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tv   Inside Politics With Dana Bash  CNN  March 22, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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another video that everyone is watching today. it's the illegals rushing our border military age men running over border patrol, running over the texas national guard and mike johnson, the republican speaker of the house, handed over every ounce of negotiating power to chuck schumer and the democrats. and went ahead and funded the government when this was our point of leverage, republicans had the power of the purse. this was our power, this was our leverage. this is our chance to secure the border. and he didn't do it. and now this funding bill passed without the majority of the majority. this was a democrat bill. this is chuck schumer bill. this is a bill that joe biden cannot wait to sign into law, and it is a betrayal the american people, here's the problem right now. americans are watching the border. americans women are being raped. women are being killed. illegals are squatting and people's homes and then killing them when they come to take their houses back, like just that's just what happened in new york we're done. we're
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absolutely was once you get what you need to share, what do you need? what do you need to hear? what he didn't hear from the speaker or anything else to not move forward. what will change your mind to not move heard from everyone. all week long, do not break the 72 hour rule he heard from all of us. he heard from all of us all week long allow us to introduce amendments, allow us to do our jobs, allow us to represent the districts that voted for us and sent us here. we want to secure border and in the senate proposal of legalizing 5,000 people coming across the border every day is not securing the border. and this is giving up every point of leverage we have also forcing republicans to vote on full term abortion funding in order to fund our military is the complete betrayal of all of our values and our voters don't want us to be doing that process of finding new speaker when, when when do you plan to call this resolution to the floor >> again, i don't have a timeline that will be a rolling
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issue that will be judging and making decisions as by. but i assure you it's i'm not the only one i have support on this from others in my conference and it's not i'm not introducing this to throw the house into chaos. committees will continue doing their work investigations will continue. i support my conference again, i have paid all of my dues to the nrcc and then some i support republicans holding the majority next conference, but we need to speaker of the house that knows how to negotiate, knows how to walk in the room, knows how to hold the line, and knows how to defend america first, and the values and the policies that president trump will bring >> trump does does does trump to find a new speaker what it's time this look like without the motion to vacate that process allows everyone to have discussions and internal meetings and conversations and it allows other people to step forward and say they're willing to the run for social. >> we saw that in the fall that
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you would like to see, not at not at this time. i want to have conversations and i want to hear from others how they would affect >> have you talked to trump and he talked to trump about this? >> i have not talking to president trump about this. there's more support from republicans. how many republicans? >> i won't give you a number, but i've talked to many who probably won't go public, but silently they or their breathing a sigh of relief. everyone is, you can look at the numbers on the boats of this, this bill was passed without a majority of republicans. this is a democrat budget and it was passed by mike johnson. >> johnson sent down johnson has stepped down. >> that'd be a choice that he would have to make, but we're going to have to find a new speaker >> you saw what happened in the fall. we saw one, we saw one, we saw one speaker candidate after another, fall short of getting the votes necessary. you how could you possibly even find someone to succeed? seed mike johnson who could get the votes, keep this conference together, and not planters chambers to chaos. >> we're going to have to do it because the country is in
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crisis. we have a border invasion that's happening every single day. we have americans under the age of 30 for the first time it's showing in all types of polling have lost hope for their future the younger generations can't afford to buy a home inflation is running rampant. our country is in crisis and we need real liters that know how to fight, that know how to walk in a room and don't get rolled by the deep state and don't get rolled by the democrats and don't get rolled into doing whatever it takes to maintain that power and position. we need a speaker of the house that actually represents the people. this is the people's house. this is not washington, dc's house. this is the peoples houses on that boat, just a bomb on that though. you're calling this a pink slip, a warning sign. the bottom line, you want speaker john it out. >> i well, i wouldn't have filed a motion to vacate right. wait. a new speaker. this is not personal against mike johnson. he's a very good man and i have respect for him as a person her son, but he is not
