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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  March 14, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> states of scandal with jake good morning. you were alive in the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta and washington donald trump is off the campaign trail and back in the courtroom just minutes ago he arrived at the federal courthouse in south florida for a hearing and his classified documents, case trump and his attorneys will ask the judge to dismiss the charges or at least grant them a delay in the trial and delay could also be looming in trump's election subversion okay. it's down in fulton county, georgia at any time now, the presiding judge there could announce if district attorney fani willis is disqualified from the case and a decision that could derail the trial from starting in august. let's begin with the classified documents hearing today in florida. cnn's kaitlan polantz is outside the courthouse. kaitlan, how likely is it that a judge aileen
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cannon will dismiss the case? there >> jim, that is going to be entirely up to her and we're watching to see exactly how she reacts to the arguments today that are taking place in the courtroom. they should be starting any minute now, donald trump and his two co-defendants are there as well as all of their lives players as well as the special counsel's office. >> this is a >> critical hearing, not one that's going to result in a ruling today. there will be a ruling on it eventually very unlikely that ruling would happen today, but it's a critical hearing because it's the first and very likely a series where donald trump's team is going to argue he shouldn't go to trial at all. he should not be charged because of things that he had or did whenever he was president in this particular hearing his team wants to argue that those documents that he took from the white house to mar-a-lago with the end of his presidency and then held onto them for several months, more than a year, though for personal records because donald
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trump said so he wanted to keep them. and thus because he was president, he should be able to the justice department has made very clear. they do not believe that is the law or the situation at all. they think that trump is obstructing their ability to get back, not just any documents, not just records that he might want to keep, but records that are so sensitive that it would jeopardize national security for them to be out of the hands of the federal government or the rightful owner of them at the time in this case, they say these records are defense secrets. they are secrets it's strike at the heart of us nuclear capabilities and how the united states would respond to foreign attackers. the things about weapons and other defense strategies that are very important at a national security level. >> jim and we still don't have a trial date yet >> we do not have a trial date. it was just two weeks ago that we were here in court and there
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were arguments from both sides about when this trial should take place. we still don't have a calendar from judge aileen cannon. all she has done since that date really is put this hearing on the calendar and wanting it to go forward before trump's criminal case in new york city starts in two weeks from now. but there is this question up in the air. how long is it going to take, judge aileen cannon to resolve not just questions like the arguments that are being presented to her today. but how long will it even take for her to decide when this trial should take place? will it happen before the election everybody on both sides, trump's team, his co-defendants, and the justice department, they've all proposed dates for before the election whether judge cannon believes she can do it before then. that is still up in the air >> all katelyn polantz. thank you very much down reporting live from a very busy roadway in front of the courthouse there. thanks kaitlan for
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hanging in there for us. we appreciate joining me now, cnn chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid, cnn national correspondent kristen holmes there's a former federal prosecutor and defense attorney, shan wu >> paula. i mean, you and i've we've all been outside those courthouses and those went all the cars and trucks are going by. i mean, we can kudos to kaitlan for hanging in there during that live shot there. >> that was a court for not giving us a safer place to report because when you come out with news, you have to go down plus stairs and across four lanes of traffic. wow. yeah. that okay. note to the judges down there. we can do better. all right. paul, let's start let's dig into this. the trump team will likely argue today that trump could legally keep any document that he wanted. and here's what he said last night on newsmax. let's listen and i took them very legally and i wasn't hiding. we had boxes on the front of the un a lot of those boxes had clothing and alive when moving out. okay. unfortunately, we're moving out of the white house. and because we're moving out of the white house, our country is going to hell. >> but we weren't hiding
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anything >> yeah. i mean, paul, i mean, he's sort of his legal team is saying we can keep any document that we want. but at the same time, trump is trying to make the case. it sounds like, oh, well was a messy process. we were in a rush. we were packing boxes it's sort of two different things. yeah. let's use his own words. the story that we broke, right? he's on tape saying, you know, i couldn't declassify things after i left office and insinuating that he has something that is classified and he knows he shouldn't have it. right? i'm the argument that you can just take documents with you, that your personal property that is not something that is going to succeed in a court of law even if aileen cannon, who has surprised us before agrees with this, a court of appeals is going to reject that argument that that is false on its face. even his description of what happened is contradicted in the indictment itself. i mean, even him saying we're not hiding anything. well, if you weren't hiding anything, why didn't he give all these documents back when you were first asked, why were boxes moving around? and pull one of the charges here is obstruction. so what he said there on newsmax just does not match the facts the case. yeah.
