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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 21, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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>> most guys actually can afford it because it's 6.1 formula means you're getting six products, have two 21. just to wash your face and then massage in particle before you know it, you're looking younger than well most guys. but forget about moos guys. >> just be you a younger version you're going over right now at part of men we've got free shipping in the united states, plus 30-day money-back guarantee >> jazz. >> when you put in the effort, but it starts to freeze >> you skipped a step >> trisomy silk zero he's before styling for three days of weightlessly smooth hair. that phrase can be, i'm going to traced to make keratin smooth collection >> are you over?
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>> it's thursday, march 21, right now on cnn this morning i'll trump begging voters for
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cash, desperate to come up with nearly half $1 by monday, plus ambush at a hospital. the desperate search for an inmate after a violent escape and new rules for cars and trucks in america will tailpipe changes. put a charge into the ev industry all right. >> 06:00 a.m. here in washington live. look at the new york city skyline where i guarantee we can somewhere in there see at least one of the buildings that either letitia james may seize on monday that trump may try to have to sell >> good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us donald trump does seem to be getting desperate. he is now begging voters to send him cash via text message as he faces a monday deadline to come up with $464 million to post bond in his civil fraud trial. sources tell cnn he is in quote, unquote panic mode if he can't
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come up with the money and an appeals court refuses to intervene. been the new york attorney general, letitia james, is waiting >> we are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to new yorkers and yes, i look at 40 wall street each and every day. if he does not have funds to pay off the judgment then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets >> it is not clear why trump can't come up with a bond here. listen with 20 told prosecutors during a deposition last april we have a lot of cash, i believe we have substantially in excess of 400 million cash, which is a lot for a developer. developers usually don't have cash, they have assets, not cash. we have i believe 400 plus and going up very substantially every month >> it gets worse for trump, his
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leadership pac spent more on his legal expenses, then they took in last month new filings show the save america leadership pac spent nearly 5.6 million on the former president's legal bills last month that brings the grand total two more than 52 million that the pack is spent on trump's legal fees. a panel of joined just now, cnn senior crime and justice reported katelyn polantz cnn senior political analyst, mark preston are here. >> republican >> strategist sarah longwell and former white house senior policy adviser, ashley allison, join us as well >> kaitlan, poland that was can we play that? letitia james thing just one more time because there's some threat a threat. >> watch we are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to new yorkers. and yes, i look at 40 wall street each and every day. if he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court
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and we will ask them judge, to seize his assets >> so that was back on february 20th, but she's saying, i look i look at your building every day. what's she going to do? well, she's a >> lawyer, so there's probably she and other lawyers are probably looking at exactly what they need to do legally to collect as soon as money or monday comes in, if p doesn't post the bond, the reason that trump is seeking this foreigner and $64 bond is because it would allow him to continue appealing. so that to hold off, letitia james from coming and seizing assets, he can't get that bond because these insurance underwriters are saying it's far exceeds what he would ever would be very risky for us to do that. >> right. and right. behalf as businesses, they're not going to offer a bond of more than $100 each. >> so to >> shames is now responding in court because the appeals court is still looking at this and has not said if they're going to pause things for trump to let him continue appealing, they say, well, you could have
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some options out there. you could have insurance companies come together to help you. you could provide more evidence to the court or the court even could step in and essentially take hold of your assets in some way to make sure that you have collateral to pay off this judgment if you lose your appeals if that if there isn't a bond or there isn't some sort of resolution that comes through for trump with insurance underwriters are loans or something like that is something he doesn't have the assets. he has the assets. he has real estate. he just doesn't have the cash. apparently, because of what he's saying or at least what he's saying in court about these underwriters >> so what >> happens when the judgment comes in on monday is that the lawyers they go around and they tracked down the properties and they put liens on them and they seize them. that's how it works. that's how it works in this case. that's how it works. in other cases with judgments, foreignness, $64 million, a lot of money could you imagine the chevron showing up on on monday
