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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 22, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> john that area that we were embedded with police earlier today, and we can actually show you some of the images in which we're driving through. and it almost seemed like it was bombed out neighborhoods that has slowly been rayon habit it i mean, it felt like something that was out of this world, quite frankly. but in that community, just an hour or so after we left, it started increasing with gunfire and a police confrontation with gangs one that lasted several hours. and on occasion here, just as we've been preparing to go live, we were hearing some more gunshots that were told as a police operation that has ended with police killing a gang leader who is among those who escaped recently and that recent prison outbreak, they also confirm that several gang members were killed. john, however, for them, it's about trying to hold the line officers continuing to struggle with that david culver. thank you. the news continues right here on cnn >> it's friday, march 22,
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right now on cnn this morning, new york's attorney general, moving to seize a private estate and golf course suburban manhattan, belonging to donald trump and gaza ceasefire talks, resuming and qatar as secretary of state, antony blinken prepares to meet face-to-face this it's morning with israel's prime minister and republicans believe they have the votes to pass a spending bill today, we'll enough democrats join them to try and head off off a government shutdown 05:00 a.m. here in washington alive look at new york city from tower somewhere in their good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us this morning donald trump has just three days to post a nearly half $1 bond. and if you can't find the money, new york attorney general, letitia james is making preparations to seize some of his mark key property these filing judgments in westchester county, home to trump's golf
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course and private estate north of manhattan. the ag is already filed papers for seizures in manhattan where trump tower 40 wall street's several other properties are located >> trump's >> increasing desperation as the clock ticks down parent in his social media posts. this one post around 02:00 a.m. last night, it runs 180 words. it's all in caps. >> it calls the >> judge a quote, political hack. the attorney general, corrupt and racist, and the legal process totally unconstitutional kevin fry, washington reporter for new york, one is here with me now. kevin. good morning. thanks for coming in. >> so what's the significance of this, these judgments that were filed in westchester county. all right. so i mean, look, this is their move movement from the attorney general as we inch closer and closer to monday to see exactly what she's going to do in response to the fact that he's not going to pay at least all indications are it's going to hit i'd be able to post this bond. as he continues to his team says he continues to struggle to find some sort of
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resource to actually post it >> so the attorney general they push back against what trump is saying here by pointing to other corporations that have posted at bonds and these amounts is there any water at all to the trump argument that this is an unfairly large amount of money for an individual to pay because they're arguing essentially, well, part through this process, they doubled the judgment to try to put them in this situation. >> it's worth noting that the ag has basically speculated, believe in that filing, but look, you could also to try to do smaller judgments or piecemeal judgments as well as a way of round this. there have been, i believe judgments paid at least for corporations of this amount previously. but of course this is the trump brand right? so it does seem it's very threatening as well to his overall political perception, right? that he is this massively wealthy man >> yeah, and look, i mean, this is part of the >> trump brand from the beginning one, it's the fact that he, his name is on all of
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these buildings. he owns all these properties. this sort of undermines that argument that he has always made as part of his political way of negotiating on in washington and that his the art of the deal that he knows how to his, this wonderful businessman knows how to get all this things done. he has all of this money is a multi-billion their billionaire and all of a sudden you can't find this well, so does that undermine the argument for folks that are already die-hard maga fans i questioned that because if they haven't already been against him breathing basically, how is this going to change that dynamic, if anything, it might rile them up because part of his arguments you saw on that post overnight is that they're coming after me, write this is a situation where there is an appeal process in terms of can is you're going to potentially be allowed to move forward with this appeal under slightly different rules. what does the outlook for that? >> well, it remains to be seen. i mean, look, there are various stages in new york that they could possibly go through in terms of going to the appellate court. but he also needs to post the bond to get to that stage to begin with. and then
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on top of that, there is just this overarching question of exactly what he could face when he gets to the appellate division. and it doesn't seem like new york would necessarily reverse what's already happening. >> yeah, >> one option for him would be to declare bankruptcy, which comes down before. but it seems like all of our reporting says that they're ruling that out because for some of the reasons we touched on, i mean, it would be a way out of this financial jam potentially, but it would look good. look look pretty darn bad of a middle of a campaign season. again, for the rains mentioned that this undermines his whole argument. and do you want to go through that whole rigamarole now, do they hold off and wait until maybe november what fifth? >> we'll see >> which there has been some speculation around these filings as to which properties the ag might go after first in the event that that you start seizing things, what is she says? she looks out at at that building on wall street all the time. she said that in one of her interviews in the last
