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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  March 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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charges. his family has returned more than 100 relics to cambodia and in 2023 agreed to forfeit $12 and a vietnamese stash two >> but >> often the process of seizing property to satisfy a court ruling gets complicated. and frankly, a little weird. years ago, oj wrote a very controversial book about how he would commit the murders if he had done it. the rights to that were seized and. there now considered basically worthless. aaron. >> all right. tom. thank you very much. and thanks so much to all of you for joining us on this friday ac30 60 takes over now tonight on 362 stories. think shockwaves around the world and russia at least 40 killed more than 100 wounded in the mass shooting on our horrific scale at a concert venue outside moscow, with isis now claiming responsibility and the gunman apparently still at
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large and in the uk, a stunning revelation from the princess of wales >> in january, i underwent major domino surgery in london. and at the time, it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous. the surgery was successful however, tests after the operation on cancer had been present >> today, catherine princess of wales, did something that tens of thousands of people around the world do every day. but few, if any, do in the spotlight that she's under after months of near-total occlusion and growing speculation, she shared her cancer diagnosis and we want to see her full statement i >> want to take this opportunity to say thank you personally for all the wonderful messages of support and for your understanding whilst i've been recovering from surgery it is been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family but i've had a fantastic medical team who've taken great care of me for which i'm
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so grateful. in january, i underwent major domino surgery in london. and at the time, it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous the surgery was successful. however, tests after the operation, on cancer had been present my medical team therefore advice that i should undergo a course of preventive chemotherapy and i'm now in the early stages about treatment this of course came as a huge shock. and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of my young family as you can imagine, this is taken time. it has taken me time to recover for major surgery in order to start my treatment but most importantly, it is taken as time to explain everything to george charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them. and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay as i've said to them, i am well and
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getting stronger every day. by focusing on the things that will help me here in my mind, body, and spirit having william by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance to as is the love, support, and kindness that is being shown by so many of you it means so much trust both we hope that you'll understand that as a family, we now need some time space and purposely, while i complete my treatment my work has always bought me a deep sense of joy. and i look forward to being back when i'm able but for now, i must focus on making a full recovery at this time i'm also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer for everyone facing this disease, in whatever form please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone. >> you're not alone. she made that statement six hours ago. it was released. >> it's a >> point worth making about 20
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million people worldwide are diagnosed with cancer every year. the princess and prince william waited until their children, george, charlotte, and louis, ages 108.5 were for out-of-school for easter break before announcing catherine's diagnosis, she underwent surgery, as you know, mid january, stayed in the hospital for 13 days, then returned home to windsor, just outside london to recover. then late last month, a royal source has catherine started with the princess today called preventive chemotherapy the source says there's treatment began not long after king charles revealed his own cancer diagnosis. today's announcement comes just days after video of catherine williams surface and in the middle of a medical privacy scandal of the private london hospital, where she had her surgery for more and all of this now, seeing the royal correspondent, max foster starts us off. >> so what, >> what more do we know? no about the princess of wales condition >> so we're not going to be told what type of cancer it is. i've only been told that chemotherapy early stages of it started in late february this
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of course, comes after that it's a little a visit in january, so she didn't think she had cancer going into hospital tests were done when she was there and she found out later that there were signs of cancer this was of course the same time that king charles is in the hospital for another procedure and he found out exactly the same thing that he also had cancer. so the parallels i quite extraordinary and the king has been speaking a bit about that today as well but i think is it, when you saw her in that video, there's a very, very hard thing for her to do. it was her decision to do it in that way and to speak in the way that she did very difficult thing to do. i think she feels that she's done enough now and now. she shared as much information as you can and now she wants to spend time with their family effectively and recover. >> so, you do not expect any more updates from kensington palace? >> we're being told there will