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afternoon with like yellow stickers and slapping them on trump's property. >> i mean, mark, we have seen stranger things in politics in the last few years, but have been politically, i mean, that would be a disaster for democrats, right? because we just be big government goals for democrats, for democrat, i'm looking at this politically not only, no, that's fine >> you're like this. the current current cover of the new york post is not related to this, but i have seen your argument being made on their front pages 0 my god, i think it would not only energize maga voters, it will probably turn off like some independent voters across the country who are saying big government is coming in, excuse and taking over my process. >> there is this degree with that or not? not sure. i do agree with that. i think that certainly for the base right. and i think you really have to separate base voters for whom donald trump's persecution and all of these instances provide a kind of rally around trump effect. but swing voters don't like criminals and there are different from the base voters. and so i think to the extent
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donald trump's and tholen at around donald trump has so much to do with him being a rich guy. >> come >> say, yeah, yeah. and so i feel like for people who are actually and you don't have to say on the bound thing there's a reason nobilo to put up bond for this guy. he's been scamming people his entire life, not paying his debts, walking. who's gonna, who wants to put up money for this guy right now? well, so let's show you what trump said about his money back in 2015, which i think plays into the points here is making first that this is what he's famous for. this is what he is known for, and also the fact that what we are seeing play out here in this bond situations, just stripping it all away. watch trump in 2015 >> i'm really rich. i'll show you that total net worth of 8 billion, net worth and assets, not liabilities. a net worth. so the total is 8 million, $540,000. now >> i'm not doing that. i'm not doing that to brag because you
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know what? i don't have to break. i don't have to believe it or not i mean, ashley, does this not just strictly just ics completely exposed that as a life he had $8.5 >> half 1 billion would be a relatively small percentage of olson. but instead there, but it's they're basically say i can't pay and nobody will show me. >> i mean, i think mark is right in terms of his base will get round up by the big government and coming after to sarah's point there was a couple of points where he might be lying. he lying in a speech because these saying or he's trying to defraud the government and not pay what he's old or when he was in his deposition and say you have this money for democrats, i would take some of these clips. he's saying he's the guy for the working class wearing glass folks don't have 400 million dollars, you know, like i would take that clip that do it in a very strategic way and have a conversation with voters and like this is not your guy. he's a liar, he's a cheat. he's a crook, and he's, he doesn't understand your life story and he's not going to fight for you now. he's trying to stay ridge while keeping you
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poor. well, they do it. i'm not sure, but i would have thought, well, i will i will say some of the biden team his argument has started to be he's out for himself he is not out for you. so we're going to see more of that marked. it's fun to have you spicing things up. the panel is gonna come back, coming up next, what joe biden is doing these days that donald trump is not plus benjamin netanyahu speaking privately to senate republicans, senator mike rounds was there. he'll join us live and oprah winfrey speaking to cnn about her weight loss journey >> we're here to get your side of the store. >> why do we keep ending up here? you can't write this stuff. united >> states of scandal with jake tapper. it's sunday. uh, nine on c. it's michael's lowest prices of the season now for up to 70%, i'll store why it's gore huge deals on spring stems are in craft supplies and custom brains plus they won't offspring chloral and decor and all ether decor. and here's another way to save with thyroid disease. i hit from the
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company sent america jobs overseas for cheaper labor and imported products were credited jobs and american exported american products my predecessor and his allies in congress want to go back >> it's a tale of two campaigns. president biden has been hitting battleground states pretty hard since super tuesday yesterday, you saw him. they're talking about semiconductor chips out in arizona today, hoping houston and dallas, donald trump on the other hand, holding just one one rally in a battleground states cnn's isaac dovere here with this new reporting, isaac, good morning. i see you texas, of course, is more about money than it is up being a battleground state. but what have you learned or observed as you dug into this look like you said, it is a tale of two campaigns since super tuesday. it's early yet. but in these two plus weeks here since the field does officially set with biden and trump is the nominees, you've seen biden taking a very active approach to campaigning, and he's been in every battleground state except for one, the missing one is north carolina. he'll hit
