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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  March 23, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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they had three experts. they're saying the exact same thing. and then even if you were able to listen to other testimony that was given by bobulinski, he was talking about reading the transcripts of other witnesses that is not being a fact witness, but i can tell you that left partners is what we would call a fact witness and you notice that the democrats brought him another point that i tried to make is that, hey, lafe worked for rudy giuliani. we have tried to peanut rudy giuliani, who should have pertinent information and the republican majority has shut that down every step of the way, telling you that they don't want the truth out there. all they want is a spectacle and a show. and i think my >> colleague, >> congressman moscowitz, made that very clear where he basically dared. chairman comer or to go ahead and call for the impeachment vote. and chairman comer would not. >> yeah it never even got out of the water quoted to congresswoman jasmine crockett. thank you so much
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>> absolutely >> hi everybody more news. you are in the cnn news cerium. i'm omar jimenez and new york tonight, russian president vladimir putin is sending his condolences and calling a deadly attack on a popular concert hall in moscow, a barbie barrick act of terrorism see that video concert go is concert goers running for their lives as attackers go on, a shooting rampage inside the popular music hall and shopping center friday night now officials say more than 130 people are dead and dozens others injured. isis has claimed responsibility for the massacre. cnn's matthew chance is live in st. petersburg before heading to moscow with the latest now, matthew, what more are you learning? and what more are you seeing? ground
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there >> we'll first of all, in terms of what i'm seeing on the ground, i haven't got to the place. you have just entered russia, but i'll coming back to a country after being away for a few days that is absolutely shocked and horrified at the appalling scenes that we've all been seeing unfolding at that shopping center in concert venue. just outside the russian capital where so many people have, have lost their lives all day. people have been laying flowers at that at a memorial that's sprung up outside the crocus city hole on the outskirts of the russian capital. and there's a sense that people have been dealing with the ukraine war and the casualties from that. but the problem of terrorism, which has been a longstanding 1 in russia has sort of drifted to the back burner. people haven't seen an attack like this in the russian capital or elsewhere in the
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country for years and years. and they thought it had disappeared. and now it has come back with a vengeance in terms of the latest on the investigation. well, the russian authorities say they've captured 11 people, detained, 11 people in connection with this attack, including the four suspected gunman who carried out those killings with automatic weapons, dressed in military fatigues as horrific video that was shocked by bystanders as they, as they did that some of some of the video on russian state television is quite grisly. it's shown at those suspects being manhandled by russian investigators. at one of them is shown to be confessing to carrying out the attacks for money is why he said he was motivated to do it, but as you mentioned, it's isis, the sort of global jihadi group that says that it
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organized this and carried it out. it has said that this is part of its sort of normal war as it calls it, against countries who are against islam, russia has, of course for spin involved in the fight against isis in several locations, but particularly in syria, where it backs the regime of bashar al-assad. vladimir putin, the russian president, has been on television nationally here, vowing revenge, but also linking the attacks. and this is interesting, linking it not just to isis, but to ukraine as well, saying the attackers, the suspects, were arrested as they made their way towards ukraine, where he said they believed they were trying to escape. and so that's something that's very interesting about something, of course, ukrainian officials have categorically denied one senior official telling me tonight that the linkage with ukraine is trying to be made by the kremlin potentially to justify more attacks against
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ukrainian. townsend said he's in the future oma >> and matthew chance in st. petersburg, russia. thank you so much >> all right. i want to bring in our panel of experts on this. join me now, as cnn chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller and cnn national security analyst and former deputy director of national intelligence, beth sanders. so john, what are your investigating this here what are you looking for? and could it mean tighter security in other countries, particularly around large events like these >> well, it could and maybe it should. i mean, we had the warning that went out from the us embassy on march 7, two people in moscow, and it's outskirts saying there is an imminent attack, avoid places. and this was a message to americans, but it was a public message avoid places large crowds concert venues not much seem to happen in terms of