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be an update, of course, if there's a major improvement or she gets much worse, but away from that, what they're calling four is we've given you as much information as we can and the public has a right to know that this is the future queen. but they don't want to share anything beyond that and they particularly don't want to share any moments where they're seeing out and about. they're really appealing to the media and the public not to take videos of their seen. a lot of people saying, well, why didn't they just stay at home if they don't want to be seen is crucial to them as family, that the kids have as much normality as possible. so they want to go about their lives. she wants to go to hospital visits for chemo it doesn't wanna be photographed and those images shared so this is a deal, if you like we're going to share this information, but the deal back is going to give us the privacy that we think we deserve >> do you think that will actually work? >> i think it will actually to some extent with the media, of course, what's extraordinary about this situation, what
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we've had is this explosion in conspiracy theory on social media. i've never seen anything like it, and there are people out there making money, getting views from these extraordinary videos. i think people will be posting. i don't think the media is going to be reflecting a lot of that because those conspiracy theories weren't true. she just had cancer and she didn't tell us straight away, but she's protecting her kids. i think there's a lot the sympathy in the media about that. we'll have to see i mean, i'd say the british tabloid has got a pretty bad reputation in this country for evading her privacy. but from the people i've spoken to within those tabloids they're not going to cross the line on this one sympathy there, there's understanding and i think they feel that the palace has been quite transparent. >> it would have other members of the royal family are catherine's family said are reacted to her. how are they reacted >> what is interesting that point i was making about how kate came across and how she really gave a lot of herself in that video. i think i've spent a lot of time with over the years. i've interviewed her is not a comfortable place to be
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particularly talking about personal stuff. or the king said, i'm so proud of catherine for courage is speaking as she did the closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law. i talked about that some language they spent time in the hospital together. they had a really central time together when they're in hospital. james, her brother posted a very sweet pitchers them when they were younger. he said, over the years, we've climbed many mountains together as a family. we will climb this one with you a bit later on in the de, i also got a message from prison it's harry seem prince, harry and meghan's team prince harry and meghan say, we wish health and healing for k and the family. and hope that they're able to do so privately piece so speaking to the same message, coming together really with william and kate on this next foster thanks very much. johnny's now seen and chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta sandi, what stands out to you
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from what we heard from princess catherine today from a medical standpoint >> well the big headline of course, was that she is talking about the fact that she's been diagnosed with cancer. i think there has been some concern for some time. you put that time hi, map. we can show back in january, middle of january is when she had the operation. but you may remember even before that, there was this discussion that maybe we wouldn't see the princess until easter, so several months after the operation and that sort of i think in a medical sense signaled some level of concern, but it was still pretty opaque. >> now we >> know, in fact it has cancer. she had that operation, she recovered for two weeks at some point in their cancer diagnosis was made and she started the chemotherapy back at the end of february, about three weeks ago, 3.5 weeks ago. >> so start according to get a better sense of the timeline. and what's been going on over the past couple of months
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because frankly, a lot of it didn't make sense before what would take somebody into a situation where they couldn't they weren't essentially going to be seen for three months. why does someone need to stay in the hospital for so long after the operation? now it's starting to to fit a little bit more but there's still a lot of things we don't know and that may be the way that they wanted, as max said, we don't know what kind of cancer we don't know what stage. we don't know what the chemotherapy is. we don't know how long that will last. >> so >> these are still things that are a little bit unclear. how >> would a cancer diagnosis like this have come about? i mean, we note she said get major abdominal surgery due surgeons take samples during that for further testing. is that is that how something would be found out later >> yeah >> going back to that original operation, again, it sounds like there was a level of concern already. i mean, we don't typically do to exploratory operations. it's usually pretty directed operation because of some level
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of concern. and even at the time of the operation they do something that are called frozen sections where they'll actually look at the tissue right at the time of the operation that's typically done to say, look is there. a cancer here? and if so, are we can get all are there martin regions around that cancer that don't look cancerous, meaning we're getting all of the affected tissue out. so a lot of that would probably be known at the time of the operation, middle of january. but it can take a few days, maybe a week or so after that to confirm that, in fact it has cancer. so most likely if you just look at that timeline, it was probably end of january sort of probably before she was discharged from the hospital to princess that they knew at that point what they were dealing with >> and she's 42 years old. how prevalent are cancer diagnoses in women in that age range? >> well, there are more prevalent than they are in men that age range, but less