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that next week down. trump has been in almost no places at all. he did a rally in georgia week-and-a-half ago and he did a rally ohio last weekend, ohio, by the way, not is not only the amount of battleground state, but the reason he was there, in part as they've been thinking about doing a rally in arizona. and there were some costs questions for the campaign but yes so we see the fundraising numbers biden is obviously raising a lot that gives them the ability to do this. but it's a very different promes, if you go to the trump donald trump right now and look on the events page. it says no events scheduled. that's pretty crazy for a presidential campaign. no events scheduled i mean, ashley, just to understand it, i mean, this is what democrats even demanding from the president, right? >> like >> a hand wringers have been saying get out there, get out there. he needs to be out there the cabinet secretary to be out there. the senators need to be out there. the congressman, he'd be out there. people who support him that he they've benefited from the chip's akre, the student loan debt and all those things, eating every surrogate out their surrounding
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his message, doing bracketed events, telling voters what they've done because everyone's like, i don't know what joe biden has done well, here it is. the fact that he had donald trump has no events and we're in the general election is beyond me, but i will say my only caution is they have run a very good campaign. the trump campaign in the primary season. >> this feels >> so much like 2016 where they were kind of all in shambles and didn't have a ground operation and they still one. so the lack of him i mean, he'll use on monday with the segment we were just talking about if they come and they try and seize his assets, will use that as a campaign event and it will be just as beneficial for his base. again, not independence may be in the democrats, but it'll work for him. >> one thing that stood out to me that we haven't really had a chance to talk about was a little bit earlier this month, but it's in the journal, the wall street journal this morning is another piece of the trump situation that could potentially depress turnout mark this is him saying that the election should be two.
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they should win by a margin that is too big to rig already talking about re-elections, watch we have to win to get it done >> and we want a landslide that is too big to rig that's what way. because they're going to be cheating. cheaters and we're going to be watching them and we're going to prosecute we're gonna have we get in, we're going to catch them and we're going to do things that were never done before >> i mean, we're already talking about rigging the election. it's march, >> like how dangerous is this? >> we had last week that was a bad how central january 6 remains to trump's campaign? how much he's talking about it all the time. not just in small ways, but in huge ways, there was a lot of attention last weekend to when he said bloodbath at the rally and all whatever the debate was there he started the rally by saluting a video of january 6 prisoners singing the national
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anthem. this is very much how he is running the campaign so far. it's tau, his aides are running the campaigns of our he doesn't just say too big to rig. they hand out preprinted signs? yes. too big to write. yes. this is central and it is part of why you see joe biden making a focus on a two, even as most of what he's been talking about these days, as stuff like what he was doing an arizona yesterday, talking about $8 billion in investment in arizona >> yeah. all right. thank you very much for being here with us. i really appreciate it. >> all right. coming up next, smoky skies here in dc, wildfire flames, just a short drive away from where we sit right now. plus new details in the mysterious death of mitch mcconnell's sister-in-law nexium, 24 hour prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid get all de and all night heartburn as a prevention with just one bill a day? >> choose. hazard >> prevention. choose nexium
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identified nicholas and fenner as the alleged accomplice of inmate skyler mead they say in fenner open fire at a hospital where mead was being treated they are dangerous. they are armed and they have shown a propensity for violence. and we want to make sure that any member of the public who happens to come in contact with them is aware of that and that you do not try to enter police, say they're looking for a 2020 gray honda civic all right. now this wildfires blanketing the dc area with smoke, right now, look at this one and shanon do and national park in virginia, about 100 acres are burning. fire crews in prince william county, virginia responded to dozens of small brush fires yesterday and several homes and maryland were evacuated last night because of a brush fire that may have been started by downed power lines. these fires are being fueled by strong winds and dry conditions are
