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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 20, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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losing muscle mass can can cause cardiac issues. is that there's losing muscle mass that's that's that's a bad thing. >> yeah >> that's a potential explanation for why it might have a negative effect. i think the take-home message from this friday as well. we've learned early on from this strategy is that if you fast in any of these strategies you'll lose some weight on average between three and and if you lose weight, you'll lower your blood pressure. you'll lower your cholesterol. and you'll lower your weight. >> and >> we know from decades of research that those effects next result in good outcomes. the bottom line is this, this kind of more needs to, needs to be repeated, but in a prospective randomized trial, dr. jonathan ryan or thanks, the news continues right here on cnn it's wednesday, march
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20, right now on cnn this morning, cleveland >> businessman bernie moreno winning the public senate primary in ohio. it's a win for donald trump. it might not be bad news for democrats either an appeals court blocking texas from it enforcing a controversial new immigration law just hours after the supreme court allowed it and why donald trump is threatening to kick prince harry out of it? the country if he wins the november election graham, here in washington alive, looked down national mall in washington memorial. good morning, everyone. it's wonderful to have you with us. i'm kasie hunt, >> trump endorsed >> conservative bernie moreno will win the republican senate primary in ohio. it is a victory for the republican party's presumptive nominee there are some democrats that view this as positive for them as well. cnn projects, moreno
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will win the three-way contest, beating second-place finisher, the moderate or moderate? matt dolan, by roughly 18 points here was moreno last night thanking donald trump for all his help >> well, let me just say something. >> i aware with honor my endorsement of president from president trump, i wear that with a badge of honor because under president trump, under president trump this day, she was safer. it was more secure we have prosperity around the world. we are generationally low interest rates and we're generationally low inflation moreno. will take on three-term democratic senator sherrod brown this fall. it's erased. that is going to be absolutely critical in deciding which party controls the us senate. joining me now is axios national politics reporter. sofia ty, sophia. good morning. it's wonderful to have you >> so this of course, a test of
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four for donald trump. i'm not sure anyone expected anything other than for this to be something that ultimately boosted his pick in a primary it does mean that the trumpy is candidate is the one who won and democrats i have to say not displeased about that. i mean, chuck schumer had kind of gotten himself the majority leader in the senate involved in this. in the final weeks, what did you see here in the numbers and how do you think this race plays out in the fall? >> i will look, it was pretty close between first and second place and the trump camp knew that. so that's why they sense donald trump. they said, don junior, they also sense jd vance over to hio in those final days, before the primary, but i should also just say that the republicans who won, they're very different in the primaries then the current republican serving in the state, including governor to one, cleaning rob, senator rob portman. >> and so these are very different >> sets of republicans who won
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trump's primary. it shows that trump is still true, that trump endorsement is still the most important currency when it comes to the gop primaries, but we don't know if that will transfer over to the general election in terms of the statewide race in ohio. yeah. >> i mean, let's talk >> about senator brown per second and why this race is so important. i mean, the senate is balanced on a 50, 50 knives edge basically, right? there are a handful of critical races that are going to decide control of the senate and really it's about democrats who are still sitting in seats in states that are now basically red states, right? those few crossover centers you've got jon tester out in montana, but sherrod brown is possibly the quintessential example of someone from ohio was a blue labour state, in many ways. it was a swing state for so many years. and our presidential politics now we don't even really think about it that way and it's really about those kind of blue collar, especially white