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>> i'm also thinking about shanna, you know, looking back to the robert hur hearing that we heard up on capitol hill the other day, the republicans going after joe biden for documents he kept i mean, i guess under the trump legal team's thinking here, i guess president biden shouldn't have been in any hot water over the documents that were next to the corvette in his garage. i mean, tell us what does the law say? the law says you can't take any document that you want. and it also says, when we want some of these documents back, you gotta give him over. >> oh, absolutely >> and starting with the first point, i mean, trump's argument that these were somehow personal or under the presidential records act by definition just doesn't pass the laugh test. i mean, these are sensitive documents. some of them pertaining to nuclear secrets these are not personal in the sense of all i have a momental a letter i exchanged with someone doesn't make any sense to treat them under that category all. and it's a problem here with the way judge cannon treats this because by not setting the trial date, she really wants to give us like a full airing out of them and may
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even allow for appeal. that may come up as well. she couldn't set the trial date. this kind of thing has so little legal marriage. she could have just taken care of this right? on the papers. i mean, it's really his trial defense. trying to mount. he's trying to make it like a pure immune defense like i don't even have to go to trial to present the defense, but the way she's approaching it really choose up to time. >> yeah, it sounds like the absolute immunity defense that they're trying to use in the jack smith case. krista, i mean, the other thing we should point out, donald trump is at this courthouse today. >> he doesn't need to be he doesn't need to be. he could be on the campaign trail if he wanted to. one of the things he loves to say is i have to be in this courtroom it could be campaigning, they stopping me from doing that. he could be on the campaign trail. he is choosing to be there now, the one thing to note is that this is not going to be your traditional donald trump in court campaign stop because there just aren't any cameras. you're not going to see him. he's not planning for any remarks, but we do know that he wants to partake in his defense. he wants to be there and we're told that about new york to because remember in new york he's going to have to to be there for that case at the end of the month. that trial,
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they are talking about how that's going to look. he's going to be there every day. how is he going to run a general election campaign in-between going to court every single day except for wednesday's. so you can imagine wednesday's, friday and wednesday, saturday's are likely to be the actual de that you are on the campaign trail. but he wants to do this. the other part of this that we've heard is that he wants to show the judge and show the jury eventually a new york that he is a willing participant in this, that he's a willing defend it and he wants to participate in a case. >> he also i mean, this is all about we saw this during the primary process. he wants to keep ginning up that base. this is so integral to that strategy for his campaign. it is. and also one of the things we talked about a lot is what's going to happen in terms of turnout in a general election. there's not a lot of excitement around biden and donald trump >> they hope >> that ginning up that base, that means those people will turn out and vote. but can they depress the vote enough on the biden side so that, that base shows up and he can win that way as well. that's part of a strategy that's important. i mean, this courthouse is the campaign trail. the campaign trail is according to one as paula, one of the things we should get into is, let's go
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back and look at this. a witness of the documents case known as trump employee number five. and talking about moving the boxes and everything because when we get into this conflation of the biden case and the trump documents case. and so there are clear there are differences in this witness talks to some of that. let's listen >> you noticed that he had bought they were the boxes that were in the indictment. the white bankers boxes that's what i remember loading. >> and did you have any time any idea at the time that there was potentially us national security secrets in those boxes? >> no clue. no. i had no clue >> how part of this documents case is what was going on with these boxes. why were they move from here to there? why were they being stored in certain parts of mar-a-lago? and so i mean, it's the actions that that were taken when the federal government was asking for these boxes back, that it's going to be key to a lot of this. >> yeah, absolutely. this goes to obstruction. i mean, this also questions about ms handling, right. if you have