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couple of months, how what do you anticipate they will start looking at these things. i mean, do they rank them in terms of value? >> i think part of it is what is the already actually have? what does he not already have? lins and loans on to begin with and then on top of that the west chester filings suggests that perhaps they're looking at the properties settings. it's just north of new york city. there was also some questioning last night, perhaps could they look at some of the stock value? david with truth social, for example. so what exactly would be the easiest to grab that first, right? because of course truth, social set to go public on monday kept for friday for us this morning. thank you very much for getting us started. i appreciate it are coming up next here. gaza ceasefire talks reaching a critical stage. a secretary of state blinken and israeli prime minister netanyahu prepare to meet face to face, plus and escaped idaho inmate captured police now, investigating whether he might be linked to two new homicides and senator bob and then says announcing he won't run in the democratic primary for senate. might he run for an independent as an independent
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gi network. >> we now get more >> control of production efficiencies and greater agility with a custom private five i've gene network, our customers get what they want when they want it. >> now, or even smarter and are ready for what's next. >> achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon. >> i'm caitlin poland's in washington and this is cnn welcome back right now, secretary of state antony blinken is back in israel where there's an intense diplomatic push to reach a >> ceasefire agreement in gaza the secretary expected to meet with senior israeli government officials, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu cia director bill burns, also in the region. sources tell cnn that burns will join the hostage talks in qatar listen to blinken's assessment the negotiators continue to work the gaps are narrowing and we're continuing to push for an agreement in doha. there's still difficult work to get there, but i continue to
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believe it's possible >> all right. see in an international correspondent and anchor, max foster joins me live now from london. max, good morning. always wonderful to see you >> so >> this has been a very difficult road and the last time we saw any hostages released, it was back in early december. and of course, that also marked the end of the temporary ceasefire in gaza. and we've seen the humanitarian crisis just escalate there. what is the outlook for these talks at this point? >> well, it does feel quite positive. if you look at the language, particularly from blinken. so the gaps are narrowing, but there are still gaps there when we look at this hostage deal, a lot of the talk has been obviously around how long any pause in the fighting would last. so people are talking about about six weeks then the number of hostages to be released, 40 is the number that jomana karadsheh was suggesting to me when i spoke to earlier, are correspondent and then in return, obviously hundreds of palestinian
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prisoners as well. the 40 hostages, including idf soldiers, female idf soldiers. so when they talk about the gaps are narrowing we're all assuming it's around those three factors. how many palestinian prisoners, how many israeli hostages, and how long this pause will last? >> yeah, maximum looking at the new a cover of the economist out this morning and it's headline is israel alone with, of course, the israeli flag in the desert and they kind of through the precarious political position that israel is in on the world stage. >> as this has evolved, and the challenges range from the increasing polarization of israeli society, the increasing power of right-wing, they're settlers in the west bank and of course benjamin netanyahu has made his government with this, with this right-wing coalition and they essentially are framing this as really critical pivot the point for
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israel in terms of maintaining support for its right to defend itself over the course of the next century, really they say 75 years. >> when >> you think about the decisions that are going to be made here. just in these next couple of months in terms of trying to figure out a way to fix the humanitarian crisis, while also allowing israel to continue to exist. and what do you think are the political challenges for the state of israel on the world stage? >> well, i think we saw a little bit that when blinken met arab leaders. so it's really about what happens or mislead the afterwards. i'll bleed as united, very clear that there needs to be a two-state solution. and most of israel's allies agree with that as well. the current israeli government does not agree with that, but absolutely the basis of the arab talks is that there will be a two-state solution and that the mahmoud abbas is or authority currently the west bank would have a role in that. so he had a
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representative there in those talks. netanyahu saying he doesn't see any role for abbas is group really running any of gaza. so there are two major problems here moving forward with netanyahu, which is why the tensions have really said in and that is no two-state solution and a disagreement about who would bd authority in gaza whilst allowing israel to protect itself, having a a system where no longer does israel fill, it's under attack from gaza a lot of these are intractable for they feel like intractable problems and they're happening in parallel to these negotiations around a pause in the fighting. so it's very difficult even if they do reach some sort of agreement. now, immediate agreement, how they're going to move forward on this with netanyahu in the position that he's in match, what sense do you have in terms of the impact of the looming us election how do you think that's impacting what bibi netanyahu is deciding to do in
