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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  March 22, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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that he's got somebody over there from the doj in england, in london negotiating an end to putting julian assange on trial they they've decided somewhere in the justice department that this is crazy. it's time to just let this guy go. >> they've had a >> 14 years as incarcerated one way or another. >> that is a way >> if you're trying to speak to the progressive left the person responsible for telling us the lies that led us into the iraq war and the biden administration, essentially as done with trying to wanting to extradite him to the united states. >> and that's a powerful message for the base >> and michael, why isn't it working >> here's the question of the hour that's all we've got time for >> tonight. we appreciate you as always, michael moore. thank you so much. thank you for watching news night. laura coates live starts right now.
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>> the latest and the princess of wales is cancer diagnosis plus the legendary co-founder of apple's steve was the act was because we're friends now is here what he thinks about the lawsuit that may change the way 1 billion people use their iphones. all that and does he or doesn't he does he have the cash he needs this coming monday in order to pay off that bond, we'll talk about in just a moment right here on lara post slide a shocking revelation today hey, after many weeks now of speculation of thousands of conspiracy theories online and otherwise, the princess of wales otherwise known as kate middleton, has cancer. she made the announcement sitting on a bench alone, wearing a striped sweater, saying that she is in the early stages of treatment i'm her diagnosis as a huge
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shock >> this of course, came as a huge shock. and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of all young family as you can imagine, this has taken time. it just takes me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment but most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them. and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. >> no, obviously, we all know her as part of british royalty and a princess, the future queen of england. but as she mentioned at the core, she is the mother of three young children. and frankly, any mother can understand what maybe might be going through her mind is what she's been feeling these last several weeks the ending of her children but there are also so many unanswered questions. we don't know is sitting here right now, we don't know what kind of cancer we don't know
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what her prognosis is. they were likely not to know because kensington palace is likely not to tell us any other and further medical details but as the news comes, as her father-in-law, king charles is being treated for also an unspecified cancer. >> dring. now royal reporter, elie hall and professor ecology and epidemiology at johns hopkins university dr. otis brawley. thank you both for being here. this has been something that has captivated the world for many weeks now, i mean, it goes from the salacious online gossip to the extraordinary empathy and concern that people are showing right now, given what we're talking about here. ellie, kensington palace that we may released this video. she's by herself but talking about the support she has and her husband and beyond what was the reaction to how she presented in that moment telling the world what she had been diagnosed. >> it was obviously extraordinarily brave of her and not just because of the
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diagnosis, because no one was expecting it back when she first was hospitalized, kensington palace said that her condition was non-cancerous. so this was a huge surprise. this diagnosis assist to absolutely everyone and i think she wanted to own it. i think she wanted to show that she is going to stand there and face the world. and take care of herself. >> i wonder if if they were throwing everyone off descent to provide some privacy for her as well, and not saying that it was initially and when they ultimately, we have no well, let she in fact had this answer diagnosis. dr. brawley, i turn to you for that because this is a woman who's just 42 years old very young. the idea of a diagnosis that amy age, of course, is heartbreaking and tragic. but when you hear what she has unfolded and revealed a major abdominal surgery the discovery of cancer, chemotherapy, and a request for the privacy thereafter, what went through your mind >> well first thing i thought was i was so grateful that she
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mentioned other cancer patients when our video. but this is something that we see a lot. we see see it usually in people in their '50s and '60s to be 42 years old, it does happen, but it's definitely shocking when you look at the area where the cancer is found, in a minute, there's a range of possibilities and none of us without the diagnosis are equipped to >> know is the specificity what has happened. but when you hear about the chemo particular, we haven't heard about the stages. we haven't heard about what area of her abdominal area that was actually had the surgery and beyond it could run the gamut. >> that's right. that's right. we always try whenever a celebrity gets a disease, we always try to take something good added, make it into a public health lesson in this instance, she could have a number of gynecological malignancies endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, fallopian tube cancer. she
