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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  March 6, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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supreme court has set a date now to hear arguments in the case over whether former president donald trump can claim immunity from prosecution in the federal election subversion case. that date is april 25th. now there's a debate over whether this timing will help or hurt trump. but one account says april 25th is actually perfect. >> describe your perfect day. >> so tough one >> i'd have to say april 25th because it's not too hot, not too cold. all you need is the light jacket. >> we tend to thank trump may approve of that, ms congeniality reference, given his affinity for all things. well, perfect we had a perfect phone call with the president of ukraine. >> the >> one in atlanta was a perfect that was a perfect call. this is even more perfect or perfect
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phone call. perfect call perfect, cool. >> it's congenial >> we will of course, bring you those supreme court arguments on april 25th and don't forget your light jacket. the news continues right now on cnn happening, now, it's game on in the historic biden trump rematch. after the super tuesday the results persuade nikki haley to exit the republican race. we're tracking the fight for her supporters and the strategies on both sides. on this, the eve of the president's critical state of the union address also tonight, a big super tuesday winter joins us live democratic congressman adam schiff of california will weigh in on the next phase of his costly barky campaign for the us senate and the broader stakes of the 2024 election and we'll also get a firsthand account of the deadly russian attack near the convoy of ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy at
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zelenskyy national security adviser, who was there, joins us live this hour. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in the situation room tonight. >> the 2024 race for the white house's at a high stakes pivot point. after months of anticipation that president the biden and donald trump would face off again. nikki haley's exit and super tuesday have effectively sealed the deal. our correspondents are covering every three angle of this unprecedented moment in american politics first, let's get to cnn's kristen holmes. she's in florida covering former president trump. kristen, what is trump? now? saying after a haley's announcement >> all of you didn't even wait until after haley's announcement for firing off on social media, he posted while she was speaking well, she was
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calling on donald trump to bring republicans into the fold to earn the voters that had supported her overhead. he lashed out at haley saying this, nikki haley got trounced last night and record setting fashion despite the fact that democrats, for reasons, i'll node are allowed to vote in vermont and various other republican primaries. much of her money came radical left democrats added many of our votes, almost 50% according to the polls at this point, i hope she stays in the race and fights it out. until the add that he went on to say that vicky haley's supporters should join donald trump and that movement, again, after saying that they were radical left democrats, of course, there's also comes after donald trump let's ago tweeted that anyone who gave information or stephen gave money to nikki haley, any donors would not be welcomed into trump's orbit, which is hard to believe given that they are very welcoming right now to donors and two people writing checks. >> but all of this said there are specific people within
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trump's campaign advisers that i'm talking to who say that they know they need some of these nikki haley supporters now, some of them democrats, some of them were never trumpers, people who were never going to vote for donald trump. but there is a faction of these nikki haley supporters who were republicans, who were just looking for an alternative, but will ultimately back the republican nominee, or likely back the republican nominee. that is who they are focused on the campaign, reaching out, trying to come up with solutions to that. while donald trump himself is taking his message in another direction, but it is clearly a pivot to the general election. we saw numerous republicans coming out to back down trump and donald trump saying that he needed to debate president joe biden as well. keep in mind, donald trump did not participate in one single primary debate, essentially saying that he didn't have do because he was leading by such a wide margin. and we have heard from biden's camp essentially saying this wasn't the time to talk about it. but donald trump's team, as we have reported before,
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>> likud party, the senate republican leader mitch mcconnell of just endorsed trump despite a year's long history of friction between them. let's go to our chief congressional corresponding amount of raja these up on capitol hill mono tell us about this major endorsement and how it actually came about well, mitch mcconnell has indicated for some time that he would ultimately endorse the republican now many, but he has a tortured passed with donald trump. he had not spoken since december 2020 in the aftermath of the electoral college certification of joe biden's victory, mitch mcconnell declared joe biden in the winter. they have not spoken since that point. the form of the then president was angry at him that mcconnell did would acquit him in his second impeachment trial after january 6, but then blamed him on the floor of the senate, said, trump was mortally
