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tv   Inside Politics With Dana Bash  CNN  March 8, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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to amplify his state of the union message and battlegrounds across the country. we're going to have new reporting on his campaign plans, plus breaking news this morning, donald trump just posted a nearly $92,000,000 bond and the e jean carroll defamation where do you come up with the cash and does he have enough left to pay that $454 million judgment in the new york fraud case and tick tock tiktok users are outraged and with the help of a lobbying campaign bombarding lawmakers with calls after the house advanced a bill that could ban tiktok across the country we'll tell you what's at stake for the social media platform and the roughly 170 million americans who use it. i'm dana bash, let's go behind the headlines and inside inside politics >> first >> i'll have what he's having. >> that's the feeling among
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>> democrats today after joe biden's fiery and energetic performance, campaign kicks goff in the form of a state of the union address. the president tackled concerns about his age head-on, but his focus while never using the words donald trump we're clear >> mark brewer, especially a former republican president, tells putin, quote, do whatever the hell you want. my predecessor on some of you here, seek to bury the truth about january 6. predecessor came to office, determined to see what we re overturn. my predecessor many in this chamber want to take those rep. prescription drug away by repealing affordable care act i'm not let that happen today. >> president biden is starting an aggressive travel push with stops in pennsylvania. cnn's arlette seinz joins me now, live from the white house. arlette, i know you have some new reporting on what else the president and his team plans to do to try to harness what they
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felt was a good night last night? >> yeah, dana president biden is hoping to build off the momentum of his state of the union address with what the campaign is calling a month of action for the weeks ahead that includes ramped up presidential travel, as well as trying to organize a volunteers and staff and also launching a new media campaign. it comes as the president really used who's his speech to draw that clear contrast with the former president without naming donald trump by name and that is really a game that campaign officials will seek to this afternoon as launches the first week long travel blitz, there'll be on the battleground of pennsylvania visiting the suburbs of philadelphia, of course, suburban voters will be key as he's tried to court moderates, independents, and also female voters in this campaign, the bite president biden is also slated to travel to georgia tomorrow. and then next week he's traveling to new hampshire, wisconsin, and michigan. of course, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, all critical states
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in that blue wall, the biden is trying to maintain heading into november's elections, you'll also have vice president harris out west according latino voters in arizona and nevada. but it's not just travel from the president and vice president. the campaign is also trying to use the momentum, the state of the union to organize their volunteers. they plan to open about 100 new offices in battleground states that will include about 350 staff to work on training and mobilizing volunteers through organic moments. they're also looking at the anniversary of the affordable care act under the year that big moment and then there's also there are television and digital campaign ad strategy the campaign is investing a lot of money in the next six weeks. they're going to launch a $30,000,000 ad campaign on digital and tv. they're going to target a black and hispanic owned media outlet. let's also looking at non news outlets reach these voters. they're going to sports channels like espn, also, cultural channels like comedy
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central. you'll note that that is a channel that airs the daily show which jon stewart has been critical of the president. at times, they're also looking to build some momentum around march madness with ads there, but it all all comes as the president now faces the challenge of trying to translate that message that he gave to the american voters last night out on the campaign trail, trying to deliver that same energy that many democrats had been craving for him to display with voters as he now faces the difficult task >> of the president's top goals for last night was to lay another term. he chose to hit those concerns head-on i know it may not look like it, but i've been around awhile in my career i've been told large,
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too young, and i've been told i'm too fast, you know >> isn't it? >> how old we are? >> it's how old or ideas >> joining me now to discuss that and so much more from last night is my panel, cnn's gloria border, the new york times is all on kano young's jack percentage of the boston globe. thanks guys for being here. it's too bad. we had no news to cover this week gloria, you have known joe biden for a long time, covered him for a long time. you have been to one or two state of the union addresses can you just kinda put in perspective what you saw not only from him, but just in general, this kind of delivery of the speech that he'd i think he knew exactly what he had to do and joe biden prepares and prepares and prepares. you know, he was born with a stutter always has to overcome it marks up every speech he does and i think that
