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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 7, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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families, too many of the palestinian prisoners that would have been released in return as well. and not least, for the 2.2 million palestinians in gaza, the un warning that a porter of the gaza strip is on the brink of famine in northern gaza, child malnutrition is horrific. what we are seeing is certainly from humanitarian aid groups as well devastation that they won't be this ceasefire, that they won't be able to flood the gaza strip with aid anytime soon. kate paula, it's great to have you. thank you so much for pulling it all together for us. >> it's good to see you. >> john new details >> justin about the president's state of the union address tonight, maybe the biggest speech of his presidency, the new tax proposals, the surprising guests he is bringing. and just how energetic his staff says he will be >> it's a new de in alabama with a new law protecting ivf
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treatments provided hi girls and patients. what doctors and fertility clinics are planning to do now. >> and this morning, the father of a michigan high school shooter will face a jury. has wife has already been found guilty in the first trial? her testimony, by the way, could be a key piece of evidence in her husband's trial. will he become the second parent ever to be? cars and convicted in a mass shooting committed by his child? i'm sarah cider with kate bolduan and john berman. this is cnn news central >> just in brand new details of help president biden plans to approach the state of the union address tonight, a speech at the white house readily acknowledges has huge implications for the president. the white house this morning unveiled details of a new tab it's plan or revealed new guests of the president who will be in attendance. the president's chief of staff says
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voters will be, quote, see quote, a very energized president. >> and just >> moments ago, the white house press secretary shared this about what the president plans to sit >> he she's going to talk about his unity agenda. there are issues, there are issues that both sides care about. you know, ending cancer, fighting for veteran families. those are important, making sure we're getting centered tunnel out of our communities. and it is important for this president to continue to talk about our freedoms and how they are under attack. they are in extreme ways by extreme republicans and so he's going to continue, you're going to see who side he's on, his side of the american people cnn's arlette seinz is at the white house this morning. arlette, a lot of work, a lot of preparation has gone into this moment tonight >> yeah, john and president biden is expected to spend the day putting those finest final touches on this speech as he tries to use this big platform to convince voters to give him a second in term in the white
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house. this caps off months of preparation from his senior advisors crafted the speech and also the president. i'm told consulted with presidential historian jon meacham, someone he's often turned to in these big moments to talk to the american people. now, the task at hand for the president and his advisers was identifying the priorities that he would push in this speech, but also trying to find a way to craft a message that will convince voters he is up for a second term. the president's speech is expected to focus heavily on economic issues. he is expected to call for an increase in the corporate tax rate to 28%, as well as setting the corporate minimum tax rate from 15% to 21%. the president is also expected to address everyday costs that americans are facing, especially on the issue of prescription drugs. he's expected to press congress to expand the ability for medicare to negotiate drug prices for more drugs right now that number is 20. he wants to get that up to 50. the president's also expected to speak a broadly about the need to
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preserve democracy and freedoms. one of those key freedoms that he often speaks about is reproductive rights, which the administration and white house really believed you can galvanize voters heading into december. there's also border security, ukraine aid, aid for israel, all things that the president is likely to talk about. this after this evening, as he addresses lawmakers in the house chamber. but another interesting dynamic playing out in the house chamber is who the first lady has invited to attend the state of the union oftentimes, these guests speak to the priorities of the president will discuss and just to run through a few names of the 20 people who will be seated in the first lady's box of that will include kate cox that texas mother who adds travel out of state to seek an abortion after facing a life-threatening pregnancy. also, latoya be he's lee. she is a woman from alabama who was undergoing ivf but had her procedure canceled due to the alabama's a supreme court decision relating to ivf last month, you will also see the
