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tv   CNN News Night With Abby Phillip  CNN  March 19, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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heartfelt gratitude for just a very professional process by no labels, donors advisers, folks in the organization. it was a first-class operation for me that just the political math of being somebody that's just coming onto the scene, not having a ton of name id and a short runway to get to november just didn't make the math possible for me, but i certainly hope they're able to put a strong candidate forward. so i've got somebody to vote for. i'm like tens of millions of other americans >> yeah. do you do you think that there'll be able to though because it seems like every candidate that they've approached that we know about his said no, thanks, but no thanks. >> well, i certainly hope so. i mean, in the few weeks i was around the hoop with these guys. i just was continued to be refreshed by the conversations meeting after meeting after meeting talking about real solutions instead of just talking about problems, whether it be donors supporters, advisers, everybody was circling around. that's how america is supposed to be solving these problems. and i certainly hope they're able to we have talked a strong ticket >> unfortunately, we're running up against ended our thank you for coming on to give
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us that insight. thank you all so much for joining us, seeing a news night with abby. phillip starts now who's in charge of america's border? that's tonight on news site good evening. >> i'm added we fill up in washington tonight. confusion and chaos reigns supreme over the border. texas is pitted against the fed's caught in the middle the migrants who can now be deported on mass and at will on a hunch. this is all happening after the supreme court waited directly into the heart of the immigration issue today, they scrambled how things typically work, that immigration policy for the united states is the domain of the federal government. and there are profound constitutional questions that this raises but in the meantime, the practical impact is becoming more clear. scores
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of people could be rounded up hundreds of miles from the southern border, even based on suspicion. and suspicion alone, local officials, sheriff's could all be deputizing to essentially enforce us border policy the court's conservative majority brushed aside a last-ditch biden administration push to stop this new texas law, sb4, and it now goes into effect, at least temporarily while litigation winds its way through the lower courts ultimately, this could ricochets across conservative border states if allowed to stand. it could usher in dramatic, even draconian policies that leave immigration enforcement at the hands of legislators from austin to phoenix joining me now, the highest ranking democrat in the house of representatives, hakeem jeffries, congressman, thank you for staying up for us tonight first of all, the supreme court delivering this win for texas and a loss for the biden administration. what do you think the impact of all
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of this is going to be? >> well, good evening. great to be with you. it's a deeply troubling decision from the extreme conservatives on the supreme court it's, clear that we have a broken immigration system. we've acknowledged that and that we need to address the challenges at the border. we believe that we should address those challenges in a clear-eyed comprehensive way in a manner consistent with our values as a nation of immigrants and a nation anchored in the rule of law, we need a strong, secure, and humane border. what we are seeing from many of our republican colleagues is that they don't want to actually address the issue. they just want to engage in political stunts or try not to solve the issue. so they can weaponize the border and immigration issue in november, i think the american people are going to reject that but what the supreme court has done in this particular instance is quite unfortunate. >> as you note, congress has
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tried to a degree and failed to get immigration. don even, even in this congress, do you think that the chances of something being provided, this year? >> are over well as house democrats, we've made clear that we are ready, willing, and able to find bipartisan common ground. what our republican colleagues on any issue, including fixing our broken immigration system and addressing the challenges at the border. president biden has made clear that he wants to work together to try to find bipartisan solutions to fix the challenges that we have at the border of the big challenge, of course, is that many republicans don't want to address the issue. they want a weaponize the issue politically. that's the height of irresponsibility, but hope springs eternal. and let's see what happens over the next few months to not ruling it out there. and notably, i want to turn to the issue of funding the government congressional negotiators have finally gotten
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to a deal to fund the government through the fall. it seems likely the democrats will have to help the republican majority in the house get this across the finish line. are you advising your members to support this compromise? >> well, tomorrow morning we'll meet as a democratic caucus will have presentations from the appropriators about the agreement in principle that has been read. so i'm not going to get out ahead of that presentation and the conversation that we'll have as democrats i do think it's fair to say that the agreement that has been reached is consistent with our values as democrats, in that the spending agreement will continue to provide for the health, the safety, the education, and the economic well-being of the american people in a manner that is designed to focus on middle-class families, low-income families, and working families, as opposed to the wealthy, the well-off and the well-connected so as we're speaking here tonight, president biden is out west.