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impractically responsible for the attacks that day ultimately trumped and bashed mcconnell and his wife repeatedly, sometimes in racist terms, to his wife, elaine chao, a taiwanese immigrants so today i had a chance to ask mcconnell how you reconciles his past with his support of his party's nominee >> recommend >> how do you reconcile your trump endorsement with the fact that you call them practically in morally responsible for january 6, and the fact that he insulted you and your wife repeatedly? >> dashboard is a 25th, 2021? shortly after the attack on the capital? i was asked a similar question and i said, i would support the nominee for president >> even if it were the former frozen and he obviously is going to be the nominee of our party >> then just to look back the wolf at what he said on the senate floor in the aftermath of january sex president trump
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is practically and morally responsible >> for provoking events of a day. >> if the president was the party is not money. would you support them? >> their nominee for the party? absolutely >> so this represents wolf, really the republican establishment falling behind in line behind their parties now, may despite their concerns about the past, despite everything they have said in the past, we've seen not just mitch mcconnell, but all of his top deputies on his leadership team, senate republicans in particular, top senate republicans, were slow to embrace donald trump, unlike their counterparts in the house that have fallen in lockstep behind trump. but now that he is on his way to getting the nomination, things have changed as you can see, from mitch mcconnell's announcement there. but wolf, they still have not spoken despite that announcement that came today. >> interesting, very interesting indeed, manu raju, up on capitol hill. thank you very much. not a president
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biden and his emerging political strategy, as is rematch with donald trump is now set and a state of the union addresses tomorrow cnn, senior white house correspondent mj lee is on the story for us mj. how is the president seizing and all these developments on the republican side just ahead of his critical speech to congress well, wolf, with just one last man standing in the republican contest, this really is the official beginning of the general election for the joe >> biden campaign. that means that everything that the campaign does going forward increasingly. so it's going to be with an eye towards november and really broadening out job biden's base and coalition going forward. now, even before nikki haley officially dropped out of the presidential race this morning, we know that the biden campaign officials and that team have been watching those supporters. these are the folks that they see as sort of the gettable voters. the folks who they say are turned off sort of permanently by donald trump and the statement that we
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saw from president biden earlier today after nikki haley dropped out, we saw him explicitly making that outreach to precisely those voters. he said in that statement, donald trump made it clear that he doesn't want nikki haley supporters. i want to be clear that there is a place for that in my campaign. so wolf, i think just looking ahead to the rest of the week for the biden campaign and the biden white house, there really is no separating out super tuesday last night, and the state of the union remarks that are coming up on thursday, i think the very themes that are animating the general election argument for president biden. those are the themes that we very much expect to see woven throughout his speech coming up on thursday, and obviously incredible important because this is the last time that he'll have that setting to address folks before he faces voters again in november wolf, you'll have a huge audience around the country on television to be sure. thanks very much. mj haley at the white house. let's break all of
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this down with our political experts in jamie gangel trump slammed haley as we all know, a while also trying to extend a sum somewhat of an olive branch to her supporters. right now, but her campaign exposed some potential setbacks and serious problems that trump has right now absolutely. >> yes. donald trump has his base. we have known that the whole time and now he is the presumptive nominee, but now we asked to think about the general election and the people who voted for nikki haley and some of the other republican candidates he needs them because his one political strategist said to me, this comes down to four words. get out the vote in those battleground states. so he needs women, he needs independence, he needed to bourbons. is he going to get the die hard? never trumpers? probably not. but those people in the middle, he needs to get them.
