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tv   Smerconish  CNN  March 16, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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ready for monday, sign up for free because it, ai or download the app. >> i'm dr. sanjay gupta. >> and this is cnn >> though they maintain separate residences, the comedian and his long companion
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to be inseparable oh, no the associated press picked up the nyu story. that's going to be in every paper. i've been out. it wasn't even everyone's going to think okay, not that there's anything wrong with that >> not that there's anything wrong with it. i michelson were counted in philadelphia with a question, how many among us are accurately described as lgbtq plus, according to gallup, the number is on the rise and reached an all-time high in 2023 gallops analysis was based on a survey of 12,000 adults 18 and older, and founded 7.6% identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer? the data illustrates both agender, end, generational divide. women are nearly twice as likely as menn do identify as lgbtq plus 8.5% of women, 4.7% of men, and nearly 30% of gen z women, those aged 18 to
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26, identify as such most of them as bisexual. each younger generation is about twice as likely as the generation that preceded it is self-identify this way, only 1% of the silent generation the youngest of whom are in their late '70s now identified as lgbtq plus compared to 2.3% of baby boomers. 4.5% of gen x, nearly one in ten of millennials. and more than one in five of gen z adults so what accounts for those differences? surely some of it can be attributed to more honest reporting. it makes sense that as society is increasingly and appropriately accepting different gender identifications, more would be willing to truthfully tell pollster how they identify where in the past perhaps they would have been reluctant to say so. although unless we're evolving, that itself would not explain the difference between the ages nor the differences in
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gender are there really that many fewer lgbtq plus among the old than the young wouldn't boomers be as willing as gen z-ers to self-identify of course, determining the size of these communities has long been the source of both study and conjecture in the category of study, there was famed biologists alfred kinsey in 1948, he concluded that eight to 10% of the male population was gay kenzie relied entirely on volunteers for his study, 25% of his sample size. we're prisoners. and in 1953, he concluded the two to 6% of females were quote, homosexual in the realm of conjecture. after september 11th, i did my own cocktail napkin analysis. kenneth are feinberg was the special master of the fund created by congress to compensate the victims of 911. feinberg, approve the compensation of surviving gay partners, enabling them to claim survivor benefits, which averaged about one point when
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85 million if we assume kinsey was correct, then roughly 300 of the 3,000 victims would have been gay or lesbian. of course know 10% of any segment of society can be relied upon to be in a committed relationship still, there were only 22 known surviving partners who were compensated. that's less than 1% of 911 victims perhaps the pool was unrepresentative of society at large, but those killed on september 11, did include a pretty wide cross-section men, women, blacks, whites, americans, foreigners, cops firefighters, bus boys, brokers the young and the old here's a different maybe more scientific approach to the question. seth stevens, divid widths is a brilliant harvard educated phd and data scientist. he took his own shot at discovering the truth behind the number of gay men in america based on an analysis of pornography using google analytics for his book, everybody lies big data, new
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data, and what the internet can tell us about who we really are. i like his approach, no leading questions, no judgmental stairs, no social pressures, just you and the google search bar that can answer your deepest questions. concerns using data from google trends and google adwords, he found that of the men that search for porn, about 5% of those searches are for gay male porn interestingly, he found that there's parody in those searches between what would be thought of as gay friendly states and less tolerance states for example, of the men who live in mississippi who searched for born 4.8% are for gay male porn, which is fairly close to 5.2% of men who search for gay male porn in rome what island? here's his conclusion. so how many american men are gay by this measure of pornography searches by men roughly 5% are same-sex. seems a reasonable estimate of the true size of the gay population in the united states? here's one more analysis. gene,
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guangxi, a frequent guest on this program, the psychology professor best known for her book, i gen. studies generations. in fact, that was the title of her most recent book. and in it, dr. 20 looked at the growth of lgb identification among gen z-ers. here's what she found as it turns out, the changes are driven almost exclusively by an increase in bisexual people, particularly bisexual women. and more than twice as many young women identified as bisexual in 2021 as did in 2015, a huge change in just six years. in addition, the number of menn identifying as bisexual doubled in the household post-survey, 23% of gen z women identified as bisexual twice as many as among millennial women, eight times as many as among gen xers. and an incredible 32 times as many as among silence
