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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  March 19, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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in iceland this week according to officials there, the fissure is about two miles long and is the most powerful eruption among the recent spurts of seismic activity in the region. iceland's world-famous blue lagoon and the nearby town of grindavik. grindavik were evacuated just after the eruption was first detected, officials say anti-lava barriers erected outside the town are holding strong and there has been no damage to critical infrastructure. fortunately, the nearby airport is also still able to operate in our athlete today, despite multiple us diplomat's reporting serious health symptoms, the national institutes of health says it is found no evidence of havana syndrome in their brain scans this mysterious illness first emerged in late 2016 when a group of diplomats stationed in cuba >> reported dizziness and extreme headaches and since then, cases have been reported around the world. the us intelligence community
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opill says, right now, online orders will be filled within a day or two. some major retail pharmacies such as cbs and walgreens, will offer the pills and stores once they receive their shipments. doctors and advocates say the wide availability of the the opill will benefit those, especially in rural areas or who don't have transportation that could not otherwise travel to a store that sells contraception i want to remind you to join me this sunday night as i bring you the story of cj rice, justice delayed the story of cj rise of philadelphia man, jail does a teen who was just freed and exonerated today after more than a dozen years in prison, it's a story we've been following closely for years. my dad was cj rice's pediatrician
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and testified in court that rice physically could not have committed the crime. he was ultimately convicted of the whole story. justice delayed the story of cj rice will air at 08:00 p.m. on sunday night only on cnn until tomorrow. you can follow me on facebook, instagram, threads x, formerly known as twitter, and on the tiktok. at jake tapper, you can follow the show on x. i believed cnn, if you ever, ms an episode elite listened to this show, whence you get your podcasts. the news continues on cnn happening now, donald trump could soon be at risk of >> having his properties and other assets seized. his lawyers, declaring it's possible for the former president to post a nearly half billion-dollar ban in the new york civil fraud case, where the court deadline just days away also tonight president biden personally warns israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu against an offensive in rafah. the two liters
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speaking on the phone for the first time in more than a month? amid their deepening rift over the war in gaza. and a new explosion of deadly violence in the capital of haiti, where machete-wielding militias and gangs are battling for power. cnn is the first major news network on the scene since the uprising welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world, i will blitzer a urine. the situation room first tonight why donald trump's lawyers say he can't make good on a $464,000,000 bond order in the new york civil fraud ruling and it's raising new questions about trump's cash crunch from multiple legal cases and how it could impact his wealth cnn's senior justice correspondent evan perez, is joining us now with the latest evidence. what was the trump team's explanation for why they can't come up with this money
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>> well, wolf, that the former president is up against a deadline next week to produce a bond to satisfy this judgment. and according to the filing that they've made in federal court and sorry in state court today, they said that they've been rejected by 30 different underwriters who said that they cannot satisfy that kind of, that kind of bond and so as a result of this, they're asking the court they have asking the judge to give him more time to extend the former president more time in order to come up up with this kind of money, $40,064 million is what that overall judgment is, and it is going up every day. as a result of interests will the state attorney general letitia james is asking the court to not give trump anymore time. they say they're ready. as you pointed out, wolf, to start seizing some of his assets to satisfy that judgment. now, according to the court filing today the bond underwriters have said that they cannot write a bond
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for that size of money and 11 of the an insurance underwriter who provided an affidavit for the trump team in this court filing, calling this a practical impossibility. so the cash crunch for the former president is absolutely coming to a head in the next week. >> interesting and ever now there's also news in the georgia election subversion case after friday's major ruling, keeping the district attorney, fani willis on the case. what's the latest there? >> right. wealth while the former president's lawyer see, say dow is asking for permission from judge mcafee in that case for permission in order to file an appeal. now, the judge in making that ruling last week, opened the possibility that this decision to keep final willis on the case to not disqualify 4-5 her from the case. that open that possibility for an appeal. and so that's what the legal team for the defense's the defense teams is now asking they're