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weatherman, derek van dam has been tracking this closely derek, what is the outlook? for this? is it's gonna get better today or worse >> yeah, it will improve today. that's the good news. but while this is such a beautiful part of the country, i just love the shenandoah valley and to see these bushfires, brush fire are starting to erupt in that area. it breaks my heart really yesterday there was actually a total fire ban in shenandoah national park issued by the national park service. and then there was even some emergency declarations for page and lisa counties in virginia. you can see some of the firefighters battling of the brush fires approaching some of these homes within this area. this is boyd's, maryland. we get in a little bit closer. you can see some of the firefighters they're using every possible tool in their arsenal to suppress the fires, don't look at the wind gusts that helped fuel these brush fires yesterday, approaching 50 miles per hour at the shenandoah regional airport. the good news is you can see the winds are relaxing today, so that is definitely going to aid in the fire efforts, but
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the wins are really strong across northeast. that's associated with the departing storm that brought the wind across the mid-atlantic yesterday now switching gears, we have a developing storm system that will bring a wide swath of snowed areas that haven't experienced much snow yet this winter we're talking about minneapolis all the way to chicago. we have winter weather alerts. it's a one-two punch through the course of the week he can an early next week as these systems lay down the potential, at least from three to six inches, even upwards of a foot, depending on where both the storms actually formed. >> happy spring, right. all right. derek van dam or meteorologist derrick, thank you very much. >> okay. >> all right. coming up next the biden administration's latest attempt to boost hybrid and electric cars. it's a big one. is it going to jumpstart sales? >> plus how democrats are planning >> to fight any third party presidential candidates united states of scandal with jake tapper, sunday at nine on cnn
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adt i met with the turbotax expert because i had two full-time jobs, lawyering and mimi count on me, mia, i'll file your taxes for >> you with 100% accuracy guaranteed. lead to turbotax full service expert. do your taxes as soon as today, space shuttle columbia, the final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn and they want to change. they don't want to be told by either party that you have to choose between the e the lesser of two evils. i think they want i candidate who's going to bring people together, who's going to inspire people don't tend to elect donald trump >> well, >> they may, people may that but that's up to the atm. i don't think i think i should be running for president >> rfk junior continuing his bid as an independent for president, despite democratic worries, he could spoil president biden's chances in
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november especially after the super pac backing rfk said they have enough signatures to put him on ballots in swing states of georgia arizona, and michigan. kennedy's candidacy as well as the efforts by third-party groups like no labels have prompted democrats to launch a full-scale anti third party campaign. our panel is back to discuss this mark preston this rfk thing, and we saw this picture of all the kennedys at the white house minus rfk >> how dangerous? i mean, it's on the front page of the new york times today, kind of outlining there's lawyers inside the white house, outside the white house, there's a new group being built at the dnc to try to fight back against this. >> what is it? the threat to biden's candidacy from this? well, the >> threat is is that if you have a jill stein, a cornell west, robert f. kennedy, we're focusing on, of course, because of his ability or what we've seen so far to reach out to probably these middle of the road voters and he's got the last name kennedy. so i mean,
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basically, you could see we could perhaps see what happened back in 2016 when hillary clinton lost because jill stein was able to take away enough votes in some of the key states that decided the election. now you've got three people that joe biden has to deal with, who all have a segment of the democratic party that is attracted to them? >> yeah. and sarah longwell, you guys are just announcing your launching this campaign to kind of show americans that there are plenty of people who voted for trump twice before who will not vote for him. now, post january 6, i want to play a little bit of that and we'll talk about on the sidewalk i will not vote for donald trump because of his actions on january 6. and all the other baggage she carries with him. i am a conservative republican, but i cannot stay on the lie. the cheating, the illegal activities the trump has perpetuated >> so that's fascinating on
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its, on its face. and let's talk about that. but also some of these people are probably feeling a little homeless. they're not used to voting for democrats. there are potentially this third-party candidates on the ballot for them how do you view how this all cuts? >> i'm not sure there's a bigger threat to joe biden >> than these third-party candidates. and the reason is because these two guys are functionally incumbents, a lot of the persuadable folks this time or what we'd call double doubters or double haters are a pox on both their houses. >> they >> don't like either of these guys, right? and so they're very hey susceptible because they're soft gop voters. they're right-leaning independents. typically they're not democrats and so to get them to vote for joe biden, they've, it's really like it's there. so anti-trump that they're willing to vote for joe biden. but if you give them an outlet to go somewhere else that makes them feel more comfortable they will take it now for my types of voters, these sort of soft gop voters, the no labels prospect is a little more threatening than an