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random people holding boxes that have this, some of the nation's most sensitive secrets. but this goes to obstruction and efforts to move these around a completely contradicts what you just heard trump say on newsmax, which is we we're trying to hide anything. well, if you weren't trying to hide anything, why were you moving these boxes? the three key differences between the biden case and the trump case, right? when biden realized that he had these documents, he immediately return them. he allowed for full searches of multiple properties, and then he sat for a voluntary interview. and this witness is really key just to talk about that obstruction in an efforts, again, to prevent a fulsome search. >> yeah. i mean, shan that gets to the heart of why so many legal experts have said. and i think george conway has said this at the fastest way for donald trump to end up in an orange jumpsuit. is this documents case? i mean, it's the obstruction aspect of this that really could put him in a lot of hot water. you'll absolutely those sorts of actions like what paul was saying. that's really gold in terms of showing your bad intent in which we're doing. and that's why it's really so important on the comparison to biden. i mean, one thing that
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troubles me some is the timing and the language of the hur report. while hur is making these distinctions, it also gives judge cannon sort of a little agenda but that she could walk through and ask them to make those distinctions politically trump may like that, but again, timewise, forcing the special counsel to talk more about these distinctions continues to run out the clock and shin i did want to ask you about the fulton county case because we saw a couple of these charges sort of get tossed out yesterday by the judge. what's your sense of that? i know there was a lot of talk yesterday that well, maybe fani willis is as messed up here, but this base speak to how the judges handling this as well. you think to me, it shows a little bit of his inexperience. he is a very smart judge, but he is super concern with the kind of hybrid profile cases is experienced judges with the case would this amount of detail involved? i don't think would find though you need more particulars here. i mean, it's pretty clear what the allegations are that may reflect some of his inexperience as does his
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handling of the actual disqualification hearing, which i felt really just veer ny outside the rails yeah >> and at any time, i mean, we're hearing the judge could announce if he's disqualifying fani willis from bucha district attorney in those case. i mean, kristen, the trump team not only the legal team, but the campaign team must be waiting with bated breath. yeah, you know, i can see what happens here. i mean, this is the case where he had the mug shot. right? can you imagine if she gets tossed off? >> this is the case where he's been talking smack about fani willis four months and now she's the one in the hot seat. and this is exactly where they want to be. and i've got a lot of questions yesterday about how donald trump's team feel about the fact that they dropped some of these charges. it's like they're very happy obviously, but he's still being charged. what they want is for district attorney fani willis to be the rhone off the case. and that's what they're really looking for. and waiting for that decision to be made. >> and even if she's not, he wins either way here. if she's just qualified, the case survives, but it's handed off to another prosecutor's office. they'll have to decide who they want to add charges, fix these
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issues that mcafee flag or dismiss it altogether. the one thing we know is there's no way the case would go before the election. but even if she's not disqualified, this is a gift for trump because this is about optics, this is about trust in the judicial system. and here he can continue to remind people about this romantic relationship, about the hundreds of thousands of dollars nathan wade has been paid to investigate him. intelligent minds can disagree about whether that's the market rate, but to the average voter fodor, this does raise questions about the integrity of the judicial system and not for trump. again, either way, just qualified or not to gift yan as falling. wales has said, i mean, it's not she's not the one on trial here. it's trump in these other co-defendants, but our we're gonna be watching all of that, guys. thank you very much for getting us started this morning. we appreciate it. president biden, we should know he's back on the campaign trail raju setting to the battleground state of michigan. while donald trump is spending the day in court, biden message to voters after that uncommitted primary protest. that's an you're live in this erin burnett outfront
