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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 21, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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you last night, the israeli supreme court issued a temporary injunction that will lead a group of about two dozen palestinian hospital patients being treated in israel, including infants and their moms, as well as cancer patients remain where they are in israel. if jeremy diamond brought us the story last night and spoke to several the moms who won we're at that point days away from being forced along with their newborns to head back into a warzone, a gaza. here's a clip from that report >> i might go back and they invade rafah, her mother, nima says, i'll be the one responsible for anything that harms them >> what i >> said, if i go back with the twins, where do do i go with them? where would i get diapers and milk? gaza is not the same anymore >> now, after that report, era, doctors within israeli non-profit group petition the country's supreme court the government is now delayed their departure to gaza until at least monday. the news continues right here on cnn it's thursday, march 21 right
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now on cnn this morning, donald trump just days away from potentially >> having his prized properties seized if you can't come up with nearly half 1 billion plus the man donald trump labeled little marco, may now be on the shortlist to be his vice president. and baseball's biggest superstar, swindled shoheiohtani, firing his interpreter for allegedly stealing millions all right. >> 05:00 a.m. here in the east alive. look at new york city on this thursday morning. it is thursday, which means it's almost friday morning. everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us this morning. >> donald trump running short on time and >> options as he scrambles to put up a half-billion-dollar bond in the new york civil fraud case that he lost if you can't pay the 464 million by monday, he could lose some of his most prized assets, like trump tower, 40 wall street if
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he does not have funds to pay off the judgment then we will seek judgment enforcement >> mechanisms in court and we will ask the judge to seize his assets. we are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to new yorkers and yes, i look at 40 wall street each and every day multiple sources tell cnn the former president is in panic mode with the deadline fast approaching. trump's lawyers say it is nearly impossible to secure a bond after he was turned down by 30 insurance companies the new york attorney general's office pushed back yesterday saying that trump hasn't nearly exhausted all of his alternatives. axios politics reporters, stef kight drawings us this morning to discuss this death. good morning. wonderful to have you >> so this is a >> scramble for him. >> he has >> bragged about his great wealth for basically his entire
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career. now someone said, okay, put up, you got to put up half, half 1 billion what are the former president's options here? i mean, they, they are arguing that this is all political, that they are out to get him in a way that's not fair >> how this is going to play, especially with general election voters as we move into that phase of the campaign. >> well, if we know donald trump, we know that he is eyeing this with an eye towards the november elections that he does see this as a political problem. in addition to if financial problem and i think that's going to play a huge role in how he plans to two to deal with this moving forward, you know, he could file for bankruptcy. bankruptcy, and some of these financial issues would be solved. it would take long enough potentially for him to avoid that, but that's only he doesn't want to do he doesn't want to again, have is image as a successful, wealthy businessman be tarnished because of all of this there's
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something to be said for whether trump is actually willing to call it tisha james bluff. tell tell her go ahead, try and seize my assets and what he'll try to spin something like that as again, another example of the justice system being out to get him. we know that he there's a part from that enjoys some of those loud headline moments. yeah >> which of this would you characterize as a distraction? i mean, it's clear the president were reporting like he's panicking about this. he obviously took a ton of time off the primary campaign trail to go to the specific trial because this was really his stomping grounds. it's an area where he spent his entire career before politics, which was honestly much longer than his political career, has been so far. i mean running, winning a presidential election is hard under the best of circumstances, how do you think that impacts it? >> i mean, certainly this is taking a lot of his time and focus and energy and as you point out, this is not the only case that he's dealing with
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and he taken time off the cam campaign trail time and time again to attend some of these these court hearings that to be in court to address some of this. so this is going to have an impact on his campaign of course, they see this as part of the campaign that some of these moments in court have proven to be moments where the trump campaign was able to fund raise more money. they're trying to take advantage of these moments, but it's certainly going to be a distraction moving forward. and it also is a financial strain. this is not the only area where trump is struggling to pull in funds financially. we know on the political front, he also has been scrambling to try to raise funds to meet the amount of money that joe biden currently has ready to go as we move towards november. yeah. well, and he's also >> means out with fundraising appeals, talking about them trying to seize these properties there's a leadership pac that has paid a bunch of his legal bills. and these, these legal bills continue to mount what do you think the