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security. so first thing is he the intelligence. second thing is what they're doing, which is they have a number of suspects, those allegedly directly involved who were on the ground as the shooter's, but also people who are supposed to have been part of a support network they are dumping their phones, looking for computers, any communications with others. putin has vowed to track them down around the world as long as it takes to make them a. but there's also as mathew told us some spin going on here to associate this not with isis where the tactics, techniques, and procedures fit perfectly, but with ukraine because that's going to be important in the propaganda piece. >> now, i'll beth look the international community, including the us, is condemning this act of terrorism and as john mentioned, the us says it did warn russia of a potential attack, but obviously there's a dynamic even within them messaging system and i'm curious from your perspective,
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do you think russia may have ignored the warning? things because of the tense relationship between two countries. or at the very least, do you think they were skeptical of the information >> i think i kinda look at how putin reacted to this. so just three days before this attack, he came out publicly at a board meeting of the fsb, which is their internal intelligence service. and he totally dismissed are warnings and said it was designed to destabilise the russian public whenever you hear putin say things like that, it's because that's what he would do and so he's kind of mirror imaging with us, right. he's he's kind of saying like, well you know, the the united states can't be serious about this because why would they help us write it is because he can't possibly see the world in any way other than the way he sees which is really pathetic because here you have lots of russian, innocent russians and we have to feel
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that about these innocent russians. and no matter how we feel about russian in the world war, i think that these kind of condolences really should be heartfelt. >> yeah and of course, no doubt here and look, there is what happened to innocent russians. and there's the spin that comes out of the information that we're learning from these investigations. and for one russian state media says, the kremlin thwarted at least four other attacks planned by isis earlier for this month. and john, i think when some people see isis, they may think of the day is back in 2014 when they were among their most prominent as opposed to being able to carry out something of this scale as we understand right now, in 2024. >> so >> just explain for our viewers what is isis k and why is isis in russia >> so is this k is part of the larger isis machinery, but it is a group that was actually cobbled together by taking
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members who had left to rekey taliban, al-qaeda the hakone network, frustrated with different terrorist groups. isis traveled from syria and iraq gathered them all up and said, let's form isis here. i just corazon or ice is k so essentially, they got hardened, trained terrorists, planners, soldiers. and the current leader, xi moshe here. this is his, his sweet spot his record with isis k before he became the leader, wants to be an attack planner for earth i've been attacks in kabul. he is believed to be the attack designer behind the attack on them ward particularly brutal, doesn't need anymore explaining the attack on karzai airport when refugees, were trying to flee during the american withdrawal, that killed soldiers and sailors and marines and the suicide bombing attack and this is key against
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the russian embassy in kabul so the idea that we are seeing an attempt to kind of throw shade on. well, ukraine might have played a plan this are carried this out in russian propaganda the tactics which is small arms and the use of fire and arson and incendiaries fits the history of al-qaeda offshoot groups like isis whether it was the nairobi mall, the moon attack in india or a number of others. so if it looks like isis, isis is claiming it and it sounds like isis, i think the real look is to say who did the suspects turn out to be tajikistan and uzbekistan, some of the prime recruiting places that ice is k has been focusing on. we'll come up here. >> yeah. yeah. and look on the response itself, beth, it took putin 19 hours to respond to the attack. >> does that >> say anything to you about
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the nature of the response here? and maybe what? the kremlin may or may not have been considering during that time period >> yeah, it kinda reminds us of how long it took for putin to respond to the prigozhin mutiny. and i think that because it's pretty hard to deny that these folks were islamize and connected to isis k because of these tausche passports >> bouton >> has tried to shift the blame and if you look at the fsb this internals intelligence service that is supposed to be focused on terrorism. there are more terrorism cases in russia today than there ever were. but almost none of them are about islamize they're all about ukraine and that is because priorities flowed down from the top. >> and >> putin, when he spoke in front of that fsb board the other day and he said, this is a joke about islamize threats. it's all about ukraine and so
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the fsb has dropped the ball here and they're focused on ukraine and internal dissent. united states. we still pay attention to isis k yeah, yeah, look, a lot of dynamics here at play to keep an eye on amid this horrific attack that has already killed over 100 people. john miller, beth, sandra. thank you so much for taking the time. >> thanks, omar >> all right. shifting gears here to the us congress has done it again managed to agree on a funding bill to avoid another government shutdown. president biden just signed the 1.2 trillion funding bill into law this afternoon, calling it, quote, good news for the american people cnn's kevin liptak joins us live with more details. all right, so kevin, this ends are pretty long drawn out process on capitol hill. there were fears of a shutdown. they said it might not last long. that's pretty much what we saw happen here. what happens next? >> well, this does take the