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working class voters who previously were union democrats in a lot of cases, who really swung four president trump in 2,016.20, 20 >> does brown i mean, does he have a hope of kinda hanging on your knees, been a senator for a long time in ohio, that could potentially carry him. he does have this sort of populist credibility and a lot of ways in terms of taking on big corporations. but how tough is the road for him in ohio? >> it's going to be tougher than it was previously. >> because >> in 2018, he also got those democrats who came in the trump backlash here. and then before that he wrote the obama wave. and this year i think be really difficult for him because he's one of the last stands for republicans and a manufacturing state. and it really shows that republicans have been making gains with those blue collar voters. that's why that, that's going to be so important for someone like sherrod brown this year, right? >> and we're really seeing, of
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course, in particular the educational divide, just kind of roe between these two parties. >> let's put up the >> presidential vote board in ohio from last night, there was obviously it was the presidential primaries, not competitive because nikki haley, of course, has dropped out of the race, but it's still does show you here 14% of people, even with nikki haley not in that there is some discontent inside the republican party. and if that number among republicans is that large, in november, it's not going to the math, is not going to work for for the former president donald trump. now, the presumptive republican nominee, no. >> yeah. and it was not just an ohio i mean, trump got between mid '70s to low 80s of the vote in all of the primaries that happened last night. and we knew that a lot of those numbers where he didn't get the republican vote came in this suburb. so we saw the
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kansas city suburbs. we saw the columbia the suburbs. i mean, these are areas where in november that'll be a real test for trump when it comes to whether or not he will be able to get the college-educated vote the voter who voted for nikki haley or another candidate in the primaries, >> and the reality is he trump needs he needs republicans come out for him overwhelmingly. in addition to grabbing some of those independent voters that broke from him back in 2020 kind of big picture here. when we look across the whole senate as well. and we think about what washington might look like if trump were to come back to power. a bernie moreno in the senate is another example of that chamber going even more in a trumpian direction. now yeah, i mean, one of trump's biggest issues, his first term, even when republicans control the senate, was he didn't have that many ideological allies to advance his agenda. and so a
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lot of the groundwork that's being laid right now, by the trump campaign and his allies. there is to have people like jd vance is to have more people like eric schmidt is to have people in the ted cruz lake hallway, tommy tuberville? yeah. >> all of those all of those folks and especially without minority leader mcconnell to lead the party in the senate, there is a concern among a lot of republicans that the senate will start to behave more like the house when it comes to key hot-button issues that are not those must pass bills. and so that's that's definitely a trend to be watching for the next term if trump gets reelected. >> all right, so if you kind of axial sophia, thank you very much for start and stop today. i really appreciate it >> just ahead here. donald trump >> talking about deporting prince harry, what is going on there. >> plus, i'm alanine trump citing is the former first lady, about to hit the campaign trail >> and khuza'a and
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>> better now here's the next kickstart gives all in one and done relief with our morning jolted easton cooling sensation combat season >> there is no media personality this woman celebrity chef leichhardt >> the many lives of martha stewart now streaming on macs welcome back >> donald trump, of all people coming to kate middleton's defense in the ongoing photoshop drama kensington palace. in an interview with britain's gb news yesterday, trump declared that the altered photo of the princess of wales and her three children, quote shouldn't be a big deal >> a photograph that the press save was doctored. now an enormous row. >> it pretty >> tough being in her position. it well, that shouldn't be a big deal because >> everybody doctors, you look at these movie actors and you see a movie he accurately meet them and you say, is that the
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same person in the picture and i looked at that actually, and it was a very minor doctoring. i don't understand why there could be such a i think she'll be seen in royal historian kate williams joins me now from london cake. good morning. thank you so much for being here what do you make of trump wading into this? >> well, it's this international story. everyone's way again, kim kardashian and said she was looking for her and now trump's got opinions. i mean, really it shows how there's this minus story has blown up into one of the biggest walls, doors we've ever seen. it really shows i think that there's a pr disaster that's going on here, that kate was having this abdominal surgery long recovery, she needed zinc tin palace of step saying nothing canceling engagements. no one having any updates meant that we had all these conspiracy theories and now we've got the entire world with a theory and trump now