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tolerance is among donors, max, i was talking about tara pulmonary on the show yesterday morning and she was saying that part of his consideration for people that he may want to offer a cabinet post or the vp pick, he's thinking about, okay, how much big money can this person bring in for me? >> absolutely. that's all part of the calculation. we know that he has been whining dining people at mar-a-lago, trying to talk to donors, people who have money talking to billionaires, trying to convince them to give, especially to as political campaign. and you're right, we have seen the impact of these legal issues in his packs. we've seen just last month, one of his packs had had to pay another fine five million just on legal fees. keep in mind that these legal fees are separate from the judgments and bonds that he's trying to meet. he already had to pay a 92 million bond just recently in a separate case in the defamation case. right. and so all this is stacking up and he has absolutely using this as motivation to talk to donors, talk two people who may be able
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to help them out here. and of course, promises of cabinet placement and other things are going to be on the table for sure. >> yeah. and of course, the insurance there was an insurance company that was willing to underwrite e jean carroll bill but no one will do it this time around. stef kight stuff. thank you very much for starting first off this morning. i really appreciate it. thank you. >> are coming up next here. a critical moment for gaza negotiators could be moving closer to a ceasefire and hostage release deal will bring you the latest on that loss. an empty chair for hunter biden as republicans attempt to impeach his father, grind to a halt. >> and the >> interpreter for shoheiohtani accused of stealing massive amounts of cash from the baseball superstar thank this story of simcity sunday on cnn, when mario needs to be at his best, he needs protection that goes beyond men with 72 hour protection and one port and so he can forget is under arms and focus on being unforgettable.
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episode sunday nine on cnn >> welcome back, the secretary of state, antony blinken says a deal for the release of hostages and an immediate ceasefire in gaza is quote, getting closer and quote blinken is an egypt this morning as ten real intensify over its planned offensive in southern gaza. blinken says, quote, i think an agreement is very much possible. we worked very hard with qatar, with egypt and with israel to put a strong proposal on the table. hamas wouldn't accept it. they >> came back with other >> requests, other demands, the negotiators are working on that now sen. and global affairs analyst can dozer joins us now with more kim. good morning. thank you for being here take us behind the scenes of what's really going on here, especially with bibi netanyahu. he was he gave an address to members of the senate, virtually. but yesterday, it pretty rare situation what is going on and how does it impact these talks >> well, look, blinken has to accentuate the positive in
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negotiations like this. even though up to this point, hamas has, every time they've near to deal, hamas is raised the bar, knowing that netanyahu faces the right-wing if his own party, which will be fighting any concessions to hamas. so it makes a muscle cooperative and the israelis look uncooperative meanwhile, this is playing against a backdrop of the us is the biden administration specifically, it's putting more pressure on bibi to get aid into gaza. and two slow its onslaught, especially as planned on slot of rafah. so by reaching out to the republicans, that's a way to needle the biden administration give the republicans a win with the upcoming us presidential election that painting them as the pro israel party but it's all a bit of theater because netanyahu needs the den administration right now. he also needs that aid for
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weapons. that's held up in congress right now. >> right? very much so. is he picking sides and the us presidential election >> well, he did get along well with the trump administration, if not with trump himself. so you're lining up to this binary choice here in the states world leaders are also looking at this and the netanyahu government overall did really well with the trump administration. they meant to the abraham accords the trump administration recognized jerusalem as the capital. so whatever bit of agro there is personally between trump and netanyahu. i think he thinks he knows how to play a future trump administration >> he knows how to play them. interesting okay >> so >> bottom line here, in terms of the president president biden had previewed that this deal would happen weeks ago. honestly obviously it did not blinken has now extended his trip to the region. what is the outlook there? so blinken has >> added a trip to israel. he