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rfk. but the thing is, is you're not really building this time around a pro joe biden coalition. you are building an anti-trump coalition that's your biggest broadest coalition. and anything that splits the anti-trump coalition is dangerous for joe biden. yeah. so speaking of no labels are cnn colleague, long political guru, reporter david axelrod interviewed chris christie for his podcast. and ask him directly if christie was considering no labels. no labels has actually is relevant out there hunting for a candidate. listen to what christie said, because i would just note he did not shut the door, watch is that something that you are considering >> you know, i think the way i would look at it is i will do whatever i can to try to make sure that the country doesn't
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go through what i think will be the misery of a second trump term. i wouldn't preclude anything at this point, david, we've got the most unsettled political terrain. we've ever had >> he says, i wouldn't preclude anything at this point. ashley or sarah lee's answer, and then i will rant. >> yeah. >> but then the line before is but i won't do anything to allow for a second. donald trump and i'm telling you the no labels campaign. and if they announced a ticket is setting us up for a second. donald trump term. so if you really i understand people might not like joe biden, particularly chris christie. i commend chris christie what he did in a primary to donald trump, keeping him holding them accountable. one of the very few, but if you do not want donald trump to be president, you should not run on a no labels ticket, which is why, right now, larry hogan, just joe manchin everybody that they've talked to has turned this very generous offer of, hey, would you like to be the
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third party spoiler in the upcoming race and reelect donald trump. they've all declined it. >> and look it, >> everybody loves being can come to and said bet, which we think you'd make a great president and go around to don't look in the mirror and you're like, i see a president. >> yeah. you make the tv rounds. you >> and everybody keeps asking you, you're going to run, you're going to run, you're gonna run. it's a great way to stay in the mix, but everyone has looked at it, knows exactly what they do. they reelect donald trump just like ashley said, and they eventually decline. >> all right. it's very very, very high-stakes. all right. let's go now to this other big news today. president biden's new rules to try to transition the country two electric vehicles. would you buy one? >> this, soccer quick. >> that was back in 2021 when ford announced plans to expand the production of that car, the president was driving the ford f150 lightning three years later, ford has basically ditch those plans and it's cutting back the new regulations that
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were issued yesterday extended the timeline for the transition to electric vehicles with a focus though on phasing out combustion engines in the long run ev sales hit a sales milestone last year with more than 1 million sold the us in 2023. however, it represents just 7.6% of total new car sales far from the epa's target of 56% of vehicles by 20 so i lost a year on that >> okay so honestly, like who owns an electric vehicle here? you have one. do you have one? i've thought about buying one mark. this is i mean, it's, it's it's all over the paper today. the wall street journal is basically says, it says biden's ev mandate blows its cover. they have really tough words for it. they say, make no mistake. this is a coerced phase it out of gas powered cars >> there is some resistance in
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the public to buying these evs. >> well, yeah, i mean, there's no question. there's resistance because what a lot of folks are going to say is we're going to take all these efforts to try to reduce pollution here. and by 2032 will be able to cut in half what the pollution is going to be produced by these cars. in just two years from now. so there'll be able to cut in half, however, who's not cutting you know their pollution problems is china, india, or any of these other countries. so the united states, i think a lot of these folks who are against ev cars are saying to themselves, why are we taking the hit? why are we being the, you know, the experimental one? >> why don't we just >> go along with what the rest of the world is doing? >> i mean, look, i think big picture obviously, fewer emissions is a goal that everyone has started to share climate changes. obviously massive problem. but the politics of this ashley, i mean, they didn't have to water down these rules a little bit. it was stronger before because ev sales really have fallen and i think i think for average families, i mean, the main concern is can i take this current road trip with my family, right? the charging infrastructure isn't really
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quite ready for that. there also right now really expensive compared to what is available in a combustion engine. >> yeah, this isn't just about lowering emissions. i think you said everybody wants that. this is about a behavior change when you go to buy a car, you have this experience was my gas mileage and so it really is leaning into a cultural change. i think if they are looking to really have some leverage here, i will go to young voters on a political sense and be like i am the president has done so much for climate change. and this is one of them. and as you're looking okay, to go in and buy and think of there were like tax credits and things like that for young voters who are looking to buy a car, who also want to take care of our climate. but to your point, you really, it's hard to go across country in an ev because of the charging infrastructure. and if we catch up to it, people will be more willing to buy it. but you want to be able to go to any gas station and get gas and you wanna be able go to any gas