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made with naturally inspired ingredients. stay bio true to your eyes >> what happened to the golden boy of new jersey? i >> engage in affair with another man. >> did you want to be outed? united >> states of scandal with jake tapper? >> but i get a therapist if they're having an interview with jake tapper, new episodes sunday at nine on cnn >> president biden will be in the battleground, state of michigan later today. it's part of his swing through the midwest where its campaign needs to win. states he picked up in the 2020 election. the trip marks biden's first visit to michigan since more than 100,000 voters chose uncommitted in the democratic primary, his handling of the israel-hamas war and just yesterday, protesters once again called for an end of that conflict at biden's campaign event in milwaukee. let's discuss all of this with cnn senior political commentator scott jennings cnn political commentator bakari sellers, guys great to see you this morning scott, let me go to you first. i do want to talk about biden in the midwest and just a moment, but let me just ask you about some comments. the former president made about how he's
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been treated. this was last night, i believe on newsmax. let's listen i study history and i was always told that andrew jackson, as the president, was treated the absolute worst. nobody has been treated like. trump in terms of badly. russia, russia, russia, ukraine, ukraine, ukraine, everything was a scam and it literally searched the new one as you win one, you start the other impeachment hoax number one, impeachment hoax number two. all hoaxes and scams >> yeah. >> it goes on to say, nobody has been treated like him, quote, in terms of badly but scott, i wanted to ask you, campaigns are supposed to be about looking forward. i think you and i've talked about this before. it just it's all seems like in the rearview mirror for trump yeah >> interestingly, i think both he and biden have a similar tick in this way, trump wants to relitigate his term. he wants to relitigate how badly he was treated and everything that happened to him. biden wants the credit for everything that he did over the last three
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years in his mind and so you have two campaigns that actually are often trapped in this backwards looking feedback loop went and as you point out, i think the correct strategy is for both of them to look forward and to me, it'll be a big upper hand for either one of them if they can focus on the future and not on the perceived slights are on the perceived lack of credit they're getting a much better idea to try to tell people what you will do than to start complaining about what hasn't been done for you or what has been done to you? >> yeah. bakari, i mean, what do you think about that? one of the things that is going to come down in terms of being a huge issue in this race is going to be social security. i made it may seem like a settled issue because what's happened over the course of so many campaigns. but trump the other day, i was talking about cuts to social security. now he's backtracking on that saying he would quote, never do anything that would jeopardize or hurt social security or medicare. this week, he suggested he was open to cuts during an interview with cnbc, what do you think?
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>> well, first, just mark it down. i guess we're at about 10:20 eastern time that bakari sellers agrees with scott jennings. that's first i think that the campaigns have to be forward looking. i think that campaigns have to be able to articulate what they're going to do for individuals today, particularly around kitchen table issues. when you come to things like social security, medicare, medicaid, this president has a unique ability to talk about preserving those institutions whereby donald trump does not have the ability to talk about policy with any depth. and that's what you run into. that's why he gets himself twisted in these pretzels. and this is also why the republican party and donald trump almost have to talk about culture issues in wage culture wars because this president does not have the depth in a one-on-one interview a one-on-one debate to talk about these issues of substance. and that's that is probably the biggest problem that we'll see going forward in the dichotomy between the two.