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asking for permission from the judge in order to file that appeal immediately with the georgia court of appeals. of course. we know the fani willis is fighting that wolff and says that she should be allowed to remain on the case. >> evan perez. thank you very much. i want to bring and see you in an anchor, kaitlan collins right now, caitlin, how much does trump struggled to come up with this bond? speak to the massive, massive cash crunch. he's now facing >> i mean wolf, unless that appeals cord, this appeals court comes to save him, he could be in a real financial crisis and just the coming days alone. and i think what evan said there in his first part of his report is important that there are other options that trump has here, and that's what his team is exploring, whether that's going to a higher court or what this is going to look like. but they're also dealing with the reality here that they are having difficulty finding this that comes from course after many of his attorneys were offering public assurances that it was not going to be any kind of an issue for them and it kinda just speaks to the moment he's in right now. overall, he just had to post
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about a $90 million bond in the e jean carroll case. of course, the where he was found liable for defaming her the money that he owes there. he's trying to sum in this money these coming up with and also he's got several trials ahead of him that he has got a huge legal team, that he is also still paying for the pack that he's been using that is on track to have a lot of difficulty with its money by this summer wolf and so there is a very real financial issue that is happening for the former president when it comes to these cases, whether it's about his business this e jean carroll or the criminal trials that he is facing that could start potentially as soon as next month in april after the new york case got delayed here, wolf and i think one thing that stands out about what his attorneys are saying today about the difficulty in coming up with a $450,000,000 bond in this business fraud case. is that this entire case is about i'll trump arguing and defending himself against these accusations about over inflating his wealth and basically saying that his properties were bigger than they actually were, that they
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were worth more than they actually were. and of course we know the judge found him liable for that here wolf, but now his own attorneys are coming forward and saying that they do not have the money to cover this, and i just think it speaks so the irony of this entire situation should know how is the trump team now caitlin scrambling to raise more cash they need they need that money. >> they need that money. also on the political side for his campaign, they are well behind president biden's campaign, which is obviously the power of the incumbency that president biden has. he didn't have to go up against any real threats when it comes to challengers for the democratic nomination, like trump did for the republican nomination. and when you just look at the differences in how much cash they have on hand, i believe biden the democrats have about $155 million on hand. we have not gotten the latest totals from the trump campaign, but certainly there are nowhere near that because we know the republican national what committee is struggling with its finances as well. and so i think that speaks to what you're seeing happening at mar-a-lago. it's basically billionaire week where the former president and his political team are welcoming in
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all of these wealthy donors, hoping that they will be prepared to cut checks to his campaign because they feel confident in the long run that they are going to be able to have that money. they say they've been outraised before, but overall, this big picture does speak to the fact that his campaign is having trouble raising money. he's behind president biden and trying to catch up and also obviously on the legal front, having a lot of issues there as well. >> yep. a lot of cash problems, indeed, kaitlan collins. thank you very much, caitlin. of course, we'll be back later tonight, 09:00 p.m. eastern to anchor her excellent program. the source we'll be watching. let's get some more right now with our legal and law enforcement experts who are watching all of this sun-filled andrew mccabe, let me start with you. what do you make of the trump team's filing? is it a practical impossibilities they claim for trump to come up with this massive sum of money. i thought it was a multibillionaire >> well, it may very well be a practical impossibility if it is, it's because the companies that trump has interacted with
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in an effort to secure the bond have quite rightly and conservatively said they're not willing to post that bond on his behalf in return for using properties as security. they want actual cash or stocks, things that can be liquidated easily to post that bond. and he doesn't have enough cash on hand or stocks liquid assets on hand, to get a bond of that size, i don't think we can really question the logic of that. this is someone who is in this unenviable position because he has been found guilty of over inflating the values of his properties. so it makes sense that insurance companies would not accept those properties and his valuation of them as security on a bond of this size. so it may be possible for him to obtain the bond, but it is not impossible to proceed forward according to the law in this case, as all or allows the state attorney general to start
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pursuing the seizure of some of those properties to secure this judgment. so lot to be determined in the future here, but there is it's a path forward, it's just not the one that trump wants or you certainly doesn't want any of this. >> karen >> friedman back default those with us as well. karen does trump have any options left or are is assets at risk of being seized beginning as early as next monday, march 25th i think he has plenty of options. i mean, he has made it very clear and testified as such that, for example, mar-a-lago is worth over $1 billion and he goes on and on about how judge and gorani said it was 18 million, even though that's not really exactly the way it played out at the trial. and so he should have no problem refinancing that or any of his other properties to quickly both liquidate some money that he can use to post this bond or to safeguard against it being seized by the attorney general.
