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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 20, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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no monthly are 31 day sales event ends march 31st for a free appointment during our sale bowl 1805011400. that's 1800 >> i'm pete muntean. it reagan national airport. this is cnn >> your move fed drawback is about to issue its decision on interest rates as it works to battle inflation. we're standing by for that decision set to come at any moment plus confusion on the border after whiplash rulings on a controversial texas immigration law, a new decision could come at any moment. >> and while buckingham palace fields questions about photos and photoshop and new scandal about who may have tried to violate princess kate privacy by looking at her health records, were following these major developing stories and many more, i'll coming in
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right here to cnn news central >> we are breaking news from the federal reserve, the central bank, announcing a decision on interest rates as inflation continues, the slowly eat into americans wallets still a little bit higher than the fed would like cnn business correspondent rahel solomon is here to break it all down for us. so we're held. what did the fed decide? >> yeah. so boris the fed decided yet again to keep rates where they are. this is the fifth meeting in a row where they have kept rates steady. so we've been in this pattern since about july. so keeping rates where they are indicating though that rate cuts are coming this year, i can tell you that the statement today just came out literally a minute. ago. basically says the committee does not expect it will be appropriate to reduce the target range until it has gained greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2%. that is identical
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language to the statement. the last meeting, so we're still sort of in this holding pattern we also got the summary of economic projections and this gives us a sense. we don't get this every heating but this gives us a sense of where the fed sees the economy going next year, the year after in terms of economic growth, in terms of unemployment, in terms of inflation. and so we'll take a look, a closer look at that sort of as we have a bit more time, but i can tell you just sort of at a quick glance that it is expecting up right cuts as i said, but perhaps fewer rate cuts because we've been in this space where we've seen at least the last few months or so, we've seen inflation tick back up. we've seen job growth remain a little stronger than expect that we've had job growth the last year of on average, about 275,000 jobs being added in each month. and we've seen energy prices go up. and so boris, i can tell you that the only the thing that is scrutinized more closely than the statement that comes along with the fed decision is the press conference which begins and 30 minutes until every word the chair says will be scrutinized
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in terms of the path ahead, in terms of when it will be appropriate to cut rates, the chair has said that 2020 for rate cuts will be coming at some point this here he has said that they're not far from having the confidence to begin cutting rates. but the question of course right now is where are we on that timeline? how soon do they think that will happen? i can tell you that the consensus is perhaps the june meeting, but it wasn't long ago when investors thought that that first rate cut of this hiking cycle, this the site the gold could come in the march meeting. but again, we've seen an economy that has been stronger than perhaps many would have expected. and so they've held off and the question is sort of, if rate cuts are coming in 2024, asieh have suggested when, when are they coming? we're going to hopefully get some more details on that when the press conference begins at about 30 minutes. >> tbd on those rate cuts were hell will get, you will get you to look at the rest of that economic outlook and bring us the updates as you get them. let's turn now to cnn's economics and political
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commentator catherine ram pell. she's also an opinion columnist for the washington post catherine. so essentially fed officials here standing pat because inflation remains a little bit higher than they would like to see it. what do you make of this decision and the signaling that at some point this year, we will see a cut it. >> was widely expected as rahel mentioned, that the fed was going to hang tight and not move interest rates in either direction at this meeting. so what everyone is paying attention to is instead, how they characterize their forecast for the months and years ahead there were some pretty significant changes in their forecasts relative to their last meeting, which was at the end of 2023. they radically raised up. i would say their gdp forecast or this year to 240, 4% acuity, 2.1%, as opposed to 1.4%. so that's a a pretty rosy revision, not to
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mention that they think that the outlook for the couple of years ahead for 2025, 2026 are also slightly better than they have predicted, all of which is to say forget that onetime talk of recession. things look pretty darn good. there are some other measures though that we're not as encouraging. for example they raised up where upward their forecast for the key inflation measure that they look at what's called core pce, which basically strips out energy and food because they're really volatile. so they think that that's going to be a little bit hotter than had won it's been the case which implies then that we might wait longer until we see rates come down quite a bit. and the same is true. in fact, if you look at their interest rate projections, they also suggest that rights are going to be higher for longer as many members of the market, many participants in the market had been expecting partly because they did what was expected. the