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>> was interesting, gloria, because haley said it's up to trump to earn the votes of her supporters. how does he go about doing that, including her vote >> by by not >> coming out and criticizing nikki haley at every every moment you know, the exit polls last night were really interesting. there was one in north carolina in which 81% of haley supporters that their votes for trump were not automatic, that, that they wouldn't necessarily go to trump. and he has to earn her vote as well. i mean, she had a lot of things to say about them during the campaign, largely on foreign policy. and so these, these folks are not necessarily going to go to donald trump. they're also not necessarily going to go to joe biden there in the wilderness right now and there's a phrase some pollsters are using called doubling haters. people who hate both of these candidates and don't know what to do. and i think a lot of the haley supporters fit into that
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category right now. >> we don't i'm maria cardona. i thought it was interesting that shortly after haley delivered her speech today, dropping out of the race donald trump immediately called for debates with biden, even though he had duct all those debates with the republican candidates leading up to now, what do you make of that? >> i think that just signifies that he is ready even though he hasn't gotten the nomination officially, he is ready to call this a general election and it's off to the races. and that's fine. >> because tomorrow night for joe biden, state of the union speech, that's going to be essentially his very first general election speech as well. and i think in that speech, you're going to see joe biden do a couple of things. he's going to lay out his accomplishments, but he's going to be very personal about it in terms of everything that he has done to boost the economy on a macro level, but also on a very much micro level, which is what people haven't really felt yet, right here. he is going to really lay that out. and then he's also going to talk about remind people the body and the mine have a way of forgetting
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trauma. we suffered trauma under four years of donald trump. and so it doesn't surprise me. a lot of people maybe have fuzzy memory about that the biden campaign. and i think starting tomorrow night without necessarily mentioning donald trump joe biden, the president is going to remind people exactly what is at stake that this is a more dangerous, a more feral, a more retribution obsessed donald trump, this time around, than what we have ever seen. and joe biden is the only one who has been before. the only one who can beat him again, we'll see how he does it tomorrow night. and officials speech before a joint meeting of the house and the senate. so you've got to be a little careful in and not get too much politics in there, not too much blasting of trump. scott jennings on this mcconnell endorsement this is what the connell told politico's jonathan martin about trump's behavior that day. let me put it up on the screen. i'll read it. >> he put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. i feel exhilarated by the fact that
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this fellow finally totally discredited himself you know, mitch mcconnell very well. how does he go from that stinging criticism to endorsing trump for the office? he says that trump disgraced. >> well, number one, he is, as he said, his press conference today, he said he was always going to support the party's nominee and he's had that position since way back in 2021. and number two as punditry there. like a lot of republicans turned out to be false. >> i mean >> the fact is a lot of people after january 6, donald trump was going to be left for dead politically by both parties and most americans, and that just hasn't turned out to be the case. as we saw last night, the republican party has coalesced around him. he's got the republican institutional leadership now with mcconnell and others. i mean, he's got a pretty unified party. these polls are talking about with republicans who supported nikki haley. i don't actually think these people are republicans in the traditional sense anymore. i don't think a lot of voted for trump before. i don't think they intend to vote for him
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now. and i think i think frankly, when you look at going from mcconnell's endorsement today to all the votes that he's gotten in these primaries, you could make a strong argument that his party is far more unified behind him then biden's is behind him. >> interesting, you know, it's interesting. jamie as you well know, because you've been covering this for quite awhile, liz cheney is again bucking her fellow republicans, writing this on social media. let me, let me quote her. we have eight months to save our republic and ensure donald trump is never anywhere near the oval office. again, what are you learning about what she's planning? >> this is game on for liz cheney. now, the trump is really the presumptive nominee. he'll probably clinch the delegates next week. she has announced today, again, really what she has said she will do, and that is xi has vowed to do whatever it takes to keep him from being reelected. i expect
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this means she will be calling out trump. very actively. i think she may be traveling to battleground states. and i also would not be surprised to see cheney campaigning for derek there are cracks, especially for the house and senate because she thinks it is critical for democrats to control the congress. we are in an upside down world. >> she endorsed biden. >> i, she has not said whether or not she will endorse him yet, but she has said very specifically, she will do what? but ever it takes to keep trump from wedding is historic, exciting time to talk to those haley voters that his job, those cochlea undecided voters who may be the lean democrat or, you know, middle of the road. liz cheney can be quite exactly right. make the same arguments that nikki haley has made. yeah. everybody standby. we have a lot more to discuss coming up. also, a russian missile strike in southern
