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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  March 22, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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alleged bribery scheme, says he is not going to run for reelection in the new jersey democratic primary in june. instead, senator menendez says, he will run as an independent democrat in the general election. and should it be exonerated? i believe let's bring in democratic congressman and kim, who is running to replace menendez congressman. what is your reaction to this news from senator menendez? >> well, i think it's a very irresponsible move. i mean, the senate majority right now is razor-thin. there's so much on the line. republicans, we know what they're going to try to do and pushing national abortion bans and other policies they get control over the senate and to run as an independent that will be something that will make it even harder for democrats to be able to secure the seat here in new jersey >> because so it's very low arming and something that i find very irresponsible, dangerous. so you're worried that if he >> runs as >> an >> independent, >> ultimately, that >> could assuming you become >> the nominee, that that could
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>> hurt your support, that >> maybe some >> democrats >> will support >> him, vote >> independent >> and the >> republican could squeak by who? over that is >> well, look, right now, i've learned to not take anything for granted in our politics these days but first of all, i think it's very dangerous. betrayal of what the democratic party stands for. but beyond that, yes, i mean, i think it can make things vulnerable now that being said, i'm a democrat that want a district. trump won twice. i'm a democrat that's been able to win races and i'm actually the only candidate running for senate right now for the democrats, that has won an election before. so i feel like the democrats have to put forward their very strongest candidate for the general election. and i hope that i can be that nominee that can win regardless. the list of whether or not menendez is on the ballot or non >> he the exact sentence he's got, quote, he made was i will not file for the democratic primary this june. i'm hopeful my exoneration will take place this summer and allow me to
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pursue my candidacy as an independent democrat in the general election. so he's leaving the door open if he's exonerated, which who knows if that's going to happen. do you think he's doing this? it's because if he runs before the trial or whatever happens, he's clearly going to lose to either you or another candidate. >> look, i think that this curve very well be just a legal tactic where he wants to go, he's going to be going into the trial in may. so this could be a situation where he wants to not necessarily go into the trial being a lame-duck senator who's not running for reelection, that could be a legal tactic, but if it is this is again, just that same situation of putting personal benefit ahead of what's right for the country i just find that to be just so that is the case. i think that would be so out of touch with what people want right now. you're tired of this situation where people are putting their own personal benefit ahead of what's right
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for the nation. >> democratic congressman andy kim of new jersey. congratulations and all the endorsements you've gotten from the county, a democratic party's and the like. we'll check in with you again. thank you so much. >> thank you >> you're going to follow me on twitter and social media everywhere. if you ever, ms an episode of lead, you can listen to the show once you get your podcasts, the news continues. >> now happening now, donald trump's private real estate outside manhattan could be one step closer to being seized. the new york attorney general just laid new groundwork to potentially take some of trump's prized assets with his deadline to cover a mega million dollars bond, just four days away plus breaking news, new jersey senator bob menendez announcing he is not seeking reelection in the democratic primary as he fights federal bribery and corruption charges we'll go reaction from the second ranking democrat in the senate, dick durbin also breaking police in idaho, say they've captured in armed and dangerous escaped inmate and
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accomplice after an intense manhunt authorities now investigating to killings potentially tied to the suspects while they were on the loose welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world, wolf blitzer talk today, i'm boris sanchez and you were alive in this situation our top, story tonight, one of donald trump's worst nightmares, may be a step closer to reality. let's get details on new moves by the new york attorney general paving the way to potentially seize some of trump's properties. cnn senior justice correspondent evan, but as is covering the new york civil fraud case, evan, how is the state of new york now preparing for the money? they deadline when trump is under orders to come up with that nearly $500 million bond, wellbore is the first action that we've seen taken place is in westchester county, new york, where the state of new york, the attorney general there has already entered that judgment, which is one of the initial steps that
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they have to take, should the former president but not be able to come up with the bond by that deadline of monday, you mentioned it's already were four days away from that deadline and so this is what the state authorities there have now begun doing. they've now entered a judgment in western westchester county, new york will show you a list of some of the properties that could be at risk for seizure as part of this effort by the new york attorney general. you see there seven springs is where that's where that's where that's in westchester county where that was entered you see trump national golf club in briarcliff manor, new york is also part of that. >> this is already >> the attorney general is already entered the judgment in many patten where of course, trump tower 40 wall street and the trump international hotel are all located. we haven't seen any effort by the attorney general there in new york to enter the judgment in florida. we're of course, mar-a-lago and the doral golf club are both located, boris, but it
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gives you an indication of how quickly things could move. once the deadline comes on monday? >> yeah, the pressure is on and evan, we just learned that the judge also expanded the role of the monitor overseeing the trump organization. tell us about that. >> right. so there's a monitor who that is essentially sitting there looking over the shoulder of the running of the trump org and what the judge has now ordered is for that monitor to become more involved in looking over the shoulder of the trump team to see what efforts they have made to try to secure these bonds. you view, of course, know that the trump team says that they've been rejected by 30 different underwriters in kind of produce this nearly half 1 billion bond and so now what the judge wants is for the monitor to essentially check the books and to make sure what efforts the trump team has actually made to secure those bonds. and to report back to the judge again, the deadline is fast approaching evan perez.