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markets today looked pretty good. the s&p hit a record high yesterday and earlier today, the dow industrials touched a high point. it seems like the market is responding well even to the idea that these rate cuts or we're going to be delayed >> rate cuts still look like they are coming, right? it just maybe a little bit further down the way then had once been expected. i mean, if you look back at and where market expectations were for interest rates a few months ago, i think that markets the way ahead of the federal reserve, they were expecting easing to happen almost imminently, i think to be fair, the federal reserve has signaled that they were going to start cutting interest rates pretty soon. now, if you look at their numbers, it does look like it'll be a little bit further off, but the economy still look strong. so that's good. as we're held mentioned, federal reserve
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chair jerome hauer will be speaking shortly and taking questions from journalists. and i'm sure a lot of people will be closely scrutinizing what he says to either reinforce or undercut the message or the assumption that markets have about when those rate cuts are coming. again, i think the question is not so much if but when and what that means for all sorts of credit products out there. whether we're talking about mortgages or car loans, credit card rates, et cetera. all of those things will be affected did not only by the rate cuts, but the anticipation of those rate cuts. so that's why some of this signaling, some of its tea leaf reading is so important. >> catherine round pill, appreciate the perspective, thanks for being with us graham you're minutes from now. we are expecting to hear from president biden, who is on the road from arizona later, we'll hear from him in texas, his
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visits to these border states follow dueling rulings over texas is controversial law that would allow state officials to arrest and detain people suspected of entering the country illegally right now, the law is back on hold. cnn white house correspondent arlette saenz is in chandler, arizona, following the president, arlette, what's his message today? >> oh, briana president biden is expected to speak here in about an hour is really bringing his economic pitch out to these western states. today's focus will be on touting these government investments, trying to boost me mu fracturing of semiconductor chips here in the united states. the us. so through the commerce apartment and the chips and science act, that bipartisan bill passed back in 2022 is set to give a massive amount of money to intel as they're trying to ramp up their production of semiconductor chips here in the us, this includes 8.5 billion in awards and up to $11 in
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loans this will help the company expand, build, and modernize facilities in states like ohio mexico, oregon. and importantly, here in arizona, a critical battleground state heading into november elections, the white house projects. this could create a nearly 30,000 jobs here in arizona. they think that it could create over 3,000 million fracturing jobs and 7,000 construction jobs. so one thing that the president has tried to argue this for increasing chip production here in the us, it's not just an economic imperative, but also a national security imperative for trying to make the us less reliant on countries like china for these types of technology cheese, but does come as the president is trying to move the needle with voters when it comes to the issue of the academy about two-thirds of voters and take a look at polling disapprove of the president's handling of the economy. and he has struggled to break through and convincing voters that his legislative accomplishments has economic policies are paying off for them. but the visit here to
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arizona also so comes as immigration and border security have emerged, re-emerged front and center in the 2024 campaign, saw that legal back-and-forth related to that texas law. the supreme court ruling that appeals court ruling yesterday the white house, of course, is strongly disagrees with that law. a saying that it will simply sow chaos at the us southern border. and it's an example of republicans trying to politicize the issue of border security. of course, the issue of immigration and border security has been top of mind for many voters and the president has tried to get that bipartisan bill passed. the senate ultimately, it was settled because of calls from former president donald trump, but are really high 2020 we'll have to tackle it. a saint fundraiser little bit later today >> all right. sounds like a marching band there. with you arlette. arlette saenz there in
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chandler, arizona, getting a little while to ahead of the president's visit thank you for that report, obviously, very serious issues. they're dealing with today >> boris >> let's discuss sb4 and more with a texas lawmaker, democratic congresswoman jasmine crockett joins us now, congresswoman, thank you so much for being with us >> so >> before the fifth circuit appeals court put sb4 on hold, a majority on the supreme court had decided to let it be enforced >> i'm curious. do you think that's signals that the court is open to ruling that the law is constitutional i absolutely do believe that i think that this court has been pretty obvious in their signaling a little bit more >> obvious than maybe years past we saw it happen. definitely would it came down to the decision on whether or not trump would stay on the ballot or not with the colorado decision, they kind of gave us a signal. we know when the league decision came out as relates to dobbs. we kind of