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prevalent than in women who are older. so it is there are certain types of cancers that are more common at certain ages one thing and i know you've talked to other doctors today about this, but colorectal cancer we used to recommend screening for people after the age of 50. but that screening, as you know, has come down now to the age of 45 because you're just seeing those types of cancers in younger populations. we don't know what kind of cancer she has. i just want to state that again. it's totally entitled to our privacy on this. >> but there are certain cancers which are going to be more common at certain ages and more likely and women versus men. >> but anybody out there from 45 on should have screening for colorectal cancer that's right >> and that is that was a change american cancer society, the united states preventative task force coming out and saying 45 is now the age because we think you're going to catch enough cancers by
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doing these screenings earlier that it makes it worth the while sanjay. thank you. appreciate a perspective now from cnn royal historian kate williams and british televisions tricia goddard, host of this week with tricia goddard. thank you for being with us here. well, first of all, your reaction, too, we spoke earlier, but i'm wondering, as you've been thinking about it, what's your reaction to what the statement that was made to mike? my >> heart went out to katherine as we talked about before, i came out about my own cancer what just last week and new and i've worked together, we've done covered royal things and i've warmed my wig and no one's known for 19 months that i've been going through cancer. so i understand her wish to be normal i'm become the diagnosis. and as mac said, it would have been a very difficult thing to come out about. i mean, i'm used to. this is my job and this is what i do. but when i talked about it to a magazine, it was terribly difficult because you think how are people going to treat me differently? and also
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when she talks about the children? telling wants children at any age is a really difficult thing to do and it's especially the age range. i mean, he was ten or youngest, just five? >> yeah. especially and also the worry about the headlines. however, you talk to them about it and you can always point to people. i mean, when my children were younger, when i went through cancer the first time in 2008, i said, look at kylie minogue. >> i >> mean, she's out there singing, but the thing is if you've got the media talking about as they have been in some section of the british media, cancer stricken, king charles an issue going to die anything talk about death and the headlines are going to be very traumatic so i think it's very telling that she's told the children during these the holidays when she can be close to them where they're not going to hear through a schoolmate. oh, this sort of thing >> how difficult do you think it's been for the royal family to now go through? her cancer
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battle privately amid such a flurry of speculation, but also right after king charles's own cancer diagnosis >> yes. as you say, i understand. i mean, this has been a huge blow to the royal family. the king went in for a routine operation. them we found the king had cancer and was having treatment and we don't have a timeline as to women we're going to see the king again out in public. we believe that in trooping of the colour, which is in june, he may be in a carriage, we're seeing these wonderful pictures here of the coronation. what a fantastic time that we were together covering that you and tricia just a year ago and things have changed new much. now we have the king who is unwell and we now also have k2 is out of action as well. well, so the royal family, which was a slim down or family that was charles's project. now is seeming quite slim really, because we have two major oils out of action and also with camila and william, two other oils he wants us take time a little bit away from their duties to look after them. so we are seeing a royal family that's very different to the one we saw under the queen. the
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queen, you went on forever, never seeming to even have a cold and a large amount of royals around her >> it was amazing. >> treasure >> just watching that video, i mean, she was so human and for somebody, it's a very hard thing to do to make a statement like that and to have it be authentic and to have it be as beautifully done as it was. >> yeah, it would been really difficult. she's obviously somewhere where she feels very comfortable nature. i know it sounds silly, but being even her message, being out in nature, i think that helps as well, but i also think that having a little bit of power because one thing the cancer takes away from you, is look in the mirror. you start looking in the mirror. you see somebody different. she probably knows what's ahead of her by the way and also, you know, everybody's talking about you about your diagnosis, about the cancer and your scared that if genuinely scared in her
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situation that if other news outlets or somebody leaks the documents and what have you also to know it's not your to know that somebody or maybe multiple, it seems like at least multiple people right now being suspected of having tried to assess hermetic private medical information and the hospitals that would absolutely freak you out you don't know where the headlines coming from and what they say because how sensation law it may be. so i think she's getting back a little bit of power there, so yes, it's scary. you feel very vulnerable, but you actually think i'm able to say this in the language i want to i noticed she picks her words very carefully when offering saying to people going through. she didn't say battling >> i'm not >> i do think we have to watch our language and that's what i read from what she said. she said it really beautifully and i think that message is going to be very powerful. >> i loved that you're not alone at the end as well >> yeah. yeah. yeah.