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hadn't planned one. and at that kind of looked like a snub which is bad with this rising tension between the us and the netanyahu administration. but he seems to be coming with a message. he said this morning in jeddah that the us has introduced language that is going to propose at the un calling for a temporary ceasefire. this is again stepping up the pressure on netanyahu to ratchet back the campaign in gaza, at least for a time, to stop the starvation there. and it sounds like he wants to deliver that message in person. >> really interesting. and there are some layers here to just the fact that they're doing it at the united nations. i mean, the israelis don't particularly trust the un, right? >> right. but at this point you have the international community stepping up. its criticism of the netanyahu campaign inside gaza. the eu's josep borrell just said they're using hunger as a weapon of war and canada has all but stopped
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exports of weapons to israel right now so from the biden administration's point of view, both to silence or to try to placate the left-wing of his own party. and because of this world criticism rising, it's going that a look like it's on the side of palestinians who are starving as opposed to the israeli army that keeps going. so speaking of >> the israeli army continuing to go, let me show you what netanyahu recently had to say about their planned offensive in rafah, where of course. so many hundreds of thousands of palestinians have fled. watch mr. seducer shouted at one time, if i want you to know that i have already approved the idf's operational plan and soon we will also approve the plan to evacuate the civilian population from the battle zones so what do you make of that? he's >> saying, okay, our operation is ready to go. also, we have plans to evacuate civilians. i mean, it's 1,000,000.5 people. >> is that feasible? >> but look, the israeli defense minister and an israeli working group is due in
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washington, dc next week to discuss their plans of how to move people out it hasn't worked in the past but from the israeli point of view, they've gotta hit roth because they believe there's a network of tunnels to egypt that hamas use to move in supplies. and they've got to physically control the space to protect their own troops. so that's why they want to push for this takeover of the whole area. but they haven't yet convinced us officials that they can do that in a way that gets more than 1 million people out of the way and to safety. >> yeah, really, really difficult for everyone, right? kim dozer. thank you very much. i really appreciate your time. morning >> i come in up here at the plea deal that could make julian assange a free man. plus is donald trump about to make a big offer to the man he wants dubbed little marco check. >> your nothing. >> the space shuttle accident. it's usually not one thing.
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79594061 >> call now i'm caitlin paul lands in washington and this is cnn >> 21 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. national security adviser, jake hello. been quietly visiting kyiv on wednesday to meet with president zelenskyy >> he tried to >> reaffirm that the us has ukraine's back as an aid package remains stalled in congress president. biden is working this on a daily basis to try to deliver this back, it should a house, but i cannot make a specific prediction ukrainian troops struggling to hold off the russians as they run low on munitions >> the >> justice department is held, talks with attorneys for wikileaks founder for julian assange about a possible plea deal. assange has spent years in a london prison fighting us efforts to extradite him on
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espionage charges and crime is dropping nationally, especially violent crime according to a new, new fbi data, murders were down 13%. and burglaries dropped nearly 10% in the final quarter of 2023 >> all right, time now for whether it looks like winter decided to show up despite the fact that this is now i believe the second day of spring, maybe the third i've lost track. it is thursday. are weatherman, derek van dam joins us. derek. good morning. >> so punxsutawney, phil our little a little groundhog guy >> he's >> it's been a confusing situation for him. >> yeah. he's he's basically like, i don't get paid enough. i'm gonna make up my own rules. that's what this morning. and that's really the case because even though we do have a healthy snowpack across northern new england, the major population densities as long the east coast, very little snow certainly no snow on the ground, very little snow this season. and more of the same situation across the great
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lakes and the midwest. but that is about to change big changes in store. several instances of snowfall possible across. let's say, minneapolis all the way to grand rapids and across the great lakes, the storm system so i'm not to impressive on radar just yet. but we'll start to see this thing deepen, strengthen as time goes forward. so we have winter storm alerts are in place stretching from the great lakes all the way to montana. a couple of different storm systems involved. so try to stick along, pay attention to this because this is the first initial storm. a wall up of snow green bay to milwaukee perhaps a mixture into chicago by friday morning that moves to the east coast, mainly rain event for these coast, northern new england snow, then our secondary storm system comes in for the weekend heads-up, sunday into monday, could bring more additional snowfall to places like minneapolis. remember, there are in a major snow deficit this year. the potential exists for 12 12 inches of snow or more not 12 feet. certainly. there is a lot of wind associated with this current storm system. and this