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these moments, if at all well, there's a lot of criticism that obviously america has this huge leverage over israel because it supplies most of its arms. >> and yet isn't getting enough out of that leverage at the very least obviously the americans have very keen on getting more aid into gaza. and that's just not happening so it's that sense that america isn't having the influence over israel but it should have how that plays into the us election the jewish lobby on america is very central to that. so that i think you'll be able to tell me more about that than i can tell you. but how much influence netanyahu would have on that? versus jewish leaders in america >> yeah, i'm very interested honestly and how netanyahu is thinking about the timing of the election. the possible winner of the election, and how like his own fortunes may change in his own country depending on whether trump or biden is president. that's really my big question here. max foster for us in london,
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max. thank you very much >> all right. coming up next here, buried alive a backhoe operator trapped beneath a pile of rocks for 12 hours. plus attorney general merrick garland, unedited, will tell you what he calls absurd >> central. today >> seven eastern >> start your de, with nature the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin supplement brand >> at morgan stanley old school hardware meets bold new sinking at 88 years old. we still see the world with a wonder of new eyes helping you. discover untapped possibilities and
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>> call now on the tasting life podcast, dr. sanjay gupta goes inside the world of weight loss the numerical drugs. and what we've really tells us about our health. chasing life with dr. sanjay goo listen wherever you get your podcasts right? >> 20 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. >> escaped prisoner and his >> accomplice recaptured after a two day manhunt in idaho, police now investigating whether the men were involved in two separate murders in the state while they were on the loose attorney general merrick garland dismissing the notion that he should have edited
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former special counsel robert hur's report on president biden's mishandling of classified documents the idea that an attorney general would >> edit or redact or sensor the special counsel's explanation for why the special counsel reach the decision that special counsel did so first description of biden as a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory angered many democrats >> a >> tennessee backhoe operator rescued after being buried alive in a dirt pit for 12 hours firefighters installed a pipe to help them in breathe while they worked to get an out >> all right. time now for whether more than 50 million people facing flood threats
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here in the east and a series of storms will bring more snow to the upper midwest and great lakes than they have seen all winter are weatherman tracking all of it for us? derek, a reminder to our viewers that it is in fact spring not so much out there >> yeah, we have this snow deficit across much of the midwest from minnesota all the way to the great lakes. and we're going to make up a lot of ground here in the next couple of days. so if you thought winter was over, it is far from over from minneapolis all the way to my i hometown of grand rapids right now getting our first of a series of storms that will impact the region. you can see the radar very busy. so it could see some snowflakes flying milwaukee, madison, all the way to detroit and the chicago suburbs. this is going to gather some strength this weekend. so we're talking about ski country, northern new england, big time snow totals expected there. it will stay rain and the potential for flooding exists across the major east coast city. so that i95 corridor, it is going to be wet look at the timeframe here, friday evening through saturday evening. so you expect 36 hour timeframe
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here basically to be psaki in with heavy rainfall now across extreme southern florida, two to four inches just for miami dade? yeah, that is going to be a wet start to the weekend as well. both of these systems working together to create a very unsettled weather pattern across the entire eastern seaboard. here's our radar, low pressure located across the central golf, pick it up. a lot of moisture and both of these are going to work together to create that flash flood risk that i mentioned across us, the east coast cities. so look out new york, boston, there's the snowfall for northern new england. we're talking vermont into main as well as new hampshire. we could measure that in excess of a foot, but in terms of rain, this is where we are anticipating the concerns. i'll look at dc in that shading of yellow two according to the legend that's two, maybe upwards three inches locally, of course, urbanized flooding possible and some ponding on the roadways. here's our secondary storm system. this one's for the end of the weekend of that is going to bring more snow to minneapolis. the potential for