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>> i mean, kensington palace not expect to reveal any further medical details that such as the type of cancer would stages in its interest because prince charles has, excuse me, king charles has not said what kind of cancer he has. he went in front a large prostate, but he hasn't said which of cancer he was diagnosed with. she is not going to as well i think to some americans it might be, they may be surprised. why wouldn't they say what kind of cancer for the royal family they have already gone farther probably than any previous generation of royals has gone. in disclosing information yes. on >> doesn't you're totally right. i mean, this is further than any royals have ever gone. we weren't told prince philip was ill really until the final stages. we weren't told the queen was unwell until really the day in which he passed away. so it was such a shock. and for example, the queen's grandfather, queens father, george the sixth, no one he had cancer not even his daughter. so she set off on a tour to kenya and she was in a hotel
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upper tree over awarding her when she became queen. and so we are unprecedented level of transparency and honesty and vulnerability. and it was so powerful to hear tricia talking there about getting back some of her power as someone going through cancer that was so i think that's so important and such a key point. and you know what i thought about andersen when i was watching the video message that is unprecedented to normally the world's put out statements as they did with the king, a statement from kensington palace saying the queen is that prints something again cancer, but they had a video statement which to me was so like the queen when she addressed as in times of great need williams, tricia, god are thank you so much. appreciate it. much more ahead tonight. next, how catherine william became friends and a couple of a family. now facing some challenging days ahead. also the very latest from russia were ice is now says it was responsible for murdering dozens and wounding many more that concert hall outside moscow bureau at that we deserve a real king because if you cannot protect his own
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the focus on titles is that at the end of the day, the royal family is in fact a family. and for more than 20 years, prince william and catherine had been a couple and are now the parents of three more on their story from our randi kaye we hope that you'll understand that as a family, we now need some time, space and privacy. while i complete my treatment, i must focus on making a full recovery. the princess of >> wales is putting her health and her family first as she's revealed, she's being treated for cancer long before she became a royal. she was simply catherine elizabeth middleton. katharine grew up a commoner. her parents met while working for british airways later they're successful internet business and newfound wealth allowed them to move into an affluent area. and sen. katherine tomorrow our bro college and elite boarding school upper middle class, went to a good private school, then went through are good university and it's that she
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met her prints or prints as in william, the future prince of wales, and the son of king charles the third and princess diana from 2002 to 2005, the two shared living quarters with their friends at the university of st. andrews in scotland. they were both studying art history before williams switch to geography by christmas 2003, their romans had blossomed and the couple fell in love. they dated for about six years, right? >> fireball. >> then in october 2010, while on holiday together in kenya, william proposed we had a wonderful holiday in africa if i caught it was very romantic
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>> catherine's engagement ring, the diamond sapphire that originally belonged to princess diana. >> my mother's engagement ray is my way of making sure my mother did you ms arcs on that today we're going to spend the rest of lecture on april 29, 2011, they got married at westminster abbey catherine. middleton was now the duchess of cambridge. her first official royal business overseas tour of north america. from the start, catherine warmed up to crowds and had little trouble keeping up with her husband catherine also developed a bond with king charles. they were known to take private trips to art galleries and operas together the couple made kensington palace, their london home, but they weren't living alone for very long in july 2013, catherine gave birth to prince george, nearly two years later, princeton the charlotte was born. the couple's third child, prince louis arrived in
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2018. she seemed to relish the role of motherhood and catherine's love of children carried over into her charity work to she is focused on children's mental health and early childhood education. >> the best investment for our future health and happiness is in the first five years of life and that is why today, i note saying the royal foundation center for early childhood now is catherine the princess of wales, takes time to heal. she will find comfort in her children and her husband, the heir apparent to the british throne. ready k cnn >> we mentioned at the top of the broadcast about 20 million people a year are diagnosed with cancer, which means 20 million conversations with family and friends and workmates only rarely does that conversation go beyond that sphere, let alone shared with the entire world? joining? me now seen an anchor, sir seigneur, who recently went public with her own cancer diagnosis. thank you so much for being with us, rounding for you what were the considerations in preparing to
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be public about it in the same way that catherine had to make these preparation. yeah. i'm just a plea bin princess catherine has such a big footprint in the world where people are constantly coming after her. and you can really understand why someone in that role wanted something to be private particularly for her children. i think we can all understand her wanting to keep this to protect them. i mean, it's it's right and it's honorable. but there are lots of different considerations but i sort of went through before i decided to go public some of it was i just didn't want all the fos i didn't want the looks. i didn't want the concern. i mean, when i told a few people, i got reactions everywhere from people bawling their eyes out. and then i of course, reacted to that, trying to console them and people tell telling me it's going to be okay. everything's gonna be fine. how do you know? >> right? and to while you're already processing that, it is very hard to tell someone else about it while you yourself are not sure you're going to survive something or you don't