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knew what the writing on the wall was going to be. but prior to they allow that to go into effect as it relates to some of the texas some of the texas abortion cases that were moving through the courts. and so i think that this court has typically kinda signaled and lead into where they plan to go. and i think that a bad sign for texas and the united states >> well congressman, the way the law appears to be written at effectively would allow local judges to adjudicate a migrants legal status without deference to federal law, that would essentially circumvent that huge backlog of cases for asylum seekers. do you think that that's an effective way to handle that problem >> absolutely not. i mean, obviously we have federal jurisdiction. we have state jurisdiction. we know the immigration falls squarely within federal jurisdiction. and so to allow a rogue state, like the state of texas. and yes, i'm calling them rogue because we know the federal law
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is supposed to reign supreme, and we know that this is a federal issue, is a federal issue that congress actually decided that they wanted to weigh in on an actually do some reforms on until donald trump said, do not do anything much like what we've seen out of this congress it's a do nothing congress, the american people should demand more than allowing greg abbott and local law enforcement to just do whatever they want to, especially since the law says because there's of entering the country illegally, what does a suspect look like when it comes to entering the country you know, you guys were just covering what was going on in arizona. we saw something similar hello happening in arizona. the idea that we can racially profile are way out of our immigration problems is just something that we know we can't do. they tried it in new york. they tried it in arizona and i guess now they think the third time is a charm, but i can guarantee you that all we're going to do is cause
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more harm than good. we need the federal government to stand up and do their job. and that means that republicans may have to rebuke the for indicted. it will, you know, the long list of things to describe donald trump, but they need to rebuke him and they need to do the job that they were sent to dc to do. >> congresswoman on that point about local law enforcement and local police enforcing immigration policy. you pointed out something that critics have repeated will say that they they say it's a huge problem with the law that they essentially can arrest someone based on their suspicion that they are undocumented. the criteria of which can be nebulous, right local officials like the police chief, the police chief and loretto he's promising that there's gonna be more training for officers to make sure that enforcement isn't racially biased. i want you to listen to what he said at a press conference earlier today >> i can tell you that this law
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is not about us going out there and doing rhombus. this law is not about us going out there and asking for papers and immigration status. this is not about i hope that this law is very clear that whenever we can apply it is to a lot of detention for an arrest. very important that we train and train and train because we want to avoid the racial profiling part of this law that it lends itself for that he's saying it lends itself for racial profiling and perhaps see antidote to that is training. are you confident that that kind of training is going to prevent discrimination? >> i'm absolutely not confident as someone who has practiced law for 18 years mostly handling criminal defense cases or doing civil rights it's cases. i can guarantee you that just as he stated, it lends itself to that. there's only so much racial bias that you can teach
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someone not to have interestingly enough, i just had a conversation yesterday about why there are some proponents of ai and believing that you know what, no matter who you are when you put people at the center of something, there will always be some sort of bias. and so it is very concerning because the way that this law is room is going to allow for those bad apples to just go out and cherry-pick people based upon them saying, well, i thought that they crossed the border illegally. this is a problem, especially when we start talking about our southern border that tends to have more latino folk located there. we know that we saw recently law enforcement, i want to say it was christmas maybe of last year, the year before well, we saw that there was an american family at an el paso and there was a tragic death because law enforcement decided to pursue them because they thought they were crossing illegally. that is not enough. this should not pass any type
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of muster. and the application is going to be disastrous. again, as we have seen, time and time again, what we need to do is we need to have comprehensive immigration reform. you're absolutely right. right. when it comes to the backlog, you know what we need to do. we need to pay people to work. that's something that the president has tried to offer time and time again in a supplemental package. and ultimately when the republicans rejected that, he said five, we will absolutely look at what we're doing as far as immigration and actually form the immigration system and not just put more money into it. and you know what they came to an agreement, a very conservative agreement. and that was turned down. it is time for this. do nothing congress to do something that the american people can rely upon as making sure that they are protecting not only us citizens, but those that are seeking asylum in our country that is supposed to be the land of the free and the land of opportunity >> congresswoman jasmine crockett. this case appears