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has caused quite a bit of problems across the mid-atlantic states. i'm taking it out to shenandoah valley, these pictures tell at all they've been battling wildfires and brush fires in the wins. you could see guston nearer to 50 he miles per hour, wind subsiding, fire, danger of starting to diminish. however, those pictures really say 1,000 words here. case you can see just what they've been dealing with here in this beautiful, beautiful part of our country. >> oh, wow, yeah, not too far from where we sit in i love that area of the us. all right. 30 or weatherman, derrick. thank you very much. i see you soon >> coming up next. why republican efforts to impeach president biden may have just hit a wall and baseball's biggest name allegedly swindled by his own interpreter details ahead >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday at nine on cnn, as the earth issues of distress call in the face of appending climate crisis, i would downbeat is advancing as a gender for a greener future. with an ideal
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are asking lev parnas to weigh in on my >> credibility, a convicted felon that serve jail time. i've an impeccable record. now, he warned me earlier in this hearing that they're coming for me. >> i looked i said just keep talking >> i look before do that, mr. park lying, you'll be there soon. >> well, and is that a threat? yes. department. oh, it's just the truth >> republican led impeachment inquiry does seem to have hit this wall. they produce no evidence of criminal wrongdoing by the president democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, repeatedly asked bobulinski what crime he had witnessed president biden commit it is simple. you >> name the crime. did you watch him still something corruption statutes rico and can what what is the crime, sir? >> you must >> noch go you're >> obviously not familiar with trump's excuse me, sir. excuse me, sir. excuse me, sir rico is
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not a crime. it is a category. what >> the names act statute or rico. >> i live i time you guys >> think i reclaim my time? >> okay joining me now marvin talib, director of circuits, universities, democracy, journalism, citizenship institute, and make a sonar congressional reporter for punchbowl news >> margaret, what was that? >> very convincing so this thing looks like it's coming to an end and now the question without anything in the question is sort of now what there is republicans are talking, chairman comer is talking about calling president biden to testify. the white house is calling a stunt well, he subpoena him. presidents don't normally show up and raka congressional committees amid sapling before, but it's pretty rare seem like one of those times >> or is this really >> about trying to wrap this up? maybe try to do a criminal
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referral put it in your pocket and wait for a different president to have a justice department. in any case. to your point, it's it has not delivered as originally promised. well the reality because it's like they don't have the votes to actually impeach him, right? >> yeah. that's exactly right. and we're going to see what one of the biggest impeachment skeptics, congressman ken buck, actually leave congress this week, but that actually might make things harder for republicans because they're going to be even narrow in their majority narrower, and there, a slim majority already. so it's gonna be very tough and there's so many people who are skeptical about this impeachment, which is very different. than the way that they handled the one over dhs secretary mayorkas, which was a little bit more cut and dry, whether or not you agree that he lived up to impeachable funds, right. but i mean, margaret, like if they had successfully laid out their case against president biden, if they had found evidence of any of this like they probably could get the votes, or maybe they could get the votes. i mean, doesn't doesn't the lack of votes speak to the quality
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of the pile of evidence that republicans have or haven't come up with. >> many of the folks they look do to provide that testimony, i have become embarrassments over time this is just it's been a political process, impeachment is always a political process, but there was this thought that there's hope i think that they would be able to uncover something that show that president biden actually did something that met the general category of things that one might be impeached for. and they just have not not come up with it and they're many fellow republicans particularly in whatever you would call it a frontline razor a battle ground race. who think that this would just be really bad for them. there are divisions inside the party about just how long to go forward with this. but i think if part of the original goal was to say everybody gets impeached president trump gets impeach president biden gets impeached. that was a success. if that's how you measure success. and i think that
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always was part of the strategy >> and buck, who you note is leaving has said out loud, this is impeachment has become something for social media, not something that's actually a constitutional speaking of republicans and attempting to find strength in places that democrats typically do. mika, there was a pull out over yesterday that looked at the maryland senate race we just should remember that the senate is balanced on a knife edge. every single rates matter. so this is larry hogan, former governor of maryland, against the top two democratic candidates. there's gonna be a democratic primary. >> and look at that. he is sitting up near 50% against each one of these he's at 50% against andrew, also brooks and near it against rep. david trone. both of these people are running here >> this would be a >> massive coup for republicans if they were to win this race.