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station and get charged and until we're there, i think there's still going to be some reticence to ev sarah. i mean, i >> of think about this from a cultural perspective and a couple of ways. one the american rugged individualism, lovely open road, it's like i have 1989 corvette. i won't give that thing up. i freaking love it. i love the way. like when i stick shift, it's like it's just awesome, right? it's like who wants to lose that. now that said, i might drive any my daily life, but two, there's this perception also that these are cars for elites, coastal please specifically, it will they're expensive and i think we've done a lot of focus groups actually around the ev question. i'm interested in what you hear from voters is they just don't think it's for them. they're like, i'd love an ev, but how will i by one and oftentimes to their in more rural areas where they're zero infrastructure are free, so it's like if you live in you're metropolitan area, uc ev's everywhere you see charging stations. if you live in more rural parts of the country, you any of those things. and so it seems like this isn't for me. why would i participate in this, right? no
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i mean, look living here in washington, it'd be easy to have one to commute to work every day, right. and you charge it for a little while. but then there's also the financial hurdle of putting a charger at your house and costs money et cetera. all right. yes, we'll see come up next here. shohei ohtani's interpreter accused of stealing millions from the dodgers, star to feed his gambling habit. plus benjamin netanyahu, critical of chuck schumer in a closed-door meeting with senate republicans hind's will ask senator mike rounds about that he was in the meeting and he joins us next which like are we operating asking the right question, can greatly impact your future? >> sure. you're >> an orthopedist, especially when it comes to your finances, us certified financial planner. >> i'm a cfp professional, gop professional those are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's got to be a ceo. >> wealth changing question has your advisor create a portfolio based only on your age and risk tolerance? that's simply not good enough. your money deserves better and soda you
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link. he called out senate majority leader chuck schumer. after schumer recently urged israelis to vote out netanyahu, calling him an obstacle to peace. republican senator mike rounds of south dakota is with me this morning to talk more about this, senator. good morning. good morning. thank you so much for being here. what did you hear from bibi netanyahu when he addressed your conference yesterday >> number one, he thanked us for our strong support. he recognized that america was behind them they want to move forward, but most certainly his focus was on the fact that they intend to go into rafah. they intend to finish the war. they're not going to stop until they get done. he wanted to make it clear that it was a necessary part of the project moving forward and there we're going to do their best to minimize loss of life, but they were going to finish the job and that was really the primary focus that he had was we need to finish this because if we don't then we are at stake that this is an existential threat to israel and they have to recognize that and hilt that we understood
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>> how did he characterize what senator schumer had to say about elections in israel. >> he was disappointed. he made that clear. but he also he understands that support for israel needs to be bipartisan. and he was not derogatory, but he simply said, look at they want america behind them. now, he says, we're going to fight are one war. we're going to its, are guys that are in the field. it's our young men and women that are fighting but we need your support and he made it very clear that they wanted american support and that they were going to continue that it was not a question of whether or not they might or might not. it was a matter of they have to finish this. they have to clean out hamas and then move forward and then the militarize gaza make it safe, and then move forward. >> do you think speaker johnson inviting prime minister netanyahu to address congress
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would further that goal of bipartisan support for israel, or would it be divisive? >> i think anything that we can do to show bipartisan support long-term will be healthy and i think the fact that mr. netanyahu, once again, he came in, we requested that he come in and visit with us he came in. he said what he had to say, but he recognizes that he wants this to be bipartisan. he did not appreciate what senator schumer said to him. he made that clear a look, we should not be interfering in their domestic activities. there are democracy, they have their own customs and so forth. that's not something that we should be involved with. and he made that pretty clear to us, but he still wants to bring this back to bipartisan in nature by partisan support. and that he needs a supportive america. israel needs sport and we need them in the middle east because if they weren't there, if they