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swedish prime minister who today, it comes at a important moment as sweden is set to join the nato alliance. and today, a move that president biden had pushed for a back when russia had invaded ukraine. and it also comes as former president donald trump has questioned whether the nato alliance should move forward. so much of this speech, even if the president doesn't mention trump by name, will be an opportunity for him to try to draw a contrast with the former president and republic publicans. of course, the president is facing a challenging reelection to fight in this moment and one of his key tasks at hand will be pried to convince voters that he's up for a second term. >> arlette saenz at the white house, it will be a busy day they're absolutely let's talk about one big aspect of the speech. as arlette saenz has just laid out, joining us right now is cnn economics and political commentator and washington post opinion columnist catherine rampell. let's talk about how joe biden is, according to all sources there's going to lean in heavily catherine into his
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economic message the economic wins, but also there's got to be the work to be done. let's start with the wins. what can joe biden do you think legitimately tout tonight and should at the state of the union when it comes to the economy on paper, the us actually looks pretty spectacular. i'm referring to things like unemployment, being below 4% for two years inflation still too high obviously, but has cooled significantly. gdp, a measure of the sun highs of the economy has beaten expectations quarter after quarter. and in fact, we are doing better today in the us than had been predicted in pre-pandemic forecasts. so on all of those metrics, the us looks pretty good you talk about on paper and i think that's part of the key distinction, right? because that the weakness, the weaknesses for president biden, the weaknesses that the white house is even acknowledging in
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these interviews in the leadup to the state of the union it is more a lot to do with not on paper, but how it feels, where are the weaknesses >> exactly? there has been this sort of curious gap between, again, how the economy looks by traditional metrics and softer measures like consumer confidence or views of the economy and the economic outlook. for a couple of years now, in fact, americans have been about as pessimistic and dour about the economy as they had been during some of the deepest, darkest depths of the great recession following thank a once in a century financial crisis. and there's been a sort of a puzzle about that. in recent months, i should say, consumer confidence has been picking up. it's still not great, but there has been significant improvement in the past few months. and the real question has been, to what extent? will consumers
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obviously continue that upward trend and then to what extent will that growing positivity reflect well upon president biden, if you look back to the 2012 election then president obama's reelection chances were considered kind of was iffy about a year out. but then as economic confidence grew, that reflected well upon president obama and significantly improved his reelection chances. >> and let's talk about some of the puzzle you wrote about this in washington post this week on how americans is you said are feeling better about the economy. but the president, former president trump, is getting a lot of credit for that. what did you find? >> yeah, it's very strange. so as i said, americans look a little bit rosier, if not fully rosy about the economic outlook. but then if you ask them, how do they view
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president biden's handling of the economy or do they think biden versus trump if given us? a second term would handle it better, even though americans are feeling more favorably about the us, >> they seem to be >> benefit, they seem to be assigning credit in some sense to former president trump, which is somewhat bizarre, like if you look at things like which candidate, if you're into the second in term would be more likely to get prices down versus up about twice as many americans give that, say, a new, another term to trump would lead to lower prices as they say, of biden. >> and that's bizarre in >> some sense, because if you look at the actual policy proposal bozel as well you know, certainly biden's handling of the economy and some of his policy proposals leaves some to be desired. if you look at what trump has laid out, he has laid out a number of proposals that would free
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clearly make inflation worse. i'm thinking about adding a 10% tariff that is attacks on all global imports, things that consumers buy. i'm talking about things like slashing both legal and illegal immigration. so reducing the number of visas granted to farm workers who can come here that would drive prices up, produce prices up, for example, other things like interfering with the political independence of the federal reserve. that is crucial. it's a little understood issue but if in fact the federal reserve is not able to do which job, which is one of its two main goals is price stability. that would have serious consequences for inflation going forward. other measures like big tax cuts that would drive a deficits in the long run that likely to contribute to inflation. so there's somewhat of a disconnect between how americans view trump's economic agenda and what it would likely do at least on the margin to the things that american say that they care
