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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 17, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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country started changing las vegas would change to >> you the last vegas show girl was a unique specimen. >> vegas probably hang onto its sexism longer than it should have. >> the state in nevada was constantly vigilant about doing whatever it took to keep the fed's out for the mafia. las vegas it's an open city >> elvis was the hottest thing in shopus. he changed rock and roll, your hearts pounding or you're getting this build-up >> he was at the top of his game welcome to all of you watching us here in the united
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states, canada, and around the world. i'm kimberly for this is cnn newsroom now, if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath. >> donald trump's stark warning as the former president makes his first dumped speech since clinic using the republican nomination, loss russians cast votes in the last day in the country's presidential election look the calls for protests at polling stations in the coming hour. and the us is working get americans out of haiti in the midst of an unstable situation what cnn crews on the ground, seeing as gang violence erupts in the capital city live from atlanta. >> this is cnn newsroom with kim brunhuber >> we begin this, our focused on the presidential race here in the us and former president donald trump out on the campaign trail trump was in ohio on saturday, two days before the state's primary and a few days after securing enough delegates to clinch the republican party's presidential
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nomination, trump promised to protect the us auto industry and made a shocking comment about the consequences if he loses in november cnn's alayna treene has the details >> will former president donald trump gave his first formal speech here in ohio or after he secured enough delegates earlier in the week to effectively declare him the republican presidential nominee. but look, donald trump's visit to ohio was not necessarily to boost his own candice desi, both donald trump and his team believe that he will do very well in this state in november. instead, he was here to boost his endorsed candidate for the ohio senate primary. and that's businessman bernie moreno. moreno is locked in a messy, contested three-way primary and donald trump really came to the stayed in the hopes of giving him that last minute a boost and more support ahead of that race on tuesday. but even though donald trump was here to talk about the ohio senate primary, much of his speech focused on the general
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election. he attacked joe biden and blamed him for what he argued were the many charges that he is facing and he also offered a new line that i've yet to hear yet on the campaign trail, and that is essentially that he argued if you were to not win reelection in november, that there would be a bloodbath in this country. take a listen to how he put it. >> we're gonna put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line. and your dr. to be able to sell them if i get elected. now, if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole that's going to be the least of it. it's going to be a bloodbath for the country that'll be the least of it. >> now, those comments came as donald trump, once again, argue that he wanted to free those imprisoned for their role on january 6, he referred to those convicted as hostages and more favorable term that we've heard him use time and again on the campaign trail, he argued that it was a day one priority for him if he were to reclaim the white house in november alayna treene, cnn vandoorne, ohio
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>> trump campaign, later sought to clarify his comments, saying he was specifically talking about an economic bloodbath for the auto industry and auto workers when he said there would be a bloodbath if he loses month, president biden's campaign was already slamming the comment. this statement, biden's campaign spokesperson said, quote, trump wants another january 6, but the american people are going to give him another electoral defeat this november because they continue to reject his extremism is affection for violence in his thirst for revenge meanwhile, donald trump's legal troubles could keep him busy in the coming weeks as judges in atlanta and new york have jumbled the former president's legal calendar. the manhattan judge overseeing his criminal hush money case has agreed to delay the start of the trial until next month. it had been scheduled to begin on march 25th the clock will also soon begin ticking for potential appeals to be filed in georgia over the judge's ruling to allow fulton county district attorney fani willis to continue overseeing trump's