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blizzard conditions, as well as this starts to draw and cold air from the north. so very active there's the snowfall totals, check that out out that's over a foot for minneapolis >> yeah. >> march. yeah. i will say saturday. i gotta i gotta make plans, get the kids >> know her not going outside on saturday. it doesn't sound nice weekend, so thank you for that update. our weatherman fifth and tara, i'll see you later on in the show. thank you. >> all right. coming up next year, the shutdown deadline for the government permanent just hours away. can they get enough democrats on board to keep the government open? plus failure to launch the blast off to help shorted with just 20 seconds to go >> sanity needs to save space >> you have a show were right and left talk to cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tomorrow at eight on cnn this tiny homes trend >> not for me. now, this is
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that's why i use secret whole body deodorant everywhere. four >> out of five gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your secret full body deodorant. >> i'm david culver in port-au-prince, haiti. and this is cnn >> all right, alive. looked down the national mall. there's the washington monument on this friday morning just before 530 here on the east coast. thanks so much for waking up with us. i'm kasie hunt >> it is deadline de to avoid a government shutdown. once again, top house republicans expect to have the votes today to pass the spending package. they're going to need democrats to do it if the bill does pass the house, we could still be in for a partial shutdown if the senate doesn't time have time to read it and cast votes before the mid night deadline entirely possible. here's what senator mike brown's told me yesterday the senate may not even get the
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bill until tomorrow or saturday. and so there may be a shutdown over the weekend. i don't like that idea. i think this is a terrible way to run a government. this is a terrible thing to do to the country. this was supposed to be done last october and so here we are >> here we are. i'm joining by foreign issue, mary congressional report with the associated press. and catherine lucy, she's white house reporter for the wall street journal good morning, ladies. thank you for being here for newish. where does this actually stand? is going to pass the house today? >> i mean, it looks like it is. i mean, just seeing what's happened in the past few weeks, like every time people have seemingly underestimated johnson, he's come out with these statements with all four corners of congress coming together with a deal last-minute, and getting democrats support. do i think there'll be more republicans and democrats on them? no, i think we've seen from the past few cros and budget fights that
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democrats are likely going to have the majority of numbers on this. but i, i personally, mainly because i want a weekend, i >> i see this going well, i have don't chasing that members of congress what's, your sense of this here? i'm in an end, johnson in particular, i mean, he it's the toughest job in washington. >> he's really pretty new at it. there are a lot of grumbling and griping about him behind the scenes that said, i take furnishes point at this point, he's likely to get this done yeah. >> i mean, it's a terrible but he has shown >> some ability to move >> these things along, right? he is dealing with frustration from the right flank of his party, but he is making clear they are moving forward. he was pretty clear this week, but he says they have to govern. >> and >> i think that other republicans are supportive of that. he's shown, he's comfortable working with democrats, getting democrats democratic votes in this, and he's trying to highlight what he sees as republican
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priorities that they are moving forward with in this package, defense spending more beds for detention beds for migrants. so he's he's trying to frame this as winds, but he is clearly showing that he is prepared to move forward and govern on the substance of this furnish. there has been a lot of back-and-forth around. democrats would call them like culture war add-ins to some of these things related to whether it's lgbtq issues or trans issues how is that? how has that sorted itself out? i mean, what? would you point to in this package that americans should be paying attention to >> yeah, i think it's i think it's really interesting to me if you see the statements as as you mentioned, if she sees statements both sides are like this is a democratic when republicans are like desert win, but no one got like everything that they wanted, right? and that's how these things work. i think johnson is coming to terms there's a you're not going to get everything on it, but what they did get is 24% increase and migrant beds while they're waiting, they're immigration proceedings or removal from the
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country they were able to get the removal of any flags that are not official us flags, like lgbtq pride flags from us diplomatic sites. so that was a win new launcher, flags yeah, us diplomatic sets. yes. >> they got stuff like that, but they also got they were able to prohibit funds going to the un relief and works agency, which has been a major fight during this battle over israel aid obviously it's the largest donor nar of palestinian aid. and they were able to probe it that fun until the end of the fiscal year. >> very interesting, and democrats will point to money for child care and head start as some of the things that they're really trying to tout. but there >> they would view as wins. fair enough. okay >> one of the other >> things i saw on the hill yesterday as we have been grappling with this political debate on ivf driven in large part by the alabama decision
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matt rosendale republican congressmen spearheaded a letter with three of his republican colleagues about ivf. and this came in the context of the veterans affairs administration moving to cover ivf for single people and same-sex couples, and they write this quote. >> ivf >> is morally dubious and should not be subsidized by the american taxpayer. it's well-known ivf treatment results in the surplus of embryos after the best ones our tested and selected. and they go on to write quote, the va must focus on providing world-class health care and benefits to veterans not trying to remake the nuclear family. now, why do i point this out i point this out because republicans politically are trying to argue, no, we want to protect ivf this sort of flat out makes the argument that a lot of the evangelical right has been making about ivf for many years. ivf is morally dubious i mean, furnish. >> what do you make of this