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learning, into it say, oh, she'll be back. it's fine, it's just minor doctoring under this really shows that this job isn't going away anytime soon. >> do you think the video that came out over the weekend released by the sun showing kate walking with william. did that make things better or worse? >> i do think what we've seen over the weekend is damaged limitation various sources saying to newspapers, kate will be out and about at easter the footage of kate and william walking through the farm shop. i think this has dampened down a lot of the panic and hysteria, but it's not enough. i think we do need to see something thing in a week or so, some kind of pups little statement from kate saying, thank you so much for the presencing cards and get well soon messages because so far, the only thing we've heard from caters her saying about the doctored photo that she liked to edit on photoshop. and i think the majority of people don't think that kate edited that photo. i think people would like to hear from her,
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maybe not a video, but a statement, but certainly i think that things are abating now, but they could start off anytime soon. i mean, the internet is all ready, convinced there's something shady going on and it's very hard to unconvinced people once they think this way yeah >> for sure >> it's the only thing i can see the twitter or the new x algorithm is feeding me every single one of these conspiracy theories because it seems to know that i'm interested in it. it's really remarkable let me also ask you about prince harry, because donald trump talked about him as well in this interview and this is something that trump might actually have power over if he's reelected. and there's this question around a prince harry's visa application after he acknowledged that he in his book spare, that he had used drugs. this is a question can impact whether or not you get a visa. here in the us. watch this exchange let us troops need to cover, will have you should, should he get special privileges that nobody else? know? >> and we'll have to see if
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>> they know something about the drugs and if he lacked i have to take appropriate action, >> appropriate action? which might mean not stable. i don't know. you'll have to tell me. you just have to tell me >> it's a lot going on here. trump's setting with farraj, former ball addition, et cetera. what do you make of these comments here? how they're going to be received? in the uk >> well, i think that i mean, i think personally it's unlikely that trump if he gets elected, will do anything about this. i think it's it is very unlikely, but but who knows? i mean anything could happen. and certainly it is. prince harry does want his visa. he doesn't to be the united states, they don't want to back in the uk. he wants to be in the states. i don't i think normally this would have got quite a lot of attention. i think normally this would have been big news in the uk, but with everything that's going on, it has been totally overshadowed because no one's really paying that much attention. you have an mega man. it's all about william and kate and even what, what is
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prince harry saying about william and kate, or what mega needs to be account before very briefly, there is new reporting. justin to >> cnn about the hospital where kate was treated. and a potential breach of her privacy. >> what do >> we know about that? how concerning is it? >> well, this is concerning, apparently what we know is that one, maybe two or more medical staff at the london clinic hospital where kate was treated her child to access her medical records. so those who were not needing to, obviously, the nurses need to the doctors need to the ones caring four, but it does seem to imply that those who were not caring for her, and obviously people are joined. the conclusion that perhaps they wanted to sell it to the newspapers or for some reason, this has been reported to the data commissioner, the hospitals investigating, and it is actually a criminal offense. so the police haven't said whether they've heard anything about it, but it could be reported to them. and this is very very, very severe. i mean, these private medical records,
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they're private not just to the whole world, but two people treating kate. i think it's very worrying to the mall family and it really shows that the queen's governors, one said, royals are only private in the womb and that was in the 1930s. this is 100 years on your barely even private there. it's royal see in absolutely as public property >> in a case like this, it's they do deserve the privacy in this hospital in particular has this reputation for being able to treat people discreetly. definitely a major, major issue. kate williams for us in london, kate very grateful to you for for walking us through all of the news this morning. thank you. coming up next here, a warning from the white house cyber attackers targeting your water. >> plus the next bond james bond, why some >> fans are shaken and stirred week's slides, cia secrets, vowel replay, salary plane draw are playing lives were it's