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and boomers here's her conclusion. >> being >> exclusively gay or lesbian hasn't changed much. but being bisexual has. look, i get how changing levels of societal acceptance would impact once willingness to tell a pollster a stranger how they identify but does that alone account for the increase do you really think that there are more gay people among us today then decades past, because i've always thought of it as a function of birth. it's not nature and nurture its nature so are the numbers really booming and where's this going to lead >> which means if we follow this trajectory, we will all be gay in 2015 i want to know what you think. go to my website. it's were and vote on today's poll question is the increase of those who identify as lgbtq plus more a result of comfort in reporting
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or actual growing numbers. joining me now is lydia saad director of us social research for gallop, which if you did this new survey that i've been relying upon, lydia. thank you so much for being here. what stands out to you, the expert in all this data >> goodness, well, you know, we've been following this, these 2012, so people often say what's surprising about it. it's not surprising because we've seen this trend coming through one thing that's not in the data that we've put out that i think is worth noting is you know, we've we've tracked an increase over time by generation and increase in self-identification as lgbt >> and we're >> looking at it by generation, which i think is very profound because we are dealing with people who have grown up very culturally different times. and this gen z has had very unique experiences in terms of coming of age at a time when a majority of americans, for the first time support same-sex
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marriage, believe it's morally acceptable. and in fact, the supreme court made same-sex marriage legal during their lifetime. so you're talking about this is going to jokes about by certain time we're all going to be gay when we look at that very young gen z group in our sample, that are 18 to 26. you look at them age, by age. there's really no difference. it's not like the younger ones are more likely to identify them. the old there ones i think we're looking at a group that has a very unique set of experiences. and as a group they have a higher rate of expression of lgbt than older generations because of those very profound societal changes that have happened changing the way their experiences, young people versus our in older people's experiences >> so i totally get the changes and i also understand the societal changes, but wouldn't you think that the proportionate number of those who are properly classified as lgbtq plus would be the same among boomers as it would among gen z-ers. in other words, is
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it simply a reporting issue that they're more comfortable in being candid with gallup when you're contacting them, when you expect to find the same number among boomers you know, i think your intro covered some really interesting things in that you get different measurement with different modes. so if you're telling, if you're interviewing by phone you have one set of dynamics influencing how someone is going to be willing to reveal themselves if it's by web, it might be something different. if it's analyzing google searches is going to be something very different. >> so what >> we have is a consistent measure by telephone trends but what is truth is going to be partly an active detective work, right? piecing together many different things. so kelips, offering 11 line of data that's consistent and we can tell you for sure over time, this is the change in the percentage of people who self-identify in these way. it doesn't mean it's completely accurate, but it's telling you that in this framework, this
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was willing to express this identity. and yes increase yeah. sorry, lydia, i said in the setup that i noted that the generational shift was significant, but also the gender difference among gen z-ers and other generations. will you say a word about that? >> um, it's kinda goes beyond the data in this poll. >> but, you >> know, men and women are different and young girls, let's call them under 18, have different experiences coming into adulthood than young men and i just think this those things have to we explored to understand it. again, it's what are people willing to say on the phone to someone else and just just to put, you know, i just don't think we can underestimate the changes that have happened over time just to give your viewer is just a tangible idea of that. like i said, the gen z that came into adulthood in the last few years
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came in a very tolerant world >> the millennial, >> millennium alleles that came before them. they turn 18.19, 99. and in that year, gallup found only 35% of americans they or lesbian marriage should be legal if you go up to gen x, those people who are in their 30s and 40s and 50s, excuse me not only when we asked him the question about same-sex marriage then, but we found majorities of americans didn't think you should be a dr. teacher, a clergy member. if you were and the majority thought it should be illegal so they were very different consequences for coming out in the '80s versus the 90s, versus the 2000s. >> no doubt. no doubt. yeah. so i think once we clear, it's a good let's be clear on this. it's a wonderful thing that acceptance has grown at the pace that it has there are some just unexplained questions and
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all the data liddy assad. thank you so much. that was fascinating. i appreciate it >> thank you, michael keep the social media responses coming from the world of youtube. catherine, what do we have not growing numbers, just people admitting who they are. your bigotry shows to even suggest people are making it up. my bigotry, i'm analyzing gallops data and raising questions that are entirely appropriate. so thank you for watching. remember i wanna know what you think. go to my website. it's were and answer this question is the increase of those who identify as lgbtq plus more result of comfort in reporting or are the numbers actually growing up ahead a new report commissioned by the state department warns that artificial intelligence poses catastrophic national security risks can america protect itself from such threats? admiral james staff redis, he led the nato alliance, is an expert in cybersecurity. he's here with a new book on the subject and see what surgery