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letter? and i mean, wouldn't there be people running campaigns saying, hey, like maybe not now? >> yeah. no. i mean, i think you have to make note of what subset of the republican party this is, right? bob good is the chair of the house freedom caucus. this is the most far-right group of members in congress, but also notably, i mean, it goes to, goes to show that while republicans are trying to do damage control on what happened in alabama, are trying to put out i'd saying we want to support ivf, however, we can help american families create it, add to their families. we want to do that, but then there's this subset of their, of their conference and of their party that is going to continue to give democrats exactly what they want, which as you said, is these campaign hits that's right. i mean, democrats >> see abortion and access to abortion and reproductive health care as the biggest if not the if not one of the biggest issue in this campaign so moments like this, letters like this play into their arguments that republicans are trying to curtail access to all
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these kinds it's a procedures. and so the end you've seen the biden campaign talking about this and they'll continue. they will, they may highlight this because these are the kinds of things that they want to point to when they say look republicans aren't being straight with you when they say that they support these procedures and look at this >> yeah >> i mean, it >> does seem like furnish. they've they've tied up we're just talking about their culture war, battles, right? and this is about, it's not about coverage for what it seems like they're defining as the nuclear family based on how they say it, not trying to remake the nuclear family. because again, this is something that the va is extending to single people and to same-sex families. that they're pulling those those, those two things together. but again, i mean, where americans are on ivf is different. >> yeah. no. i mean, you see this with so many issues. i mean, you see this with what's going on with the war in ukraine, what's going on? israel, i mean, it does, it
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does not seem to connect that this is not what the majority of the american public wants, right? ivf has been seen as not a partisan issue for years, despite a hard right version of religious parts of this country trying to make it one >> but again, if you like, >> listen really quietly, your heel here, the campaign's cutting the ads for this, right? as we speak and this just goes into democrats by one because catherine, i mean, it's very rare that we get the nrc's era, the rsc over on the senate side very rarely issues like blanket memo saying like here's what you should say. they'll do things obviously with specific campaigns, but especially in on the senate side. there are big differences between how you campaign in montana are various different states. they were very direct and saying like, you should say that we support ivf this seems to again, make clear that no, actually this is what's underneath that. >> and it >> does seem to make the democrats argument for them
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because they, because democrats will say, well, actually if they had their way, they would do this. >> does this seem not seem to underscore that certainly gives the democrats the ability to make that argument that they can say, look, even as they come out saying very supportive idf, this is what's going on. and at least one wing of their party. and we saw after the antic the court ruling in alabama and the the back-and-forth about ivs access there, that how many americans support this, how many republicans support this? and that's why the nrc and other republicans are trying to figure out ways to message on this because this is a big problem for them. >> all right, catherine lucy furnished your thank you guys both very much. happy friday. i hope it's actually your friday a week all right up next here, ukraine reporting power outages across the country after a new barrage of russian strikes overnight, ukraine's energy minister calls it the largest attack on the power system in recent times. let's get to our fred pleitgen, who has lived for us from berlin at fred, how bad was this air attack? what's happened
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>> it was massive. i mean, one of the things that we've seen is that there certainly hasn't been attacked like this, at least in several months, if not in over a year in ukraine, you'll recall that there was a big strike on key of yesterday okay. see whether ukrainian say they shot down all the targets that were fired. the ukrainian capital, they didn't manage that this time, but just wanted to give you some of the numbers because it is pretty huge. the ukrainians are saying that the russians fired 151 air attacks. that includes some of those drones that they use, those iranian-made drones. but it also includes some a pretty massive missiles or ballistic and cruise missiles that, the russians, youth as well. now the ukrainian say that they shot down more than 90 of those air targets. but of course that means a lot of them still hit their targets. we can see on our map, right now, the area of the frontline and some of the areas that were targeted as well. one of them it's a place called kharkiv that's very close to russian territory. it actually gets targeted a lot by
