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tv   King Charles  CNN  March 6, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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process. >> i think it was an overreach by the courts. and that's a question for the courts. i mean, i can't speak for them, but i can tell you in debates, we had and there were a lot of very contentious debates on that bill. i think at the end of the de, that's a question for the courts. they took an interpretation that way beyond what the law said so i think it's more of a question of the court's that it is for the legislators >> cameron ward great to have you on and to hear yours and lindsey story about this. and thank you for sharing that perspective. give with us >> kaitlan. thank you. and all are glad to say, hey, from alabama to thank you so much. >> and before we go tonight, we do have a special show coming up tomorrow on this very issue for democratic lawmakers, including one from alice obama, will join to talk about ivf and abortion access overall in america, sharing their own emotional stories and sending a warning to women about what they say could happen in a second. trump administration
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that's tomorrow right here on the source. thank you for joining us tonight. king charles starts now thank, you. okay. mr. barak >> a cnn studio in new york city. it's king charles. >> we're not going to waste your time. no. >> gayle king. and say, but you can call me gail and charles barkley. >> i probably the night cnn's own van jones author and podcaster coleman hughes and from the new york times, wesley morris, in j work them king charles starts now let. me go and rainy night in new york city but we don't let the rain stopped was do we turn i'll pop the be here tonight that if
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this morning i said, i wonder what charles is going to where you were grayson, look, charles in our 20 tonight. oh, you look right, gail. >> you look great deal. >> i don't know if you know, normally, you know, we're sitting here and we don't make the news, but this past week, charles, i don't know. but you've been in the news for some comments you made on our last show. >> do you remember do your which he said, i do remember what i said. okay. we'll rotate if i see a black person walking around with trump mugs, how them a punch him in the face charles, i know gail >> you really can't say that because a you don't mean that i mean that sincerely do you see somebody a black person with a donkey trump will play, right jail? our promises >> i would bail you out. i would bail you out. >> you're not going to be my first call we have to say this. neither one of us were looking
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for another job and cnn called and they had this great idea. you and i together, which i thought was really fun. and people said, aren't you worried about things charles would say? and i said to you, you're a grown man you say exactly what you think and you take responsibility for everything you say. >> yes. >> and so it's not like you just willy nilly say stuff for clickbait, right? >> always, always know the response i always know how much gasoline and i'm putting on the fire. >> okay. of course. so in that vein, that clip that you all that you all just saw has been seen millions of times. and there have been quite a few articles written about it. and that's before we even get to the social media comments, which look a lot like this gentleman. he's very large, ease wearing a mug shot. he's wearing a mug shot shot of the t-shirt or photoshops of large men wearing the t-shirt that say i hear charles barclays looking for me. they all think that you are ready to run around punching people who vote for donald trump. now, i know when you say that that was just you making a point that's not something you would literally do going around, attacking
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people, right? >> well, let me say it's just my camera, right. i want to make sure people can hear me >> yeah. >> number one obviously, i'm not gone gone to go around punching random strangers in the face. first and foremost, certainly people can vote for who they want to yes, people can vote who they want to deport. i was trying to make. yeah, you know the point i was making, i was trying to make it. okay. >> when donald trump compares his plight, would that other black person that is what i had a problem with. now i do want to say this. i want to make it perfectly clear if you're wearing a black, if you went to black, if you are black person and you went to donald trump mug shot you off, freaking idiot >> i'm only >> sand freaking edic. they won't let me say what i really want to say, but you can figure it out. it starts with an f, but you are to listen >> people can vote for who they want to. but to tip for him to compare his plight, what that other african downing like that
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term, the black people in america is asinine and stupid. and like i said, you guys can put on those two shots to small t-shirts. like you all got them on, get a big sides. if you go where don't put on a medium and act like you got muscles. but that is so it just that bothered me irritates, said, no, it didn't know. it bothered me because for him to compare a white billionaire, yes. who is in trouble because the stuff he did, yes. now because the stuff like black people get in trouble, stuff that happened did not deserve to do. yes. so for him to compare that to black people's plight that just stupid on their part. i appreciate john. i hope you're all gotten neil some boxes. if you haven't where those teeth tight t-shirts around the house, somebody to take pictures. but i do i'll stick by what i said, a view where trump mug shot around you, you all freaking idiot. that you aren't going to go just randomly attacked people on the street. that's that's the only point lifted how to trump sneakers on two. unless they had to trump sneakers on to because you got