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>> thank you so much for the reporting. the closer that donald trump gets to the bond deadline, the more he is lashing out cnn's kristen holmes has the latest on that and another money problem trump is facing right now with his presidential campaign master, with just four days to pay the at least $464 million bond. former president donald trump's panic mode does not appear to be easing up posting to truth social today that the amount ordered by the judge was too high for bonding companies. adding that quote, putting up money before an appeal is very offensive with new york attorney general letitia james, already taking the first steps to seize trump's assets if he's unable to post bond, trump has been publicly defiant. >> we're fighting it out rather, we have a lot of cash. are we have a great company, but they wouldn't take it away, or at least take the cash element away. billions of dollars that value billions of dollars at properties but i'd like to take the cash away so i can't use it on the campaign as trump seeks solutions, his
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campaign also facing a cash crunch, struggling to chip away at president joe biden significant financial edge trump's campaign and joint fundraising committee raised a combined at 20.3 million in february, ending the month with $41.9 million in the bank, while an increase from january the numbers lag behind biden's, whose political operation raised $53 million. last month and ended february with $155 million cash on hand. meanwhile, with trump's legal fees still looming over him, his leadership, pac spending more on legal expenses than it took in last month biden not only outpacing trump at the bank, but also on the campaign trail, making an appeal to key voting blocs. >> i need you, i need you back hadley, need to help calm and i desperately need your help >> well, former president trump has largely stayed behind closed doors since clinching the republican nomination. swapping rallies for donor meetings and the golf course
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trump is only visited one battleground states on super tuesday, georgia, i'm thrilled to be back and held a campaign ben for his handpicked senate candidate in ohio before the primary in that stays in the same stretch of time biden has visited every top battleground state, but one, you're going to be built in the future here in arizona. and arizona is bone tissue and i am told the donald trump is expected back on the campaign trail in just the next two weeks, but boris, right now, the focus really is, how is he going to post this bond? and i am told that he has said in private that he is opposed to anything that would result in him filing for bankruptcy. so at least maybe that rules one thing out. yeah. we've been one wondering how his court cases are going to affect the campaign we're sort of watching that unfolds right now, kristen holmes, thanks so much for the reporting. let's get some perspective now with cnn, political analyst maggie haberman. maggie, thanks so much for being with us. so trump is lashing out at letitia james on social media as she's already taking steps to
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potentially seize his properties in new york in talking to your sources, how consumed is the former president by this threat to his business empire >> today we prove that he is, he's very, very concerned about it. it is not the only thing that he talks about, but he does real about letitia james in private. he does talk about how unfair he thinks the case is. there's no difference boris between what he's saying publicly and what he's saying privately. the one thing i would say is i i know that he is opposed personally to filing for bankruptcy. he has very scarred by the bankruptcies that were filed against his companies in an early 1990s, this one would be personal to him in a different way, but it is not something that has been totally ruled out as a possible the ability again, i don't think it's likely it's something that could hurt him politically and a campaign, but it is not entirely off the table. >> but we've seen donald trump use things that would seemingly totally derail other candidates, other politicians to his advantage. >> i'm wondering if you
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>> see that he might find potential political benefit to effectively forcing letitia james to seize his properties >> that's a discussion that's taking place among some of his advisers. i don't think that donald trump left to his own devices once someone taking his properties, i just don't just based on everything that we know about him, but i do think that there are people who were telling him that there could the political advantage to it. and it's not clear to me that they're wrong. i think that if you have somebody who is running for the republican presidential nomination they are former president and their assets are sees, there are going to be a lot of people who rise against those. trump has been leaning and very aggressively to the idea that business people in new york are recorded feeling from this, this judgment because they fear that it could happen to them. now, i think he's overstating that, but i think unlike when he says to his supporters at rallies if they can do this to me, they can do this to you. in the case of something infected, affecting business, i do think that that concerns business officials and executives a