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the russians. there's a missile that they use. they're called the s 300, which actually hits its targets and about 40 seconds it's almost impossible for people to run to shelter in time. but some of the other things that we're seeing as well shows that the russian seem to be conducting a full-on blitz on the ukrainian energy infrastructure. they have several missiles called the x to x 22, which has a gigantic payload. again, the ukrainians are saying kharkiv is pretty much without power. zaporizhzhia, there's massive issues, but across the country they say right now, big power outages. casey all right. >> fred pleitgen for us with that update, fred, thank you very much. >> all right. coming up next year, secretary of state antony blinken, face-to-face with israel's prime minister with a ceasefire in gaza on the line plus a huge bracket busting first-round upset in the ncw a tournament united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday at nine on cnn >> allergies >> with allegro. >> they won't stop me. nothing
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one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you >> 808 to one welcome back, secretary of state antony blinken is in tel aviv this morning for a high-stakes meeting with israeli >> prime minister benjamin netanyahu. right now, the secretary's meeting with netanyahu and the israeli war cabinet, the talks are expected to have some tension with the prime minister vowing to carry out a military operation mission in rafah, despite us and international opposition. dring now by former deputy assistant secretary of state and the obama administration, joel ruben to talk more about this. joel. >> good morning. you've been part of many talks, like the one that's unfolding here. you take us inside the room. >> what what is this going to be like for blinken today? >> it's going to be a very tough meeting. there's several different avenues of diplomacy happening right now. the first is that yesterday the secretary met with multiple arab countries in cairo. and at those meetings he talks about
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the end game. what is the unify their position frankly, they're presenting to secretary blinken, united states about getting to a two-state solution. concurrent to that cia director bill burns in doha, trying to negotiate a temporary ceasefire. the hostage exchange that ongoing discussion between israel and hamas. now secretary blinken has to bring those together while pressing israel to allow more humanitarian aid in and have an end game horizon this is not going to be a resolving meeting. this is gonna be a process, meaning most likely, because we're then going to see you next week, the defense minister, yoav gone not coming to washington to talk about this potential rafah invasion as well. >> yeah >> let me show you. just mentioned humanitarian aid. tony blinken talked a little bit about this in the course of his trip. watch what he said children should not be dying of malnutrition in gaza or anywhere else for that matter 100% a of the population of
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gaza is experiencing severe levels of acute food insecurity >> we cannot >> we must not allow that to continue i mean i have to say this is the one place in particular where it seems obvious, right? like y, why is the us allowing this to be so bad? i mean, can we not be doing more to prevent this? >> we need to be doing more. and as a jewish american, it's incredibly trump i'm willing to watch this, especially as the passover is coming. easter, it's ramadan, right now. we should not be witnessing starvation and hunger as a policy. and my fear is that the israeli government consistently tries to prevent more aid from getting into gaza and has not set up mechanisms inside gaza. for the certitude of distribution of that food. there are international, there are international agencies. the world food, food programme, for example, is there but they're
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not getting enough surgeon. so now we have to send in by boat eight and that's just that's just an embarrassment. >> like, why is this happening when i get like the israelis argument over food? they don't want people to be able to smuggle weapons or fuel, excuse me, not food >> this seems like >> just i just i don't understand >> you know >> descending overland of trucks historically going into gaza, they would go and they would answer. and i think what the israelis do see isn't infrastructure in gaza that benefited hamas through many trucks bringing in supplies that we're not used for the benefit of the palestinian people and the security overlay is incredibly intense and israel is making sure that they are reviewing everything going in. but it's at a slowdown level. and then we have nmr ben gvir as well. there's a far-right member of the governing coalition minister of national security putting his finger on the thumb to slow down aid, to put up red tape barriers and so there's just a
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continual slowdown, but there's nofor the people on gaza and food should not be part of any kind of strategy in this case, >> i mean, i was talking when i'm max foster are international anchor about this earlier that cover the economists israel alone, right? >> it seems to >> me, this is one of those things where i mean, do you think there's a recognition that they could do long-term damage to israel's standing in the world on this humanitarian, the food situation specifically. >> well, i think there's difference between the israeli people in the israeli government. i think the israeli people, they see it we see it. everyone sees it, but the israeli government right now is not taking the affirmative decision to truly surge aid in they're talking about one to 200 trucks a day going in. there this means now there need to be three to 400 a couple of hundred a month, two months to perhaps. but now this scarcity so intense. and so they just need to make that decision to do it. and that is not a