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he has multiple properties that he can do that width and he also looks see what the appellate courts do now that he has essentially admitted that he does not have the money that he says he does, or the assets that he says he does and it'll be interesting to see >> i'm not surprised, >> for example, that chubb did not bond this, not just because of the size of it, but also after they posted the eeg in carroll bond for him, he went out and he defamed her again. he repeated the same the same statements that he did before. he actually puts these at risk, these bonds. so i think it's going to be very interesting to see if anyone's willing to take the risk for the reasons andrew said that he's been lying about the value of his properties and that's what the judgment is about. it's about devaluing them, but also that he would go out and re continue to do it after the fact, i think that's also something that the bond companies and insurance companies are looking at.
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>> yeah, good point. oncourse khardori is with us as well on kush letitia james previously said about a month or so ago that she was ready to seize trump's assets if needed. listen to this, listen, terror >> we are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to new yorkers and yes, i look at 40 wall street each and every day if he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, and then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms and court and we will ask the judge to seize his assets sonko's do you expect that could actually happen come monday? >> i mean, look, it's conceivable. it could happen given the timeline we're talking about. but i completely agree with karen here. i mean, there are multiple avenues that he has not just in the court system, but in the business community to try to manage this it's not a practical impossibility per samara, i know that's the that's the language that's used in the brief. it's only a practical and possibility because he refuses to sell anything.
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>> right? that is the reason why he can't generate this cash. and it's stated explicitly in the brief, he says it would be a fire sale. he'd suffered irreparable harm. there's no legal reason i can discern from the brief by the court has to care about any of that. now, the key thing here though, that folks should remember, is this call proceeds forward. it would not actually be in letitia james as best interest to have to go through a very complicated, cumbersome enforcement process so this is one of those areas where actually the litigants who have been at loggerheads for quite some time now the may actually have it in their mutual interests to try to come up with some sort of arrangement so he can have his appeal. but the ag's office can also have it's a certainty that they'll get paid out if that appeal is resolved in their favor at the end of the day. but a messy enforcement process with seizing 40 wall street's selling it in some capacity by the attorney general's office. that would be its own type of mess. >> yeah, it certainly would be andrew. what would it look like to actually go ahead and give us some more on this to seize trump's assets. what properties would be on the line? do you think? >> well, i can tell you
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augustus is absolutely right. the seizure of physical property brings with an entire course of headaches that law enforcement really doesn't isn't inclined are in well-positioned to deal with and nothing is more headache written than than real estate because there are there's upkeep, there's maintenance, there's all kinds of costs that go along with maintaining that real estate until you can liquidate it. trump's got numerous properties all over all over new york that would be subject to that sort of authority. and it would essentially mean seizing those properties, maintaining them, and putting them up to some sort of auction or sale for the public good. not a process that happens quickly it takes an enormous amount of money and time and effort by the law enforcement entities involved. it's probably not one that letitia james, it sounds great in a soundbite, but it's probably not one that she looks forward to actually going through i think the deal that ankush mentioned is something they should be looking forward
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to. >> well, let's see if that happens. our guys. thank you very, very much. or there's more breaking news coming into the situation room from the united states supreme court. the justices have denied a request by former trump adviser peter navarro to avoid prison while you appeals is contempt of congress conviction navarro is scheduled to begin serving a four month prison sentence at the federal facility in miami tomorrow. he was convicted in september of two counts of contempt of congress for defying a subpoena from the january 6 house select committee and just ahead, cnn is on the scene in haiti as the caribbean nation's capital city explodes into violence, are live report from port-au-prince is coming up, plus donald trump is defending is inflammatory rhetoric. what he's now claiming he meant when he warned of a bloodbath, if he's not re-elected united states of scandal with jake tapper.