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ukraine kills five people. our next guest was traveling with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy with his convoy was almost hit by that russian strike stay with us. you're in the situation >> united states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn. >> what's the greatest invention of all time, new hands-free sketcher slip ends. you just slip in and they're on. it's like they have an invisible built-in shooter. good morning. so your foot slides into place without bending down or touching your shoes, then the haeil pillow technology keeps your foot coffee and secure hands-free sketch your slippers. >> pure harvest, smart farms in abu dhabi does a technology enabled agribusiness solving global challenges? we're taking proven methods of farming and decoupling the relationship of food production from climate and instead marrying it to technology, energy, and capital sources. >> given >> its heritage in farming, great infrastructure to build a company and the ability to attract foreign talent i'll be dhabi made a ton of sense for us. our aspiration is that were
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for special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow at times, cnn closed captioning brought to you by mesothelial. it's all we do with local offices throughout the country and does how you get the compensation, you deserve, 800 to eight to 44, 44 all right. >> this just into cnn, the house has just passed a package of six key funding bills as lawmakers race against the clock to beat a friday deadline to avoid a federal government shutdown. now the measures go to the senate will watch this very, very closely, very significant right now, let's turn one of the highest-profile and most expensive us senate races in the nation. democratic congressman adam schiff of california is now set to face off against the republican, the former baseball star steve garvey for the senate seat previously held by the late dianne feinstein, schiff and garvey advanced in yesterday's open but the primary as the two
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top vote getters, beating our democratic congresswoman, katie porter and barbara lee. congressman adam schiff is joining us now live. congressman. first of all, congratulations to you. thank you very much for joining us. some democrats as you well know of accused your campaign of boosting republican steve garvey. this is what cost congresswoman katie porter said about that last night. listen to this >> our opponents threw everything every trick, millions of dollars every trick in the playbook to knock us off our feet and our opponents spending more to boost the republican than promoting his own campaign so congressman, how do you respond to that >> we ran a campaign wolf based on my record of leadership and the really big fights, the challenge of protecting our democracy for a man who wants to be a dictator on day one, but also my ability to deliver for californians what i've been
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able to do in terms of bringing back millions to build affordable housing, build an early earthquake warning system. i worked to establish the golden light rail to bring up today textbooks to our classrooms. on the author of the california patient bill of rights and i think what you're seeing in some of my democratic colleagues is the frustration that a narrower message that is more based on performance, art than performing an office just doesn't resonate. and i think there's a message here for democrats around the country, and that is voters value results, not just rhetoric, not just who can produce viral videos, but they want someone who get the job done. and that's that's what i'm offering to california. and i think that's what propelled us in the primary and will propel us in the general election as well. yeah. you had an impressive win in the primary. a congressman, as you know, president biden will make his state of the union address tomorrow night. that speech comes amid a string of new polls showing him losing potentially to donald trump in november what does the president need to do tomorrow
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night to turn his campaign around >> well, i think if our campaign and success in a state like california is any indication he needs to emphasize what he has done and what he has done has been remarkable. the most aggressive effort for to combat climate change in history. the infrastructure bill, the chips and science act that brought back so many jobs and continues to, but also how he'll continue to address these challenges that people are facing. people are working harder than ever and still struggling to pay the rent or pay their mortgage, or put food on the table. so both what he has done, which is remarkable, what he is going to do. and i think the contrast also between someone is good and wise and decent in joe biden with someone who has no ethical compass and donald trump is going to swell victory at the end of the day it will see how the president does all that tomorrow night in the state of
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the union address, as you know, better than i do, a pro-palestinian protesters disrupted your victory >> speech last night there in california, super tuesday, by the way, saw many democrats vote uncommitted to oppose president biden's handling of israel's war against hamas is the biden administration, congressmen doing enough right now to put pressure on israel. and do you fear this could potentially cost debit crafts a whole bunch of votes in november i think the president is doing what he should do and that is a tried to bring about a peaceful resolution of the conflict. try to make sure that a terrorist group no longer governs and gaza that the hostages are released, that we get back to a path to a two-state solution. and then figure out the political consequences this of doing the right thing later, but not the other way around. i'm glad he's not approaching this from the perspective of what's best for me politically, but rather what's best for the rest of the world, what's best for bringing about a lasting
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resolution where you have two states living side-by-side in peace and security so i think he's doing the hard work and i want to see a i hope deal in which hostages are released. there is a pause in the fighting to get those hostages out, to get more aid into people in gaza, to make sure that there's food and medicine for innocent civilians of gaza but we also need to make sure that a terrorist group is no longer running gaza. >> congressman adam schiff, once again, congratulations to you, will stay in close touch with invite you, of course, back here on several occasions. appreciate it very much. thank you. >> thanks >> wolf up next, i'll ask a key adviser to ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy about the russian attack that came dangerously close to their presidential convoy, will get his firsthand account right after the break we deserve a real king because if he cannot protect his own family, how is