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congestion in any cough day are not new it's an xds. it's
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79594061 >> call now, i'm on erasure on capitol hill, and this is cnn all right. >> 23 minutes past the hour. here is your morning round up. ex-trump adviser peter navarro, waking up today in federal prison every person who has taken me on this road to that prison is a brilliant democrat and at trump page let me walk you through it. it starts with house speaker nancy pelosi forms the j six committee >> navarro will spend four months behind bars in an air conditioned cell in miami for refusing my comply with a congressional subpoena from the january 6 committee a new indictment against former brazilian president jair bolsonaro. police say he falsified covid vaccination
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data for himself and his daughter back in 2020 the white house warning governors to be on alert for cyber attacks targeting water systems. here in the us, they have asked each state to beef up their plans against potential hacks from iran or china. it's very stuffed all right, time now for whether scattered lake-effect snow for the northeast today and an elevated fire danger in parts of texas and new mexico are weatherman van damme tracking all of it for us. derek good morning. what do you got? good morning. yeah. okay. case you've got your michigan routes just like i do my home town of grand rapids. and by this time of year, first day of spring, we wash our hands of snow. and when we get snowflakes falling from the sky, boy, yeah, i can not make for the nicest wins. i got pictures from my family yesterday. would that snow band coming? through going derek, what is going on? well, hey, look, it's just late season cold snap. it happens not as cool as it was yesterday. temperatures we're well below
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freezing. remember we talked about that late freeze across the deep south while temperatures have slightly modified from that. but remember, we're only six hours into the spring equinox or which was which occurred 110 06:00 p.m. last night. and we're already seen snowfall totals approaching a foot for upstate new york. guess what? there's more snow coming. >> the good >> news about this is that will impact the majority of the population along the eastern seaboard. so we're not anticipating snowfall from new york to boston, but berlin had a buffalo lbd, that's another story you can see another three upwards of four inches so snow, especially into the higher elevations of main, there's a lot of wind associated with the system as well. first, later this afternoon across the mid-atlantic, perhaps taking off some of those cherry blossom flowers off the trees along the west potomac and into the tidal basin across the northeast, though by thursday afternoon, portland to boston and we'll see winds gusting over 40 miles per hour. there's those fire danger and that exists across portions of western texas as well. so brace yourself several instances of snow and cold air anticipated
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across the northern parts of our country going forward this week, >> cheerful, happy first full day of spring are weatherman bantam, derrick. thank you very much. i'll see you soon. >> all right. if you went to bed early you probably missed it in new immigration law in texas is on hold again, just hours after the supreme court voted to allow it. >> plus a >> potential new contender in the race to replace republican senate leader mitch mcconnell >> cnn central. today, and 70 with allergies, don't have to be scary. spraying flow net's daily gives you long-lasting, non drowsy relief flonase, >> all good. also >> try are allergy headache >> and nighttime pills. >> so would you get to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders >> what about you? three classic tenders for butterfly? ashram and for the ground at i
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the risk of cardiovascular death to >> serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration that can lead to several worsening of kidney function and genital used for urinary tract infections are rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the parents anyone could occur stuff dirty and some call your dr. right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, you may have increased risk for lower limb loss. call your dr. right away. if you have sinned it does have infection in your legs or feet, taking jordan's, but a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar >> rallies fashion moves fast, setting >> trends is our business. >> we need to scale with customer demand in real time so we partner with verizon, their solution for us, a private hygiene. >> we now get more control of production, >> efficiencies and greater agility with a custom private five gene network our customers get what they want when they want it. >> now, or even smarter and are ready for what's next.