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the mug shot. ok. you give you got the mug shot and the trump stickers on you on cross over a line that you cannot get about well, there are 399. some people say that's a good deal. >> but i was trying >> to help me and i said, you don't really mean that i'm not going to i'm trying to make the point though. i'm not going to go around pocheon people. violence is never the answer. >> but my message is very clear. if you think donald trump is on the same umbrella, is black people use just stupid but you know what gail, we got big enough on, we get we got to move on. we had our on last week. yes. and nikki haley tuesday, we had her on she she had a big announcement today. >> no tape the time has now come to suspend my campaign. i said i wanted americans to have their voices heard. i have done that i have no regrets >> many people were waiting to see if she was going to endorse donald trump and she did not endorse him. well, she shows so
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he can see unsalted. she's been assaulted. he was racist toward her, talking about indian heritage. >> yeah. she's in sorted as hard as you heard, her husband. like, i don't care if you're republican or democrat, whatever you can't just you can't just go with party affiliation. i think everybody should be an independent yeah. that's my personal opinion. >> this is a thing though charles, normally in politics, you know, you have the campaign, you dust it up, people say things they don't mean. but when the race is over, you normally say, okay, and now i'm going to endorse you to her credit. people say she did not endorse him and the big story today was, will she or won't she? and so far, what are were a nikki haley vote? what is going to go when she was here, you made it clear you wanted to vote for her? yes. some questions? yes. >> so you would be one of those nikki haley voters who are now trying to figure out where to go. >> well, the reason i appreciate hurt you hurt his attacks on her were not they were personally snow. yeah. >> i don't mind somebody
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disagree with me on a certain subject whether it's imminent creation and things like that, inflation things we really need to be talking about. but his attacks were personal to go out to her heritage, which is racist which is racist, to talk about her husband who's actually serving something somebody he ducked that's why i work that crosses the line. i have no problem somebody to disagree with me on a political issue. right. but if you come at me personally, you can expect me to bag get my support for you after the fact that that's a different ball game. so now we have two candidates. it looks very much that it's going to be donald trump once again, and joe biden, of course, who's our president currently with those two choices. a lot of people have a lot of decisions to make what do you thinking? >> well, almohad to go with president biden personally. i was looking for another choice, but i think president trump, nemo, he doesn't carry yourself like a political leader that's my first and foremost. i do think president biden i have a really serious
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issue with his age. i say at their front of beginning, i have a real serious issue with his age but two choices >> and probably you doesn't going to vote, right? everybody should vote. aye. everybody should vote. i think people have died and i history for us to have the right to vote everybody's had an aerobatic and vote for who they want to. but we all have our own decisions are made and like right now i don't know if anything's going to happen with michelle obama or garrett. garrett newsguard, newsome. but right now, i'm probably going to lean into heavily toward gavin newsom. >> yeah. yeah. gavin newsom, he keeps saying he's not going to run. we'll see, but he keeps saying he's not going to tell a bomb michelle obama's made it very clear those two will out to rows to with michelle and gavin would get my vote immediately. they decided to run. it'd be if a listen and michelle obama, either one of those would get my vote
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immediately. >> neither, neither one of them are going to run, but this is the thing people always say. you have to vote for somebody and i do believe that i believe you you can't just have this election and not vote and then complain about this one is different because, because i have voted i voted for john kasich and i knew he couldn't win but i think the disparity twin these two candidates is extreme they are really extreme. so i'm probably not going to write in somebody what i'm probably going to have to go with president biden. >> well november they say a lot can happen, a lot can happen before november when a wheel a lot can happen. it i always say fasten your seat spells. it looks like it's going to be a very bumpy ride. so nikki haley wasn't the only one that said goodbye. jason kelce. jason kelce, your friend, announced that he is hanging up his jersey some people call him taylor swift, potential brother-in-law, actually like that. he tearfully announced that he's retiring from the nfl on monday. his wife, kylie, his brother travis challenge we're all on hand. a very
