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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 19, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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poverty. and yes, it is. >> but >> you got to look past that and see the people's faces and a lot of people have said to me, why do y'all go? it's on a list for the united states, don't travel and it's been that way since we've been going but thank god, there's people that will continue to go because haiti is not self-sustaining. and if it weren't for the people who just have a heart for that country and a heart for the people then they truly would be helpless. so we started going for just different mission work. like i said, in 2010 was my first trip. and i really can't explain it other than it just got it got to me go in a couple of years later just to see what had really captured so much of my attention and same thing happened to him. he fell in love with the country. so we just have a heart for just going back and doing what we can when we can kim patterson, i'm sure you were looking
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forward to the moment when you can hug your dad. voice, who has now finally made it out of the country. lots of other people stuck there at this point in time. thank you for bringing us the story a new our of cnn news central starts right now >> donald trump is attacking american in jews again and in doing so essentially telling jews how they should vote or else where in the world is kate middleton apparently remains a question today reported citing though of the princess of wales. >> does this >> finally put the rumors to bed and oprah winfrey is now talking about the latest chapter in her weight loss journey and taking on the hot issue of all of the new weight loss medications out there. i'm kate baldwin with sarah seigneur and john berman. this is cnn the new central
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>> new fresh backlash this morning after former president trump again played into an anti-semitic trope, questioning the loyalty i'm jewish americans >> any jewish person that votes for democrats hage, their religion, they ate everything about israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves because israel will be destroyed trump made those comments on a podcast interview by his former white house aide and conspiracy theory peddler, sebastian gorka. the conversation was centered around senate majority leader chuck schumer's recent call for new elections in israel and his criticism of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, trump slams schumer, and accused the highest-ranking jewish election official in the us of being anti israel joining us now, cnn's alayna treene on this, his remarks drew intense criticism for good reasons by
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the adl, the anti-defamation league, and the biden campaign, among others. what are folk saying this morning about these new comments by donald trump >> well, that's all right. sarah several groups, the biden white house, the biden campaign, the anti-defamation league, all responding immediately with their own backlash to donald trump's remarks. i'm just going to read you some of what we heard of that response. here's a statement are part of a statement from jonathan green black, the ceo of the anti-defamation league. he said, quote accusing jews of hating their religion because they might vote for a particular party is defamatory and patently false. serious leaders who care about the historic us, israel alliance should focus on strengthening rather then unraveling bipartisan support for the state of israel. and here's what we heard. some of the statement from the white house. this is from white house spokesperson andrew bates. he said, quote, there is no justification for spreading toxic false stereotypes that
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threaten fellow citizens none. and then we also just heard recently from the trump campaign themselves, a spokesperson for the campaign, carolina, leave it. they are doubling down and defending donald trump's rhetoric into that podcast interview. and this is what she said. she said, quote, president trump is right, the democratic party has turned into a full-blown anti-israel and anti-social symmetric pro, terrorist cabal. so very strong language from both sides on how they are responding to this. but looks there, i do just want to point out that this language from donald trump isn't entirely new back in 2020 shortly after, the election. we heard him really lament the fact that he felt that jewish people and jewish americans across the country, we're not going to the ballot box in supporting him during the 2020 election, he
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>> israel and really unrelenting support for israel with the jewish population and support for jewish people. and clearly that is something that is many people are taking issue with, especially from that very dark rhetoric from the former president pulling the train. thank you so much for that reporting this morning oh, i've got one more question for you. alaina train. >> you talked about you >> talked about how many times we've heard this rhetoric curious to know at this point, because there was a very close relationship, a good relationship between him and netanyahu one point, although trump later criticizing him, what's the relationship like now >> in the relationship between donald trump and the prime minister of israel, netanyahu has definitely soured since he has left office and donald trump had left office and lost the white house in 2020. we actually heard him read of