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about. >> part of the, part of the >> puzzle for the biden campaign. and it'll be interesting to see what president trump, how heydrich dresses it tonight to begin, it's good to see you. thank you so much, catherine >> sara >> all right. let's break this all down. how do voters feel ahead of biden's big moment? let's break it all down with a lover of data. the bringer of facts, harry enten. let's begin here. what is biden fighting against his own approval rating, correct? >> that's exactly right. lover of data, lover of pasta, lover of pastrami. let's take a look at what the joe biden's approval rating has been on march 7 over the last four years. this is not the type of trend line you want. if you're the prezi united states, you know, you go back to 2021 to 54%, 2022, 43, 2023. hey, maybe a little bit higher, but right? basically the same at 44. and now we're at the bottom of the trough at just 38% on average, this is not where you want to be if you're the incumbent president of the united states with the election just months
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away, it makes this speech so very much more important and the pressure is on what does this look like for past presidents though, at the point, yes. >> so if biden is it 38%, that is lower than any president over the last 40 years that tops was ronald reagan at 50 for bill clinton was at 52, bush and obama w bush and obama were both at 49. and then right at the bottom, which is where biden is close there's too, was donald trump back in 2020 at 42%, and george hw bush in 1992 at 41%. now, why is that important? well, if you know your presidential election history, the two presidents on this list who lost reelection were donald trump and george hw bush. and that's who joe biden's approval rating it looks the most like at this particular point. now, look, we still have months to go until the november election. but if history is prologue, this is not the prologue. you would like if you're a fan of democrats are a fan of president biden. >> does the state of the union
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matter? can that make the difference or at least some difference in the popularity of a precedent it can. >> but on average, it does not. so if you look at joe biden, the average shift in his approval rating based upon the state of union. it's gone up by a single point. now, if you're at 49, maybe going to 50 would be a pretty gosh darn big deal. but if you're at 38 going to 39 not really much of a big deal. if you look at president since 1,978, the average shift is zero points in fact, sometimes they go up a little bit, sometimes they go down, but on average, averages out to no shift whatsoever. now, why is that, sarah? why perhaps is there no shift will cool the people who tune into the state of the union. well it's usually fans of the president of the united states in 2019, a lot more republicans than democrats to remember that was when donald trump was giving a state of the union address. look at last year, what do we see? plenty more democrats than republicans tuned. and so it could be tonight that joe biden is
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really just preaching to the choir now, maybe some republicans can tune in maybe there will be some good press for joe biden coming out of the state union that perhaps could generate some approval rating rise. but the fact that tonight he's probably going to be speaking to a lot more democrats and republicans. and of course, most democrats already like joe biden and we know that president trump has former president trump has promised that he's going to do something while this it's going on to try to pull people away. we will see what happens there. but you know what? i love it when you bring the numbers, i hate it when you say 1,900 and something it makes me feel like i'm 100,000 years old. that's a lie here. now you feel like the way that i feel daily, i wish i was 65.8 and i am now 105 at whatever age i am currently right now, i'm not going to reveal that. >> i can't i just can't with the 1,900 and something. i love having, you know, thank you, harry. thank you, john. >> i like the honesty a brand new cnn report highlights how president biden's talk about the border has undergone big changes since he fit first
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friend for the white house before 2020. the defense department just revealed new information about a potential spy balloon found off the coast of alaska in would be parents are restarting ivf treatment in alabama after a new law passed, but does it clear up all the controversy after the supreme court? they're all the derail the process >> president biden's bless of the union before the 2024 election, with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years in the white house joint cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tonight at eight on cnn. >> from meat free monday to sunday though many >> ways to save life rather while it happy about 365 by whole foods market >> it's a new day.