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doing the job. the proof is in the vote count today, he passed a budget that should have never been brought to the floor, did not represent our conference and it was passed with the democrats. and without women jordi of the majority, what happened, what happens if he moves on ukraine? what happens if you he moves on any aid to ukraine that would also go against what the american people want polling shows that it's approximately 70% of the american people do not support continuing a war in ukraine for that food that trigger that'd be a triggering event for you. >> the motion to vacate it's already been filed, but what would you call it up with the call it out, but he should not bring funding for ukraine. >> i think he's her in the back you are saying you will cover this month. are you saying you're still i know you said no time saying that we've started the clot start the process to elect a new speaker and i'm i'm giving my conference time. i'm being respectful to my conference, but many members of my conference agree, even though it's uncomfortable, it's a process. none of us want to go through. it has to happen we'll
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be teaming with democrats as well by ousting the speaker of the house, just like speaker johnson did in teeming with >> democrats to pass the government funding bill >> we have to find a new speaker of the house. i'm not sure how that vote count would be, and i've heard a lot of democrats may support him, so i'm not sure how that works out. >> don't you worry that you're basically pushing him or any new speaker into the arms of democrats because it is already in the arms of democrats and its proof in the vote count today, this was a demo crap bill. this was not a republican bill. we weren't allowed to introduce amendments. we weren't allowed to have a say. we weren't even given the respect of the 72 hour rule to read 1,000. >> it >> was it would be better to shut the government down then. i mean, you were up against the clock. would it have been better? it would have been >> better back in october when he became speak there are to actually work done appropriation bills, stayed with single appropriation bills and done what all of us had set out to do which is you back
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there would be the boat for that. i mean, technically, he does not pay member >> i know you support in you really think that there's someone who can get 218 votes to become speaker the house. >> i certainly hope so. >> i mean, it was so hard to go to the last time we're gonna go through, it was hard to go the last time, but look at where we are now. we did. they just passed a funding bill that doesn't secure our border. does nothing to stop the daily invasion. this, this budget funds full term abortion. it funds dei, it funds trans ideology on our youth because gang as 12-years-old that were already in crisis. so >> it's not fight leadership is to fight. you want to have in an election year. >> absolutely, it's a fight. i want to have an election year because i want to win that house. i want to win the white house. i want to win the senate, and i want to restore this country tree back to greatness again, back to safety, back to security for every single american. because right now we don't have it and that's the fall the democrats and the biden administration, when you're again, is when it
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was kinda mccarthy was that congress what does deal with democrats to the budget? >> take the whole thing >> okay, deep breath america. here we go again. yep. you just saw marjorie taylor greene making very clear in many different ways that she is done with my johnson, that she has as any member does still we'll has the ability to vacate the chair, which means that they can hold a vote to get rid of mike johnson and she said she's filed a motion to do that. i want to go to manan raja, who you were seeing there for awhile in that scrum with marjorie taylor greene? the first question i have for you, manu, is what i'm hearing from members of the house republican leadership. and this is all complicated stuff. so we'll try to walk. our viewers through it as we try to process what's happening is that yes. she filed a motion to vacate to kick mike johnson out of the speakers chair, but she hasn't
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know it yet. can explain what the significance is that i will yes, i will eat. >> she needs to actually be called >> address the house floor and announced that she's moving ahead with that starts the clock that would that'd be two legislative days after that happens on the floor where the vote must take place and they're going on a two-week recess. so this is not going to happen for a couple of weeks. the question will be, how the votes come down if she does go forward as and i wanted to bring you one very key development. i'm talking to congressman tom suozzi here because they didn't have votes the democrats will have to choose if they're going to have to vote, vote to house. mike johnson, or if they're going to vote to keep them in their congressman suozzi democratic new york. will you vote to keep my johnson and a speaker? >> yes, i will >> why is that? >> because this is absurd. he's getting kicked out for doing the right thing. getting the keeping the government open. it has two thirds support of the congress and the idea that he would be kicked out by these joke his absurd, that'd be other democrats, jonny, you.