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little bit more than say, the average voter being worried about being indicted, >> that is fascinating. so mega you just reported that trump's new shared fundraising agreement with the rnc, direct a portion of donations be used to pay his legal bills before any money goes to the party actually, just last month, a senior trump campaign adviser told abc news that absolutely none of the rnc funds would be used to pay his legal bills. what changed >> so technically that's true and credit where it's due the associated have that story before shan golden ocher and i did technically, it is not going to the republican national committee to pay his legal fees. but the way that it works with this joint fundraising agreement, that he has signed with the national i'll party and then with a bunch of state parties along with his campaign and along with save america, the political action committee that's been paying for these legal fees is first a portion goes to the campaign, then $5,000 to save america. and then after that money to the republican national committee. and then the state party
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committees and so forth. $5,000 this is the maximum that can go to save america, which is at the moment headed to run very low on funds by the end of springs. so technically it's true the rnc is not paying his legal bills, but there is a portion of this fundraising that is going to go to save america, which has been paying his legal bills. >> yeah. so the biden campaign is having a go at this. they're poking fun at trump's recent lackluster fundraising numbers trump has less than half of the cash on hand as the biden campaign. and in a statement they said, quote, if donald trump put up these kinds of numbers on the apprentice, he'd fire himself. there really trying to get under trump skin i wonder if you think it'll work >> i don't think that writing headlines about the apprentice is going to be what sets donald trump off. i think the fact that donald trump might have his properties to take in is probably likely are to get under his skin than in a statement about the apprentice. i do think that the fundraising
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disparity is getting pretty wide. and while money differences tend not to matter as much in presidential races, this is a pretty big gap and we will, we will see how this plays out. >> yeah, a trump is also on the hunt for a new running mate right after his falling out with mike pence over pence's decision to certify the results of the 2020 election >> you have new >> reporting about a threat that trump made. depends that was reported to the january 6 committee from a vat lay of trump's right did the valais put forward anything that contradicts what the committee put forward? >> so look broader and i obtained a transcript of the interview that the stele gave to the january 6 committee. and just to go back to your point about the vp and trump looking for a new one. i don't think mike pence was especially interested in reviving that role for a third campaign. but, but there are aspects of the testimony that confirm a fair amount of other pieces of information that the committee obtain their aspects that did not but not that it contradicts
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it. it's that in some cases that the valais may not have heard it. he says he was not there for the entirety of the conversation that the former president had with the former vice president, but he did say that he heard the former president tell the vp that it would be a political killer to certify the election. and that does not undercut the general thrust of the january 6 committee. so and its work. so for what it's worth, and maggie, >> quickly, we were talking about search for a new vp sources tell cnn that senator marco rubio is under consideration serious consideration as a potential running mate for trump. what do you make of that >> that's been our reporting as well that he is among a small number of people who are being looked at senator jd vance from ohio remains, i think a pretty top contender for that role, but where the former president is actually going to go with this, i think is anyone's guess, and i don't think we're going to know for another at least six weeks.
