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tv   CNN Newsroom With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  March 22, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> good morning, everybody. you were alive in the sea that newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington, the house of representatives is about to begin voting on a high-stakes government funding package. that is looking to push through once again at the 11th hour in the nick of time, both chambers have to pass the bill by the end of the day to avoid a partial government shutdown it's not clear if speaker mike johnson has the votes just yet he's facing backlash, not just from democrats, but from within his own party. one congresswoman saying the republican majority is quote a complete failure. those aren't the words of a progressive. they're from none other than marjorie taylor greene. she says she is done with this speaker of the house, but big question hanging over washington right now is can the legislation make it through the senate and it's sausage making process before the bid light deadline. cnn congressional, a chief congressional correspondent on erasure as up on capitol hill for us. monitor. what's the latest >> yeah. look, this bill is expected to pass according to
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top republicans, but not without some pains, particularly coming from the right, the far right of the house republican conference is absolutely furious at their leadership for cutting this deal. remember this deal is about six months after the fiscal year. actually began in they had approved short-term extension after short-term extension, ultimately keeping the government open, kicking the can down the road. that first short-term extension lead the ouster of kevin mccarthy at a revolt from the right flank. now, speaker mike mike johnson, the new speaker, had to cut a deal with chuck schumer, the majority leader in the senate, and the white house to fund the rest of the federal government to the end of this year. and that is what number of republicans on the right are concerned about. they believe this deal did not go far enough and cut spending and the process it says bill was unveiled yesterday morning of 03:00 a.m. it's going to have to pass today in order to avoid a government shutdown by midnight tonight. and they say there's simply not been enough time to review this thousand-page bill, and that is one warning from one member in particular, marjorie taylor
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greene of georgia, whose suggests that perhaps this could be an effort to try to house speaker mike johnson because of the way he has handled this, and she just took to the house floor also raising major concerns about this bill madam speaker. >> it is the will of our voters, and it is the will of republicans across the country that this bill should not be brought to the floor, that this bill will absolutely destroy our majority and will tell every single one of our voters that this majority is a failure. >> and she has not ruled out actually moving with a motion to vacate. remember, only one member, they're all it takes is one member to actually call for a vote to seek the ouster of a speaker and marjorie taylor greene has been clear, she's simply said, stay tuned when she's been asked about this. so that's one pressure point to watch your gym. but even as lucy, this internal gop
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divide play out, the aspect the question about funding the government. we do expect that question to be answered here in a matter of moments. we do expect them to pass the house with democratic support. it will prior two-thirds majority to get there. even the question two for mike johnson, he wants to get a majority of his republican conference to back this plan is possible. they could fall short of the majority, which could lead to more political problems for the speaker. but even if this does pass, which is expected, it has to be approved by the senate sometime today, reach an agreement with all all 100 senators to actually scheduled that vote. that is still an open question as this messy process could finally reach its conclusion today jr. messiness is the new normal and we'll have to see if marjorie taylor greene, it sounds like she might have some sway over some of these members who were nervous about all this we'll keep an eye on all the voting. a mano, please keep us posted if we need to bring your back in with the latest, we will certainly do that. manu raju up on capitol hill. thanks so much in the meantime, clock also ticking for donald trump. he now claims he has $500 billion
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in cash just days before his massive bond payment is due in a civil fraud case until this morning. the former president was so adamant that it was impossible to come up with that kind of money after 30 insurance companies refused to underwrite his bond, the new york attorney general has already taken the first steps toward possibly seizing trump's assets and joining us now is defense attorney, former federal prosecutor shan wu shan it's hard to follow the bouncing ball here with donald trump. he's previously said, i'm a billionaire. i have billions of dollars then he was saying just a little while ago, he doesn't have the money that raising this half-billion-dolla r bond payment would be impossible. now he's saying does have the money what's going on? >> i think with trump strategy, he uses anything that may work so if he could have gotten it, the amount lessened if that wouldn't work, can you get it delayed? yeah >> yeah. so when all or worse do yeah. whatever works, do it and really even if the seizure
