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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 15, 2024 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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15, right now on cnn this morning, a georgia judge, just hours from >> revealing weathered >> da fani willis will be removed from donald trump's election version case. plus breaking news huge tornado >> wow >> oh, my my god. >> a deadly tornado outbreak. the latest on widespread damage in two states, and the storms on the move right now claus, new reporting on what may have sent a boeing seven at seven full of passengers plunging into a nosedive all right. it is 06:00 a.m. here in washington. it's also 06:00 a.m. and indian lake, ohio. that is one of several places waking up to scenes like this after violent tornadoes overnight at least two people
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have been killed in this region after the twisters hit, are meteorologists are fan tracking the damage and storm's still out there right now, he will be with us later on in the hour. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to be with you on this friday morning. happy friday. it is decision day for the fulton county da hours from now, georgia superior court judge scott mcafee will announce whether fani willis can resume her prosecution of donald trump. she is facing disqualification for having a romantic relationship with her lead prosecutor. if willis is removed, it is highly unlikely that the case would be tried before the november election and there's questions about whether it will be tried at all there is also a delay in the new york hush money case manhattan district attorney alvin bragg, agreeing to delay that trial for up to 30 days, pushing the start date into late april in another case, trump was in a florida courtroom yesterday, trying to convince the judge that he appointed to throw out the
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classified documents case against him. judge aileen cannon shot down trump's chief are we're going to see whether the former president's still feels this way about her >> i'm very proud to have a budget her, but she very smart and very strong. and loves our country all right. >> here to break it all down with us. laura barron-lopez, she's white house correspondent for the pbs newshour, republican strategist, sarah longwell is here and cnn political commentator, karen finney also joins us thank you all for being here this morning. i never dull moment as they say big picture. here laura, let me just kinda start with you on these cases donald trump has been very clear about what the strategy is here. in fact, why don't we just wanted, we just play that this is from february, but it's where he says out loud exactly what he's doing. >> we don't know. much, going to happen. we want delays
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obviously, i'm running for election. i get up. can you run for election and be sitting in a courthouse in manhattan all day long. >> we want milei's obviously. >> yeah. i mean, that is the big strategy here. and even though this one motion to get the classified documents case dismissed was rejected, he has others, so there are others that still have she has not decided on. she's she's kinda really all the legal experts i've talked to you say that this judge who he appointed, aileen cannon is really taking her time with these motions, ones that other judges, a lot of other judges maybe would have dismissed almost immediately if they had reviewed them. and so this is a tactic in this case, it's the tactic in the other cases that he's facing where over and over again as many motions as possible, as many attempts to delay and make sure that the trials don't start until after the election when the other piece of it, sarah, is just muddy the waters confusing people, making it all seemed like the same thing as he's succeeding at that. >> he's succeeding right now.
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i will say when i listen to voters talk, they know the number 91 indictments, but they have a real really hard time separating out which case is which and this is why i was always worried about the new york case going first because if the first case is about porn star, that is a thing that sticks and voters minds. when you are dealing with to menn, where age is a big issue, it actually gives one of them quite an advantage if what everybody is talking about is an issue with a porn star. there's a lot of i i don't know what to tell you about voting way that is just the way people, people think. and so i think obviously there are cases that are better and worse for trump. what is much worse for trump is if january 6 is a case that people are hearing about right before the election because that is one of the main things that i hear from republican voters who are reluctant to vote for trump that makes them want a break with the president. but the new york case is one where the entire right-wing media, will rally around to be like this is
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stupid, this is silly, and a lot of voters will feel that way. and basically there is a manly vim and bigger are on display that biden doesn't have as i'm >> i'm not making an argument. so what i'm saying, how do i understand perceive that the perception yeah. >> i hate to say it, but even in 2016, the fact that he'd had some affairs and there was the porn star steph was out there for male voters. that was something of a plus, i'm sorry to say. of course we were like we cannot compete with that. >> but >> but something that's theirs >> so bad. this is afi right >> but it would step the a >> is really important that i'm thinking a lot about which is i think one of these democrats have to do is form a narrative about why these cases matter and why they matter to you at home to me as part of