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port-au-prince. since the uprising are david culver is joining us now, live from the scene. david, i know it's very dangerous where you are. what are you seeing first of all, other grounded hey, there wolff. >> there have been clashes between police and gangs that are playing out all day and even into this late hour as the sun is coming down here in port-au-prince and it started early in the morning if 05:00 a.m. attack on to more affluent neighborhoods gangs making way too, from home to home, going through breaking in even at one point according to one source course opening fire inside at home. and it just shows you how ruthless they have become in this constant battle between community citizens here and these gangs that are trying to tighten their grip. now, it's also a struggle and strain on the police resources and we spent some time over the weekend with one local police commander and he was showing us just what they're trying to deal with. and that is low resources. he says the gangs have more money and more ammo
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than they do at times, they have little to no fuel, so they can't drive their squad cars. and they are also dealing with just broken morale. so imagine all of that in an incident like today with a gang attack. and it explains why it is such a struggle for police to try to keep up. and that reason that is the reason know what that you've got the community that's building barricades and creating their own self-defense brigades to try to push back some of his gang activity what sort of impact that david is the violence having on the people of haiti >> we've got to see that firsthand over the past couple of days and you have a city where you have folks who are refugees in their hometown and they have moved from camp to camp over the past several months. and the past two weeks in particular, have been increasingly challenging for them. and we went to one location that was a school that is no longer operating because of the violence they had to shut it down, but it's been occupied by refugees essentially within 1,500 people cramming into a building
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that's got maybe a dozen classrooms and they find anywhere they can to set up their little home and bring any belongings that they've been able to gather with them. and for them, it's also a struggle because they're not only facing the clashes with gangs wolf, they're also having to deal with the local community that it feels as though they're bringing unwanted attention to that neighborhood. and they themselves want to push these folks out because they feel the gangs will just be attracted to attack even further within that territory. and so it is an incredible struggle that's worsened given this phi lines have been cut off and folks are dealing with little to no food. running water is at this point a luxury that they can't seem to track down. and so it's left them in a dire situation >> so heartbreaking to see it, i was there in port-au-prince several years ago and it was quiet, it was nice to folks were so friendly how did it get to this point, david? and what happens next
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>> well, you mean you could go back several decades, but i think this most recent surge, folks point to the assassination of the former president jovenel melies, who died in 2021 and and was killed here. and that then left the prime minister ariel henry in charge. he was essentially appointed to that position and was supposed to hand over power essentially to what would have been another elected leader in february of this year, february 7 to particular, didn't happen because as the prime minister argued, stability wasn't in place here. so as to have those elections so what happened? well, you had folks who were part of the community wanting on rita go feeling as though their situation was getting worse under him and you had the gangs gaining popularity and traction because they too wanted henry to go. now, they both wanted the same thing, but by no means where they united force the folks in the community really wanted on route to go because they felt like the gangs, wolf, we're gaining more and more traction
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and pushing them further and further out of their homes. >> they would call her, stay safe over there. thanks for all your excellent and very courageous reporting. we appreciate it very, very much coming up. new reaction to donald trump's inflammatory campaign rhetoric, including his claim that convicted january 6 rioters, our hostages ha speak with former trump national security adviser, john bolton. that's next >> stanley steamer he is proud to be the leader in deep cleaning, cleaning over 1 million homes and businesses across america every year, we removed a buildup of der to don't and grime from your home and business stanley steamer. >> this mango hint water tastes just like mango. >> how can water tastes just like fruit for a limited time? new customers, one over 45% offer, drink that's 36 bottles for just 36 packs, only $1 per bottle. >> hint is your shower trying to tell you something is
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convention. now it's not clear exactly what he would do. one source telling me that it could be related to fundraising, but multiple sources adamant that nothing had been decided yet. they also tried to step away from the idea that he'd be part of the official campaign, mostly just highlighting that he would be part of the reelection effort. now, again, just to note who paul metaphor does, he was one of a number of people who served as head of donald trump's a 2016 campaign, albeit briefly before being charged with financial crimes later. and then as you noted, being pardoned by the former president. and i am told that this is all being done at mostly the request of the former president who has said time and time again, he wants to bring manafort back in that he really likes man afford. is there a role? full for paul manafort source, it's telling me there's nothing concrete yet, but it is something that's in discussions and discussions with him and it's likely to take place. >> yeah, it's interesting, kristen, despite being the presumptive republican nominee right now, trump does not appear to be changing strategy.