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understand how long this is going to go, how much this is going to affect your life? here you are telling the world about it. >> also just going through chemotherapy. can you talk about that a little bit because catherine has talked about that and had said she'd like to still try to do work when she can you are still working. what >> it's exhausting. >> i will tell you chemotherapy while it saves your life and i'm happy it's here, it strips you of how you see yourself, and it strips you of all sorts of things. every single bite of food that i take tastes like metal for me. and that happens with a lot of people. but chemo is very different and i didn't know this before starting. i thought chemotherapy was sort of a single thing that everybody he got no matter what the cancer is it's different cocktails for different people. >> some people are taking a >> pill, right? i get it intravenously and it strips you of your energy. it strips you of your hair. it strips you of for many women who have, for example, breast cancer or
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varying cancer of the ability to have children go into menopause. these are people that can be very young, that are having to deal with this idea that they may never be able to have children again. and so there are so many things that it does to your system. you do not feel like yourself. but if you can continue to work, and i was told you continued to work out it can help you through it a bit because your concentration isn't just on i have cancer. your mind can be somewhere else and that's been a help to me and she may feel the same way. >> i'm kate's only 42 years old and we're hearing a lot more about cancer in young people sanjay was on talking about with colorectal cancer. they've now it's lowered the age at which you should be screened for 245 >> it terrifies me looking at these numbers. there's a study that just came out that looked at the last 29 years of cancer in young people. and it found that around the world they looked 204 countries that it's gone up 79% in people who are teens are below the age of 50.
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this is not counting babies, this is talking about 13 to young adults >> and look at that number. what is happening in this world where young people are having to experience as and once you get a cancer diagnosis, once you have one single-cell of cancer in your body, it changes your life. and for most of us forever, the impact though of you being up front about this in a public way of catherine doing this as well. i mean, people will go and get tested who might not have thought about it. we've seen that with prince charles i keep going. prince charles king charles people going in for prostate exams has gone up in the uk. >> it is the reason why i did it. i mean, ultimately, there was something funny. i know cancer is not funny, but i have to joke about it black twitter went crazy because i wore an ill fitting wig as i was pulling out handfuls of hair, we put on a wig. it didn't fit right? and i was questioned and criticized and they're like what happened to her hair. and i decided had decided a couple of days before that i was going
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to do it, but not right away. and i decided, okay, you're going to treat this like a public service announcement because you've got to remind people to get their test. you got to remind people to go and get mammograms and all these different things. and the reaction it has been. so beautiful and so comforting. and i've learned things from people reaching out to me and everyone wants to help, but they also told me i went to get my mammogram and there was nothing more wonderful to hear that from people i knew and people that i didn't know. there is a real public service here. just by her announcing that she's going through this at 42 years old. it will help so many people to say, look, she's going through it. i can do it too. >> sir. so you're are princess here. it's >> that is not what most people in your thank you. coming up next more breaking news, at least 40 people now that we known dead and more than 100 wounded after a mass shooting, a popular concert venue near moscow, isis has claimed responsibility. the suspects
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reportedly still at large. everything we know, but this rapidly developing story will tell you next. >> there are some things that work better together like your workplace benefits and retirement savings for you, helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing across all your benefits and savings he's options. so you can feel confident in your financial choices >> they really know how to put 2.2 together. well-planned well invested, well-protected >> jesse loves playing detective, but the real mystery was your irritated skin. so we switched to tide pods free and gentle. it cleans better and doesn't leave behind irritating residues and it's gentle honore skin tied free and gentle is epa's safer choice certified? it's got to be tied >> this is not just another e glass because it evolves with you and adapts it is the first
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for a cause, get started today, the other breaking news stories we have been following for hours today, at least 40 people more than are dead and more than 100 wounded in an
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>> attack and a concert venue near moscow, we have new videos show you if people trying to take cover and escape danger want to warn you some of what you'll see is disturbing do you see people hiding during the gunshot than they break windows and they're trying to escape the danger. here's another angle of the panics. people start to hear gunshots, realizing what is happening