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election interference case. that deadline is also march 25 he was present, joe biden has been on a tour of key swing states after clinching the democratic party's presidential nomination, advisers say his first priority is to excite democrats and ease any concerns about his decision to run his campaign is planning to dramatically scale up its presence in battleground states this month and that includes stops in nevada and arizona plan for the coming days russia is holding the third and final day of voting in a presidential election. no one doubts will give vladimir putin another six years in office earlier this morning, officials said the turnout has already crossed these 60% mark, but as voters cast their ballots, the kremlin is going after those who stayed small acts of protest at the polls i'm keeping an eye on more pushback that could happen in the coming hours the widow of opposition leader alexey navalny urge voters to come to the pole sunday and send a clear message to putin or prosecutors have opened 15
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cases against suspects who have reportedly already tried to set fire to polling stations or pour dye in ballot box matthew chance has more laughter a second day of voting in this russian presidential election. official say turnout is already over 50% and there's still another day of voting left. the high tank turnouts, of course, it's key for the kremlin which wants to claim that vladimir putin, who certain to win has a strong public mandate for a fifth presidential term amid the tightening of kremlin control, no significant opposition candidates have been permitted to stand, but a spate of disruptive incidents at polling stations across the country. 0.2 the degree of frustration with the election process. election officials say more than 29 polling stations across 20 regions of russia have been affected mainly by individuals pouring green dye, a inke, paint, or paint into a ballot boxes to spoil votes
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that have already been cast. there's also been a number of arson attacks at voting centers with election officials saying that these 214 ballot boxes have so far been ruined. well, the attention on the final day of voting will focus on protests, calls from the widow of the late russian opposition leader alexey file name has been telling supporters to gather at polling stations at med local time in their russian regions and to spoil their votes or to vote for other candidates other than vladimir putin. it's not yet clear what that protests will look like, but the russian authorities of issued a stern warning that anyone engaged aged in an authorized election protests, will be dealt with severely by the law. matthew chance, sin in moscow >> let's go now to london where clare sebastian is standing by so claire, these acts of protest characterized by the kremlin is acts of
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traders and scum tickets through what? seeing him in how it's challenging the narrative that putin wants to create >> yeah, again, i think this is a reflection of what we saw in the lead up to this election with supporters turning out for an anti-war candidate who was then barred from being on the ballot with the support that we saw after the death of alexei navalny, the turnout for his funeral. this underlying for us striation and feeling of dissatisfaction with the kremlin and with the war in particular in russia, which is coming to the fore despite the intense amount of repression, unprecedented in the post-soviet times, there's very tough legal system which cracks down on any sign of descent, i think is significant to see this affecting these objections, we understand now some 29 polling stations have been affected more than 200 ballot boxes, obviously not a majority in a country of 140 million people and 11 time zones, but it is not something you tend to see in russian elections and therefore significant as whether it moves the needle, very unlikely and
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certainly it's not something that russian state tv is focused on. they are very heavily focused on turnout two, which is of course, in an election with no obvious opposition candidate, the key metric for the kremlin as it seeks to prove that it has a renewed mandate for a fifth term of vladimir putin right now, we're seeing turnouts at the beginning of day three of this vote above 60%. the magic number will be 67.5%, which is what putin and the election in general achieved in 2018. so i think the idea is that maybe we speak to russia, watchers is to get more than that to show that he has overwhelming support from the people and certainly the mandate to continue with the war in ukraine can ukraine ukraine's reaction to what they're calling the pseudo elections. what are they saying >> so russia is holding elections in what it calls its new territories. what russia, what ukraine goals, the temporary occupied territories, which is of course donetsk, luhansk, and borussia and kherson separately. of course,
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it's happening in crimea as well. and ukraine is urging its people not to participate, saying that it is illegal under ukrainian law. this is how russia tends to consolidate its power in regions it occupies. we have crimea is a very clear template of this. it brings in its institutions. we've seen even video showing a mobile police station in avdiivka, which has only been in russian hands for several weeks to try to make this sort of temporary occupation appear and feel permanent to the people that ukraine pushing back very strongly against this thing that any participation collaboration, as it sees any ukrainian citizens let's seem to be helping this process will face consequences, can all right, thanks so much, clare sebastian. appreciate it ukraine's air force says it shot down 14 russian drones over odesa overnight will bring you more on that when we have details. now this comes days