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>> how significant do you think this is? i mean hogan has a national profile serious name id. he was very pi hello, governor of maryland >> yeah. i think it's very significant. and if you look at hogan's record, it's a lot more moderate than a lot of these republicans and he's been able to buck former president trump is obviously the presumptive nominee. and i think it's going to be important in a blue state like maryland and a bullish year for republicans where they're trying to flip the senate to have candidates like hogan who are people to reach modern and independent voters in this year. so i think it's very significant and telling to see which direction our voters going to go with the republican party if they want to stay with it? and are they able to attract these independent voters who are not attracted to trump? >> what do you make of this poll? i mean, i was surprised hogan wanted to run in the first place. >> i guess maybe go expanding so much time this week talking about ohio, what is going to happen to sherrod brown, trump's nominee. got it. but maybe trump's nominee, other public inside is going to win and then that would bleed. but like maybe ohio's not worrying right marilyn maryland
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>> larry hogan >> is really well regarded and he's very well-known. he comes into it with high name recognition and voters and maryland, which yes, maryland is a blue state, but i lived in maryland for many years. i grew up in maryland, maryland does elect republican governors and republican members of congress from time to time and when it works, they're very popular because there's a feeling that they are not governing on the basis of partisanship, but on the basis of pragmatism that could help larry hogan. >> yeah, >> a lot, but i still think at the end, the top of the ticket is usually what people turn out to vote for. so i think we'll see how this goes, but it shows you how precarious things are for democrats in the senate right? >> well, i mean, let's be real >> maryland is only a blue state because baltimore, right? because of the population center in baltimore it's got a lot of red around. yes. i mean, baltimore pg county parts of montgomery county that are liberal, but there's a vast swath of the state that's, it's just less populated, but it's not like it's culturally
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unanimous, not san francisco, right? yeah, exactly. >> all right. so also speaking of the senate, we couldn't resist this one because there's new reporting. this morning from cnn that florida senator marco rubio is being seriously considered as a potential running mate for former president donald trump. >> let's just >> remind everyone how donald trump has talked about marco rubio in the past. watch this show went a little markers, fuses, crap about the size of my hands, which are big the size of my go i looked at him, i said marco little marco would say, i think he's gone. i think he's gone, but who knows? you never know? >> margaret there we are. and now i'll say something brilliant >> i >> think we're going to see a
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lot of sort of name triads and names get floated trial balloons. yes. we're going to have this conversation about a lot of them all the ways in which donald trump is humiliated or put those potential vp candidates in a box if they've been around long enough to run against them or ever say anything critical about him, right >> micah, you i mean, you cover rubio on the hill. he has become certainly a trump supporter, but i wouldn't say he's kind of one of these people with a ted cruz like profile out there defending the president and every turn, he has spent time focusing on foreign policy and other kinds of issues >> is this >> something that that any person would welcome the vp conversation or how do you see this? yeah, i was very surprised by this news and i think it's really interesting to see who, which voters that trump's trying to attract. i mean, obviously rubio could do really well with cuban americans and the trump really needs hispanic voters turnout for the republican ticket. so i
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think part of that has to do with that, but graduate, he still has a long list of people being floated as his potential vp pick. and i think it's going to be a very competitive one. in an only i think no one knows what trump's the gang ever. so this could he could flow more and it will include people who are hispanic african-american women can't have color, white man, it will include the rainbow, right? >> because they're going to try to say, oh, well, we've thought about events, parties, always, that's part of what the vip p conversation is about. but in the end particularly in the republican party voters who turned out to vote are turning out to vote because of how they feel about donald trump. and most likely not because of how they feel about whoever the running mate might be. >> all right, mega tausche, because salma thank you both very much. i really appreciate your being here >> all right. up next donald trump's don't fighting to disqualify da fani willis from his election subversion case. plus round one of the ncw men's tournament, about to tip off. have you finished your bracket? i actually hadn't. i need to get on this bleacher
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>> i'm arlette saenz at the white house. >> and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by >> if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 it's the $464,000,000 question. how can donald trump come up with that much cash in a matter of days sources tell cnn that donald trump is in panic mode. this morning. his lawyers say he's simply cannot come up with the bond that he owes in this new york civil fraud case. the deadline is monday so as trump and his legal team wait to see whether an appeals court will pause the judgment or allowed to pay less. the new york attorney general's office is urging the appeals court to make the former president put up the entire amount before
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ruling on the case. marcus children's joins me now, he was a member of the january 6 invested investigative committee at marcus. good morning. thank you so much for being here >> so >> let me just remind you and all of our everyone who's with us this morning. >> about >> how trump's team, trump himself has done this as well, but how trump's legal team is representing whether or not he can pay this >> just watch. this is alina habba, who was the lawyer that you would have seen sitting next to trump throughout at this new york civil fraud trial? >> does donald trump's him have that kind of money sitting around? >> i mean, he does. of course he has money and he's a billionaire. we know that they know by looking at a statements of financial condition that this guy is worth a lot of money, billions and billions of billions of dollars okay, so if this man had billions and billions and billions of dollars, wouldn't he be able to spend half 1 million on his bond?