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thank i hope so thanks for your time. thank you. so that is an >> important development that i >> wanted to bring to you they're dana, i'd democrat here, tom suozzi says that he will vote to keep in my johnson. that's different than what we saw in the fall when kevin mccarthy became the first speaker ever to be ousted by his own colleagues. and all democrats that situation, along with eight republicans, voted to oust mccarthy. here we have at least one democrat saying, yes, i will vote to keep johnson in. that will make it harder for murder. taylor-greene to succeed in kicking out my johnson. the question is, how many other democrats like tom suozzi are there that will keep a man and what price will they exact for that? because there are so many huge issues and appending. yes, they just barely pass this bill to keep the government open. but about ukraine funding that is still pending, maybe there'll be some discussions about how to get him to move ahead on ukraine funding in exchange for keeping a man as bigger all that will undoubtedly play out over the next two weeks, but you're
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right, dana, it is what marjorie taylor greene indicated, right there was that she's dangling this over mike johnson. she says she wants to begin the process of figured out a new speaker. but when she pulls the trigger, she has not said when that will happen, that just when that will happen and that will actually a key vote, probably in a couple of weeks >> dana, i mean >> wow, absolutely. wow. mano. thank you. don't go too far. i want to bring in a colleague, melanie zanona melas. i know you've been talking to members of the current republican leadership in the house of representatives. what are you hearing >> yeah, well, this move is not going over. well, remember the conference is still reeling from kevin mccarthy's well, sir, which was not that long ago. there's been a lot of raw emotions and sore feeling the, conference last time is really upsetting to a lot of members. i talked to one member, lisa mclean when she was just off the house four when this is all going down, just said this is
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crazy. i can't believe we're doing this again. i just taught you to another leadership source who said this is so stupid. maybe he pointed out that moderate republicans are probably not going to try to back another conservative speaker if they get into another speaker, grace they're probably going to team up with democrats and say, we've had enough. so a lot of concern right now about what this means. although for johnson's part, he's been pretty dismissive. i caught up with him just outside the chamber as well. i tried to ask him about this and he basically dismissed it with a wave, suggesting he doesn't care yesterday. he also said that he wasn't concerned about a motion to vacate get that he does not want to operate in fear. and remember as of this point, we have only heard marjorie taylor greene saying that she supports as she did tell monitor you heard in that gaggle that there are other colleagues or width or but those numbers really matter here. >> especially >> if you have democrats like tom suozzi who are willing to support the speaker. so it takes 218 people in order for this to exceed if there isn't even a floor vote, that goes into motion. but at this point, it really is a headache for johnson. they are going on a two-week recess when they come back, they're gonna have to
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deal with the topic of ukraine funding, which is another issue that has really divided the gop conference. so a lot of headaches and of course this is looming over johnson's head as he goes in the two-week recess hi, ma'am. >> so much to discuss and to break down about what this all means and how we continue to get back to this place. melanie, thank you so much. obviously, let us know if you hear anything new from your sources up there. i want to talk to our great panel about this seung min kim of the associated press, cnn's kristen holmes, and cnn's david chalian. okay. so you guys did the math while we were listening to marjorie taylor greene, 22 days october 3 to october 25th. that's how long it took. once kevin mccarthy was ousted to get to the point where they found this backbencher person who people had to google when they heard his name mike johnson. and here we are again >> that's >> sort of an important data point that we need to remember the other is that she is
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dangling it as both manu and melanie said, she did say he's getting a pink slip, but then she's not noticing a little bit. so that's not really what i don't think that's what a pink slip is, but it's put this in, put this into the context of where we are right now in america. >> but this is what i think is so important. the timing is so different politically now, in the election year than it was last october you, you all remember we were sort of hanging on hakeem jeffries every word that he as he would emerge from conference to his caucus to see if democrats would actually help save kevin mccarthy or not, or as manu who's saying what they would demand in exchange? hinge for helping to save kevin mccarthy's speakership and hakeem jeffries emerged from that as the democratic leader and said, we are totally unified and nobody is going to vote to save kevin mccarthy here. this is on him and the
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republicans to deal with. >> and and ensued all of this chaos. i'm not suggesting that the democrats fault it was all obviously republican chaos. but now instantly you here what a different moment we're in. i mean, tom suozzi to mom knew right off the gate saying no, no, no. and you could imagine a lot of these frontline democrats in the election year saying, i remember there's 22 days of chaos that you're talking about death now that did not look well or reflect well on the house at all, or as a governing body. and i don't know that my constituents at home in my battleground district would want to see that kind of chaos again. >> and there's another aspect to that argument. and that is, that as much as democrats can prove that house republicans who now after by the way, ken buck of colorado leaves congress today. so there is a two to vote majority basically that republicans have. so if i'm tom suozzi, who, who's just one his seat in the special election, it has to run again in a swing district in