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>> space shuttle columbia, he final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn hi in a live look at the us supreme court this morning. they are right in the middle of all of our political debates. this election year. >> good morning. thanks for being with us. i'm casey hunt, >> controversial new immigration >> law in texas is on hold. again, an appeals court blocking what's known as sb4 late last night, just hours after the supreme court voted to allow it to stay in effect, the fifth circuit court of appeals will hear new arguments later on this morning. the biden administration has been making the case that the measure is unconstitutional and that it will invite racial profiling. the law gives local and state law enforcement the power to arrest and detain anyone suspected of entering the country illegally. >> let's >> talk about it with michael chanel. she's congressional reporter for the hill and tyler pager or white house reporter for the washington post. good
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morning to both of you. thank you for being here >> tyler, you cover the white house. let me start with you in terms of what the biden administration's doing here. this it's a little bit confusing. the supreme court decides one thing now it goes back to the appeals court. the appeals courts decide another thing. the bottom line is that it is back-and-forth over whether this law can remain in effect while the legal challenges play out. this again, allows police officers to essentially assess normally they can arrest someone for another crime and then consider their document, their documentation status. this allows them to simply detain people on suspicion of this. the biden administration has been pushing back against this. how do the politics of this cut for them? and what is the decision-making behind the scenes? >> yeah, i think the politics of the situation or are incredibly complicated because this entire issue is incredibly complicated. four for the democratic party, and we've seen the president become much tougher on the border in recent months. obviously, he was very supportive of the bipartisan
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effort to try to pass tougher restrictions on immigration that failed in congress after former president donald trump made clear that he did not want his party support putting it. as you look at the positionality of the white house on this issue, they're trying to be clear that they are not supportive of this sort of of of legislation that is much tougher. and they argue would, would contribute to racial profiling and undue harm to citizens to noncitizens alike we've seen the white house pushed very hard against this. but as you're right, it's, it's quite complicated for the general public to watch because every few hours we're seeing different rulings have different effects on whether or not this law can go into effect. i think that's part of the chaos that americans are seeing when it comes to this issue, because there's so much moving at the same time and it's hard to keep all those things straight. >> yeah. i mean, the reality michael is that you've seen governor greg abbott of texas
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has done a lot on this in terms of the program to bus at migrants to blue cities and states has put pressure on president biden. this another instance where even if the biden administration and a big part of the argument is this is an up to the states. this is why the federal government should be involved, like our borders are a national issue. it needs to be something that's a national policy. there's, there's some clarity there at least from a legal perspective, but not from a political perspective. i'm in many ways this really does create another set of problems for the biden administration. how does it play on capitol hill, especially considering what tyler was talking about with the border, bill, the agreement that they did have that fell apart. >> i think that at the end of the de one of the takeaways >> you can get from this legal entanglement is that immigration and the border is going to remain in the headlines and remained in the news as a dominating story >> in the lead >> up to the presidential election. obviously poll after poll, we've seen that show them, show that immigration, the border is these salient issue among voters. it's going to be the issue this election
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cycle. so having the story in the news is going to give lawmakers up on capitol hill, democrats and republicans, and ability to try to capitalize on this issue. because if voters care about it, they're going to make inroads on it to try to get their voters to great obviously there was that bipartisan border deal that came previously that republicans then pushed away because foreign president trump said he wasn't supportive of that. we're now likely in the coming weeks going to see some conversation about ukraine aid. and obviously republicans have consistently said, if we pass aid for ukraine, we need to address the situation at the southern border. the end of the day having this new story in the headlines and other immigration and border security beats gives lawmakers and ability to try to figure out how to message on this issue particularly democrats, because it's been a weak spot for the president. of course, it's salient in the polls. so if democrats want to have strong outcomes come november, there got to figure out how to message on it, keeping this in the in the news gives them inability to do that. >> i think there's definitely perception that every day that, you know, the discussion, the national conversations about immigration is probably not the best day for democrats, right