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why you're seeing the new york case, framed as election interference. because i think there's a narrative there that says in 2,016.20, 20, this is a man who was willing to do anything to win if it meant spending money to silence people, if it meant inciting a ride on the capitol. right? you've got to start to give people a little more of a narrative around why does it matter? no way to remember, great that they remember the 91. maybe we should get t-shirts made. but again, because so much of how people feel about both of these men is pretty baked in. >> so >> again, it's got to be okay. because i think some of his supporters think, maybe he's he's got some stuff in his closet, but i still like them. so if we've got to do a little bit more work on that, and i'll just say the story, daniel's thing, that's a 2016 issue. and so people who voted for trump twice voted for him with that knowledge, the january 6,
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that is after people voted for him. and so it gives them a reason to say that was new information and i'm not and look, we've launched a campaign recently, republican voters against trump with just exactly that people who voted for trump before aren't going to vote for him again, number one reason, january 6 and lies about the election. yeah. >> really interesting. so there's one thing that came out of this newsmax it's interview that trump did earlier this week. that i don't think got a ton of attention but it caught our eye here. a big part of what we're discussing is how trump has been sort of teflon from normal political scandal basically since the beginning, right? since he was insulting john mccain's time as a prisoner of war i want you to pay attention to how this question was asked. again, this is taking place in this conservative media ecosphere that has developed and also a part of trump's answer watch these cases were designed to destroy you? yes. and they've helped you and some of us actually, we see i know my
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audience and metoo, we see that you're protected maybe even by the hand of god >> has that ever crossed your mind if there is some kind of a protective force because you look at what i've been hit with, these are horrible people >> yeah. so interestingly enough, i will say tim alberta talks about in his book, talks about this, and how among evangelicals there is this narrative that has emerged around about trump and we saw the ad that he did in iowa. that's sort of like can tim to jesus and god >> some folks about it was over the top. >> i >> would tend to agree with that, but this narrative is out there actually again, i think we have to take it seriously in the way that, in 2016 with when he said i can do know murder someone on fifth avenue. that seem ridiculous no, we have to take it out. all really seriously. >> quick final thought. >> well, the only thing i'll say is that that is true for his base voters. is not true for the swing voters to make what he is lost every election
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cycle since 2016. and it just because there are people who rejected yeah, for sure. all right. our panel is gonna come back later in the hour, coming up here, the father from a school shooter convicted for failing to stop his sons murder spree, plus a frightening night of tornadoes in the midwest. we are tracking more storms, right now and the gop is pushed to impeach president biden is apparently going nowhere. >> what's the next move? >> we're here to get your side of the story >> why do we keep ending up here >> you can't write this stuff. united >> states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn. >> americans are doing their >> best to get by, but with an uncertainty economy and prices still rising, budgets are stretched sen. and washington's new capital regulation is another bill americans can't afford basel three end game will make loans, utilities, and groceries more expensive and make it harder access credit, families, seniors, farmers, and small
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house republicans this morning, the investigation is stalled there are not enough votes to successfully impeached the president. but republicans fear ending their inquiry would essentially clear biden of any wrongdoing. and that's a political message. they don't want to send heading into the november election. cnn's annie grayer joins me now. any good morning. >> just that set >> of sentences. well they don't want to end this investigation because they don't want to act like they're clearing him. but on the other hand, they don't seem to have enough to actually show that he's done something wrong enough that's worthy of impeachment, like, oh my gosh, what is going on? >> i mean, it's a great question when republicans took the majority and got their committees in january 2023, investigating president and his family was a top priority for them, but 15 months or so in they've received over 100,000 documents. they've interviewed over 40 people, including hunter and the president's brother, their business associates, department of
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justice officials, irs whistleblowers, and they don't have evidence of doing wang. and so the question is, how do you land this plane when the expectation was you were going to be able to deliver some some evidence of wrongdoing and then impeachment articles against the president. and so one conversation is about criminal referrals. house oversight chair james comer, whose co leading its investigation very much wants that he's on television talking about it. i've talked to him about how many times. >> but >> the two other stakeholders in this decision making process, the speaker, mike johnson and just cheri chair jim jordan are less committal when it comes to criminal referrals. and they said there's still more conversations need to be had beyond that comer says he wants to do legislative reforms to address so-called influence peddling. but casey, this is just not where republicans thought they were going to be this far into their investigation. >> woman, and you've covered like >> every single step of this all the way along the way. and there were high-profile missteps at a series of points. i mean, they're first hearing then this issue with the key