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>> yes. i did want to ask you about something that's taking place over the rnc. get your take on what's happening over there. and attorney for donald trump will join the rnc as senior counsel for election integrity. christina bobb i'm just wondering what you think of that. i mean, this is a name that came up during the 2020 campaign cycle she's an election denier. i mean, really when you're an election denier, your reality denier, but is that going to be helpful at all to have election deniers? at the rnc? >> i can't imagine you're having yeah. i don't i don't know her personally, so i can't speak to her qualifications or credentials for this job. i do have great amount of belief that chris lacivita, who is effectively taking over the rnc for trump, knows what he's doing. so leaving chris and i believe in his ability to manage it, it's not unusual for political parties to hire a bunch of lawyers. the democrats will as well in preparation for a close election. this particular person, i mean, yeah, i mean,
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let's be honest. she said some things and got way out there in the last election. yeah. my general view is if you're going to go to work for a political party or it can campaign. the question really is, are you the best person for this job? do you have the credentials to execute on a plan that helps campaign went that? let what we want to ask >> the thing though is, is that when they say what we want to have, lawyers focus on election fraud? >> i. mean, it was it was donald trump and a slew of alleged coconspirators who allegedly tried to pull a fraud on the american people sending an alternate slates of electors, electors claiming that there was election fraud and all these states where there wasn't election fraud. and then one of the person this who was instrumental in that effort back in 2020, is put over at the rnc, isn't that a troubling sign >> well i again, i it's not >> i mean i will say this. i've
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never been involved in a presidential election and i've been involved in a bunch of them in which the national party wasn't able to attract the best and brightest lawyers from all throughout the conservative movement to help on its election integrity efforts. the same will be true that democrats. my question would be, does this person fit into that group? is this the best possible person you could get? i've asked this about trump's legal team before. i mean, you know, i think he's had some not-so-great lawyers representing him in court and it's led to some losses before if i if i were in their shoes, i would just say, are these the best people we can get because we're going to need the best people if the election is going to be a close, as we think it is, >> and bakari, do you want the president focusing on this? i mean, and talking about i mean, he's in the midwest let's he's got issues there in the midwest. we saw what took place in michigan. he's gotta win all of these midwestern states, like michigan, like wisconsin, if he, if he has any hope of being reelected where where does this election integrity issues fit into? where were the president and his campaign should be or should they just
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let the rnc had had these self-inflicted wounds over there and sort of work on the issues that need it don't nobody care about who the rnc hires as a lawyer that is probably seventh and in charge over >> election integrity. i mean, in michigan in particular, you have people who have real issues. i mean, they're talking about wages, they're talking about health care. they're talking about access to quality care, that talking about school who they're talking about lead pipes. i mean, so this if we had to rank, it, would probably come to somewhere around 937,000 on the list of things that joe biden can talk about. >> they're not focused on this at all. look, this is for the chattering class, this is for us, this is for dc because at the end of the day real american people aren't necessarily worried about this. and those self-inflicted wounds, just cut by, cut by cut or just indicative of who the republican party is. i do think chris lacivita can do a great job at the rnc. i think he's a formidable foe. i think jason
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miller is a formidable foe. the problem is it ain't many of them over there that's the biggest problem they had. they don't have much talent on their because nobody wants the stain of donald trump. and so those self-inflicted wounds will take care of themselves. the president of the united states and the vice president of the united states must stay on task and stay on message all right, guys. thank you very much. scott jennings, bakari sellers. good to see you. thanks so much in the meantime, we are 24 hours away from election day in russia. why the elections still matters despite the fact that vladimir putin poised to be president for life. that's >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april we'll seventh at nine on the right age for neutrogena retina >> that's whenever you want it to be. >> it has germ proven retina >> the targets vital cell turnover, even skin tone, and smooths fine lines with visible results in just one week, neutrogena retinol it's just your mother and i went different thing which is why we
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coventry direct today at 80039 to 7,604 visit i'm clarissa ward in jerusalem, and this is
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cnn >> want to take you to something that just happened a few moments ago, senate majority leader chuck schumer speaking on the floor of the senate on the israeli hamas war, calling for a two-state solution. let's listen in now. as a result of those inflame tensions in both israeli and palestinian community. people on all sides of this war are turning away from a two-state solution. including israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who in recent weeks has said out loud repeatedly, what many have long suspected by outright rejecting the idea of palestinian statehood and sovereignty as the highest ranking jewish elected official in our government and is a staunch defender of israel. i rise today to say unequivocally, this is a grave mistake for israel for palestinians for the region and for the world