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he's doing a campaign swing. largely speeding to a lot of latino voters are going to be key to this next election. i know, i'll just preface this by saying you're probably going to say that polling is all over the place in this campaign. we know it's early but i want to show you this new york times sienna college poll that found that both black and hispanic voters say that donald trump's policies has, have helped them more than joe biden's policies by pretty wide margins, especially when you look at hispanic voters is that alarming to you? and that nothing that the biden campaign has said or done to this point has brought that at least closer than it is right now in this poll light the biden administration has an incredible track record of support and making sure that it is working at all times >> to build an economy from the middle out and the bottom-up, as opposed to the top down. and to make sure that every single
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community throughout the united states of america, including hispanic community, the african american community, the asian american community, rural communities, the heartland of america. you don't have an opportunity to robustly pursue the american dream. i think what will be important over the next few months is that we are aggressively communicating both the accomplishments that have taken place, whether that is rescuing the economy from the ones in a century pandemic the infrastructure investment and jobs act, which is creating millions of good paying jobs. and every community fixing are crumbling bridges, roads, and tunnels, and ensuring there's clean water and every single community bringing domestic manufacturing jobs back home to the united states of america. and of course, lowering the high price of life-saving prescription drugs, including taking the price of insulin for millions of americans down the $35 a month. it's going to be
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incredibly important that we talk about those accomplishments but not in a manner that is designed to say to the american people, reward us for what we have done. but trust us, we're going to continue to build upon this progress led by president biden and deliver real results to make life better for every single community. and for everyday americans >> i want to play for you on different topic, something that donald trump said about jewish people and your party when it comes to the issue of israel, listen why do the democrats hate bibi netanyahu >> i actually think they had israel. yes, i don't think ahead. i think it israel. add the democrat party hates israel any jewish person that votes for democrats hates their religion. they hate everything about israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves because israel will be destroyed
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>> what's your reaction to that >> very irresponsible during a time of rising anti-semitism and anti-jewish hatred. that is horrific in terms of the levels that we have seen over the last few months we need so-called leaders, like the former president, to try to bring people together, not be divisive. and utilize dangerous rhetoric. but of course that's what the former president donald trump specializes in. we've seen it for years. and unfortunately there's no reason to believe that he will ever ever change. that's why i'm looking forward to continued leadership from president joe biden, who wants to bring the american people together. >> and >> move us forward, as opposed to dangerously trying to turn back the clock >> he was he was they're responding to the comments that were made by your colleague in the senate leader, chuck
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schumer, who called for new elections in israel after the war in gaza is over schumer says he he doesn't believe that netanyahu can continue to serve as prime minister >> do you >> agree with him on that the netanyahu is not the best person to lead israel in to a future, to lead the region into a peaceful future. >> as i've said, i've got every confidence that at the appropriate time these rarely people will make the right decision in terms of what's in the best interests of the future of israel, right now, we have a situation where hamas of course, has to be decisively defeated we need to get the hostages out and surge humanitarian assistance in to help out innocent palestinian civilians who are in harm's way through, no fault of their own >> schumer right. to address this issue at all. netanyahu was pretty upset that he said
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that a democratic official in the united states was waiting into israel's domestic policies >> leader schumer, throughout his career has been an incredibly strong supporter of the special relationship between the united states and israel. and i believe he will continue to be moving forward. and it is unfortunate that some of my extreme maga republican colleagues, once again, are trying to politicize the issue of the relationship between the united states and israel, as opposed to leaning in at a time when israel is in the middle of a war against hamas all right, house minority leader hakeem jeffries. a lot going on on the hill tonight hence why you are still over there late. late this monday, tuesday night. thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you >> and as republican voters hit the polson night, some lawmakers are actively campaigning against their own peers. and speaker johnson is