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could have colon cancer we don't know but what we need to tell people is you should stay up to date on appropriate screens for age, colon cancer string at the age of 45, for example cervical cancer screening sharing at we should all try to stay healthy and eat five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day. try to maintain a normal body weight not smoke those are all the things that we all all can do. and that's what we should take from this and then hope that she does well and we need to try to make sure that everybody gets the high-quality care that she's getting. >> that's a very important point, especially with screenings and beyond. and also there is frankly in this country and countries all across the world there are inequities in the type of care that is provided and what a tremendous opportunity that she has ms platform to have spoken about other cancer patients as well the timeline for her
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return to the public eye prior to knowing this had been after easter, after corresponding with your children's vacation and beyond, do we know anything about the timeline now? >> know and let like you said, about the diagnosis, we're not likely to i think kate today told us all that we're going to get until she decides to come back and resume her royal duties. and i think we're especially not going to see her for the next month. this announcement was timed verjee, the beginning of her children's school holiday and i think that was purposeful because she could get them out and they can go on it's stay at their home in norfolk and just be together as a family. so i think we're really going to see them staying together, staying out of the public eye. >> that's so important at anytime and just thinking about where they are now, i do wonder even cover the roles for a long time. king charles, about dealing with and living with cancer right now, you also have now princess kate. >> what is the >> response been like? i mean, in this short window of time,
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we've we've learned two there's royal news. >> well, of course, the way that the king diagnosis was rolled out was a little quicker than this. obviously, the main reaction i've seen today is complete shock and empathy and a little bit of remorse online, particularly because as you said at the beginning, there have been a lot of conspiracy theories and there have been a lot of speculation that maybe wasn't the nicest, especially now that we know what the diagnosis is, i think a lot of people are thinking about their actions and thinking about what they've done over the past week or so and really feeling sorry for her, dr. brawley really quick. >> i know we have we're out of time, but >> when you hear about the chronology of what she's speaking about, surgery than chemo and beyond. does that give you any insight as mycologist? >> yeah it actually makes a >> great deal of sense to me that it happens all the time. people go to get a surgery for
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what is thought to be something that is not cancerous. >> a >> day later, the pathologist says there's cancer in the specimen that was resected out we very frequently will have someone who has had a surgery and they have no evidence of disease. but we think there's a chance there's disease left bond and we will give chemotherapy after that. that's commonly done in colon cancer, commonly done in endometrial, as well as ovarian fallopian tube can there's really important while we are thinking of her and her family, of course, as she is living with and dealing with this diagnosis. thank you both so much. le hall, dr. otis brawley well, in her video revealing her cancer diagnosis, princess catherine also had these poignant words. we've been discussing for others who are also facing cancer at this time, i'm also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer for everyone facing this disease. and
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whatever form please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone >> joining us now real expert tricia goddard, trisha, i'm so glad to see you. thank you for joining us tonight. this news, i mean, after all that has transpired and all this to have it come out the way it has. she speaking openly about a very personal diagnosis and you've disclosed that you are also living with cancer. >> what >> did you think of her message tonight? >> i thought her message was gosh, i mean, i really felt for her i think it speaks a lot to where she gave that message in a garden surrounded by nature and not in a stuffy room, wearing fairly casual clothes. >> chiefs 1 a hate that phrase phase, but you could say she's owning it. of course this comes hot on the heel of the news that there are several
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employees and the london clinic where both she and charles were treated? probably access to her health records. so you kind of have in the uk this tabloid sword of damocles hanging over your head? who's going to leak it? what are they going to say? how are they going to report it so instead of waiting for that grabbing back a little bit of power, however scary it might be. and she's clearly felt cheese as ready as you can be two divs voltage. the news it's of course, it's a school holidays, so anything that does come up if there are any lurid headlines she and william are there to explain to the children to talk to the children, to comfort the children. they don't get to hear it from, say, a school friend. my mom said. and so on and so forth. >> that's so important. i mean, i'm a mother myself and she is 42 years old, were about the same age. she is the mother to
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three young children who obviously we're her priority here. obviously we're the rest of the world had their own timeline for when they wanted to understand what was going on but she was focused primarily on her children egn spoke about her husband as being a real comfort. he was not present next to her. i did notice that she had in her stoicism and also reliability in that moment, but help us understand what it's even like to learn of such a diagnosis and how one tells your family about it. the language to use oh, my gosh. i mean, we how do you explain what it's like to get a diagnosis like that because we all hear the statistics. >> none of us >> actually think we're going to be a statistic of course it depends on what age are children oh, but being a mother, you always want to protect your children. you want to protect everyone around. you. so you can often obsess