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emotional news conference. the 36 year-old spent his entire 13 year career with the philadelphia eagles playing a crucial role in the team's 2018 super bowl victory. i know you remember that. >> i do. >> the kelce brothers talked about jason's decision on their podcast earlier today. erin, what was really a really nice tribute featuring how should we say this? a very special guests. here's a look >> as a die-hard eagles fan manage on watching you all these years, not just a football, your personality, just watching you, you and your family. thank you for the super bowl. you going to be still in mind? on television are some point. >> yeah. how about how emotional he became when he became when he was announcing his retirement, i was touched that he was so emotional that didn't bother me. but there was some question about men getting emotional when they i think that too i think then to you're not gonna get emotional about that when can you get emotional? i love that. you play. first of all, ever man cries. well, there's publicly or privately when you've had a
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great career when you had a great you cry? yes. >> i didn't do it public because i didn't do a press conference. i just said, thank you all for everything and walked off the court gil, when you retire, you don't have a job but then bills keep coming. >> yeah. >> and then you become quite often you're still very young to really young >> you become an owl. we call it being an owl eye when a car like gayle, who said that when you call it, people, when you call all these teams and the issue like oh, good, that's why i wanted to adjust with gaussian retire. like. yeah, became an owl. like they're called nike. so you can i get like leroy and like autos you become irrelevant, don't you become irrelevant? and that's just a way sports are because they need your jersey for the next guy and in a right, and wrong, it just hide it. that's why you're very aware of compensated. but for most guys, it's a traumatic experience.
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>> so it's been all that's all you had and you don't have a job and you still got to keep you'll still a young person. but hey, congratulation to him and he's a great dude and i'm happy you got to walk. out because normally you don't get to retire and he played for one team the whole time? yes. but i'm saying, you don't, normally don't get to retire when we come and say, hey, can we hear i'm using it? well so he's wanted to luckin want to retire on his own terms. >> those things where they say can i see you in the office for a minute? let's talk about a player who's really just starting her career. we are talking of course about caitlin clark. have you seen her on the basketball court? >> the >> iowa hawkeyes basketball superstar, both the all-time ncaa scoring record this weekend and a game that got i loved this bigger tv ratings in the celtics warriors, which aired on the same day on abc. >> what do you think about that? >> well, i love that two things. thank isn't corrupt double what she's a cotton offices. it says some bad about our sport, the nba, we need to figure out why, why people
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aren't, why isn't our game? no, but she's just so i think that she is so amazing. what i told you, one of the things i regret, i didn't get it. i was trying to get to our city because apparently it's in the middle of nowhere yes. i was trying to get to see her. i want to see her play in person. probably don't have to wait two to season a wnba next year in india, nana in indiana. i think she's amazing. the only thing bothered me about the story was water. they have to, first of all, shout out to lynette woodard and pero more. yeah. >> and this how bad were treated women players form form of great players both in the hall of fame. we didn't even recognize their records until like a month ago whenever you'd get ready to break it. so shout out to those two amazing ladies and linette handle. it was says class and dignity and get a lot of grace. you have a lot of grace. she's always been a lot yeah. but number one, now she can read a break pearls record. i think any day now. >> but what really bothers me, >> what had to compare her to pete maravich?
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>> because. he he has a leading score. >> yeah. but he's a leading scorer. well, first of all, he's a man but isn't that what sports is charles, you know, where the different scores well, we don't we don't pay as you do, we don't put a man we didn't put her in in a college game and i think it shows it made it even more extraordinary what she's done that she had broken his rationale is already extraordinary, but also it does it's not fair to pete maravich's does not want he only played three years of college and they didn't have a three-point line i just thought it took away from her gretener. she is great, great, great. >> we don't have a you're saying don't compare it. to empower women to men. we don't have to do that i mean, to me, let's celebrate her. let's celebrate her. graham's >> celebrating her, but i also liked the fact that she broke his record. >> why did she did break his record? but it's it's kinda like so you have to be fair. he only played three years and there was no three-point line i'm celebrating her, but we don't have to like compare her to me and that's my only problem with the situation.
