when it comes to brokering out those voters who have supported her will have to watch and see how the former president responds to that. but we should note that he has not been altogether welcoming at all when it comes to nikki haley, supporters in alaska a few months, he even made comments that maga is going to be permanently barring any donors who had been supporting nikki haley. and when we spoke with nikki haley last week, a few reporters, she said that that was a comment that really struck her. it made her concerned about the future of the party. and so we'll have to see what she says about that
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today. and what kind of pitch she wants him to make to those who have been supporting her colleague were not told that she will be speaking heading to the microphone within a minute or so, but give us a sense of the mood there among her supporters. >> well, isn't this a small crowd in this room? it's people who have been working for nikki haley's campaign. some of her supporters here in charleston, south carolina area she's coming on stage. so we'll listen to what she has to say >> good, morning just over a year ago, i launched my campaign for president when i began, i said the campaign was grounded in my love for our country just last week, my mother, a first-generation immigrant, got to vote for her
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daughter for president. only in america i am filled with gratitude for the outpouring of support we've received from all across our great country. but the time has now come to suspend my campaign. i said, i wanted americans to have their voices heard. i have done that i have no regrets. >> and >> although i will no longer be a candidate, i will not stop using my voice for the things i believe in our national debt will eventually crush our economy. a smaller federal government is not only necessary for our freedom, it is necessary for our survival the road to socialism is the road to ruin for america our congress is dysfunctional and only getting worse. it is filled with followers not leaders term limits for washington politicians are needed now, more than ever. >> our
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>> world is on fire because of america's retreat standing by our allies in ukraine, israel and taiwan is a moral imperative, but it's also more than that. if we retreat further there will be more war, not less as important while we stand strong for the cause of freedom, we must bind together as americans we must turn away from the darkness of hatred and division i will continue to promote all those values as is the right of every american i sought the honor of being your president. >> but >> in our great country, being a private citizen is privileged enough in itself and that's a privilege. i very much look forward to enjoin in all likelihood, donald trump will be the republican nominee when our party convention meets in july. i congratulate him and wish him well i wish anyone
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well, who would be america's president our country is too precious to let our differences divide us i have always been a conservative republican and always supported the republican nominee but on this question, as she did on so many others, margaret thatcher provided some good advice when she said, quote never just follow the crowd always make up your own mind. it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it, who did not support him. and i hope he does that at its best. politics is about bringing people into your cause, not turning them away. and our conservative cause, badly needs more people this is now his time for choosing i end my campaign with the same words i began it from the book of joshua i direct them to all
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americans, but especially to so many of the women and girls out there who put their faith in our campaign be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged for god will be with you wherever you go. in this campaign, i have seen our country's greatness from the bottom of my heart. thank you, america. god bless you >> all right that was former south carolina governor, former un ambassador nikki haley suspending her campaign, withdrawing from this race. she had some very interesting comments there as she was backing out of this campaign essentially saying that she's not ready to endorse four president donald trump saying that he needs to earn the support of her supporters and
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made some very interesting comments. i think a few moments ago, guys, we're joined now by chief national affairs correspondent jeff zeleny, chief political correspondent, dana bash chief, are seeing a national political correspondent, eva mckend. but one of the things that you heard nikki haley saying just a few moments ago, wolf, was that america needs to stand with ukraine >> she was very strong in the international issues. she said specifically that she needs the us needs to support ukraine, israel, and taiwan, right? she wanted the specifics, articulating that. and i also thought even though she didn't formally formally endorse trump, she came pretty close to doing so when she said the time has not come to suspend my campaign. and as you know, jeff zeleny, the word suspend this specific. it's a legal word. it's not end my campaign. suspend my campaign in order to be able to continue to control all those campaign dollars that she raised. for sure. suspend is a word that i think in this particular cycle with all the wildcards, the age of the
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candidates, the legal cases, and just the fact that she won delegates. she's earned the right to suspend, not end her campaign. so i think that is important. but talking about trump at the end there, this is now the time for his choosing, putting the burden burden on former president donald trump to win over her supporters. and as we've talked to so many of them over the last several months who have really grown to admire and love her? yes, there are some democrats who have popped into her crowds to try and be mischief-making, if you will, or to send a message to donald trump. but many republicans as well, there are many republicans that i'm thinking back to a conversation ahead with one in charlotte over the weekend. and she told me, i hope donald trump treats her kindly and brings her into the fold. and i said, what do you think that chances of that are? and she said, all we can do is hope so i think now it will be interesting to see how he reacts to this, but she does not have to a given endorsement at this point. i think i'm not even sure we should talk about that as much. i mean, the
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reality is, few candidates leave the race and an elevated stature choose the first one in the last one out, and she has emerged in a far, far stronger position, whatever she may do. >> and if i could just add to that, we're going to have so much time to talk about will he or won't he will she or won't she and where her supporters are going to go. but i think it's good to take a beat and note that she is the first republican woman to win a contest, and she wanted to add two. okay. there were a lot of contests that she lost and to get this and to get this far. and he's as much money and to raise as much money. and i do think that she's used that line since south carolina a lot in the campaign trail. but the fact that she her parents were immigrants and that her mother was able to vote for her daughter for president is just something to the kind of let sink in because it is a moment in history. yeah. and even i mean, nikki haley does have some leverage in this campaign.