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upgrade your office at branch >> vegas, the story of sin city. next sunday at ten on cnn right now, the pentagon examining debris found by fishermen off alaska's coast to see whether it's from a spy balloon again, about a year ago, us fighter jets shot down
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a suspected chinese spy balloon that made its way across the united states. cnn's katie bo lillis is joining us now. what are you learning about this it's object in the sky >> yes. so sarah the big news here is that the federal government now in a statement from the defense department last night confirming for the first time that the debris that they've taken custody of and are examining is in fact some kind of balloon. this all started last week when commercial fishermen off the coast of alaska found some see trash shall we say, in the water that was interesting enough in suspicious enough to them that they took some pictures of it and reached out to law enforcement. the fbi took a look at some of these images and said, this is suspiciously similar enough to the kind of surveillance balloon that the chinese and i'm chinese surveillance balloon that blew off course last year and flew across the entirety of the united states before the biden administration shot it down, that they wanted to take a look at it and see exactly what it was. so the fbi met this ship when it came into
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port, the defense department has now taken custody of this object. it's now at a base in alaska, according to the defense department where the dod and other federal agencies will do forensic analysis on it to try to determine both its >> off the coast of alaska, sarah, so we will be watching closely to see what the defendant will be waiting to hear those details as soon as you get them. can ebola bot. let us we appreciate it. >> so ivf patients and alabama or >> breathing a sigh of relief this morning, the state's >> governor just signed a new law trying to fix some of the fallout from that state supreme court ruling. and opening statements begin this morning and the trial of the man who bought the gun, his son used in the deadliest
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wow, >> our mission here at cnn is that the news comes first. that's the promise of the situation room. we work as hard as we can to get the facts tuition rates, wolf blitzer denied it six on cnn. >> who at least two, alabama fertility clinics say they will resume ivf treatments after the governor signed a new law overnight aimed at protecting ivf patients and providers. a third clinic though holding off saying that the new two law still is not clear enough to make them comfortable. the issue we have been covering
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this extensively, that the law potentially does not address personhood, which was at the center of the state supreme court ruling that that said that frozen embryos were equal to being children under state law which through all of fertility treatments in alabama into chaos and had state lawmakers scrambling. let's talk about what today means now, this very big day for alabama and providers and patients in the state joining me right now is dr. mamie mclean a reproductive endocrinologist and fertility specialists at all alabama fertility, one of the facilities that was impacted by the state supreme court ruling and dr. you just told me that you are going to be able to start back up with treatments today after this law, after this bill became law, overnight, what does today mean for you and your patients? >> today's are really special day. i think embryo transfers have always held such important and sap so much hope. but today
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is the day that we get to resume embryo transfers on the patients were contacted last night by their physicians we understand that they burst into tears with the joy that they get to receive the care that they need today >> i was going to ask you what you've heard from your patients because as i learned from our last conversation when you were with on when you came on with one of your former patients that relate patient ship is so much more than i would say a typical doctor-patient relationship with when you're with them for when you're talking about fertility, talk to you about your hearing from patients yeah, you're right. the relationship between a fertility specialist and their patients are incredibly close, is very personal. what we're doing >> and these >> are, i say, short-term, very intense relationships with our families. there's nothing more special than seeing patients back to have a second child and, that's really filled our last few weeks as couples
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who've been successful, who want to have a second child. and the uncertainty posed by the ruling has been untenable. so the ability to now say to these patients, let's go, let's do your embryo transfer. let's start ivf. let's build your family is incredibly powerful one of the clinics in the state that had put some services on pause. it says that they are not yet comfortable to start back up. i want to read for you part of what they said, what they say is at this time we believe the law falls short of addressing the fertile fertilized eggs currently stored across this state and leaves challenges for physicians and fertility clinics trying to get help trying to help deserving families have children of their own? no, dr. i'm not going to ask you for your legal analysis of what we're looking at here, but it does make me wonder if you think that more is needed to correct the fallout from the