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he did the same thing this time and he knew that he had to be energized. there were moments during this speech last 90 might have been a little too energized but he knew exactly the job he had to do and he spent a lot of time with his staff at camp david and he understood it. and he likes jousting with the audience. and he played right, the republicans played right into his hand. >> yeah, what, i'm going to show a bit of that in a second. but first, this is probably a joe biden that you will recognize gloria. all of you, those of us who know him. there was a moment that we got from the cameras that were there with the president as he left the chamber when he was talking to two members of congress, watch this you wanted to talk about cognitive fire that was
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funny. >> i wish i was cognitively impaired after watching, there were various moments where you could see the presence, sort of enjoying a homecoming of sorts. i realized he spent most of his career on the senate, but still he has relationships with many of these members of congress even just the amount of time that he spent sort of mingling and talking after the speech. it seemed to all be a part of, at least in part of sort of showing energy, showing stamp stand amount away. we know that there's been criticism and concern from voters about his does age and about his, his stan am i and whether it was the jousting sparring with republican hecklers as well adlibbing or even engaging with democrats that he's known for awhile yesterday, you saw that he had an intention to really show that energy. so i want to >> show two clips that sort of
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speak to examples of what each of you has said. one on him, taking he believes clearly the republicans taking his bait and the other an ad libbed moment you don't like that, phil that could serve it has got together and said it was a good bill i'll be darned. >> that's amazing. oh, no you guys don't want another $2,000,000,000,000 tax cut i kind of thought that's what your plan was well, that's good to hear laken riley, an innocent young woman who was killed. by an illegal that's right. but how many thousands of people being killed by legal to her parents? i say my heart goes out to you, having lost children myself i understand sound a. little bit like you said, killed by illegals, but it sounds like he was trying to say maybe did say killed by
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legals from there. >> right. i mean, it it was a moment. it was a surprising when when i can't remember the last time i was surprised during a state of the union. but you liked joe biden's add lives in the past, this one kind of got him in some trouble, particularly with democrats who don't use the word illegal, undocumented workers however, he, it almost he was able to get back on script quickly and but it was part both of those clips were the same. joe biden, he likes to spar he likes to go back and forth. and the republicans did play into his hands. i can't remember who said it earlier, but you're talking about how matt gaetz was someone who was saying, don't engage. we're trying to tamp. i think you were saying that gloria and it's because they could he i would imagine it's he could see that this was going to play right into biden was prepared for this mike johnson actually has an ask his members not do or to behave. these are adults. and so i think because of that, they were prepared for some of
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this and listen they weren't just prepared he egged them on, right? right. he wanted to have those moments. he wanted to have this fight. and that's another thing with this comfortable with that, but i wonder what your thoughts are gloria, about the fact that it is an sorry, it was so political. i mean, we've never seen have you ever seen a state of the union address now, to be clear i don't think we've seen a general election race that started this early. we certainly haven't seen a president running against his predecessor who wants another term and then there are lots of other maybe unprecedented moments that led to that speech last night. >> yeah, i noticed you said it's protests or just like joe biden, trump's name. look, i think the norms were used to those of us who've covered politics for awhile or out the window and one of those norms was the state of the union speech, which normally didn't
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sound like a convention speech, which this sounded like a convention speech to me or currently or campaign speech. and i think that that this may be the way it's going to be and he knows he's running against donald trump and he knows what donald trump has been saying about him and i think that people in the white house felt the need to respond. >> i mean, how many times if you heard don't take a knife to a gunfight and fight he took an exactly. and then we are hearing from a lot of republicans who frankly are pro clutching and saying, i can't believe he was so political. that's not a state of the union. that is a campaign speech. sound like a convention speech? >> that's all true. >> i mean, that is fact. yeah. >> but compared to what right here to the politics, not only that we're seeing in the audience with the members, i mean marjorie taylor greene