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mysterious cancer diagnosis, doctored family photos the first year since king charles has been crown has been a terrible one for the royals as bad as any sense, the death of his wife, princess diana, to right the ship might prince harry need to bring back his family from self-imposed exile? who better to analyze than diana's private secretary and chief of staff, patrick jefferson, who joins us next from london. that'd be sure to sign up for the summer daily newsletter. you'll find exclusive cartoons like this one from pulitzer prize winner jacques omen united states of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn >> when it comes to your wellness routine, the details are the difference. dove men body wash with client-based moisturizers in harmony with their bodies. for healthier feeling skin all these details added something greater. new dove men plant powered body wash. >> when you're home needs
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on us. hurry bolus. i think i said it correctly. the sequel. >> it's latin for horrible year. and it's what queen elizabeth called 1992 in a speech, you'll remember that year there was a serious fire at windsor castle protests and got divorced. prince andrew separated from sarah ferguson, prince charles and diana were also separating but 2024 threatens to eclipse the original. this week, princess diana sons participated separately at a charity event in her honor, william in-person, harry and video call that he didn't make until after william departed this came on the heels of the international controversy over the princess of wales digitally doctored mother's day photo, and then her post on x apologizing for the photoshopping and taking full blame without explaining why another photo which came on monday purportedly showing william and kate leaving windsor in a car together with her, seen only in profile from behind immediately ignited more doubt and social media a few
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weeks ago, william pulled out of the memorial service for his godfather, greases king constantine, that was at the last minute due to an undisclosed personal matter. this era of choppy royal waters, it began back on january 17 with kate's abdominal surgery details not disclosed. her two-week hospital stay and her absence from the public eye since christmas. and then just a few weeks later, the palace announced that king charles are 75 year-old father-in-law, had been diagnosed with cancer, undisclosed time hype and would be withdrawing from public events. all this comes less than a year after charles his coronation last may, with harry having moved to california and meghan, her family, a wag on twitter then noted this. the princess of wales is missing. the spare princes in exile. the king is threatening his cancer, is treating his cancer with herbs. if this were the 1300s, france would be looking to invade. joining me now is after geoff said he served as private secretary, chief of staff for the late princess diana. his
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books include shadows of a princess and the meghan factor. he wrote this piece about the royals for the mail on sunday, called how much luck do they have left patrick good to see you this symbol of permanence suddenly looks vulnerable. how significant is that? >> good to be with you, michael >> it is very significant. i mean, even by royal standards this is, this is turning out to be quite a story because it exists on two levels. on the surface, it's just another human story of a family with two significant members stricken with illness. nothing strange by that. i mean, it's worrying particularly with constitutional complications, but we can cope. but what it also tells us is that unless you're very lucky a story like this can get out of hand. it can escalate into a crisis of credibility since the monarchy's main purpose is to provide certainty in an uncertain world that i think explains why we are talking
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about crisis and as hurry bullets so you used to be behind those palace gates responding to matters and doing damage control. how could kensington palace have handled this differently? >> well, i learned today that i think sources in buckingham palace that remember we're talking about two different organizations here. so as the vacuum palace i was saying rather patronizingly that this is the sort of mistake you would expect from a prince of wales office that is still learning the ropes? and then maybe some truth to that, but it's not an excuse you can use more than once the real issue here is an information vacuum. and from the media perspective, information vacuum gets rapidly filled, especially today with social media and all sorts of extraordinarily unpleasant and worrying, rumors spread by social media particularly about catherine. and i think the answer here is, like all crises
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you have to tell the truth as much of it as you can. and in the case of the king, the king's cancer can you imagine the president of the united states going to walter reed for his annual physical and coming out and somebody saying, well, he's got cancer, but we're not going to tell you any more than there so you've got the kingo got points for disclosing that he has cancer that is any half an answer. william is in rather more trouble because when his wife catherine about whom we are extremely concerned, went into hospital for major abdominal surgery. we were told she'd be out of commission for months >> and there would >> be further announcements after that time. what happened here is that the palace loss can trap of the narrative and instead of putting a regular reassuring messages particularly appreciating people's concern that the british public very, very affectionate feelings for their king and particularly four princess catherine, the king's people got these quite, quite, quite okay. they showed pictures of the king. we