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netanyahu and really a lot of that has stemmed from what donald trump felt was netanyahu's ms guided support of joe biden after joe biden had one, he felt that netanyahu was betraying him by coming out and acknowledging that joe biden had won the election and agreeing to work with pam and something that we've continued to seed in donald trump's remarks on the campaign trail over the last several months and last year, donald trump really believes that like i said, that he has been a strong supporter of israel and then not in yahoo should be recognizing that and he should not be embracing or working with the biden administration. so it's interesting thing as donald trump continues to argue that he would, he often argues that he thinks the war in israel would have happened if he were an office. but the relationship between these two very important men is not what it once was. sarah. >> all right now, thank you. alaina tree for all of your reporting. john. >> all right. with me now, is hailey soy for she's the chief executive officer for the jews which democratic council of
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america. thank you so much for being with us donald trump, who is not jewish, is telling jewish people how to be jewish what issue do you have with that? >> thanks, john. well, what we heard yesterday from donald trump was entirely consistent with the message that he sent. the vast majority of american jews for years in 2019, he said that any jew who supports democrats as either disloyal or uninformed >> and he's >> conveying this message of contempt anger toward jewish americans because he knows that three quarters of us will never support him so our message to trump, as he continues to demonstrate animus towards jewish americans, the feeling is mutual. it's only going to continue to grow as we head into november. >> and >> according to the latest poll by pew, 79% of jewish voters disapprove of trump. it's among the highest disapproval of any religious group. so why is that? it's because he says he wants to be a dictator on day
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one, he aligns and admirers dictators like putin and orban. and we've seen the horrific consequences of dictatorship. we want no part of it. he refused to condemn why like supremacy. he's emboldened dangerous white, we can extremist who pose a threat to our security. >> and he >> has threatened our democracy and our freedom. so he's a threat to our community and our values. and there's nothing he can say between now and november to change that. in fact, as he continues to speak more and more about american jews, he's only going in to continue to lose more support among american jewish voters. >> can you explain this trope of dual loyalty, which is an area where the statement that he made yesterday and he's made before it crosses into that zone where you question who jews are really loyal to what's the history there and why is it? potentially dangerous >> well, the history is that it's an accusation that we are both loyal to the united states
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and to israel. questions are patriotism in our commitment to the united states? >> we are, we are >> americans, but we are also low fail to our values, including our democracy and our freedoms, which is why the overwhelming majority of jewish voters are staunch supporters of president joe biden and vice president harris because they represent our values. they're defending our democracy and freedoms. whereas trump is the antics what is a way that people in the political sphere can talk about policy toward israel >> without engaging in these types of tropes listen to president biden. he is a remarkable supporter of the us is zero relationship. he talks about are support of israel given in the acute security threats that israel is space. certainly in light of the horrific attacks on october 7,
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he talks about the historic relationship between our two countries. and it's important to consider that this relationship has endorsed over 75 years. it's not about any one party in power or any person in the white house. it is about the relationship between our two countries. so i think it's important to not, to not view this relationship solely through a political lens. and it's quite clear that that's how donald trump sees it >> haley. so if we appreciate your time this morning, thank you very much. >> okay. >> so we do a breaking news coming in. we now have the new video of the prince and princess of wales the first footage of the princess of since her surgery back in january with this video, what this now does to all of the rumors and speculation that have been swirling about her condition also, this i had peter navarro is about to make history today as the first former white house official to be imprisoned for contempt of
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for free visit ai or download the app >> this situation with wolf blitzer didn't knighted six cnn >> would you have breaking news and we have the new video now of the princess of wales in public. now this we're going to show you this is the first time the princess kate has been seen in public since her abdominal surgery back in january. now, in the video released by the sun, you can see kate william walking there together. we're told this is at a farmer's market near their
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home in windsor. now, this is big because of all of the speculation that has world because since kate's surgery, rumors have taken off fueled by the very little detail offered by the palace about the princess for her surgery, her condition, and where and how she's been doing since. so does this new footage now put the rumors to rest, joining us right now from london is seen and royal historian kate williams. it's great to see you >> we have this new video from the sun. i know you have seen it take this, this taken in the context of just the last many weeks of intense speculation, what is going on here >> well, exactly cage what we've seen, kate, we last saw her on christmas day, then she went into hospital. then it was just radio silence, william pulling out of engagements and into that vacuum. most all of these conspiracy theories, some of them extremely wild. the
