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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 22, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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that's 1808851177. call now space shuttle columbia, the final flight or sunday, april 7, nine on cnn it is deja vu all >> over again on capitol hill, republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, filing a motion to house speaker mike johnson all this with a potential government shutdown, just hours away, plus empire at risk, former president donald trump has just three days to come up with half billion dollars. he claims he's gotten in cash. that's not what his attorneys are saying. >> and diplomatic blitz, secretary of state antony blinken is in the middle east as part of an intense push for hostage deal and ceasefire in gaza. this is israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, making it clear today. you don't back us in rafah, israeli we'll do it alone.
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we're falling these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news18 >> working news on capitol hill time is running out and the pressures on the senate to pass a spending bill that would avoid a partial government shutdown but time maybe running out on mike johnson and his house speakership in a stunning development georgia republican congresswoman marjorie taylor filed a motion to kick johnson out of the house speakership. she's angry about his guiding fellow republicans to pass that critical spending bill earlier today watch this >> wade, a new speaker. this is not personal against mike johnson. he's a very good man and i have respect for him as a person, but he is not doing the job. the proof is in the vote count today, he passed a budget that should have never been brought to the floor. did not represent our conference and it
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was passed with the demo crafts and without women, jordi of the majority >> let's take you now to capitol hill, to cnn's manu raja, who's there with the congresswoman mono yeah. >> boris, i council. thank you for talking to us about this surprise move. it was not really expected. maybe you expected to do this when you came in this morning, but you just filed this motion. have you heard from the speaker? yeah. >> i haven't talked to speaker johnson yet. i filed the motion to vacate this morning as this budget bill was passing, it was it was two part series of what we would call an omnibus complete departure of what the republican majority had told the american people, we would do with the majority we were also not given the opportunity to bring amendments on this big funding bill 1.2 trillion when we were given hardly any time to read the 1012 page bill, breaking the 72 hour rule that our conference had passed it
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was a complete departure of everything that we stand for the bill also funded abortion clinics with full term abortion funded trans agenda on children that we are completely against this bill also funded $300 million for ukraine and it funds so weaponized government. the department of justice is prosecuting president trump, who is our republican primary candidate for the presidential election this year, you think that this is what donald trump wants >> no, this bill was exactly what >> chuck schumer, what does this donald trump want to kick my johnson, the speakership. >> i haven't spoken with press isn't it trump about the motion to vacate? but i am introducing this motion to vacate with sincerity and respect for my conference. i am a good participating member of my conference. i have paid all of my dues and then some i support the republican majority. i support us winning the majority next year, but we cannot a move forward having a republican speaker of the house
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that is doing the bidding of democrats, that is allowing chuck schumer to drive our legislation, bringing bills to the floor that the white house cannot wait to sign into law and doesn't stop the border crisis in the invasion that's happening every single day to our country. people are asking who's going to be the next woman that's going to be right. who's going to be the next american that's going to be killed by illegal aliens whose house is going to be taken over by, by squatters. and who's going to be killed if they tried to take there house that this is very important about the timing of all this, because this can change how this institution is. ronny could lead to a state of paralysis that we saw in the fall. tell us how this plays out. from here. we're going on a two-week recess when you come back when the house comes back, is that when you call up this vote? >> well, i can call the motion to vacate vote up. it in time of my choosing. the ones that i haven't said when that's going to be what i'm hoping for is all of our republican members to be able to have time to think and reflect over the sprayc for us to come back