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witness who was arrested for lying, basically i mean in terms of a criminal referrals mean what leg is there to stand on? that unclear and they don't say who these criminal referrals would be four and remember, hunter biden was so key to their investigation, all of the allegations around the president was built around him and hunter came in for his deposition on february 28, south for six hours. he answered every question republicans had for him about his business deals, phone calls is surface-level interactions that his father had with his business associates and some republicans even say, hunter answered our questions. he was well-prepared. there is no more to really get at out-of-home. what is it what is the point of doing a public hearing but comer is trying to bring hunter in for public hearing. hunter refused to do that. their keys they're still trying to go after hunter though. they just quietly subpoenaed him for his
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bank records at at&t. so they're going to try and keep finding new avenues, but nothing it has turned up. >> and the broad policies i should note, you did this reporting did generate a very lengthy letter from the white house saying that that they write today to two, it's clear the house republican impeachment is over. this was sent to speaker mike johnson. the politics of this, i mean, they they basically can't from the votes for it. >> they don't have the votes, but the politics and the 2024 election looms large over all of this. some republicans i talked to you say, we know, we don't have the votes, we don't have the evidence. let's focus on things we can deliver to republican voters and getting republicans and donald trump elected in 2024, essentially, let's move on. then you have enough their camp of republicans saying, let's drag this out as long as possible. there's no incentive to edna's. we can continue to just find little lanes here and there and just continue to try and hurt president joe biden politically. so those are the
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kind of two camps that are actively discussing this right now. and they haven't come to a consensus about what their timeline is. >> i mean, i think it's just worth noting that the whatever artifice used to be around these things that said, we're doing this for the good of the country and not for like raw politics. it's gone, right? i mean, that used to be something that was required here and it just no longer exist. annie grayer has great reporting. thank you very much. have a great weekend are coming up next here. violent twisters overnight, nearly a dozen touching down across the midwest with more possibly on the way. plus aaron rodgers responds to cnn's reporting that he shared sandy hook conspiracy theories, will tell you what he's saying now >> my fellow citizens need to be better renewal normal and makes me want you to be dad said be better good. >> regime streaming exclusively on max
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confusion of the publishing world to make it easy for you, call 805630741 all right. breaking >> news, at least two people >> have been killed after deadly tornadoes hit the midwest. those deaths in logan county rvs were flipped over and buildings destroyed in the town of indian lakes, severe storms hit several states, injuring dozens destroying homes officials in one indiana town say 50% of the structures there are damaged are meteorologists, derek van dam joins us now, derek good morning. >> heartbreaking morning for people waking up to the damage leftover from the significant outbreak of tornadoes across the ohio river valley. here's one of such tornadoes that struck winchester, indiana. look at how lightning illuminates the funnel cloud right there. that does not what you want to see when you are sitting outside your home, perhaps in your balcony, watching a line of storms move through. this is really interesting. we just put this graphic together. see that first line of storms that move through right there near the
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border of ohio, kentucky, and indiana, right along the ohio river, a tornado spawn and this is not associated with the late evening dusk tornadoes that you saw the footage just a moment ago from winchester, indiana. but here it is, carrollton, kentucky. daylight footage confirms tornado on the ground and some of the resulting damages, just horrific homes completely wiped off of their foundations. roofs taken in off of buildings. i mean, scary stuff all in all we've had eight confirmed tornado reports and the national weather service is talking about that tornado near the ohio river that spawn low end ef2 wind damage. so that's roughly 111 miles per hour to upwards of 135 miles per hour. that current band of thunderstorms that produce the tornadoes moving south, it is moving into a more stable environment. so we're not anticipating the widespread tornado opera, but you can see just in western alabama, there is a tornado warning right now, lots of lightning associated with this,
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by the way, a flash flood threat ongoing across southern arkansas as these storms continued to progress east. here's our chance of severe weather today, greatest across mississippi and alabama. casey >> all right. or meteorologist derek van dam, derrick. thank you very much for that. >> all right. a cockpit seat mass mishap may have caused a boeing seven at seven jet to nosedive on monday. that's according to the wall street journal, at least 50 passengers were hurt. some hit the ceiling. latam airlines called it a technical event. the journal reports a flight attendant may have hit a switch on the pilot's seat pushing it into the controls and forcing the jet two plunge are up next here in just a matter of hours, a judge will reveal whether fulton county prosecutor fani willis will be kicked off. donald trump's election subversion case, plus taken over tiktok, a former trump cabinet member says he's got the cash to buy it >> vegas.