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supreme court ruling, if you think that more needs to be done sure. we know those >> larger conversations are ongoing and certainly we are concerned that long-term access to complete ivf care will always be under threat if the supreme court ruling stands we know that there was a poll performed over the weekend from republican gop primary hey, voters and our state. and then an overwhelming two-thirds are supportive this question going on the ballot, this fall. so we think that there is a lot of support from a conservative republican base to protect ivf access and ultimately that does mean addressing the supreme court ruling yeah. >> look, this whole episode of politics and law and medicine getting mashed up into one has put his, put you in a position that you really would probably never would want to be in and really put a spotlight on this. we know i know the first lady is going to be joined tonight at the state of the union by an
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ivf patient in from alabama to put a spotlight once more on this is have you thought is there something you'd like to hear from the president on this this evening? >> i'd like to hear from the president just the overwhelming support that that americans have for this american right to decide whether to become pregnant, when to become pregnant, and then to decide with your physician how best to become pregnant. i'm a physician. i'm not not a wire. i'm not a legislator, but what i can say very strongly is that people in my field, physicians in my field train for 11 years after college. we take two rounds of board certifications to do what we do. and it's incredibly hard to legislate ivf and to make rules that apply to all patients. those decisions should be made between a physician and their patient. >> do you think there's even though there's steps to correct this began happening, do think there's lasting damage from
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what your patients have had to go through? >> i have to look at this from the positive perspective, which is the overwhelming support that our patients have had to protect their access to ivf. so i hope that while infertility used to be a very taboo subject, i hope that our patients felt very supported that the majority of americans want them to have the access to the health care that they need. >> it's a good point and a great point to end on it's good to see your dr. once again, especially with this news. thank you. sir. all right. >> i had border security expected to be a major issue during president biden's state of the union address tonight ahead, our kfile has a look at how biden stance is changed over the past few years also, they've lost their first choice for president. what we're hearing from nikki haley, supporters on who they plan to vote for now, biden saying they're welcomed with open arms. and after initially
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criticizing them, trump has now calling for their support too. >> president biden's last state of the union before the 2024 election, with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case he spoke four more years in the white house joint for special live coverage of the state of the union address tonight at eight times cnn, feeling >> from a backed up god we are lacks what's naturally with the water in your body to help you go for your gut and your mood will follow for eight grams of fiber, try new mirror fiber gummies >> if you tried vaping the quit smoking, you might feel like progress, but with three times more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes, apes increased. craig trapping you and i was craving loop new corrupt reduces cravings until they're gone for good >> with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g truly unlimited data, unlimited hotspot data.
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30,000 followers tina in a boutique hotel for 30,000 steps teen at a mountain cadden booking dot yeah. >> what's your sap >> that's why >> vision works, makes it simple to schedule an eye exam that works for you, even if you have a big trip to plan around. >> meghan, see you right now. >> that's convenient vision works. see the difference. >> this is cnn. >> the world's news network >> tonight, president biden will deliver his final state of the union address before the election. the border crisis is certain to be a topic discussed in this morning. new reporting from cnn's kfile highlights i'd said the way the president talks about immigration now is different than how he did when he was running for office. this is what he said in 2019 we could afford to take in a heartbeat another 2 million people. the idea that a country of 330 million people cannot
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absorb, people who are in desperate need and who are justifiably fleeing oppression is absolutely bizarre. absolutely bizarre i would also move to increase the total number of immigrants able to come to the united states >> cnn, kfile senior editor andrew kaczynski is with us now, interesting to hear him lay down that marker of 2 million in 2019 yeah, that's right. biden's own administration points to these numbers more than 3 million migrants who entered since biden took office, are still in the country. and as you know, mass migration at the border is significantly overwhelming. us immigration resources the president is grappling with now one of the worst immigration crisis in decades, as he's campaigning for reelection. now, as we've all seen, biden is reacting to this by toughening up his language and
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policies recently, the white house has shifted its rhetoric on sanctuary cities there now, urging cities to comply with law enforcement regarding migrants who've committed to who's committed a crime. and he traveled to the border last week calling that bipartisan senate bill, which was killed by republicans, the toughest he's ever seen take, a listen to this >> they desperately need more resources. say it again, they desperately need more resources. they need more agents, more officers, more judges, more equipment in order to secure our border folks is time for us to move on. this. we can't wait any longer >> so andrew, i guess what depends here is what timing, what time frame you're looking at, what it comes to president biden because it actually seems like it's position now might be one from earlier in his career before he ran for president in 2020 well, that's right. as a senator, he held