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what can you tell us about this? >> yeah we heard from in a rally in ohio over the weekend where he really played to his bass, playing up his comments about immigration, praising those who were charged with their behaviors on january 6. and we are told that this is likely to remain the same. the donald trump is who he is and that it's not likely that he's going to shift his narrative completely. a lot of this what he thinks that he will win on. take a listen to what he said in ohio. >> if i had prisons that were teeming with ms 13 and all sorts of people that they've got to take care of for the next 50 years, right? young people that are in jail for years. if you call them people, i don't know if you call them people in some cases than not people in my opinion, these are bad. these are animals. we're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line. and you're not to be able to sell those guys. if i get elected now if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole that's gonna be the least of
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it. it's going to be a bloodbath for the country that'll be the least of it. but they're not going to sell those cars. you see the spirit from the hostages and that's what they are as hostages. they'd been treated terribly, unbelievable patriots and they were unbelieving vocal patriots& are now we were told by senior advisers that in a general election you're likely to see trump, quote, unquote, tailoring his message, meaning based on where exactly he is, he might play up specific issues, but again, not downplaying any of his rhetoric, but it is going to become more complicated for his campaign because for such a long time, donald trump was really existing in a vacuum. every speech that he was giving, he was giving just a conservative media he was on truth, social instead of twitter. a lot of his message was not amplified, but now he is the presumptive republican nominee. so tailoring those comments and having his campaign after deuce clean up after at least some of those comments is going to be a little bit more difficult. wolf kristen holmes reporting for us. thank you very much for joining us now, the former trump national security adviser turned vocal trump critic john
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bolton. he also served as the united states ambassador to the united nations ambassador. thank you so much for joining us. and as you know, paul manafort is a convicted fraudster and tax cheat with ties it actually adds some ties to russia elegant services. so why would trump do you think want to add them to his team right now >> well, i'm john paul manafort for over 40 years. and as a politician, he probably could bring some skills that trump needs at this point, thinking about just what you were talking about a general election i shouldn't campaign. and it's also typical of trump. he, he, he reaches back to people like that and expects things from him. so it's not surprising. i think we'll probably see more of the same as time goes on >> interesting, the former vice president, mike pence, says he cannot in good conscious his words endorse donald trump but he's not saying if he will actually vote for him. listen and watch this. >> i cannot endorse the agenda
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that donald trump is carrying into this national debate. >> is that the final word from you? can you be persuaded? >> if >> he changes tax to vote for him? would you vote for him? i won't be endorsing >> donald trump this year i want to be clear. >> what would you vote for? >> i respect the right of republican voters who have made it clear who therefore who they want to be our standard bearer this year so ambassador do you see this as pence potentially leaving the door open to vote for donald trump >> well, i think he wanted to make it clear. he was not endorsing him obviously, and i wish he had gone further and said he wouldn't vote for him because i think that would help persuade republicans that there's somehow not betraying the party if they don't. and that could yet come. >> you also heard trump's say it would be a bloodbath for the country unquote, if he isn't elected, he claims he was
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referring only to the impact on the auto industry in the united states. is that how you see that? comments as well >> now, i think he he knew exactly what he was saying and he just fortunate in retrospect that it happened to be near the comment about the cars, but i think he has said similar things before about the consequences if he doesn't win because as we know, he'll announce that the election was stolen and he he would be trying to get his supporters to be out in the streets about it. that speech was filled with with other things. he said, liz cheney, for example, should be prosecuted for her role in the january 6 committee, but it's part of the retribution campaign that you're going to see if he's realized like did he was caught on an open mic over the weekend saying nice things again, are kim jong, it said, you know, when kim speaks his people sit up and listen. i expect my people to do the same. so now kim jong un's is role model for governance. all