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mother's day photo we're supposed to quell these ones, but all the photos shopping it cause more chaos. and over this last weekend, the palace has been in damage control. various sources saying she's going to be out after easter. she might be out at easter. and then this farm shop visit, which yes, the perhaps weren't there the paparazzi weren't there, but i do think they were expecting and hoping that people might see them might take a photo of kate looking great, looking healthy, walking. so that does put to rest a lot of the rumors, these rumors that she was she disappeared, she'd run away, but there's still are other rumors all around. this hasn't quelled everything. the palace does need to do more. and i think it does need to put out at some kind of i'd say a statement or a little bhutto of kate in a week or so of her looking at her. thank you. cards. that's watch what the king did on the end of february saying, thank you so much in my cards, i think that's what kate needs to do now because there are still rumors and they are very damaging yeah. >> i've to say look outside, looking in, you can you can you
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can see in the video she appears to be very well and healthy and that is wonderful news and i do wonder, go ahead well. it's great, isn't it? because there's been so much concern about her health. it's clear that she had a really tough operation with 14 days in hospital back in january. it's wonderful to see her out and about walking, looking great. looking healthy, and that really is marvelous because people have been so worried about her health. and but really what i'm worried about is the all this panic and social media panic has forced her out in the open when she is still recovering, she is still fatigued and i hope she could still can take some time to totally recover because going back into oil life after easter, people are going to expect it to be out there doing engagements again. >> yeah. i mean, that's what they do. they do engagements. they live in the public space i mean, given how i'm going to say oddly are strangely the royal family seems to have handled her surgery and post-op
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versus how the king has handled his health concerns. >> they must be aware. they have to be aware of where they are aware of the intense interest in how she's doing in their lives and the confusion around why there has isn't it ben more clarity on what's happened, which is then kind of become mistrust of what they say when they do say anything. i mean, you've talked about this as a crisis for the royal family. how big, how big of, how big of one is it? >> i think it is a crisis. it's been a pr disaster. no pr professionals know what to advise them to do this or the radio silence. and then the picture which all vote boils photo shop, or a boil pictures are photoshopped. but this one coming in the midst of all the conspiracy theories, it caused such chaos and you have a situation where photo agencies are withdrawing it and afp, there's fairy respected photo
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agency has saying that kensington palace, it is on a similar level of trustworthiness as the pr, the press agencies of north korea and iran, and that's a terrible comparison. the royals have to be seen to be believed as queen elizabeth said, they're also has to be less level of trust. they don't have to tell us everything what they do tell us should be trustworthy. so they have a long way to go to get this trust back. and i certainly think historians of the future will look back on this as an example of how the royal image and royal reputation can be so easily lost. they were loved, they were adored, they were respected at christmas, and then came all these rumors and all kinds of things said that we were could never imagine. and now there's this problem of trust, which they are going to have to work hard to get back, back to their opposition >> it's great to see you as always. thank you so much for telling on as we have this video now coming in, john and care, i'm so sorry. it's all good. >> this has never happened before. a former trump adviser heading to prison this morning
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for ignoring congressional subpoenas. the last-ditch effort of trump loyalists may to try to remain free. also could buy a home soon because tom more affordable what a multibillion-dollar antitrust ruling and settlement agreement could mean for home buyers and sellers and their agents leaks lives, cia secrets. >> vowel replace valerie plane throw are playing. >> i was undercover. >> so when you're responding yeah >> did someone at the white house blow the cover of a cia operative after her husband criticized the run-up to the war, where are the weapons of mass distraction exactly. >> this is the rear scandal that really mattered that's where it's. >> yes. my children. this is fine. united states of scandal with jake tapper. >> new episode sunday at nine on cnn >> from friends coming over to
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peter navarro expected to arrive at a federal prison in miami making history navarro. today will become the first-ever former white house official to go behind bars for contempt of court congress. this is after he refused to turn over documents or testify before the january 6 committee. cnn's randy k is live outside the prison. now is learning more about how his time will be spent their randy, he has a consultant that he's been using as only a person of means could do to give him some tips on how to deal with life in prison. what didn't hearing absolutely, sarah, he should be arriving. you're very shortly at this minimum security satellite prison camp, which is just over my >> shoulder here behind but as you mentioned, yes, he does have what is known as a prison consultant. he has hired a man named sam main galle, who has been helping him transition from life on the outside to life on the inside. and what we're learning from that prison consultant is that peter navarro will be spending time in a dormitory for elderly male inmates. there'll be about at men living in bunk beds.