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>> the only real and >> sustainable solution to this decades old conflict is a negotiated two-state solution. a demilitarized palestinian state, living side-by-side with israel and equal measures of peace, security, prosperity, dignity and mutual recognition. both jews and palestinians have long historic claims to this land contrary to the unfounded absurd, and offensive claims by some that the jewish people are colonizers in their ancestral homeland jewish people have lived in the homeland continuously for more than three millennia, 3,000 years, for centuries, jews have made alia and gone to the land of israel to live in settle for centuries at passover jews at every corner of the globe have prayed next year in jerusalem. >> a jewish >> homeland in israel is no 20th century contrivance
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israel's our historic home a home for people oppressed for centuries. now the palestinians to have lived in on the land for generations and in past centuries they have formed their own distinct culture identity, cuisine, literature the ideas, vows by some quote, there is no such thing as palestinians unquote is inaccurate offensive unhelpful our joining me now to discuss all of this is former defense secretary and cia director leon panetta. the secretary. great to see you as always, let's talk about what you're hearing the senate majority leader speak to just a few moments ago, it sounds as though leon that both schumer and president biden are trying to apply pressure on israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to get a handle on the situation in gaza, to start drawing down this conflict because of the
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humanitarian crisis that is just seems to be out of control there. what's your sense of it >> well, i don't i don't think there's any question that both the precedent and the majority leader are trying to get israel to focus on the next chapter and that's critical. i think we're at a point where there has to be a focus on what is the ultimate way to try to resolve this issue. so we don't have a war every few years in the middle east. and the only way to do that is with a palestinian state. and what the parties ought to be doing now is working together to try to define where that states should be, what the leadership should look like, and what the security provisions should be in that state. that's the only way that ultimately will find peace in the middle east. >> but leon went when netanyahu
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was asked about this sort of thing. he says is the are the palestinians going to have a state that includes a military where they can attack israel. i mean, he's very much against this idea and has been against this idea for some time. and it seems the attack on october 7, as only encouraged him to maintain that position, but how does the president how do members of congress get through to netanyahu when it seems at this point, he is just it just seems like he's not reachable. he's not persuadable on any of this well, i recall going back to the time when i met with netanyahu during the obama administration and bottom line for him at that time when we talk about a palestinian state with security for israel, i understand that. that's his concern. and so it has to be clear that as we develop plans for a palestinian state, that there are provisions for how we provide for the security of
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israel that's the best way to try to get netanyahu to try to focus on what is the only solution? to the problems he's confronting right now >> and what is your sense when you see the pictures? i'm sure you've seen him here on cnn and other places where we were. we show these children in gaza are starving to death clearly showing signs of malnutrition and famine you know, obviously they're seeing these images and israel as well. what more could the united states do? we saw the president of the other night at the state of the union call for a temporary port. so humanitarian aid could get into gaza i guess in a more effective fashion what's your sense of it? i mean, is there a way to get this humanitarian aid into the people there more effectively? >> well, jim, we've just been
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talking about what the next chapter ought to look like. but in order to get there it is critical that israel and hamas agreed is some kind of temporary ceasefire that's really absolutely urgent to our ability then to try to provide humanitarian aid, exchange the hostages, and do what's necessary in the hearing. now, look, i think i think the president's provided the right approach here, which is that if if there is no ceasefire, we absolutely have to provide humanitarian aid. >> so >> whether we're doing it from drops or from an airplane, or whether we're doing it with a new port in delivering ships and supplies to those that are hungry that's something that the united states ought to be doing. but ultimately, the answer here is get a ceasefire exchange. the hostages. if there's god knows, if the
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hostages are still alive right now. but that's critical. and lastly, providing humanitarian aid that's essential for these innocent men, women, and children that have been caught up in this war >> and i do want to talk to you about russia. they are having an election or what they're calling an election and despite the scenes of defiance that we saw following alexey navalny's death. it putin's approval. if you combine the polling into all of this, this is according to a non-governmental polling organization, sits around 86% give me your assessment of what is taking place in russia right now, post navalny's death, i mean, we should note to our viewers, just in the last several minutes, the lithuanian state security department and said that their assessment is that the russian special services probably recruited somebody to go after navalny's chief of staff. so they are continuing to go after critics, dissidents, and so on. and yet putin is riding high you know