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november. and the others who, democrats who were in trump districts are more conservative districts. if they can say i'm, i'm doing what's best for america because and this is how much i cross a party line. i'll even vote for a republican because the republicans can't govern themselves. they cannot be trusted with the leadership in washington dc, you can hear that argument being made already hi, the democrats, especially in those front-line districts, were talking about can step in and say democrats have to work to save republicans because they cannot govern themselves in washington. and i could see that being a potentially compelling message for voters come this fall because it's not just this latest drama where democrats has huge power here. it is in the spending bill that word that is but i've precipitated all this today that johnson that mike johnson cannot pass with his own voice, so he has to rely out a huge chunk of democrats to govern. and we've seen that time and time again where the house republican majority is not
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really a functioning 1 because of that small minority of house republicans who want to foil the leadership at almost every return, forcing them to turn a democrats to basically make sure that house is functioning and that basically the house republicans don't have a governing majority right now. >> well, i will just point out larger taylor-greene rate of for all intended purposes on an island alone. i mean, no one else is coming out to backer. this is a very different situation and then was all or kevin mccarthy, if so far? but there was a larger group of people who were calling for his ouster. it wasn't just one person. and now she's saying it's just a warning. i just brought it up. i might not bring it up to the floor or as you said, dangling it over him, but i won't say when i'm talking to these very conservative republican house numbers, they also don't want to do this again, there's also another person who doesn't want to do this again. and that is former president donald trump. did you notice that she said she said she hadn't talked tonight >> because the thing is by the end of this, he was calling everyone saying just get this done. i'm tired of this being here. you guys all look like
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beer foods. nobody wants to go through this again. now, will someone come out and back or maybe but we haven't heard it yet. so it is again, on all sides it's a different part. >> it will be interesting to see if he calls her and says, come on let's let's not do this. this is not good for anybody okay. everybody standby. >> we >> do have new cnn polling and it gives us a snapshot well beyond the house two critical swing states that flip from red to blue in the presidential race in 2020, michigan, trump leads pennsylvania. it is a dead heat. we're going to talk much more about that after break >> cnn saturday morning starting tomorrow at eight on cnn, rsv is out there for those 60 years and older, protect against rsv with a wreck sv erec sv is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv. and people 60 years and older, wreck speed is not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients those with weakened immune
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here. so i'm pennsylvania on the right-hand side, dead heat 46% of 46% trump biden, michigan trump has a lead, 50%, to 42% over biden in michigan. and i want to show you here if i add the third party candidates in like robert kennedy jr. and cornell west, look what happens here. kennedy is getting 18% of michigan, 16% in pennsylvania. now, we'll see and track that throughout the rest of this election season to see if he can hold onto that support. but what we see underneath them is that he's kinda pulling from both parties. but what's critical? to see here is that the third-party candidates really lower the wind number needed for donald trump in these states, he hits 40% and that would be enough. i mean, pennsylvania's within the margin of error, but that would be enough to be numerically on top just 40%. that's really what the third party factor is something to watch out for this michael >> let's take a closer look. david, at michigan, where some of president biden's issues are there. >> yeah. so why is michigan
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behaving differently? well, one thing i wanted to show you here, take a look here we ask people to recall their vote in 2020, right? so those that say they voted for biden in 2020 2080 seven are with him in our poll in michigan today. those that said they voted for trump in 2020 95% or with the former president in our poll today. that means that donald trump's having an easier time right now in michigan, hanging onto his 2020 coalition, which wasn't sufficient to win, obviously, then but biden is he's only at 87%. so that's a key warning sign there. and then you see for those that didn't vote for either one of them, big trump advantage there in our poll and michigan. now i want to show you here about dana, voters of color in the 2020 exit polls in michigan. joe biden won them by 62 points in our poll today, that margin is down to 21 percentage points. that's an enormous drop of an advantage among voters of color in michigan. and you see donald
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trump is actually increasing his advantage among white voters in the wolverine state. he's got back in 2020 and exit polls, he was up 11 among white voters today. he's up 16 percentage points in our poll. but i want to caution everyone, this is what we mean about a poll being a snapshot in time. we've got a lot of time to go here and look at this middle line here in pennsylvania, one in five voters tell us they may change their mind in michigan, it's a quarter of registered voters that tell us they may change their mind. that's obviously a large enough swath of voters to tip this race in either direction. so obviously, the work for these campaigns is cut out for them. and there are voters to appeal to who are not yet locked in such an important cautionary note as you always do when you give us this great information and data that it is as always, a snapshot in time when we do a poll. and the fact that it is a bit of a roadmap for these campaigns particularly the biden campaign of where he clearly needs to