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>> michael i want to ask you about a moment that played out on capitol hill yesterday between congressman mccall and darryl iso i just play it and then you can explain to us what was going on here. listen >> marines with the army in this case, gentleman's time has expired. ms miller, mesas are that oh, i didn't realize they kept me keeping a five-minute. i thought it was done. i thought it was i thought it was exposing act, chairman thank you >> okay. first of all, never many people night hearing >> room, but what was that about? >> yeah. you gotta here, let you listen to a couple of times to make sure that's actually what he said. essentially what this was, this was a hearing with the house foreign affairs committee about the 2021 messi withdrawal from afghanistan, something that chairman mccall of the rivera's committee has been the leader on in that probe >> and this was towards the end of the hearing. it was a very long hearing at the beginning of what's going to be a very long week as we're at the
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beginning of another shutdown showdown. and essentially mccall had wanted to keep lawmakers to their allotted five minutes throughout the hearing. you saw congressman i said they're being a little chatty i tried to be a little facetious and the end of his time sore. sources said that mccall was just tired at the end of the day and he had that moment of candor essentially telling i said, shut up, let's move on and get it on with our day. iso sort of taking it in an laughing way, saying, hey mecole, i've been called worse by people who i don't like. so moment of candor on capitol hill. and there's no, no real fight. their little window into how well actually capitol hill. yeah. let's let's just be real about that tyler let's talk a little bit about the looming potential partial government shutdown at the end of the week and the pressure's going going on with republicans. let's watch at my colleague manu raju. he caught up with congressman chip roy yesterday, who told him this i'm just
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wondering about the spending deal not books the on the speaker per say >> it's just not where the american people want us to be. it's certainly not my constituents want us to be and we'll see what happens over the next couple of days. but i suspect this can be another one of those bills that has almost unanimous democrat sport and kind of half-half and republican conference >> so another example of how the house speaker mike johnson is having trouble with his right flank what what is the white house thinking in terms of their expectations? i mean, do they think they're going to be a shutdown or are they confident that this is going to go through? true. >> i mean, they're confident that this will ultimately go through the president, put out a very terse statement saying there's an agreement. let's get the bill done. let's get it to my desk. there wasn't a lot of celebre tori nature and not saving. it was like three lines which is unusual, i think usually when we see this, there's some relief in some celebration. we have seen this play out out many times over
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the last year you would know much better then i would up on the hill, but i think in the white house, they just want to see this bill get done. i was speaking with some white house officials over the weekend and they were expressing some frustration in some anxiety about let's just get this over with. we have dealt with this far too many times, but i think we're seeing exactly why republicans are control the house, are unable to get their party in line. so the republican speaker, who is more associated with the right flank, then, than many others, having to use democrats to get the business of the house done. obviously, that thing that mccarthy got thrown out exactly the white house is obviously pleased that they are using democratic votes to get this over the line because they're going to get a little bit more of what they want. and if it was just republican pass, but i think it just shows the reflection of where the republican party is at this point, unable to do a lot of the job of governing because of divisions within their own party. >> yeah >> it's becoming the tale as
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old as time i'm here washington or at least recent time, michael tyler pager. thank you guys for both very much for being here >> coming up next. melania trump says stay tuned what she teasing plus wagner college kicking off march madness with a thrilling hello or bleacher report. that's a head >> to be a headliner las vegas that's what i want to do. >> i'm anywhere else in the world. >> vegas, the story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn >> so would you give to nashville hot tender? here's some three mandarin orange tenders >> would three classic tenders for big butterfly four of a kind baby. >> i said always a competition. you can't handle the shrimps. >> see about that well, yeah, we will >> okay. everyone our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition, are strength and energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune
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aging that board rafael roma, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by mesobook dot if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you >> 808 to one k does not been seen in public since she had surgery back in january, which of course led to all sorts of rumors >> about her whereabouts and wellbeing everyone's putting together clues to find the prensa. it's like an international game of zelda is happening right now. i met. there's maybe she got a bad