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telling them, knock it off one of them will join me live republican matt gaetz is here in studio, plus time is running out for donald trump to meet his bond and he's now suggesting that he needs to hold a fire sale of his properties this is losing >> cnn news night with abby phillip. he's brought to you by, so tick to find now, you've so tick two is the treatment you've been looking for >> smile. you found it, the feeling of findings, darius's can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live i'm filtered with the one and only so tick to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaques, psoriasis, and the chance that clear or almost clear skin, it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up, are finding you don't have to hide your skin. just your background once daily. so tick to was proven better getting more people clear skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to so take too serious
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facts that slash now leaks lives. cia secrets vowel replace, valley playing broward playing. >> i was undercover. >> so when you respond yeah. >> did someone at the white house all the cover of a cia operative after her husband criticize the run-up to the war, where are the weapons of mass destruction exactly? >> this is the rear scandal debris really mattered. >> lives were at stake. >> yes. my children. this is >> horrifying united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episode sunday at nine on cnn new tonight, primary results are coming in and even though oh, we know the presidential matchup is set, some big headlines are coming in from
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down-ballot races that will help decide control of congress. cnn senior data reporter harry enten joins me from the magic wall to break it all down. harry trump, the trump-backed candidates in ohio, one, that republican senate primary. he'll face the incumbent sherrod brown, a democrat. what's that going to look like? >> yeah. i mean, look, abby, there was this >> whole belief, maybe this was the senate primary to watch. they maybe be a close race. it wasn't close. bernie moreno, of course, was backed by donald trump, has now crossed the 50% threshold. he is defeated. matt dolan, who was the more modern candidate back, of course, by the republican governor, their mic the wine. you can look on your senate map here. it's pretty much all moreno cranberry, only one little county over here, hardin county. and there's only 27% of the vote in there. so it wouldn't be surprising to me if that in fact turns over to cranberry moreno actually ends up winning it. of course, it shouldn't be a big surprise that you would see the republic let's see if >> we can get there. >> there we go up oh, there we
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go. >> trump or trump back candidate winning in a primary. why is that? look historically speaking, trump primary endorsement win percentage in 2020 and house gov and senate races, 96% in 2022, 89%. so this just, wow, in line with what we generally see, that is trump-backed candidates winning and primaries of course, the real question as we head towards the general election is whether or not bernie moreno can win there. and this i think is a big question because if you go back to 2022, trump-backed candidates, trump-backed senate candidate, lost key races in georgia, arizona but nevada, pennsylvania, and new hampshire. so even though moreno one the night, there's still a big question though in the general election again, sherrod brown, who i think would rather moreno be the candidate that matt dolan. >> yeah. this is gonna be one of the most watched senate races in this upcoming cycle. harry enten, thank you very much. thank you. >> and joining me now is republican congressman matt gaetz of florida. he's a member of the house judiciary committee, a congressman in some of these races including
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tonight in the state of florida there you've got candidates voting, but you have actually backed some candidates who are running against your own colleagues one example, illinois, you course the republican candidate, darren bailey, over the sitting republican their mic boss, boss was endorsed by trump. not good enough for you. >> well, i think i made my endorsement before the president did in that race and no two people see every question the same way. but i think one thing we're learning from the results tonight is that there is no force more powerful and republican politics. than the endorsement of president trump, bernie moreno outperforming all of the polling and other trump endorsed candidates, doing very well across the board. i think get poor tends to a real unification of the republican party heading into the general election. >> are you fighting against your own colleagues speaker johnson? has argued that gentle and not just use specifically, but you and your, another career. >> i've had many conversations with speaker johnson and he says, matt, we can't run the place you want to run because
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we don't have the players that will back them. and so i'm trying to improve the players. and there are a few circumstances around the country. i think brandon herrera would be an improvement over for tony gonzalez where if you have a challenger prevail over the incumbent in not only changes that dynamics in that seat, it changes the whole ecosystem in the republican conference where maybe people are willing to be more bold, more daring, and embrace a lot of the process reforms that i wanted, like single-subject spending bills and downward pressure on overall federal spending seem that mike johnson disagrees with the candidates here. he seems to think that it's not the best thing to run against people who are already in the congress. you told my colleague manu raju at the end of the day, we're not judged by how many republicans we have in congress were judged on whether or not we save the country. i mean, don't you? need i grew already in congress in order to save the country if that's what you're majority is necessary, but not sufficient, right? because if what we have is a majority of people who by the dozens will