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i mean, if you look at how she did last night, she did win the state of vermont, but there was a sizable sort of anti-trump vote and a lot of these contests and what she's essentially saying is, i'm going to be holding back on some of those supporters. you're not getting them yet. donald trump, unless you start to extend the olive branch a little bit, which is not really his forte. >> she was clear that he is going to have to earn the support from her and her supporters. i was always struck. i've been to many of her rallies all across the country, south carolina in iowa, new hampshire, michigan, everywhere. and time and time again, you would meet democrats at her rallies independents, republicans who had supported trump in 2016, and then voted for biden in 2020. and i think in this polarized environment, it takes a certain degree of political skill to be able to bring democrats into the fold, to be able to attract these type of centrist voters. and so, yes, she is going to have a big role to play in the months.
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>> and some of those nikki haley's supporters may not go back to donald travel. they just might not. >> i thought it was the closest she came to actually coming close to endorsing her. him. trump was when she said, i congratulate him referring to trump and wish him well, yeah, it does were her words. >> yeah. well, and she's had a lot to say about donald trump during this campaign. and so she may have to start dialing things back to i mean, dana, one of the questions that i had listened and wolf was absolutely right is she leaving the door open to some extent to the possibility of being his running mate mike. >> i mean you'd have to do a whole lot of walking back put out a video of stuff about about him and stuff that he said about her. that would be extraordinary. >> but that was true of a lot of partners throughout our history. it may be even more vitriol between the two of them. but the next thing that she said, wolf when she's jim, what do we just said that she said, i wish him well as i
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would for anybody who want who would be our president you know, it if she couched it and close the door to being a third party candidate, perhaps that is the most significant thing here as well. i'm a republican, so i'm told going forward, she does plan to play a role trying to shape this party. she does believe that this sort of isolationists view that is really emerged in the republican party is not good for the country. if you look at the span of her career from the shores as a tea party candidate, which of course was the precursor to the trump era. >> and >> now this is not her party so it's really extraordinary, but at 52 years old, the question is, is she the past of the party or could she still be the future? and to that question, we do not have an answer today. >> we will we will find out kylie atwood is over at that nikki haley's campaign headquarters over there. give us a sense, kiley of the reaction you're getting the mood over there well, isn't it
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was a small crowd in the room, mostly folks who have worked for her campaign or a close to >> nikki haley and live here in our hometown of charleston, south carolina. but they were cheering quite loudly when she came out on the stage. her remarks were short. the supporters in the room here have had a long night hi, because most of them were monitoring the results from super tuesday as they were coming in, results that made it clear that nikki haley was going to have to suspend her campaign as she just did. it is important to note, however, that she is playing a pr leverage. yes. she said that she congratulated former president trump, who will now be the nominee of the party. she said that she would wish well, to anyone who would be the next president of the united states. but as we were told ahead of this speech, she also said that trump is going to have to earn the support of those who voted for her. and we'll have to watch to see how that plays out. she also made it very clear that she is not ready even though she has lost
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this republican presidential primary, she is not ready to give up on her vision for the future of the republican party for shaping the republican party. she called again for term limits for politicians. she called for conservative fiscal policy. and that's what she has called for time and time again. she also said that there is a moral imperative for the united states to stand with its allies calling into question that isolation is policy that we have seen some republicans begin to embrace. so it's very clear where he stands on the issues, the issues where she disagrees with former president trump and because she has an outright endorsed him today, she is giving herself an open door to continue being critical of him. and of course, watching to see how he engages with her voters. now, what we don't know right now is issues reached out to former president trump or if she plans to that will be a
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question that we will continue to ask those around her. but today, suspending her campaign after she became the first female republican woman to win two primaries as part of the primary contest for president well all right. >> kylie standby, you know, jimmy was interesting when nikki haley said it's now up to trump to earn the votes. and i hope he does that. yeah. and i was significant that that's that's gonna be a big moment if those two can make some peace after all that was said, and we should note just in the last couple of minutes, wolf, a statement from president biden released by the biden campaign do you. want to, go to kristen holmes and just a moment. >> but >> biden the president trying to get those nikki haley's supporters before donald trump can get those, nikki haley supporters saying donald trump made it clear he doesn't want nikki haley's supporters. i want to be clear. there is a place for them in my campaign. a very telling, absolutely. let me go to kristen holmes, who joins us now from west palm beach, florida kristen before we've even heard from the former president, the current president is wade and he wants