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and get really stressed out about how you tell them and as a mother, you are ready to, you know, each child and each child has a different personality. so you might not tell each time well, i certainly didn't with my kids tell them in the same way. and you also know they're going to react very differently. then you always feel guilty >> many, many i remember 1.2 of us, one in two of us will get cancer at sometimes there are millions of people living with cancer thanks to all of the wonderful media the code breakthroughs that are being made and the charities that support them. >> but >> the issue is cancer is almost become a part of life. i hate to say that. >> i >> think what we really need to do is to get ourselves the journalists, the media up to speed on how we talk about cancer. >> as, >> you know, i'm very active in the mental health area and we've done a lot of work. i've
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done a lot of work with media are about not reporting people as crazy and things like that. and i i think we need to do the same with cancer because this battling cancer, winning the battle, losing the battle it, all of those words either they make you feel weak, oh, i'm losing the battle because you might have had a setback or something so when we think the words that princess catherine we're really well thought out, she didn't talk about battling. she talked about people living with i really commend her for doing that that i'm very, very scary time >> i am so glad that you have highlighted vax. i think so many of us are fumbling through our words and we're talking about one's diagnosis. you desperately want to say the right things you don't want to walk through the minefield, you want to be supportive. you
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certainly have empathy. but sometimes the words fail you and the times that it's most important. so i'm glad that you are empowering us all with the language that we need to be able to speak about it. and also as our responsibility, as journalists, i mean, yeah, not, to fall into the conspiracy >> whirlpool of wanting the information more than we want there to be empathy. and i think there is room for both and i'm so glad that you came. thank you, trisha. you're so welcome. >> tricia goddard. thank you so much a partial government shutdown is just minutes away. we've got a live report from capitol hill next is apple breaking the law. well, the doj says yes i'll ask apple co-founder, the one and only stepwise, yeah, because was is here leaks >> cia secrets vowel replace valerie plane, draw are claim i
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was undercover, shown you respond >> yeah. >> did someone at the white house below the cover of a cia operative after for her husband criticized the run-up to the war. >> where are the weapons of mass distraction exactly. >> this is the rear scandal that really mattered >> lives were at stake my children. >> this is horrifying united states of scandal with jake tapper, new episode sunday a nine on cnn. >> you know, if you are cashback and you could earn on everything which is one car chase freedom and limited, it's all you're off the rack and or grabbed fracking your cash back in, cash back on flap jacks, baby back for tacos at the taco shack working on my six pack switch to a king suite silent mitre >> silent retreat on it answers this back, kids. all right. now, i'm going to sell them and treat cashback when every day you bought would chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee out a you cashback, make more of withdrawal >> doug, hello, ghostbusters it's duck of doggedly moon. we
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shell. powering progress. newest fat burner thermo x absolutely free >> i melanie zanona on capitol hill, and this is cnn >> all right. well, here we go again, a partial government shutdown is just minutes away. the senate failing to make a deal to pass a funding package i gauged before the mid deadline, cnn's manu the zona zona is live for us right here on capitol hill. melanie, what is going on now is the vote going to happen tonight? >> we can pretty much say with certainty right now that they are not going to vote vote on the spending package before the midnight deadline after lawmakers failed to come to an agreement on timing, amid a squabble over amendment votes, which means we are indeed headed for a government shutdown. and just about 40 minutes from now, now, we should point out this would only be a partial government shutdown because congress did at least fun six government agencies earlier this month and
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it would only be a temporary and brief shutdown because when this does come to the floor, potentially on sunday, it is expected to pass, but laura, it is a shutdown nonetheless, and just another example of congress's struggles to govern. remember, they were supposed to have funded the government back in october but instead they decided to kick the can down the road. they've not temporary patches after temporary patches and then they finally did release this massive bill over thousand pages at 3am yesterday. so they did not give themselves a lot of time to read these bills and to get them through through both chambers. but this is what happens when you leave things to the last minute. so some would say this is a very fitting and not too surprising end for what has been a tortured six month process, laura, i mean, this is like the fourth or fifth time we've been in this shutdown showdown experience on capitol hill. it's pretty unbelievable. so this is not going to be the vast shut down, but a shutdown nonetheless, at least until sunday. melanie zanona. thank you so much