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threat of a shutdown off the table until september, and it does a punctuate what had been a tortured saga over the last several months to try and get some government funding passed. and what you hear the president saying today is that yes, this was a compromise measure, not everyone got everything that they wanted. and you do see both sides starting to tick through what they say were their most big accomplishments the further republicans, it was 2000 new border patrol agents, 8,000 more detention beds for migrants. of course, they are very eager to show themselves. it's tough on the border and trying to secure the southern border in the united states the democrats saying they got $1 billion for federal child and education, including headstart $120 million for cancer research about what you do see the president saying in a statement today is that the work isn't done and he is setting up the next big funding fight on capitol hill, which will be over more funding for ukraine. and you'll remember o'mara, president biden has asked for $60 billion in a
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supplemental request congress has stalled on that. they have just gone out for a two-week break for easter, so we don't expect it to happen before then, but you are hearing more and more urgent calls from the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, who says there is a real risk of ukraine losing this war if the american support dries up, president biden saying in a statement that it's time to get this done, omar? >> yeah yeah. and we will see how this plays out when the next inevitable if funding fight comes, hopefully month from now, kevin liptak. thank you so much. >> still ahead, for? us. there are just two days left for former president donald trump to pay the half $1 bond in his civil fraud case in new york and the state's top prosecutor there's already taking steps to seize his assets. if that's the only way to cover it, it comes as new cnn polling shows a close race into critical band underground states. we're going to break down the new warning signs for the biden campaign with our political experts and
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an outpouring of support for the princess of wales following her but announcement that she's battling cancer, how kate is now reclaiming her story after weeks of rumor and speculation, you're on the cnn newsroom space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on shop etsy >> until april 15th and get up to 30% off thoughtful pieces made by real people to brighten your home save on lighting, furniture, gifts, and more when you need just the thing good. make your space feel like new. as the hazard, the >> right age for neutrogena retina >> that's whenever you want it to be. >> it has germ proven retina >> the targets vital cell turnover, even skin tone, and smooths fine lines with visible results in just one week, neutrogena retinol >> how do i love thee? let me count the ways >> love can get a little messy.
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finish ultimate with sequencing. technology helps deliver the help meet the jennifer's ten x and y and gen z. each planning their future for the chase mobile app gen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from jp morgan wealth plan. >> let's go whiskers. >> gen y is working with the banker to budget for her birthday. >> you only turn 30 once and gen z, her credits golden. hello, new apartment three jens getting a head with chase solutions that grow with you. one bank for now, for later, for life >> chase make more of what's yours >> the greatest stage >> they told about throw lifetime regrow. the champions have tbs >> former president donald trump has two days until he has to post a bond of nearly half 1
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billion with a b to cover the massive judgment against him in the new york civil fraud case. this week, trump claimed he has the money to cover the sum, but his lawyer later clarified that he doesn't have that kind of cash on hand, and that's where we begin with cnn senior political commentator and republican strategist in an navarro, along with democratic strategists michael la rosa now look, trump was posting into the wee hours last night. we'll call it that on on truth social about this bond. he's asking for donors to help him cover it but anna ticket take this step further. it's been suggested trump might try to borrow from a foreign source. we've seen no evidence that the ask has actually happened. but if he did, what? would the political implications of that choice b >> well, i think that with his face there wouldn't be that many political implications it's inexplicable to me, but trump has been asking for his supporters to donate to his legal fees for months and
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months now, and i think none of it makes any difference to his base. they can see they can probably see putin giving him the money in his hand. it's still wouldn't make a difference. trump's base is with him. >> no matter what. but i do think that with independent voters and with some voters are more if we it would it would have an impact and it would also, it could also very well run afoul of campaign laws >> i don't know >> how that would not be seen as a campaign contribution at this point. when he is the presumptive republican nominee. >> and >> foreign government, or foreigners? contributing to a us campaign, is illegal will not, of course, you bring up the key dynamic here is that look, we saw donald trump's sweep through the primaries as he was largely expected to do. and a lot of that came down to hardcore republican voters. a lot of his base who largely were not swayed by all the legal trouble you've seen. but michael, we are now in a