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navarro is 74 years old. this is an air condition dormitory worthy will be staying. he will also have to take classes. he will have to get a job. the prison consultant i'm told us told cnn that he will be urging him to work as a library clerk to try and avoid the hotter temperatures as florida heats up and he can work inside. but on the inside he will be able to can make phone calls. you will have use of email. he will be able to watch the news perhaps even follow the 2024 campaign. there are about a dozen tv sets some in english, some in spanish. we are told by this prison consultant. and just a little bit about this, this prison, it's one of the oldest prison camps in the country. and there are quite a few inmates here from puerto rico because it is the closest federal bureau of prisons facility to that territory. but sarah, just a little bit about how we got here and south here to borrow he was convicted in september for not complying with that subpoena. as you mentioned and we do expect him or he was sentenced to four months so we expect him to show up here later this morning. >> sarah, randy k. i know
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you'll be there and we'll come back to you if it happens during are our we appreciate your time. john. >> by how much stock can be put in an endorsement from donald trump, his influence, we'll be put to the test today and erase that could sway the balance of power in washington oprah winfrey gets candid about how weight loss drugs changed her life. this is revealing new primetime special you no longer blame yourself. >> yeah. >> because when i tell you how many times i have blamed myself because you think i'm smart enough to figure this out. and then to hear all alone. it's you're fighting your brain check >> we hear nothing. >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part is a wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia. he final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on i'm just
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united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday at nine on cnn >> this morning, the supreme court has blocked the enforcement of a controversial immigration law in texas while it considers emergency appeals from the biden administration, the law would allow state police not federal agents to arrest and detain polices, people suspected of entering the united states illegally. the father of the students murdered at the university of georgia says, he doesn't like that. laken riley's death is at the center of the immigration debate. the man accused of killing the 22 year-old is an undocumented venezuelan migrant. for dad says once lincoln to be known for more than just her death feel like she's being used somewhat politically. how do you feel >> about that? >> it makes me angry. she's was much better than that. she should be raised up from the person she is also on our radar new body camera videos as a missing university of missouri
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student, just minutes before his disappearance, and national police because there was on an unrelated colorado 950 at new evening. that's when riley strain walked by. you see him there? the officer says he had a brief interaction with them and didn't appear to be in any distress. this video was taken after he was kicked out of luke bryan's bar and before his last phone ping which was just minutes later voters and ohio are headed to the polls today. and the primary there for senate seat is being closely watched. it's shaping up to play a major role in deciding the balance of power in congress. no matter who wins the white house donald trump has thrown his support behind one of the three republicans now locked in a wild primary to challenge democratic incumbent centers sherrod brown in november, seen as jeff zeleny as live in columbus, ohio with much more on this. jeff, what are you hearing and seeing their about this? >> okay. good morning, voters
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are already heading to the polls today here in ohio. as you said, for a very pivotal senate primary election, senator sherrod brown, of course, has been a longtime ohio fixture, but he's really one of the last democrats standing here in ohio. he will find out who his republican primary challenger is today. but donald trump has a lot on the line as well. he was campaigning here over the weekend. he's trying to support the candidacy of cleveland businessman bernie moreno. he is locked in a tight three-way contest. here for republican voters. but the popular governor here of ohio how republican governor mike, the wine, he's supporting a different candidate in the race. matt dolan. so this is a something republicans will decide today, and it certainly will have big implications going into the fall elections. we saw matt dolan last night at an event here in columbus. he laid out the stakes as well as sherrod brown did yesterday are we ready. to win tomorrow
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challenge share brown and retire sherrod brown from ohio politics >> i let the rich guys fight it out there all spending their, spending your inherited, their inheritance in this race we know we don't. one thing we know that they all pretty much are the same >> so this race has been extraordinarily expensive, more than $40 million spent in television advertising alone. all for that us senate seat so kate, again, this is going to be one of those critical races to watch ohio as long been a battleground, it's no longer of course, a presidential battleground, but it's certainly is a senate battleground. by the end of tonight, senator sherrod brown should find out who he is running against in that tight race in november key mothers heading to the polls right now it's great to see you, jeff. thank you for being there >> john. >> all right. so what is at stake here? cnn's senior data reporter, harry enten with me now, control of the senate. >> they absolutely right. john