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vote with democrats for higher spending for these trillion dollars spending bills with disparate subjects connected to one another, then it becomes hard to distinguish a republican majority from a democrat, but you have a minority, you don't even get to set the agenda. you're just responding. that's sort of >> feel sort of feels a lot like how things are right now. because if i were setting the agenda, we would be taking these federal agencies these one at a time. we wouldn't be mashing them together in a minibus. so again, i want us to have a majority. i'm not saying that that's not a laudable goal, but it has to be a majority of people willing to fight and look, i admire what the squad did and the democratic conference at first i was like four of them now i look over there and everybody wants to be like this glaad. so there's a way a small group of people connected with the base voters and a political party can influence the rest of the legislative body and confident that you brought, bring that up because when nancy pelosi had a very narrow majority, those very members at the spot, they voted with their party. they didn't throw a big fight every
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time that there was a spending bill, they were pretty united republic other way i look at what they're able to do that. yeah. but look at what the squad got. they got they got basically the progressive plan to become the biden plan on the american rescue plan. and a lot of the post-covid era funding bills and so they were able to draw their conference closer to their viewpoint. that's what i'm trying to do. i want the republican conference to be more america first in its worldview and more focused on downward pressure on spending here so right now, speaker johnson has come up with a deal with the white house and the senate to fund the government and this bill is to put it nicely being panned by some of your colleagues. just listen to what some of them had to say this may person haven't looked just conscious in trouble. i don't know what we can start i've been very clear i think that the government should
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actually secure its borders before we talked to my government >> has been my position >> i know viewers have been paying attention because we've been covering it. we had you on the show multiple times. it sounds like deja vu. i mean, this is your hand-picked speaker or you resigned now that this is just the way it's going to work whether or not the speaker is kevin mccarthy or mike johnson. >> i'm always more hopeful for my johnson, but let's remember, kevin mccarthy had a force seat majority. mike johnson's down to one seat majority on some days. and so it's a different standard that i think you have to judge them by, but the answer to this last question is it's really your first question when you asked me about challenging incumbents around the country, my colleagues who just spoke, there are right in their criticism of this bill and they're right that the current republican majority is all too willing to just be the unit party with the democrats and fund the government in the absence of our requirements to secure the border and to lead to some semblance of balance in the federal budget. so yeah, just changing the speaker isn't going to do it
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necessary, but not sufficient in order to achieve my goals. i'm going to have to have a different group of people in the congress that's what i'm trying to get different and better people. >> are you disappointed in the speaker >> i would have hoped for more, and frankly, i think he would have as well when i think about how mike johnson that's in campaign for the job of speaker. he sounded a lot more like like i do. right. but upon getting the job, i think he's been drawn into some of the ways of washington that lead us on a sub-optimal path. i liked my johnson, he's a friend. we communicate on an almost daily basis. and i hope to give mike johnson a better team so that when he is the speaker the hundred 19th congress were able to fulfill his conservative policy ambitions. >> i want to ask you about donald trump, because this week he told the court that he could not get any underwriters to help him pay his more than 400 bond if no underwriters are willing to back him on this, why should voters? >> well, because underwriters have to make a financial decision about the new york court system. that's not a bet
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that voters have to make, right? voters are making a bet based on their own economic condition, whether or not we live in a safer world. and i think we're going to be the chase and prosperity biden is going to be a lot of danger the fact that he's not able to get anyone to help him out here seems to suggest that they don't trust him to be good for this money will know i think it means that they're not >> certain in a successful appeal in the new york legal system. i go ask people for a vote all the time and i probably wouldn't be bondable. it half $1 either, right. and so i think this case, you've got a weaponized system that i mean, even kevin o'leary is out there saying that with tish james pursuing this civil matter in the absence of a real complainant or real business loss, it's making things worse for new york and it's a real perversion of the law. a lot of people disagree >> with kevin o'leary on that one, but i want to ask excuse us. i mean, a conservative broadcast or mark levin, he wrote this. why are there no republican multibillionaire is