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after russia's deadliest attack on odesa since the war began, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy says, quote, there will definitely be military responses to russia after 21 people were killed in these southern port city on friday meanwhile, rosco is accusing ukraine of escalating strikes inside russian territory. russes defense ministry says ukraine launched 36 drones overnight, aimed at various parts of the country. the governor of the southern region of belgorod says two people were killed by attacks on saturday they including a truck driver whose vehicle was hit by a shell. ukraine's spy chief says, it's actually a domestic problem for putin assaulting russian sabotage groups are carrying out attacks as well. >> all right. turning now to the us state of new jersey, which saw an hours-long armed standoff saturday with a suspect in a triple homicide case 26 year-old andre gordon was apprehended not far from a home that authorities thought he was barricaded inside is alleged to have killed three women's saturday morning in pennsylvania, just north of philadelphia police claim he
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killed his stepmother and sister before driving to another home or a shot and killed the mother of his two children. authority say he then carjacked a vehicle and fled haiti is facing a growing humanitarian crisis, is gang violence ramps up and now units that says it's dealing with looting in the capitals port will have latest just ahead, plus thousands of protesters gathered near israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's home to demand new elections. we'll have more on that. and they knew rounds of ceasefire talks just to have please stay with us >> how far would you go to control the fragrance in your home? there's an easier way. dry air wake vibrant with two times more natural essential oils, but up to 120 days of amazing fragrance per dual pack. now, that's a breath of fresh air wick rose sparks engineered for the spontaneous, a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra and cls faster acting and
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or white studs 599. we beat everyone's price on lab diamonds period, the jewelry exchange every parent knows when it's time to go into protect mode >> adding lysol, >> laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of illness causing bacteria detergent mislead behind plaintiffs good sanitized is better >> millions of people in haiti are facing a humanitarian crisis as many struggled to find food and supplies while armed gang sweep the country unicef says one of its containers, carroll during supplies for maternal and neonatal care was looted on saturday and paul class adding that gang members now control more than 260 humanitarian own containers at the port. meanwhile, police say several bandits were killed during an operation in paul plants on friday, police seize firearms and unblocked roads and the lower adult mind that's the authority to say they're hoping to take back some areas held by
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armed gangs cnn's david culver is on the ground in haiti's capital and he explains how people are trying to stay safe as gangs expand their control neighbors, protecting neighbors. that's essentially what this has become here in port-au-prince, just to survive. and this is one community that we're in that feels rather safe. and that's just because several blocks out, you've got perimeter after perimeter that is set up by the community. and works with the police to the police essentially allow the community to do what they need to do to set up these blocks at entries and exits and the community in turn helps empower the police to that they can then do their patrol. but for many of them, it's about setting these up to block what is not far from here. and that is an expanding gang territory, one that has been trying to encroach on this community. in particular, many times over the past year or so. >> and it >> got to a point where community members, according to one police commander, had to
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take justice into their own hands and they were able to take into custody 14 suspected gang members hey, then executed those gang members, right in the middle of the street. there was a very public display, but for them it was to send a message to other gang members to keep out of their community it hasn't stopped the gangs from trying to push further and further in. but for the folks who live here, everyday life has gotten increasingly difficult we see a few street vendors but not many and we were here three weeks ago. many of the sidewalks were filled with street vendors folks now, simply don't have things to sell and so they've resorted to trying to secure as best as possible using the police's help. some of the supply lives trying to bring water and food into areas like this. i asked some of the community members, how is it that they're able to stay afloat? and he said, we rely on each other. essentially, they will have