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general election cycle right now and the biden campaign is way ahead when it comes to fundraising is that going to make a difference here? and how much do you think that is going to light a fire or potentially get under trump skin? >> well, anna's right, it's not going to make much of a difference in terms of the money is going to be there for donald trump in the end. when it comes to politics, again, campaigns, it's team read verse, team blue and politics as a team sport. so i'm sure anna knows that all of the team red jerseys are coming get down to palm beach in early april 30 of them. 30 of the republicans wealthiest donors will be there and he's going, he has the team back together and the money will be there. but as we saw with hillary clinton, money did not translate to votes. or enthusiasm. and so while it's important the biden campaign has more money and can outspend an out outraised and outspend
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donald trump. they have to because they're trailing and because donald trump gets a disproportionate amount of free media every day. every time we're talking about the trump legal drama and chaos, we're not talking about joe biden's accomplishments. so they need that money >> yeah. and look, it's been almost >> a direct part of donald trump's campaign strategy at this point, knowing that these are the things that are going to be as his legal proceedings play out. it's going to be talking talked about more and more. i want to shift to the gop on capitol hill anna gop, congressman mike gallagher of wisconsin, just announced he is resigning it, making the slim majority in the house even slimmer at this point, you add marjorie taylor greene's surprise motion to oust speaker mike johnson. what is the reality of the gop party? be right now and they're dynamic with their speaker >> i think you'll see it play out practically every day. there is great division amongst the republican party right now.
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and i think there's a lot of discontent in congress amongst the congress people. having people resign halfway through their term, just say, yeah, i'm going to be around for another week. i might be around for another two weeks. is not a very common thing, and we've now in the last month, in the last few weeks scene and happened twice with public and congressman ken buck and now mike gallagher. >> it's >> going to leave them where they are very slim. majority actually, neither the two parties. 1, >> both. ken buck and mike gallagher leave is going to have the 218 and magic number. republicans are going to be one short. and so if i were speaker mike johnson, if i were a chair of a republican republican chair of a committee right now, i wouldn't be sleeping too soundly. because anybody having a health crisis, anybody having a legal crisis, anybody having a family crisis could very well mean that they lose the majority >> and look, some of those
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dynamics within the party we saw it play out with the speaker, kevin mccarthy. and so far that dynamic has been tamped down with speaker johnson. but of course, this seems to be at least it's the first little crack that we're noticing. we will see, i want to shift to president biden on the campaign trail because look, he's also campaigning in key battleground states this week as new cnn polling and pennsylvania shows a pretty big gender divide between the candidates based on those polled biden leaves by eight points among women, trump leads by ten points. it's a menn >> michael, >> if you're looking at numbers like these, what do these numbers tell you, if anything, in regards to strategy in these months leading up to the election >> women are usually a bigger share of the vote than men. so i would have to think strategically that they are the biden campaign is gonna be running a lot of television ads and doing a lot of messaging around the dobbs decision which
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we saw motivated not just women, but independent voters during the midterm election. and that midterm election is exactly why the republicans going back to the previous conversation are is exactly why the republicans are in the position they're in. they should never have had this slim majority in the first place running in a year against a company with a four-year record high in plate, 40 year record high inflation, but they have one problem and it's a disease and it's donald trump if they can move away from beyond donald trump, they can start winning elections and start using power but they're pretty much ungoverned. interval. but going back to the election of 2024, i think you're going to see a lot of messaging around women's issues, including ivf and women's reproductive rights and the dobbs decision and. >> we've seen glimpses of the politics already including around the ivf ruling, of course, just the initial responses from both parties
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sort of gave a preview of what we're likely to see more of over the course of this election year, i got to leave it there and navarro, michael rosa. thank you both so much. >> thank you >> still ahead. the princess of wales is now being treated for cancer after being out of the public eye for weeks why kate's video announcing the news is changing. the narrative. you're in. the cnn newsroom >> las vegas wouldn't be here if it in casa state of evolution, the >> really inaugurated a new hero for the stars. why did it get >> vegas the story of sensitive to pro-west ten on cnn. >> this tiny homes trend not for me. now, this is more like it. the same goes for my foot worth. so i want hands-free with white fit sketcher slip and just step in and go without bending down or touching my shoes. wide bit hands-free skechers, slip is next >> next stop we got it no.