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weren't our ally, there we would probably have more young men and women in harm's way in the middle east right now, >> senator, let me ask you about another serious national security issue facing the senate, and that's the potential ban of tiktok or the forced sale divestment of tiktok from its chinese parent company bytedance. the house voted overwhelmingly to do and now your colleague, senator thom tillis, your republican colleague, has put out audio of a voicemail. he says his office received from someone who's opposed to this. i want to show you what that was and then we'll talk about it. watch i will find you a shoot. you that's people's jobs and not my only >> entertainment and people make money off their to, you know, i'm trying to get rich like that. anyways, i'll shoot you and find you in, touch you in a pizza i'm in the laughter they're very disturbing, but
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does this not? illustrate the point that tiktok can and does influence americans >> look, there's two parts to this. the first part of the most important part is china is gathering information on american citizens >> they know where >> you live, they know your zip code, they know who you're affiliated with, they know who you talked to. they know how you make your income in some cases, that is data that they can't get through other sources as easily, as easily as they can through tiktok they're learning about us and they're learning about families through this but the other piece of this is what you see right here. they can mobilize very, very quickly and part of that is, is they're trying to influence and they will influence in other countries right now, they are, china is influencing and other countries today, we know that they have influenced in terms of elections and so forth. we don't want that to happen here in the united states. so it's a secondary issue for us right now as compared to the amount of data that they're gathering
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but they're both very important. so young men and women share lots of information on tiktok that is being gathered. we simply want tiktok to divest we think that it can still exist in the united states, but it's gotta be separated from the folks excuse me, and the chinese communist party, which has direct access because if they actually have a nexus in china, which they do then under chinese law, any information that they have, they must make available to the chinese government, right? >> so do you think senator schumer should put the house divestment bill on the senate floor. >> yellow. i'm not so sure we should put it on the floor, >> but he most certainly should get it into a committee where it should be vetted and then once that is complete, then we should move forward, but we should act on the bill one way or the other, either through the committee process first and then to the floor, or if we've got time on the floor, go directly to the floor and allow for an amendment process understanding that the details may be at issued.
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>> would you >> vote generally, you want this divestment? no question. luck. i'm on the intel committee. i'm on the armed services committee the classified information that we've received so far, i hope that at some point we can release more of a publicly. we've got to be careful how we do that because of the sources that it might very well put in khan. yeah. >> but we need we need to take care of this problem sooner rather than later. >> speaking of your proceed on the intelligence committee, there was a classified briefing on tiktok in the senate yesterday. i completely understand you can't reveal classified information, but what what's your advice be to americans who want to protect themselves with this based on what you have learned and what you know, i would not share any more personal information or for my connections to my relatives where i work who my closest friends are my connections in the community. i wouldn't share that on tiktok and the reason is is because
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this is what china wants to learn about us like with the advent of artificial intelligence. ai. china has made it a really good point of learning about their own people. they can trace where they're people are at in most cities all the time. they use that now in a police state to basically track individuals to know who they are, what they're doing, whether or not they're behaving or not the same thing. they'd love to learn more about our activities here. they want to know about american culture. they want to know about who our families are connected with just the beginnings of it is as if they can go in and go to a tiktok user and say we want you to contact your representative in your zip code. it is so and so and then to try to influence that long term that's the type of manipulation that china would love to have in the united states. it'll be subtle to begin with, but it will become moreover, over time very briefly, sir, we received text