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of these things, hopefully will sink in and cause people not to foad for him. although he said similar things in the past, and it hasn't worked. >> i'm anxious to get your thoughts on this as well. trump is promising to free the criminals who had been convicted charges in the deadly january 6 attack on the us capitol, calling them hostages and patriots as you know, many of these people are charged with assaulting and impeding police officers. what's your reaction to that >> well, it's another trump assault on the constitution. remember, he called for it to beat the constitution to be suspended. so that he could be declared the winner of the 2020 election. none of the people who have been arrested and prosecuted by federal prosecutors for january 6 should've been on the capitol grounds to begin with, most of them know it. there's simply no excuse for it. i think their sentences could have been higher and i certainly don't think any of them should be
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pardoned. >> ambassador john bolton. thanks. is usual for joining us >> thank you. >> just to had vladimir putin officially secured another six years in power, the re-elected russian president. now making ominous new threats against the west we're how solomon in new york >> cnn >> hcm is a serious heart condition affecting as many as 1.200 people like me and me, i was still short of breath on my beta-blocker. >> so i talked to my cardiologist >> and asked about treatment advances in hcm >> that talk made a real difference it gave me new hope. talk to your cardiologist today. visit atm real to learn more transfer your ira or your old flow one k to robert. goodbye. april 30th,
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your smile, learn more at reset >> vladimir putin is claiming a landslide victory in russia's presidential elections officially securing another six year term in power in an a very rare, very surprising move, he's also invoking the name of the late opposition leader, alexey navalny. are senior international correspondent, fred flight that is joining us with details spread is putin takes a victory lap right now. what is he saying about navalny? >> yeah, first of all, wolff, he is taking a victory lap, but 87 more than 87%, the russian say that he won in that election. so certainly the russians are saying he's definitely set from the six years in office, but it was probably the most surprising thing that he said after his speech. then essentially turned into a press conference where for the first time that anybody has heard publicly, he she mentioned the name of alexey navalny, then made the claim
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that he would have exchanged alexey navalny in return for russians who are being held in the west, i want to listen to what putin had to say mitchell took you. if i wish, look, as for mr. navalny? >> yes. he passed away. it is always a sad event. and there were other cases when people in prisons passed away, didn't this happen in the united states should go? it did mr. and not once wealth, the white house that casting some doubt on what vladimir putin said there. they said that they, of course, they've had conversations with the russians over the past year is about americans who are unjustly detained in russia. they say no russian official has ever brought up the name alexey navalny in any of those conversations, wolf interesting, putin is also saber-rattling, big time right now when it comes to ukraine, right >> yeah, big time. big time as in using the word world war three, he's obviously a reacting to a question that was asked to him at that same event
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about comments from french president emmanuel macron not ruling pulling out nato and especially french ground troops in ukraine while saying that at this point in time, there's no talk of actually sending any those ground troops vladimir putin's saying that if any western nato country did that, that would put russia and those countries on the brink of world war three. let's listen in store. >> it is clear to everyone that this will be just one step away from a full world war three. i don't think anybody is interested in this arena. so russia is nato military are present there. we know this. >> we hear french >> speech there and english speech photo show with them. there's nothing good in this so. >> vladimir putin, again, as you say, definitely saber-rattling the russians for their part are saying the kremlin is saying that they believe that this election shows that russia fully stands behind vladimir putin wolf, very worrisome, indeed, rep. like in thank you very much for that report coming up, president biden holds his first