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offering to land president trump the funds to file his appeal in this outrageous case in new york state, and none of them liquid enough to help or join with the others to help. it's an outrage. he says, do you agree should some of these multibillion airs come and swoop in and bailout trump. >> i don't know. this is not something i'm quite familiar with. i think that president trump has to be able to assemble the assets in order to post the bond. and i suspect that he will because if he doesn't, you're going to start to see tish james foreclose on those assets. and so i think that you have to have the right mix of collateral and cash and that already was challenged for the first bond. and i think it's that some of these really wealthy people who support former president trump should be willing to help him here well, again, that's not something i'm familiar with. when you speak to me about the life of a multibillionaire, it's not really something i have. i have great association with. i don't know what it would ever be like to have that amount of money and what it would be like to bet it on the
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appellate court system in new york. >> well, one last thing on trump and his legal woes, right now >> he as the rnc has said that they want to help him pay for his legal bills, his leadership pac spent more than $55 million just on legal bills. that's 85% of its spending. are you comfortable with that >> no. i wish you weren't being attacked like this. i mean, these up >> in your, holy is are you comfortable with his leadership pac using the money that's being raised from ordinary people in a lot of cases to pay his legal bills. >> it's a necessity, your network covers a dossier them that this money is used for this purpose and yet it continues to be contributed for people who believed that president trump is under siege. and so i think that we have to view the fusion of the criminal justice system. and this presidential campaign is something that we have to combat with every force we have at the rnc. and president trump's campaign and with our own donations and it does make me think like how much further for ahead of biden would we be if we weren't having to fight
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not only on the political front, but on the civil fraud, on the criminal front. and seemingly everywhere else. >> one way to avoid that would be to not get into legal trouble, which trump's these are the toggle legal theories that oftentimes are woven together in ways that have never been applied against other people. look at the alvin bragg case that's about let's nobody has ever done what trump is alleged to have done doesn't mean that he shouldn't be held accountable. >> but you see you see similar conduct not treated the same way. >> i want to move on just quickly because you heard us talking two leader jeffries about trump's comments about jewish people who vote for democrats, which is a huge majority of american jews in this country. why does he keep saying things like this, questioning the loyalty of american jewish people just because of who they vote for. >> i think he does it so that you'll carry it, right? i think with trump, he's making an argument about how his policies were better for israel. and he knows if he does so in the most stark terms, that's going to have dangerous at it, isn't a dangerous at a time when jewish people on america are facing really unprecedented levels of threats
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running well, i think the jewish people facing the most shreds right now are the ones in israel. and they were living better lives when donald trump us president, and our adversaries were not on the market again his comments about american jews why does, why does he keep saying things like this? it's not the first time. the second time or the my >> sense is that he's saying these things because he wants to draw attention to what he did in the golan heights. he wants to draw attention to the abraham accords, comfortable all of those policy reform on g i don't give the president rhetorical device. he's far, far more gifted in that regard than i am. >> so you are comfortable with him using this kind of rhetoric. >> i'm not, i'm not given any discomfort for by the rhetoric is used to draw attention to what he did for israel. >> all right, congressman matt gaetz, thank you very much. good to have you in the studio tonight. and up next donald trump is making january 6, the cornerstone of his campaign, even saluting the rioters at a recent rally. one of the people who was convicted and serve some time for january 6 joins me live to respond
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save up to five hundred and $99 includes free ella maximum. these two-week sale ends march 26 >> the lead with >> jake tapper tomorrow at four, cnn tonight, an increasingly clear picture of what >> donald trump believes is the cornerstone of his campaign. the rock on which he is building his maga 2024 movement. it's the insurrection. he gave us the evidence at the very start of his saturday rally in ohio please rise for the horribly at unfairly treated january 6, hostages saluting the men and women whom he calls hostages the 500 plus criminals serving