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>> yeah, still plenty of time left to go in his general election. mega haven't been. thanks so much >> thanks. >> just ahead, the breaking news on embattled democratic senator bob menendez announcing he will not run for reelection, at least in the democratic primary. we're going to ask senate majority whip dick durbin what it means for demo macron's and their battle for control of the senate. and later the justice department's blockbuster antitrust lawsuit against apple. what it could mean for your iphone? >> from knead the dough >> didn't need it. now so many ways to save life, ready, while it happy, that's the 365 by whole foods market, i was >> so excited to buy my first home, but i needed a lot of work done on it. i went onto angie, jaime with the first person to call. >> i explained are some of the things i could do and showed her some pictures he's resurface my fluorine. he's done plumbing work, he's refinished this beautiful table
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closed captioning is brought to you by skechers, hands-free slip ends, stef in the future like i did when you hands-free skechers slip the cigarette is flip ins have an invisible built-in shoe horn so your foot slides into place to try skechers slip in >> there is breaking news on capitol hill. this our senator bob menendez of new jersey, announcing he will not run for reelection in the democratic primary this june, as he's deepen the fighting, a slew of federal corruption charges let's get you out to capitol hill with cnn's melanie zanona and melanie, this doesn't preclude him from running in the general election, right? >> no, that's exactly right. i mean, this has been a huge question in democratic circles. menendez has been facing questions about his bloody hello feature ever since he was first indicted on these bribery and extortion charges. and today, he finally announced that he was not planned to run as a democrat, but he did leave the door open to running as an independent this summer. if all his legal issues are resolved
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after his trial in may, take a listen >> i will not file the democratic primary this june i am hopeful that my exoneration will take place this summer and allow me to pursue my candidacy as an independent democrat in the general election >> now, over two dozen senate, senate democrats have called on bob menendez to resign. they do not want to have to spend money defending this typically please safe, complete seat. >> and he did step down as chairman of the >> senate foreign relations committee. but menendez has refused to step down from congress. he has maintained his innocence his pled not guilty, and he says he will be exonerated after his trial in may, and it's very clear that this move that he announced today is a strategic one because if he was running as democrat, he would have had to gather enough signatures for the ballot by monday. he also would have faced a very competitive primary race of multiple democrats running against him in, order to run as an independent, he has until june to collect those signatures. so clearly, he is
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not giving up on his political future, just yes, foreign molise, known to force on capitol hill and this much joining us now is the second ranking democrat in the senate majority whip, dick durbin of illinois center. thanks so much for sharing part of your evening with us. first year reaction to senator menendez saying he's not going to run in the democratic primary, but leaving the door open to run as an independent >> listen, i don't know the finer points of new jersey election law, but certainly when i heard from bob menendez was that he would not run as a democrat in the primary, and that he faces a very serious charge, legal charges that he hopes will be tried this summer. and if his exonerated, he would run as an independent democrat that of course leaves a lot of questions unanswered. the most important one is how he will fare in that election in that trial. >> yeah, it is an open question and there are very serious charges against him having to do with some shady foreign business dealings the senator
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schumer, you think need to bar senator menendez from participating in any classified briefings while this case accusing him of being an agent of the egyptian government plays out >> listen, i don't know the finer points when it comes to borrowing anyone from participating but he is a duly elected senator from new jersey at this point. he's not been convicted of any crime he is entitled to the same presumption of innocence as any american >> that's fair, senator. but are you comfortable with him getting these classified briefings >> i don't think there's any charge that i've heard that goes specifically to that question >> well, we'll pivot to something else, senator, that the house is expected to pass a 1.2 trillion dollar funding bill tomorrow ahead of the friday midnight deadline. do you think the senate is going to pass this bill unanimously in time to avert a, avert a government shutdown it doesn't have to be passed unanimously, but their votes that have to be taken and my feeling is that there's a sentiment to try for