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phone call with israeli three prime minister benjamin netanyahu in more than a month. we have details on the conversation amid a growing riff between the two liters. and we'll share that with your right after a quick break. have you or anyone, you >> know, ever been stationed at marine corps base campbell june camp luck, jeunes water was contaminated by fuel leaks. if you had any water contact while it camp on june had been dying knows for cancer or parkinson's disease, you may be entitled to compensation aza marine who was stationed at campo june myself for four years. this cause hits close to home so if you've been stationed or visited marine corps base camp june and have cancer or parkinson's visit camp lu june morgan and morgan for the veterans and important message for americans age 50 to 85 my gosh you're still using mom's old coffee pot. it's my inheritance. >> well, it is a family heirloom
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you a bottle of our newest fat burner thermo x absolutely free. >> i'm paula reid in washington and this is cnn that's divides deepen between the us and israel over the war in gaza. president biden, a prime minister benjamin, netanyahu just held their first phone call in more than a month cnn white house correspondent priscilla alvarez is standing by for us over at the white house. priscilla. so what happened on this phone? conversation coming amid these two liters very, very public rift >> that's right. well, if this was the first call in a month amid this growing rift between president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. now going into this call to two liters had two issues. top of mind, that's the situation in rafah where more than 1 million displaced palestinians have a mass as well as surging humanitarian aid into the region. now, according to white house officials, president biden, a firm to support of israel but also made clear to the prime minister that an ground
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operation of rafah would be catastrophic for palestinians now she has adviser jake sullivan going so far as to say that it would be a big mistake. >> the president has rejected and did again today, the straw man that raising questions about rafah is the same as raising questions about defeating hamas. that's just nonsense. the major ground operation there would be a mistake. it would lead to more innocent civilian deaths worse than the already dire humanitarian crisis deepened the anarchy in gaza further isolate israel internationally >> more. >> now, notably, president biden, as these really prime minister to send a delegation of military leaders to washington to discuss the next steps in their plants. that's expected later this week or early next week. but there is no doubt wolf that this writ continues at this relationship the spring i had asked the national security advisor what the tone of this conversation was. he said that it was business-like and then it did not end abruptly. but the clip of these calls is happening far
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less often than it used to. again, this call happening a month later? yes. serious developments indeed, priscilla alvarez. thank you very, very much for more on the phone call between the he's two liters, let's bring in cnn's jeremy diamond. he's joining us live from jerusalem right now. jeremy, president biden expressed his deep concern, but as the time you actually listening well, it seems to a certain extent he is listening at least by a humoring the american president's sending this delegation to washington >> to review washington's alternative plans for how the israeli military can go after hamas in rafah, as us officials have been expressing major concerns about an all-out offensive there, but it's also clear that the israeli prime minister is also in fighting mode. he has been fighting back and a number of american media interviews over the course of the last week, you getting increasingly combative in his public statements as he's facing a major challenge from not only the white house is ramped up criticism of his leadership, but also from other
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democratic senators going after what is really a fundamental calling card for these really prime minister, his relationship with washington, something that he frequently plays up in domestic politics we're here >> give us the latest on the situation based on what you're hearing inside gaza right now >> well, wolf overnight, he israeli military carrying out a major military operation at al-shifa hospital. this is the same hospital that the israeli military targeted back in november, accusing hamas of holding a major command and control center beneath that hospital. this time, the israeli military says, hamas has three groups that hamas operatives were firing on his really true from the grounds of that hospital on the israeli military said that they killed around 20 hamas militants, including a senior hamas operative. during this operation. but there were also 30 thousand palestinians, civilians sheltering at this hospital as this was all going on and at least one building, the surgical building of this