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good bunnies. ahh! save >> their auction is going on right now. so what are you waiting for >> i'm paula reid in washington and this is cnn we're following very dramatic developments in ukraine right now, where at least five people are dead after a >> russian strike hit just what, 500 meters from a convoy carrying president volodymyr zelenskyy and the visiting greek prime minister my mom by choice >> i'd say we saw this strike today. you can see who we are dealing with. they don't care where they strike. i know that there were victims today. i don't know all the details yet, but i know that there are dead and wounded we need to defend ourselves first and foremost. so did the best way to do that is with an air defense system >> right now, i want to bring
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in igor zhovka. he's the chief diplomatic adviser to president zelenskyy igor. thank you very much for joining us. you were with president zelenskyy in odesa when this russian attack struck very close by. what happened exactly. can you share with us what was going on? and do you have any indication at all that russia was specifically targeting your group? >> look we were in the in the end of the day all the visiting the port of a deaths and my president was showing to prime minister mitsotakis how the the gray corridor of working could that grain corridor which ukraine establish, despite russian efforts to break our cargo transportation of grain to the poorest countries. and we were ending this presentation and boarding the cars and the motorcade. a motorcade when we saw the the the these dry actually and then that's what was happening really was less than 500 meters meters from us what was that?
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you cannot exclude anything with these insane people who are striking every day, every night, every corner of my country you cannot exclude. it was directed at the delegation of my president or at the delegation of the foreign guests what we exactly know that russia is doing these day by day, night by night, the previous night in des at 20 drones where we're hitting odessa and almost all of them were intersected what we also know that several days ago, the drawn was hitting the residential area, the outskirts of odessa, killing 12 people and part of the building was completely demolished, ground-zero and 12 people were killed, including five children. the smallest was just four months old, then the eldest was nine years-old. so that is what is going in my country. they really they don't care where to hit it hit against peaceful citizens they heat across the fire, high
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level guest, the heat across civilian infrastructure. that's what they do >> after today's strike do you believe president zelenskyy is at any sort of danger, specific danger from the russians. how closely is russia tracking his movements? >> wow, i didn't know how close the russia is striking his movements, but i know that russia is tracking over ukrainian nation. i mean, they, they, they went to destroy us as the name isn't the one to destroy ukrainian people. that's what they're doing practically from the first day not only are open aggression which started in 2022, but starting from 2014. and this is what unfortunately we can say that it will happen because these ballistic missile, this ballistic missile was coming from the territory of the occupied crimea. and it took to the missile less than three minutes to do to reach the target, the target of the sight of the port of odesa and unfortunately, a carefully
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mentioned at least five people were killed and several and several injured. so we're all in danger. >> and sadly we can not have it as a tais. the main thing for the international community after this incident to help us with more air defense, had we had enough air defense, this ballistic missile could have been interesting except it because exactly know that the petrol systems can intercept ballistic missile depots proven several times in ukraine had we had the long-range artillery we could have reached to the crimea, to the occupied crimea. i just destroyed this launcher, who today made this horrible attack speaking of that, air defense systems, we also just heard president zelenskyy say ukraine desperately needs more air defenses. but as you know, you are do usa to ukraine is still hung up in the us congress how difficult is it for ukraine to fight this war right now without more? us weapons and ammunition. >> it's really difficult because, you know, everyday or
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procrastination every day of any procedures to do or her thinking is unfortunately and to bring in additional deaths to ukrainians, additional wounded people. so yes, we need air defense when the air defense not somewhere in storages but such stages like kharkiv, like odessa like dnipro, like other cities of ukraine. so yes, we count on the bigger procedure of the congruence. my president is in constant dialogue with both representatives of both parties contact with the us administration. we do hope that in a very soon manner this issue will be tackled. we will have the supplementary and financing for our immediate needs because they will not only help us to regain, to renew our counteroffensive, but they'll save lives so that additional us military
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assistance doesn't come forward. what is your greatest fear? >> well, if they additional ukrainian us support will not come for what will be much more difficult for us really difficult will be really danger. but what should we do? we will definitely fight. we will definitely fight. because what is left for ukraine, we will need to restore our territory. we need to defend lysol people. we need to win >> igor's you off quite thank you very much for joining us. good luck to you. good luck to all the people of ukraine. thank you once again. and just ahead, some of the youngest victims of war, we're going to see how the conflict richard israel and hamas is taking a huge toll on children stuck in gaza >> erin burnett outfront tonight at seven on cnn >> have you heard sling tv offers the news you love for last weight you look and sound