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a number of reasons, personal and political to get the job done before midnight tomorrow night, i'll work toward that goal. >> well, if there's a single senator that raises an objection and it gets delayed and then likely wouldn't meet that deadline or are you confident that's going to happen? >> well, we've been able to work these things out in the past when we negotiate over amendments to the bill i think that's the plan this time as well. >> senator, there's a different issue i wanted to ask you about. there's a key judicial nomination that is in jeopardy after senators manchin and cortez masto said they would oppose the nomination of adeel mangi, who would be the first muslim judge on a federal court of appeals, as chairman of the judiciary committee. are you still planning to hold a vote on his nomination? >> we don't have any votes scheduled for any nomination at this point other than two or three this week, he's not included in that list. let me say the bottom line is as i went through that here bring it was one of the meanest hearings i've ever witnessed in the senate judiciary committee. this morning, the republican
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senate leader came to the floor and here's this man of being anti-semitic. that is outrageous there is no evidence whatsoever that they adl, the anti-defamation league, which stands up for jewish citizens over and over again, came to his defense and said that the hearing that was scheduled, if called last december was totally unfair. i've never seen, the treatment that he's received and that shouldn't be the case. >> you alluded to some of your colleagues trafficking and what can be described as islamophobic rhetoric. senator kennedy even asking monday if he celebrated september 11th, if he celebrated a terrorist attacks on the united states, what message more broadly do you think it would send for your committee to tank his nomination? >> well, i'll tell you it would be that only unfortunate, tragic. this is a well-qualified, extremely well-qualified the only thing that makes his nomination different than others is religion in the way he's been
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treated before this committee, and before the senate. i hope that my colleagues will think twice vice if they want to continue this tirade against it. it is totally unfair. >> one final topic i wanted to get your thoughts on, senator, the war in gaza israel submitted a letter to the us assuring it that it uses american provided weapons in line with international law. do you believe that's true? >> and if it's found not to be should the us stop sending weapons to israel? >> the law requires that these assertions by people receiving our military aid be credible and reliable. the humanitarian disaster taking, placing gaza and the deaths of so many innocent people, including many women and children, belies this assertion by the israelis. i think we need to challenge them and to be more specific and the evidence that they're presenting and senator dick durbin, we have to leave the conversation there. appreciate the time, sir. >> thank you. >> coming up. breaking news and escaped inmate and his alleged
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accomplice now in custody. we have details on their capture and a chilling suggestion from police fugitives might have been titled to homicides while they were on the run. we'll be right back >> it's a new day. >> one >> we're are shared values propel us towards a more secure future through august of partnership built upon cutting-edge american, australian and british technologies we'll develop state of d'arte next generations that were readings and build something stronger together securing decades of peace and prosperity for and our allies we are going forward and staying forward together >> i'm nfl hall of famer, dan marino, you know, i used to be afraid of things like defensive lines, losing games. but what's insane is that years later, my biggest fear became trying to fall asleep, but the insanity stop ryan learned about relaxing them sleep. i started sleeping again. the first night while i might not
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absolutely free. that's vibe to 369369 i'm arlette saenz at the white house, and this is cnn >> breaking news, police in idaho see a dangerous escaped inmate and accomplice who helped him flee, are now in custody. let's get straight to cnn's got me a little bit now for details, camila, this brazen escape set off a frantic manhunt what do we know about how the suspects were captured >> hey, bore is not a single shot, was fired during the arrest. no one was injured. authorities say they found them more than 100 miles south in twin falls, idaho. they weren't a different car. there was a short chase, but then they were arrested. now 40 saying they're investigating both the escape and a number of other crimes, including the killings of two other men
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>> we are investigating two homicides at separate locations. these are potentially tied to this incident after an armed assailant open fire during the transport of an mate, skylar meade, in route back to what the idaho corrections department classifies as the highest level of maximum security incarceration. two corrections officers were shot in that brazen getaway authorities state was a planned attack. >> he was in restraints while he was being escorted out of the out of the hospital this was a planned event and we're channeling every resource we have and trying to understand exactly how they went about planning it, >> meade was hospitalized on tuesday night for quote, self-injurious behavior on-site medical determined that he needed to be transported off site for emergent care and escaped just after 02:00 a.m. they as he was being escorted back to state prison where he has been incarcerated since 2016 and sentenced until 2036.