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prison sentences after being convicted of or admitting to january 6 connected crimes. that's the national anthem that you heard there in the background. the song that plays when american athletes, when olympic metals, the song that starts every single sports game, only it's hideously transformed into a serenade for the people who attacked the capital to break the democracy in service of donald trump, trump reserves for convicted criminals what other presidents reserved for service members charged with putting their lives on the line for this country trump sees patriotism, where there is not >> you see the spirit from the hostages, and that's what they are as hostages. they've been treated terribly unbelievable patriots and they were unbelievable patriots our some republicans are willing to say what happened that day is unconscionable, and that it also applies to what trump is
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>> doing to lionized the perpetrators i think it's very unfortunate at a time that there are american hostages being held in gaza >> that the president or any other leaders would refer to people that are moving through our justice system as hostages. and it's just, it's just unacceptable this matters. saturday was not a onetime trump burst of frustration at every trump rally these days, you hear that same odious version of the anthem trump is trying to remold the j6 narrative right in front of our eyes. like claymation morphing actual crimes into political protest, and morphing his own alleged crimes into persecution rather than keeping arms length from the 2020 election lies. polls show americans are repulsed by trump is cloaking himself in that you fight a
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drug get election and they indict you. they don't indict the guys that made the election crockett republicans are playing along with the shape, a maga contingent and congress, they're moving forward with reinvestigating the capitol attack. and those who won in on a trump second term are literally making sure that the attackers are getting gold plated treatment from trump cash patel telling semaphore of trump, he spoken directly to lots of january 6 families even talked to a lot of january 6. defendants joining me now is pam pam pill on january 6, she was at the capitol. she served time in prison for her role. that day pam, thank you for joining us again what do you make of trump reportedly personally taking meetings with convicted insurrectionists >> i'm disgusted and thank you for having me back on again to be using the word hostages is
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unbelievable. the real hostages, we know where they are in gaza this is just a he's just using the j sixers to have everybody believed that the doj has weaponized to him and j6 defendants, and it's not true >> i don't know if >> you know this, but i went to see don junior and i told him i was a dj six defendant, and he didn't even talk to me. he he didn't want anything to do with me. >> so they're just using the j six defendants for for trump's using them to make you believe that the government is weaponized against them. and it's not true. >> do you do you think don junior are new? >> who >> you were and what did you why did you even take the meeting? what did you want to say to him >> well, first i was a little nervous because i thought if he recognized he would probably
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tell me to leave but he didn't recognize me and i'm surprised with that. because his father made a comment about me and that went all over. but no, he didn't recognize me and what i wanted to do is just find out for myself. do they really care about the j6 defendants? so i went up to him and i said my name is pam and i'm a dj six defendant. and all he said was, oh, i'm sorry turns around, starts talking to everybody else. didn't ask me one question he was going to be speaking at 01:00. he didn't invite me. >> he didn't say >> anything to me. like i was a fly was trying to get rid of it really was kinda barred, bothered me because i thought don't they like to j defendants? are they talking about him all the time? >> that's interesting >> so what trump >> is doing is essentially taking what you experienced and making people like you, who are vested after january 6, who's
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served time into the heroes of this campaign? what's your reaction to just the visuals of that same people know saluting to national anthem sung by convicted criminals who were convicted of trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power well, you know, when i repeat anything that trump says it's like telling you, you know, he's a psychopath and everything he says makes no sense >> and it's disgusting however, remember, he didn't part in them. >> like a >> lot of people say, why didn't he pardon him right away? >> because he's using them. he uses everybody. this is what a narcissist does. he's just use it to cover up his own crimes to have the whole nation believe that the doj has weaponized against him. there's no deep state. there's just the doj. and if you break the law, you break the law. >> but he's trying to see it to >> the republicans, two, the
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mega called there are called he has them convinced that the democrats want this to be a communist country. and he saving them. remember what he said they're coming after me. but they're really coming after you but, i stand in the way. so he's made himself a savior and he's going to save the jsx defendants there all the good guys remember where they would dare say this is are 17, 76. remember that well, yeah, that was to help democracy january 6 was taken from democracy. >> do you believe him when he says he'll pardon the january 6 defendants or do you think that that's all just rhetoric? >> no, that'll never happen. never happen. >> he's too self-centered. he's that they get about bargaining nobody, unless you give him 1 million, maybe no, he's not going to pardon him. know. all right. not at all right. >> pam hemphill. thank you very much for your time tonight.