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control is set. i mean, right? right now, democrats have this very slim majority 51, 49 seats. but what is up in 2024, republicans love this map because the vast majority of the seats are up 23 of the 34 seats that are up, our democratically controlled, including those independents who caucus with the democrats versus just 11 seats. that republicans can have controlled. and as jeff was sort of hinting at, this is a senate class that comes up every six years. and the last three times it's come up, it's been a pretty pro-democratic year, 2018, 2012, 2006 when shirt brown was first elected. so democrats have a lot of seats in this individual class, which is good for them. but when they're all up for reelection at the same time in this particular year, which may or may not be a good democratic year. it could potentially be very bad. >> and the incumbent as >> jeff and kate were saying, they're sherrod brown, he is the loan statewide elected democrat and ohio for some time now in what has become a red state, what does that portend? what do we know about that combination then? yes. so what
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do we know about that? combination now? so take a look here. these are democratic-held senate seats up in 2024, which trump won at least once. remember republicans that most need two seats for control, they could get it was one seat and down, trump winning and the vp, of course, breaking that tie in the senate and look at this arizona montana michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, west virginia we're joe manchin's already said he's not going to run again. and that is a seat that's very likely to flip. that means that democrats likely would need to run the board in all of these other states. so the fact of the matter is beyond ohio, there all these other states where you see democrats, democratically held seats, where republicans have a real shot to win this year, given that donald trump has won in these states at least once. >> a look at west virginia and montana, those are states that he won twice and west virginia, one huge. so this is this is very difficult. also, harry, the trends for ticket splitting. what do we know? yeah. >> so you know, when sherrod brown was first elected back in 2006, if you look to the
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elections, that sort of surrounded that election right in 2008, there were seven count him, seven states that voted for a different party for senate and for present, you gotta 2012 and sherrod brown was reelected. look at that eight the last two cycles. this has basically disappeared straight ticket voting, which uses not really be a thing when it came the united states senate is now invoke in 2016 for the first time ever. there wasn't a split between how a state voted for senate and for president in 2000 there was just one seat that was up in maine. susan collins was able to win there despite the fact that donald trump lost in that state. but that my friend was an outlier. the fact of the matter is is that straight ticket voting has become the thing from senate elections, two presidential elections. and given this particular slide, that could potentially be a very, very bad thing is all these states are ones in which donald trump won at least once and currently have a democratic center along with ohio. so
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democrats have a lot of ground with, i have to cover republicans have a ground full of opportunity area and thank you >> thank you. in that friend, sir. >> all right. >> donald >> trump just can't pay up now, he may see his assets, sees this is all stemming from the 464 million bond he owes in his new york civil well, fraud case. he's weighing in this morning just now saying on his social media site, i would be forced to mortgage or sell great assets perhaps a fire sale prices trump's attorneys say, coming up with the money is practically impossible and they have reached out to more than two dozen insurance underwriters to guarantee the money will be paid in the future, not a single company would take that gamble. cnn's tom foreman explains donald trump is always bragged about how rich he is and yet his lawyer say he just cannot come up with the roughly half billion >> dollars he owes for committing civil fraud citing insurmountable difficulties. i say trump has appealed to 30
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different insurance underwriters to help him post a bond. essentially paying them to guarantee that his money will be paid as it should be if he loses his appeal and all of the underwriters have turned him down. now, why would they do that >> trump's >> team says, it's more money than some of them will ever agree to underwrite. so that's one problem. >> but even those who might consider it want cash to back up the deal and trump's money is not in cash, not most of it. most of it is tied up in real estate in places like mar-a-lago in florida, trump tower, and more than a half dozen other properties in new york. he's invested in buildings and chicago, las vegas, san francisco. he has golf courses and resorts, money in companies such as truth social, and even in his airplane. for the underwriters, all of that could turn into a massive headache of property management complicated deals with partners and wildly swinging values. so they just