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there's also some videos of what unfolded inside the concert hall. as you're gunman shooting at people who were off camera. there are other videos which we aren't showing, which are more disturbing of gunman shooting point-blank. add people carroll praying for cover the russian health minister says that this is the deadliest terror attack and russia in decades, isis is now claimed responsibility. cnn chief global affairs correspondent matthew chance joined just now so what do we know about this attack at this hour and about the ices group
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that claimed to have carried it out well, as i said, it seems to the attack, we know that it's come to an end. although the fires inside the shopping mall and the concert venue, for which have been raging, have not quite been brought under control yet. firefighters saying that sort of getting to the top floor of the building where the roof collapse and they're finding groups of bodies sort of a dead dead people as a result of the fire and it's taken the death toll. now, according to official figures, to 60 people that's according to the local authorities, there in that in that area near moscow. and they're saying that that that told that figure could good increase in the hours ahead as firefighters and emergency workers make their way through the rubble of this, of this burnt-out building. and that's in addition to the hundred and 40 or so people there have been
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injured. some of them seriously and who have been hospitalized. and so this is an incredibly serious major event taking place. so close to the russian capital in terms of what's known about the group isis k is the sort of subdivision of isis that has claimed responsibility for this ice is k. k stands for hottest san which operates out of afghanistan and pakistan, although they've got an agenda to attack targets internationally, apparently, whenever, whenever they whenever they can, we do know that there is a consistent a constant level of isis threat inside russia. russia of course, was instrumental in ending isis and fighting isis particularly in syria, where its engaged in a very ferocious air campaign against isis positions. and there are consistently in russia arrests
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of suspected isis members attacks that are thwarted. and things like that attributed, attributed to isis and so this is the latest and the most serious isis attack in russia. if india is then that we've seen for some time, yeah, at least you you're the one who told us that information, at least 60 now believed to be dead but 100 plus wounded. >> so >> there was a warning put out by a us officials about a possible attack and seen as an everyone of us intelligence agencies warn russia that isis was determined to attack inside their country. what do we know about the intelligence that led to this? 20? >> well, it's partly what i was just saying, which is that there is a lot of isis activity, inside of russia. and what us intelligence officials are telling cnn now is that they've been consistently sort of warning russia since november really, and
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identifying threats that isis was planning some kind of large-scale attack against concentrations of people in russia has been going on for some weeks or some months and it culminated in that public warning that was issued on march the 7th by the us embassy in moscow, saying that an attack was imminent, and that large concentrations of people were being targeted, particularly at concerts warning american citizens to stay away. we now know that that intelligence was obviously also shared with the russians but we also know that it's not clear the russians took that intelligence seriously the russian president vladimir putin, basically calling it a provocation a few days after the embassy alert was was put out saying it was tended to destabilize society in russia. but obviously the events of tonight give us a very different perspective on what the us government was saying in have russian authorities made any comments since isis claimed
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credit for the attack? >> no. i mean, it's they'd been deafening silence. i mean, there's obviously some comments by the local officials who are engaged in in the operation to sort of get people to hospital and to and to clear up. but in terms of the top leadership of the country, the president, president putin we've not heard anything from him the was an alert put out on russian television that he was going to make an address, but then he never turned up. and then russian television set, it was a technical error he was never meant to give a speech, but it's remarkable that a man who sort of cells himself as the sort of center of stability, the guarantor of stability in russia. there's not yet said a word about this appalling terrorist attack that's taken place so close to his capital matthew chance. thank you. appreciate perspective now for my dad, read the director of terror in moscow, a documentary detailing the 2002 moscow theater hostage
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crisis. also with this as former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe it referred so i'm wondering what your reaction is to the reporting by matthew chance about the death toll. now, at least 60 bullets leaved, but also knowing isis climbing responsibility, isis can yeah, i understand it's a kind of a remarkable development. i think initially if you're looking at this historically, it seems a little bit off brand. but if you look at this and signs that the intelligence community has been referencing thing in the last few months. it's actually you see an interesting pattern emerging. so we have the attack by isis a few months ago and iran targeting the memorial service for the the commemorating the death of general qasem soleimani >> then now you >> have an attack in russia in proceeding the attack, there are numerous statements we now know from official statements from isis talking about russia, talking about putin, talking about how they have a lot of