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significantly tougher views on immigration. he wants strongly supported building barriers at the border is not allowing sanctuary cities to violate federal immigration law. and you wanted to crack down on employers who who hired undocumented immigrants. now you have to go back all the way to 2,006.2007. but listen to what he said it to sprint campaign events somebody like we can go 40 stories high on it in. mexico you will not like this american employers who knowingly violates the law. when in fact illegal unless you do those two all over the rest is window address know greg country can say it a secure
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without being able to control its borders. i would radically ramp up the number of border security guards we have >> so in a statement to us, the white house told cnn on the first day of his administration president biden has called on congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. we need congress to make significant policy reforms and to provide additional funding to secure our border and fix our broken immigration system. though, john, it's going to be interesting to see what biden said in 2019, what he said as a senator, and what he's saying today and to see how this all plays out during this campaign really interesting timeline laid out out there, andrew kaczynski. thank you very much for that. right. let's bring in republican strategist joseph pinion and cnn political analyst, natasha alford for their perspectives on what is going to happen in the next few
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hours, we're going to hear a big state of the union visit important speech. let's talk about the border specifically right now, i will start with you, natasha, what must biden do after seeing sort of a back-and-forth there and evolution, if you will, on his stance on the border, what must he do in this speech? because it is the number one issue in polling for americans president biden has to take back the narrative that he has been inactive around this issue. it is a really complex issue. and when donald trump says things like mass deportation, that's very clear and easy to understand that may resonate with certain people who are afraid about what the broken immigration system represents in terms of scarcity of resources, what their opportunities will be in america. that's a little bit different than saying, hey, i need more judges. i need more resources at the border. that's that's something that doesn't resonate emotionally. so he has to make it clear that he understands this is a problem he's not sticking his head in the sand on it and that he has solutions. but the reason those solutions haven't
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moved ford is because donald trump is encouraging people to play politics rather than do something immediately about the border just want to ask you that because one of the line of attacks is from democrats, is that look, we had this by partisan bill, the senate came up with the house, trashed at the speaker of the house or republican wouldn't even consider it what do you think that line of attack will do? and would it work for president biden? >> i don't think it is a credible argument for democrats to make at this point that republicans are the reason why we have one of the most insecure borders you've seen in modern history i wouldn't make the argument the easiest thing for president biden to do is to tell the truth to acknowledge that he did pass policies meant to actually have an increase in immigration that those policies have resulted in the country in many ways, having budgets busted by the migrant crisis. they told us was a figment of our imagination. at some point, if you continue to deny reality, you're going to have a large swath of americans who are simply saying i cannot continue to place my trust in this man in his mission when he
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won't even be truthful about what they're trying to do. >> i want to ask you about trump, donald trump promising to do a real-time rebuttal of the state of the union. i think he's going to do it on his social media platform alive sort of play by play on biden speech saying he's going to fact check it now, donald trump it is not been the keeper of facts. he has said a lot of things that are untrue, but do you think is something he has learned and something that might work to draw people away from president biden as he is making this really important speech. >> look, it's certainly going to be the most important speech of joe biden's presidency. i think, i think most candidates tried to find ways to get oxygen, particularly, i think president trump making the firm decision that be primary is clearly over. there's an already left to do is just kind of triage the cash necessary to move forward. so i think that's what he's going to be focused on. how do i get my message out and necessarily talking about whatever joe biden is going to be trying to tell the american people. >> all right? natasha, democratic governors. there are some reporting recently
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challenged by two become a fighter. donald trump is known as the wwe smackdown type of guy but here's, here's one of the reasons why they're asking him to come out strong, hard, basically punching as he addresses the public. and i want to take a look at this poll that had come out. it says 48% of republican voters are enthusiastic about donald trump. but just 23% of democrats are enthusiastic. it doesn't mean they're not going to vote for him, but it means they are not so enthusiastic. about president biden. what should he do about this? and will this be the moment where we see a shift here? >> sir, you remember that last state of the union where he got into a bit of a tussle with the gop, right? that was an authentic moment, that was a moment that connected because president biden was saying, i'm an advocate for all americans, right? we're talking about social security >> and he, >> he, he was off script and i think that's what people want