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commenced via the courts, he's still got time to put together the funding. so i think with his connections, with his finance, people, they should be able to come up with it. i mean, you'll holding aside the question of whether it's sort of a sketchy source or not they have time to do it. i think as these different options begin to get closed form, you'll see that he comes up with the money. >> yeah. when there are questions about potential sketchy sources, i mean, that that hasn't all played out, but the new york attorney general has taken the first steps, apparently to seize some of his assets. what does that process look like if folks have sort of this maybe it's like late night soap opera review that padlocks would go on doors at golf courses and so on. that's probably not going to happen. it's going to be a little less dramatic than that, right? >> i mean, if >> we think of it as who's trying to take one for ship or control the property that's really what's going to start to go on. i mean, there's some intricacies about whether it's in ram proceeding against the property versus against trump in person. but the bottom line is, if the government can seize
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the assets, they don't want to make the assets worthless. i mean, if there's money coming in from rentals, people can use it. they're not going to want the building to sit there and tell affidavit and empty right? at that point. so it's really trying to take control of it away from him so they can hang onto it to satisfy the judgment. >> there's also this matter of truth, social, it's on the verge of going public it'd be $3 billion richer according to the speculation about when the shares are sold and so on. but he wouldn't have immediate access to the cash they've been questions raised about who's going to buy these shares as this get with the stock be worth anything, ultimately, in the long run could that make him more palatable to some of these lenders? could that get them out of this jam? >> it definitely could. i think part of it was they were key was probably counting on that timing. that's actually been kinda messed up for him. because now there are some lawsuits pending among the investors, the partners originally, and those suits would actually stop them from be able to take the money he is anticipating on taking out of
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that deal. now, of course, they may settle those disputes and maybe that is the reason he now has the extra cash around, but that's an added complication for you. >> and if he can pull the money together despite everything that he's saying. i mean, there's this possibility the specter of he could file for bankruptcy. all right. we've been told no, no, he's privately against that idea, but he's donald trump has done this before. >> yeah. yeah. so it is an option than he is used in the past. oh, it's absolutely option. i would not believe for a moment he wouldn't use the option if it's helpful. he's just posturing and he could turn it to their forced me into bankruptcy bankruptcy again ultimately, it would be a huge delay. it will be huge delay. that's exactly what the point is. i don't think ultimately it will discharge them from these debts, but it would be part of the laying. and while he gets other financing together, and i did want to talk to you about the stormy daniels hush money case in new york. the manhattan da is calling on the judge to stop with all these delays i mean, alvin bragg might be a little bit of don quixote here the
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trump playbook is delay. what do you think? >> could that work out to alvin >> bragg's favor that we might see something happen in the next month or so this trial getting started, i think that's possible of all the cases. bragg remains the one that is most likely to be get to trial before the election. i think they're ready. i think they have a very strong case despite all the puffery about witnesses being weak, if the witnesses were that week, trump wouldn't be trying to keep them off the stand. there would be relishing the idea of taking the case this apart by having them on the stand. but stormy daniels cohen, they're all going to be fine on the stand. the difficulty in that case is this legitimate delay of the southern district of new york, the federal prosecutor's office, having turned over documents a little bit on the late side. and so there's some traction there for trump's people say, look, there's a lot of stuff you have to go through it. it's not overwhelming, jim. i mean, this day and age you get terabytes of electronic discovery. they could get through it, but it does put up an obstacle and that could be a
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problem for the case, getting the trial. >> all right? >> a lot of cases to keep track of. we didn't even cover them all. >> but we'll do that next time. shan wu. thanks very much. we really appreciate it. i still had this hour. this band, paul manafort, remember him and more than a dozen others trump pardon, have begun helping the former president as he seeks to return to power will tell you how plus a quick look at the dow right now the market is up actually, no, it's not. it looks like it's downright now. down 160 points but it's getting close to that number of 40,000 perhaps things in washington, potential for government shutdown might be paying on things on wall street will discuss what's driving stocks to some of these record highs. it's coming leaks, slides, cia secrets. >> valerie play salary plane draw, or play >> lives were at stake yes. my children. >> this is horrifying united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episode sunday at nine on cnn >> okay, everyone. >> our
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you should check out, inspire inspire sleep apnea, innovation, learn more and view important safety information at inspires >> i'll rafael roma, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn its last business day for donald trump to make a nearly half bond payment is new york civil fraud case this morning he claims to >> have most of that cash saying he's dipped into his campaign war chest, the back it that's not the only thing he's using donor money for cnn, his learning he's made a deal with the republican national committee to give priority to a pack paying his legal bills over donations to the rnc itself join me now cnn senior political commentator, former republican congressman adam kinzinger atom, i do want to ask you about all the trump stuff in a second we are watching this vote in the house right now to avert a government shutdown? and i guess we should note that marjorie taylor