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muslims on their hand because of their activities in serious specifically. so these are two attacks directed at the two nations primarily responsible for the bolstering the sod regime in syria. so it starts to feel like a concentrated effort, certainly an effort on the part of isis course and to establish themselves as an organization that's capable of taking on external operations, waging attacks and foreign foreign country. so it's really interesting and concerning development. i would expect that my former colleagues in the intelligence community here in the united states are very concerned about this resurgence, this new kind of capability for isis course, sam, dan, your documentary, terror in moscow, which i have watched several times and his extraordinary looked at. the 2002 attack in a moscow theater, were chechen terrorists took roughly 850 hostages it lasted for several days that russian special
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forces bets knots finally, put in an unnamed gas into the theater and actually ended up killing more hostages than were killed by the terrorists them selves based on what we now know, how do you compare that situation to this one >> what 2000 and to fit a ij that went on for four days and involved a much larger number of terrorists than these the famous so-called black widows. would that bonds. and it was really a hostage situation. what you saw today was for gunmen as far as i can see one of them weirdly carrying a sort of homemade flame thrower entering this theater and just killing and cain killing, which is isosurface usual mo, as far as you can tell interesting, this is the same group that killed 13 americans, cobbled airports in august 2021, 13 service members and so yeah, they they came not to hold
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hostages, not to ask for anything in particular, not to negotiate. they just came to kill. i'm rather astonished that these four men appear to be still on the loose >> injury mentioned the isis attack in iran, the warning before by the us, the same type of warning seems have happened here can you talk more about when and how us intelligence alerts even adversaries about terrorism >> sure, it says are widely accepted concept in the certainly counter-terrorism community globally that referred to as a duty get a warns. so when you, through your investigative efforts, pickup intelligence indicating that there's going to be an attack targeting citizens of another country. you provide as much warning to that countries you can to protect their folks >> and it would >> surprise probably most people outside the counterterrorism community. but these warnings happen even between frequently we countries that have very challenging diplomatic interactions, in
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some ways, terrorism is the common denominator among nations. it's oftentimes it's the only issue that some countries can agree upon that fight against extremism and particularly while mike extremism that seems to touch everyone in their home country. so you sometimes see intelligence exchanges and things like that among countries that you wouldn't expect certainly in the case like this where you have intelligence about a civilian attack, you would pass that along no matter what the other conditions were between the holder and the recipient of that information then what do you think of a russian capabilities or to counter terrorism? because again, the response by russian special forces, it's the moscow theater attack back in 2002, ended up killing a lot of hostages well i think yeah. >> i mean, that was >> huge disaster for the specimen is because they ended up suffering from the gas that
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they'd pumped into the fed and being unable to extract the hostages in a healthy manner and more hostages died of in the specimen has rescue operation and were killed by the terrorists. in this case the reaction seems to have been very slow in moscow seems to have been no. as far as i can tell, by reading russian telegram. so i'm a russian speaker this seems to be no exchange of gunfire between russian security forces and the terrorists. >> that's incredible. dan reed. appreciate your time. andrew mccabe as well. next, more from former president trump, making announcement that may have caught his own lawyer is off guard about the nearly half $1 billion he owes to the state of new york by monday did you know there's no t in skechers when he told about v is always been scheduled see in these sketches, slippery ten, these sketches video isn't as good romo. things always with
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claiming he does have the cash, which of course undercuts his own lawyers who told an appeals court this week he would not be able to make the $464,000,000 bond posting on truth social, the foreign president said he currently has quote, almost 500 million dollars in cash, which he intended to use for his reelection campaign. 24 hours ago, the foreign president claiming that making bond was impossible to do today. another development, the company that owns truth social is about to go public after merger was approved, which means that the donald trump has a dominant shareholder for stands to earn a windfall estimated at more than $3 but experts say it's unlikely to solve the immediate cash crunchy has because he may not be able to sell shares right away joining me. now is trump biographer investigator reported david kay johnson and former federal prosecutor prefer are free. i mean, is there any legal issue with the former president? there's an undercutting his own lawyers claims about how much money he has >> yeah. >> because, you take a person who is in the hot seat like he
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is at his word, and you make representations of the court and his lawyers have done given what facts they have in the circumstances that they're in. a pretty good job of pleading not poverty, but not enough money to make this work. they have set forth in a way that's kind of embarrassing to the former president. how 30 different bond insurance companies have said no. they will not post a bond for him because they either deemed untrustworthy or not worth is not worth the effort for them. and so after pleading hardship and saying it's impracticable or impossible to post this money. he undermined himself and it causes people, including the judge in this case, i would imagine not to have any particular simple. it >> makes no sense that he would do that. i mean, just from a logic standpoint, unless he was so ashamed people believing he didn't have the money, he just wanted to say you had the money, but he was planning to use it for another purpose. >> it's been a long time since i've spent my time analyzing the psychology and the decision-making of donald trump. >> and you are much healthier for it.