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make up ground. >> thank you so much, david. we'll see you back at the table in a second. let's talk more about this. and as we do, let's just in the game of the world of hypotheticals. and as we look at the map, is we're going to do over and over again between now and election day >> two >> states, we polled michigan and pennsylvania. if trump wins those dates biden cannot lose any of the other swing states. true swing states, nevada, arizona, georgia, wisconsin, or nebraska's second congressional district or he will not plan the white house. kristen yeah. i think one of the >> numbers on here that was really striking to me was that 95% of people who are still with donald trump. and the reason why is because that is the number that his team is really banking on. it is the base, it is the people that he thinks will turn up no matter what. now, obviously, we also saw this 25% quarter of people in michigan whose so that they would maybe change their mind. but i would go out on a limb to
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save many of those people are not trump's supporters because one of the things that trump has been able to do is to really turn out his voters. part of the strategy for donald trump's team is to turn out his voters and continue, continue to turn out his voters. maybe they can get a couple of biden voters, particularly michigan, when you're talking about working class voters, but also can the biden vote just be so depressed? can they depress that vote? so that his base turns out biden's doesn't. and then you have a win and some of these states, yeah. >> let's just dig into some of the issues that could turn this race looking ahead in these two states. first of all, on abortion and democracy, these are the two issues where biden has an advantage. the only two issues where biden has an advantage in both states. then you look at other issues. us and world affairs, economy, immigration, israel gaza trump has an advantage and it's actually, if you look at the israel-gaza question, the fact that trump has at 20 point
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advantage in michigan. >> i >> mean, the world is upside down >> but i think that finding probably explains a lot of joe biden's troubles in michigan right now as well. i mean, it's obviously an issue that we saw in the primary where the uncommitted vote against him, we see young voters independence people who have been affiliated with this, calling for a ceasefire movement very frustrated with the president and his policies. and so that clearly partly at play here in michigan >> yeah. no question. but it's hard to imagine that donald trump will be any more sympathetic to what's going on in gaza than joe biden is, which is what is so surprising. it has nothing to do with their actual policy positions, right necessarily. or what was proposed. and i just want to say i want to bring you in and on something that the biden campaign is doing. but if you go back to the first issue, abortion, i was talking to a democrat in michigan, a senior democrat and michigan this morning who notes that? yes, these are alarming numbers, but
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the 25% who are get able and also the fact that they are going to to turn it on when it comes to the woman's vote. and on the issue of reproductive rights to switching a little bit are building on that. but just more broadly beyond these two states sung-min. i know you were out with the president at all of his stops doing all of his public and private events, including fundraising events where he tends to be more forward leaning, if you will, are more candid and he was really on the attack, much like james carville on the show on monday, said he's t to go out and drop aanvil on his head or , donald, i c't help you with crusng deb ted cruz jos another loser, donald trump. rememberhen he said inject each, i think he must have done it i mean, trump in >> yeah. iean biden was having a very od time. bacally eviscerated donald trump, mocking donald trump at every turnparticularly a these ndraers where he can
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t mo candid and loose with the dor crowd. >> and >> tt i mean, that's something that demrats wan to see. they want to see more that fighting side of joe biden. they want they know that this is going to be an ugly race. they want they want joe biden to take the punches that donald trump is throwing. throwing right at him but you do see just he traveled through nevada, arizona, obviously not the states that were pulled today, but also going to be very close states as well. and that those themes of abortion and democracy that came up basically at every campaign stop, whether he's meeting with supporters in reno and washoe county, which is that one swing county in nevada, or maybe with latino voters in arizona that those are issues they feel that rile up is based and maybe get that independent of a coalition of independent voters that look at donald trump, look at january sick, look at olivia's issue and say we can't have that we can't have that back in the oval office okay. everybody stand i've lost almost 500 million in cash. that claim this morning from donald trump, who's not always been exactly
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accurate on issues of money. so does he have enough to post bond and his the civil fraud trial? we're going to dive into that next >> there is no media personality businesswoman celebrity chef, like her many large of martha stewart now streaming on macs somebody would ask or something and she would just walk right past we didn't know they were talking to her. >> i just could not here. >> i was >> hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them are nearly invisible. hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader every 75 years when i finally get here for the first time, i could hear everything, celebrate world hearing de with our limited time >> offers at mirror your good ear call, 1800 miracle now. >> so yeah dp disrupts cid p