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didn't get well cards but princess catherine, we've seen and heard nothing from her except this rather worrying doctored photograph i'm listening to patrick jefferson in london, and i'm thinking here in the states of my friend landy davis that the crisis manager who >> served the clintons and his friends of both bill and hillary tell it early, tell it all, tell it yourself. those are his three rules of crisis management and they did none of the above. let me ask patrick jetson this question. is princess catherine is kate's status as the most popular royal? in jeopardy. what did the brits think of this >> it's too early to say if there has been a shift in public opinion. catherine is regularly polled. the most popular member of the family. but i think when it seemed that people's trust and goodwill and particularly natural sympathy has been met with if not, hostility in east with indifference and ultimately
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with an attempt to hoodwink with the photograph that various news agencies have pulled because they detected it had been manipulated. this was our christmas step. this was news. this was to tell us that catherine all or we hadn't heard much. she was actually recovering well and it turned out that piece of good news wasn't reliable and it is to do i think it gives us a clue as to the degree to which william wants to control this story and that's fine. but if you don't control it effectively than the consequences are that much more hi, there cheers, patrick, jeff's and thank you for your report >> thank you >> social media, catherine, what reaction do we have? this comes from the world of x. the princess must have an obvious change in her looks right now, must have an obvious change in her look understandable. hope she is well and kate, get back to her family life swiftly penitent thief, love that handle. so i'm about to have a conversation with admiral staff
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redis about artificial intelligence. and i see it as related to exactly this subject. if it were a politician and they were manipulating their appearance, it'd be troublesome, right? because we deserve the truth. i'm not sure that in fact, i know. i don't look at the royal family in the same category for me, it's a new story. i'm talking about it. but in many respects i think has been blown way the hell out of proportion. a new report commissioned by the state department warns that the most advanced ai systems could pose an existential level threat to the human species that you're sounds ominous. what can be done about it? former nato supreme allied commander james staff redis, explores the future of ai in his new book, plus, when squatters took over the home of flash shelton's mother, state officials were no held. so the handyman and remove them himself. and now he offers squatter removal services for
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higher. how does he do it? he'll be here to explain and according to gallup, the number of us adults who identify as lgbt quest's has doubled in the last 12 years, which leads me to today's poll question. it's were is the increase of those who identify as lgbtq plus more result of comfort and reporting or actual growing numbers while you're there, be sure to sign up for the free daily newsletter you're gonna get exclusive content. i love this. just take a moment and look at what steve breen drew for my new who's letter this week, horrible sequels >> tomorrow on the whole >> story, two men missing our lives, just both died 21 deputy, he was the last person to see the milan and a decades-long search for the truth, the whole story with anderson cooper tomorrow at eight on c, there's nothing
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stage they told about >> for all lifetime regrow, the champions have tbs >> how much evil might artificial intelligence unleashed on the world? this week, a new government report warns the following. ai could pose an extinction-level threat and the us must intervene. a day later, a new novel about this very topic was published 2054 is the title predicting that in the future, one nefarious use of artificial intelligence could be political assassination. 2054 was written by my next guest, former nato supreme allied commander james staff redis and elliot ackerman. they were co-authors of the new york times bestseller 2034. at its core, the book is about the fusion of technological and biological evolution and focuses on remote gene editing. it's one of those reads where you scratch your
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head and you wonder, could that really happen? joining me now is retired four-star navy admiral james staff redis admiral. great to have you back. you've written ten books of nonfiction on everything from oceans to leadership. why have you now turned your attention to fiction? i'll give you three reasons. michael, one is simple, it's just a bigger audience. the number of people who want to read a scholarly book about the rise of artificial intelligence is kind of a bounded community shall we say? whereas i'm hoping that people will pick up 2054, it's a b-tree you can get in and out of it quickly. it's character-driven, so bigger audience number two is simply to undo those chains of nonfiction where everything has to be footnoting and perfectly accurate. here you really get to splash some paint on the canvas about what the future might look like. in the year 2054. and then third and finally, i mentioned it
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earlier, but people resonate and take messages from other people characters. the characters infection i think can carry the story that's the idea of 2054 so politically speaking, you envision a world where the extremes of the republican and democratic party have united. meanwhile, the incumbent president is from the american dreamer. the dreamers party. what are you telling us with that analysis? >> first and >> foremost, that nowhere in the constitution does it say article xx that there shall be two political parties, republican and democrat. we didn't start with either of those. we started with wings and federalists and democrat republicans combined we've had a lot of political parties in this country, and i think by mid-century, it's highly, highly possible that we'll have a new kind of party then to the