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>> thank you >> and next week headlines from the campaign trail from president biden's moves two billionaires and even melania trump i'll discuss with my panel >> when you saw his guilty plea, were you surprised? do you think the criticism has been there is bring court might take this up. what's the outcome though? >> how's that >> for a clipping or america? >> laura coates live next on cnn have you heard sling tv offers the news you love for less weight, you look and sound just like me. actually i am you. because i'm the same news programs on sling for less. you mean you're me but for less money. a lot less. i'm all your favorite news programs and more on sling starting at just $40 a month. everything great about me, but for less money, which makes me greater than you'd think it's the same news for less, starting at $40 a month
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>> some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you with all sdi because you know that just because it fits in the cup holder doesn't make it to go. >> and you know how to break >> without breaking everything and you're definitely not doing. >> okay. i don't even know what this >> is, but you're definitely not doing that with all state you're connected to a rate based on you united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn >> if you want proof that the campaign season is heating up tonight on the campaign trail president biden kicking off a multistate western swing, including two critical visits to nevada and arizona. the message here is what i've done for you lately, especially on the economy also new republican
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billionaires are helping trump raise much needed cash in a fundraiser that includes hedge funds and casino the mogul's. and finally, melania trump will make her return to the trail for more. i want to bring in writer and editor of the project democracy, amanda carpenter along with cnn political commentator, jonah goldberg amanda, this is a pretty busy week for president biden, nevada, arizona. he's headed to texas as well. i've noticed that a lot of his supporters are saying, oh, you said that he couldn't do this, he couldn't campaign. this is not biden in the basement. do you think that's a fair point? >> what i think continues to impress about biden his ability to stay disciplined and knockout the basic blocking and tackling of campaign work while complete, facing a completely the unprecedented opponent for the second time, if you look at the off the things that donald trump continues to throw just into the general climate, whether it comes to his rhetoric at rallies or is unprecedented and legal trouble, biden doesn't get
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distracted by that. and so i do think there's a lot of inks and they luck toward about is he doing i think he's doing what he needs to do at this point in the campaign and not getting distracted, staying on message and just building those bricks for the general election is all you can ask for. >> key bricks latino voters, black voters, these, what this western swing is pretty heavily about latino voters. and he spoke to them directly tonight. here's why the race between trump and biden in arizona, 49% of registered voters are backing trump, 45% of backing biden, according to some latest polling among hispanic registered voters 49% back biden, 43% backed trump closer than the white house would like. i mean, this is used to be a constituency that was double-digits for democrats and it may not be anymore. i said may because nobody is quite sure what exactly we're seeing here. >> yes. so the polling is there's reasons for skepticism about the polling. there's reasons for skepticism about
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pulling in general. i think it's the that he's definitely hemorrhage hispanic voters that we used to be it basically a two-to-one advantage, but whether those hispanic voters are necessarily just saying protests, things the pollsters. and, but aren't necessarily going to actually vote for trump in the fall. i mean, i do think the bigger worry for biden is people just not voting at all, right? i've just just being apathetic on this question. i just want to say yes. >> if you use the standard of biden's harshest critics biden's well exceeding his expectations in terms of his energy on the stump and all this kind of stuff. but the kind of things he's doing, our normal for president and it reminds me a lot of the standards that people on the, on the anti-trump side sometimes separate trump is so he can be presidential at all. he actually presidential for like 15 minutes. we supposed to expect a little bit more. trump can give a speech for 15 months and seem like he's hitting the mark. we're setting expectations or both of these
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guys really low in weird ways, which is why 70% american people don't want to vote for either >> it's a fair point, although being able to do normal presidential things is literally what people are asking biden to demonstrate. so him doing that is definitely part of that. jonah, i do want to get to something that you wrote in that op-ed for the la times on these trump blood bath comments. he makes comments like that that speak to two audiences at once. you say that the comments are being exaggerated and that they play into trump's hands. do you really think that that's what's going on here or is that giving him a pass? >> i think my record of not giving donald trump a pass is pretty solid, right? trump says idiotic things all times, he encourages violence that's all the time. my point is, is that if you actually watch the actual clip is talking about the auto industry, he's absolutely right. when he says that people use the word bloodbath and all sorts of ways i went and did google searches. and next is lexus surges. and it's commonly used a lot of