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technologies we'll develop state-of-the-art next generation submarines and build something stronger together securing dequeued of peace and prosperity for it. america and our allies. we are going forward and spitting forward together >> i was still alvarez at the white house >> and this is cnn >> a live look at the skyline in miami, florida, 630 on the east coast in the next few hours here, superior court judge scott mcafee is expected to announce whether district attorney fani willis will remain as the prosecutor in the georgia election subversion case. the defense is seeking to disqualify willis for having a romantic relationship with her lead prosecutor, nathan wade. judge mcafee, who is up for reelection thank cnn affiliate wsb, that the ruling won't be based on politics. cnn's kaitlan, poland's joins us live now from fort pierce, florida. caitlin, good morning. always wonderful to see you. so
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there's this claim that the ruling won't be political it's shorted to receive political reaction. how do you expect this to go today? >> well we are just waiting to see what judge scott mcafee and fulton county is going to do. he held so many hearings that we were able to see publicly about this issue that originally bubbled up as something like a little bit of a sideshow, having fani willis on the stand testifying, having nathan than wade, the top prosecutor in that case, also testifying. but there is a real issue here. the judge mcafee is looking at and it is this question of some sort of ethical impropriety. was there a benefit to fani willis because of her relationship with nathan wade? she hired him. her office was paying him to take on the prosecution of donald trump and all of these other defendants to bring that case and she did have a relationship with him in her testimony and his after he
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started in that office. and so there is a lot of questions about how judge mcafee is going to look at the facts here. and if he thinks that it is enough to remove her from the case, the big picture is that legally, judge mcafee says he is basing it on the facts. he says these kinds of orders take time to write. we've been waiting two weeks for a decision here today. he says, is the day or the last day in that two-week period that he could rule. he needs to make sure he says exactly what's he wants and he says, i plan to stick to the timeline i gave everyone. and also that no ruling of his is going to be based on politics. he said that in a radio interview last week, but of course there's always politics involved in these cases against donald trump, casey and one of the issues here is, how do damaging if fani willis remains on this case, how damaging is it to the prosecution team for people to have seen all of this testimony about her personal life, and
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then separately, if she is removed from the case does that derail the entire trump case and its ability to go to trial if it gets a reassigned to a different prosecutor in fulton county, georgia to lead it. >> does >> that mean that the case against donald trump is months, if not years away, from going to trial. if an even survives, a prosecutor change like that, casey, pretty dramatic de on tap here. caitlin poland's caitlin. thank you very much. as always. >> all right. now this a michigan jury last night found james crumbley guilty of four counts of involuntary manslaughter over his failure to prevent his son, ethan crumbley, from killing four students and injuring seven others in the state's ws school shooting the verdict makes mr. crumbley and his wife, jennifer, the first parents to be convicted for a mass shooting carried out by their child raising serious questions about who can be held responsible for such crimes as our country continues to struggle with a gun violence
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crisis listen to how some of the parents of crumbley's victims responded to the verdict last night >> our kids are not doing well these days we're in a mental health crisis. we need to solve this because no parent should go through the hell we're going through. >> we need to start focusing on the school the school, and its failures the things that they don't want to admit to, it's crazy >> the way that our society is currently reacting to this our children are dying on a daily basis. in mass murders and we do very little about it >> all right. are seen and chief legal affairs analyst and former federal prosecutor, elliot williams, joins our panel. this is a really
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difficult conversation all the way around, right? i mean, the heartbreak visible on those parents faces. this is something that i as a parent just actively try not to think about, but when i do, it's i mean, your, your your mind just goes really, really difficult places. i know you're a parent as well. elliot, but this precedent of holding parents accountable for the actions of their minor children and something like this. what do you make of it? it's a major problem precedent. and what locations doesn't have. sure. i mean, i think it's important to strip away a lot of the feelings everybody has about two very profound issues. number one firearms and number two, how other people ought to raise their kids, right? everybody is emotional about all that. it's just not relevant here and there's a very it's simple legal question. it's what happens and when is someone responsible for something that can be reasonably foreseen from their actions. and there's one big piece of evidence in here that