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that's what putin does. this just an autocracy it's an autocracy. and in an autocracy, autocrats win so there's not much question whether or not putin's going to win this election. he will win this election. and he'll continue the reign of terror that he's been involved not only in ukraine, but in russia as well. that's tragic, but it says something very clearly to the united states that we have to working with our allies, do everything necessary to be able to stop putin from trying to invade other countries and trying to undermine democracy. that's what putin is about undermining democracy we have got to play a role of stopping that all right >> former secretary of defense leon panetta. leon, as always. thank you so much, really appreciate you being on the new program. i used to have you all the time on the weekends. your
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insights are so valuable. thanks so much really appreciate good to be with you, jim. all right. good to see you >> in the meantime, elon musk souring on former cnn host don lemon, pardon the pun there. why he says boss canceled his show deal with x just hours after their sit-down interview that sent night? >> states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday, a nine on cnn >> the day you get your clear choice dental implants, changes your struggle with missing teeth forever it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life it changes your smile. and now others smile at you. clear choice. network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants and they can change yours too. because a clear choice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. >> my name is marie and 49
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critical juncture i believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of israel at a time when so many israelis have lost their confidence in the vision. and direction of their government i also believe a majority of the israeli public will recognize the need for change. and i believe that holding a new election once the war starts to wind down would give israelis and opportunity to express their vision for the post-war future all right. >> and we'll be staying on top of that following those developments as the senate majority leader, chuck schumer calling for new elections in israel. he and president biden had been pressuring prime minister benjamin netanyahu to change course in gaza. will of course, bring any developments as they come in. in the meantime, switching gears now very first episode of the don
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lemon show will premiere on x this coming monday and don can only thank ex boss elon musk for one heck of a rollout. musk headquartered lemon twice to create content for distribution on the social media platform, formerly known as twitter. but according to the lemon, just hours after the two taped in that time, ten sit down interview who for lemons first episode bus pulled the plug on their agreement and don spoke to my colleague, erin burnett about what happened >> i said to him, i think it's good that people see folks like you and i who have different worldviews come together and talk. as he says have free speech i that doesn't matter to elon musk is just for maybe talking points for him or rhetoric because it doesn't seem to matter when it's about him. questions about him from people like me and senior media reporter, oliver darcy joins us now, oliver, i mean, first of all, i have to say was dices. see don back on cnn. i was i was personally glad to see that, but i have to think that
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don almost has to thank elon musk's this four day i've been sort of helped him promote the new show i mean, jim elon musk is a thin skinned unhinged, erratic ruler of this x platform. and so it's not actually very surprising that this deal went down in flames and that's because don, during this interview, he asked them some tough but fair questions. one of those questions that elon musk clearly did not appreciate she was about the rise in hate speech on the platform >> since elon musk took over. and while elon musk might claim, he believes in free speech, absolutism and wants a free exchange and debate of ideas on his platform. that's not really what he wants. he's taken a lot of steps over the past year-and-a-half since he's taken over the platform to limit the speech of his critics, he's banned journalists and a lot them back on sort of after they censor themselves and delete the post. like he's throttled the new york times on the platform. he sued watchdog groups that have been critical of the way he's
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run the platform. and so this is not someone who believes in free speech not surprising that he canceled done on lemons partnership when he got some questions that i guess he didn't like >> yeah. i mean, there were all these complaints about cancel culture, but i guess when you're doing the canceling, that's okay. >> in jim, one notable thing too is elon musk. well, he doesn't seem to elevate any of these left of center voice this he does spend a lot of time elevating right-wing extremist conspiracy theories, which i don lemon asked about and really dangerous stuff to the platform which has driven away the advertisements so it's very clear again, that for elon musk, free-speech of stuff that he agrees with and that tends to be some of this dangerous, swampy stuff on the internet yeah. >> all right. fascinating stuff for kudos to don and don kept his cool, just asked to normal questions that any journalist would ask. oliver, we could go on and on. a great to see as always, thanks so much. i appreciate it.