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the outlet saying he's inviting violence by using the word bug blast use the term bloodbath to talk about his coup at the rnc to ten days ago. and my point is the mainstream media does not have a lot of big storehouse of credibility these days. and it is to trump's advantage when they get these kinds of things wrong, because then the trump people get to lie and say see everything they say about but us is lie, everything they say about us, this is an exaggeration weight five minutes, and he'll say something that deliberately deserves outrage. >> wasn't it much attention to rhetoric here versus other things. >> i think we disagree. i looked at the same comments. he's talking about. it will be a bloodbath for the country much bigger than evs, but i guess we can disagree about that. what not debatable is that he did at the top of this speech when he was reading from a script, when he put a script or and to telephones for, for an announcer to read where they ask everyone to stand up and solute the january 6 rioters who instigated a real bloodbath at the us capitol. and so yeah,
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i don't disagree with that at all. that's perfectly legitimate to be outraged by that actually want to support your point in saying that trying to divvy up like, what did he mean there? we have to look at the big picture, the whole context of this speech was violence, the whole context of his campaign is retribution part and abuse. and by the way, he engaged in a lot of partner abuse when he was president, the first time. and so i wish when we had these set pieces that he gives, we could add it up to the bigger picture and explain how that will harm americans and your constitutional rights. because when the president licenses violence for people who conduct these things in favor of his political interests. he is not carrying out his do take care clause to protect your constitutional rights. he's saying people can violate your rights and engage in violence and overturned your vote. and that's fine. and that hurts every day, americans who are built i mean, you're both right to a degree, right? and it's a question i trump always
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of how much attention to pay toward the things that he says for outrage. his ally, matt gaetz, was just in the studio here saying, he calls jews disloyal because he knows it's going to get attention. they're just saying it out loud. i mean, should the attention now be shifting toward not what trump is saying, but what he plans to actually do. >> yeah, i i think he's talk about 100% tariffs on car is insane. >> the >> stuff about the january 6 hostages is bat guano crazy. i mean, you can go down a long list of things that are legitimately controversial. insurance of actual policy that are actually ridiculous. my point is, is like he offers enough clean hits wake for the clean head and don't try to turn an argument that he gets the spin to his own advantage on this. israel thing >> look, >> what he is basically doing is the inverse of the dual loyalty charge, right >> what the
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>> classic anti-semitic charges to say that who's care more about israel than the care about the united states. trump is saying, these are bad jews because they don't care and more about israel than they care about the united states, which is equally outrageous. >> yeah, i mean, the history is so clear of him repeatedly a suit or i don't know if assuming is the right word but saying the jews should be loyal to israel, not necessarily to the united states. >> and what he means by that is >> loyal to me, right? right. because that's the real point. while to me, as with all things, >> amanda carpenter, jonah goldberg. thank you both very much. next, a martini, shaken, not stirred only seven actors have uttered the famous line on the big screen. and now a possible new phase for the world's most famous spy >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission check. >> i didn't know anything concerning had happened there were people that did though >> the space shuttle accident,
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the original wo seven connery start in six bond films, including his comeback. diamonds are forever now, only one actor has appeared as bond just once australian model george lassonde be in the 1969 film, roger moore played douglas seven more than any other actor, seven times. in the late '80s, he was replaced by timothy dalton, who appeared in only two films. pierce brosnan brought bond into the 2000s and start and the highest grossing bond version up until that time and the most recent, daniel craig, he announced no time to die would be his last. craig's casting in 2006 was met with backlash fans threatening to boycott because of his blonde hair, blue eyes, and honky looks but the tone quickly changed after casino royale hit theaters and went on to play the iconic spy four more times >> and so if the role does >> go to aran taylor johnson,


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