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the inmate and his accomplice identified by police as nicholas umphenour, fled just before responding officers arrived, we found the vehicle hey, escaped in up in northern idaho and they took another vehicle, umphenour is now accused of aggravated battery against law enforcement. and aiding and abetting an escape. law enforcement officials say both are members of a white supremacist prison gang. >> he has touched two is on his face the number one on one side of his face, and the number 11 on the other side. b is a documented gang member and with the aryan knights, 1.11, police say symbolize a and k for aryan knights, a white supremacist prison gang based in idaho, according to the department of justice police say they are now looking for links between two suspects who were at one time house together while in prison
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>> in addition to having both having membership with the aryan knights they also shared some acquaintances, some common acquaintances both in custody. as well as in the community >> so i asked the deputy director of the state police how they link the homicides. and these two suspects. and he said that the shackles were found at the scene of one of the homicides. now, in terms of the corrections officers that were injured, we are told that one of them was released from the hospital, the other two are stable and improving and we were also told that their spirits were lifted as soon as they were told that these two men were arrested for doping live for us in boise, idaho. thank you so much. joining us now, a cnn senior law enforcement analyst and former philadelphia police commissioner, charles ramsey. commissioner ramsay, thanks so much for being with us. the suspects are now in custody, but there are still questions that remain about how exactly they were able to conduct this attack and escape. and it seems
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coordinated >> well, it was coordinated. i mean, thank god. first of all, there in custody, although it appears that there were other people whose lives were lost as a result of their being on the loose. but this was carefully planned obviously, this accomplice hat to know that he was going to be at a hospital that he particular point in time. now, how did he find out? how did that communication take place? that it happened through a third party from inside the prison was someone who works at a prison involved. i mean, all that's part of the investigation. this didn't just happen at random obviously, this was very carefully planned. >> he >> feigned illness. well enough to be able to be transported to that hospital where he could then escape obviously, you mentioned the two homicides that police are investigating might be tied to these two men
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what would it take for police to definitively determine that they were tied to those homicides? >> well, i mean, it depends. maybe they have video, maybe you have other kinds of forensic evidence. i mean, with the one homicide, if they found the shackles, they're at the scene and that's a pretty good indication that he was involved at some manner, shape, or form. but that particular homicide, but i'm sure they have a lot of information that they aren't revealing now, that's pretty typical. they're going to be charged not only with escape but there'll be charged because two officers were shot as a result of the accomplice and whatever the homicides, if they can tie them, then there'll be charged with that as well. so they've got to collect the evidence and build a case but clearly these are very dangerous individuals. thank god, they're in custody. i'm a bit surprised they got him this quickly. i thought because of the way in which this was planned to be able to pull off the escape that they would have had with that plan?
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a way in which they could be concealed. for an extended period of time without help of others. but nine god that didn't happen and they got that is a good point. >> i am wondering since you >> mentioned the potential aid of others in all of this, stepping back, how do their ties to that white supremacist prison gang potentially informed in this investigation >> well, he gives them a starting point to start to question individuals, both those that are still in custody at that security prison, as well as those that may be out to find out the connections. because clearly someone helped them this was not a random act. this was well-planned >> and so >> someone had to get information to the other individual that he's going to be at this hospital at this particular point in time and that's how the ambush took place. and so someone was able to communicate that outside the prison. now, whether it was an
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inside job, but could have been someone who works for the prison, could have been an inmate through another party, could have been this individual directly. i mean, who knows. but believe me, they'll get to the bottom of it now charles ramsey, appreciate the expertise. thanks >> thank you >> just ahead exclusive new cnn reporting on the georgia election interference case. what we're learning about just when fani willis we'll push for the trial against donald trump to storm bills are crazy >> she has no idea. she is on a goldmine. >> she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, she can sell all were part of it to coventry for cash, even a term policy even a term policy >> find out if you're sitting on a goldmine call coventry direct today at 804618800. or visit coventry an
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important message for americans age 50 to 85 >> my gosh, you're still using mom's old coffee pot. >> it's my inheritance. >> well, it is a family heirloom. >> the kids can just sell it to pay for my funeral >> it's a good thing you have life insurance. life insurance with our families don't you know about colonial penn? it's guaranteed acceptance, whole life insurance with no medical questions asked. >> i'm on a fixed income who isn't you haven't? >> we all do. john >> maria and even paul with all of his medical problems? >> colonial penn, that's right. >> colonial penn life insurance company. as you get older your health may change. colonial penn understands that, and we don't think it should keep you from getting life insurance to help protect your family. that's why we guarantee acceptance to everyone age 50 to 85 no health questions, no medical exam applying is easy and you have your choice of options starting at 995 a