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together and start the conversation of who is capable and willing to lead this republican a jordi, because the current speaker of the house we have right now is getting rolled in every single meeting he is negotiating from weakness and we have lost full confidence is there any way that you would not move forward with this at this time? i don't see in any way backing off of the motion to vacate. but what i will not do is i'm not intending to stop investigations on committees important committee work that's happening right now that i want are conference prince and our congress to be able to continue to move forward on. and i'm being very respectful to the members of our conference. >> and one last question before i wrap here. how many republican votes do you have on this? >> i won't be giving you the number of votes i have right now. but there is quite a few members that i talked to today already. that are supporting the motion to vacate or diffuse a dozen, two dozen or i will not be giving my numbers
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there's a there's i have a number that have committed, but there's also a large number that have already expressed to me a huge sigh of relief this is a very >> democrats could vote to save them. >> i won't be working with democrats. >> there'll be >> choosing two out how they want to vote when that happens again, i don't have a timeline on this. i'm being very respectful to everyone here >> carlson. thank you. for telling us about get a plans for your time all right. horseback eight years. how much of it's saying that there's she has a significant amount of republicans, both. we'll see if that actually happens and when it does yeah a huge cloud now hanging over not only speaker johnson, but also the entire republican conference, potentially facing this chaos. again, manu raju on the hill. thank you. much. erica. >> what it is the last business day before donald trump's bond deadline in new york. he of course, has to pay nearly half 1 billion after being found liable for fraud or his assets could be seized today, the former president claiming and associate nearly $500 million in cash enough to cover that
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some his lawyer, though then quickly clarify fighting. he doesn't actually have all that on hand. so that's right. so he was found liable, remember, for fraud by inflating the value of his assets. now possibly inflating his cash coffers as he's trying to avoid this penalty for the fraud, trump's attorneys argue it is nearly impossible to get the amount needed for bond. the new york attorney general we will have a chance to respond and courts cnn's kristen holmes, join me now with more so he's been posting i mean, almost not stop at this point on truth social going on and on about it. it also thinks of this a window into this growing desperation yesterday we were talking about panic mode. where does it stand? >> well, the silane that vote because we are told that they don't know still how exactly they're going to secure this as now, donald trump's brands did take a turn today because he had been saying it's impossible to get this kind of cash. no one can get this kind of cash even when you're talking to his team members, they say the same thing. they say, no one any billionaire is not going to be this liquid. and i did hear that from financial experts as well. when
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you look at all of his assets were coming to a place now where it's not like you can sell off assets. i mean, there's no fire sale, there's none of that nelson e6 a turn and he says on truth social, i currently have almost 500 million in cash that is again, the opposite of what they've been saying. what his lawyers have been saying in court. they have continually say this is unfair. no one can get this a kind of money that's quickly. and now of course you haven't saved this. the other part of that of course, is that he said that he would fund his own campaign, but now he had to put a towards this. he is not funded his own campaigns in 2016 and we were told there were no plans to fund his campaign this time. so that seems like just a trumpism a little bit of time because meantime, what are you hearing in terms of reaction to the growing possibility now, i mean, as you pointed out, you can just have a fire sale for all of these properties, but there is this growing possibility about assets being seized. >> and that's gonna be really humiliating for the former president. one of the things that he cares about most is being portrayed as a wealthy business when being portrayed as a wealthy businessman is not having a foreclosure sign on your house. so obviously that's not exactly what this
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would look like. they're such a different bar for what would happen normally if someone's assets are season when you're talking about this kind of money. plus, there have to be, you can go evolvement of local law enforcement in various areas. so it's unclear what this would look like, but just the idea of having his stuff sees is an embarrassment for the foreign president. and likely what leads to him posting stuff like this that says actually i do have the money because you have a bunch of conversations going on about how he can't secure this bond, how he doesn't actually have this money in people's speculating what his wealth actually is, then you have donald trump trying to clarify. no, no, i have this money where his lawyers one of the hardest things is to be a lawyer for donald trump coming out and saying, we wait, we've been saying this forever that you don't. this is too hard to get. so let's stick with the legal claims yeah, people will actually want to see evidence of said cash. yes. trying to control your client in that case? not always the easiest. kristen, appreciate it. i want to bring it out. kara scannell, who's joining us from new york. so kara, i know you just got a response from the james responding in court. there did she address this 500 claim?