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greene, the firebrand conservative republican congresswoman from georgia, has sort of threatened with a motion to vacate that. she may make a maneuver to oust the house speaker, mike johnson because some of the folks in the freedom conquer caucus are furious over this deal that they've cut what's your sense of things? i know you served with some of these folks. i mean, we've been told this is all going to work out, but i mean, i i i caution the viewers at home. we are not there yet. we might get there, but we're not there yet. >> yeah i did serve with some of them and i'm not saying that to look for your sympathy or your thoughts and prayers, but i can tell you, i had the pleasure look, it's ironic because right now they're complaining about this bill. this year was spent on frivolous investigations that were pushed by the freedom club mainly because their whole obsession has been to take out joe biden. so there hasn't been much opportunity, frankly, to negotiate any kind of a deal when you have such a close
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majority, the idea that the democrats aren't going to get anything is pretty ludicrous. and this is just how government works. the constitution this is what the constitution pretends so is she going to try a motion to vacate? i don't know in a way, i think it could be interesting if she does to see if mike johnson just says, okay, fine. that's delayed because you can delay that motion to vacate. and by the way, since you're doing that, the next bill i'm putting on the floor before we go to reset this is the senate foreign or the senate foreign aid bill that would be an interesting reaction. and then the democrats could frankly come in and save johnson on a motion to vacate, will see if he does that. i don't know if he's got the courage to do that, but we'll see. >> wow, and that would get the funding to ukraine. that would be a heck of a maneuver adam, i didn't want to ask you about something that's been reported about the work that was done on the january 6 committee, the new york times is reporting that trump warned mike pence that certifying the election would be a quote, career killer
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what did you think of that? i suppose during your work there on the committee, you may have come across this anecdote what's your sense of it? >> well, i mean, look, trump was right, right. i mean, if you go against the if you go against trump in the gop, it as a career killer. it's the right thing to do but look, it's, it's, it's sad because i think donald trump, i mean, obviously it's tough to get into his mind, but i think donald trump knew in his heart that the, vice president had no ability to not certify an election. he was basically a ceremonial job, but he was doing this to threaten them. he wanted he wanted mike pence to bear the brunt of this illegal activity and take it off his own shoulders. we see donald trump do this all the time. he brings other people into his shirt hey, to try to get them to take the hit look at all the people that are in jail around donald trump, except donald trump. so it said and mike pence gets a lot of credit again for mac just doing the
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right thing that day. i wish you'd have been more outspoken after that day. we can go back and revisit that, but even recently saying that he can't vote for donald trump, and that takes, that takes courage in today's gop. sadly, it's not very courageous. but i commend them for that >> and i did want to ask you about another piece of the times about the attorney general merrick garland and some of the deliberations he was going through his team was going through as to how and when to pursue the former president with respect to his actions on and surrounding january 6. and it says, in the story that mr. garland proceeded with characteristic by the book caution and trying to avoid even the smallest mistakes. mr. garland might have made. one big one not recognizing that he could end up racing the clock okay your sense of it, and i mean, here we are butting up against the 2024 presidential election. and the trump trial on january 6, the jack smith's case may not make it to trial before the
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election yeah, that's a huge problem. >> and look, i >> don't want to be one to say the doj should do this or that because again, i'm, i'm not a lawyer and i don't want to appear like we want this done for political reasons, but the american people deserve to know the information they deserve to know the truth and what was frustrating on the committee is after we did our first hearing in the summer, blockbuster hearing, and people are like, oh, my goodness, they have a lot of people that are testifying. a lot of republicans. it was then that it seemed the department of justice's like holy cow, we need to pursue this a year later after we've already done a lot of the investigation and they had more tools at their disposal. so i think it's fairly obvious that they were delayed, but like i said, now we end up in this race and this isn't about using the doj to win an election at all. this is about the american people having the right to know what is going to be in that trial before they determine who then we still don't have the full
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picture. we still don't have the full picture. i mean, it's just the new york times today that donald trump said to mike pence. this would be a career killer. and if the american people don't get to see this trial or have reporters in the courtroom and had this trial play out, this jack smith's case play out? all of those fine details, just don't get out before the election. and its four years, almost four years, right after it happened >> yeah. and that's that's true. and keep in mind, you know >> mark meadows did not cooperate with the committee. we got some of his text messages and then he refused to cooperate he appears to be cooperating with the department of justice. this is a guy that knew every time donald trump went to the restroom. so there's gonna be a lot of information with this. and of course, the classified documents case, which we had nothing to do with that. that's going to be important for the american people to see and know. and unfortunately, it appears there's a judge down in florida, that seems to be slow walking this for whatever reason