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wearing like a full-on maga costia. >> great. again hat. >> and a lot of what we're seeing elsewhere, like you're saying times have changed. it wasn't republican convention literally in the white house this last time. i mean, there were, there were things that were happening. >> not maybe not the white >> house when they're political events of the white house constantly during the trump administration. so come on. i mean, this is, this is just emblematic of our times here. our politics has become more polarizing, become more divisive. so it only makes sense it's that you would see a state of the union address that is confrontation sounded like he was on the floor of the chamber sometimes more than at the podium? yeah. when he was zhao stays more used to being there exists. can i just can i just quickly talk a bit about some of the substance? and what he tried to do obviously, a big part of it, most of it was trying to neutralize some of the issues that are hurtful to him. and it makes make him vulnerable with swing voters. he also did so on an issue that
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makes him vulnerable with some in his own party, particularly with going on in the middle east. apparently, he said in a hot mic moment to senator michael bennet of colorado. i told bibi, don't repeat this. i said you and i are going to have a come to jesus meeting. now, if he can get bibi netanyahu to come to jesus that will be something. yeah. >> yeah but right >> he's been facing so much pressure from the lab, not only the left. i mean, as as the situation in gaza worsens, you really seen biden sort of move from where he was on the seventh like a lot of people have moved where they were on the seventh and perhaps that's what set of jesus is going to be involved. yeah, i don't think so jamaal bowman, who has been one of his, made me one of two of his biggest critics and is very much passionate on an issue on one side of this said
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that he would have liked to have heard an immediate ceasefire call from the president and but that he was happy that he was critical of israel. well, they knew they, of course, that wasn't going to happen again. i guess the question is whether or not this was going to tamp down on something. >> is it enough >> rhetoric goes so far? >> is that right? right. and i mean, you can talk about the efforts to have humanitarian aid go in, but at this point, people are looking for some sort of hostage agreement and ceasefire, okay. >> the other thing that surprised me was starting out with ukraine really never heard of state of the union speech that started out with foreign policy. yeah, it's true. i >> was remarkable. all right. coming up the steep cost of donald trump's court cases is catching up to him fast. >> news night with abby phillip tonight at ten eastern on cnn >> a perfect day for a family outing. >> shingles doesn't care, but
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michael whatley was just elected by members of the rnc during their meeting. that's happening as we speak in texas, we expect that the rnc will also elect lara trump, the president's daughter-in-law, as covid her chair. by the end of this meeting, let's talk about that with the panel. jackie. >> this just really shows this is kinda the final piece of the puzzle of trump's complete takeover of the republican party. and you saw it start to happening. but this really now the entire party apparatus is behind him and is very much his hand-picked people those that are there for the party and there to elect republicans. not really, not really as much as the ones who are just solidly or trump. >> and we should say it's not like a usual thing. >> to >> reshuffle the rnc in the middle of a an election, it is typical for a candidate to bring in their own people, but to have this kind of change,
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particularly when he was the one who brought ronna romney mcdaniel into the rnc to begin with back 78 years ago, but it's also not typical to put your daughter-in-law in there. this is a man who had his daughter and son-in-law in the white house. so we shouldn't be surprised by that. but this notion of okay. yeah. and lara trump is going to be not to there and nobody says word. they say, okay, sure. what >> problem the timing is also advantages here? refer the former president. well, right, you now have basically we're effectively in the general elections and c is going to be able to really dedicate itself to his campaign as well. you also have wadley, who's also been elected here. he comes from the bush-era in 2000 already after being elected, said that he was ready to deploy more poll watchers as well. and it is an election denier, an election denier as well. so so you can expect that rhetoric also, and some of those statements to continue to