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point of this new party what we begin within the novel, i don't think i'm giving anything away. it's in the first 25 pages president of this new party is unexpectedly assassinated. who did it? how did they do it? was remote gene editing, artificial intelligence involved. read the book to find out, but 2054 and packages those themes and militarily, we worry, could these machines overtake us >> i think >> that we would be foolish to simply x out the possibility going back to stanley kubrick, 2001, a space odyssey as how overtakes the astronaut. is it possible perhaps, but michael like you, i like to look at history to understand there have been big inventions in the past. the printing press,
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electricity, the internet, all of these have been a decried for the possibility of nefarious activity associated with them. same with artificial intelligence. so bottom line, i think we should be mindful of ai. that's the point of the book. it's kind of cautionary fiction. look ahead to 2054 we ought to be concerned about it. on the other hand, artificial intelligence could turn out to be extremely beneficial to society broadly. >> can i say the book is terrific? and what i've read them both, but one not need read 2034 to read 2054. and i found it to be a wake-up call. congratulations, admiral thanks, michael, look forward to talking to you about it in person soon >> you got it. gang. what do we have from social media, the world of x on artificial intelligence. we've rushed into ai without establishing guardrails, knowing we, can,
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now question everything we see. we might ms the era when facts and truth were universal and mattered in so many reactions to that, not the least of which is biff. i love that. and always think of the movie. so back to the future. the book is a wake-up call for that reason. i mean, that's exactly what the admiral is saying with elliot ackerman in writing this book book, that as the horse is very quickly leaving the barn, we better figure out how we're going to regulate it and keep guardrails on this process or bad things could result from it. and as to your point as to separating fact from fiction, there was great data released this week saying that fewer and fewer of us can separate between the two. remember, artificial intelligence, not probably allows you to put somebody in a place. they never were. but it also allows for what they call the buyers dividend when somebody can say that that which really is true, well, that wasn't me because i wasn't there that day. a new poll by gallup this week shows the generational population of adults who identify as lgbtq plus has had an all time high, which makes me want to have you
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go to summer and answer this question. is the increase of those who identify as lgbtq plus maurer result? of comfort in reporting or actual growing numbers stood aecom he's a man on a mission. meet flash shelton. if you have squatters that just won't leave if you're a property, he's your guy >> you don't want to pull up. i know very well your test >> i have i have a least for this problem so >> how does he get rid of these unwelcome visitors when everybody else has failed, you're about to find out what happened to the golden boy of new jersey. >> i engaged in an affair with another man. >> did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper are gonna go to therapists after having an
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from switching as easy at i'll go, we're on the massachusetts coast. >> this cnn >> can you outsmart a squatter at their own game? a california handyman is helping hundreds of frustrated homeowners retake control of their properties from trespassers who refuse to leave flash. shelton wanted to help his mother cell her home after his father passed but a squatter derail their plans due to california's squatter laws were moving a trespasser can take weeks or months and can cost tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees. police officers are also rarely able to intervene so shelton moved in with the squatter by having his mother rent her home to him as the new lease holder. after confronting the squatter and installing surveillance cameras, the trespasser was out within a matter of hours. shelton posted the entire experience on his youtube channel, which got millions of views. helping his mom gave
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shelton the idea of launching squatter hunters, which allows homeowners to hire he and his team. the plan is simple. live with the squatter, dirty the bathroom, take the best spot on the couch, hog the t.v. blast music eat their cheetos. his business only works with squatters, which is different from a lease holder or a tenant. even those who stopped paying rent a long time ago, still have rights. a squatter on the other hand is somebody who trespasses and stays on the property without permission and believe it or not, they're innocent until proven guilty homeowners can't simply go in and drag them out without exposing losing themselves to potential lawsuits, joining me now, the squatter hunter flash shelton, flash, good to see it. tell me about the caregiver for the elderly that you had to displace? >> yes, she she posed as a caregiver and wasn't caregiving. the homeowner at eight year-old woman fired her the company that she hired her through said, she's fired, but there's nothing we can do. we