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>> all right. adam kinzinger. thank you very much for your time. really appreciate it >> all right. and the meantime, still had this our officials and your brain say russia has unleashed its largest attack ever on the country's power grid, leaving more than 1 million people without power live report. now it needs a safe space >> you have a show were right and left talk to each other. >> cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tomorrow at eight on cnn >> it's michael's lowest prices of the season shop now for up to 70%, i'll store y and score huge deals on spring stems, pardon, craft supplies and custom brains plus they won't offspring, plural and decor and all easter decor. and here's another way to save so long pass light again, flex a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength light again, that contours to the body to relieve pain rightward hertz. and did we mentioned it really really sticks salon
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specialized treatment go to know to learn more >> anderson cooper 360. >> tonight at eight on cnn all right some breaking news to tell you about up on capitol hill concerning rising
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republican anger with house speaker mike johnson. let's get back out to cnn chief congressional correspondent, manu raju manu, i mean, we were talking about this earlier a monkey wrench could go into the works and it looks like that might possibly happen in the form of a resolution for marjorie taylor greene, what's going on >> yeah, that's right. remember it just takes one member to actually call for a vote seeking the ouster of a sitting speaker. we saw that unprecedented action happened last fall when kevin mccarthy was booted. i make it uprising in the ranks we'll see if that happens here. our colleague kristin wilson, who was in the chamber of the house just witness marjorie taylor greene filing a resolution with the house parliamentarian that is the first step you take before ousting. you can move to move on. what's known as that to vacate, then that person needs to be recognized on the four than they are to legislative days to actually have the vote to seek the ouster of a sitting speaker. and if it goes along party lines, that means mike johnson would occur only afford to lose two republican votes on
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a party-line vote in order to stay speaker of the house. now, we should caution, it is unclear exactly what was in that really resolution that was just filed. i am told by a source familiar with the matter she has been weighing how to proceed is considering trying to move two hours. mike johnson over these concerns and she has been clear she was asked about it on a podcast earlier today about whether she's going to go that far. she said, stay tuned. so she is clearly dangling this thread over my johnson and all has to do with this deal that was cut to keep the government open this bill on the floor right now, we do expect it to pass the house, but there's been anger building on the far right that johnson cut deals with the white house, with senate democrats is built, was jailed or early yesterday morning, and it's going to be approved before today. i'm just over 24 hours, typically, under the rules, you'd give 72 hours to review such legislation that was waived. that is part of the anger that marjorie taylor greene is has been raising about the concerns over there
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and the deals that were caught and not going far as these hardliners want and trying to rein in the biden administration. now what will happen from here remains to be seen if she does go that route, does she have enough votes to good to actually kick out my johnson. i just talked to some hardliners including one ralph norman, just moments ago, he kept open the option of voting to boot mike johnson as did bob good, whose a member of the house freedom caucus. and if it goes to that level, what did democrats do? do they step in any way to try to help johnson remember there also major issues that are pending after they tried to give to keep the government open. they also to deal with how to deal ukraine money that is still pending. israel money and democrats are clamoring for some action. there all, those machinations could play out if we see yet another historic move to try to oust the sitting speaker so jim just goes to show you how challenging that is to govern this unruly house republican conference at this time. but all right. johnson, me may see if you can meet the same fate as kevin mccarthy and smart
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moments here. >> yeah, mano raja, keep us posted on all of that. i want to go straight to the secretary of state, tony blinken. he is speaking right now about his latest efforts at diplomacy and israel. let's go to that now. >> i also had a chance to meet with the hostage families again, and it's hard to describe what they're going through every single thank we made progress in the last couple of weeks on the hostage negotiations. closing gaps. but almost by definition, when you get down to the last items they tend to be the hardest. so there's still a lot of work to be done hard work to be done, but we're determined to try to get it done >> we >> also talked about the imperative of surging and sustaining humanitarian assistance for the people in gaza 100% of the population of gaza is acutely food and secure 100% is in need of humanitarian assistance. or they've been some positive steps taken in
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recent days to improve this situation, but it's not enough. and we talked about what needs to happen to get much more assistance to many more people, more effectively? >> we >> also talked about rafah >> we share >> israel's goal of defeating hamas, which is responsible for the worst massacre of the jewish people since the holocaust and we share the goal of ensuring israel's long-term security as we've said, though, a major military ground operation in rafah is not the way to do it. it risks killing more civilians. it risks wreaking greater havoc with the vision of humanitarian assistance it risks further isolating israel around the world and jeopardizing as long-term security and standing so we're looking forward to having israeli officials in washington next week to talk about a different way of