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and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. free at fubotv >> leaks >> lives, cia secrets. >> valerie play salary plane draw, or play lives were at stake yes. my children. this is horrifying united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episodes sunday at nine on cnn >> donald trump has three days left to come up with almost half 1 billion. and he's spending much of that time lashing out at an online after receiving a trial and deciding not to ask for a jury, trump is now saying the opposite. he's claiming he got no trial, no
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jury, no crime, no victim, only a crooked judge and a corrupt trump hating attorney general trump has also countering what his attorneys claimed in court filings, saying he does have the cash needed for the bond through hard work, talent, and luck, i currently have almost $500 million in cash, a substantial amount of which i intended to use in my campaign for president let's talk about this with our senior crime justice reporter, katelyn polantz. caitlin, i should say, when i was going to break, i misspoke and said that he announced that he lost 500 million. he says he does have 500 million a big difference there if he does have that money, as he says why would he be struggling so hard to come up with the bond money? >> great question, dana, now he could just if you wants to continue the appeals, which is what he says, he wants to be doing here in this case to appeal this $464 million judgment, doesn't and what the ag to seize that money, he
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could just write a check to the court to continue the appeals or he could go to these third-party underwriters to give him the bond. he has not been able to do that. his attorneys have been clear, and that's because his attorney is clarified now to our own kara scannell, that this isn't necessarily cash he has on hand liquid hard, cold cash what to say, what, what he meant to say was it's cash that he's built up in his role as a successful business. so not cash >> i said that not >> the attorney general, letitia james she has already started that paperwork to seize some properties in new york. if it comes to that, how would that work >> well, if he doesn't get the bond and he doesn't continue the appeals come monday. she can enforce the judgment, so she's already gone to the counties in new york where he has properties, westchester county, the seven springs resort, and then also in new york city where he has trump tower properties and apartments and hotels and a wall street
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property. what happens after she's entered that judgment legally, which is what the sep she's taken. she then goes and forecloses and puts leans, lays claim to those things in a legal way, there could be more fights over that. she could be trying to get more information, but people who are lawyers can move swiftly once that judgment comes in to say that's mine. now, not yours. >> key question for you. and that is it's not the end of the road for the former president legally, right? does he have more appeals that he could find a way to use to at least slow this process >> in donald trump's world, he believes he always has more appeals. he is trying to appeal this, but we may be at the end of the road in this case with this 500 nearly 500, half 1 billion dollars. do because he lost this lawsuit and the
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judgment is coming in on monday. they have an appeal >> left, but >> it's not clear if he's asking the appeals court for a lifeline are waiting to see if they come through before monday. my gosh, this is truly dramatic. it is really is. thank you so much for breaking it down for us, caitlin. great to see you always stay with us because up next one of the most lnerab democrats on th ballot this year, she happens bthe longeswoman in congssional history. we're going to ask her how she would deal with a publican speaker who might be ousted, but she throw him a lifeline mooney's allergies don't have to be scary. it's right flown a center to ms daily for non drowsy, long-lasting relief in a scent free gentleness slowness, all good also try are allergy, headache and night-time pill
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house speaker mike johnson. just after the house passed a critical spending bill, a move to vacate a speaker is a tactic we saw from republicans before. they successfully did so with speaker mccarthy. and it took three weeks to get another one. the question now is, is there an appetite for that kind of chaos? are manu raju just cut up with democratic congressman tom suozzi, new congressman from a very critical battleground district in new york. he offered a reaction that might be surprising. let's listen to his exchange will you vote to keep my johnson and as speaker? >> yes, i will. y is that? >> because it's absurd. he's getting kicked out for doing the right thing, getting the keeping the government open it says two thirds support of the congress and the idea that he would be kicked out by these jokers is absurd. >> well, there'll be other democrats, john, do you think? i hope so >> joining me now is maybe one of those democrats, a democratic congresswoman, marcy
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kaptur of ohio, who is the longest-serving woman in the history of the united states congress. thanks so much for being here. i appreciate it. let's just start there. you are a veteran democrat. you who are somebody who is not unlike tom suozzi, maybe even more so than tom suozzi in a very battleground district >> what >> will you do if you have to decide whether or not to vote to keep mike johnson as speaker or oust him. >> well, i want to keep my options open, but i know the speaker. i really want to vote for is hakeem jeffries of new york and we'll see what happens. there have been a number of republican resignations. they are leaving early because of the chaos and extremism. on the other side of the aisle i think it's very unpredictable. where things will be by july, august, september so we'll have to see, but i'm sorry that the woman from gentlewoman from georgia