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can't help you get her out of the house and she's been stuck with her for two years how did you get around cotton her? >> i >> called her climbing in a window and that that's the case. that's ongoing. that's a recent case right now. and i'm working with social services the difficult ones are ones that are she's barricaded in an bedroom. she no electric kristi no bathroom. she climbs in and out of the bedroom window those are difficult >> how about the case in woodland hills that the la times wrote about? >> so in some cases, violent criminals, if a felon, they're not allowed to live in a house with a firearm. so when i find this out, i basically move into the house, sit down with them with a firearm exposed and say, we can call the police. but i think it'll be a parole violin equation for you and that, that quickly gets the mouth. because if if i'm a resident, they can't be flash. we've
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>> tracked the problem of homelessness all across the country, but most pronounced on the west coast. is this tied to homelessness? >> i don't believe so in the hundreds of cases i've dealt with i have not come across it being homeless. i have a heart for homeless. my family was homeless when i was young. and when i do come across homeless, i'll give them services and help relocate them but no squatters are people. they are just self entitled in a narcissistic people that just don't care how they, how they affect other people are they remorseful >> you know, no. i mean, you can see one of my videos. i did an intervention and he called himself a victim i still don't get why law enforcement. i don't understand why you're needed what why can't law enforcement deal with this situation? what are the
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handcuffs figurative that they are facing? >> i think the main reason is because the lines are blurred, blurred between squatters and tenants. and even, even though squatter laws and rights were originally adapted in 1800s, they've kind of just blurred and become just in the same lines and there needs to be clear distinction with the law, needs to be squatters, criminal tenants, civil i smell tv show. is it in the works >> it's in the works. >> yeah. i figured. thank you. flash. appreciate your being here. >> all right, thanks for social media >> comments. thank you. from the world of x, what do we have squatting is the product of the insane liberal mind thinking that homeowner is the oppressor squatters are the oppressed. know that people are losers, no matter what you do, no matter
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what the law you can't pass a certain percentage well, i found it really interesting papaya that he said, i don't know that this is one of those that you can put in the category of this is what progressives bring us. there's an entitled group among us that are taking advantage of vacant properties. that's what i'm taking away from flash and that it's not connected to the homeless issue. it's not as if the homeless that we see living on streets are now showing up and living in private property. narcissistic is the word that he used which stands out. but law enforcement needs to be able to be given the ability to deal with it. stood account more of your best and worst social media comments and don't forget to vote on today's poll question. it's where is the increase of those who identify self-identify as lgbtq plus more or result of comfort in reporting or actual numbers and if you subscribe to our free daily newsletter, you're going to get exclusive editorial cartoons from the legends like rob rogers who drew this for us this week.
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799 a month golf, but need 775383882 or visit home >> again, there's the results so far of today's poll question. wow, overwhelming result of 26 thousand and change is the increase of those who identify as lgbtq plus more a result of comfort in reporting or actual growing numbers 82% go with the acceptance argument. the argument being that people are just more comfortable now in
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telling a pollster a stranger what their self-identification might be, keep voting on that poll question will leave it up during the course of the day. catherine more social media reaction that came in on this and other matters. i didn't respond to the poll question because both options are incorrect. the correct response is because it's trendy. interesting. brian, 22% of gen z say self-identify as lgbtq plus in roundness numbers only 2% of the boomers. and the question is, what accounts for that growth? you say trendy, others say they feel more accepted and therefore honest with the pollsters, although why aren't the boomers similarly feeling that this is acceptable and they can give an answer that 50 years ago they couldn't keep voting on the poll question more than came in today. what do we have >> i think google search >> for porn is the most reliable >> yeah. i mean i ran through the different means of trying to get to the bottom of the figures, right? you've gotten gallup very scientific. you have me on the back of a napkin
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trying to to apply the lessons, if there are any from september 11 and then there's seth stevens divid a wits whose name i love, but i always struggle in saying who says, let's take a look at porn searches. and what did he find? he found that the searches for gay male porn in mississippi are the same as they are in rhode island. it's roughly 5%. and is there something to be gleaned from that more social media reaction? what do we have squatters are guilty of breaking and entering and should be arrested and jailed. says, can i don't yeah, i don't understand either. i just know that i think flashes onto something with this idea where he says hey, i'm just going to move in with them and i'm going to occupy the same sofa as they do. and finally, they'll leave and he's had success. one more, catherine, if we have it, let's do it no more, okay. well, i'll just okay. i will just say thank you for watching. thank you for voting on the poll question, good mix today, admiral staff redis his book is really worthy and i encourage you to check it
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