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hospital, according to a dr. on the ground was hit by israeli missiles causing it to catch fire. this operation involved in israeli ground troops, but also airstrikes according to people on the ground multiple large plumes of smoke were spotted and the damage wasn't just a to the grounds of shifa hospital or the surrounding area, but the al-rimal neighborhood surrounded killing the hospital as far as a kilometer away other were reports of israeli airstrikes in the rubble, women and children were also among the casualties. a lot of destruction, dust covering the bodies of those individuals and all of this, of course, should be noted, is coming against the backdrop of an already dire situation in northern then gaza, where we have seen the calls from humanitarian agencies for more aid to get in because of an imminent famine. and that imminent famine is now being driven home by the leading global authority on nutrition and global food security, which has now saying that some 70% of the people in
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northern gaza are at imminent risk of famine. that they are in a catastrophic or emergency levels of food insecurity, much, much more aid they say is needed to get into gaza. and they're calling on the israeli authorities to ensure that more aid can get in we'll jeremy diamond reporting from jerusalem for us. thank you, jeremy very much coming up. there's breaking news involving stormy daniels. as i do documentary about her legal and personal battles with donald trump has just been released is your shower trying to tell you something is getting in and out of the bathtub becoming a safety concern. are you worried about the cost of a bathroom remodel that could go on for weeks and weeks. will now you can have a gorgeous new bath or shower that safer at a price you can afford the one day jacuzzi bathroom model. >> it was done the same day we did not have to wait it is amazing. amazing.
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says bryan todd is joining us now he's got more than this. tell us about this new film and what we learn from it. well, this is a pretty explosive film. we learn new details about the turmoil and stormy daniels life after the alleged encounter with donald trump was made public turmoil, which she says included death threats against her i was completely sure that i was going to die >> stormy daniels speaking out in a new documentary about how she says her life has been turned upside down over the fallout from her alleged encounter with donald trump almost 20 years ago. >> it is direct threats. >> it is. >> i'm going to >> come to your house and slit your throat. >> the documentary entitled stormy, released today on peacock, the adult film star recalls an onslaught of public scrutiny from the moment or non-disclosure agreement with trump was revealed in 2018. >> there was pressed in our front yards are beating on the door our daughter answered it thinking it was her little friend and someone's up the camera in her face what you do,
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daniel's goes into detail about a string of death threats. she says she received including threats made while she was on a tour of strip clubs after the scandal blew up i was terrified. >> people showing up trying to bring guns and knives and you decide you're death warrant >> just hadn't >> and in the documentary, daniel's alleges that on at least one occasion, an attack was carried out claiming one of her horses were shot with a rubber bullet >> the justice system fails me and it's absolutely failed me and every single way, it didn't protect me when i made reports about being threatened or somebody attacking my horse daniel's reveals new details about the alleged encounter itself, which she says occurred in a hotel suite in lake tahoe in 2006, having no red >> flags whatsoever in a conversation, i came out of a bathroom to find myself cornered, but i didn't say no. donald trump has >> denied ever having sex with stormy daniels. trump is about to go on trial in new york in a
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case where he's accused of covering up a 2016 payment to daniels charges that he denies. one of the reasons trump's lawyers asked for a delay in the trial was the quote, highly prejudicial release of this documentary for other reasons since the trial has been delayed from next monday, march 25th, until at least mid-april. could this documentary sway jurors charles waters may want to say, everyone who's seen the film has to get struck. that's not going to fly with the judge. what counts is asking the jurors, did you form an opinion already? about stormy daniels credibility or about the case in the documentary, daniel's were counts a life of turmoil. >> you never saw my name that didn't say porn star in front of it because we're not considered human but could this film hurt trump among undecided voters? >> they have a lot of independent voters and women voters who will look at this kind of information. and that could give them pause donald trump's lawyers now argued that the releas


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