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as nikki haley supporters >> yeah, now we've heard from the former president as well before i read you the statement, i just want to remind our viewers and everyone what the thing we've been saying over and over again, which is what haley said. now it is time for donald trump to reach out and earn those republicans in voters who don't support him. while she was speaking, donald trump went after nikki haley over super tuesday, not addressed her dropping out, but this is what he said nikki haley got trounced last night in record setting fashion, despite the fact that democrats, for reasons unknown, are allowed to vote in vermont and various other republican primaries. much of her money came from the radical left democrats, as did many of her votes, almost 50% according to the polls. at this point, i hope she stays in the race and fights it out until the end. i'd like to thank my family, friends, and the great republican party for helping me produce by far the most successful super tuesday in history. and would further like to invite all of the haleon please. supporters to join the greatest movement in the history of our nation. biden is the enemy. he is destroying our
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country. make america great again this is his reach out to those haley supporters will wait to see if we hear from him again now that she's officially dropped out, this was sent while she was speaking. but it clearly has a different message than what nikki haley was sending. what are the things that you mentioned, jim, it would be very interesting to see if the two of them could make amends moving forward. >> one thing to be clear about >> donald trump has had a problem with nikki haley long before it got this contentious in this republican primary, he has been talking privately negatively about her since she called him and said that you'd be entering the presidential race even before that, there were issues that he had privately with nikki haley because she came out against january 6 so the likelihood of some kind of rekindling here seems very small that they would come back together. but again, the messages could not be more different. he is going on the attack and i will tell
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you talking to some of his advisers and allies leading up to this morning after we learned that haley would be dropping out they were waiting to go on the offense. they thought she was going to come out and trash donald trump, which she didn't do. but clearly, this was a response to that preemptive thinking that she was going go out there and trash donald trump and he got out there saying that he trounced her and she got trounced and really went on the attack rather than trying to invite her supporters and now of course, there's a line there at the end that says all his supporters welcome them to join me, but that comes out after he said that his her supporters were also democrats and on the radical left. so >> i think that this is what you could expect to hear from donald trump. i am told as of now, there our plans for him to go to a camera to give any remarks they were planning something when he meets that delegate threshold to become the presumptive nominee. but as of now, just expect to see him on social media and perhaps more of this. not sure if the
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tone will change now that we've actually heard from nikki haley and it wasn't in each, but this is what he is initial reaction is to haley right now >> fascinating, interesting, very different reactions from biden and from trump, but even then your thing, yeah, right. in biden's spot reaction, he says that he wants these supporters and that though they may have policy so agreements. this is about the fundamental issues preserving democracy respect for the constitution, and actually, that is what you hear, heard from some republicans that showed up to her rallies when you would say, well ultimately, if the contest's comes between trump and biden many of them said, you know, i would hold my nose and i would support biden because ultimately, i'm just too worried about what a second trump term could mean. i'm concerned that he doesn't have respect for our institutions. and so you hear biden off the bat, leaning right into those anxieties have you covered
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trump? >> long time? i wasn't surprised by his strong words and very critical words of nikki haley, who just suspended her camp. yeah. in all caps, wolf, but nikki haley got trounced last night and record setting fashion. i mean, i guess he's not saying that this was rigged on super tuesday. he's i guess he is confident in what took place last night across the country and all these different battleground states. i mean dana bash mean this is, this is obviously this is what donald trump does, but you have to wonder to wolf's point, i mean, how does he get nikki haley supporters eve is absolutely right. and some of these close battleground states, jeff zeleny, you know this all too well. it may come down to these nikki haley supporters who say, you know what, and you can call them nikki haley's supporters, they're just they're sort of never trump republicans who are just not going to be comfortable with donald trump ever as president. and they're going to vote for joe biden. >> what we saw from donald trump with that post was him being a sore winner yeah. >> and he can't get past himself in these moments in
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order to do what he needs to do strategically politically with people like nikki haley. but you know, who can the people around him. so as i made this of juxtaposition, as he is doing his thing with his phone on his social media platform, his campaign puts out a trump alert, ranking, trump alert, saying very specifically, nikki haley drops out. it's time for us to unite as a party and defeat donald trump gives me defeat joe biden. yeah. so they're on message. >> and >> as they tried to raise money, which she desperately needs. it's the candidate former president's message that is obviously the loudest his response on social media, say reminded me of his new hampshire when we sat in manchester and really saw him have a tantrum at being a winner, a sore winter. indeed, we will see how all this comes together. there's no doubt that some haley voters are going to put the republican jerseys on
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and support him. but i've talked to as many of them as eva has and we heard clear that they voted for trump wants and they want to turn the page so we will see that's what this campaign will be about for 244 days, but it's extraordinary that really 51 days after the voting began in the iowa caucuses. here we are. a rematch is brewing, but of all the wildcards one that we probably wouldn't have expected is the nikki haley supporter wildcard as well we'll see where their voters do in the coming weeks. >> we're getting reaction from the republican national committee. kristen holmes is getting that reaction, update our viewers at the breaking news yeah. >> well, this is actually a really big deal given what it means for the party as a whole. so we've just gotten a statement from the chairwoman of the rnc, ronna mcdaniel that congratulates donald trump, but says, congratulations to president donald trump on his huge primary victory. also very gracious. it says, i'd also like to congratulate nikki haley for running a hard-fought campaign. becoming the first woman to win a republican primary contest now, it also