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permanent as weight for her hair to grow out but this shows you how different it is in the uk. kate goes mentioning for a few weeks, a whole country goes berserk me while we haven't seen millennia since 2021 >> former first lady melania trump, did make a rare as kimmel points out, public appearance yesterday, she voted with her husband and florida's presidential primary >> she has >> not been in the political sphere since trump's campaign launch event back in the fall of 2022 might we be seeing more of her? >> are you going to return? you can't be fair with your husband. state two >> stay tuned. >> terror palm is here to help us stay tuned. senior political correspondent for paak news what's going on there. you've been reporting on like what millennia wants to do. it doesn't want to do what do you see there? >> well, lonnie is obviously it isn't loved the campaign. we know that for sure she likes the role of the first lady, or at least the title, but she
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doesn't really like the duties that come along with it. you've heard some of the private tapes about how she doesn't really care about the pageantry and part of it. but she also is feeling very isolated within the campaign. it's obvious that they are charging forward trying to get to the white house and she doesn't have any loyalists around her her former comms director, stephanie grisham rota, tell all book about her her close friends, stephanie winston will cough, who came to the white house with her, also has been writing against her. she doesn't have anyone to protect her so she's really been pushing to bring back kellyanne conway way into the fold because kellyanne has always been a very fierce defender of her, helped her try to turn her be best program into policy. and also, there's the added benefit that kellyanne and jared kushner, the son-in-law of donald trump. they don't really get along so well and melania has very little love for jared and ivanka. in fact, haiti rodgers, who just wrote a book about the first lady's from the new york times she in her book, she says that melania called the wonka the princess, and that's how
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she was referred in the east wing and she just doesn't want them around right now. so if there was ever a way to keep them out of the campaign as jared starts texting and offering and bust ice bring in kellyanne course kellyanne has her fox news gig. she's pulling hard to say if melania can make this one happen, but i can see you you're ending up back into the campaign and official way or at least in the white house as well >> so milan is going to actively try to keep ivanka and jared out of another white house? >> probably, yes. i mean, there was you should read katie's book. it's really great. i just had her on my podcast and she was saying that there was a threat that ivanka was sniffing out the east wing as possible office space when she was living in manhattan during the first year. and it made milan, you're really speed up her timetable to get to the white house as she could stake out her space and make sure that the first daughter didn't take over there's a little bit of rivalry there. this is the needle, you know, that trump world and frankly this is an all families and political
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administrations, but o, with a little bit more serious, there's a richness to this saturday so speaking of richness in more ways than one, donald trump is down at mar-a-lago. you're talking about like kellyanne potentially coming back into the fold. but there are it sounds like based on your reporting, a lot of questions about who is going to come back into trump's orbit in the event there is another white house. and why, what, what criteria he made? be looking for from those people. what have you learned >> both interesting because everyone's like, oh, he's going to pick some super mad the candidate like marjorie taylor greene to be in the cabinet. i spoke to her recently. she said she wanted me dhs secretary, but it's very unlikely or like matt gaetz or a cash patel, some of these maga icons the truth is that right now for these cabinet positions and for the vice president, trump is sort of looking at people in ways where he's like, what kind of donors can you bring to me because he needs money, isn't a serious
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cash khan, she's about 50 million behind the dnc and the biden campaign and democrats have like own birth billion dollars in cash commitments from outside groups. trump is at a huge deficit. so he's looking at these cabinet postings as sort of ways to like kind of trade favors, get promises from donors, even vice presidential picks like for example, tim scott has always had, but oracle backer larry ellison behind and he wrote him a huge check, $30 million for senate campaign. and i was told that if larry ellison, who has been talking to trump has been going down in mar-a-lago. they've been flirting a little bit. he's a white whale kinda donor said to trump if you, put tim scott as your vice president. all right, you $100,000,000 check trump would do it and i think for even people like vivek ramaswamy, i don't know if you saw the latest bloomberg reporting, but he's talking about putting vivek in dhs for him. he sees that he's an immigrant or a child of immigrants, and he thinks he's not a white person. so that might be a