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>> now, erica, in this filing, this she does not address this claim. she focuses on the legal arguments that trump made earlier this week and some of the challenges that she raised initially, she's now made officially with the court and that is saying that they can't rely on some of the representations from the insurance broker because he's a longtime friend of donald trump's than that wasn't disclosed. the appeals court, they're also saying trump hasn't detailed the conversations that he's had with these insurance companies and underwriters about trying to get a bond such as what property came up or what terms they were offering and suggested again that trump could also try to post this with the court directly if they no one will take real estate, he could the post the real estate with the court and also maybe try to get a couple of these insurers to pool together. now, trump's team has already pushed back on some of this saying that that's not feasible because this comes down to cash, which is the issue that you're talking about in that he doesn't have enough cash because that is what the bond underwriters want as collateral. and so that is something that is still an
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issue that is that is outstanding as of this point from the trump side >> so given where we are in this moment, what would happen on monday when this deadline arrives? >> so trump is still you know, there's the possibility. does he come up with any money? does he post a bond of any amount? will the appeals court way in between now and then, it's unclear. trump has asked them to let him post a smaller amount or not post anything until the appeals over. but from the new york attorney general's perspective active, they can begin the process of trying to seize assets and it was not going to be an easy process is going to be something that will take some time. now, initially they could try to put some leans on some properties which would restrict trump's ability to use them that could try to put take steps to collect rent from some the apartment buildings that he owns. they could also try to he sees some properties and begin the initial steps of that. we did see that she filed paperwork in westchester county where trump's family residents several spring seven springs is
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as well as a golf course in the nearby town of briarcliff that is to kind of put a marker down to show that there is a judgment issued there. they could then move forward that would require additional step so if they wanted to try to actually sees that property, so monday is going to be the de do we see that the attorney general's office take some action? do we see any action from trump were still waiting to see yeah >> monday is the day care. appreciate it. thank you. >> so to come here, trump may be strapped for cash right now, but he could have a massive windfall while coming his way possibly in the billions. >> we'll explain that. plus america's top diplomat today warning israel about the consequences of moving into rafah southern gaza with secretary blinken just wrapping up a key meeting with prime minister netanyahu will tell you what more we know about those talks backroom deals, cia secrets, affairs bribery, corruption, prostitution so much, more to the story night,
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>> it's personal >> i mourn liebermann at the pentagon. >> i'm this cnn donald trump has three days to scrounge up $464 million to cover his bond for a civil fraud in new york sources indicate that behind closed doors, the former president is in panic mode, but he may have new avenues of cashflow opening up. this morning, investors approved a deal that paves the way wave for truth social to go public potentially giving trump a multi-billion-dollar windfall from stocks. and he could have some cash headed his way thanks to some fine print in a new fundraising agreement with the rnc donations will first go to his campaign and then the pack paying his legal bills before they wind up with the party let's start with the truth social deal. now cnn's matt egan is tracking it so matt walkers through this merger and exactly how much money this could mean for trump >> will boris this does look like a big financial win for
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former president trump. shareholders have given a green light to this merger between truth social owner trump media and a publicly traded shell company. this was really one of the final hurdles to get this long deal done, though i should note there are still some legal uncertainty because there is ongoing litigation seeking to block the merger from closing. >> but >> assuming it does close, this could be a publicly traded company as soon as early next week one where the former president didn't own a dominant stake, 79 million shares at recent prices that would be worth 3.4 billion well, north of the half, 1 billion or so in terms of bond that he's supposed to be posting in new york by monday. but here's the bad news for former president trump in many ways, this is less liquid than his real estate assets for a few reasons. first of all, deals like this, they have what's known as locked up restrictions that basically prevent insiders from immediately selling as soon as