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says that he is now the presumptive nominee. that is a big deal. you just heard dana say this. he needs money. one thing the rnc is very good at raising money. this it means that donald trump, that rnc can fully back-end because they have this neutrality clause, which means they won't get behind candidate even though we have seen a lot of support for donald trump within the rnc they can actually get behind him. he can start using their infrastructure in various states. you can start using their cash and various state, their donor lists. all of that is a big deal for the former president, particularly given that one of the reasons they were so annoyed, nikki haley was staying in the race was because they weren't getting access to all of this, including her donors, which is what they're also hoping for in terms of the money. the other thing to watch here is that ronna mcdaniel, the chairwoman, has said she would step down. she's leaving after donald trump became the presumptive nominee, he has nominated michael whatley. he's out of north carolina, the chairman of the gop party there, someone who fought to overturn the 2020
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election results. he is also nominated his daughter-in-law, lara trump, to be co-chair of the rnc and is planning on instating one of the top heads of his campaign, chris lacivita as the cheap chief operating officer in the rnc. all of this is a very big deal because what we talked about is donald trump remaking the republican party in his image. now he is really doing that. we have seen all this coalescing behind him happening much more quickly than we saw back in 2016 now, he is taking the actual infrastructure of the party, but his daughter-in-law in so it will actually has his name, people who are his biggest backers, chris lacivita, again, a co-campaign manager and that's not going to end there were also told that there are other members of the campaign who are going to be going to the rnc to fill in various roles. so you're really seeing them a line here and getting behind the republican party is becoming the trump party right now. >> yeah. i mean, the rnc is looking more and more like a wing of the trump organization. kristen holmes. all right. thank you very much. president
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biden as we were just saying a few moments ago, responding to haley suspending her campaign. let me go to arlette seinz, who's over at the white house for us. arlette. tell us what more i. mean that the biden campaign was pretty fast. something tells me they might have had some of this typed out before nikki haley made that announcement at 10:00 this morning? >> yeah, jim and president biden in his statement, made a direct appeal for hate. nikki haley's supporters as same in the statements that there is a place for them in his campaign. now, the biden campaign believes that they have some room to potentially tap into moderate and haley supporters who are turned off by former president donald trump. that is something the president spoke to in a statement saying that they had worked to try to or that some of the things they can coalesce around are fighting for democracy and also preserving the nato alliance in the statement, the president isn't it really went to great lengths to praise nikki haley for the role that she played in this campaign, specifically, in calling out the former president. he said, it takes a lot of courage to run for
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president. that's especially true in today's republican party were so few dare to speak the truth about donald trump nikki haley was willing to speak the truth about trump, about the chaos that follows him, about his inability to see right from wrong, about his cowering before vladimir putin biden goes on to say, donald trump made it clear. he doesn't want nikki haley supporters. i want to be clear. there is a place for them in my campaign. biden was perhaps even more explicit in a tweet that he sent out moments ago oh, as well, where he said, quote, you don't have to agree with me on everything to know maga extremism is a threat to this country. and then he highlights the fact that the former president attacked nikki haley's supporters, calling nikki haley a name and saying that those who contribute to his campaign would be barred from the mag of movies and this really highlights one of the tasks and challenges ahead for the biden campaign as they're trying to make more up more ground with voters heading into november, that biden campaign officials do believe there is a world where they can peel off
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some of these haley's supporters who are frustrated and don't want to see trump secure a second term. i'm also told when it comes to fund they believe that they could also tap into some of nikki haley's donor. use your universe as well. and this really sets up the high-stakes moment that the president will be facing tomorrow as he prepares for a state of the union address, the president has been huddling with his team here at the white house, trying to put the finishing touches on that speech, which will now have an even bigger audience, especially is trying to make a more broad appeal to voters, not just democrats, but also republicans, including some of these nikki haley's supporters all right, so the fight for those nikki haley's supporters is on wolf that nikki haley was very polite and gracious. her comments. compare those with trump, who is still very much dana as you and i well know as all of us know he still remains in the attack mode. >> it was on brand. >> yeah, i think that's maybe the most concise way to put what we saw donald trump on
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brand. and again obviously, and we hear this from, from chris and all the time talking to the trump campaign. >> his >> people around him now are it's a far different campaign from what you've covered in 2016, from what we covered in 2020, and part of it is that this is the third cycle with donald trump as a politician and as a candidate, everybody knows what they're going to get. and so they're challenges to try to work around him knowing that he isn't always going to be maybe even rarely going to be on the message that they want him to be on when at something like this, where it is extremely delicate to get a lot of not all of, but a lot of these supporters who won't just as jeff said, put on the republican jersey and they're going to have to try to find more avenues to get around that kind of rhetoric and that kind of behavior. >> and i think the marching orders are clear for both of