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everybody standby just in to cnn, donald trump posted and nearly $92 bond as he appeals the judgment in the e jean carroll defamation case moments ago, his campaign called the ruling baseless cnn's kara scannell is following the developments. cara, dana. so today donald trump met the deadline to post the bond and jean carroll case. he put up 91.6 million and he said he's going to appeal the judgment. you'll remember the jury awarded e. jean carroll the $3.3 million finding that trump defamed her when he denied her allegations of rape and made some other statements. now that the bond is more than the judgment because yes, to put up more money for interests because it will be held in by the court until the appeals process is over. so this is a big question i've been where would donald trump get this? money? the company underwriting the bond is chubb, it's an american insurance company well-known business. so they have put up the bond and then you can actually see on the bond donald trump's signature,
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he signed this ban on tuesday of this week, even as he is asking the judge overseeing this case for more time to put the financing together. now, this child there is closed for now is mean the judge approves this bond, but it does raise questions about how donald is going to come up with the next big judgment he's facing. he has a little more than two weeks to come up with $454 million. that's to satisfy the judgment in the new york attorney general's civil fraud case. they did appeal to one judge who said that they would not give him more time trump is now bringing this up to a pap judges at the new york appeals court. they will then decide whether to give him an extension or additional time, but until then, the deadline for this is the is about two weeks away. source tells us that the appeals court is expected to reach their decision around the same time, which by the way is also when jury selection will begin in the new york criminal case, that trump is facing 34 counts of my business records. so a lot of these things together
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right around the same time and it could come down to the wire again, just like it did today. dana, i'm kara before i let you go, i just want to underscore and maybe clarify did he hey, did he post i should say that 92 or 93 million today. so he is posted this bond the court today, the money is coming from basically this chubb, this insurance company is backing it up, but donald trump has to give them either cash, stocks, bonds, maybe even some of his properties the sum collateral to back it up. this man doesn't say exactly what that collateral is though. got it. okay. thank you so much care for that reporting >> jump ball. who wants to take this line the question is okay, he got chub to underwrite this and that's fine. and it's a respected company. what happens with the over 400? million dollar case? what is what is he going to do about that? i mean, he has bragged publicly that he has a lot of cash and he has
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bragged publicly that he had over $400 million in cash. that doesn't seem to be the case. so the question is what happened on the screen? 450 super relatable yeah >> there's just a reminder of how we just weren't unprecedented times here though. i mean, we just discussed how the former president, the leading candidate for the republican party, he put his daughter-in-law at the rnc. now he's also facing all these cases as well, forced to pay all that amount of money. we have complete control vergence of the judicial system in litigation with our political system. these really are unprecedented. >> and what i wonder is now that we are pivoting or we have pivoted from primary, primary light. it was to to the general up until now, he has been able to use these kinds of events. as you see, they're all after me. you see this is what happens and you need to i'm
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working for you and i'm fighting for you and this could be you tomorrow. >> how much does that play? >> in a general election where he >> really is going to have to get not just his base, which i think he's got them, but the suburbs and people who might not be energized by that kind of argument. >> right and that's your right? he does have his folks >> and i >> think one of the things that democrats are counting on is that now, because it has a general election, the public will be more focused on where he is, what he's doing. the fact that he is in a manhattan courtroom, the fact that he is that there's jury selection, there's all these things that are going to be front and center. these are there's ruminations. these are the trials that are in theory are going to, unless they get moved. all right. >> for those of you out there who were not following along with former president on his social media platform as he was live reacting to dump up to joe biden's state of the union address. i'll just give you
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some examples. first, just on the substance, he had a lot to say including pass the fruit to cheat in voting act, which is really what he wants, which is classic donald trump branding but then there was the more colorful of the comments who kissed him on the cheek with lipstick. now he's got lipstick on his face. how stupid of her. this is like a shouting match. every line is being shouted. >> the drugs are wearing off. >> don't shake people's hands going out. he keeps coughing into his right hand i mean, that's the germophobe, but i mean, this is like the guy who we used to see tweeting about everything under the sun before he was a politician, you know, you have a sense. >> i mean, it's, it's so >> unserious that joe biden talked about a lot of things policy-wise, that he could respond to some of them are whose favorites like immigration, et cetera. he's talking about the guy having lipstick on his cheek. i mean,