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the inke is dry on the deal, that's never a good look, but it's particularly bad here because when we're president trump is not just the face of the company. he is almost the product itself. another issue here, if he was able to get through those restrictions, which is a big f, another issue is that it's not clear that anyone would want to let former president trump borrow against the value of those shares because they would lose value as soon as he sold and boris perhaps the biggest issue is that experts say that the market is seriously overvaluing trump media >> now, why is it that some believe it's overvalued right now? >> well, the problem is that trump media, it's burning through cash and it's piling up losses in the most recent quarter, trump media generated just 1.1 million in revenue. it lost $26 million. truth social itself is shrinking monthly active users are down from by 39% year over year and yet the
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market is valuing this company in the billions of dollars out. one professor at yale, professor jonathan macy, he told me, quote, the stock price is clearly a bubble. no rational investor would take the stock at face value especially if they had to hold it for any length of time. another professor told me, this is basically a meme stock. so yes, this deal does look like a financial win for former president trump, but no, it does not look like the cash infusion that he really needs matt egan. thanks so much for breaking that down for us. let's get the campaign angle. now with cnn's fredreka scout and fredricka tell us about this fundraising agreement that it seems very favorable to donald trump well donald trump, but like a lot of presidential candidates has reached a fundraising agreement with the rnc that will allow >> them and state parties to collect big checks from individual donors that they
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then share. but what's interesting is when you look at the fine print for the first big fundraiser that they have you see that the money goes first to donald trump's campaign and then to save america, the leadership pac that he is used to pay an enormous number of his legal bills then the rest of the money goes to the rnc and then it flows what's left over to the state party committees. this is really important because the rnc is facing a series reyes cash crunch at the end of last year, the party had only $8 cash on hand, which was the lowest level in about a decade. and this is a crucial election year for the presidential, the presidential race. and for down-ballot folks, people running for the senate and the house so there is a real need for them to to raise as much cash as they, as they can. but at the same time, you're seeing that save america is getting some favorable treatment >> yeah, i forgot. what about this claim from donald trump that he has nearly 500 million
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in cash his attorneys say otherwise. he makes the claim that much of that money he was going to spend on the campaign, but he actually hasn't used any of his own money in campaigns since back in 2016. is that right? >> exactly. back in 2016, he said that he was going to put $100 into his campaign. he ended up putting about $66.1 million in and hasn't donated to a political campaign since then, in part because he's really been supported by a lot of small dollar donors over the years. he hasn't needed the two but this year he's like i said, he faces a cash crunch. mean he is not raising anywhere as much money as joe biden is. joe biden in february, for instance, i'm looking at the most recent reports raise 21.3 million in his primary campaign committee and had 71 million million dollars cash on hand to start march width by
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comparison, the same committee that trump had raised 10.9 million in february and had $33.5 million cash on hand. he has a lot of catching up to do at this point as the general election becomes fully engaged. >> for us >> yeah, interesting details there for dragos gotten. thank you so much. >> let's discuss now with former us attorney harry limit. harry, good to have you with us this afternoon. as we look at all of this and the waiting game ensues, i'm also curious, harry trump has asked the appellate court either delay or reduce his bond amount, which could change where things stand. do you think that's a possibility? >> you know, i think it is a possibility, but of course trump is always kind of his own category. but in different situations, you might see the appellate division, which is known as being sort of pro-business, cutting him a bit of a break. so that's one of the possible kind of saving. fine. final hello sort of shots from the outside. he could have