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>> so you're not drinking a little cup of hate or aid because i'm thinking it's good that she broke his record. >> well, i think his great that she's great. okay. we don't have to have to make up fake horse and you're saying there's no need to pit them against each other's what you're saying. >> fake arguments on tv and radio. do nobody justice. >> that's according to charles barkley. congratulations, kaitlan congratulates and kaitlan, we both think you are terrific. >> we both >> coming up, we've got more to say about some of those mug shot comments that we were talking about earlier today. we're going to talk about that plus what is attracting this is, a question a lot of people are asking. a lot of black people were asking this question what is it that it's tracking some black voters too? all trump with two political experts is a topic of conversation around the country. you're watching king charles will be right back to my home girl, vip unfairly. jason kelce retires about me
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and many sports crying love to see it. he was, it's true authentic self. everybody cried with him and it's good to cry. >> i'm a crier myself. what is it to be a man? man, if you don't show every emotion of human life, have you ever cried ever, ever starting >> it's okay, it's okay. >> if >> he makes me cry every 10:00 everywhere oh, cnn >> laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn at morgan stanley old school hard work meets bowl, new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities. and relentlessly work with you to make them real >> when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with her invoke a once-daily pill when i wanted to see results fast were invoked, delivered rapids symptom relief, and helped lead bathroom urgency behind. >> check. >> when you see tried to slow me down, i got but lasting steroid free permission with rinvoq shack. >> and when you see cause damage, we invoke came through
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a pro-bibi the present over real stone and even more during our winter sale >> to be a headliner, doors vegas. that's what i want to do >> they had the biggest entertainers in america vegas is always marketed itself on its naughtiness >> and the only way you find out what you can do is if you do it it's unlike anywhere else in the world >> vegas, the story of sin city next sunday at ten on cnn we've on it early. i >> calls his comments created a lot of buzz over the last few days. the conversation about donald trump, who was said his criminal indictments and mug shot have endeared him to black voters. it's been everywhere, even creating topics for some of our fellow news networks so we talked about president biden's enthusiasm problem
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among black americans. but the flip side of that coin is this, the appeal of donald trump to certain black voters? so let's, let's talk about that with coleman hughes is doing just onstage. she's a podcast host and cnn political analysts, whose new book, the end of race politics arguments for a colorblind america is available now, i'm always fascinated by the term colorblind. i was wonderful woman. is that possible? also joining us is cnn senior political commentator, van jones is here great to have you guys here. >> colman, let's start with you. what do you make of the president's comments? here you see things a little differently. >> well, yeah. i don't think their offensive i'm not going to punch anyone in the face, but that doesn't mean they're right either. so if you actually if you look at it, donald trump's been gaining steam amongst black voters since prior to 2020. he was the polls from 2022 before the first indictment actually show showed him picking up a lot of steam to whatever the trend is, is probably not the indictments. it's probably a dissatisfaction with democrats in general. you also look at
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him polling against other republicans, but he also pulling wellesley probably though, right? so he named the name them. that's so i don't think he's right about that. right. i don't think the indictment is what is dropped following black voters towards him. what do you clearly something else? what do you think it is? well, i >> think frankly could just be that first of all, this trend is a lot of younger black voters. basically it's black men under 30 that are moving towards the republican party. black men, basically my age and it could just be a general dissatisfaction with the message that the democratic party is telling black people were telling they're telling black people essentially, nothing is your fault. it's all systemic racism. and that's actually not appealing to a lot of younger men. younger men were prefer to be told your life is in your own control and you, you can make your own destiny. why don't you? think it's offensive? i think that's interesting. you said i don't think it's offensive >> i think it's like incorrect. >> it was >> wrong, but it doesn't offend me as an idea. the idea in theory that's people would rally behind trump because
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he's being unfairly prosecuted and that resonates with black people's feeling of being unfairly we prosecuted as not offensive to me in theory, i just don't think it's the actual reason why people are going towards it has nothing to do with that >> i was offended >> i appreciate your point. >> i was offended. >> maybe a generational thing. i agree with what you're saying that he does had this kind of outlaw image that's going on now and that might be somewhat appealing. but i think in his mind, he associates black people were criminality. so i think in his mind, when he did with the central park five and that sort of stuff. so to me it was a tale does go the same way that he said, the new demak, new republican country the governorships is dr. king times ten, that's gotten us all right. scott. all but he's black. and so that you can see in his mind crime, dr. king crime, dr. king so i was offended by that, but i think you put your finger on something very important i do
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think that trump seems strong right now. >> you >> leave people jumped on 957 lawsuits. all these felonies and stuff. if i had one thought on the ib home crying or you'd be in jail van. oh, true >> jail? >> but that only seems to boost his popularity. >> and i just do think there right now, people are hurting and uncertain there. >> you go into grocery store, you spent $300 and a blue runs out by wednesday, doesn't feel good the world think be on fire. and then here's this guy who's just strong. now we strong and wrong but he does seem strong. and i think that that does have some appeal. and i think that we got to deal with that. i also do this, but he's also very fluid with the truth and that doesn't seem to matter to people >> you are well raised it says to she they fluid with the troops you think it dam lie >> i think you know what i