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now, cnn royal commentator, emily nash, she's also the royal editor of hello magazine. hello to you. thank you for being here. now, emily, the princess, made this decision after weeks and weeks of speculation. do we know here if there was a moment that pushed her to make this very public and very personal, potentially very painful. >> disclosure >> well, actually it i think we need to veer away from the whole media frenzy that led up to this statement and told that that absolutely wasn't what triggered the timing of this decision. there were a couple of things at play here. one is the fact that people were expecting to see her easter or in the weeks following easter. and i think that she and her team felt it was time to make people aware that she wasn't going to be coming back as expected. but secondly, and most importantly, i think he she and william really wanted to be in a position to take their children away from school for the easter holidays while
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this news is moldova process by the wider world, we know george charlotte and louis are already aware of that mother's condition. they can given some time to understand it. and i think it was really telling, but they chose to wait until they were away from the playground, away from other children, other parents other families, before releasing this to the wider world, we all know that kids can sometimes get things wrong and can be cruel without meaning to. i think this gives them the peace and the space they need his family to process things yeah. >> yeah. >> and look, as you've >> mentioned, there's this does not appear to be as a direct response to any single conspiracy or any sort of frenzy that had come out prior to this. but there is no secret that there were men conspiracies that were ricocheting around the internet since she underwent surgery in january where do you have do you have a sense that this announcement quiets those
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conspiracies? and if there has been any response from the palace on those look i think anything person we'll see and understand now why there has been an absence of >> information for the reasons i've just given you, but i think that they've been aware, william and kate being aware throughout this process as the headlines the social media speculation you can imagine how incredibly tough that has been for them. knowing what they knew and going through what they've been going through their instincts must have been to correct the narrative. absolutely. but once again, they've put the well-being and mental health and bear children above everything else. and i think that's entirely commendable and let's not forget in a cake also needed some time to process this news herself and understand her treatment pathway and how things were going to develop but you're absolutely right. the speculation has been absolutely renders and very cruel and i hope and i sense
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that some of the people who were making fun at her expense are showing some remorse right now. >> that is the hope. but as we know with folks on the internet, sometimes hope is a lost cause that all aside the the logistics of how this unfolded is also a little bit of interest because the prince has contacted or understand someone from your team or herself contact bbc studios to record this announcement rather than a written statement or tape this using internal palace personnel. she's alone talking right to camera >> how >> important was that presentation and the manner in which that presentation played out? >> look i think it was an incredibly powerful this was about her taking control of her own story and showing that this is a woman who has agency. she is a strong woman. she's naturally shy, and introverted
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character but that's leads people to underestimate her. i believe i think the fact that she appeared in such an intimate and personal way, looking fairly emotional, really has cut through and really connected with people in the royal family have always said they need to be seen to be believed, or this was a perfect all right. way to silence all the rumors, misspeculation, and complaints about doctoring images and all of that kind of stuff. >> yeah. yeah. when that announcement came out, sure. reverberated throughout the world very quickly. >> and >> i do think a quiet it, a lot of those conspiracies about likely not all despite the very clear and concise nature of this announcement, emily nash. thank you so much for your perspective earlier. appreciate it >> thanks >> all right. everyone is still ahead. the race to rescue stranded americans in haiti as the, as the country descends into violence thank chaos. we're going to tell you how many people had been evacuated so far. you're in the cnn