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if he doesn't get that, though look, i think bankruptcy, which people were talking about is basically off the table. it doesn't really help them much and it's a political disaster. and i think letting tish james just go and choose among his prime hi guys possessions which she'll go after first is a very, very final choice so that leaves him coming up with it in some way or other. the true socialists, an interesting possibility, but it's not enough. he has to somehow be able to convert that into a guarantee from someone who credits, notwithstanding what you're yale professor said, that this is good enough for me in general a guardian angel might be in the offing, but i don't think or they would they would do it for nothing. we would have to as a country worry about whether a local or even foreign billionaire stetson to save him, what that would mean for him were he to be president. otherwise, there
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are a few possibilities that he could still try to come up with including selling some of his less valuable properties. i just think at the end of the day, he'll do anything rather than let tish james put a metaphorical padlock on 40 wall street to that point though trunk on social media made this claim that he's got half $1 billion in liquidity that he just has it there his attorneys turned around and said, yeah, not so much. if you're letitia james and you see that could that potentially hurt him in court that he's making these claims >> it certainly an admission and one more indication of why trump is the worst client of all time. how to like to be the lawyer thing. it's practically impossible when your client says otherwise, luck at the end of the day, if he has it. >> and by the >> way, if he does have it, i think by any calculation it's a little opaque with his finances, but it would be
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crippling not just for the campaign, but for his business. that means accounts receivable. that means running the business. but yeah, that could come into play at the end of the day if he's since i just don't have it. tish james, them has at his properties. that's what i think will not happen, but yeah, it's it's an awkward one of many awkward positions that he's put his lawyers in. any way you look at this bores he is in a world of hurt. the question is what's the least hurt that he could emerge? from this situation with her, you brought up the possibility of an angel, i believe was the word that you use there had guardian angel, there had been some speculation about whether there could be perhaps a foreign guardian angel and concerns as you rightly pointed out, about national security especially if he were to be reelected his attorney, chris guys also pushing back on that notion, saying it is categorically absolutely not true that there will be no russian or saudi money or any foreign money under consideration. is that
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something that the courts would monitor? >> the short answer is they would know about it. and in general, he's there's a lot of monitor ship going on, but that doesn't mean it would be illegal. it would be a huge concern for us. the guardian angel might be a guardian devil as far as we're concerned, because they wouldn't do it just to be nice too. to him. but i don't see anything illegal about his doing it unless it violates their sanctions in place with different russian folks, et cetera. but, you know, look, the question he he is at a choice between some very, very bad alternatives. if it comes to that, i think he would do it for letting tish james go to 240 wall street or trump tower and the like. but man is it fraught for us as the american people, if the putative presidential nominee is so in debt to a foreign power harry,
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i want to zero in on what trump's lawyer chris skies tried to clarify regarding trump's cash claim. he said, quote, what he's talking about is the money reported on his campaign disclosure forms that he's built up their years of owning and managing successful businesses what stands out to me that is left out of that statement, harry is the fact that this whole case was about trump making money by inflating the value of his properties. so some of that successful business managing and owning was fraud yeah. >> so two points here. first, because it's fraud. there's less than he says. i mean, you just can't credit this amount even the properties are completely encumbered and you just don't know what he really has. that's for starters, but but second, if what kai says this is accurate, it means that if this is his least unattractive choice and he
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comes up with it himself. i think he is. it's like a company that all of a sudden has no chairs, furniture, accounts receivable or anything that is really the end of the day. i think for the trump organization in new york, it's an ugly, ugly situation for him, even if it is halfway accurate. >> harry live in very much appreciate your perspective. thanks. >> thank you. >> of course. >> still had a high-stakes meeting between the us and israel ends with both sides issuing warnings. more on today it's tense exchange between secretary of state antony blinken and israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu >> your favorite rock the block, teams are back for redemption and the first-ever waterfront homeland animation showed. and i can do it's time to sink or swim. >> the >> block all new monday night at nine on hgtv.