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least 20 people, including babies, have starved to death in north gaza that according to the palestinian health officials cnn's nada bashir reports on the children who are enduring the brunt of this crisis and a warning to our viewers, the content you are about to see is disturbing, but the mothers of the children you are about to see want their stories scene tiny limbs, phones, protruding >> the >> constant sound of crying from children now facing starvation in gaza in this overrun hospital ward. anxious mothers watch on as doctors provide whatever i they still can but for some there is nothing more to be done three-year-old mila, who had been suffering from acute malnutrition now, another victim of this merciless war
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yeah she was healthy. >> there was nothing wrong with her before mueller's mother says, then suddenly everything dropped. she wasn't eating anything. >> we had >> no milk, no eggs, nothing. she's to eat eggs every day before the war. but now we have nothing across gaza. >> too many are feeling the pain of this deepening hunger crisis small children, it may seated and malnourished hello to grant. these will italy as and final moments. his tiny fingers gripped in his mother's hand. he liked mila, would not make it about the others are still just barely holding on but there is no telling how long they will survive >> why? >> i'm standing beside me. there's body, dr. sanam says, many children at this hospital are now dying due to a lack of food and oxygen supplies with
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limited aid getting in. many have grown desperate, searching for food wherever they can. nine year-old muhammad says, he walks for about a mile every day to collect water for his family you seem sad why this journalist asks him. because of the wall. he says, it is all too much >> on >> tuesday, un experts accused israel of intentionally starving the palestinian in people in gaza noting that the israeli military is now targeting both civilians seeking aid and humanitarian convoys israel has denied targeting civilians and says that there is quote no limit to the amount of humanitarian aid for civilians in gaza but the reality on the ground paints a very different picture there is
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no food, no water, with flour, cooking oil, or anything. this woman says death is better than this >> according to a >> senior un official, at least a quarter of gaza's population is now set to be just one step away. from family >> with aid agencies facing >> overwhelming obstacles in getting the bare minimum of supplies into gaza as israel's ground offensive threatens to push further into the strip's densely populated south time is quickly running out >> and that is joining us now live not a house systemic. are these issues of getting aid in >> we'll look wolf, the extent of the obstruction that we are seeing is troubling the united nations says some 40% of aid missions under their coordination were either denied or obstructed by israel. last month, we are still seeing the prolonged closure of border
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crossings from israel into gaza, and we are also still seeing israeli protesters physically blocking aid trucks from accessing gaza with little to no intervention from security forces. on the ground. now we are beginning to hear from international allies of israel, including the united states, taking a firmer stance when it comes to pressuring israel to allow for more aid to get into gaza. the biden administration has been clear. they've said that there is something no excuse for more aid not to be allowed in. we know, according to the pentagon as well that the us is considering the during a maritime corridor, it is reviewing its options there. and of course, we have seen humanitarian aid now being airdrop into gaza by the us and other international allies. that has drawn some criticism from aid agencies have described this as a temporary measure carried out with little to no consideration for how this aid can be safely and fairly distributed on the ground. now of course, the amount of aid actually getting in at this stage is simply not enough. it is a drop in the ocean in comparison to what is actually needed in gaza. and as
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you saw in our report, they're gaza is teetering on the brink of an outright family we'll it is so heartbreaking indeed. nada bashir, thank you very much for that report right now, i want to get to a houthi ballistic missile strike on a commercial ship in the red sea. today that killed at least three crew members on board. it's the first time casualties have been reported barking a significant escalation in the conflict cnn's oren liebermann is joining us live from the pentagon right now. what are you learning oren wolf, we have seen about 45 attacks on commercial and us navy vessels over the course of the cost, several months as the houthis began attacking commercial shipping lanes in the red sea, you see there the gulf of aden and the red sea, but those have dramatically escalated over the course of the past few days. first, we saw the rubymar, a ship associated with the uk that was the first ship attack by the houthis to sink. and this in and of itself is an escalation, an anti-ship ballistic missile launched against the true confidence, a ship that is barbados flag and liberia owned, according to us
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central command, that attack did serious damage to the ship itself. it killed at least three crew members and wounded four more, according to central command, three of those are in critical condition. they have been evacuated from the true confidence. again, that is a liberia-flagged i'm sorry, barbados-flagged liberia owned vessel that came under attack. us central command points out that there have been five hi, ballistic missiles launched by the houthis towards both commercial vessels and the uss carney, a destroyer in the region. so these attacks continue, wolf, oren liebermann at the pentagon. thank you very much coming up a dozen new criminal charges for embattled senator bob menendez, wife, federal prosecutors are now accusing the new jersey democrat of the destruction, bribery, and extortion >> do you know why i selected to crush makes you weak >> anyone who does and folk knee or my country shall feel my gut.