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newsroom >> and before we go >> to break the cnn podcast, five if things now has a saturday edition called five, good things start the weekend with five uplifting news stories on this week's episode. for most people, march is for battle let's get ball, for one library. it's all about cats for a good cause. and a dj and a cancer survivor team-up to cheer patients up at a children's hospital a little listen wherever you get podcasts. and if you want to smile a little bit sanity needs a safe space >> you have a show. were right and left talk to each other >> cnn presents an encore presentation of aden which shows real time with bill maher tonight at eight on cnn the purpose can find
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>> ensure max protein, 30 grams protein 1, sugar, 25 vitamins and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic >> laura coates live week nights at 11 eastern on cnn >> want to take you out of the race to rescue stranded americans in haiti as the country descends into chaos. now the state department says it's gotten more than 200 us citizens to safety, flying people home to the us, or airlifting them to the dominican republic. violence has been exploding in haiti as armed gangs tried to overthrow the government in the country's capital. so joining me now is lewis henry mars. he's the executive director of la kula. pay a peacekeeping and peace-building organization an in haiti. now, great to see you or cnn team on the ground has been reporting carnage on the streets, bodies in the middle of the street, and that police seem to be overwhelmed in overrun. is that your sense of the situation in port-au-prince right now?
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>> wow, it's extremely difficult indeed. >> he >> gangs have attack police stations and now police units in their headquarters this week. >> but >> also there are this reaction by the population who is trying to defend itself we've to help up those units and i've been very courageous and resisting those attacks in >> parallel, there's >> other youth that are helping out. you don't facilitators that we've trained that are trying to support groups that they've organized for dialogue and peace-building and they're looking, they needed monitoring assistance, they need assistance since to keep going with those who want to see a different haiti come back. >> so there's hope >> and with that hope, i mean, how do you i mean, just based on the images that we've been seeing, the dynamic and the
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violence over particularly the past month mean what is life like, like there right now, and how do you build towards a better future when the situation is as grim as it is right now. >> it is a question of being instantly verity with the people that are suffering. we're not, we're a peace-building organization. we've been here since 2012, and we're not going anywhere. we're going to make this work and what we've done is that we've built relationships all across the human spectrum or across haitian society. from top to bottom because if you only work in one sector, you're not actually achieving a lot everybody has to get into a situation where they speak to each other. they get two new moneies each other and build trust. again. and so whether it's with the oncoming counsel
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or with the guys that are doing the shooting. we are trying to talk to everybody and be ready to fall when there's a stalemate somewhere to try and mediate this situation we believed that the certain point it's going to be necessary for us to do that and look, there, there are a lot of factors at play, including some of them economic in their nature. and you have worked in disadvantaged communities there for more than a decade and more importantly, you've seen how gangs target young people when you said children as young as eight or nine years old or hanging out with with gang members. and i'm curious from your perspective how can that cycle be broken and what is it like for children growing up in some of these shanty towns or in port-au-prince the trust situation that we need to realize that there is a form of
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structural >> violence and the society that needs to be addressed. >> and it >> can only be addressed by the haitian themselves. what we're noticing here now, what we're experiencing is a human made earthquake. it's a human made disaster and it's also an opportunity for patients to come together. >> whether here are thus fora and thus far, we've asked here we have an opportunity to build something new and not stay in the old patterns. the worst disaster that can happen to us is that we start again on the old patterns. this is an opportunity to break free from those patterns >> yeah. yeah. issue is fundamentally an issue of job creation, transforming the economics of the country and that's forming the relationships that we have with one another as asians yeah, yeah. all of course crucial building blocks to again build towards that hope that you've talked about lewis henry mars.