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what what is that about? >> and yet the other side of that is that a lot of people who like him, like him because they think he's funny and they, and they have sort of an emotional reaction to things like this in the base. of, the trump's sort of babe, but >> you have come to her as, as there's this fight for independents and swing voters to will people be reminded of those tweets every morning during the trump era and the constant chaos on a daily basis by this, we have the white house hope we have to take a break, but i first want to say happy international women's day to the women here and to the sound of woman friend of friend, a friend of a woman, especially you, gloria thank you. >> are going to not get emotional, but i just want you to know how much women here. yes. appreciate everything that you've done too. >> whack away at the glass ceiling for us. and continue to do 100%. i do too up next,
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we'll tiktok be banned in the united states? that could be the result of a house bill that requires its chinese owners to sell it. and now lawmakers are being flooded with angry calls from its loyal addicted or egged on by lobbyists, users and he couldn't get out >> vegas was having an identity crisis. >> it was the beginning of the downfall, but vegas at a different idea, vegas, the story of sensitive next sunday at ten on sure. >> max protein with 30 grams of protein, those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. here, i'll take that ensure max protein, 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend the prebiotic. >> what if do for my type two diabetes isn't enough or what if
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face removal from app stores. congressional offices were flooded with calls yesterday after tiktok went as far as to send an alert to its users, urging them to call the representatives roughly 170 million americans use tiktok seeing an anchor and chief national security analyst, jim sciutto is here with me now. jim, i should say, is the author of the return of great powers, russia, china, and the next world war with which hits bookstores. next week could not be more timely okay, >> so i think i showed the push now but if the cation that came out look a lot of this is organic. people really like tiktok. some of it is done by push notifications like this. some of it is done by lobbyists who are trying to gin up the outrage what are you hearing from your sources about? first of all, how likely this is to actually go through. >> there's pretty deep bipartisan support for this and
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you have republican and democratic co-sponsors as you and i know doesn't often happen on the hill and its environment, but on this, they agree, and the worry about tiktok, it goes back years i've been told by intel contacts for years don't use tiktok and don't let your kids use tiktok because it has ties to the chinese government. now is that a bit over the top? they certainly believe it. and i don't let my kids use it because of that issue. but when you talk to the co-sponsors of this bill, i spoke to jake auchincloss yesterday they say this is not just about that chinese government tie. it is also about a concern about social media in general. >> let's actually listen to a clip from your interview with him they are undermining the mental health of our children. they are shaping and adverse political ideology amongst the next and they are corona getting our civil discourse and we need to regulate social media behemoth, but we can't regulate them. jim, if they're not subject to us, we need tiktok to be answerable to
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america's representatives, not disease-causing paying in order to fix this problem to me, this argument is one of the most interesting because you're right. i mean, i my son doesn't use tiktok years, don't either. i don't have it on my phone. and initially it was because the chinese are going to get all of your contact information now, it's don't do it because of the way that they are trying to get information into the has of our children and everybody else who is using tiktok to some extent it's really most yeah. and auchincloss and others connected to the broader social media issue, which is to say that we need regulation of all these companies because it's not great for kids mental health to be drawn into these apps. and there's a lot of data we report stories about that frequently. that is true. it is also a pathway to further, in fact, the public dialogue in our country to blow up divisive issues which we've seen russia do and china two, et cetera,
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that the final point i'll make is that the co-sponsors will say this is not a tiktok ban. what they want to do, they want the chinese company to sell it. so it's got an american owner. so therefore, it is subject to american laws regulating this kind of thing, which is fair argument now, as one of my team, team members said before i came on the air she said, well, the chances of congress actually passing legislation about that is another issue. >> and guess who weighed in on this? donald trump, if you get rid of tiktok, facebook and soccer schmuck. will double their business. i don't want facebook who cheated in the last election doing better. they are true enemy of the people. i just need to stop for a beat. zucker smoke. i mean >> yeah. >> listen, that's pretty outrageous. it's 100% outrageous. and on a number like never mind the substance i'm just talking about that term. >> the use of the term, its offensive and the argument that this is president trump was commander in chief, said this was a threat against a country