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some of these community members go door to door collecting food, maybe some money, some water. and then that provides some substance. for the folks who are securing these communities if you ask, who's in charge they look around and they say, no one. that's why they've taken matters into their own hands. >> you ask, what do you need? what can help haiti in this moment >> the first thing that most folks have told us is for the international community, did not intervene in the way they have in the past. instead, they want help in the form of aid. they also say that they need some sort of security backup that looks like they didn't really articulate folks really didn't want to go into too much detail in trying to explain what that added security might come in the form of but for most here it's just about trying to figure out how to get
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to tomorrow and knowing that tonight could bring another round of violence david culver, cnn, port-au-prince, haiti >> us embassy in haiti is trying to fly american citizens back home, warning that the security situation is unpredictable and dangerous. the airport involve plants is still closed, making evacuations even more difficult. the mse says americans will have to get to the area report in iucn at their own risk. >> all right, >> joining us now is alan sphere, ceo of a gop bay flights, and he says, there humanitarian operation in haiti has officially shut down. thank you so much for being here with us. so for years, your organization has been flying in supplies to haiti, but now you can no longer get your supplies in. so explain why not >> well, because of operational control over the port-au-prince international airport, i have received word as of late yesterday that many of the
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other airports will open, so we will resume our flights as soon as it is feasible and as soon as it is safe enough for our mission partners on the ground to come to the airport. in other locations, we serve about six locations in haiti, so we were hoping that very, very soon we'll be able to fly these much needed supply hi as into our mission partners >> and just to be clear, i mean, is it that the gangs control the airport or is it just just generally too dangerous, right in the capital to fly? >> well i think the reason they shut down the airport and all the airports, i was speaking with one of the directors general yesterday was because of the operational control of the port-au-prince international airport and the whole city of of port-au-prince, port-au-prince has almost 2 million people and, and 11 million in the whole country. but port-au-prince, his, the hub,
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so to speak, of haiti. and this has been going on several years, but especially since the assassination of the president you've been helping haiti for years. you've, you've seen earthquakes and unrest. i mean, there are things as bad as you've ever seen them absolutely. in fact, yesterday i was speaking with a missionary that has been in port-au-prince and has been all over haiti for the last 45 years. and he said, by far this was the worst he had ever seen it >> do you expect things to get even worse? >> i do. >> in listening to prior to coming on with you this morning haitians really the haitian people, all they want is what i think all all people went. and one of the most powerful words in the english language, but around the globe is that would
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hope and that's what they're asking for. so they're asking for some security and safety so that they don't have to arm themselves. >> yeah. and >> not just hope concretely, i mean, we've got a snapshot of the need from a reporter on the ground, they're taking me through exactly why the supplies are so desperately needed right now. >> well, because for the last several years, this gang violence has continued to escalate around port-au-prince, but even all around the country, i mean, we we were we were ourselves victims to it two years ago, almost on this day when we had a plane abducted and burned to the ground, i was on the ground with the team of seven putting a roof on a church and protesters protesting gang violence. they said abducted are plane and burnt-in to the grandma. >> we're seeing we just so you know, we're seeing pictures of that right now. we're showing them sort of hopping on top of
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the plane and sort of taking control of it as you describe. i mean, it must have been just been absolutely terrifying well, it was we didn't know it was going on. we were back in r we were we were doing our work about 20 minutes away and we got a call from the home office saying this is going on but i would just tell you though, what was meant for evil god, turn for good because they gave us opportunities to not only share what we have done for 43 years, and that is to be a lifeline for missionaries and to share the unconditional love of christ >> yeah, let me ask you. i mean, the problem is right now, not just getting the supplies in, but even when supplies get there as we've seen from the recent looting of a un container, there's no guarantee that the spy supplies actually get where they need to go.