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to see, not a president biden, who's reading the teleprompter we know that speaking is not necessarily a strength of his always, but when he is authentic, when he is seen as somebody who cares more about america rather than party politics. that is, i think what people want to see from him. and so he does have some really enthusiastic supporters. they may not always be in the news cycle you know, they don't make the headlines for those who are on the fence who are reluctantly voting for him. this is a moment for him to really make a strong stance. and one final thing i have to say he's going to talk, we're expecting him to talk about aid for israel with this whole situation that's happening in gaza he is going to have to address those who voted uncommitted, right? he's going to have to explain that the apparent hypocrisy of funding, the military action that's happening. and then sending aid to the very people who are suffering this humanitarian crisis. and so it's going to be a very tough needle to thread, but it has to be something he
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does in order to let those voters know that he hears them, that it's one of the questions i had for you, how it sort of how does he do that? joseph, i want to ask you about some of the things that have been happening in congress. you've got a senate gop leader mitch mcconnell endorsing donald trump. there is no love lost there. you've also got john thune, who has come forward and endorsed donald trump what does this tell you about the party and whose party that says a lot of people argued this is not donald trump's party, but it is donald trump's party when you have people who have been really against him joining the fray now, well, look, i think the reality is the nominee shapes the party that's on both sides of the aisle. and certainly even most so i in a presidential cycle, yes, president trump is in control. and what i think it tells you about the party is that republicans united around the idea that joe biden must be a one-term president at the border issue has become catastrophic that even the policies they've passed as it relates to the environment have been disastrous. we have real issues all across this country that i think most americans realize the cake is pretty much
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fully baked for both of these candidates because they've been in this public space for so long. it's the rematch, 70% of americans i don't want to get, we're going to get anyway. so in the end, it comes down to that tiny sliver of persuadable voters. how do you get president trump does shrink that gap with women. how does president trump perhaps pick up some of those votes with those younger voters? and i think also all this tends to be played on black voters it's not because president trump is going to get 20% nationwide, is because if you listen to jesse jackson, 1984, the margin of despair, the margin of our fractured coalition, the democratic coalition, is very much fragmented. and the only thing holding together this obama coalition is the democrats actual visceral distaste for donald j. trump could >> what you said that we do agree about is that the public knows these candidates or thinks they know these candidates already, but it's the external factors. and for women in this election, i mean, we're talking about not just abortion now, but ivf right?
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what these attacks on abortion rights represent in terms the other doors that they open to restrict what life looks like for women, for their families, for their family planning. and so kate cox is going to be there tonight at the state of the union he has strategically selected guests who represent the very emotional and human side of these decisions. and so again, even if people are not inspired by a biden or trump, some of these human stories tonight can really hit home that point. >> yeah, the issue of abortion is something that is looming. i especially with what happened in alabama and now the change and the supreme court there. thank you both. natasha alford and mr. pinion appreciate it >> so minutes minutes from now, opening statements will begin in the trial of the father of the michigan school shooter. his son carried out the deadliest school shooting in the state's history. and now, james crumbley, who just entered the courtroom james crumbley is charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, one for each student. his son shot and
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killed at oxford high school back in 2021. >> just >> last month, a jury found his wife, jennifer crumbley, guilty on the same charges let's get over to cnn's jean casarez. she's been following all of this force. so jean, what should people expect when this gets underway, which will be happening in just moments? >> kate well, first of all, i don't think we've ever seen james crumbley in a suit. he is in street clothes this morning. we have always seen him in his jailhouse yet oranges because he's never made bail. but this is so important because he has a right to a fair trial and a jury could be tainted if they did not see him in streetwear. so this is very different look for james it's crumbly and opening statements are minutes away in this case. and this is the involuntary manslaughter is a homicide case against james crumbley. because prosecutors are saying that he alone is responsible for the shooting of those four students at lost their lives in oxford, maybe his son pulled the trigger, but