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mean? >> that doesn't >> bother you, coleman. >> oh, he's lying definitely bothers me. i didn't vote for him and i wouldn't solve for him. but for a lot of voters, i agree, view him as strong and there's actually been some polls of republicans that like him and a lot of them agree with all of the same criticisms that you just said. they know he's a liar, but they liked that is strong. and especially when you put them up against joe biden, who with each passing day just looks worse and worse and more and more feeble having that next to a person that is relatively strong because guys, i don't necessarily think it's about age. i think it's about a person's energy and a person's vitality. >> it's not the number. yeah. yeah. i don't necessarily think it's the number that's right. i think it's about how they carry them. that's exactly right. bloomberg is i think because at he gets sharp as a chat hendre, so i do think that the way that biden carries himself, his stutter, which i worked for him in the obama white house. he always had that started, but it does seem a lot worse. and so i do think that hurts. and then also on policy we're offerings here. we can talk
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>> there were things that black voters wanted and pect and hope for in 2020 police reform, the george floyd policing act, but it didn't pass. voting rights. the john lewis voting rights bill that didn't pass more progress on criminal justice, the equal act that didn't pass. and so wasn't capacity emotionality and this and the other you just kinda look to charles point. what did we get for our vote? >> look, >> we the economy is better than it could have been. i love alaska. he did. but if you just look at that particular set of issues, you could be disappointed. >> on the other no >> because he does it. go back to several us said the reason i was i'm only speaking for myself and the reason i think the democratic party, and mr. biden, president biden is losing black bose's they only care about black people every four years. they comment our neighborhoods and say, we're going to make stuff better. we're going to do this, do this, do this and then finally,
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us, black people like hillman, other my ability to duck a basketball all my neighbors hoods are still the same. our schools are still the same and that's why i think black people are leaving disappointed the democratic party because i know law, i'll go the democratic every time just because i thought thought i was going to help black people and poor people, black people, poor white people there in the same boat like i didn't care who the president was. i'm not going to lie, but i've voted only voted republican one time i live now for john kasich and i'd even knew he couldn't win but then i'm starting to look like, man, i understand why black people leaving want to vote for somebody that's because every four years they come into our neighborhoods and man, we don't make things better for you. >> i think i think i think that's true and i'll let you go. i do want to point out though that poor black folks haven't been for democrats for two generations, not as much progress as you want. poor white balls been voting for republicans in appalachia and other places for three generations or four and not that much progress. so there's a poor people problem with both
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parties, but i think what you highlighted my be a reason why some black voters still a home. but if we're asking why are certain black voters switching from democrat to republican? i don't think they're switching to trump or to other republicans because they think those republicans are going to actually make change. i think those voters are switching for other reasons just because they actually don't like the message that democrats are saying sending to them as black people and especially as young black people. because again, this trend is not happening throughout black america. it's confined basically two black men under 30. >> okay. i haven't you're concerned ability, you coleman 28, 20 >> and >> we're proud of you, by the way, i'm just glad that for 28, i mean, you make me proud. thank you. >> i think you're onto something and at the same time, i question this. this is also a generation that's mostly on social media and often is only
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getting their news now through tiktok and instagram. and i'm concerned that there are some concerted efforts, maybe even not from united states, efforts to push this distress and this depression. and i don't think it's just democrats run a victim narrative. i think you're saying democrats went back to merit of people don't like that that's never been that appealing. but i think there's something happening on social media where i'm seeing over and over again, message is basically saying don't vote saying why should we vote acting as if nothing has been achieved, i would say at least this. >> maybe >> you can't get what you want by voting, but you can share, lose what you've got by not easy to vote defensively. and that seems to be being pushed back on. so i think that some of it might be not liking the message, but somebody might be some actual online the influence operations are you concerned at all that does some stuff is artificial? >> that's certainly could be happening. i mean, i know that
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for a fact when they looked into the years between say, 2,014.20, 20, they saw that there were actual facebook pages created by russia, but those pages, while they were playing both sides of the equation that they were inflaming trump supporters, but they were also planning blm rallies, right? they were flaming inflaming both sides to try to destroy the country. but >> that is the russian propaganda model where you create polarization and then you get people so frustrated that people just kind of give up and go to the couch and so i'm just saying there is something happening with black men some of it is the pain of going all these funerals and seeing young men after young man put it in the ground and nothing happened some of it is this victim narrative that is coming forward that just says it's almost like it's disempowering. if you're black, you just you can't do anything. it's just racism that we have nothing you could do. i think that is a turnoff but there is something happening on social media that we need to look at because i've never seen this much despair from a group pupils of people who usually are the sparkplugs for hoping our community.