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>> that that is correct. that's why it is vital for us because we fly our own aircraft and we hand off these supplies directly to our mission partners. there's no but but getting mission partners to effectively the airport in port-au-prince is impossible. at this point in time and probably will be for some time again because of the operational control of the airport and of the city. so we really we would suggest there be some sort of international force, if not us force go into r0 he gain control, operational control of both the airport and the city? >> yeah. there's there's been a lot of back-and-forth about that possible international security force coming in. in the meantime, for the haitians themselves, you spent a lot of time there, you know, folks. i mean, most there are used to a certain level of instability,
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but what are they telling you? came about? how they're coping with the situation that's unfolding right now >> well, a lot of people have in are trying to, especially in port-au-prince, trying to get out because of the chaos and really, honestly, it's been in chaos, it's, it's in our and so. but many of our folks have said we're staying. we were called here. we believe that we need to be here to be a part of solution rather than just leaving it. but it is extremely difficult. i was i was on the phone for several moments, lay lay last night encouraging and talking to people who are planning on staying and some of them in dire circumstances. >> well, lesson you were saying your flights may resume soon. that as good news, we wish you the best and safety as well as you try and help the people who are so desperately leah need
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their allen spear. thank you so much for speaking with us. really appreciate him >> thank you. it was good to be with you >> the un says the first flights of an air bridge between haiti and the dominican republic have been completed. the organization announced on wednesday, it was establishing the air bridge to facilitate the movement of un workers and humanitarian aid the first flights on saturday carried medical supplies and workers rotating in and out of the country all right. ahead of new israel hamas ceasefire talks, demonstrators in israel call for the government i'm going to make a deal with hamas to get the hostages home. lot more on the protests and plans for the talks. next, on cnn newsroom, please stay with us happened to the golden boy of new jersey. >> i engaged in an affair with another man. >> did you want to be ousted? >> united states of scandal with jake tapper are gonna get a therapist if they're having an interview, which i definitely new episode tonight at nine on cnn
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certain >> welcome back to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada, and around the world. i'm kim brunhuber. this is cnn newsroom protesters in israel clashed with police while calling for new elections police made several arrests in the town of sza ria, where prime minister benjamin netanyahu has a private residence thousands rally in the town angry about the government's handling of the hostage situation in gaza in tel aviv, thousands more protested netanyahu's government. protesters call for the government to make a deal with hamas to get the hostages home in jerusalem. some protesters played music in the streets as they demanded more to be done to free the hostages journalist elliott gotkine is live in london with more on all this. so eliot, to start the ceasefire talks are expected to resume on monday. where things stand and what are we expecting? >> that's right, kim, they do to resume in doha in qatar
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again on monday, this will be along with the qatari prime minister, the head of egyptian intelligence. presumably the head of israeli foreign intelligence, the moos, david barnea, and us officials no doubt will be involved as well. of course, the egyptians and the qatari is the key mediator because here the key go-betweens, between israel and hamas who don't speak to one another directly. now, we did get a proposal, a counter proposal from hamas. last week. this was suggesting we understand that something like 40 israeli prisoners, all female prisoners, the elderly, the sick, and the wounded would be freed, would be released they'd been in captivity since they were abducted on october seventh in exchange for up to 1,000 palestinian prisoners. that is what the hamas proposal entails in the first phase of what would be a multi, multi phased agreement, the second phase would see the all of the remaining israeli hostages freed in exchange for all
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palestinian prisoners and in-between, though hamas is demanding that israel agree to a complete end to the war and also to withdraw from the gaza strip. now that seems to be a non-starter. and presumably as what prime minister netanyahu was alluding to when he said that hamas's demands were still in his words, absurd. nevertheless, the war cabinet in israel is due to meet at 10:00 a.m. eastern time, 06:00 p.m. local time today 90 minutes later, the full cabinet is due to meet to decide on their position that they will take in those negotiations, which is, as you say, are due to resume on monday hey, kim. >> all right. i only god can live in london. thank you so much. now a us isn't sending a team to the next round of ceasefire talks. white house official say they already see positive signs ahead of the negotiations. cnn's kevin liptak has more from washington whereas officials say they are cautiously optimistic about the direction of these hostage talks and certainly they have