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achieving these objectives? objection because that we share of defeating hamas and ensuring israel's long-term security it really requires an integrated humanitarian military political plan. as i said, we'll be talking about that next week. going through the details but we see is the best way forward >> we also had an opportunity let's talk about the longer-term trajectory what needs to happen once the conflict in gaza is over conversations that i had with our partners over the last couple of days and that we had here in israel as well we're determined that israel suceed and making sure it can sen. itself, that october 7 never happens again that it emerged from this strong, secure integrated in the region with a future of security and peace, not only for israelis but for palestinians and for other friends in the region and we
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believe there's a path forward you do that. we'll be continuing to work to flush out that path and to try to walk down in the days and weeks ahead >> mr. secretary. thank you. can you give us an update on the ceasefire talks in doha? what is the latest that you've heard from the negotiators? and also today, israel has the nouns a land seizure of 800 hectares, then the occupied west bank just when you are doing your visit here, what are your thoughts? on the negotiations? i can't give you any more details other than to say that we're intensely engaged in them? working with the qatari is working with the egyptians, working with israel and we have teams in doha. and as i said we've got i'm going down to few remaining gaps, but the closer you get to the goal line, the harder that last yard is. so there are some heart
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issues to work through, but we're determined to do everything we can to get there and to get people home >> and negotiators the working intensively as even get that done. i hadn't seen the news you referred to, but, you know, our our views on settlement expansion our views on everything from demolitions to evictions two other steps, unilateral steps that are taken that make the already challenging prospect of two states even more distance. so i haven't seen the specifics of this, but anyone taking steps that makes things more so what more challenging this time it's something that we have proper tiny clarification when you say we have teams, you mean us has teams on the ground in doha today. and can you just confirm the negotiations have begun like they've been continuing? >> it should be going going forward, if not immediately now, certainly in the hours ahead michael
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>> thank you. can you tell us in practical terms what the us was trying to achieve with the resolution that was put forward at the united nations today. and then on your conversations today you described in broad strokes some themes that are familiar. i wonder whether you delivered or heard any messages today that are new and different from your past conversations here? >> so on the resolution which got very strong support. but then was cynically vetoed by russia. diana i think we were trying to show the international community sense of urgency about getting a ceasefire tied to the release of hostages. something that everyone, including the countries that veto the resolution should have been able to get behind the resolution. of course, also condemned hamas it's unimaginable why? >> countries >> wouldn't be able to do that but i think the fact that we got such a strong vote despite
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the veto by two of the from minimum security council, again, is evidenced in demonstration of the commitment that conviction of countries around the world, notably on the security council to see about getting the ceasefire, getting the release of hostages now, that's what the resolution said. that's what it called for. >> and i think there showed that a strong commitment to that for many, many countries >> with regard to the >> conversations we had >> look, this is >> this is it's an ongoing process as i said, we really were focused on three things. the hostage negotiations humanitarian assistance, and rafah and it was important that again, we focus on all three things we i can't i'm not gonna get into the details of what we discussed, but i think from my perspective, at least these were important candid conversations to have at a critical time on all three
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those, issues will be isolated if it doesn't change his path. >> again, what i what i shared and i think what they've heard from president biden as well directly is we have this we have the same goals >> the defeat of hamas >> israel's long-term security. >> but a major ground >> operation or rock that is not in our job such was the way to achieve it. and we can very clear about that >> but >> most important, we have a senior team coming to washington next week. we'll all be taking part discussions will be able to lay out for them in detail. i started do that today, but it's important that the team, so all the expertise, lay out in detail how those goals confess the accomplished with an integrated humanitarian, military and political plan will put all that on the table. the forcible hear from them to and we'll take it to next week thanks >> our secretary of state, tony blinken speaking with reporters
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about his talks with israeli officials. as some intense negotiations are going on. it sounds like the secretary of state has saying that a few gaps remain ahead of a potential ceasefire deal are a pentagon correspondent, oren liebermann joins me now he's here in the studio or in your your sense of what the secretary of state had to say there. i mean, it sounds as though the secretary has a little optimistic that they could get to the ceasefire deal, but this whole issue of rafah continues the israelis seemed to be adamant about going in and that really could blow up these ceasefire talks. >> absolutely. instead it right there we heard from secretary of state antony blinken say, we're going to try to push the israelis and move the israelis in a different direction. and tell them and show them that going into rafah with a ground offensive, which can result in a hundreds if not thousands of casualties is not the way to do this. it's worth noting, the us has tried to push the israeli military from the start to conduct more limited targeted raids. and that's an effort that as you see, has not