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destined for the supreme court we hope you'll come back to discuss it when it goes before the court >> absolutely. >> thanks so much >> so they've gotten money and they've got problems. a group of 100 key donors are worried about president biden's electoral chances in 2024 what's behind a warning? they're sending to the white house plus another twist in all the talks surrounding the princess of wales y the hospital where she was treated is at the center of a new scandal. and this is a bomber america drops out of the list of top 20 happiest countries in the world will explain why in just moment the lead with jake tapper today at on cnn >> the right age for neutrogena retina >> that's whenever you want it to be. >> it has durham proven retina that targets vital cell turnover, even skin tone and smooths fine lines with visible
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difference mucinex night shift, its comeback season, leaks lives. cia secrets. >> valerie play valley plain dollars, playing. lives were at stake yes. my children, this is horrifying united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episode sunday at nine on cnn >> the new york times is reporting on a warning that was sent to president biden about his potential for defeat in november. and it's not coming from republicans, but a number of high-dollar democratic donors and times is reporting 100 some activists and biden's supporters wrote to his campaign, they were expressing these concerns about the rising progressive anger when it comes to biden supportive israel in the war in gaza, >> they wrote this about biden supporters, including young voters and people of color, quote if they stay home or vote for a third party candidate, there's the very real danger that president biden will be defeated in november. the reelection of donald trump would be a disaster for our
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country and a bigger disaster for israel, palestine. and we fear that the gaza wars increasing the chances of that occurring and quo, let's talk about this now with cnn senior political analyst, gloria borger, and cnn congressional correspondent jessica dean. i guess the question gloria is, are they telling the biden campaign anything they don't already know and how should they be addressing them? no, they're not. i spoke with somebody, a senior adviser on the biden campaign, just a few minutes ago before i came on and this adviser said, look we're doing exactly what they want us to do. we understand what the problem is. but the important thing is they're not saying we're going to leave you for donald trump. there there they're just saying we got to hear each other out and look at who were running against and we understand we have ground to make up. but we're doing everything we can and everything they want us to do. so the response was, yeah, we get it and we agree two
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glorious point. here's actually what a biden campaign spokeswoman said, quote, the president shares the goal for an end to the violence and a just lasting peace in the middle east. he's working tirelessly to that end jessica, if you can look in the crystal ball. oh, yes. for november, my bag. november 2024, how likely is it that democratic leaning voters either stay home or vote third party wasn't. >> i think this is a real concern that the biden campaign knows about. you look at the michigan numbers in the uncommitted voters. these are people that are wanting their voice heard and so many times in politics, people just want to know they are being hur, that these concerns are at least being thought about talked about, if not, address, i think two things are really important what, what gloria pointed out is at no point in that letter, do they say, we're not donating to you? in fact, the times reported that one of the people that signed it is still proceeding with their big fundraiser coming up later this year. so they're not losing any support. this is the second thing is this is this classic dance between high-dollar donors and campaigns and make
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it, you know, kind of trying to get your, your points in and make sure they understand you. but at the same time, the campaign saying, we know, we got it and that push and pull. i think there are other donors that feel differently that are also raising and if you look at the donors, it was a particularly progressive group of donors, some of whom supported elizabeth warren, for example so they understand who these donors are. they want to keep them, but they're saying, look, we're on the same page if there's still donating than money rocks, right? gloria, a big part of the president's swing out west is to court latino voters poll after poll has shown that donald trump is gaining momentum among hispanics, especially when you add that to the fact that he gained between 2,016.20, 20 in that community, the biden campaign has gone after trump for some of his rhetoric. obviously echoing hitler talking about immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country. >> but if latinos are still trending more and more in that
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direction, or the attacks on the rhetoric itself effective enough? >> well, not yet. i mean really not yet. i mean, joe biden when he when he one last time he got six out of ten latino voters now, donald trump is, according to some polls, is getting four out of ten latino voters. and what, what biden is trying to do on this swing is point out who donald trump is that he says immigrants are poisoning the blood and using that kind of rhetoric, talking about deportation camps and all the rest of it. so he's trying to say, look, this guy is not a good guy. for latinos, and i'm working on immigration. and i'm working on housing costs. i'm working on the economy so we'll have to see if it cuts across donald trump. >> those rely pictures, by the way, we were seeing a biden, it entails campus there in chandler, arizona. next stop, texas. and he's showing up,