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>> in the meantime >> shifting gears once again, at any moment, we could learn the fate of james crumbley the father charged in connection with the deadly michigan school shooting carried out by his son. we're gonna have a live update on that just to add the 17th annual essence black women in hollywood awards >> honoring danielle brooks, halle bailey, hatchie, or carl karen catherine brian busby, hosted by cliff method man smith, friday night eight central >> it's important to surround yourself with the right people. i've got my workout squad, my brunch squad, and my favorite my saving squad. they find me the best deals. so i'm not stuck paying for anything that i don't have to that's why i'm all about car shield. if your car is out of warranty, you've got a call car show today because when your car breaks down, you're the one left holding the bill car shield. administrators help get those repairs paid that straight up
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coventry direct redefining insurance, vegas. >> the story of sensitive. sunday at ten on cnn are some breaking news to tell you about right now, about spacex's starship, according to space x. and this just coming into us a few moments ago spacex has lost the starship. that is what's spacex is saying right now. it says spacex lost two pieces are communication at the same time, contact with starlink.
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spacex's internet service, and with td rss or tracking and data relay satellite system, losing both simultaneously hence that starship may have broken apart, speaks at spacex's dan hewitt just made this call saying in the last few moments, we are making the call now that we have lost the ship. know splashdown today, but again, just it's incredible to see how much further we got this time around so this appears to be obviously a mishap with a spacex's starship. we're going to be staying on top of that. and we'll bring any further developments and all of this as they come in. in the meantime, right now, the jury is deliberating in the trial of james crumbley, the father of oxford high school shooter, ethan crumbley cnn's jean because our as joins us outside the courthouse. jean, can you give us a quick update shoe or they've been deliberating about two hours at this point haven't heard a peep out of
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them, so they're just very, very focused. no questions yet at all. >> the >> jury is six men and six women. these charges, involuntary manslaughter is very serious because this is a homicide charge and this precedent setting case is that it would be the first time that a father of a mass shooter is convicted in this country for actually causing the deaths of the victims in this case because he got him a gun shortly before this happened, didn't lock it, stored it in the cupboard. the sun god it and the son committed the shooting. but an important aspect of this case is foreseeability. james crumbley had to know that his son could harm others and that potentially could be an issue we'd never been disciplined at school. there was never any evidence that he publicly showed any type of emotional disturbance. this jury will continue working. jim all right. jean casarez will be looking for that verdict. could come at any point today from the jury. thank you so much. a
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lot of breaking news this morning. thank you very much for joining us. i'm jim acosta, our next hour of newsroom with wolf blitzer starts after a quick break anderson cooper 360 tonight at eight on cnn >> beautiful and healthy, looking at it shouldn't be a compromise. lumify eye eliminations three non irritating products developed by the experts if bausch and lomb exclusively for the sensitive eye area to cleanse, nourish, and brightened clinically proven and formulated with clean ingredients and are unique. i bright botanical complex mathias, i illuminations, discover the science of ibd only in the eye care i'll ready to washington >> one second. i got to finish my laundry. >> one second. i use rents, the company that will pick up wash bold, and deliver your laundry, dry cleaning, the touch of a button, sign up for rinsing, to get 20 dollars off your first-order.
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