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>> well, >> monday is a deadline, not for a shutdown, but maybe the smack down. that is if donald trump cannot secure the bond for that $464 million judgment against him in the new york civil fraud case. now separately, he'll also be in court monday for a critical hearing. it is hush money trial before the manhattan da's office with alvin bragg that could finally see the judge set a trial date, a firm one. it was supposed to start. remember, our march 25th, we now know what i'm after april 15th, joining me now. former trump attorney jim trustee. jim welcome. thank you so much for joining us everyone has been watching to see what might happen on monday with this bond. and there is new reporting out that trump is furious and scrambling to secure that. but then i saw a post on truth social that he has half $1 billion in cash should property. first of all, is that part true >> oh, i have no way of knowing. i mean, it takes a while to count that much cash
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so maybe that's what's gone wrong. but i think it's a little bit it feels like it a little bit of an unintuitive, unintentional undercut of the process. he's trying to go through with an emergency stay right now. you're still trying to get the court's the higher courts, the appellate courts to say a half 1 bond on this case is excessive and that it should be considerably lower. so it's not all that helpful to suddenly say, but i haven't if i have to pay it >> but i think the attorneys can still chugging along and have a lot of good facts on their side in terms of talking about the overreach of that bond because it effectively prevents any sort of appeal and eliminates a practically eliminates the benefit of an appeal if he is to win meaning of course in order to pursue that appeal, yasser first post that bomb that's one of the key issues he's pointing out that you're foreclosing most people's ability to >> do so if they've got to a salary, pay the entire judgment before everything is wrapped up, which is not normally the case in perhaps other areas of
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the law, but on that point about undercutting probably his lawyers are trying to say he's not going to be able to have bankruptcy as a way to get out of it. but just saying, look, everything's tied up. i can't liquefy assets. having cash is a problem for him. there was also a point here where there was a question asked of alina habba, i believe just on fox, soucie their day about whether or not they but pursue foreign sources for the money. do you think that's a possibility >> i mean, it's hard. it depends on how you break it down. i mean, if you're literally trying to get a bondsman of a sort to give you a half $1 it's just, it really is just too risky. it's nothing about president trump it's just an institutional quantity. it's never going to work. so whether it's foreign or domestic, that's tough sledding. and i think realistically, nobody's going to sign on to that because there's just too much risk involved. it's hard to justify your own fiduciary duty to the
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institution if you're loaning out that kind of money on a bond. so i'm sure there's try and a lot of options. i still think court is the best option in terms of getting some sort relief here at the last second by way of a stay. because again, this is just a very excessive amount of money that anyone would could ever be talking about for something that was a zero loss loan application fraud case? that was non-criminal and was passed up by criminal prosecutors. so i think he's got a decent chance in courts still, although to be very, very last minute. >> well, the judge doesn't agree that had victimless, right? that's part of the conundrum that trump's team is facing now and their particular findings of fact and that it's really jake james history james does not believe it's the case and that the fraud that resulted did harm at least the jurisdiction and perhaps otherwise as well. but there's one other way to talk about this in terms of how one gets the money, so to speak. i mean, his media company, we understand it's officially going public, which could could met him shares worth about 3
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billion there is at current market prices, but submatrices telling cnn that number three-and-a-half billion, so to speak, is inflated plus trump can certainly turn around and just sell those shares and then get that amount of money instantly. is this something though that the attorney general, letitia james could even sees if this does in fact result in some large windfall to trump >> well, i think that part is probably too fast moving or too late breaking. i guess it'd be the way to put it for possibly for either side to capitalize on. i'm not sure that the president will be able to kind of turn it around. quickly enough if monday stays as the deadline. and similarly, i don't think ms james will be able to get her hands on it that quickly either. so i think one aspect here that could kick in by monday is pure delay, just looking for time to pull things together. the other would be to substantively go after the price tag that's that's been put so on the pill. and look, when i was a
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prosecutor, which i did for a long time we used to say behind closed doors, bad facts make bad case law and what that manage, you might be able to stretch a case before a friendly judge or a jury to get a result that you're comfortable with. but if it's really creative and if it's really out of whack with the body of law in that issue, you eventually find out the hard way with an appellate court. i think there's a solid chance depending on how well trump's team preserve the issues. there's a solid chance of this whole price tag being dramatically lowered. >> yeah, and preserving the issue for everyone out there in order to have something argued on appeal, you have to add the trial court level well, have raised the issue first at the appellate court is able to actually evaluate what is down the line. and then of course, you've got the novelty of the eighth amendment that i know has been argued by some on social media and likely his team will do the same about this being an excessive fine, but the court will consider a number of factors and proportionality will be really big one. and i'm sure his truth, social so post isn't helping in some respects jim,