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the presumptive nominees. now, for the next 244 days, that's how long it is until november 5, election day. they both have to rebuild their coalition. so stepping back from this, we are going to not see nikki haley every day. she will be it's still playing a role in trying to help the local candidates and down-ballot candidates. but i think it is clear there's no doubt that president biden has to work on rebuilding his fraying coalition of younger voters, latino voters, black voters, other voters, progressives of course, but donald trump also has to rebuild his his coalition. so the question is, what does happen to that sliver of voters in the middle we call them now nikki haley, voters will see if we still call them that by november. but for now they are. and i think that there'll be watching how both sides react here. and i would not be at all surprised if president biden i mentioned those those nikki haley voters by name tomorrow night and its state of the union, either eve of jury. interesting, it was only a five-minute speech from nikki haley or so five minutes. approximately five minutes announcing her suspending of
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her campaign. but i thought it was really significant. she took a little time to see the world is on fire. her words right now, and the united states must stand by allies, ukraine, israel, taiwan, it's a moral imperative. those were strong words coming into speech announcing she was exiting this race >> yeah. and it was core to >> her argument, her election argument, that she had a foreign policy background and she would be prepared for the presidency. and some folks showing up to her rallies. the democrats that i spoke to, showing up to her rallies would tell me explicitly, they liked where she stood on ukraine on supporting ukraine. i think what we are going to see in the weeks ahead is democrats really amplify all the insults that the former president large at her supporters and try to really frame this contest and broad terms to bring them in. so this is going to be a conversation about the future of america, about american
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democracy, about the constitution that is how it seems like they are telegraphing. they're going to try to bring those voters into their camp. >> we'll see how that works out. and there's gonna be i mean, not just these personal differences between trump and nikki. i mean policy differences and we should note just this morning, president zelenskyy confirmed there was a strike in odesa, ukraine this morning, leaving people dead and wounded zelenskyy was in odessa at the time. he said he could see the strike. he can hear what was going on. i mean let's just tells you what the clear contrasts are in terms of the campaign coming live report on that, talked about that major development, major developed potentially within gunfire. yeah. we haven't even mentioned that this morning, but when we talk about that, just a few moments, our panel thanks very much, guys, really appreciate it. we're continuing to follow this breaking news. nikki haley suspending her campaign setting up a trump-biden rematch. we will have much more on all of this after a quick break >> anderson cooper 360 to 90 at
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required so phi get your money, right? >> president biden is less due to the union before the 2024 lecture with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years in the white house joint cnn verse special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow at eight times, cnn all right. >> we've got some breaking news that coming in right now. the senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell is endorsing former president trump. let's go to c. chief congressional correspondent, mano raja, who's joining us from capitol hill with the latest update, our viewers bono yeah, there's actually been more than three years since senator mcconnell spoke to donald trump at that time. she's acknowledged mitchell collagen in december of 2020 that joe biden had won the presidential election and that prompted donald trump to be essentially cut off all ties with the republican leader. then in the aftermath of january 6, mitch mcconnell pointedly blamed donald trump for those actions calling him morally and practically
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responsible for the events on january 6. but they have not had any ties and discussions and he has not endorsed him up until now in the aftermath of nikki haley's stepping aside from this wet race, the republican leader issuing a statement saying that he will, in fact endorse donald trump for the presidency. read you some of his statement, wolf, he said it's become abundantly clear that former president trump has earned the requisite support of republican voters to be our nominee for president united states. he said it should come as no surprise that as nominee, he will have my support. he goes on to talk about how they work together on issues involving tax overhaul that passed in congress, as well as make mitch mcconnell's role in ensuring three trove trump's supreme court justices were confirmed to the bench. he says, i look forward to to the opportunity and switching from playing defense against the terrible policy the biden administration has pursued to sustain offense geared towards
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making a real difference in improving the lives of the american people. so wolf, this is the republican leader, has oftentimes just refused to even say donald trump's name for the past several years, you ask no question about donald trump. he said it is not want to talk about the presidential race. trump advect has leveled to attack after attack against senator mcconnell after those comments and mcconnell made on the senate for are blaming him for january 6 and facts trump in the level, the number of racist attacks against his wife, a taiwanese immigrant, someone elaine chao, who was the cabinet its under donald trump himself. chao, of course, stepped aside in the aftermath of january 6, so they have a very tense relationship early know relationship whatsoever, but mcconnell has indicated for some time that whoever the nominee is of his party, he will fall in line and back. the republican nominee. and that's exactly bacoli what he is doing here. of course meant for mcconnell will not be working with donald trump if trump is elected as president, because