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tradable asset in an negotiation. they can still have them negotiations on a ceasefire and about getting the hostage he's out which is a must without having food as part of that discussion. again >> wanting to eliminate hamas is a completely understandable. objective. >> this is short shortsighted thinking and it's turning a population into hostile one as well. we've seen this in iraq, his, you've gotta say in our experience, yeah you know, you can win the fight but lose the war and that is what happened in iraq. we went in and it was total chaos after a couple of months of being there and then insurgency happened. and that's my big fear with this, is that israel, they may knock out hamas, but they will not control the space in the population, be incredibly angry at them and insurgency will then start. >> yeah briefly, let's talk about what's going on. hearing washington because there is this specter of benjamin netanyahu potentially addressing congress at the invitation of the republican house speaker. what are the dynamics of that brings them great memories of 2015 when i
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was to say departments that that address when he came. >> yeah. >> look, first of all, i think it's speaker johnson really cares about israel. what he would do is not play photo op and invite be he would pass the national security supplemental bill. you would pass the age israel, that's in it. >> and >> frankly, the prime minister, he should say, i won't come until you pass this aid and maybe take a page out of zelenskyy is playbook and say provide aid to my country and other countries needed, including ukraine. i think this is going to be very divisive. he comes and there's no aid bill passed and speaker johnson just wants to say he stands with israel when he really doesn't. >> it might honestly make it worse, especially because democrats increasingly want to condition the aid are at joel rubin for us, which will thanks very much for your friday with us. i appreciate it >> all right. three crew members are safe after their launch to the international space station from kazakstan it was aborted. nasa officials say the soyuz rocket automatically aborted just 20 seconds before liftoff thursday. after one of the service towers next to the rocket failed to initiate an engine start. engineers are
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still trying to determine what caused the failure. the next launch opportunity comes tomorrow all right. how was your bracket doing this morning, march madness tips off with some big upsets. andy scholes has this morning's bleacher report and good morning. >> good morning. kasie, you know, yesterday i told you to pick those 11 seats and all three of them one and upset over this 60, they were planned yesterday, but the biggest upset of the de it belong olonga 14 oakland who took down breezy kentucky and what did it it was for jack goalkeeper is senior for the golden grizzlies. may 10, threes gulf. he's 4.32 points, which is the most points ever in the tournament. for player who did not make a two-point shot, oakley would pull off the upset over the wildcats 80 to 76, kentucky 1 and four and the last five tournament games. and here with goalkeeper the big upset >> i know they have draft picks and i know i'm not going to mba, but i know on any given
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night, i can compete with those type of guys and our team can compete with them just type of guys. and that's why i was so confident going into it. and that's why i say we're not a cinderella. because when we play our a game where we can be the best thing on the floor >> all right. dave, meanwhile, looked like they were just toast against them vata, they were down 17 with 714 to go within states. epic comeback of flyers finishing the game on a 24 to four run named santos here with a big bucket to put dayton up one with 38 seconds and nevada the last second three no joy. dayton moves on and after an incredible comeback, winning that 163 to six day lebron james high school coach keith dambrot. do kane meanwhile, dancing into the second round, the duke's taken down byu 701,267.1 of those 11 seed upsets. and this was due first tournament win since 1916 dambrot already announcing retiring after this rod, but that's going to have to wait because now they've got a date with illinois in the
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second round >> you just want to let me retire, man. i'm trying to retire, but it would keep winning games. you can make me an old man. >> abroad halvings a boat with his old coach, winning, reading a first tournament, wade and 55 years, people would go and the ducts domain cuz meanwhile, he had a tournament open over the age is against the get god's truth guard spent three seasons at south carolina for transferring to oregon. he scored a career high in oregon tournament record, 40 points yesterday against his former school, 11 seated dusk the south carolina 87 to 73, and nc state wrapping up the great day for those 11 seeds being texas tech 82, 67, the wolf magical run just continued because they 15 games and five days in the acc tournament to make the big dance >> now there onto the second round to take on oakland. finally, sanford band. they are not happy this morning. they were down 120 seconds ago jail bucks go long, but aj, is that
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mccrae chased the down for the block, but >> they called a foul, >> but take another look. it was absolutely all ball. kansas would make both those free-throws and hold onto win that 19389 hop. break there for the bulldogs. we've got 16 more games coming your way today. and you can watch it across our sister networks, tnt, tbs and trutv, and kasie, that one on the bottom there is the one i got my arm. i houston cougars >> all right. this year, hoping we go all the way. >> we'll be watching it for you, andy, my >> bracket is pretty busted, not going to lie, but that 11 seat advice phenomenal it was really good. >> yeah. next year i'm doing it. i'm picking all of them >> listened to me next year case. i clearly andy, thank you very much. have a great weekend. >> all right. coming up next here are brand new cnn polling from to critical battleground states where voters stand on biden and trump in ms chicken in pennsylvania, we're going to break that for you at the top
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