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trustee. thank you so much for joining. we'll see what happens on monday, including whether the judge says you got more time anything could happen. thank you so much. >> all right. sure. thanks here, laura >> up next the doj is going after apple and a brand new lawsuit and trying to loosen the company's grip on the smartphone market. so what does apple co-founder steve wozniak's think about it. well, he's my guest. >> plus is the wild party. never told until now. the history between in behind breakneck events in atlanta, guess was here. >> i'll >> go luke dog all about it your favorite rock diblock teams are back for >> redemption and the first-ever water homeland and mation showed and i can do this. it's time to sink or swim. >> the block all new monday 99 on hgtv >> honestly, i was scared when i was told age-related macular
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specialized treatment go to know to learn more? >> or smr carnage to mourn with nine easter
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>> well, apple, one of the most valuable companies in the entire world is now being sued by the justice department here in the united states. and the doj is alleging that apple is illegally monopolizing the smartphone market. so what's it actually look like? well, take this one example. if you have an iphone, you know what happens when someone texts you and they don't have an iphone, right? yep. those dreaded >> green bubbles i didn't even notice that initially. now you've pointed out, i think i have a lot of friends who are android users. oh, no the doj says is also limited functionality, non-encrypted conversations, videos are pixelated and as a result, iphone users perceive other smartphones as being lower quality. so what does apple have to say about all of this? well, in a statement to cnn, they say this now quote, this lawsuit threatens who we are and the principles that set apple products apart in fiercely competitive markets
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drawing we now a cnn tech reporter, brian fung. so bryan, this has all been very fascinating. tell us more about what is being alleged was really what this the imessage yeah. >> laura, this is all about apple's walled garden ecosystem that basically incentivizes everyone who uses an iphone or other apple products to stay within that ecosystem. as you pointed out, when you are using an iphone and you text another apple user, that message shows up as a little blue bubble on your screen. but if you're texting, say an android phone, that bubble is green instead. and what's really going on here is under the hood, imessage, which is apple's messaging platform, sends messages basically over the internet. but messages that are sent to android devices, for example, use a different system. basically resorting to those old sms text messages that, you know, we all remember from our flip phone days the issue is that those sms
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messages are basically like a postcard. they're less feature-rich then what you can send through the internet and that's partially why they're considered less secure because they don't have encryption or they don't support as much bandwidth. so you can't send high resolution images and that's, that's kinda what we're seeing. >> so what would happened to apple if the lawsuit successful? >> yeah, that's a great question. so we're seeing already in europe how they're having to, how apple is being forced to change its business models. we could see potentially some of the same things here. if this lawsuit succeeds in europe, you're seeing apple being forced to allow things like the ability to install apps from third-party the app stores. so imagine if google could open up an app store on ios app store, that would be a huge change, big impacts for apple's business model other potential changes include potentially the having to allow others to build digital watch digital wallets that can tap into apple's tap
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to chips that are on the iphones >> when you said watch, you're looking at my apple watch, weren't you? because part of the lawsuit talks about maybe making it more difficult for competitors, smartwatches, but don't worry i asked him up now hold last name is leon. got me anyway. thank you so much, brian, fun >> want to bring in some 1 who >> frankly knows apple better than most, if not all, one of the company's co-founder is steve wozniak's joins we now so excited to have you here. i can't think of a better person to have this conversation. he shouldn't width-wise. i'm so glad you came. how are you >> oh, my gosh. i'm really good. we're on a long, long road trip vacation. we've got a free month and so i'm so happy to be able to do this >> oh me too. i hope you have a good road trip. i'm jealous, frankly that i'm not traveling along with you, but i'm sure you're going to have lots of stories to tell and you had to share it with us. i'm day but like i know, you're not a lawyer, so let's avoid the legal perspective. i can bring that in a different realm, maybe not in a friday night, but look, apple stock, it's
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gone up nearly 5,000% since the launch of iphone, the ones sitting right next to me, by the way, just from a business standpoint, i'm really wondering and what you make of the doj's antitrust allegations or is this really just smart business decisions for apple or something more >> holy, been talking about for a long time. i have all my life kind of been for the little guy, the consumer versus the powerful people. it's all the power that just want more power in any trust is something has been important to me, especially from the microsoft judgment back when i mean, i read every single page of it and this is very similar in a lot of ways. i always am for more openness and i wish apple were more open. share what you have with others. it's it's kinda like more like free trade. when you're the open that way, make it easier for people to make a choice and even, even sometimes leave