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been successful here over five months of war, the us is is frustrated, concerned with a number of civilians who have been killed as part of this war. so that's part of these discussions to try to get israel away from a rafah ground offensive. it doesn't look like they made any headway there. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, former defense minister benny gantz is a member of the war cabinet, both said we're going into rafah it's part of what needs to be done to ensure the defeat of hamas. in fact, netanyahu also said, thank you for the us. if we have to do this, we'll do it alone. blinken at least got statements about ensuring more humanitarian aid. you heard him say they're 100% of gazans are suffering from food insecurity so the question then, the us has been pushing for this for some time. do we see those statements realized? is there a way to get the necessary amount of aid in? >> all right. sounds like bohr shuttle diplomacy will be continuing the coming days. oren liebermann. thank you very much. i want to go right back up to capitol hill. are manu raju was standing by mano sounds like we have some breaking news marjorie taylor greene is is she filing that
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motion to vacate to get rid of the house speaker mike johnson. that is a stunning development and all of this, what can you tell us >> yeah unprecedented development if to sitting house because are ousted in the same congress. marjorie taylor-greene, indeed just filed a motion to kick mike johnson out of their speakership amid of her anger about the handling of this spending bill that the house has now currently considering. now, according to sources, who tell me and my colleague, melanie zanona, now, this is incredibly significant because if more than two republicans go to oust mike johnson and all democrats vote to house mike johnson. that would be keeping senders chamber into a yet another state of paralysis that's what we witnessed last fall about almost are more than three weeks of no speaker of the house, no action could be taken. that was the first time that ever happened in history. the sitting speaker ousted by his own own colleagues that have kevin mccarthy, can that
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happen again to mike johnson? that is still a question at this critical moment here, not just with funding the government, but also made peter issues that are hanging in the balance. aid to aid ukraine, aid to israel, which are stalled currently in this bitterly divided house. but marjorie taylor-greene has filed this motion. so what is next? year, jim, the house is actually scheduled to go on a two-week recess. half of his vote series in order for this to move ahead, marjorie taylor greene has to be has to address the house for an announced that she is moving ahead. then there'll be two legislative days within two legislative days, the house could take action. so presumably, the house could go on recess for two weeks combat, then and deal with it, then or maybe they can move on it immediately. if mike johnson tries to kill this. now mike johnson did not have any reaction when melanie zanona just asked him in the hallways about this, he waved to her question off. so how will the leadership deal with this? but a real threat to his speakership right now, can you hang on to his speakership? it's chaotic republican majority, once again, descent
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into internal warfare over funding. the government, which is still moving through, still expected to pass, but can mike johnson? hang onto his job? that is a major question that is critical hour. >> monitor that i mean, that raises the question of the cart before the horse and the chicken and egg. i mean, it sends the voting has begun on the spending deal presumably that can still pass, right? even though there's this motion to vacate or does that end up being an obstacle in all of this >> no, you get absolutely can pass in is going to expect it. it's on track to pass, right now. and then once you finish says series than then the house is going to wrap up action and there'll be done. and then we'll see if they address with marjorie taylor-greene addresses the house total. that is the next thing to watch. your gym. will she go to the floor? in announced her motion to call for the kopan the objection of the house speaker, and then that was start to clog to have that critical vote. but that vote may not happen until they were turned there are two week recess. so a lot of questions here. jim, and the hours ahead. >> my goodness, what a
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dysfunctional mess are manu raju up on capitol hill for us. thank you so much. we'll be right right back >> in. check. >> we hear nothing. >> a space shuttle accidents, usually not one thing. it's series of events is that part of the wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine ai is redefining work, >> artificial intelligence >> is super charging our own human intelligence. and that's what we'll move business forward. >> machine learning robotics and generative ai are increasing productivity, accelerating decision-making the impacting our lives at work and beyond >> you guys, real >> value is and how companies use it to empower their workforce and earn trust with customers. demand eczema is your ai and hi investment turned to assure demand for energy is growing and so is the need for american oil and natural gas. it's time to turn