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jessica, it a pretty interesting time, just coincidentally as this controversy over the state immigration law, sb is it's percolating and there's some confusion. >> how >> does he balanced that when it comes to the two wings of his party, including he's got the progressive wing, but he also has people he's trying to appeal to who want to see more done on immigration, who might actually favor the texas law, or at least understand why texas taking action wasn't >> i talked to voters right after a super tuesday. i was in virginia. and these are voters that are they consider themselves independence. they may be voted for nikki haley. they don't want to vote for trump. it's voters like that that you're talking about that maybe are supportive of stronger immigration measures. and you do have to balance those types of voters which will likely play a key role in winning these handful of states that he's going to need to win to put them over the edge and november with making sure you're progressive voters show
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up and don't stay home. and that is a tricky thing to do. and you have to be able to kind of walk that line and give everybody a little something. he was able to do it in 2020 with the help of people like bernie sanders and others who came together and built this coalition for him. but his gloria noted in some of the polling we're seeing those numbers with some of these younger voters in particular, starting to soften. >> she's also saying, look republicans have their chance on a tough immigration bill that they're never going to get under donald trump and they blew it and they didn't go along with it. so biden is using that to say, look, i've been trying but i've been blocked >> all right. gloria and jessica obviously, a lot going on today and a lot of issues that they're focusing on. we appreciate you guys being here with us. >> so while the world wondered what was going on >> with the princess of wales apparently so did a staffer at the london hospital where she was being treated. and now there's an investigation the way your fake rock diblock
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recommend force vector rush to walmart on leash or potential with four standard laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn >> who tried to access the princess of wales private medical records, the united kingdom's data watchdog says it's assessing reports of a data breach at the london hospital. were princess kate was treated back in january. this >> alleged invasion vision of privacy is the latest plot twist and a months-long saga that is left the world asking, where is kate middleton and is she okay. cnn's anna stewart is in london and walk us through
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what is going on. very serious allegations here yeah, i really serious allegations this comes of course, after weeks of speculation and rumor, unless you've been living under a rock, you probably haven't escaped. it's where is the princess of wales? is she okay. what's the condition? why did she photoshop family photos? >> but this >> story takes a completely different turn. this came out in the daily mirror. this is the tabloid here in the uk. and it's uncovered in an investigation that at least one staff member says has tried to access the medical notes of the princess of wales while she was in hospital in january at the london clinic. this is a private hospital. she underwent abdominal surgery three and following that, she spent 13 nights and hospital. >> now, if >> true, this data breach is incredibly serious, it could be a criminal offenses certainly illegal >> and it >> as being taken very seriously by authorities. so the ico, which is the data regulator here in the uk, has received a report of the breach. they're looking into it. they have the power how to
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prosecute and to find the london clinic, the hospital, a private hospital that has a number of high-profile patients under their rosa, including former royals, prince philip, princess margaret, and so on. they of course, also looking at this because it's very damaging for their reputation cos put out a statement saying there's no place at a hospital for those intentionally breach the trust of any of our patients or colleagues. hopefully you find out a bit more about that. clearly there is a vacuum of royal news and a huge hunger from the public to know more. but this is totally unacceptable. >> all right, anna stuart, thank you so much for the latest there pretty wild pretty unacceptable indeed, let's bring in christian minds nurse, she's a royal-watchers. she's the host of the daily failed podcast this is a pretty serious allegation here and it's not clear if the breach was successful. >> but what do you >> make of this this attempt to gain? in access to her medical information which you would expect there would be some kind of trail of to figure out who's done this
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>> yeah, this is absolutely horrendous. none of us would ever want this to happen with our own personal medical records. >> and >> it's just indicative of the bigger issue here that prince harry has been spearheading, which is about invasion of privacy, specifically with the royals and questions about whether or not people are trying to find out private information to then sell to the tabloids and how much are the tabloids in on all of this? and it's been shown over and over again that the tabloids have oftentimes ben for mental in these invasions of privacy when they have to do with not just the royals, but even private citizens, victims of crime and so on and so this is a very big deal and it crosses over with the case that harry is involved in right now with murdoch. so a lot of eyes on this case at the moment, especially with all of the public interest around kate and where she has been since christmas time to that point about public interests. we recently saw a video of her and at least to my eyes, she looked