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pretty closed captioning brought to you by if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to >> 14000 >> he is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu said he told us secretary of state antony blinken, israel is prepared to move forward with his ground offensive in rafah, regardless of whether the us supports it, that statement coming just moments after his meeting with secretary blinken earlier today nothing. you also expressing that there was no way to defeat hamas without going into rafah. there are of course, more than 1 million palestinians in rafah who have taken shelter there to escape the war. here's more of what contrary blinken had to say after their meeting >> we share the goal of ensuring israel's long-term security >> as >> we've said, though, a major million which are a ground operation in rafah is not the
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way to do it it risks killing more civilians. it risks wreaking greater havoc with the there's one of humanitarian assistance it risks further isolating israel around the world and jeopardizing as long-term security and standing cnn's jeremy diamond is in tel-aviv for a so jeremy these comments from prime minister netanyahu, what is the impact on these >> discussions about a possible ceasefire here and release of hostages and also the the us yeah. >> well, listen, i think these two issues are kind of proceeding on separate tracks, but there's no question that they impact one another. if there is no ceasefire deal going forward than that increases the likelihood of the israeli military ordering. this, what large-scale military offensive into rafah and of course, if there is a deal that could potentially forestall a potential military offensive in rafah for some six weeks at a
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minimum but what i think is really important here is the fact that the us is trying to change israel's mind, trying to change these really leadership's mind about the military necessity of carrying out this large-scale offensive. and so far, the us, including secretary of state blinken today appear to be failing at that task because moments after meeting with the secretary of state, the israeli prime minister released this video statement in hebrew to the israeli public saying that he conveyed to secretary of state blinken that going into rafah is a military necessity and that israel will carry out that military offensive with or without the united states support. and so even as the israeli prime minister is indicating that he will listen to the us's ideas, that he will send a delegation of some of his closest advisers to washington next week to hear us alternatives. he's also basically saying that i will listen to you, but i will not change my mind at the same time, the secretary of state is trying to impress upon the israeli prime minister and the
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israeli public as well what the risk is here of going into rough a talking not only about the risk two palestinian civilians, some one-and-a-half million who are currently believed to be sheltering in rafah, but also the risk to israel, to israel's long-term security and to its reputation saying that going into rafah risks isolating israel further around the world and those are the stakes as the united states sees them. but despite that, israel appears to be pressing ahead with these plans. nothing is imminent, of course, but as we talked about with those ceasefire negotiations, so much uncertainty abouwhether or not a deal can be reached. on that front. the secretary of state saying that progress is being made, gaps are being closed. but the last mile is often the toughest in these negotiations. erica, jeremy, i >> appreciate the reporting. i thank you. >> i just ahead here, a violent inmate and the man who helped allegedly helped him escape, captured police though believe they may be responsible for the deaths of two people killed while they were on the run. the
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latest in that investigation is next >> check. >> we hear nothing. >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing series of events is that part of the wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine. >> i have type two diabetes, but i manage it well, it's little pill with the big story to tell. i take once jati easy accordions for 24-17, your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type two diabetes and known heart disease, jordan's can lower the risk of cardiovascular death >> serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function and genital yeast or urinary tract infections a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the
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bring your own team together with custom gear, get started today. i'd >> erin burnett, outfront tonight at seven odd cnn new developments in the idaho prisoner escaped police. now say that skylar meade and nicholas umphenour are suspected of killing two menn while on the run the fugitives with ties to a white supremacist prison gang were captured yesterday afternoon, some 36 hours after umphenour allegedly shot at officers who are transferring meade back to prison from a boise hospital. the breeze, an ambush left three corrections officers wounded cnn's camila, but now has been tracking the story from boise. so it can be a lot, bring us up to speed. what's the latest on the investigation
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>> hey, boris, a lot of new developments. so we are now learning that a third person was arrested at the same time as these two other suspects. she is being identified as tanya hoover 52-year-old, and she is now charged with alluding and with possession of fentanyl. >> we are >> also learning a lot more in terms of the homicides authorities believed that these two suspects after leaving the hospital traveled north and at some point encountered and 83 year-old man who was walking his dogs and so it's, believed that they took him the dogs and his car because authorities say that sometime later they found the at year-old's body. he was identified as jains money. and they say his body was found near that honda civic that these two suspects use it's to escape from the hospital they do not believe that mani knew these two suspects >> so >> unfortunately, it appears to have been random in a way