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>> it's not adding all right. it's not right. yeah. a lot of americans have always speculated, write about how wealthy is donald trump. and i think these legal filings are getting us a glimpse into how healthy is or rather not. and i think that's a point that, that you just alluded to that the new york ag has been putting in her filings recently. is that look, this is 464 million. and if you're real estate is really as as worth as much as you say it is. and put that up >> or maybe you're >> misrepresenting that as well, which i think is iran i think because this entire case, while we're here is because the former president was found to be misrepresenting his business assets. and that's why this court entered judgment against them in the first place. >> so letitia james, the attorney general of new york when you're in a situation like this, the tool she has at her disposal to start at potentially seizing trump's assets or figuring out a way to generate this money. they're actually kind of simple. i mean, what could we see her start to do on monday, but i think on monday she's already said that she's going to start
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right. trying to seize property assets are just in general, like trying to take back or secure the money that he owes. i think former president is really banking on the court, staying this or if not staying and at least laura get down to that $100,000,000 threshold and that's why he had his expert testified that a lot of these companies would not secure a bond more than $100 and y filings have now said that he's approached 30 companies to try to secure this bond. and the ag is really pushing back on this saying, look you don't have to go to one company to secure the spot. you can go to multiple to secure 50 million or 100 million here. that makes them feel more comfortable. but look, i think she's really trying to call his bluff that you need to either put this money up by monday or we're going to start seizing your assets immediately. yeah. it's i showed a live shot this morning of the skyline and includes trump tower it's some of these things become like iconic and our culture honestly marcus, in other legal news related to trump, there is the georgia election subversion case. the judge issued a ruling
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that could end up being critical here in that he said that that trump and his fellow defendants are allowed to appeal his ruling that allows the da two stay on the case. what practical implication does that have in terms of whether we're actually going to see this go to trial before november. >> i think this is just another example of the former president and people associate with him trying to keep our focus off of the facts of what happened in 2020. i found the georgia case to be one of the more appealing cases because it was always just look at the election subversion case from a national level. the big lie, how it's it's impacting us on a national level. and this really showed it at the local georgia level. and right now we're focusing on whether by the da can stay on the case rather than focusing on the president saying, find me 11,700 votes. and so practically, look at you're having to devote resources to fighting us appeal to another level rather than focusing on pushing for another trial, for a trial de and and it's unfortunate for that case, which is why i think a
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lot people now are shifting their focus to this immunity in the election subversion case with the federal case in dc, because it does seem even that case because of the judge has more of a chance of actually moving through because there's also the classified documents case, and people have really raised just questions about aileen cannon recently asked both sides for hypothetical jury instructions around the presidential records act, or some experts are raising questions about whether that's even relevant at that, at this stage, were you surprised she did that? >> pretty surprised me. you normally get to jury instruction tight motions closer to trial rather than this far out. i mean, we haven't even set a trial date or not even at trial motions so that did that did catch me off, but everything is a delay tactic. i mean, we saw at work with election case with the gonen supreme court that like a hail mary when the former president filed his immunity case or immunity claim in a very beginning. and now to the supreme court, were supposed to have a trial in march in that case in dc. and now we're not even there because we're arguing the supreme and then in georgia, like going back to that point, right? that was one of those cases where people were starting to flip. if you
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remember, back in october, we had co-defendants that we're flipping which show that this case was making real progress. and now you have no incentive as a defendant to flip because of these appeals and other issues that are taking precedence >> another situation where i'll trump did in his pre politics life. i mean, he was delaying something of an expert in delaying trials, throwing sand in the ag can hold him accountable. maybe we will see, i suppose marcus. thank you very much. i really appreciate your time >> all right. now, this dodgers superstar shohei ohtani firing his longtime interpreter accusing him of stealing millions of dollars to place sports bets. >> let's go to cnn. is hanako montgomery. she's live for us in tokyo >> i hanako he is showing is just a superstar what allegedly happened here? >> yeah, casey, i mean, he is a living legend. so this is a developing story, but what we do know from espn's reporting