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he has identified china as a threat to the us, but now suddenly he's turned that around and said actually, i'm fine with tiktok. it's a reminder that trump's foreign policy is somewhat volatile. we lived through that for years ago while his policy in general. and here's another example that is quite a 180 degree reversal from the presumptive gop gop nominee to have said it was a threat and take an action to put it under under control and is now saying, actually i have no problem because offensive word about mark zuckerberg. >> jim, thank you so much for putting that in context in your reporting. up. next, we're going to get reaction to last night's speech from the newest member of the us senate, california the democrat laphonza butler is here >> what happens to the golden boy of new jersey? i engaged in with another man. >> did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper are gonna get a therapist if they're having an interview with jake tapper, you episodes next sunday night
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bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora and eat utis in one year. >> this inspired my >> husband and i to start you for it truly works miracles. >> the peace of mind. i've been looking for tried today that you >> let's get some reaction to last night's state of the union speech. democratic senator laphonza butler of california joins me now, she was appointed to her seat last year to replace the late dianne feinstein last night was maybe the first and last time you'll be in the united states senate as a senator, to listen to a speech. you were appointed to fill the seat. as i mentioned, of dianne feinstein before that you were a political strategists probably always will be at heart you ran emily's list. so from a purely political point of view, we'll get to substance in a second, purely politics >> do you think he did what he needed to do? i do. i think president biden came out hot and that's exactly the kind of
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energy that the american people have been wanting for just as a regular voter every single day, it feels like the news is so dreary and down and to have to have the president come out with that strong fighting position. the fighting stands for what was important given the people what they wanted to hear. no matter who you were last night, if you listen to that speech, you found someone something in it that was talking to you, whether you were black voter or a rural voter, you cared about health care, you cared about housing and homelessness. there was something there for you and the energy that the president brought, i think from a base moving think point of view, was exactly what we need it in base moving was critical at this absolutely critical on that note, maybe this is base, this is sort of beyond base, maybe more swing voter independent voters reproductive rights, which you've spent a lot of time in your life working on, fighting for he spoke about protections for abortion,
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reproductive rights. he spoke about ivf. he invited guests to help put faces and real stories on that enough. how much does he have to keep talking about that? because what i've heard from a lot of democrats is that people like you and elected officials are very eager to talk about this issue. he doesn't do it as much >> yeah. look, i think the vice president has represented this administration incredibly well. i think president biden and vice president, together with their secretaries, it really brought forth a whole of government approach to they're trying to wrap our collective arms around the women of this country. i think he's been forceful in his position and his intention to restore roe versus wade protections if given a democratic congress and a democratic senate >> and >> i think that there's always more voice and volume that can be awarded to the issue he started off talking about a very early he kept talking
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about it throughout the speech, recognizing the guests that he had brought and that we're sitting with dr. biden, but there is never going to be enough energy given to when women, half of our country lose a fundamental rights and make decisions it's about our own body >> different issue. there's an issue here and then also just kind of a performance moment that i want you to comment on appear to be off the cuff. the president was responding to some heckling from marjorie taylor greene by addressing the death of laken riley, who is a georgia student who was allegedly killed by an undocumented migrant. let's listen >> mike and riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal that's right. but how many thousands of people being killed by legal to her parents, i say my heart goes out to you, having lost children myself i understand. >> first of all, just the