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apple. but apple wants to close it up. that's one way of doing business. i'm not a businessman. i'm an engineer well i'm also not a business woman. i'm a lawyer, but i got to tell you. i when i look at it, i do wonder, what do you think is the business sense of why to keep it less transparent, not to share i mean, obviously you want to protect what they have created and they want to explore it to the end. and the nth degree is that what you think is happening? >> sure. but you know what you can't sort of be an executive and apple and say, i want to be a nice guy. i really want to make, you know texting wide open with others and share and i want to let them run their own wallet eps. well, the reason you can't do that is even if you're a nice person and you want to, you're not the owner. you we have bosses and the bosses of the owners and its average people like you and me who bought the stock and we don't care about if apple's a good guy, we just want to stock to go up. we just want profits if only i had bought the stock once i had an
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apple to see as a young child, if only i had done so, we'd be at a very different world. they gets it, but we'd think about that. is clear to you, then we're apple's interests and a privacy and also security which they often talk about a really big issue they want to have this. >> i think the >> phrase of the walled garden effect where they want to be able to protect the end-user from having security breaches and otherwise, is that is there a disconnect between those endeavors for privacy and security? and then of course, self-interest i think there are things you can say on all sides of it. i'm kind of glad for the protection that i have for my privacy and for not getting hacked as much apples and does a better job than the others. and tracking you tracking you as questionable, but my gosh, look at what were accused and tiktok gov, and then go look at facebook and google, and that's how they make their business. it's i mean, facebook was agreed idea. but then they make all their money just by tracking you and
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advertising and apple doesn't really do that as much i consider apple the good guy >> okay, what do you think about the fact that congress has that perspective ban on tiktok when you first heard about that, did you have a visceral reaction of any kind? >> well, 1 i don't understand it. i don't see why. i mean, i get a lot of entertainment. i've tiktok and i avoid the social web, but i love to watch tiktok even if it's just for rescuing dog videos and stuff >> and so i'm thinking well what are we saying? we're saying, oh, you might be tracked by the chinese? well, they learned it from us and i mean, look, if you have a principal person should not be track without them knowing it it's kind of a privacy principle. i was a founder of the eff and if you have that principle, you apply it the same to every company. >> there are a number of people i'm sort of looking up to you right now and thinking, how could i be the next wise, what could i do to enter into the
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wild, wild west in the novel? t of it all. and one of the areas of course, is ai. as you can imagine, because that seems to be the next frontier of how people are thinking about ways to use technology. and there are rumors now of apple potentially getting embed with google four, there generative ai software. why does it seem like apple isn't going full steam ahead with their own ai. they lost a step by not seeking out the y's is of the future i don't look at it that way because apple has brought such a wonderful world of technology to those of us who use it. and they didn't largely fight well, some people on the outside, maybe in the university, they make a lot of acquisitions every year find the good stuff, acquire it, bring it in, fine-tune it, and presented to the users in the most satisfying way. ai is one of these current categories and maybe it takes an awful lot of effort to catch up with those who are already out there in the field. so i don't look at
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it like it's some kind of negative comment about apple. i'm i'm glad they're going to get in, tried to use ai. i hope they are the most responsible ai users providers that there is ai, ai, this real problems. you don't really know why it generates what it does. a lot of times, even the people that created don't know and say it's going to be five years before we have real agi. and i hope that apple gets into attribution. if you read something that came from ai, you can click on a word and see where on the internet out of which article or which research paper that particular thing came from, you are currently involved in a lawsuit against youtube and you say they're responsible for hosting videos on their platform that doctored videos of view. i believe shilling cryptocurrency why do you think that you what i worry that they're responsible for host it. that's not the problem set the problem. i'm in section 230 says they can host it. we all agree with that. it's that
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they are a, they're not responsive when we report some of these crimes going on all these crimes, they won't even crisp. you can get to a human to speak to anyway. but then when you, if you take one down, takes you 20 minutes filling out forms and then 20 more pop up and all youtube would have to do is have one person assigned to a few of these cases. maybe there's 50 up and going on now high-protein, five people to just all along look for those 50 when they get posted to take them down instantly or write some software that doesn't allow something coming in saying whilst the act will send you to bitcoin, if you send me one yeah. so i mean, if you saw that oh, you'll send one bitcoin to steve was the actual send you back to you might not do it. i mean, it's but it's an obvious crime. and youtube should be a good citizen. good citizens should help absolve the crimes we couldn't even talk to them or reach them. they didn't they didn't pull anything down until we filed a lawsuit >> well all the following alon.