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fine. why hasn't that silenced rumors about her health? >> yeah well, unfortunately, when that video came out, it was on the tails of a lot of misinformation from the royals. >> we >> had the mother's day photo a week earlier, which was found just hours after it's released to have been doctored minimum 20 ways and received. to, kill notification from the api and half a dozen other outlets. in some cases being compared to as kp was being compared to north korea and other governments as far as how reliable the images are that are coming out of there at this point. and so, because there are all these questions about how reliable are the image? we're getting from kensington palace. it's hard to know. was this video actually what we think it is? and since its release, even tmz is executive producer. tmz had the exclusive us writes on this image are on this video. even he came forward and said he's not 100% sure anymore that
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it's even kate in that image kristen, where's the line here? i mean, clearly the royal family, the palace, they haven't handled this correctly. we can say that. >> but at the same time, health >> is private this is a woman who has children. we don't know what the health issue is. it could be something moderately serious and they want to shield the kids from any questions or worries they might have. i mean, where is the line because you can understand that certainly play where's the line that people should be walking here >> yeah, i don't think any of us in the public or in the press are demanding live daily updates with all of the gritty details about kate's health. >> i think what we're >> hoping for is just some more transparency and one look no further than buckingham palace and prince charles, or i should say king charles king charles. he was forthright that during a medical examination for a
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benign enlarged prostate, that cancer was discovered we were not told to type of cancer, but we were told all of those other details. we were given photos of the king reading get well cards. we were given photo-ops of him waving to the public. we are shown him continuing to take meetings and all of this has led to the public feeling totally at peace with what we know about the king. and i think the kensington palace could have done the same with kate. i'm not saying it had to be on that same level. >> well but just a >> little bit more transparency would have saved all of these headaches and because the public was so desperate for anything from kate and then the thing that we got was immediately found to be fraudulent. it just really shook a public's trust in kensington palace well, no matter what is going on with her, we hope that she's well and healthy. christian minds nar thank you so much for the time. i appreciate it
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>> thanks, for having me back for the first time. america has fallen out of the top 20 happiest countries >> the reason behind the drop >> sanity needs to safe space >> have a. show were right and left. talk to each other >> cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher saturday at eight on cnn >> the ladies have been doing a lot of talking recently. she looks great. >> what they don't know is i got inspire a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body. i feel refreshed because i'm not struggling with cdpap anymore. >> hundred books. >> she got worked >> great sleep at the click of a button she got an implant, shigella relax its inspire. inspire sleep apnea, innovation, learn more and view >> important safety information
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a big reason for the drop is actually young people. the annual global happiness report found a notable drop among folks between the ages of 15.24, driving this decline, the report found were factors like lack of education, skills, training, and access to affordable housing. you can see how that would be depressing joining us now to discuss, we have a psychiatrist, dr. gale salts with us back on the program. all right. >> doc, >> the us ranks in the top ten happiest countries among the 60 plus age group. so talk to us about what's driving this generational divide i well, if you look at happiness overall, we've known from a lot of research that it occurs in a lifespan >> based on a u-shaped curve, which means basically early life, childhood is often happier than midlife, not as happy. loss of stressors, having children i'm taking care of parents, working, et cetera. and later life, happier again, when a lot of those stressors are relieved. >> so
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>> this is already an age group where you would expect them to be happier, but this generation is looking at a lot of differences. what are they? they are not expecting to do as well as the generation before? four >> and that's newer news, right? so economically things don't look as bright. there's a lot of political divide. there are concerns about >> racial issues. there are concerns about climate change. there are concerns about the future and not doing well as the prior generation. remember, this scale looked at how great is your life compared to to the best life do you think you could be having? so they're looking up and saying it looked better before it doesn't look as good for us. >> and that >> creates a feeling of not having well-being. >> in >> addition, this group has social media all over and a main source of happiness and well-being or relationships. but in real life relationships not social media, which can really detract from feeling socially supported and having real relationships.