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already said he would step aside for a leadership position that he has held for the past 17 years and give way to other potential candidates. and two of those republican is we're running right now. john cornyn and john dune, both of them have endorsed donald trump as well. i just caught up with senator john thune, the number two republican who wants to take mcconnell's job. he downplayed some of his past concerns he had about donald trump's viability as a candidate in the suburbs and doing this for some time, wolf express concerns about how trump could play in key battleground states spent, particularly they tried to try to regain the senate in the far wall, but he downplayed those, rallied behind down. trump said, there'll be a unified ticket in the fall really shows you how the party establishment now lining up behind donald trump in the aftermath of his victory here. now the president, so presumptive nominee, with the support of the senate republican leader. >> and we'll see how that
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battle for the senate republican leadership plays out. manu raja, good reporting, as usual, jim. >> all right. thank you, wolf and joining me now is former arkansas governor asa hutchinson a former republican candidate. and this year's presidential race governor, thanks so much for joining us. i do want to ask you about nikki haley dropping out of the race, but there's more breaking news to talk about. that's what manu raja was just talking about a few moments ago, mitch mcconnell now endorsing donald trump. what do you make of that? >> well, it surprises me actually, because he's not going to be running for reelection. there wasn't any motivation. >> i >> think it really indicates the draw of the team you read been on the republican team all our life. it's hard to switch from that. it's hard to they say, we're not going to support the nominee. the party is very difficult for me as well and so it is a surprise that announcement today from senator mcconnell because he's been very, very clear in the past as
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to holding donald trump morally responsible for january 6 and is disagreement with them so i don't think you can overlook that, even as you look to the future. i thought nikki haley's announcement today was classy and hats off to her for running a good race and for staying in their through super tuesday yeah and governor i do want to ask you about that because nikki haley made it very clear when she announced that she's withdrawing from the race, that she has her >> supporters and she has not yet inclined to endorse donald trump. and i think what she wants to hear is something of an olive branch coming from the former president, which is obviously going to be tough so i mean, what is your sense of it? the president president biden has already making an appeal for those nikki haley supporters. what do you think those supporters are going to do? >> well i think they're going to be divided. some are going to sit it out. some will be focusing on congressional and senate races. others will.
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might switch to biden. many of them will go to donald trump because they have historically supported the nominee of the party. so it'll be divided and they're up for grabs. perhaps. and so yes, it's incumbent upon donald trump to do his job as a front runner and reach out to them and x, for example, with nikki haley, you would think the obvious thing is that you'd reach out, you'd say, i know you've got to think about this, but we want you to make a prime-time speech during the convention we value you and negotiate her support. obviously, she wants to be able to showcase her ideas and make that case at the convention. and she should be able to do that. and donald trump can bring her in with that kind of outreach. perhaps and governor, i did want to ask you have refused to endorse donald trump for president if i'm not mistaken, that hasn't changed. what is your mindset on all of that? any chance you could
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change your mind? >> well it's, it's very troubling to me. first of all, i mean, i said very clearly, i think donald trump is wrong direction for our party and our country i endorse nikki haley. i want to see what comes out of the convention, but do not expect an endorsement for me, for donald trump in this election, i'm a loyal republican. i'm one of the fight hard this year but we see the establishment now becoming donald trump and it's a direction that i don't want to see our party go or our country go. >> you're not there yet >> i'm not there yet. and it's very clear whenever you look at our relationship with our allies, whenever you're looking at the incredible challenges that he faces with his court case and its alleged criminal conduct. this is not something that i as a former
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federal prosecutor can sign up for. and so don't expect that to happen. as we go forward. >> all right. governor hutchinson, thank you very much for your time. we appreciate it >> thank you. great to be with strong words from the governor and we're continuing our breaking news coverage this morning. nikki haley suspending her 2024 presidential campaign. listen to this in all. likelihood, donald trump will be the republican nominee when our party convention meets in july i congratulate him and wish him well, it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it, who did not support him and i hope he does that >> and with nikki, haley's departure of the trump-biden rematch is now set. let's discuss this with cnn senior political commentators, ana navarro and van jones, and republican strategist shermichael singleton, anna,
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give me your bottom line assessment right now. what's going on? >> i think today was a reality check. what we're seeing as a republican reality check. look, i think there's a lot of republicans who don't want to vote for donald trump, who saw an nikki haley, a life raft a lot of them warrant nikki haley voters, but she was the vehicle to issue that protest vote. she was what stood in between them and donald trump. >> it >> is now absolutely the reality that this is a binary choice between joe biden and donald trump. i am not surprised that mitch mcconnell has come out and endorse him. we all know mitch mcconnell and donald trump hate each other. it's mutual, but mitch mcconnell has been a republican his entire life. his recent of been his raison, d'etre is partisanship, is getting republicans elected. and what he is signaling with this is, look, i hate the guy, but i'm drinking my medicine because i am a party guy. i think isa