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>> now, i will argue though, that do you just blame it on social media? i don't know. i'm just saying i want i want to have a real conversation because i don't feel like all is it happening? >> yeah, almost all. almost all of the major trends of the past ten years trace in some way to social media. we're talking about skyrocketing depression rates among youth. all of this stuff is caused by social media. but from the data i've seen, the people that use social media the most are very liberal young people. they're the highest most active use deserves so is it that there i'm not sure they're the ones that are being pushed to the right per say but certainly there's a major trend going on with social media. it's affecting every aspect of our law. >> you're in a unique position because you worked with the trump administration on some significant criminal justice reform? yes. >> do you think that that is that also adds to his appeal >> i think that it do you think he was sincere about that or do you think that that was just an all you asked me why trump did something and i they don't pay
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me enough beer. i don't mean to be hoping that >> up to his appeal though. >> i think there are some people that they will say these things about donald trump. they'll say number one, he did do something on criminal justice and i think that that's fair. but by the way, was a bipartisan bill. and so did you know we had a lot of people involved in that but i think that's fair. you signed a bill. you should always going to say he seems to be proud of that. however, he's not talking about it. he's not running on it. he's actually running away from it. so that's not so good. the other thing they'll say besides the criminal justice peace is the stimulus tax that we got during the pandemic. we got stimulus checks and always point out, but why did you need to stamp the stimulus checks because he has so mishandled the pandemic that the whole country had to be shut down. and so that's why you got the stimulus checks. so there are some things that you can point to, but here's something else. >> nostalgia cells. >> when you don't have hope you don't have hope about tomorrow, then you say, make america great. again, that cells, when you say make america great again, the way it was just 56 years ago when you don't have hope for tomorrow
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nostalgia cells. and so i think that he's playing that nostalgia card and everybody forgets how bad it really, really was during the trump years. yes. some of the numbers look good, but most of the stall bad every day. that's getting washed out. and so i don't i don't have all the answers, but i will say, did he do something good on criminal justice? yes, he did. i told him i told jared kushner, what would you i got 99 problems, but prisons anyone? i appreciate it >> all right. thank you. >> i love with jay-z reference. i always thank you. thank you. van jones coleman. thank you. thank you very much. coming up next, we have a lot of pop culture to talk about two today, the oscars. do you know there this weekend? queen b is going country. i love that >> and we've got the >> perfect people to speak about all of this. a host of the new york times award-winning culture podcast, still processing i love that title, wesley morrison, j worth them are here. you're watching king charles will be back
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and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. or stopped buying granger for the ones who get it done. >> i'm kylie atwood in charleston, south carolina. and this is cnn hey guys, oscars this weekend, what movie was your favorite movie of the year for me, oppenheimer. oppenheimer, i would say the same >> thing that oppenheimer. >> i love. the fourth thing the holdover by let's say, oppenheimer's on favorite of the year, goes too long, but it was so great time goes. >> so does matt, i was a your life brother? >> rajab, and i was three times
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three times i say your face, the oscars are this weekend. people have some thoughts are next scares also have some thoughts about this and more they are the co-host of the award-winning still processing podcast, new york times critic large wesley morris and staff writer for new york times magazine dj worth them are here. welcome, welcome, welcome. >> i saw your little stink face when they said >> oppenheimer, you're up in her little curled up like you had bitten a lemon, wesley. so you didn't care for oppenheimer >> know? >> oh my god. >> oh news right now what is like a documentary. >> but with acting great effing is agreed. yes. >> let me ask you guys a question. >> who did you care about in this movie? was there a person that you access your timer? >> i came out of that movie in googled everything i wanted to know, everything about him. i wanted to know everything about design, other thing about you