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>> yeah, the report says that young people were experiencing a dramatic increase in loneliness. it underscores that point about relationships that you were making another thing that social media does, it creates these sort of warped comparisons when you're comparing yourself to, as you were saying, the best life you could have, the gap is enormous when you look at some of the influences that you see on social media, perhaps some of the let's say, edited or filtered lives that they post online what's the best advice you would have for a young person that's feeling lonely right now and perhaps to engage with social media yeah, put the emphasis back on in real life. so take off a few of those apps, look less often and instead work on having even one or two people in your life who you built an in real life, really good, good friendship with, because that actually is what we find hi particularly for this age group for adolescents and young adults, is what makes a huge difference in those issues you brought up
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loneliness and actually having more happiness and well-being. that's really important. >> irl dr. gale salts will take that advice. thank you so much for being with us >> thanks for having me today. >> of course, it's important to have those in real life relationships somewhat a console you perhaps when you say 20th store, a word that doesn't exist, it's okay. boris on national tires and honor. now, it's okay having my back. so house speaker mike johnson says he's reached a deal to fund the government. so why are some members of his conference still demanding a shutdown? we'll be right back >> you know what's brilliant think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for both. >> what straps ball into a rocket hurdles and into space >> oren does >> great job that's recursions boring is the jumping off point for all the onboarding biggs we do boring makes vacations it's
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healthier. with the oraa ring united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday, a nine on cnn >> congressional leaders say they have hammered out a deal to keep the government up and running. and now the race is on to pass the legislation before this weekend. up down deadline. >> cnn's manu raju is >> on capitol hill with the latest here are at manu, how
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are things going >> well, look, they haven't even released the bill yet. they did announce a deal, but the deadline is on friday. remember, they're supposed to get this done by toolbar first, but they've had short-term extension, enter short-term extension. now, much of the federal government is rusty on congress getting this done by 11:59 p.m. on friday, there's a rule to give memory whereas in the house, three days to review legislation and it's unclear if there'll be able to have whether john speaker johnson have to waive that rule and that is causing significant blowback on the right hey republicans were concerned about the deal. of the speaker cut as well as the potential that they can waive that three-day rule >> when isn't really about the process of weathers friday or saturday or sunday is whether or not someone stands up and says the emperor has no clothes. the country has no money. that is my 0.1 of the concerns i have is with dish is formed our member friends who are planning to vote for the bill and don't need 72 hours to decide you're going to vote
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for some 2000 pages that spends 1 trillion and has policies you don't even know what's in there and what's not in there. >> you guys should set it down. >> i do. >> 100% but even so, we do expect their dad them to have the votes. ultimately the pass this bill and to avoid a government shutdown, brianna, the glute big questions when they will do that, not only is there a question in the house, there's a question the united states senate, they need to get all 100 senators to agree on a time to schedule the vote. any one senator can delay it is past that friday deadline, potentially pushing a shutdown into the weekend or early next week. and that is what senator rand paul, who has converged criticizing this deal. he would not commit to allowing a quick vote here. so there are definitely gonna be some speed bumps before final passage of this bill, which has not yet been unveiled >> yeah, brianna he's not afraid to be the ones sticking out sometimes on an issue like this, manu raju live force on the hill thank you former president trump bragging about his role in overturning roe v. wade, but he has refused to say
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