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don't want it. so the question is, what happens at this? zero point? well, he doesn't go to jail. this is not a criminal case, but unless something changes, legal analysts say next week, the new york attorney general could start seizing some of those properties. those in new york would likely make the most sense to make sure if donald trump loses his appeal again he would bill pay the judgment, which is growing by more than $100,000 every day >> because of the interest are tom form and breaking all that down to us. thank you so much. >> so much money coming up for us. it has the potential of altering almost every aspect of our lives. so specifically, how good ai impact economy and oprah winfrey opening up about the latest chapter in her weight-loss journey in an emotional primetime special we'll, be back to beer
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headliner las vegas. >> that's >> what i want to do >> vegas story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn >> at satelite will take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim that means less stress for you. >> my pleasure. have a goodman scheduled today at safe >> c-flat, we likely place >> meet noodles. >> she's borrowed short hair >> and part ninja. >> meet the cross wave hydro steam. it's part vacuum mom steamer and an engine emesis this'll a new breed of clean. >> my name is sophie sasha, robert ryan, and i'm alive thanks to my nurse practitioner. >> my nurse practitioners saved me from a lifelong heart condition. >> she prescribed the right medication my np diagnosed my multi-organ failure. >> my np. listen she saved my life twice and i always great
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free is it ai or download the app >> chaos? no grips much of haiti, rival gangs are now working together, launching a
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wide series of attacks against the government in an abandoned airfield, turned makeshift camp site. we need eight-year-old woodjina. she was playing with friends when they were caught in the crossfire of a gang shoot out. do you remember where you were when the bullet hits you when you got shot? >> some of the gang members themselves are just kids. this 14-year-old says he was recruited at 11. >> david culver, cnn so oprah winfrey is opening up about the latest chapter in her weight loss journey. this time in a prime-time special where she talks about the rising popularity of a new class of weight loss medications and how it's changed her life in my lifetime, i never dreamed that we would be talking about medicines that are providing hope for people like >> me who have struggled for years with being overweight or with obesity. so i come to this conversation in the hope that we can start releasing the state sigma and the shame and
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the judgment to stop shaming other people for being overweight or how they choose to lose or not lose weight. and more importantly, to stop shaming ourselves so interesting, seen as make around is here with me now with more on this >> this >> is really interesting how she framed discussion for this price, for this special and the discussion going forward, what all happened? >> well, it was seemed really personal to oprah. i mean, she talked about how throughout her career there has been and such laser-focused on her size and that affected her personally listen to a little bit more of how she started out this special i have to say that i took on the shame that the world gave to me for >> 25 years making fun of my weight was national sport in an effort to combat all the shame i starved myself for nearly
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five months and then we'll doubt that wagon to fat, that the internet will never let me forget and after losing 67 pounds on liquid diet, the next day, you all the very next day, i started to gain it back you don't over talked a lot about that and a lot about the shame she talked with a lot of her guests about the shame that they've felt as well. she also talked, of course, about her almost decade-long partnership with weightwatchers, which of course is the most latest iteration of this 2015. she joined that board. she bought a stake in the company she was involved in the marketing of it, but then late last year to disclose shoes taking one of these weight-loss medication. she didn't actually say which one, but it seemed clear it's one of the new ones. and then in february, she said she was leaving the board. she was donating the proceeds from her steak and she said last night that this was because she wanted to be able to do this special focusing on these medicines without a conflict of interests. but this special really focused on these drugs i did hear some criticism from just people in the general social media world calling this