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now i'm sure lay and i lost 75 pounds is gallo. i went from moos is 22 sides, six before go low or nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really b
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exceptionally stink free and smell as good as humanly possible >> i mourn liebermann at the pentagon and this cnn's after surviving and embarrassing disqualification hearing, fulton county district attorney fani willis >> is trying to get donald trump's criminal case back on track. sources telling cnn that willis is preparing to ask the judge for a trial date as soon as this summer cnn's that cohen has are exclusive reporting. so zach walk us through the details. what are you learning? >> yeah, boris fulton county da a fani willis continues to push ahead to try to take former president donald trump to trial in georgia before the 2024 election. and that's despite a recent reprimand from judge scott mcafee, who even questioned her credibility as a result of those disqualificatio n proceedings, ultimately
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allowing her to stay on the case. but willis, immediately after that ruling, plans to request a trial date be said for his as soon as this summer. and that is months before just a few months before the 2024 election is scheduled to take place. now, i'm told that fani willis and her office are ready effectively ready at this stage to take the case to trial, and they only need about 30 days repair. but what really makes this seem like a hard pivot by willis is what we've been talking about for the last two months. and that is these allegations of an improper romantic relationship that willis had with her top prosecutor, nathan wade, who has since resigned from the case. but this move by willis would it'd be consistent with what we heard from her when she was forced to take the stand during these hearings in the disqualification proceedings, she had to defend herself against the allegations, particular listen to what she said just a month ago if an intrusive into people's personal lives. you'll confuse you think i'm on trial. these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. i'm not on trial no matter how
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hard you try to put me on trial. >> so we're learning about these plans to re-up the request for mcafee to set a trial date as this threat of disqualification still lingers and appeals court is going to decide when the next 45 days whether or not it wants to review mcafee is ruling that allowed willis to stay on the case. that could potentially lead to a reversal of mcafee is decision, but that's gonna happen in parallel with me. mcafee continuing to allow the case to go forward. he's indicated that he wants to continue to work through the other issues leading up to a trial scenario, and i'm told that source at by sources that mcafee is rolled up his sleeves since the decision came down that he is focused on continuing to move forward even as well as could still face disqualification, just not from his hand. >> is that cohen? thanks so much for that update. let's dig deeper on the story now with cnn legal analyst michael moore and michael, thank you so much for being with us tonight. this is a bit of a bold timeline from fani willis. is this just wishful thinking that the case is going to continue as if nothing happened and actually get underway before november for his election
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>> yeah. well, i'm glad to be with you. i really think this is >> mostly just posturing by the da's office. so you'll remember that the judge early on before all the scandalous allegations came out, he had suggested that this trial was going to take many, many months and even the district attorney's office agreed with that, both through jury selection and the trial itself, listing dozens and dozens of witnesses that they would need to call and so i really believed that this is optimistic. i was a bold move, but at the same time, she knows that the court of appeals is going to be considering whether or not to have an expedited appeal or an interlocutory appeal still on the issue. the judge mcafee wrote on last week, and that was dealing with her disqualification and she also knows that she needs to change the narrative. and so this i believe somebody probably close to or stone or you need to change the narrative and look like you're moving forward i find it hard to believe that they're going to put a hey presidential candidate and require them to be in the courtroom during a presidential campaign, an election, or at least that close to it. and if you look
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just down the hall at another court room, there's a trial going on. it's a rico case there's been a recent filing and that suggested it's trach take a couple of years and it's just it's just seems to me me to be unlikely that the court falls into this trap of this political move to schedule the trial. he may very well scheduled it, break it apart, schedule some of the defendants, a group with the defendants to go to trial this summer, whether or not he let's trump fall within that. >> i don't know. he's already indicated a willingness to break the group apart so it may be very well be he says look, we're not getting into this, are going to be a lot of appeal issues and you can see how contentious even just the hearing got over the last couple of weeks long, it took yeah. >> i want to go back to the point you made about willis and her team trying to change the narrative sources close to willis, tell cnn that they admit the last two months we're in a cables by her own actions. but they're accusing judge mcafee of enabling the defense attorneys. here's what one, willis ally said, quote, this