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of the appropriations package overnight. that's designed to avert a partial shutdown at the end of the week just yes or no, are you confident you can avert a shutdown on friday? >> i'm not luck >> here's here's >> here's the reason why it takes hours to do it. the house has already committed that they were going to take some time and actually look at the bill itself here we are in thursday. this expires tomorrow night at midnight but the senate may not even get the bill until tomorrow or saturday and so there may be a shutdown over the weekend. i don't like that idea. i think this is a terrible we'll wait to run a government. this is a terrible thing to do to the country. this was supposed to be done last october. and so here we are. we're still working on last year's appropriation bills while we're trying to start on this year's appropriation bills that are supposed to be done in october. it's a terrible thing to do. there's no excuse for it. and we continue to put ourselves in this type of program where
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we're getting it done after the fact, none of us are happy about it, and we hope that this is going to change with the change in the election this year. >> all right, senator rounds. thank you very much for being with us this morning. i really appreciate your time today >> all right. 55 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup sentencing for the final two mississippi officers who pleaded guilty to torturing two black man yesterday, one of the six convicted get officers receive the longest sentence so far 40 years in prison police say mitch mcconnell's late sister-in-law, shipping ceo angela chao was drunk at the time of a fatal accident in february. they say she drove for tesla into a pond at a ranch near austin, texas and dodgers superstar shohei ohtani, firing his longtime interpreter, accusing him of stealing millions of dollars, play sports beds. in an interview with espn, now former interpreter says, he never bet on mlb games and denied ohtani
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had any involvement then there's this oprah winfrey opening up on cnn's king charles about her weight loss, struggles taking weight loss drugs similar to what was emphatic. and the criticism she's faced for it. >> the benefit of people finally recognizing that obesity is a disease far outweigh to me any criticism that i receive for doing it. and also, people no longer blaming themselves for something that you cannot control in your brain. >> this is so interesting to me. i have to say, ashley, i mean, the criticism she's come under >> what what do you make of that? because she has publicly for so many decades, right. struggled with her weight and now the game has totally changed i appreciate it. her vulnerability throughout her career on her struggles with weight loss, and i appreciate she said she wanted to step down from the weightwatchers or
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because she felt like it was a conflict of interests because she is getting some support. that thing that i liked it. what she said, she's like i'm doing it for my health they're like as someone who has struggled with their way gaining 20 pounds less 20 pounds here and there. i understand people who want to use these supports and i think that it's hypocritical like we we love in american culture are people who do plastic surgery and it's glorified and it's almost like the thing to do you're a celebrity, but if you do something like get a little support with weight loss, you get demonize it >> we were just talking about this. they're like she's done so many things in her life. i just don't let's move on >> yeah. i think she's unbelievable entrepreneurs. she's one of the richest people in the country. she's an amazing journalist. think we can all be as ultra less attached to oprah winfrey's wait, looks great though >> she looks amazing, maven, she looks amazing what you're lost 20 pounds. okay. and we're not talking about how i've lost 20 pounds you look great. i am the same.
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>> left 30 pounds now >> no, no. >> but i do struggle to you. where were you can go up and down? you know, pretty quickly. and this is a game changer. it really is a game changer for some folks who are going to be able to shed weight they're not necessarily going to have to have surgery or go on diets with that, just aren't going to work. >> i mean, to me, it's just it's just that this conception that if you have gained more weight than what our society seems to be attractive, you are judged for lack of willpower and people are even continuing to judge people who use these drugs, like like oprah said, she's like, it's it was not possible in her own head is not an issue of willpower. we should not be judging people on that basis on that note, i will leave you with this. we are giving a fond farewell. i'm actually very sad about this to stumpy, the dc cherry blossom tree. here he is fans of the
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beloved tree. look at the stump with cherry blossom to the top, gathering to celebrate his final bloom before it is being removed. as they repair the wall around that basin after the season, the national park service is going to take out more than 150 trees to fix the seawall at the tidal basin, stumpy, named for its scraggly appearance and resilient spirit despite sinking under water as sea levels rise stumpy has generated a cult following. he inspired a mascot for the annual cherry blossom ten mile and five k runs and some stumpy stands have been laying gifts at his base. >> he got >> roses and get this my favorite a bottle of maker's mark >> the dc public >> library brought a card to say their goodbyes. and in this town we are almost so divided one fan wrote stumping is finally something dc can unite behind. we will ms you very much. all right? thanks, guys. i really appreciate you being here today. thanks to all of you for joining us this morning. i'm kasie hunt.


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