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an infomercial for the drugs. i also heard criticism from doctors who said this sounded like it was written by the pharmaceutical industry about these medicines. then i saw some people saying this is really good. she's shedding the spotlight on the shame and blame that happens in this one says the data show a look, oprah winfrey says that this works really well for her. we all have someone in our lives through this is really working well. four, but it's not necessarily great for every one. what does the data show? >> that's true and that's something i heard from doctors as well, dr. jody dushay at beth israel was talking with me about this and she doesn't have any ties with these companies, but she does prescribe these medicines for her patients and she says it's really important to think about them in a measured way. i mean, these drugs are indicated either for people with type two diabetes that's exempt pick and mounjaro or for people with a bmi of at least 30 or at least 27 with another health problem like high cholesterol or something like that. and they do come with side effects. that is something people said this special might've glossed over a little bit too much. they can be hard to talk all or aid. the other thing is they can be very expensive if you take a look at some of these prices before
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insurance, $1,000 a month. and we heard from some people last night who are having trouble getting insurance coverage for them. you get much better insurance coverage for type two diabetes, then you do when you take these medicines for weight loss, weight, the weight loss drug, the weight-loss industry is >> x with them, remember fen-phen from decades ago. >> these do seem >> different. there are a lot of >> people taking them and having >> great experiences. >> but the doctors i've talked >> with say you have to be >> measured about them. they're not >> going to work in these >> outliers situations >> incredibly well for >> everyone, they will >> work for a lot of >> people. but there are other >> things to take into >> consideration, like what we just stopped it is all we've got to go, but it is fascinating on how they came about it, how the drug to, how they realized that it works in terms of weight loss, how it
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>> impacts the brain in a different way. it is a fascinating thing which also comes with more research and a lot of more work needs to be done, but it's showing some real promise. nonetheless, great to see you make. thank you so much. this is, we're talking about this class of weight loss. this is one focus of this season of the podcast, chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta, brand new episodes dropped on tuesdays. john. >> all right. we have a cnn exclusive this morning. the chief economist for goldman sachs once warned that toxic mortgages would ignite a recession he was right. now, he is making a more optimistic bet on artificial intelligence. and the economy seen as matt egan is all over this story. normally you come with these doomsday scenarios. this is kind of the opposite of that. >> it is the opposite. john, listen, young hot. so this is one of the most closely watched economists on wall street because yes, he has mailed a few big calls, including predicting a soft landing for the us back when a lot of
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people thought of recession was inevitable. so i asked you on a hobbyist about ai. i said it's going to be a job killer or a job chris >> all of us more efficient. take a listen >> it will destroy employment in some areas. i mean, there will be parts of the market where the, you know where tasks can be replaced to a degree that is going to result in reduced employment there. but then you'll also find other ways of innovating and creating more jobs somewhere else. i mean, this is the story of economic growth and innovation for hundreds of years now on is going to work out in the short-term. i think it's difficult to say >> but where >> i'm much more confident is that it can significantly add to growth over, over time by
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basically boosting productivity growth now goldman sachs is so confident that it's going to boost productivity at the bank actually upgraded its long-term gdp >> forecast specifically because of ai >> productivity is like this. magic elixir when it comes to macroeconomics, but it had kind of plateaued a little bit since the 1990s. or so what about ai? will increase productivity? >> well, john, these ai chatbots are incredibly powerful and they're really just getting started as it is, they can help workers or write emails and craft powerpoint presentations to do research, brainstorm ideas they can even comb through law large datasets and identify patterns of even the treasury department and the irs are starting to use ai to try to fight financial crime, to find tax cheats. >> now the imf estimates that >> up to 40% of jobs around the world could eventually be
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impacted by ai. but there's a lot of debate over what that impact he's going to be. how many of their those jobs are gonna be supplemented, how many of those jobs could be wiped out? of course, none of this is to say ai is perfect, right? some of these models, they have some bias built into them because of the data. some of them also have a tendency to make stuff up. it's known as hallucinating, and it's gotten some lawyers in trouble who've actually cited case law that did not exist. so it is easy john, to see how ai is going to have a big impact on the us in the years to come. hopefully, that impact is as positive as goldman sachs things. >> let's hope, i mean, it really is the promise of ai needless to say, whenever i'm on my phone now i can tbt. i'll say i'm just trying to be more productive at my exactly. madigan. thank you. thanks. sir. >> all right. thank you, gentlemen. buying and selling a >> home may soon cost you less potentially a lot less. that's because of a major settlement by the national association of