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the parents could not get around. they went to a meeting the morning of the shooting. they were shown drawings that their child had done that show blood everywhere people going to die and so on. and the parents sort of brushed it off as did the school. and we'll talk about that in a second and let it effect let him go ahead and commit this act. the simple factors there were put on notice, does something bad was going to happen, and they did nothing about it. now, under the law, that's negligence, whether you're a parent, whether you are a friend or whatever else the simple fact is, if you're going to be made aware of possible violent criminal activity and don't do anything about it. you ought to be held responsible regardless of the parenting questions. now, how people raise their kids and all this stuff, should guns be locked up? that's a fight for another day. but the legal question here i think with respect to at least that one piece of evidence is pretty straightforward. then on top of that, when you consider there were the diaries and the statements and all of the above there actually was some serious failures on the part of the parents here to prevent something that they could have
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>> but why shouldn't the issue of locking up guns and some accountability for parents? particularly when you have minor children in the home, when we're talking about a mass shooting, but we also know there are shooting, unfortunately, that happened when kids get access to guns in an accidents happen. so why? >> i'm just curious. why you said that's sure i would say two separate geons. so the firearms are designed to operate in a certain manner. and can obviously hurt or kill somebody, right? lots of things in your house or like that. and it's not necessarily negligent under the law for you to fail to lock up things in your house might hurt somebody. so for instance, if you were to break into my kitchen, you would find a knife block that secured and unsecured and right on the counter, someone could make an argument that i was negligent by having a night i found the counter. now, guns are a little bit different >> like maybe not necessarily be what you don't >> there's, there's different rules under different state law, depending on what they have to do. and it's not on its
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face of failure, do not lock your guns up. now, should you lock your guns up? yes. because someone can be seriously hurt by them, but it's not necessarily an act of negligence to fail to do so under the law under the law, sarah, how do you see this and i realized we are often talking to you in the context of donald trump, which is kind of separate, but you are a lifelong republican. otherwise, right? there are political ways people think about this, about second amendment, about parental rights, independence. >> what >> do you see in this case? >> i got to say so i grew up in a small town in central pennsylvania and like i had a few go into my friend's houses. there were guns, there were gun racks in the middle of people's living rooms and people had gone displays. and so i grew up very comfortable around guns, but mass shootings were not a feature of our culture back then. and i also have young kids now and the way that our society is now, kids have to go through active
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shooter drills, like kid did it at nursery school? >> yeah. >> it is like two-year-old children like being silent in the hallways. i just anyway, sorry. no, it's it's it's a it's a >> thing that we're living with now and it does feel crazy to just live with it and say that this is the reality and there's nothing we can do about it and so i've always been sort of just a general republican bro, second amendment. but i think that on the school shootings in particular and on the high capacity so the magazines in particular, because the difference between a knife and a gun and a house is the knife has a different purpose. the gun really only has one, especially one of these high philosophy. so i just, i feel like as a society, we are allowing our children to live in an environment that is unacceptable and that we should do something about it. >> i mean, laura but does though make an argument that it's about the system should be figuring how to fix this system as opposed to eliot's write about the specific that meeting at school is, really take your point about that however, the idea that like
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we're going to tell parents that we all live in this same society where this happens all the time, that it's like we're going to hold you accountable when it happens and we're not gonna do anything about the systems in which you live. that seems to be our reality, i guess. >> right? because congress can't even agree to pass an assault weapons ban. again, we used to have one in this country, you know, we're so far if we don't anymore. and despite the fact that democrats, the president, president biden would like to do that, democrats would like to pass one of those republicans have decided that they don't support that anymore. so i mean, i think you are going to see president biden and his reelection campaign as well as the number of democrats make can argument on guns because it still is very salient with some voters. i mean, in 2018, democrats won the house in part because of the number of mass shootings and because of the fact that they made a really big argument in swing districts in virginia to moms to parents about guns