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is a two-month sideshow that the judge should have not even let happen. but given the cloud over the case, michael didn't the judge have to go through this process? >> absolutely. >> i mean, >> i think absolutely. and there was only one reason that we were in the courtroom and that was because of what the choices that ms willis and mr. wade had made and the fact that in fact, mr. wade had been paid that significant amount of money. and so we were in the courtroom watching those salacious details. come out. so i think he had to do that if it was the right move is decision was well-reasoned. we'll see what the court of appeals does >> michael moore, we've got to leave the conversation. they're great to see you, sir. >> great. so you need thank you. >> of course >> coming up the us today, filing a bombshell lawsuit against tech giant apple. y, the justice department says the company is abusing its power. and what this could mean for your iphone fashion moves fast
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industrials ending the day just points away from hitting 40,000 for the first time in its 128 year history. while others, stocks rallied. apple shares took a hit today after a historic antitrust lawsuit was filed against the tech giant cnn's brian todd is here with the details and brian, but justice department, more than a dozen dozen states taking on apple and one of its most popular products, right? >> the iphone boris, that's at the >> heart of this antitrust lawsuit. and what america's top prosecutors are accusing apple of is basically walling off all other products. so that apple completely dominates the market it's one of the most iconic, powerful brands in the world. now worth more than two-and-a-half trillion dollars. it sold more than 1 billion iphones worldwide and apple's ability to maintain that hold on the marketplace has put it squarely in the crosshairs of the us justice department today, justice filing a sweeping antitrust first lawsuit against apple accusing the tech giant of illegally monopolizing the
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smartphone market for consumers. that is meant fewer choices. higher prices and fees, lower-quality smartphones, apps, and accessories, and less innovation from apple and its competitors at the heart of the antitrust suit, the alligator question that apple has set up its own closed ecosystem that limits apple users to only using apple products. that's also known as the walled garden at the center of the walled garden, the iphone. >> and that's really the centerpiece of apples empire. it's, it's what has made it such a dominant company for so long. >> one example of fair practices alleged by the justice department that apple degrades the texts that iphones receive from android phones. those green texts iphones get from non iphones. >> the justice department says that messages that are sent between iphones or more secure because they're encrypted. but when you're messaging with a non-iphone user that those messages are not encrypted and thus less secure. >> also a difference in picture
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quality of a picture sent from an android to an iphone could be of lesser quality. >> yeah according to the justice department when those messages or images get exchanged the quality is less images. grenier videos might look ranier. >> another example of what the justice department calls apple's quote exclusionary conduct these days. good luck trying to use anything but apple pay if you're using your phone at the checkout counter counter apple has blocked third-party developers from creating competing digital wallets on the iphone. they use what is known as tap-to-pay functionality >> and justice says, apple watches only work well with iphones, forcing owners to buy nothing but apple phones, the justice department says, unlocking more competent petition for apple products will lead to more innovation and lower prices for consumers. >> on the other hand, apple says, look, if the justice department gets its way, then that effectively makes apple devices much more like android devices. consumers don't want
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that >> apple tonight forcefully responding to this antitrust suit by saying that a quote threatens who we are and the principles that set apple products apart in fiercely competitive markets, the company says if the suit is successful, it would hinder apple's ability to create the kind of technology that people expect from it. and the company says the loss took is wrong on the facts and the law last fall, apple did announce plans to make texting from android phones just as good as texting from iphones. boris, yeah, a major story to watch, by the way, that was a cute dog. i don't know why we blurred it at the trusted family dog, reggie were truly blurted to kind of illustrate how the quality of pictures i see this kinda different companies, the quality of the picture does that make sense, bryan todd. thank you so much. still to come showing show time in the spotlight. allegations of gambling debt and millions of dollars now linked to one of baseballs biggest stars, sit room returns in a moment demand for energy is growing. and so
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erupted in major league baseball, the interpreter for la dodgers player shoheiohtani fired i made allegations that he still millions of dollars from the japanese superstar to cover a gambling debt cnn sport's anchor coy wire, is on the story of coy. a lot of questions about this announcement. yeah, not just interpreter, right, boy, something like really close confidant and friend and what really stands out, boris right now is that the explanation of how this all went down changed and it changed quickly. shohei ohtani, spokesman originally told an investigative reporter at espn that ohtani was covering the gambling debts of his longtime interpreter and friend, ippei mizuhara to the tune of 4.5 million. but then ohtani's lawyers contradicted that on wednesday saying ohtani was the victim of massive theft this all came to light because federal investigators are looking into an illegal california gambling operation as first reported by the la times and according to espn, ohtani's sent those millions of dollars in wire transfers from his bank account to an alleged bookmaking


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