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agreement on amendment votes, but schumer, chuck schumer, the majority leader, just came to the floor and announced they have any deal on a package of amendments that they are going to vote on. and in exchange they have agreed to move on to a vote on this. >> this >> package, this massive over 1 package to fund the government so that vote that series of votes is going to begin pretty shortly here on the senate floor. and once all of those amendment votes are done, and again, all these amendment votes are expected to fail. but once those are done, they we'll move to final passage on the spending bill. however, we should note that the deadline was at midnight. so if you're looking at the clock right now, we're probably going to go past that midnight deadline by the time they actually pass this funding bill. so they're technically will be a brief temporary lapse in government funding, but they are going to get this done late tonight. however, i just don't know how much credit they should get given that they left us until the very last minute >> but this was a long >> tortured process to get here because laura, as we were talking about earlier in the show, they were supposed to fund the government back in
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october, but because they were unable to come to agreement on these longer-term funding bills. it took a while to get here and today has been one with a lot of jobs my earlier in the day, you had marjorie taylor greene, a house republican, file a motion to vacate the speakers share against mike johnson because she was so upset with this bipartisan deal to fund the government. now she's not forced to floor vote on that yet, but it's something that's going to be hanging over johnson's head in the weeks to come and then over in the senate, there was a back-and-forth with over amendment votes, even chuck schumer said, in his announcement of this deal that it was a long day, so everyone is anxious to get out of here. the senate is scheduled to be on a two-week recess. you have a lot of lawmakers who are going on these congressional delegation trips. so there was an incentive to get it done tonight, to not have this drug through the weekend and potentially onto monday no one wanted a government shutdown on their hands. so ultimately, it looks like they're going to get it done even if they do go pass that midnight deadline, laura, i mean, we're like 200 and what, 28 days away from a
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general election where people are looking at this 11th hour, yet again, in congress, how, to what extent was this bipartisan? truly? >> well, the deal itself was bipartisan. it was hashed out between speaker mike johnson, chuck schumer, the white house. it did have buy-in from all corners, but it was at the very top level. so this was done with the top congressional leaders and the white house, the rank-and-file members were not very involved in this process. and that's why you had this last and it drama at the very end because member said they wanted time to read the bills they wanted their opportunity to offer their amendment votes. they said, this is a reasonable request given this is 1,000 bill. >> so that's why you >> saw this hang up at the very last minute. >> but in terms of looking ahead >> remember, because they're already halfway through the fiscal year they're going to have to do this all over again. >> come >> september 30. so that's going to be right before an election year. that's when the new fiscal year starts. so they again, don't have a whole lot of time before they have to start turning to the next round of government funding, which
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seems to be a never ending issue around here, laura, i mean, melanie, this is nine minutes away from the deadline of midnight they will be some type of a shutdown, although not extensive if they're able to get it done relatively soon after that deadline. but what impact could this immediately have >> well, because it is over the weekend, it would be a very minimal impact. most federal workers don't show up until monday anyway, so the american people aren't going to see a real impacts, but i do think it is a statement on just the dysfunction in congress, particularly in the house and among house republicans. if you recall the reason why kevin mccarthy, the former speaker, was ousted in the first place was because he tried to put a stop gap funding bill on the floor. so this has just been something that has really vexed congress over the past few months. laura >> so we're looking right now at live pictures of the capital as we're learning tonight that they have reached some deal in principle to avert this government shutdown in the senate. now, they will begin to vote shortly. do we know are
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all the members present to be able to a get that quorum and to be actually get this over the hurdle. >> well, luckily, lawmakers had not left a lot of them were milling about. i caught some of them on their way to the floor, some of them were in their offices nearby, some of them were at their homes which aren't that far away, a few blocks away from the capital. >> no >> one had left washington yet. so the expectation is they are going to be able to come back here and vote it's going to take some time though things do tend to move a little slow in the senate. >> you >> heard chuck schumer, they're also in his announcement save, we need everyone in their seats voting. we don't want this and drag out, so he's, he's clearly going to try to crack the whip here and try to get this going as quickly as possible. but it is going to take some time again. >> you're >> looking at the clock and we're almost at midnight deadline lines. so this isn't going to be a process for them, potentially an hour, even couple of hours here to get through all of those votes. and some of those votes might be contentious. republicans had been pushing for votes on things like immigration and border, and there was resistance from democrats who
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don't want to take these potentially tough votes especially. those vulnerable members ahead of election year. again, those amendments are going to pass if they did pass, that would be a whole new problem because they'd have to send it back to the house and senate back to the senate. but this was more of a messaging exercise and more of members wanting to have the opportunity to try to put their stamp on the bill with these amendment vote. so that's what's going to go down here tonight before they move on to final passage, laura, and those amendments that you might be contentious, are there any in particular that we should be looking out for listening out for tonight? >> there was some talk of trying to pass some sort of the laken riley act. that was the house bill that passed in response to a woman who was murdered allegedly by an undocumented immigrant in georgia. >> so >> there might be an amendment related to that. there's a whole host of other border and immigration related amendments that there are pushing for as well. and democrats also want their own amendment. so we'll have to see what they come up with. >> there are >> about to start voting on that very soon even if they