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moment, but also on on the term he used illegal. there's some been some backlash among some in his own party for using that term. >> look, it was clear being in the chamber last night that there were those extreme republican party who were trying to bait the president into responding to wherever heckle they were offering, offering. it's unfortunate that the president used that language. i don't believe that is the language that believed that he believes in his heart about immigrant well, who find their way to this country to make a better life for themselves and their families. if you recall, it's just after that he gave us true joe biden, he gave us exactly that empathy and warmth that we know to be to be true and so i think it's unfortunate again that he fell into the trap top of the language, but i think he pivoted really well and gave us exactly what he believes and what he's offering the country
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which is a very different position than his predecessor today is international women's day i've got the purple on to show it. we have to mention that come november, again, you were appointed to your seat by governor gavin newsom for the first time since 1992. dianne feinstein, barbara boxer were famously elected from california the state won't be represented by a woman because we had the primary this past week and there are two men who got the first and second spots does that concern you >> saddens me? definitely sends me we had great women who were running to be california's next the united states senator who democrats who haven't incredible set of values in track record to represent the values of california's saddens me that we're not going to have a woman representing california and we still have to do the work to make sure that a democrat is representing
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california. so we shouldn't take this for granted. that, that adam adam schiff came out on a top, but he's very closely followed by steve garvey and what we want and think is incredibly important is that california values get represented in washington and think that adam schiff is the best to do it senator butler. >> thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> and coming up the end of the senate dealmakers, kyrsten sinema is the latest centrist lawmaker to call it quits. she says, it's not her. it's you despite modernizing our infrastructure ensuring clean water, delivering good jobs and safer communities >> americans still choose to retreat farther to their partisan corners. i believe in my approach, but it's not what america wants right now. >> day one were shared values propel us towards a more secure future through a partnership
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maintenance litter is the game changer try it today, go choo, pretty >> i'm kaitlan polantz in washington. and this is cnn there's no denying that the middle is shrinking in the us senate outgoing arizona senator kyrsten sinema made that point >> earlier this week when she decided not to run for reelection. well, she had her critics on both sides of the aisle. she also had a lot of power as a moderate swing vote cnn's lauren fox is here with new reporting talk about how significant her departure is, especially in the context of others who she worked with yes. >> i >> mean, sen. sinema was at the center of so many of the deals you've seen past when you're talking about guns, when you're talking about infrastructure, when you're talking about just getting the amendment process kickstarted on the floor when members need to get out of town, she's often at the center of that. she's retiring and she announced that earlier this week in part because she feels like there's really no reward
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anymore for being someone who cuts deals in the united states senate, who argument is that that might be a way of legislating in the past. it's not the way of legislating in the future. and she had a conversation with senator chris murphy with fascinating in which she made that case to him before she made her announcement publicly, and murphy told me he told her point blank. i think you're wrong and then he paused and said, i mean, i hope that she's wrong. wow, that's such a great detail there. fantastic reporting you mentioned we both mentioned that she's she's not alone when it comes to the people in the middle who are leaving the senate, retiring, joe manchin, mitt romney are as well >> you have that. >> and then you have the republican side of the aisle where those who have cut deals in the past and the recent past. yeah. >> also left and were replaced by republicans who are less likely to be in those meetings.
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for example, bob corker of tennessee, replaced by marsha blackburn, lamar alexander, bill hagerty, roy blunt, eric schmitt rob portman, jd vance. >> i mean, it's it's really an >> unusual moment right now in the senate where it just feels like you have these dealmakers who are pouring out and you're not getting new people to replace them, at least from the states that they're coming now, a lot of members that i talked to said these shoes can be filled and none of us are irreplaceable. senator brian schatz said, it's our job to make deals. and if we don't know how to do it, we've got to learn how i >> hope people read your piece online. >> thanks >> for coming in. happy international women's day to you. happy national women's day to all their, especially the special women in my life, my mother frances, the kindest and smartest person i know my aunt linda, who went to medical school when few women did, kathleen nolan, the first female president of the screen actors guild, and so many more thanks for joining inside politics, cnn news central starts after the break
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