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she would just need to other republicans and democrats to vote width or to kick johnson, other speakership. and that is hugely significant. it would send this body into a state of paralysis in the middle of this critical election year with major issues hanging in the balance and raised concerns. but who actually could get the votes to from this unruly house all big quthat are looming now over this body. now the question two is when that vote to kick her out, kicked johnson out of the speakership will actually occur. what has to happen with marjorie taylor-greene needs to be recognized first on the house floor, she would announce her motion to vacate, enter the speakership. then there'll be two legislative days before that vote. what happened? but the house is scheduled to recess. it just a matter of moments for two weeks, the members are all going back home to their districts. so this put this vote may not happen until they were turned. that is a question. they also decided to try to kill it right now. all this is certain because the republican leadership, while this is always been a threat, was not anticipating this
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happening right now. and on the floor of the house has been a scene of chaos. a lot of republicans concern urging marjorie taylor greene, not to move forward. she did instead because of this spending bill and her belief that mike johnson did not go far enough and cutting the getting concessions as well as the process of unveiling this bill yesterday morning at 03:00 a.m. and pushing this through the house today to avoid that shutdown deadline by midnight tonight, this bill did pass though, jim, just moments ago, 286, 234 was the vote count, 120, 412 republicans voted against it, 22 democrats voted against it. that means democrats essentially, when most democrats have carried this bill, more democrats voted against for this, then republicans that is going to be an issue that might have to deal with with his right flank as it keeps the government open here. but jim adjust another state of chaos in this republican house. and we'll see ultimately how the speaker deals and how republicans vote when this comes to the floor. >> yeah, manu i mean, some of
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our colleagues up on capitol hill reporting that there were several republican lawmakers trying to convince marjorie taylor greene not to bring this motion against house speaker mike johnson and that part of the argument that was made to marjorie taylor greene is that if she goes through with us, it could lead to the house minority leader hakeem jeffries inadvertently becoming the speaker of the house that is wild. >> yeah, that's the if that would happen if there were it depending how some republicans could ultimately vote if they decided to have some sort of coalition government. now, i think that is a far-fetched proposition jam that would be very hard to see how republicans could vote for democratic speaker. the more likely scenario is that we would see what would happen, would happen in the fall, which is total paralysis chaos back and back biting within the house gop conference, they meet and try to figure out who their next leader of this chamber could be. that is the more likely situation, but the more urgent dilemma for the speaker is how easy deal with this motion that is coming here. do they pull it off for a couple
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of weeks? tried to convince her to back off of this, try to convince their colleagues to vote against it that is going to be the new the issue distraction as they tried to deal with these other major issues that are still on the plate. they will have to wait until they deal with this leadership dilemma that could paralyze this chamber >> paralysis. it has been sort of the steady flow they're up on capitol hill monitor stand by and let us know if you have any new breaking it mason, i know what's happening every menn i want to go back to adam kinzinger or former republican congressman. he's here with us. i add them, you and i were just talking about this earlier on in this hour. you just can't count out dysfunction up on capitol hill. i mean, it's unbelievable. it looks like the budget has passed. the spending deal is passed. the government will stay open if it gets through the senate later on tonight. but you have the prospect now of another house speaker being tossed overboard by his own party >> yeah, you really do. there's a few options here. so number one if mike johnson is confident that there's only one person that would support this
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motion to vacate, which i think is probably not not the case. he would just bring it now. have marjorie taylor greene vote for it. everybody else not and it's over. >> the other thing. the thing i have learned over my 12 years in congress is going to a recess, does not bring the temperature down. so it's not like they're going to go away a two-week recess. marjorie taylor greene is going to think that that's through and then come back and say, okay, well, we're not going to do this. ctu right-wing kind of crazy ecosphere starts spinning up and they start basically demanding that everybody vacate. mike johnson and his opposition will actually grow. i think the win-win here from mike johnson and the democrats it's for mike johnson to cut a deal with the democrats in exchange for immediately putting the aid bill, which is a high priority to america, but potentially particularly to the democrats. to put that on the floor and an exchange. hakeem jeffries will provide enough votes two basically save mike
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johnson's speakership. so it's like a small version of a coalition government. not really. it's a temporary coalition but it's hakeem jeffries saying, we'll give you the votes to survive in exchange for you immediately putting this bill on the floor. and i think it could backfire on marjorie taylor greene if that actually happened yeah. >> i mean, this is the aid bill that would actually help the ukrainians. adam it's an amazing idea because can you imagine a quid pro quo helping the ukrainians in this case? >> well. that's right, >> and this is >> a high priority. again, this should be high priority to all americans, but particularly it's a high priority to democrats, to the president to get this done, ukraine needs the aid and so it would be very smart for the democrats to do this. they're obviously not going to save mike johnson for free and they shouldn't say thank them for free but they should be willing to present this and again, i have a hard time seeing how marjorie taylor greene would stand alone in the motion to make a she'd only