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how to get a free 30-day supply plus free shipping with your first-order at super beats >> i'm arlette saenz at the white house. and this is cnn there's more trouble tonight for senator bob menendez, the new jersey democrat embroiled
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in a foreign influence scandal a superseding indictment unveiled by the us justice department adding a slew of new criminal counts and fresh legal peril. cnn's kara scannell has the latest embattled senator bob menendez, now facing a dozen new criminal charges stemming from a years-long bribery scheme >> election, you can have the >> statement federal prosecutors allege the new jersey senator obstructed their investigation by feeding false information to his attorney who passed it on do authorities, a grand jury indicted menendez on 12 new counts, including conspiracy, obstruction of justice, acting as a foreign agent, bribery and extortion. prosecutors alleged the senator and his wife, nadine, received hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes, including mortgage payments and a mercedes-benz convertible a search of their home turned up $480,000 in cash, including envelopes of money stuffed in jacket pockets, and gold bars
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for 30 years, i have withdrawn thousands of dollars in cash from my personal savings account which i have kept for emergencies in exchange, the then chairman of the senate foreign relations committee, who still sits on the panel, allegedly agreed to help the governments of egypt and qatar and three new jersey businessmen. >> one day i'll say this morning >> menendez is now charged with causing his lawyer to mislead prosecutors by saying the car our and mortgage payments were loans. in fact, authority say menendez knew the payments were bribes. >> the indictment alleges that senator menendez use his power and influence to benefit the government of egypt in various ways. >> the new charges come after new jersey businessmen jose uribe pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with investigators senator the senator who is up for reelection this year, has strongly denied the allegations, saying, quote, these prosecutors are trying to get me to give in simply by making wild allegations again and again without actually
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proving anything. i am innocent and will prove it no matter how many charges they continue to pile on. and he resisted calls from fellow democrats to resign, less sensationalized allegations are now creating a rising call from my resignation. despite my innocence. and before a single piece of evidence has even been introduced in a court of law the united states attorney's office is engaged not in a prosecution, but a persecution they seek a victory, not >> justice has the right to have his day in court and absolutely. but he doesn't have the right to necessarily be a senator, and he definitely doesn't have the right to be in classified briefings would that involve nations that he is now credibly accused of being a foreign agent of >> well, today, senate majority leader chuck schumer said he was deeply disappointed with menendez is conduct this comes as the race for his senate seat is heating up in the garden state senator has three less
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than three weeks to decide if he's going to run for reelection and he has two months away from his criminal trial, will fire. >> we'll see what happens. kara scannell reporting. thank you very much. coming up. we'll have more on our top story. the biden trump rematch coming into sharp focus tonight as nikki haley suspends her campaign for the republican presidential nomination, stay with us. you're in the situation room >> president biden's last state of the union before the 2020 four election, with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years in the white house? join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow but at times cnn >> why always the couch doesn't need to get a puppy school, get his little puppy diploma we've been spending all this little guy. >> when your questions about life turned into questions
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