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go to these movies, then you have more questions, like you shouldn't be google and elie know it's not questions i just wanted to know more about it. okay. it's all. >> i mean. >> listen, i really thought it done well >> what about robert downey junior >> ok. now, emily blunt, just name nostradamus albert everybody in hollywood was in the movie, which is why it's going to win nascar, or because they were able to jot okay. >> mr. morris, who would you like to see when of the ten mr. cranky pants since you didn't care for oppenheimer, clearly, i don't hate the moon we just to be clear, i just don't love it. i don't i loved that >> the courts movie. >> i didn't like where electoral college board >> yeah, everybody show it was what name is core for the people? the home court, jefferson yes. is his full government names. okay.
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>> i do like that movie. >> it reminds me a lot of its way of hollywood shuffle allowed jeffrey wright and sterling k. brown. i really would love america. >> we call it courts movie, but the official americans, eric infection, yes sterling was amazing. yes. and jeff, right? i just love jeffrey wright. he was right. >> i think jay >> jay, do you cheer for deja care for up and i'm now used to >> yeah. i >> oppenheimer first switch was a choice. >> but i >> just i enjoyed it. i found it to be riveting. it's a part of history that i don't know a lot of bow at the repercussions are endless and interesting. and if it was fascinating, i have the acting was good to know what i love that movie cause viral went no, no, no, no. just the true and the kid said that too. if i went to a movie for three hours and it was bad, i would have snapped
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that's the true that's the true tail. there was a good movie, but three hours, they don't even make three-hour movies anymore. but if you call for three hours in superhero movies, a three-hour, i'm not do have one years old, six to one. i'm waiting on that to come out on the donor playing. i'm just saying that's a three-hour flight >> you let a lot of movies on the plane every week. >> you do us whatever thing i do desk. the best thing about delta question is, did you watch oppenheimer on the plane? >> no, no, no, it just just came out on playing like last week >> so he had >> already know i saw it in the theater okay. but that's why i know it was a good movie. you're going to give three hours. it better be good jay, what do you think about biance breaking into country >> that is a key change >> think about that >> you know, when is there some grumblings like is it country like is biance his country turn
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the oppenheimer of the music industry because it's very controversial. >> no. >> i agree. why not let per experiment. i mean, other people have for aid into country music with no seemingly prior experience. why not let biance just play around with different genres? why are we trying to make her fit into that? >> i think it's very exciting. i can't wait to the whole album comes out where you're going to say wesley, why? >> what >> look at that video >> oh, yes hey, mr. barkley is it too much for you >> have you not seen that before? >> they for, so are you going to be going on girls you've got to get out the house. yeah. you may want to go to that >> they don't have that on drought. >> tell you what i get a copy of king charles >> i can see beyonce on here i think his great, yeah, i do. >> i >> do too. i we were talking yesterday about just how
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beautiful these two songs are. >> yes. and how >> differently do 16 carriages and hold texas hold us, hold them and i just think that well, i am interested in this question of not just with respect to biance, but just writ large, what is country music and how would you identify? now there's a musical logical answer to that question. >> but i'm really curious about when we can say that the reason that biance is in played on country radio is racism. or these djs do play country music all day long, been like this doesn't, i don't recognize. >> you don't want to just not you think is not racist no, no, no. >> i'm not saying it isn't charles i'm just i'm wondering if it's possible. >> well, what about kane brown, mickey guyton? baer is rucker. what do they play them? what i have a problem with biance because i i mean, what's her
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nashville relationship and nashville, the kissing of the rings in country music is really important, but we should say they are playing her in the beginning, there was a little pushback because radio station didn't realize she had a country song. and then once they realized she had a countries on, because when it first happened, one radio station said, well, we don't play biance. they said that before they realized she had excuse me. sorry. yeah. and then once they heard it was realized why it because they heard it the backlash. >> no. no, i think i think they legitimately legitimately didn't know that she had a country >> they're about as she was coming out the requested people were calling over again to push back >> against the stations to say, this country songs out. we want to hear it. >> it has to be good. >> it's no number one, it's number one everywhere on all the genres is number one yes. >> but the way billboard in the wake of lil nas, x and the controversy, that sort of the actual racism that kept him off the out of the top spot in the