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signal when he cracks down with his immigration policy. but really vivek can also raise money for him. and so there's a bait comes from tech world, vc, wall street. so a lot of these positions, john paulson, he really wants a job. he wants to be the treasury secretary. he's a hedge fund billionaire. he's throwing a lot of events ends for trump and palm beach, bringing along his billionaire friends to fund raise. and all these people, they've come around and they're sort of kissing the ring, but trump is looking at them binging like can you bring in some donors? can you raise any money he needs like $100 donors right now, he's in such a deficit and everybody is sort of, he looks at them with dollar signs essentially, rather than ideology, policy, even loyalty in some ways, it's going too far to say that cabinet posts are for sale i don't know >> we know this is politics, right? it works on both sides of the aisle a little bit like this, right? like major donors have say, usually reserved for
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ambassador ships, but yes, technically, yeah ambassador typically, yeah, exactly. ambassador shifts. i wouldn't say they're necessarily for sale, but you can definitely sweet in your ability, you'll get more calls from trump, you'll have access to him, but that's why donors do this, right? they want to make sure the door is not closed. it's just the doors literally wide open right now for people to make plays, >> is it money for republicans and for airing ads and getting them elected or isn't money to save his legal hide. >> i think are both both are kind of interesting it's not like they can give him money to post a bond on the 500 billion, $500 million. essentially that he owes it's more about. paying legal fees, but trump sees the legal fees and his campaign as intertwined because he thinks that he's being prosecuted because he's running for president and this is just part of the campaign. i don't think donors agree with that per say, but some of them have come around to the idea that like this is baked into the trump
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presidency is that you're going to have to pay for his legal fees we are in a review world here and it's going to stick around time now for sports, then there were 66 march man >> is gets underway with the first four and first nail-biter, the unspeakable a tournament hoy wires here with this morning's bleacher report. coy. good morning. >> good morning. case you started with 68 teams, chased him one dream and one of the greatest sporting events in a world where anything can happen bagging are facing howard wagner overcoming all sorts of adversity. they'd lost for their last five games route when they're conference. and now they found themselves shorthanded only seven active play players against howard melvin counselor junior had 21, wagon was up 17 at one point, but howard went on a 14 to run. and what, ten seconds to go all the i need a case he was a three to tie it no good. how about another chess though >> no well, come on one more. you could do it >> no, they missed it. so that's good for wagner. they hang on for their first there's ncw, a tournament when in school history embracing
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this moment before moving on to phase number one, north carolina next time when you know for your career as man like you know, what is that? the first ray >> let's go give i don't think we can >> colorado state and coach nico met beth who said he wanted his team to play like cockroaches, not only found a waiter survive, they thrived getting this schools first attorney when and more than a decade after dominating virginia 67, 42 at one point, virginia went more than 50 minutes of real time without born a single-point shooting ofer 19 colorado state, they'll face number seven, texas next on thursday, to more games tonight on our sister channel, true tv, grambling state their first-ever attorney appearance facing montana state is 640 east during then it's colorado, boise state, 910 >> how would >> anthony edwards follow up
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the doug heard round the world 24 hours after unleashing the thunder on the jazz, the 22-year-old is timberwolves taken on fellow western conference powerhouse denver man did more dunking, of course, soaring for the put back. jammy scored 30 on the night, two-time league mvp nikola jokic and the nuggets, though they weren't messing around joker dropping 35 points, grabbing 16 boards in a game that went to the buzzer, edwards would happen but chance to play here again, but it is no good nuggets escape with a 1151. when finally, the release spring training facility in clearwater, florida as a field of dreams for one lifelong fans, 74 year-old, michael hopkins has wanted to play on that field since he was nine years. there's all not as a player, only as a groundskeeper in during a recent heart surgery, michel's doctors discovered he has lung cancer, so the file's are making his childhood dream come true remember the first time i dad
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took me to a game a connie mack and we come out through the ramps and there's this vast >> green, gorgeous out here. >> rest-based >> never been anything greener. but that cites still will never leave my head >> we've had a rough eight months health-wise hi am really important very, very special day. i'm >> touched for touched the power of spores, casey, they latin them, cut the grass. he got the rig infield, and clearly it meant so much not only to him, but his to his wife as well >> just amazing. thanks for bringing us that story. storycorps. i really appreciate it all right. coming up next, how donald trump plans to use the supreme court to try to delay his federal election subversion trial, plus trump's pick is the big winner in ohio's gop senate primary. why some democrats might if you celebrating right along with him
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