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from the la times reporting is that ohtani's lawyers believed missile heide stole millions of us dollars from the athlete and used it it's a place bets with a bookmaker who is currently under federal investigation in the united states. we also know from an espn interview with measle huldah on tuesday that he denied ever placing any bets on major league baseball games and said that ohtani was never involved in any of the gambling. now, what we can confirm is that so how has been fired by the la dodgers. we also have a statement from ohtani's lawyers that reads and i quote in the course, of responding to recent media inquiries, we discovered that shohei has been the victim of a massive theft, and we are turning the matter over to the authorities. so on wednesday, we saw me. so hada translating and interpreting for the athlete in seoul during the major league baseball season opener. and by thursday he was out. casey but hanako what, are
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we hearing from fans in japan? i know there are many of his fans there as well as here yeah. >> casey, i mean, fans in japan have been extremely shocked by this news especially right now, because there was just so much excitement around ohtani being in seoul playing for that major league baseball season opener and also the recent news about his marriage and adding to the fact is that meso hada is not a stranger. he is the longtime interpreter and friend of ohtani. the pair have actually been working together since 2013 when ohtani was still playing professional baseball in japan. and in fact, ohtani trusted missile has so much that he asked the interpreter to come with him to los angeles when he first made that move to majorly baseball back in 2018. so the nature of this relationship has really shocked fans in japan and it remains to be seen how this will affect the parents relationship. casey
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all right. how mecole montgomery >> for us in tokyo or hanukkah. thank you very much for that >> all right. >> time now for bleacher, time's running out to get your march madness brackets ready the first round of the men's ncw tournament tips off and just about six hours, andy scholes has this morning's which are report, andy, good morning. good morning. case, you know, today and tomorrow to have the best days in all of sports got 16 games on tap today, 16 more tomorrow. so you got to make sure to get those brackets and before that first game tips off at about 12:15 in eastern. last night grambling making some school history, jbeil kfar coming through with that collage, lay up here to tie the game with 37 seconds left, we'd go to overtime in the extra period. the tiger's pulling away from montana state and 88, 81 grumblings coach dante jackson. well, he was all fired up about making the first round >> routable. >> march has made all >> baby we've got to find a way to flat i had one last
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room, so we like to just fall where they may vary paints like this. the witness >> all right. so grandly now, the day with purdue and the first round tomorrow colorado. meanwhile taking care of boise state six i see 253 involves a tent seat and a pretty trendy pick the upset florida in the first round tomorrow, boise state. meanwhile, there are no 0.10 in the tournament. that's the worst record heard of any school or the accident. it starts just after noon eastern. you can watch across our sister networks, t and t tbs. and true tv now know coach in this year's march madness aza, more compelling story than long beach state's dental monson. he was fired by the school last week after 17 seasons on the sidelines, but was allowed to remain with the team through the end of the postseason. well, in the 49 went on a run for the ages, winning the big y's tournament to get an audit nomadic birth into the ncw attorney speaking with reporters yesterday, monson, while he couldn't help make light of his situation
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>> like you guys let's see the seinfeld. when george constanza was trying to get fired and couldn't get lose his job and still going to work every day and that's that's me i'm assigned episode going on right now in real life you got to love it log of each state's going to take on arizona today in the first route. now, if you're panicking, still have to fill out your brackets. i got some final tips for you. don't pick a 16th to b21. it happened last year but it's only happened twice ever but pip one of those ones seeds to get upset by an eight or nine seat in the second round, it's happened in ten of the last 13 tournament. so binded eight or nine said you like, and believe in those 11 seats since 2014, 11 seeds actually have a winning record over six seeds going 19.17 in that stretch. kasie, how are you? you got to bracket filled out. you're ready to go. i have not filled it out. yeah. actually, i did clip and save this the graphic
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that you did for us a couple of days ago. so it says the first time i might usually i honestly i'm just a fan. i'm not an expert by any stretch, but i might rely on you but this time so crushers all the tips i've given you and then we'll we'll go from there. >> i just got to remember to do it before 12, 15. yeah. andy. thank you. i really appreciate it. >> all right. see you tomorrow >> all right. up next here, a manhunt is underway for an inmate and his accomplice behind an ambush at a hospital will be back in just sanity, needs to save space >> you have a show were right and left talk to him get cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher, saturday at eight on cnn >> we're building a better postal service all parts working in sync to move or business bulwark for more value, more of a liability, and more on-time deliveries. the united states postal service
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