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realtors agreeing to end landmark antitrust lawsuits. if a judge approves settlement, the 6% commissions that are split between the buyer's and seller's brokers will no longer be the norm. so what could it all mean for homebuyers and their agents joining me now is federal reserve and economy reporter for the new york times, genus smiling, thank you so much for being here this sounds like good news for the the housing market. can you break down how this ruling will affect everyday americans looking to buy or sell >> yeah. >> yeah, absolutely. so it is likely going to make that process cheaper. i think there are still some open questions about just how much cheaper. so as you just noted, this is really taking a direct hit at that 6% commission that you pay agents, which is usually split between the buyer's and the seller's agent. we know that that number is going to be up in the air, that there's probably going to be a lot more competition around it. how much that gets reduced, how much less you end up paying your agent is still going to remain to be seen. i think we're seeing some estimates from
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economists said for it get td cowen for instance, that say something like 25 to 50% of that could go away. so you could see a pretty significant decline in how much you pay in order to sell your house or an order to buy a new one. and i think the question then is that who who sort of gains from that process? is it going to be the home sellers who managed to sell their homes for the same amount, but keep more of that that money or is it going to be the homebuyers? and i think most economists, economists will tell you it's probably going to be split between the two. but so a little bit more money in the pocket of the home seller, a little bit more money staying in the pocket of the homebuyer. and i think the exact magnitude is still little up in the air. >> gender. does this really blow up what we are used to when you look at buying and selling homes this has been a real standard in the industry for a really long time >> the absolutely. i think this is going to really create a sort of new wild west of homebuying. and you talk to analysts in the industry. they'll say that this is going to be pretty transformative to the way that this process works. there are 1 million
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people who are members of the national association for realtors. a lot of those are small time sellers who only made me do one or two home deals a year. i think there's a real question whether those people are going to stay in the market without this sort of carrot, this big commission to pull them in. i think there's also the possibility that we're going to stop more competition between listing agencies in the wake of this. and so it definitely is going to be really transformative moment for a pretty big industry here in the united states >> and i just wanna get this straight. are you saying basically that if you're going to buy or sell a house, that you could just like you shop everything else to price it out, you could shop brokers to see, oh, wait, that's only 2%. i'll go with this person. is that what you're saying? >> absolutely. i think i think when you talk to analysts, they'll tell you that what they're expecting is that this market is going to, after years of being very protected and very standardized, become a lot more competitive. you could see things like flat fees. you could see things like discount brokerages popping up. you could really see brokerages starting to compete on trying to be a good deal for the home
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seller. and so i think it's again, early days, we don't know exactly how this is going to play out, but the idea is that this could result in a much more competitive market for homebuying and selling. >> i'm curious what this is might do to brokers to real estate brokers as they're looking at all of these changes, you talked about, perhaps people leaving the industry >> yeah. so we're certainly seeing a lot of speculation, especially from some of the big real estate firms. this is going to result in a lot of real estate agents leaving the industry, which actually could at the end of the day result in a little bit less home shopping if fewer people are competing to sort of show, show these houses. but i think get the same time. i think there's this question of will this open the door to new business models? will we see new brokerages start where the old ones existed and will they operate differently than the previous ones? i think at the moment this is clearly something that investors are looking at and saying this could be bad for the industry players that currently exist after the deal was announced, after the
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settlement came out, we really saw a lot of sort of the big home home sellers, stocks, tank. they felt pretty sharply and so i think that the idea is this can be pretty bad for the existing industry. it could chase people out of the market, but it could open the door to new, new business models. >> we'll be looking to see what happens over the next few months to see what the judge approves the settlement in these big changes happen in buying and selling homes genus, smiling. thank you so much. another hour i've seen a news central starts right now >> if trump adviser making history today, peter navarro becoming the first former white house official to go to prison for contempt of congress and donald trump's campaign rhetoric is, once again, echoing a generation's old anti-semitic trope, attacking american jews who vote for democrats. and breaking this morning after much speculation, there is new video that's been


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