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>> looked at the proposals that are on the table in do believe that eventually a deal could be reached. but remember the white house had once been hopeful for a hostage deal by the start of ramadan i don't of course that deadline came and went without a deal and certainly officials here are very realistic that there do remain a number of sticky issues for these two sides. hi, it's to resolve before a deal is eventually reached, that would include a temporary ceasefire. of course, this is all happening as this deepening rift emerges between this white house and the government of israel led by prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and you saw that play out last week with us the dress that the senate majority leader chuck schumer delivered, calling for new elections in israel that would eventually result in the ouster of netanyahu when president biden, when asked about that speech, he did not endorse specifically that call for new elections,
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but he also didn't condemn it. listen to what he said. >> do you made your crude speech, you think he expressed serious concern, shared now only by him up my many america >> now we are told that schumer did inform senior officials at the white house, said he was preparing to deliver that speech, and he didn't receive any concerns about the diplomatic fallout. for the political follow. and it does give you an indication of just how much this relationship has frayed between president biden and netanyahu, really at the outage so of this war, they talked on the phone on a daily, weekly basis. now it has been more than a month since the two men had spoken and you do here mounting levels those of frustration at the white house avoid is viewed as netanyahu's rejection of certain recommendations, whether it's the, how this war is being fought in gaza, whether it's importance of getting humanitarian aid into the enclave about the future of a palestinian state. all of these issues that american officials
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think that netanyahu he rejected their opinions on. and so this could devolve even further as israel continues to discuss a major operation in rafah, white house officials have said that that type of operation should not proceed without a credible plan to protect the millions of palestinian civilians who are sheltering there. as of friday, the white house says they haven't seen such a plan, and certainly you can expect that white house officials would be preparing for rubber response should that operation go forward. and certainly they will be discussing those in the days so head but you do see a relationship very much fraying as this war proceeds. kevin liptak, cnn, the white house the world health organization, says, it's gravely concerned about israel's plans for a ground offensive in rafah a leader says, it would lead to many more deaths, especially with health facilities already overwhelmed us ministry of
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health says israeli military operations killed at least 63 people over the past 24 hours. gaza officials say the death toll from the war is now more than 31,000 cnn can't independently verify the numbers from gaza. in germany is the latest country to deliver aid to gaza by air the german air force says it dropped four tons of humanitarian aid on saturday, the united states and jordan also conducted aid drops on saturday niger is ending its strategic military alliance with the us. look at why the country's ruling quinta is kicking out us forces and contractors that's just ahead. please stay with us >> i'll just use cotton a trap and he couldn't get out. >> vegas was having in an identity crisis. >> that was the beginning of the downfall. but vegas at a different idea, vegas, the story of sin city 109810 on cnn how far would you go to control
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his main rival and maria corina machado has been barred from running over corruption allegations, which she denies the country has descended into economic collapse since maduro took power in 2013. >> the world's largest. >> democracy. india is also gearing up for a general election this year, the country's election commission announced on saturday, voting will begin on april 19. and will end on june 1st. prime minister narendra modi is seeking a third term in office, will be challenged by an alliance of some two dozen opposition parties modi's ruling hindu nationalist party is expected to secure another five years in power huge errors ruling junta says it is breaking off its military agreement with the us. now this comes falling a three-day visit by us delegation. the agreement allows military personnel in civilian staff from the department of defense to operate use your butt on saturday and military spokesman denounced the accord. is unfair it's from on this i'm joined by
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cnn international correspond, larry madowo. larry, take us through what led to this and what it means this has been caught for awhile. kim, because since the july 2023, crew relations between the us and nisia have been really, really difficult and this past week, high-powered delegation of diplomatic and military leaders from the us we're in a trend to avoid this outcome was led by molly feces, the us assistant secretary for african affairs and general michael langley, who commands the us africa command, the spent three days there. they didn't meet with general libre man any the self-declared leader of nisia the military ruler. but they did meet with his appointed prime minister and the nisia hands announcing they did that out of courtesy because the americans do not follow the proper diplomatic protocol. they didn't say when they were coming, who was in the delegation and over the purpose of the trip. but just after they left this drastic decision to end that military cooperation that had about