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thank you so much for taking the time really appreciate you being here and please be safe. >> thank. you for receiving me here. >> of course. all right. everyone we'll be right back >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission, columbia used in check. >> i didn't know anything concerning it happened. there were people that did though the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing, it's a series of events >> you follow the debris. what's it telling you >> it should have that test on day one. >> we need to figure out what the hell happened >> space shuttle columbia fine. final flight and mirrors sunday, april 7, that nine. >> okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein
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right now with all the upset so far, i just want to point out, i'm still in the 98th percentile. in the ncw a men's basketball the ball tournament. plus, there have been some close games like my alma mater, you see them on the screen right there, northwestern pulling up a narrow win against florida atlantic last night in overtime so i want to bring in rachel nichols to talk more about this host of showtimes headliners with rachel nicholas and also fellow at northwestern alumim running those northwestern highlights food. >> i know i keep going the whole time. just throw them in the background. yeah, there we go. there we go. look all these games have been so crazy close games upsets a lot of them from mid majors and small, smaller schools, not, not northwestern. they're coming from the big tenders to major conference, but why do you think we're seeing so many of these mid-may? jurors make so much of an impact this early in the tournament? >> well, let the landscape of college basketball, men's basketball has changed so much with a one and done and all the changes we've seen in recent years. so you do have more
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opportunity these for these unusual upsets to take place. it is fascinating. it happens to be happening this year though, because the commissioner of the sec, one of the larger conferences whereas eight teams entering this tournament, made this big fuss before the tournament saying that a lot of these smaller schools didn't deserve to be here. they're here are the smaller schools in large part because of automatic bids when they win their own smaller conference, they get into the tournament, even if they're not a national powerhouse. so he said the tournament was wasting these spots on these smaller schools. well, guess what, five of the eight schools and his conference didn't even make it past the first round. so this is really a statement from some of the smaller schools, as you pointed out northwestern, not a smaller school. and we're from the big ten, but they too were an underdog and it's been great to see some of these programs. i mean, the yale team that won the other night. wow, that is a team that really against an sec team. >> exactly they did not have an advantage going in one of their
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best players is better known for being the boyfriend of one of caitlin clark's teammates at iowa than he is for playing basketball himself. it's been a party for a lot of these smaller schools. >> it's been a party and look, even for us, northwestern both went there florida atlantic though last year, they were one of those made major teams. they made it to the final four. and so that's part of why we came in as underdogs along with some injuries that we are dealing with and quickly before we shift topics is what do you think the key is here too, winning a single elimination tournament like this, where every moment could determine the end of your season >> well, a lot of its luck. look right, these highlights we're seeing right now, northwestern almost lost this game at the end of the fourth quarter so long official review calls, there were some fouls that maybe shouldn't have been called. some files they took, they shouldn't have taken from themselves players throwing the ball away. so i think a lot of it is chance and luck, but also that belief that anything can happen. i mean, that's what's so magic for all of us viewers watching right now with the players they grew up on this tournament two, they've seen it too. so the belief is there
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that these little davids can take out the laius and that's what we're saying. same this year. >> it's been awesome to see. i want to shift to baseball real quick because the irs is investigating and major league baseball says it will investigate this story about the dodgers firing the interpreter for japanese superstar shohei ohtani. and ohtani's team is accusing the interpreter of massive theft over gambling debt. so what is going on here >> there's some confusion because in an initial report where ohtani gave a quote, we're border, he said that he was helping the interpreter pay off the interpreters gambling debts. now the story has shifted a little bit of damage control. it looks like of him saying that he actually didn't know about those payments that the interpreter embezzled those payments. i don't know where the truth is going to end up. there are several bodies investigating this, but i do know that this is a lot more complicated than it seems on the surface. we all know about the pete rose scandal and gambling in this case. ohtani is not being accused of gambling on baseball with the accusation is that his interpreter gambled on some other things and the rules are really murky and major league
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baseball right now and some other sports. and i think this is going to take a lot longer to untangle. then we i think just on the surface. yeah, conflicting stories, millions of dollars app play at the very least, worthy of investigation. rachel nicholas. thank you so much. and go cats all right everybody we'll be right, back >> united states of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn. >> okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein take a breath. of. >> fresh air with the stanley steamer air does cleaning. we clean over 10 million feet of air ducts each year with our specialized trucks built by us moving the contaminants from your home for cleaner indoor air called 10d hundred steamer >> protect your vehicle was smart binders, custom fit, full coverage floor liners precisely
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