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he bought the gun and that is i think one of the most important things that the prosecution is going to focus in on it was black friday. ethan had wanted a nine millimeter gun for a long time and he and his dad had been texting about it, talking about it, and the family said it's really exciting pensive. but then came black friday, fathers said, you know what, let's, we'll see if they have any sales. so they went to the gun store. there was a sale and he bought him a nine millimeter, but it was ethan's money. ethan gave him the cash and that was a cash sale because ethan work tables at a local restaurant after school every day. >> but it, he was a registered owner and i think prosecutors in their opening statement are going to focus in on that gun receipt. there's your name, registered owner, you have the care controlling custody of that gun. but the defense has things working for it to because as this trial progresses, he made the 911 call and he turned him his son in as soon as he realized that gun was missing. and that's
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something that defense can work with, but we're going here both sides opening statements just minutes away. >> one thing i don't i don't know. and maybe we'll find out a little bit more gene is in this. what we see from this video is james crumbley putting a headset on. were no one else in the courtroom has a headset on. as they're just getting underway. i mean, we can see what that means and how that i can tell. >> oh, tell me. i can tell you what it means on the record. early >> on he as severe hearing loss, he has to wear that to hear what's happening in court. >> gotcha. >> important to know that as we get this underway as well, it's good to see you, gene. thank you. gene is going to be falling all this shall we bring what we need to know >> glad you asked keeps wondering the very same thing, bleeding at that video. >> the national guard protecting the morning commute in new york, the new safety measures hitting the subway in response to a recent uptick in crime >> to be a headliner was vegas. that's what i want to do. >> vegas, the story of since next sunday at ten on cnn
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i am resigning >> administration officials destroyed my cover >> politics. we're great power meets questionable decision-making. >> been unfaithful from iowa. >> backroom deals, cia see
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affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution. >> as someone who lives just for politics when a major scandal unfolds, i have to know. >> there's so much more to the story in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn this just in house speaker mike johnson is asking for respect for the president tonight and a closed-door meeting. the speaker urged republicans to have some decorum during the state of the union address with us now is congressman ralph norman, a republican from south carolina, congressman. thank you so much for being with us. the speaker is asking you all, to behave yourselves. how did that go over for how do you feel about that >> well, i think i think my dry and i think we should as much as we disagree with the policies of joe biden and this administration, he has a right to speak and not be interrupted, and i would say that regardless of who's speaking, there is a frustration level though, protect them when he starts out i would imagine the blame game and each darks talking about
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things that directly he is responsible for, but he he deserves to be heard and he deserves no one to shout him out. >> you have received a lot of press lately because you are the one republican member of the south carolina congressional delegation who endorsed nikki haley and her presidential run, not donald trump, our mutual friend, manu raju, had reported that you were planning on speaking with donald trump. i believe maybe even last night. does that conversation happened? >> i called him, left it on his voicemail that i was supporting him 100% and look forward to working with him to do whatever i can do in congress. and outside congress to help him get elected >> voicemail, no call back yet no, no callback yet. >> let us know if he does call >> in the meantime, for president trump set of nikki haley supporters, he said they're all going to vote for me again. i'm not sure we need to many how many nikki haley
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supporters do you think the former president knees >> look, this is a game of addition. you need everyone this election is not going to be easy as bad as this record is for the administration. he needs everyone and i hope everyone will support him because the simple question, or americans better off under his leadership of the four years he was in office versus the last three-and-a-half years under the biden administration, there's no there's no argument on that so he needs everybody and this is a very important election if we lose this election this country will constitutional republic will no longer exist. >> he did call former governor haley birdbrain and sand that anyone contributed to the campaign would be permanently banned from the maga camp i mean, how do you think those people feel now about potentially supporting president trump
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>> look, this is more than name calling. this is more about hurt feelings, this is about saving a country we've got to save america. and so if you hate to be call names and if you're feeling yet her, i would suggest you probably might not want to go into the political arena. that's not how it is, but i think americans realize that look, you say things on the political trail to two different people have different approaches donald trump's with his with the names he's given papers really been found funny and he could get by with that, but no, it's time supporting and it's time to gear up for a good long fight. >> people do say things on the campaign trail, but people also in the line of business you're in make promises and say things that they either standby or they don't stand by. you said donald trump rubber stamp massive increases in federal spending. you said donald trump likes to say, he will drain the swamp that was a winning message in 2016 when he was an outsider, fast forward, eight


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