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and gun safety. so i think that is it going to be as big as abortion or potentially immigration? no, but it is definitely going to be something that's talked about on the campaign. >> i mean, it's how many how many deaf children does it take >> all right. america's >> highest ranking elected jewish official breaks with bb >> as a lifelong supporter of israel it has become clear to me. the netanyahu coalition, no longer fits the needs of israel after october 7, senate majority leader chuck schumer calls for new elections in israel what's netanyahu going to do? was a former trump cabinet member. now, upon civil suitor, tried to buy tiktok choice >> hotels is a family of brands or the hotel for any traveler you want to be like number one shift dad cooking up a free three hot breakfast for the entire family in a comfort hotel. >> mom made this. >> i added the garnish stay
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must be done to break the cycle of violence. i believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of israel at a time when so many israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government all right, that's america's highest ranking jewish elected official calling for new elections in israel. senate majority leader chuck schumer, making the case that prime minister benjamin netanyahu is no longer fit to lead our panel is back with us to talk about this. i mean, this has landed on several of our front pages this morning karen because it is a pretty extraordinary call. it was immediately mitch mcconnell immediately pushed back. in fact, here, let's let's show what mcconnell had to say and then we'll talk about a watch it is grotesque >> and hypocritical for
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americans who hyperventilate about foreign interference in our own democracy you call for the removal of a democratically elected leader of israel. >> right now to be fair to schumer, that's he did not call for him to remove. he called for new elections to be held, right. which under the israeli system is an option in a way that is not an option here in the us system. but that said this isn't pretty significant call is it the right one >> it seems so if you look at what's happening in the papers and israel and on the ground there, i think it's like 19% of israelis think that netanyahu's should stay and we've seen pretty consistently since what happened in the october seven attack. that is rarely blamed that now for what happened. and i think they see this from what we're seeing in our own country. you have a leader who is facing very serious corruption charges and there are concerns that he is not the person who is going to
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keep israel safe that they need a different leader, and that he is perhaps i've seen some reporting that says that perhaps he is perpetuating this as a way to push off his own the trials of his own corruption >> i think most importantly articulated what you're hearing and seeing on the ground from the israeli people themselves. >> what's your take on this, sara? >> only that i think bibi was in a lot of trouble before the october 7. and i think that sense then, people believed that there was tremendous security failures and blame him for it. yeah. i don't know how i feel about schumer, particularly filoli calling for it >> i >> you know, i don't think it's election interference though, and i think mitch mcconnell framing it as such and saying that we hyperventilate about it here is pretty dismissive of the issues that we have here. but i do think it's up to the people of israel. and i think they are going to take this action soon, but they're also in the middle
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of this conflict. >> i mean, it's a seismic shift from where we saw democrats right after the october 7 attacks. i mean, this is a major deal that senate majority leader said what he said and the white house saw what he was, remarks ahead of time. it was not whether they were going to try to edit it or approve it, or say they didn't approve it. the white house isn't changing their line despite the fact that you increasingly see a number of democrats like schumer start to say that they're frustrated and done with netanyahu and that they want a significant change in the way the war is going. president, the white house, national security coordinator john kirby yesterday simply said, look, we're still going to help israel as much as possible to defend itself while also telling them over and over again to limit the number of casualties. >> yeah. >> with the >> caveat that i used to work for senator schumer and you put it out there. >> thank you for that. no, i think it's important after sure. full disclosure, but it was actually quite savvy. i think as a political move, only because something that
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democrats have been struggling with for quite some time is this. frankly, many americans, this distinction between criticizing israel versus criticizing either the aims of israel or the israeli people or whatever else? halts and the one sort of american politician with standing or a, with particular standing to say this is about politics and the israeli government, it allowed him to sort of thread a needle a little bit, doesn't it also though, provide for those israeli who want to move forward with this? it does say that there's very seriously your ship in the united states that would support that so that they're not out there on their own. i think that's important as well. >> i mean, i think one thing that's we should also notice that it's not like schumer and bibi know each other right? there's a lot going on under the surface here as well. one thing i do want to touch on very briefly before just because i understood to talk to you guys about it is one aaron rodgers we are expecting that