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has done this to create more chaos at a time when america needs to be very resolute to meet our responsibilities at home, they're six months late in bringing to the floor bills that should have been done last year, six months late and of course, we have to meet our first responsibility, which is protect and defend this country against all enemies. foreign and domestic and i intend to do that in my own votes. >> what do you mean by that >> i mean that our >> first and second part, that enemy is domestic >> chaos is a form of internal disruption. and i know that there are a number of people that do these things to raise money in their campaigns. i don't think get some the national interest. i think we need to do our job to be six months late in funding. the department of defense. that's one of my subcommittees, i think is completely irresponsible and dangerous to the republic. we have enemies and they are serious. so given that you just said you're going
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to keep your options open, i know this is happening in real time, but let's just go with it here. is there an argument that could be made politically and policy wise, given what you just said about the danger to the republic that you see to keep my johnson in the speaker's chair. that is going to go home to ohio to your very conservative district and say i'm four keeping congress, keeping government running, and i'm against chaos. >> well, that is a real consideration at this point and as we move into a presidential year we aren't finished with our business yet, certainly on the defense side, we have many other decisions facing us, but to have this kind of terrible upheaval inside the institution is very, very damaging to the country at home and abroad >> you mentioned hakeem jeffries? yes. >> he of course is a democratic leader. he has invested in your
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seat and i should mention that you are i believe only one of five democrats running for reelection in a trump district. trump one district right now >> when >> i came to see you, i did a story on your reelection bid in 2022, which you obviously one you told me you were concerned that the democrats on the coasts don't get democrats in the middle places like ohio anymore. >> do you still think >> that is the case it's endemic, but the fact that leader jeffries came to ohio and was serious about learning more was a very good sign to me. and he just wasn't holed up in rooms we were driving around. he was looking at different parts so the district and meeting hundreds and hundreds of people are part of the country has suffered from great job loss. and in addition to that, our state republican
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establishment honestly is totally corrupt. the largest public crimes in ohio's history the people i represent for the most part, except for a few elected officials. that isn't the ethic of our region our people want an honest government. they want to be able to have good jobs with good wages and be able to afford their homes to be in the middle-class and it has been a struggle every decade of my career to help push the region forward. that's the reality of where i come from. the great lakes region so that's what we should be focused on. not all of this >> performing for the camera. that's going on. >> i should say that i made sure to have with me this mug from buds diner, which is in defiance ohio, a new conservative part of your district? yes. after gerrymandering, which i picked up when i was there at covering your seat. let's talk about where i started this, which have the best strawberry pie actually deadly good >> you were the longest-serving woman in the history of congress used surpassed the
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former senator, former congressman farmer mecole skis record last year, this is women's history month i'm sure we could talk for hours about what's changed since you first came in the early '80s. what is the most important positive difference that you have seen for women when it comes to leadership in the congress, besides the obvious, which is that there has been a female speaker of the house well, we have risen from being very small number of the institution when i first derive their 24 women. now we have 153. wow, so that's just in modern history, right? our lifetimes, we've seen this wonderful, wonderful movement of women into the congress, each of whom is making such a positive contribution. but for the history of the whole country, less than 4%, about 3.26%, i think of all members who've ever served are women. so we still have a long way to go to make up for what hasn't been there for the majority of the history of the country. but we definitely have seen change and it's been positive. we have
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women in the leadership are leader, on our side of the aisle katherine clark of massachusetts is working are heart out just so many talented women chairs of committee, rosa dilara of connecticut. yeah. my counterpart on appropriations so they moved into top positions when i was first elected, there were no women clerks on appropriations. now, over half of them our staff directors, a woman, lots of progress for america. thank you so >> much for coming on. we're a little bit condensed because of the breaking news day today. but i really appreciate it. you being here, please come back. thank >> you very much. thank you for giving are part of the country notice >> always. thank you. there's much more ahead. stay with us the greatest stage told about >> time reads, well, the champions have tbs
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>> upload >> your logo or start your design today, that >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday, a nine on cnn >> a very busy de here on cnn. stay tuned for all the latest news from capitol hill to the united nations patients tel-aviv, much more have a great weekend. cnn news central starts next sanity needs, a safe space >> you have a show were right and left talk to each other cnn presents an encore presentation of each he owes real time with bill maher tomorrow at eight and on cnn >> sunday, a wrongfully convicted menn freed after more than a decade. >> i can't believe i'm face-to-face. >> jake tapper reveals how the legal system failed and is very
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