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hutchinson is absolutely right. there's going to be some republicans who come back home >> she >> never underestimate republicans ability to do that. he did that after we heard a lot of republicans did that after we heard donald trump on those access hollywood tapes, some of them will not vote, and some of them will vote for biden. i would be shocked if i liz cheney came out and endorse trump. i would be shocked if a mitt romney came out and endorse trump. if nikki haley or mitch mcconnell do that to me is not shot. >> well, let me play a few clips for you, ana, and get your thoughts she was pretty gracious. i thought today in wishing him well, congratulating him, but listen to what she he said. in recent days and weeks about trump. listen to this >> got out there and just everything he touches we lose. >> i don't believe donald trump can beat joe biden. how much more losing do we have to
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do before we realized? maybe donald trump is the problem? >> said you still think she's eventually going to endorse him. >> wolf, we could sit here and we could watch video all day of horrible things that ted cruz said about donald trump ever horrible things that marco rubio said about donald trump of horrible things that lindsey graham said about donald trump and i could go on and on. we could literally sit here all day. so do i think it's still possible that she endorses donald trump? yes. i think nikki haley's going to do what's best for nikki haley and preserving her options. and the republican party. and in her political future, let me bring you shermichael singleton and get his reaction as well just yesterday. sure. michael trump was tearing into nikki haley calling her crazy and a very angry person. listen to this >> she's gone crazy. >> and i've >> never seen anything like that. she holds up a piece of paper which is false, tells a
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lot of false things. she is, she's gone haywire. she had as it lost too many elections, i guess and she's getting nowhere. she's actually going down. her numbers are going down, so she's a very angry person. so we'll see if she straightens out. maybe she will >> what do you think what's your reaction to all of that shermichael? >> i mean, look, wolf, i think that the former president would be smart why strategically speaking, to lessen the negative rhetoric against a two-term governor, former un ambassador, who served in his cabinet position. >> one >> of the good things that i think occurred with nikki haley staying in this race, is that the trump campaign now strategically as aware of where their weaknesses are as a strategist, i've been through this process three presidential campaigns you want to know every precinct, every county in a state where your candidate is struggling. so as i'm doing those sort of voter profiles, who are the voters that we need to make additional room, if you will, to get them on our side. i want to know where they are. >> the trump campaign is now
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>> incredibly equipped with no one exactly where those voters are. so he needs to extend that olive branch and asked her to work with me to help reach out to some of those republican voters who are skeptical of a potential trump returned to the white house >> yeah, and van, i want to bring van jones and i mean, van let's talk about this across six states that voted last night. we can show this to our viewers that majority of the republican electorate has not been willing to acknowledge the legitimacy of president biden's victory in the 2020 election. but van, i mean, i'm searching around, looking through all of donald trump's comments since the results from last night, i have not heard him say that any of the results last night were rigged or erroneous or any there were any does that mean that we should have total faith and confidence that even trump's supporters should have total faith and confidence in our electoral process in this country, the matter has been put to rest, hasn't it? >> apparently only when trump is weighing oh okay. let me speak from my heart and let me see from my head, from my heart. i tell you this is a
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heartbreaking moment and not just for people in united states if you're ukrainian soldier, looking at a wall of russians coming at you and having to ration your bullets today is a bad day because one of the great champions of the united states being strong for our allies, strong for democracy, just went down in defeat today. and you feel more alone and more afraid of the future if you're in poland, if you're in europe and you're looking at a wall of russians coming for you and saying, where's the united states today is not a good day for my heart is not a good day. okay. from my head. what is nikki haley doing? what was that speech? what is she trying to play for? i think three things. number one, why is withholding her endorsement. ron desantis, as soon as he got out, endorse trump and was belittled and sidelined. and maybe like an idiot. so she would be crazy to endorse. now, i agree with ana. she may endorse, but you should endorse. now, look at what would happen to desantis. number $2. trump is broke. she is sitting on the biggest
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donors in american politics. she could be a bank or she could be somebody who closes the bank door. so she has real power, not voting power now, but dollar power. she knows to use that in the number three it is just hard. remember hillary clinton, 2016, to turn your supporters around even if you want to, you can't do it in a day so if you look at nikki haley she's smart to hold her cards, to play her cards to figure out can she get this party to do something? to keep america from abandoning democracy around the world. i hope she continues to play a constructive role. she's done a good job for her party in the country so far. but this is a bad day for democracy, not just the united states, but around the world >> and van, what does president biden need to do at this point to earn those nikki haley's supporters bring them into the vault. we saw the biden camp campaign putting out a statement from president biden almost immediately after nikki haley walked off that stage and south carolina, what do you think? >> i think i think he needs to to talk to her donors and supporters and say, if you want to a year from now, watch
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russian tanks rolling through europe, then endorsed donald trump and get on that bandwagon. but understand you going to wait pick up one morning and you're going to see horror across europe. you don't have american soldiers, sailors having to go over there and do something that we could have done what dollars got to do with blood. if you want to continue to see the country being divided and unable to govern itself and treat itself well get on that trump train, but you've got to place over here. now, he also i think needs to make a stronger case for what he is going to do to keep the economy moving on a good direction for people who go into grocery stores and can't pay for their groceries. he said, he's going to sick the doj and the ftc on these grocers, these corporate groceries that are ripping off americans needs to lean into that for the voters. but for the people like us who care about a democracy around the world, they have a binary choice. or out of nato and russia is running over europe, or you stand with joe biden it very interesting indeed. ana,