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country. >> yeah, billboard went back and reconfigured how the chart work. now they tabulated the. way that certain genre numbers are tabulated turned in you know, went through ten. we'll board whenever treene little not x because he was black because he was gained no, no, no, it's not a billboard. >> i mean and also, i might add it could be. >> let's just throw all of the isms out there as a reason that he was not played on country radio, although at the time, the gay part wasn't as a parent, was not right. >> so really what we are probably focusing a little nicer at the, at the beginning when all country old town road >> yeah >> it was that it did not sound the way the country nashville establishment thought a couldn't notice the horse in
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the video >> they're not watched that video. >> and then he sold to have a problem >> i'm >> i like cut to music. but when i saw the video, i said, well, while he's on a horse but then delete ray cyrus comes along >> the thing that jim eyes as the sun song, as being more hostile >> the horse was, it was a great song, great, great song. >> but to jay's point, they also people, people have problem with biance and they always have, they always manned is probably arguably like gail spent a whole summer fallen. beyonce and taylor >> i only went to force shows. charles >> i went details. >> star in the world between her and taylor swift. there, the two biggest stars in the world. while you have a problem, plan her song and less like it clearly is racism. i'll see it. >> i mean, i'm not afraid to say it. i just want to explore what the other options could be, right guys, they are is playing it it's number one as a chopper country to someone on billboard
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>> the queen >> is what i hear >> airplay chart number is the thing you really want to look at what this song with both these songs, right? right. >> where on the country airplay chart she could be the top of the country, like writ, like the whole chart that combines streaming numbers, downloads, an airplay. but i'm focused on the airplay chart because that is the choice that the stations are making about what to do with the song. >> i'm old downloads. >> i don't >> like about a load that video. >> like you have homework, i jail. you said you oppenheimer all my long because i wanted to learn more about it, wesley. thank you, dave. always good to see. >> coming up. we're going to discuss the account you must follow on instagram. it's a brand new account. it just came last week and the year is 2024. >> where is this >> guy ben? >> you're watching king charles will be our back.
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said you did know. >> i've never used it. i still haven't ever used it. i'm not going lot. they've got to give me a tutorial tomorrow night today, who the social media team? okay. >> they got a call for >> instagram trying to tell me how to because i had no security apparently or anything like but i don't i don't i don't know what dia means. and i don't check tried to make pardon me, tom. only fans are fans only thing. not thought he misled. onlyfans for fans of mine he to chuck know, it caters to check, don't do that circumstance. i don't do that. but what made you finally decide to get on? >> well, i got an alcohol business. have a block and a gan distillery about in alabama. okay. so it's a business think this will be interesting for me, but i got to put other stuff on there. but let's talk about america's best friend guys. there was a big article coming out. you david got a big arctic is on newsweek, correct? >> it seems to be >> getting their say, gil, can you not just oprah's best
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friend, she's america's best friend. i'm so proud of you. i tell people you are so awesome it's an honor and a privilege to work with you. >> what i say about you, i tell everybody charles, are you talking about two? that's what i say. everybody. hey, charles barkley america. >> america was barkley. >> hello >> and good news week. or you can you get on king charles? >> we will see you next wednesday by no. >> i don't want >> gayle king and charles barkley are shaking things he's up on cnn. >> thank you. >> us tonight. i don't give opinion. zombie opinionated. >> you make a comment about the warriors last night. i don't believe everything you read on the internet, king charles, next wednesday on cnn. >> backroom deals, cia secrets. a bribery, corruption, prostitution there's so much more to the store in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on
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