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he may be rfk juniors, vice presidential, running mate, the dnc. karen just announced they've got like a little team aimed at taking on third-party candidates. you're looking at one of the potential tickets that there really focused on here. yeah. so rodgers put out a tweet yesterday after cnn reported and this was our pan brown, so i'll start here. brown was actually here. look, this is the tweet. i'm on the record as saying in the past what happened in sandy hook was an absolute tragedy. i am not and have never been of the opinion that the events did not take place again, this is after cnn reported that aaron rodgers has been in private conversations a quote, unquote sandy hook, truth or pamela brown, my colleague was covering the kentucky derby for cnn in 2013 when she was introduced to rodgers, then with the green bay packers at a post-derby party, rodgers brought up the tragic killing of 20 children and six adults by a gunman at sandy hook claiming it was actually a government inside job. and that the media was intentionally ignoring it at pamela's disturbed by this. sarah, what
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does it say that we're looking at these these two faces, rodgers in rfk junior as part of this conversation, that while we live in the most dangerous timeline for democracy, we also live in the stupidest timeline that we ever have in politics. i don't know. i didn't know who aaron rodgers was before all this. not a huge football person but a lot of americans do know him, right? like that's why that's potentially a big deal for him to be on the ticket. sure. but why don't just put alex jones on the ticket? i mean, this is about a really one kook saying, boy, i'm gonna the grabbed this other cook and together we're going to build this really kooky third-party ticket that is actively dangerous because when you have these celebrities that have these conspiracy theories are grounded and conspiracy theories they do appeal to a certain set of americans were not paying a ton of attention, but know who these people are. last sentence >> is the critical one. because having elected a reality star as president with 25% of democrats thinking governance going to do the right thing. 8%
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of republicans saying the same thing according to some research, this taps into something that many americans who aren't following closely might actually find quite appealing. and we dismiss it at our peril. >> i think i think that's a very dismissing it at our peril agreed elie. thank you. i really appreciate it the rest of us everyone else is going to stay with us. it is 52 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup x trump adviser peter navarro will have to report to prison by march 19. a federal appeals court denied his attempt to remain free while appealing a four-month sentence for contempt of congress >> the >> political group, no labels announcing it's launching a country over party committee to vet possible candidates for a unity ticket, quote, unquote, in 2024, that will compete against president biden and donald trump. lyft and uber say they'll stop operating in minneapolis after the city council voted to increase drivers wages to $15.50 an hour. that is minimum wage. there an apple camera feature
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hijacks business meetings, and john bob interviews after users accidentally trigger balloons, fireworks, and even confetti at serious moments, like pennsylvania senator john fetterman during this live news interview in 22, when now people were saying that if two are not popular enough to to be seen with them >> okay. sara fisher is with sarah. what what makes it do that like what should i not do if i'm doing? >> i mean, that's what we don't know. that's why they're luscious it's just random, but the thing that's so funny about it is apple's constantly tinkering with features, right? every time you update your apple ios, you're getting something new. and typically they're really serious things back and security, whatever this is kind of a funny one that we're getting here. yeah. well, i think it's probably helpful. all right. let's sarah is here to actually talk about tiktok, because if buying tiktok for $100 billion was part of your weekend plans, you
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might be behind former treasury secretary steven mnuchin has announced he's assembling a team of investors to try to make a bid to buy tiktok after the house overwhelmingly voted to force a sale of the app or ban it i understand the technology. it's a great business and i'm going to put together a group to buy tiktok. you're trying to buy tiktok. i am because i should be owned by us us businesses? there's no way that the chinese would ever let a us company on something like this in china >> sarah, you are the perfect person to have on because yesterday you were just saying that it is really hard to buy it because it is so expensive, it's so valuable. do you think this is real? >> i think it's real that he's trying to collect a bid, but he's going to need to agree on a ton of money. and remember, a lot of investors are already in tiktok. a lot of them have already wanted to liquidate for a long time. so he's going to have to raise new capital outside of the folks that are already in. that's not going to be easy then the other challenge china has said that they don't want to allow tiktok to allow bytedance