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abbas again for 648 us troops still remaining the countries of december and an unknown number of civilian personnel supporting these are bases in the us in asia. here's the explanation for why this, they did this business and the american presence in the territory of the republic of niger is illegal and violates all constitutional and democratic rules which would make the people are sovereign >> these has merit to the junta also condemned what they see as american condensed sending attitude and the threat of reprisals for choosing which partners they want to work with. the us delegation they claim had talked about a secret uranium deal with iran and some kind of military cooperation with russia that they didn't appreciate that criticism. and they said they are sovereign nation that can choose what they want to work with. so this complicates the us operation are just integer, but in the widest held region, they are to us basis in this year, including one in central niger which was built at a cost of about $100 million. it's a
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drone-based, has been carrying out major operations in this wider region. there are major insurgencies occurring around this. these countries, especially malibu, can affect so in niger, insurgencies from armed groups affiliated to islamic state and al-qaeda in many western nations used nisia as a lynchpin for the counterterrorism operations here and all that. now, as the thrown into house, especially considering that the nisia reum's also kicked up the french military and the finished with drawing in december. that is just a small amount of german and italian hello, in truth, that are left in the country. >> kim, yeah important ramifications there. larry madowo live in lagos, nigeria. thanks so much. >> all right. still had dramatic images coming out of iceland, the latest on the volcano that keeps on erupting that's next, please stay with us >> parent knows when it's time to go into protect mode lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of illness causing bacteria
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>> all right. we >> now is better to venison. he is the director general of civil protection and emergency management in iceland. thank you so much for being here with us. so this seems to be an enormously powerful cool eruption. first of all, what can you tell us about it >> well, this one is the biggest one of those for your heart already this winter. so the lava is now going to two main direction is one is going close to our power plant. we have two barriers in areas, so there's nothing at risk apa, very and then the second part is going south, going close to village of grindavik, but also the barriers of the bill 30 is diverting the lava away. so we're we are in safe zone. nothing moment roads and other infrastructure could be in risk. if this keeps going on for maybe 68 hours more, we have seen previously that after
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12 hours, it decreases a lot. so we're just waiting to see how things would develop for the next next hours. >> yeah. i mean, we're we're seeing think the picture is now they look so dramatic and the lab, obviously so powerful. talked to me about those barriers that you've erected. what exactly are they and do you actually expect them to hold or they just kinda slow the lava? >> well the main focus is to diverse the lava from critical infrastructure and us for now, they have been doing the job we have lava going on site of them, both in the northern part on the solving part. so though the barriers is working quite well, the barrier but made of huge rocks and old lava that we have lifted up in the area. so there just made up of rocks and not all right, so the people i
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mean, you've been evacuating people is everybody out or they're still sort of people in harm's way. >> nobody is in harm's way. they only people are in the area now. it's the first responders at is coordinating and monitoring the operations if we need to do something to protect the more of the critical infrastructure there is contractors that all the people, all tourists, and out but it has been evacuated, so it is no one intention. >> okay. >> so you're trying to divert the lava if the lava ends up contacting the seawater, i understand that could create some dangerous gases and explosions as well. take us through that yes, it's about 1,000 meters from the siege from the shore. if it, if it goes on, it will end up in the sea. and that means that we have explosions and gas. coming
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from that area, but you very localized, there is no risk of any ash cloud or gas going any any distance from the data. so we're just talking about a few kilometers that would be a closed even more down because of this risk not going to change much in this scenario that we're looking at because we have already evacuated everybody from this area. >> yeah the people that you've evacuated, i mean, people have already gone through several evacuations already. i mean, is it getting harder to convince people to leave? i mean, there must be a lot of fatigue. there yes of course, people have been going in and out for months now and now, the government has given out some new >> measures to help people to stay longer heap now, the status is buying up houses in the areas of people can start to get their homes in other areas in iceland. so that's a