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don't pass though this is often used in the elections sometimes these tough votes that democrats or republicans have to take can be used in campaign ads, which is another incentive for sometimes why they want those vote >> for a second here, excuse me, but i want to hear what senator mike lee has to say as example, one of the amendments are talking about by the cbp, one raped at 15 year-old mentally impaired girl in the united states. he's thankfully since been arrested for this horrific crime. it should never have had to come to this this would stop that from happening. i urge my colleagues to support this amendment and end this lawlessness >> senator from washington the cbp one app is a downloadable app to schedule appointments with cbgb at our land port of entry under our >> existing aside hi, i'm lost noncitizens may apply for asylum at our nation's ports of entry. using this app, improved security because it
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provides cbp with advanced note but us of who's arriving and those individuals have already passed security checks about 1,400 appointments a day occur through the app by providing people so with advanced travel, let's go back to non-man zona is known as we're hearing about the cbp. of course, customs and border patrol as are talking about this app. and national security, of course, immigration, top of mine in many of these amendments and discussions going forward, what's the latest now >> yeah. i mean, you just heard they were talking about some of them. i meant that they're gonna be voting on. you heard mike lee, he's a conservative. he had been one of those republicans who railing against the deal itself, but wanting amendment votes, particularly on the issue of border and immigration it's important to keep in mind that a lot of those republicans voted against a bipartisan border deal that had been worked out earlier in the year. >> but they are >> still eager to show that they are trying to do something to address the issue of the border because they have constituents
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>> by sunday and a vote. what do you think sadly expedited it and we get this light, this fire under the feet of members of the senate >> there's something >> called jet fumes >> around here, which is when they just >> don't want, you >> and >> like i said, there is >> supposed to be a two-week >> recess coming up. there's a >> lot of these congressional >> delegations. these are >> these big trips >> usually overseas that members from both parties in both chambers gone there's a lot of those scheduled to come up, so that's another motivating factor. easter is next weekend, and also just the idea that they did not want to drag this into an actual shutdown even though it's gonna go pass the midnight deadline, it's not going to have any impact but if it were to go to sunday or potentially even monday, that
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would have an impact and that would be a very negative headline that no one wanted to close they knew this was going to pass anyway. and so at the very end, they finally relented. it came to this agreement and decided to just get it done tonight. and that is a huge reason why they finally decided to just cave and have all these amendments and get out of town. laura, people who are just tuning in right now, the deal has been reached in the senate to avert a government shutdown. the deadline, three minutes or so away. they're going to be voting shortly. they're already talking about the amendments right now. so melanie those just tuning in what happens now, the house has already said this is going forward. now it's up to the senate to decide and then what yeah. >> so right now, it's in the sentence hands. they're going to vote on a number of these amendments. >> and >> then they will turn to final passage. but this process can take awhile. it's not a quick vote like they are in the house, they can take little bit longer. >> they >> also have to get everyone to the floor right now because not everyone is around. they were either in their offices or off-campus nearby. so they're doing this quorum vote, which is going to basically get
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everyone in the chamber and then once that happens, they can turn to the vote series, but it's going to take some time. schumer was already admonishing people telling them they need to stay in there seats and be voting and trying to move this quickly because everyone wants to get home. so it could be an hour or a few hours before they finally turn to the final vote series here. >> but once they do, it >> is expected to pass. remember it is a 60 vote threshold. also for these amendments that they're gonna be voting on. so those are not expected to be added to the final bill if they did, then they would have to ping pong it back to the house. so really these amendment votes keep in mind, are just messaging exercises. so that's what's going to play out over the next hour or so here before they finally turn to this massive bill to fund the rest of the government. >> so first we'll have these amendments to have people speaking on the, on the floor address i saying widely what they want their constituents to hear them talking about, then we'll move on to the ultimate vote on the substance of it. and that is expected to pass. and the government will be averted in terms of shutdown.
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>> yeah, that's exactly right. it is expected to pass and it is expected to be bipartisan over in the house. it was also pretty big bipartisan vote, although notably there were more democrats in the house who voted for it, then republicans. so democrats really carried this government funding bill as they've carried a lot of major pieces of legislation over the past few months. laura, melanie zanona. thank you so much for being on the hill. we're watching with bated breath. it is likely to avert this government shutdown. now, they are voting. thank you all for watching our covers continues throughout the night >> tonight on 362 stories sending shockwaves around the world and russia, at least 40 killed mor


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