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authorities also identified the second victim of homicide, and that is 72 year-old don henderson. and authorities say that in that ks he was killed at his home. it was a remote area in northern idaho and it was clear water county and authorities say that this man may have known the two suspects. it's unclear to what extent or how long they knew each other. but authorities say that at his home they found the shackles and they also found many's dogs. and so that's how they're connecting both of these homicides to these two suspects authorities say that sometime after they took separate cars and drove south east to twin falls, idaho and that's where police found them. we have new images of the time i'm the or of the moment that skylar meade was arrested. and that's when we're told that he was with tanya hoover as well. we were told that they stopped skylar meade and took him into custody city quickly,
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but that i'm been howard tried to escape and then that's when we had that short chase and then he was later arrested. so a lot of new details. boris coming up with now. thank you so much for the update. erica >> get your column and some of the other headlines that we're watching this hour, the alabama woman who faked her own kidnapping has now now pleaded guilty in court and is agreeing to pay 18,000 and restitution. carly russell captured the nation's attention last year when she mysteriously disappeared from the side of a highway today's later russell returned home claiming she had been abducted and held hostage, but managed to escape. investigators though, didn't buy it. they found russell's web searches included things like you, have to pay for an amber alert an update on that terrifying midair blowout on an alaska airlines boeing max from back in january, cnn has now learned it some, of the flyers on board received letters from the fbi telling them they may be the victims of a crime. the justice department opened an investigation last month into the incident and boeing, a preliminary investigation by
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safety officials at the ntsb found when the jet left boeing's factory, four bolts were missing that are needed to keep that door plug secured. and the two-week search for missing college student in nashville coming to a sad and 22 riley strains body was found in a river. there are no signs of foul play hey, according to police, he disappeared after it was kicked out of a bar downtown earlier this month surveillance video showed him struggling to walk down the city streets before vanishing we'll be right back. >> news night with abby phillip tonight at tim eastern on cnn. i brought in >> a short max protein with 30 grams for those who tried me felt more energy. it just two weeks. here, i'll take that >> ensure max protein, 30 grams protein 1, sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic >> if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer, but up devo plus your voice is the first combination of two
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completely busted probably after some major upsets on day one yeah. >> how many people had kentucky maybe getting past 14 seated oakland golden bears. i mean, it seems like a simple pick plenty more first-round games to come today. cnn's caroline man has been watching all the action for us kentucky yeah you know, my brackets didn't survive. vaud de one >> game. you didn't, but it's still things a little bit the good news is less >> i appreciate it >> at the reason that i feel bad is because less than 1% of racket's remained perfect after day one, i'm talking 0.00, 8% to be exact. and that upset that you mentioned and the 14th, see the oakland i don't know if anybody saw them taking down kentucky, but if you've been tracking what's going on with kentucky over the last couple of appearances here are the big dance that you might have been included into it every year we love meeting these new heroes from the small schools. this was incredible night for jack key, the senior
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with golden grizzlies made 103. you guys you put up 32, which is the most points ever in the tournament for a player who did not make a two point shot, oakland pulling off the that over the third c to wildcats at 76. and what a win for greg can't be two who has been the head coach at oakland for 40 years, and now he isn't found a third for the first time, conversly. this is a very tough pill to swallow for john calipari, kentucky now 1.4 and their last five tournament games here was jack oaky after the big upset i know they have draft picks and i know i'm not going to mba, but i know on any given night, i can compete with those type of >> guys and our team can compete with those type of guys. and that's why i was so confident going into it. and that's why i say we're not a cinderella because when we play our a game where we can be the best team on the floor >> they meanwhile looked like they were toasts against nevada down by 17 was 714 to go before staging come back for the ages, the flyers finishing the game on a 2044 run. nate santos with
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the big bucket to put dayton up by one with 38 seconds. and the last second, nevada three would be no good. dayton moving on after an incredible comeback, winning 603260 abroad, james's high school coach, keith dambrot, and duquesne me while dancing into the second round, the dukes taking down byu 71, 67 in an 11 seed upset. this is due keynes first tournament win since 1969, and dambrot retiring after this run that's going to have to wait because now his team has the date with illinois in the second round >> i just want me retire, man. i'm trying to retire, but if we keep and again, i'm going to make me an old man >> all eyes on the tournament and lebron james having fun with his old coach to hitting a look this keep it going so the madness guys getting underway, the women's tournament starting soon we get a lot more action still to come back to you >> plenty more excitement to go. carolyn maddow, appreciate you bringing it all down for us. thanks. much stay with cnn.
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