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let me get back to president biden as a major victory is he really didn't have much of an opposition last night, but it was interesting in colorado, 8% of the democrats who showed up to vote, voted uncommitted the number was close to 20% in minnesota. what do you make of that >> i think they're clearly sending this administration a message that they are very unhappy. in particular with the israel gaza issue. i mean, this is, it is what it is. and i think this administration is listening i think this administration is taking it to heart. we saw a change of policy, a major change of policy this weekend announced by vice president kamala harris when she was in alabama. and i think a lot of that has to do with what's actually happening on the ground with some of those very heartbreaking, heart wrenching images we are seeing coming out of gaza, but also because it's very hard to maintain something when the american people don't support it and they are, they are
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listening to this. they are listening and they're taking stuck in there working really hard for a resolution. they're working really hard to get the hostages released. they're working really hard to have humanitarian aid brought into gaza. so i think it's having an effect and i i think these voters, though now are faced with a binary choice. the binary choices joe biden, who is working really hard towards a two-state solution, or donald trump, what's the first thing he did when he became president in 2016, the muslim ban. so if you think the foams in gaza have a better shot under donald trump? >> i don't know, what you're, thinking. >> and shermichael, i mean, getting back to, you know, what does nikki haley do? i can't imagine. i mean, we saw mitch mcconnell almost immediately after nikki haley got out of the race endorsing donald trump. i just don't kid, we see nikki haley going to mar-a-lago allah, kevin mccarthy, and making peace it's with donald trump. that just sounds like an other worldly concept. >> i don't think it'll be
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immediate, jim, but i do eventually think she'll get their van. mentioned a point about her donors, quite a few well-known individuals in the republican party, they've given the presidential candidates all the way from romney campaign. i worked on. she could also convert her presidential campaign to leadership pac man, we don't really talk about this often on cable news, but essentially what that means for the viewers. and as nikki haley could transfer those, that money to a new organization that would then allow her to play in congressional races. so tutorial races. so she's thinking about four years from now, 2028, she has an opportunity to position herself as really a queenmaker if you want to say, these are the types of republican candidates, we should support >> we are talking about voters like if they were marbles, voters are not marbles. you just don't pick up your marlboro marbles and put him over here. and van was talking about hillary clinton's supporters and how hillary clinton supporters were hillary clinton supporters. they were not anti-bomb a supporter's right? >> that's right >> sanders supporters in 2016
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were bernie sanders supporters. they were not anti hillary just because nikki haley goes back to folks that we are calling nikki haley, a lot of those marbles. >> yeah. >> our anti-trump folks who are going to have to decide for themselves what they do. >> but no, we do know that pbs impure out a poll that came out that showcase 82% of them are likely to vote for donald trump. now that gives around 12% remaining. so if haley endorses trump, can maybe three or 4% out of that 12 say, okay, we'll vote. that could make a substantial difference in key battleground states or not, i do have to cut me as we do have some breaking news that we have to get to right now, guys. thank you very much for that terrific discussion breaking news out of ukraine. president volodymyr zelenskyy says a strike has hit near where he and the greek prime minister were traveling in the port city of odessa on the black sea. zelenskyy says, there are fatalities he's an injuries, obviously, the ukrainian president is okay, but let's go to cnn's clare sebastian. she joins us now with the very latest, obviously when we saw this headline clear, a lot of concern in the united states, obviously around the world.
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what can you tell us? >> yeah, it was still getting information in about this jim, but we believe this happened at around 1040 this morning. key of time. that's about seven hours ago. and it happened while president zelenskyy was meeting with the greek prime minister in the port city of odessa. this is the largest ukrainian seaport on the black sea, regularly targeted. and in fact, they visited the site of a very deadly attack for civilians on saturday a nine story residential building, where 12 people were killed. but as for this strike today, president zelenskyy saying that they could see and hear it. we don't know exactly how close it was to their convoy or where exactly they were when it hit, or what exactly becky was the target at this point, but the fact that it happened very close to where they were, that president zelenskyy was meeting with the greek prime minister, the head of state of a nato country. at the time, obviously raising significant questions. they did appear at a press conference shortly after both of them uninjured and we are of
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course, waiting for more information on the number of dead and wounded because president says he has confirmed that there are dead and wounded as a result of this >> yeah, very disturbing developments. indeed, clare sebastian. thankou very much. at our next hour of of newsroo starts right after a short break were you ram. trucks are what you do. you do truck month. better than anyone else? you do trucks that work harder and play harder. you do trucks that outperform in performance and you do trucks that win by breaking every rule the trucks should be this truck month. would you should do is driver ram trucks are what we do? >> with so many choices on, there are so many tina fey as i could be. >> so i hired >> body doubles to help me out, splurge 18 loves a


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