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big change. of course, people are really, really tired of this but now i think this message from the government changes potentially the game a little bit >> well, that's interesting because a lot of the people who have evacuated they haven't come back. there must be a sense that this is just going to keep going and going and the community won't be safe for the foreseeable future. is that right? >> it could be one of the, one of this unity of thought we're looking at this, this could take years so we are looking at least two years. i have now and all or meshes in getting people permanent housing. and that is all aim for at least two years but then this is nature, this is volcanoes. we never know what will happen. we can just have an educated guess on it and that's how we are working on it. we're measuring things we are protecting how things would develop there's nothing sure about it, but at least we are working on lots of people can be in a permanent home for
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for some years. >> yeah. well, listen, let's hope the best-case scenario manifests itself and it stays away from the critical infrastructure that you're trying to protect. thank you so much for your time and peter venison thank you so much fire has destroyed historic film studio in egypt. state media reports flames erupted at the eight-year-old. i'll ram studio in cairo after filming wrapped on ramadan tv series, all buildings at the site are reportedly effective with three stages, screening rooms, and editing suites. the ceo is considered the cornerstone of the film industry in egypt, dubbed hollywood on the nile, several people were hurt, but there have been no reports of deaths. prosecutors are investigating more, than 12, million people are under the threat of severe weather right now, let's storm system that brought deadly tornadoes. the central us earlier this week is making its way through the us gulf coast and southeast. the main threats are large hail
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damaging winds and possibly isolated tornadoes meanwhile, sunday is excessive rainfall threat stretch from the gulf coast, from texas, the western florida panhandle baseball superstar shohei or tanah is just days away from making his debut with the la dodgers. show time as he's known, arrived in seoul, south korea on friday to international fanfare japanese star or tiny and the dodgers will play the san diego padres on wednesday and thursday in seoul. the two-game series as the official start of the 2024 major league baseball season the luck of the irish is being felt in dublin, the st. patrick's day weekend whether you how defending hairpins, ireland, iq to victory against scotland to win back-to-back six nations titles, making it thirst sixth title overall in the event hello and captain peter owe money, picked up his fifth six nations win as first
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as captain. >> all right, >> well, you have to see this. this is possibly the video of the week a teenager trying to catch some air to skiing competition wound up almost catching a ski chairlifts. cnn's genie most shows you his spectacular lifeboat there has the internet buzzing >> it was a little like one of those james bond ski chases, like when we seven skied over a picnic table. only 17 year-old ivan jones was just trying to do a move called a flat spin 360. when he almost landed on the chairlift of course, everyone wanted to know where are you in jodie i definitely felt very beat up, mild concussion. i was quite >> sore, but i then was able to ski down the mountain the lake louise resort in canada to get checked out by the ski patrol so close to landing on the
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actual seat, maybe next time was a typical comment. but i haven't said he had no intention of trying that. he thought it would be impossible to hit the chair lift tilly, dad, when i hit the chairlift, i was actually in shock, so i didn't feel anything. >> his mom, mindy was off skiing when she got the call that her son had hit the chair lift, was very grateful to see him in person before seeing the video because the video is pretty awful as the video went viral, jokester is added audio dreamed about this. his whole life >> that is not good. >> lake louise resort told cnn, it does not come down what happened? imagine a view from the chair full of skiers coming up the lift. and instead of just wondering how ivan fared, daylight is the chairlift. okay you'd be giggling to a few
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survive this genie most cnn, new york. >> thanks for watching. we'll be right back >> tonight on the whole story. two min missing i lives. just both died 21 deputy, he was the last person to see them alone and a decades-long search for the truth, the whole story with anderson cooper tonight at eight on cnn >> i'm sarah as rich and the life merch print director, independence village is senior living community in waukee, iowa to here are really, really make you feel like family and that they love you >> our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think >> i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i were. the ones, that are being entertained. time grows faster, threatening him a heart attack. >> do they have life insurance >> no. >> but we have life insurance
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