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needs one or two more people with her for this succeed. and going away for a recess is only going to turn the temperature up while that right-wing kind of ico so sphere churns. so you may see action today yet, if you don't, i think you're going to see these discussions occurring over the next couple of weeks till they come back all right >> adam kinzinger. thank you very much as manu raju is still with us, if we can go back to mano, i would go back to we don't we don't have manu back our atom. one more question then. let me close out this hour with you what is it about? what has gone on inside the house? republican conference where somebody like a matt gaetz it's or somebody like a marjorie taylor greene has so much influence now it, it just seems counterintuitive and counter to what you experienced here in washington many years, i've experienced in washington many years where the republican leadership in the house just doesn't have, they just don't have the strength that they used to have and backbencher is can rule the de, it's an upside down world it really
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isn't. it's a couple of things. so number one, the tight majority gives power to just a couple of people and there's always a couple of crazy, isn't any congress, so they can now have all kinds of power. i look at it this way. it's kind of a weird analogy, but if you have 30 people in the room and everybody has a hand grenade, you're all equally powerful. if one person is actually willing to pull the pin on that hand grenade and drop it there. the most powerful person in that room. >> and so what you >> see with marjorie taylor greene and matt gaetz is they're willing to pull them on these gambling. >> all right. adam got to cut you john, bob, sorry to do this for marjorie taylor greene, but she's speaking out, let's listen to start it out as with rules and promises to the american people that we would bring regular order back to congress speaker johnson has betrayed that by passing three crs and then forcing us to pass. up to vote on a two-part omnibus the second one being today. he also only gave us i mean, i don't even know we had one day basically to read a
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pages, breaking the 72 bauer rule. this is a betrayal of the american people. this is a portrayal of republican voters. and the bill that we were forced to vote on, forced republican and still choose between funding to pay our soldiers. and in doing so, funding late term abortion this bill was basically a dream and a wishlist for democrats and for the white house it was completely led by chuck schumer, not are republican speaker of the house not our conference. and we weren't even allowed to put amendments to the floor to have a chance to make changes to the bill i filed the motion to vacate today, but it's more of a warning and a pink slip. i respect our conference i paid all my dues to my conference. i may member and standing and i do not wish to inflict pain on our conference and to throw throw the house and chaos but this is basically a warning and it's time for us to go through
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through the process, take our time and find a new speaker of the house that will stand with republics i can send our republican majority instead of standing with the demo >> there's a warning if it's a warning, if it's if it's if it's a warning can convince you to our >> members in a difficult place like we were for three-and-a-half weeks. we're going to continue our committee the work we're going to continue our investigations. there's a lot of good investigations going that have to be able to proceed. and the american people deserve that. but i'm not saying that that won't happen in two weeks or it won't happen in a month or who knows when. but i am saying choose a new speaker they do you believthat there are more republicans who suppt this push and ultimately, if is
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does good filed, it could lead to exactly what you're saying. more chaos, more paralell let's this does the house republican conference wooden board with that that it's filed, but it's not voted on. it only gets voted on until i call it to the floor for a vote. >> jeffries jeffries has said he would help potentially or not. he would help, but that democrats might be willing to help them survive if there was a motion to vacate. are you worried about putting johnson in a position where he would actually pulled into them? >> i'm not worried about that at all. i'm not worried about that at all. i don't think i don't think that the american people, republican voters across the country, want to see here republican speaker that's held in place by democrats this is not exactly what people want >> what do you what do you need to see? speaker? >> this'll be up to our conference. our conference works together to choose a speaker and we need a speaker that supports all of us not a speed guard that breaks a 72 hour role will not let us vote on amendments are introduced,
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amendments to major funding bills that right now gina want another video that everyone is watching today. it's the illegals rushing our border military age men running over border patrol, running over the texas national guard and mike johnson, the republican speaker of the house, handed over every ounce of negotiating power to chuck schumer and the democrats. and went ahead and funded the government when this was our point of leverage, republicans had the power of the purse. this was our power, this was our leverage. this is our chance to secure the border. and he didn't do it. and now this funding bill passed without the majority of the majority. this was a democrat bill. this is chuck schumer bill. this is a bill that joe biden cannot wait to sign into law, and it is a betrayal the american people, here's the problem right now. americans are watching the border. americans women are being raped. women are being killed. illegals are squatting and people's homes and then killing them when they come to take their houses back, like just that's just what happened
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in new york we're done. we're


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