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tiktok's parent bytedance, to be sold even if he is able to assemble the bid, even if he is able to get regulatory approval, >> will china let it happen? there's a lot of ifs there that make it hard to believe this actually goes through. >> i'm laura, the reality is that china, while there are pushing back against america in doing this, they control what apps are allowed in china. there's plenty of apps american made apps that aren't allowed to operate in china. what is your view of how that argument cuts for them here in the us and also the politics of this, the white house has ready to sign this if it goes through, yeah, they are. i mean, president biden has said, despite his campaign and himself being on tiktok has said that they would hi, ms bill, that potentially bans it if they don't sell the company. i'm not sure that that argument totally flies, especially with the majority lawmakers in congress. so when we saw this got, got bipartisan support, there are some democrats, so even some that are on president biden's
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campaign co-chair reelection team maxwell frost, who is a gen z congress member who has said that he thinks that it would be a mistake for the president to sign this bill. in part because of the fact that that he just thinks that social media writ large social media apps, social media companies should be he regulated in the us rather than just outright bands. and then also, the president may be cutting off a big channel that he has to reach young voters ahead of the election. >> yeah. >> sarah, can you help me >> understand i was reading kevin reus has a column at technology columnist from the new york times this morning where he basically says that he previously wasn't on board with those, but he's reluctantly gotten there and then david sanger, his colleague who writes about this from a national security perspective, also raised some questions about the algorithm itself that drives tiktok. and if in the event that there is a sale, what happens to the algorithm, because for someone like steve mnuchin, if you're going to spend $100 billion right? it's
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the algorithm, arguably that is where the value is. >> does that go with the company? >> so this is the big debate, right? like the whole algorithm is not just one set of employees managing it for tiktok in the us, it's all bytedance and tiktok is available all over the globe. in china, there's a version of it called del yen. it's the same type of engineers i'll let bytedance. so how do you physically separate it is the question and by the way, if you're steven mnuchin, you might be trying to gather a bid for $100 is it worth $100 billion? if it doesn't have the secret >> sauce, right? if you can't >> actually pull the algorithm out, one of the other things being debated is, well, can you just move all the us data two datacenters that are overseen by a us companies. that's something they've already done. >> so oracle oversees all of >> the us data for tiktok and clearly it's just not enough, which is why we are going through this ban process. >> i just want to go >> through one thing that you had talked about, which is sort of the principles of the quid pro quo. >> i think to understand is that >> china blocking us apps that's because that is what their society is. communist party full control. we are a democracy we are open
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capitalistic society. we allow businesses in the us to accept capital from china. we allow chinese apps and for naps to flourish in our economy here, if we were to do this with tiktok, the question becomes, do we set a precedent that we would be blocking out all foreign investment, foreign technology coming into the us. that's a pretty seriously precedent. we would be setting yeah >> quickly it, sir, do you see any unique concerns about someone like mnuchin owning a major social media account in the app platform in the us, i would say my first instinct was to have some concern the idea that somebody who was in donald trump's cabinet would now be in charge of this very powerful algorithm. but because i talked to sarah in the green room she. explained to me about how really hits mnuchin is not buying tiktok, right? it is all of these american companies that have a lot of capital that would be putting it together, that did ilan buying it's not like il-1 bind twitter. we are at the whims of one guy who material mercurial is a great work. thank you for me.
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>> all right. thank you, guys. it's been a great conversation and i'm going to leave all of you with this. caitlin clark fever has hit indianapolis as the iowa hawkeyes superstar. it's ready for her final ncw a tournament. a massive mural away bates her in what is likely her new hometown. an artist recently completed this mural of the sharp shooter, right next to one of pacers star tyrese haliburton. i love seeing women's sports like this. last month, clark announced she plans to enter the wnba draft. and because the indiana fever hold the number one pick clark is basically a lock to be first off the board and to land an indie clark's hawkeyes are expected to be a top seed heading into march, madness can imagine why brackets election for the women's tournament is sunday night. karen, this is awesome. >> it is awesome and it is awesome to see women's sports. i can say front and center, i love it. i love it so much. all right. thank you, guys. again for being here. happy friday. have a great weekend. thanks to all of


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