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>> you're for it. look, he's always got to constituencies he has whatever court and judge or panel of judges is relevant and has authority in the instant situation and he also has the broad public, a subset of which is his supporters. we've seen an all these proceedings, civil and criminal. he's playing both to the court and probably more so to his constituency. and he wants his constituency to believe that he's cash-rich. that he's otherwise rich, that he's flush with money. he doesn't need to declare bankruptcy and everything is hunky-dory and it's not david. >> i mean, you reported in the form prejudice finances for years. is it possible that he has $500 million cash ac now claims because i remember not long ago when he complained posting the bond would be quote, practically impossible >> well, there are some possibilities here. someone may have loaned him to route, loaned him or fronted him the money which could be and probably would be a national security nightmare. but there's another aspect to this. well, he can't sell his shares first for six months. he
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can go to an investment house or group of wealthy people he can pledge his shares and get cash for them. wall street developed this back in the '90s when there were these entrepreneurs who took $100,000 salary, hadn't paid, hadn't sold a single share of stock but they had a ferrari and a jet plane and a mansion in a yacht. and that's how they did it. so it's possible. and then the investors by shorting the stock, that is selling shares, they don't have or that they have in hand in the future from donald could protect themselves if, as seems likely the value of that company eventually falls to close to zero because there's no revenue and they'll profits commensurate with the stock value. >> the president's former attorney, chris kise, denied rumors that foreign money could be used for the bond generally
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speaking though, i mean, how problematic is it that a person who's running for the presidency and very well could become the next president united states is so cash-strapped that would even be a remote possibility as was just said, this is a national security disaster. he could still come up with the money. it could be someone from a foreign country. >> would he have to declare where the money came from? >> almost certainly, yeah because there are legal reasons why the court will want to know what the source of the funds is. make sure that he has proper authority to put up the funds. and by the way, just the other thing to note about all this notwithstanding his lawyers making a sympathy case for him and saying he can't put up his money. >> this was not >> unforeseeable, right? he had a lot of opportunity to anticipate having been a trial, having been ruled against on the liability question, the entire trial in this case that we're talking about was only about the amount of money that he would have to put up he knew how much the attorney general was seeking. he knew that there was a likelihood or at least some possibility that the attorney general to win and he understood the rule about
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prejudgment interests. so it was totally foreseeable months ago, not weeks ago, that he would have to put up a bond, potentially have half $1 billion. he could have taken all sorts of steps to liquidate to sell property, to have loans in place, to have a backup plan. and i think the court is not going to find him a sympathetic character in part because he had months and months and months to plan for them. >> he did not do that. briefer. our appreciate it. david cay johnston as well, much more to come in the next hour and the announcement from catherine, princess of wales. she's undergoing treatment for cancer. we'll be right back >> honestly, i was scared when i was told age-related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. >> great. >> one more thing to worry about. >> it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning, but making a plan with my dr. to add president was easy preservation. >> a red tube contains the exact any i recommended clinically proven nutrient formula to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd
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to you by comcast business. before go to slash shave to claim your $7 trial? >> vague yes the story of sin city. sunday at ten on cnn >> it is 09:00 p.m. here in new york, late night in the united kingdom after day that saw catherine princess of wales, make millions of people there and many more millions around the world. the part of her cancer journey a de, also marked by the murder of dozens of people at a concert hall outside moscow. the gunman, a parent currently still at large, and isis claiming